#dargent fic
vmures · 6 months
Midnight Rain - Fic and Soundtrack
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My giftee this year was the fabulous @mizzricki. I had a blast creating this and hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Happy Holidays! <3 <3 <3
Title: Midnight Rain Rating: Teen Warnings: no archive warnings apply Fandoms: Teen Wolf Category: m/m  Relationships: Stiles/Peter  Tags: Steter Secret Santa 2023, bad friend Scott, Stiles is pushed out of the pack, found family, background pairing Chris Argent/Derek Hale
Summary: Stiles knew in that moment that it was over. Scott would always be sunshine–would always want a world where things were clear-cut and easy. Villains wore black hats and good guys never killed. And Stiles, well, he’d always been the rain–the gray, pessimistic counterpoint to Scott’s unrelenting optimism. And after everything he’d survived, he knew he’d never see the world in anything other than shades of gray.   Read on ao3
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moths-in-hats · 11 months
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Je t'épouse
Written for @teenwolfrarepairevents Day 4: Season 3 - Married in a Hurry
Read on AO3
“What do you mean we have to get married?”
Chris hadn’t stopped frowning since he’d suggested the idea. “It’s hunter law.”
“Why does hunter law mean we have to get married?” Derek asked.
“Marriage gives you immunity. If we’re going to be going to a hunter council, you’re going to need immunity.”
“Immunity? What happened to ‘We hunt those who hunt us’?”
“Some hunters take a more… laissez-faire approach to the code. But it’s not about that. Only hunters are welcome at hunter councils - you’d be executed for trespassing.”
Derek considered this. He might not have always made the right decisions but he did have a pragmatism learned from years of fighting for survival. He knew they needed whatever help they could get, he knew the teens were dealing with a dark force beyond their control, he knew Chris cared for them (it was one of Derek’s favourite qualities about him), knew that Chris would go alone if Derek didn’t agree, and knew that was dangerous. “Okay,” Derek agreed. “Let’s get married."
The plan had first been discussed two days ago. It was Argent's idea. Noshiko might have lots of information on nogitsunes but one thing she didn't know was how to trap one. Argent didn't either but there was an annual hunter council coming up and he knew one of the clans had experience with kitsunes. Not nogitsunes specifically but at this point they needed all the help they could get.
The only thing was after the recent near-death experiences — Scott, Ethan and Boyd trying to kill themselves and Derek trying to kill Argent — the pack, even the adults, had developed a buddy system of sorts. No one was supposed to go anyway alone if it could be avoided and that included exclusive hunter conferences. Derek, of course, had been the first to volunteer. It seemed the hunter and the wolf were always together these days, an interesting development considering the start of their relationship.
With Derek's consent, the only thing left was to plan and execute a wedding in the week before the conference.
"Does hunter law say anything about how we get married?" Derek asked.
Chris nodded and began explaining.
The wedding was held two days later, an appropriately quiet affair given the situation. Allison was there, wearing a sweet blue dress and whispering something in her father's ear that made him shoot daggers at her. Deaton officiated because of course the druid was qualified to officiate weddings. They got through most of the ceremony without issue and then Allison brought forward the rings. Chris took one of them and made eye contact with Derek. He slipped the ring onto Derek's thumb. "In nomine Patris," He murmured and then moved the ring to Derek's index finger. "Et filii." And then Derek's middle finger. "Et Spiritus Sancti." And finally Derek's ring finger. "Je t'épouse." When he finished, he gave Derek a small smile and Derek knew it was his turn.
He took the other ring and repeated the ritual with Chris' fingers, doing his best not to tremble as their hands brushed. He kept his eyes on Chris' hand, unable to face looking the other man in the eye while he did this. Derek had been practising his words in the mirror all morning and it paid off. "Je t'épouse," He finished and only then did he meet Chris' eyes.
Deaton cleared his throat. Derek had nearly forgotten he was even there, less than a foot away from them. "I now pronounce you married," Deaton announced.
Chris broke out into a proper smile, almost uncharacteristic in its warmth. Derek smiled back reflexively.
This is going to be a long week, He thought to himself.
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jaetaimjadore · 7 months
cryingggggg enha just released what im positive will be the masterpiece of a century, @lebrookestore finally showed up in my feed (f u tumblr 🖕), and the weather is ABSOLUTELY DIVINE but here i am stuck in interview prep hell T^T
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exlibrisfangirl · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Chris Argent/Derek Hale, Allison Argent & Chris Argent, Chris Argent & Gerard Argent, Allison Argent & Gerard Argent, Allison Argent & Derek Hale Characters: Chris Argent, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Gerard Argent Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Beauty and the Beast Fusion, Derek Hale as the Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Past Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Mentioned Kate Argent, Derek Hale's Past Consent Issues with Kate Argent, Dead Kate Argent, Gerard Argent Being an Asshole, Gerard Argent Dies, Alpha Derek Hale, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Derek Hale Blames Himself, POV Derek Hale, Derek Hale Feels Guilty, Derek Hale Has Nightmares, POV Chris Argent, Protective Chris Argent, Chris Argent is Bad at Feelings, Hunter Chris Argent, Allison Argent Lives, Hunter Allison Argent, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Ultimate Sacrifice, 18th Century, France (Country), Fairy Tale Retellings, To Be Continued, Dead Victoria Argent, Fairy Tale Curses, Fairy Tale Endings, Major Character Injury, Major Character Undeath Summary:
Upon learning that her aunt was killed 5 years prior by a werewolf, 17-year-old huntress-in-training Alysonne Argent decides to venture alone to abandoned Houel Castle to face the werewolf and avenge her aunt's murder. When he learns where she has gone, her father, renowned huntsman Sir Christophe Argent, goes after her. He finds her locked away in the castle dungeon, but there he also finds la Bête du Château. Desperate, Chris volunteers to stay as prisoner in his daughter’s stead, if la Bête will let Aly go unharmed. When la Bête agrees, Aly flees home to rally their network of hunters to return with her and rescue her father. In the meantime, Chris and la Bête - Marquis Dederick “Derick” Hale - get to know each other and find that they have much more in common than they’d like to think. Derick eventually reveals that a druid cursed him, preventing him from shifting back into his human form until he "learned the power of sacrificial love". When Aly and her grandfather, Gerard Argent, return with an army of hunters and villagers to free Chris, he and Derick must put their newly-forged friendship to the test. Will one of them make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the other? Can a Hunter ever learn to love a Beast?
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panickedpenguin · 2 years
Dergent: Stuck together
Derek and Chris get stuck together, literally, with both of there hands on a rock. The rock is held between them, incapable of moving from their palms, where Chris had attempted to pass it off to Derek. They're just -- stuck.
"It's a love rock," Deaton says.
"So what?" Asks Chris.
"So, it cannot be released until its estimation of love between the two of you has been met."
Derek asks, "So -- what?"
