#daryl and beth fanfiction
bethylmethbrick · 7 months
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BETHYL FanFiction Love at the Solo Café Daryl Dixon and Beth Greene au
New Chapter: Her mind is made up now. Tomorrow after lunch, while Teddy is napping, she's going to ask her husband to take her for a walk to the pond, that's where she's going to tell him...BETHYL LOVE
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gneebee · 10 months
ao3 stats game
I was tagged by the very talented @piper1016 - Thank You ❤️
Rules: Give us the links to your wonderful words with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
Most Hits:  Interrupted Love  BETHYL
Most Kudos:  A Place Called Heavenly BETHYL
Most Comments: Love’s Long Road BETHYL
Most Bookmarks: A Place Called Heavenly s BETHYL
Most Words: A Place Called Heavenly BETHYL
Least Words: Come with Me Where the Wildflowers Grow  - just a sweet little BETHYL tale
This was so much fun, thank you again @piper1016, I learned something, I need to make Daryl a blacksmith more often (Heavenly)
A great big thank you to everyone who reads my stories, who comments, gives kudos and bookmarks - you know I love you large! xo ❤️
I’ll tag everyone who would like to participate!
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 3 months
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"Catch any sleep?" you asked Daryl, stepping out into the living area with your fingers curled around a steaming mug of tea.
Daryl was laid out on the couch with an arm draped over his eyes. He sighed and shifted, lifting it to look at you as you sunk into a chair across the room. "Nah. 'M more likely to catch a unicorn than any fuckin' sleep these days..." He sighed heavily and sat up, planting his boots heavily back on the floor. He caught your eyes as you were giving him a perceptive and sympathetic look.
"...wanna talk about it?" you asked him.
He ducked his eyes and shook his head a little. "Not really..."
"Hey. You need to forgive yourself. About Beth. It wasn't your fault."
He let out a wry laugh and tugged at a loose thread on his pants. "Ya say that like it's easy."
"No. No... it's the hardest thing there is. Trust me. I've been there."
Daryl's eyes flicked back up to your face and he gave you a curious look. Whatever this was in your past, and he thought he knew it all, you'd never spoken of it before.
"I mean it though, Daryl. No one blames you. You did everything you could. It's not your fault."
And when you said it, he believed you.
Prompt: "You need to forgive yourself." / "You say that like it's easy." / "No. It's the hardest thing there is."
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twdxtrevor · 5 months
Beth: If you don't have hope, what's the point of living?
Y/N: Daryl's BIG D !!
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d1xonscult · 1 year
Shortly after the prison attack
*Beth noticed a little polaroid on the ground after the Daryl stood up*
Beth : “What’s that-“
A picture of Y/N and Daryl on the porch of the Farmhouse taken by Glenn, Y/N’s smiling.
Daryl : *rips the picture out of her hands*
Daryl : “S’ Nothin’ “
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galadrieljones · 5 months
afterglow: masterpost
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the walking dead | bethyl | mature
Listless and bitter after ten unbidden years in the Civic Republic, Beth Greene has cultivated a respectable life. By day, she works at a preschool, and by night, she plays her guitar, singing at the bars and night clubs of the Civic Republic underground, using the stage name Lizzy Dixon. Beth has never talked about her old life, or the people in it. But one day, when she's incarcerated for a crime she did not commit, Beth meets a mysterious ally who, per an unknown agenda, reunites her with Rick Grimes.
Chapter 1: I'm From Nowhere (12/8/23)
Chapter 2: Acid Tongue (12/15/23)
Chapter 3: The Next Time You Say "Forever" (12/23/23)
Chapter 4: Black Sand (1/5/24)
Chapter 5: I Will Follow You Into the Dark (1/12/24)
Chapter 6: The Voyager (2/2/24)
Chapter 7: Say Yes to Heaven (3/1/24)
Chapter 8: Bury, Bury, Bury Another (3/22/24)
Chapter 9: The Execution of All Things (4/5/24)
*Updates on Fridays
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daryldixonfanfiction · 6 months
What you fight for! Pt.3- what changed your mind?
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Summary: Daryl has his doubts, but as he grows closer with Julia that all seems to change...
Warnings: protective Daryl, age gape, pinning, angst, fluff, typicall twd violence and gore.
WC: 11k
Daryl couldn't go back to sleep. 
Daryl was a light sleeper and often never slept the hours he needed. Meaby it was the hunter in him or the fact he could never fully relax. He was awake now and the consequence of their fair share of moonshine aches all over -He felt like shit. 
Standing with a heavy grunt, Daryl lets his gaze fall on Julia. She sleeps on the forest floor, curled in a fetal position, with her head resting on her hands. Daryl smiles, she was put out like a light when they turned in for the night, sleeping without a care in the world. Daryl felt envious, wishing he could sleep as soundly as her. 
A twig snaps from behind, in reflex Daryl grabs his crossbow, aiming towards the rustling. He engages slowly but quickly finds the walker skare was just a false alarm. The culprit was no other than one harmless rabbit chewing on a peas of gras -Daryl exhales in relief. 
“Well hello breakfast,” Daryl takes his aim towards the rabbit and shoots a bolt, but misses when the rabbit gets scared off by nearby birds. He sighs.
Julia stirs, she lies on her back, hands ley lax on either side of her face. Daryl turns thinking she had woken up, but Julia continues staying sound asleep, her chest rises and falls steadily. Daryl kneeled slowly beside her, to wake her, but decided against it seeing the dark circles faintly visible under her eyes. She needed rest so he let her be. 
his gaze wanders from her lips, down her neck, to her breathing chest, down  further down to her thighs. He swallowed seeing the ankle length skirt revealed her skin, innocently  -nearly revealing her undergarments. Daryl glanced nervously towards her face. Still sound asleep. With a shaking hand, Daryl covers her legs with the skirts fabrike. Julia stirs again and Daryl froze. If Julia saw him holding her skirt, even if pulling it down, she would certainly miss judging the situation. 
Julia mumbles something incoherently, unbeknownst of Daryl's panic. He sighed, dropping his shoulders in relief, seeing her eyes were closed and face lax in what appeared to be deep sleep. 
He rises, standing to his full height, throwing the crossbow over his shoulder. Daryl continues the search for breakfast and hopefully brings back a rabbit or two. Daryl was sure he would have time before she woke as the sun was still under the horizon. Before he goes he looks back, seeing Julia lying there. She would be fine, the forest was quiet and he wasn't going far knowing more rabbits were close, so he continued forward, deeper into the forest. 
Julia's eyes flutter open, she looks tiredly upon trees above her. Slowly sitting up she scrunches her face, her head pounds making her groan with a hand against the forehead. 
“I’m never drinking moonshine again,” -It felt like she was dying. 
Her eyes scanning -sershing, searching for him. A pang prices her chest. For a moment Julia thought about Daryl leaving her, that he had left. But would he really?
Daryl’s backpack rests against the nearby log. She picks up his hunting knife and lets her gaze travel along its sharp edge for a moment, studying it. Julia sits on her knees, attaching the knife to her belt then continues, looking through his pack finding some matches, stacks of dollar bills, a plastic jar of cinnamon sticks - she takes one and starts to chew on it, she continues placing the plastic jar back, finding valuables like rings and gold chains. -she shakes her head, because what was Daryl thinking he was gonna do with money and jewelry? She stops her snooping and drums her fingers on her knees with a sigh.
The cinnamon's strong taste makes her terribly thirsty and as if in que, Julia hears water pouring somewhere nearby. Julia found it to be pretty easy to navigate her way. Before she even reached the water’s edge she knew it to be a river.  
A fallen tree extends over the burbling river as clear water travels along its bed, bubbling over rocks and branches in the shallower parts as forest hills and trees line the river shore where she stands. 
Julia gazed with awe before closing her eyes, she inhaled, savoring the pure scent of wildlife, then exhaled gazing down where the water ended and kneeled, and reaches a hand into the water taking a sip of the pure water and grips a smooth rock, letting it rest in the water for a moment before pulling it out. She cloutshes the rock then picks up another flat stone with her other hand and piles it on top of the other. She continues to stack the rocks, each smaller than the one before, making a cairn. Perhaps a way of mourning? Julia didn't know but she hoped, hoped wherever people go after they die was a kind place.
Gripping the fabric of her dress, Julia notests maybe for the first time how dirty she really was. The cowboy boots were unrecognizable, covered in dry dirt and mud, making the beautiful western embroidery unnoticeable. The skirt, torn and ingrained in dirt where her knees had pressed when sitting. The short sleeved button down was stained with filth and splash stains. Julia begins undoing the buttons of her shirt and lets it fall to the ground, then the belt. She places the knife for easy access, she lets the skirt slip down her legs and leaves it with the rest, placing her bracelets on top. The boot's fit is snug, so she sits down on her bottom to easily pull them off, the mid calf socks follow along still in the boots. Julia goes into the river leaving her only in undergarments and a camisole. Its vintage floral print is faint, spaghetti straps reach down to a ruffled hem snugly hugging her chest. Its cotton fabric flows loosely down the rest of her body ending just above the knees. Julia began to wade into the water until it came up above her chest. She looked back where she had settled her things on the shore then submerged into the river.
Julia was gone by the time Dayl returned. His pack remains, resting against the log just like he left it.
"Julia!" Daryl calls out, he's met with no answer.  
He kneels, investigating footprints removing a leaf they headed the opposite direction where he came, leading further down the forest. He could tell she was doing fine so far, there was no sign a walker was anywhere near her. The sound of water pouring became clearer. Daryl heads towards it -chances were Julia hasn't gone that far and would most likely be there. But what was she thinking? But on the other hand he knew he had made a poor choice leaving her alone. 
Making his way to the river Daryl halts rounding a tree and he stops for a moment, notesting Julia's clothes neatly pleased by shore from a far. Anxiety bloomed in his chest. Because what happens if he finds her and she’s bit? Daryl didn't know the answer to that and he certainly didn't like the idea of it. Agin, he should never have left her.
Stop worrying. I’m gonna locate this girl, she's gonna be just fine. He told himself.
Daryl prosedes with his crossbow in hand. He walks slowly and stops, picking up the knife placed on top of her folded clothes. Daryl looks around, scanning for anything but sees nothing. The twisting feeling with something he knew - it was familiar…
Finding her doll lying in the creek just like Julia’s clothes lies on the shore. He didn't like this, not one little bit. 
“Julia!” Daryl calls out scanning his surroundings, then turns towards the tree line behind him, but then… 
Julia emerges from the surface, wiping her hair back, smoothing the wet hair from her face and Daryl felt his panic fade the moment she emerged. But just as fast he was pissed off, almost wanting to grab her right then and there, dragging her out of the water. He refrains himself from doing so by blowing an attention grabbing whistle instead and commands, “Girl, come up here before you drown!”
Julia’s head wipes towards the shore, spotting a figure there, standing. She knew it to be Daryl just by the voice. And there he was, two dead animals hanging attached to his belt. Relieved she couldn't help the way her mouth upturned in relief, she hurried with excitement towards him, not paying attention to his harsh tone. 
He really didn't leave.
“Julia. You could have been pulled under,” Daryl scolds as Julia gets closer, “Even if the river looks calm it can still be strong,” -and closer and he continues standing just on the water's edge.
“Is that rabbit!? Two!” Julia confirms, excitedly. 
“Hey, are you even list-  The words disappear from his mouth.
Julia’s bare feet stood before him; he's at a loss of words. She looked breathtaking. The morning light painted her soft features along her face and neck. Water dripped from the ends of her curls as some strands she mused had missed are stuck to her cheeks and forehead. The camisole dress was drenched, accentuating her soft feminine curves, spaghetti straps hung loosely off her shoulders, her hardend nippels poked through the fabrike, leaving little for the imagination. Her eyelashes curled, enhancing her brown eyes beautifully. Everything about her was so feminine and pure. If he didn't know any better he would have thought she was Aphrodite herself. 
Daryl didn't know where to look. He didn't even notest he’d dropped the knife and crossbow, she didn't seem to either.
Unbeknownst, Julia didn't notice how his breath became heavy nor how his pupils had blown wide -so she reached for the rabbits because she had never seen wild ones this close before. But Daryl turns cold, moving so quickly Julia didn't have time to react. His hand shot out, wrapping around her wrist so tightly, she swore it cracked under the pressure forcing a cry to escape her lips, she nearly fell to her knees from the pain. She lifts her gaze, confused by his sudan grabbing. In that moment Julia wished she could read his mind, figuring out what went beyond those deep blue eyes, and that hard face. But what Julia didn't know was his reason for doing so, stopping her was to stop whatever urge within. Fearing if she got to close, he would give in to something he…he didn't quite know what, it felt… wrong. 
Julia pushed at his hand with her free one and managed to croak, “You're hurting me,”  making Daryl snap out from what every daze he was in. But the moment he lets go he sees something he never noticed before.
That is…
The edges of his vision turn dark with a sort of panic he wasn't sure existed within himself, he commands  with a low tone, “Show me your arm.” Causing her to jump.
Julia pulled her arm behind her back  -biting down on her lip, looking anywhere but him. She should never have taken the bracelets off, but it was too late for regrets. 
Daryl yanked her arm back just as fast. There was a heavy flinch, then a slight struggle. However, it didn't take much to overpower her. Daryl pulls her towards him, stretching her arm out revealing the bite mark just above the inside of the wrist. His face became hard, almost angry, she could feel it too, how his hold hardened further if that was even possible, and she hadn't realized how small her wrist was in his until she glanced down, seeing how his hand easily swallowed hers.
Julia stares up, blinking several times -meeting Daryl's cold glare. Her pupils shake with a sort of panic, shaking her head frantically as her long curls fall in her face. 
“No, No!” “No, I’m not sick!” “I am not sick!” “I am not sick!” 
Daryl shakes his head as if not buying it.
She points to the bite mark, “This is three months old.” “Nobody lasts more than a day!”  “Does this look a day old to you?” She insisted, voice cracking, as if she was trying desperately to make him believe her.
Daryl looked at the bitmark then back at her glaring intensely.
“You would have killed me!” The words came shakingly more than anything. Because she was frightened, remembering Marlene's warning.
Daryl didn't say anything as he inspected the wound with his gaze; he had never seen anything like it before. it was faint, as it had healed. Was he angry? He didn't know. 
Julia continued because she was so scared… so desperate. “Does it look like I’m infected? Julia asked -Daryl stares, searching her eyes for an explanation. Maybe if he were calmer, he would realize this was all wrong. She was scared out of her mind. But it had become something much more.
“See it's not getting any worse.” “I’m not gonna turn.”
Daryl’s face became unreadable, voice firm and questioning, “What was Marlene doing with an infected kid like you?”
“I’m not a kid, and am not infected.” She answered, sounding slightly annoyed. As he doesn't respond she continues and admits, “Marlene found me after I was bitten.” 
“And she didn't shoot you.” Daryl States.
“Yeah… She made me distance myself from everyone and tested me every day. To see if I was getting sick.”
"Test you how?” Julia didn't answer. His voice became deep and threatening in his chest as he all but groweld, “Test you…how?”
Julia let out a heavy breath, she answered, “She'd make me count to 10 and hold out my hand and then keep it steady, and guess what, I didn't turn into a Walker.” -She inhales “I've made it through these past 3… ” -she corect’s herself. “4 days. I'm fine.” -She insists almost pleadingly.
But Daryl felt indifferent, because she just didn't seem to get it.
“You need to stop talking’ like there is some kind of future ahead, because there ain't.” He said it a little too harsh then he should have because her chine trembled in response and her eyes looked pained, but she restrained herself from crying.
His hand that wasn't gripping her pointed a daring finger towards her, demanding, “Why are you so important to Marlene, and don’t lie to me. Answer the question.”
Julia's body language became nervous, uneasy in his grip. She answered, knowing there was no way to avoid it. “She told me not to tell anybody, and now I’m telling the first person that I– She interrupted herself inhaling a needed breath for any kind of courage.
Daryl stares, impassively waiting for her answer.
She exhales and begins, “There's a base camp somewhere out west, you can see it on the map…There doctors. They’re working on a cure. And what happens to me..is the key to finding the vaccine.” 
"Mm-hm." -Daryl grunts, shaking his head, “I’ve heard that before”. It reminds him of the CDC, and he wasn't fond of that memorie. -Daryl continues speaking way too harsh for her liking.
"I call bullshit. Vaccines, miracle cures. None of it works. I’ve been at the CDC. And you know what, the scientists had either left or opted-out. I almost got blown up in the process so don’t feed me with this miracle cure bullshit. Whatever Marelene has told you, you better forget, because it's gonna get you killed.” Daryl said directly staring into her eyes. 
