#dazai convinces oda to live and run away with him and then he thinks about being without chuuya and
ningensorrow · 2 years
more on my odasaku lives and runs away with soukoku au i will eventually (never) write
dazai managed to stop oda before he could get to face gide
"if you go there you'll die" "yes I know"
"didn't you want to be a writer?!"
dazai yells, which his eyebrows furrowed, and there is a weird expression, one that stops odasaku for a second. dazai's usually inexpressive eyes are widened and there is something unfamiliar in his face
oda realizes that is hopelessness and his heart clenches
"I did," he replies.
dazai looks desperate and so terribly young as he says, "if you go there i'll have to watch you die"
and oh.
odasaku cant do that to him, can he?
he thinks about his orphans, his kids, about the explosion, about guilt, and he thinks, I can't do that to him.
odasaku says, mori wants be dead, doesn't he.
and dazai fills the gasp between them and grabs his sleeve and he looks at him with those strange, yet fitting, emotions, and he says, please, so quietly odasaku almost thinks he imagined it.
but it was real.
and so he nods.
dazai drags him (read as: attempts to, cause he is way too underweight and doesn't have the strength) and he doesn't know where he is going.
they ventur into some decaying part of the city, almost at the edge of it, until they're in front of an empty storehouse. dazai pushes them into it, closing the door behind them.
"it's a safehouse, one mori doesn't know about"
there is still something careful in his voice, a type of uncertainty that rarely is present.
swiftly, dazai walks across the room, almost completely empty except for a couch, a small, round table and a dusty carpet. there is also an oil lamp, and while dazai is grabbing something from the table, he goes to turn it on.
the light is eerie and it accentuates the pale tone of dazai's skin and the unlived state of the safehouse.
his grief has never been louder.
"all done, now we wait," dazai chippers, but his eyes are sharp. he is pocketing a phone - not the one he always has, and neither one of the mafia burners.
odasaku must have been staring, because dazai smirks, and shrugs. "precautions," he simply says, and oda nods.
"what are we waiting for?" "why, for an annoying dog to bark, of course!"
the words float above his head for a moment, before he understands their meaning.
he sighs.
he wonders if it's too late to go back and have his final duel.
if he is right, he just damned himself to a slow and painful death.
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lowkey-yyy · 2 years
pls spare some more mha and bsd crossover stuff 🙏🧎
been seeing old fics on ao3 abt dazai and eri and ur post kinda created a snowball abt it 💅
So like with MHA n BSD crossover I feel like my hc of Dazai hating kids is included here so for them to get Dazai near this random kid from a mission would be a battle and a half,, id say in this au Dazai would be around the kids age and likely at this point on living with Aizawa because he is a goddamn menace (affectionate) and cannot be trusted in the dorms on a daily basis, only visits.
So Aizawa bringing Eri home would be a big change for Dazai also the fact this kid realizes that he is just like her, right out the window Dazai goes, Aizawa is freaking the fuck out and a manhunt begins for Aizawa's mini clone. They have to look everywhere for him as he has gone full run away mode in their eyes and Aizawa doesn't know what triggered this full fight or flight response at seeing a child for 2 seconds.
Turns out he went to Kunikida's dorm and forced the blond to let him stay, they were found snuggling when Kunikida was not down for breakfast (as per his ideals) and they came to check on him, the kids had to call and reassure Aizawa that Dazai was safe and sound just asleep.
In general Aizawa 100% would have his hands full with Dazai thrown in but he is ready for a challenge, this child is insanely smart and talented just horrifically traumatized and mentally ill. Aizawa would have to fight for weeks to convince the kid not to sleep in Kunikida's room and at least try to meet Eri.
It was painfully awkward and both kids had no idea what to do but stand there while Aizawa was praying for a miracle, Dazai would be especially helpful in keeping a handle on Eri's quirk but if he was running from her there would be no chance of it happening. This new arrangement made a few more things known as Dazai was strangely defensive of Aizawa being his adult and his alone, he didn't want to share the teacher with some gross kid! He was a little mean to Eri for a while as the Heroes tried to learn more about Dazai, apparently he was territorial as he refused to let Eri see Kunikida, touch his stuff and would completely ignore her if he felt she was taking too much of Aizawa's attention from him....he also one time kicked her off the couch when she tried to insert herself into Dazai and Aizawa's bonding on the couch as the younger boy soaked up his mentor's reluctant affection...The couch incident as it was dubbed left a scolded Dazai curled up in Kunikida's bed and Aizawa covered in scratches and bandaids the next day...
From then on they had to work on slowly getting the two to a stable living condition and as others took Eri for sleepovers and days out Dazai perked up, he would reluctantly share stuff with her on the rare occasion but he liked Aizawa and didn't want to be replaced as his favourite kid even if he denied seeing Aizawa as a father figure.
Aka Aizawa becomes Dazai's filling for the void Oda left behind so he lashes out at a child to try and protect what he has.
As for the class? They are relentless in teasing Kunikida for Dazai sleeping in his room and the two cuddling, they think its adorable but Kunikida disagrees (he does agree but he is in deep denial) Dazai and Kunikida make an excellent team in the training and classes but the bandaged boy has a knack for trying to off-himself in training and Kunikida has to save him constantly, its also tough to get Dazai to do practically any normal kid things, he just doesn't get it and sometimes feels left out but the others try to include him all the time they can.
Kunikida also notices Dazai's unhealthy behaviours and tries to help when he can, he sneakily tricks Dazai into eating food in the cafeteria, forces him to wash up after gym and when Dazai stays in his room he drags the shorter boy into the sheets to snuggle up so he has to sleep.
Grr i love mha bsd crossover,,, i could think up ideas for days
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 7: An oxidising world of a dream (Part 5)
Warnings: angst
Author notes: yes, I do consider that this part is heartbreaking enough to put angst as a warning... Do tell me if you think otherwise! (or another smart way to ask for feedback...)
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I waited behind the door of the familiar infirmary, my arms crossed and my look focused onto the carpet beneath my feet. I had been ordered to stay there until Dazai came out, while he had sent men and Akutagawa to the art museum of Yokohama for a mission. If at first I had wondered if he was punishing me for my previous failure during the casino mission, I had soon realised that this raid to the museum was pointless, and clearly a trap Mimic had set for us. However, the squadron had been getting impatient, lately, and their desire to fight overcame any trace of reason their consciousness held. The most stupid of all had to be the "dog". He exposed himself to danger without further questioning, only to prove our superior he was worth his praises. He could not understand that the executive did not expect such things from him... And he would never listen to my advice.
"Odasaku is awake." The door opened behind me.
"It is good." I cracked a discreet smile "Do you need me to do anything?"
"Come in, and try to convince him." Dazai sighed "He wants to go and save Akutagawa..."
"Akutagawa...?" I narrowed my eyes, following him inside the infirmary "Well, he is an asset for the Mafia, after all... And you will not pretend you are ready to toss his power aside, will you?"
"So you agree, Ogawa?" Oda asked me upon seeing me.
"I am glad to see you are better, Oda." I smiled "And I do agree that helping Akutagawa out would be better. However... I could go myself. You have just woken up and many things occurred. You need to rest."
"Resting..." He hummed "I don't need it. I feel as though I owe someone, so I can't stay there doing nothing."
"Owing..." Dazai sighed "The one you owe doesn't even remember what he'd lent you..."
"But I do." He shrugged "Besides, it is absolutely out of question that you go, Ogawa."
"I have not been ordered not to go." I defended.
"Dazai, order her."
"Why would he...?" I frowned "I can —"
"A consequent amount of shops and warehouses of the Port Mafia has been bombed while Odasaku was asleep." My superior cut me "And you took care of every single case without my assistance. You too, need to rest."
"You'd rather send your sick friend off than your lieutenant...?" I argued, holding onto Oda's sleeve so he would not leave "I am your subordinate, I appreciate that you care about my safety but... It is my duty. Oda needs to rest, he was poisoned heavily and no matter how strong he is, he is still weakened from the —"
The executive grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him, until my forehead rested onto his shoulder. The effects of No Longer Human were immediate; the thoughts of my surroundings faded away, and my eyelids felt heavy with the need to sleep.
"You can't..." I protested, trying to pull away but finding myself too weak to do so "You can't..."
"You haven't slept, the other night... I order you to rest now..." He said, rather softly.