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shealynn88 · 2 months
writing patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks so much for the tag, @apricitydays-lazynights ! What a lovely feeling to be remembered in the midst of a very brain foggy series of months. <3
Going backward:
The Risks of Unfolding (Snape Selfcest, E) Severus lowers himself into the shapeless armchair and begins the precise ritual of relaxing each muscle group.
hope, break me open (Snarry, T) After dinner they retired to the drawing room, where Severus poured the liquor Harry had brought.
So Predictable (Drarry, G) Draco touches Harry’s cheek.
The Heart of Our Home (Drarry, T) Draco’s side of the closet is filled with soft, comfortable things these days, with just the one set of formal robes in the back.
This Time Next Year (Drarry, T) Eighth year hols are spent at the Burrow, of course.
Might Seduce Your Dad Type (Drarrius, M) “Stop flirting with Sirius, you slag!” Harry snarled, shoving Draco into his room.
A Gift of Forbidden Fruit (Bill/Hermione, Ron/Hermione, E) Leaving Ron snoring softly behind her, Hermione snuck down to the kitchen for a glass of something.
In Grief We're the Same (Dargent, M) Derek finds him at the bar. 
A Charitable Endeavour (Drarry, E) Luna keeps getting up and going to the kitchen, opening cupboards and then sitting down again.
Between a Wolf and a Full Moon (Sterek, E) Stiles is the last one to leave, as usual, wafting by in an assault of hormones and pine and…that.
I love this exercise. I actually like most of these lines. (There was one that was clunkier. I updated it. lol) It's interesting to see how I almost always reference something that has already happened. I think it adds a nice forward thrust to the narrative. Nice tactic, me!
This was fun, thank you! I'll tag...gosh, I imagine everyone's gone, but @makeitp1nk @phdmama @all-or-nothing-baby
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whimsicalmeerkat · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag, @thotpuppy! I've been thinking about this off and on the last couple of days. I really do enjoy this sort of thing, both reading others and making my own. Blank after the cut.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
135. 23 of which are drabbles
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
354,120 total, all since the beginning of 2020
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The big ones are Teen Wolf and Black Jewels., but I also write Perilous Courts and The Hollows, along with some other assorted SFF book fandoms. I have a lot of Men's Hockey RPF fics, but rarely revisit the fandom. Spideypool's another fandom I fell out of at some point.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tell Me No Lies (Spideypool, 5k. Explicit, grocery store meet-cute)
my heart was connected (Teen Wolf Steterek, 11k. Explicit. fake SO for the holidays that grew legs and ran away with me)
I give hell my worst (Spideypool, 5.5k. Explicit, merman Peter Parker and pirate Wade Wilson)
just give me one thing that I can hold onto (Teen Wolf Sterek, 9k, Explicit, Derek and Stiles keep waking up naked in the woods)
Joke's On You (The Witcher, Emralt, 12k, soulmates get married for Reasons)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond, but sometimes it takes me a while, especially when I have a lot I want to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably it kind of vanishes away (Teen Wolf Dargent, 866 words, Explicit, two sad and lonely men getting off together)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know what I would say is the happiest, so I'm going to go with the kitten is happy (Perilous Courts Julien/Whisper, 300 words, Gen) because it's the most unequivocally happy ending I've written in ages.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I've been pretty fortunate. I've gotten a few shitty comments, but nothing I felt the need to dwell on. Another commenter yelled at someone for one of them once, months after the fact. That made me laugh.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. I don't know what this means by kind, exactly. I write a lot of wall/door sex and work knotting in whenever possible, especially if I can make it accidental.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
As a general rule, no, but I did co-write a Spideypool/Men's Hockey RPF one where Peter Parker was the guy inside the Gritty suit.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Just the one mentioned in #10
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Daemon Sadi/Lucivar Yaslana from Black Jewels
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Black Jewels modern AU of sorts where magic comes back and I strip out all of the gender bullshit
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterization is my greatest strength, without doubt. I'm also good at writing banter and funny moments during smut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm really bad at planning ahead or sticking to a plan I've made. I think overall it's worked out in my writing, but it can get me in trouble during the process. Plot in general isn't a major strength for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done a curse or two, but in general I avoid it both because I don't speak any other languages and because I don't think there are many good ways to incorporate translations.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically, it's probably the Wheel of Time message board RP I did on Dragonmount in the nineties, but if we're talking about actual fan fiction it's Men's Hockey RPF.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Man, this wasn't easy. I genuinely enjoy my writing and reread my stuff a lot. I'm going to have to go with no words needed (Black Jewels Daemon/Lucivar, 565 words, Explicit, zero dialogue smut with wink kink) because it's different and because I like it more every time I read it.
I'm going to tag @calenlily, @dear-massacre, @mswhich, @pterawaters, and @alondradina, but would love to see anyone else's answers too!
20 questions for fic writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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stiles-ao3-centric · 3 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Chris Argent/Derek Hale Characters: Chris Argent, Derek Hale, Kate Argent, Original Characters, Minor Characters, Calaveras (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: Asexual Derek Hale, Stone Top Derek Hale, Wolf Derek Hale, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Lovers to Friends, Friends With Benefits, Age Difference, Explicit Consent, Cohabitation, Grief/Mourning, Beards (Facial Hair), Trauma, Nightmares, Flashbacks, Unreliable Narrator, Past Abuse, Past Sexual Abuse, Past Underage, Sexual Dysfunction, Warning: Kate Argent, Minor Character Death, Blow Jobs, Grief Beards, Asexual Character Series: Part 1 of Anchor Summary:
Derek insists on coming along with Chris Argent and the Calaveras on the hunt for Kate, so he can see her dead for good. While following her trail back to Beacon Hills, they come to understand some hard truths about both each other and themselves, and struggle to find the reason why, after losing nearly everyone they've ever loved, they're still here.
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areiton · 6 years
Recent Fic Recs
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Everything of mine by rei_c (Steter, Teen Wolf)
"I've been sleeping a lot," Stiles says. "I'm not eating. I don't have any energy. My mind isn't working as fast as it used to. I feel run down. Breathing hurts, sometimes. My hair's started to fall out. My muscles spasm. And before you ask: yes, they've run tests. I went to the hospital over in the Valley and they checked everything -- ruled out everything. The most they can come up with is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but I don't fit all of those symptoms and --."
He stops there, looks down, away from Peter's eyes. "What?" Peter asks, gently.
It takes a moment for Stiles to steel himself, to meet Peter's gaze, to say, "I know what it is. Why I'm sick, I mean."
"Please, Stiles," Peter says. "Tell me."
When the nogitsune and Stiles split, their bodies got mixed up and torn apart, leaving Stiles to inhabit a completely magical construct. He needs an anchor to the physical world in order to survive and when he can't wait any longer, he goes to Peter Hale.
This was so lovely. I really loved the change in dynamics, that Stiles was the one with all the power. Plus, post-nogitsune fall out? So much win.
i have always been the storm by stilinskisparkles (Sterek, Teen Wolf)
"You’re all headed out to Oklahoma in a week.”
Derek snaps his head up, stares at him in horror, “No, boss.”