He then stepped forward, she stepped back, causing him to pause letting go of her wrist as if he became self-aware of how intimidating he was. Daryl felt a guilt burrow and the argument melted away - because..he saw how she inhaled, holding her arm close to herself. Maybe he had done too much? And it was going to haunt him every time he looked at her.
Julia stairs, eyebrows furring -searching for something to somehow change his mind, she felt almost a sense of defeat. His cold eyes turned sad and Julia didn't want to quarrel, he didn't seem to ether.
“Daryl.” Julia said after a few moments. Taking one step closer, he appeared surprised by the movement. “I know I must have scared you, disappearing like that.” Her voice laced with sincerity, eyes looking into his. 
Daryl lowered his gaze in return. He couldn't seem to find the right words. To his surprise, Julia wrapped her arms around him and her head was against his chest, embracing him just like before. He jolted slightly but returned the embrace, although he was stiff and hesitant at first. Carefully his hand placed itself on the small of her back, he needed that.
“I’m sorry.” Julia said softly. Daryl could feel how her fingers gripped the back of his vest and her wet hair causing his shirt to dampen as she held him even closer -to make the words more true. Daryl nodes slowly in response. She couldn't see it as she was pressed to his chest but she felt him do so.
“We should eat,” His voice was deep and rumbling within his chest. His chest is warm, he always seemed to be -a gentle contrast from the dripping chemise clinging to her skin. There was this moment, where she just listened. Listened to him breathe, and she swore she could feel his heart beating or maybe it was her one? She tilts her head up to speak. Daryl does the same, gazing down with that unreadable face he often made. 
She looked small. He could see her begin to shiver and goosebumps forming on her skin as she said -smiling softly.
 “Not gonna lie but I’m starving.”
They were forced to continue further within the forest the next day, making their stay on the river bank a short one; he had spotted a walker. 
Daryl’s strides were wide compared to hers, they didn't talk. Julias mind was elsewhere, her mind often was. Always thinking about everything and nothing at once. She often was distracted like that when nothing seemed to happen. A dangerous flaw in a world like this. 
The forest was quiet, nothing seemed out of place. She liked the green and the chirping of the bird's maid. It almost seemed like everything was normal, as if  they were on a simple walk out in the forest. 
Julia notest Daryl's change of pace. His steps were careful, his gaze set on something ahead, making him lower himself, almost kneeling. Julia does the same. With a motion of his index finger he reveals what caught his eye. Just a couple of meters ahead a light green tent is set up. Julia stairs for a moment before she said.
“There could be someone inside.” 
“Could be a whole bunch of things in there.” Daryl wisperd, stating simply. 
He stalks closer, leading the way, Julia follows close behind. He scans their surroundings, crossbow against his cheek, taking a couple of more steps he then slows down, motioning for a halt handing her the crossbow. Julia stairs, confused. What was she gonna do, she can't even shoot? He then motions for the knife attached to her belt. Of course the knife, she gives it to him and he gives a silent command, stay here with a motion of his finger. Julia frowns, she didn't want to be left standing there all alone, but she nods, giving in knowing there was no room for arguing. 
Daryl slowly approaches the tent, knife firm in his grip. He tries to peek through the flap of the opening then traced back in his steps avoiding the trash surrounding the tent, then carfolly lifts the outer fabric to get a glimpse of what could be inside, seeing nothing indicating there was something there he returns to the opening. He unzipped it slowly, all about making as little noise as possible. For a moment she thought his movements seemed more than just a hunter's, as if he has done this before. 
Daryl redis himself with the knife high up, its edge pointing downwards -in the purpose stabbing whatever he had thought could be inside. He lifts the fabrike of the opening, she is too far back to see but she could tell there was something, noesting how Daryl turns his head and coughs in a disgusted manner shielding his nose with the hand still gripping the knife. Without hesitation he steps inside, disappearing from Julia’s view -she swallows anxiously.
Inside Daryl finds a man dead in a chair, with his brains blown all over the fabrike, the jaw was gone as it had been blown to bits by a gun or a shotgun of some kind. Daryl grimaces in disgust of the decomposed smell.
Outside Julia had become more anxious. The quiet felt like Daryl was forever in that tent, making her call out. “Daryl?” No response - she steps closer and calls out once more, “Daryl?”
Daryl reaches for the gun in the corpse's hand, taking it and puts it in the small of his back holstering it there, then emerges out, notesting Julia standing right outside and not where he left her.
“I told you to stay back,” Daryl scolds.
“What’s in there?” Julia asked curiously, trying to get a glimpse inside, Daryl steps in front of her as if not wanting her to see as he explained simply.
“Some guy. Did what them scientists did. Opted out.” Right she remembered him telling that back at the river.
“Oh,” Julia breathed in response, he could be so blunt sometimes. 
A pause then…
 “There could be stuff inside we might have youse off,” she tried to step round him but Daryl stepped in front again, holding her in place by the arm -lightly, not putting any pressure, simply keeping her from entering. He didn't want to subject her to such a sight and to be honest it disturbed him. 
Julia searches his gaze. He seemed to be thinking for a moment and then he gave in and said.
"Alright." But you stay here.” Julia nodes heavenly doing as she was told. 
After some rustling Daryl emerges from the tent throwing her a bag, it lands before her feet. Opening it she hesitates for a moment, this was once someone’s, perhaps this was wrong, it felt like stealing. Daryl noticed her hesitating and said, “Don't think, just take what you need.”
Julia started digging through the bag, there wasn't really anything until she found what she had in mind. She puts on the knitted gray cardigan and buttons it, she looks to Daryl, looking him up and down. She looked through the bag once more, finding a men's long sleeve button down and a black denim jacket. Holding the jacket out before her she looks up at him then back to the jacket making Daryl shift on his feet, feeling her eyes scanning his body.
“What?” He grunts.
She smiles and tosses the clothing items at him. Daryl easely catches with his one hand then inspects the clothes holding it out in front of him.
“Put them on, I think it will suit you.” Julia insisted. Daryl grunt’s in response and she didn't quite figure out if it was disapproving or approving. 
Daryl peels the vest off, sliding his arm through the shirt, then the denim jacket on top, finishing with his signature biker jacket. 
Pleased, she smiles to herself, it suited him just like she imagined. Daryl then goes back inside the tent as if looking for something. To her surprise, he walks out with a cheated knife. Her mouth opened, agape a moment as she looked into his eyes, and then down at the weapon - it being offered to her, and he said simply, 
“You're better off with this. Won’t be clumsy in your grip like mine, and it’s lighter.” 
Daryl urges the weapon into her hand -Julia accepts it, she would like to think it was a gift, she liked the idea. 
Daryl notest she had struggled with his, and often at times it looked like she was going to cut her damn fingers off. His solution was simply giving her a less harmless weapon, in harmless meaning from her clumsy fingers. 
Daryl had noticed the bruise his grip had left behind, Julia sat beside him, staring into the fire, following the flames with her gaze. He removes the meat, handing her a piece.
"Here." She takes it. 
A few moments passed…But then he began and said, “Hey, sorry for what I did that morning.” He gives an awkward glance, she stares up at him silently and she notest how his gaze travels to her wrist. And maybe she had not really noticed, but a bruise had formed there. Her gaze returns to him, shaking her head slowly. She knew why he was apologizing. He was apologizing for grabbing her. But Julia knew he did not mean to hurt her, he was scared.
"No." “I should have told you.” Julia said softly.
Daryl stairs for a moment then diverts his gaze and bises himself with the fire, feeding it tinney sticks to just keep it going. He still felt guilty and even more when she wasn't upset. 
Julia leaned forward to place a bigger stick into the fire, Daryl stops her from doing so. Julia frowns, confused by the interruption and she questions, “Why? It’s freezing.” 
“Because it'll attract e’m,” Daryl said simply. 
“You mean Walkers?” Julia stairs, gauging. 
There was silence before she spoke again..Sounding perplexed, “People?" It was a bit quiet, the way she said it - hesitant. As if she was pretty sure she didn't want to know the answer. Daryl gives her a look and continues to toss the small sticks into the fire and Julia begins to pick at her food as anxiety starts to bloom in her chest.
“So what are they gonna do? "Robb us?” A hint of sarcasm plaid in her voice, masking that unsettling feeling growing in her stomach.
“They’ll have way more in mind than that.” He eyed her sternly and she knew what he was insinuating and it made the anxiety only worse and her heart quickened. Maybe she had been naive, never had she believed people could be something to fear. She could only muster a quiet  “Oh,” in return.
Part of him had hoped she'd go to sleep after that but she continued to look at him, as if thinking or perhaps waiting for him to say something. 
The fire caused her gentle features to glow orange and red, she lifted her head, resting it on her hand and her elbow into the forest floor. Daryl remained on his back, arms crossed holding his knife over his chest, he pretends not to notice her staring. 
“Daryl,” Julia began, he hums in acknowledgement, noticing the hesitance in her tone as she all but whispers. “when you said, ‘they’ll have way more in mind… There’s no way anyone knows we’re here, right? No one’s gonna find us?” 
Daryl knows, but he doesn't tell her the truth for the benefit so she could sleep peacefully, so he lies, he lies straight to her face and assures, “No one’s gonna find us.”  
"Okej." She said, because really she just needed to hear him say it, to hear the confirmation leaving his lips. With that she adjusted herself to sleep -and turned over shutting her eyes, her head resting against the backpack and the conversation was over. 
Daryl curls his arm underneath his head then turns his head to look at her facing him with her back, his eyes studying her. Daryl knows she’s frightened, even though she tries to hide behind sarcasm. She was naive in her ways. A part of him wanted her to guard herself - but selfishly, another part of him enjoyed seeing optimism. She had empathy like no other, when she told him it did matter, even if that mannequin corpse of a woman was no one she knew. She cared so deeply and so easily, ultimately selfless, he had never met anyone like that before. He could only assume whatever upbringing she had received from her family had something to do with the ability to not become hardened and maintain that purity, that heart and compassion. She had pleaded for him to believe her, that she was some type of cure, and that bite mark fucking scared him. He didn't know what to believe. Holding onto hope he himself could not. Because there was nothing, nothing that would change his mind. To him it was just another pipe dream, a fairytale Marlene had put in her head. It was no surprise Marlenen had chosen her, she seemed like the sort of girl who would believe blindly because she simply didn't know any better. 
Daryl shifts his gaze scanning the trees surrounding them, holding the knife close to his chest, glancing towards his crossbow resting beside him. And he knew it was there, he just needed to make shore. He stairs a few moments looking at Julia, she seemed to have dozed off. Daryl couldn't stop from dwelling on what she had said with that small frightened voice.
There’s no way anyone knows we’re here, right. No one’s gonna find us… 
He kept thinking about it over and over. Every fiber of his being was almost nauseous over it. Thinking about something like that coming true. Thinking about her being in danger, being hurt -he couldn't imagine what it would be like losing her to. This new sense of fear had become more evident each day since the prison fell. He didn't recognise it as fear at first but then he did. The closest thing to it was that same feeling he had felt when they had captured that kid, Randall on the farm. Knowing there were people out there hurting kids, women, young girls, girls like her. Men like that have no soul, no remorse. He forced himself not to spiral any further, not to be emotional in such a way. Instead he shoved it down. He pretended it wasn't there, doing the only thing he knew. 
Julia gently turns over, hands resting beneath her cheek as Daryl stands in distance pacing back and forth and stays up until dawn cracks beneath the horizon. Keeping her safe.
…Julia had thought about what Daryl had said that night. And she was grateful. But the unsettling feeling still lingers, she remembered how his eyes had looked, they held a knowing in them, as if he had seen the darkest part of life that she herself had not. A part of her wanted to ask him more, to know what he knows, ask him of what cruelty he had seen. She referred not to of course, it would be selfish. If he wanted to share he would simply tell her. 
Julia walks in his footsteps, a game she entertains herself with. Suddenly…Daryl halted, making Julia bump into him, pulling her from her thoughts. Daryl turned to face her and said…
“Take out your knife. I want to show you something.”
Julias brows furrowed, but she did as she was told, unholstering it, holding the weapon to her side.
“Which is your lead foot?” Julia shrugged, she didn't know. 
Daryl moved quickly, with one intimidating stride towards her. It was quick and she instinctively stepped back and she understood now where this was going -he was teaching her. Daryl continues speaking to her firmly, clearly to make her understand.
“If someone comes at you, you race this arm up and you block, and use their strength against them.” Julia did so, blocking him with her forearm, staring intently upon him for further instructions. He reached around, grabbing her hand in his that was holding the knife and pulling it towards his chest, his hand that wasn't gripping her hand grabbed her opposite by her wrist. He was somewhat rough with the movements holding her so close she could feel his breath grasing her face and his touch, warm wrapped around her wrist against the autumn breeze. 
 “You're small, so wait until they’re close and you drive it through their heart to the hilt.” -her gaze shifts from his chest back to his face, “You understand?” His eyes searched hers shaking her firmly, desperate to make her understand, and he continued, “Do not hesitate. And you look in their eyes and do not pull it out until you see their soul.” 
Julia blinked -processing his words slowly. That seemed to be a difficult thing to do. At least inside of herself. His hands were steady, steadier than hers as she tilted her head to look up at him. Then placed a hand flat to his chest where her gaze had shifted. He lightend his grip in return as she pulled back and he dropped his arms to his sides. She held the knife with both of her hands, still looking to his chest where the knife had pressed to his heart. The idea of hurting someone, killing someone felt impossible. She inhaled…then shakes her head stepping back. He stared down at her, as she all but whispered, “I couldn't do that.”  
He continued to stare at her, until eventually he moved and simply said, “Well, you might not have a choice.” 
…Daryl tucked his jacket around her limp form, she was curled against his side as soft snores rumbled through her lips. Daryl didn't know when they had begun to draw close to one another. He worried it was for selfish reasons. She seemed terribly comfortable after only spending the past several days with him. And despite them having gone through a few stressful situations together -it concerned him. He was more concerned about himself, about how he was behaving, getting distracted by many of the things that she did. And how he couldn't seem to keep his breath even when she got so close. Especially at night. And the worst part of all. He was longing for it.
Julia snuggled her way into his arms and Daryl nearly moved away, but only tensed for a moment. Her head was on his chest and she had grabbed hold of his shirt for what he could only assume was a form of comfort. Daryl doesn't hold people he finds them, but he couldn't deny the warm, fuzzy feeling he felt when she tugged on his shirt as if he was worth holding onto. And he lets her as he studies her soft face, lax with sleep. Even though it was innocent, she was tormenting him. With a deep sigh he tried to stop his heart from racing and his mind from wandering. He moved ever so slowly to prop his hands underneath his head, gazing upon the night sky, his body became heavy and relaxed as he slowly drifted into sleep.
Daryl was typically the one who woke up first, this morning was no different. He was grateful he did. They lay how they fell asleep. Carefully he removed her hand from his shirt, slowly slipping it from her fingers. Her hands laid lax against her chest. He sat up fully then turned his head to look down at her, in doing so, he wanted to move a bit of hair from her face, but refrained. He seemed to do that alot, refraining. 
He noticed when Julia woke up, and started moving around. He would never tell her about last night, afraid it would be awkward if he did, so he pretends like nothing had happened. As if she hadn't been sleeping on his chest or how he could feel her heart beating against his. He had taken notice how soft she was, different from himself. Of course they had been close when she had hugged him by the shed and by the river a couple of days ago. But it was nothing like this, this was different.  
Daryl scratched his stubble staring ahead, Julias soft voice pulled him from his thoughts, “Daryl,” and he hums in agnolishment still staring ahead. 
Slowly Julia sits up fully, holding his jacket in her lap, feeling the fabrike between her fingers, then continuing, “You know, one of these days you're gonna have a cold. It's not summer anymore.” She felt terribly guilty when he so easily gave up his own comfort for her. He had given his jacket every night since she had mentioned it was cold, and she wished to never have mentioned it in the first place. The truth was she had been cold that night, but it was not the real reason. It was because she was terribly afraid of the dark, the strange sounds of the forest that she never seemed to get used to. She offered his jacket back and he retrieved it. He said nothing, and she thought maybe he wouldn't until he did -with a soft tone she wasn't sure she had heard him use before.
 “Ain’t no big deal. And besides, can't sleep hearing you chattering your teeth all night.” 
Julia felt her face heat up, she knew she must be blushing. Just as she was about to argue against it, that she was fine, admit what she should have told him that night . Daryl stood to full height, offering his hand and urged, “come on.”  
Julia looked confused but took it either way, he grabbed his weapon off the forest floor. She tilted her head, staring. She had asked him to teach her as he had been her only source of socialization and she was determined to prove herself, rather than doing nothing. Daryl put the swing strap over his shoulder, and he began and said.
