gaycrouton · 9 months
I love the dynamic between Scully and Doggett, and I think the parallel between his son’s death and his desire to protect Scully from what he experienced is so powerful.
We know his son tragically died, but it isn’t until Empedocles that we know just how much his experience of finding him mirrored Scully’s (i.e, stumbling across the dead body discarded carelessly in a field).
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From approaching a group of people huddled around the body to your partner looking at you with despair, he’s been in her shoes
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He knows what it’s like to see the body of someone you love more than anything lying lifelessly in a field.
I know him pulling Scully back is frustrating to us as viewers. We’ve watched Mulder and Scully for seven years, we know the depth of their love for one another, and it can be aggravating seeing someone coming in between them in such a devastating moment.
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But thinking of it from his perspective is so heartbreaking.
He is haunted by the memory of seeing his son like that. That is how he remembers his little boy. It was cruel, senseless, and (until Release) a mystery.
He wanted to spare Scully from having that with Mulder.
If I’m remembering correctly, Reyes even said seeing him unmoving next to his son in that field was haunting, he was paralyzed with grief and shock.
Doggett was trying to do Scully a kindness because he’s still haunted from when he experienced something hauntingly similar.
Again, we don’t get to know that was his motivation until a few episodes later. But with how similar the framing was, we know that it was a purposeful parallel.
It’s heartbreaking to think Reyes recognized the similarities at the time they found Mulder, and she knew how re-traumatizing that would be for Doggett.
She watched him relive the worst moment of his life and try to intervene to prevent someone from experiencing what he did.
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It reminds me of how Skinner knew how awful it was to deliver heart-shattering news and chose to intervene and save Scully from having to do it.
In both cases, it may feel like it wasn’t their place, but it came from a place of empathetic kindness.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 month
Mulder's Alien Baby Baby Trauma In-Depth (Part VI): Bonds Once Forged Are Not Easily Broken
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Now, we come to first meetings and (second?) reunions-- and part of that will be focused on Mulder and Doggett's throwdown.
On the one hand, Doggett's poured literal blood and sweat into finding and retrieving this man-- first as a job, then as a friend. Allegations of a crush for Scully (which I don’t buy) aside, he’s a good man that's done good work. 
On the other hand, Mulder has primed himself for battle: seething with vengeance for three months of torment and three months of death, and with nowhere to direct this hatred, Doggett has become an easy target. From Mulder’s perspective, sudden helping hands were always revealed to be turncoats; and the newest recruit just so happening to weasel in under everyone's nose at the most opportune (or inopportune) time and being completely "above reproach"? Unlikely.
In short, it’s not going to be a pleasant meeting for the X-Files' newest agent. 
Introducing the Buddy Cop
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We must devote a short amount of word space to Doggett, since he will morph into a pivotal player in Mulder’s post-abduction shenanigans from here on out. 
After his “capture” by Absalom and “rescue” by the FBI, he sits, disturbed, in Skinner’s office while the latter man debriefs him. Both are candid and unguarded with each other-- a dynamic he, Skinner, and Scully developed in Mulder’s absence-- not hiding the fact they're mutually bothered and skeptical over Absalom's claims and needless despite (though for different reasons.)
“It may not be the best way, but it is certainly one way to catch an escaped convict-- I’ll give you that, Agent Doggett,” Skinner remarks, nose still buried in his agent’s report.
“I’d just as soon stick to the old fashioned way, Sir. That shot was a little too close for comfort.” 
“You said this man claimed the US Census Bureau had data, information that he was after that connects to this man that was shot on the White House lawn.”  
“'Proof', he said,” Doggett nods, adding, “that ‘they were here among us’.” Then, turning away and scowling contemplatively, he adds, “Whoever they are.” 
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Before Skinner can voice his next thought, the door snaps open and in walks Mulder. 
A few interesting first thoughts: 
Mulder’s shirt is at least a size (if not two) too large, adding to his disheveled, harried integration back into a normal life. And, yes, Skinner’s shirt is also oversized… but not that oversized. It makes me wonder if the clothing department created the illusion of Mulder’s weight loss and trauma by sizing up his wardrobe; and if so, clever touch. (Will have to keep an eye on the rest of the men’s wear this season to compare and contrast... if I remember.)
