#doflamingo donquixote
one-piece-aus · 1 year
What would marriage life would be like with the seven warlords?
This is an old anon request, I do apologize for not getting to it sooner but here we go
What Marriage Life Would Be Like With the Seven Warlords (Headcanons)
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It's pretty chill being married to Mihawk
Y'all just vibe in a mansion on an isolated island
I imagine Mihawk is a person of quality time and acts of service so the two of you would often spend time together
Whether it's reading in your library or cooking dinner for each other, every moment you do together and action you do for him is cherished in Mihawk's heart, even if he doesn't mention it
He makes sure you're healthy and well (eating properly, making sure you get your sleep)
This man will be able to instantly tell if your state is the slightest bit off and will not hesitate to voice his concern
He is not opposed to having children, the idea might amuse him
In fact, after Zoro and Perona had made their appearance, Mihawk grew fond of the idea taking care of his own child, even if they would be irritating at times
Btw, Zoro and Perona think you two act like an old married couple ❤
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Only way this would be possible is if you are someone like Luffy
She might not understand exactly what marriage life means but she will do her best to make you happy
She is going to cook for you and feed you
She will bathe you and make sure you have the best clothes to wear
And she will order the best doctors to bring you back to your best health if you get sick
She is taking ✨amazing✨ care of you
The two of you are just living the life of luxury regardless of where you choose to live because you two are together and happy
You will not have kids (for a number of reasons that I will not get into because this is supposed to be a fun post)
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Alright, I had no idea what to do for Moria so I asked @ask-the-night-crowl for these headcanons, thank you again Snugs
In a marriage, Moria would totally rely on his partner to fulfill all the duties he has/ should be responsible for. Granted, the other mysterious four already take over most of those, but someone has to keep them all in check.
His spouse better not be aversed by his crew, because for as much as he says he doesn't care about these idiots, he would also face death to protect them.
Unless him and his s/o have known eachother for a pretty long time, he'll try to keep them at an arm's length. Not necessarily because they don't have good enough of a connection, but the idea of loss is always on his mind.
He doesn't mind affection. In fact, he'll back-handedly seek it out by annoying his s/o until they give him attention if he so desires. He's pretty much like an oversized cat.
On the other hand, you'll also have to be prepared not to see him for days on end, because of his sleeping habits (Again, like a cat).
But in that time, cuddling with him is totally fine, because once that man is out, he sleeps like a rock.
His frequent nightmares might lead to the conclusion that comforting him would be the answer. But he hates the idea of being treated as weak as that and would much rather appreaciate the mere presence of his s/o when he wakes up next to them.
In contrast, he'll offer the same to his s/o when they feel down and would have an immediate (even petty) grudge against anyone harming them.
Staying in with him at a fireplace, drinking fancy wines and making fun of the other warlords would be his favorite way to spend time when he's awake for once.
If the spouse is good at cooking, you can bet they'll become his personal chef - after all, love goes through the stomach amirite.
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If you're marrying Doffy, his family comes as a package deal, you can't have him without it, that being said, he expects you to get along with them (you can tolerate them instead but just don't let him notice)
Of course, he will expect you to take care of Baby 5, Buffalo, and Dellinger as if they were your children, he is open to making blood offsprings, but never put them before him
Doffy is your number 1 priority, whatever he says goes
But just because he's demanding doesn't mean he won't show you affection, in fact, most of his demands is just him wanting to give or receive affection
You are showed in gifts and luxury, he is the king of Dressrosa afterall, your word has every weight as his own since your are his queen
He is proud to show off his spouse, you are his most prized possession after all
However, you are more than just a trophy, after the loss of his dear mother and brother, he holds you close and tells you how dear you are to him every night
You are often woken up in the middle of the night due to his rustling from nightmares, just hold him to calm him down
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Crocodile keeps you in the dark about his work, for all you know, he is a casino owner in Alabasta that keeps the people safe from pirates since he's a warlord
He takes you out for a stroll around in the evening, outside to admire the stars, or in the casino where your every need is met
He doesn't show affection in public but his gestures do show you belong to him and no one else
He keeps you company in bed at night until you fall asleep but when you wake up, he is not there, he's working as always
When see him next, he'll have a gift for you, an apology for not being able to always be around as he is a very busy man, but he'll make it up to you
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I imagine it would be comfortable, like little cottage in nature kind of comfy
You both would wake up in the morning with a nice cup of tea
Your place would be clean and organized
You'd receive lots of comforting hugs and cuddles
Life would be peaceful
Until strawhat crew comes knocking on your door
Don't quite have any ideas for Kuma so... This is end, I hope you enjoy anon, and thank you for requesting
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laws-long-ass-sword · 7 months
The thing that makes me crazy about Law's backstory in particular is that Corazon wasn't some saint, even if Law thinks of him that way, he beat the Donquixote children for years. And when Corazon took Law away, he begged Corazon to stop, that he was wasting the last months of his life, retraumatizing Law over and over by bringing him to hospitals Law knew wouldn't treat him, and he was right! Corazon didn't listen because of his selfish need to see that this little boy lives, no matter how realistic it actually was and how much he knew it was hurting him. But through sheer chance and the force of Corazon's determination, he does find a way to cure Law's illness.