“I think today is a good day for you too-  Julia cut him off, stepping closer, with a smile lighting up her face, “You're gonna teach me how to choot?” She said, maybe sounding a bit too much like a child.
He stared and felt that same feeling in his chest, fuzzy and warm, then he answered simply, “Something like that,” -a pause…then he demanded, becoming serious, “And no wondering of.” Julia rolled her eyes, humoredly, “Yes Mr.Dixon.”
“Julia, I mean it.”
“I’ll do whatever you say, Daryl.” 
Daryl stared for a moment a little taken back by her genuine honesty. He didn't know what to say to that. There was a truth in her russet brown eyes, round and sincere. Daryl clears his throat, urging her forward.
He had never seen her show such interest before and he could tell she was serious about learning. He wanted to make it right this time, teaching her how to use his crossbow. Everything was calm and peaceful as Daryl walked close behind watching her back as she scanned their surroundings for anything out of place, but it was more difficult than she thought. And she wondered how on earth he could hold such a thing and make it look so easy, like it wasn't heavy. He must've had a great deal of strength, not to mention his perfect aim. Holding it up against her cheek trying out the scope she asked.
“Are we close?” 
"Almost done.” He answered like he knew exactly what they were looking for, Julia asked again, still looking through the scope, “How do you know?” 
“The signs are all there. Just got to know how to read’em.”
And she did so, slowly prosiding onwards. But it was all so difficult in her head, she didn't see any signs nor did she know if she saw any she knew how to read them like he did. She prompted him again, “What are we tracking?”
“You tell me.” Daryl vaguely offered. Julia turned to him with a slight frustrated frown. Daryl shrugged, “You’re the one who wanted to learn.” Her gaze travels along the forest floor.
“Well, something came through here. The pattern is all zig-zaggy.” She stated, deep in thought, she clearly had paid attention to what he had said a moment ago. And then it all made sense, “It’s a walker.” She confirmed, clearly happy with her accomplishment.
“Maybe a drunk.” Daryl said, and she knew he was testing her. She smiled back at him before proceeding onwards as she became a little bit cocky, “I’m getting good at this. Pretty soon I won’t need you at all.”
Daryl nods to himself as a subtle smile plaid on his lips, he almost chuckled at her sudan confidence. He kept her going and ordered, “Yeah, keep on tracking.”
Daryl of course was aware of the tracks, but it was about her finding it by herself in order to learn, and she did. He felt a sense of pride in that, teching her something he knew. 
The trail led them upon a clearing. A lone walker stands on its knees, turned with its back, festing on something in its hands. Julia stands in front of Daryl staring for a moment before she turns her head and states, whispering, “It’s got a gun.”
Daryl nods and gives her a go ahead. She takes a nervous breath as she steadys the crossbow against her cheek and begins with careful steps, approaching. Daryl stayed back, his eyes never leaving her. He had seen her kill a walker before so he lets her handle this one on her own.  
Even though she was scared she was determined enough to not let her fears controle her. And she was desperate to prove herself that she could hold her own. Every step was carefully put in front of the other, like Daryl did. Just a little bit further and she would be in the right distance to fire. One last breath and she stepped down. But to her surprise her foot gets caught in an animal trap and twists in a natural way. Her leg gives out and she falls to the ground, a pained sound leaves her lips. The commotion alerts the walker, it starts to growl, dropping the dead animal to the ground and begins to head her way. Pure horror rises in the pit of her stomach as she desperately tries to aim from the ground. The weapon fired, and she watched as her shot missed, only making it stumble back a bit and it kept on coming her way. 
Daryl sprinted straight towards her. He snatched the crossbow from her hands, hitting the walker with the momentum of his speed. He hurried towards her, sliding on the leaf covered ground and kneeled, grabbing her skirt and pulling it up to reveal her foot underneath, then ripped the animal trap from her foot like it was nothing, throwing it out of sight. 
His voice was laced with concern as he asked out of breath, “Can you move it?” He studied her face, lifting her foot by the heel examining the sole. Julia inhaled unevenly, a clear response from the pain. She managed to croak out a shaky,“Yeah.” And the pain in her voice and her trembling lips carved a new fissure in his heart. 
Daryl carefully lowered her foot back on the ground and stood fully. Julia looked up at him and he told her, “Hold on.” She watched him walk towards the dead walker, pulling the bolt she had missed when firing from its cheek, then grabbed the gun from its side holstering it in the small of his back. Before approaching her he grabbed the crossbow off the ground. Julia quickly grabbed the edges of the skirt, tugging it downward. She managed to stand on her own even though she could see Daryl tense of her doing so when she lost her balance for a moment. He steadied her with his arm around her waist, pressing her against his side. Her arm was over his shoulder, her hand gripping the fabrike there, like she had dune in the night. And she weld to control tears from forming, screwing her eyes shut with the tension of the pain, but the gentle feeling of his arm around her, holding her there tightly forced them to flutter open and she found the strength to ask, “Can I have the gun?” Daryl urged her onwards and gave her a firm “No.” And she knew there was no use in arguing. 
Eventually they exit the forest, coming upon a graveyard and a white memorial house further ahead. She limped alongside him as his strength kept her upright, though gravity seemed to be working against her. Her feet were tired, soar, and stinging with cuts from the animal trap. Just for one moment she wished to stop, to catch her breath and to rest. "Can we…Can we hold up a sec?” Julia said and reached for her foot as his hand gently left her side and he asked, "You all right?” 
“I Just need to sit down.” Julia reassured, rotating it carefully and put most of her weight on the opposite foot, clearly avoiding the pain. Daryl looked ahead and breathed, “All right. Hold up.” And begins putting the crossbow over his shoulders, settling it infront on his chest, adjusting it a bit. Julia blinked at him perplexed and stepped back when he suddenly got closer, his back facing her as he began to bend his knees, hunching forward with his arms hanging loosely to his sides, and he ordered, “Hope on.” 
It surprised her, he had never offered such a thing before. The sudden change of character made her think he had to be joking, “Are you serious?” She questions. Daryl looked over his shoulder, “Yeah. This is a serious piggyback. Jump up.” Julia grabbed his shoulders  for leverage and jumped up with her arms over his shoulders. 
“You're heavier than you look.” He joked straightening up and adjusted her further up his back with his arms underneath her legs and began their walk through the graveyard. 
"Maybe there are people there.” Julia states, ever the optimist. “Yeah, if there are, I’ll handle them.” 
“There are still good people, Daryl.”  But Daryl found it difficult to believe in such filosofie, “I don’t think the good ones survive.”
They encountered a gravestone with the words beloved father. Julia stood before it with a sad expression on her face. Daryl places flowers in response and returns to her side. Her soft features clashed with the sorefull expression and he wondered what her quiet thoughts were about and If what he had said contributed to the sadness there. He blinked in surprise as her soft fingers gently intertwined with his and he glanced down to look at her, his stomach twirls, but she continued to stare ahead..Her expression telling him she was far away.
Everything she's experienced hasn't just gone away, even when she acted as if it had, always being positive and hopeful. Time doesn't really heal anything and pain doesn't simply disappear, it fades. And in that moment she needed him...to hold him close. It felt so..human to stand beside her and to feel the touch of her hand. He had never done that before, never been the type to hold someone. And he took notice he did not tense like in those moments when she had pushed herself close to him in the night. It was oddly comfortable, even when she squeezed his hand and leaned against him he didn’t push her away.
A few moments later they headed towards the funeral home.
Daryl continued carrying Julia until they approached the front door of the building. He cracks the door open then makes a few loud sounds that surely would alert any walkers in the home. “Give it a minute,” he tells her. But it was quiet, oddly quiet. Daryl enters the entryway and gives the nearby rooms a quick look. Julia limped after, on guard with her knife in her hand. She took notice of the clean smell and the neat state of the house that Daryl clearly seemed to find strange. 
“It’s so clean.” Julia declared. “Yeah.” Daryl answered. “Someone’s been tending to it. May still be around.” 
Right. That made sense.
Daryl moves further into a large room, Julia follows. They discover A dead man in a casket. The man didn't look rotten and decayed like walkers did, he appeared natural, peacefully lying in a suit. It felt as if they had walked in on a public viewing. She supposed that would make sense as it was a funeral hom after all. The room was beautifully arranged, decorated with big bouquets of flowers on each side of the casket. They were dry now but she imagined it had to look even more beautiful before. Chairs were placed before the man in the middle of the room for family and friends to say their last goodbyes and an old piano facing the window. She didn't feel disturbed by the sight, she had attended one before. So it didn't surprise her when Daryl inspected the man's face notesting something odd she supposed, as he drags his fingers across the man's face revealing the cosmetic work done. 
Daryl thought it was odd as he felt the cosmetic between his fingers then looked at Julia. Why did someone take their time doing this to a walker he would never get his head round. To be honest it creeped him out. 
They continued down a set of stairs leading to a white room. It smells of chemicals,.the ones used for disinfecting and it was noticeably colder than upstairs. On two embalming tables lay 2 more desiset men dressed in suits. One looked like a walker with its gray skin and the other looked more like the man upstairs. Julia carefully takes her last steps down, a bit slower due to her injury. Daryl opens the carbonets in a surge for medical supplies clearing his throat, a habit he did before speaking. 
“Let's get that ankle wrapped.” Julia didn't answer. She quietly admired the cosmetic art the unknown person had dun. They had even taken the time to make the hands look normal and comed the man's hair. Only a good person would do such a thing. 
Ripping the bandaid package with his teeth Daryl glanced at her and said humoredly, “Looks like somebody ran out of dolls to dress up.” Julia wipes her head towards him, eyebrows furrowing. “It’s beautiful.” She states softly. Daryl diverts his eyes looking down as if searching for that beauty she seemed to admire. Julia continued to be ever so thoughtful in her ways of speaking.
“Whoever did this cared. They wanted these people to get a funeral. They remembered these things were people. Before all this. They didn’t let it change them in the end.” Her gaze shifts to him from where she had looked down upon the man on the embalming table. “Don’t you think that’s beautiful?” His eyes met hers from where he was leaning against the wall and he couldn't find the right words to answer. He found it difficult to see the beauty she saw. Perhaps because he didn't fully understand it, not in the way she did at least. But Daryl did think something was beautiful, and it was not the dead men lying on the tables. 
Daryl escapes the question completely and instead urges her back towards the sink, gently. Daryl was oddly careful with his touch as he rapped her foot. She looked down from where she stood leaning back against the sink. She could tell he knew what he was doing and she wondered  if he realized how much he's changed in these past 2 weeks. If he recognized those small changes as she had? It wasn't dramatic, personality altering changes per say, but he was softer and more talkative which pleased her. 
Continuing they explore the kitchen. 
Julia checks the fridge, “Dang,” she sighed, “You find anything?” 
Daryl checks the wall cupboards, opening them one after the other, finding nothing until then he comes across something. Julia exclaimed in surprise, standing by his side. A large cache filled with food is in front of them. 
“Peanut butter and jelly, diet soda and pig’s feet. That’s a white trash brunch right there,” Daryl said humorously, grabbing a jar off the top shelf.  “It all looks good to me,” Julia commented, grabbing a couple of items, clearly hungry.
Inspecting the jar in his hand he noticed it looked like it just came out of the store and so did everything else. He came to realize and told her, “No, hold up.” And Julia wipes her head looking at him. “Ain’t a speck of dust on this.” He states. “So?” Julia prompts. “That means somebody just put it here. This is someone's stash. Maybe they’re still alive.” 
Right, she should have thought of that.
He spoke with a voice of coming to a conclusion, and he told her with a new sense of thoughtfulness, “All right, we’ll take some of it and we’ll leave the rest, all right?” And that was different. Julia smiled brightly at him, “I knew it.”
“Knew what?” Daryl questions. Julia holds their eye contact repeating herself from before. “It's like I said. There are still good people.” Daryl reaches two fingers into his jar, scooping out jelly, shoving it directly into his mouth, humming as if it was delicious . “It’s gross,” Julia scolds, heading towards the kitchen table with her peanut butter. Daryl likes the edge of the jar and warns playfully with jelly still in his mouth, “Hey, those pigs feet are mine.” 
Julia smiled to herself. He could be funny sometimes. 
No matter how much Julia insisted she could help him get rid of the walkers, he made her not lift a finger, ‘due to her injury, he had told her. 
He could be so stubborn sometimes. 
While Daryl was outside setting up security tripwires, Julia made the room cozy. The room with the casket, with candles lit on top of the piano and more across the room. It had been a while since she played. She never learned to read music notes but she could play by heart, finding melodies with her fingers while she hums softly, remembering the words to a song she used to sing. 
Closing the front door Daryl immediately heard a soft voice flowing through the home. He stepped towards the entrance of the room, seeing Julia playing the piano with her back facing him, the only light was from the candles, painting the room in a warm glow. He did not enter but instead leaned against the door frame and just watched and listened. It reminded him of those early mornings, when Julia did her chores and he would just take a moment to listen, just like he did now. He never knew she could play, it was nice. When he thought about it she had not sung sins the prison. It relieved him, he couldn't stand the thought of her being sad and she had been so quiet this morning. Daryl makes his presence known clearing his throat, Julia abrupts her song turning to him.
“The place is nailed up tight.” He said and began walking fully into the room, awkwardly. He hoped not she knew how long he had been standing there in the doorway. “The only way in is through the front door.” He told her and Julia nodded, following him with her gaze as he made his way to the empty casket and to her surprise decided to lie down in it, and she asked “What are you doing?”  
“This is the comfiest bed I’ve had in years.” He remarked with an arm curled beneath his head. Julia turned fully towards him, still sitting. “Really?” she questioned. “ I ain’t kidding.” He insists.
Julia lowered her gaze, becoming quiet again. Daryl stared at her, “Way don’t you go ahead and play some more? Keep singing.” Julia inhaled, lifting her gaze, “I don’t wanna annoy you.”
She rarely sang in front of others, It made her feel vulnerable in a way. She didn't like to feel judged or the feeling of people's eyes on her, it was naked in a way. But Daryl was different from others she had met.
Her response surprised him though he didn't show it as he instead urged, “There ain’t no jukebox, so…
Julia gave him a shy smile and began to sing playing the same song again. Her voice velvet smooth and angelic, transporting him to a world of peace above the clouds. And he wondered why someone with a voice like hers would hide such a gift. Daryl studied her as she closed her eyes. It was from her heart he could tell. Every word meant something. And when she sang…
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I will never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong…
It felt as if the song was meant for him. But surely not? It was just a song after all. 
Her voice carried such warmth and sounded so sweet a sense of calm washed over him, tucking him in. Daryl almost felt guilty he didn't miss them as much being with her. And before he knew it, he had drifted away into a deep sleep he had not had for a long time.
Julia opened her eyes as she had finished the song. But to her surprise Daryl had fallen asleep. She had never seen his sleeping face before. His troubled frown had evened out, though the lines in his face were still visebull. And she wondered how old he was as she knew there had to be an age difference there. There was no denying she found him handsome with his ruffe complexion and the dark hair framing his face, but that didn’t mean she had romantic feelings towards him. She liked to think of him as a friend and that it was mutual, that she wasn't just some girl he felt an obligation to care for, simply because of the fall of the prison. 
Julia moved to a nearby sofa, it looked to be for decoration, but she laid down on it -lying on her side and shutte her eyes.
They rest for the night. 
Morning came, bright light seeping through the covered windows. 
Daryl sat up fully looking to where Julia had played the piano, the candles had burned aout, no longer offering its warm glow. He must have fallen asleep when she had played, the bed and her playing the piano had all been so soothing. Daryl scanned the rome still sitting in the casket and he grew worried when he did not see her, but then there she was -soundly sleeping on the sofa to his side. She laid curled into herself, facing his way with one arm hanging out and the other beneath the cheek. Even though he knew she was a heavy sleeper he jumped down carefully in case he would wake her. His gaze studied the scar on her wrist and the  bruse faintly visible now, remembering all she told him about being an emunine, the map to the facility she so badly wanted to go to. And he didn't know, he really didn't know. 
He decided he would let her sleep in a bit more, she needed the rest with her injury, he takes his crossbow and heads to the kitchen.
Her eyes fluttered open as a gentle hand slid along her arm. Julia looks up at the figure, rubbing her eyes past the sleep, she sat up fully, legs off the sofa. Daryl’s deep voice spoke to her. “It's morning.” 
Julia hummed in acknowledgement then tilted her head up to meet his gaze. He looked as if he'd been up for a while and she felt bad she always seemed to be the one that woke last. He then took her arm, tugging her up to stand, “com’on.” He urged. Julia blinked past the rest of the sleep but she clearly could tell there was this excitement in his voice and the way he seemed eager. 
