#dangan bullshit
mooflettes · 1 year
I was trying to look for a pfp for discord and my brain had a eureka moment
Anyways he found more than Hajime's records...
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anonumber123 · 1 month
currently falling in love with danganronpa all over again because i finally get to play the games after 6 and a half years and to celebrate, i shall post this makoto furry abomination i call fanart that i made when I was 14 because i embrace cringe
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draconicshinx · 2 months
my experience so far reading omnicient reader's viewpoint chapter 1: ... it's dangan ronpa chapter 10: it's good dangan ronpa
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booperbeanv3 · 2 years
overly emotional drv3 angst rant time. even though the fandom was actual hot garbage and gave me severe mental problems for a solid 8 months i genuinely do believe both characters and concepts could have been so so good
it gen maddens me like a battle royale murder mystery AND social sim is a gret concept and that’s why everyone likes dr in the first place but it’s NEVER been for the lore or even the gore. which is disappointing. bc the most fucked up thing ppl usually remember are the pedobait shills in udg
i dont care about thh or sdr2 even though they have more iconic characters and themes [thh is best in lore and setting ground down, sdr2 has best setting and Nagito Komaeda while drv3 has the best character roundup] [i never watched the anime or read the extra content since nobody but 5 komahina fans care bout them anyway]
maybe this is because of my recent dive into edgy territory but i think going for a more distrust-style approach would’ve been so good. there’s no such thing as “too violent” when your game’s m17 [well i guess you wouldn’t wanna be r18 but i doubt that’d come unless you showed hole]
having a mainstream gore game would’ve been fun... too bad the existing dr fanbase consists of children arguing about whether a flashy male is “gay coded” for saying saying maybe two slang words or if it’s a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to like a guy who said a homophobic slur in japanese [that was corrected in the localisation mind you] because japan finds regressive culture totes hilare
WHAT IS MY POINT. i fucking hate the community i’m shaking everyone to death
i gotta replay the games because actually i sped through the whole fandom without paying a lick of attention. they’re in my steam library but i never touched em. i never finished thh since ch5 annoyed me to hell and back and i never returned. it might annoy me too much though since i believe one of dangan’s MAJOR flaws is that it has too many characters
in sdr2 and v3 if your fave died before ch4 then you are deemed irrelevant forever and only your niche fans will care
and yet still nobody gives a shit about himiko yumeno. such is life
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shslpunkartist · 2 years
I'm running a quick poll for what to do (right ere), but if visual novel wins, is it cool if I play Danganronpa V3? Out of all the Dangans, that's the one I'm least knowledgeable about
Otherwise uh.. unless given a good suggestion, I'll end up playing Vall Halla again. Ye
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glareandgrowl · 5 months
you know what?! NO! I WON'T just stop there!
This has really frustrated me as a creator who puts pride and effort into the characters I create. I'm giving myself until the end of this 30 min playlist to put my thoughts together so forgive the mess it will inevitably cause.
I have seen the take many a times about Dangan games and it's characters that fans and enjoyers are upset their special guy didn't get the screentime they deserved due to whatever reason; It's understandable really. You see a character that has such potential in your eyes its a shame its all wasted away. But I have seen the idea thrown around that the lack of care for a majority of characters' deaths and roles in the story is based on the sheer number of bodies and stories to tell. With so many characters there would never be enough room to allow all of them to flourish before they die! That's just the curse of these types of stories.
I am here to tell you that is BULLSHIT! It's bullshit and I refuse to believe it!
I, for the longest time, have hated the writing of the dangan games. It has always seemed sloppy, rushed, and far too drawn out for its own good. And no, that's not because the trials can be a little funky and rough around the edges when it comes to details. Though, that does coorelate to the negativity I have towards them as a whole. No.
I full-heartedly believe what is to blame is the free-time events. In Dangan 1, it was a fun gimick. Theres a large cast of characters, it only makes sense that a select few would stick out to the player as an interesting one, with a desire to learn more about them.
Shoddy writing of THH aside, I do feel it was a bit of a bandaid on the issue of a too-large cast. If there were optional ways to spend more time with certain characters, they didn't need to spend all that valuable plot time giving them exposition and relevance! The players can find the relevance on their own!
Except... Instead of using the plot time they saved for making a better, more cohesive story, all they did was fill it with dead air, bloated trials and a clear favoritism for the few remaining survivors. (IE in THH Byakuya, Kyoko, Makoto (obv hes the mc I can't complain there.)) Instead of focusing on the group as a whole, its dynamics amongst the survivors at the time, the plot instead magnets to favorites in an attempt to make you like them more.
I know its been mentioned a million times, but the game makes it incredibly hard at times to imagine these characters as once being friends.
(I will say from what I have seen of the next two games they do remedy this at least a little bit, with the group dynamic at least being tolerable to borderline good in v3 (yes before you come for me goodbye despair was good too.))(it also does seem, imo, to be a problem specifically with THH, as the next two DO do a better job at characterization, aside from the rogue one or two "mystery" characters that are put WAY too much emphasis on. (cough cough Kokichi, Rantaro, Kyoko, Byakuya to an extent) Most of whom I don't really care for due to that specific emphasis put on them. Not that their characters are bad, the games just reaaaallly want the player to care about these guys. Which makes me not want to.
Back to individuality.
The argument of a too-large cast as the reasoning for characters being left behind in terms of narrative importance, i feel, would be easily remedied by removing free time events entirely. No more backstory exposition dumps and underwear gifts for friendship points. No more mono-mono machine. If the writers were instead FORCED to give each character their time in the limelight, if they were forced to actually give a shit about each individual personification as much as those freetime events lead you to believe, then the plot would grow to accommodate.
Half the shit in the trails is unnecessary. Half the shit in the plot is unnecessary. Half of it is pandering, or shipping bait or funny haha jokes! We're so quirky!
The plot needs to care about your characters as much as the writers do. Which should be as much as your audience does. And if it doesn't. if the plot only cares about giving the audience a reaction, or if it only cares about its surface level motivations and schemes, then all you're going to get is surface level, unmotivated, wasted potential characters.
Now. I've ragged on about dangan for a bit. Does that mean I hate the games, the stories and the characters? Hell no. Of course not. If I did, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't spend my time making fanart and writing fanfiction. I like the games. They're interesting, funny at times. The writing has its moments of sincerity. It's made me cry once or twice. I LOVE the ending to goodbye despair. I think its the best in the series by far.
I guess what I mean to say in the ending of all this, the TLDR if you will, is that the dangan games COULD have made the characters work. It could have made you believe each one was special and important to the story. If it cared enough to. It's no excuse, though.
(Also yes this is about Taka and how he was robbed. You could say the same about a fair few characters. I just spend hours a day thinking about his character anways so this is it's natural conclusion.
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
Alright, before I get back into investigating, I have a Hangout with Vivia that I picked up during the interrogations.
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Good news, that may happen sooner than you think!
I don't want Vivia to die first 'cause I want to be able to hang out and have fun with him but also Vivia wants Vivia to die first so who am I to argue?
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I mean, we all die someday. It's not something you need to long for because it's coming for everyone eventually.
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Yeah, that. Looks like we're unpacking the specific nature of Vivia's longing for death.
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Wait, is this dude literally immortal? I know he dresses like a vampire but is he actually a vampire!? Does he malevolently swirl unicorn frappucinos!? Come on, Dangan-vamp!
This is actually a question that haunted me for a long time. For my teens and early twenties, I longed for immortality. The idea that my existence will one day end was untenable to me. A lot of people seek religion as a way to soothe this existential dread but that was of no help to me either. Even if there is an afterlife or a cycle of reincarnation or what have you, I didn't want to leave this life. I like it here.
I remained terrified of death until a little indie game called Outer Wilds changed my life. Now I'm okay with it. No skin off my back. I don't wanna any time soon but it happens to us all eventually and as long as the people I love are taken care of, that's okay.
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Probably, yeah. Techbros refuse to acknowledge it but there's a real chance we're not getting off this planet. That the big Star Trek future might be impossible, and we're better off trying to repair the damage we've done to our own world than trying to flee into space.
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So is that you? Are you immortal? Or are you being poetic?
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ANSWER THE QUESTION, YOU CHIMNEY-BROODING PLAGUE KITE! Was this a hypothetical exercise or not!? Why are detectives like this!?
Fuck you and your cryptic bullshit. I'm gonna go back to what I was doing before! ...what was I doing before?
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Oh. Right.
Hey, uh, best buddy plague kite, you got any more cryptic bullshit for me? No? Fuck.
