chaos-in-one · 1 year
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Saw this and it is genuinely one of the worst "DID red flags/DID faker signs" type post I've seen in a while and a few of these genuinely pissed me off so let's unpack these one by one!
!!! Long post !!!
Active in the Fandom of popular gaming youtubers
If it's a large Fandom, it's going to attract more fans. Which also means more disabled people will be in it. Including people with DID.
Certain youtubers yes it could be a red flag to be a fan of them. Isn't related to the person's DID though, it's about them choosing to support a shitty person.
VERY vocal about their diagnosises, think their experiences are the only valid ones and thus everyone else is faking but them
This one I do actually agree with! It absolutely is a red flag to use your diagnosis and how you experience your disorder to put down others!
Literally will not shut up about it
You are probably looking at an account made specifically to be open about DID. Because believe it or not, outside comparatively very small circles on the internet, DID is highly stigmatized. It is hard to find acceptance in real life, so some people go online to look for spaces they can talk about what they can't in the real world. Saying it is a negative thing actively hurts people with DID, because it says that them having spaces to freely exist is bad.
Active in fake claiming communitites
... you haven't been on r/systemscringe very long, have you?
Uses r/plural and related subs
Same point as the 3rd one: DID is highly stigmatized and people with DID are allowed to look for places they can talk about their experiences with DID.
Posts in those subreddits things like "am I faking?" Or "my alters disappeared when school started?"
The first one is actually a rather common thought for a lot of people with DID! For most people with the disorder, it is meant to be covert. Your brain doesn't want you to know you have it because it is trying to protect you from what caused it. So when you do recognize you have the disorder, it is going to try to push you back into denial because it doesn't want you to know you have it.
The second one, while how it is worded certainly could be a red flag as alters don't just disappear, alters seeming to be gone during stressful situations is also actually really common! The entire point of the disorder is to protect a traumatized child from their trauma and future trauma as best as it can. And by extention, it tends to see certain intense emotions as a warning sign, and will lock a particular alter in control to protect as much of the mind as it can from potential trauma.
It is a childhood trauma based disorder. Every person with DID was a minor with DID at some point.
Typing Quirks
Typing quirks should never have been associated together in the first place. Typing quirks are not a DID thing, or a system thing at all.
I do agree that if they don't have a translation it is a red flag though, it makes it difficult to impossible for multiple groups of disabled people to access.
Pastel or kidcore aesthetic
An aesthetic is not related to DID. At all. Two completely separate things. The only time either of these are a red flag is if the person is using the aesthetic to sexualize things related to children.
Medically recognized
Literally all this means is that a medical professional has agreed that you might have the disorder. Almost everyone now diagnosed at one point was medically recognized, because diagnosis is a process, not a single event.
Makes picrews of their alters
This is literally just like anyone else making a picrew of themselves. Someone making a little character of what they look like (or want to look like in some cases), is not a red flag. It is not uniquely wrong with someone with a specific disorder does this.
Ftm or nonbinary
.... do I even need to spell out how calling being trans a red flag is transphobic?
Again, do I really need to spell out how calling someone's orientation a red flag is bigoted....
Dyed hair
See the point on kidcore & Pastel aesthetic: someone's style choices aren't related to any disorder.
Looks like they would microwave their hampster for tik tok clout
Based on physical appearance? No that's not a red flag, because physical appearance is not an actual indicator of what a person is like. Based on personality? Yeah it is a little concerning if that's what you get out of how someone acts.
Furry or furry adjacent
For the last time. People's style choices are not related to their disorder.
Likes east Asian media
Depends. If they're not Asian and like it to an almost obsessive or fetishistic degree, yeah, big red flag. If they're not fetishistic about it or literally Asian themselves? No. People are allowed to like media from other cultures.
I genuinely cannot read most of the next point so I'm not going to try to answer that for now
List of triggers never ends
Personally I think publicly listing triggers in general is a very bad idea, especially for people with disorders that could make them more vulnerable already. So I do for the most part agree with this point.