“I wanna show you something.” And there it was and it immediately got her attention. “Show me what?” She asked. Daryl began to leave the room, Julia took the hint to follow as she heard him say, “You’ll see.” 
Julia walked with the best of her ability but due to her ankle injury was not fast enuff to catch up to his strides. Daryl looked past his shoulder, “Hurry up!” Julia kept on halting behind him, “Going as fast as I can!”  
Daryl suddenly turned, approaching her, “Forget that,” he said and before she knew it she was in his arms, carrying her like a bride. She squeals of the action. Her arms found its way around his neck, he kicked the door open and he carried her into the kitchen. A smile lit up her face as she was pleasantly surprised by a set up meal. Carefully he pleased her on the chair opposite of him. He breathed, “Here you go.” Then settled himself down,  “All right. Let's eat.” He said and they began to dig in.
Daryl flinched at the sound of his traps getting triggered outside. Julia looks worriedly at him and begins to stand but gets turned down as he orders “Stay.” And he hurries off taking his crossbow to check on the disturbance. Cracking the door open Daryl is surprised to see a one-eyed cat meowing on the front porch. “It’s just a damn cat!” He tried to pet it but the cat scurried away. 
The Moment Julia heard him say to the word cat she couldn't help but to hurry towards the hallway only to be met with Daryl closing the door. 
“It wouldn’t come in?” Julia asked. 
Daryl stepped closer standing an arm length apart and scolded, “I told you to stay back.” Julia smiled, "Yeah, butt, Daryl, you said it was a cat.”  Daryl took her by the shoulder, speaking softly “Maybe he’ll come back around. Come on.” And he beaconed her around back to the kitchen.
Julia liked the place, it was nice and it had brought them closer. She hoped the cat would visit them once more, but she also knew Daryl would probably make them leave soon. When the prison went down her diary was the only thing she had left and she thought it would be nice of them to leave something for the occupant of the house.
Julia looked to Daryl beside her, he was spooning some jelly in his mouth while she opened her diary on the kitchen table, candles were lit across the room creating that same cozy feeling when she had played the piano. 
“I’m gonna leave a thank-you note.” Julia told him. Daryl looked at her beginning to write and he asked, “Why?” 
Julia shifts her gaze, Daryl looks back then explains as she continues to write, “For when they come back. If they come back. Even if they’re not coming back, I still want to say thanks.”
Daryl thought for a moment….And then..
“Maybe you don’t have to leave that.” Julia looked at him, listening. “Maybe we stick around here for a while. They come back, we’ll just make it work. They may be nuts, but maybe it’ll be all right.” 
He gave her a little smile, Julia returned it with a grin and said, “So you do think there are still good people around.” Daryl shrugs his shoulders, suddenly finding the jelly very interesting. Her mouth continued to turn upward and she looked at him and said, “What changed your mind?” He shifted his gaze back and forth between her and the jar in his hand, swallowing hard as his defense began to crumble and could feel how his heart started to beat. 
“You know.” Daryl replied, eyes averting. A light blush creeps up his cheeks and he was grateful for the darkness and the candlelight hiding that burning feeling in his chest. Her smile widens, “What?” Julia giggeld. And without her knowing her smile stole all his words away. Daryl could only stare, a little taken back by his own thoughts; he had never felt like this before. His gaze dropped from her shyly then returned, answering in an incoherently grunt, shrugging his shoulders.
"Don't…" -Julia copied him and encouraged softly, “What changed your mind?” Her lovely brown eyes stared into his blue ones, round and sincere waiting for his answer. Julia had noticed his lack of words seemed to be a lack of skill finding the correct ones. 
Never before had Daryl wanted to say so much, but couldn't utter a single word; felt so much but stayed so silent. A million feelings warmed his heart that he could not express with words, because it was deeper than that. Like there was this disconnect between the feeling and his mouth and all he could do was stare. He studied her in the dim light, as if he could find his words in her eyes. But it seemed he never could as his eyes spoke without saying a single word.
And there was silence. A realization fleeting between them.
And when he gazed deeply into her eyes, she knew. It was her, something within her had somehow made him believe good people did still exist. Julia’s smile faltered, taken back a bit. She couldn't possibly fantum the idea that she had changed something within him, he who clearly had told her “I don’t believe the good ones survive.” 
Her gaze continued to search his, blinking a couple of times before breathing out a quiet, “Oh.”
The firelight ghosts across his face and he couldn't stop from continuing to stare. Her face was gentle and inviting despite being in shock, there was softness in her eyes -irises blown wide, twinkling into his, lips were parted and plump from the little oh that had past her lips, a pleasing shade of deep rose from what he could tell, subtle freckles painted her cheekbones, he haven't notest those before. And that lovely hair framing her face, with locks that glowed deep brown in the warm light. In conclusion -she was in his eyes... 
The snap back to reality when tripwiers outside goes off for the second time today. Neither of them flinched as they knew it to be the little friend from before. Daryl finishes his spoonful of jelly then says jokingly, “I’m gonna give that cat one more chance.” And goes to investigate.
Without checking, expecting the cat he opens the door. But unfortunately their moment must have slowed his reflexes and dulled his edge as he is met with a horde of walkers trying to get into the house. Immediately he tries to chute the dore, braising it with his back shouting her name. Julia hurried and threw his crossbow from a distance, retrieving it he ordered her to run ahead. The horde storms into the house, Daryl fiers one shot, but there are too many of them. He tells her to escape through one of the windows as he distracts them, she is hesitant for just a moment, she doesn't want to leave him she tells him as they slowly lose sight of one another. But she relents when he assured her that he will met her by the road.
The Walkers followed Daryl down the stairs into the embalming room. He shoots another walker then grabs a few sharp tools and uses one of the embalming tables like a barrier between him and the walkers corning him against the wall. He takes out one after the other, stabbing them. He dukes and crowles under their legs to hide behind the other table, stabbing some more before he pushes the table one last time creating enough space to escape up the stairs unscathed. He hurries around the house and runs across the graveyard, up the road he is shocked to discover the backpack lying on the ground. But he had come moments too late. Wheels squeaked, a black car with a white cross drove away. Immediately Daryl runs after realizing Julia had just been kidnapped. He tries to follow but on foot can't keep up, shouting her name again and again while his lungs burn like acrid smoke.
Daryl never stopped running that night, he just kept on going and going then going some more, until morning came when he reached an intersection. 
He fell to his knees, the pure exertion numbing his body. He felt  a terrible pain inside his chest, he felt sick, wanted to throw up, and could hardly process what just had happened. He could hardly read it as being real to him. It was like a blizzard setting into his joints, his brain, everything. 
Everything was gone and Daryl was alone.
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ultimatebethylficlist · 3 months
Moonshine Awards 2023 Winners
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The 2023 Moonshine Awards are officially over. Thank you to everyone for nominating, voting, and most of all, creating and consuming so much beautiful art that keeps our wonderful ship alive. We will see you next year for The Moonshine Awards 2024!
CLICK HERE to view all the winners!
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mistressheroine · 2 months
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Bethyl fanfic Roman Empire: The Crow’s Song by SquishyCool ( @im-immortal )
Some stories have such a lasting impact on you that it feels like they’re ingrained on your shipper heart. I think about this story almost daily since I read it a few months ago. Like literally can’t stop thinking about it.
I made this one a while ago and forgot to share it 🖤
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Fandom: The Walking Dead
Character: Rick Grimes
Sample Size: 7,881 stories
Source: AO3
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bethylmethbrick · 9 months
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BETHYL FanFiction Love at the Solo Café Daryl Dixon and Beth Greene au no za
New Chapter: He doesn't want to lie to Beth, that will cause trouble somewhere down the line. Besides... BETHYL LOVE
Read On AO3
Read on FFN
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@thefemininemystiquee much love to you! I adore seeing your responses to my fics. they seriously give me so much life and motivation to keep writing! reader pronouns: she/her
Laying on the flat of his back, staring up at the crescent moon, swatting away mosquitoes, Daryl was swamped by the same dark thoughts that had consumed him since the prison fell. What the fuck was the point of going on? He’d resigned himself to the numbness and bitterness of being without you, of having never told you that you were everything to him. For now, he kept going purely out of duty to keep Beth safe and alive, but every day that passed he withdrew further and further into the dark thought that perhaps you hadn’t made it away safely, that you’d been killed by the Governor’s attack, or that perhaps you had gotten away but would die out there alone somewhere...
And he’d never told you... He should be with you to protect you, to keep you safe, to tell you that everything was going to be alright.
“They’re probably all lookin’ up at the same moon.” Beth’s voice came suddenly from his right, not too far away in the darkness. “They are. I know they are.” He heard the rustling of fabric as she shifted on her ratty bedroll. “She is too.”
Daryl felt a bubble of emotion forming in his chest. It would burst in another moment and he wouldn’t be able to hold back the torrent of horror and anger and sickness and fury and loss and grief and—
“Don’t give up on findin’ her, Daryl. If somethin’ happens—you have to go on and find all of them,” Beth said.
Daryl pushed himself up and he could make out her silhouette in the glow of the coals. “Nothin’ is happenin’ to ya.”
She stared at him for a long moment and then laid back down, perhaps turning her eyes back to the moon too. “Fine. Then nothin’ is happenin’ to either of us. Got it?”
Daryl collapsed down onto his back again. He chewed on his bottom lip a moment. “Got it.”
Time: 4 min
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sasusc · 3 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @galadrieljones and @mistressheroine
Currently unnamed, but a sequel to my "you might think I'm crazy, the way I've been cravin'"
Girls like her didn't stay with guys like him. Sometimes they would come to the seedy bars he and Merle visited looking for a bit of fun…something rough and rowdy for the night. Sometimes it was because they wanted something different from the ex or current boyfriend, sometimes it was almost like a dare--they wanted to see if the grass was greener on the other side. But they never wanted more. He had never wanted more, either. He was a little defensive when he replied back, "What's to talk about?" She smirked. "We had sex, Daryl. I would like to do it again," she told him. It was a punch to his heart. She wanted sex again--with him. He was all for that. He was glad she hadn't regretted it, but it just help cemented his earlier thoughts. She didn't want more from him that. "Yeah?" She nodded, a flush spreading across her cheeks and neck. He advanced on her, planning to tell her no. What happened earlier was a one time only deal. But he was in her face, and the clean scent of her hair filled his nostrils. Before he knew it, he had her back against the door and his hands around her throat. His thumbs tilted her face up to meet his. He kissed her hard as anger and bitterness intertwined with his desire.
Tagging (and sorry if you've been tagged): @whovianlili @olpie @rckyfrk @piper1016 @mizjoely
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mydarllinglover · 11 months
Alone || Shit Happens
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Carl unlocked the gates once T-Dog called out that the food had arrived.
"What you got?" The kid asked.
"Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans, theres' a lot more where this came from." T-Dog said, carrying it through to one of the cells.
Sully jogged towards Natalia, sniffing the stuff she was carrying as he walked by her side.
"Any change?" Rick asked the make shift infirmary cell.
"Bleeding is under control and no fever" Lori said. "But his breath is laboured and his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet."
"Take my cuffs, put them on him." Rick told Glenn. "I'm not taking any chances."
Carl helped T and Natalia whilst Rick talked to Lori, Natalia was still fuming about what had happened in the cafeteria, she should have killed him and let Rick kill her after, least she'd be taking the creep down before he could do anything to anyone else.
"Nat, T, come on, let's go." Rick called out once their conversation was done.
"Stay with Carl, Sul, I'll be back. Be a good boy, will you." She gave the dog a treat as she rubbed his head, scratching behind his ears.
"Hey, I don't blame you" T-Dog told her as they walked back out the door.
"Least someone agrees with me." She scoffed.
Rick could hear them, he didn't say anything for the moment. Once they got back to the prisoners and Daryl, Rick layed the weapons on the table, for them to choose from.
Tomas picked up the crowbar, looking at it.
"Why do I need this, when I got this?" He asked, taking out his gun once again.
"You don't fire guns" Daryl said. "Not unless your backs up against the wall, noise attracts them, it really riles them up."
"We'll go two by two. Daryl will point with T. I'll bring up the rear with you. Stay tight, hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down, anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe in the head."
"And that's where you aim, these things only go down with a head shot." Daryl explained.
"You ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man"
"They ain't men. They're something else."
"Just remember, to go for the brain."
The prisoners picked up their weapons to get ready.
"And what about you little lady, ain't got a partner?" Axel asked.
"She can handle herself just fine." Daryl told him, catching her off guard.
"Nat here was on her own, been surviving like that for a while, hell, she damn near saved our lives and ended it." T joined in.
"You broke into my house and refused to leave." She scoffed, walking after the others.
"Why'd ya call your dog Sully?" Big Tiny asked her, they'd clearly seen her bidding the animal goodbye.
"You ever seen Monsters Inc? One with the monsters who have jobs?"
"Yeah, once." He replied.
"The big blue one, he's called Sully."
"You picked that?" Axel asked.
"It's a stupid name, who'd you let name your dog that?" Andrew included himself into the conversation.
"What you do to end up in prison, show the world how much of a fucking brainless idiot you are?" Natalia turned on the man, the people in the group slightly thrown off by her sudden aggression.
"Jeez, was just a question, uptight bitch" Andrew grumbled.
"Well mind yer own business." Daryl told him in a low voice.
"Man, it's too damn dark in here." Oscar complained as they walked through the dark hallways.
"Gotta hold it up high out In front of you." Daryl told him, gesturing to raise the flashlight.
"You're gonna hear them before you see 'em." Tomas whispered.
A clanging sound came from behind a corner, unsettling some of the prisoners.
"It's coming!" Axel called out.
"Shh." Rick hissed.
A lone walker trudged past the corner, Daryl raised his hand in the air, counting down, but before he could reach one, the prisoners ran at the dead prisoners yelling and shouting.
The four watched as the prisoners punched, kicked and beat the other walkers that came out.
"These guys are idiots, why are we helping them?" Natalia asked.
"Cause we have a deal." Rick sighed.
"We're wasting time." Natalia scoffed, pulling out two knifes, pushing Axel out of the way so that she could plunge one in the head of a walker that was getting its gut punched in, then handling the one Oscar was kicking, before taking out the third, as the prisoners stared at her. "Are we done? Can we move on now?"
"Let's go" Rick ordered, nodding at T and Daryl to lead the way again.
Once again, a walker by itself walked round the corner.
"It's gotta be the brain" Daryl said, shooting it in the head with his crossbow. "Not the stomach, not the heart, the brain."
"I hear you, the brain." Axel repeated as another one came at them.
Oscar, Axel and Rick took out three as more kept coming.
"Stay in tight formation, no more prison riot crap." Rick told the group. 
Natalia noticed the biggest member of the group step back as everyone took out the walkers, one with long curly hair had followed him, she went to help when a walker that had been handcuffed struggled to get his hand's free, had managed to slip one out, although his hand had slid off the bone.
"Look out!" She called as it reached for Big Tiny's back. She threw a knife at the walker, causing it to drop dead as the knife imbedded itself in the skull of the walking dead prisoner.
Though what she didn't account for, is the walker that had sized her up as a meal, falling into her and sending them both to the ground, She struggled to get it's face away from hers as it snarled and spat at her.
It had ceased when a metal arrows head poked through, almost firing into her.
Natalia pushed the walker off of her, Rick quick to help her get to her feet.
"You alright?" Rick asked.
"Fine." She caught her breath.
"You saved my life." Big Tiny expressed, picking up the woman as he hugged her, almost crushing her bones.
"Don't mention it." She patted his back. "You can put me down now."
"Oh, right, my bad." He smiled shyly, dropping Natalia down so she could stand on her own feet.
As they went to continue, another walker had walked round the corner, Big Tiny hadn't noticed it until it was biting into the mans side.
"Argh!" He screamed out.
Tomas was quicker than everyone else, shooting two bullets into it's skull.
"Oh my God!" Natalia gasped, looking at the bite as Rick stared down Tomas, before coming to his senses and gently nudging Natalia out of the way so he could get a better look with the flashlight.
"I'm telling you man, I don't feel anything, it's just a little bite."
"I'm sorry, man." Rick sighed, knowing what would happen.
"I can keep fighting!" He argued.
"You cut that old guys leg off to save his life." Andrew brought up.
"Look at where the bite is"
"Guys, I'm fine! Just, I'm fine." He repeated, trying to reassure Rick.
"It's slow, you don't always get hit with it so soon." Natalia sighed.
"Look at me... I'm not changing into one of those things."
"Look, man, there has to be something that we can do." Oscar said "We could just lock him up."
"Quarantine him." Axel joined in.
