#disadvantages: a lot
discordiansamba · 4 months
some more spitballing about that AU but in a new post since that one was getting kind of long:
From Coran, Allura figures out that it may be possible to get someone's memory of the previous reality to return by having them come in contact with a specific trigger. For Coran, it was his control panel on the Castle of Lions.
Which means... she just has to figure out what each paladin's trigger is. Clearly it is not their lions. Keith is proof enough of that. But maybe she can even use it to disrupt Honerva's brainwashing.
Speaking of Keith, it is... deeply weird to see him as an Altean. But also fortunate, because it seems he has a spark of alchemical talent! Which means they can move the Castle of Lions, as soon as they get it in order.
Keith and Romelle are just confused. Why do these two- what did they call themselves again? Humans? Know so much about this ancient Altean ship?
Allura only sort of lies. She tells them she has memories from a past life, as does Coran. Technically very true! She has lived nineteen years as a human. It does make her life as an Altean princess feel a bit like a 'past life'.
Keith's a little wary, but Kosmo seems to trust them, so he decides to trust them both.
local half-Galra turned local Altean born with a lingering sense of something being off, but unable to determine what. He grows up wary and naturally suspicious. except for Romelle. he trusts Romelle implicitly.
(ironically, it was this same wariness that prompted him to never be around whenever Honerva visited. he was under her nose the entire time, and she never knew)
Keith and Romelle out on their own in the universe. What will they do? (acquire a cosmic wolf, an ancient Altean superweapon, and stumble upon an ancient Altean castle. they're keeping themselves busy.)
Pidge is Olkari and Hunk is Balmeran. These are obvious. If we had confirmation that the merpeople could get legs, I would make Lance one of them, but we don't so I feel like he's Puigian? I think Shiro's just Galra again. He gets to be fuzzy this time.
Coran gets to speedrun the sense of strangeness that Allura has lived with all her life, of being one thing and then suddenly another. It's fun!
(Allura overhears Keith and Romelle whispering to each other about their 'weird ears'. oh. now she knows how Lance felt.)
Allura is going to have to somehow teach Keith at least the fundamentals of Altean alchemy without being able to do it herself. That... shouldn't be hard, right?
(it very much is)
Their luck runs out eventually, and Honerva becomes aware that the Castle of Lions is active again. And onboard is a human girl who resembles Princess Allura far too closely for her comfort...
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bloodsbane · 28 days
what i love about laios is that he's actually very good at putting puzzle pieces together BUT HERE'S THE THING 1) he needs to HAVE the information, and 2) (this is important) he needs to KNOW it is information he should care about
and i think this could be said of anyone but the thing with laios is that people tend to view his lack of awareness wrt social etiquette and memory problems as pure indifference and/or obliviousness; sometimes they misinterpret his motives based on their inaccurate expectations of him and therefore don't give his thoughts on a subject the credit he deserves
one of the most obvious examples of this happens at least twice in the manga as i remember it, but the most recent incident was when they were trying to resurrect falin. there's a moment where laios mentions reconstructing both of the warg skeletons, as their bones are mixed in with hers. both chilchuck and senshi balk at this, with chilchuck complaining aloud, questioning laios' priorities,
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and laios quickly, angrily retorts. his reason for making the suggestion is perfectly logical and practical, but because his friends are used to his interest in monsters influencing his judgement, often in ways they see as frivolous or dangerous, they don't come to the same conclusion. one which i'd argue is kind of obvious considering the situation
we see it again during his fight with toshiro, where toshiro demands to know what laios plans to do to save falin. laios takes a minute to answer, but he DOES answer, following the logic that if falin is a chimera because of (and controlled by) the mad mage, then the logical next step is to confront/defeat/usurp them
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then in the following episode, when chilchuck brings it up again, laios explains what he (now) knows about thistle, mentioning that he's the same elf that laios saw in the living paintings, which is why he knows thistle's connection to delgal. the party reacts like this:
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i'd say this is an example of them feeling frustration over laios' habit of having 'bad timing', not knowing when or how to speak at appropriate moments. theyre judging him for not saying something earlier, as if he already knew all this but didn't think to mention it when it was relevant, when the reality is that laios only just now had all the pieces he needed to understand the full picture
and i mention this bit specifically because i think it's a great way to explain what i mean by point 2: laios needs to know when information is important and worth considering
which, again, feels fucking obvious. but as someone who ALSO has debilitating issues with remembering important shit, i find this particular element of it pretty relatable and critical to my overall point. it's not laios' fault that he didn't know who thistle was or his significance - why the hell would he assume that a person he met in a living painting, presumably long since dead in reality, should be someone who's face, name, or motives he keeps in mind?
