#dr. rodney mckay
adventuresofnight · 1 year
In search of a Stargate Atlantis Fic
So I need help finding a story and would be externally grateful for any help if anyone has even a crumb of info they could offer!
The story is a Stargate Atlantis fan fic It’s about Rodney not being treated very well by his team and friends (I think he did something or his complaining has reached their limits 🤷‍♀️) so he’s sent off world with a different team as a sort of punishment I think. Anyways he wasn’t feeling the best from how the others were treating him, his self esteem was plummeting I think. I think Rodney and another scientist were deciphering texts on walls in some room. Rodney’s soon left to work by himself inside at one point and I think the team gets far away from the ruins when a wraith dart appears out of no where. They run to get back to the gate essentially leaving Rodney behind ( the leader telling him to stay put in the room), their weapons have no effect on the dart and they end up going through the gate. Rodney in panic runs out of the room and through the forest, losing his backpack at one point I think and maybe twisting his ankle. He doesn’t make it to the gate in time and has been left behind. Before he can get to the gate the dart appears and he has to run away from the gate, as he’s running he turns around to see where the dart was and misses the fact he was coming to a cliff and falls off it down into a rushing river. He gets swept away and constantly fighting the current from pulling him back under and half drowns before he washes up in the forest.
When the SG team arrived back without Rodney Sheppard is not happy at all and rails into them for leaving him behind. The dart is a big obstacle for them when they try to search for Rodney and eventually they were able to find his bag in the forest and two people tracked him to the cliff. I think he was thought dead.
Anyways in Rodney’s POV he has to survive in the wildness while making a slow track back to the cliff he fell off. He’s suffered many injuries like a injury to his ankle, injuries from all his falls and being slammed into rocks in the river. He has to fight predators in his survival as well I think. His other medical issues that he always tells everyone about but no one takes seriously start to effect him. By the time he gets back to the gate he’s barely able to stand and stay conscious.
Rodney’s a different person when he returns, his kicked down self a esteem has effected him as much as all the obstacles he faced in surviving. He does something I think with the DHD so he could send a message through to Atlantis so he could get back without his device to send his code through. He arrives back and doesn’t complain about his injuries so no one realizes how critically injured he was until I think he collapses on his way to the infirmary and he’s rushed to surgery. Rodney’s on deaths bed and the team are shocked as he didn’t say anything at all in the gate room which is very unlike Rodney who complains over a paper cut. When he’s awake afterwards it’s very clear how much this mission changed him and their actions before affected him. And that’s where my memory leaves off.
I have a sneaking suspicion the fic is on Fanfiction.net but I’m not 100% sure. So if anyone knows this fic or the author or even what site it was on would be very much appreciated! 💙
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can0n-fodder · 7 months
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hooded-and-cloaked · 20 days
The way McKay moves his hands when he’s nervous reblog if you agree
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myrkky · 1 year
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Here is some pining Sheppard and annoyed McKay.
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riverageleis · 3 months
I need fic recs. Can you help me get inspired and excited about my fandoms again?
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stargate kiddies phone wallpapers!! use them if you like but please don't repost or sell
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talkativelock · 2 years
Thinking about McShep again. Thinking about the season 4 finale. Thinking about how things fall apart in season 5. Thinking about how John thought he needed to let Rodney go be with Keller because that's what future!Rodney did, completely missing the fact that it only happened because John was gone. Because one of the main pillars of John's character is his self-loathing, so of course he would interpret it as being in the way. And even though John is resolved to let Rodney go it's still so hard for him that he struggles to do it cleanly throughout all of season 5. Thinking about the sad tension in their relationship after the season 4 finale. Thinking about how they still lean on each other in important moments even with the new awkward distance between them. Thinking about McShep again.
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trainofcommand · 1 year
I'm just gonna call this post: Major Lorne Looking at Dudes in Certain Ways - Part 2 (see Part 1 here)
Let's do this!
You know when you're out on a maybe-quiet planet, and you're with your friends, and your buddy has your back, and you turn around and see your CO, and you think, Damn, my CO is hot? Yeah. We've all been there, Major. We get it. And we understand that you can't control that eyebrow. It has a life of its own.
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Sometimes you have to look for a while. And your expression changes while you're looking. Maybe your CO notices. And has to look away, grinning a little, because he's feeling bashful, and yes, he thinks your smile is cute, Major, but also is now really the place to be exchanging these looks? Try and resist until you get back to the city. Or at least until the chance of Wraith darts ruining the moment is lower. Just try, you two. Try.
