#cw: mentions of animal death
jupiter235 · 8 months
I've been debating the best way to go about doing something like what I'm about to do here without giving away too much information about my identity, and I think I've come up with something. So here it goes:
Content warning: mentions of animal death
So a situation has developed at the animal shelter I started working at around a month ago now. A week ago as of today (October 13, 2023) a litter of kittens was brought in to the shelter. I work primarily in cats now, so I myself have handled these particular kittens, as well as a few of my coworkers. And they're very young kittens, too. Like, were probably too young to be separated from their mother, but as far as I know, their mother was nowhere to be found, so she wasn't brought in with them.
We only just discovered yesterday morning that those kittens came in with a virus called panleukopenia.
Those of you who either work in the veternary field or are cat parents likely know what this is already. I myself had never heard of it until yesterday--I've never owned a cat myself. But for those of you who don't know, the way it was explained to me is that it's the cat version of parvo (a virus dangerous to dogs)--a deadly virus that is contagious and can kill an animal that hasn't been vaccinated against it.
We didn't discover it until one of my coworkers, who was working in the room for newly dropped-off cats and went to clean their kennel, discovered one of the kittens dead and another one of their siblings sick. Our supervisor tested them, and they tested positive for panleuk. They would have had this illnes from the time they arrived at our shelter, and several of us have handled these kittens, so at this point we've already exposed all of the cats in the facility to this. Meaning the entire cat section of the shelter is now under quarantine until we can make sure all the other cats are clear.
The reason I'm posting about all of this? To put out a call for help. But in order to do this without compromising my identity--no one in real life knows I have a Tumblr, and I'd prefer to keep it that way--this is how I'm asking:
If you follow me but we aren't mutuals, and if you can--please don't feel bad if you can't do it for any reason--donate to your own local animal shelters. Food, money, cleaning supplies, etc. Please donate so they can keep their animals healthy and help them find a home.
If we're mutuals and you want to help out the shelter I work at, IM me for a link to their donation page. Any help would of course be appreciated.
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lastoneout · 3 months
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I usually pick the dog in Stardew and I've always named it after my dog Bandit, but last year Bandit sadly passed away and I've obviously been missing him, so ngl when I saw this new design pop up I almost cried bcs it looks almost exactly like my Bandit did, and I know it's just in a video game but it really does feel like having him around again <3
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little-tunny · 2 years
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On the topic of pet loss, I drew this comic after my sweet Goopy passed away. I have a working list of art ideas, and for 5 long years at the very top of my idea list was “Comic where I take Huey and Goop to McDonald’s that ends with no punchline.” Every time I wanted to draw something I’d see that idea first, but always kept pushing it back for another time. When Huey passed away I thought about just deleting it, cause I felt like it was too late to draw it, and reading it made my heart hurt. But I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it, so taking them to McDonald’s remained at the top of the list. Then, about a year later, I lost Goop to cancer. It came out of nowhere, and within two weeks he was gone. Almost all of my prompts were about him, I loved drawing Gooby. I was so distraught I couldn’t even turn on my work computer and face it. And when I finally felt good enough to draw again, there was that prompt staring back and me. And I thought, you know what? Fuck it, it’s never too late to take them to McDonald’s. If I can’t see them in life, I want to see them in art. I don’t want to stop loving them the way I do now. So, I took Huey and Goop to McDonalds, with no punchline.
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loudclan-clangen · 27 days
Can we send asks to the cats? If so
Jaggedtail, why did you say that about Rosehipkit? That's a cynical way to think, that she just won't get better. Don't you have any faith in Wildfirecry?
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Oops sad again. Anyway…
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Don’t worry he got got. Wildfirecry was not gonna let that slide.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 3 months
Ngl, you were one of the first tumblr blogs that awakened the monsterfucker in me, did not ever expect I would be here, uhh I love your work especially the alien pet one!! Anyways uhhhh can I request an NSFW cannibalistic giant x human reader, can be any gender, idk if this classifies as monster or not idk??
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Sorry this took so long!
(Requests still closed, old request)
*NSFW* Yandere!Cannibalistic Giant x GN!Reader
Short drabble CW: death, abduction, animal death, no lemon just lime, non con touching, NSFW, hands-free orgasm
"Stop ignoring me."
Numb and silent, the abducted human sat as motionless as a living corpse. They had fought back for the first few weeks, crying and begging for their life, attempting escapes whenever they thought they had an opening, but now (Reader) understood that they truly had no hope of ever leaving the giant's side alive, and it killed them before he had a chance to.
