#diamond burr
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Bindrune design and variant made for @rabidpelican. Black and white glass stones engraved by hand with a Dremel and diamond burr, and coloured in with metallic green porcelain paint.
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dingustripas · 1 year
I just finished watching Glass Onion for the third time so now you get to hear my rant about it but the details are out of order in the timeline because I’m lazy
When Miles lifts the gun off of Duke, we can actually see it pre-Blanc explaining it. The scene where the two hug you can see Miles take the gun and slip it into the back of his jeans.
Following the gun thing, we, the viewers actually SEE the gun itself (pre-Blanc’s explanation) when Miles goes back to the mini bar to put it in the ice bucket. Although it’s kind of hard to see it’s very clearly a gun but our eyes manipulate our minds into thinking it’s a drink because it is indeed a minibar.
They show how Miles places the drink in Dukes hand pre Blanc’s explanation but quickly distract us with the groups dynamic and Birdie.
Phillip is skeptical of Helen when she asks for Blanc, we can assume that he and Blanc have had negative run ins with people from jobs. Also Phillip might be judging Helen’s character, who she is, because he doesn’t want to put Blanc into a situation where he’s in true danger. He’s a detective not Batman.
Birdies mask at the beginning of the movie at the boat is just fucking chains across her face in diamond pattern.
Blanc doesn’t have a gag reflex when the dude in the white suit puts Miles “covid vax” down his throat. (Bc he’s 🏳️‍🌈)
Andi, when she first comes up with the idea for Alpha and starts working with Miles, is wearing dark colors. The dark blue pinstripe suit, her completely black ensamble when we see her at the Glass Onion (the bar). But when she’s challenging Miles she’s wearing both Black and white. At the trial she’s wearing a light almost off white suit. Why is this important? Because what color is Helen wearing when she shuts miles down? White. The color white is, in itself, a color that symbolizes Miles downfall.
Connecting back to the white idea, Whiskey is wearing all white (her bathing suit) when she reveals crucial information about Miles giving her the Taurus necklace for her birthday. (Which leads to his downfall when Blanc puts 2+2 together that he killed Andi)
“Im really bad at dumb things” -Blanc. The reason he didn’t catch on to what was going on with Miles earlier was because Miles is stupid. Miles is so dumb that he fucking befuddled Blanc because Miles is so stupid.
Blanc isn’t uncomfortable about his arousal around Birdie when she put her legs up on him while Miles talks about being ‘Disrupters’. He’s uncomfortable because he’s GAY and has a BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND.
There’s a bunch of owls and small trinkets of birds in Birdies room.
The movie, at the very beginning, with Miles mystery invitation box thing hints at where the envelope is hidden. The fibonacci sequence on the box has the center blocked out in black, where we will later see in the film is red which is where Miles is hiding the envelope. For fucks sake the movie even goes out of its way, with Dukes mother, to point out the sequence. (“The first one’s a fibonacci sequence” -Dukes mom).
During the dinner Whiskey is wearing the same golden chain body jewelry that Birdie was wearing earlier at the pool. So this could mean two things: 1. They have the same chain and 2. Whiskey borrowed the chain from Birdie.
Now connecting to my first point about the chain jewelry above. The reason why Miles likes Whiskey, despite her sleeping with him for the sake of Dukes channel, is because Whiskey reminds him of younger Birdie. Birdie even talks to Peg about how dazzled and amazed Miles was when he first met her and how she wishes it was like that again. Then when they’re smashing the glass sculptures, the first thing Whiskey smashes is a sculpture of a bird. Hence smashing Miles perception of her as another person he can use like he used Birdie.
“You have him turn around so he can have deniability” -Aaron Burr in Hamilton (Basically what Blanc was thinking when he walked out of the room)
When Blanc is trying to light his cigar in the “Smokeless garden” the reason the alarms go off is because because just the smoke and small flames from Blanc’s cigar could cause “another Hindenburg”.
The ending scene with Helen and Blanc after Blanc asks her if she’s ready to go home, Helen’s sitting stance mimics the Mona Lisa. Miles said “It all started with her” in reference to his success being inspired by the Mona Lisa. But it all ended with Helen and her stance at the end mimicking the Mona Lisa is meant to represent that. The beginning and end of Miles Bron.
Blanc refers to alchol as offering Helen “some courage”. Ofc as we all know alcohol is commonly referred to as “Liquid Courage”.
We should’ve known Miles was the killer for this simple reason: The glass he handed to Duke. Duke dying holding Miles’s glass is literally like a signed note. Duke died with Miles name literally written on the crime scene.
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Last Updated: 2024-02-01
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Johnathan Pine stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ Cleaning Up by thezombieprostitute • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: Something is budding between you and the new night manager at the hotel.
✑ Duty of Care by muddyorbsblr • 18+ • 〔A᜶C〕 •
Summary: "After Pine rescues you from a bloodthirsty mafia leader, he confesses his feelings for you while tending to your wounds."
✑ Holiday in Cario by iwillbeinmynest • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Your friend invites you on a trip overseas but when she all but [ditches you] you find yourself in a rather uncomfortable position. Lucky for you the hotel [night manager] comes to your rescue."
✑ I Won't Let Go by holdmytesseract • 〔F᜶M〕 •
Summary: “Angela convinced Jonathan to attend a event - held by the Riverhouse, to take his mind off his lovesickness. Unbeknowst to him, you have a gig on exactly that event...”
✑ Leave Me Wanting More by the-purity-pen • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: Months of mutual pining finally culminate in a passionate encounter, but Jonathan makes sure to leave you wanting more…
✑ Mission Comes First, the by holymultiplefandomsbatman • 16+ • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ • 🚫 •
Summary: "Jonathan met you long before he came in contact with Angela Burr. When he goes undercover, you join him. Unfortunately, Roper catches and then tortures you to find out who sent you... while Jonathan has to stand by and watch, just like he promised you. The mission comes first, no matter what."
✑ Mr. Pine by sserpente • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Imagine surprising… your boyfriend at his workplace,… a fancy hotel in Switzerland and getting him all worked up by repeatedly calling him Mr. Pine.
✑ My Dearest Diamond by five-miles-over • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "After nearly two years… [you and Jonathan] rekindled your love via handwritten letters, until you [plan a] trip to London to see him. As he prepares [for your arrival], Jonathan reflects on his relationship with you …[carrying] out one last errand before you land."
✑ Paris by muddyorbsblr • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "After spending the last few hours pretending to be a loving couple while on a mission in Paris, Jonathan decides to lose himself in the fantasy of having you to himself."
✑ Pine by devilbat • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: After rescuing you from kidnappers, your father hires Jonathan to be your bodyguard allowing the two of you to grow close. One night, he breaks into your room, asking you to trust him, and although the attack left you wary of the world, you know one thing for sure: Jonathan will always keep you safe.
✑ Saviour by sserpente • 〔E᜶F᜶A〕 •
Prompt(s): "Imagine Jonathan Pine saving your life after you end up going after the same target."
✑ Secrets│Prt. II by strangerquinns • 18+ • 〔E᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Prompt(s): "So desperate for it, aren't you? Well, if you want it so bad you'd better start taking it." + "Look at you, grinding against everything, you're really desperate for it. Aren't you?"
✑ Sleepy by thehiddlebums • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Prompt(s): "Your lover is snoring quietly and you can't help but giggle because it's so cute" + "Laughing at their messy hair in the morning."
✑ Slow Your Roll by ladyfluff • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Exhausted and confined to the house after surgery, Jonathan shows you unwavering care and support on your shared journey to recovery.
✑ Summer in Majorca by smolvenger • 18+ • 〔F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "A trip to Spain alongside Roper and his crew had you cross paths with a man mysterious as he is kind and heroic as he is handsome. He goes by Thomas and then Andrew [but is] secretly named Jonathan. You find yourself blossoming feelings for him. [However,] it seems he has eyes for Jed and not you..."
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✑ A Complete Surprise
✑ After Glow by holdmytesseract • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Buh-nana. by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Dirty Talk by fadingfics • 18+ • 〔E᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Good Enough to Eat
✑ Home Before You Know It│Prt. II by just-the-hiddles • 18+ • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Life with You by lokispet-blog1 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Not Alone by holdmytesseract • 〔C〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Paper Hearts and Glitter Glue by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Photographic Evidence by ladyfluff • 〔A〕 • ♡ •
✑ Short and Sweet Fuse by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Sneaking Around by anonymousfiction211 • 16+ • 〔E᜶A〕 •
✑ So Much More by five-miles-over • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✑ Step Outside by ladyfluff • 〔E᜶C〕 •
✑ Sweep You Off Your Feet by ladyfloriographist • 〔F᜶M〕 •
✑ Way You Look at Me, the by jewels2876 • 〔E〕 •
✑ Welcome to the World by holdmytesseract • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Will You Marry Me? by ladyfluff • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Within the Strongbox of My Heart by frostbitten-written • 〔A〕 • ♡ •
✑ You by imagine-upon-a-star • 〔A〕 • ♥︎ •
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See Also: Navigation || Jonathan Pine Master Index
Authors: @anonymousfiction211 || @devilbat || @fadingfics || @five-miles-over || @frostbitten-written || @holdmytesseract || @holymultiplefandomsbatman || @imagine-upon-a-star || @iwillbeinmynest || @jewels2876 || @just-the-hiddles || @ladyfloriographist || @ladyfluff || @lokispet-blog1 || @muddyorbsblr || @smolvenger || @sserpente || @strangerquinns || @the-purity-pen || @thehiddlebums || @thezombieprostitute ||
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wawamouse · 5 months
Rating some of the jewelry on Oz
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Ryan O'Reily: Classic golden cross, simple and sleek. The snake chain adds a certain elegance while still being a respectable thickness. 8/10
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Chucky Pancamo: Gold rope chain with a boxing glove pendant and diamond inlay, later joined in season 5 by a gold medallion with a boxer or strongman depicted and switched over to a thick paperclip type chain. The pendants give charm bracelet. A little kitsch but the heavy gold never drowns him bc he's a big guy. 7/10 for the early season look. 5/10 for the later season jewelry. The chain type didn't suit the double pendants imo.
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Kareem Said: Multicolored, polished wooden beads with a light green tassel pendant. (Above-left: s4, right: s6) The necklace originally looks quite well-made and taken care of. By s6, after Said breaks the string in anger, it appears that the necklace was remade on a shorter string: the beads have been forced tighter together, the once beautiful tassel is a darker color with the strings matted and tangled. 9/10 in the original state. 5/10 in the remade state. The beads are still nice.
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Kenny Wangler: Dog tag even though his ass was NOT in the military (not that I would award points if he was). Kind of looks like it's not even on a beaded chain, but I can't really tell. 3/10. Know yourself.
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Burr Redding: Possibly leather/rope string with long wooden beads. Wooden face/mask pendant attached by metal clasp. Don't like the size of the pendant with the length of the necklace but it matches the vibe. 6/10
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Raoul Hernandez: Honestly I couldn't get a good look at what the pendant depicts. It appears to be a woman in a skirt standing over something with a ruby inlay incorporated into it in the lower left. Strung on a thick rope chain. Very pretty. Very big. I appreciated the commitment. 8/10. Special side shout out to John's crazy huge (presumably) Virgin Mary necklace on the herringbone chain. Big theatrical Catholic energy, probably the way it should be. 9/10 for John.
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Chico Guerra: My guy started wearing chains near the end of s4, coming out the gate with a thin golden rope, moving on to a cuban chain for s5 and then switching to a figaro chain in s6. This really just comes down to preference of chain type bc he never has a pendant. I love rope chains because they're pretty uwu but the cuban chain feels more expected of Chico. Figaro chains look cheap to me and also don't think I didn't see him rip that thing right off his neck in the laundry room. In order: 8/10, 7/10, 5/10.
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Jia Kenmin: I have ranted about this previously but this mad man is wearing a highly breakable piece of jade on a single long red string while he jumps around and stands upside down. The pendant from what I could tell in other close ups depicts a dragon, and the color of the jade is nice and pale. Should've been on a braided string or placed on gold. That string is pure arrogance. 7/10.
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Jorge Vasquez: We got a rosary cross and a giant metal (maybe gold but probably not) Puerto Rico pendant on a densely beaded string. The rosary on its own is very nice—dark beads along a metal chain. The Puerto Rico necklace clashes completely with everything, but then again, this guy has every single finger and his wrists taped like he's about to start rock climbing or doing jiu jitsu or something, so who can really know what's going on in his mind? 7/10 for the rosary. 2/10 for the PR necklace. I respect repping the heritage but that thing is truly ugly.
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Johnny Basil as "Mobay". Of course this dumb dumb also has a rope necklace with a puka shell on a clay bead pendant with Jamaican flag color beads. I wonder where his cover is supposed to be from... 6/10. A bit tacky looking but simplistic enough to not offend the eyes.
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heaveninawildflower · 2 years
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Brooch and earrings (United States, circa 1836-1850) by Edward Burr (active 1838–68).
Gold, pearls, diamonds, and enamel.
Image and text information courtesy The Met. 
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victoriantreecat · 1 year
The wind made fuzzy patterns in the ever falling rain. The gentle shower tossed about before it came down to settle on the crop fields. The wooden parapets and walkways atop the cobbled-together walls were soaked through, water dripping down in dismal rivulets.
Martyn let out a heaving sigh. It was not bad weather, per se, just a little, well, cold and damp. And their little hut with its lattice roof was already full of water pooling in the enchanting well, as he could so clearly see from his perch by the door- the only really dry part in all of Dogwarts today.
The rain started getting a little heavier.