"We gotta do something. Why you just standing there? We gotta save him."
"There's nothing we can do." Rick disagreed.
"You son of a bitch" Andrew cursed.
"I'm all right."
Tomas charged forward, shoving Natalia out of his way and onto the floor, before bashing his weapon into Big Tiny's head, letting the man fall to the ground as well, he looked at the bloody weapon for a moment, bringing it back down onto the mans skull repeatedly, sending blood and brain matter splatting everywhere.
Natalia crawled back as she watched the scene unfold, her eyes wide, she had killed many times before, but never so gruesomely, never like the man had just done, she was a survivalist, he was psychotic.
Two hands gripped her arms, pulling her up, she looked behind her quickly before noticing that it was T-Dog, Daryl beside him.
"You alright, got hurt?" T asked.
"I- I'm." She looked back, letting the rest of her sentence die down in her throat.
Once Tomas was satisfied the job was done, he looked back at Rick before walking ahead once more.
Daryl walked toward the handcuffed walker, pulling out the knife and wiping it on the overalls, passing it back to Natalia as the others headed after Tomas.
"Thanks" She muttered. "And for..."
"Let's go." He grumbled, nodding for her to go first.
Rick, Natalia and Daryl stayed behind the others as they walked down the dark hallways.
"You see the look on his face? How he threw Nat?" Daryl asked Rick.
"He makes one move." Rick told the pair.
"Just give me a signal." Daryl finished his sentence.
"I shouldn't of let you stop me earlier, told you I got a knack for this kinda thing." Natalia gritted.
The group made it to the laundromat, inspecting the empty room, just in case anything jumped out at them.
Snarling and banging came from the double doors in the room.
Daryl chucked his ring of keys at Tomas as they neared it.
"I ain't opening that." Tomas said.
"Yes, you are." Rick told him. "If you want this cell block. You're gonna open that door. Just the one, not both of them. Because we need to control this."
With a sigh, Tomas bent down and picked up the ring of keys, looking at the group before stepping towards the door and unlocking it.
"You bitches ready?" He asked, he struggled to open the door. "I got this."
Tomas pulled one more time, opening both doors before jumping back.
"I said one door!" Rick shouted at him.
"Shit happens."
The group fought off the overloading herd of walkers that followed out from the double doors, spreading everyone out.
Natalia pulled her knife out of one head, dropping it to the floor as she watched Tomas purposely try and take Rick out, who had narrowly missed it, causing her to almost forget about the walker that came straight for her.
Natalia dealt with it before running to Ricks side, who was now on the floor from a walker being thrown at him by the Hispanic.
She plunged the knife through its head, letting the man push it off him as she helped him get to his feet.
"T, mind the gap!" Daryl shouted out, also seeing what had just happened.
"Thanks." Rick said to the woman.
"Just paying you back." She said, fighting against another walker that came at her. "Now deal with our other problem."
He nodded at her in agreement, Rick knew what he had to do.
Soon enough, the laundromat was rid of hungry walkers.
Daryl aimed his crossbow at Tomas who shrugged off Ricks heavy stare as he walked towards him.
"It was coming at me, bro." Tomas said.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Rick agreed. "I get it. Shit happens."
The laundromat was silent as Rick and Tomas had a stare off.
Until Rick swung his arm back, the one carrying the machete, before bringing it down onto Tomas's head, pushing it down so that he landed on his knees before dropping to the ground.
"No!" Andrew cried out, attempting to hit Rick with his bat. Natalia tugged out her handgun from her waistband, aiming it at him.
"Easy now" Daryl said, moving the aim of his crossbow.
Andrew looked at the pair before turning back to Rick, realising he had no options here. He spun around, running out of the door.
"I got him" Rick told the three as he chased after the prisoner.
Daryl and Natalia pointed their weapons at the other two prisoners, T-Dog quick to copy with his own gun.
"Man, get down on your knees." Daryl ordered.
"We don't have no affiliation to what just happened!" Axel told the three. "Tell him, Oscar!"
"Stop talking, man" Oscar said, his hands up in surrender.
Rick soon enough came back, raising his own gun at the prisoners.
"We didn't have nothing to do with that." Oscar said.
"You didn't know?" Rick asked him. "You knew, let's end this now." Rick moved to point his gun at Axels head.
"Sir, please, listen to me!" Axel cried. "It was them that was bad, it wasn't us."
"Oh, that's convenient."
"You saw what he did to Tiny! He was my friend. Please, we ain't like that. I like my pharmaceuticals, but I'm no killer." Axel pleaded, Natalia scoffed at him. 
"Oscar here, he's a B and E, and he ain't very good at it neither. We ain't the violent guys, they were! Please, I swear to God! I wanna live!"
Rick turned back around and aimed his gun at Oscar.
"What about you?" Rick asked when he still had said nothing.
"I ain't never pleaded for my life. And I aint about to start now. So you do what you gotta do."
Natalia eventually put her gun back on safety, tucking it back in the waistband of her pyjama bottoms.
Rick took this as a sign, lowering his own gun, letting the pair stand up.
Daryl grabbed a hold of Axels overalls pushing him to walk forward to cell block D, using his keys that he picked back up to unlock the door, throwing the man onto the ground.
The Cell block was full of dead prisoners lying on the ground just outside their cells, their hands zip tied behind their backs and blood coming out from their heads, where they had clearly been shot.
"Oh, man." Oscar sighed.
"I knew these guys." Axel whimpered. "These were good men."
Natalia couldn't help the thought that they were in prison not let her fully believe what he said.
"Let's go." Rick told the three.
"So, you're just gonna leave us in here?" Oscar asked him. "Man, this is sick."
"We're locking down this cell block. From now on, this part of the prison is yours, take it or leave it, that was the deal." Rick shrugged.
"You think this is sick? You don't wanna know what's outside." Daryl offered.
"Consider yourselves the lucky ones."
"Sorry about your friends, man."
Natalia followed after Rick and Daryl.
"A word of advice, take those bodies out and burn them." T-Dog finalised before leaving as well.
"What a day" Natalia sighed, stretching her arms up high.
"Yer lucky yer still breathing." Daryl told her.
"Yeah, well, falling on my ass twice and saving a mans life before his horrific death, all without dying, I would say that's pretty lucky."
"Lets just get back and see how Hershel's doing" Rick told them, scratching at his beard.
"Hey, that was pretty badass, what you did with the machete and the dramatic pause, but I still think my idea was way better." Natalia told Rick.
"It wasn't really for a show. Your way was barbaric"
"I know, but it would of been gratifying, would make me feel a damn lot better." She shrugged.
"Hershel stopped breathing" Carls voice could be heard as the group walked into the cell block. "Mom saved him."
"Its true." Glenn clarified.
Natalia slid down the wall facing outside the cell as everyone filled it, Sully jogging to her side as he nudged his head against her chest, making her raise her hands to hold his face, scruffing up his fur as she kissed the top of his head.
"Daddy?" Maggie called to her father, followed by a more excited Beth as the man opened his eyes.
Hershel had made it, and Rick was to thank for that.
The sun was shining as Natalia walked round the field with Sully, throwing around a ball she found for the dog to catch and bring back as Rick, Daryl, Carol and T-Dog brought in the cars.
"Hey, Nat, you helping out today?" Daryl shouted over to the woman, gesturing for her to come over.
"Come on, boy." She called to her dog, walking over.
"It's gonna be a long day." T-Dog told her. "Collecting and burning bodies."
"How exciting, so glad you asked me to help out." Natalia teased.
"Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help." Carol asked.
"On watch, right?" Natalia asked, looking around for the pair.
"Yeah, up in the guard tower." Daryl pointed up at the tower.
"Guard tower, they were up there just last night." Rick reminded.
"Must've been a lot to scope out."
"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl called up.
The head of Glenn popped up through the window, unlocking the door and walking out as he was in the middle of getting dressed.
"Hey! What's up, guys?" Glenn called down, doing up the button of his jeans.
"You coming?" Daryl asked him.
"You coming?" He repeated.
Glenn looked towards Maggie unsure of the question as everyone stifled laughs.
"Come on, we could use a hand."
"Yeah, we'll be right down." Glenn raised a finger as a dishevelled Maggie looked down unapprovingly.
"Least someone's getting some action." Natalia mused.
"Maybe you can try your luck with one of them" T-Dog pointed from behind them, causing the group to turn around.
Axel and Oscar had walked up to their side of the fence, looking down on the others.
"Come with me" Rick muttered, walking towards the fence, the other four on his heels.
Natalia slipped the gun out from behind her belt, holding it tightly just in case.
"That's close enough." Rick told the prisoners. "We had an agreement."
"Please, mister. We know that." Axel pleaded as Maggie and Glenn came out from the red door behind them. "But you gotta understand  we can't live in that place another minute. You follow me? All the bodies, people we knew, blood, brains, everywhere. There's ghosts."
"Why don't you move the bodies out?" Daryl asked.
"You should be burning them" T added.
"We tried. We did."
"The fence is down on the far side of the prison. Every time we drag a body out, those things just line up. Dropping the body and just running back inside." Oscar explained.
"Look, we had nothing to do with Tomas and Andrew. Nothing. You trying to prove a point. You proved it, bro. We'll do whatever it takes to be part of your group. Just please, please... don't make us live in that place."
"You can always leave" Natalia said.
Axel looked at Natalia before back at Rick.
"Our deal is non negotiable." Rick told the two prisoners. You either live in your cell block, or as Nat said, or you can leave."
"I told you this was a waste of time." Oscar told Axel. "They ain't no different than the pricks who shot up our boys. You know how many friends corpses we had to drag out this week? Just threw them out, like. These were good guys. Good guys who had our backs against the really bad dudes in this joint, like Tomas and Andrew. Now we've all made mistakes to get in here, chief. And I'm not gonna pretend to be a saint, but believe me  we've paid our due enough that we would rather hit that road than to go back into that shithole."
Rick turned around, to where Natalia and Daryl were both stood, his eyes asking their thoughts, at first she thought it was just to Daryl until his eyes shifted to hers, each both shook their heads.
"The road it is then." Rick told them.
Daryl escorted the pair into the outer gate where one of the cars still sat whilst Rick deliberated with everyone else.
"Are you serious, you want them living in a cell next to you? They'll just be waiting for a chance to grab our weapons. You want to go back to sleeping with one eye open?" Rick asked T-Dog.
"I never stopped. We let Nat join us, she could of easily done the same thing, now look at her, locking her cell at night so we can't get in."
"Hey, mind your own business, I let you people in, besides, I've never been in prison, from committing a crime!" Natalia defended herself.
"And we're all grateful for that" T-Dog told her. "But what I'm saying is, I think we should bring them into the fold. If we send them off packing, we might as well execute them ourselves."
"If you think they're that incapable on their own, what use are they to us?" She asked him.
"I don't know, Axel seems a little unstable." Glenn joined in.
"After all we've been through? We've fought so hard for all this, what if they decide to take it?" Carol asked.
"It's just been us for so long. They're strangers. I don't... it feels weird all of a sudden to have these other people around." Maggie sighed.
"You brought us in" T-Dog reminded her.
"Yeah, but you turned up with a shot boy in your arms. Didn't give us a choice."
Natalia looked between the group, she had been with them for around two months, she didn't realise how much she actually closed her self off from the group until finding out that Carl had been shot, just now.
"They can't even kill walkers." Glenn brought up.
"They're convicts, bottom line."
"Yeah, both points I've been making, thank you."
"Those two might actually have less blood on their hands then we do, especially Nat." T-dog said, making Natalia scoff as she bit her lip.
"I get guys like this. Hell, I grew up with them. They're degenerates, but they aint psychos. I could have been in there with them just as easy as I'm out here with you guys." Daryl said, seeming to have swayed his vote.
"So are you with me?" T asked him.
"Hell, no. Let 'em take their chances out on the road like we did." He finished with, bringing back Natalia's hope in him.
"What I'm saying, Daryl-"
"When I was a rookie, I arrested this kid. Nineteen years old, wanted for stabbing his girlfriend." Rick started. "The kid blubbered like a baby during the interrogation, during the trial suckered the jury. He was acquitted due to insufficient evidence, and then two weeks later, shot another girl. We've been through too much. Our deal with them stands." Rick finalised, walking away, the rest following except for T-Dog, who eventually came to his senses and caught up.
"Move the cars to the upper yard. Point 'em facing out. They'll be out of the way but ready to go if we ever need to bail." Rick told Glenn, chucking him the keys, who jogged ahead. "We'll give the prisoners a weeks worth of supplies for the road."
"Might not last a week." T-Dog sighed.
"It's their choice." Rick shrugged.
"Did they really have one?"
Natalia ignored the conversation, leaning against the fence, Sully by her side as the vehicles were being moved.
"Twin cylinder. is that a Triumph?" Axel asked Daryl as he hopped on his motorcycle.
"Don't even look at it." He threatened the prisoner, struggling to start it up.
"Don't want it bored out?" Axel tried again at making conversation. "Sounds like it could use a tune up. I'm pretty handy with a wrench." He shouted over the revs of the bike starting. "Heads are leakin', I know my bikes!"
"Man, will you just stop?" Oscar asked the blond, also watching the pair interact. "Have some balls."
"Just sayin'"
Natalia leaned off the fence as Glenn was closing it, walking back up with the others.
Carol was moving the red truck as Daryl, Rick and Natalia climbed through the hole in the fence, planning on heading for the woods, Glenn caught up after giving food to the prisoners.
"Should I take her out?" Glenn asked, pointing to the walker on the other side of the water.
"No." Rick told him. "If that armoury hadn't been picked clean, we could spare the ammo."
"I'll start making runs" Daryl offered. "The sooner the better."
"We'll throw as much wood as we can in the dog run."
"Won't fire attract more walkers? Maybe we should bury them." Glenn suggested.
"You wanna count how many bodies that is we'd have to bury?" Natalia asked him, looking over her shoulder to see that Daryl was still stood at the gate, looking into the woods.
"Besides, we're behind the fence. It's worth the one-time risk to get rid of the bodies for good. I don't want to be planting crops in walker-rotted soil."
"I don't get why I'm out here collecting fire like a lumberjack, I could've helped with the cars" Natalia sighed as they began making piles.
"Can you even drive?" Glenn asked her.
"Yes, are you old enough?"
"I'm 22."
"I'm 26."
"Liar. There's no way you were walking and talking by the time I was even born." Glenn rejected.
"Believe it, kiddo."
"We've never seen you drive, we've seen them." Rick said. "When was the last time you drove a car?"
"Uhm, probably nearly three years ago?”
"Why so long?" Glenn asked, surprised by her answer.
"That's a personal question." Natalia said. "But I still know how to, besides, I didn't need to, my boyfriend did, but he's dead, so it's up to me again."
"Oh, uh, well I think this is enough firewood, so we should head back." Rick cleared his throat.
The four of them walked back towards the fence, only three of them carrying firewood as Daryl carried his crossbow, helpful.
"Looky here" Daryl said, holding the fence open for the others to get through.
Natalia was the last to climb out, chucking the logs of wood into the pile the other two placed theirs as they all watched Hershel, on crutches, walk around the courtyard.
"He is one tough son of a bitch" Glenn grinned. "Alright Hershel!"
"Shh! Keep your cheers down" Daryl muttered to Glenn, gesturing to the walkers roaming around outside the fences.
"Oh, man, can't we just have one good day?" The Korean sighed.
"Don't go jinxing it." Natalia told him.
The four smiled at the others, happy for Hershel's achievement, until Natalia noticed something behind Carl.
"Shit!" She cursed, instantly reaching for her knifes.
"Walkers!" Carl screamed, turning around. "Look out!"
"No!" Rick shouted, sprinting down the fences, Daryl following and Natalia right in front, Glenn skidded back to tie the fence back up in order to not get outsiders coming in either.
"Get out of there! Now!"
Natalia reached the gate first.
"Keys! I need the keys!" She screamed out.
Glenn chucked the keys to Daryl, who threw them to Rick who then tossed them to Natalia, who unlocked the gate, throwing it open so the others could get through.
"Move!" She shouted at the two prisoners, running for the other gate to unlock it.
"Come on! Come on!" Daryl shouted.
"I'm trying! It's stuck!"
"Out my way" Rick moved in front of Natalia, trying his luck.
"Got it" He eventually said, throwing the gate open.
"Hey, bro, what about us?" Axel cried out as the four ran up to the prison.
He was ignored.
Rick and Natalia shot walkers, landing headshots, Daryl took a few out with his crossbow, whilst Glenn opted for his machete.
"What the hell happened?" Rick shouted at Beth and Hershel, who were safe in a cage, Natalia could thank the lords above that they had brought Sully with them.