“Yes,” Finstock insists in a steely voice. “The NSSL have been on at us for a year about some decent exposure, and I think you’re just the team to do it.”
“I haven’t done weather since college,” Derek protests.
Boyd snorts again, presumably because he’s thinking back to the time when Derek and the weather last collided and he…. well, didthe guy into the weather for a brief, wonderful, terribly foolishtime. But, Boyd needs to shut up before Derek punches him on the nose.
I just really loved how fluffy and sweet this was. Very lowkey angst and fantastic friendships all around.
chestnut kisses by unloyal_olio (Sterek, Teen Wolf)
A kissing game goes horribly wrong.
(Or a high school AU, in which Stiles's love saves Derek from the clutches of Kate Argent.)
Note: Chapter one is the experimentally formatted original. Chapter two is the edited version with conventional formatting.
High school fluff and angst and Derek being adorable and Stiles pining and it was perfection.
*** anchor by thegeminisage (Dargent, Teen Wolf)
Derek insists on coming along with Chris Argent and the Calaveras on the hunt for Kate, so he can see her dead for good. While following her trail back to Beacon Hills, they come to understand some hard truths about both each other and themselves, and struggle to find the reason why, after losing nearly everyone they've ever loved, they're still here.
I loved loved loved this. The slow build, the way Derek dealt with his sexuality and need to be close to Chris. Chris dealing with his trauma. The delicious slow fall for each other--it was gorgeous.
steady hands by thegeminisafe (Dargent, Teen Wolf)  
Twenty-four hours after the death of his sister, Chris Argent wakes in Derek Hale's loft with his hands trembling too badly to load and fire a gun, and no matter what he does, he can't make them stop. He made a promise to protect Beacon Hills in Allison's stead, but now he has to decide how he carries on her legacy when he doesn't know if he can fight, if he can ever lay his guilt to rest, and if he's truly capable of doing good when he has already done so much harm. 
This fic. It was so good?? I love when falling in love with someone doesn't fix everything. Because sure, they're together--this is a direct followup to Anchors--but Chris is still so fucking damaged and it's so damn GOOD. Read it, friends.
breathing you in by lavenderlotion (Steter, Teen Wolf)
“Good morning, kiddo,” his dad said, and the words hurt.
All Stiles wanted to do was step forward and let his dad hug him, allow his father to give him comfort. His father's hugs had always been all-encompassing, the way he would fold himself around Stiles and hold him as tightly as he could.
Stiles stepped around him, careful not to let foreign skin touch anything that was special to him.
Anything he loved.
I really really loved this. The way Stiles struggles with being in his post-nogitsune body, and the way Peter and his dad take care of him? It's perfect. I want more. SOOOO MUCH MORE.
i could by julibean19 (Steter, Teen Wolf)
Stiles froze. He knew that voice. The way it said his name. He was immediately brought back to a dark parking garage, sharp claws biting into his neck, red eyes flashing, and a jaw practically unhinging to swallow him whole. A shiver ran down his spine as he finally placed it.
The man in the shower was Peter Hale.
What business did Peter Hale have with Stiles? Why was he laying out Stiles’ clothes and making him healthy lunches? Why did Stiles wake up wrapped in his 20,000 thread count sheets with a wedding ring on his finger? What was happening?
This was lovely and angsty. I'm a huge sucker for amenisa fics, and this one was done incredibly well.
once upon a dream by gryvon (Sterek, Teen Wolf)
Stiles has been dreaming of the Hale family burning alive since he was a child. After being locked in Eichen for a year, Stiles learns to keep his visions to himself. That doesn't stop him from keeping an eye on Derek Hale while he waits for Kate Argent to make her move. Only watching Derek becomes loving Derek and stopping Derek and Kate from getting together turns into Stiles dating Derek Hale. He's in love with Derek but his visions haven't stopped, only now he has to watch Derek die with the rest of his family. He'll do anything to keep that dream from becoming reality.  
This was lovely. Just so lovely.
mangata by aretemis69 (Sterek, Teen Wolf)
The place chosen for the speed dating is nice, close enough to the shore that the sun warms the shallow waters and washes everything in blinding white light. Long, thin shadows crawl all over the hills, dancing over pinkish sand and pale rocks, following the swirls of the surface.
When he looks around, Stiles can see various spots marked out with colorful stones, all organized in a loose circle and numbered with small shells. In the center of it all is a massive signboard in human plastic, glinting under the sun.
It is, objectively, the nicest place Stiles has ever been this miserable in.
Or the Sterek mermen speed dating AU where Stiles is unlucky in love (until he isn't).
This is such a lovely little fic. The worldbuilding is beautifully done and the sweet pining is perfection.
the darkness inside by isthatbloodonhisshirt (Sterek, Teen Wolf)
The sheriff watched him for a moment, then he sighed and turned slightly. He reached out to open a cabinet door beside him, and pulled out a shelf. It was on a track, so it rolled out of the cabinet fairly easily, and held a small CCTV. Derek frowned and inched his chair to the side a little bit so he could get a better angle.
He was looking at a teenager, or someone at least young enough to be the same age as Scott. He was sitting on a bed in what looked to be a larger room, the area he was in surrounded by four glass walls, with his legs crossed and head tilted.
He was also staring directly into the camera, as if he knew someone was watching. A creepy smile slowly slid onto the teen’s face, and he held up one hand, wiggling his fingers in a slow, eery wave.
Derek felt his mouth run dry. He didn’t know who this kid was, but he didn’t like him.
“Who is that?” he asked quietly.
“That,” said the sheriff, “is my son.”
This? This is the perfect nogitsune possession fic EVER. It's gorgeously done and the way Derek can tell the difference between Stiles and Nogitsune is heart-wrenchingly perfect.
could frame thy mortal by orphan_account (Steter, Teen Wolf)
It’s normal. Spending every waking second watching Hale is normal. In many ways, Hale is his whole universe: tracking his movements, waiting for what he does next, wondering what he’s thinking. The only outside stimulation he gets otherwise is the shower visits, and even then it’s only when Chris is the one taking him that he gets any engagement.
Stiles knows Hale like he knows the water pipe. The sixty two bars that line the side of their cage. Like the minute of cold water that hits Stiles’ skin before the heat finally comes in the shower block. "
Held in an Argent facility, never knowing who he can trust, Stiles pays for his survival with the only currency he has.
I loved what Stiles is, and how far he'll go to survive and Peter in general is perfection. It's gorgeous.  