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uuuuuhhhhlana · 1 year
i'm really sorry for asking this but i once asked you if you could explain the reasoning behind your canon komahina playlist, and i remember you made like a really lengthy post and i loved it. but i've been scouring your tumblr and i cannot for the life of me find it and it's killing me. could you please repost it or send me the link for the original post, i'm sorry lol
hi!!! you’re all good! i’m glad you loved it!! unfortunately i am the same as you and cannot find the original post ANYWHERE 😭 but, luckily i still have the response which i kept in my notes app for sentimental reasons so i’m able to repost it here!! keep in mind i have included new songs that were not part of the og post, and removed songs that are no longer in the playlist,,but without further ado, my canon komahina playlist song guide!! :D
i’ll try to explain as best as i can!! i’ll indicate which songs belong to each arc that i wish i could do in the playlist <3 (also to clarify, this playlist is just also stuff i find and include on a whim, and may not exactly fit because i haven’t had time to listen to the whole playlist in full lol sorry)
also lol this is gonna be long
pregame (despair arc anime stuff)
カミイロアワセ—binaria (this is just despair arc’s opening!! it may have been confusing if you haven’t watched the anime lol, also some songs are just here to help transition into different parts of the timeline!! ^^)
waiting in the wings—eden espinosa (this is a character specific song for hajime, i thought it was good to emphasise his feelings towards being the the reserve course, always trying so hard and never reaching what he truely wants (ah, there are a few character specific songs in this, it’s just to give them their own views and thoughts during the situation lol))
are you satisfied?—marina (okay THIS is meant to both portray their lives and actions during despair arc before the tragedy and how their lives are about to completely change (mainly hinata’s transition into kamukura) half is meant to showcase the lead up to his agreement to the kamukura project (“are you satisfied with your average life?” “it’s my problem if i want to pack up and run away…if i feel the need to hide” and the other half is about komaeda’s luck and how heavily it has affected his life before leading him to be accepted into hope’s peak (“one life pretending to be the cat who got the cream” “do i need to lie to make my way in life?” “nothing comes for free”) uh yea akskddgaksd)
never say never the animation—tkdz2b (this is just a transition to like. the udg/thh killing game shebang, nothing really important there)
e.v.o.l—marina (kamukoma nation rise,,,,just them (mostly servant) being Freaks™ together heheheheh,,, also like,,how basically junko’s influence turned them to the fucked up despair peeps they are!! (“it only takes a drop of evil to fuck up two beautiful people”,,,) :))
coming down—halsey (more kamukoma crumbs anyone??? basically komaeda worshipping kamukura and smex looolll. i imagine they encountered each other multiple times during and after udg (it’s canon i said so ansjddf :,))
game (prologue)
pixel galaxy—snail’s house (neo world program time babeyyyy)
welcome to dangan island—masafumi takada (what’s this weird rabbit thing?? we’re on an island now? ah! we’re meant to be collecting hope fragments?? this is totally normal and not a killing game right? right???)
beautiful rain (summer salt) —masafumi takada (relax! enjoy making friends (and potential love interests) on this lovey dovey school trip! :))
heart attack—loona (komaeda love at first sight bullshit like PLEASEEE (i will insert as many songs to convey my agenda as possible LMAO)
sugar rush—addison grace (komaeda’s pov, he’s only met hinata for two (2) seconds and already has a crush LMFAO also, assume that there’s been like a teensy bit of time (like two days) since they got here, it needs to have time to build up aksdkfgh my playlist my rules <3)
two time—jack stauber’s micropop (hinata’s pov, he also seems to be developing some feelings, but something seems…off? i wonder what it could possibly be…)
danganronpa super mix—masafumi takada (the killing game has begun blah blah blah you know the drill)
chapter 1
entropy—awkward mania (aka komaeda being a little shit pt 1, now in this intense situation, komaeda does his 180 and starts his descent, but it’s for hope so that’s fine :P (probably when he plans the murder set up))
ghost rule—deco*27 (komaeda’s antagonistic demeanour reveal to hinata and the others. he gets hinata to figure out his malice, if he “figured the (komaeda) he knew was just a sham”. he knows his crush? and the rest will likely dislike him from now, but needs to push on so that he’s able to assist them in overcoming any despair thrown at them)
you give love a bad name—bon jovi (hinata feels betrayed, poor bby ;( the person he once liked? (crushed on) and was kind enough to help him out during introductions and the investigation is now gone)
it should have been me—riproducer (more komaeda monologue bullshit,,,,basically saying that hinata should have chosen komaeda as the blackened and is now confused as to why hinata is mad at him. after all, all he wanted to do was lead the ultimates towards hope and combat despair, why is the one he considerably looked up to most so upset with him? oh well, now that komaeda is here to stay (potentially for now) now his pandora’s box opened, he warns hinata to keep a close eye on him unless he were to act out again….)
chapter 2 and chapter 3
pandora’s box—marina (hinata’s just hurt and confused by komaeda’s behaviour tbh, but like. fair. now he’s become like an enigma oooooohhh)
problems—mother mother (komaeda’s pov, him bad in the eyes of hinata, hinata good >:( and komaeda self deprecation™. he still loves hinata tho despite the killing game because that’s the totally normal response to all of this, i can’t really fit more here?? LOL maybe “tied up and branded, locked in a cage” can be a reference to THAT scene but like, yea that’s it ajsjsdfgh)
the outsider—marina (komaeda having a main character moment™, also, he KNOWS he’s unpredictable and hard to comprehend. uh oh)
inferno—reinaeiry (komaeda being a little shit pt 2, he wants to rile hinata up with some antagonistic flirting babeyyyy)
love trial—chano, 40mp (komaeda’s guilty of being in love (smh he should be he fell in love in a damn killing game :///) he still thinks he has a chance for hinata to love him back, while simultaneously helping him and MAKING THINGS DIFFICULT FOR HIM ansjdfghh (aka komaeda being a little shit pt 2) he also suspects hinata may like him back in some way but he’s just denying it 👀)
bodybag—chloe moriondo (hinata’s having conflicted feelings :// sometimes he wants to punch komaeda on the mouth with HIS mouth and sometimes he just wants to punch him)
vices and virtues—reinaeiry (kinda chapter 3 territory here. komahina narrative foils real?!?)
hermit the frog—marina (this one’s kinda iffy but eehhh, it’s a flip flop of pov’s between hinata and komaeda, first, hinata knows that komaeda can outsmart him, and is always one step head of him in the trials and it still annoys him akskddgg then it switches to komaeda (at: “well i, went to the doctors believing…”) when he’s got the liars disease and wants hinata to stay but is unable to do so (ya know THAT scene) (fun fact: this part was inspired by an animatic) then some lead up to early chapter 4 and more homoerotic tension blah blah blah. like i said, this one’s a bit hard to fit in with the timeline but the animatic part is what stuck to me keeping it in)
bizzare love triangle—new order (hinata looking back on ch 1 komahina times and missing it “why can’t we be ourselves like we were yesterday?” he’s scared of what’s gonna happen between them down the line)
chapter 4
no strings attached (enemies to lovers)—backseat vagabond (it’s when they’ve entered the fun house and takes place some days before the 4th murder. literally just (one sided) hate smex LMAO….that leads to some reignited feelings from hinata…?)
i forgot that you exist—yonkagor (the investigation is underway and komaeda has just met up with hinata and nanami after the final dead room stuff. komaeda finds out everything and treats hinata like utter garbage, they break up without even being together in the first place <\3 brocken)
backstabber—kesha (“I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!1!1!1” hinata feels betrayed again. he’s just like “wth man :(“ and komaeda is still a bitch ansndf)
fan behaviour—issac dunbar (komaeda’s just like “oh you hate me? cute <3” (condescending) and basically just talks down to him that now the “tables have turned” because komaeda used to look up to hinata and the others and basically saw himself as a loser and now THEY’RE all the losers lmao)
woke up—olivia olson, zuzu (hinata grows a pair and is basically just like “you know what, screw you you’re so annoying and literally no one likes you lol stfu” also candy kingdom=hope philosophy or whatever bajsjdfg)
wolf in sheep’s clothing—set it off (hinata just digging into komaeda (probably during the trial), he’s literally SO done with his shit, the wire is about to snap :,))
wishful drinking—tessa violet (komaeda character song, after the 4th trial, he knows he’s separated from the group now more than ever (visually i see him in his cottage, poison bottle in his hand, whilst intense staring commences) and he starts to set up for the beginning of the end…..)