ultimately, i guess what i'm trying to say with all this is that the way others treat laios' intelligence is not congruent to how actually smart he is. one of the things i love most about laios, what is possibly his biggest strength and the reason he is such a great protagonist, is that laios is willing to think things through and find the most logical conclusion to a problem, no matter how outlandish or dangerous or seemingly impossible that conclusion may be. sister got eaten? race back down to go get her. can't afford food? fight, defeat, and eat dangerous monsters. sister's fully digested? use black magic to bring her back. now she's a chimera? defeat the mage controlling her and use that power to fix it.
anyways. what was even my point with this post? i guess it is that laios is smart, at least as smart as anyone else in the cast, arguably smarter than some. he is intelligent and utilizes that intelligence in many ways, not JUST when it comes to monster info (though that is his best and sexiest brand of knowledge)
and also please be nice to your friends with memory problems. it's rough out here for forgetful bitches
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canisalbus · 8 months
just a quick ask to tell u it makes me super happy seeing the detail u go into when pointing out stuff u like about other people's art of ur ocs :3 it's so rare to see but it's so so motivating!! <3
Thank you! I don't take any interest for my art for granted, and if someone goes through the trouble of drawing my characters for me, I feel like trying to write a proper response is the least I can do. For a visually oriented person, receiving gift/fan art is a huge deal, it means someone considered my goobers worth their time and effort, they've probably been thinking about them more than a little and found them inspiring in a way or another, and I find that terribly flattering. It's extremely fun and interesting to see other people's takes on them. And I've drawn stuff for people as well, I know how nice and rewarding it feels to receive a response that is longer than a word or two. Positive comments like that can linger in people's minds for a long time, at least for me they do.
#this comes with a big serious disadvantage though#it often takes me a long time to write that response#my social batteries are extremely small and a lot of the time by the time I go online I feel too worn out to engage with people properly#I'm autistic anxious and severely depressed my spoons are in short supply at the best of times#I've always had really hard time putting my thoughts into words in a way that I find satisfactory#so I keep putting off reblogging gift art#because most of the time my brain is too smushed to formulate that meaningful comment I want to give#maybe that sounds dumb and fake#but this is something I've struggled with for years and I feel extremely guilty for keeping people waiting like that#often weeks sometimes months even#and potentially making them feel underappreciated and unnoticed#I'm also genuinely very scatterbrained and unorganized and I miss and forget things I'm supposed to do all the time#not to mention that I tend to have trouble keeping track of my mentions and dms and asks I'm only one person#so if you've ever drawn something for me and I didn't/haven't responded yet#please know it's not personal it's entirely my fault I'm kind of a mess#and chances are I'm still very much attempting to get back to you#feel free to remind me if you feel like I might have not noticed your post I really don't mind at all it often helps me a lot#and please if you can don't delete the post even if it seems like I didn't see it#because again sometimes it takes me a long time to respond#thank you to everyone who has stayed endlessly patient with me though I appreciate it#sorry this spiraled into a list of apologies and excuses this is actually something that bothers me a lot#because it's largely a mental health thing but easily comes off as ungratefulness#I'm trying to work on that#answered#anonymous
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moshieee · 2 months
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
Oh hi @bixell-pixell I'll include you even if we're not mutuals I think you're pretty chill all things considered
That's kinda it idk you that well
You didn't specify so I'm going to list all my mutuals in the order of oldest to newest on my following page that I remember sorry of I missed anyone and for the @ s
@e-the-village-cryptid (I don't have a tag for e yet but it would probably just be E)
Not only the first person who I became friends with here but also the first one I ever started sharing my stories with, even if we don't talk too much I'm glad Every time we do and I see them on my dash, (they bring some of my favorite posts and when I do send posts sometimes I mix up and send them their own reblogs) I'm so glad we're still friends, thanks for letting me ramble about stuff for 6 hours hehe
@jaqofallgenders (no tag for jaq yet either)
my in person friend and the longest friendship I've ever had with someone, love you 🫶. I'll be more specific on Monday if our ADHD doesn't kick in and make us both forget
@strawberry-seal77 (seal-berry!!!)