When the campsite was attacked, they watched as their friends were torn apart, limbs easily ripped off of their bodies and devoured right in front of them. In the roulette of fight, flight, or freeze, (Reader) threw themselves at the monsters mindlessly, despite being barely thigh height in comparison. They stabbed one of the giants with a barbeque poker, but it barely pierced his thick flesh. He didn't even let out a sound of pain; it was like (Reader) had thrown a pillow at him and not attempted to spear him.
The fiery haired giant (Reader) had attacked picked them up by the back of their shirt like a cat, examining them long enough for their adrenaline to dissipate.
Shockingly, he did not eat them like he did their friends.
Instead the bloody giant hoisted (Reader) over his shoulder and left his brethren to continue the carnage.
For weeks the traumatized human sat by the giant's side, inescapable. He never hurt them, but threatened them nearly every day.
"If you try to run again, I'll bite your legs off."
"Such a pretty little human; I'm sure you taste just as good as you look."
"When I finally scalp you, your hair will make a fine necklace."
It became monotonous, the threats of harm and death, so when the young adult finally cracked, the words didn't startle them into reacting, even when he escalated his taunts.
"I told you to stop ignoring me." He warned, grabbing his victim under the arms like a child and raising them up to eye level. (Reader) felt as though they couldn't will themselves to care. Their life was already over: there was no hope.
He opened his mouth as wide as he possibly could, and slowly placed his captive's head inside. When he couldn't feel them squirm he slid them in deeper until his teeth scraped their collar bone and upper shoulder blades. His teeth gently dug into their skin. It was supposed to be intimidating, a reminder that at any moment he could and would eat them, but when he still couldn't feel them move he pulled them back out, his eyebrows knitted together in what was either concern or disappointment.
A loud chuckle rumbled like thunder from another giant who had been watching with amusement from across the way. "Uh oh, Pinyon! Looks like you broke your new toy!"
The abductor harrumphed before carrying (Reader) somewhere private, grumbling out a venomous sounding "They aren't my toy.."
In the seclusion of his tent, he suddenly had a change of attitude, acting in a way he had never done before. He pressed his face against their stomach while holding their back in a fashion that felt like a caress. Tears formed out of confusion at the seemingly tender action. They had already accepted their death, so why was he hugging them?
"Interesting little one.." the giant's voice vibrated across their abdomen. "Please do not ignore me.."
When he was a child, Pinyon found a squirrel that had fallen out of a tree. He didn't know what was wrong with the animal, but it seemed injured, and it sounded like it was struggling to breathe. Meat was meat. It didn't matter what the meat was, everything the tribe found was food for them, whether it was animal or human. However, this wasn't a conquest, it wasn't a fight. It was his first struggle. The poor thing was struggling.
Pinyon picked up the little creature, unsure of why his chest felt so heavy. The thing bit him. It didn't hurt, and it didn't anger him. It made him happy. To see it fight back. The action showed Pinyon that the squirrel was still alive, and that it was going to be fine. He cared for the squirrel as tenderly as a human cared for a pet dog; bringing it food and gently trying to nurse it.
Then, the squirrel died.
That was it. He went to feed it, and it was limp. There was no sound, no blood, it just stopped.
When you're raised to eat whatever is given to you, when you're told that "meat is meat", it's easy to forget that the creatures screaming for mercy are alive.
He didn't know why, it wasn't the first time someone had fought back, and it wasn't his first human kill..
But the look on the little human's face as they leapt out at him with a pitiful excuse for a weapon reminded him of that squirrel.
"It doesn't matter if you hate me, or if you're scared of me. Even if it's to scream at me, don't ignore me."
The brief kindness was over in a second, the confusion and hope leaving (Reader's) body as quickly as it came. Just as the tears began to form and the weight lifted off their shoulders the giant squeezed them closer to his face and breathed in deeply. Wearing only their tattered undergarments, his breath felt hot against their bare stomach. It was an intimate gesture that gave birth to a new kind of fear, one that (Reader) hadn't previously considered.
His wet tongue left his mouth and poked their gut.
It wasn't the first time he had tasted them, but there were no promises of pain and consumption this time; instead there was a half lidded expression on his face that made (Reader) instinctively clamp their thighs shut.