His face is very grim and very serious; his posture is rigid; and his eyes remain fixated on Doggett's, even during his cursory “Sir” to Skinner as he closes the door. 
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Doggett senses his animosity immediately, turning grim as well-- but doesn’t think to take a defensive stance, likely chalking up Mulder’s standoffishness to natural aloofness exacerbated by his inexplicable return.   
And his instincts seem to pay off: Mulder collectedly walks up to him, softly asking, “Is this John Doggett?” with an upward head tilt thrown in. All signs point to the returnee being tense but friendly; and the newcomer stands with a hand outstretched to welcome the other man home. 
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And then, the push. 
Mulder barrels past Doggett’s handshake, not breaking form as he immediately shoves the other man back into his chair-- a very pathetic smack, really, despite the force that could have been exerted from his forward momentum (another little tell that Mulder is not physically up to snuff, yet.) 
Doggett, collapses, stunned; and Skinner rushes into to grab his former agent as he launches into rapid fire accusations. 
“I hope you’re not commending him as a hero for what he did in this thing because he is not,” Mulder insists, maintaining burning eye contact with his adversary while ignoring and talking over Skinner’s commands to back off. 
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“I’m not about to referee a boxing match,” Skinner warns (hey, an S.R. 819 reference!)
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Doggett’s scowl deepens as reality sinks in, his emotions vacillating from utter befuddlement to insulted awe while rewinding the last few seconds. He attempts to recapture the friendly mood; but it fits falsely on his face, making him look even more like a stilted, Consortium double agent. 
“Just what’s the problem here?” 
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Mulder is not convinced-- no one in his shoes probably would be-- and he spells it out for everyone in the room. 
“The problem? You occupy an office that used to be devoted to finding the truth and now you’re busy burying it, that's the problem.” 
Doggett tries again, a little more animosity seeping out through his voice, shifting posture, and wagging finger: friends he will be, but not punching bag. “Whoa, you musta got your wires crossed somewhere, Agent Mulder.” 
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“You got that man killed,” Mulder snaps.
Incredulously raising his eyebrows, Doggett snarkily repeats, “I got him killed?”  
“Because of what he knew, of what he could expose,” Mulder continues, pushing closer against the boundary of Skinner’s shoulder (who, it seems, is destined to referee Mulder’s fights with or without his say so.) 
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“You see this, Agent Mulder?” Doggett snipes, pointing at the deep cut across his cheek.
Undeterred, he responds, “I see you sitting there, Agent Doggett.”
After a weighty pause, Mulder ends the interrogation with, “It’s good enough for me”, another haunted pause, a last look at Skinner, and a swift trudge back out the door.
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Skinner waits until he leaves before lowering his guard, pinching the bridge of his nose and trying to drum up an explanation for Doggett. Slowly turning, he begins, “You gotta understand what he’s been through, I mean, now he’s back and you’re--”
But Doggett is nodding dismissively and leaping out of his chair to the other door before Skinner can finish, unwilling to hear out a string of weak excuses for Mulder's appalling behavior.
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More interesting thoughts:
Even though Mulder is biased against Doggett, the latter does seem paint-by-the-numbers guilty, an exact specimen the Syndicate used to dig up and dance around with impunity. Doggett gives very little away, doesn’t justify his position, and uses survivable wounds as "evidence" of his innocence-- all of which have been used at sundry times throughout the show.  
Mulder is obviously not in a state to clearly weigh evidence in Doggett’s favor, running blindly around to stop the aliens from abducting anyone else ever again (alluded to in this post.)
Although Mulder is furious for Absalom during this conversation, he is really demanding justice for himself. Every line spoken to Doggett points right back in his direction; and he is conscious of that, trying to avoid his experience and safeguard against it permanently simultaneously. 
Skinner is aware of this on some level, excusing Mulder’s bad behavior to Doggett’s face while also understanding Doggett's righteous anger at boss in turn. 