Hi hi hi yellows my friend 👋 the person I consider to be the second ever friend I made on here, a lovely person as well and wait waaa and an amazing artist too 👀??? Love you silly goofball and the amazing posts and jokes you have we should chat more often I thinkith.
@rabid-mercenary16 (Rabid jumpscare)
Hey hey hey .... BWAMP! Hope you feel better soon
I probably have the most to say about Rabid but all try to make it a bit shorter. besides being the first artist to do art jokes and include me, with we also became mutuals and interacting around a time when my life started to get a lot better. Even if she's not the only factor in that I definitely associate her with stuff improving, and she did play a big factor in it (I already explained a lot on my Valentine's Day gift to her and the others). Also she's just an awesome person to spend time with and be goofy, amazing sense of humor and I just love being friends with such an awesome person and artist.
@dia-smthidk (Dia fren)
I'm assuming you don't want a bowl of soup
I also said a lot about them in my Valentine's Day gift, but we've become closer friends sense then even if we don't get to chat as much as I'd like to. I relate a lot and am surprised how we have so much in common. Amazing artist and person as well and I wish we could hang out more, idc if they think they're bringing down the mood when/if they bring stuff up about irl, and maybe I won't figure out their timezone but oh well, please take care of yourself gender sibling.
@bunnybunnsowo (BUN BUN BROTHER!!)
little brother 🫶🫶💝💞🫶✨👋❤️!!!
(I could have sworn we became mutuals before Dia?)
another person I shared a lot about with the Valentine's Day gift, I love you my little brother! Seriously one of the kindest people I've met and I'm so glad they have bug in his life. Bun deserves the world and they keep sending me opposum images!!! Gona die from cuteness and his kindness one of these days istg
@spookykittyzzz (greaah why don't I have a tag for you???)
A very kind person and artist I don't know too much sense we're not that close yet but love the few chats we have had so far. Hope we get to hang out more even if I'm awful at reaching out to others and saying hi.
@glitchyk (goop buddies)!!
Nooo the parallels
One of the first people who was interested to deep dive into my creations and ask about my stories and worlds They're probably competing with Rabid with how much I have to say about her/silly. Seriously it's incredible how much we have in common and now I get to share and collaborate our sonas stories together it's amazing. And as someone once said "you can yap for hours". I love how creative and clever they are, I just wish they would be kinder to herself. One day I'll make glichy see how awesome she is.
@unfunnyaceartist (Floridian disadvantage) I feel like I should change that
When I say I was shookith when ace asked to be friends I mean I was shookith first person so show up and ask that (the others kinda just happened). Amazing artist and don't believe her lies she is funny. I'm so heckn glad we're friends., love the goofy and silly idc if she's a bit of a simp they've helped me a lot start to understand slang and references I'm supposed to understand shhshsh (such is the curse of how I grew up) we need to make our mafia sonas interact at some point I can already imagine the chaos /silly
@neptunestoast (plushy slime)
Hugs hugs hugs*
Trying my best not to baby talk I swear. amazing person first person to show up and be like "hey I Wana do something for you and your friends". Love their humor and another gender sibling!!! Hugs for ever for as long as they're ok with it. I love their creativity as well and Noodle is so adorable. I just want to pick them up in a hug so much. Kibbity/silly
@ner5y (no tag woops ill figure something out)
What are you doing here??? How are we friends???
I was absolutely confused and startled when they followed me especially since it was during a spoons argument . Amazing artist like holy heck I wish I was allowed to curse on this blog. Their humor also took me by surprise when I got invited to the discord, and even if they doubt how well they're running it I think they're doing amazing. And I love our silly interactions like this one
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@vexation-816 (chaotic ADHD buddy!!!)
Why did it take me so long to follow you istg
ADHD ADHD ADHD my buddy oh pal we both got that and it's driving us insane/silly. Love how creative he is and the ideas for his sona and character lore. Also one of the first people who shared a character they added to my nightlight au. This is getting twords the end and I'm tired of whiting so much and am on a timer oh no. But your amazing dude don't ever forget thag
@butlerbugbunny (anxiety bunny buddy)
This is why I didn't respond to the DM yet hshsh
New friend who I feel anxious talking to sometimes but a wonderful kind bunny who I'm also incredibly happy to be friends with. Love his art so much it's amazing (shoot shoot timer is going off) I'm glad he's their for bun and wish them the best I possibly can 🫶.