Probs mentions pro-shippers somewhere
If it's to tell them to stay away/not interact/etc. No. Again, not related to DID, and also a reasonable boundary to have. If it's in support of proshippers, still not DID related, but yeah definitely a red flag in my book.
If you actually mean non mlm or nblm who fetishize mlm then yeah, that is a red flag. If you mean anyone who liked any mlm ship ever... yeah no. People are allowed to like gay ships. Gatekeeping who can like a ship based on the genders of the characters ends up just othering us.
Username contains words like system/collective/etc
Again, it is probably an account about DID specifically. Not necessarily a red flag for the reasons previously stated.
Uses we to refer to themselves
A lot of people with DID consider alters to be someone else, not themselves. So they see all of them as a group. It's grammatically correct to refer to a group using 'we' instead of 'I'.
"Diagnosed" by their therapist
In a lot of cases, yes. Most therapists cannot diagnose. Certain therapists who are also things like trauma specialists are licensed to, however. It just isn't very common.
I am going to stay out of this one for the most part, as no matter what I answer it will most likely drag me into an argument that detracts from the point of this post. However I do think it is a red flag to claim DID itself can be non traumagenic, it has been proven time and time again to be caused by trauma.
Wants to be an oppressed minority soooo bad
You know, on any topic, I always hated this point. Because nine times out of ten, the person doesn't actually WANT to be an oppressed minority. They just want their struggles as an actual minority to stop being dismissed.
Usually claims other "popular" disorders/illnesses too (Autism/NPD/BPD/POTS/hEDS)
I have a few points for this one.
One, a lot of disorders do actually make it more likely to develop trauma based disorders. Disorders like autism can lower the trauma threshold and make it more likely that dissociation is how the person copes. And disorders, especially physical disabilities, can cause trauma in and of themselves!
Two, these disorders can all be comorbid. Trauma disorders have high comorbidity rates with certain physical disabilities because the stress that caused those trauma disorders puts tangible, physical stress on your body and it's limits. And trauma disorders also have a very high comorbidity rate with other trauma disorders. It's pretty common to have more than one.
Three, NPD most definitely is not a "popular" disorder. Neither is BPD, in my opinion, although the amount of acceptance for it is higher than with NPD. NPD is quite literally one of the most heavily stigmatized disorders. There are articles after articles, entire forums and communities and more, built around calling people with NPD abusers. You look up NPD and you can find page after page after page telling how to spot a narcissist, how to psychologically damage a narcissist, how to hurt one. It is not by any means a "popular" disorder to have.
System of mostly introjects
Current generations literally have the highest amount of access to fictional media in all of recorded history. And when there is more access to fiction, more people will use it to cope. When more people use it to cope, it becomes more common for it to influence how people are. And DID is a disorder highly influenced and tailored by the specific individuals situation.
New alters always appearing
Again, another situation of a person's experiences being misinterpreted: a lot of the time "new" alters aren't actually new. Many alters are hidden from the person for days, weeks, months or even years before they are discovered. And sometimes they don't even realize how long they have been there, because they had no communication with any other alters. Having a poor perception of time is a very common symptom in most dissociative disorders.
Has tik tok
Someone with DID having a social media is not any more a red flag than someone without DID having it. The two are not related.
Has recordings of themselves "switching"
I do personally find this uncomfortable. Especially since, for a lot of people with DID, or OSDD, switching is often completely uncontrollable. A lot of the times it also is uncomfortable or even painful or stress inducing. I can understand how this could be a red flag, although it is not impossible for it to actually happen, especially if someone else is the one filming.
Points to the previous point about how saying someone's transness is a red flag is transphobic
This one is a grey area. If they are romanticizing them, fetishizing them, treating them like they're cute, spreading misinfo, etc. Then yes. Just showing or talking about stimming in general though? No. That is an actual thing people do, especially people with disorders like ADHD and autism. Calling a symptom associated with disorders a red flag by itself is ableist and harmful to people with those disorders.