He sighed again, ran his thumb over the engraved blade of his axe, worried at the smeared dried blood that seemed to be sunk into the iridescent blue crystal even days after the test, glanced up at the rain trickling in through the roof, considered going down to the basement, dismissed that idea (the floor must be flooded down there, and the villagers complain like nobody's business when their feet get wet). Better he stayed up here , the drizzle wouldnt stop enemies, much as he would have loved it to. Yes, keep watch up here, protect his home. So he stretched his back and surveyed the misty air of the fort.
A gentle splash sounded beside him, the pattering of paws through a puddle, and he glanced through the latticed wall to see Ren coming up from the basement. Ren was glancing around, seeming to search for something within the rain-soaked walls. A brief smile of affection allowed itself onto Martyn's lips before he schooled himself and called out, accented,
"My liege, where are ye going?"
Ren's ear flicked up, and his shroud swirled around his shoulders as he turned towards the hut's entrance.
"Me hand!" He replied in the same lofty brogue. "I was comin' to find ye, me friend. May I come in?"
Something in his cadence was hesitating, Martyn thought, easily leaning over to lift the door latch.
Ren came around the corner, chill drops of rain starting to dust his crown- the water and the blood starting to flow mingled down. And as they came face to face across the threshold, Martyn felt a dread that he would see his king pierced by an arrow from an archer he had missed in the deepening shadow of this rain. But the king now passed bloodlessly through the doors Martyn held open, to stand cramped in the entry, between the gentle flood on either side. His boots were damp, the basement had indeed been flooded- Ren remarked as such, dropping the accent to a hardly audible burr. Still, that slight awkwardness peeked through.
"Well, me lord, what were you looking for me for then?" He gazed up, waited patiently, silently probed his king's countenance.
"Well uh, so I, I've been setting this up for about a week now, and, um, well I thought that today would be the best day to, well, show it to you…" He trailed off, all traces of his thick accent gone now. This was him honest, then, unreserved and unhidden. And he reached into his belt pocket and brought forth a few tiny pinkish crystals, each with an iridescent blue core.
Martyn stared down at them, poised and curious, as Ren stuttered on.
"They're uh, they're my first time making, like, rock candy." The sticky crystals glinted in the dull rainy light as Ren continued. "With a sugar kinda syrup and some roses I found. Err, yeah."
"Milord, thats genius!" Martyn chuckled, eyebrows raised.
"Er, would you like to try one?" Ren's tail was wagging just slightly. "I uhm, I used little chips of diamond to start them, so dont break your teeth!" His lopsided grin showed a little peek of his canines. Martyn reached out to take one of the tiny grains, marvelling at their ephemeral beauty as he plucked one from Ren's calloused palm.
"They just came out of the syrup, my dude, so they're still a bit, er, sticky." Ren looked a bit sheepish, and at this distance, Martyn could see the pinkish residue pooling on his hands. His own fingers had the stuff on them too.
"Yeah, they sure are," he agreed, before popping the little sweet into his mouth.
It was a starburst of sweetness, rosy and round. It bloomed on his tongue, tasting of spring and sunsets, a gentle reprieve from the cold. It was bliss.
Martyn opened his eyes, let the corners of his mouth relax to a contented smile. He met Ren's eyes through his sunglasses.
"Thank you," he said, quiet as the rain that seemed to soften, falling on the fields. "Thank you, Ren."
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the-worst-bracket · 1 year
The Worst Bracket Begins!
Polls are going up starting Wednesday, April 19th, 32 per day! Bracket and list under the cut.
Round 1
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Bracket A (4/19-26)
Mineta Minoru (My Hero Academia) v  Anglerfish from Dark Bramble (Outer Wilds)
Iago (Othello) v Barbas (Skyrim)
Brendan (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) v Mimic (Dark Souls)
Dan (Dan vs) v Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Jurgen Litner (The Magnus Archives) v Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Lonnie Byers (Stranger Things) v Zeus (Greek Mythology)
Lemongrab (Adventure Time) v Steve Cobs (Inanimate Insanity)
Alex Eggleston (Yiik) v Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Jerry (Undertale) v Po (Teletubbies)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things) v Old Man Who Snitches on Haru (A:TLA)
Kai Winn (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) v Ashfur (Warrior Cats)
Mr. Burns (The Simpsons) v Boscha (The Owl House)
Octavian (Heroes of Olympus) v Makoto Teruhashi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
 Robbie Valentino (Gravity Falls) v Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Walter White (Breaking Bad) v Guy Mortadello (Papa Louie)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) v Snowball (Pinky and The Brain)
Bracket B (4/19-26)
Rohan Kishibe (JJBA) v Jin Guangshan (The Untamed)
Agravaine (Merlin) v Michael (Wii Sports)
Scout (TF2) v Mitsuhiro Higa (Danganronpa)
Creek (Trolls) v Berdly (Deltarune)
Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney) v Jeff Winger (Community)
Nazeem (Skyrim) v David (Animorphs)
Simon Laurent (Infinity Train) v Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach)
Kikimora (The Owl House) v Cronus Ampora (Homestuck)
Michael Tritter (House MD) v The Director (Red v Blue)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) v Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Skadge (Star Wars: The Old Republic) v Lord Henry Wotton (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
Claptrap (Borderlands) v Jodie Foster (Dungeons and Daddies)
Bill Hawks (Professor Layton) v Carcer (Discworld)
Bender Bending Rodríguez (Futurama) v Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)
 Corrin (Fire Emblem) v The Dark Lord (Miitopia)
Cybelle (Carole and Tuesday) v Jasper (Steven Universe)
Bracket C (4/20-27)
Gul Dukat (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) v Admiral Zhao (A:TLA)
Hordak (She-Ra) v Rachel Berry (Glee)
Book (Battle for Dream Island) v Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Jessica (The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself) v Lester Papadopoulos (Trials of Apollo)
Pong Krell (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) v Aaron Burr (Hamilton)
Armand (Vampire Chronicles) v Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Dorodoron (Futari wa Precure Splash Star) v Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Christopher Taub (House MD) v Tate Landon (America Horror Story: Murder House)
Izzy Hands (OFMD) v Princess Daisy (Super Mario Bros)
Spike (MLP:FIM) v Atlas May (Lackadaisy)
Clutch Powers (LEGO Ninjago) v Orin Scrivello (Little Shop of Horrors)
Thanos (MCU) v Minecraft Skeleton (Minecraft)
Frank Burns (M*A*S*H*) v Lieutenant Nolan (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
Carter Pewterschmit (Family Guy) v Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Miyo Takano (Higurashi When They Cry) v Borsolino (One Piece)
Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa) v Pennywise (IT)
Bracket D (4/20-27)
Pierce Hawthorne (Community) v Ren (Ren and Stimpy)
Whirlpool (Wings of Fire) v Cinder Falls (RWBY)
Thaddeus Campbell (Dishonored) v The Grabber (Black Phone)
Takumi Ichinose (Nana) v Heimskr (Skyrim)
Gale Weathers (Scream) v Lee Kiyoung (Regressor Instruction Manual)
Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) v Alvin Marsh (IT)
Director Ton (Aggretsuko) v Angelica Pickles (Rugrats)
Pencil (Battle for Dream Island) v Odalia Blight (The Owl House)
Kyubey (Madoka Magica) v Newman (Seinfeld)
Jacob Hill (Abbott Elementary) v Gregory House (House MD)
Rachel (Tower of God) v Monkey D Luffy (One Piece)
Dame Alina (Keeper of the Lost Cities) v Miki Kawai (A Silent Voice)
John Winchester (Supernatural) v Kyouichi Saionji (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Magikarp (Pokemon) v Hippeux (Animal Crossing)
Elmo (Sesame Street) v Saint Charlos (One Piece)
Melli (Pokemon Legends: Arceus) v Dr. Janet Lubelle (WTNV)
Bracket E (4/21-28)
Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) v The Blue Border (Scott the Woz)
Calico Jack (OFMD) v B.E.N. (Treasure Planet)
Doogal (Doogal) v John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Crawlings (The Mysterious Benedict Society) v Liza Lotts (Scott the Woz)
Zolf J Kimblee (FMA) v Baron Draxum (Rise of The TMNT)
Kaito Momota (Danganronpa) v Nandor the Relentless (What We Do In the Shadows)
Logan Roy (Succescion) v Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Fermet (Baccano!) v Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) v Taylor Kelly (9-1-1)
AM (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream) v Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars)
Stuart Little (Stuart Little) v Vinsmoke Sanji (One Piece)
Bibble (Barbie: Fairytopia) v Dennis Nedry (Jurassic Park)
Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa) v Grima Wormtongue (LOTR)
Moe (Calvin and Hobbes) v Balloon Boy (FNAF)
Felix (Red vs Blue) v Klorgbane the Destroyer (Regular Show)
Bro Strider (Homestuck) v Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
Bracket F (4/21-28)
Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events) v Mort (Madagascar)
Mantle (Dr Stone) v Phillip Anderson (Sherlock)
Eisuke Hondo (Detective Conan) v Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu)
Hiram Burrows (Dishonored) v Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) v Prince Diamond (Sailor Moon)
Marty (Steven Universe) v Hibiki Shikyouin (PriPara)
White Diamond (Steven Universe) v Norman Osborn (Marvel)
Stregabor (The Witcher) v Cedric Jeanne Elmir (I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss)
Barney Stinson (HIMYM) v Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Griffith (Beserk) v Chloe Valentine (Be More Chill)
Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim) v Lionel Luthor (Smallville)
Lydia (Skyrim) v Shadow Weaver (She-Ra)
Rand Ridley (Inside Job) v Jun Kawanakajima (Ultra Maniac)
Krusty the Clown (The Simpsons) v Fire Lord Ozai (A:TLA)
Joseph Sugarman (BoJack Horseman) v Huey Emmerich (Metal Gear)
Anti - Pops (Regular Show) v Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Bracket G (4/22-29)
Ross Geller (Friends) v Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Henry Bowers (IT) v Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Winner Sinclair (Chibi Vampire) v Evil Do-er/Dark Blue (Animation vs Minecraft)
Clint (Stardew Valley) v Luke Castellan (Percy Jackson)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa) v Colin Robinson (What We Do In The Shadows)
Spy (TF2) v Ghetsis (Pokemon)
Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) v Queen Vanessa (A Hat In Time)
Doofus Drake (Ducktales) v Servantis (Ben 10)
Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives) v Francisco Guerra (Paranatural)
Tingle (The Legend of Zelda) v Hawt Saus (Chikn Nuggit)
Trishna (Papa Louie) v Mark Brendanawicz (Parks and Recreation)
Unparalleled Innocence (Rain World) v Morgana (Persona 5)
Lady Gisela Sencen (Keeper of the Lost Cities) v Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
Suzy Johnston (Phineas and Ferb) v Kaidou Shun (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Souichi (Junji Ito) v Dr Hotti (Ace Attorney)
Morgoth (LOTR) v Sarah (Ed, Edd, and Eddy)
Bracket H (4/22-29)
Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) v Barney the Purple Dinosaur (Barney)
Andy Bernard (The Office) v Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
Dio (Zero Escape) v Caillou (Caillou)
Gideon Gleeful (Gravity Falls) v Balgo (Burn the Witch)
Joshu Higashikata (JJBA) v Toby Flenderson (The Office)
Touga Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) v Teledji Adeledji (FFXIV)
Chairman Rose (Pokemon) v Donnel Udina (Mass Effect)
Father (FMA) v Harumi (LEGO Ninjago)
Akio Ohtori (Revolutionary Girl Utena) v Richard (Requiem of the Rose King)
Miranjo (Ranking of Kings) v Kray Foresight (Promare)
Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) v The Worst (Ben 10)
Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter) v Doc Scratch (Homestuck)
Tony Stark (MCU) v Sakura Horuna (Naruto)
Sir Tristan the Cold (Penumbra Podcast) v Clay Puppington (Morel Orel)
Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test) v George Constanza (Seinfeld)
Quiche (Tokyo Mew Mew) v Enji Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
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imvasic · 11 months
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[ID: Three flags with seven equal horizontal stripes, which are very dark brown, dark brown, brown, blue, light orange, muted orange, and dark orange. In the middle is an off-white diamond with a thin bright blue outline. The first flag has a gray silhouette icon of a kookaburra, and the third flag has a set of tan wings outlined in very dark brown behind the diamond. /End ID.]
kookadernic (coo-cuh-der-nick)/alderburra (all-der-burr-uh) - an aldernic term for those who have or wish to have a body related to laughing kookaburras in any way.
("kooka" from "kookaburra" + "dernic" from "aldernic") ("alder" from "aldernic" + "burra" from "kookaburra")
requested by anon! very excited to get a bird related request :] hope you like it!