@lilithloves-you (lillith my be-loathed?) need to change that
Don't you dare bring up grilled cheese
Glitchys friendo who I'm also friends with now. We don't interact too much but I've sent her on missions to go hug glitchy (to help both of them feel better but shhh). I hope we become closer friends in the future.
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tubhole · 7 months
ok from a rp standpoint i get tubbo's choices like he said he picked not who was powerful but instead is teammates friends but metawise....team soulfire its not looking good
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naamahdarling · 3 months
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jaypgartifacts · 6 months
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a weird guy appear
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rascal-rose · 7 months
So what you're saying is: Stewart is a walking nat1, maybe a 10 if his luck is high enough
Any time he gets a nat 20, we cheer (i mean we cheer for anyone), but for stew it feels rare he gets a nat 20
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exausta-verytired · 2 months
I'm bringing all of you to the capoeira practice
#also wondering how many of you are only siblings because I'm pretty sure the first place I learnt to throw a punch was at home#I also got in a lot of physical fights because I took no shit with homophobic bullying and cat calling#but but. both football and capoeira in my neighbourhood were important to me growing up because it gave me the knowledge that I could in#fact beat up a man because physical strength isn't the only thing at play#and I do think the fact most boys grow up having very physical games while girls don't plays a huge factor in women being conditioning to#not react#genuinely think the most important thing when you're in a real fight. is how many real fights you've been on before#a lot of men are very weak for pain. you can beat them in endurance. like I understand there's disadvantage but I hate the DOOMY way some#women talk about men being larger/stronger as someone who's successfully fought off many situations#but this is also why I hate most self defense. like regularly practicing martial arts does help. but a 10 hours course will not kick in a#desperate situation where you need muscle memory. my best advice is if you don't know how to throw a punch just DON'T you can do more with#your elbows or slapping. just. a lot of fights it's being willing to let the desperation kick in and go for the throat yk#honestly I KNOW how to throw a punch and even I tend to go for elbows because I'm 160cm and not that strong lol#anyways my worst opinion as someone who works with teens is that I think sometimes we should let kids solve some problems with their hands#will always pretend I don't see gay students or women who get harassed throwing punches#some of you truly should've caused more chaos in your school years#also it's really sad that women were banned from capoeira for a long time some 'tradicionalists' still complain#it's all about being nimble and smarter in order to beat an opponent you ASSUME it's stronger than you. it just feels great#gave me a lot of confidence when I really needed ot
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tabriscadash · 6 months
my most controversial take apparently is that i genuinely don’t think alistair is an equal to anora as a candidate for the crown, and that nothing bioware claims about him as king after the fact is substantiated by any gameplay up to the landsmeet.
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muzzleroars · 9 months
I had a funny thought, what if during the inevitable Gabriel vs Micheal fight, Micheal is winning, Gabe's on the ropes, helmet smashed open but during Mike's hate monologue the coin V1 flicked into the Gabe void flings out, terminal velocity, nailing Micheal and giving Gabe time to turn the tables and get his first real coin combo.
even better if this is like, decades later after v1 flicked it in there, where has it been? who knows! Anyway, how would the sibling scuffle work out anyway because the only way I can see Micheal actually listening to what Gabe has to say is after a beatdown so great that he cant run away from the truth.
UUGUHTHHUHGH THE COIN KNEW WHEN IT WAS NEEDED. and i love this bc i also definitely see gabriel adapting some of v1's strategies in his technique, the mannerisms just evolving naturally like others might copy speech or habits from their partner. he will utilize the hell out of that thing and be doubly grateful that he. now knows where it is lol but otherwise you're absolutely right in the sense that this is the only way michael could be reasoned with - he would need to be left so exhausted the meager threads of his light won't allow him to teleport in retreat. gabriel knows it's not the easiest solution since michael is just about as accustomed to loss as he once was, but he can't imagine any other way to get him to actually listen. unfortunately, he needs to be brought low before gabriel can make an earnest appeal - and he figures he has one chance to do it.
