#dont let a man mansplaining u!!
flmed · 10 months
vigorously spitting the words through the chapped brims of bleached truth––––––hatred ominously scintillating, with fangs puncturing the butchered tongue of a man who was revealing his inclination to preach : LIFE IS MEANINGLESS, what's the point to live if you're suffering? but death is suffering, &. she speaks ardently as if she knows something beyond the veil of mortality ... life is suffering, death is suffering; afterlife is suffering. why do they exist? if not sipping the tainted blood, drowning its own belief; smothering the possibilities,
@wellfell said, ❛ still my heart is heavy with the hate of some other man’s beliefs. ❜
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‘ ask anybody else, &. they would agree, ’ hauling the murmurs of phantoms lurking behind 'em as if it would vocalize their own nightmares of being un-dead, un-alive, un-known; liquor cascading from lips that shall maim his own misery of living; yet she becomes his own temporary agony; where does her hand belong to? 'neath the counter; unseen for him––––––she could have something beneath the saccharine simper of tolerance ... how many people has she figuratively kill in her mind; for speaking their own belief? entangled within the fates of failure; he may be one of them, yet he speaks with conviction, as if it would lure her to acceptance, ‘ death is the end––––––it's the end of suffering. ’
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dennisboobs · 1 year
waiting until i get admin rights to start cracking down on the unnecessary "quoting" and usage of slurs on the always sunny wiki so that none of the been-around-since-2011 guys can campaign against me by saying i'm trying to wokeify PC-police the wiki
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whumpshaped · 5 months
What oc is living rent free in your head right now?
We want pictures! We want rambles! We want chunks of scenes and favorite lines! This is a vent-about-your-blorbo free card! Go wild!
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i know i neglected his canon story for soooo long (i plan to finish it during the summer or whenever i have time- maybe it'll be earlier depending on how this year shakes out) but i keep using him for rp on discord and he's the best man. hes truly just. good egg personified
he has his flaws. everyone does. he has a tendency to be a little condescending to others, a tendency to mansplain a little... he has a bit of a saviour complex, a bit of moral superiority... he's good, he was raised to be good and nice and kind and respectful, and he has this noble goal of changing the world for the better, and honestly anyone who isnt working towards that has to be a bit misguided, right? this, paired with the fact that he's not immune to propaganda and harmful ideas......... ummmmm yea it can lead to Problems
BUT. at the core hes just such an absolutely squishy little man with the biggest heart. he really does want to do good. he wants to make people happy, he wants to love and be loved, he wants to touch people's hearts and make their lives better. he wants to marry a woman (lets say he wants to marry. hes in for some awakenings in his life) and open a dessert shop. he helps stray animals in his free time. he's just so ... he really is trying to make the world better in all the ways he knows how.
and because those rps usually included him getting the relationship he wanted sooo badly, i also know he's the best boyfriend ever. literally so caring and considerate and perfect. will bake you so many cookies. every birthday or occasion, hes READY with the prettiest tastiest cake of your dreams. also you get 'hey would you like to taste this before i try to sell it in the shop?' privileges.
and that's not to mention he's a raging sub with both a praise AND a humiliation kink. also into pet play. if u want someone to sit and roll over for u, hes ur guy! just dont hit him. he cant handle pain to save his life. also dont forget aftercare (u wont be able to, he gets sooooo clingy, asking 'did i do well? did u enjoy it?')
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imeverywoman420 · 1 year
my least favorite thing is like those videos of women acting like children with their bfs like this one that was like “breaking up with my bf bc i said lets go get milkshakes and he said lets go get you one” and then some man duets the video in approval like “let me mansplain this for all the dudes heres what women really want heres why your gf pouts and cries like a toddler when shes hungry”. And his explanation was that Women have little voices in their heads one says i want a milkshake the other is like rahh u dont deserve a milkshake. And we’re so feeble minded we need the approval of other people to drink a milkshake
like the idea being that women are so weak and indecisive and beta…. And all the women agreeing and being like 🥺 yesss in the comments…..