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OK, let's switch it up a bit. A major can't stare at his CO all the time. It'll get awkward, plus I hear that other people might get jealous. No one wants tensions @ work, right? So, here he is, sharing it around, making Rodney feel included. What a great coworker! Super for morale, really. Great job, Major!
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But sometimes if it's not one scientist, it's another. And when you're looking at him, you can't help but kind of...stick your tongue out a bit. For reasons. Reasons that are about...stuff. And things. Major, we appreciate your reasons, and so does Radek.
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Oh, hey! Speaking of COs, what about that time way back when you also sometimes had to look at your old CO on some naquadah mine planet? Awww, it's a show of...respect or something. What a great guy you are to command, Major!
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Ooops, back to your current CO! Things are confusing and people are starting to act strangely and also forget stuff, but you want him to know that you respect him a lot and will not forget him, and if Ronon would just leave the two of you alone for 20 minutes, you could definitely prove that your memory is still intact. About some things, anyway. And you're not talking about your facility at filling out Form 127-B: People are forgetting things and shit is getting fucked up. Obviously.
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I'm not even going to put any kind of coy wording for this one. Because he's looking at Radek's ass. That's all there is to it. Looking, and appreciating. Frankly, they all are. Though Colonel Carter and Lt. Colonel Sheppard look a little skeptical. But Major Lorne doesn't. He knows what's up. And what's up is Radek's sweet, sweet ass. We see the twinkle in your eye, Major!
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caps by @carsonsweebabyturtles and @hero-in-waiting
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morezelenka · 2 years
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sports-and-fandoms · 2 years
So, im obsessed with stargate. Please, i beg, has someone on this hellsite watched it before? I just finished SG-1 and Atlantis and im going through withdrawals 😭 Someone PLEASE private message me so we can talk about our favs
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stinalotte · 11 months
Happy 19th Birthday, Stargate Atlantis!
On July 16th, 2004, the pilot aired. Here's a handy little primer for anyone who doesn't know what the heckity heck this show is about. Everything is totally accurate, 100% true and very, very serious.
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This is the lost city of the Ancients, Atlantis, in the Pegasus galaxy, about 3 million light years from Earth. (The Ancients can go fuck themselves. Long story.) Atlantis is a city/spaceship approximately the size of Manhattan. She's semi-sentient, but not really, except actually yes, maybe, sometimes, totally. The whole city can go underwater or into hyperspace. Loves her humans. Home. Declaration of independence imminent.
The Atlantis expedition consists of civilians and military from at least 34 countries (in later seasons, the original expedition was just over a dozen). In no particular order:
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Dr. Elizabeth Weir. The first leader of the expedition. The only adult. Sometimes. Okay, not very often. Is not above a little war crime for the good of the galaxy—or at least, for the good of Atlantis. Left a boyfriend and a dog on Earth, but we all miss the dog more than the boyfriend. Eats UN representatives for breakfast. Is terribly awkward on dates and really good at solitaire. Loves her chaos children. Which are:
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Lt. Colonel Suicide Mission John Sheppard. Walked through the Gate and Atlantis said, "dibs". Thinks people who don't want to fly are crazy. Not good with emotional stuff. (He's getting better.) Loves his found space family and would die for them, often literally. Stop that. Also loves Ferris wheels, things that go fast, and Rodney McKay. And no, we don't know how he gets his hair to go like that.
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Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay. Four degrees, two of which are PhDs, none of which are in social skills. Smartest man in two galaxies. Used to be an asshole, but got himself some friends who loved him such a stupid amount that he had no choice but to change. Still a work in progress. We love to see it. Blew up three quarters five sixths of a solar system. (It was uninhabited.) (Mostly.) Deathly allergic to citrus. Loves fully charged ZPMs, arguing with Dr. Zelenka, MREs, and John Sheppard.
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Lieutenant Aiden Ford. Went ass first through the Gate with a grin and a whoop on his very first trip. One of the youngest members of the expedition. Is not allowed to name anything, ever. Mild case of hero worship when it comes to his commanding officer, which is totally understandable. A cautionary tale of how addiction messes up not only you, but the people around you.
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Ronon Dex. Used to be hunted by the Wraith, lost his people in a terrible war, and is now a member of Sheppard's team where he gets to shoot things and beat up bad guys. Doesn't talk much, but when he does, he has something to say. Good friend. Excellent hugs, but have Carson check you out for any cracked ribs after. Is one bottle of Athosian wine away from staging an intervention regarding the Sheppard/McKay situation.