Will do literally anything but show their diagnostic paperwork to "prove" they aren't faking
Diagnostic papers are quite literally private medical information. Depending on how they are formated (differs from company to company), they also could include other private information that sharing online could put you in danger. Depending, showing these could literally get a person doxxed. Them keeping themselves safe online is not a red flag, and it is a red flag to demand someone risk their safety to prove their disability to you. Even employers are legally not allowed to demand this information in most cases.
If you don't like them you're ableist and/or homophobic
If said because someone doesn't like them as a person and as a serious thing, then yes. If said because the reason the person didn't like them was because of their orientation or disorder, or as a joke, then no.
Their "therapy" goal is to live in harmony with their alters, instead of reintegration
The thing you are trying to talk about actually has a name! It is called functional multiplicity. And it actually is not "not integrating", it still is a form of integration. Just like final fusion, the goal is to lower dissociative barriers and heal from childhood trauma over time. The only difference is the alters "fusing" or becoming one with one another, is not part of the treatment plan. Functional multiplicity is not the opposite of integration, it is a form of integration in and of itself. People with that goal still want to heal. They just don't feel that final fusion would benefit them. Both are goals approved by many actual professionals.
"Getting a diagnosis would put me at a disadvantage in xyz" (it won't)
Again, this is a grey area and highly depends on the individuals living situation and where they are.
If they are spreading misinformation, like the idea that employers in the U.S. all get to see your diagnosis (again, quite literally illegal for them to try to force you to give them that), then yes, red flag!
However there are certain things that in some places in the world, a DID diagnosis can make harder to access. For instance, it can be harder to get a driver's license in some places.
Additionally, depending on who the person is living with, it could be actively unsafe for them to be diagnosed. Again, in real life, DID is highly stigmatized.
Advocates for self dx
It really depends on how this is gone about. If they are encouraging people to do things like take quizzes or saying "if you do x you have DID" then yes this is a red flag! However, encouraging people to do actual research into the disorder is a good thing! People realizing they have symptoms of something can majorly help them! So can educated self dx, in some cases. It can help them access spaces with resources for people with symptoms like theirs, it can help them learn ways to cope with their symptoms specific to that disorder, it can help them know what to tell their psychiatrist they suspect is going on, and a lot more!
Alters are fully fleshed out characters
Honestly this is another one that rather pissed me off. Alters are not "characters". People with DID are not fictional. These are actual people. As for them being more "fleshed out"... that's part of the point. Again, these are real people. They are going to be complex. Yeah it's rare for ALL alters to be that complex, but the existence of any alters or even multiple alters who are is not a red flag. Distinctly different alters is quite literally one of the symptoms that sets DID apart from other dissociative disorders, like OSDD-1.
Sign offs with alter names
Someone with DID trying to decrease confusion for themselves and those around them is not a red flag by itself. It is literally to help themselves. It is a lot easier to deal with memory barriers if you can look and see something physical telling you what happened and who did it.
Headspace "maps"
Again, this is usually done to help with memory barriers. For a lot of people, DID or not, physically making something to show you what is going on in your head makes it easier to understand for you. Trying to help yourself deal with a damaging symptom of your disorder by giving yourself something to lay it all out is not a bad thing.
Well that was All! Hope that makes sense and cleared some things up.
And before anyone tries to use this to say I'm faking DID: I do not have DID.
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miracleeye · 2 years
+ the Baghdad Battery drink recipe made by Newport, RI Foodie (source)
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xxcasuallyustdiedxx · 2 years
I will not stop this blog until i have confirmed/debunked Frerard
okay hello and welcome I hope your doing okay(Trust me) personally i'm depressed but anyways you're here for a reason. And that reason is Frerard. Personally i am a firm believer that Frerard was or is real and at this point I don't think even Frank or Gerard could convince me otherwise so..... there isn't really any stopping me.
