peter-muerte · 23 days
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blinkpen · 9 months
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got a twitter comment said "demersa could be a teddy bear and she'd still look like she could kick my ass" so i drew it. demersa deathglare deathbear
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sugarcakeworld · 8 months
Prompt: “skiwstok weed date now”
Say less. They also go to BAB cause there’s Dethklok bears. They go to BAB and get high. There you go. 
Disclaimer: I can’t write with the accents. I don’t own Gerald. Or Metalocalypse. Or Build-a-Bear.
Pickles was sitting at the table in the kitchen clutching his phone in his hand. “Oh, hey, Skwiwsgaar,” Pickles lifted his Dethphone up, flashing the screen to show an advertisement for Build-a-Bear. “Did you see this? They’re making Dethklok Build-a-Bears. You should take Toki there. He’ll totally want to make a little Skwisgaar bear.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Skiwsgaar replied. Despite sounding uninterested, Pickles caught on that he was serious.
“Okay, and when you do, don’t just leave him there to pick up chicks. I know we all do it, but seriously-don’t forget Toki and leave your bandmate behind.” Pickles always felt the need to mother them. 
“Don’t you think you’re asking a little too much of me?” Skwisgaar wanted Pickles to take a moment and think about it.
“Hmmm, I guess that’s true. I am. Okay, well, have a good day either way. And Skwisgaar? Have fun.”  Pickles was genuine. 
Walking away with his coffee, Skwisgaar said, “Uh-huh.” He turned around the corner and walked down the hallway of Mordhaus, stopping outside of Toki’s room. He knocked on it a few times before Toki finally answered. He only had his pants on, looking like he’d love nothing more than to lay back down on his bed and sleep.
“What?” He asked. “It’s early.”
“No, it’s not. It’s noon. What did you even do last night?” Skwisgaar asked. “Up all night texting me that weird shit- “ Something at the edge of Toki’s desk caught his eye and he walked right into the room, grabbing it off his desk. “Ah ha! I knew it. You smoked all my weed. But what you didn’t know is that I filled my stash box with Cheesmaster.” As one of the Dethklok strains, it was infamous for making people feel like they were inside of a bubble or see sacred geometry.
Toki dragged a hand over his face. “Wolf. You left that there for days. You weren’t smoking it. As a trap? That’s kinda weird.”
“Serves you right,” Skiwsgaar said, narrowing his eyes. “Always smoking all my weed.”
Toki shrugged. “Whatever. Why’d you come in here?”
“Oh, right,” Skiwsgaar straightened up, carrying the stash box under his arm. “I thought I’d take you to Build-a-Bear and we can get totally high.”
“Ha!” Toki pointed at him. “You just want to pick up sluts!” He still seemed excited. 
“I don’t know how many women will even be there, besides the ones taking their kids.” It’s not like he just wanted to spend time with Toki. “You gonna go or what?”
“Of course. Gonna get high at Build-a-Bear with my pal Skwisgaar. Just let me grab a shirt. Gotta eat breakfast too.” He bent down and rifled through his dresser.
“I’m gonna go put this in my room,” Skiwsgaar said, smiling and walking off to find someone to drive them.
Since neither one of them would drive, they rode in the back of a car with the klokateers who would be their bodyguards sitting up front. Toki filled a then emptied pre rolled Swisher Sweet up with a Deathstrain called Explosion Tits. Well practiced and in synchronization, he held out the blunt and Skiwsgaar waved a flame from a lighter over the bottom, before they took turns smoking the finished product. It really did seem like Skwisgaar just wanted to hang out with him and smoke weed and take him somewhere just to make him happy, which did in fact make Toki happy. Even if the Swede would inevitably ruin it by forgetting him.
“We got to make all the pals for the whole band,” Toki was saying, eyes scanning the whole advertisement for Dethklok Build-a-Bears on his Dethphone. “They’ll say they don’t want them. But come on! They’re all so cute.”
“Won’t that take forever?” Skiwsgaar asked. “Just make the one you want and have fun with it.”
Disappointed, Toki sighed. “Yeah, ok. I’ll order the others online. Are you gonna make one?”
“Pfft, no.” He made a face.
“I want to have matching bears.” Toki’s blue eyes were kind of unsettling when he put up that intense puppy eye stare.
“Vafan, fine.” 