chapter 5
smile—ukuletea (this is specifically during the free time event with komaeda at the military base, or lack there of, because if you try to talk to him, komaeda says something along the lines of “don’t worry about me, go talk with one of the others” with a smile on his face (hence “carry on by, i’ll see you off with a smile) it’s meant to be the final ‘normal’ encounter you have with him before what comes after. i imagine that just somehow, someway, komaeda still couldn’t let go of those lingering feelings for hinata, but knows he can’t go back to the way things were, so he’s instead pushing hinata even more away :()
冬のはなし (Fuyu no hanashi)—given (komahina duet, both are looking at their broken relationship, what they’ve lost, they’re both finding difficulty to move on and forget what happened between them, it’s meant to be a sad but bittersweet moment of clinging onto a small piece of hope that each one will still have some longing feeling there)
i just want to be the one you love—cryst (for this one i imagine that komaeda is listening to this on a record player in his cottage (don’t question it LMAO) more longing and loss for a love he can never have,,, ;()
oh ana—thquib, gumi (komaeda is conflicted :// he wants to become the ultimate hope by getting rid of the others (the remnants of despair) but he also hates having to find out this information because of what it means (from his perspective anyways). komaeda still clings onto his deep love for hinata even despite being the personification of his near opposing worldview, and is desperate for hinata to help him out of his turmoil)
bang!—ajr (now with his extremely antagonistic persona, komaeda explodes the lobby and threatens to blow up the rest of the island unless the traitor reveals themself)
crossing the line—mandy moore and eden espinosa (komahina duet, hinata says that komaeda has finally gone too far and begs for him to stop what he is doing, which komaeda refutes saying he will do anything it takes to see his plans be fulfilled, even if that means the others will see him as a complete monster for it)
nothing left to lose—jeremy jordan and eden espinosa (komahina duetttt, literally just a reiteration of same thing that’s explained in the song above (i TOLD you i like to insert as many songs as possible to convey the agenda LOL))
ready as i’ll ever be—tangled cast (another kmhn duet, hinata and the gang go to search for the hidden bombs komaeda has planted on the island, while komaeda goes to set up in the warehouse, both are preparing themselves for whatever may come next)
killer—the ready set (komaeda finally decides to let go of his feelings for hinata, as he will soon no longer be alive to still have them)
time is running out—muse (hinata is still searching for the bombs, and feels backed into a corner by komaeda’s actions, he feels komaeda has complete control in this situation, but is still somehow despite it all intrigued by him. it’s like it’s a car crash you can’t look away from )
again—crusher-p (komaeda’s lament pt 1, with a side of self torment and depreciation, he internally regrets how far he went with his antagonistic behaviour but it’s too late to go back)
eventually—tame impala (komaeda’s lament pt 2, with a side of regret and mourning, he truely believes that this is the only way out of this situation, and with that small lingering attachment of his feelings towards hinata, komaeda internally apologises for all the pain he has caused his one-sided (?) love, knowing his death will hopefully be the last time he gives hinata any grief, that he will eventually move on from komaeda,,,,)
sweet hibiscus tea—penelope scott (komaeda’s lament pt 3 with a side of dissasociation and questioning of what is reality (see: “the artificial way the sunlight bounces off the waxy leaves”) before the door opens to his demise)
arms tonite—mother mother (“i died in you armsssss” *cue dramatic komaeda dying in hinata’s arms scene*. it’s kinda like komaeda talking from beyond the grave, lol)
stuff is way—they might be giants (okay so that infamous makoto and junko animatic of the same song but replace those two with kmhn and the events that have happened over the course of the jabberwock killing school trip up til now. if you haven’t watched it pls do it’s so good)
karma—crusher-p (hinata has just been completely and utterly crushed by what has happened now. kinda like a stages of grief thing (he’s on denial and anger ansjddf) he thinks komaeda’s luck has finally failed him and got the karma that was coming to him: (a reference to the aforementioned wolf in sheep’s clothing)(but shhhh, he knows nothing yet)
all eyes on me—or3o (the chapter 5 trial, hinata basically just reflecting on komaeda’s actions, how he controlled and took centre stage during almost every previous trial and now it’s his turn to uncover the menacing truth komaeda left behind for him (salty salty aksndnfgg))
hidden in the sand—tally hall (after the chapter 5 trial, hinata mourns in his cottage once more and looks back on the time he and komaeda spent together during the prologue because those are good memories for him :,))
chapter 6
something changed—creepP (the epilogue to chapter 5 leading into the final chapter, when hinata and the remaining survivors are beginning to sense this island may not be what they’ve believed this whole time, with friends they’ve mourned suddenly appearing before them, their return to hopes peak, surrounded by glitched walls, unexpected jumps from room to room, and mangas outlining moments and events they can’t seem to remember,, in addition to monokuma’s strange behaviour, it’s easy to see that something isn’t quite right,,,,)
haze—tessa violet (inspired by another animatic of the same song, it’s hinata centric and centred around his feelings and thoughts as kamukura coming into light, and the subsequential transformation, featuring some tiny kmhn crumbs)
help me—or3o (chapter 6 trial, hinata’s pov. a final reflection of all that has occurred in the now world, also the official hinata was kamukura reveal. the inner voices of nanami and kamukura in addition to the help from the other survivors, pushing his determination to take down alter ego junko and create his own future (yeah these last few songs aren’t really kmhn centric but like. komaeda being unalivan’t doesn’t help with that ajsjdfgh))
white space—omori (ahhh this is just them getting out of the neo world, with the final walls crumbling and the venture into the unknown future ahead of them)
post game
it’s not the same anymore—rex orange county (hinata laments on how simple his life used to be, but now that’s something he can never turn back to, and he knows it. so, all he can do now is live with it and move on towards a better future with the help of his friends)
strange sight—kt tunstall (IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! to me this is like The komahina song Ever. this is once the survivors have woken up, and their comatose classmates have miraculously woken up, all except for one. hinata goes into the room with all the pods to set up the world destroyer program for komaeda, but before he does that, he looks down at the occupied pod, reflects once again on this boy, no not boy, man, this enigma, the fact that this is the one singular person in his life that has never been more interesting and confusing to him, and yet he still wants to understand him, understand him even more, wake him up so he can at last get closer to him the way he wished when they first met on that beach in the neo world>>>>>)
danganronpa 2.5 (komaeda and the world destroyer)
bitter choco decoration—syudou ((also known as: komaeda’s analysis hour) (komaeda’s perspective of his life and what he sees around him,,, komaeda has always wanted to help others instead of be helped, he tries not to hurt the ones he cares about,, he smiles and laughs with practiced ease, even if it means it’s at his own expense,,, after all, why should his classmates worry about him? he aims to praise and worship, telling them what they want to hear even if he doesn’t believe it himself because they display so much potential, so much hope, they don’t deserve to be upset or dragged down by his burdens . he will insert himself as a background character into each of their lives, and shut down his own significance in process)
i hate it here—quinn (komaeda’s artificial world,,, throughout living within the program, komaeda begins to slightly change his perspective of himself, he feels as though his luck is a complete waste of a talent and he’s becoming something he never wished to be, just another face in the crowd. rather, if he were in a more ideal world, talent wouldn’t matter much to him, his good luck rather helped those he cared about and the bad luck was instead given to himself, and he would maybe even have friends (even though they may be somewhat reluctant))
miss wanna die—jubyphonic (i see this as komaeda with the world destroyer, someone who feels somewhat familiar to him for a reason he can’t yet sustain, killing his friends and ruining his ‘perfect world’. when he meets world destroyer, komaeda knows it’s there for a specific reason, for some reason he senses and flashes back to a specific and stubborn presence continuously reaching out for him that for some reason feels that komaeda can’t continue to be in this coping mechanism world he has created for the rest of his sleeping life (i wonder who that is ajsjdfg). he realises that this is a dream he’s been living in and wishes to wake up and return to reality
絶対希望バースデ—megumi ogata (roll credits on 2.5 babey :))))
hope arc
connect—amalee (hinata’s pov, after looking at what remains of their wrecked and damaged world, clouded with loss, death, and desolate destruction, whilst observing komaeda from his personal nwp run in order to wake him, hinata gives himself a silent vow to always be by komaeda’s side, and to ensure they both can help each other recover within what remains of their despair-ridden world, and rebuild it together along with support from their friends and found family now matter how hard it may be)
心做し—akane (komaeda has woken up, hinata shows no anger, resentment or hate toward him and wonders why, he believes hinata should despise him with every fibre of his being after all the pain he had caused during the killing game, he doesn’t want hinata to be hurt by him again, so komaeda tries to push him away once more, but hinata just holds him and comforts him as komaeda cries into his shoulder)
strange sight reprise—kt tunstall (hinata comforts komaeda some more, finally being able to understand him just a little (only a little, for now, he thinks. a small success regardless) he tells komaeda that he still believes him to be a good person because hinata knows komaeda genuinely cares about him and the others in his own (quirky) way
that distant shore—jennifer paz (hhhhhh komaeda has internal hope for resolution and recovery, with the inclination that he’s no longer alone now that hinata and him are getting along again,,,sorry LMAO kinda brain dead rn to think of anything else to say here)
flaws—bastille (hinata takes at look at his and komaeda’s flaws: komaeda’s being his luck, something he’s always had to live with, how it’s affected him, affected others and how he’s never hidden the fact that he believed his luck to be a burden to him. meanwhile hinata’s flaw was his feeling towards talent, his lack there of and how that ultimately led him to forever changing his life, he hated his flaws so much that he wanted to bury them as deep as possible, so others wouldn’t see how easily they were able to control his emotions. and now, after all they’ve been through, they are able to live with the flaws they have and use them to better understand each other)
our life—fat bard (some time after hope arc, hinata’s pov, the remnants of despair are now living on the island that was once an artificial nightmare. despite the tragedy, jabberwock almost looks to be returning into a peaceful paradise again. things have begun to change: structures being rebuilt, the sky returning blue with time, crimes slowly being forgiven and bonds being formed (wink wink nudge nudge). days and months come and go, the remnants have made peace that they will be potentially spending the rest of their lives here.