I have an uncountable amount of theory's as to what could have happened between Frank and Gerard but a few defiantly stick out to me and even to this day are continuously being confirmed, but there will always be one thing or another that will stop my theory's from being fully confirmed generally it's a why question an example of such being: Why did Gerard Way marry Lyn-z after a little over a month of knowing her, not to mention the shorter period of time they dated for? But i'm sure you've all heard that one and again I have my theory's as to why this happened. what im trying to say here is that I will never Really have the answer to Frerard, that is unless I have you're input as well this isn't really a theory i can do on my own so I would really appreciate your opinions and possible answers to those questions which i don't have answers for.
I will try to post weekly but keep updated because who know we might just crack this cold case.
Ily bye
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
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Câmera da Central de Controle do Aeroporto Salgado Filho, em Porto Alegre. Foto: Central de Controle do Aeroporto Salgado Filho/YouTube
OVNIs voltam a ser avistados por pilotos no Rio Grande do Sul: Uma nova onda ufológica ou apenas confusão com o Starlink de Elon Musk?
Por Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
Eleiç��es, Copa do Mundo, Cúpula do Clima da ONU e outros eventos globais de monta compuseram o caldo em que se fermentou este surto de OVNIs que pode vir ou não a explodir como uma nova onda de grandes proporções, como as que tivemos em anos como os de 1982 e 1986, aliás igualmente de Eleições e Copa do Mundo. É como se os ufonautas estivessem a acompanhar tais atividades de perto. Seja como for, as manchetes dos veículos oficiais de imprensa e dos ufólogos blogueiros e youtubers soam como uma repetição do que já tivemos tantas vezes no passado, a começar pelo final de outubro de 1954, quando avistamentos massivos de OVNIs foram reportados no Rio Grande do Sul, principalmente sobre a Base Militar de Gravataí (hoje Canoas) por parte de militares, pilotos, controladores de voo e da população civil, fato amplamente noticiado pela revista O Cruzeiro. Eis então que eles voltaram: são os tais OVNIs.
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Tudo teria começado já no final de outubro, no sábado, dia 22, quando pilotos da Azul Linhas Aéreas que conduziam um voo comercial de São Paulo para Porto Alegre, relataram a presença de luzes não identificadas durante conversa com técnicos do Aeroporto Internacional Salgado Filho, em Porto Alegre. Porém, segundo o controle de tráfego aéreo, não havia nenhuma outra aeronave nos radares naquele momento.
Em um vídeo no YouTube que mostra o movimento do Aeroporto Internacional Salgado Filho, na capital gaúcha, ouve-se a conversa do comandante do avião Airbus A320-251N, voo 4517, da companhia aérea Azul, com a torre de controle de tráfego aéreo.
"Você poderia informar quando as luzes sumirem?", pergunta a operadora da torre de comando. "Agora apareceu novamente", responde o piloto. "O que eu posso informar é que é como se fosse o farol de uma aeronave, fazendo um 360 (uma curva completa). Por isso, perguntei sobre informações de defesa aérea". O piloto do voo 4517 comenta que "não existia um padrão de circuito de tráfego" no movimento da luz, tratando-se de "um movimento aleatório", e reporta que a luz "aparece e some, aparece e some, várias vezes". Confira:
Ato contínuo, ao ser questionado novamente pela torre de comando do aeroporto, o piloto explica que a luz passou a fazer um "movimento aleatório". Minutos depois, os pilotos relatam que a luz acompanha por um tempo a aeronave lateralmente quando, em dado momento, se afasta em direção à Lagoa da Conceição.