Toki couldn’t imagine in a million years Skiwsgaar agreeing to take him to Build-a-Bear, never mind watching some employee boss him around and make him jump up and down. Skiwsgaar had no idea what he was in for.
They sat in the parking lot for the better part of twenty minutes smoking. Skwisgaar kept trying to get a candid photo of Toki looking hideous and Toki kept ruining his plans by successfully posing for each shot. “How are you doing this? You always take terrible photos of us and you can’t take a bad shot? Should be criminal, the way you’re always tagging us in fucking awful photos.”
“You can’t pose for shit.” Toki thought it was obvious.
“Yeah, it’s true,” Skiwsgaar said. “Not that you warn us.”
“Nathan is just not photogenic. Always needing the photo shop touch ups. Rag-mags having a field day anytime they get a paparazzi photo that looks like hot shit.”
“Me too,” Skwisgaar admitted.
“Yes, me too.”
After a beat, Skwisgaar knocked on the window, signaling they were ready to get out of the car. It didn’t take long before a few people noticed the presence of Klokateers and the two members of Dethklok, but for the most part everyone seemed too busy with their own shopping to bother them. Getting carried away, Toki grabbed Skiwsgaar by the wrist and pulled him towards the store, excited by the display out front.
“Oh, wowee, it’s like a million Deaddybears!” He let go of Skiwsgaar to walk past the rows of displays and barrels of accessories. “Look at the tiny shoes! So cool!”
“Yeah,” Skwisgaar said. An employee stepped out from behind the counter to help them, a name tag with the name “Gerald” written on the front in sharpie. The name tag had a puffy sticker of a bird on it. Gerald had long hair and a slightly blemished complexion, with thick glasses hanging half-way down his nose. 
“Oh my god, it’s Dethklok,” Gerald said under his breath. Then slightly louder, he addressed them. “Welcome to Build-a-Bear, can I help you?”
“We’re here for the Dethklok bears,” Toki said. “You didn’t sell out, did you?”
“Oof. I’m sorry. We did sell out. But I actually have a hold from Pickles the Drummer. And I’m sure you’ll get promotional bears and gifts at Mordhaus for the collaboration. There was a live event with Toki bear. It was so cute.”
Toki blew a raspberry. “Totally missed it. Too many collaborations to keep up with. Sad I missed it. Pickle held some for us?” He pointed at all of the Murderface leftovers. “Why didn’t these sell?”
“I don’t know!“ Gerald said. “Look at him. So grumpy. Yeah, he wants to stab something.” He stopped messing with the Murderface on display and stepped back behind the counter. “Lemme check on that hold.”
Looking around, Skwisgaar saw that there were some families milling around with young children out of school, as well as a few customers who would wander in and out. Grandparents just looking and getting ideas for gifts. Young women lingering in front of displays of Hello Kitty. Skwisgaar was oddly stuck to his side, bending down to inspect an unstuffed Toothless. 
“You should get one of those,” He encouraged the Swede. Skwisgaar stood up. 
“I have way too many deaddybears. Fans always throw them at you, right in the face while we’re on stage. And you give them to me, and I never get rid of gifts. Too many deaddybears.” Skwisgaar reasoned. “Just way too many to get even one more.” He was somewhat of a sentimental hoarder. A big softy, like Deaddybear. Even if he always had resting bitch face.
“You said you’d make one,” Toki reminded him.
“Yeah, OK,” Skwisgaar said. “Let’s see what Pickles put on hold.”
Gerald came back with a few plastic bags full of unstuffed Skwisgaar and Toki bears, as well as the clothes and accessories that came with them. “Aw, look at these friends,” he held them up for Skiwsgaar and Toki to see. 
Skwisgaar’s Build-a-Bear was a generic white polar bear with blue eyes. A polar bear? How did that even make sense? It looked crazy without stuffing. In a separate plastic bag Gerald opened was his signature and more recent Thunderhorse Gibson Explorer. Toki’s Build-a-Bear was a generic brown bear with a little Manchu over its smile. A blue shirt, boots, and his Snow Falcon Flying V were in separate plastic bags. 
“Toki should come with tiny little blunts from when he smokes all of Skwisgaar’s weed,” Skwisgaar said under his breath, rolling his eyes.