Their hands flew to his face as they pathetically attempted to push him away with all of their strength. But the struggle seemed to excite him more, as he began licking their stomach more intensely, planting kisses along the tops of their pelvis as he traveled lower down their body.
"STOP!" (Reader) cried out as they bruised their fists on his forehead. Their body was quivering involuntarily as his drool began to mix with their sweat, dripping down towards their underwear. Pinyon's lips were too close to their last shred of apparel, and they felt shame as his breath tickling their body felt physically pleasurable.
"Is this what I need to do now-" his words agitated their sensitive body, making them arch their back in an attempt to put distance between is mouth and their crotch, "-so you'll stop ignoring me?"
(Reader) loudly sobbed, knowing that he could see how wet their clothing had become. It wasn't because he was attractive, or because they wanted him. The way he was holding them, the warm words hitting their lower half, it stained their underwear with arousal. The abductee wanted to beg him to look away, to explain that it wasn't him, that they weren't turned on. But only sobs came out as his sharp teeth slid into the underpants' belt line and tore their last line of defense down to their ankles.
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nansmenagerie · 9 months
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It's been a month, but I still strongly remember something that had occurred on the night I put my dog down. I know that it doesn't have a very... I guess smooth flow to it, but in my defense, it's kind of hard to maintain quality when working on something makes me as emotional as this did. I still miss Heidi very dearly, and I can only hope this captures at least a fraction of how I felt about that night.
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feelo-fick · 2 months
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(Let Dead Dogs Die by Silas Denver Melvin)
yall i just think that. well, you know. i just think that maybe. um. so. consider
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pyrriax · 1 month
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On Holiness & Slaughterhouses
unstated, deathconsciousness / unknown / consumed, david cronenberg / @pyrriax / unknown / theophagy definition, merriam-webster dictionary / agnus dei (lamb of god), francisco de zurbaran - detail / hélène cixous, from stigmata: escaping texts; "bathsheba, interior bible" / unknown / unstated, deathconsciousness / @pyrriax / meena kandasamy, from mrs sunshine / @/detailedart / @pyrriax / alexei antonov / unstated, deathconsciousness / "stag", edwin landseer / unstated, deathconsciousness / jean bernard / silas denver melvin / sierra demulder / kim fu, 'lifecycle of the mole-woman', from how festive an ambulance / margaret atwood, 'speeches for dr. frankenstein', from the animals in that country / deep, deep - have a nice life / louise bourgeois / @pyrriax / unstated, deathconsciousness
An fic-based webweave, created for @my-little-versaille for the @mcythorrorgiftexchange!
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abra-ka-dammit · 5 months
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Making a new one so the initial text better reflects the current situation.
My youngest cat, Bojji, swallowed a few feet long ribbon on Nov 22. After ER extraction, he went septic due to a tear in his throat. Between the ICU, and a shorter period of tube-fed home care, he seemed to get better; then his tubes were removed, and he got worse. After so much desperate time in and trips back and forth to the ER, getting him every single possible potential solution regardless of the cost or inconvenience to myself, on December 22, I still had to put him down. You can find more detailed information in my pinned, my ko-fi, or by searching my blog for the name Bojji.
All in all, even with around 2/3 of all of this paid for with compassion funds from the vets themselves, I spent $9.5k trying to save my boy. Generous donors helped give me hope through this ordeal, allowing me to agree to further treatments with less dread. Now there is no more treatments. Only the remaining debt.
It's not as inspirational as the last post, because there's no more cat to try to save. But if you have some sympathy to spare, please donate and/or share to help a heartbroken catmom (with 2 other, much older babies to care for still,) get out from under the crushing weight of capitalism's awful effect on medical emergencies.
Thank you in advance.
And please, if you have a cat: put all string, ribbon, bows, tassels, ropes, or any other such items in sealed places it cannot get to, or just remove them from your home entirely. They're not worth it. They're just not worth it.
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electrosweaters-arts · 6 months
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Thinkin about cc Jekyll's childhood cat who haunts the narrative (he will never love another pet again)
They did not allow that 6 year old to properly grieve the loss of his little old man cat who loved him. This action will have consequences
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comic-art-showcase · 2 years
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Kevin Conroy tribute by Damion Scott
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in-memoriam-tgwk · 6 months
Amberfuzz is not the type of cat to cry. Or smile. Or… Well, any sort of emoting, really. She’s been this way since kithood; when her father stood shaking over the frozen frail body of her littermate, she sat by his side and observed his grief in silence. Catching her first prey only brought a calm reverence over her face as she quietly thanked her teacher for her exuberant praise. When Glowstar appointed her as his second-in-command, she was truly honored to be considered! But she didn’t jump around like an excitable fawn. It’s simply isn’t her nature.