"But your friend... He... Will..."
"Odasaku will be alright." He reassured me "I trust him, I know he will not put himself in danger."
I heard footsteps getting away and deduced the man had left. He had resolved himself to let Oda go... Fatigue took over and my knees buckled under my weight, brusquely. His arms wrapped around my waist to support me and my hands gripped onto Dazai's coat as I fought not to fall asleep just yet, but I could not deny my body needed to doze off, for at least a few hours. I hated being so useless...
"I... Am of no use to you..." I murmured, my voice muffled by his coat.
"Being exhausted makes you say idiotic things." He retorted, suddenly picking me up to lay me down on the bed "Why are you still trying not to fall asleep...?"
"I heard you... Praising Akutagawa..." I refused to let go of him "Even if he is dumb... He has power... Everyone... Around you is so strong... And I..."
"Stop saying things you know I have never thought about, Ogawa... Comparing you with Akutagawa is impossible, comparing you with Odasaku is unbelievable as well." Dazai stated.
"... Am I an incompetent...?"
"The one who said that must be blind."
"Akutagawa has a good sight..." I closed my eyes, but opened them before surrendering to sleep "I am... Incompetent... Unsuited to be by your side... I don't want to sleep and be useless..."
His hand landed onto my forehead, pushing my bangs away from my eyes and making contact with my skin.
"Being useless is the last thing I think about you..." He assured me "I'd appreciate it if you had some sleep before going back to work."
"I'll leave you alone..."
"I'll bring you to the office as soon as you close your eyes, then. I swear, so now, do not torment your mind with such thoughts anymore and only think about resting well, to assist me afterwards." He cracked a smile, clumsily running his hand across my head.
"Alright, then... If it is not a bother..." My eyelids fell and my body went numb.
"... How could that ever be a bother...?"
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Dazai had gone out with Oda. The two had some business to take care about, and my superior had insisted for me not to go. After the incident at the art museum, Akutagawa had come back safely, as well as Oda, and the matter was settled within hours. I leaned my head onto the bay of the executive's office. The sun had disappeared behind the horizon for a moment now, leaving only the darkness and a few stars to light it up. I noticed it was a night without a moon, and did not like it. When the world was too immersed in shadows, nothing good would ever occur. I feared this night was ominous.
"Come back safe, Dazai..." I whispered, looking away from the lights of the town.
Humankind had always hated complete darkness. Electricity had allowed us to tame the night and its fictional monsters so we could prolong our day as much as possible. But whether it was under the sun or a neon light, we could never run away from our own shadows, and I liked to think the evilness laying still within us was the origin of our tales about the night. The true monsters often — not to say always — had a human face.
Slowly, I walked across the office to take my coat before exiting it, without forgetting to close the door behind me. It felt so lonely, being away from his side... Everything seemed completely worthless if Dazai was nowhere around me, as if the reason I could live had been taken away from me. In a way, I was aware of the dangerous truth; I depended on my superior as much as I was addicted to morphine, perhaps even more, and I could not imagine once that we could be apart. He had given me a reason to be in this world which had casted me away mercilessly, and striving to stay alive was a feeling I had just started to embrace. I could go as far as stating it was a glimpse of happiness I was experiencing... I wanted to cling onto it with my whole being, sometimes forgetting that nothing was more ephemeral than human joy. There was nothing which would not be lost... And I did not remember.
I turned around upon hearing a voice calling my name. The second in command, Yamada-san... After how badly he had tried to take advantage of me, we had rarely interacted with each other. In front of Dazai, he acted friendly, but I knew he wanted to be ridden of me after I had humiliated him, the day I had killed my parents.
"What can I do for you?" I asked, poised.
"Actually..." He sighed "I have a pile of paperwork awaiting me, but... Today is my wife's and my anniversary so I did not want to go back late..."
"You are married...!" I exclaimed, astonished.
"I never wear my ring when in the headquarters... Not to trouble her, right? But I am. We even have the most adorable son." He smiled "I met her after that incident... I still can't apologise enough for that day."
"It is too late, now. But I can overlook it, for once."
For the first time, I felt sympathy toward this man I would usually be annoyed about.
"I'll take care of it for you." I smiled back "Please have fun."
"I'll make sure to." He nodded excitedly "Thanks a bunch, Ogawa-kun!"
A bunch...? Well... I watched his back walking away a moment before going into his office. The pile of paperwork was, indeed, a pile, threatening to wither and crash onto the ground at any moment, and I sighed heavily, bringing the documents to Dazai's office where I felt more comfortable. I had been supposed to wait for his return; he would kill me when he would discover I was working overtime... Oh, well... It had been a moment I had not had a warm cup of coffee, anyway.
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It was well-past midnight when the door of the office opened. The headquarters were most likely empty, except for the Boss and a few guards doing their night shift. On this floor, this room was the only one where the light was still on. I smiled at my superior, who visibly did not expect seeing me there, and took a sip of my fifth cup of coffee.
"Welcome back, Dazai." I stood up to take his coat off of his shoulders.
"Ogawa...? No wonder you were not at your place..."
He had stopped by, thinking I was waiting for him...? I almost regretted stubbornly staying there to help the second in command out...
"Forgive me for not telling you beforehand..." I apologised "There was still work to do..."
"This is not your job." He stated, taking a look at the papers.
"He..." I paused, thinking I could not reveal the truth about the marriage "... Had important things to take care of."
"Important enough for you to comply?" Dazai raised his two eyebrows "He surely lied to you to leave and have a drink with his friends."
"... Is that so...? My, I'm so stupid..." I did not want to argue and attempted to avoid the subject "Thinking I could have easily read his thoughts..."
"Whatever you are hiding, I'm not going to ask about it if you don't want to talk about it..." He sighed, resigned, and let himself fall onto a couch "To think you'd help him after what he has done to you... That disgusting jerk..."
I was dumb to think he would not find out I was lying...
"You seem especially exhausted, tonight." I noted, taking a seat in front of him "What happened...?"
"Nothing." He dodged the matter "Do you still have a lot to do?"
"There isn't much left..." I told him "I'll hurry so you can cancel my ability and have some sleep yourself."
"Please, do so..." He grumbled lowly.
I sat back at his desk and started reading the different reports. Dazai was not usually so grumpy and tired. Definitely, something was wrong about him, but I knew better than asking him directly. If only I could read his thoughts... I would have been able to tell what bothered him.
Minutes after, his breathing was regular, and I looked up at him, only to see he was gone in deep slumber. Soundlessly, I took his coat from the hanger and draped it over his body to protect him from the cold. Summer had installed itself in Japan, but the nights were still chilly, especially in an office freshened up by air conditioning. Many people had a peaceful face when sleeping, but he... He did not look appeased at all. On the contrary, it appeared sleeping brought his own monsters to the surface of his consciousness and tormented him... I decided not to do anything, judging he, no matter what, did need a good night of rest too. And if nightmares disturbed him, I would act accordingly to the situation. He had often made sure I was sleeping correctly before leaving — I could have felt it — so it was my turn to protect his rest.
I stared at him, leaning my chin onto the back of my hand. He had not budged at all and my paperwork had long been over. I did not believe Dazai could sleep so well; he was more the type to suffer from insomnia. I often wondered, when waking up, what he had been up to during the night. After granting me sleep, did he go back to his impersonal apartment? Or did he wander around Yokohama to have a few drinks? Did he bring women back to his place? The thought coated my cheeks in red and I quickly banned it from my mind. Whatever he did, I was certain he did not get much sleep. I shut off the lights, only to turn on the small lamp on the desk. The sieved light was more relaxing than the main one, and it bathed the room in a comfortable atmosphere. While my superior was soundly asleep, I took a random book from the shelf and started reading it. How to prevent accidental casualties. So this book did exist and he had truly read it. He had not lied, the other day... I felt bad for doubting him, but one had to admit discerning between his acts and his true words was a challenge. When was he serious and when was he playing around? Oda easily understood the shifts in the mood, but I... No, I could not think about his friend anymore. I always ended up frustrated when looking up to this amazing person. I had embarrassingly ranted about my uselessness again, earlier, I could not afford to ridicule myself anymore. I did not want him to look at me like a pitiful thing...
Suddenly, the coat fell from Dazai and landed onto the floor with a muffled noise. I put the book aside to readjust it over his body, but, as I did so, he forcefully grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him. His one eye was wide opened onto me.