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
do you know that "maybe he is not mansplaining maybe he's neurodivergent"? I've seen this a lot but in the context of someone being a mess in a household, like leaving with roommates or a partner (most being a man). It kinda bothers me tho. I'm neurodivergent and im living with roommates and I am a mess, but I leave that to my private bedroom. When it comes to shared places i try and do my best to keep it clean... idk something abt is sus
no literally ive talked abt this before & as someone in a similar position my first priority is always keeping shared spaces clean. also its mostly about your attitude like you can ASK for help rather than just like leaving everything in a dump and assuming its fine bc u have a disability dhfgiuhg and also if you have the means genuinely you should be offering to pay for a cleaner or something if you really cant contribute to the household in any way. bc i hate how this attitude u find online usually just assumes that u are the only disabled person in the world and therefore its fine to just like assume ur roommates will do 2x the work looking after u. but housework is a LOT of work for anyone and the idea that someone else owes you it because you have adhd or something is so fucked uppp and what happens if they have a disability too like its just not a solution at all
i also just dont buy it, ive got multiple disabilities and the last time i lived with a neurotypical man i ran myself absolutely ragged cleaning up after him because he just seemed to not notice mess and had like 0 cleaning skills when he did try. not even noticing what a disaster he was & how much work i was doing, which is the typical gendered housework dynamic. and like he wasnt a bad guy or anything its just so deeply ingrained and like he'd spent his whole life with no one showing him what to do or encouraging him to keep tidy let alone consider the impact of his actions on others. if he was also nd itd be kind of irrelevant to that dynamic. housework is one of the areas of gender inequality thats lagging the most & ignoring the extremely gendered nature of it doesnt sit right w me no matter what. plus there is a complete difference between someone who is apologetic about struggling to stay organised and seeks help from willing sources etc vs someone who just like makes a space they share with other people into a complete hellhole and doesnt seem to gaf. how come no neurodivergent woman i know would ever act that way and yet i know plenty of nt men who do?? and yet the men get people jumping to apologise for them whereas nd women who are struggling under unequal burdens of housework get their suffering totally ignored. and i feel the conversation w a roommate is different than w a partner because like dating as a disabled person allows you to be like 'hey i struggle with xyz and dating me means you accepting that i won't be able to do the dishes' or w/e whereas just assuming that a roommate is ok with that (and again like...just assuming they dont also have a disability and find it hard????) is not ok imo
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spamgyu · 1 month
ces genuinely dont mind u not knowing shit about scifi.... cuz then it lets me mansplain things to you... but in the nicer way (im a literal woman😭) comin to think of it i will be such a good bf 😭
i .... no i need things to be explained to me in the fun girl version.
like as if youre telling me drama. that's how my man explains basketball to me <3
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transmisogynyiscool · 11 months
"ngl ive never met a disabled man who didnt use his disability to get away with vile shit" tell us more??
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uh do u want like stories? i don’t have many personal stories but ive mostly seen autistic males be perverts or mansplain shit or whatever and when someone (these encounters were all while i was going to in person school) was like “dude stop” the guys special ed teacher would do the “ohhh hes just autistic just let him be” “ohhh he doesnt know any better 🥺” like jesus fuck first of all the sped teachers are the Actual fucking ableists second of all ???? stop reinforcing bad behavior???? if he doesn’t know better then tell him??? i know very well how hard it can be to navigate social situations as an autistic person but if someone doesn’t like something and makes it clear they dont like it i stop because i was TAUGHT to stop as a kid ☠️ like ok mr math class kid sitting in front of me being creepy as fuck i dont care what you have wrong with you please fuck OFFFFF mr minecraft tryna teach me how to play the game despite me saying ive been playing it for over a decade fuck OFF weird man in the waiting room at the psychiatrists office hugging me and telling me hes my friend fuck right OFF. 😀 and thats just with like ND males dont even get me started on my dad (deaf, NT)
i was mostly making a blanket statement and i bet there are maybe a few men who are normal about their disabilities but jfc the amount of men who Do use a disability to get away with shit (and sometimes its the other people using the disability to excuse his bullshit) is overwhelming. tho i havent seen as many men with physical disabilities but i only have rlly met a handful (as opposed to a lot of ND men) so 🤷‍♀️
basically men stop using disabilities to be misogynist or ableist or whatever the hell it makes all of us disabled ppl look bad and hurts the women (especially disabled women) around you
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ven8s · 2 years
under the cut pls cause im gonna talk some shit again 😭
its v funny how people were like "nooooo trauma is NOT ur fault ❤ u never manifested it!!! i would HATE if someone ever said that 😠😠😠" and then the MINUTE someone did it was 🤐🤐🤐🤐
like nigga pls pick a side 😭 just form an opinion IM BEGGING and if u change ur opinion on something as sensitive as that... DISCLOSE IT?
also if u are a trauma victim and u believe u manifested it, that is fine! but there are plenty of people that don't yk?