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itsme-basil · 2 years
teen wolf fic rec list part 4/7
Better Fortunes - smallbirds
Sterek | Word Count 39,168 | Not Rated
487 - finduilas
Sterek | Word Count 52,840 | Rated E
Strays - discontentedwinter
Stetopher | Word Count 56,260 | Rated M
A Healing Silence - hellowhythefuckamihere
Sterek | Word Count 36,329 | Not Rated
Your Touch is My Choice - twothumbsandnostakeincanon
Steter | Word Cound 2,171 | Rated T
Dog With a Bone - clottedcreamfudge
Sterek | Word Count 14,084 | Rated M
Waiting - isthatbloodonhisshirt
Sterek | Word Count 81,018 | Rated T
Let Slip the Dogs of War - sheetghosts
Sterek | Word Count 86,920 | Rated E
The Darkness Inside - isthatbloodonhisshirt
Sterek | Word Count 51,974 | Rated M
Aether - anonymous
Sterek | Word Count 8,718 | Not Rated
Baby of Mine - suddenlyatiger
Sterek | Word Count 78,402 | Rated M
& I Will Witch All Wild Things to My Palms - sylvesterelle
Sterek | Word Count 1,408 | Rated M
In Treatment - tzzzz
Sterek | Word Count 166,937 | Rated E
Don't Feed the Wolves - amazonia_8
Sterek | Word Count 30,329 | Rated E
Five Days of Dickings - drunktuesdays
Sterek | Word Count 17,845 | Rated E
Present - reillyblack
Sterek | Word Count 112,375 | Rated E
All The Way To You - agnesblue
Sterek | Word Count 14,005 | Rated M
Anchor - thegeminisage
Dargent | Word Count 55,331 | Rated E
Prince Among Wolves - rawren
Sterek | Word Count 101,000 | Rated E
You Remember It All; When I Loved You So - crossroadswrite
Sterek | Word Count 21,413 | Rated T
The Moons Gonna Follow Me Home - turningterrific
Sterek | Word Count 82,866 | Rated E
Kintsugi - artemis69
Sterek | Word Count 7,866 | Rated G
Clever Boy - abluemountainashtardis
Steter | Word Count 33,703 | Rated E
At Least The Road to Hell is Paved, I'm Not Good With Stairways - lady emebalia
Sterek | Word Count 170,037 | Rated E
Across a Certain Threshold - ketren
Sterek | Word Count 76,126 | Rated T
The Hale Clinic for Troublesome Omegas - smalls2233
Stetopher | Word Count 33,794 | Rated E
Spaceboy - discontentedwinter
Steter | Word Count 17,900 | Rated E
Stand Fast in your Enchantments - devildoll
Sterek | Word Count 76,956 | Rated E
This Blood on My Teeth - virtualxchaos
Stetopher | Word Count 2,151 | Rated T
To His Advantage - marguerite_26
Stargant | Word Count 3214 | Rated E
Up Down Lock Unlock - isthatbloodonhisshirt
Sterek | Word Count 42,029 | Rated G
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asarcasticwitch · 3 years
My Fanfic Masterlist
Below the cut is a list of all of the fics I've written (or collaborated on) and posted.
Total Works: 64
Last Updated: 19/01/2023
Making You Mine
Sterek | Explicit | 7,013 | 2/2
Relief washes over Derek like a calming wave. “Oh, baby," he sighs, brushing his knuckles down the side of the boy’s face, smiling faintly—a smile reserved only for Stiles. "I couldn’t give you up now, even if I tried." He cups his mate's chin, a possessive grip, urging him to look upward. "You're mine, Stiles, and you will be for as long as you want to be."
The King's Command
Steter | Explicit | 3,180 | 1/1
The human halts a respectable distance away, and Peter leers at the sinful arch of his spine as he ducks forward in a dutiful bow.
Yes, he’ll do just fine.
Sucker For You, Babe
Steddie | Explicit | 2,549 | 1/1
“I wanna try something,” Eddie rasps, grinning impishly as he dodges Steve’s attempts to capture his lips again. 
Steve huffs and slumps into the pillow, waiting impatiently as Eddie reaches under the bed and rifles around. He doesn’t see what he’s searching for until the boy comes back up with a long, red rope dangling from his palm.
Steve swallows thickly.
Quick And Dirty
Petopher | Explicit | 1,228 | 1/1
“If we get caught, it’s your fault,” Chris snarls as he fumbles with his belt and zipper, his actions and delicious scent entirely contradictory to the edge of irritation in his tone.
Your Hands Around My Throat
Steddie | Explicit | 1,929 | 1/1
Eddie’s hands are criminal—the rings, the calluses from playing his guitar, and the way he always crooks them just right, hitting all those spots that make Steve’s body sing—and Steve has long since given up pretending they don't turn him on like crazy. 
Famous Last Words
Sterek | Mature | 820 | 1/1
Death by Derek’s dick seems like a pretty decent way to go, but he’d like to at least get to the actual fucking before that happens.
(No one is more surprised than him that he’s made it this far in life.)
Birthday Boy
Steterek | Explicit | 7,475 | 2/3
“You want him to be a permanent part of our lives?” Peter asks, keeping it vague so Derek has to fill in the gaps. He gets a shy nod in response, but even though he’s proud of his nephew for getting this far, that’s not enough for this kind of discussion. “Words, my darling.”
“Yes, I— I want him to be our mate.”
My Life's Better With You In It
Steter | Teen | 1,091 | 1/1
Stiles smiles, and the thought of Peter wrapping him in his strong arms and kissing his forehead gives him the jolt of motivation he needs to twist the handle and walk inside. He rests a hand on the doorframe to steady himself, which he’s eternally grateful for, when a thick, garlicky cloud wafts into him, nearly knocking him straight on his ass.
Peter is cooking dinner, and fuck, it smells delicious—not that he expects any less from his mate.
Love Is The Music
Steter | Teen | 496 | 1/1
“I didn’t know you could play,” he says when Peter’s fingers stop on the last key. “I was starting to believe the piano was just for decoration.”
You're Not Alone
Deter | Teen | 1,223 | 1/1
“What do you want?” he says, the words coming out harsher than he planned, but it’s the middle of the night. He’s exhausted, and the quicker Peter tells him what the fuck is so important it couldn’t wait ’til morning, the quicker Derek can go back to sleep.
Peter’s face does something complicated, hurt flashing over his features before he can mask it, and for some reason, Derek feels more than a little guilty. It stabs at his stomach and only gets worse when, after several beats, Peter still doesn’t answer.
Derek decides on a different approach. He takes a calming breath and relaxes the scowl etched onto his brow. “What do you need?”
I'll Guide You
Steter | Explicit | 3,006 | 1/1
Stiles gets it; he does. Peter getting his kicks by being a generous lover is something Stiles understands perfectly, and yeah, Peter can be a selfish guy, but never with this, never with Stiles—unless it involves keeping Stiles to himself instead of sharing him with the pack, but in that instance, Stiles can’t argue. Peter’s possessiveness is hot, sue him—but there’s still a tiny part of his brain niggling at him to be the one to take care of Peter for a change. 
And that is how he came up with the idea that he’s currently trying to get his mate on board with.
Deter | Teen | 1,453 | 1/1
“I made this earlier,” Peter admits as he brings the bowl over to Derek and sets it on the counter.
Derek assesses, but he knows it’s frosting before his eyes even have the chance to focus. Peter’s frosting is another thing he’d fight claw and fang over to establish its superiority—he could identify it in a line-up even if he were blindfolded. 
