obscuredollz · 3 months
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🌟 Divine Divaz 🌟
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lustrousbratz · 6 months
this song is for the divaz!!🌟
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kyoto-division · 4 months
“All things truly wicked start from innocence.”
Ernest Hemingway
Third member- Kanade Alarie
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Kanade is the third and final member of Starlight specters. A rising star in the acting world she’s known as everyone’s favorite little sister among the residents of Kyoto.
General information
Name: Kanade Alarie
MC name: Spooky
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue & Purple
Height: 5’0
Scars: several on her stomach, five scars on each wrist, one on the back of her neck
Tattoos: None yet
Likes: Ghosts, her girlfriend, exploring abandoned buildings, her job
Dislikes:Thinking about the past too much, hospitals, the sight of her own blood
Kanade is an innocent seeming individual, often she’s seemed as childish by some people who haven’t known her for very long. Those who do know her seem to know a little better.
She’s a tad bit naive and unaware of how certain things work. She didn’t have the best of childhoods and thinks acting the way she does would make people happy. After all…she can be happy if other people are happy right?
Kanade is the youngest child in her family. Her life wasn’t the best from the very beginning- her mother’s behavior hadn’t even hit its peak yet. She spent most of her life in the care of her older sibling who she lovingly referred to as her hero.
If you ask her about the trauma she suffered at the hands of her mother she’ll look at you funny. What trauma? She hardly remembers a thing! That’s a bold faced lie- she just doesn’t want to make you sad. She doesn’t want to admit that the memories of that hospital room keep her awake at night. She doesn’t want to admit that she knows she meant nothing to the woman who she was forced to call her mother.
Let’s not think of the sad. Let’s talk about her biggest passion in life- acting. She loved movies and stage plays from a young age- often being captivated by a certain actress from Gion division. She’s always been a member of any drama club her school offers.
The absolute joy from the crowd is what she loves the most.
For awhile she would hang around a small family owned shrine in Kyoto- her best friend was a shrine maiden named Mina. Eventually the two grew apart during the Darling Divaz era. Around this time she was also scouted by Mitsuru Kagome- a talent scout working for a company named KJ Entertainment.
Joining the starlight specters seemed to skyrocket Kanades career even further. Offers to act in movies and tv shows came in left and right. She also met her now girlfriend Criss Hiromi at the time.
Mic + Speakers
Kanades mic takes the form of a mic one would wear on your collar.
Her speakers take the form of a large coffin on the ground. The lid is open and three ghosts that bear an odd resemblance to the ghost in the groups logo.
She’s confirmed to be a lesbian. She’s dating Criss Hiromi of Akihabara
Kanade is left handed
They use She/They pronouns
Kanade doesn’t have a very good sense of self worth
She sometimes gets nose bleeds at random
Kanade gets cuts and bruises with ease
Her bio mom is dead- she loves her adoptive mom more
Their best friend is Kanra Akemi from Edogawa division- the two often torment Jyuto Iruma together
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ayhamjabr · 6 months
Navigating Identity, Resilience, and Dreams Through Art
Syrian Artists’ Perspectives.
I had the honor to be featured, alongside some of my great fellow Syrian artists in DIVAZ latest article.
Thank you: Aya Nassar.
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wynjournal · 3 months
Thank You
So the doll people on here were successful in helping me find the doll I was looking for. Firespiritided suggested I look on Obscuredollz and whadya know? I found what I was looking for in minutes! Which is lucky considering that that blog JUST opened this month.
Anyway, here's the doll, as per Obscuredollz. I think MGA might have some explaining to do, if Pretty N Punk really did come out in 2005. Because based on what was going on in my life at the time, there's no way I got my Divine Divaz doll that late. But anyway. On to different doll subjects!