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cet9955 · 1 month
My Shot LAURENS Ooh, Who are you? MULLIGAN Ooh, Who are you? LAFAYETTE Ooh, Who are you? MULLIGAN/LAFAYETTE/LAURENS Ooh, who is this kid? What’s he gonna do? HAMILTON I am not throwing away my shot! I am not throwing away my shot! Hey yo, I’m just like my country, I’m young, scrappy and hungry, and I’m not throwing away my shot! I’m ‘a get a scholarship to King’s College. I prob’ly shouldn’t brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish. The problem is I got a lot of brains but no polish. I gotta holler just to be heard. With every word, I drop knowledge! I’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal tryin’ to reach my goal. My power of speech: unimpeachable. Only nineteen but my mind is older. These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder ev’ry burden, ev’ry disadvantage I have learned to manage, I don’t have a gun to brandish, I walk these streets famished. The plan is to fan this spark into a flame. But damn, it’s getting dark, so let me spell out the name, I am the— HAMILTON/LAFAYETTE/MULLIGAN/LAURENS A-l-e-x-a-n-d e-r—we are—meant to be… HAMILTON A colony that runs independently. Meanwhile, Britain keeps shittin’ on us endlessly. Essentially, they tax us relentlessly, then King George turns around, runs a spending spree. He ain’t ever gonna set his descendants free, so there will be a revolution in this century. Enter me! 9 LAFAYETTE/MULLIGAN/LAURENS (He says in parentheses) HAMILTON Don’t be shocked when your hist’ry book mentions me. I will lay down my life if it sets us free. Eventually, you’ll see my ascendancy, HAMILTON And I am not throwing away my shot. I am not throwing away my shot. Hey yo, I’m just like my country, I’m young, scrappy and hungry and I’m not throwing away my shot. LAURENS My shot! My shot! And I’m not throwing away my shot. HAMILTON/MULLIGAN/LAURENS/LAFAYETTE I am not throwing away my shot. I am not throwing away my shot. Hey yo, I’m just like my country, I’m young, scrappy and hungry and I’m not throwing away my shot. It’s time to take a shot! LAFAYETTE I dream of life without a monarchy. The unrest in France will lead to ‘onarchy? ‘Onarchy? How you say, how you say, ‘anarchy?’ When I fight, I make the other side panicky. With my— HAMILTON/LAURENS/LAFAYETTE/MULLIGAN Shot! MULLIGAN Yo, I’m a tailor’s apprentice, and I got y’all knuckleheads in loco parentis. I’m joining the rebellion cuz I know it’s my chance to socially advance, instead of sewin’ some pants! I’m gonna take a— HAMILTON/LAURENS/LAFAYETTE/MULLIGAN Shot! 10 LAURENS But we’ll never be truly free until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me, you and I. Do or die. Wait till I sally in on a stallion with the first black battalion have another— HAMILTON/LAURENS/LAFAYETTE/MULLIGAN Shot! BURR Geniuses, lower your voices. You keep out of trouble and you double your choices. I’m with you, but the situation is fraught. You’ve got to be carefully taught: If you talk, you’re gonna get shot! HAMILTON Burr, check what we got. Mister Lafayette, hard rock like Lancelot, I think your pants look hot, Laurens, I like you a lot. Let’s hatch a plot blacker than the kettle callin’ the pot… What are the odds the gods would put us all in one spot, poppin’ a squat on conventional wisdom, like it or not, a bunch of revolutionary manumission abolitionists? Give me a position, show me where the ammunition is! Oh, am I talkin’ too loud? Sometimes I get over excited, shoot off at the mouth. I never had a group of friends before, I promise that I’ll make y’all proud. LAURENS Let’s get this guy in front of a crowd. HAMILTON/LAURENS/LAFAYETTE/MULLIGAN/ENSEMBLE I am not throwing away my shot. I am not throwing away my shot. Hey yo, I’m just like my country, I’m young, scrappy and hungry and I’m not throwing away my shot. I am not throwing away my shot.
holy fuck this is a rlly long song
It really is
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agaytransrat · 1 year
Me: *is scrolling through TikTok*
My brain: hey you know that Simpson Steven universe thing
Me: yeah. What about it
My brain: well-
Me: no
My brain: let me finish!
Me: no. I don’t need a stupid idea in my brain
My brain: …
Me: …
My brain: what if you did a Hamilton version
Yeah so that happened to me.
Something is wrong with me.
Go ahead and tell me this is a stupid idea and that it’s cringe.
But I’m a tell you guys my character for this
Btw there is two versions
Version 1
White Diamond- Angelic
Yellow Diamond- Peggy
Blue Diamond- Maria
Pink Diamond- Eliza
Steven- Phillip
Greg- Alexander
Purl- Aaron
Garnet- Jeffmads (ship name)
Amethyst- John
Peridot- Lee
Ruby- Jefferson
Sapphire- Madison
Bismuth- Mulligan
Lapis- Samuel
Jasper- King George
Spinel- Theodosia Burr (Wife)
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Version 2
White Diamond- Jefferson
Yellow Diamond- Aaron
Blue Diamond- Madison
Pink Diamond- Alexander
Steven- Phillip
Greg- John
Purl- Eliza
Garnet- Mullette (ship name)
Amethyst- Peggy
Peridot- Lee
Ruby- Mulligan
Sapphire- Lafayette
Bismuth- Washington
Lapis- Maria
Jasper- James
Spinel- ???
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Bindrune design for @kestus. Engraved into a glass stone using a Dremel and diamond burr, then painted in with green porcelain paint.
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
I'm Back!
Wow, so Lent is over now, so my tumblr fast is also over and I'm still a little in shock, lol. I had hoped the past six weeks? I don't know, Time is weird, would be more productive but at least I got SOME stuff written/posted. Anyway, I have one more month of school and then fucking FINALS so expect sporadic updates at idiot-o-clock hours of the night, and maybe yell at me to sleep, eat, study, or drink water whenever i do post 😅
I am up to SO EFFING MANY wips rn on so many different fronts you guys have no freaking idea 😭 so here's a status report for EVERYTHING on or going on sardonic_sprite. (Its gonna be a monster post, y'all, bear with me)
in absolutely no particular order:
Wayne4Ham: We have a LONG way to go with this one, so just be patient and I'll slowly but steadily plug on through. Aaron Burr, Sir, should theoretically take me no longer than end of april
Wayne-Crazy: there's like 4 specific requests on it, plus a few 'series' i started, but after those, say 6-7, i'll probably mark as complete and only re-open if someone offers me an idea
Batman Beginners: i'll tell y'all up front, this one will take me forever. i don't even know what all I intend to cover, but know that i'm halfway done with the DITF arc, and it'll probably come out in the next two months
Just A Kid: this was my shits-and-giggles fic that got like 3000 notes in a weekend lmao. it's something i do intend to continue bc its so fun and i enjoy the concepts in it, but i don't have plans to actively write more of it in the immediate future.
Rev Wayne: just gave y'all Jason's fic, so the next probably won't come until late in summer, extrapolating from my few data points. if anyone has ideas for timmy's intro, let me know, i'd love some inspiration
Celeb Batwaynes: reported separate from wayne-crazy for reasons. i think theres like 12 specific requests plus 2 ideas of my own. i may put out a poll for the next one to write, but not until after school's out, because these fics are HUGE time-eaters for me. speaking of, are non-tumblr-users able to vote on polls?
Welcome to Gotham U: this was again, me doing shit bc why not. will probably add more in the style that i first posted, but i doubt i will write any prose for it. if you would like to give it a try, please reach out, i'd love to see what you write!
One Diamond: every time i touch this i make the cliffhanger worse lmao. i finally do have a direction, but execution is gonna have to wait a while.
The Young, Innocent, and Righteous: this is mostly just for me anyway, but i'm just gonna say that i'm waiting until i finish watching miraculous season 5 before i go any further
AS you wish: i have 5 more requests to do and i am so sorry to everyone waiting you do not deserve this lmao. i promise im trying, i love your ideas, it just takes me a really long time to fill in the rest and then actually write it. the next one on my list is particularly hard to pin down and so it's halting the ones behind it to. if not before, then after finals i will sit and bang my head on the keyboard until something good comes out
Light Isn't Fadin': soooooo many people have asked me about this one oof. SOMEDAY, i swear. right now its a huge, nebulous, hulking monster and im sorry it's just not happening yet.
A christmas carol: wait until december. please
Father's Day: june.
A Little Problem: over the summer, i will watch marvel movies until they once again hijack my brain and fuel this to completion. maybe.
easter eggs: how the fuck did i forget this lmao. i'm doing as much as i can in april, but when the month is done, i'm sorry, we'll all be waiting until next lenten season. hopefully it won't come to that.
aaaaand i THINK that's finally it. there's also a bunch of random paragraphs in word and google docs that may appear, not to mention ideas that kidnap me in dark alleys. but i also have like a good half dozen other wips for other places that im trying to attend to, so please be forgiving if it seems like its taking a while to post something as sprite.
as always, i love questions, comments, concerns, even some complaints, so feel free to interact.
See ya when I see ya!
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
I was researching the events of Hamilton and got really emotionally invested in Maria Reynolds, especially since we only see Hamilton’s perspective on her and the affair which somehow makes him out to be the victim. I understand that the musical couldn’t afford to spend any more time on her, but I wish she got more sympathy and respect. “Say No To This” was only one section in her life, after all. So I… just went ahead and…
wrote the lyrics for a whole Hamilton-style song about her life. As you do.
References to the musical:
The title (situated at the end of a line in the chorus) being an adjective referring to how Maria does and/or does not feel and related to her passion for Hamilton follows the pattern of “Helpless” and “Satisfied”, uniting the three “Me? I loved him” women.
Burr’s “the sinners and the saints” line in “Wait For It”, leading into how her life “takes and it takes and it takes”. Possibly foreshadowing of Burr’s significance in her life and her turn to religion in her last years.
“No one will read it” and “Burr, that’s why need it” in “Non-Stop”.
The ‘pawns’ line harks back to chess terms and references like “knight takes rook”, “stalemate”, “the sacrifices made in every game of chess” - Hamilton follows the chess players, Maria is just a pawn. A piece Hamilton is willing to sacrifice.
“I’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal” in “My Shot”.
The “Alexander Hamilton” motif (all names are sung in their show cadences).
“Stay Alive”, the titular phrase of which is sung by Maria’s foil Eliza no less.
Eliza and Angelica repeatedly draw attention to Hamilton’s eyes being his most captivating feature that makes them fall for him in “Helpless” and “Satisfied”. So with Maria here it’s no different. She and Angelica both specifically sing that their situation is bearable because they can “keep [Hamilton’s] eyes in [their] life”, even if he’s truly Eliza’s.
Hamilton’s “I don’t want you” line in “Say No To This”.
The plea to “stay” both Eliza and Maria sing to Hamilton.
“Helpless”, another Eliza motif Maria borrows.
The “Aaron Burr, sir” motif. “…that I can, ma’am” is sung to the same tune, showing along with the title that Burr (a supporter of women’s equality) respects Maria as his equal.
“Say No To This”, in a proper reprise.
The “I am not throwing away my shot” motif.
“The world seemed to burn” in “Burn”.
“The Reynolds Pamphlet”, also a brief reprise.
“You lit my heart aflame” in “Satisfied”.
The “satisfied” motif.
The “enough” motif. Oh look, Eliza again.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
Hey man what are your favorite bands/musicians?
Death - Chuck Schuldiner
Slayer - Jeff Hanneman
Dio - Vivian Campbell
Ozzy Osbourne - Jake E. Lee
Sepultura - Igor Cavalera
Deicide - Brian e Eric Hoffman
King Diamond - Andy Larocque
Krisiun - Max Kolesne
Black Sabbath - Cozy Powell
Obituary - Donald Tardy
Six Feet Under - Allen West
Cannibal Corpse - Jack Owen
Sepultura - Andreas Kisser
Iron Maiden - Clive Burr
Anthrax - Scott Ian
Kiss - Ace Frehley (original)
Pantera - Dimebag Darrell
There are many others, but it would be an endless list!
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libidomechanica · 8 months
Untitled Composition # 10393
A Meredith sonnet sequence
The sacred ring what rang with thee, Cogniac!   No skill the fair hands and where the third is   neither throat. Was Juan,—who, an awkward she can seuer. That of the involuntary powers conspire, and drop at will not   enjoy. So that to shines so in spite of   deare delight. Summer’s day will notice as steel? To favour sought not perforce me liue and rough. The crew with her hart. If thou in   this dubious sign proclaim’d her not   dissolu’d through all or parch her face. You of the book to mind. Whose lofty lookes delight; dreaming heart gazing upon a hill,   so brimmed with his victory. They meane degrees   prepare a face with stirrup, saddle-bow; if thou hear’st me thus beseech thee, Cogniac!
So he says, Tis so: ’ they are pale; young Frank   is chief flower was interrupted by   a simple pin—they will for because the world encompass, and striking? Moons changing diamonds should have been bound the hart, a pretty   price must harbour of the dead, and long   in her flash’d that they talked, above the race is slight substance. Ne any the first relicks to be discharged of the tidal dark,   and in anger not the moment before   her hart-thrilling my key to true calm. By the vain kind which are not in darkned be. Paying what rang with the dusky parts his   tenants pass’d away too fast; his snout digs   sepulchres where lay sweet hue, which would praise deserts scorch the fierce triumphant, and me.
Had pressure, and fro with shame. And here was   not last receives. What is mine; this fathers   rose to blast their tongue cannot love, ’ quoth Adon, you crush me; let no thoughts bedecked her, one not learned ladies,—who but satiated   at length to helpe his breath, or lend your   hair. Were dabbled with a grove, and like awe, that theirs, made a hundred dollars for Jock of Hazeldean. Brow’s repine; where the should   I haste she goes who had given away   her thorns, nor stain thy beauty dead, black and unruly beast: and they burr, burr, burr, burr, burr—now Johnny well, yet from paradise;   and being cold, dull and vnto me she stroke   of two oaths’ breath goes, and so these, a lady friendly sighs are taxes on our knees.
Now I am waiting till you when ye   behold two Adons dead! And here I give   the cared the hermit’s carnal ecstasy, till human power to smell, and once and quench’d heart shall tell ye how smooth than nominal,   and retossed, aloft, where they should   be very instructing, desolate, doth bring, ere Cuckow end, let her, both court and seen in safety to the roofs, and hearken   if his friends begun, end with this chaunges   to be moved by the praetor bent, nor brag not of so sweetest son, and nuzzling makes me like arrowes, which you to an oak,   where your face at the fair unhappy maid,   while thy selfe and dying smart. Yet, hadst hear two women; they view’d each other flocked tight.
Words; and kisses, thief that smiles with a golden   tresses gloomed athwart the outside   of her wayes this one on shore of loues immortal hand she hears, which said, our only these blessings which seemed about: Noli me   tangere, for the presently beat. Then they   should move each passion more sent to clutch for a brook a wordless children still; sweet dream change the playne will say tis very word again!   The rock, and left Thee Living and therefore   O loue, that things—for I flattering in ischskin, ’ ousckin, ’ iffskchy, ’ ouski: of whom we shall turne to the same against my   selfe and friendly sigh for his lips shall the   next brooke. To eye those sweet, as if they will, seemd the light slept on the stars were affied.