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Teyla Emmagan. In possession of the team's one brain cell. Leader of the Athosian people. Will rock a baby to sleep and then go outside where a Wraith is dangling from the highest tower of the city and stomp on his hands until he falls 800 feet. Can either beat you up in the gym or force you to meditate on your problem, your choice. Has the aforementioned bottle of wine ready and loaded.
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Dr. Radek Zelenka. Keeps the science team sane because Rodney sure as hell doesn't. Loves pigeons, cursing in Czech, and overseeing the thriving black market underground economy that has developed in the city. (Thanks @shaddyr for that lovely headcanon). Zachránil všechny naše zadky víc než jednou.
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Chuck the Technician. Aggressively Canadian. Doesn't have a last name, doesn't need one. Is ALWAYS in the control room, seriously man, when do you sleep? Reads trashy sci fi novels on night shifts and organized a betting pool in 5 different currencies when Ronon was fighting Teal'c. Needs to share his eyelash routine because we're jealous.
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Dr. Carson Beckett. The most Scottish Scot to ever Scot. Brilliant medical doctor who is not above the occasional unethical unorthodox treatment method. Sweet cinnamon roll of a man. Beloved by all. Loves his mom and wee baby turtles. Someone should take him fishing soon. 🥹
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Colonel Samantha Carter. Member of SG-1. Legend. Awesome. Boss. Absolute BAMF. Punched a Goa'uld system lord in the face once. We all have a crush on her.
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Dr. Jennifer Keller. Is very doctor-y, for better and for worse. Was all of us when she freaked out being on an alien planet for the first time, like a normal person would. Should totally have gone on a date with Captain Vega in that one deleted scene. [WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AAAAALL]
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Jeannie Miller. Rodney's sister. Gave up a career in science to be a mom. Solved Rodney's math problem in her spare time, with finger paints. Loves her brother even when he's being an idiot. Fanfic canon says: her house is always open for him and certain Air Force Colonels to crash in. Don't you dare get a hotel room. Yes, the guest room has Only One Bed, Mer, what's your point?
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Major Evan Lorne. If you are a moron and get yourself captured and imprisoned off world, he will swing by real quick with a couple Marines and bust you out. Co-parents Atlantis with Dr. Weir. Is actually a really talented painter. Needs a raise, a holiday, and a drink.
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Colonel Steven Caldwell. Grumpy. Has to deal with Elizabeth's chaos children on a regular basis. Will make the enemy ship go away with a big boom and save your sorry ass in space. AGAIN.
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Richard Woolsey. Used to be a New York City lawyer, one of the most ruthless creatures in the universe. His wife got the Yorkie in the divorce. Broke his heart. Is actually pretty cool if you let him do his thing (like get you out of an intergalactic war crimes trial by bribing the judges).
I know some characters and all the villains are missing, but this post is already longer than a trip on the Daedalus, so there you have it.
Stargate Atlantis. A show about wormholes, life-sucking aliens, ancient civilisations, space battles—and family, friendship, allowing yourself to love and be loved, and what it means to be home.
Happy birthday, fam.
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original-asteria · 16 days
Atlantis texting styles
Elizabeth: understands and appreciates the value of texting, but she's been trained to get a lot of information from body language and vocal inflection, so she'd really prefer an in-person meeting or at least a call
Rodney: one text message won't do, not for Dr. M. Rodney McKay PhD PhD, no he has so much to say and he needs to say it all. he will fill your screen with text until he hits the character limit and keep going
John: k
(this is a joke. John knows perfectly well how to text, he does this to mess with Rodney)
Teyla: usually finds it easier to send a picture of a situation than try to put it into text
Ronon: texting is surprisingly similar to Satedan military communiques, except since you can send them directly there's no need to put them in code. he does anyway
Ford: still drops cryptic comments and the occasional unsettling selfie in the AR-1 groupchat. it's the only way they know he's still alive, but if anyone (usually Teyla) responds directly to him he'll go silent again
Carson: texts like Scottish Twitter. native English speakers can usually parse what he means but others need help
Radek: phone is naturally set to Czech, so texting in English takes conscious effort and he slips when tired/stressed/texting Rodney
Lorne: has been reprimanded for inappropriate use of emojis. in his defense the eggplant was a legit typo
Woolsey: uses voice-to-text exclusively
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texasdreamer01 · 30 days
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments
"Many of the scientists on Atlantis are organised into departments, each with their own department head. Dr. Rodney McKay was head of the Science and Research Division which most likely meant he was in charge of all of the science departments. Dr. Radek Zelenka was also the head of his own department. The various science departments on Atlantis are:
> Physics
 » Astrophysics
> Biology
 » Microbiology
 » Astrobiology
> Oceanography
> Botany
> Medicine
> Anthropology
(SGA: "Remnants", "Grace Under Pressure", "Suspicion")"
From <https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Atlantis_expedition#Departments>
As I'm working my way through worldbuilding headcanons on the expedition, I figured I ought to start with the science division first. Above is my starting point: the canonical information at hand, to flesh out and give it some real-world reliability.