His mouth waters. 
Perfect For Us
Steterek | Mature | 494 | 1/1
Staring at a candid headshot on a screen and those few meetings over Skype doesn’t compare to seeing him in person. Up close, he’s even more beautiful, more divine than absolutely anything they could ever have dreamed of.
And he’s all theirs.
Deter | Explicit | 743 | 1/1
“So,” Peter starts, and Derek can’t help how his shoulders tense in anticipation of whatever level of scolding is going to leave his mate’s mouth. “What lesson have you learned, dearest nephew?”
Mint And Musk
Petopher | Teen | 415 | 1/1
Being intimately familiar with werewolf traits and customs, he knows what this gesture means to Peter, and Chris can’t stop the smile that splits his face.
Knot According To Plan
Steter | Explicit | 1,581 | 1/1
Peter hums in lazy agreement, not trusting his voice with anything else. He flops his arm over his eyes, allowing himself a moment to catch his breath and gather his wits.
Stiles, it seems, has other ideas.
“You whimpered. You actually whimpered,” he gasps. “Fuck, we have to do that again. Please say we can do that again.”
In The Dead Of Night
Steter | Mature | 418 | 1/1
It’s as if the universe heard his desires and decided to drop them right in his lap. It really would be rude to decline such a generous offering, and since he’s already here, he’d hate for his journey to be a total waste.
The Scars You Left
Petopher | Mature | 736 | 1/1
Peter has to bite the edge of his tongue to keep from pleading for the man to stay. It would do no good. Time has passed, and things have changed; it could never be the same as before. They’ll never have what they once shared. That’s no more than a memory now, a fantasy. 
It’s a lost cause.
I'm On Your Mind
Pisaac | Explicit | 2,890 | 1/1
Peter is dangerous, exciting, and Isaac was clever enough to know that his curiosity was bound to get the better of him at some point.
It wasn’t until Isaac subconsciously flirted back, though, that he realized he was totally fucked. The way Peter’s ocean blue eyes lit up and a satisfied grin crawled across his face had made Isaac’s heart swell, and every thought in his head flit away with the wind. 
Right then, everything started making sense. Isaac desires Peter, and that admission was enough to melt the last of Isaac’s resolve, and he hasn’t managed to claim it back ever since.
Ginger Spice
Steter | Explicit | 498 | 1/1
Peter is honestly the biggest bastard Stiles knows, but fuck, the wolf always manages to draw out the best orgasms—especially when all this kinky shit is involved. Though, that’s only after Stiles has endured what feels like an eternity of teasing. 
The man truly is a sadist.
Blood So Sweet
Steter | Mature | 100 | 1/1
It's fate really, that this delicious little offering crawls straight into his lap when he desires it most.
Soft And Delicate
Darrish | Mature | 742 | 1/1
Jordan is now back to where he started, eyes hungry as they repeat the trail his fingertips have already roamed. They’re mesmerizing; the color, the design, the softness, and he honestly can’t believe how lucky he is to have a husband who wears such wonderful things.
You're Trying To Kill Me Again
Steter | Mature | 500 | 1/1
Looking back, he probably should've questioned that devilish twinkle in her eye, but the bottom line is, he trusts her judgment—especially when it comes to his wardrobe. And, even if he didn't, it's hotter than satan's asshole outside, and booty shorts seemed like a good idea.
In Good Faith
(Art Collaboration with Twisted_Mind)
Steter | Teen | 2,940 | 1/1
So he does what his dad always tells him not to, and decides to stick his nose in Peter’s business. Just to make sure everything’s okay, not for any nefarious purpose or personal gain. Really, with his gift, it’d be irresponsible not to, right? Right.
Leave It All Behind
Sterek | Mature | 4,864 | 1/1
A coil of panic tightens in his chest as, after just three short rings, Derek’s voice—raspy as if barely awake—echoes through the speaker. “Do you know what time it is?” he grumbles, and at any other time, Stiles would’ve made a joke or retorted with something so sarcastic it would’ve undoubtedly earned him a huff in return. But right now, he can’t think of anything to say.
My Sweet Pup
Steter | Mature | 100 | 1/1
"You'll come when I'm done with you," Stiles bids, smirking at Peter’s answering whimper.
Love And Tentacles
Steter | Explicit | 13,285 | 3/3
Stiles is twenty-four and still hasn’t found his soulmate.
For years he’s watched his friends and everyone around him get mated and fall hopelessly in love, and honestly, he’s more than a little jealous. It's getting kinda lonely—being the only one left in his friend group without even an inkling of a bond.
He’s slowly giving up hope.
Beast In The Sheets
Steter | Explicit | 3,210 | 1/1
Peter sags as the smell wraps around him, his eyes rolling into the back of his skull. He wants to be bundled up with that scent forever, bottle it up and drink it down whenever he needs the comfort. It's a drug, and he's so fucking addicted.
Let Me Do This For You
Steter | Teen | 1,008 | 1/1
Peter is healing from a fight with another Alpha, and Stiles is mother-henning him, despite the fact he’s not actually that injured. It’s just a few cuts and scrapes here and there, nothing he’s never experienced before, but Stiles won’t give in—he’s stubborn to the core.
Revenge Is Bittersweet
Stalion | Teen | 1,641 | 1/1
“You’re adorable.”
Stiles scoffs, muttering a colorful protest under his breath, but the corner of his mouth ticks upward. “Come on, the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get back to our nice warm bed.”
Invisible String
Steter | Teen | 500 | 1/1
Peter releases a long breath, a short laugh cutting off the end, interrupting Stiles's question. "Of course it would be you."
Diamonds Are Stiles's Best Friend
Steter | Explicit | 1,518 | 1/1
"Where did you get this?"
"Found it online,” Stiles answers with a knowing smirk. “Thought you'd appreciate it."
Hunt You Down
Petopher | Mature | 1,291 | 1/1
Years he's been training for this moment, and he’s determined to see it through, to prove to his father that he's worthy of the Argent name. He’s not going to fail. 
He can't fail.
Good Boy
Starrish | Mature | 284 | 1/1
He's undoubtedly the most gorgeous thing Jordan has ever seen. Truly ethereal, and he can't even imagine how he ever got so lucky.
Your Face
Stargent | Mature | 498 | 1/1
"You're going to be alright," Chris chants the words like a prayer as he cradles Stiles close to his chest. "Just keep talking."
Make Me A Mute
Steter | Explicit | 499 | 1/1
Stiles has just discovered at least two new kinks in the span of eight seconds; he’s gonna need some time to re-evaluate his whole life.
Driving In Style
Steter | Teen | 498 | 1/1
"Where’s the Camaro?"
"I gave it to Cora. Black no longer fits my aesthetic."
Nobody But You
Steter | Teen | 2,915 | 1/1
It’s Stiles’s turn to roll his eyes, and he does so with great vigor. "That's ridiculous."
"Is it?" Lydia counters, and Stiles realizes she isn’t teasing him. She’s deadly serious.