A thousand double shows when you know despair   was Hero, with tempest of all within   the spoil, with flashing in the hears the powre of loue, while to all nymphs pursue him was such foul flaws to hear a little ear’s   deep joy to London now! The while repenting,   and Juan interposing one’s own Heart’s lead, melt a harder heauenly matter is his trouble young girls are performed, the Rhodian   state, was it not white? See! Of unknown,   and heaving built with pleasure suffered you go. Within her louely fyre, whome throng, this never; tis much more praise of a child but   inside my force she spoke, and all the world’s   tide is bestow their grief; all enter, healthy Sestos here who on Love’s golden bee.
As ever sheath’d him in the kindlier days,   and now should, welcome, but to prove, as   hopelessly was so lucky place, and vnto heauen or her said One who ne’er could aught renews; these force, his will may will ne’er had heard your   heart. Did sacrifize vnto your moderns equals   he sullen, still would scarce a soul that’s the lightened up my head. And, being lost all his tale, as if the pressed be by him   amearst without a soundly sleep. Thing but   my rude work of glory’s van. Right I came, and to their hearts again-her arm lifted, eyes on fire: sits mourning weeds. ’Er each severance   ruled! At apparitions, signs, and   upstaring fault I am but a deare exylde longwhile alone can explain it.
Soul and therefore, since for other laws: a   kind of granting, ponders over the Border,   to bed. Of hardest steep our hearts of telegraph they found no fault cleanly out; theyr wanton talk attended horse than she   can no horsemanship of nature stood, tied   to make the wind, its pillar, not alone; the change in thine own begin? Own dark garden night, though tame. Till she lies my business   is call’d him in some shape suggestion which   now his loue: in which the Soul that’s the queen o’ womankind, and cannot lyfe sustayne, and hasten now apace: the strooken, await   the world’s art for each other’s arms, which   men will not blind his worlds pride bow to a bounch of Counsel—whereby much greater moan.
And look and hauing pine and always is   complexion seek, and pensive tendance in this   parent is love made at lengthen out thee, drop heavily down,—burst, and kisses in the distance made thee, that aim and his natiue   place. That paint a siege, whereon she was, and   all kinds of benevolent machines, my loue pined hand and with that may farre in vain she stare he red for a hero lies beneath   their day; the tincture of vermilion:   and the length dissolved to die, old Susan moans, poor Susan’s life he sought in vain of gold: and warring nature’s error, as to   look in it. And now all delight in such   art as truth’s annoy to new desire keep a chronicle with pompous roialty.
Sits upright, still hanging like diamonds in   water white ponies, can go gallop on   force, though long; all ages, though Wilberforce swayed to her frowne me drawes, her to be seen. Drawn in Russian vessel drove before   they look’d into all, but death deadlier   engineer’s steed and polished by some sweet embracing bushes, a moment at this worlds gladnesse: seeds springs. The ground; if Yuorie,   her wrath renew her nose, he gains his   causeless, or fourth wife, or victim: all the tree of my hair for love their tide, being put to love to rise. She look’d on as if   in prepared of seeming nothing wind and   cleaves cover; I knew the envenomed dart, and found to herself too much it grieves.
And when cloudy looks again with Betty   o’er a waste it selfe nor other the gilded   monsters only by her said One who loved blood; if not worth a copse that awful kind—I have known them their naval matter:   we were strapped its applause. Or at the impress’d,   they him with one full many a dropping that Angels blessed above. Where is, too, many ages, for, nor in nothing the   foremost o’ them all, which the wound, and, for   love my military tower heauenly fyre, the gentle queen of love, ’—thus chain’d, each in taking no fair to lose, he strive   infection know; nor port they lie upon her   tolerant enchanted slope in the middle of the blushing roll’d on, ducks as quick!
Last I woke sane, but well-nigh close awayt   to catch her thirling car from Latmus’ mount   to half of that? Themselves without sometimes seizes warriors of thy lore to add yet to nestled in the first relief! A minute   past, and use good blackouts, do you know   a moment—and all her worth him is bearing sun; for much debate; but knowing worse and golden bee. Had held it out; and all   things and all the rest by cool Eurotas   they been cut, and many seeing the hum of lonely every limb, and set the victuall’d and burden would vouchsafe my plaint to   half of that paint a siege, wherein she stops   his horse, among the siege to raise, as well, for vice is always signs to tenderness.
By this, poor things immortal butcher in   this said, I have known the hour or more to   favour and glory might bring a desire, with cloudes is summoned to Cupid. For Jock of wedding cake and never things;   so Stellaes ioyful face, some boy would the   sapphire visaged good zecchini, but hauing pine, and I dived in a hoard of mortal fingers tying my key to true   calm. And in her mangling. Cried Betty put   his daring to me. From th’enameled sky all her prayses yet be chaste. Now Johnny to the eyes to seize love of you and   sharp, on which I haue lackt the capital,   after the first defynd: and euery minute seemed, as if a magic cured. The year.
Wind slow, glazed o’er Longman and Johnny’s near,   quoth Betty Foy? Where when this planet point   his sinewy neck in turn; and those on what of multitudinous is so fair and spotlesse pleasure and red, and people   passions, frantic, I shall the moon decks herself   and now no more; the beauties grace. ’ Heaven’s Zone glisters echoed frosty Caucasus; ’ but not drink, lest any tyrant, have   lost i’ th’ flower as May never   do him harm. Chase; I could be, as soon as her use, and swelling-place, not vsde to fright. In heaping up her breath forth to rest that   thrives: save wed along the which her mould   celestiall hew, made attonce too short, this white hair of grace; which some promoted couple.
Very fine; which I should sit for men’s reverend   fathers smile; then the pavement with kissing   brest. Thou hadst hear that deare foe, and scoff at human filth that with the loved rashly led astray? The real world so great is not   decreed. Oaths of azure palace and began   to gather’d up, in shade to blackened ear. And Lilia There are mystic books, with one blights not it at all. And lament   remained, that you’ve heard, what duty to fulfil   yourself, and the Dolphin when thou find none other worshipp’d be; and when I feele the springs to stir in. Specks of chain   mail one by one. And all the ocean black.   That were when cloudy and fair peace, but having no defect; their violently descried.
From sin, may like one that most irksom night;   there was controlled, but sometimes thousands of   benevolent machines. The broad ambrosiall meat, and former vows, your so happy in my mouth to keep her eyes are fired;   love was then be neuter and o’er and hauing   hare, or at them the shore; known but talk of college, only longed to see how in his back, his breast; thou art the stalk, and dreads his   passed the mere sense by nature or their years.   A vast, unless it be a boar, not alone. Its slender bit Beauty may they knew the bed she and, as his mother watch’d, she   gazed upon each endearment shapeless as   he his public wealthy coof, tho’ I mysel’ hae plenty, making my loue cherish.
I mis, all careless life in thee is slain.   Then followed to mar the town, or she tune   those discourse of kynd. In great her down—will clear away the mellow, when in hand here was not soundly sleeps well as any mill,   or wrap about you might help a little   think’st thou wondered at their hollow as the bed, susan, I’d gladly youth, forgive, if I forgot—gentle breast; thou art dead;   and wild, even heroes—and such poore captyued   heretofore: in his waistcoat, and canst prevail again. Fainting the moon’s in her pale, i’ll be in sport—of that he finds   mistaken; few are slow in slaying him, who   if living worse than for theirs whose names at Moscow, into rhyme; yet their layes. Oh me!
One full lips, and not much to praise him up   and, like to entertayne, and their dress was   but changed it, I do not know the very soul believing lover, bronze and rave, and, being stream that in silence, they saw, but   each drop they should be lynched in the ocean,   though it in a mighty king, that leaders of random sweet warriors of the evening, ear’s deep-sunken eyes, and quench’d heart; to love   at all, came lovely boy that nursed of hollow   sea’s, mourns for this great; if stars go waltzing out of time, confusion, and all kinds of whom we can it beat, the lassie o’   my heauen vpon your arms, o, gie me thus, my   Katie! The Powers which she wished he lay beneath the silent shore awaits at last.
They sought so heauenly beauty doe behold.   But there were joined. Knocks at my call; my chosen   few with Love to keep it; being slant in a wondrous excell’d, grew kinder, and wat’ry star when truly not let it lay   the seat of the bent, and from the eye alone?   Burn the flings, all deep enraged, his pony now doth scratch’d down thrall, that soon he rose his choice the dark, cracking vestals and Wills   and swallow Venus’ eye; whose nun you are   as straight from Venus’ altar, to you, and beauty dwelt. The devil now no more,—her face wherein she stars asham’d of day, for   ever,—would it happen’d the Cyclades. And   now his brow’s repine; but the vessel of the wooing: melodious dismal knell!
Had she not be, seeing thus, her links of   deare foe, and listens, but we, unworthy   thou hast made my Lady think I have wrong done but hard hoof he would say, This fair subject of thee thy crew. And pray, and make   immortal things; she take except me as he:   for yet she complexion shone great white with all frosen cold: but overwrought with languish too, no matter; we should have been near.   A bitter is than their first in that day   would be—a lioness, to the chin, and thus he cheered: O Rhodian crew, the lovely caves, as scorning wish to appears a heavy   head lolled brow and deck thee wronged its little   time. Moved by men of more wound and obstinate, and though the blow; and communion!
Rustle the rest on its shelly cave with   venture that neuer thoughts the other this   fashion I have spoke of midnight so bothers to breathing-while I kiss Anthea’s breasts. Stella, which adorned, he read: come down the   arm, the morning came, some love one, what poor   old Susan groans I never shall statue- like, her body shaded with all which thou unask’d shalt not reaped there was a maid whom   heaven is Cupid’s myrtle was resembling,   he went, as tedious, wooes th’ authority. Her nipple learned nature does natural order of our set, five   other Sestos every friends me now. For   his horn: anon she liked it and Johnny do, I pray you not heare, may scarse be gone!
He with sencelesse bloud defylde, by   Fenelon, by Luther, and forlorn. Or a   strong, he with smiles, these Angels heuenly with the prison’d in thee for one somewhat green which Neptune’s glass and pondering the   field, to see you hardly spared amends forth   her three, I feel my flames augmented manifold. When separate: the soprano might head, at night, let her, being spright, the shiny   beames darkness lie beneath it strange   goddess held and in her feet: an uniform. The head with another was already, known a crib. Although he never told;   while Pasimond a lawless bargains may   I by no means my wearied mind, let it suffice, but Fortune came in her excell.
Itself, but she holding up herself her   own back to me. Sorrow through a wave, walk’d   in a yeelded praise if a magic powers above abasement shews, his glance doth show, is to a woman bred: her loathsome   limb and other was nine, whose lighteth   on his shirt, was drown’d, then can moue her? Their anchor under and by a flea; and the Lily-white Boy is a pond of yielding   ransackt hearts and mild the same; whether in   this of graves, and all presaging a most luminous, gemlike, ghostly woodpecker, hid in the Danube’s bordered brain, full   of powerful god of amorous   Leander on her shall have he did lay, he burnt, whose her leaves an index to a ball!
Hot, faint, and my tunelesse bower: wils   him awake, and the very prepare you   care to prove, and made to sit upon his dark when she was once romantic, and at her: to cast toward things to pearl t’adorn it   glistered the power seemed the frontiers   he vse all beasts with her that seemed to such a crime. It seem’d absent still; beauty and long lacked it. That Lost with Tears! Dance on the   maiden Aunt. Then love, than when thou art all   desolate, and kings who laid about to be perchance that I am forsworn, to me resign their naval cells, and Famine,   with a boy of saintliness was but late   in the rest: some dainties, she traine. More white Muse-brows. To that thou live a thousand wrecks?
And, as she past melts mist-like into her   knew what is become of your cruelty.   Is it they talked and that broke. So Ladie now to you, the cocks did crave; but ne’ertheless I hope to scale the fox which wander   carefully everywhere low voices of the   Ages, and the bridal house, its patterns on a boggy walk, he flitted to sink, but we allowed Cupid’s bow she seeks to   menage loathsome carries with avarice.   No eies be Saphyres plaine, what follow me, then why not a thousand wreath, I tie the sovereign thing were, sits upright on earth   I cry for still. Which now there other could   trust in her bed, and gaping o’er her naked is, and fading and cry, my meaning.
Most happy date bids them slay, breaketh from   your fortune even in the slender was   all Enough—we two will bring a peal to shake hands and be blest; foreknowing Hermes prior to cross the curious cooks,   your imprimatur’ will you leave her lips   be Rubies foundation of the house, without audience, and beauty treble; and if you would an hour come to lead your hands:   but base: base in respecting, the loss alone,   is swifter the porch with, God forbid! Begin and go, and lonely than all roses nobody, not even the Flame that,   passing streight with his rein, and rymes, seeke   her goodly light; a thousand men, who loved music swims back to tell. An uniform.
To Venus, but his proud sights, that true heart   that treasure: weightless as amber, ancient   hand, and seems still at the acacias, and I’ll awa to Nanie, O. That it did, as a storm sometime true news, sometime false alarm;   and then run out and to lack her joy.   ’Mang moors an’ mosses many, and hauing her owne mysery: but suddenly repenting, he on him thence a half-consent involved   in sweet with sorrowes of my purest   part: with meeke humility, loue is lyke to a mortal worlds glorie is but drag her down and less night into treat the large   dark she lay beside that northern shore and   scorne base thong from the sky and then my ioy wil be thine own bent; I cannot endite.
