#dont worry the asks *will* be answered
temeyes · 2 months
the way you draw is so edible I wanna see them run around in circles
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teehee thank you, anon!!! enjoy the little gerbils!!
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howlonomy · 2 months
Clovers first attempt flying?
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
Hi!! I love your art! Who’s your favourite robin?
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the prettiest one !
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rayjeff · 8 months
yeesh i really should start answering those asks you send me
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the-magnusinstitute · 1 month
I sent you my spiral, answer me
Here at the Institute we do not accept nonconsensual spirals/liminal stairwells/severed limbs with too many knuckles. We suggest you try Grindr.
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sleepsucks · 6 months
hiiii ive noticed that some of your comics have been pretty overwhelmingly negative lately and i do hope things get easier for you💖💖💖
hiiii thanks things do sort of , there are a few fairly negative ones that will be coming up in the backlog still but, well; the good thing is that those are already old i definitely still got stuff to work out or figure out but hey i'm hopeful i'm fine i'll get there ♥
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justladders · 2 months
i give errortrap a box full of tea bags
cuz why not
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his favorite brand
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homecomingvn · 8 months
Hey everyone, long time no see! Apologies for the months of silence - but I’m back now! I needed to take a much needed step back from HOCO and focus on some other projects of mine (as well as play a ungodly amount of BG3 hehe).
On my break, I also decided to kinda tear down HOCO and rebuild it from the ground up. I wasn’t really pleased with how the story was going and I think that really contributed to the burnout I felt with the project. I still would like to include the premise of the various life stages, but may go about it in a different way than I had initially planned - things to think about more I suppose!
Anyways here’s some behind the scenes of what I’ve been up to - starting with revisiting the cast’s (+ Nico’s) main outfits and updating them :3
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"It was like watching a car crash unfold in slow motion, but worse. Worse, because no matter how hard I tried to piece together her symptoms in my head, I was coming up blank. What use was all the knowledge I'd built up over years, CENTURIES, if none of it could help my own child?
... No matter. It isn't about me - Gisella's currently being taken care of at Dr. Rapoport's new neonatal clinic at Charité. Ingeborg hasn't exactly worked with Devai children, but she's the best in her field, and our best shot at figuring out what's wrong. She, Erzsi, and I will figure it out. I refuse to give up hope, because if I do...
... I don't know what I'd do,"
I'll answer the additional lore stuff in a separate ask, but I will add a little history note about Dr. Ingeborg Rapoport! She worked at Charite from 1959 to 1973 and founded the first neonatal clinic in Germany. She was also appointed as a Professor of Neonatology in 1969. Prior to this, she worked at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital in the US, where she met her husband Samuel Mitja Rapoport.
Rapoport was denied her medical degree in 1938 because she was half Jewish. Despite this, she was able to pursue medical schooling in the US and in 2015, Hamburg University finally granted her a doctorate. It was supposed to be an honorary one, but Rapoport insisted on doing it the proper way and presented her thesis on diphtheria, which was the same topic she wrote about originally. She received a "magna cum laude", the second best possible result for a doctoral thesis. (x)
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kaeyapilled · 11 months
This is miserable but I think we need more Kaeya Afraid of Diluc. Like, yeah, Kaeya will antagonize him on purpose (he calls it playing with fire. Nobody else thinks it's funny) but the second Diluc gets Actually Angry (usually not at him) Kaeya is halfway across the city suddenly very busy with his knightly duties. Naturally, rather than deal with the intense guilt, Diluc goes the other direction and starts doing vigilante justice.
The avoidance does not help them reconcile lmao
this is like a more fun rendition of the relatively common headcanon i see that kaeya's afraid of fire because of The Fight. really good concept
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 5 months
[ 300 sure is a big number, ain't it? ]
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[ You're grateful for all of the support !! You don't believe their words yet but maybe one day you will. ]
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[ Thanks for 300 !! ]
/ / Thank you everybody!! I would have liked to do something bigger but 300 came so quickly I didn't have time to think! Thanks for joinin Bro on his silly journey of healing!
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Hope y'all stick around!