Stiles casts a glance around the room and is unnerved that every single eye is on him, waiting expectantly. For what, he doesn’t know, but they’re clearly delusional. "Yes, it is, and I'll prove it."
This Doesn't Happen In The Movies
Steter | Explicit | 1,000 | 1/1
"Until we’ve watched it back, I don’t—" Stiles's sentence cuts off at the same time his heart stops. His eyes focus on his screen after doing a double-take, and all the color drains from his cheeks. "Oh, no."
Fangs And Claws And A Knot, Oh My
Steter | Explicit | 2,210 | 1/1
They've been married for almost a year now, so Stiles is intimately familiar with the monthly change in his husband’s nature, and he fucking loves it. Even if he waddles for a few days afterward, it's totally worth it.
Struck A Chord
Steter | Teen | 1,263 | 1/1
Music meant everything to Peter once, and it hurts to look at all these sheets and know he lost another part of himself.
The best part.
Petopher | Explicit | 4,634 | 1/1
Peter has an attitude, and it takes Chris less time than everyone else to notice. He's the guy's bodyguard. He’s up close and personal with the Rockstar day in day out, so it's no surprise that Chris has become quite intimate with every single one of Peter’s moods—and what causes them.
The particular brand of petulant brat that Peter is currently displaying is because he hasn’t gotten laid in several months. With constant tours and changes in location, there hasn't been much downtime for the Rockstar. Chris pities him, really he does, but he also can’t help snorting in amusement or shaking his head in exasperation every time the singer snaps for seemingly no apparent reason—or glares at inanimate objects as if they've personally offended him.
Something needs to be done, and luckily, Chris has a plan. 
Of sorts. 
Beg For It
Dargent | Explicit | 1,152 | 1/1
Those words are the key, laying waste to the last shred of Derek’s restraint. Ultimately, he’s a slave to his longing for Chris to own him. He wants Chris to mark him as his. To claim him—body and soul. 
He won’t deny himself anymore.
The Flames Are Too Loud
Steter | General | 339 | 1/1
Gentle hands trail over his sweat-slicked skin, and long, sturdy arms wrap him in a comforting embrace. "Shhh. It's alright, you're safe."
Steter | Mature | 3,866 | 1/1
Stiles is ready, okay? He’s ready for his smoking-hot soulmate to sex him up—many times and in several different positions—but Peter doesn’t seem to share that sentiment.
Maid Service
Sterek | Explicit | 1,196 | 1/1
“Does that— Is that something you like?” he asks over Stiles’s shoulder. His supernatural eyesight managing to catch a glimpse of the video's contents before Stiles can scroll upwards in a knee-jerk reaction.
“Er…” Stiles flounders, mild panic rising from the pit of his stomach. “I mean, it’s pretty hot?” he says with his best attempt at a nonchalant shrug. He’s drastically downplaying his actual thoughts on the matter, unsure of the reception he’ll receive.
Derek makes a face, something contemplative, before walking away, and Stiles breathes a sigh of relief, thinking that’s that.
Paid In Full
Sterek | Explicit | 4,746 | 1/1
It all started with his Jeep.
Long story short, it broke down—for about the eighth time in the last month, but he’s not salty about it—and Derek paid for the repairs after Stiles unwittingly griped about not being able to afford it right now. It was just a flyaway comment, grumbled under his breath as he stared dejectedly at the billows of smoke pouring from his engine.
The Alpha heard him—because of course he did. Everybody knows it’s only on special occasions that Stiles is allowed to stand back and watch in peace as his life crumbles down around him.
A Monstrous Love
(Collaboration with Green)
Steter | Explicit | 3,209 | 1/1
They talked about it weeks ago, after Stiles made a throwaway comment regarding the dimensions of Peter’s cock in Alpha form. Peter asked if it was something he'd want to try, to which Stiles—probably a little too enthusiastically—said: "Hell fucking yes!"
Make Your Choice
Petopher | Explicit | 3,929 | 1/1
“I told you I’d have you, Peter. I told you I'd own you one way or another.”
Steter Sr | Mature | 1,165 | 1/1
Peter knows he's playing with fire, he knows it perfectly well, he just doesn't care. He's survived the flames once; why not just throw all caution to the wind and tempt the fates once more?
Be Mine
Steter | Explicit | 4,680 | 1/1
Granted, Peter isn’t the sort of man to deny himself what he wants, especially when it comes to things of a carnal nature, so there’s obviously an unspoken reason for his delay. What that might be, Stiles isn’t sure, but he doesn’t much care since it's clear the man has now set aside his reservations to take their relationship into uncharted territory.
Territory of the sexy variety, in case that wasn’t clear.
Once In A Full Moon
Sterek | Explicit | 4,199 | 1/1
Underneath the twinkling spark of teasing, he notices something akin to hope mixing with the maddening kaleidoscope of green, a pleading edge to the usual Alpha confidence radiating from him.
Derek wants this just as much as he does.
Sterek | Teen | 2,310 | 1/1
Derek breathes out a resounding sigh, his hand reaching out to rest on a nearby tree, the rough bark biting into his palm as he leans, taking a moment to ground himself.
He's so fucked.
Under The Mistletoe
Steter | Mature | 23,353 | 4/4
It’s always been on the cards for Stiles to one day visit his last remaining relatives, and since there’s no one on his father’s side, he feels even more compelled to get his finger out his ass and actually do it instead of stalling. Especially now that college is done, nothing should be holding him back. But that’s just the thing. Something is holding him back and has been since graduation. There's one thing Stiles noticed as soon as he made the Skype call to his babcia to celebrate the end of his studies.
That one simple thing—or several, but they’re all under the same heading—is a variation of the same inane question he’s been bombarded with by each and every family member since that one fateful phone call...
'Have you met anyone?’
Make Me Bleed
Steter | Explicit | 2,304 | 1/1
Peter’s expression contorts, impressed or surprised, Stiles can't decipher, but the grin on his face proves he’s not exactly disappointed with the unexpected turn of events.
“Which bite exactly were you hoping for, hm?” The older man curls one hand around the back of Stiles’s neck, trailing his thumb along his pale, fragile throat.
Stiles tilts his head back in unyielding submission, giving the wolf no room to debate his sincerity. “I’m sure you can figure it out, Alpha.”
Please, Alpha
Steterek | Explicit | 3,563 | 1/1
Peter’s never been known as a good man, but lately, he’s attempted to retain the last vestiges of his morality, if only to appease the family he has left. Call him sentimental, but while the blood lust hasn’t died a death completely, it’s reduced to a contained, comfortable simmer, and that’s all thanks to his newfound urge to belong to a pack again.
Naturally, he’d never admit that out loud; for all intents and purposes, he’s still dancing merrily along the tightrope of insanity. Derek and Stiles are the only two who’ve warmed to his presence considerably in the last year, and that suits him just fine.
They’re the only two worth his time and effort anyway.