But the conflict doesn’t end there. 
Doggett has struggled all Season 8 to support, befriend, and be an ally to Scully. He advocated for her, saved her life, and kept her from danger over and over again; yet she didn’t open up to or confide in him unless absolutely forced. Despite that, he still helped safe guard her secret, find her partner, and support her after Mulder’s death-- and all this while battling imposter syndrome in himself. 
Doggett never tried to compete with or measure up to Mulder (that was Scully’s struggle); but from day one, he felt isolated and rejected, doing his best to build good relationships with Scully and Skinner. By proving his stripes, he thought it would earn him equal consideration as a partner and a person. However, his insecurity-- that the others would sideline him the minute Mulder came back-- is proven true (and would continue to be proven true the rest of Season 8.) He suspected Mulder curated a type of jealous loyalty, and he was right: even Skinner, whom he formed the closest friendship with, takes Mulder’s side over his own. 
Skinner is left alone in the office, pondering how best to tackle both agents’ issues. 
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Friends in This Life and After (and This Life Again) 
Mulder hops over to Scully’s apartment where he is surprised by Frohike opening the door (tilting his head and immediately pulling up his cheeks in a smile.) 
It’s a beautiful moment: the man in Scully’s kitchen six years ago is here now to greet and invite him in, rushing over to it before the others could. Not only that, but Frohike is also the first person to make a genuine joke at Mulder’s expense, one so cheery and hearty that it redirects Mulder's sarcasm into sincerity.
“You know, it’s really not fair. You’ve been dead for six months and you’re still better looking than me.” 
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An interesting note: something strange and morbid begins to happen here as well: Mulder uncharacteristically sticks his hand out for a shake, standing on formalities with a friend who’s been through thick and thin with him. 
And while it’s bad enough to view this as an insecure attempt on Mulder’s part to become "reacquainted" with his former friend, another-- and worse-- parallel could plausibly be drawn: his father’s distant overtures in Colony: a way to keep loved ones at a distance so they don't see flaws and scars up close, perhaps.
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Frohike ignores the handshake entirely, finishing his joke and latching onto Mulder with a fierce, all-encompassing hug. 
And Mulder is euphorically happy: that someone saw him instead of his traumas, that he’s been recognized as “normal” despite his experiences, that his experiences don’t define him in at least one person’s eyes.
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Frohike’s lack of reserve and whole-hearted affection frees a part of himself still under lock and key; and he laughs unreservedly, returning the unexpected hug with affectionate back pats and thrilled cooing noises after the former somberly concludes, “Though not by much.” 
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There is no expectation or agenda or fear or worry between the two, allowing the undead to relax into the moment and fully feel for the first time: he picks up on Frohike’s pain, soothes it by letting the hug last longer than usual, and even settles into the moment with him-- “Melvin…”-- before keeping their dignity intact with a well-timed joke.  
Abashed that he might have lingered too long-- but not ashamed--, Frohike steps back, assessing his friend’s mood with a completely serious “Sorry”; then, after Mulder nods good-humoredly and walks off, reaches over to close the door. 
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An interesting speculation: why would Mulder cut the moment short?
Obviously there’s discomfort he’s still navigating post resurrection, but he was never the huggy, touchy guy with his friends to begin with. Frohike’s hug, while welcome, is more unnatural than normal.
And, personally, I like to think the eagle-eyed staring from the rest of the group is the real reason. (The cut-to is hilarious if you aren’t expecting it, by the way.)  
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Byers advances with a welcoming “I think it goes without saying that we’re all, uh… tremendously relieved,” too overjoyed to notice Mulder’s polite, tight smile.
Langly’s greeting is tremendously less subtle: “And not just because we had big questions about your involvement in a certain blessed event.”
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This next interaction is the second huge make-or-break for this episode: like the first scene back in Mulder’s apartment, this, too, can be easily misconstrued; and is entirely dependent on context.