Meeting Shinefreckle was like getting caught in a flash rainstorm. It left Amberfuzz befuddled and uncomfortable, and soaked to the bone. It made her irritable and snappy, and wishing for better days.
But it was also eye-opening for Amberfuzz. The older molly was everything she isn’t. Shinefreckle was bubbly, and naive, and she felt everything at an eleven. She’d squeal at the sight of lady bugs, she’d weep during the sad tales Heatherdash would regail over the evening meal, she’d loudly berate the apprentices for grabbing moss littered with pine needles. She was a whirlwind of sunlight and storms and she could grab attention without having to lift a paw.
Amberfuzz hated her for it, just as much as she envied her for it.
She never expected to get close to Shinefreckle, but it wasn’t long before they were sharing meals and sharing tongues on the regular. Shinefreckle was good at conversation in ways that Amberfuzz lacked; she could chitter on about the littlest things, investing in mostly one-sided conversations and pausing every so often for Amberfuzz to offer commentary. When Amberfuzz’s turn came to speak, she’d sit and listen with full attention, nodding when needed, gasping and smiling and giggling like anything she said was the single best thing Shinefreckle had heard all day.
She’d never admit it, but Amberfuzz preened under the attention. She’d even started smiling more, much to the confusion of the other Colony cats.
Losing Cliffclaw destroyed Shinefreckle, in more ways than could be seen. Eating was no longer a priority. She grew thin and unsteady as her frame became more bone than muscle. She couldn’t leave camp without an escort, and she rarely left at all at that point. When bathing took too much energy, her fur grew matted and dirty. Eventually Amberfuzz set about doing it all for her; she’d force her to nibble on her prey, she’d take her on small walks along the cliffs, she’d pick the tangled twigs from her fur. Despite her best efforts, however, Shinefreckle looked worse and worse as the days rolled on.
And then, Shinefreckle developed a cough. It was manageable at first, but despite a moon of treatment she just couldn’t seem to get better. She eventually had to be carried to the medicine den.
Amberfuzz doesn’t cry, but her eyes stung as her ears tuned into the rasp of her friend’s breathing, the only sound in a dusty room. Her own air hitched in her lungs— and what a foreign feeling to her— as the stench of sickness flooded her senses. Her nose burned as she tucked her face into Shinefreckle’s neck, pressing close enough to feel her heartbeat lightly tap in a withered rhythm.
She doesn’t cry. She never cries. She will not cry—
Shinefreckle’s voice rattled where it caught on her cough, her head raising just enough for Amberfuzz to see her tired eyes. They crinkled at the corners from a weak smile.
“I’m here, Shinefreckle. You’re in the medicine den.”
Shinefreckle’s gaze flitted about before coming back to rest on the other. “It seems I am,” she croaks.
“Don’t move too much,” Amberfuzz said, and pressed a paw to her flank. “Heatherdash says you’re very sick. You need to rest, to get your strength up.”
She expected Shinefreckle to scoff, or to whine, or to make a fuss like she usually would. Instead, the molly’s eyes drifted to the side, like her thoughts were leading her somewhere else entirely. It took quite some time for her to float back.
“I’m tired, Fuzzy. I don’t want to fight anymore.”
Amberfuzz frowned at her. “Don’t say that. You’ll see, you just need a few days of proper rest. You’ll be well in no time—“
Shinefreckle shook her head, and her body shuddered through a series of coughs. “N-No. I won’t be.”
“But it’s okay,” Shinefreckle said, and bumped her head gently against Amberfuzz’s temple. “It’s alright, Fuzzy. Just sit with me a moment. Can we please sit together?”
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She smiled a soft smile, the kind that a mother would use to ease her wailing kit. It filled Amberfuzz with a sadness she couldn’t describe, one that she could only feel her way through, hanging heavy and wet in her chest. She flexed her jaw, scowling through the tears that dampened her cheeks. “Okay,” she said with a tremble in her voice. “Okay.”
She held Shinefreckle until her rattling chest finally stilled, until her eyes fluttered shut, until the first streaks of dawn tickled at the medicine den’s entrance. She held her on her final descent down the cliff, refusing anyone who offered to help carry the load. She only let go when it was time to lay Shinefreckle on her bed of rosemary, right next to Cliffclaw’s grave. Only then did Amberfuzz let go.