"The gate was open!" Beth answered him.
"Where's Lori, Carl... everyone else?"
"Maggie led Lori and Carl into C block." Hershel replied.
"And T was bit." Beth added.
"Anyone else?"
"I couldn't tell."
"Stay put." Rick instructed, turning around to take out another walker.
"Those chains didn't break on their own." Glenn reported back, once they had got all the walkers in the courtyard. "Someone took an axe or cutters to 'em."
Daryl, Rick and Natalia turned around to find Axel and Oscar walking up.
"How convenient they show up now." Natalia commented, aiming her gun at them.
"You think they did it?" Glenn asked.
"Who else?" Rick said.
Just then, an alarm blared around the prison.
"What's that? Oh, you gotta be kidding me!"
Glenn, Natalia and Rick shot at the speakers, but not ceasing the alarms.
"Kill it!" Hershel shouted.
"How the hell can this be happening?" Rick asked the prisoners, pointing his gun in their faces.
"Woah! Woah! Woah! It must be the back up generators." Oscar said.
"Well how do you turn those on?"
"There's three that's connected to a diesel tank, okay? Each one controls a certain part of the prison. The hacks shut 'em all off when the prison was overrun."
"Can someone open up the gates electronically with full power?" Rick pointed at the main gates.
"I only worked in there a few days. I... I guess it might be possible."
"Come with us!" Rick grabbed Oscar by the overalls, running to the cell blocks.
Once they got to it, there were a few bodies on the ground, but Carl, Maggie and Lori were nowhere in sight.
"We just took out five of 'em in there." Daryl said, grabbing one of his arrows.
"There were four in here but no sign of Lori or any of them." Rick reported back.
"Must've been pushed back into the prison."
"Somebody is playing games!" Rick exclaimed. "We'll split up and look for the others."
"We need to shut this alarm off" Natalia said.
"We will, whoever gets to the generators first, shut them down! Lets go!"
They ran back out the cell block, the prisoners accompanying  them.
Glenn and Axel ran off, but before anyone else could they got chased towards the generator room by a large group, forcing them through.
Daryl and Oscar kept the doors closed as Rick and Natalia looked around, guns held high.
"How do you shut these down?" Rick shouted, looking at the machinery.
"Go, help him, Nat, c'mere, switch" Daryl ordered.
Natalia helped hold the door closed as Oscar went to turn off the machines.
"Did you see how many was out there?" She asked, gritting her teeth.
"Was too busy running!" Daryl responded.
"We could take them."
A loud cry sounded from the other side, before metal hitting metal.
"What's going on?"
"It's Andrew, he's alive!" She told them as they both struggled with the door, her being able to see slightly better than him.
"Alright, one... two  three!" The two stepped away from the door, Natalia readying her knife whilst Daryl reached for his crossbow.
The door flew open, Walkers entering as the pair took them out.
"Shoot him! We can take back this prison!" The voice of Andrew shouted. "What you waiting for? Do it! It's our house, shoot him!"
No one else said anything as a gunshot went off.
Daryl closed the door back up, both looking at each other before moving to see what had just happened. 
Oscar was holding Ricks gun, pointed straight ahead. then he spun it, handing it back to the man, Andrews dead body on the floor.
Rick took his gun back, holding it as he moved back towards the machines, turning dials and soon enough the alarms stopped.
"Let's go" Rick told them.
They walked down the dark hallways, only finding a few lone walkers, that Natalia was quick to take out, the others holding flashlights. Soon enough, they met back up with Glenn and Axel.
The six halted behind a corner, running past it quickly to be met with two walkers eating an corpse.
Rick took them both out, the bodies dropping, revealed what was left of T-Dog.
He was dead.
Glenn paced back. Natalia covered her mouth, not knowing what to do with herself.
Daryl bent down, picking up a red cloth, Carols headscarf.
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olpie · 3 months
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Chapter 1
Maggie finds some notes in Beth's cell.
Read it here.
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daryldixonfanfiction · 8 months
What You Fight For pt.1 -Suck-ass camp!
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Summary: with no hope of saving the prison against the Governor, Daryl has to resume the fight for survival. Protecting Julia (a 20-year-old woodberry-girl) bak into the cruel world of the walking dead.
Warnings: age gape, twd stuff, swearing, angst, Daryl losing his sh!t, mentions of underage drinking.
wc: 9,8k
The blazing midday sun shone upon the fears battlefield.
Daryl fiers upon walkers, killing one with the but of his rifle. Approaching the tank he drops a hand grenade swiftly into it, single handedly taking it down.
"Grinade!" The man yells, jumping down.
The tank explodes, flames erupt through the top. Holding out one of his hands, silent, the man pleads for mercy. Only a cold stare with darkening blue eyes bore into him. Swishing sound of the bolt is released, piercing his heart, making him fall to the ground. Daryl holds his gaze on the body, blankly staring as his home crumbles before his eyes.
How did it all go so wrong
"Daryl"! A woman's voice yells from behind, heridly with a girl close on her heel.
"Marlene...You good"? Daryl questions, gaze falling on the bleeding wound on her side.
"I was gonna take her myself but I won't make it anywhere like this, not for a while anyway. So now I'm asking you to do it." Marlene said with pained breaths.
The girl's eyes widened at her words.
"Take her?...where...?" Daryl questions.
"There's a team of French scientists waiting for her. I know what you're capable of, Daryl."
Daryl's face drops slightly.
What is he capable of?
"You'll keep her safe. Take this map, bring her to this facility". Marlene hands Daryl a map with the location already marked.
Dr. Jenner's words flashes, "It was the French. They thought they were close to a solution".
Daryl glansess at the girl, trying to comprehend the odd information. It didn't make much sense to him. Why hasn't she said anything about this before? What's the reason for not sharing it to the council?
They had never talked, but Daryl knew who she was.
How could't he.
All the men were nuts for her. Daryl didn't pay the girl any attention, just cast a few glances to see what the fuss was about. Not liking girls was not the case, he just never really thought about them in that way. Always busy with keeping people 'safe and fed,' he told himself. Really Daryl was just insecure, afraid only believing people couldn't like him or were scared of him. Making himself think girls were just a bother.
She never really stood out, keeping to herself, only close to Marlene or that guy he wasn't sure was a friend or boyfriend. Often she was surrounded by children, playing, reading and telling stories they loved. The children adored the girl. In their eyes she was their sun, giving light this world had taken from them. They made her smile, that radiant smile, making her dimples show. And her voice. Don't forget about that damned siren voice of hers. Perhaps that was why all the men got nuts? Daryl didn't really know anything about singing, he often heard Beth or Magi sing. It was nothing compared to hers, hers was angellike. She could make babies fall asleep, soothe them instantly and lure men to their deaths if so desired.
Not Daryl, he never got distracted.
If not with the children she did landrie, washing and hanging them on those sunny days before most had woken up. Perhaps she did it on purpose, not wanting to interact with others. Daryl always went out hunting in the early mornings, he could hear her hum those soothing melodies. He often listened, in secret passing by the laundry, hanging like curtains, shielding her from view. Only hums of melodic tunes could be heard. Daryl was quick about it only passing through careful not to be notist. That one time he stayed just a bit longer, he drifted away in the melodies, warm as a summer breeze, captivating like the deepest sunseat. It made Daryl feel soothed, just like those children did. He knocks over a barrel scaring the girl away, almost blowing his cover.
As she stood before him close to Marlene, Daryl couldn't help but notice the frightened look in her eyes. As if seeing this world for the first time, the raw reality of it all, not fully comprehending the prison was no more. Maybe she had been shielded from it back in Woodbury?
Daryl shifts his gaze back to Marlene.
"Rick and the others would have wanted this and you know it". Marlene pleads as her hand squeezes her side (She was desperate).
There was nothing left for him here. They're all gone. Just gone.
"What about the kids"? The girl frantically asks Marlene.
"Beth and the others know to take the bus if things go south, they'll make it". Marlene reassured her.
"Things go south, everyone heads for that bus. Let everybody know". Daryl remembered telling Sasha and Tyrese just moments ago.
They were gone too.
"I know you're thinking it through but please remember i'm bleeding out", Marlene urges, sensing his hesitation.
But then..Daryl nods and Marlene nods bak. It was settled.
"Really that fast?", the girl looks between them, confused and scared at the same time. Making Daryl glans at her again.
"I can't leave you!" She pleaded with Marlene.
Never had she experienced this world outside woodbury or the prison. The news of Marlene not going with her like she said she wolde, frightened her terribly. Daryl was someone she didn't really know. Could she trust him? If Marlene did, perhaps she should too?
" Julia. You are all that matters. Remember what I told you"? Marlene answered with a firm gaze.
"Yes' ', Julia answers, nodding with tears in her eyes, warning to fall down her cheeks. Because she knew, knew she would have to leave Marlene behind. She was the only one Julia really thrusted, (the one who knew her secret).
Marlene; You cannot tell anyone of this. Because if you do... I assure you.. You will die...
"Now both of you go. Now. I'll cover you", Marlene hurriedly says urging her forward to Daryl. Hesitantly Julia moves next to him, sharing a lingering look with Marlene who holds out her gun, taking out walkers coming their way.
"Daryl." "One more thing". "You protect her with your life". "You hear me. " Marlene tells him with her firm, serious voice. Daryl only stares back with a stern face.
Julia's eyes drift up towards Daryl's face as he urges her.
"C'mon." "We got to go."
Daryl proceeds when she doesn't answer, grabbing her wrist and drags her away.
She struggles in his grip shouting as her feet drag along the ground.
"No, no!" "We are not leaving her! Get off me.. please!" "I'm not going with You!"
But seeing Marlene gaze after them she gives in, meeting her gaze one last time, a woman she would like to call a friend. She wasn't worth it she thought, but Marlene did, Marlene thought she was worth something.
They sprint as hard as they can into the woods ahead, escaping, leaving the prison in ruins, the undead comes in every angel, snarling and groaning after their flesh. She follows his every move and turn, avoiding the reaching hands trying to pull them in. Never before had she experienced such horror. Truly she was terrified.
Suddenly the undead were everywhere, surrounding her, giving her no way of escape. Not long goes by before a swishing sound sings in the air, a bolt hits bullseye in the walkers head, then hitting the next one with the body of the crossbow, the third walker approaching snarls, Daryl kicks it in it's abdomen making it stumble bak, giving him just the nick of time to direct her for the gape.
"Don't look back!" "Just keep going, I'll cover you!" Dary yells, pushing her ahed before him as they keep on running deeper into the woods. Heart pounding against their rib cages, breaths panting, as the feeling of adrenaline moves through their veins. Leaves crunch beneath their feet, the wind shifts whistling thru trees, taking away the foul stench from the walkers.
Upon a field, cutting off the forest behind them, Daryl keeps on glancing back, making sure they've lost them. The undead were nowhere to be seen. Pushing through the thick greenery scratching their skin they stop for just a moment, catching their breaths before hurriedly looking back continuing to grow their distance from the dead.
"She's shore is fast for someone with short legs like hers '', Daryl thought, appreciating the pace.
Finally they stop, throwing themselves on the ground, exhausted, gasping for air. Laying upon the dry grass next to one another, Daryl with his hand holding a bolt resting against his forehead and the other spread out to the side with his crossbow next to him, he closed his eyes, cashing his breath. She laid with both of her arms spread out from her sides, staring into the sky not really believing she was really out here. The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the sun gave a warm orange tint upon the overgrown greenery while birds above decorated the sky.
Julias Diary:
Hey. I know it's been awhile. I'm gonna be honest, I forgot about you.
After the turn, It was as if the world crumbled beneath my feet. But something happened. something good. Finally,
Marlene thinks the prison can become our new home after woodberry.
I can't believe I got my own bed. My own bed in my own room. And I've been keeping the scar hidden. Haven't told a soul.
I've been afraid to get my hopes up, thinkin we can actually stay here.
The thing is, I've been starting to get afraid that it's easier just to be afraid. But this morning Marlene said something. "If you don't have hope, what's the point of living?"
And I'm gonna write this down now, because you should write down wishes to make them come true.
We can live here. We can live here for the rest of our lives.
They never went to sleep that night -They couldn't. Orange hue glowed from the small fire between them, being the only source of light in the forest, dancing against their skin. Sounds of insects hummed as crackling snapped. For a long time they were quiet, thinking of what was lost.
Staring into the flames the light of hope within her still sparked. When all seems lost the optimistic trait often took over, not allowing her to lose hope. The hope some have survived.
It couldn't be just them.
But when she looked upon him across the fire, he was sitting there, blankly staring, body slouching, heavy arms resting on his knees -And she wondered what haunted his mind. Like contemplating the edge of the universe. Something told her what he was truly thinking. The prison -She did too. But they had to do something.
His chest felt hollowed out, body heavy, staring into the fire as he drifted away- Tired from being tired, tired from running all day, no food, no sleep. He wished it did not feel so painful inside of himself. Wished he did not feel so lost believing they others were gone. But now the quiet was the loudest thing of all, as if he nearly melted into the dancing flames of the fire, drifting away with the current of sorrows. He had failed them, letting it all happen, he should have done something differently.
Maybe they would be alive then.
Losing them made the world lose its color. Everything felt dull, meningles, leaving a bad taste on his tongue. Nothing could fill that void within his heart, instead filling it with numbness, fading into the same nothingness as night itself.
We can't just sit here.
"We should do something", Julia croaked, speaking her mind, looking ahead towards Daryl. It falls on deaf ears. Just sitting there in his own thoughts.
Please don't tell me he's given up.
"We should do something", she repeated with more strength in her tone, finally getting his attention.
Daryl lifted his head, slowly.
He meets her desperate eyes, as she gauges him after any sign of hope, it's all gone, making her desperate to keep on. She had to.
"We aren't the only survivors." "We can't be.'' "Rick and Michonne". "They could be out here." "Maggie and Glenn could have made it out of A block." She spoke with optimism.
He lowered his gaze upon his hands resting against his knees with the same doleful face.
"they could've", she insisted, shaking her head heavily in disbelief of the thought they didn't make it.
She knew he wasn't going to answer her with his eyes set on the fire. Staring and staring.
"You're a tracker." "You can track." Julia insisted, standing on her feet, still looking at him.
Daryl said nothing.
"Come on." her voice higher pitched, becoming desperate with his no response.
"The sun will be up soon." "If we head out now, we can.." She stops mid sentence, frustration growing before she throws a mini temper, responding to his silence.
He seemed to ignore her so easily, as if she wasn't even there.
"Fine!" "If you won't track, I will!" She exclaimed, walking forward, taking his hunting knife beside him, turning on her heel, stomping away to the opposite direction further in the forest.
Daryl ignored her pleads, hoping she would just give up. She had to realize all hope was lost, and it would be stupid, dangerous to track in the dark. Looking up as Julia disappears into the dark forest, he knows he has to follow. That girl was blinded by her innocence of the world, so sure they could find them. But could he blame her for thinking so?
Her innocence would do more harm than good, Daryl believed, putting the fire out with his bot, going after her as he breathed a deep sigh.
This girl is going to be the death of me.
Dawn brings light into the forest, welcoming another day. The morning sun ignites the green colors with such life. Rays of gold shone between nut-brown tree trunks, birds sang their morning songs and insects hummed, filling their silence with its life.
Daryl knells down, brushing dried leaves of some muddied footprints, studying it. He knew it to be of someone but no hope was rising within. Manny walker tracks could be seen making the person's survival slim. It felt pointless to track for people who would probably be dead and likely walkers by now. Regardless, he did it anyway. And why? Daryl didn't really know. Blowing the last leaves away, revealing the footprints, bigger ones: adult. And a smaller one: most likely child.
"Could be Luke's. Or Molly's." "whoever they are, it means they're alive." Julia said, locking behind his shoulder.
"No..". "This means they were alive four or five hours ago." Daryl answers bitterly. Sleep deprived as he was, his voice sounded more deep and rougher than usual.
When can this man stop being so grumpy
"There alive,'' Julia snaps back, stomping ahead, following the tracks.
Daryl watched her walk away as he tiredly stood to full height, leaving a deep sigh going after her, agin.
A dirt road leads them on. Walking a few feet in front of Daryl, Julia looks desperately for any signs for more tracks. Julia wasn't much of a tracker herself, therefore finding it difficult. That didn't stop her from trying. How hard could it be? She keeps on looking, knife tight in her hand. Julia felt silly caring such a big weapon, really she had never used one before, never needed to. But it made her feel safe. Daryl never asked for it bak, as if wanting her to keep it. He could hold his own with his crossbow, she was safer that way, he believed.
Slowly studying the ground a faint trace of someone feeding on wild grapes from the bushes beside the dirt road could be seen, with more tracks following it. Daryl stops, pointing it out to Julia.