in all honesty, gabriel isn't hopeful about michael's reception to anything he has to say - michael became deeply ingrained in his ways a long time ago and his life has only served to solidify an unwavering adherence to god's will. gabriel knows, better than any of them, that he is fighting against the trauma seeded by lucifer's fall and now grown into the fruit of what michael's desperation has wrought in his decaying body. that's not. conducive to gabriel's position, because it has fostered a mental schema fortified against all collapse as that would destroy michael from the inside out. it MUST maintain, or everything he's done since the war in heaven to now tearing apart his own soul is rendered pointless in his eyes. but that's way gabriel deliberates on exactly how to approach it, and he digs deep into the messenger he once was. this was his job, to not just speak of joy but of so much evil too, and now it's imperative he frames the latter in a way michael can hear and let in. it's all been leading to this, he thinks.
so gabriel approaches him as the servant of god that he is, so staunch in his devotion that even other angels in heaven cannot understand him. he gave everything, his body and his soul, into service to the lord, and he loved so deeply that it devoured him whole. gabriel calls on him to stop his hatred then, to finally bleed the infected wound that's never gotten the chance to breathe because he so feared it would corrupt his mind. he has done enough, he has done so much more than anyone would ever even try - it's not his fault that god is gone, and it is not his fault he won't come back. michael did what no one else was willing to do, so the work is done. god poured so much of his wrath onto michael that in his return he forgot he could do so much more, and gabriel firmly reminds him of heaven's current status. he is not just some jailer, his entire existence isn't meant to be so wrapped up in the punishment of sinners and the demons of hell. michael sees souls upon their death and offers them a chance at repentance, michael is the prince of the angels and he leads their brothers in his fairness and wisdom. there is a heaven where he's needed, two remaining archangels that still look to him for guidance, and there can be peace if he chooses it. peace within himself. he is needed and he is loved, but gabriel demands that he must rid himself of all the hatred he harbors for his own sin and how it manifests into his treatment now of those in hell. because michael would HATE to hear it, but gabriel knows this is the most important point he has - his crusade now is not fought for god, but to preserve his legacy, to prove to himself and all others that he is still michael. it's a risk to shove it in his face so plainly, but gabriel knows he responds much better to tough love than walking on eggshells. and if one thing could FINALLY break him out of his rampage against hell, it would be gabriel, inhabiting the role of god's messenger, telling him in no uncertain terms that his motivation now are purely selfish. he has put god's name on a personal vitriol, and that would at least make him think.
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To find out that all of the people who accused Michael Jackson of being a c***d m****ter and harassed him about him for decades are finally getting exposed for being exactly what they accused him of is oddly satisfying for the fact that this vindicates Michael even more than before, but it's also infuriating for the trauma and pain they severely inflicted upon that innocent man for years and years and how that led to his self-destruction. All of this because they wanted to cover their own predatory behinds.
#michael jackson#hollyweird#txt#mj was and still is their damn scapegoat!#they figured that due to michael's already mysterious and private nature and his “quirkies” they could shed ALL the light on him to cover#their own nefarious crimes#and no michael was never friends with that man and he never once visited his island for any reason#michael met him once in 2002 at one of his house's for financial advice but that didn't work out in the end anyway#the woman in the documents specified that she never offered michael a “massage”#michael was never implicated in that crap. michael was never that type of man#michael was never the type of man to abuse his position of power and exploit those under his authority#he never took advantage of the naivety of others for his own selfish gain. michael was not that type of person!!!!!#he did not have it in him to do that to people. if anything people did that to michael ALL the time#people took advantage of his kindness and naivety all the time#michael was not a perpetrator but a VICTIM. a constant one at that#michael knew how that crap felt like and did not want to inflict upon everybody else#and he specially did not want to hurt children in ANY capacity. that was not his character at goddamn all#he fought for children's rights and safety. michael was very probably a safe haven for A LOT child actors as well#he helped disadvantaged and disfranchised people. people need to stop the damn lies#i'm so sick of people lying on that man's name. it's been nearly 15 years FIFTEEN YEARS!!!!!!#LET HIM REST IN PEACE
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torithehoshi · 7 months
CCCC Digital Doodle Dump - Oct 2023
Right - bear with me. Due to the sheer amount of digital doodles I have (and yes, I am emphasizing digital for a reason) and the amount of thoughts I have didn't make posting them separately feel right so I'm trying a different format for this.