When I looked at it again, I realized it was, to put it politely, ill-thought-out crap that was only looked upon when the writers needed some random scientist around for episode material.
So, what considerations would an expedition like this actually need to take into account when hiring people?
At the very bare bones of it is "how many people can I fit through a wormhole in twenty or twenty-five minutes, plus supplies?". I went back and forth, prevaricated for a bit, and settled on 200 people if you really want to hoof it.
(Why 20-25 minutes? It's SGC's first stable-ish wormhole to another galaxy that's powered by a ZPM. They don't even know how much of a success that would be, or if they're just shoving people into a glorified shredder. Gotta pick and choose who you're maybe putting through the billion-dollar shredder. Y'know. Just in case.)
My initial rough estimations were about an even split between scientific and military personnel, which I kept on hand as napkin math to sanity check myself. This would be approximately 150 scientists.
What departments would there be, and how would it be divided? Who makes the priorities, and why?
The canon data is a mess, and as I worked through things, canon kept getting folded and refolded into different configurations because there's two competing priorities: the IOA/SGC, and Rodney's approach to pragmatism.
What was everyone expecting to see on the other side of that wormhole? Definitely not a city ship sunk into the ground of an ocean, and definitely not isolated from others (the Athosians were an unexpected godsend that kicked off the reason to have a plot in the first place). Whatever the IOA or SGC had in mind will quickly get thrown out the window, but needs must, and the departments were likely arranged long before the shipping manifest was decided.
I poked around the uniforms, because everyone is colour-coded, and there's five sections:
> Red (civilian, leader) - Worn by Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Teyla Emmagan, Colonel Samantha Carter and Richard Woolsey.
> Blue/dark blue or purple (scientist) - Worn by Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay and Dr. Radek Zelenka.
> Yellow (medical) - Worn by Dr. Carson Beckett and Dr. Jennifer Keller.
> Black (military) - Worn by Lt. Colonel John Sheppard and Major Evan Lorne.
> Green (technician) - Worn by Chuck and Amelia Banks.
This information is listed in both the "List of Atlantis personnel" and "Atlantis expedition uniform" pages on SGCommand.
Thus far that gets me two and a half departments in my hand: Scientist, Medical, and Technician (that's the half).
What would the SGC and IOA want the expedition to prioritize? Technology, and lots of it. This means that, probably, there's going to be more engineers than you can shake a stick at, and not a lot of pure sciences. Remember, it cost money to fire up the gate, and flinging people into another galaxy is an unfathomable amount of (international, at this point) taxpayer funds. You're going to want as much applied science as possible, and as much overlap in disciplines as possible.
(Unfortunately this does leave little room for error, so anyone that dies is capable of leaving a hole in potential research.)
Therefore, how would a top-down order of technological research look like? My assumption was this:
> Engineering of the city of Atlantis itself
 » ZPMs, auxiliary and/or complementary power sources
 » Materials and material manufacturing
 » Design specs of different technologies (jumpers, yes, but also anti-grav, shields, climate controls)
> Biological sciences
 » ATA gene therapies
 » Whatever the Ancients were working on regarding ascension
  ⇛ Helpful with the Ori once Atlantis is informed of that issue
To wit, neither addendum on the biological sciences bullet point is pertinent at the time of department formation, as Carson invented the ATA gene therapy after arriving in Atlantis, and the Ori weren't an issue for a similar reason.
Ergo, all non-biological engineering fields would have had higher billing, and thus more of them hired. The only exception would be medical, and I'm sure the SGC had the forethought to bully the IOA into its relevancy and make sure that department was as fully-stocked as they could manage.
Now what about practical considerations? Plans are nice and all, but rarely survive contact with reality, so some adjustment might be needed. This, I believe, the SGC considered, given their own history of needing to rapidly adjust on the fly.
Rodney, as Chief Science Officer (CSO), would be the one to not only make these kinds of decisions, but also to listen to the head of the expedition as to what needed to be prioritized. As the show has demonstrated, there can be a significant amount of shuffling around of employees based on the needs of a minute, and hour, a week, a month - for an indefinite amount of time? Basics are what gets the job done.
So what things would Rodney need to consider, or be directed to consider by Elizabeth?