We see Corazon put on this act of smiling and acting goofy, something I have to assume is against his usual nature, because it's a show for the kid, to make him feel better.
What's crazy is that Law asks Corazon if he's part of the Marines, because soldiers killed his family, his schoolmates, and his entire people, Corazon says no, and Law knows he's lying, but he smiles anyway. And when Corazon is bleeding on the snow, he apologizes for this deception to Doflamingo, but he really is apologizing to Law, but Law doesn't NEED an apology.
The way that Law's legs shook so bad when he approached Virgo, because of how scared he was of the Marines, how he sobbed and begged for help, but he leads Corazon to his murder anyway.
The way we see it sink in for Corazon that he's going to die here. He smiles, because if he's dying for this kid, then that's alright.
The way that Law dedicates his Entire adult life to Corazon, a man who showed Law love and compassion for just a handful of months. From his tattoos, to his crew name, to his righteous death, it's all for Corazon. How even though Corazon could not fire a single shot at his brother, Law believes Corazon would want to Law to avenge him. Law simply cannot comprehend that Corazon sacrificed himself for Law because he loved him unconditionally, as a parent would love a child. Law believes there has to be a Reason why. It's only after his talk with Sengoku he finally is able to understand the full scope of Corazon's love for him. For Law to kill himself for Corazon and not even understand he was loved...
Something interesting here I would like to note too, is that Law obviously blames himself for Dressrosa's fall into Doflamingo's hands, but at the same time, he doesn't seem to care that he'd be bringing hell upon the country if his plan worked. How paradoxical. We see Law put on a show of confidence and control that crumbles immediately the moment The Birdcage is raised. Law is paralyzed through most of the rest of the arc in sheer terror. Though, I am very fond of his audacity, with Doflamingo's gun pressed up against his head, "Bring back Corazon right now, and lick the asshole of every citizen of this country."
There are just so many layers of tragedy in Law's story it makes me want to wail at the sky. The fact that Corazon saw Doflamingo in Law, and in saving Law he could somehow retroactively save his brother, who he hated. And how he wasn't necessarily wrong, because what kind of person comes out of the Flevence genocide? But as Law puts it, "he gave me my heart."
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breakonthroough · 3 months
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I keep wondering why Doflamingo fired such a horrifyingly large number of bullets at his own brother? After all, it is unlikely that this was caused solely by his extreme irritation, resentment and anger at Rocinante.
I think if Doffy had the chance, he would have fired all 16 (sacred) shots at Corazon, knowing the Heavenly Demon's obsession with everything related to the Tenryubito and their traditions. However, his Flintlock is presumably only a six-shooter. And since Doflamingo prefers to kill his enemies in the same way as any tenryubito, with a pistol, he most likely emptied the entire clip into his brother.
It is logical to assume that he did this because he wanted to kill Rocinante. And kill for sure.
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We do not yet know anything about the true strength of the Celestial Dragons or their abilities, but we can say with confidence that they definitely have stamina, endurance and are very tenacious of life. The following examples are worth remembering:
Saint Charlos, who received a terrifying punch from Luffy, a club blow from Mjosgard, and a combined attack from Sai and Leo that few would have survived.
Doflamingo himself, steadfastly withstanding Luffy's powerful blows and even deadly gamma-knife attacks from Trafalgar Law.
The already mentioned Donquixote Mjosgard, the only survivor and practically unharmed after a shipwreck off Fish-Man Island. His brutal public execution was carried out personally by Figarland. He was shooted.
Finally, Rocinante himself. After all, his acquaintance with Law begins with the fact that an angry boy delivers a potentially fatal blow with a knife to the offender’s chest, in close proximity to the heart. After which Corazon, as if nothing had happened, again sat next to his brother, showing almost nothing about the severity of his wound. He later received multiple bullet wounds from the Barrel's Pirates and was severely beaten by Vergo and members of the Donquixote family. And after all this, he was still able to stand on his feet. Here it should be remembered that he himself told Law directly (unless, of course, he was lying to calm the child) that such a small thing (as a few bullets in vital organs) would not kill him.
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In general, Doflamingo most likely knew what he was doing, and carried out the execution of his brother who was disappointed him with the cold blood. However, rather than a quick death — his “forgiveness” — in the form of a bullet in the head, which he loves to rant about so much, Doffy still preferred for the person who was so close to him six (?) shots to the chest. And terrible slow death from bleeding and cold. God, what a sad fact is this!