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Na sexta-feira, 4 de novembro, passageiros de um voo 4248 da companhia Azul Linhas Aéreas que saiu do Rio de Janeiro às 21h30 e pousou às 23h30 em Porto Alegre disseram que o piloto e o comissário de bordo da aeronave em que estavam avisou que viu objetos luminosos no céu da capital gaúcha. 
Dois passageiros ouvidos pelo jornal Zero Hora explicaram que apesar do voo ter sido tranquilo e sem turbulências, causou estranheza pelo fato do piloto não ter se comunicado com os passageiros antes da aterrissagem. 
"Demorou um pouco para o avião pousar, e normalmente o piloto dá aquelas boas-vindas, mas desta vez não falou nada. No momento em que pousou, o piloto pediu desculpas porque haviam visto objetos não identificados. Ele falou que eram vários, no sentido da Lagoa dos Patos", disse o empresário Eduardo Corrêa da Silva, de 48 anos.
"Foi comentado pelo piloto que vários outros voos haviam visto a mesma coisa. Quando eu saí do avião perguntei para o comissário de bordo se ele tinha visto. Ele disse que sim e que eram vários objetos", acrescentou o passageiro, segundo o qual a tripulação afastou a hipótese de serem drones, devido à altura onde os objetos foram vistos.  
Outra passageira do mesmo voo, Bruna da Silva Porto, de 30 anos, confirmou o relato: "Depois que nós pousamos, antes de a tripulação liberar os passageiros para pegarem as malas, o piloto pediu desculpas por não ter falado conosco antes do pouso, já que eles teriam reportado objetos voadores não identificados e estariam relatando para a torre de controle naquele momento", explicou em entrevista à Zero Hora. 
"Ele (piloto) mencionou que perceberam os objetos quando passamos pela Lagoa dos Patos. E ainda falou que se a gente ver alguma notícia poderá relatar que estava nesse voo", explicou Bruna. Nenhum dos entrevistados pela Zero Hora, no entanto, disse ter visto os OVNIs pela janela do avião. 
O primeiro reporte oficial foi feito por volta das 23 horas de sábado, 5 de novembro, por dois pilotos de companhias aéreas diferentes que sobrevoavam Porto Alegre. O voo Latam 3406 deixou o Aeroporto de Guarulhos, em São Paulo, às 21h55, e pousou em Porto Alegre às 23h31, e o voo 4657 da Azul, saiu de Belo Horizonte por volta das 21h25, com chegada em Porto Alegre às 23h42. Ambos relataram à torre de controle terem visto luzes não identificadas se "cruzando" ao sul da cidade.
O diálogo entre os dois comandantes com a controladoria de tráfego aéreo foram gravadas por um canal do YouTube que registra a comunicação da Central de Controle do Aeroporto Salgado Filho, e logo começou a circular nas redes sociais. Confira no vídeo abaixo:
"Por gentileza, só por curiosidade, tem algum 'reporte' de algum objeto na posição de 10 para 11 horas, praticamente sobre Porto Alegre, um pouquinho ao sul?", questiona o piloto do voo 3406 da Latam. Ao receber resposta negativa da atendente, ele continua: "Umas luzes, às vezes apagam, acendem. Tem umas luzes. Por vezes, elas apagam, acendem. Às vezes são uma, às vezes são duas ou três."
Alguns minutos depois, o piloto volta a falar com a central: "A gente continua avistando as luzes. Agora, de uma outra perspectiva ela está bem ao sul de Porto Alegre, sentido Argentina. As luzes continuam aparecendo e se cruzando no céu."
Questionado pela controladora, um outro piloto, este do voo 4657 da Azul, responde ter avistado as mesmas luzes desde o aeroporto de Confins, em Belo Horizonte, mas que não queria falar nada para não ser rotulado como doido: "Ah, ia informar vocês, mas iam falar que estou louco. Na verdade, estamos vendo essas luzes desde lá de Confins. São três luzes girando em espiral entre elas, bem forte", afirmou. "Estavam bem mais alto que a gente."