So with that mission having bees a success, I wonder if people could point me in the right direction for another doll I got when I was little. It was a generic mermaid doll with red hair and yellow, and an iridescent tail you could take off. It was kind of like this:
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But this ^ one is far too 80's Barbie-esque with the bangs and the tan. The doll I had kind of reminded me of Nicole Kidman. And its hair was such low quality that it eventually like dry-rotted off the doll. Which ticks me off because I legit still have the bald doll, running around somewhere in my packed up ish.
And the reason I'm asking these questions isn't just to be annoying. I'm making a Pinterest sub-board dedicated to toys I actually had as a kid and I don't just want it to only have the most name-brand, popular stuff. I like knowing that SOMEONE out there had the same stuff I had, even if it wasn't just the Nolee MyScene doll.
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Wondering when people are going to step up and sue bjd divaz about the d0llshe orders. If their insurance pay out for refunds on some... they need to issue them to everyone.
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sagadivision · 1 year
“Is she awake?”
“I don’t think so”
Ayaka was pretty damn good at pretending to be asleep. Snuggled between the sheets she let her eyes flutter open and shut- she had to get up eventually. She knew it was her birthday- there was nothing special about it.
For most of her life her and her older sister were not allowed to celebrate their birthdays. After all- they didn’t matter. The gifts that fans gave her before her disappearance were usually chucked in the trash by her mother.
“Morning Aya~”
Ayaka sat up in her bed, gently rubbing her eyes as Megumi slipped into the room.
“Morning Gumi…what’s that?”
“It’s a present from a modeling friend of mine! You remember Lola-san?”
“A present?” Ayaka tilts her head in confusion “What’s the occasion?”
Megumi sat on the end of the bed with a slightly serious expression on her face.
“I know we never really got the chance to celebrate…and I know that you and I always kept it simple for our birthdays after…what happened” Megumi gently places the box in her sisters lap “Ever since Bloody Divaz entered the DRB…we put ourselves back into the spotlight. Well…people really want to celebrate your birthday with you this year…and I think you deserve a joyful birthday for once”
Ayaka gingerly opens the box to find the most beautiful outfit she’s ever seen.
“So shiny~ is this really for me?”
Megumi nods
“Can you tell her I said thank you”
“Of course…I’ll leave you to get dressed! Do you feel like going out for breakfast?”
“Can we get pancakes…with rainbow sprinkles?”
“Of course! I’ll even make sure they put whipped cream on top!”
Ayaka had never felt more happy than she did today.
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aoyama-division · 1 year
Luis's Thoughts on Ōta Division
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Chinami Chinen
"Like Tomi mentioned, a lot of the people here in Aoyama, including my mother, are avid fans of this woman and her predictions. Me, I'm not stating that what she does is false or not, but I have no interest in it. Things like 'fate', 'destiny', 'the future', I try not to think about those things too much. They get me thinking too deeply about things, which winds up making me frustrated and depressed. I'll simply say this: she does good work to help people change their lives, and that's it.
"Besides that, what really interests me about her is the fact that she used to be part of a former rap group. Ever since I joined the D.R.B., I've started to listen to more rap groups to better prepare myself. Groups like: the Dirty Dawg, the Darling Divaz, and her group, C H A R O N. A shame her group broke up the way it did. I blame that loudmouth guy. He was going to be his own ruin sooner or later..."
Kira Chinen
"During the few times he and I actually had a decent conversation, my father told me about some of the soldiers he had trained and been in charge of during his time as a Major. One of the soldiers he mentioned was this woman, I believe. Kira Chinen, also known as, "The Huntress". She was apparently given her own squad to lead but a mission, which led to all of her squad getting killed, lead to her being honorably discharged, which is sad.
"I'm not surprised she became an investigator. From what my father told me, she seems to like structure and order. ...I'll admit, those are two words I did not expect to use to describe the police..."
Taria Chinen
"Like Karada mentioned, I've heard rumors about this young woman. I don't pay attention to the news much, but practically everyone's heard of that vigilante who calls themselves 'The Misfit in Action', whatever that means. They didn't hit any house of ours (the JST), but Tomi was still in a rampage over it. Me, as long as they didn't hurt anybody, I really didn't care. But still, if this kid is that vigilante, I hope she doesn't let her sisters find out. That is not going to be a good conversation to have..."