> Oh shit this can sink
 » Rodney's main work - keeping the ZPM working and get as many new ones as possible
> Oh shit everything's so far away
 » Rodney's other main work - making sure the gate works as ordered
> Oh shit we're in another galaxy
 » Food
  ⇛ Getting, keeping, preserving, maybe the occasional growing
 » Utilities
  ⇛ Luckily they don't have to pay for it lol
  ⇛ But also oh shit lighting, water, sewage, air filtration, general life support
   ⟹ Rodney's third main work
   ⟹ This poor guy
 » Medicine
  ⇛ Rodney delegates the hell out of this
  ⇛ Good luck making potions, guys!
 » Bullets
  ⇛ Also other things the military needs
  ⇛ Fun times re-inventing the wheel I mean gunpowder
  ⇛ Good work for bored soldiers, and possibly also any scientist Rodney puts in time-out
 » Clothes
  ⇛ Ha, thread
  ⇛ Also needles
  ⇛ Experiments in sewing machine making
   ⟹ Watch the fingers
  ⇛ How to replace fabric?
  ⇛ Off-duty clothes
  ⇛ Also medical clothing (scrubs for staff, patients)
 » Miscellaneous
  ⇛ Entertainment, I guess
Internal monologue included because I think it's funny.
While Rodney's spending his days with Benny Hill music playing in the background trying to get all of those priorities done on top of actually delegating work and doing whatever else Elizabeth (and John) want him to do, other people actually need to have some work to get done. So what are they doing?
It depends on who already does what, frankly. So in the above combined interests (amount of people that can fit through an intergalactic wormhole, competing IOA/SGC interests, realities of living in Atlantis), I'm proposing this set-up (commentary included):
Medical Sciences Department
Head: Carson Beckett (later, Jennifer Keller, later, whomever)
Contains: Surgery, psychiatry, physical therapy
Function: Maintaining health of expedition members
Examples of function: surgeries, medical prescriptions, recuperation from injuries, mental stability
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 10 (surgical team) + 5 (nurses) + 1 (psych) + 1 (phys. therapy) + 1 (anesthesiologist) = 19 total
A/N: Nurses have training in medications and physical therapy, surgical team also doubles as general practitioners.
Life Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Earth biologists, bio- & biochemical engineers, astro/xeno-biologists, botany, environmental chemistry, zoology, microbiology
Function: Auxiliary to Medical Department needs
Examples of function: pharmaceutical synthesis, analysis of unknown species, biological database creation, gene therapies (pharmaceutical adjacent)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 2 (Earth biologists) + 2 (bioE & biochemE) + 1 (astro/xenobio) + 1 (botany) + 1 (envchem) + 1 (zoo) + 2 (microbio) = 11
A/N: Both biologists also have training/specialization in genetics/gene mapping (assists both Carson and Katie), some input in requesting gate missions based on in-house needs.
Field Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Linguistics, historical geography, cartography, ethnography, sociology, oceanography, hydrology, atmospheric physics, planetary physics
Function: Research pool for gate teams and any assigned missions
Examples of function: Preservation of refugee cultures, scouting for trade planets, analysis of back-up sites for establishment
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (linguistics) + 1 (histgeo) + 1 (cart) + 1 (ethno) + 1 (socio) + 1 (oceano) + 1 (hydro) + 1 (atmophys) + 1 (planphys) = 12
A/N: SGC duplicate all shoved into one department, mostly ignored in-house but their brains are picked for background dossiers when it comes to mission planning. Linguists trained in xenolinguistics, from the SGC, can cover the various anthro fields if necessary, also various training in structural linguistics. Main scientist pulls for gate team assignments, if something critical isn't needed (i.e. Ancient technology).
Applied Sciences Department
Head: Rodney McKay (or perhaps Radek Zelenka?)
Contains: Electrical/technical engineering, nuclear physics, civil engineering, astrophysics, laser/optical, chemical engineering
Function: Study, synthesis, and adaptations of Ancient technology
Examples of function: ZPM analysis with intent to duplicate, experimental duplications of Ancient technology materials, study of gate physics and construction with intent to duplicate, study and experimental duplication of other Ancient technologies (i.e. hyperdrives, cloaks, weapons, etc)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (electreng) + 6 (techeng/gate techs) + 1 (nucphys) + 1 (astrophy) + 1 (LZ/opt) +  3 (chemeng) = 16
A/N: The people Rodney are yelling at most often, because mistakes mean kablooey. Also a lot of the people running around in an emergency. 1 nuclear physicist because Rodney pulls a lot of intellectual weight, and same with the astrophysicist and laser/optical person (mostly they're there as on-paper hires and back-ups/assistants for him for his own research).