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blueskittlesart · 5 years
talking to men is literally so exhausting
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hootersgirlrick · 2 years
rick (x reader) headcanons that fucking nobody asked for:
-smells like liquor and old man aftershave
-does not show affection around others. will make crude remarks abt your sex life tho bc he likes to gross everyone out. no hand holding tho >:(
-pet names vary from things like “baby girl” to “you fucking idiot” depending on the mood
-very protective. once he accepts that this person is around for the long haul, obsesses w covering the house in all the weapons and shields n shit. swears to himself he won’t let ‘it’ happen a second time.
- you dont know it but some nights he watches you sleep for hours before going to sleep himself
-sometimes he’s simply adoring u. sometimes hes holding back tears from thinking abt all the scenarios he could lose you in.
-acts of service and gift giving kind of guy. brings pretty rocks from space to add to your collection of other pretty rocks from space. throwing your towel in the dryer so it’ll be warm when you get out of the shower kinda guy. always portals away before you get out tho so you just never talk abt it. but u kno if u text him “getting in the shower” you’ll come out to a warm towel on the bed and clothes laid out for you. no matter how busy he claims to be
-if ur interested in listening him talk abt science for hours on end he will probably go from being a condescending jerk and mansplaining to passionate babbling with a small smile on his face, just excited that someone wont get tired of him talking about it. usually is particularly affectionate when you let him babble
idk more to come maybe?
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girlnikolai · 2 years
Judging you for your bsd kins except im a fucking cunt about it also im not including images because im in chemistry fuck yourself if that bugs you
if you point out the fact that these get longer as they go on then die pls <3
Well arent you Unique. not like 90% of the fandom kins him or anything, cant say i dont kin him myself of course but i dont Kin Him i just kin him seriously tho if dazai is your top bsd kin stay 500 feet away from me and maybe take a bath while youre at it. your sense of humor is probably just uncensored depraved sexual posting and its fucking annoying shut up please. hardcore dazai kinnies suck so so bad but god damn you are all so annoying and i want to fuck you so bad (derogatory) i can make u worse babygirl please dm me. you need psychological help and not in a omg ur brocken way.... in a you should be lobotomized and pushed off a bridge way (affectionate)
do. do atsushi kinnies exist i thought that was just another word for furry. idk ill try my best um embracing my inner akutagawa kinnie pls kill yourself and kiss me on the lips. man seriously tho i didnt know atsushi kinnies were real are they just akutagawa kinnies in anger management. idk um. whore. bet u have an awful haircut. is that why you kin him fucko did you see the gay little tiger and his awful haircut and go hes just like me fr fr. is this your truth. your backstory. bitch.