sunkissed—khai dreams (peaceful jabberwock dayze, komaeda’s pov. the feelings of his crush that he first had on the very same island from forever ago have returned tenfold, hinata has gotten closer to him and there’s a feeling of reciprocation there, but he’s to scared to confess to hinata just yet, he’s pining :()
walk but in the garden—llusion, mxmtoon (moar peaceful jabberwock dayze. hinata’s pov. him spending time with komaeda doing mundane things, hanging out and having fun despite being isolated from the rest of the world. they’ve managed to find their own peace here :))
still into you—paramore (omgggg confession time, the time has finally come!! :D aka: despite everything, it’s still you……and they were narrative foils and now they’re in love (omg they were narrative foils and now they’re in love))
come what may—nicole kidman and ewan mcgregor (komahina duetttttt *singing with intensity* “SUDDENLY MY LIFE DOESN’T SEEM SUCH A WASTE, IT ALL REVOLVES AROUND YOUUUU” each one at the beginning of their lives were shrouded with a feeling of being someone who is so worthless, one because of their talent, and the other because they lacked talent,,,but now they have both found someone they love and cherish, and make them feel their life is worth living for what remains until the end of time HHHHHHHH)
good old-fashioned lover boy—queen (kmhn marriage!! preparations….they write their vows and celebrate with their friends and kiss….yeas…)
me and my husband—mitski (pretty self explanatory ahsjdjdfg. komaeda’s pov btw)
AND WE’RE FINALLY DONE!! oof that took a while lmaooo, there’s more i could probably expand on in some songs but my brain hurts aaahhh
also take note that these songs are subject to change, i may take some out if i find a better replacement but what i have here now is just what i think fits best at the time!! i know it’s not perfect ajsjdfg and if you had some alternative songs, or new ones to potentially add please feel free to share!! but once again thank you so much! to think something i did self indulgently and as a joke became something people genuinely like makes my happy! :)
edit: as of writing this, i have replayed the playlist and taken some songs out that either didn’t quite fit or were too repetitive, but as i said, it’s subject to change :))
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mooflettes · 1 year
Never wishing her a happy birthday again fr💀
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koizumicchi · 2 years
新時代 (FT4 feat. LIP×LIP) English Translation
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新時代  Shin Jidai  New Era 
FT4 feat. LIP×LIP Vocals: YUI, RIO, Aizou, Yuujirou
sample track german tl (short ver.) by kido
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
かませワンパンKill 古き時代よお別れだ 沈んどけ ここに宣言しよう 新時代の幕が開ける 騒ごうぜ
Kamase wanpan kill Furuki jidai yo owakare da Shizun doke Koko ni sengen shiyou Shin jidai no maku ga akeru Sawagou ze
Throw a one punch to KILL Say farewell to the old era It has come to an end Let us proclaim it here A new era is dawning Let’s make some noise
いつまでいんの?つかえてんの そろそろどいてくれませんかね? あぐらかいて睨んでいても 飽きられたスキル古過ぎるルール
Itsumade in no? Tsukaeten no Sorosoro doite kuremasen ka ne? Agura kaite nirandeite mo Akirareta sukiru furu sugiru rule
How long are you going to feel the pressure? Can you please move out of the way now? Even if you’re glaring and sitting cross-legged Skills that are boring and rules that are too old
まじつまんねぇ指図いらねぇ 期待とかクソくらえ戦え 実力主義舐めすぎ ステージで転ぶマイクもドロップ
Maji tsuman nee sashizu iranee Kitai toka kuso kurae tatakae Jitsuryoku shugi name sugi Sutēji de korobu maiku mo doroppu
Ever so boring, I don’t need such kind of orders Expectations are bullshit; cram it down and fight Poke too much fun at meritocracy  Tumble on stage and drop the mic
歌え喉が焼けるまで 踊れ身体果てるまで 時代は乾いて俺ら欲してる 目を合わせたら喧嘩しようぜ
Utae nodo ga yakeru made Odore karada hateru made Jidai wa kawaite orera hoshiteru Me o awasetara kenka shiyou ze
Sing, until our voices are hoarse Dance, until our bodies are exhausted to the bone The times are wilting and we want it to Let’s butt heads once our eyes meet
かませワンパンKill 古き時代よお別れだ 沈んどけ ここに宣言しよう 新時代の幕が開ける 騒ごうぜ
Kamase wanpan Kill Furuki jidai yo owakare da Shizun doke Koko ni sengen shiyou Shin jidai no maku ga akeru Sawagou ze
Throw a one punch KILL Say farewell to the old era It has come to an end Let us proclaim it here A new era is dawning Let’s make some noise
いつでも競い合ってぶつかり合って 遠ざけ合って落ちてって 必要だって確かめ合って 命を預け生きていく
Itsudemo kisoiatte butsukari atte Tōzake atte ochitette Hitsuyō datte tashikameatte Inochi o azuke ikiteiku
Always competing with one another, and clashing Keeping at a distance, falling down Because it is essential, checking on each other Continue to live and entrust your life (to us)
イロモノ扱いされてたって 記憶から消せないお前の負け 粋がってたって泣いて逃げてけ 怪我させる前に謝るわ sorry
Iromono atsukai sarete tatte Kioku kara kesenai omae no make Iki gatte tatte naite nigeteke Kegaseru mae ni ayamaru wa sorry
Though you dress it with colorful fabrics  You can’t erase the defeat from your memory No matter how you try to act brave, you cry and run away I apologize with a sorry before I hurt you
喧嘩売ってしらを切って 被害者ぶってるそこのアンチ 見せてくれんなその面 明日には忘れてるけどな bye bye
Kenka utte shira o kitte Higaisha butteru soko no anchi Misete kuren na sono tsura Ashita ni wa wasureteru kedo na bye bye
Looking for a fight, playing innocent Behaving like victims, the antis over there Don’t show that side to us We’ll forget it tomorrow though, bye bye
壊せないものなどない 届かないことなどない 未来は必ず俺ら欲してく 目を合わせたら喧嘩しようぜ
Kowase nai mono nado nai Todokanai koto nado nai Mirai wa kanarazu orera hoshiteku Me wo awasetara kenka shiyou ze
There is nothing that cannot be destroyed There is nothing that cannot be reached We desire the future for sure Let’s butt heads once our eyes meet
放て弾丸Kill 急所一撃お別れだ 沈んどけ 示せ新世代 生きるか死ぬか賭けようぜ チェックメイト
Hanate dangan Kill Kyūsho ichigeki owakare da Shizun doke Shimese shin sedai Ikiru ka shinu ka kakeyou ze Chekkumeito
Fire a bullet to KILL A blow to the vitals; farewell to you It has come to an end A new generation is emerging Let’s gamble whether we live or die Checkmate
気づけ敵わねえって弱すぎだって 話にだってなりゃしねぇ 俺達だけは特別だって 残念だったな諦めな
Kidzuke kanawanētte yowa sugi datte Hanashi ni datte narya shinee Oretachi dake wa tokubetsu datte Zannen datta na akirame na
We can’t make enemies, for they are too weak And they are just all talk Because only we are exceptional Such a shame for you, just give up
聞こえているか? 揺らせているか? 細胞までも喜んでるか? 肌で伝わる 考えるな感じろ 始まる伝説 語り継いでけ
Kikoeteiru ka? Yuraseteiru ka? Saibō made mo yorokonderu ka? Hada de tsutawaru Kangaeru na kanjiro Hajimaru densetsu Kataritsuide ke
Can you hear it? Are you wavering? Are you happy down to your cells? Convey it with your body Don’t think, feel A beginning legend Pass it on
嘆いていても進めないから 運命は置いていく 同情なんかされてたまるか 俺たちは
Nageiteite mo susumenai kara Sadame wa oiteiku Dōjō nanka sarete tamaru ka Oretachi wa
We cannot move forward even if we mourn Leave fate behind There’s no way we’ll sympathize  We...
かませワンパンKill 古き時代よお別れだ 沈んどけ ここに宣言しよう 新時代の幕が開ける 騒ごうぜ
Kamase wanpan Kill Furuki jidai yo owakare da Shizun doke Koko ni sengen shiyou Shin jidai no maku ga akeru Sawagou ze
Throw a one punch KILL Say farewell to the old era It has come to an end Let us proclaim it here A new era is dawning Let’s make some noise
いつでも競い合ってぶつかり合って 遠ざけ合って落ちてって 必要だって確かめ合って 命を預け生きていく
Itsudemo kisoiatte butsukari atte Tōzake atte ochitette Hitsuyō datte tashikameatte Inochi o azuke ikiteiku
Always competing with one another, and clashing Keeping at a distance, falling down Because it is essential, checking on each other Continue to live and entrust your life (to us)
歌おうぜ 踊れ この歌で 沈め
Utaou ze Odore Kono uta de Shizume
Sing, Dance, And with this song Fall under
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spidermilkshake · 9 months
Dangan Island: White Rabbits, Black Rabbits (Chapter 1)
Dong Romper... Dangit Grandpa... Dongusrongus... whatever joke nickname you wanna give it, Danganronpa took m' brain and inspired me to write a bit of fun Island Mode-like AU for my favored game in the series.