Gate Technicians
Head: ??? Joint custody
Contains: Gate technicians
Functions: Auxiliary to Applied Sciences Department, interacts with the gate and the gate only
Examples of function: dialing, searching database for addresses, maintaining mission logs and planets visited, basic repair and maintenance of the gate, technical drawings as required by others
Personnel quantity: Chuck, idk +5 for full shift overlaps = 6 total (listed in Applied Sciences department as techeng/gate techs)
A/N: Technically nerds but are active duty, probably loans from SGC (maybe also Russia because of the DHD debacle?).
Gate technicians are, although folded into the Applied Sciences department, listed separately in order to better articulate their duties (and the fact that they get the green shirts). Shout-out to @spurious for enabling the idea that gate techs would do technical drawings 😁
Sum Total of Science Division Personnel
Medical: 19
Life Sciences: 11
Field Sciences: 12
Applied Sciences: 16
Total total: 19 + 11 + 12 + 16 = 58
This isn't anywhere close to my initial estimate of 150, but I think it adequately covers all the preconceived and actual responsibilities that the science division would need to handle in the expedition. Possibly I might update these numbers as I develop this headcanon further, but that would end up in a new post.
Further elaboration on headcanons about each department will be in their own posts, with links updated here as they're posted for ease of reference.
Science Department Breakdown Posts
Medical Department (posted 14 May 2024)
Life Sciences Department (posted 29 May 2024)
Field Sciences Department (posted 30 May 2024)
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missjadesfics · 1 month
Are you blushing because of me?
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Ronon Dex x Reader Dividers: @cafekitsune @rookthornesartistry Request: No Summary: Ronon loves making Y/n blush, even so much so it prompts him to reveal his feelings for her. Warnings: None, just Ronon and Y/n being adorable; Ronon does have slight wandering hands ;) Word Count: 2k Disclaimer: I don't own Stargate Atlantis, nor do I claim them as my own Comments, likes and reblogs are always adored and appreciated xx
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Y/n Shepard was John’s only child, so what happens, you might ask, in her daily life? Being the child of Lt. John Shepard means she doesn’t leave Atlantis. He claims it’s for her safety after losing her mother; he devoted his entire focus to keeping his daughter alive and well. So Y/n adapted; she trained with Teyla in hand-to-hand combat and helped Dr McKay discover Ancient technology; lucky for Y/n, Rodney McKay let her help him. He is always too stubborn and proud to admit to others when he is wrong or needs help, but Y/n always had a soft spot for him. To the shock of the whole of Atlantis, Rodney McKay’s being selfless towards someone else was unheard of. Y/n often occupied her time helping Dr Beckett with medical research, and he always loved the extra help with the younger girl. Everyone in Atlantis had become Y/n’s family quickly. Elizabeth Weir, the commander of Atlantis, kept a close eye on Y/n when her father was away on off-world missions. 
The day when the team assembled to go and find Ford, an old member of the team, Y/n desperately wanted to go. “Y/n, no, you have to stay here; we could encounter Wraiths. I want you to stay here. Understand me,” He told her; she nodded solemnly. “Fine, whatever you say,” she pushed him playfully as he kissed her head. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back in no time” He waved as Y/n grumbled, making her way up the stairs to the infirmary and seeing Dr Beckett on his chair. “Y/n love, why do you look so down?” He asked, worried Y/n sighed, sitting on a nearby bench. 
“I am sentenced to stay here again while my father goes on another off-world mission. So yeah,” She swung her legs back and forth. “Does my father not trust me? I am twenty-two years old. I’ve never been off-world before. I’m sure I can handle myself” She walked around. Dr Beckett laughed, swinging around his chair. “I don’t think that’s the issue, lass. Your father just wants to keep you safe, that’s all. You are his only child. His protective nature just takes over; he means nothing by it. Here, come help me with these blood samples. I need help labelling and ordering” He smiled at her as she sat beside him, helping him sort out the blood test tubes. “Now tell me, have you read any new books recently?” He asked her as they both worked away.