Amberfuzz doesn’t cry. But the buzz of a lady bug’s wing is sure to stop her in her tracks. She talks more to the rest of the Colony, and even shares stories of her own in the evening time. And if you’re lucky, on the right kind of day, her stone face will crack at its edges in a smile.
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little-tunny · 1 year
I hope this doesn’t sound rude, but is B-man disabled? He’s really cute, but he also seems a little different from most cats, especially around the eyes! Is he just a funny little man or what?
Yes he’s disabled! He was born with CH, which causes issues with balance and motor control. However his case is very mild, and he’s learned to counter balance with his tail and silly gait as he’s grown up! I made a 3 minute video with a few animations all about CH when he was a kitten, if you’re interested to learn more about his disability, please watch it! 😁
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veneror · 2 months
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↪ lyric starter for @xluciifer ( currently : accepting )
THERE  IS  A  BOY  IN  HIS  MIND  that lived ages ago  ;  he is constructed of bruised legs and bare feet and calloused, bleeding palms, a cocophany of childish color.  in  another  life,  those young hands would not have been stained with blood that was not his own.  the  CULT  he once remembered acted as a fog around his childhood memories.  all that he remembered was stained in a thick layer of dark  /   that goddamn forest was so intent on ruining every moment he could possibly remember. 
(  you still hear the hymms in your sleep at night, after all of these years have passed and you have not sung praises to your lord in a millennia’s time. you remember the last time you heard the choir.  [  𝐆𝐎𝐃  𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒  𝐘𝐎𝐔,  𝐁𝐔𝐓  𝐍𝐎𝐓  𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇  𝐓𝐎  𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐄  𝐘𝐎𝐔.  ]   when you skinned your knee at twelve you were patched up by father terrance, and you remembered his voice from the way he told you  HE WOULD  HEAL  YOUR  SIN.   you remember birthdays surrounded by desolate forest.  you are the founder’s son, and god will forever love you like his own, as long as you stay quiet.  )
the memory plays in vox’s mind like a rerun.  (  blonde haired loverboy with a sharp - toothed grin and six ethereal wings.  he is summoned at the slaughter of the sacrificial lamb given to you by your father, the lamb you were meant to drag into the outskirts of the commune and smear its blood across the trees.  [  but you hadn’t, had you?  ]   you were nineteen and you were  EXHAUSTED  and when you pulled open its body you  CRIED.  do you remember it?  you had blood on your hands and you sank your teeth into your lip to stifle the sounds only the forest might hear.  and when he appeared it was as if your life had ended and begun.  )
;     he says :  you must be the one who summoned me. what is it you’re asking ? a favor ? wanna sell your soul to the big guy himself ? ;     he says :  what, did you not expect it to work ? you’ve got the lamb and everything. ;     he says :  what’s your name, anyway? ;     you say :  james.    ( and your voice shakes as you say it, like you’re not certain if it’s the truth. )
of  course  vox  remembers  him.  it would be foolish not to. he’s there at the gala at the pride ring, and despite being  SURROUNDED  by high - class sinners of pride, bodies decorated in the finest silks, speaking of their accomplishments and their plans for the upcoming decade,  VOX  CAN  ONLY  GLANCE  OVER  AT  THE  KING  OF  HELL  HIMSELF.  he looks the same, just touched  by  time.  worn around the edges  ⸺  once  ETHEREAL  EYES  now stained with dark circles. how much had changed between them that neither of them had the time to speak of?  
(   but  he  is  still  the  man  you  thought  of  when  you  washed  the  lamb’s  blood  off  your  hands.  he is still the boy you thought of while silently and tearfully confessing to a sky that felt empty to you at the time. was lucifer not always known as the harbinger of sin and temptation?  what had you expected?  you keep picking at a wound you won’t let heal.  [  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄  𝐈𝐓  𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐒,  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒  𝐈𝐓  𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐒.  ]   )
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vox’s claws sink into the wood of the bar beside him as the two’s eyes meet. they dig heavy into the material, four lines of nostalgia. a part of him almost hoped he wasn’t recognized. he’d rather leave his life in the dirt of a desolate woods.   [   𝐈  𝐂𝐀𝐍  𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑  𝐆𝐎  𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄.  ]    but he cannot stop himself from staring, from catching glances across a sea of sinners, eyeing lucifer in an almost suspicious manner. in a horrible, horrible world, lucifer would know exactly what had crossed vox’s young mind every single time he smeared blood over a summoning circle days after the first unknowing ritual.  YOU  WEREN’T  SUPPOSED  TO  LOOK  FORWARD  TO  SEEING  THE  ONE  WHO  DAMNED  ETERNITY  TO  SIN.