starting this off by saying if u kin him and ur ablebodied u should die. i dont think his disability is that relevent to his Angst but i love to be a hater. if u are disabled then cmere baby lets kiss im self loathing too hows ur relationship with ur dad. i bet ur bangs r why he left u. yeah i said it fuck you and your bangs. self callout i havent cut my bangs in 288485 years but its fine. i think we dont talk about the fact that akutagawa is canonically hot. as an akutagawa kinnie im allowed to say all akutagawa kinnies are hot unless ur one of the following. 1. ablebodied 2. have never lived in poverty 3. cis 4. idk fuckin. from michigan my akutagawa headcanon is that he hates michigan fuck yourself if ur from michigan
ranpo kinnies are such a mixed bag bc half of them are actually cool people who are probably autistic and the other half are the kids who thought they could genuinely solve the kira case. if u interpretat his lore as oh hes gifted kid burnout i think u need to sit down and tell me one time when hes burned out ever except the one part with mushitarou (is that how u spell his name idk hes ugly (affectionate)) yes honey i understand that youre too smart for this world and above everything but please go to bed you have school in the morning. if youve ever made an edit of ranpo to one of those like. little miss perfect type songs or averager or something please stay the fuck away from me. those songs fuck but god u are annoying
ok real talk what is her backstory not even in a pretentious oh the writing is bad way i mean it in a i cant fucking read this is a cry for help someone please explain it to me. ok onto making fun of you. sterotyping is bad but also literally no yosano kinnie ive ever seen hasnt been nmlnm (non man loving non man) like this isnt even me being like haha ur a lesbian this is just a fact you like women dont you. seriously tho what is there to say about yosano i dont think i can comment on this shes property of the gays im sorry live laugh yosano ig
just spilled energy drink in my tits anyways if you were one of those kids slash still are one of those people whos like omg im so short and chaotic im a smol angry bean ill take ur knees out than im revoking your chuuya kin card 'oh but lucien you cant-' dont care didnt ask plus you only care about chuuya in the context of dazai. if you havent read stormbringer and u kin him shut up the adults are talking. i technically havent read stormbringer but my babygirl @chaotictransmess mansplained it to me so im infinitely hotter than all of you. please god please dm me if u kin chuuya and arent fucking annoying my legs are spread please baby
oh so ur a dazai kinnie (individuality complex edition) and youve read edgar allen poe wow.....ur one of those people who shits on others for saying crime and punishment is too long. NO ONE CARES THAT YOU READ THE WHOLE THING ITS LONG AND BORING AND YOURE A VIRGIN KAY WHY ESS SWEATY. this isnt directed at my beloved rowan ofc you can do no wrong /p fyodor kinnies are an unholy intersection between the worst dazai kinnies and the worst ranpo kinnies please shut up no one cares how fucked up you think the world is you live in suburbia shut up shut up shut up shut up. you absolutely used to lie on the internet to say you were french or russian or something in like 7th grade.
do you actually kin him or are you an XD crackhead. you probably go oh yeah my music taste is pretty wild and then its willwood and the cats the musical soundtrack. if youre an actual nikolai kinnie and not just an edgy 14 year old please stay away from me. not in a oh em gee ur so twisted way no u probably just smell bad and dress ugly and i dont want to be seen with u. you probably jokingly hit on your friends and jokingly make fun of them and no one finds it funny. dont worry babygirl i'll appreciate you like they never could please give me a chance. nikolai kinnies are hot as fuck until they arent. not saying anything else nice bc any validation you fucks get goes straight to your cock.
...mommy? 🥺
do you kin poe or do you wanna fuck ranpo so bad but you have too much internalized cringe to read x reader fics. ive said this 7 times but jesus fuck bsd fans shower challenge. you were one of those kids who got mad into those like. talking animals series but not like warriors and animorphs kids no im talking guardians of ga hoole. you wanna write so bad but anytime you fuck up you cry and bash your head against the wall and listen to mitski again i am sneaking dog anxiety meds into a hot dog for you. i cant even be mean on this one yall r like dying puppies who live in allies jesus yall bum me the fuck out
i havent seen anyone else kin kyouka so im doing this for myself ig. suprisingly enough despite being a massive cunt i kin the uwu smol bean of the fandom. kyouka isnt a smol bean ofc bsd fans just cant read i think. guys shes murdered people all she did was cry about it a few time guys pls shes not ur poor meow meow shes a traumatized child
the token Bsd Fan That Showers. guys pls kunikida kinnies this is a cry for help no one here has even read the light novels Heple. seriously tho i cant think of anything mean to say about kunikida kinnies. not like any of you would admit to kinning him publicly bc u think kinning is below you. ik being like omg ur 'insert sex thing' is cringe however no kunikida kinnies fuck its part of the job description please get laid
final thoughts
ok so basically like. 1. tell me if u want me to make fun of any other kinnies 2. yada yada yada this is all in good fun i didnt mean any of this pls dont spam report me badly dressed 15 year olds of tumblr 🥺🥺🥺 3. before one of you failed abortions decides to come in my notes like 'oh man does making fun of people make u feel better about yourself. we're just having fun ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️' the answer is yes it does make me feel better about myself i am a hater first and a person second and also i dont care if ur just having fun guess what fuckwad im having fun too now shut up <3
ok but in all seriousness i dont give a fuck who you kin and why and you shouldnt care about my opinions i want to fuck monty gator from fnaf and i kin the little gay elf wizard from the adventure zone and one time i ate gum off the floor cringe culture is dead girl if wearing an ugly trenchcoat and a amazon body harness over a death note t shirt makes u happy go do it. but in a genuine note a word to the bsd fandom PLEASE LEARN READING COMPREHENSION JESUS FUCK FOR A FANDOM REVOLVING AROUND A SERIES ABOUT DEAD AUTHORS YOU GUYS LITERALLY CANT READ ANYTHING EVER SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP anyways xoxo girlie pls like and subscribe like i said give me requests for other bsd characters making fun of people is my passion
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sw4tch · 2 years
In a complete ironic twist of destiny, the “redditor vibes” guy in my office might have a crush on me.