Caught off guard, he raises his head, freezing his face and darting his eyes over to Scully. He and Scully have not yet discussed the baby, but he knows it’s his (posts here and here.) Are Langly's implications a result of her indirect interference or a natural result of his normal impetuosity? Furthermore, what has Scully told his friends about the baby? Has she told them about the baby? Has Scully rustled up an opportunity to press for more, he wonders.
Mulder knows Scully is not above premeditation, especially about big events in her life (her father’s death, her cancer, her adopted daughter, her distrust of Diana, etc.), and this incident harkens back to another four-against-one scenario in the not-so-distant past (her confrontation at TLG's in One Son.) He and Scully just resynced yesterday, post here; but this comment out of the blue immediately activates his conspiracy radar.
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One look at her face, however, dispels that notion (for now): Scully didn’t know this was coming, eyes pivoting sharply from Langly’s direction to Mulder's. Having nothing to hide, she doesn't look down or away; and even betrays a sense of humor in the tilt of her head and tuck of her chin. Her relaxed face invites Mulder to see the absurdity of this strange moment rather than be bowled over by it.  
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The camera pans back to Mulder right before everything registers-- showing his downfallen face and penetrating gaze--
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and captures the split-second of reassurance and quick snap back to good humor. Catching Scully's comedic undertone, he reciprocates with a mock suspicious face-- the same used later in Empedocles-- complete with squinting, glinty eyes, head tilt, and imperceptibly opened mouth.
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Scully-- relieved he’s gotten her point, amused at his antics, and intuiting his unreadiness to broach the baby topic-- deadpans, “So much for playing a hunch, Mulder,” while raising her eyebrows and shifting her head level-- a tease back, and a transition to more serious discussions. 
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“The, uh, Gunmen were able to decrypt the data you found on Howard Salt’s hard drive.” 
Frohike joins them in time for Mulder’s roundtable “thank you” nod; and, all together now, the men give their full attention to Scully's synopsis of their findings.
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Doggett has been shoved, his friends have embraced him, and he and Scully have reengaged their unspoken effectively-- all good things for Mulder. Firing on all cylinders in the company of those that love him helps resurrected man feel back in action, feel alive, feel like himself.
Of course, this is a small bandaid for the bigger, gaping wound of his abduction trauma… and, of course, that problem isn't helped by the confirmation of Scully's (well-meaning) premeditation during the course of the next five minutes.
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Thank you for reading~
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nemocat-el · 6 months
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2. Doggett
Color wheel
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x-files-scripts · 1 year
The X-Files - “Alone”
Written by Frank Spotnitz
March 12, 2001 (PINK)
Mulder and Scully nitpick the ending of the movie as Doggett looks on with a smile...
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nachosncheezies · 7 months
agent doggett should be an x file too because he's a walking talking dowsing rod for bad vibes
you can tell if someone's evil or not by how many times they manage to call him 'john' in a single sitting
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marshmallow-xphile · 1 year
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xfilesfanficexchange · 4 months
Author: agentwhalesong
For: LotsAndLotsOfPhiles
Scully and Doggett end up briefly talking about their partnership. Set between This Is Not Happening and Deadalive.
Ao3 Link
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#XFPerfectOther2023 8/8
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the1013file · 1 year
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xfilesposterproject · 2 years
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One of my new Patreon add-on prints available now: inspired by The X-Files episode “Roadrunners”. Available exclusively to patrons. Not a patron yet? Sign up at http://patreon.com/jjlendl.