"D-Dazai, you are going to cancel my ability..." I broke the silence, trying to free myself from his grip.
"... Isn't that what I am supposed to do...?" He asked, rather tiredly.
"You fell asleep, I was not going to take advantage of your ability while you were defenceless..." I said "Well, that's what I thought, but you are actually always vigilant about your surroundings..."
"Obviously..." He let me go to rub his face "How long have I been sleeping?"
"Two to three hours, roughly. You should close your eyes again; you were resting so well..."
"What about you? Are you done?"
"I am, don't worry..."
"Then, let's —"
I gently pushed him back to the couch and put his coat back onto him with a slight smile.
"I had some sleep in the afternoon... It's your turn, Dazai..." I declared.
"But your ability... Won't it be a bother?"
"I'll be fine, just think about yourself... Please rest. There are people counting on you to lead them tomorrow..." I told him.
His expression was unreadable, but he adjusted his position so he would be laying on the couch instead of sleeping in a sitting position. His fingers held onto his coat and brought it around his upper body, as though he felt cold, and his eyes closed.
"Goodnight..." I whispered.
"I saw Ango, tonight. We went to the bar." He interrupted my moves.
"Dazai, you should —"
"He was an undercover agent for the government, you know...? And a spy in Mimic for the Port Mafia too..." He chuckled, a bit bitterly "He betrayed us... He betrayed me..."
"I'm sorry..." I had no clue what to say "The three of you were so close as friends..."
"... Come there a bit..." He demanded.
I decided to sit down on the edge of the couch.
"I lost him..." He finally muttered, his voice muffled by the heavy black cloth "I lost Ango... I lost our friendship... I said I was prepared to lose everything I once owned... But I'm not... His loss left a hole somewhere in me... I don't know how to fill it... Am I not pathetic, showing you such a sight...?"
"Not at all..." I hesitatingly patted his shoulder "If anything, I am glad that you could tell me such a thing..."
"You are there... Odasaku is still there too, but for some reasons, I feel so lonely..." He confessed.
What could I do or say to soothe his pain? I did not know... I did not want to pretend I understood the gap he experienced, nor could I come up with classic lines; Dazai did not need them. Dazai did not want me to say "don't worry."
"... I'll always be there..." I reminded him.
But I was not enough.
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inner-dreamscape · 4 years
Pink Skies pt. 2
Title: Sirens
Part One
Also posted on AO3
The electrical buzzing of the blinking 'VANCANCY' sign outside the motel was hypnotizing. Chuuya stared blankly down at his hands, splayed open in the red light, then splayed out in the darkness when the sign blinked back off again. Again and again, his hands appeared in a haunting cycle, each time the same. Nothing changed. Nothing he did afterwards changed the fact that his hands were stained red.
It was a day to celebrate but Chuuya couldn't fathom the happiness the others felt at his first successive kill. He had to leave. He had to escape. So, he ran back to the motel room the first opportunity he got and he spent the next two hours burning his skin under a hot shower and wasting all the soap in trying to clean the red from his hands. But no matter what he did, he couldn't erase it. Couldn't wash the stink and the stickiness away. That red clung to his skin as if that person's soul haunted him for what he had done.
His hands trembled, or maybe it was his entire body. He didn't know. He wanted to cry but the shock and disgust and the urge to scream all warred within him that no tears were able to be shed. So he just sat there, on the floor next to the single bed, staring at his hands. He couldn't look away from them, didn't want to look away. Afraid that looking away would dismiss the act that he had committed. That it would devalue a human's life even if that human was rotten to the core.
He didn't know how long he had stayed there but before he knew it, the sun was rising and the red light was washed out. The only thing left were his clean palms.
Just like that.
Chuuya peeled a hand away from hugging his knees to stare down at them. Without his gloves on, they were the same as back then, clean and devoid of any blood. But he knew better.
The guy he managed to track down went down easily enough. It was easy to set his death up like a suicide. So wracked with guilt about putting an innocent man in critical care that he ended up hanging himself. Too late to be saved before the cops descended on him to arrest him for the drunken hit and run. He only hated that he couldn't have made a mess out of him, for Dazai.
For Oda.
It's been a whole week since Oda got out of critical care. Ango and Kunikida have been taking turns watching over the kids, with Dazai helping out whenever he wasn't by Oda's side at the hospital. The first 3 days, it took both him and Ango to drag Dazai out of the hospital room in order for Chuuya to take him home to sleep. It became easier to convince Dazai to leave once Oda woke up to tell him himself.
True to Chuuya's prediction, the first meal Oda asked for was curry. Thankfully, the nurse scheduled was able to dissuade him from breaking doctor's orders. From then on, all the nurses assigned to him had to keep an eye on the visitors to make sure none of them brought in contraband food. They kept a very strong eye on Ango, much to the man’s chagrin.
Despite the emergency surgery Oda had to go under, he escaped the crash with internal abdominal injuries, a broken arm and leg, bruised ribs and a heavy concussion. He would have to undergo physical therapy once his arm and leg healed, but the doctors were hopeful that there wouldn't be any lasting damage. Chuuya was glad. He didn’t know how he would have handled Dazai if there had been lasting damage. The scars and disabilities reminders about how they both had failed to protect family.
The noise from the shitty TV suddenly rose in volume as the characters on screen screamed at each other. He wasn't really paying attention to it, having it on as background noise. It was one of those rare days that their neighbors were away and the floor was blessedly silent. The thin walls left little to the imagination and privacy a thing to be missed. But that night, he couldn't take it. The silence. So, the TV was on.
It helped to distract his raging nerves and anxiousness. But it could only help for so long. Flipping through the limited channels, nothing caught his attention that he could fully immerse himself in. Even the game system he and Dazai scrimped and saved up for, for a joint Christmas present to themselves (and to be honest, the kids for when they visited), didn't seem enticing. He sat there, watching the over acted drama play out on the small screen. By the time the protagonist was making her exit, he had fully chewed his thumb nail down to the skin.
His partner was still visiting Oda and would probably stay there until the nurses kicked him out after visiting hours were over. Maybe he had time to go out and buy some cheap wine before Dazai came back. He had finished his stock yesterday, using liquid courage to help him finish his plan. Perhaps he could get drunk and go to bed early, forget about today and not worry about tomorrow. He means, Dazai knew he was planning something like this right? Chuuya wasn't part of the goody-goody two shoes agency so he didn't have to feel guilty over what Dazai would think. If anything, he knew almost exactly what Dazai would think. That wasn’t the problem. No. What was the problem was that he killed when he didn't have to. He killed when he promised Oda that he wouldn't become a killer like the rest of the gang. He killed when he knew for a fact that Oda wouldn't have wanted him to kill the guy that ran into him. He would have wanted Chuuya to leave it to the police and let the justice system get justice for him.
But he had promised Dazai first. He had promised himself first. That he would do anything in his power and position to keep the two of them safe from the shadows of the underworld. He stayed in the Port Mafia to thwart any and all future attempts at the two traitors should they become a target again. He stayed to keep an eye on other organizations that might deem the agency an enemy.
Dazai might argue that Chuuya was doing exactly what he was supposed to do. Nothing more and nothing less. Chuuya would be deeply inclined to agree with his partner.
Still. What was done, was done and Chuuya had to live with that for the rest of his life. He was prepared to carry that burden. Maybe he could coerce Dazai into keeping this fact a secret between them. What's one more amongst many?
His other thumb nail was gone now too. His spiraling thoughts had taken him out of the false calm he had acquired from the mindless reality TV he had settled on. He was fidgety. Angsty. He couldn't quite stop the bouncing of his leg as he stared hard at the grainy screen. God, if only he had a cigarette to chew on…
"I'm home!" Chuuya strangled a curse. He let it loose anyway once he saw the blood beading up on his thumb.
Dazai stood in the genkan, brown eyes focused on him as he removed his shoes. Chuuya ignored him, sticking his thumb in his mouth to suck the blood away. He made a face at the metallic flavor that coated his tongue. He didn’t think he had bitten so hard.
"Chuuya's not going to say 'Welcome home'?" Dazai whined, hefting the takeout bag onto the coffee table. "Even after I went out of my way to bring him food?" He directed a pout at the redhead, hoping for some sympathy.