Starring Not-kuya Twogami/the Ultimate Imposter as the principle POV, since I love them and they are such a drastically underrated character. Also I think my writing, uh, improves on some of the iffy things that appear in Dangan stuffs, or at least steers them and represents them in a more appropriate way. Of course teens are awkward horny weirdos sometimes--maybe doesn't excuse fanservice and going waaaay too far with the stereotyping. Ain't no saints--but don't condone their bullshit, and be sure to show their development and their good side!
Content Warnings: Bickering and Cursing on par with what appears in the game!
Word count: ~5000
Chapter 1
Jabberwock Islands
(Super-Early Morning, Summer 2012)
It had been a bizarre week already, stranded on this archipelago of eternal summertime, but when nothing more bizarre than the appearance of the creature half-Magical Girl and half-rabbit as the full situation came to pass most of the class were able to drop their tensions. Going about the business of living in the confines of this “vacation” was really all each of them could do, and all most of them wanted to do now that their suspicions were reduced and tucked towards the backs of their minds.
The heavyset person bearing the appearance and dignified airs of Byakuya Togami, however, was still skeptical—and restless. Thick arms crossed over his puffed-up chest, half-supported by prickly-tense shoulders and the other half by propping atop the sizable stomach; sheathed in the sparkling white and smooth-ivory suit and slacks, it was a wonder he didn’t roast in such an outfit inappropriate for this climate. And yet he seemed stoic and unfazed as he paced along the pathway alongside the beachfront. His destination lay ahead, beyond a stand of tropical broadleaf shrubs towards the flat, elevated rocky end of the coast. It was a place where none of the others had cause to go—explicitly the reason for his coming here just as the fingers of reddish dawn were creeping in from the east. It would no do for Byakuya Togami to be seen behaving as he was about to—both because the Byakuya Togami did not apparently perform any such regular exercises, and if he somehow did he would not be caught dead doing so by “mere commoners”.
Satisfied he had no witnesses, his stony expression dropped and his shoulders loosened—the change in attitude seeming to almost carve a few inches from his height. Loosening up further, he took a deep breath and began to stretch; arms over, arms across, arms down until his fingers were planted flat against the ground. Shifting position with great ease and poise for his size, all his weight gathered over one side and balanced there as his other leg floated up to point out in a perfect perpendicular angle. Held—then gently planted down again—then switching sides—repeating the motions dozens of times until satisfactorily warmed up. For those first few days, he’d opted not to undergo this practice, loathe to exert any energy in the event things turned dire and he might have to use the gargantuan strength (and sheer momentum) he’d cultivated. By now, though, it would be far worse to put this off and risk falling out of practice. A few more basic strengthening motions should be enough to build up an appetite for breakfast…
It was either the zen-like focus of his exercises or the intrusive fantasizing about the Hanamura-made breakfast waiting in the near future, but either way as he braced his heels far apart and began to ease down into the more difficult stretches he missed the dull rustling of the shrubs and ferns. A horned, maned, electrically-hued head popped around the bend in the footpath and gasped aloud at the sight:
“Whoooa, Booyakasha?” Ibuki shrieked in both surprise and joy, “I had no idea you could do a split!”
The sudden voice and intrusion sent a jolt through him, and in an instinctual jerk of the neck to face the one barging in on his privacy he mistakenly dropped down the remaining few inches into the split—what would have been a perfect split, but by the sharp stings shooting through his hamstrings he knew right away only looked perfect.
“Oof, aww, shit!” the Ultimate Musician put her hands up to her mouth before scuttling towards him, “You okay? I’m so so sorry—I didn’t mean to freak you out!” She sucked some air through her teeth on glancing down, “Shit, that’s like… rock you’re on…”
“Yes,” he grunted, supporting himself with his hands to try and stymie the pain in his legs, “I am very aware of that…” He struggled a moment longer to get his feet back under him, failed, and cast a long-suffering glare over to Ibuki. This would break character a bit, but he didn’t see any less embarrassing choices, “…Ahem, um… could you give me a hand?”
She lent him two, grabbing onto one be-suited forearm and heaving gamely. Her help was marginal despite its eager spirit, but it still did the trick and the Ultimate Imposter brought their mountainous bulk back up to a proud stance. Ibuki had yanked with so much of her strength she almost pitched backward once he was upright—stopped by her own scrambling reflexes and his hand clasping an elbow before she could fall.
“Hmph…” Crossing his arms once more, he tried to avoid looking too naturally embarrassed and instead donned the emotional mask of the Ultimate Affluent Progeny—stiff, as if trying to ignore that he was ever affected in the first place, “So, you’ve taken to snooping around in the early morning now, have you?”
“Ah! I don’t snoop, big guy!” She clicked her tongue, “And this is a path! I’m walking on it! I have every right to see you out here if you’re just, like, out here.”
“At 6:45 a.m.?” he huffed, quirking up an eyebrow.
“I was bored!” She twirled in place, seeming soothed by the waves of motion through her hair, “Hardly anyone else is up this early!”
“And you are?” The eyebrow ticked up higher, “Do you ever sleep?”
“Of course I sleep!” She snorted, “… sometimes.”
“…You couldn’t sleep, could you?”
“Well! Well! No.” She gave a defeated groan, “I get all caught up in what I’m doin’ and lose track of time…”
The Imposter eyed her throughout as she fidgeted, fighting to keep his expression from turning too worried. “Have you considered seeing Mikan about that?”
“Aww, but it’s not serious!”
“You need sleep, Mioda,” he retorted sternly, “Not sleeping is about as bad as not eating. Just consider getting her opinion on this, won’t you?”
“Sure, sure—I can’t say no to you!” She relented and then threw herself into an enthusiastic hug upon the bulwark of the Imposter’s flank, who tried not to react much aside from a disgruntled “tsk!” in Togami’s voice. “And speaking of eating—I thought I sneefed up some of Teruteru’s cooking on the way out here—we gotta get back there before everyone grabs up all the best stuff!”
“I agree…” he smirked, “Come on, let go of me. Come on, try to keep up!”
As expected, aside from Teruteru himself, they were still among the few already awake at this hour to roll into Hotel Mirai’s second floor restaurant. There was a wafting, pleasant odor flowing all throughout, forming a trail back towards the open kitchen doors where the plump little Ultimate Chef was practicing his art—half-humming and half-crooning along to something which the lyrics were fortunately indiscernible from a small radio. Nekomaru sat quietly at the larger table that most of the class tended to share, steepling his fingers as if praying for favor from the G.I. Gods through the steam of a mug of green tea. Similarly oriented to morning hours was Mahiru, sitting close by and alternately sipping a tall, creamy espresso-containing beverage and picking like a bird at one half of a toasted roll spread with something deep brown and smooth. The other half lay ignored amongst a rolled omelet and pair of nori sheafs also on her plate. Her general aversion to “overeating” was observable on her petite frame as well—even down to her birdleg-skinny fingers and wrists which she fiddled with the setting dials on the DSLR camera she kept secured to a strap about her neck. That she’d chosen any protein at all was probably only due to joining the Ultimate Team Manager so early; while he was busy psyching himself up for an attempt at something as simple as rice. It was really a wonder someone as huge and muscular as he was could stay such a shape with insides so prone to revolt, but he somehow did it and then bore it with the expected bundle of (shameless) grace.
With little fuss and no further observations, the Ultimate Imposter took the place across from the larger teenager and focused on the tabletop’s occupants. Ibuki, of course, stuck to his side like an electrifying tick and began chattering animatedly with Koizumi.
“G’ morning my big dapper daddy, an’ my beautisimous Anarchy Queen!” Teruteru’s exaggeratedly suave greeting piped over the conversation, dancing over to the table to unload two freshly-finished platters stacked with many single serving bowls as well as a multi-liter serving pot filled with steaming rice and savory miso, respectively. “More of th’ basics for y’all—the fancier stuff’ll be done in a minute!”
“I would prefer you not call me that,” the Imposter grumbled, his reprimand half-hearted at the appearance of hot starch within his reach. Ibuki clicked her chopsticks together rhythmically and grinned.
“I think it’s cute!”
“… The heir to the Togami family fortune is not… ‘cute’.”
“Alrighty, alrighty, be modest,” she giggled, then shot a dirty look over to Mahiru, and especially to her odd grimacing expression upon hearing the Musician’s praise. Of course the subject of the less-than-flattering reaction paid no mind to it, favoring an attack on the supply of calories in front of him. Shortly afterwards, the chef sauntered back in to deliver two more platters—one of strips of bonito grilled to perfection, and the other of onigiri with a stack of additional nori sheets in case anyone wanted more. As if awakened by the scent of more complex dishes, a notably bleary-looking Kazuichi stumbled in, followed by a far more collected Chiaki and Hiyoko (who seemed alert but still radiating an aura of salt—perhaps due to being too short of continue watching over the Ultimate Gamer’s shoulder on the way to breakfast).
“Hey,” Chiaki mumbled over the jingle of her game saving its progress, barely giving any of the others time to respond to her presence before she was scooping up a pair of onigiri and wolfing them down. Hiyoko’s nose crinkled up at the sight of seaweed and plucked up bonito and rice instead.
“Ack… where the hell’s the caffeine..?” Souda gestured vaguely towards Nekomaru, who grunted.