Pode-se ouvir na íntegra a conversa entre o comandante do avião Airbus A320-251N, voo 4517, com a torre de comando: "Você poderia informar quando as luzes sumirem", pergunta a operadora. "Agora apareceu novamente", emendava o piloto.
A equipe da torre de controle do Aeroporto Internacional Salgado Filho não detectou outro avião no radar, de maneira que as tais luzes acabaram sendo classificadas como OVNIs. As companhias aéreas, porém, quando questionadas, e como é de praxe, saíram com esquivas.
Questionada pelo jornal Zero Hora, a Azul respondeu que "seus tripulantes seguem os mais rigorosos protocolos de segurança e que qualquer eventualidade é comunicada imediatamente ao controle de tráfego aéreo e segue para investigação das autoridades competentes".
Ao jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, a Latam apenas informou que "seus tripulantes são treinados e orientados a reportarem qualquer eventualidade de forma imediata ao controle de tráfego aéreo para as devidas orientações". E complementou: "A companhia reitera que segue os mais elevados padrões de segurança, atendendo aos regulamentos das autoridades nacionais e internacionais".
Confira o diálogo completo entre os pilotos e a torre:
Piloto da Latam: "Só para informação, a gente ainda continua avistando as luzes. Agora, de uma outra perspectiva, ela está bem ao sul de Porto Alegre, da cidade. Bem ao sul, sentido Argentina, sentido sul do estado. E elas são azuis e continuam aparecendo e se cruzando no céu".
Torre: "Estou ciente. O pessoal da torre informou que também avistou, porém, dizem que elas estão paradas. E a princípio, não interferem na aproximação".
Torre: "O Azul 4657 tem condições de informar se avistou alguma luz no setor sul de Porto Alegre?".
Piloto da Azul: "Ah, eu ia informar vocês, mas ia falar pelo... Na verdade, a gente tá vendo essas luzes desde lá de Confins. São três luzes girando em espiral entre elas aqui, bem forte".
Torre: "Ciente. Teve um reporte de aeronave que se aproximou anteriormente. Obrigada pela informação. O senhor tem condições de informar a altitude mais ou menos?".
Piloto da Azul: "Olha, a gente estava no nível 380 e elas estavam bem mais altas que a gente e na nossa proa, durante o voo todo".
Cinco pilotos de voos comerciais avistaram na noite de terça-feira, 8 de novembro, novas luzes não identificadas próximas ao Aeroporto Internacional Salgado Filho, em Porto Alegre. O primeiro voo que reportou as luzes à Torre de Controle foi o de um Gol que ia de São Paulo até a capital gaúcha. Em uma conversa registrada por uma transmissão ao vivo do canal do YouTube Câmera Pôr do Sol Guaíba, é possível ouvir a conversa entre o piloto do avião e um funcionário do aeroporto.
"O senhor reportou luzes no terminal de Porto Alegre?", pergunta o funcionário. "Afirmo", responde o piloto. Na sequência, o funcionário da Torre de Controle pede para que o piloto entre em contato com a Defesa Área, "o quanto antes".
Minutos depois, por volta das 23h40, outros quatro pilotos de diferentes companhias aéreas também relatam para a Torre de Controle o avistamento de luzes não identificadas em menos de um minuto.
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Acompanhe a conversa:
Piloto 1: Tem uma luz avistada aqui na proa 240, distante aqui. A gente já está avistando faz tempo.
Torre: Efetuar filmagens, a fim de permitir a análise do padrão de movimento do objeto avistado.
Piloto 1: Eu tentei, mas não sai no celular, não.
Piloto 2: O voo 1928 também está observando a mesma luz na posição de uma hora, aproximadamente, um pouco acima da linha do horizonte.
Torre: Ciente. Gol 1928 também, se possível, dentro da segurança, efetuar filmagens a fim de permitir a análise do padrão de movimento do objeto avistado.