Birds of Prey
"'The Birds of Prey.' It's a pretty name, I'll admit. Like Karada mentioned, I think the biggest obstacle of this team is definitely Chinami-san, the oldest. Besides her skill at rapping, she also has her ability, which will allow her to see a bit into the future. No doubt her sisters are going to protect her, but, like Tomi said, if we can eliminate her first, then the rest of the battle should be easy.
"Besides that, I don't have much to say about the sisters. They all seem like good people. I know life may have dealt them all a bad hand, but I've no doubt that can push forward. Maybe I'll invite them all out to my restaurant sometime."
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swiftdupes · 8 months
taylor at the kansas city chiefs vs new york jets game at metlife stadium
east rutherford, new jersey // october 1, 2023
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bling blang shorts from rhinestone divaz // $48
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fukuokadivision1 · 1 year
Sanyu's Thoughts on Saga Division
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Ayaka Kagawa
"I think I've heard of her. She was some sort of famous model with her younger sister once, right? I never really paid much attention to those kind of people. I mean, I know its a popular profession, but how hard is it to stand around and look pretty while people take pictures of you? ...Of course, I can't say that seeing as I've never done it before, so my opinion probably doesn't count.
"But anyway, when it became known what this girl's parents had done, everyone was shocked. Well, everyone but me. I mean, considering she was entering beauty pageants at a young age, you know her parents had to be up to some pretty dark shit. And the fact that they worked for Chuohku just proves my point. They can claim they had no idea what the girl's parents were up to all they want, but I don't believe it. Chuohku had to have had some idea, and are just trying to escape any negative publicity.
"I feel for her, especially what her parents did to her body. I'm not sad to hear that they were both murdered. Anyone who does something like to a kid, especially their own child, deserves to die. I don't know if Heaven exists, but if it does, the two of them aren't going anywhere near it."
Mizuki Minami
"I think I've seen her before. ...Yeah, I'm pretty sure I have. Back when I worked for the Yakuza, I recall seeing her once or twice. Apparently, she worked as some sort of loan shark. We didn't talk to each other, though, not that I was a real talkative person back then. My only goal was to make money to feed myself and my friends. I figured she was the same way. I hear she works as some sort of streamer now on YouTube. Good on her, I guess."
Megumi Kagawa
"She's the leader's younger sister, right? She doesn't look as bad as her sibling, which means she wasn't her parent's main focus? Like I said, any who parent does what they did to her and her sister has no place in any paradise, here or in the next life. I hear, despite being the younger one, she's the more confident one, protecting her sister from anything. That's good on her. I wish her luck."
Bloody Divas
"Their team name reminds me of that Kyoto rap group from a few years ago. What were they called... oh yeah, Darling Divaz, I think. I wonder if these girls are fans of them. ...Or I'm probably overthinking things and they just chose a name that sounds cool and fits them. I have to wonder why they're entering this tournament. ...Well, in any case, I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do in the D.R.B."
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ginza-division · 1 year
Eiji's Thoughts on Kyoto Division
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Lana Alarie
"Lana?" The CEO says the artist's name once, trying to remember where he's heard it before. "Lana, Lana, Lana..." He then lifts his head remembering. "Oh yeah! She used to be part of a rap group a long time ago in Kyoto. What were they called... oh yeah, the Darling Divaz. Their PROFILE page is surprisingly still up, and it still has more than its fair share of followers. No surprise considering how big the group was."
"A shame they ended the way they did. It reminds me a lot of C H A R O N, Oki's old group. I wonder who would win if it came down between the two? It would definitely be a match to see."