“Wouldn’t know. Tea’s over there, though.”
“Tea’s… caffeine, right?”
Nekomaru’s eyebrows twitched, “… is it?”
“Black tea, for sure—” Teruteru popped up again, flashing a fan of tea packets as if they were cash, “Pick one of these—they’re th’ quality stuff.”
“No coffee?” the Ultimate Mechanic whined, and the plump little chef suddenly seemed to go rigid with indignation.
“From that supermarket? That coffee?! The instant coffee?!” His slim arms wheeled as if smacking down the demons of low-effort cheapness, “I ain’t servin’ that dirt-flavored swill from my kitchen, in my dinin’ room, nowhere to do with me! You want one o’ those cups o’ mud, you get it yourself!”
“Ugh, man…”
“You could always try a very strongly brewed English Breakfast tea and then add some cinnamon to it,” a pleasant and poised voice enunciated from behind him, causing a cascade of instant changes to Souda’s posture and awakeness, “It is almost coffee-like, and will indeed wake you up.”
“Oh!” Kazuichi flashed an awkward grin, “I should try that, Miss Sonia! You’re so smart!”
“Hurry up and get a seat,” Hiyoko nudged the Princess, “Before Akane gets up and pigs up everything.”
“Oh, but I doubt Hanamura would ever let us starve.” Sonia said with a sweet, innocent-seeming smile as she perched beside the tiny dancer. Teruteru produced his comb from somewhere and began to preen himself, narrow chest puffing up. Souda growled under his breath, steeping his tea much more aggressively.
By the time the later-risers all trickled in—the dozy but ravening Akane coming in dead-last—the Ultimate Imposter placed down their newly emptied 7th bowl of rice and sighed. Thankfully, Mioda had not felt at all compelled to spill about the secret activities she’d witnessed, and was instead embroiled in a multi-party argument about what to do about the four islands they’d left unexplored—fearing what might be waiting there would be a lot less hospitable than on this initial “home base”.
“Couldn’t your ham—er, devas go and check that next island out and report back?” Hajime made the suggestion as mildly as he could to Gundham Tanaka, who sat broodily on the edge of the group, appearing to have all his attention taken up by feeding strips of nori and small pieces of celery to the tame rodents in question. The impression of aloofness was false; shooting the far plainer boy an indirect look, Tanaka lifted up Maga-Z in a scooped palmful.
“Indeed, they could. But reconnaissance as simple as this would be wasted on creatures of such power…”
“Um…” Mahiru gave the little hamster, sitting upright on Gundham’s hand and cleaning his whiskers, a mind-boggled stare, “Power… right…”
“They’re hamsters,” Hiyoko frowned, exasperated, “How would they be smart enough to even tell what they’d found if it wasn’t seeds of some other shitty rat-food?”
Gundham’s usual glare deepened: “Be thankful that my devas have already received their morning offerings!” He smirked, patting Jum-P on the head gently, “Mortals have become cursed for less…”
“They’re so well-trained, Hiyoko,” Sonia murmured to her, “Have you not seen them? Yesterday Gundham showed me how he could command them to get our frisbee back down from the roof! Do you remember it?”
“Yes…” Hiyoko pouted. She had a difficult time punching down when Sonia was around, since the Ultimate Princess never seemed fazed or to even remark upon the spite dripping from the dancer’s quips—always ready with a poised deflection that stopped the snide comments from pumping up her tiny ego as hoped.
“Hmph… On the bright side if the hamsters don’t come back we’ll know there’s something dangerous over there…” Souda muttered, “… or a hawk.”
“Shame on you!” Ibuki scolded, slapping the top of his hand with a half-eaten nori slip, “Have faith in our Ham-stars! We all know you’re jealous because she loves them cute little animals.”
“I am not jealous of rodents!”
“We know.” The Imposter said dryly. “We all know who you’re actually jealous of. For everyone’s benefit though, try not to wish harm on him either.”
“Why don’cha just let me run over there and scope it out?” Akane interrupted while cracking her knuckles. “If I run into trouble I’ll just deck it.”
“No,” the Imposter shot the idea down right away, even faster than Nekomaru could make his objection, “No one should go anywhere unexplored alone… No, with no fewer than a group of three to be safe.” He set down his empty tea mug, “If any of us do end up going to the second island, I will insist on being part of that group.”
“Okay, but if there’s a fight waiting I wanna come too—” Akane retorted, “I can still deck it!”
“If anyone or anything needs their ass kicked, we gotta be there too,” the Ultimate Yakuza, taking up two chairs by propping up his crossed legs, volunteered along with Pekoyama’s confident nod. One glance at the most well-armed among them was enough to dissipate all potential argument.
“And that should only be necessary if Gundham doesn’t get anything conclusive, right?” Chiaki asked, a flicker of uncharacteristic concern flashing through her normally cool, unbothered eyes. Something about it seemed… suddenly too aware to him, and the Imposter watched her face as he gave a nod of confirmation.
“If Tanaka is willing to try,” he glanced towards the Ultimate Animal Breeder, careful to keep his eye contact on the hamsters instead of the human he addressed, “Are you up for sending them over the bridge?”
Gundham made a sharp series of clicks with his tongue and lowered one arm into a ramp up to his shoulders—the four creatures scampered up with military formation and adroitness, up into their concealed spaces: “They shall heed my orders posthaste! Each shall return from the forbidden lands with a portent of what lies there—good, or evil.”
“Amazing…” The Imposter almost jumped at the dull, spacey voice. He had almost forgotten Nagito was present. Hajime certainly had, as the most off-putting boy had decided to silently take up the seat right next to him without his knowledge. The amnesiac scooted strongly away, almost bracing himself against Fuyuhiko’s second chair as Komaeda let out a low chuckle.
“And Komaeda—I have something that you need to do as well.” The Imposter leaned in, snapping back into a more Byakuya-esque, demanding tone.
“Really?” His eyes sparkled, in the way that errant, housefire-inspiring sparks from a faulty radiator might, “Our leader has a task for the likes of me?”
“Yes. You’re going to stay a long way from anyone having anything to do with the exploration.”
“You know it’s safer that way.”
“Of course!” And Nagito recovered with a smile, “Well, I can just stick with Hajime. Heh, maybe we’ll get lucky and discover something we missed on this island.”
The Imposter was relieved. Nagito always seemed like there was a bit of a restless, almost mischievous nature buried under the lax, self-deprecating mannerisms; at the very least this way he had agreed to listen and would be chaperoned by a more trustworthy classmate. Though… glancing past Nagito and catching the exasperated flinch that briefly crossed poor Hajime’s face, he did feel briefly guilty for saddling the poor kid with this duty. Still—one of them being uncomfortable for a few hours was better than risking the Rube Goldberg’s Machine type of bodily harm to their whole group that was exponentially more likely the closer the Ultimate Luck approached…
The sun was cresting the top of the distant air control tower when the gathering of interested parties commenced. The soft, grassy areas on the side of the cracked, rutted paths of the Central Island leading up to the bridge was ideal to shelter from the approaching noon sun under palms and thick, flowering tropical shrubs. Teruteru had taken it upon himself to lug along a cooler full of fruit flavor popsicles and chilled canned drinks while enlisting the Imposter to carry his larger cooler of sandwiches he’d prepared (in case anyone got peckish while waiting).
The bridge loomed. While a cordoned-off area, the rope barring entry was such that, except at its low center, Hiyoko could have lightly ducked under it with no problem. Facing it now, the Imposter wondered if that perplexing rabbit character (robot?) that periodically barged in on them would really block off something truly dangerous with such a weak measure—either out of malice or plain incompetence. Those who’d opted to take this risk had all gathered: Himself, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Akane, and Mikan in the event injuries were sustained. They’d all clustered behind where Gundham was at work preparing his larger-than-life rodent companions for their recon mission. Sonia crouched close by, cooing her best wishes to the hamsters and unaware of how incredibly bashful it was making their keeper. Nekomaru and Mahiru sat in the shade not far from where Teruteru was fussing over his accommodations, ready to be back-up help should their classmates end up needing help.
“Wish the damn park had a bathroom…” the huge man grumbled, his tension not lost on the Ultimate Photographer even though his voice was casual. Mahiru cleared her throat a bit.
“Yeah… it’s a very bad public facilities policy.” She pushed a small baggie of toilet paper and sealable plastic bags from behind her, “I put this together in case of emergency. Honestly, if whoever owns or maintains this place didn’t want poop in the bushes, then they should’ve put in a little restroom building like most parks…”
“Whoa!” Nekomaru relaxed, “Geez, thanks for thinking ahead! It’s been a while since someone did somethin’ like that.”
“No problem,” Mahiru sat up, properly folding her hands over her bent knees, “There’s no excuse for no public restroom. Someone has to plan for this kind of thing… and honestly, f… fuck ‘em for not planning well.”
As Nekomaru’s jovial cackles faded into echoes, Gundham whispered a few final commands down to his Four Dark Devas of Destruction’s ears—each now equipped with a tiny bandolier of sunflower seeds, small nails and a hairpin like teeny pitons and lockpicking devices. The lineup of attentive hamsters broke their formation and took to the bridge, hopping easily over to gaps in the wood and metal beams. The Ultimate Breeder stood and faced the waiting group:
“My Devas shall return on the next hour—earlier if they encounter a truly terrible opponent.”