And, as he sprains a blessings whereof the   world is shortly he had he not dealt with   dearth, before her form, with which her cheeks, she shouldst hunt the middle gardens standing at the table of pirate crew, who came wonder   although the room, and scornfully, and   haggard with Sisyphus he sport: the sail that the winged affected? That will not sleeps alone; she fort, and sees a great black and   unto Colchos borne: her worth! Then say, shall   I know of a novel word in my youth, forbear to touch even her kind. Which many a sound she just’-save change in the moment   to find the sway of writing with my   desk turns what was wont to see em, but none maybe with flashes o’er you cannot guess.
’ Few they both do stand, threatening her fears and   to hear nor see, ye shall roll before, if   you’d express my griefe with such a guide. More; they once believe in it and being she. And now his words so wise as birth required,   for as you will, they can be got a   traveller bold, then loosing one, thoughts would condescends upon them smyle: the seasons’ quality; nor can Juno sweetly on   his mind is hush’d before was not harms distinct   in individual beauty grown, a judge of the many Lilias—played the motion and sire; subject that beauty.   To see him—for he hasty hand with   a widening sight, they took its stations; and me. Him by the bayonet these twain.
That in each more reflect; three fireships   lost or slay the golden pomp is come; for   all my heart with one convulsive ground was strook. For our guide, let Heaven, star after where their full brightnesse whylest I be condemned   be of use, politics; they bid thee   it is the sniffer. I could not keep, release, where I something so mock-solemn, protection; and yet on tiptoe seemes to   be discharged with which she essayed, with burning   on his instrument, which is the act is tempests sad assay, the wears, by strength, but a girl—ah fool, confirmed and wat’ry   star when yawning dragons draw her treason,   for sharply he did for the new yeares ioy forth with her height, as dearer, better!
Stuttering dart. She is no need. An image   dull and straight he were when there to get   her, being put to use more sentimental woodland reels athwart the horse, and brake off his Camel side by side, full-summed in   mine eyes, wont to grow unto her coming,   and brow. Imperious supreme delight is spent, the more than nominal, and all the women use, or thirst force should say: But   how it might be better be appeare, and   eke his face the moon that, and chaunges to be Italians, and the stars asham’d of dark. And all amaz’d at apparitions,   and then the recognition. Trust to me.   And leaves a shining soul on me at last forever; thy baited hooks shall you why.
That sat in that inward buckram, little   urn. Then hey, for a lass wi’ the webbing   in respects, yet neuer shall grow too close in her arms are compare, not vsde to friends his planet cleare, not gross painting mynd: though   she runs apace; leaves out common one, and   mantleth most assured doth her of chromatical. Black, as erst to appease, why did theyr shewes but was a Romagnole,   but now I my meaning of a tree, by   Sences privileged alone like a travelling frowns to kindle thinks his plays an encore. And that which never can fynd: the white;   nor why the loose your own, because, which I   doe both hart robbing sea, in distresse, but left her charms, o, gie me thus, my Katie!
Or giue leaue me in nights she the present   as they rode upon their delight the lectures   determined to obtain. A vast, untill’d, and make their banner, so sweetly on his hand; this were once had greater meede at   length awakening, Iphigene I claim   the works of narration, we know her so good, thoughts not in darkned be. Like to her brest lyke lillyes, ere that it did, as a   snowball which sought; and takes him stung their spirit   close in her name and ways he served, than he to heaven, nor the cause from a furnace, you never done, what wont on your glasses   whereof when the March of old Sir Ralph’s   at Ascalon: a good heart is true; as spotlesse to moue, without theirs, made his love.
Over the doctor from his mouth is clay.   ’Er the town, and Morning both together   care, nor long he lies a bed in passion from their light I have sworn deep drenched in mists at last to fold, birds such lovely cave with   full deuyse. Who would best become a tree. And   dreads the closed with his victors to the church, and o’er has told the brinks of dewtie, t’ accuse me—Me—the presented a fine boy.   Ran upon his still severely wielding,   he on the patch. And that on the guide: that death the waves he scuds far off from a farther rough. And that blows, and hope this to me.   Against annoy, our chief cities free, do   easily know. Glowing variously lament remaines but she could be at!
Her voice to innocence betwixt the window-   panes; the room the inner weight comfort   Johnny well, nor even Despair and half- wise; susan, we must be so beings to persuade him to a rocky shore. And gins   to fear of sad miscalculation about   a tree. And hearkens for the town, to bring the pomp of powerful god of fight. And hear behind. Also our hero’s grave.   Told a tale, and gaze into spasmatic   ecstasy, till without the voice with his braunches rough sweet is the should I begin? Will rayse. On all sides doubts are alone, to   punished her face where kingly Neptune, and   round about him dight for Day ne’er a ane to the barbarous laws; these fruits do flow.
Great joy to sorrow, and Happiness most   pretious they reach’d a spot their great bulletins   of sheaves afternoon and death to pacify: but command the gentle, but died unkind, and those which gaze too bold, his very   beast, doth friese within a mile, no hand   that blow softly said, were I the saddle him whom she lock—and never will ne’er before hath a battle keen’—but aye she loves   and then giue leaue like a king perplex to   find him in a dreadful prophecies; so sweetly slumbring, ear’s deep-sweet music of the Phlegethontic rill! The heavenly   light blown out in boils. According to be   born was beauteous fort where the danger by the child of that closed her fair; while our clime!
That th’ uncertain courted for her   straight as Circe’s wand; jove might: and now she   be smallest hope, her thoughts with an offering bank of their eyes, wont to plead: doe beat on the sun, when done, her wrong—a hundred kisses;   and one discuss; and now the voices   mixed with skill, and the last of lonely lie round the prey their example pleasance and hauing run, there is past the ravishers remaine.   So here’s the nuptial day, prepares,   and even he, of catching, were my Chamber— nay, they had none at dusk throughout thy holy fire, as if they are swept by balms   of springs, to keep her upper lip they   stay. And, seeming not conquerd yeelding heart were for all my vows are ours, for pity?
I feele the bane of all the French in   English, saved me not the hope for however   dearer than so, presence of it doth grow: but stir she could endure on the conquerings. Love, studious how to moue, one   long year link’d in a dream, and the air; yet   was her soft and anon a something new love enjoy the light and sharp, on those parts his crooked dolphin from the brook, and turned,   while juice she glides he in though the wall, the   one I love; and one the strongly part strove she shouts of either of the dark, silently was seen. Were my fraile minds perforce,   since my sorrows over the earth would build   far off upon a mortals! Whose fruit might presence of my changed it, I do not that.
If cause from college, visiting the To-   be, self-reverend father’s arms, while Cymon   was a moment of pith and her in cunning aground, was talking sit list apply. Then spring still, her breast. Clapping though the   rich attire: his brutal summer blossoms   scent they gaze on it the which the same. And while he laugh’d to be, that her faith! Love in this agony of pleasure from end   to do with the owlets through my mother   chase were alone, whereat amaz’d at apparitions, and the Mauis sings that same though again; they only delights to lose, you   never enough. The happy there’s no   great triumph ouer euery beauty called it Venus’ temple, where I was my own self.
Bear, or life and shew thy self: cast all, yea,   this both use and wan. Had ye sorted   manifold. Can go gallops in: I shut my eyes, ears, and I thy shadows of the Christianity: in dread that place the white   Muse-brows. The glory ye haue, thus with a   ghastly morning it his worlds pride: that their own in uniform to boy, human filth that Learning in a river there than magic   cured. For I commander; tis on the   shepherds unlike myself in my selfe doth scorn their last by winde, should he slid. That elder look; as if her louely crew: with guiltlesse   pleasure, liue with flatter, I am   of too much o’erworn, and petty Ogress’, and ungrateful grounds them fray: and Famine.
He long deserts scorch and forced back and but   take the maiden Bay, her verdure still. The   which made the famous siege by young Apollo courted her, but something so enrag’d, glory in her lips with greater face may   they but on the heaven to doubt, if nature’s   error, that else both to each. And the hunted boar, who, being cause of a strange termes vnsure, though now arraigned, he moved, the   highway too blackens with her lovers say   the field: void was her former beautie chastest, best, but other, then truly I have from men a scout were loth, show what thou for fame—   a hundred Graces locked at the sons of   dried before. Soothing but my selfe with yielding with Hero, with no knowable ring?
He burns in flames too coldly him embrace.   And clogd with one loue doth borrow’d all the   rest me, but late is placed as to read. The march! By those poor fellows being six foot high, upon the same; serenely listen!   When I break of day, which a ship of such   worlds pride: least to make hot fire. Sink where lay some sweeter be, when she started up, she says, this night he had one that ship, warm, since   I am some strangeness will his past, despoyld   of war. He longer to end. Hunts after may neuer was enthusiasm and much I praise if a magic lantern   threw unwilling great deeds divine, by common   reader! This yeare his tyranniseth then hey, for a while our formal father!
That loues hart, legions full of fear lurk in   mine ear, variously, a melancholy   undertone was fight breeder that dainty eares, cannot confess, with fixed on her fixt my father paused a moment, the   others glory. With light is most deceiving   harrowd hell within, and I, ye less he had carefull art: the replied. ’Er was nine, when done, thought can place in: from whom   spoke some good notes; and the will to dry; but   overwrought, and gazing their most pretious meat is tempred so the hand those small returne to caulmes and all with one wound! And   people out in all its amazement lyke   a Strawberry bed, his sight be undone, because I caught for tea and conquer all.
And as a Queen of farce! Why then should pull   him in the width of a world was not a   sin far worse that wont on you thrown, dotting though not in my extreamest paine: with my designs; for the patient to store the bed   and Lilia; Why not a theological   statement I am pitiful in my head. The morning, did he raised by the foolishly do call it virtuous   mind is my brest. Give much better the   parentage, would tell her stubborne hart of their ruthlesse then off she hies, and on thy piteous news so much ado the church, the palace   and terror to endeavouring gate   as those rubies that Ida whom I tried them. Musing thought, but diverse: could decreed.
Your silly mind to wail his desire,   a pleasance, with a sort of their own land   battle equal his breast a fairy, trip upon the pony had his comrades to read; and on flower, and yields at last   forever. Saying, Let your devouring   borough is come, she seeks: her eyes and warmth he might have guess’d his weightless message sent out of sight, and mountain and we go, and   the waves about him dight that sort which are   not mean, and Wesley, and else could make him, I on her soft peace was by no means were still she says, this was near; to this be so—   for framing these beauty in despite of   fruitlesse blood of Angels used to be wise; and whisper of his own name in his strife.
When she reprehends her rebellious pride   she doth spred with one full many a lustful   glanced behind some snow, take some strange stately azure o’er, one in language rather laws: a kindlier days and night, downed with some   preferment get; she bathes in this deeper   than loves marrow burning back, saving his bonnet crowned with each bird that when my ioy to sorrow, or it malingers beat the   singular tune of his effect fell she   gazed, but died unkindness, oaths of dawn that fondly lov’d, but by you: your loue lent. Save a few words should liue gladly stay with his   sight where I waxed she gazing upon it   you did no good. Thy soft kisses, the taking refuge in weak punch, but rudely writ.
Finding sun: i’ll make Don Juan leave me thus,   as Fate decree more evil in an   operation. Which behold ways, she trampled some bright day-bearing the shades we’ll go, and live when clocks the head. And caught in the daunger   of Spring endure, to hint at least   wish withstand could look, or speak with those with payne. Slumber-drunk an Arab in the fresh array he cheers their chief cities free, made   impotent by power to obey, panting   their counted lily white robes, heavenly tune, the owls began, and slips into hell, but love of our joys: but found himself,   a brow for truth which thou makest thus the   rules by bringing. Work, yet ever, and those with more it still flinging down deeper cloak!
’ Breach should I accoumpt of little heart   revenging mermaid’s song no’er pleas’d with his own:   the bridle too, no matter, entreats, and haggard with salue of sovereign spells, when myne eyes, true loue to endure on this, and prayed   her flesh repose. Cast down is weight consists   in nothing out, he on the sounds appeare, yet she has a dreadful hunter heaven would find what thou hast a helpless and more   fleet hence, have lightened up my heart and drill’d   and children stillness, plighted, that sweet is she takes him brightest colours that overrules the captivity, and quenching like   to help poor Susan will keep embracements   with the thing which there is therefore mayst mighties iewell, and wan’d the orator.
—But a simple; for know, or very joy.   All that vnder her eye; both cry Kill, kill! So   let us melt, and what honour is pure blushing to myself to man, that neuer ye entrapped into her look, his mien he   fashioned, and surpass the earth or mourned. An   impious act with all car, her flesh ensew. But he is no changed neuer; nor brag not oft be staid long with constrayned to   view: in vain their prime rot and calm: then came   a prison and soon they had light. Langer ye hae them, and heavy day on day, did sacrifize vnto the Mauis sings of her own   and fast she spils that loues conquered plate she   sits, as seeming rather laws: a kind of air which cunning spring them riding sea.
Women reckon what winters night that might   embower the totality of my   weak eies admyred, not ayre; for so long times a gleam of a man’s attire, for joy; she darts, as if they heard it is we   human clay, disguysing din past whip, past   mud, the highway too black! Sits mourning from the apart; years will aspire. She took one tutor as they came like the hears, and I   would there was once romantic to bury   that his zenith, sweating gold tune; he changed: in a case of me put less in t: and twilight’s herald, Jove-borne Mercury who   used such weeping into our Desire,   as if in irony, and fro a dancer! For had heard of one of the night he!
The Princess as he with Georgians, Russians   with Wisdom’s sight that hauing it his worlds glory.   Rhyme; but as she clepes him stop, not decreed, that, shouldst contents, as dry combustious meat is the large, frosty feet, and   Admiral Ribas sent were loth, show what is   not yet a breach shadow in the terrace, made plain words, or else of the brook. In this prime Death shouldst hunt the body a bundle   of the book and hauing run, there his own   according to be so bath’d in pithy phrases with louely pleasant mew, that dread the lodestar of my mazed hart before; we   will never lost. Not speech her hard heart; or   having no defect; their school, the thunderbolt, she watch’d six or seven stayed his back.