"They picked up the pace right here." Daryl Moshend with his hand, towards it. "Got out in a hurry. "Things went bad..." He trails off, as if thinking the rest in his head. Perhaps learning from earlier, (her dislike for his no-support approach).
"Wouldn't kill you to have a little faith." Julia spoke as she felt his stubernes, to think like she did. They would find them if they just tried hard enough. She hoped so.
"Yeah, faith..." "Faith ain't done shit for us."Sure as hell didn't do nothing for that friend of yours." Daryl spoke bluntly.
When that last sentence left his mouth Daryl immediately was filled with regret. Fuck, he shoulde never have spoken. Daryl couldn't help it, he was not good with words.
Julia flinched, visibly, eyes widened and round as she whirls facing him of the mentioning of Marlene.
Her chest tensed to such bluntness. Julia glares at him with 'I can't believe you said that', look. Her lips stretch in a straight line swallowing down the rising hurt and frustration.
He must have noticed her look in her eyes, because he looked at her with eyes that decisive his cruel words. He did not apologize, she didn't expect him to, knowing somewhere within, he was herting to. So she averted her eyes, facing away from him, breaking that awkward silence between them, holstering the knife in her belt. Acting like they never had spoken, busying herself with picking wild grapes opposite to where he stands still at the trace he pointed out.
Daryl didn't dare to say another word, afraid to cause more harm.
Silence.. then
"They'll be hungry when we find them", voice strained, she was obviously hurt.
Julia didn't wanna think of such a possibility, that Marlene died saving her that day , the hope of no one surviving hurt even more. She desired for it to be different. Holding onto hope and denying any other beliefs. And she was frightened. Frightened of a life which entails the world was cruel and unsparing for any good to exist.
Daryl pondered on what to do, he knew he went too far. Apologizing... He didn't really know how to. Thinking of what she just said, he pulls out his black bandana out of his back pocket, gently tapping her arm with it. Perhaps an attempt at an apology?
Like a scolded child he looked down, ashamed, not daring to make eye contact. Feeling undeserving to do so. She takes it from his outstretched arm, meeting his gaze awkwardly then looks down on the bandana, filling it with the grapes. Daryl watched her for a moment before ending it with a quick node.
Daryl sighs, relieved the tense moment had passed.
Motioning with his crossbow to keep on, she hesitates at first, washing him scan the trees with his back towards her a couple feet ahead. Seeing her approach he leads them on.
A snaky path leads them further. Daryl scans the ground like it's second nature; he stops, observing a leaf covered in something. It didn't seem like a good sign by the face he made. Notesting his quietnes, Julia asks.
Daryl shakes his head,"That ain't walker blood", In knowing, but he held back, not sounding blunt nor cruel as before.
Inexperienced as she was, the optimism didn't budge. It was just blood, didn't mean they were gone. Meaby she thought if no bodies were found, they would still be alive somewhere.
Two killed walkers laid on the ground. The undead gave her chills down her spine, not used to such terrifying monster yeat. Walking past the walkers she said optimistically.
"The trail keeps going". "They fought them off-.
"No". "Got walker tracks all up and down here". "At least a dozen of them", Daryl casually answered, pointing to the killed walkers on the ground, meaning these two were not the only ones chasing them.
The realization more walkers could be close lurking somewhere, her stomach drops, fear pricks her chest, anxiety burns like a lump stuck in her throat. With wide round eyes she looks for any signs of danger. Daryl turns around facing the opposite direction, eyes still fixed on the walkers tracks, unfazed, as if such horror did not frighten him.
silence ...
A twig snaps
She turns hastily, unsheathing the knife in a death grip. Hair wipes in the air, feeling something -something lurking, but can't pinpoint where. As her eyes darted around in panic, her heart drums hundred miles per hour, hair stands up in the nap of her neck, sensing a horror drawing near.
Without them knowing, a walker sneks towards them. Daryl never heard that twig snap, unknowing, too far to notice. Its decaying body slowly stumbles, dragging its rotten feet forward on the leaf covered ground.
Cold hands grab from behind, startling her. Yelps leave Julia as she struggles in its hold. With its spitty hiss and painful snarls and its teeth close, almost biting into her soft flesh. Werling around panicked, struggling profusely to get out from its painful grip, holding onto her arms. Daryl didn't even flinch. Perfectly responsive as ever with both the mindspace of precision and focus. Acting upon pure instinct Daryl engages with fast feet, aiming his crossbow swiftly, for a good shot to its brain. But the walker was terribly close to biting her now. Throwing the crossbow to the ground with haste, he reaches for his hunting knife, no longer there on his hipe. Right. She has it. Grabbing the walker by the fabric on its back. Daryl yanks it to the ground with a grunt, pining it, with him on top, holding it there with his body weight. She stumbles back a bit off the release from the monster's iron hold. Daryl's arms flex in the struggle, with know weapon in hand to finish it off. Julia looks towards Daryl, seeing the struggle there. Picking up the knife she dropped just a moment ago Julia hurriedly passed it to him from behind, shakingly. Daryl nods quickly in approval, taking it and stabs the walker.
With the knife embedded in its skull the walker turns limp under him. He pushes it away, as if feeling disgusted by it while painting heavily. Reshoring her of the quick thinking he gives a nod, 'you did good'. Standing to full height he gives the walker a quick glance, reshoring its dead before picking up his crossbow.
He breathes a heavy breath of relief as adrenaline pumps through him, awakening every cell in his body, giving the aftertaste of an adrenaline rush. As if this was something that happens, a normal thing.
Still in shock Julia couldn't speak a word. After all, this was the second time a walker came this close, grabbing her like that, and its teeth so terrifying close to her skin. Really, she thought she was about to die. Julia knew she was immune, but being eaten alive would still kill her. Baby hairs were all over, some longer strands falling in her face, others sticking to her neck while some moved against her breaths. Looking upon Daryl reaching down for his crossbow, Julia only stares, uneasy on her feet, waiting for him to make the next move.
Stepping over the walker with the crossbow in one hand the other swinging to his side as he jerked his head to the side, making strands of hair move from his eyes as he told her.
"Come on", in a grunt-like way. Walking past her with long strides, following the trail. His voice always sounded like that. Deep and rumbling, low in his chest.
Without hesitation Julia follows close, leaving now three dead walkers behind.
The edge of the forest was behind them, standing along a railroad, close beside one another. The afternoon sun cast its soft light, shadows outstretched upon the ground setting the scene. Julia would have said it looked beautiful, but the walkers feasting upon fresh corpse in the distance, the sight only felt sorrowful. For a moment, their eyes were set, staring and staring, hearing the undead devourer on the railroad tracks, in knowing. A pained look in Daryls face takes in the sight, knowing the ugly truth he knew all along. It hurt more seeing it, a hard pill to swallow.
Sounds of bolts swish in the air, one after another. Daryl takes care of the walkers, ending the last one with his bare hands, piercing its head then pulls it out, retrieving the bolt. Bones and ripped flesh remain, organs no longer where they belong, ripped out. A cruel sight for eyes like hers. It didn't feel real, nothing really did anymore. Never had Julia seen such horror, such gore. Shifting on her feet, frozen in place, rocking slightly, feeling nauseous, slowly taking it in.
And then she sees it....Judith shoe. Daryl ses it too -He knows, walking past her onto the tracks.
Pain burns her chest leading up her throat, tightening it. She tries to inhale - tries to breathe. Hoping for the air to simply stay in her chest. It doesn't. She can't move, can't believe it all. Her feet are uneasy. She tries to hold it in, she fails. Trying to press back the tears burning her eyes but they refuse to obey. They're falling one by one, making her cheeks wetter and wetter, silver lining them. And they keep on cuming as she weeps. It was all too much.
Daryl hears Julias sobs. It pains him deeply, to see the truth crush such a pure soul as hers. It wasn't right, nothing was anymore, she was too young for this world. Looking back he knows the pain she feels, but Daryl doesnt cry, he never really did. Onely moshens with his head to keep on. She doesn't follow. He knew she wouldn't, he couldn't really expect her to. As he stands ahead, upon the train tracks, shoulders hanging like he carried the world and his head hangs in a melancholy manner.
Her heart must be crushed.
He knew that feeling all too well. His, has been all along.
Looking back on her again he sees her there, crying, standing before the bodies. Daryl couldn't do anything, he just let her cry. He wasn't really ok, believing he would never see them again.
People from Woodbury were never going to make it outside the prison walls. They weren't capable of defending nor taking care of themselve. Sume of them were sick and the children were too little. They were never meant to survive.
He knew, he knew.
Dragging her feet along the tracks, close behind, stepping on the planks, one after another. She kept her head low, staring down. They didn't speak, It was better that way. No words felt right anyway.
She understood now.
Surviving is never beautiful, it's not heroic like they tell you in fairytales or movies. It's dirty, it's tears streaming down your face and sobbing in a dark corner. It's filth and blood on your hands and in your face as fear and numbness consumes you.
Night had fallen, black clouds covered the sky-not a star to be seen. The trees shook their leaves, dancing with the wind. The breeze had become colder, chilling her a bit, making goosebumps cover the skin. Julia had no idea what she was doing here, in the middle of the woods, with a man she had no choice but to trust. But she did, in the hopes of bringing her to these people that would somehow make a cure. They haven't really spoken about it, not at all in fact. Too much had happened neither did he aske. Was he even gonna help her? She didn't know, didn't have the courage to do so. He had kept her safe this far making it feel too much to ask such a thing.
Sorrowful silence consumed them, flames of red, transitioning to orange and yellow flickers. Dying branches and twigs gasped for their last breaths before tumbling into the ashes. Julia wondered what he thought about when he looked into the fire that way. With somber eyes, holding the motion of the ocean, dark circles under them with slanting inner eyebrows as if in deep thought. His face was solid and drained. She knows he must have felt more than words could say.
The quiet was loud again, torturing him inside as he fed the hungry flames, tosing sticks into it. Sitting opposite to her across the fire, legs crossed with one arm holding his weight, hand flat on the ground behind him. The gaze in the midst of fire and flames, but his mind was far away.
Anyone he gets close to always dies. What did he expect? He did not deserve such luxury, he never did and never will. They had not slept for almost 2 nights, Daryl felt the toll it took on them. No food except a handful of grapes, no water, only sleep deprived and drained. Nothing could fill the void in his chest, filling him to the brim with its numbness. Rick and the others were more of a family he ever had growing up, without them he lost his way. Daryl needed to feel needed, have people depend on him, something worth coming back to, to fight for. The sense of belonging, the sense of worth was all something he craved. Once again he was nothing, nobody. But then he had promised Marlene to keep her safe, he would, he always keeps his word, always. He did feel doubtful, he was nothing like Rick, a born leader, good with all the things he wasn't. Maybe that was why he admired him so, always there calling the shots, going wherever he did. Rick was the big brother he never had, the brother he could look up to, really seeing the man he was supposed to become. Those days are gone, he knows. Daryl felt he had to protect her for the others, they would have wanted him to, Rick would have. Daryl tells him selfe as she rips pages from her diary into the fire, keeping the small flames alive.
Julia's: diary
I'm not gonna die. I believe now. I Believe for humanity. If this doesn't work, I don't know how I could keep going.
Further into the night the somber moon lit up the darkness as thunder rumbled in the distance. Upon an dusty road covered in dried leaves and an abandoned car, the forest ends.
Trees shook their branches, leaves rustled as they pushed through, halting their escape from an incoming herd. Upon the road, painting beside one another, cashing their breaths for just a second.
"Come on'', he taps her back as he hurries around the car, keeping a lookout, crossbow out, tens in his hold.
Thunder rumbles above.
Julia tries to start the engine, rotating the key, nothing but empty clicking from it was made. She felt terribly frightened. Running wasn't an option anymore; a car would be the only way of ascap now.
Leaves resulted as growling of the herd made them flinch making them share a look of knowing. Fast on his feet, he motioned, beckoning with his hand towards her, guiding her back towards the trunk.
"Come on", quietly, not to attract the walkers.
Yanking the trunk open he makes sure she gets in, looking back before squeezing in across from her, closing it holding a finger to his lips.
Her eyes on his hands, watching him secure the door, knotting the red cloth with haste. Her mouth parted slightly, as shallow breaths sounded, short and unsteady. Knife ready in a deathgrip making knuckles turn white. Walkers crossing the road could be seen through the door crack, as a small spring of light illuminates their faces. Shuffling feet dragged on the dusty road, one after another until a whole herd passed true. Unsettling growls and moans become intense, numbing to her ears. Heavy pounding rocks the car, making her so terribly scared, shivering to the horrifying thought they could be eaten alive. Julia couldn't help but shift her weight trying to ground herself somehow. She tried to inhale -tried to breathe, licking her lips in a soothing manner, nothing worked. Her shallow breath became short, blinkin with round eyes becoming wide with fear. The growls, the moans, the car rocking, it was all so overwhelming, making her squeeze her eyes shut. Thunder booms, its flickering light reflects on Daryl's face, eyes narrow with the crossbow aiming towards the opening. He was calm, leaning back, steady with his hands and breath, holding the crossbow, unmoving. Like nothing faced him, as if this wasn't frightening to him at all. Not like herself, scared out of her mind, freaking out, panicked as wave after wave of walkers passed the road.
Dawn followed as the storm had passed. Walkers were still passing the road, pounding against the car, making it squeak by the impact. Mons had calmed down, not to the same extent as before. Julia's eyes follow the walkers outside then shift to Daryl. Noticing the way she glanced worriedly with eyebrows coming together. He made a reshoring gesture towards her, holding their gaze, nodding in a calming manner, 'it's going to be ok'. Julia nodded heavily. His calm face made the tense feeling dissipate.
As the day wore on, humid heat filled the trunk, making clothes damp and skin glistening with beds of sweat. Julia longed for fresh air, longed for the feeling of it. Heat exhaustion, both of them likely had by now. Dragging sweat off her face, glancing towards Daryl. She didn't miss the way his eyes were narrowed, never leaving his sight from the small gap of the truck dorr, still holding his crossbow steady. No sounds of walkers had been maid for an hour or more, it was hard to tell. So she leaned over tying up the opening of the trunk. With a crank it swung open, fresh air filled their lungs, expanding as if on automatic refill. Eyes Squinting, adjusting to the bright light as piercing rays of the sun fall on the ground, making waves of heat rise off the road.
Filing a plastic bag each gathering a few supplies from the wreckage, she presumed doing whatever he did.
Hanging the black bag over his shoulder with his crossbow in the other hand, he stood in front of her with the country rod ahead of them. For a moment he was looking at her, as if saying he knew she was tired but they had to keep on. Julia was. Shoulders sloughing, face drained of emotion as eyelids were hanging heavily. The weight of two sleepless nights had taken a toll on her.
His gaze shifted as he moved down the country road. Julia stared blankly before trudging after.
The mud snake slithered silently, moving in a wave-like motion, its scaly skin shimmers in the sunlight as its tongue occasionally flickers out. Daryl stalks behind, knife deadly in his right and a stick in his left. Approaching stealthily with calculated steps with eyes set on its every move. When the prey within range; he traps its head steadily with the stick, diverting its attention to bite, followed by the killing strike of the knife.
Meanwhile Daryl was out hunting; Julia made up camp using what they had gathered, nothing big just a place to sleep and rest your head. Collecting small droplets of dew of some leaves she fills the plastic bottle with drinkable water. She stops, admiring a ladybug on a leaf, letting it climb up her index finger. It's been a while since seeing one, being behind walls.
Then preparing campfire digging with her hands making a fire pit, filling it with dry leaves and grass scrunched together. Then holds a shard of glass reflecting light with the car mirror from the wreckage, pointing onto the dry material facing the sun, making the focal point as small and round as possible, holding it there until smoke rises. She blows, making fire leap to life (A trick her grandaddy had taught her).
She gazed in awe behind him. With curious eyes, as Daryl skinned the snake. The motion looked so smooth, how he pulled the skin off, holding end up with one outstretched arm while pulling skin with the other. His arms looked strong, flexing the toned muscles there, making his skin look as if it was carved out of marble.
He snapped his head towards her, feeling her gaze there.
Julia did not flinch, didn't move, just kept staring in awe a few feet away. Perhaps he felt somewhat annoyed by her gaze, breaking his concentration from the dressed carcass hanging in his hold, as drops of blood dripped onto the ground.
Julia couldn't help it, finding it fascinating how his skillful hands worked, dressing the animal with the utmost precision and knowledge she had only seen once before. She did not think hunting was a cruel act. Skillful hunters as Daryl killed and ate their game, not just killing and wasting like some douchebag.