Itsuki Kamiko
"Ah, Kamiko-san." Eiji smiles at the photo of the designer. "Believe it or not, this young man helped me out sometime in the past when I first started up PROFILE. Admittedly, though the site attracted a lot of traffic, I thought it could still do better look-wise. I asked around and a lot of people recommended this young man to do the work for me. And needless to say, he didn't disappoint. To thank him, I opened a PROFILE page for him, and helped him get started."
"From what I see, he rarely uses it much. When he does, it's either to post pictures of him and his girlfriend, or to reach out to clients. There's nothing wrong with that. PROFILE has a use for everyone."
Kanade Alarie
"My wife, Maiya, is actually a big fan of stage plays. Due to work and family though, we rarely have time to go see them. But she still watches them when she can. Her favorite ones are the ones that include this young woman, Kanade-chan. Her PROFILE has a lot more followers than her sister, Lana, which is a bit of a shock. I mean, not saying she's bad or anything. But if given the choice between her or her sister, I'd take Lana anytime. I mean, come on! She was in a rap group, for crying out loud!"
Starlight Specters
"Lana's put together an impressive team, though that's no surprise. These guys have been turning heads since they first appeared. Masa and Oki can say whatever they want, but underestimating these guys is gonna get kicked out of the tournament sooner, rather than later. So... let's not do that, okay?"
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ota-division · 2 years
Taria's Thoughts on Miyazaki Division
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Himari Asami
"I know her! She used to be part of the Darling Divaz! Man, those guys were awesome! I used to have a hard time picking out who was the favorite in the group. I liked them all, to be honest! I know the rumors that say she was responsible for the death of one of the members, but I don't believe it, especially if it was the so-called government that spilled that load of garbage! She has a criminal record. So what?! We've all committed a crime once in our lives! It doesn't make us any less guilty or any less innocent! People need to learn to stop being so judgmental!"
Rinko Yamate
"I'm not really into classical music, but I heard about what happened to her and her friend. Man, that shit was horrible. As much as I harp on Kira's job, I'm glad she was able to catch that dirtbag who hurt her. I hear she's back to playing again. Good on her!"
Kyoko Maruyama
"Kira and Nami often go to that shrine of hers to pray or whatever. It's a shame a pretty girl like her works as a priestess. If she didn't, I'd have invited her out for a drink or something! ...Maybe I can catch her when she's not working at the shrine. She's too cute to not say 'hi' to, at least once!"
Beautiful Nightmare
"I guess these three were forced into this stupid tournament like we were. Argh, the government has too much freaking time on their hands! ...Oh well! If we win this, maybe we can invite them all out for a drink so we can talk! I'm definitely down for getting to know more about these ladies!"
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velvitvixenz · 1 year
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Cali Classics
Dolls and Divaz
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kyoto-division · 5 months
“All things are difficult before they are easy.” ― Thomas Fuller
Second member- Itsuki Kamiko
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Itsuki Kamiko is the second member of Starlight Specters. A cowardly individual in his younger years he’s since grown a spine with the help of his friends. He’s still got a lot of progress to make but he’s improving everyday
General info
Name: Itsuki Kamiko
MC name: Tsuki
Birthday: July 11th
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
Eye color: Blue
Height: 5’8
Tattoos: None
Scars: Several on his arms, a few on his stomach, occasionally you might see burn marks on his hands whenever he cooks something over complicated
Occupation: Graphic Designer
Likes: Cats, complex designs, the rain, his fiancé, theater
Dislikes: Action movies, guns, marionettes in particular but puppets of any kind freak him out, dark closets, being stared at
VA: Nobunaga Shimazaki
Itsuki is a soft spoken man. Almost always amicable and polite. He doesn’t like starting conflict and hates being the center of attention usually.
However he does sometimes stick his neck out for his loved ones- he’s even gotten into fights with people before to protect his closest friends from a violent aggressor.
Itsuki is the youngest child in his family. Coming from a broken home he doesn’t remember his childhood very much. He knows his father left when he was young and his mother was a drug addict.