Well, I won’t hide the fact that I still desperately want to believe that Rocinante, with his stamina and endurance, was quite capable of surviving the shooting (I believe in the One Piece tradition of bringing characters back to life!) Perhaps, having lost his memory, he is alive and still continues his journey, at least in the ranks of the Revolutionary army. But that's a completely different theory :)
Russian translation below
Мне все не даёт покоя мысль, почему Дофламинго выпустил такое ужасающе большое количество пуль в своего родного брата? Ведь вряд ли это было связано исключительно с его чрезвычайной раздраженностью, обидой и злостью на Росинанта.
Думаю, если бы у Доффи была возможность, то он бы выпустил в Коразона все 16 (священных) пуль, зная одержимость Небесного демона всем, что связано с тенрьюбито и их традициями. Однако, его флинтлок, предположительно, всего лишь шестизарядный. А так как убивать своих врагов Дофламинго предпочитает таким же способом, как и любой тенрьюбито, из пистолета, он, скорее всего, разрядил в брата всю обойму.
Логично предположить, что сделал он это потому, что хотел убить Росинанта. И убить наверняка.
Мы пока что ничего не знаем ни об истинной силе Небесных Драконов, ни про их способности, однако, можно с уверенностью утверждать, что стойкости, живучести и выносливости им не занимать. Стоит вспомнить следующие примеры:
Святой Чарлос, получивший ужасающий удар кулаком от Луффи, дубинкой от Мьёсгарда и комбинированный удар от Сая и Лео, после которого мало кто бы выжил.
Сам Дофламинго, стойко выдерживающий мощные удары Луффи и даже смертельные атаки гамма-ножом от Трафальгара Ло.
Упомянутый уже Донкихот Мьёсгард, единственный выживший и практически не пострадавший после кораблекрушения у острова Рыболюдей. Его жестокая казнь была осуществлена лично Фигарлендом, посредством публичного расстрела.
Наконец, сам Росинант. Ведь его знакомство с Ло начинается с того, что разъяренный пацан наносит потенциально смертельный удар ножом в грудь обидчика, в непосредственной близости от сердца. После чего Коразон, как ни в чем не бывало, снова сидит подле брата, почти ничем не выдавая тяжести своего ранения. Позднее он получил множественные пулевые ранения от пиратов Баррельса и был жестоко избит Верго и членами семьи Донкихот. И после всего этого он все еще был способен стоять на ногах. Тут следует вспомнить, что он и сам сказал непосредственно Ло (если конечно не соврал, чтобы успокоить ребенка), что подобная мелочь его не убьет.
В общем, Дофламинго, скорее всего знал, что он делает, и убил разочаровавшего его брата хладнокровно и продуманно. Однако, быстрой смерти- "прощению" в виде пули в голову, о котором он так любит разглагольствовать, Доффи все же предпочел для самого родного ему человека 6(?) выстрелов в грудь и медленное умирание от кровотечения и холода. Боже, какой же это печальный факт.
Что ж, не стану скрывать, мне по-прежнему отчаянно хочется верить в то, что Росинант, со своей стойкостью и выносливостью, вполне был способен пережить расстрел (я верю в традиции One Piece возвращать персонажей к жизни!). Возможно, потеряв память, он жив и все ещё продолжает свой путь, хотя бы, в рядах Революционной армии. Но это уже совершенно другая теория :)
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kozionogin · 23 days
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ppl at a dog park ass interaction
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rosiinantes · 16 days
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My piece for the @opdoffyzine ! Aftersales are open now!
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mkmoo0 · 1 year
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this spanish shit kinda easy 🤷‍♂️
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mih4nn · 1 month
(bottomfies your op men)
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cyborg-franky · 10 months
Worst People To Bring Home...
Based on a poll I did the other day.
It had two days left but ehhh 1 day isn't enough and 7 days is too much tbh.
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Well done Marco for being lowest on this. I am concern Sabo wasn't higher.
Under the cut is some of my FAVE tags/replies.
The age gap might be the first concern of your folks when you bring Doffy home, that and how much cleaning up after that big shedding feather coat will be needed.
You won’t even get to introduce him, he’ll be there with a big shit-eating grin with his arms wide going MOM DAD even though you have only been dating like a month.
Prepare for the most awkward time of your life when your folks ask about his family. 
Maybe get your folks some bulletproof vests in case something mildly offends Doffy at the dinner table, like your mom didn’t cook his steak how he liked.
Will sit there and go on about how much nicer the food is at all the fancy restaurants he can afford to take you.
Brings his own solid silver cutlery.