Piloto 3: O Azul 9117 faz o mesmo reporte dos colegas aí.
Torre: Ciente. O Azul 9117.
Piloto 4: O TAM também acompanha.
Torre: Ciente. TAM 3408.
Confira o vídeo:
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Ao UOL, a Força Área Brasileira (FAB) garantiu que não houve registro de OVNIs no espaço aéreo do estado: "Nos últimos dias, o controle do espaço aéreo ocorreu dentro da normalidade, não havendo registro de ocorrência aeronáutica no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Nenhum objeto desconhecido foi identificado pelos radares de defesa aérea".
Nas redes sociais, moradores de Porto Alegre também estão relatando luzes desconhecidas no céu da cidade durante à noite.
Em Torres, litoral do Grande do Sul, uma cinegrafista registrou o fenômeno no mesmo intervalo de horário do relatado pelos pilotos em Porto Alegre.
O culpado seria Elon Musk? Mick West explica a onda de OVNIs no Brasil como resultante da confusão com o Starlink-Racetrack Phenomenom
O pesquisador cético britânico Mick West, programador aposentado de videogames, investigador e desmascarador de fenômenos paranormais e ufológicos e teorias da conspiração, autor do livro Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect e criador dos sites Contrail Science e Metabunk, não demorou a dar seu parecer sobre as luzes avistadas em Porto Alegre com base em um vídeo gravado nos Estados Unidos por um garoto chamado Jimmy Church, que registrou luzes no céu com padrões semelhantes aos dos pilotos brasileiros.
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Mick West
A conclusão de West é que essas luzes não passam da luz do sol incidida na parte inferior do satélite Starlink, em um fenômeno conhecido como "Starlink-Racetrack Phenomenom" ou “Starlink Flare”.
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West, que tem sido chamado erroneamente pela imprensa de "ufólogo", quando na verdade é um debunker, faz um apelo para que todas as companhias aéreas sejam avisadas sobre isso, pois um engano ou confusão pode atrasar a comunicação entre a torre de comando e o avião e causar graves acidentes.
O culpado, em última instância, seria então Elon Musk, o bilionário dono, entre muitas empresas, da SpaceX, responsável pela divisão de internet via satélite, a Starlink, que possui nada menos do que três mil satélites orbitando o planeta a uma altitude de "apenas" 550 quilômetros, o que faz com que sejam visíveis a olho nu, ocasionando o fenômeno, aludido por West, do "Starlink-Racetrack Phenomenon" ou “Starlink Flare”, que ocorre quando a luz do sol reflete na parte debaixo dos satélites.
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Segundo West, exatamente nesta época do ano esse fenômeno é mais facilmente observado a partir de grandes altitudes por pilotos por conta da angulação na qual a luz do sol reflete no satélite.
Confira os vídeos explicativos de West postados em seu canal no YouTube e em seu site Metabunk:
Até agora, passadas três semanas do início dos avistamentos em Porto Alegre, a Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB), responsável por monitorar o espaço aéreo do país, não confirmou oficialmente qualquer aparição.
A onda se disseminou em vários estados brasileiros e relatos de luzes estranhas no céu têm pipocado nas redes sociais, em especial no Twitter. Ufólogos, entusiastas e diletantes não perdem a oportunidade e já saem pregando enfaticamente que esse OVNIs são na verdade aeronaves alienígenas, enquanto que cristãos conservadores os interpretam como enganações diabólicas ou sinais iminentes do Apocalipse e da vinda do Anticristo. Fiquemos atentos aos desdobramentos.