The meat was good, filling the hunger but not the aik in her chest. She tried pushing it away, tried to work past it -The alluring thought of numbing it somehow, even if stupid or even reckless, was all Julia could think about. Perched on her knees, digging into the ground picking on the cooked meat in her lap, Julia looks to Daryl munching on his peas, she puts hers down.
"I need a drink."
His only response was leasely tossing a water bottle, not looking at her. It landed before her knees, making Julia toss it to the side.
"No, I mean a real drink...As in alcohol"
Silence ...Julia continues.
"I've never had one, 'Cause I'm under 21...But laws are not exactly around anymore so... She trails off "...I thought we could go find some."
The silence was loud, he was ignoring her.
Julia gauges him, waiting for a response. Nothing as Daryl proceeds to act unresponsive, digging deep into his snake.
letting out a disappointed sigh before speaking in a sing-song voice.
"Okay...Well, enjoy your snake jerky."
Hurt by his silence, her mouth stretched in a line as she rose to her feet, walking away from the camp, taking the knife with her.
Julia found him so odd when he would ignore her like that, as if she wasn't there trying to get his attention. Just munching on that damned snake, like it was the most interesting thing he'd ever seen or as if the people' they'd lost never meant anything to him.
He was really starting to get on her nerves as she stomped through the woods, speaking under her breath.
"Jerk", looking back towards the camp.
A gasp escapes her, head snapping towards walkers engaging. Quickly hiding, pushing herself against a tree, the bark digs its rough fibers into her skin, probably will make a mark but she was too frightened to notice. Careful not making a sound she grasps a stone slowly before tossing it in the hopes of making the walkers change direction. With a thud it lands on the ground as her back is pushed against the bark, waiting for them to get interested in the stone. A walker approached terribly close, making her uncheat the knife. Her heart was pumping, chest was screaming, mind was running, breaths became shallow, making her squeeze the knife in a deathgrip. When the walker came so close she thought it would all be over, it stumbled in the other direction, taking the bait heading towards the rock.
Tens and uneasy behind the tree, Julia's gaze darts with eyes in wide circles, too anxious to move.
A twig snapped, making her flinch. It was Daryl, ready to interfere if extra protection was needed. Jumpines quickly turned into embarrassment, making Julia divert her gaze, realizing her stupidity of walking off on her own. Daryl did not say a word, only glaring with eyes off disproving of such reckless behavior. He did not seem angry, perhaps annoyed, as he turned and walked ahead. She follows.
Breaking their silence. She begins.
"I think we made it away. I'm pretty sure we got to go that way to find the booze."
Stumbling into the cord connected to metal clangs, making her step back.
"What the hell?!... You brought me back...I'm not staying in this suck-ass camp!" Julia snaps, whirling around to walk off.
Daryl on the opposite side of the cord shoots forward, grabbing her by the wrist almost harshly, yanking her towards him. ...and even a man of few words he ordered - voice deep and rough.
"Hey!" "You had your fun."
Julia flinched in the slightest of the touch of his skin, and she truly believed -He could break her wrist then and there if he really wanted to. Stumbling back, jerking her wrist away, glaring upon his taller frame. Her eyes were on flames, but not angry. No, Julia was desperate, so desperate for Daryl to listen, to show her he felt something.
Daryl didn't miss how small, how delicate Julia was in his hand neither how her round eyes widened when she spoke.
"What the hell is wrong with you?...Do you feel anything?" She questions desperately.
Do you feel anything...Daryl felt a whole lot. He felt more than he would let himself ever believe.
With eyes blue as emeralds, deeper than the ocean itself stairs down on her. It was not cruel nor angry towards her inusating words. His gaze seemed hard, almost pained, as if holding back.
Just beneath where Julia reached his chin, she spoke further with eyes wide and round staring up at him.
"Yeah, you think everything's 'screwed'...I guess that's a feeling." She breathes. "So you want to spend the rest of our lives staring into a fire and 'eating mud snakes'?...Screw that... I'm gonna get to those scientists and cure this thing, if it's the last thing I'll do!.. And..." She breathes, gaze lowering as if reminiscing before looking at him"... we might as well do something."
She was so determined to not give up when she finally had a purpose, she wanted to fight, fight for a better future.
The look on Daryl's face became pind by the words, as if Julia's voice held such force. But no words could leave his mouth. Because Daryl didn't have the courage to say the things he felt. Of his thugs about there being a cure, that Julia could fix it somehow. He could only stand there, as she ends with.
"I can take care of myself and I'm gonna get a damn drink." Leaving him stunned, unable to argue, with back towards the camp.
With one deep sigh he drags his feet, not letting the girl's stubbornness do anything reckless again, on the search for booze -Julia's first ever drink.
Julia leads them to a golf club.
"Golfers like to booze it up, right?" Julia asks, as walkers approach in a distance upon the golf course. Daryl looks back pondering, as she urges him on.
"Com on.", Julia takes the lead, (the one who's unfazed this time).
Tapping the crossbow in his hands, fidgeting as if thinking it through one last time, he gives in to this ever so determined girl, following closely behind Julias urging steps.
Passing the "Pine Vista Country Club" sign, standing alongside one another towards the entrance of the building Julia notes.
"Might be people inside"
Or walkers, he notes to himself.
A growing posse of walkers are on their tails. Making Daryl lead them on, urging them to the back entrance. Hurrying up the steps with a golf club in his hands, Julia keeps close on his heel, depending on his protection. Gesturing with his index finger against his lips, motioning her to remember there could be walkers inside, she stays bak as he peaks inside the building, then nods, looking back at her.
"Come on," he urges her, as the cost is clear.
Closing the door after Julia takes a few slow steps entering the lobby, he secures it with the golf club thru the door handles, Daryl gets in front of her, reddy's himself with his crossbow leading the way thru the snarling remaining walkers of the club, bothe dead and undead corpses, three of which gurgle and moan as they hang from the ceiling.
Something bad has happened here.. Then again when hasn't something bad happened to a camp, sins the turn? Daryl notes.
Julia's eyes go wide as she gazes upon the hanging walkers, almost stepping on his heel, seeing such a dark and cruel sight. Could this really be the world now?
Surveying through the remnants of the makeshift camp, they pick up a flashlight each. Swallowing thickly, as a chill sent down her spine, Julia restrains herself from grabbing his arm for comfort, making her grab her hands instead, soothing herself.
Pointing her flashlight upon the table filled with junk and dusty dishes, as if someone had had their last meal. Daryl grabs a backpack and fills it with cash and jewelry, making Julia wrinkle her eyebrows in confusion.
Would he not know that money is useless by now?..Perhaps he thought he could trade it for food or weapons? Julia thinks as she questions his odd behavior.
"Why are you keeping all that stuff?"
He lifted his head, looking up at her from his kneeling position, continuing his hunt for treasures.
Before he can answer Julia's question, their Walker posse catches up with them, knocking on the club's door. Making Daryl swing the backpack on his back as he urges her on.
"Come on", Daryl then slams the club's doors leading them further in, exiting the strange camp and leaving the hanging walkers behind.
Looking through the reaments in the kitchen area, filled with junk, empty food packaging and jars spread out all over the counters, down to the floor, as water drips from a broken pipe above making a wet dripping sound. It was dark with no windows making them depend on their flashlights as they looked through the remains in different parts of the kitchen area.
Most of the wine and liquor bottles are empty, except for a dusty bottle of red wine placed on a ridiculously high shelf in the walk-in. The only way to reach it was to climb. Grabbing it as Julia awkwardly stretched by all her might, tip toeing on the lower shelf, making pans cling against metal in her struggle.
Daryl halts his scavenging, listening in. As no more sound was made he continued looking through stuff in the main kitchen area.
Finally grabbing the bottle Julia steps down, slowly and steady, careful to not make herself trip in the darkness. Exiting the walk-in, satisfied with her find of the red wine, reading the blue label "Maid in 198...
Gasping in sheer horror, a Walker attacks from behind, grabbing Julia with its cold hands. Breaking skin with its filthy nails, she struggles frantically to break free. She couldn't breathe, couldn't think, coldent escape. Heart almost pumps out from her chest. Its monstrous snarls reeked of decay, making her stomach curl in repulsion. All alone, in a dark corridor, with only a flashlight and wine bottle in hand. She could feel walls narrowing in, air becoming ice cold as if trapping her with this monster. Think! Smashing the wine bottle with all her might, bashing its head, closing her eyes off the impact. Glass breaks as the wine spills everywhere. Pushed against the wall frightened, unreadable pleads for Daryl leaves her lips. Inches shrink to centimeters as its rotten teeth starve for her flesh. She Pushes back the walker with her back trapped against the wall. Julia doesn't dare to look anymore, holding her breath, turning her head, grimarsing painfully, knowing how this will end.
Time stops...then... a bolt pears its head, it falls limp to the floor.
Daryl stands there panting, lowering the crossbow looking at her as if hes just been sprinting moments ago.
Notesting the dead Walker now on the floor Julia looks at him, out of breath relieved but still shakenabout after the close call. Not accusing but scared she questions.
"Where were you?"
Her eyes were ever so expressive. Pupils are dilated and round, making them appear larger, eyebrows coming together, making Daryl feel the need to assure her somehow.
A breath... then.
"You held on long enuff for me to get to you..shout next time". Meaby not the most reasoring answer but it made her calm down somewhat.
The unsettling altercation leaves only a shattered wine bottle and disappointment, as Julia looks back discovering another room full of corpses in sleeping bags beside one another, with an ominous writing 'WELCOME TO THE DOGTROT' written on the wall. Onely disturbed by sight, Julia catches up to Daryl, leading them down a dark stairway, with flashlights dancing around the corridor blocked by a trophy case and a slanting grandfather clock, making Daryl put the crossbow on top reaching under, carefully moving the clock off the trophy case making it come to a stand, its melody chimes in a dinging way.
This piece of dust is a damn time bomb, Daryl notes.
Shining the flashlight upon the grandfather clock Daryl reads. "Tempus Fugit ''('time flies' in latin), he didn't know latin, but what he could tell was the time, 2:50pm. Seeing she had already headed through the door ending the corridor, he follows.
"This girl was on a mission", Daryl notes, and he was not taking any more chances after that to close call from upstairs.
The gift shop is filled with clean, untouched golf clothes. As if the turn never happened. Seeing a lovely white sweater Julia approche it but gasps, nearly stumbling over a manikin part lying on the floor. Letting out a relieved sigh she prosedes, putting it on, a trace of a smile covers her lips. Meanwhile, Daryl is still on the hunt for cash and expensive trinkets, pocketing whatever he can find.
Julia still thought his behavior was odd.
Displayed in the store, a top half of a woman's corpse impaled onto the bottom half of a mannequin, dressed in a bra, sweater, and pearls label with a sign written in lipstick reading "RICH BITCH."
Daryl stares, not really thinking anything of it. Perhaps seeing such things had made him num?
Never had Julia seen such a cruel way of making art. That someone made this, probably thinking it was fun, made her sympathize with the dead women, thinking it could have been someone she once loved or cared for. As she struggles to remove the corpes-statue Julia pleads looking towards Daryl.
"Help me take her down",she tilts her head.
Softly he answers. "It doesn't matter, she's dead".
"It does matter", Julia insisted softly.
Daryl thinks deeply off her words. Perhaps her due eyes, her big heart to sympathize for someone she never knew but still cared for maid him care, because Julia did.
Seeing Julia struggle to take it down, Daryl helps her by covering the corpse display with a blue sheet.
"Here", he grunts, draping over the cheat ending their visit in the chope back into the corridor.
The grandfather clock goes off, making them flinch. Daryl urges her on, tapping her bake.
"Come on".
"Okay," she oblige.
Just when they were about to enter towards another hallway, they stumbled upon incoming walkers, the dam ticking time bomb/clock attracted the attention of the no longer dormant Walkers residing in the country club.
"Move", Daryl urges her, tapping Julia like before, making her take the lead.
Cornering them in every turn through their escape in the dark hallways leads them further in the country club. As Daryl hurries around the corner opening up to a room, he slows down to a halt.
Fuck it...Might as well take care of it.
Daryl can't take it anymore, all that's happened, he doesn't do feelings, the only thing he knows is using his fists. Anger consumes his senses, all he sees is red. Shooting the first walker with a bolt, persing its head, pushing the other back to the wall with the crossbow. Taking a nearby golf club bashing its head in with a big swing, it falls limp to the floor, as the third walker growls he swings the club with such force it gets stuck in its skull, making him rips it out as it brakes making the end more like the end of a spear. Using it to his advantage he spears the fourth walker through the brain. Kicking back the fifth walker making it stumble back. Daryl unchets his hunting knife from his belt, stabbing the sixth walker agonizingly slow through its eye socket, as if anger had consumed him to the point he found satisfaction in the killing.
Julia watches, disturbed by his sudden rage, looking upon with worry. She wasn't scared, no, not of him but of the anger blinding him. Julia knew he felt sad about what had happened, but it was much worse than she thought. There was just so much rage within his heart. It made her worry of what had plagued his mind to make him like this. But she knew this was not all he was. Just moments ago in the gift chope he showed her otherwise.
Sheathing the knife as the walker he kicked before the last one snarls towards him, he picks up another golf club, pummeling it, grunting heavily with every swing harder than the other, with a last big swing the bloody reaments of the walker sprays all over her new white sweater. She gasps, startled by the gore now all over her, making her glare upon him. He meets her gaze, panting heavily with long strands of hair falling over his eyes. A flash of realization he might have gone too far, seeing her wight sweater covered in gore, but it was done and he needed to get it out of his system.
Seeing Julia exit into another hallway, leaving the sweater behind, he grabs his crossbow and follows still out of breath.
Julia leads them to a brighter hallway, opening up to the club bar ahead.
"We made it", Julia speaks with a sad tone.
Daryl sees her slow down standing to a halt meeting her gaze as she turns around.
"I know you think this is stupid...And it probably is", she shakes her head. A breath, then. "But... I don't care...All I wanted to do today was lay down and cry, but we don't get to do that". Her eyes turn glassy. "So.." she averts her gaze, shaking her head before continuing. "...Beat up walkers if that makes you feel better." She tried to sound nonchalant, despite her voice trembling.
"I need to do this", ever so determined to get her first drink Julia turns on her heel, continuing towards the club bare. Daryl is taken back by her honesty and bluntness still standing there dumbfounded, before heading towards the bar.
The club bar is ransacked but Walker-free. Julia searches the bar area for anything to drink, meanwhile Daryl continues his pillaging.
Daryl smashes a random framed document then puts it into his pack making her flinch as she walks around the bar counter with a bottle in her hand.
"Did you have to break the glass?"
"No." "You had your drink yet?" He answers.
"No." "But I found this...Peach schnapps". She places it on the bar counter sitting on one of the chers. "Is it good?"
"No", he answers bluntly. Because even at the end, the club members didn't want to inflict more torture onto themselves by drinking "peach schnapps".
passing behind her Daryl proceeds to busy himself playing darts, using the photo of former club presidents as his targets.
"Well, it's the only thing left.", Julia answers with disappointment, gazing towards him.
Giving up finding a clean glass she lets her fingers drum on the counter.
"Who needs a glass?" she sighs sarcastically.
Doleful eyes become glassy, gaze set on the bottle, grabbing it hesitating for a moment, she rocks slightly trying to ground herself.
Glancing back at her as he slows down his game of darts, checking in on her rocking form. He could see the struggle there. How her eyes looked so far away holding the bottle. Fidgeting before throwing another dart her sobbing breaks the silence making him glans again.
Having maintained her resolve throughout their journey, Julia finally breaks down, like a wave washing over her. One tear breaks free running down her cheek. Finely having the real drink in her hands only makes sobs keep on coming. She swallows, brushing the tears away, trying to restrain herself but it makes the pain worse. As if something is stuck in her throat, like a big rock. Julia tried to swallow it down but she couldn't. The more she cried the more difficult it was to breathe, making breaths short and shaky.
It felt unbearable standing there while she cried. Making him clench his jaw. She was simply too good of a person to feel such sadness, she deserved better than this. Slamming the last dart ending his game, he couldn't help but to interfere.
To Julia's surprise Daryl snatches the bottle, throws it on the ground, snapping her fixed attention to him.
Heading towards the exit grabbing the crossbow of the pool table -Daryl turns towards her.
"Ain't gonna have your first drink. Be no damned peach schnapps", he growled, swinging his arm emphasizing his irritation towards the not good enuff peach schnapps on the floor.
Swinging the exit door wide open, demanding but with the intention to make her feel better, Daryl orders.
"Come on".
Her lips quiver a bit, but she does what she is told. Leaving the peach schnapps untouched, wiping her tear stained cheeks...
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