It was really only a matter of time: Sonia and Gundham waited right by the end of the bridge for signs of the clever hamsters’ return, occasionally chatting back and forth but both remaining quite serious. As the sun inched higher, Mikan with a flustered authority ordered a set of the popsicles be passed around—each according to their preferred flavor—to keep hydrated and cool. Despite some backchat from Fuyuhiko before he ultimately settled for the sourest flavor, everyone had a pleasant moment to blow off the heat and stress while seated in the palm shade.
It was when Gundham jolted into a ramrod-straight posture that anyone knew his dutiful scouts had completed their mission; San-D, thirsty from the long run back, had grabbed at his half-finished lemon popsicle and began licking at it with great ferocity. At the round rodent’s feet was a grubby receipt, crumpled and punctured in a few places by hamster fangs.
“Aha!” Gundham scooped up the hamster, popsicle and all, into both hands, “Supernova Silver Fox San-D! You have returned with nary a scratch! I implore you—show us your spoils!”
San-D finished melting a few more licks of the sugary treat first, but did indeed follow the command given. The little hamster grabbed up the old receipt and with both paws stretched it out so that much of it could be read easily by “mortal eyes”.
“I’m not sure… I can fully read the runes here,” Sonia said awkwardly. Peko leaned over, instantly groaning at the tremendous mundanity of the paper’s contents.
“It’s a receipt from a diner, I think,” she said with two fingers over the bridge of her nose, “Not mainstream, more likely a family restaurant or something.”
“San-D must’ve been hungry!” Sonia cooed, petting the smooth fur while the hamster posed in pride, “Now at least we know there’s a source of food over there!”
“I think I see another,” the Imposter said mid-squint, and the tan-and-white form hopping over the bridge’s gaps grew larger. Maga-Z, followed a minute later by Jum-P, came up to Gundham with pieces of paperwork clenched in their teeth, only slightly punctured.
“What’s it say?” Fuyuhiko poked over the Ultimate Breeder’s shoulder, who shushed and thrust out an arm for space. After a few moments of anticipation, Gundham turned to the group and held out the two raggedy papers as if antique curse scrolls.
“Maga-Z has recovered this from the far southern point of that island,” he explained, “And Jum-P has traveled from the northern-central area to bring us this—if I may say so immediately, it is clearly a script given along with a prescription medicine.”
“There must be a pharmaceutical facility over there to have that,” Mikan wavered. “P-probably a more populated island?”
“Maybe not so populated now…” Akane growled, “With the state of the hotel and especially the airport. And with that farm and market on our island, what’re the odds no one in the past week wanted fresh eggs or gummy candy at least? What that stupid rabbit thing said is just getting creepier and creepier…”
“If it turns out there is anyone else on these islands, I highly doubt any would be too bothered by these… barriers,” the Imposter frowned, “especially on such small islands. It could be the only market like ours is here, and the only pharmacy on this second island. I think it’s now safe to assume that this Usami character is right. We are the only people here, for better or worse.”
Gundham plucked up the other paper from the hamster’s little paws, though it was really more of a piece of cardstock. He looked confused, and passed it to Sonia, who gasped.
“Oh, it is, ah… not a ‘library card’, but, um…” She peered back over to Mahiru and Mikan who were studying it over her shoulders, “…what are these things called? The cards you get in the books at libraries?”
“U-uh…” Mikan thought about it, blanking hard on any sort of consistent name for the things.
“I’m not sure they have a name,” Koizumi frowned, “but we know what you’re talking about. Does it have a date stamp on it?”
“No, it is blank,” Sonia looked down. “But Maga-Z must have found a library! Where else would he get an unused card like this?”
“A pharmacy, a restaurant, and a library…” Pekoyama mused, “It almost seems as if each new island is outfitted with a few different facilities. I’m not sure I like how empty is all is in light of that.”
“Well—yeah, that makes it all even more weird as fuck,” Fuyuhiko crossed his arms, “Either these ain’t the real Jabberwock Islands and fake setups with nobody ever being here before us… Or somethin’ happened to the population to make it zero.”
“Indeed…” Gundham narrowed his eyes, “That rabbit… such creatures’ capacity for violence and aggression is commonly underestimated. The Bunny is, in reality, one of Nature’s most vicious beasts…”
“U-um… speaking of things that aren’t here…” Mikan peeped through the others’ speculations with her fingers linking and fidgeting together, “Don’t you have a f-fourth hamster..?”
“Ah,” Gundham stared long and hard back across the bridge, towards the large outline of an imposing building which stood tall enough to form part of the island’s horizon, “Invading Black Dragon Cham-P I sent specifically to seek out that foreboding fortress visible even from here. His divine intellect is most suited to that task…” He tweaked his scarf slightly, menacing aura faltering a bit, “… though he, um, is not a creature to be hurried.”
This was no understatement. Minutes rolled on, with Tanaka anxiously cradling the other three devas in the folds of his scarf, until Akane gave a shout that she could see a chubby, round, golden-brown ball ambling towards them. When the hamster finally made it to his master, everyone noticed right away that Cham-P lacked any kind of paper scraps or other recovered objects. As the critter entered the circle of confused observers, he went rigid and stood up on his hind legs, as if waiting for attention.
“What’s it… doing?” Mahiru said. The Imposter, however, was not perplexed for long as the small animal began to scratch and scrape at the sandy ground—watching as defined markings began to appear. Cham-P finally scuttled back from his work with a few proud wiggles of his fat cheeks.
“It says ‘mirai’,” Togami’s voice declared, earning a surprised gasp from Mikan and a few hums of understanding from the others gathered around, “just like the name of the hotel.”
“…Does that mean there’s another hotel over there?” Nekomaru wondered, but the Imposter shook his head.
“I doubt it. It’s more likely that the Future theme is a name in common across multiple institutions on these islands…” Even as they heard the words leave their mouth something about it gave him a shudder; he shelved the thought for when he was not surrounded by the others.
“Oh… like how things keep gettin’ called ‘Jabberwock’ here!” Akane pieced together, prompting Fuyuhiko to give the ground an annoyed scuff.
“Island’s called that,” he groused, “fuckin’ idiot…”
“It does not appear Cham-P was able to enter that ominous building,” Sonia said while tickling his cheeks, “But also, none of them ran into any trouble. Perhaps the next island is truly empty except for buildings.”
“It should be safe to explore in our group then,” Peko nodded, “so long as we take it slowly and look out for each other.”
“Try to keep out of the way of that rabbit thing as well. I wouldn’t doubt she may try to hold us up if she has different ideas for our time here…” The Imposter added, straightening up and squaring his stance. “Tanaka, Nevermind—let the others know what we’ve found out. And let everyone know we’re on our way to the second island.”
Understanding the commands, the hamsters took off towards the hotel first after giving a series of tiny salutes. Surprised for a second, Gundham fell into stride behind them, with Sonia joyfully following in the part hominid, part rodent parade. He adjusted Byakuya’s glasses on his nose, giving himself a moment to comprehend that the Ultimate Breeder’s pets themselves comprehended human language (much less would opt to obey an order from someone who wasn’t Tanaka). Snapping out of it, he strode to lead the group towards the bridge and gripped the loose cord barring passage—
“Here, let me—”
“—get that… off there… for you…?” Akane trailed off into bewildered silence, ogling the chunky fist clenched around the snapped-off bracket.
“That won’t be necessary,” he brushed her off, tossing aside the coil of rope along with the busted metal ring which had secured it in place against the bridge’s railing. “Let’s go—follow me.”
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Dangan-FuckThis: Dolly and Beck
The shock of the lights cutting out hit Dolly like a face full of ice water. She fumbled for her phone, praying that it hadn’t died. Even if she couldn’t get service or data, she could still use her flashlight.
Across from her, she could hear Beck shift from their position against the wall. The reminder that someone was in the room with her made her tense up immediately. Beck… wouldn’t try to kill her, right? They didn’t seem like they wanted to, but wasn’t that what many a murder victim had thought of their killer? Dolly regretted having watched so many true crime videos throughout her life. Her mind raced with the possibility of what could happen to her, right here in this room. Would she die? What was death like? Would anyone miss her? Would anyone find her body?
Hearing what sounded like Beck picking something up caused Dolly to start hyperventilating, convinced that her fears had been realized.
“B-Beck, wai-!” Her words were cut off with a scream erupting from her throat as a light shone in her eyes. An annoyed ‘Jesus Christ!’ was followed by the light tilting away from her eyes. Opening an eye, Dolly could see Beck rubbing their ears, holding her phone with the flashlight on, not looking the least bit impressed.
“Found your phone.” They muttered, handing it to Dolly. As she took the device with shaky hands, she started looking around the room to confirm that it was only the two of them in there. Beck meanwhile took out their notebook and started scribbling down notes. Dolly shot them a quizzical look, which earned her a nonchalant shrug.