"Welcome home, asshole." Chuuya grumbled, rummaging through the food containers to sort out their own. It was Dazai’s turn to pick up food anyways, so he got no pity from him.
It was Chinese that night. Peeking into each of the cartons, he found sesame chicken, pork fried rice, white rice, kung pao beef, egg rolls and some lin yueng bau. He claimed the fried rice, kung poa and lin yueng bau for himself, pushing the rest to the other side of him for Dazai. He dug in.
"Chuuya." Dazai called, still standing from the spot beside the couch.
He grunted, mouth stuffed with spicy kung pao and eyes glued to the TV. He knew that tone of voice. He was the ‘we need to have a serious talk’ voice because they were doing that now. Talking. No more secrets between them, they had decided. He was going to try to waylay the inevitable but Dazai hadn’t been known as the Demon Prodigy for nothing.
"Chuuya." Dazai called again, reaching a hand out to turn the red heads face towards him.
Chuuya swallowed down his food, lips pulling down into a frown. "What."
Dazai stared at him intently, getting that furrow between his brows when he was displeased with something. The look made Chuuya bristle. A callus free thumb swiped the splattering of sauce off of puffy lips. A pink tongue couldn't help but dart out and lick the digit. Appalled at his own tongue, Chuuya ripped his chin away from Dazai's soft hands.
"What?" He asked again, annoyed.
"What's wrong with Chuuya." And wasn't that a loaded question.
"Nothing's wrong with me. Sit down and eat already." He took his own advice and went back to eating.
Dazai sat down, but didn't make any moves to eat. He was still staring at Chuuya and Chuuya had no doubt in his mind that Dazai was figuring things out. He always did. He was the only person in the whole world who understood him to his core and he him in return. So he knew that Dazai was gearing up to have a serious talk, but honesty? Chuuya didn't want to have it. Yeah, he knew he would have to discuss this at some point, but not right now. Not tonight. His refusal to look at Dazai signified that.
The slender hand reached out again, this time, grabbing for the takeout carton. Chuuya made a noise a protest, but ultimately had to let it go if he didn't want the beef and bell pepper to fall from his chopsticks. He watched as the container was set back onto the table with the rest of the food. He slowly ate the rest from his chopsticks to prolong the conversation.
"You killed someone." Dazai stated, not asked. Because he knew. Chuuya didn't have to ask how he came to that conclusion. Dazai's seen him plenty of times after missions where he was forced to kill someone in self-defense and Chuuya was exhibiting those habits right in front of him. "Who was it?"
"No one you know." His leg started bouncing again. ‘When had it stopped?’
Chuuya glared. "It's true! It's not someone you know." Technically it was true. Dazai didn't know that guy's name. Chuuya didn't know either but to-ma-to, to-mah-to.
"But I know of them. You're more…keyed up than usual. That only happens when it's someone we have in common." A light seemed to go off in his head. "It was that guy."
"What guy?" His heart beat faster. He knew.
"The one that hit Oda." One look at Chuuya's face confirmed his answer. He smirked lightly. "I'm right."
"Whatever." He mumbled, reaching for the food.
Dazai stopped him. Chuuya groaned, leaning back into the couch.
"How did you do it?" Chuuya didn't like the look that infiltrated those brown eyes. ‘He shouldn’t have those thoughts’ he remembered thinking once. More than once because old habits die hard, and yes it was a habit. Until Dazai taught himself better, he knew the other would still be having them. And hadn’t that been the part of the reason he had stayed in the Port Mafia in the first place? To protect the both of them but also to help foster that new outlook on life; that life was worth something more than the pain and suffering of others at your hands.
Discussing this situation was going to be hard without bringing Dazai’s bloodlust back out from wherever it was buried. But Dazai had agreed to Chuuya’s terms of handling the guy himself, so it was a start.
"No. We are not going to talk about this. I'm not going to tell you how."
"I can always look it up." He threatened.
"Not if I ask you not too. And not if you want to keep this just between us." Chuuya fired back.
"Are you?"
"What? Going to ask you not to look it up?" Dazai nodded.
Chuuya remained silent, thinking about his answer. He wanted to say yes. Keep everything buried deep down under, and he knew that Dazai would take his request seriously. But that's how things ruined. It would fester and fester until it was eating him up inside. Until there was nothing else left inside him. Didn't they say the best thing for a wound to heal was to let it breathe?
Letting Dazai look up the information saved him from having to say everything out loud. And wasn't he just a right coward for thinking it in actuality.
He wasn't a coward.
"No. No I'm not." And Dazai smiled at him, pleased. They've come a long way into their relationship. "But I am asking that you not do it right away. I'll tell you. Later. Just…not right now, okay?"
"Okay." Dazai slid the hand that was holding Chuuya's arm, down until he was holding Chuuya's hand in his own. He gave the smaller one a reassuring squeeze. "That’s all I ask."
Chuuya silently nodded.
"Are you still hungry?" Their food was probably already cold.
"Not that much, no." He lost most of his appetite at the mention of his heinous deed.
The leg that was not curled up on the couch supporting their hands was still bouncing. It stilled briefly at the heavy sigh that escaped from Dazai. The other's hand left his for a moment, fishing in his back pocket for something. Chuuya silently missed the warmth.
Dazai pulled out an unfamiliar packet of cigarettes. He shook one out, gripping it with his mouth and pulling before shaking another out and offering it to Chuuya. It strangely reminded Chuuya of the morning in front of the hospital.
‘A lot of things are.’
Curiously, he took the cigarette, holding it up to his nose to sniff it. There was a fruity scent about it, different from the spice and tobacco from their usual. Seeing the question on his partner's face, Dazai told him, "They're new. The company just came out with them a month ago; fruit flavors. That one's strawberry." The painted ring underneath the filter was red. Looking over, Dazai's was yellow. Lemon.
Dazai pulled out a lighter and lit his, taking a deep breath to get the smoke going. The scent of lemons surrounded them as smoke escaped those parted lips. Intrigued and impatient, Chuuya leaned forward with his own cigarette tucked between his lips, pressing the tip against the smoldering end of Dazai's.
He didn't notice the deep inhale from Dazai, or the widening of his brown eyes. Instead, he focused on keeping the tips pressed together, trying to light his own. After a few seconds, the cigarette started catching. He moved back a little to see if it was enough when his eyes caught Dazai's. Blue eyes took in the heated look that covered Dazai's face.
The scents of lemon mixed with strawberry wafted into their noses as Chuuya's started burning. Slowly, Dazai reached out to pluck the stick from Chuuya's mouth and his own before crashing his lips onto the shorter.
Chuuya could have sworn he heard Dazai mutter into his mouth, "Beautiful" as he returned the kiss.
The kissing didn't last long and the strawberry stick was shoved back into his mouth. Rolling his eyes, he took a drag, tasting the flavor on his tongue. It was tart from the taste of Dazai and lemon, and Chuuya couldn't bring himself to hate it.
"I like the strawberry." He said at last, taking another taste.
He felt a weight on his left side as Dazai tipped over, resting his head on Chuuya's shoulder.
"Hm, I like the lemon." Dazai smiled, releasing the smoke in Chuuya's face.
"It's sour like you, no wonder." The redhead teased.
"And you're red, your point?"
Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Shut up, shitty mackerel."
They spent the rest of the evening bickering and watching trash TV, cuddled into each other. They didn't talk about the drunk driver again that night, thankfully. When they crawled into bed around 2 in the morning Chuuya felt like himself again. He peeled his hands away from Dazai's back to look at them once more. They were clean. Sighing, he cuddled Dazai closer to himself, burying his face into fluffy brown hair. There will always be blood on his hands, whether they were clean or not, but he had Dazai there to help with the burden of it. That was all he could ask for.
The distant sound of sirens, filtered faintly into their bedroom.
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dearosamu · 4 years
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SYPNOSIS: she, a dancer with personified problems all the while more that intrigues osamu dazai who came into her life amidst the chaos that is [name] [last name].
WARNING/S: cursing [if i forget to put warnings, pls be reminded this fic has mature themes!]
two - three
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"what the hell are you doing here again you bastard? still trying to get into [name]'s pants?" chuuya greeted dazai and oda rather bitterly, directed at dazai mostly.
"he's still hung over [name] and i'm here for ango." oda pushed dazai slightly as the brunette only stuck out his tongue at chuuya.