Already Dead
Steter | Explicit | 7,577 | 1/1
While a wooden stake through the heart will prove inconvenient to a child of the night, it won’t outright wipe them from the face of the earth. They may be rendered inert if the action is paired with a good ole fashioned decapitation. But after a hearty dose of virgin blood, their wounds, however severe, will knit back together; several days and they’ll be right as rain.
There is one thing, however, written throughout the myths and legends regarding vampires that is entirely true—if not a little understated.
I Forgive You
Steter | Mature | 3,107 | 1/1
Now, twenty swats of Peter’s hand later, he’s seriously cursing his penchant for being a little shit. His ass is burning, the sharp sting blooming across both cheeks and down to the crease at the top of his thighs. He’s sore, writhing, and very nearly weeping as the wolf serves his punishment.
The punishment he pretty much asked for.
Is That Really Necessary?
Steter | Explicit | 5,581 | 1/1
Peter doesn’t need a mate. Hell, he doesn’t even date; he gets laid and leaves. He renders his partner an incoherent mess then walks out the door, never to be seen again.
But, somehow, he can’t shake off the feeling of rightness as he peppers nipping kisses across the boy’s jaw. Can’t help how the sweet sickly scent of spiced apple and vanilla overwhelms him with the feeling of home.
He wants to give in.
That's Not A No
Sterek | Explicit | 2,310 | 1/1
“I want to suck you off,” Stiles states—zero tact to be seen—as he taps his foot impatiently against the ground, and chews his bottom lip.
Derek stills, eyes lifting from the page he was reading to look directly at his mate. “I’m listening.” 
Not Broken
Steter | Explicit | 3,666 | 1/1
She’s not even sure at what point Peter wormed his way into her dilemma, but she can’t help feeling grateful for his persistence and patience. She’s never had a lover so dedicated to seeing her writhe with pleasure that they’ve completely ignored their own desire to the point of staying fully clothed. She didn’t expect it from the wolf, thought he’d be the type to use her for his own end, then not give a shit about hers.
How wrong she was.
Peter Hale's Hero
Steter | Explicit | 11,689 | 2/2
The first time Stiles met Peter Hale, it had been entirely by accident.
An accident he will be grateful for until his dying breath.
The man had been brought into the station after allegations—which were later proved false—were made against him. The moment was akin to one of those cheesy Rom-Coms where the two love interest’s eyes meet across the room in slow motion; Stiles’s breath had seized in his throat, his heart hammering wildly in his chest, and, well, he fell.
He fell hard.
Devour You
Steter | Explicit | 2,415 | 1/1
"And what, sweet boy, can I possibly do for you?" he purrs as he refrains from looking up just yet—if only to make the other stew in his lust a little longer.
"I-I just wanted to see what you're doing," the voice flows through the room, small and meek.
Peter smirks to himself, a filthy thing that curls the corners of his lips.
The boy is here to play.
How Much?
Steter | Explicit | 4,970 | 1/1
Stiles is stressed. Stressed with a capital S and Peter—Peter the gigantic asshat—is just lounging, calm and casual as can be, while the rest of the pack are out fighting the newest monster rampaging its way through Beacon Hills.
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vmures · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I got tagged by the delightful @mirrorthoughts 💜💜💜 Thank you for the tag!
How many works do you have on ao3?
13 at the moment
What's your total ao3 word count?
218,148 words (mostly thanks to one very long fic, lol)
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Teen Wolf and 9-1-1. I am noodling a few ideas for Stranger Things. I've also written Buffy the Vampire Slayer stuff, mostly crossovers in the past, but haven't gotten around to importing them to ao3. They can be found on Twisting the Hellmouth under the same user name as ao3 (vMures)
Top five fics by kudos:
Hanging On (You're All That's Left to Hold On To)
A Hallowed Pack
A Change of Luck
A Merry War
Finding Home
All Teen Wolf fics, mostly Steter with one Sterek fic in the mix. 😄
Do you respond to comments?
I certainly always try to.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a happily ever after sort of writer generally, so none of my fics have very angsty endings. Just not the sort of thing I tend to write.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They all have happy endings so far. Not sure I could pick which one has the happiest ending.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually, at least not on ao3. Worst comments I've gotten have been on fanfiction.net and I have been ignoring those for decades at this point. I think I don't get much hate on ao3 in large part because I don't allow anonymous comments on my work and people are less likely to leave hate comments when they have to do it with their official account. I've gotten a few odd comments, some weird nitpicky ones, and some demanding ones from time to time. I always try to respond politely to those, but sometimes get a bit snarky.
Do you write smut?
Not as of yet. But I may some day try my hand at it. No promises though. lol
Craziest crossover:
I once wrote a crossover between Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and X-Men (it can be found on Twisting the Hellmouth).
On ao3, my only crossover so far is a Teen Wolf/Harry Potter crossover: A Hallowed Pack
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone just asked if they could translate Midnight Rain into Russian, so that will be my first fic translated into another language.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really
All time favourite ship?
Cannot pick favorites for the life of me. In Teen Wolf, I love Steter, Sterek, Stetopher, Stargent, Steterek, Dargent, Detergent (Derek/Chris/Peter), and so many more combinations of my favorite characters. lol Stranger Things I read mostly Steddie and Ronance, but am open to quite a few other pairings.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Yep, my one unfinished WIP Buffy/Stargate crossover, The Road Not Taken. After a decade of agonizing over whether or not to mark it abandoned and give myself grace for not finishing it, I finally did so. Part of me still would love to finish it, but I lost the notes I had on it and doubt I'll ever find the desire to rebuild the story and figure out where I had wanted it to go.
What are your writing strengths?
I'm pretty good at writing natural sounding dialogue and proud of that fact.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I have been called a wordy bitch or told my writing is very dense. So that could be considered a weakness. Otherwise, I'd say writing action scenes and making sure the actions make sense and flow properly.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
As long as there's a translation somewhere, I don't mind. Sometimes it is effective to include.
First fandom you wrote in?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite fic you've written?
Oh man, this is a particularly hard question. I love A Merry War a lot, but ultimately my absolute favorite so far is Hanging On (You're All That's Left to Hold On To). That fic is my baby. Took me two years to finish and I poured a lot of my heart and soul into it.
Once again I've hit the tagging portion of the tag game and drawn an absolute blank on who to tag. So consider yourself tagged if you want to play along! 💜💜💜
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softranswolves · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chris Argent/Derek Hale Characters: Chris Argent, Derek Hale Additional Tags: Shakespeare Quotations, Anal Sex, Top Derek Hale, Bottom Chris Argent Series: Part 10 of teen wolf smut Summary:
When Chris notices Derek's boner after he talks literature to him, he proposes an idea that Derek can't refuse.