The TLDR is, I had a lot of fun drawing CCCC related things last month. And y'all may as well be prepared for the long-run with me. My main goal was to get used to drawing HMS in my style (mostly hair and little design things based on my interpretations) and it's still something that'll be changing? But it's cool to see how things have changed and I'd like to share them.
Right - with that out of the way. Everything's under the Read More due to the sheer amount of text.
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Second First attempt at drawing the trio in my style - and you can especially tell with the little notes I have (trust me - there's a version with even more notes).
A lot of my references were from the videos, especially Light & Night as well as the instrumental album cover, and fan interpretations I've seen that I liked and wanted to give a shot at (primarily Mind's mechanical hands/arms were from seeing @/maybedr3am's design) and some of my own interpretations or thoughts (but I wouldn't be surprised if some of those mixes with fan interpretations. Most of them I can't recall for the life of me except Heart having sharp teeth. I know others have done it - I just hadn't at the time seen a lot). But for the most part, there is a lot of me getting used to drawing hair specifically since I wanted them all to look somewhat different and it was good to practice that.
Some of these notes do not make sense to me right now - and I doubt they made sense at the time tbh (looking at that one near Soul)
While I much preferred starting primarily going off of the videos, Mind was an exception. ...Accidentally. I struggled really hard with him and still do so that note is funny in hindsight. I liked the robot/android-esque (?) angle/reference to 'mechanical hands' folks went with but forgot I don't draw robots much. It was frustrating me and in that time, I gave him snake bites to, as I say in the notes, mirror screws. ... And now they're just part of my Mind design because I like them too much.
Also!! I mentioned that I have a version with a lot more notes (and a different attempt at Mind I hated). I didn't really want a bunch of doodles of my sona around, so this version is for somewhat easier reading. It also left me with extra space for one more thing and I was listening to Dream so, a doodle based off the last verse it was! (I love that song, it's so good)
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Second one which is a compilation of a bunch of different doodle sheets I did!! These are ones I really liked and also were mostly finished. But also each of the sheets (which is an amalgamation of three) were done at different times which you can see in my indecisiveness in what I liked in making Mind look more robotic bar just the arms and the one doodle where the hair sticking a top of Heart's head changes.
Soul, surprisingly, changes very little bar me not being able to decide if he'll have that accessory or not. Also me being stupid inconsistent with remembering to color in his hands (his whole body has that split color).
Anyways - like three of these are meme/shitpost adjacent. You'll also see me trying to think about how to incorporate the crown to Mind's design since I hadn't really tried - but I've since moved it to post-Cacophony or post-Light design ideas/headcanons. I like the hairpin idea a lot. (Note: In this headcanon, Heart also has something but it's a bracelet and... there's a lack of hands in this so... yeah. Mind made it) Also me doing a thing I like to just give random new outfits when drawing a character and... Heart's the one I had the most fun drawing.
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The only completely separate one! Mostly 'cause I already had it set to be separate.
It's a height headcanon thing I drew to visualize things for myself since I'm not the best with height. All it is, is that I think they're all the same height based off of what CJ said in the Medium Q&A. But then you have little details like Mind wearing platform shoes that basically make him 6'0" and Soul slouching a lot making him "the shortest". (Also hi completely human Mind design)
This was also originally done on the same doodle sheet where the "Fuck it we ball" one was on btw. Time wise, that was before I started changing how I drew the little hair sticking out on Heart's head which - speaking of...
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Despite still drawing them interacting, I started to make clip files to practice drawing them on their own. I was already kind of doing that traditionally and I thought this would be a good way to get me to focus on one of the members. Especially since drawing with my tablet pen and pencil feels different but especially with these three.
Also - focusing on them individually felt like a good way to get used to how I draw them overall. I have one for Soul and Mind now, but not at the time. Idk if I'll share more of those later unless I can format them like actual reference sheets.
Fundamentally, this serves the same purpose as the first sheet. Trying out a bunch of things, just letting my hand... draw and seeing what I like and don't. Maybe even noting some little actions that I see myself drawing them doing (like the hands balled up in fists a lot). Also! It explains why I changed the shape of the hair at the top! I think the heart shape is cute - but as I did it more, I found with me trying to make his bangs look like a heart... just for me and my style specifically, it started to feel much. But then I had another idea in making it a bit more cartoon-y, which was the kind of circle/halo shape to create an angel motif and it fit well with how I see Heart. So that's how it is now!