Within my heart, him lodging of his   bedchamber to be discharged with each other   did in some Corner of the women use are like the Damzell doth constrains the corner secret to my youthful years will   dignify must see revealed. To pass the cunning   on one’s own bent; I cannot take advantage slip; beauty slain, sighs dry her chance the man prevail again. Perforce must still   remembers better parts; the violets where   let no though Wilberforce were took, to seeming lavish, saved me not the honey bees have pledge, can be got a travels on fire—   brake with a sign old Lambro presence; as   a ship of nature thou wrongest my poore sought from their spirit closed the winter’s too.
For love makes her stubborne hart through hidden   tremor came, and we drop like the cry remaine.   In this, the sun did she was done, spread the lightning fyred. Have his heard a lover of his altered Cymon with one said   all her Ida, tremulous sob, that the   same, even so she at will hold the Winter’s too. And cannot admit of absence, sence of her late Love liv’d still, she refused   to touch even his limbs hanging by thee,   though he censured by long had heart. This is she in their own liking, yet with a breathe with marble looming visaged good   zecchini, but the streets were jacks and frugally   resolved, I left the ground for an instant stiffenesse of cheer; then to the bride.
And leave me thus, my Katie? Sweet voice, is   pleasure of my loue, my life was done, that   loue conuert. And often sought you in mine eyes, how ye what I took half an hour to chide, thy footing fynd, who doth thee. Now sleeps,   while with lemon, she was, and her yield, like   chaste away is flit, though it is to lead fraile spirit all comforteth with a human bred: her mind; the land it blasted   Pine, to punishment that they’ve been ungenerous   and stoutly will stay the hand. Suit was our St. Why then she sees, being death and Pasimond, though shadow and, despising   mane upon his arm, and sweetly swelling   present poem—of—I know not whither: this brutal kind. Man,—and, as he turn?
And on the gods themselves and wrapt him in   the thinks! And all things, whiles her cheeks, and all   presaged good zecchini, but track me like a silent when a foolscap, hot-press darlings with all the ocean, which way she paused   hortensia spoke too long since, Loue, a roge   thou a woman taught in silent meteor sunk by floundering day has run but took a short time to suit with a Bacchante   blooming like a patient ether horses;   here at peace molest. That they betted; made a sign old Lambro bade the first impel, till our own, because I dare to lookes   aspire: the love alone, and cheerful hope   to set in lead his time for decision: I prophet—and heads: they found mortars read?
That least his lock which sin, kiss and in such   the Soul that’s allowed the nighting for me,   and now she doth flattring smyles weake harts would for every exercise of a man’s cheek: its onion root the table set for   a song to give a notion at their eyes,   and Heaven, no second principle of your mind and purling streight revel, plays, masks, and less nights of louers wayt vpon the sword   decided that if I didn’t love you because   your excels all enemies. Her sale sentence, we remembreth her hardnes blame which the maid whose ridges with torn, in vowing   caught thee of my Soul! Excused the features   should run into the queen o’ womankind, and neighs, he bound to heauen doth cry Kill, kill!
The dream, be perfect wealthy as traitors   are our fortunate! Flame, when like the tardy   diligence prevent, she would come back to tell of glee, that tomb already sent did all I know, for war cuts up not on   earth her eyes looke louely heat, gallop amain   from singing their turn addressed time is gone, leaving that to him best; and all her face, or judge of that smiles with Jove, thy true-   telling set, I’ll stake my powres of hot   desires and reading hath slept in one band has my heart, as if from a country known the broome-flowre, or looking somewhat unfound,   or found the Doctor; you’ve pass’d away   with purple tears gone, how can it beat, and tongues were break my heart, ’ saith she on his back.
By kind, and camp salutes him quickly gone?   That they go, and know whether it was nine,   when as double blue, the longed. So she loot these to any chaunce to me, who bounteously bestowed; they survey’d the close beside.   And Susan Gale. But by his fresh bleeding   out in exile must stay: for from an evil sprites goe visit our cloisters thus to Betty’s still remaine, prepared of seeming   human concert strived with his; to-   morrow will I, alas, refraine; loue feares not for his burthens binde. Hoping no hearing up shells and draw the strong, and leaving   with thy deare and tempte to the Sultan   has a taste is gone not that. Rude words; and not that. As dews o’ summer of evil?
Last I woke: she, too, the moon that’s so trim   and high—each breach appease her hard heart   forever. Nor even as a dog, as quickly before the live and hauing pine, and aided by desired food, to it doth come,   as our St. Steal thing else was their prey, turns   her exultation, who saw it follow those tinctures there were bought back lacquered side soon signed tears, thought him self not from her: nor   cause of they cannon duly set rose over   the tears of useless, timeless, the planet point a churlish, harsh-sounding of a drunken pleasance, which my though a heavy   groan, or sigh-tempest born, a goodly table   was the report all we must suffer wreck thy spear’s point can themselues did rain.
Now Nature stood still in his arm and forgave   them stood upon the sun in all that   she in a painter gave gigantic proportioned nose, the drowsy waked; and made them paused a while repent, my lower heauenly   spright, loue in gross, and with Soldier-laddie,   and without a short as one they seem’d with her mortal kind; excused the nerves in immemorial elms, and everybody   sees the floor she hies, but from seeds, and now   she cannot be easily yeeld that’s in the kind reade the fighting for to earth, that you’ve done, now will I attempt the swains, receives.   By this, whiles my stonishment the holly-   tree—the hollows lights, that were immortally: and while youth and try another.
But when homicide, but old Susan cries.   And struggle, for its station a borough   whom he rushes. Or be yourself you have vow’d to shew the langer ye hae them, poor hearts bleeding as she wakes, is to kill a   busy character in the floors, or called   on flying stain to raise, and formal father passing bell. And now thy courage, poor souls of death of mail beneath. And next prepared   fascines, and raw in fields of harts   close against whole and was fight revel, plays, masks, and untethered the ship soon, because there. Addressed, now cursed the hope of   asswagement or released, his unguarded   breasts and thereof I doe praise shall love may buy, till Cherry ripe themselues did rain.
Yet she ails thy approaching heart, the many   cloudy looks into another and   choking here reaching forth: beauty I remember A stranger seemed and loue embraced, and all the Fantom of her were his wisdom   to annoy; but like a viper off,   and takes his crooked tushes never fight. ’ Was said, impatience chokes her stature made him thence that has a servant some slightes.   Through sweet girl-graduates in grass; and all   that; and the features goodly table spread o’er Longman and high doth provok’st such doe set but light, affrayd. Could look, or speak or   shrieking felt the patron with heroes—and   succour desolate, sweet kisses; and men; but the heauen most has o’erturned again?
And then said, from each lamp and shiver that   dealt with vacant, and to their queen, it will   forging Nature wept, he will sacrifice, whose sacred peach in the fire that if I loved you. Give me thus, for pity? And in   hand can hold my life for her moans; passionate   as Sappho’s songs, yet for court, which joyful Hero answer’d to those twin-brothers wound Leander’s amorous hours, and in his   hands his promise of rain and the Doctor,   to comfort in heavenly moisture, air of Lugo, but none she love of that lo’es me, as dews of hot desire till they   resign, then Iphigene I claim my rightful   due, robbed by men; Thou Angel instinct like a viper off, and their violently.
His glance, such my presently be banish’d   as night attend that I am afraid;   bids themselues suffize, still he stood, sea- bordered brain, sith neuer things to perfect music to the bridals, chaste descent, then   he is all in his private institution   on his back, his chin, and sweet harmony. And twixt her absens will may leave the loves, the moonlight listened. And quench thy lips   with bashful shame; and even his hand, and   dig deep oaths but this Fair One but her stubberne with vile adders sting, tis to love, he had sworn that souerayne saynt, the world ought with   strict embracements unto the liked   poetic arm all other mind was first bones of their showes but shadowes sauing she.
Which colder heauen forget-me-nots, and trace   it; for the years could give her senses fail,   this second worke of her owne wicket; babies rolled with him. Haidee clung around, he looks do mine, stateliest, instead of   beautiful, unanswerable questions; and   that sickness, when his neck, he judged the way you want with guifts of body, I all rapt in those on whom Cassandra was he taking   Schmacksmith, i’ve said smiled, I shall turne to   come, as if he had too long to last, which shal you in beauty from the shouting to you, the cocks did crave the seven stars who,   when ye lyken it: the more to sue, ne   any mention shakes the native short as one that faire mantleth most assure that stands.
Bend to do it for us. And I, a   tyrant his sphere, leaue to fight, the bands of   dawn that selfe addressed bankrupt, that like an earth of daughter: the little for summer cloudy night; there Cymon at the slope of   sea from vases in thy well-breath’d up in   their guns with angelick delights began to sustaine, dayly such death, of having wherewith doe her eie lids low embased.   What next? Through I never knowing world   won’t examined few pair of the streets of cold which leads beholding could pierce with still the floor she were left with such bad-mixtures   the window-panes, licked its spokes fell. She stops,   and made him time that, should fetch a pretty personal cupidity, she doth rend.
Whose immortality,— all women here?   Her mother is crying Love, and swept, as   t were dabbled wretched people far away too fast; but he is diuinely wrought, than thoughts with which first imperative of   sovereign of the world in secret soul that’s   in the pointed dart. Though in wretches woe, thinck euer to end that shall vnto me a leach them scornfully, and says with a rude embraced   her but from heavens, and succour both   to each other is your body still, and long we gazed, but never enough.—And what he himself himself when they are, such   basenesse of that Angels from thee going   to end. I have seen I love you As virtuous mind is my dayes. I know the strook.
Thus, having left the hemisphere; grief makes   that warnes al loue hath caught me to rest in   close couert of herself at strife of her fast and then no more. That on the fair Salámán and Absál like Straw, died his legacy,   and, stand in times to be praysd for damzell   broke his flying Time from singing, each mind to kiss you: having no excuse this is the more amongst his burial talked   at wine, when we come and glow as in plain   house, and chain-smoke cigarettes where my Chamber— nay, the sons of men, and sallow fear, with encroaching, and disdayne, a close implide,   is it that I have lingers on the   partial immortall things, fanning wind and more mellow plum doth felly him oppresse.
And strange thy boughs to clip Elysium   and to her heart with us do dwell.—But   no one to promise did he blessed bankrupt, that nothing out. Let me be that they that makes her sense, she spies her fair; there with guifts   adorne, then the offers up her breast. Woodwork   all greasy with his hair is growing upon thee, intends to hunt, be rul’d by me, though in wretch, to overshoot his tale,   left her hand; in touching, were gone to bless   that friends from the days and will ever be endure till the enemy retire, through he froward infancy; but I, deeper   down, each leaning on one Camel side   by side; nor care, were my hart, whom at the moving sleep, Haidee gazed, but now, but me.
The lassie o’ my heart that I quite so   flurried; demure with the other warned you   wouldst be, to us none. That which adorne; the cliffs of Rhodes at discreetly for tea and cordialls seem burnish’d gold. Then needs the   foes retreat and saw the battle: when the   springing then on your crimes are waked her boy before hath half the world within this sheep are gone; even sacrilege against   time, me lusteth no lenger can endured,   i’ll be by any. Then say, she is in others rose to entertain’d, making it both God and more than though nothing to end   that is mine; in Iphigene to work on   they have deserve them scornfully glisters liker must the waves might; the night attend.
And lose my mind, and nearer he’s turned; she   gazed, but not thinck th’ accompanion   stood, and t’ other form, with anguish too, no matter what by her will breake, deuiz’d a Web her world, I love you mouth stuttering   rust they seeing that remembers as the   contemn me thy workes reproue, some boats, and ceased the meadows till, more white a friends, and water the third, a watermelon, but   he is descried. You, and so he that campaign;   and asks the timorous cry till the great wish to behold. Consume themselues did meet her accept, amongst themselves so   many, O, the weary dayes I haue run   through the warrior from thee going out of honey passage, earth’s sovereign spouse away.
Soul and the deeper than mortals call Chance,   Providence, nor knew where Love in her may   neuer start, the half-serious, unless when she hears, and many dayes I know not what is hid from thee more. And studies fairly   do enclose of orient cloud of   their virtue, and feeble I t’abide the one the Memoirs of the woods theyr decayse: and therefore I waxed old, hasting Despaire   hands he carries to taste, fresh remains alive,   her temple, this was said, Within my house, and their bills were once more than counsel lovers know. Her limbs a peak to gaze upon   his sake we all surprise, with forth who   nobly spurn’d and sharp, on those who longer hover over the door she sleeps again.
Mistaken; few are slow in the subject,   blessings which would behold, to dy in dust,   but rudely write, though bear, or lion proud, as females like to the ocean, we ponder deeply ground, sweet singing diamond water   by Souvaroff. In sailing hero   if you bewitching like angry models jetted steam: a petty passion from his hand, were identify their smell, and all   in comes back and enter heaven’s Dome is   but drag her down, alone amid a province her best ivory combustious meat is the timorous habit rather tied your   vows, your imperial peacock stalk abroad,   and formed to touch those lively joy. Well thou know that should I haste unfortunate!
With a dissipated life would bear such   as the rest on her bold, hasting you the   least broods on such time-bettering the Light that inward beauty, midnight, with his corporal pangs amount the bone. Blossoms scent the   new name the headaches and wan, he with sighes   and where either eyes hath ceas’d his name did wondering o’er her up but drag her downward weight in golden tremor came, an   injured. And nothing so fair a hope it   is time it with vulgar brain. So I began, the poor words were to any that bottle- conjurement of woe, and walk upon   his pipe began to signalise the   answer This fair delights thy body still, but springs of my white with all alone.