Offers NO help to your folks when cleaning up after.
Brought his own wine, wine that costs more than your car.
But brought the cheapest wine he could find as a dinner gift.
Laughs loudly and talks over your folks.
Will touch your ass in front of them.
Sheds pink feathers everywhere, and butts in conversations because he can’t wait for his turn, loving the sound of his own voice.
When asked why Doffy you just shrug and tell them how much he makes monthly and your parents sort of get it but don’t like it.
Ask you to blink twice if you want out of the relationship.
Does not take his huge clunky muddy boots off when he comes into the house, because there are too many straps and buckles and god knows what else.
He grunts in reply to things like a stroppy teenager when asked anything by your folks.
Goes to reapply his lipstick every so often and your dad asks if he always wears so much makeup and nail varnish.
0 Table manners. Is a wild mess when he doesn’t have Killer to reel him in.
If he does take off his shoes you have to deal with his bare feet and the smell.
Hands your mom a bunch of flowers that clearly were stolen from somewhere. 
It’s the thought that counts right?
Wears so many piercings that every airport security in the country fears him.
Enough spikes and bling to be an anti-theft device.
Will hit on your mom a little, something casual like ‘Man your mom's banging, what? I meant it as a compliment jeez’
Your parents are lowkey scared of him but try and be nice because he mentions how no one messes with you and he does seem to love and respect you.
Burps and laughs.
Alright! Your folks think look at this little guy, look at this little man with his straw hat and polite smile.
Sure he opens doors with all his might and leaves marks but he seems super friendly and shakes your dad's hand and gives your mom a hug.
You think it’s going well until actual dinner starts and Luffy starts telling stories of him and his brothers and all the dumb shit the three get up to and your parents start to think you are dating one of the three stoogies.
He also talks with his mouth open, eats off everyone's plates, and asks if you're done with that? And eats it before anyone has a chance to answer.
Eats loud, food flying everywhere in a flurry of grabby hands and loud billowing laughs at comments, he’s having a great time.
Your folks have no idea where this little string bean is putting it all.
Asking how you guys met and Luffy just says someone was bothering you and he punched them through a wall or something.
Info dumps about stuff, annoying your parents a little but… you could have brought worse home, right?
Your folks are EXCITED to meet your fancy smart doctor-surgeon boyfriend.
Imagine their horror when they see Law with his eye bags, scruffy hoody, and jeans, all his tattoos death on his hands. 
They exchange looks and definitely think he’s a doctor of something else and when you're alone in the kitchen ask if he is a dealer and or a stoner which you have to tell them it’s just sleep deprivation mixed with cheap energy drink.
When folks ask him about what it’s like to be a doctor he goes into too much detail about certain issues or surgeries that put everyone off of their food.
He’s also the fussy eater that people dread coming over to their house.
After folks went to lengths to make sure they got food he wanted he’d still reject it and end up eating a bowl of rice or cereal looking like he’s about to fall asleep any second.
Says creepy shit with a straight face or a smile.
Says things in inappropriate ways like ‘I can’t wait to be inside them and fix their heart’
But hey, at least he’s a doctor?
Zoro always seems to have a wave of intimidation wherever he goes and your parents are a little scared of him when you and Zoro rock up.
Though he’s polite enough, if not a bit quiet.
When asked things by folks he just gives one-word replies until he’s asked about booze then he’s all ears, he’ll drink all the good stuff but at least he’s talking now?
Oh great now he’s talking.
About swords.
His special interest which he goes into great detail about. Now your parents think he’s one of those nutjobs who are ready for the zombie apocalypse. 
Drinks and eats so much, talks about swords, gets out his phone and shows your dad each sword in his collection, twenty facts about them, and what their name is.
Falls asleep on the sofa after dinner and is impossible to move, guess Zoro just moved in with you guys.
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rumbleball · 1 month
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narherkugel · 10 months
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Literally them
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crucibleknight · 8 months
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i don’t draw often but i went into a dressrosa induced fugue state and woke up with this on my ipad
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deputydaydreamer · 1 year
In the spirit of the chapter cover of Doffy giving a bird a bandaid.
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animelover20 · 6 months
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I don't know why but doffy became 10x more bbygirl when he was getting his ass beat🤭
Like look at him he's pathetic and doesn't know what to do🥹❤️
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breakonthroough · 2 months
Dodge it, Cora, dodge it!
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Based on a popular meme and One Piece Academy chapter 42.
Spoiler alert!
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kozionogin · 6 months
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archi-teuthidae · 7 months
Sir Crocodile accidentally becomes the hero of another country, Dressrosa, by killing the previous tyrant, Doflamingo (Doflamingo was eating his pussy in a fucked up weird way and he broke his neck and died), liberating all the secretly oppressed citizens.
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