#demeter kids are actually so underrated and needed more acknowledgement throughout the books
mckezny · 2 years
i’m going in depth about each of the first 10 cabins, how i feel their portrayed through the series, and powers i feel they should have. starting with zues and ending with aphrodite (minus hera and artemis)
zues: i think that the zues cabin had really good representation with jason and thalia (two pretty main characters with their respective series’s) in my opinion they were seen as a power cabin, extremely strong, a leader when fit, very powerful over others (intimidation) and just powerful in general. they should have defined had more powers that just naturally happened and they didn’t have to make happen, like static electricity is much stronger than it should be, sparks when their very happy (that one’s my personal favorite), they become attracted to people a lot easier than other people, but they should have some extremely strong powers sense zues is literally the god of olympus, like they (thalia in this case sense her powers are more lightning based) can summon bolts of lightning that are strong enough to set fire in a 5 ft radius, or they (jason) can make the wind form a tornado that can rip houses to shreds.
poseidon, i skipped hera cuz she has no kids: poseidon has very, very good representation in the series (the main character) and again this cabin is definitely seen as a very powerful cabin (all of the big three ones are) seeing as percy is the only one in this cabin we won’t really ever know if there is a different set of powers that he doesn’t have (like how hazel has gems and nico has necromancy or how jason has wind and thalia has lightning) so i’m going to just say all of the powers i think they could have. obviously a lot of people have established blood bending as a power he probably does have and i have to agree, and pee bending but that’s a whole different story. like this man could probably make someone’s bladder explode. another power could be the power to summon earthquakes, like they could control how bad it is, there could be ones so inefficient that maybe bother but an empty solo cup or a paper plate would shake, but there could be ones that could destroy entire cities and kill millions. also they can talk to horses
demeter: i have stated several times before that i think demeter cabin is extremely underrepresented throughout all of the series’s, yes there’s meg, who was a main character in toa but she was in the last book series that has been writen. before that there was little to no representation at all. this cabin is definitely seen as a very peaceful cabin, maybe not as much as hypnos but definitely close. they need a lot more ability’s that happen naturally (just like zues), like flowers naturally sprout or whither depending on their emotions, whenever they’re near plants they grow a little bit faster. demeter is also an underworld goddess so not only can they grow plants but they can kill them too (and probably control the mist). they can fertilize and/or compost soil within seconds.
ares: i think that area got pretty good representation (clarisse, frank) ares isn’t seen as a cabin that is necessarily powerful but more of a cabin the craves power and do what ever it takes to get it, that’s why they have so much, people are scared of them. i think that they should be able to summon weapons and armor at will, they should have a power like charm speak but instead of people being charmed into doing the speakers bidding their scared shitless and have no choice but to. they think their above everyone and think their powers are exceeding everyone else’s.
athena: athena’s caning got good representation just really shitty abilities, like what can they even do? their seen ad a leader cabin, like no matter what that’s the cabin you should take instruction from, no matter the situation. again they should have a power like charmspeak that they can only use in a life or death situation or when in dire need to use it, like to give orders to an incorporative soldier or to make it so a monster doesn’t kill them. everywhere they go people feel beneath them. they should be able to intake the knowledge of a book by just touching it, fiction or nonfiction but only in a language they are fluent in. also they can read in almost every language just they can’t speak or write in that language. they, like ares, can summon any weapon or price of armor at will.
apollo: apollo cabin got pretty decent representation, i say that because of apollos role in toa but the other series’s they were maybe mentioned for a chapter of two. they’re seen as a neutral cabin, but it varies depending on what they’re doing, like if it’s archery or health related, then they’re seen as more powerful than the average demigod. but if it’s music related they’re just seen as average even though they’d be better, it’s just because it isn’t battle related. they’d definitely have some really cool powers sense apollo is the god of so many things, like they can make people tell the truth or detect when they’re lying, or they can cause plagues. apollos also a god of agriculture so they could have abilities much like the demeter kids just not as good, like maybe they can help plant growth . he is ALSO the god or order and beauty (he isn’t the only one, adonis is the official) so maybe they have a better understanding of the law than a normal person, or they can charmspeak like the aphrodite cabin. and they should be able to speak italian
i am not going over artemis because while yes her cabin is in use sometimes, she doesn’t have demigod children.
hephaestus: they have really shitty representation in the pjo books, i can’t think of them being mentioned at all besides charles , then in hoo when leo (can’t remember if harley was hoo) comes in it gets gradually better. they’re seen as a needed cabin, as they make all the weapons and technology that’s in camp, but the demigods themselves aren’t seen as very powerful or authoritative. they need better abilities, like i can’t think of many that they actually have besides leo’s fire thing. being able to build something really well isn’t an ability. they should be able to weld things with their hands or work with extremely hot things (like glass) without the need for gloves. their bodies should be able to survive in fire for a short amount of time, they should be able to feed a fire without actually putting anything in it.
aphrodite: this cabin gets pretty good representation through pjo with selena but it gets a lot better in hoo with drew and piper. they’re also seen as a peaceful cabin, which makes sense because they don’t have many combat related abilities, their charmspeak could be used in combat but probably isn’t. they should be able to make two people fall in love, it doesn’t matter if the two want to or not. they should also be able to make people fertile, it wouldn’t mess up that persons cycle at all. they can heal people who have any sort of sexual difficulties (not being able to cûm or not being able to feel sexual pleasure in general)
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mckezny · 2 years
hc that demeter kids are the ones in charge of the camp kitchens and not the harpies. it’s known that their good cooks (the last olympian) and why shouldn’t they put that to use? also they can photosynthesis and take energy from the sun when they NEED to (life and death situations, like reyna can with sharing her power)
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