"odasaku, you very well know that-"
"well damn. you don't even know how much [name] hates your guts, shitty dazai." chuuya crossed his arms, staring dazai down with disapproval. "i just don't get why you still force yourself on her."
dismissing chuuya's last comment, dazai frowned. "why would she hate me?"
"i can give her whatever she wants. she gives me what i want and i give her what she wants."
"it doesn't work that way, dazai. [name] doesn't think that way."
"i can give her more money if she wants. anything her heart desires." dazai pouted.
chuuya exhaled through his nose sharply, shaking his head. "she ain't a gold digger. do you really think that low of her?"
dazai shrugged nonchalantly, irritating chuuya even more.
"sure, she works for the money but she isn't going to throw away her body just for more cash. especially to a bastard like you."
oda sighed heavily from dazai's left, placing a hand on dazai's shoulder and shaking him. "that's what i keep trying to say, but he won't listen."
dazai's frowned deepened. "it's not just money i'll give her, you know. she can get whatever she wants just as she repays me equally as well. preferred for something more..intimate."
"she's not a fucktoy, dazai."
"i didn't even imply that-"
"sounds like you did."
the brunette and ginger glared at each other, seemingly a telepathic disagreement between the two men. oda only shaked his head at this.
he placed his hands on both male's shoulder's and broke them up as he could tell one of them may really kill the other.
"you two are grown men, so act like one and stop your childish antics. chuuya, just give dazai what he wants, otherwise he really won't leave."
chuuya thought over it for a moment before reluctantly agreeing. "..fine. it's not like i can do anything about it, he's just too persistent," he grumbled.
"alright, now that it's settled, let's get a move on!" dazai returned to normal and pushed oda up front eagerly.
oda only sighed once again.
"why the fuck are you here again?" [name] hissed as dazai merely smirked at her before placing his hand on the arm chair, raising another brown envelope with wads of cash.
"i want another show, dear. i can pay you double," dazai waved the brown envelope with a significantly larger amount of money in which where [name] eyed it eagerly, biting her lip.
"what makes you think you can buy me with money?"
"i see the way you look at it. i can tell you're desperate for money."
"you don't know that!" she snapped at the bandaged male.
"i know you do. you need the money."
"what makes you think that, huh? is it because i work here?! is it because i-"
"you need it for yourself and a family member whom you live with in a shabby apartment. i'm not sure if my hunch is correct, but the landlord demands you a larger amount of money to pay for rent. am i wrong?" dazai cuts her off, looking at how she faltered.
"i don't like you," [name] spat. "i hate your stupid tricks. will you just fuck off and stop stalking me?"
"but i'm right, are i not?"
"it doesn't matter whether you're right or wrong," she squinted at the male. "you're an asshole for taking advantage of me and i hate that. i'm not gonna blow you for a few thousand yen."
dazai seemed to have not been paying attention or just completely dismissed it changed the subject. "i wonder why a lot of people have been calling me an asshole lately."
"oh really? i wonder why." was [name]'s snarky reply.
"well, you don't have to blow me. you can just do what you did yesterday."
"what i did yesterday?"
dazai nodded, humming as he waited for her response.
the woman stayed silent, debating whether or not to agree to fulfill his request. she heaved a sigh, (something oda has been doing lately since he and dazai went there the other night) running a hand through her [h.c] locks.
"how much do you have then?"
"five hundred sixty-five thousand."
her eyes widened a fraction. "you're willing to pay me that much money for a measely lap dance?"
"i can miss the money, you need it for yourself."
"stop treating me like i'm pathetic and in need of help from a higher-up like you. i can work for my own money! and we especially don't need your sympathy!"
"i'm not pitying you. it's called kindness," dazai raised a brow. "what's wrong with it?"
"everything." she growled.
dazai stared at her for the longest time, never breaking their eye contact.
[name], who grew tired of their stare off, rolled her eyes and snatched the brown envelope aggressively. "listen, i'm not taking this because i need it or because i'm a whore who just throws herself at men," she narrowed her eyes. "i'm taking it because i want to, got it?"
dazai only hummed before he was dragged back to the place he and [name] were the night before.
"let's just get this fucking over with."
it became a regular thing.
dazai would double up the amount of money he'd pay [name] with each time he'd drop by. the money kept the female on a leash, confirming his suspicions of her desperate need for cash.
he'd try to convince her to go home with him every time, and every time she'd refuse. dazai doesn't understand. he had a nice place and he was filthy rich, though he knows she isn't a gold digger, but why?
he wanted to know why she refuses to go home with him and his question was answered when he had ran into her in the mall.
he was hurrying to buy a suit for an upcoming celebration for his company's twenty-forth year anniversary. he was just walking around calmly around the mall before a child with black and white hair ran into him, making him stumble back.
"omph--!" the child let out a small disgruntled noise before looking up at dazai with..the most strangest eyes he has seen. a shrill of a female broke the child's trance before hiding behind dazai, gripping on his black trench coat tightly.
"yumeno! where are you little brat- oh you have to be fucking with me right now." [name] came into an abrupt stop as she had been running to look for yumeno. her neutral expression turned into one of annoyance as she had spotted black and white hair from behind dazai.
she snapped her fingers. "yumeno, come here right now."
the child immediately let go of dazai and ran to [name], giggling quietly to himself. "you found me, onee-chan! haha!"
"are you hungry? here," she handed the multicolor haired child twenty five yen. "you can go buy any sweets you like for now."
"mhm!" yumeno happily walked away to a nearby candy shop. once he was out of sight, [name] turned to dazai, furious.
"do you follow me every where??!"
"no. we only met by coincedence. who was that kid by the way?"
"he is none of your business. now, if you'll excuse me-"
"i'm afraid you're not going any where, love." dazai took a hold of her arm before she could walk away. she whipped her head back, her brows furrowed in annoyance.
"what do you want now?"
"i won't tell anyone here that you're a stripper and work in an exoti-" a hand clamped his mouth shut before he could finish his sentence.
"will you shut the fuck up? people can hear you, you know," [name] hissed at dazai. "look, i'm a dancer, alright? a dancer, not a stripper. i pole dance, lap dance. i just dance okay?" dazai nods his head as he is unable to speak for it will come out muffled by her hand.
"also, do you know when to ever keep your mouth shut? people here still respect me, so don't go fucking that up for me." she removed her hand from his mouth, looking at it with disgust before wiping it on his expensive coat.
dazai turned to look at the multicolor haired kid that hid behind him earlier who was now talking to a worker on an ice cream parlor.
"is he your son?"
"what he is to me doesn't matter, just stay away from him."
"he's a cute kid."
"what?" dazai turned to her with a questioning look.
"i don't want you to be anywhere near him," heaving a sigh, she continued. "just leave him alone at least. you already torment me enough by working for you."
"is he the reason you keep coming back?"
"me? coming back? please," she scoffed. "you're the one who keeps coming back to me and ask for more with enough money as it is."
"then why don't you send me away?"
"i'm pretty sure you're smart enough to figure that out," she huffed. "now fuck off."
"onee-chan, onee-chan!! help me with this!" yumeno ran back to her holding two pieces of candy- er, shall say a pack of lollipops and a pack of gummy bears.
"can i buy both?"
[name] softened her expression and kneeled down to yumeno's height, smiling at him gently. "i'm sorry, yumeno. we can't buy both. you can only pick one."
"i know that, but i don't know which one to pick.." yumeno stared at the two packs of sweets on his hands, silently playing 'eeny, meeny, miny mo' between the two.
"hey mister," yumeno looked up to dazai with a small impish grin. "which one do you think i should buy?"
dazai placed a hand on his chin as he thought about it over. "well, i bet you can save a bit less of money if you buy the pack of lollipops."
"what are you doing?" [name] said through gritted teeth, disliking the fact that dazai interacted with yumeno.
"it has more pieces than the pack of gummy bears, plus it only costs two quarters if bought single," dazai made small calculations on his fingers. "it can cost you half a bill if you buy the lollipops instead since you could buy a small pack of gummy bears instead."
"oh wow," yumeno's eyes glistened with amusement. "onee-chan, he's smart!"
"i thought i told you not to go near him or talk to him?"
"i didn't. he asked me first and i have to be polite and answer."
[name] only growled at pulled yumeno closer. "let's go yumeno. i'll pay for your lollipops instead."
"no, no let me pay for him," dazai stopped the two before going to their side.