Nor lose their suggesteth mutiny, and   everywhere! The path is not in my own   dark gates across their imputed such death in blisse I gladly stay with painted arrow with a dissipated life, but she   could euer taste, because thee, fearing upon   my mind. By being known as what we mean? For the fool to speak, and designed, whereto doth tears, and she hearken a while he   laughed; a rosebuds while two accord, and   still wink; so shall this thy vertue is come thou much truths are turn’d as the streets that my old love is her chair, the fields of human race;   but Love’s Garden: leavest thou a woman   as short her was nine, who must, like an amphitheatre, each sense of wrong or right.
The Panther knowing worthily, may say,   they take from me, after thee oft, I pitie   now to the moment so that sense, and feeder of the victories, his days, moves will bring him prison and design against the word;   put up, young, o’er they should altogether,   wine from his ivied nook glow like a ghost, and call her woman, but a kiss, I’ll give it to ruinate. And calm within the soil’d:   thus is the several sheep down to us   moon-gazing on his high upon that slides always snarling, that one word my whole gazette of slaying what her down and leaning   steps of Nature, shares with Wisdom’s sight,   like and no motions of men I lay in a circle rides, stunned with a rustic love.
A winding back, and look’d quite, dulling mine.   Now was she should run into your eies than   in the vapours when though thick solitudes call’d Thomson, and teach her that the roosting birds that the waggons, when he spoke, and   so these Angels blessed; more anxious food;   reproved is a new skin out of window, should have crept, and proud of this bustle, Betty! Against the son a Walter hailed about:   Noli me tangere, for them, at least,   untill’d, and that he dared not to flights, death, and livelihood, and round arms, at least vouches you with all the worships, I would think   than she, you open at Stonehenge. Rich beads   in hart: but base: base in respects, yet his eyes so filled with his sister Lilia.
A wind sings about, which was released, had   not brought dash into poetry, at least   appear’d a thing so mock-solemn, protection; or as the honor flies, and turns toward him, though sure that Ida whom I knew his   merits, and keepes her sex, and to the   composed with oxygen. Leander in it down to the Moorish blood was running made, he on her fell in drops the mind to   stone is lost all hit or miss; theyr reuengefull   yre did make me blest. Melissa came; for some were praysd for doing good, wherever it awkward the means had been bred to   incense to human kind, or that he did   again she fountain her? The night: the thirteenth, at full perfections wound rounder seen.
As hopelessly as I, that it assume   thee so fared she as strange that falls from a   dewy breasts and was your bosome fraught; we are sick tent.—The steed refreshed and fast she should be Cymon was in hue, finding by.   On his breath, most gone, played the omen from   her o’erlook the deed: our task perforce, his sparkled through there to speak, nor Jove denies, to cross a ditch. Kindle think of. But move   as rich and glory mighty charm which her   fair neck lyke to a marriage lies nor equal, nor remedy, could endure not attaint o’erload thee in difference today is   kind of twilight shade thee, with his thunder   twenty, Tam. And all will my poor Venus, answer him, and opposite two cities stood.
Roar, and the threshold, her lookes is closely   smiling air. The lecture, cold face, nor   oftentimes into families. Ah, simple truth which neglected, and all that thou hast desire, till Cherry ripe themselves do   cry. If spring in the matter; then hey,   for a lass wi’ a tocher; the night will forth and longs not to be improved. Even at Vivian-place. Don Juan, left hundred   dollars for all the world, vsed Trophees to   erect in each of sweet warrior’s speech, or manners from Nubia brought for Ilion’s roar. A few words by thy bright-dark struggling great   and golden quill: that they will not blind error   of the deep recesses of her bowre of blisses, such disdains the lowly floure.
But t is a liberally, so beautie they   burr at you, by which is with light should be   lynched in the night well agree, for in my sonne how great heart of the questions; so those twin-brothers wound round; if Yuorie, her wrath appear’d   a thing which we are the world begat   of unknown, by his claspable, clamberable, again and adornd with bayonets, bulletin may make up in wild   delirium, gripe it hard, he cried aloud:   finding at the faster, the full of time and fro with such bad-mixtures the crack whereof remaine. Like a serpent’s coil: then forty   winter night, even we, Kill him now,   then neuer found a singing. Thus our man- beast, doth flatter over it awkwardly.
And cast all, are alter’d into spring   from all a summer too, ’ said Ida, thought   a tutor of his share. Before her in a siluer sheene, but grind the smoke that very sounded: the more I dare to eat a   patriot to renew I shall the rest   unpaid. Now lies than they say in language rather to dismiss’d them both without a germ or a source of woe might doth not know   it, unless to delight, effects which   interposed the nighting for the poor kiss? Where whelmed with porringer and more, yet him kiss me, deare exylde longwhile and   find him in the more’s the quarry; but   spare me numb,—yet less just to see his troubles me, my thought a tutor of his grave.
And leaning out a rill, that wear our rusty   guyde, by Fenelon, by Luther, all   that dainty eares, cannot guess. Within a second’s ordination; so that their own land battle. In the first and below,   in haughty mynds and warmth he might be deem’d   to day: her two concurrent passes zither of a horse highly prize it, compared well, he was hot and gory than those shoes,   and yet I carry fresh variety;   ten kisses sake, so shall see it playne will I teach them wonderment, but speechless tree, under her owne wicket; babies rolled. May   they opened as to love must pine, and cannot   all short houre I find by her heart; or having the most seraphim and his guide.
And by Venus’ swans and fevers, agues   pale as the rose’s thorn. Half-legend, half   a hint of recognized no being, all dipt in Angel bring to be blasted Pine, to which hovers o’er whom Suwarrow, though   those white girls in circle rides, stunned with force   must for drink they should have lost, too warily kept the stalk, and though harbengers one is lost, all the Frank. And my selfe new   batteries were invaded with expected,   and storme is paid to touch by touching than all know I’m Betty is not quickly before eleven; but all things she to Susan   has a star upon the hairs, but   sensible redundancy is wrong, was allow’d to drill the awful things were bereft.
But was inclind: then calm your treatise makes   young heart, my lassie, in gracious act with   every swain. What guyle is the Iunipere, but she might beguile, who when he had found him; t was white robes, heaven, cries Betty   Foy has up upon their fair immortal   manners raisd within itself she sayes I know whether; for lovers hate. At poor old Susan cries. For I had no pulse, and   wither’d up, in shape, in courage earst dyd   fly. Shaking they should I abhor and yet rolls on the loss alone, and, joined, but of Psyche: on her sacred priests that wholly   scorne, I wish for wishing through skin: little   time. The tempests move; twere praysd of me. How falles it this? As you, or anything.
And cast upon the green. By whom mad’st the   spirit doth not know, or very size against   the moon, unphased at first meeting clouds all old thou suffrest neyther gorge be stuff’d or presented, by some motions of   men I lay in a choral cave of them   think I made you urg’d that beauty down; her wide sleeves green sticks fast, or like an Alpine hollow sea’s, mourns o’er; and felt the painter   gave gigantic proportion of whom? The   wanton, dally, smile, to have often lies the water, the curious lamp of hem, soft&lived-in, so unlike—it seemeth chief,   but no one leaf put forth, I rise above   conclude in love as lordly and dare not Ida; ’ clasp it once the dull earthly fumes.
Then but she is restrain came, rank on rank;   he gave the long years of use, politic,   cautious, and Damas, names great; if stars he takes him staru’d: so plenty press’d, she faint heart to cherish’d in passion—weaned my young   Pasimond, saved from this great fool, its petty   passion deeply, and therefore we love so thrive bonie, O: the op’ning gowan, wat wi’ dew, nae purer is this, her idiot   boy. Such death seeme to purchas with   cruelty, or giue lyke in mercy will not feareless and shudder; even as the mortal to immortal to immortal   hand sheep, a field in flow’ry robe arrayed,   and even her kind. Shall finishing his pace is from end to joy, although your eyes.
Cast down is going I shall the world’s poor   beast can so well the sun. To wonderment,   thrugh the hollies and red each others: we will abide. If in thy well-breath’d him all the laity our long hath desyre: they   dismiss her sight; nor an Eye to watch her   eyes is deeper was also in thy lieutenancie to the obiect of the depths of dangling trips, and then hastening valleys hear;   all our own silhouette we saw, slow perhaps   be dry, saving—vice spares nothing forth to know our sameness stone, which must be tried: these fears increased; and then no more on the   earth could not yield so soon; as yet their silence,   nought so doon, sure I had, and formed of such towns as Troy; sylvanus weeping hed.
Backward drew the love upon the early   grave unborn, where it loved too soon we checked   the humbled foe: if he told the bleeding wound Leander as a hot proud she wakes, is to be free; then her falling off, such   my present thou in time with joy. Sweet Idyl,   and with seaweed red and valarous empress my grief makes more grim and by the way some catch her human creatures: and child   in me not well as dilettanti in   war’s quick is love she was denied. But now I must be devoutly prayed. And by her new opened eyes, whole as the source of freedom,   country dwelt there’s no great triumph   ouer euery beast so small: whats this poem every part of the night learne not annex?
Over my heart is hastening breast was rauisht   quite forlorne, that Susan will say: How his   bride, my wife, or victim: all that every streets were gone to woman, but came and tasted of my Soul, now burning aside from   yonder, shriek, and red each wherewith   affrighted troth, and this yeare forth wind blows nor my fellow—say what can I cast her red cheekes appearing heart longs not the mellow,   she sees, but misse, and yours shall soon be   back again; who, like a huge massacres which made me bold, hasting voice, it aches to be acquit fro my coy disdaine; now will   I not immortality, by whose   immortal hand she can sit your own, bewitched mother is eating yet it did no good.
’—Here he came too long siege from the sacred   cherries and wriggling on her brest in arms   to whirr and create, an airy instruction view. And the loud water the third sex. Of the commander let it lykewise   loue to entertain’d, so they were injured.   ’—But aye she loves, and wore me not thou; but conversation what of despairing conquering may prove a lion’ then can moue,   which your light hands, and morals of glory!   Begin to jar. A ship well might tell what t was even more she is smit, with myself— beside the shell’s iridescence and   that the wood. I must do my duty—how   thou hast done there, but Fortune suit obtain it, was more grim and daungerous dismay.
The father’s Ears, all deep enraged, his breast   sae warming by his friends remain with thy   Remembrance! With smooth an ease my smart of tears, that is misunderstood I will draw his light. Gifts he flies in her full bright in   golden arrow flits, and lean, hateful Puss’,   and subjected there we delayed shelter in the high worths surpassed outside swells with its merchandize she feruent sees more grace:   thou clear away are deaf and cruell warrior   lady-clad; which to make the charming, thin mane, thick solitudes call’d from week to cheer, and other Fair One, when from flowers   of random dost thou needs divine Musaeus   sung, dwelt in her vnmoued mind, refusing in the window and decide: the spongy dawn.
That al my wounds, ascend the spot he soone   conceiue the Doctor, looking on her fixt my   father’s guise, sweete, for Caesar’s I am, ’ he said; and many now doth strongly it to his mind? I have both of day, disdaynfull   scorne base things great; but what I forgetting,   that he soone doth appear’d to show her so about, and quality; nor can we write with penance behold ye might enter   he! Grave, solemn sympathy for blood buzzes   like the fleeting flight. As Diane beast in fact; from hollow as the skin which, being steps of Nature more than perjury,   even as they were not worth held: then shall   she sought at all these effect: the massive obedience,—now raised, where she is foiled.
And now on this desire keep with Stellas   kisse. Therefore, Leander in thought to   glow,—even as poor heart, wide as a huntsman holloa; a nurse’s song no’er pleasure left to tell one, which Atalanta did   entice. Then no more. And some have waked   her sweetness and in his time when that starves him still in wild Decembers, from steep rough with her deeply on each sense of feruent   sees more informer, this was Potemkin—   a great voice, is pleasure up. Even so for me, alas, I may read in bookes. But when his lips the bed and Lilia   with their dust from an old man’s compassions,   frantic. Upon the past or present vouches for peace, leaving Leander view.
But here thou wilt, but read joy sparkling   sport. Jock of wedding, thou live in the coming,   and affection know; as liberal acts enlarge my worth! The owls have heard, what poor old Susan Gale, old Susan groans, that his   Anguish to know how it might have it; o!   At the fire filched by Prometheus, and now she within her hearts bleeding on thy curl, it is a life in honour had bene   slayne, the same town she knows where or when as   a bitter barren deep discouery of them may pray. If I kiss that eats at me& makes yearly grow; a heaven’s wing. Sultan,   rich in round me. In Sicily all sing   though I were not say; they change in this days, ere tyranny grew strong or right. His hand.
—An’ O for ane an’ twenty times to lingers   on the fair unhappily as after   point his sphere; grief may be blest. And Love of the weather on the countenaunce make, to shame and trust in all the charge, a most   deceived, expected of my lyfe without   memory. Seen but sharpely still, her breasts relenting to sleep—the powre of respect of you; then know, but she did she died,   who the light wherof hath kindle new day   comes, the empty fears; men received, expected will endure through they drew, construe well. As the Grand Canyon, still went on in poesy,   unless I blunder a dark leaf, unless   to fear of sad mischances not a summer’s as good to the Disease. ’What next?
Proud Adonis smiles today, to-morrow   find three column is defiled. Perhaps   will hear his tale, and slip at once is dead; I lift my lids and crime upbraid. If not worthy so to immure herself secure,   o’er what was on me, though i have comes a   fee; mine ransom the mid-day heat with endless boundless stood upright, and the first your place. When his hart: without the Pelegrini,   she doth deny. Stretched up from his hand.   And gently pats the knocked at her skies—then howl your might, and call her shape and rough, to welcome guests, which was Suwarrow,—who by   no means prepard. It will still hanging malice   to innocence. The hears a pretty ear she turns his long ere it conceiue, and there.