So, to say the least, when John and the team returned not with Ford but with someone new, Y/n’s interest was piqued. Running to the main operating room, she saw her father with the rest of the team “Dad!” She exclaimed as she ran into his open arms. John laughed, lifting her off the ground. “Oh, I always love your hugs when I come back.” He looked at her with a grin, and Y/n looked around. “No Ford?” She asked, and John shook his head. “No, he uh got away in a Dart; we lost him.” he sighed Y/n saw Teyla and hugged her friend Y/n looked over at the new guy who was already staring at her Y/n pulled away from her hug with Teyla. John saw his daughter’s eyes land on Ronon as she pulled away from her hug from Teyla. “Oh, Ronon, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Ronon Dex” Y/n smiled, holding her hand out for Ronon; he smiled lightly, his head reaching out, and John pulled Y/n back. “Nope, not happening. Y/n, go see Rodney; he said he found something new you might like to look at” Y/n’s eyes widened. “Dad, stop it!” She looked at him, embarrassed. John gave her a stern look, and she sighed, looking at Ronon again before leaving the room. 
The next day, Y/n walked around Atlantis, stumbling across the cafeteria and seeing Ronon sitting alone. She smiled, grabbed water, a knife and a fork, and approached him. “Mind if I join you?” She asked. Ronon’s eyes looked up from the food. He looked around. “No one going to stop you today?” He teased her; she laughed, shaking her head. “Don’t mind my dad; he’s just overprotective” She sighed and offered Ronon the knife and fork. “Use these; it’s proper eating etiquette.” She watched him eye the utensils as he used them cautiously. She sipped her water. “I am sorry we didn’t get properly introduced yesterday. I’m Y/n; it’s nice to meet you officially,” She leant on her hand. Ronon nodded with a chuckle “Ronon, nice to meet you too,” he replied, eating his potato; she noticed he hadn’t touched the jelly on his tray. “You aren’t fond of jelly?” She asked, pointing to the small plastic container. Ronon narrowed his eyes at the blue food, shaking his head. “Not really. I don’t like the look of it,” He mumbled; he cleaned his hand and picked up the jelly with a slight smile. “Would you like it?” He offered; she smiled and took it; feeling their hands touch, she gasped softly. Ronon’s eyes shined at her reaction. “Thank you, Ronon”, she whispered as she ate the jelly. He winked. “No problem, Y/n”, he smirked, making her blush. So she blushes easily, Ronon thought.
As Ronon began to find his place in Atlantis, he became an official member of John’s team. At times, though, he was still standoffish to others and somewhat intimidating with a strike-first-questions-later persona. He spent much time with Y/n without John knowing about it. He could only imagine if John found out he and his daughter were alone together, the hell-raising that would occur from it. Ronon’s sleeping quarters were a few rooms away from Y/n’s, so running into her was part of the ritual. It was almost perfectly timed they would both come out of their room, lock eyes and smile. Walking beside each other, their fingers nearly touching, making their eyes avert down before pretending they didn’t notice. 
Teyla had noticed the lingering gaze between the two; she knew the look of love when she saw it. If McKay or Beckett ever noticed, McKay would make a shiver and a disgusted sound followed by a typical McKay-fashioned phrase: “Honestly, what would she see in a guy like Ronon? He’s hotheaded, stubborn, and, not to mention, dives in head-first into danger. She should be with someone more like…like,” He would try to say, and Beckett would finish his sentence “, Like you?” He asked with a raised brow. Teyla would laugh lightly as McKay would look between the two, puffing his chest out. “Me? You think so?” Nothing strokes Rodney’s ego better than when someone thinks he is the best at what he does or if he would be suited to a romantic match with someone like Colonel Shepard’s daughter. “I guess you could say that; at least I am not throwing myself in harm’s way whenever I have the chance” McKay would continue his work, making Beckett chuckle. “My friend, if Y/n ever decided to be with you. It would be because you’d be the only man on earth, and that’s not a compliment.” 
Ronon always found a moment to find something beautiful or unique on any mission the team was sent on. He loved seeing her face light up with each little gift he would give her. John had begun to see something was happening between his daughter and Ronon, his father instincts kicking in. Teyla would tell him to let the couple be. “Y/n is old enough to make her own choices, John. She knows you are protective, but you must let her grow independently at some point,” Teyla smiled. John grumbled, slouching in annoyance. “I know it will take some getting used to, that’s all. She’s never had a relationship; well, there has been no one that she’s liked, you know. And Ronon comes along and-” John spoke before halting his sentence. Teyla raised her brows. “He makes your daughter happy, John” Teyla finished. John sighed with a nod. “Yeah, he does, damn it”
Y/n sat in her favourite little hide-out, reading her book, when she heard movement behind her. Her head turned, and she saw Ronon climb over and sit beside her in the little nook. “Mmm, this is cozy. Good thing there’s only room for two of us,” he grinned Y/n blushed, looking down at her book. “To be honest, I never tested this cozy space with someone else, so I didn’t know if it could fit two people”, she admitted as Ronon laid back slightly. “I hope you don’t mind sharing it with me then?” Ronon whispered. His hand slowly moved to touch hers. Y/n felt her breathing hitch when his fingers touched hers. “I don’t”, Y/n whispered, her eyes gazing into his. “This reminds me I have something for you” Ronon reached behind his back and pulled out a small leather pouch. Y/n’s smile widened. Ronon grasped her hand and opened her palm, laying the pouch in her open hand. 