He was forced out of his home by child welfare authorities when he was only 5 years old. His mother had cut 3 of his sisters fingers off- the final straw for her before she ran for help.
He spent a few years in an orphanage- often bullied by the other children. Locked in closets by the older boys and tormented by a girl named Himeko and her dolls.
He and his sister adopted by two lawyers- Kai and Aoi Kamiko. He finally had a loving family- some kids did poke fun at him for having two dads but he didn’t care. He was happy to have two loving parents.
In school he met an older kid- a girl who would later be known as Lana Alarie. The two developed a fast friendship- a friendship that survived so many challenges.
The biggest challenge was Itsuki having to stare down the barrel of a gun to save his friends.
During the era of the darling divaz he got into contact with his biological mother shortly before her death. At that point she was begging for money- money that Itsuki wouldn’t give her. Itsuki still regrets that decision when he found out she joined a rather suspicious church group ran in Gion.
Nowadays his life is a lot more calm- even if he’s got the attention of the nation due to his participation in the DRB,
Mic + Speakers
His mic takes the form of a pen- a pen commonly used alongside an art tablet. The tip of the pen glows an eerie white.
His speakers take the form of a giant electronic tablet- it’s cracked in the middle of it but occasionally you can see Mr Spooky flashing on screen.
He’s right handed
Openly bi sexual
He’s engaged to a woman named Naomi
He’s an amateur photographer
He despises Masa of Gion division
Itsuki suffers from frequent nightmares
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toshima-division · 2 years
Kaori's Thoughts on Miyazaki Division
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Himari Asami
"I don't know much about her, unfortunately. It seems that... she has had a hard time, what with being in and out of prison. ...For some reason, she seems to be a member of high priority here. I wonder why... could it have something to do with her former team, the Darling Divaz?"
Rinko Yamate
"Per Chuohku's orders, I was made to perform one of my pieces alongside this woman. Her skill with the violin was extraordinary. It reminded me much of... my father. He loved all instruments, but stringed ones were his personal favorites. I... I miss him..."
Kyoko Maruyama
"I met this young woman whilst visiting a shrine in Miyazaki. ...Truthfully, I don't know why I went to. Shrines and such... they're not exactly a place I care for much. But... I'll admit, I did feel a bit more at peace after leaving. I don't know if it was due to the place itself, or this young lady. She was nice to talk to."
Beautiful Nightmare
"I feel sorry for these young women. They all were, unfortunately, dealt a bad hand by life and to avoid being punished for forces out of their control, they must acquiesce to Chuohku's wishes by participating in the D.R.B. I sincerely hope that nothing untoward happens to them. I doubt Otome or Chuohku would care much if something did..."
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miyazaki-division · 2 years
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Kyokos thoughts on Shinagawa division
Ritsuko Okada
“Hey it’s spider bitch!” Kyoko smiles “I fucking hate her! In fact, grandma might be angry if I let Sachi chase her off of shrine grounds should she ever visit!”
“I honestly wish Himari would have succeeded in killing her” Kyokos expression was dark “It’s people like her that make the world worse”
Miho Kobayashi
“I think I saw her around the shrine once” She seemed to think very hard before choosing her next words “She kinda stopped on this little path as a fox ran by, at first I thought she was gonna try and kick it like some people do but she didn’t and that was nice of her I suppose”
“I wanna say she’s alright but at the same time I literally know nothing about her…sorry”
Sumire Shinomiya
“It’s worse for her than it was for Kobayashi-san…I know nothing about her at all! Well…other than the whole being a hacker thing”
“Himari doesn’t talk about her time with the darling divaz very much…she’s mentioned Sumire once but that’s about it”
Code X
“I’m not sure how to feel about these ladies” Kyoko shrugs “Terror maybe? The only one I’m really scared of is Sumire-chan and that’s mainly due to me…not knowing what she’s capable of”
“I should be scared of Ritsuko…but I’m not…I just feel a burning hate when I look at her”
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