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ravenbrookz · 2 months
Dear @ravenbrookz ,
Can you try drawing Mr. Peterson and his family? Maybe Lucy Yi if you're not too busy?
i am so sorry user kissorkill15 but i physically cannot draw mr peterson no matter how hard i tried i think i spent the past few hours trying to figure him out so i am afraid to say that i. cannot draw the first request so here is a lucy yi for your troubles .
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howlonomy · 3 months
Hi, Human Clover meeting Monster Clover anon here. I had sort of gone on a little tangent when I reblogged the ask where I asked this question but it might be better suited here:
How would Determination affect Monster Clover? Their SOUL is half human, right? So could they safely hold on to Determination or sort of Undyne the Undying it and persist after being killed and transform? Or would they become an Amalgamate? If the Amalgam option, then if Kanako was nearby would they merge?
Also who would win? Monster Clover or Post-Genocide Clover? You don't have to do that last part if you don't want to. Just a fun little thought experiment
With a half human soul, they naturally produce determination; its one of the reasons their body/soul is so weak and causes them issues, bc the monster side doesnt react well with it. they would absolutely be able to hold on and transform; much longer than either martlet or undyne could. they get their own special form like ceroba does! they wouldn’t be able to amalgam bc of the human side of their soul; it automatically rejects monster souls.
also, for your other question;
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depends on who has more determination! because no mercy clover got control of the timeline purely because they had the determination to save and reload. personally, i think monster clover would have more determination to save and protect their friends than no mercy clover’s determination to enact justice
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hi im back with more Out Of Context lines from my outlines/snippets that i find mildly entertaining when going back through it all: Fantasy Au Edition!
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umeboshi--bones · 1 year
dont imagine shattered dream>:)
CW: yandere
Don't imagine that you're sitting, by yourself, brain mired in negative thoughts, the stress and pain of your life drowning you.
Don't imagine the overwhelming wave of negativity suddenly rising around you only to be succinctly silenced.
Dont imagine that everything goes silent around you, unnaturally so, you can't even hear your own heartbeat; tendrils crawl into your vision, you feel something press against your back.
Don't imagine a smooth, velvet voice, cooing to you almost lovingly?
"Oh, darling, sweet girl, what darkens your heart so? I could taste it, so far from me. Tell me, whisper it if you find it easier."
Don't imagine breaking under the thoughts in your head, and tearfully you whisper to the darkness.
Don't imagine the darkness clicking its tongue and the tentacles hovering around you begins to make a cocoon around you.
Don't imagine the edge in his voice when he discovers that the source of your soul splitting sadness happens to be downstairs.
Don't imagine the darkness condensing before you, a skeleton made of darkness and sludge emerging. He smiles at you, it is sad and doesn't match his voice.
Don't imagine he turns and takes your headphones from your desk, placing them snugly to your ears, a tentacle scrolling through your music list on your phone, to choose one with the most plays.
"You do not want to listen to anything but what is in these headphones, my dear."
Dont imagine the smile on his face sharpens, he turns back to undulating shadow and slips out of the cracks of the bedroom door.
Especially don't imagine he returns to you moments later, to bring you up to him as he floats supported by two thick tentacles, pressing a kiss to your forehead, murmuring that you will be so much happier with him, this universe doesn't deserve a soul like yours.
And what ever you do, don't imagine that the surge of happiness that floods you feels a little tinged with dread as you look into that burning amber eye studying your face.
Or the smirk that stretches a crescent of brilliant white across his dark face, as your vision blurs and a nothingness takes you, as you are taken from the universe by his arms, by his kiss.
Oh and don't imagine the absolute wipe of your AU, ending in terror and blood, all for you beloved, all for you darling.
All. For. You.
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the-magnusinstitute · 1 month
If we're sharing things about the new archivist, I'm pretty sure I know his ex? She runs some podcast, I think. (Yes, I am a bad friend who forgets my friends' projects). She's cool and tends to have good taste.
Holy shit I asked Jon and??? Georgie Barker What The Ghost is his EX????? I would genuinely have to be admitted to the hopsital if I fumbled Georgie Barker. Holy shit.
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