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elevenhopperz · 1 year
she’s everything…and he’s just ken
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lilydalexf · 2 years
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Here are some very good fics with one or both of Doggett and Reyes and, usually, Scully and/or Mulder. I'm afraid I have not read enough Doggett/Reyes fics to provide a decent recs list specifically for that, but Dogg-Eared (a Doggett fanfic archive) has a bunch and so does AO3. Enjoy! After the Ship and The Glimmering Girl by Tesla After Mulder comes back to life. / Mulder works a child abduction with Frank Black, while Scully is away for the weekend, but very much on Mulder’s mind. All I Have To Give by Azar What do you give the woman you love for Valentine’s Day when all she wants is another man? Any Moment by winter baby Through the years, the moments. Backlash by Joann Humby After a year on the run, a series of bombings mean that everyone agrees that it's time for Mulder and Scully to stop running. By Falling In And In by Aloysia_Virgata (@aloysiavirgata) Things go AU after DeadAlive, and Scully must answer the following questions: "So what do you want to do? Do you want to live separately? Do you want a place together? A creampuff wedding gown and a Barbie Dream House in Reston?" Coming Home by @baronessblixen Prompt: Mulder comes back to Scully. They can’t stop kissing in the station. Two very embarrassed Doggett and Monica remind them that they should probably get going. Hot home reunion while William is at Maggie’s house. Tender reunion with Mulder and his son the next morning. Dumb Luck by Lara Means "Bad blood and ghosts wrapped tight around me." Bob Fassl's legacy. i'm quitting i swear by @wtfmulder Scully and Reyes share a smoke break. Mild, mild Scully/Reyes and milder allusions to postpartum depression. In Trutina by Seema (@seemaunbound) Doggett receives a postcard. Doggett/Reyes with shades of MSR. Takes place several months after the events in "The Truth". Marines and Cops by JS Michel “…anybody who fit such a perfect Bureau mold couldn’t possibly understand the X-Files.” A Mother's Love by @greekowl87 Scully and Reyes reflect on the growing dangers surrounding William after rescuing him from the UFO cult on the way back to Georgetown. Nebraska by Emma Brightman A late night diner trip provides Doggett with some unexpected clarity. nightblindness by Shaye Getting through the night together is far more perilous than this. The Ninth Plague by cgb "Whatever happens in the future they will forever have the weight of this between them." Set pre-"William" and post-"Release." One Fish Two Fish by Rah Scully on maternity leave. Only The Essentials by DanaFox1013 Only the essentials. The words repeat like a mantra in her head. She only has a few hours and a single bag. It’s not enough to contain the products of a life. Only in Threes by cgb "You wanted this." Resurrection Day by Emma Brightman DeadAlive post-ep Roadkill by spookycc missing scenes, post-ep, Provenance, Providence. POV shifts between first person Reyes and third-person Skinner. She Is and She's Never Been by Abrae (Abra Elliott) John Doggett discovers Mulder's journal. Season 8. / Mulder's back and Doggett still has his journal...and something else. Slow Returns by @o6666666 This is a Three Words fix-it fic. Some By Virtue Fall by circe (@invidiosa) She’s her mother, after all…missing scenes fic for S8 up to Dead/Alive Something in Between by @doctorhelena Graveyards, a kicking baby, death, resurrection, and pizza. Set between the Season 8 episodes “Three Words” and “Empedocles”. Something in Common by Polly and SLS "I'm a man who values the truth, remember? That's something we do have in common." The Truer Lie by sophiahelix (@sophia-helix) He loves her, but she's still waiting for him; she'll use them both. Or, dividing love among four people. Two Such Men by Horatio Doggett makes one last stop before leaving New Mexico. Violation by J.S. Michel Long-lost mail. whirlwind by skuls (@ghostbustermelanieking) AU where Mulder comes home during Providence and helps Scully search for their son. You can’t sit there all day by @gaycrouton Post-William / Angst
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wholesome90stv · 2 years
Sunshine Days - a beautiful episode to end the 9 incredible seasons of the X-Files. 
“Why are people still watching a 30 year old TV show?
Because... they're the family everyone wishes they had.”
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randomfoggytiger · 1 month
Guys, the comedy.
I mean, it makes complete sense in canon, but the comedy.
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spookytheory · 2 years
meanwhile... Scully and Mulder are married and unbothered
also meanwhile... Doggett is having his protagonist moment
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x-files-scripts · 1 year
The X-Files - “Audrey Pauley”
Written by Steven Maeda
January 25, 2002 (GREEN)
Doggett could kiss Reyes... “and she’d let him.”
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Cut lines: Reyes has a theory about where she is...
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Doggett dreams of kissing Reyes... “Hubba-hubba!”
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Trimmed lines:
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sscully · 1 year
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John Doggett, this question still holds
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