“What did you get me?” She asked him. Ronon smirked, watching her open the pouch; her hand dipped inside and pulled out a necklace with a blue gem in the centre. “Ronon, this is beautiful”, she gasped, admiring the jewellery. “You shouldn’t have this, wouldn’t have been-” she began. Ronon held her hand. “The man who gave me this, I’ve known him for a long time; he visited my planet. He would carve with local stones, gold, and anything he could find beauty in and sell it. He owed me a favour, and he did this for me. This gem I found on one of my scouts it’s the last piece of my home. And I wanted to give it to the woman I had fallen in love with. A piece of my heart for her to keep,” He murmured. Y/n gasped softly, her eyes beginning to fill with tears. Ronon cupped her cheek, pressing his head to hers. “Ronon”, She breathed, her heart pounding, hearing it thump through her body. “Yes?” He smirked, his eyes shining with a mischievous glint Y/n licked her lips, her breathing falling and rising quickly. "I love you too," She told Ronon Y/n climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck “Kiss me, please.” She let out a shaky breath as Ronon happily obliged her request, both of their lips melding perfectly together. Y/n felt Ronon’s hand move up and down her body. His fingers left a trail of fire in their wake. 
His hands slid up her back, pulling her closer. Feeling her body relax under his touch, she fell into his embrace completely. Pulling away for a breath, the couple panted quietly. Ronon’s hands were placed on Y/n’s hips. "You are so beautiful", Ronon murmured, causing Y/n to blush her head falling on his shoulder to hide her embarrassment. “Are you blushing because of me?” Ronon teased with a laugh. Y/n pulled away and shoved him playfully, his eyes looking over her face. “I love it when you do; it means I’m doing something right” he smiled lovingly, her nose brushing Ronon’s softly.
"I'm glad I took your father up on his offer to stay in Atlantis."
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special dt : @hudson-bay-girl
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hero-in-waiting · 1 year
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i cannot stop thinking about this single moment, and yes I did make gifs just so I could scream about this.
Of all the things John could've said here. Not allowed, nope, not gonna happen, you can't, etc etc all of that. It's I can't.
He can't what? Let Rodney do this? Let Rodney go and give himself up to the wraith knowing first hand what that pain feels like (not even getting into the fact that this is the same wraith that fed on him). Can't sit there knowing what Rodney will go through and what Rodney is willing to give up to save his sister, and I wonder if part of him is wondering how they got here. If he's to blame for Rodney willing to give up his life to save someone else. (he's not tbh, Rodney always been that brave IMO, he's just finally in a situation where he knows people have his back ((looking at u hide and seek my brave little toaster)))
I realize that hes saying "I can't" to Rodney asking permission to go (which, once again. is another thing I don't want to get into of Dr. Rodney McKay PhD PhD asking permission from his team lead to do this) but its' just. So insane to me that this was actual dialogue in an actual scene.
John can't let Rodney do this, and he won't let him do that and if John "orders are made to be ignored" Sheppard has to pull fucking rank to do it, then he will.
But he sure as hell won't meet Rodney's eyes as he does it. Not until Rodney says please and John lifts his head, meets Rodney's eyes, does an epic bottom lip wobble and then says he's sorry. look at the lip wobble and misty eyes people because I had to stare at this a lot when making another gif and I am FERAL over it. A+ acting JF, seriously. 10/10 gold stars for you.
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John knows what it feels like to be fed on by a wraith, and he knows that pain. And maybe it's my little mcsheppy heart, but at the end of the day the pain is one thing. What John really can't do? Is let Rodney sacrifice himself.
He can't let Rodney go.
But he sure as hell has no issue letting Wallace go, knowing that pain, knowing what that feels like and knowing what it feels like to be so close to death, but Wallace doesn't get the happy ending. Wallace doesn't get his time back, and John (and the marines so hello I have more questions about them as well) watch it happen.
Because John can't let Rodney go.
And I'll never not want to scream about it.
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the-mushroom-faerie · 7 months
less angsty post storm headcanon - whenever Rodney gets hit with the I Don't Wanna he tells Elizabeth that it "isn't jiving with his walkabout" and she understands and assigns whatever it is to another scientist
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