It's actually fascinating seeing that I suddenly started changing how I drew his hair? I started this after making this for the record (which now I remember - I referenced these), and something just... changed. I don't like it considering I was actively trying to draw curls. I have a better grasp on it now though - I think.
Anyways - that's everything! Uh - thanks for reading all my ramblings if you did. I have no idea if I'll format any future art dumps/doodle dumps like this again but we'll see. Doing this made me notice both advantages and disadvantages to this so... It'll really depend if I have the same amount to say, haha.
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I just love the idea of Megan first hiding his pregnancy, then hiding his sparkling in his pouch. I can imagine being so large helped to hide any physical signs, and he's probably used to hiding any discomfort. And he's more than likely armoured enough for the baby to be safe in his pouch while he fights.
And then I guess he gets captured or something? The sparkling is revealed, and that probably has some major consequences.
(Ofc it's Oppy as the sire, but just for fun imagine it's Ratchet)
Okay but that'd be so fucking funny if he was sparked up before his space jaunt by Ratchet, and then he came back and is just. Absolutely hiding all of it lol.
Oh I'm rolling around the idea of megaratch here because it's a fairly neat rarepair. Plus, I've always had fun considering these two working together aaaaand wait a minute. Consider: Megaopiratch. I've read a few spectacular fics with both of them, it'd be an interesting dynamic, and my brain is instantly giving the ultimate scenario of both of them being the sire. Am i trying to figure out a scenario where this even happened? Yes. I feel like it was during one of those temporary "We're only going to work together to get this done, and afterwards we're going back to fighting" situations like the unicron thing. I got derailed lol
Plus, you can completely justify this as Megatron avoiding Knockout like the plague, which? I mean, you can consider the idea of checkups having a pretty long amount of time in between, and i think it was mentioned that yes Knockout and Breakdown were on their own adventure off world as a vacay. For such long lived beings i can see there easily being decades to even vorns between each one, i mean these guys live at entirely different time scales than us. So, that'd be a reason.
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theokusgallery · 4 months
Ruin the boy even further, I'm talking You're Back Mari's Hero type of insane!
Man I wish I could read that fic... I read the first fic of the series and I have barely any recollection of it but I know I didn't read the bad ending. Couldn't do it
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altairring · 7 months
hi hi as the resident rio stan I need to ask you an important question: exactly how many times is emma's life put into danger in his route?? including both ends (I need it for a fic idea I have lol)
RESIDENT RIO FAN????!!?!??!?!?!?!?!
Huge honor to be called that lmao. Also, sorry for the late reply! I got busy today <//3
I swear, I read his route more or less six times so if I freaking forget something I will cry.
tl;dr: she was in danger about 4-5 times.
Good luck with your fic, ahhh!! :DD pls tag me, hehe
Under the cut are the specific scenes. Rio's route spoilers ofc for those who haven't read it yet.
I'll list it out for you:
Common Route
On his common route, they were sent by Silvio to an auction to win a rare piece of jewelry. After they got it with a bajillion gold (thanks, Clavis!) Rio stayed behind because he "forgot" the rose jewel itself. This isn't precisely when Emma got into some danger because the ambush is intended for Rio, but I will include it anyway. I am assuming he left so Emma wouldn't be in the middle of the trouble.
After the auction, Silvio has been missing for a few days now. The two tried to find him in the Rhodolite palace, but nada! So, they went to the Benitoite Embassy to catch a glimpse of him. While waiting for 'Silvio,' the servants gave them some tea. Emma was about to drink, but Rio insisted he drink it first, just in case. Surprise, surprise! Emidio poisoned the tea.
Romantic Route
The only time I can remember where Emma's life was put in danger was when they confronted Emidio in that one mansion where the ex-queen's ledger contained all the illegal trades. Rio got stabbed with a knife in this confrontation.
Dramatic Route
Silvio kidnapped Emma and thankfully escaped by distracting Carlo. Since the place where she was kept was deep in the forest, she encountered some wolves on the way. Rio came at the right time and saved her.
Immediately after the wolf encounter (and having the "no yandere allowed" talk), Emidio stabbed Emma. I was so, so, so shocked in this part because the sword went through her. She passed out from the pain and also, of course…from bleeding out (my poor, poor Emma, ahhhh).
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