In the moon had got the guidance of all.   Under the tears began: o fairest is,   but an airy lust, too often round about like that once is dead Dad kept her tears in the Nini, but sudden ways beside   him that soonest spied. These fearfully the   story I am the flat hills no, not think the song that runs apace; leaves nothing else had left her hue, how some to burden   would catch her hair is growing all overborne   wit: but when there’s scarce be dried blood warm with dust, stript to his Lips; reproaches struck not Absál at his loathing so mock-   solemn, that lo’es me and half-world; approaching,   were merely wielding prey, and being no defect; three fireships lost again!
Of pleasure on the frontiers he vse all   this the blushed woods, handsome little time. And   those suffer which they display, the foolish fish theyr guifts are all is heaped with rare delight it little paine. Because should know the   town ditch below was I rauisht quite understood,   where roses strowed there beside. But when they should that’s that they burn too, I’ll quench the Lord vs taught; and all her lovers,   downward, tall and if thou have got a   traveller bolder wing, she tremulous sob, that thine eyes saw her eyes admyred to her as th’ assurance need not stay   the fire was not sound, poor soul, whole joys. As   after his despatch in beauty in disdain’d to save. Arms that I in hand my mind.
One think’st thou be his brothers to break a   sucking salamander if t is no   sin, because thee, severed at the lily all her slaves in patterns on a pin, when the Gods and follow this sad disdains the   flagging sails and died with arts. So doe I   hope had taught her fingers beauty for tempests move; twere prayse to another and morn by morn to more, whose desperate courage,   poor hear, nor the maiden burning eyes to   watch—all Day we whisperingly: She remembered lessons he had some galliots, placed into the wasted in the parasites;   like shrilled it Venus’ liking. The firmest   flint doth make most kind, she chaunst to contentedly, and in thyself to cherish.
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amessageonthewind · 8 months
September Selfship Prompts Challenge
11. Brushing the other's hair
Pairing: Adaman/Rachel during Legends: Arceus (spoiler alert for really far along in the timeline)
          “Hold still, will you?!” It was another harrowing day in the Crimson Mirelands for the Survey Corps. Well, just Rachel, mainly. This time, she was on a quest to document the local Roselia and she got in a bit of a nasty scrape with the alpha Roserade of the area. Like before, Adaman was in earshot.
          But this time, his concerns got the better of him and he rushed in after her, promptly looking like far more of a mess than she did, somehow. He tried to keep his embarrassment from bleeding into his words, but he couldn’t help it. Some leader he was…but he wouldn’t have her hearing that thought. He already knew she wouldn’t hesitate to stop and scold him for thinking like that about himself and the thought of that did enough to stave off his doubts.
          That being said, he was eager to get back to his people and he was never really good at sitting still, constantly shifting into different seating positions while Rachel combed through his messy hair. “We should’ve been back at the camp by now.”
          “They can wait, Adaman. You, on the other hand, need to learn the value of patience.” Rachel scolded him. His silky hair was tangled with mats, now, and there were thorns and burrs all in it. “I am not about to send you back to your clan looking like you got dragged through a scraggly thorn bush. You’re lucky Mai’s not here and Arezu isn’t, either. Neither of them would’ve ever let you live this down.”
          He snickered a bit at that. He could picture perfectly Mai scolding him as though they were still children, and Arezu would tease him endlessly every opportunity she got and then everyone would know about it. “You wouldn’t have to do this if you were more careful…” Adaman said.
          “I had everything under control!” Rachel said as she carefully untangled a nasty burr from a knot in his hair and gently brushed it loose, gripping the hair between the knot and his scalp to minimize as much pain as possible. “I am not responsible for the decisions you make. It is not my fault you ran after me and lost your footing.”
          The Diamond Clan leader rolled his eyes at her. “If you don’t want me to run after you when you run into brambles to get away from an alpha Pokémon, then don’t run into brambles – ow!”
          A sharp tug had him balling up his fists, gripping his haori so hard his knuckles went white. “Don’t sass the woman who’s currently untangling your pretty hair.” She warned him, running a hand through his hair against his scalp in a soothing gesture as an apology. “You’re lucky I always carry a comb around with me, I tend to be pretty fussy with my hair.” She laughed a little bit to herself. Of the memories she had slowly regained, she had regained a few from her childhood. “My hair actually used to be pretty long before I cut it short. It used to go all the way down to the end of my back, but one day I just got tired of how difficult and time-consuming it was to maintain it, so I got it cut and I never looked back.”
          She reached up to run a hand through her own hair. It was starting to touch her shoulders. “Speaking of, I should book a trim with Arezu. I gotta keep it short.”
          Cedric was thoroughly enjoying watching this. Rachel had all the power in her hand, and Adaman could do nothing except sit there, clothes all scratched and thorny and his hair at Rachel’s mercy. It was very funny, but he wouldn’t speak that thought out loud.
          Meanwhile, his Leafeon was judging him pretty harshly. “You could’ve gotten seriously hurt.” He said sharply while Adaman could do nothing but sit there and take it. “Rachel’s more than capable of handling herself, but she wasn’t expecting you, so now you’re the one that got hurt.”
          “Thank you, Leafeon.” Rachel said to the Grass Pokémon. She was at least glad Adaman always had some kind of backup. “It’s a good thing your Pokémon have the sense to look out for you.”
          Though, his Umbreon shook her head in disbelief. “Oh, come now. What was he supposed to do? Sit back and do nothing? Surely you know better than the rest of us that he’s not like that. It’s not in his nature.”
          Leafeon shook his head in disagreement. “I know…but that shouldn’t translate to being reckless.”
          “Umbreon has a point.” Adaman’s Vaporeon chimed in, sharing his opinion on the whole debacle. “Rachel may be capable, but luck doesn’t care about skill. All it takes is bad luck for everything to go wrong, and then what happens to her?”
          Rachel narrowed her eyes sternly at the three. “Not helping.”
          It was so strange for Adaman to be the subject of a conversation taking place right in front of him. Especially between his Pokémon and someone else. He definitely noticed she was a lot more comfortable around him and Irida than she was in Jubilife Village. She was a lot more reserved and guarded when it came to Galaxy Team business, but once she was out of their sight, she was a different person. Still passionate and determined, but her playfulness came out more. She was a lot more joyful and carefree when she was away from the village.
          And he saw it so clearly when she talked to Pokémon. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” He said to Rachel.
          Pausing for a moment, she sighed. “I’m gonna be just fine. Believe me, I don’t go down easy and even when I do, I get right back up.”
          “Not always…” He said, a grim tone of voice catching the woman off-guard. Vaporeon didn’t seem to notice or pay much mind to it, but Umbreon and Cedric exchanged a glance between each other. Dark-types…they always pick up on stuff before you do. And Leafeon, who had known Adaman longer than any of them. Who would know him best, after all?
          Rachel knew him well enough to know when something deeper was at play with him. “Alright, what’s really going on, Adaman…?” She asked, pausing for a moment to not distract him. She was about halfway done, so it wouldn’t waste much time to give him a moment to centre himself.
          With insistent prompting from Leafeon, the Diamond Clan leader finally admitted to what he had been holding onto for a while. “Ever since you quelled Lord Kleavor, I’ve worried about you.” He spoke quietly, wringing his hands together as he thought of how best to get his point across as clearly as possible. “I was the one who told you to ignore the plan we agreed on. I was the one who told you to quell Kleavor instead of study him. I was the one who encouraged you to deal with him directly.”
          She never realized that the incident had gotten to him this badly. If there were signs, Rachel didn’t pick up on them and neither Cedric nor Stormfast said anything to her about it. He must’ve been holding onto this all this time. “Adaman.” She murmured gently. “That wasn’t your fault. I was already planning on dealing with Kleavor myself already. You just gave me another reason why I should. It was a decision I had already made, you didn’t make me do it.”
          “I know.” He said, his head hanging as he stared at his hands. Bandaged, covering old scars that he had suffered from his time out here. Living in Hisui was dangerous, but it was their home. The nobles were responsible for making the region habitable for the clans. He, like his people before him, owed them so much.
          But it was different seeing how their power looked when turned on someone like Rachel. “But then you got hurt…and you didn’t wake up for two days. I couldn’t help but feel responsible for that. I should’ve anticipated the risks and done more. I know it was a Pearl Clan issue and I couldn’t directly interfere, but the nagging feeling that you got seriously hurt because of me was one I couldn’t shake. I still haven’t…”
          His voice caught in his throat for a moment. Adaman had never spoken these words aloud to anyone before, and saying it all verbally made him realize how badly it actually affected him. How badly it had shaken him. “You could have died…because of me. Because I was irresponsible.”
          Furrowing her brow, Rachel put a hand on his shoulder from behind, leaning against his shoulder for a moment. “You’re not responsible for the decisions I make, Adaman.” She said firmly. “I knew what the potential risks were and I accepted them anyways. What happened was no one’s fault or responsibility but my own. But I’m okay…I made it out okay, and I’m doing pretty well so far. Did I get hurt quelling Lady Lilligant?”
          Adaman shook his head, breathing out a sigh. “No.”
          “And did I get hurt quelling Lord Arcanine or Lord Electrode?” She asked again, trying to make her point clear to him.
          He answered immediately. “No.”
          “Then don’t worry about me.” Rachel said softly, going back to his hair with a smile. “Yes, I got injured the first time, but the first time was a learning experience. Now, I know what to expect. I know properly what I’ve gotten myself into so that it doesn’t happen again. You’ve seen that for yourself, right?”
          Adaman nodded, feeling the tightness in his chest begin to dissipate as she soothed his doubts. “Right.”
          “So relax and let me do my job. If I need your help, I’ll ask for it. And if I’m in really big trouble, well…” She shook her head with a small laugh. “Well, you’ll know. And I’ll be glad to have your help then, just as long as you don’t fall into another thorn bush, again.”
          “I’ll do my best.” The Diamond Clan leader, comforted by the humour and laughter behind her kind words. She was capable, and what she said about Lord Kleavor being a learning experience stuck with him. He understood that himself quite well, his haori bearing the mark of that incident gilt in gold thread along his back.
          “Good.” Rachel replied affectionately, stopping her efforts when Adaman shifted his seating position once more much to her chagrin. “Now, hold still. I won’t tell you again. You’re wrigglier than a Wurmple!”
          Laughing (though trying not to move as he did so), the man couldn’t help but think of Lady Lilligant’s dear warden. “You sound very much like Arezu right now.” He commented affectionately as he let Rachel continue her work on his hair. “Though, you have a much more colourful vocabulary and a much sharper tongue.”
          “Cultivated over the more than twenty years I’ve been alive on this planet.” Rachel commented playfully as she dislodged the last burr from his hair and proceeded to untangle the last couple of mats from his beautiful silky locks.
         Going through his whole head one more time with her comb to make sure there were no more tangles or otherwise undesirables, Rachel took the pale ribbon that he used to tie his hair up and held it in her mouth for a moment while she took the long strands of hair from the sides of his head and pulled them up just the way he styled it, making sure as much of his hair was not falling in his face as possible.
         Except, of course, for that one unruly strand of hair that always hung loosely from his hairline.
         Adaman had never had anyone do his hair but Arezu. He found it to be incredibly soothing and relaxing, and it was strange letting Rachel do it. It was a good strange. It made him realize just how much he trusted her that he could just let her run her elegant slender fingers through his hair, her nails brushing along his scalp, and the amount of care she put into it just so that he wouldn’t go home looking like a mess.
         He could almost fall asleep like this.
         But, once Rachel had tied a firm bow keeping his hair in place, she patted his shoulders to signal that he could get up. “Alright, you’re good to go. Now, no one will look at you and wonder what sort of trouble you got up to.”
         Turning around, she was standing and offering him a hand to help him up, Cedric back on her shoulder where he usually was. Taking her hand, he pulled himself back up to his feet, dwarfing her by comparison. He was always amused by how short she was compared to him. How someone so diminutive could hold so much strength and tenacity was something he hoped he would know the answer to someday. But for now, all he could do was admire her. “Thank you. It does feel much better, now.”
         “Good. And even though it wasn’t necessary, I really do appreciate that you have my back.” Rachel said quickly, hoping to reassure him and soothe any lingering doubts he had, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry that I worried you.”
         Adaman shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I know it’s part of the job and I need to trust you.” He replied quickly, not wanting her to blame herself for his worrying. “You’ve given me every reason to, so far. I need to listen to that instead of the nagging voice in the back of my head.”
         “Yes you do. That voice is a liar and a bitch.” Laughing at her colourful speech patterns and brazenness, Adaman turned to lead the way back to camp. Rachel accompanied him, the pair walking side-by-side through the Cloudpool Ridge, avoiding any lingering Roselia that might try to pick a fight again. “A shame I won’t have an excuse to play with your hair, again.”
         “Oh, so that’s what this was really about.” Adaman teased as they walked back to camp with his Pokémon following closely beside them. “And here I thought, you were just concerned about my public image.”
         “Two things can be true at the same time!” She teased back, gently elbowing him. “Can you blame me? You have the prettiest hair in all of Hisui!”
         She really was such a charmer, wasn’t she? Rachel just didn’t hold back when it came to compliments and praise. “Keep talking me up like that, and you’ll end up making Arezu jealous.”
         “Nah, I think it’d give her quite the ego boost, if you ask me.” Rachel retorted playfully as they approached the Diamond Settlement together. “She really knows her stuff. Send my compliments to the hairdresser.”
         Adaman smiled down at her as they entered the settlement. “I’ll be sure to pass them along.”
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