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politwinks · 1 year
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I made a post bebunking this on twitter, but I figure I'd post one here as well seeing as I have this. The Sakya Monastery is a real monastery but everything else is made up. Here's why: if we go with the 'validated' 10,000 year date, here's what that predates: 1. the invention of writing—the earliest cuneiform inscriptions we have are dated to 3,400B.C. (~5,400 years ago). 2. the invention of paper the earliest known paper we have is dated to 179–141B.C. (~2,100 years ago), and the earliest known papyrus is dated to 2560–2550B.C. (~4,500 years ago). 3. the Tibetan language—not only that but 10,000 years predates the Proto-Sino-Tibetan, the ancestor of the Tibetan, Mandarin, and countless other languages (I've attached a map of them all), which emerged somewhere between 4,000 and 9,000 years ago depending on who you ask. 4. Buddhism (Sakya Monastery is a Buddhist monastery after all)—The Buddha was born in either  563B.C. or 480B.C. (~2,500 years ago) and it took him a little while after that to achieve enlightenment.
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Now lets take the 60,000 years claim (which only 'some researchers' stand by!). Not only does that predate all the things I've listed so far, it also predates the arrival of humans in Tibet. Per Zhao, et al 2009, humans have inhabited Tibet for at least 21,000 years. Even if we want to be really generous, 60,000 years is triple that time.
But the worst part about this quote? The video is set to traditional Mongolian music. I guess Tibetan music wasn't oriental enough.
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mostpopularblogs · 7 days
"A Simpsons writer debunks Guns N' Roses' bizarre Duff Beer myth"
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lilyseverina · 1 month
He pointed out something interesting that lot's of people tend to gloss over. This can similarly or same can be appiled to Elagabalus.
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samble-moved · 8 months
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post itself
false flags
trans/adjacent tags
accessibility features
tumblr live post (thanks for the link, @problemnyatic)
flashing / strobing / lights
unblockable flashing ad
buying ad free
staff @/macmanx guilt trip
list of staff + more issues
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isitcorrect · 6 months
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Something unremittingly bleak about a goddamn country starting "crisis actor" conspiracy theories to deny their crimes. A term invented to deny the deaths of children at Sandy Hook in 2012 is now used to deny the deaths of children in Gaza in 2023.
As the community note says, this isn't a crisis actor. This is a guy who posts on Instagram. A influencer who posts videos online of breaking events...is seen at a lot of breaking events. To Israel, this is a sign of a conspiracy. In fact, some of those images aren't even him, or aren't even related to Palestine at all; one image included in other posts targeting Saleh Aljafarawi is a Halloween costume from Thailand. That article says "pro-Israeli accounts" tweeted this, but it's the literal, official Twitter account of Israel posting this shit, next to their comedy sketches that somehow make trans people the punchline bc fascists only have one joke the whole world wide I guess
Like. It's not new for a government to deny the reality of its atrocities. It is new for that government to outright use a conspiracy theory term devised by Alex fucking Jones, or to, when called on doing so, defend it as a "meme" (also bizarre to see hardcore Zionists use a term crafted for especially antisemitic conspiracy theories). Everything rancid about the world in 2023 congealed into a single tweet, right here
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hummus-tea · 6 months
The Tetris PTSD story is going around again so now I have to update y'all, it's been debunked, pop sci has lied to us again
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ozstyu3ig · 1 year
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miracleeye · 2 years
Looking for active blogs that post content that relates to:
Paranormal investigation (cryptid / ghost hunting)
Urban legends
Skepticism / Debunks
Bonus points if you’re an adult.
Also lemme know if you have YT channels that focus on the same content. I’m not super active on there, but it’d be nice to have a few more sources of content.
Follow backs not required, I’m just very bored lmao
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xw81cvdn7hxu · 1 year
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Read 21: Read a story that debunks a conspiracy theory
You can find the challenge description and what's going on at this link
If you wanna do stuff out of order the rest of the Read challenges are at this link
The whole challenge has 84 items, so if you want to do the entire thing in a year, that averages out to about 1 item every 4-5 days. Posts will come out about every two days
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meandtheyeehaws · 8 months
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the babysitter
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mcb3k · 1 year
Watch "3 Times Science Debunked the Paranormal" on YouTube
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