Once more, my complete magnetic and raw they/them charm has backfired on me
layers of irony aside, it really does fucking Suck. I haven’t been able to write down my thoughts about it because the first moment I realized it, it actually pissed me off a lot lmfao
like, don’t fucking even DARE look at me dude lol. lmao. lol. how DARE YOU interpret me with your incorrect idea of me and get a crush on that. lol.
Ok, so, here comes my tale of woes and grievances.
First off, to be completely fair (and balanced)- He. He is okay i guess. He’s an okay guy. A bit loud and annoying but he’s not. I guess actively an Asshole.
Which really, that’s gotta count for something.
Also when he’s trying to be friendly, well, he is indeed friendly and fun to listen talk to. He buys me sweet bread sometimes.
That’s it.
But he’s also the kind of guy that says “ugh sjws always ruin shit” and sometimes lets slide a “casual” rape joke escape from his mouth
and also sometimes tells me that “oh women could just report anyone about inappropriate behaviors” when he tries to hug me? Like. Like the implication here is that you think i’m gonna report you just for shits and giggles and, after such a “normal” interaction too so like. wtf? Are you threatening me? WHY do you feel the need to let that comment out of your mouth. what the hell.
Anyway, those little behaviors of his have made me lowkey, kinda, uhhhh, unnerved by him as a person.
Must clarify that must of the time, he’s an okay guy ok??? He’s fine and also apparently might have autism (he’s said so himself) so maybe those weird behaviors might be you know, smth smth missing social clues or whatever. I’m trying to sound apologetic over my description of him bcus for real, he’s just a common Guy(tm).
I cannot tell you how much he’s just loud and annoying but ultimately he’s fine, I believe. Like, the bar is on hell so he could be worse but he’s not and he’s good intentioned most of the time so, u get what i’m trying to say?
My worksona is a cis-woman who’s quiet but positive and very friendly most of the time. So, really, i’m trying to be smiley and “”“cute””” and not a downer while working at the office.
Because that’s what professionals do, make worksonas (lol).
So, it turns out this guy loves to talk (I would call it mansplain but I feel in this case it’s a mean-spirited reading of him). But most people, i feel, lowkey find him annoying and try to shut him up.
But when he talks to me to make casual conversation, well, I just listen and let him talk and sometimes make relevant comments. And then I try to leave because man does he like to talk and I have work to do.
And since we tend to be one of the first few people to arrive at the office, that’s when we tend to talk.
And I guess he appreciated that someone would actually listen to him and not try to shut him down.
He started calling me “cute” and “sweet”.
And he started hugging me more, even though I do not like it (in his defense, I have not told him I don’t like it when HE specifically hugs me, but, ehhhhhh, i dont wanna have that conversation).
And that’s what it boils down to basically.
I don’t wanna reject him and tell him outright I don’t like his affections towards me. Because I don’t want him to possibly turn aggressive on me, or just u know, make things awkward in the office.
But anyway. That’s not my biggest beef with this whole thing.
The thing that really PISSED ME OFF is that he dared get a crush on the fucking stupid worksona I created. He loves a cis-woman who’s meek and will listen to him talk and that’s it. DOES HE EVEN KNOW ME??? HE DOES NOT.