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queerebrum · 4 years
Tumblr media
Alright you two, lets see what my poor sore hand can make for you this evening. I’m fresh off a good cry and ready to go. @clotpolesonly @jacyevans --
In the wake of Scott’s victory against the Anuk-Ite, Chris struggles. He struggles, far from he first time in his life, to decide what to do next, where to go, who to be. He is the last Argent. His body – fragile and human – holds all that is left of a centuries old hunting family. He doesn’t want it anymore. He walked away from the room with a satisfied smile on his face that he couldn’t quite manage anymore. He’d known what he was doing. He knew that leaving that room, leaving Gerard to face the wrath of the monster he’d created. He'd known what he was doing, leaving Kate behind in the room, knew that once she was done her skin would grey and her eyes would fog and she would be gone.  And then he would be left. Alone in the world save for a pack of teenagers he loves more than he could ever have imagined, various associated adults, and the hole in his heart torn by the nogitsune’s sword. 
Allison was supposed to be his legacy. She was supposed to guide the Argent family into the future. But, like his mother, and his wife, and his father and his sister, she too was struck down by the world and he is alone, left to bear the weight – glee and guilt alike – of the Argent name.
And in Beacon Hills, that burden is too heavy for him to bear alone. There are ghosts in this town that he cannot run from, memories that stain him red; the blood of his wife, the blood of his daughter. 
He needs to leave. Melissa understands. There is a part of what they have together that is laced through with the sound of cracking whips and flashes of ghostly green. There is a part of their relationship that will always be tainted with the thrill of fear against their skin, with the knowledge that they may not survive the coming day. They will never be able to extract that from what happened between them. Melissa kisses him before he goes, and they both know it’s goodbye. Chris might return, but what they have will not.  He packs up his apartment, sends things to storage, some to donation, some to the place in France where he know Isaac is, and throws the rest in a dumpster. He’s checking his weapons stores in the back of his SUV – he may not intend to hunt, but he can never be too careful – when the hair on the back of his neck prickles and his hand reaches for his gun. A familiar chuckle causes the tension to bleed out of Chris as he turns, his hand falling to his side as he takes in the sight of Derek Hale, hazel eyes shining gold in the bright light of day, hair dark, chin and cheeks covered in a layer of stubble. Chris never met him before the Fire, before Chris’s sister irreparably destroyed his life. His first memories of Derek are from only a few years ago, and yet he looks nothing like the angry young man in Chris’s memory. He’s grown up, he’s changed. Chris knows that he has too.  “Where are you going?” Derek asks, his hands tucked in the pockets of a leather jacket. It’s too warm, late spring on the cusp of summer, for him to be wearing it, but it seems right somehow.  Chris stills, drawing in a breath,  hoping that somewhere between the inhale and the exhale, he’ll have a better answer than the one he finally says; “I don’t know.” 
Derek nods slowly, considers something, and then cocks his head slightly as he says, “I’m wanted by the FBI, and I don’t know that my hometown is a particularly good place to hide out. Agent McCall says he’s going to ‘take care of it’ but to keep my head down and stay out of trouble until my name is cleared.” 
Chris isn’t entirely sure why he’s being told this. He nods anyway. “Okay.”
“I know a thing or two about running from ghosts,” Derek says, and there’s weight and wisdom behind those words that no twenty-five year old should have. It’s a kind of wisdom that comes with loss and grief and a part of Chris aches with guilt that is not his. “It’s better with company.”
Chris remembers Derek’s face as he and Chris tucked themselves quietly into a hotel room in North Carolina. Chris had plenty of practice extracting bullets, but this was the first time he'd ever felt a werewolf take his pain. It was intense, a prickling sensation at the place where Derek’s palm pressed flat against Chris’s forearm, pain leeching out of him leaving a floating numbness that eased the slide of bullets from his torn flesh. Derek’s face remained passive the entire time, and Chris wasn’t sure if it was practice, or if the young man had endured so much pain that bullet wounds couldn’t make a dent anymore. 
There was a gentleness in Derek that had no business belonging inside the body of someone who had endured all that he had. Chris had seen him be far from gentle; seen him turn teenagers into killers, seen him tear enemies to pieces in a spray of blood. But that version of Derek Hale paled in comparison to the passive expression on his face even as his veins were black and heavy with Chris’s pain. 
Chris wasn’t a stupid man. He knew that this was a dangerous decision, that they were both broken, both carrying the weight and expectation. There were two (three, though Malia refused the name) other Hales in the world, but Derek had been bearing the burden of the Hale name far longer than any of the other Hales had ever realized. He’d been bearing it since he was a teenager, the target of a cruel game he hadn’t known he was playing.
Chris takes in the broad slope of Derek’s shoulders, the determined expression in his eyes and the soft curve of his smile. Chris can’t help that one side of his own mouth quirks up. “I don’t know when I’ll be coming back.”
Derek’s hands slip from his pockets and lift, palms to the sky, his shoulders shifting upwards. He doesn’t speak, but Chris hears the words anyway; so what? What is there left for him here. 
Chris is, after all, not the only one with ghosts in Beacon Hills. 
“Okay,” Chris says with a shrug of his own, motioning towards the car. “I guess company can’t hurt.” 
As Derek settles into the passenger seat, Chris glances over at him, taking in the satisfied smile. As they leave the town, neither of them look back, Chris’s glances in the rearview mirror only perfunctory checks for traffic before changing lanes. 
They’re past the state line when Chris asks, “What were you going to do if I said no?” 
Derek turns to Chris with mischievous eyes and one raised eyebrow. “I knew you weren’t going to say no.” 
Chris should be more worried that this young man – this werewolf – seems to think he can read Chris so well, but he’s not. 
They’re both spiderweb cracked, fragile and sharp-edged. Some of their edges are complimentary; Derek’s family burning, Chris helping Victoria take her own life after Derek’s bite. Some of the edges are unfamiliar; Jennifer’s betrayal, the way it feels to watch your child die. 
As they drive, Chris feels his chest begin to loosen. He’s been nervous since he decided to leave, unsure of what the future would hold. Somehow, beside Derek, he’s less afraid. 
Perhaps, Derek was right. Maybe running really is better with company.
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mswhich · 3 years
Getting There (Chris/Derek, Rated E)
Chris stared down at where their fingers interlaced. He wondered why he’d used to care so much about the difference between human and beast, man and wolf. Both were capable of loss. Both were capable of monstrosity. And Christ, Derek had just showed more humanity in this ten-minute conversation than Chris’s father and sister had in their entire lives.
Chris Argent is lost, and Derek Hale finds him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/34091890/chapters/84812560
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panickedpenguin · 2 years
Dergent: omegaverse
Derek is an alpha, also a werewolf, both designations giving him a particularly heightened sense of smell. His mother had once said he could smell a needle in a haystack from a mile away. And yet, it took an embarrassing amount of time to smell Chris.
Chris smelled like gun oil and chain link fence, like cow hide and electric wires. He smelt like his job and his family, like blood and secrets. Derek never stopped to wonder at Chris' secondary gender, it had never mattered.
Until one day, Derek noticed. Just a curl of vanilla under his nose. Later, a whiff of freshly baked scones. And finally, something that smelt like home; sugar cookies dipped in milk,lavender filled vases and the brisk air before a new moon.
"You're an omega."
"Yes. And?"
"You--I don't--I didn't know." Then, "You smell amazing."
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