Toki ignored him, taking all of the little plastic bags with Skwisgaar bear’s clothes and boots and guitar. “Gonna make a Skwisgaar bear. Han er veldig keeg.”
Dead quiet, a slightly flushed Skwisgaar accepted the Toki Build-a-Bear plastic bags and watched as Gerald stuffed the bears, not saying a damn thing and trying and failing not to laugh. Toki definitely laughed.
“Oh, my god, no, don’t stuff them too much!” He exclaimed. “Make them soft!”
Gerald just smiled, fully aware of how hard it was to watch this part without losing it, despite the family friendly atmosphere. “Uh-huh, no worries.”  He handed both Skwisgaar and Toki little red hearts as requested. All he made them do was put them above their heads and shake them, before warming them up in their hands. Toki made Skwisgaar say something into the voice recording machine, despite there being a pre-recorded option from some promotional material for the band. 
“Knulla dig,” Skwisgaar said towards the screen, enjoying this way too much. Toki rolled his eyes but let it slide. Oblivious, Gerald stitched up their bears and handed them over. 
Toki held up his finished Skwisgaar bear, who did have a decent head of felt blonde hair, because he probably looked too ugly for words bald headed and wearing a black tank top. All that white fur. “He does look pretty awesome.” He stuffed him into the little blue and white box. 
The klokateers that had come with them appeared with boxes and boxes of Build-a-Bears that Toki had ordered online ahead of time. It was comical how they skillfully managed to carry all of them as well as the two additional boxes back to the car. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t leave me there to go hang out with some sluts,” Toki said.
“I haven’t been that bad about it, recently.” Skwisgaar said, though not defensively.
“No, you haven’t,” Toki agreed. “Want to smoke and do hand stuff on the way back?”
“Yeah, obviously,” Skwisgaar said as the car door closed next to him. There were so many blue and white boxes they were crammed in pretty close together. It also effectively blocked them off from view of the klokateers sitting up front or any onlookers.
Ending notes:
*What the fuck.
*He looks really cool.
*Fuck me.
I don’t know I just feel like whatever is wrong with Toki, it could be fixed if someone would just take him to Build-a-Bear. And I know that goofball would want the Hello Kitty releases. Also, Skwisgaar been taking it easy on the body count in Army of the Doomstar. By the way, if you even care.
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girlballs · 2 years
God, now I’m imagining Soul build shenanigans in a PvP context. You get an HP advantage fighting an intruding Deathbearer, who then retreats further into the level, and as you round a corner to chase them you catch a huge fucking soulbeam to the face and evaporate into dust.
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toenteryourmountain · 2 years
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jellycreamjammedart · 6 years
Draw more fnaf strange that :(
When I WANT to, darling.
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deathtrap9065 · 3 years
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Death of a Brother
The youngest out of the Three brothers ( Deathtrap, Deathbear, and War) died as Mason (Deathtrap’s master) killed his by slicing his head with an axe
Deathbear’s core could not be saved so he eventually died
Deathtrap got shot but yet he lived
War was high off his ass during everything so he thought Deathtrap was the one who killed Deathbear so he lost trust completely of Deathtrap
War left Deathtrap for dead but attempted to help Deathbear
But by the time he came home to help rebuild him he was gone
It was too late
War went into a deep depression when his darling he loved so much died. War’s horns turned red and he has been very aggressive since
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wolf-with-no-pelt · 4 years
Alleliuah-Skye Maccon
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The Important Bits
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Names: Alleliuah-Skye Maccon. 
Previous Names: Alleliuah-Skye Faolán || Lady of Winter’s Thorns ||  Wolfheart
Deednames: None.
Species: Changeling (Beast Hunterheart) || Kinfolk: Get of Fenris/Fianna by Marriage
Birthday: Unknown (July 21)
Location: Three River Valley Sept
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Eye Color: Dark, bruise-violet.
Hair Color: Golden and wildly curled.
Skin Color: Tanned.
Fashion Sense: Old, worn and comfortable. Her husband’s shirt, a pair of tattered jeans and her old boots are her favorite outfit.
Tattoos: None.
Scars: The canvas of her frame is littered with a variety of scars, some ritual, some earned, some given. Ritual scars: Large wings spread over her back, while an eye is centered in between them, against her spine. What used to be a thorny vine wrapped around her left bicep, but has been since mangled. Against her right shoulder are claw marks. On the left between the joint and her collarbone is an open triquetra. Around her navel is a crescent moon connected to a half sun with wandering rays. A Black Spiral Dancer once carved his name into her lower back, but that has been since burnt and healed off.