He likes the idea of the me that exists on his head and I despise That. Besides, what the hell am I supposed to do now??? How THE FUCK do you reject someone that technically hasn’t told you anything, and also technically you’re on friendly terms with???
I just.
Thanks! I hate it! We can’t even have normal dnd conversations because you have insisted on having your character have a crush on my character!!! Stop that!!! And yet.
Here’s the real kicker folks. The real irony of the whole thing.
He might be the only one in the office that enjoys talking to me, and actively tries to talk to me. (Besides my roomie bestie, of course). So like, what do I even do with that. I guess that’s why I also don’t want to reject him. He’s the one person actively trying to interact with me. I like making silly comics about our dnd characters interacting, because his character is the only one that actually interacts with mine. I like talking about my character too.
I like having a new friend I know I’m not annoying to, i guess.
Isn’t that pathetic folks. I’m lonely and I want to be liked by everyone. I just don’t want him to hate me but then again.
Am I not disrespecting myself by ignoring my own boundaries and needs?
What do you need, snaily? I need for him to BACK OFF and stop hugging me.
No matter how attention starved you are, you need to realize this trainwreck is not stopping because you’re the conductor. You’re still on the rails. Stop it before it crashes and burns. Grow up! Grow a spine! Have difficult conversations! Respect yourself, man! You have to stop being a people pleaser! You will never be free like that! Sigh. My only mental comfort right now? Saeran would have kicked his ass already.
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
Your goal should be to be the type of woman men dont try to show off to. Like if the men in ur life are always mansplaining to you its time to go Bitch mode. U should never play dumb in front of a man. Idk like when i see the way some of yall let men talk to you it really really really confuses me like. Never ever in life has a man left a room thinking he was smarter than me. I dont even TRY and i make men feel stupid. Like dozens of times in my life men have looked at me in a sort of semi awe and disbelief over my like. Just ability to speak and not be steamrolled and know wtf im talking about.
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comradekatara · 5 years
Sozin and Roku hc 😇👌
kyoshi dreaded talking to roku because he would always mansplain to her, but she also knew she couldn’t let kuruk advise him because then literally nothing would get done
sozin became a fascist after taking away the wrong lessons from fight club
korra once called roku a “little bitch” in front of jinora and tenzin gasped at korra’s audacity at having cursed in front of his child, his perfect beautiful baby girl, but jinora merely nodded sagely and said “that he was.” 
sozin’s true legacy was that time sokka yelled, “SOZIN???? MORE LIKE SOZOUT!!!!!!!!!!”
zuko: i...... i don’t get it
sokka: no thats fine i have no idea what that was supposed to mean either
kyoshi mentions her sexuality once and roku doesn’t stop thinking about it all week. he’s like “bro..................... i think i may have................. hooked up with women in my past life??????????????????????” and sozin’s just like “big mazel i guess” 
scented candles are a big deal in the fire nation. well, they were, until someone threatened sozin’s masculinity, and then he exclusively started purchasing candles from here and anyone caught with a yankee candle was instantly deported 
the second zuko learns that there do in fact exist candles that don’t smell like beer, he purchases as many candles as he possibly can and is like “depression WHO???????? i dont know her––not when i have this lavender-scented candle!!!!!!!!” no one has the heart to tell him that scented candles are not actually a cure-all
similarly, roku’s favorite food is bacon. this is because when he was younger, sozin offered him some bacon over breakfast and he said “oh no thank you im full.” then sozin was like “whats the matter?? dont like bacon????” and roku was like “no im just....full” and sozin said “a REAL MAN would ALWAYS eat bacon NO MATTER WHAT.” so then roku was like “okay fine” and ate the entire plate of bacon and then just never cut the habit after that. his wife once commented that he ...sure does eat a lot of bacon, huh? and he got offended and scoffed, “well im a man, aren’t i????????” 
sozin wasn’t actually homophobic until he watched all 10 seasons of friends. 
roku wears a nirvana t-shirt the first time he sees sozin after having completed his avatar training and he’s just like “huh. yeah. i guess now that i’ve seen the world. i’m just like........ more edgy now, i guess...” 
sozin started spouting his imperialist agenda and roku was just like “wow... thats not very woke of u” 
sozin: what does ‘woke’ mean
roku: idk i read it in a meme on twitter
it is only when aang is an adult that he realizes that roku was actually a terrible avatar. he’s like “hey.....i think roku may have been a terrible avatar” and everyone is like “yes aang we’ve been trying to tell you this for years” 
azulon: “i dont think my father, the inventor of homophobia, would be too pleased to hear about this.” 