"i'm already paying with the money you gave me." [name] deadpanned.
"no, you won't use that. it's for you. i insist i'll pay." dazai repeated. "i won't take 'no' for an answer." he continued, crossing his arms childlishly.
the female crossed her arms and huffed. "fine, whatever."
yumeno walked silently with the two adults who bickered back and forth (though it was one-sided), his eyes lit up and he tugged on the hem of his caretaker's shirt.
"onee-chan! how about we invite mister.." he paused. "hey mister? what's your name?"
"his name is dazai," [name] answered for him. "call him osa, he loves that." dazai scoffed at the nickname and rolled his eyes. he'd have to live with it for now.
"osa-chan, how about you join onee-chan and i for dinner?"
"yumeno i believe osa-chan is busy with his own-"
"i'd be glad to join you for dinner." dazai cuts her off, smiling at the child who returned the same expression. though his smile curled up way too much in dazai's opinion.
"dazai, no--"
"onee-chan! please let him come to dinner with us! please?" yumeno pouted at his caretaker who was hesitant to let the brunette join them for dinner. it seems yumeno really liked him for some reason and who was she to deny the child's request.
she could only sigh and nod. "well," she faced dazai, a tick mark showing on her forehead. "it looks like you'll be joining us for dinner tonight."
dazai grinned and gave her a thumbs up. "can't wait!"
"i really, really don't like you."
"aw, i like you too, [name]-chan~"
a yelp that came out of dazai's lips signified him that he should definitely learn when to shut his mouth.
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hnnnfdfds · 5 years
parent!au + meet messy + “that was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend.” & dazatsu, please? thank you, your writing is amazing!
Yooo! Here you go, Anon! A portion of Dazai really shouldn’t be a Dad—Also thanks, I’m glad you like my writing!
Feel free to request a ship!
I probs should have made Atsu also a Dad or something but like fjkdh.
Dazatsu—Parents!AU, Meet Messy,  “That was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend.”
“You know, having a child means that you, well, take care of him?”
There’s a lot of things you need to learn when you enter adulthood. Like, how it’s all a lie and you’re still shit at math and human interactions.
(Why does no adult mention that?)
Which is why he might have never really taken responsibility for anything. Apparently, that didn’t work out well in the end. As fate wanted it, he accidentally got roped into something and ended up adopting a kid. Great. 
He’s a father now.
At first, he had some hope that it would be like entering adulthood and it kind of was? You still don’t have magically more knowledge on subjects you didn’t know shit about before. No, entering parenthood is like entering adulthood except you have to take responsibility for things. Or, well, a child.
God, he’s bad at this.
But he had Oda who was a pro at adopting kids because the man just has a big heart and the need to make Ango’s life either really miserable or really great. He still has no idea how those two got together but it happened so…
Anyway, at first he was convinced to like ask Odasaku to take care of the child but the man just stared at him with such a disappointed and sad look that he felt like he accidentally killed a cat. So, no, he is still taking care of the kid. It’s okay though, Yumeno is a well-behaved kid. More or less.
He’s quiet and doesn’t talk much but he smiles a lot and Dazai’s convinced he’s going to wake up dead one day however that works. That’s fine with him though. Or was, until he realized that no one would be around to take care of Yumeno which means Odasaku would adopt him and then Odasaku would be murdered brutally one day—God, Dazai knows he’s cruel but Yumeno has the whole murder child act down to the core.
Those cold eyes, that creepy smile, and the way stuff just conveniently happened to his wishes. Like that one time, someone tripped over nothing and dropped their toy at the kindergarten and Yumeno got to play with it for the rest of the day.
(Maybe he’s just paranoid but considering he’s pretty sure he saw Yumeno tear the head of a doll apart at some point…)
So, Lord, forgive him if he sucks at being a father.
It’s not like his foster father was a great example to him either way.
(There are a lot, lot things wrong with Ogai Mori and one day someone’s going to confess seeing the doctor poisoning his patients or something equally horrible.)
Either way, Dazai Osamu was a horrible father but not a cruel person. Not that much at least.
So, he tried his best to make Yumeno happy.
Which meant taking him out to do activities like going to the park or… or a restaurant, or a shopping trip? Oh, the zoo, right!
Well, and the aquarium of course.
At which they were at the moment.
Accompanied by Nakahara Chuuya who was judging Dazai Osamu so hard. 
“Well, yes, I never claimed to know how to take care of a child.”
“Then why the hell did you adopt him?”
Dazai sighs dramatically, twirling one of his brown locks around his finger.
“Well, if you must know, it involved Mori, Kunikida’s notebook, Yosano, and a screwdriver—”
“No! … I don’t need to know,” Chuuya interrupts him, shuddering. 
Dazai shrugs at that and sighs.
“Honestly, I don’t mind Yumeno much. He does his homework and eats everything I cook him!”
“You mean rice. He only eats rice and store-bought stuff.”
Dazai shrugs again and the other narrows his eyes at him.
“You can’t continue like that! Learn to cook, idiot.”
“I’m trying… there are just some complications in my way.”
“... You burned the kitchen down, didn’t you?”
Dazai avoids the other’s gaze.
“God,” mutters Chuuya, closing his eyes for a moment. “You’re hopeless.”
“Ah, well,” he says, smiling brightly, “it’s okay! Yumeno and I are doing okay! Aren’t I right, Yumeno-chan?”
He turns to look at Yumeno, ready to convince him to agree, and his smile falls. 
Because Yumeno isn’t where he’s supposed to me.
Chuuya’s glare intensifies and Dazai loses hope.  
God, why did he go along with this mess?
“You better pray we find him, dipshit.”
Dazai hopes so too because, in the end, he can’t help but worry.
Turns out finding Yumeno isn’t that hard.
They find him by the jellyfish—and doesn’t that say a lot about the kid—and with a man who seems to be listening to whatever Yumeno says. Without breaking a sweat or looking somewhat creeped out. There’s suspicion building in Dazai. 
They step closer and Dazai calls out to his child.
“Yumeno! Why did you run away?”
Yumeno turns around to stare at Dazai and his eyes gleam in delight. That’s not a good sign in Dazai’s book.
Now Dazai knows something is definitely wrong. Yumeno never calls him like that. It’s either father or a glare directed at him.
The man beside him turns to look at them and Dazai can feel time stopping.
The stranger has the whole sunset living in his eyes.
“Ah, are you Yu-chan’s father?” the stranger asks, with a gentle voice and a kind smile. Yu-chan. He called Yumeno Yu-chan, how is he still alive?
Because apparently, Dazai forgets how to talk in the man’s presence, Chuuya shakes his head exasperated and smiles back at the other. 
“Yes, he is. I hope he didn’t give you any trouble?”
“No, not at all. Yu-chan has been very kind and well-behaved.”
At that Chuuya nods his head and ruffles Yumeno’s hair. “Well done, kid.”
Dazai finally snaps out of whatever trance he was in and grins at the stranger.
“Yes, he’s a good kid!”
Chuuya raises an eyebrow at him but the stranger doesn’t seem to notice and chuckles. 
“You must be great parents then.”
Time seems to stop for a moment.
Chuuya blinks and Dazai’s eyes widen. 
“You think… we are together?” Chuuya eventually asks.
“You… aren’t?” the stranger tilts his head, confused before his own words catch up to him. “I’m sorry!”
“No, I mean, we dated once but it didn’t work out for a lot of reasons. Don’t worry though, it worked out well.”
Dazai nods his head. “Yes, that was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend.”
Chuuya slaps the back of his head at that and Yumeno giggles.
Then Dazai realizes two things.
Yumeno fucking giggled.
God, he was so fucked.
“That also sounds like a bad idea,” he mutters under his breath.
“I’m Nakahara Chuuya, this is Dazai Osamu and that kid is Dazai Yumeno.”
“Nice to meet you,” the grey-haired man replies, “I’m Nakajima Atsushi.”
Dazai steps closer, pouting. “I can introduce myself—”
And Yumeno chooses that moment to shove him towards Atsushi.
Both end up on the floor, Atsushi trapped beneath him. Dazai has no idea how the fuck to react and he can hear Chuuya laughing in the background because that man’s just an asshole like that.
“Daddy, I want him to be my other dad!”
Atsushi blushes at that and Chuuya’s laughter only seems to get louder.
God, fuck Mori and he’s going to burn Kunikida’s notebook later.