Mien: That golden hair of hers seems to be all the more wild and crazed, bristling with a life all its own. There are eyes hidden in her hair, that allow her to see all around her, as a manifestation of her paranoia. Her eyes are the bright amber of a wolf's, and her canines are enlarged, and she has sharp nails and pointed ears. Her scars remain.
Personality: Alleliuah is a quiet woman, but violent. Quiet only when things are calm, but at the blink of an eye, her temper can take over. Constantly swimming in the mire of a world she barely knows, PTSD and memories, along with the clean cut demand for survival, she has no qualms jumping into the thick of battle. Conversely, she's not great at showing her affection, but she will sacrifice herself without a thought for her loved ones.
A war hammer forged by Gideon "Smiles-Until-Dawn" Sawyer of iron, oak and the bones of her fallen brothers, which has been imbued with Nymph magicks by Verena Ironbourn for maximum impact. 
She also wields a broadsword, originally Gideon's that she has recently discovered has the magick of flames embedded within the metal.
A Shadow Lord Fang Dagger.
A Skin-Dancer’s skinning knife
Dragon-Piercer, a Grand-Klaive Fetish previously owned by Wilhelm
Blackwater Whiskey
Wood Carving
Relaxing in her Hammock
Being Belittled
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Current Lover: Rory “Red Hill” Maccon {Husband}
Former Lovers: Kael, The Lord of Winter’s Thorns  ||  Kana
Wilhelm "Thunder-Howler" Faolán (Adopted Brother {Deceased}) 
Nelly Faolán (Sister-in-law) 
Kylar & Desmond Faolán (Nephews)
Duncan Deathbearer (Adopted nephew/packmate)
Arlene Iceheart (packmate)
Painted-Eyes (packmate {Deceased})
Speaker-of-Kings (packmate {Deceased})
Sees-Only-Blood (Adopted son) 
Fjord Maccon (Son {Deceased})
Kolina "Bloodsinger" Forepaw 
Mina Hudson 
Maximus "Rises From White Flames" Bloodwalker
Nadya "Luna's Claw Striking to Darkness" Aleksandra 
Gideon "Smiles Until Dawn" Sawyer {Deceased}
Mentor: Siv “Witchhunter” Kramer
Kael, The Lord of Winter’s Thorns 
Adam Haupt
The Story
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Alleliuah was born on Hellifyno, in the mountainous region of the Northern Continent as the product of bastardized creatures. From the spoiled breeding of Fenrir wolves, and Fae magicks came a kinfolk with gnosis. This oddity led to the interest of the Lord of Winter’s Thorns, who took her as a Bride & Hunter. Over the years, her memory of her homeland was reduced to dim recollection.
Alleliuah's bizarre existence and bloodline from the Hand of Tyr, as well as being blessed by Gnosis made her attractive to the Lord. She became his wife and personal guard dog who accompanied him on hunts and was sent with a partner, Kana, from time to time to track down prized Changelings that had yet to get through the Hedge. He also enjoyed setting his dogs and changelings to fight in The Furnace during full moons. 
Occasionally, Alleliuah was kept in a cage with the other beasts, but often slept beside her husband. Like all Fae, he ran hot and cold and would often punish her, or simply neglect her. 
It was during one of these periods when she managed to make her escape. Tracking down a Changeling with Kana, who had fled, they were attacked by the woman. Alleliuah fell into a frozen river when it cracked, and was sucked below the ice. A great Leviathan of a Beast guarded a Hedge Gate hidden under the Glaeyze River, and it was pure luck that Alleliuah managed to get through.
Centuries ago, Beowulf defeated Grendal and was crowned. But the life of luxury for the Fenrir was not in his interests. He began to seek out other monsters to slay. His Court's Mage located a powerful artifact in the midst of this, held by an incredibly powerful Fae. They managed to make it to Arcadia, but found themselves fighting a losing battle.