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middleschoolhumor · 5 years
honestly hands down the best way to deal with Bigotry Lite Tm (the kind where theyre not overtly terrible but they do make a lot of vile “””jokes”””) is to act genuinely confused about their joke and ask them to explain it/parts of it over and over
if you keep with it usually either itll register with them how Awful they sound and theyll backpedal hilariously/ shut up OR they get pissed as if youve put words in their mouth
this works rly well if you’re Tired and dont know this person well enough to actually engage and educate them at all (lets be real sometimes its a waste of time and theyre just a shitty person, and sometimes its just not worth it
bonus: if they percieve u as a girl and theyre That Type Of Man you can get them to mansplain for literally so long, and it’s very funny.
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3nch4nt3d-sn41l · 6 years
top tips for men who are interested in not being sexist. like idk if you're out there but lets just assume you are a respectful well meaning man who views women as your equals and genuinely want to be better at being an ally to women in the name of feminism! heres how to succeed every time
1. im personally really not annoyed when u say something sexist. im used to it and ill handle it the way i do and i wont necessarily think badly of you at all, mainly because if you are genuinely someone who is conciously trying not to be sexist, what you said probs wasnt that hurtful to me so as odd as it sounds i dont rly mind when men are sexist.
2. when i try to point out your mistake specifically, mr feminist, and you start getting defensive and telling me i misunderstand or that i dont know what im talking about, NOW im hurt/ annoyed/ think a you're kind of a sexist ass. like lets say im sitting here and a guy who i am on good terms with is mansplaining me something i know very well and quite likely more than he does, im not that annoyed bc when ur a man, hey it happens that ur cultural conditioning will make u more prone to that. but when i say "oh btw what you did there was a specific aspect of sexism, just wanted you to know so you dont have to accidently hurt people anymore!" and you respond "oh actually i wasnt-" youre more interested in defending ur non existant reputation of being the only man w no unconcious sexist tendancies on the planet than actually listening to me the woman and someone who knows more about sexism that you do or doing something about it.
3. i told u bc i care about you! i expected "oh! i didnt realise! sorry about that ill be a little more mindful in the future!" and i wouldve said "dont worry about it! its the fact that you care and want to do better that counts!" bc good men who respect women as equals and as people want to know if they did something wrong bc they dont want to perpetuate sexist behaviour!
4. do your own research. im not ur mum and its not my job to correct you every single time you say something sexist. if im having to constantly tell you stuff that means you arent taking responsibility to unlearn your sexism which, again, every man has to, ur not uniquely bad or good. but you have to look at what women are saying in general, common complaints, and take note of things not to do BEFOREnyou do them.
5. if you've already researched like hell and you still are lost, ask! this depends on the woman in question and obiously how well u actually know her, whether shes a professional in the area or whatever (like obviously dont go up to a random woman in the street) talk to someone u know whos comfortable around u. im personally thrilled to answer questions bc i like to help people and i need to put all this life experience to use somehow lol. other women may not be as keen bc they might be tired of explaining themselves or they may not feel confident they can answer or whatever. ASK IF YOU CAN ASK FIRST! "would it be ok if i could ask you a question about feminism/sexism/whatever? absolutely no pressure if not!" make sure you're prepared that the answer will likely be no but thats fine! but if its yes then of course u can be more specific w ur question just remember depending on the topic it could possibly be a VERY sensitive subject for many women so dont put her in a position where she might feel uncomfortable nothings worth that obvs. just search google again and see what women have already said about it or just lay it to rest like u dont need to know everything.
thats my guide to being a cool feminist man u will notice its similar to being "a respectful person in general" anyways go forth and help us destroy the patriarchy!!! ✌️
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