First, he’s got to invite the guy beneath him to some tea.
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monsieur-fancy-hat · 5 years
For soukoku Maximum ride or midnighters
I just read the Wikipedia summary of the first book, so it’s probably not very accurate... oof.
Soukoku x Maximum Ride AU
Nakahara Chuuya started the Sheep for one reason: to give the victims of the Tatsuhiko Experiments a home. He, along with Nakajima Atsushi, the Akutagawa siblings, Miyazawa Kenji, Izumi Kyouka, Lucy Montgomery, and Osamu Dazai make up the Sheep. Well, they used to, until a couple months ago when Dazai disappeared. After that, the Sheep have to try their hardest to track down their missing member. But between fighting ability users, who are trying to capture them for more experiments, and a surprise visit from Dazai’s friend, Odasaku, the Sheep have their hands full. Will they be able to find him before their past foes and new ones can catch up to them? Find out in this non-existent, Maximum Ride inspired [but not really] Soukoku [but is there really?] fanfic!
Chuuya & Kouyou are normal siblings. They live together. When Chuuya is 5 years old, he’s taken by some bad people. Like really bad people. Kouyou tried to protect him, but she gets heavily injured and gets left to die. [The reason why Chuuya was taken will be explained later.] ;-;
Chuuya becomes a test subject A5158 for the Tatsuhiko Experiments. Dun dun dun!
The Tatsuhiko Experiments are a series of tests (on unwilling children) to give them supernatural abilities. It was founded by Shibusawa Tatsuhiko.
Some worked. Some didn’t (and the test victims died). But when they tried to test it on Chuuya (about 10 years later, cause they slow), Chuuya ends up blowing up the place. He probably would have continued to destroy everything in sight, but thankfully, Chuuya also destroyed part of the cells the victims/test subjects were kept in. And one of them happened to be Dazai. Dazai comes in and manages to touchy touchy Chuuya. Woohoo!!
When Chuuya wakes up, he sees Dazai there. Dazai explains what he thinks happened with the experiments and stuff.
They go search the compound for any survivors and for resources they can use [food, water, etc.]. They find the Akutagawa siblings, Lucy, Kyouka, Kenji (who is oddly cheerful, seeing that he just survived an explosion) and Atsushi.
Chuuya wants them all to stick together, and Dazai... doesn’t care. Atsushi is for it, Akutagawa is against it (but will stay for Gin), Lucy is neutral towards the idea (but just a bit tsundere), and Kenji is the cinnamon roll he is. Kyouka just stays silent.
Chuuya makes some short loyalty-inspiring I-get-your-trauma speech or whatever, and it convinces them to stay together.
And so, the Sheep is formed.
They live by running odd jobs, moving around A LOT (to escape the Tatsuhiko people who are still alive & chasing them down), and sticking together. Which is all yay and stuff!! Atsushi and Akutagawa have their side romance, Kyouka and Lucy bond over insulting Atsushi or something, and Kenji is a ball of sunshine & innocence~
They also share their dark pasts.
Akutagawa’s were abandoned. Also, there was this thing were Gin almost died (she didn’t get any powers, almost died from the tests, :( )[I’m sorry, but I’m a sucker for the Akutagawa siblings~]
Atsushi’s story is about the same. Orphanage abuse, but he got kicked out because he was framed for a crime. :(
Dazai is mysterious. Dun dun du-
Chuuya’s backstory was already talked about in the beginning, but he doesn’t know why he was taken. [Hint: Kouyou.]
They get into a couple skirmishes, and usually the Sheep are fine. Cause they all overpowered with SKK & SSKK.
A couple months or so into the Sheep’s stay together, Dazai poofs.
And Chuuya is kinda really upset cause he thought Dazai left. [And he was highkey lowkey falling in love-]
So Chuu~ works harder to support his fam.
But then, right after a hard fight where Chuuya is knocked out, a man named Oda comes in and gets them the hell out of there.
Oda brings them to a friend’s home.
And when Chuuya wakes up, he almost kills him. Cause stranger danger.
And Chuuya recognizes his sister
And is so happy cause “How did you survive? I thought you were dead!!”
And Kouyou introduces him & the Sheep to her love interest friend Yosano.
When they find out that Oda, Kouyou, and Yosano have powers, it’s confusion.
But then, they explain.
[que flashback sequence]
Several years ago, Kouyou was also used as a test subject for the Tatsuhiko project. The first Tatsuhiko Experiments.
It was terrible, and most of the test subjects died.
But one of the doctors there, Mori, preformed the procedure on himself, giving him Elise. After gaining the power, he left the compound. But to escape safely, he ordered Yosano (his assistant, and also an ex test subject who survived) to cause a distraction.
This distraction was to let the test subjects free. There were only a handful (two of which were Oda and Kouyou) that survived.
It was chaos, and Mori escaped. [In case anyone was wondering, he ends up living with Fukuzawa, Elise, and maybe 15 cats.]
Anyways, the test subjects all go their separate ways, got their lives together (wish I had one of those...), etc. Oda & Kouyou stay together as friends.
Kouyou gets adopted into a foster family [*coughtheNakahara’scough*]
And Oda goes to a writing school with his foster family. But they live far away from the Nakahara’s. Oof.
Kouyou used the ability she got from the experiment and stuff. But it wasn’t enough
Oh nooooooo-
Kouyou gets almost dead and the attackers leave her to, well, be dead. They also take Chuuya. 0-0
And Kouyou blacks out
[cause I’m emotionally weak & duh]
Yosano, who just HAPPENED to be nearby and she just HAPPENED to find her and just HAPPENED to recognize her and healed her.
And then, Kouyou wakes up. And she goes to stay with Odasaku. Yosano goes with her.
Cause useless lesbians
[back to the future]
Annnnnnnnnnnd que present day!
Chuuya is like, “Oh, so they tried kidnapping me cause you were a victim of the first experiment!”
And Kouyou was like, “Ye.”
[Or whatever. Something like that.]
Then, Oda explains his side of the story.
When he was in [insert name of where he lives], he met Dazai.
And they became friends.
But right before Kouyou & Yosano went to Oda’s
Dazai poofed
The Sheep and Oda discuss what they think might have happened
When Yosano speaks up
“I know someone who can find him.”
And Yosano brings them to Mori & Fukuzawa’s place, and asks for Ranpo.
They meet Ranpo, and he explains that Dazai is safe, but that the Sheep shouldn’t interfere.
And Chuuya and Ranpo get into a fight about it.
So Chuuya storms off to calm down.
As he walks his anger away [is that a thing? I dunno? I guess?] he runs into Shibusawa
And... [ques epic fight scene]
Also [que Corruption]
Also also the rest of the Sheep also join to help attacc Shibusawa
And they almost beat him
But Chuuya’s Corruption is on the verge of killing him.
[Like it’s so close to killing him it’s scary.]
[Like if this was a real AU I would cry.]
But then
In the nick of time
Dazai poofs out of nowhere
Soukoku shares a moment
Shibusawa gets taken down by Kyouka, her crush, her crush’s crush, the person who has a crush her crush’s crush’s sister, and another person with a crush on her crush.
That made sense guys.
Dazai saves Chuuya, and feels touched & all.
But they don’t really get together
Just share a moment
Cause I think they would need more relationship development before dating.
Also this prompt sucks
I’m so sorry
Also, there should be some side story for Kousano. And [insert Ango] somewhere.
This is kinda really bad
Feel free to use this as a prompt
Just tell me so I can read it
Thank youuuuuuu
Have a good day~
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Don’t Leave Me (pt.1)
Rating: Eveyone
Word count: 1.9 K
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing: OC x Dark!Ango Sakaguchi
Genre: Angst and fluff
Warnings: I don’t think there’s anything to be warned about this one, maybe mentions of blood, but it’ll probably get darker as it progresses.
After a picture of one of the manga panels where Ango looks like he’s ready to kill someone and a long discussion, I finally wrote the dark!Ango fic I didn’t knew I needed. Once again, thank you Raiku, for that photo.
I’m still not really sure about it, but this will probably turn into a several chapters fic.
The man was standing in a room really dark room, his hands were shaking, full of someone else’s blood. Another man was laying by his feet, looking completely terrified and scared for his life. 
With a smirk in his face, he pulled his glasses up and then brought his fingers to his dark brown hair, mixing his sweaty hair with the blood of his victim. 