Some managed to stumble out of the Hedge on sheer accident, making their home in the mountains of the Northern Continent. Others, did not. Over time, they were pursued and forced to breed, and became warped by the magicks of Arcadia. As the decades and centuries wore on, they grew to be pale shades of what they once were. Limited to a single form, an archaic, garbled form of the garou tongue and loyal to an absolute fault. Hardy, relentless and violent. Those that did not make the cut, were left to roam. Those that did, were the Hounds of the Wild Hunt. The Lord of Winter's Thorns had been raising these wolves to fill in the ranks of his hunting packs, as well as his own personal Wild Hunt for changelings that escaped him.
The Lord of Winter's Thorns was a True Fae that had been corrupted over the years by a tainted circlet once created by the Bastet to mimic the Silver Fang crown. It had given him dreams and visions over the years, culminating to a War where Wyrm hopes to destroy the Garou that have arrived.
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Beast's Blessing: She has a supernatural affinity with wolves, and has a powerful personal magnetism about her.
Hunterheart Blessing: Her teeth and nails are far stronger than a mortal's and can deliver lethal damage.
Relentless Endurance: She can take grievous amounts of damage, but sequester the pain to the back of her mind and ignore it. Once the scene is over however, it comes back.
Lady Luck: Good fortune seems to follow her. However, usage of this Contract invites terrible consequences.
Trespasser's Spoor: Once the changeling writes their name on the entrance in chalk and blood, they may sense any threats that enter their territory.
Wildwalker: After sleeping outdoors, a changeling can freely move through nature with no obstacles.
Beast's Keen Senses: If the changeling touches an animal-type of their contract, they acquire the senses of that animal.
Nevertread: By stopping to cover a single footprint and expending the Glamour, all of her footsteps from there on until the Contract ends, will be obscured. Only supernatural means will be able to track her path. As a Beast, she can extend this coverage to benefit those that travel with her. Even when the Contract has ended, the footsteps that were covered, will remain covered.
Might of the Terrible Brute: The changeling drains her opponent's strength to boost her own.
Red Revenge: By calling out to all of the hatred and misery in the world, she can summon her wrath like an aura. Her skin blisters and splits, and blood surrounds her in a haze. It acts like an armor, moves quicker and incites fear in the opponent. It causes her to go berserk.
Trusty Blades: The changeling cannot be easily disarmed, and rearming or drawing blades is done reflexively.
Song of Flashing Steel: By using this clause, the changeling calls to her hand a weapon with which she is familiar that is in line of sight (or in the same world by expending Willpower). The blade will avoid all obstacles in its path there, bar solid barriers.
Ice Echo: She can conjure a perfect reflection of herself. The image is identical to the her, except that it is reversed, as though seen in a mirror (so any writing on her clothing would be backwards, scars would be on the wrong side, etc.) She can control the image easily, giving it voice and guiding its motion. Taught by the Wendigo lupus ancestor spirit, Little - Bear.
Howl of the Banshee: The werewolf emits a fearful howl that causes those who hear it to run in terror. A Banshee —  a mournful spirit of the dead — teaches this Gift.
Speech of the World: This Gift allows Gaia’s warriors to read and wield the spirit of speech, bypassing the need to learn different languages and dialects. The Garou may speak and understand any human language she encounters, though she speaks with an obvious accent, marking her as an outsider. Speech of the World doesn’t convey literacy, nor is it an encyclopedia of cultural information. An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.
Rite of the Hunting Ground: Lupus Garou mark their territory by urinating on trees and bushes. After the rite, no wolf or Garou can come into the area without immediately realizing they have entered another's territory. There is no compunction not to enter, however. Typically, the Garou must spend an hour marking her territory. Special messages, such as a greeting to other Garou, can be left as well.
Voice of the Jackal: This rite is performed when a Garou's behavior has shamed not just herself, but her entire sept or tribe. When the ritemaster performs this rite, he blows a handful of dust or ashes onto the offender and speaks the following: "Because thy (cowardice/gluttony/selfishness/etc.) has proved thee to be of jackal blood, let thy voice proclaim thy true breed!" As the dust and words envelop the punished Garou, her voice changes. Thereafter, she will speak in an annoying shrill and piercing nasal whine until the ritemaster repeals the punishment.
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Roralle Ship Playlist
Roralle Pinterest
Quote: Aut viam inveniam aut faciam. If I cannot find a way, I will make one.