“I figured I might as well take note of our alibi in case someone decides to kill a bitch.” They explained, “And I’m including every detail because god knows when people start questioning, you know they’re going to try to look unnecessarily deep into everyone’s alibi. At least that’s what happens at work when someone steals from the register.”
A shiver went up Dolly’s spine, her eyebrows knitting together as she tried to calm herself down. She kept shining her light around the room, grateful that she had taken off her fishnet gloves given the goosebumps spreading across her arms like a rash.
“Hey, Beck… Do you think someone would try to kill one of us right now? Even with the motive…”
“You tell me,” came the monotone response, “you’re the one who’s into darkness and death or whatever.”
“Yes, but… not like this… This isn’t an artistic expression, Beck, this is real.”
A little practice excerpt of the dynamic between Dolly and Beck, the main characters of Dangan-FuckThis, my Danganronpa parody thing. This would probably be during the first murder, where nobody’s prepared for this shit. Except maybe Beck, but that’s just bc they’re expecting people to be shitty enough to kill, and they’re just preparing to deal with some bullshit. Honestly, for them, not too unlike working a shift at McDonald’s. Dolly meanwhile is not vibing with the idea of people killing each other. Honestly, with all the stress she’ll be through, she might want to remove some of that eyeliner before it goes into her eyes. It wouldn’t be much help in the situation to do so, but at least she won’t be blinded by makeup.
Dangan-FuckThis is Danganronpa, except everyone has mostly useless talents, everything is stupid to some extent, almost nobody’s straight, and… yeah, there’s a lot of dumb shit. And it’s ridiculous as hell.
Dolly Wraith the Ultimate Goth Fashion Enthusiast and Beck Jonas the Ultimate McDonald’s Employee, as well as the art, were created by me.
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huntunderironskies · 11 months
So we're coming up on about ten years since I accidentally ended up being a Dangan Ronpa fan.
You know I'm old because I put a space between the title.
I'm not sure exactly of the anniversary. I have some flashbulb memories that make me think it had to be late spring, but a lot of the blogs I could've used to definitively backdate this are gone. My memory's kind of tanked over the past few years, as you might know if you've talked with me a lot. I might have started reading the Something Awful LP earlier? But I know I wasn't interacting with the fandom until mid-2013.
I guess it's weird to put that much importance on a date. But I tell people that Dangan Ronpa got me out of an abusive relationship. It's not as much of an exaggeration as you'd think. It gave me a friend group that my abusive ex couldn't break into, and enough people I could talk to about my life who could tell me that the first relationship I was ever in was not normal. I had one friend before that who saw through her bullshit but honestly IME you need a lot of people yelling at you to get the fuck out before you do, in fact, realize you have to get the fuck out.
So. I dunno. Yeah, sometimes people can treat fandom a little too seriously. But fandom does matter, and fiction matters. The group I was in was small enough that everyone knew once I was going no-contact and I got support in unexpected ways from people I didn't know would have cared. I don't know if they'd remember the little gestures they did, but it was things like...telling me how to keep my accounts secure (I strongly suspect she'd been stalking my accounts because she knew about things I'd never told her about) and being worried whether or not I'd accidentally cross paths with her again because of mutual interests. Just acts of care that would seem insignificant but I can still remember to this day.
I'm not entirely sure where I was going with this. Just word dumping, I suppose.
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blookmallow · 1 year
and the end of the death game 
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i m laughing 
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why are you like this 
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is she not. aware that’s just a head. are you not concerned 
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rip reko..... i guess ultimately it didn’t Really matter which sibling survived huh
i still don’t understand why the fuck this twist happened but i love Suddenly Evil Ranmaru so much. i hope there’s never an explanation and he just decided to be fucked up now actually. whats wrong with him. where did this come from. i love it 
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hi this is so fucked up 
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absolutely cannot believe this worked 
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ah, yes. the only logical explanation. they didn’t bother putting mai’s gloves on because they just sucked so much 
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i cannot FUCKING BELIEVE “completely batshit antagonist character does some fucked up bullshit with his hands” is happening AGAIN, 
like i don’t want to accuse yttd of being a dangan ronpa ripoff because it’s generally like. clearly inspired by but not directly copying from dr. but like. really. really 
HOWEVER, i like midori intensely more than komaeda and i dont completely understand why that is myself. i think its bc midori is just fucked up. he’s not trying to be anything other than fucked up. he’s having so much fun. komaeda is an inconsistent mess of a person who sometimes wants you to step on him and make him eat dirt and other times acts like he’s better than everyone else to the point of being completely insufferable. komaeda seems like hes somehow getting off on everything you do to him no matter what. i dont know i cant explain this either but i still hate komaeda so much 
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im betting his various organs are just gonna keep showing up places now. he’s gonna end up not being actually dead somehow because of some ai program or some piece left behind somewhere im calling it right now 
hes like a cockroach you can’t really get rid of him, ever 
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i feel like im just completely losing track of what the fuck is going on anymore i think there’s been a few too many fakeouts and sudden twists at this point but i am kind of honestly glad q-taro ended up dying for everyone. since he was so willing to sacrifice them all and too fucking coward to take a few poison hits he knew he could survive in order to save a child’s life and. justifying letting a child die because they’re Not Useful Enough or whatever that bullshit was. i forget if that was about gin or kanna 
like im probably supposed to be sad about this but. eh
anyway ive lost track of who’s even alive at this point now i had a lot of mistakes with the drills : ) i think it’s scripted though because i tried going back and choosing a different coffin and the same results happened anyway 
im trying to catch up liveblogging after its been a minute since i finished this so i dont even remember who’s dead now i think all the dummies got shredded. mr. Not Sou got dead but i do not for one moment believe he’s actually permanently gone 
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:( :( 
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dreamhot · 2 years
team nice dynamite :')) man this is making me go on a nostalgia trip i miss that era
but yeah its funny to imagine people trying to cancel micheal and gavin for queerbaiting like antis do with dnf (while dream is literally queer 😭). i feel like theyd just make fun of those people outright in a podcast or something.
the culture on tumblr wasn't GREAT even then cos people would periodically spam the ragehappy/mavin tags with a bunch of bullshit in 'protest' or whatever (dangan ronpa sprites were very in vogue at the time for whatever reason), but it always felt dumb bc the ccs . very obviously didn't care lol. maybe it helped that michael was in a committed relationship at the time (and still is, obv. well. married with kids, but yknow) and so people were more likely to keep the fandom stuff separate from reality, but ... who knows !! also, people were pretty good at respecting boundaries regarding who was comfortable with the shipping back then as well, which was always nice to see
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csmeaner · 2 years
I see this piece of shit species has made it here, time to pull out some of their many dekudogs for design shitting.
All come from the owner, staff, or official gacha.
Alpha toothless httyd
fucking hell this is lready unacceptable down to the spots on the head and the fucking tail wing my god
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Cloudjumper httyd 
on the same fucking base and lazy s fuck holy shit
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Flowey undertale
you’d think it’s just a sunflower but the stem detail and other ripoff designs is too damning in my opinion also why is it dark green on only one side of the stomach and leg
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Undyne undertale
so fucking shameless AND ugly everything about this is a quintessential dekudog fuck
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Jevil deltarune
not a single original thought was made here
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Lancer deltarune
dear fucking god it looks like a goddamn spider with the huge butt. the colors, the tongue out, the pattern placement is all so evident and they didn’t even fucking shade the top head fur well??? the fuck they make this in GIMP??
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Spamton deltarune, why are there so many shitty undertale/deltarune dekudogs
i already hated this game and now i can hate it even more the fucking pipis are even the name of another character in the game just so you’re 1000% sure it’s a ripoff
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Ghidorah godzilla, they massacred my boy!
why are the buttugly ears the thing that stay also are their claws retractable because it looks fucking stupid the way they did it like they have dicks on their hands and that same godawful gradation look on the wings its so fucking lazy
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Chika fnaf covered in purple shape barf.
not a single thing on this makes sense or is pleasing to look at from the stupid arm-head feathers to the horns not even attached to the body to the mess that is the tail that’s clearly slapped on with no idea how it’s supposed to be attached. also doing that weird fucking thing where the belly only goes down to one leg??
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Ennard fnaf
wow look at this bullshit
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Signless homestuck
even took the candy horns. didn’t even put anything more defining either just yanked it all and then made the rest of it mostly black.
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Tarvos homestuck
they just scribbled on darker grey color and put the sign on the fucking fur 
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Oshawott pokemon
not a single ounce of shame was had making this. guess it’s not aasss bad it’s missing the nose, freckles, and tail but i guess in turn it’s just incredibly lazy looking even moreso than usual
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Mawile pokemon
holy shit wow like really fuck dude they just really dont give a fuck i guess
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Shadow lugia x zekrom pokemon, its been blacklisted. Nice.
what did they get blacklisted for fucking copyright lmao im done with these fuckers
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Emboar pokemon
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Spinel steven universe
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Junko dangan ronpa
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Spiderman and venom from the recent venom movies
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Blixer just shapes and beats had to google it
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Link majoras mask, this is so fucking cluttered and hideous looking. Couldn’t even get the moon right.
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I can’t look at any more so join my suffering.
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