The bloodied businessman wasn’t really sure of who the man who was torturing him was, but judging by the way he was using him as a pin cushion for his knife, he had a pretty good idea of who we was. He was the fifth executive of the Port Mafia, the more dangerous and mysterious of all of them. Even more than Dazai Osamu himself.
“Y… Y… You are…” he stuttered repeatedly. “You are the fifth executive?” his voice was suddenly terrified and the brown haired began to laugh. It began as a small giggle and, soon, it became a full maniacal laugh.
“It took you way too long. Now,” he dropped the bloodied knife he was holding into the floor and took out a gun. “Why don’t I…?” before he could finish the sentence, his phone rang.
He took his phone out, still pointing the gun into the man’s head with a crazed look in his eyes. Two words filled his screen, it read “Lupin’s later.”. With a small sigh, he answered positively and suddenly was glad to have a change of clothes with him.
After he put his phone away again, he focus went back to his victim. The man was trying to hide his face behind his hands in a futile effort for protecting himself.
Without a second thought, his instincts took over and he was already shooting him repeatedly, enjoying the feeling of each bullet that left his gun and the smell of death that lingered in the air. “Awww… You just ruined one of my best suits.” he complained looking at the hem of his light brown pants.
Once he was satisfied, he left the room and walked up to a conveniently placed shower room with his stuff in hand.
As the lukewarm water hit him softly in the back, he laughed dryly. That was what his life had been limited to since Mori and himself had discovered that he was better at getting rid of the mafia’s enemies and traitors than doing office work.
His position as an executive was a secret that he kept from everyone, even from his two best friends: Oda Sakunosuke and Dazai Osamu, who was an executive himself. It was hard to keep such a thing from both of them, but he decided it was for the best if they only knew him as the quiet and calm man that worked redacting the mafia’s archives.
He brought his hands to his head, the dried blood giving in and falling with the water like melted ice cream, dying his hands a deep crimson color. He took a look at both of his hands, a small smirk forming on his lips as he remembered the events that had lead to the moment he was in.
Suddenly, as if a calming wave hit him, he remembered her face and his hands began shaking again. What would she think of him if she knew the things that he did? Even if it was a dangerous thing, she knew that he was a record keeper in the mafia. But this, this was another level of dangerousness and a part of him he would never want her to see.
He clenched his hands and closed his eyes, trying not to think of such things that would make him want to go on a rampage.
With his bag hanging from his arm, he stood outside Lupin’s bar for a few seconds trying to come up with an excuse as to why his day had been so desperately boring. Then, after a little while, he opened the door and walked into the bar.
Both of his friends were already there, Dazai was laughing while Odasaku shook his head, as if he was disapproving of whatever Dazai had told him. “Ohhhh Ango! You’ve finally arrived! I was beginning to think that you were going to ran off with your girlfriend!”
Ango quietly sat beside him and asked the bartender for a tomato juice, he wouldn’t want to go back home drunk and spill any secrets to her. He was really overprotective of her when it was about knowing the shady things that he did in the mafia.
“Awwwnnn… You’re no fun, Ango! I was expecting you to have a drink with us!” he complained.
“I am having a drink.” he said as he turned to look at him while taking the glass that was now in front of him.
“Yeah, but it’s not alcohol!” Dazai complained, a pouty look on his face.
“Let him drink whatever he wants, Dazai.” Odasaku interrupted the young and slightly drunk Dazai. “How was your day, Ango?” the older one of the group asked him with a kind look on his face.
“Boring, as always, I had to deal with loads of paperwork. Most of them related to the incident that happened when Dazai was leading the Black Lizard the other day.” he looked at Dazai from behind his glasses, blaming him for the whole thing.
“I… It’s not my fault that the kid decided to act on his own and kill those people!” the young man wrapped in bandages complained about his subordinate.
“Actually, yes. It is, you’re the one who’s supposed to teach him some discipline. After all, you were the one who brought him in the first place.” from the other side of the table, he could see Odasaku nodding, clearly agreeing with him.
“Let’s talk about something else… Why not…” he looked down at his glass as he thought of a better topic, but kept silent for a really long time.
After a while, his phone began to ring insistently. He took it out of his pocket and, as soon as he saw it, he regretted not being more careful. He was sure that Dazai was going to notice it and point it out.
As if he was reading his mind, the brown haired opened up his mouth. “Is that… blood on your phone’s screen?” he looked confused as he put down the glass he was drinking from. The phone had a big print on the screen from where he had grabbed it when he responded to his message earlier, when he was torturing that businessman.
“Oh, I got hurt. Nothing serious, though.” he quickly said, his voice not wavering in the sight less. The last thing he wanted was to have Dazai on his back, closely watching his every move. “I might have left the stain when I answered your message.”
Even if Dazai didn’t made another comment about it, he could clearly see in his eyes that he wasn’t completely convinced by the excuse that he had given him. And that, sooner or later would become a problem, he was sure of it. But, for the time being, he just wanted to enjoy the time he had with both of them.
His attention went back to his phone, where a message from his girlfriend was waiting to be read. She was answering his message saying that he wouldn’t make it to dinner because he was hanging out with both of his friends. “Have fun, I’ll be waiting for you to come back.” she had answered. He smiled at the phone with a soft smile on his face, just thinking about her was enough to make him relax. 
“What do you think about some dog food?” Dazai asked absent-minded as he looked up at the ceiling. Both, Odasaku and Ango looked at him like he had lost his mind. “I’m craving some dog food…” he whispered as he took his hands to his stomach. 
“Dazai…” Odasaku said, warning the youngest of the group. Apparently, his fear of dogs didn’t stop him from eating their food. 
“Yes, I’ll do that! It’s the best way to die!” he got up, suddenly sounding happy and left the place almost running. 
With a sigh, Odasaku got up behind him and left a few bills on the counter. “I’ll go look after him, sorry for cutting this meeting short.” he apologized to his friend and left. 
Finishing what was left of his tomato juice, he payed for his drinks and began to walk home. 
He walked up the stairs of the apartment that he shared with his girlfriend with a relaxed stance, his face had a smile on it and the keys that were in his hands hit each other making a small metallic sound. 
He stopped in front of his door, softly putting the key on the lock. With a twist of his wrist, the door opened up. Inside, the lights were off and he could hear the faint sounds of a TV near by.
He left the keys on a small ceramic bowl near the door and his small bag close to it. One of his hands went straight to his tie, sliding it down slowly and, then, he took his blazer off, leaving him just in a dressing shirt and his tie.
With his other hand, he pulled his glasses and afterwards, it ended again in his hair as he walked into the living room area. The TV was on, some cheesy romantic movie was playing in the backgroud.
“Hello.” he said as he kept walking towards the couch where he knew she was. The silence that greeted him confused him even farther, why didn’t he got an answer? As soon as he turned around the corner of the furniture that obstructed the view of the girl, he found out: she had fallen asleep.
With a small smile on his face, he turned the TV off and lifted his girlfriend in a bridal style fashion, carrying her to their bedroom.
He laid her down slowly on the soft mattress, the sudden change of surface woke her up a little bit. “Ango?” she asked sleepy as her face moved to face him.
“It’s late, go back to sleep.” he whispered, his lips gracing her ear. He kissed her forehead as she nodded and fell back alseep.
After he made sure that she was actually asleep, he got off of her and laid beside her, hugging her tightly to himself. He wasn’t always that way, but, at that moment, he needed her close to him. He needed to know that she was close and wouldn’t let him go.
As if sensing his distress, the girl turned around and faced him, but her eyes were still closed. Her head ended up on his chest as she got closer to him. His breath stopped for a second, as he felt her closer to him.
Some days he felt like when they started dating, scared that every little thing he did would end up in her getting mad at him, scared that she would find out his secret and decided to leave him. Many times after she moved in with him he would walk into the apartment and suddenly feel afraid that she wouldn’t be there.
But the feeling would be immediately chased away by the soft sound of his girlfriend’s voice greeting him as she ran to him and hugged him really tight, honestly happy that he came back home safely.
He never had someone so eagerly waiting for him to get back home and the feeling that someone was actually waiting for him was something he actually liked very much. The feeling of knowing that someone would greet him with a smile every time he crossed the apartment’s door was the happiest feeling he had since becoming friends with Odasaku and Dazai.
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