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ladyteldra · 5 years
“Child, why have you come to me?” Her voice echoes through the cavern, mellifluous despite the slight rasp of disuse. She watches as the youngling steps further into the gloom, closer to her.
“Are you the Weaver?” Honeyed eyes stare transfixed at her hands, the long digits expertly twining the silken threads regardless of her audience.
“I am many things, not all of them so kind a title.” A smile plays at her lips at the obvious effort he exerts to look away from her craft, at the slight awe in his gaze as he meets her own. With care, she folds her eight legs beneath her, slowly as to avoid startling her company, and settles closer to his level. “Weaver, Tale-Teller, Sorceress, Trickster, Harbinger, Deathbearer…
"Which title brings you, little mortal?”
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peter-muerte · 13 days
//TW BLOOD characters are deathbearer/fangkit and his mom, sunflower
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metalshockfinland · 4 years
HAUTAJAISYÖ To Release Third Album "On Vain Pimeys", New Single 'Kuolonkantaja' Out Now
HAUTAJAISYÖ To Release Third Album “On Vain Pimeys”, New Single ‘Kuolonkantaja’ Out Now
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Promo picture by Sami Kettunen / Kuvauksellista Valoa
Finnish Death metallers HAUTAJAISYÖ are set to release their third studio album “On Vain Pimeys” on November 13th 2020 via Inverse Records. New single Kuolonkantaja is out now.
Vocalist Janne Partanen comments: “Kuolonkantaja (deathbearer) was written many years ago, but it found it’s place now in the upcoming album. It is a good bridge…
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deathbearnoise · 7 years
This is a hiphop style beat with cute magical girl sparkles.  
I am trying to mix it with stuff but I can’t find anything good :/ 
I made a repack on splice of sparkly sounds. 
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illusionlock · 7 years
Freddy: Ninjabear. Toy Freddy: Hermitbear. Shadow Freddy: Deathbear. Golden Freddy: Ghostbear. Witherded Freddy: Copbear. Fredbear: Orginalbear. Nightmare Freddy: Dadbear.
last ones r incorrect bc uhm actually fredbear is also dadbear so yeah
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domunderrock · 6 years
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Sad day. #Deathbear https://www.instagram.com/p/BneQC-XnbGit-3vCY3-LxsygWw74C4nG-sC9sI0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gxxdlfn6f3qo
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bukudao · 7 years
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Last pho king night @WildKatSports...was not the last pho king night!! #ToBeContinued @RdBear57 will #BuKuDaoOrDie #ChinkInTheRing #TheSituAsian #DeathBear #DeathToBear #VietKong #VietKongStyle #TeamUnderDog #BuKuDao #TheRevenant #RightsToBearArms #RightsToDisArmBears #WatchWildKatSports (at WWL-TV Channel 4)
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deathtrap9065 · 3 years
So I had a question and I accidentally deleted it
But it was pretty much saying
Can you tell me some things about your oc?
I think?
(you can scroll down for the short version)
So Deathtrap's full name is Deathtrap William Killer and he's basically a robot born from a Satanic sign that appeared in an abandoned city. He was kidnapped by his master who abused him. One day his master introduced him to Fredbear jr. Afton when he kidnapped him too 15 years later. Fredbear was scared at first till he started talking to Deathtrap and teaching him english.(since he didn't know english at the time.)
They became lovers and after desperate attempts to escape they finally did it.
Soon they made and family together and Deathtrap reunited with his two brothers.
But soon after his little brother died because his master found out Deathtrap had brothers and wanted to kill them so Deathtrap can turn himself in. He killed Deathbear with an axe and got terrified when he accidentally shot Deathtrap in the head leaving him in a coma. War was drugged at the time because the master put something in his drink so War thought Deathtrap killed Deathbear and stopped trusting him for years.
Now War has more trust in Deathtrap but still doesn't let Deathtrap with his daughter Rose.
Deathtrap is now over with what his master did to him in the past. And only thinks about his future with Fredbear and his kids.
(he has a huge fear of Chains though)
Long story short he's a demon robot who was abused by a master who killed Deathbear yet also introduce Deathtrap to his future lover and broke War's trust with Deathtrap temperately. Deathtrap also has an abusive ex girlfriend.
He now loves his life even though it wasn't the best.
He's still pretty dumb because he's pretty uneducated.
Give him a long word and he'll fail on pronouncing it or reading it.
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