(  and the king is just as beautiful as he had been the first night vox had ever summoned him. and the feeling of acknowledging that feels like a dagger burrowing itself into the bottom of his stomach. to love was his original sin.  )
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lackablazeical · 2 years
Addams! AU snippet 2: 'Lab'
This specific snippet had actually been inspired by some art! Im pretty sure I've posted it before, but might as well also include it too! (It is pretty old, forgive meeeee LOL)
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Full snippet below the cut! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Donnie had the setup exactly how he wanted.
The rat specimen was pinned to the exam table, paws impaled and spread. Its belly fur was scraped clear and the bloated, pink flesh exposed. It had died in the trap before Donnie could get to it (thank you, Mikey, for setting the couch on fire again and delaying him.) So no vivisection. But that was fine, dissection was the next best thing. Especially of a pregnant rat, oh, giddy grin, he was going to get a whole clutter of partially-developed babies to experiment on! And with Mikey and Raph off in the tunnels and Leo traipsing around the Hidden City somewhere, Donnie finally had a quiet afternoon to himself.
He intended to make the most of it.
Swiveling the lamp so the lighting beamed down on the specimen, he curled his fingers in anticipation. The mechanical scalpel joint lined up just at the top of the rat’s throat, where he could cut a straight line to open the abdomen–
Leo burst through the double doors. He waltzed across the room and flung himself over the dissection table, swooning like a lady in the throes of a fainting spell.
“Wha–” Donnie grabbed for his tray of needles and surgical knives before it upended and strewed across the floor. “Nardo! You’re squishing my specimen!”
Leo fixed him with a dreamy, half-lidded gaze. “I just met somebody.”
Donnie glowered. This was the reason Leo had barged into his lab? To annoy him with ceaseless gushing over some new simpleton he’d decided to pursue?
“You’ll never believe it,” said Leo. “I rescued him instead of mugged him.”
Donnie shook the table. “Didn’t you hear me? Get off.”
“He was cornered. By two smelly thugs. They had these adorable little switch knives, trying to be all intimidating. Donnie, I’m telling you, it would have been pathetic that he got himself hemmed in like that, if his cowering wasn’t so adorable.”
“You should have seen how cute his face was, all covered in blood!” Leo kicked his feet. “Oh, I couldn’t help myself. Don’t worry, don’t worry, you’ll be so proud of me, I only licked him a little–”
“I don’t have time for this–”
“--so I’m sure he knows I’m a gentleman. Oh, it was such a good thing I was there, those brutes were so unsophisticated, they wouldn’t have done anything right–”
“Oh my god would you just shut up!” Donnie dragged his hands down his face, opening a sliver on his cheek as the scalpel on his finger caught flesh. “What level of disinterest and indignation do I need to achieve before you get it through your addled brain? I do not care.”
Leo’s smirk never wavered. He held up his hand, smudged deep with red, and waggled his fingers. “Wanna sample?”
Donnie opened his mouth to argue, then hesitated. He peered a little closer at the smear of not-yet-coagulated blood. “...it was a yokai?”
“What type?”
“One you don’t have any blood work for yet.” Leo’s grin widened. “Rabbit. Or bunny. If there’s a difference.”
The swab was in Donnie’s hand before he realized he’d made the decision to reach for one. He soaked up a dribble from Leo’s wrist and snagged a clean Petri dish. “Of course there’s no difference, why do you think the combination term ‘bunny rabbit’ exists? It’s a hare that comes from another genus. And what do you want, huh? You don’t just saunter in here and offer me free DNA for my trials for nothing.”
“Can’t I help my dear brother with his evil lab experiments out of the goodness of my heart?”
“As if you have one.”
Leo dissolved into giggles.
Donnie capped the dish and pulled a fresh label from the drawer. “So? Spill. What am I beholden to you for after this oh-so-generous and selfless donation?”
“Oh, you know. Age, blood type, zodiac sign, debilitating allergies or hypersensitivities. Aaaand if you happen to match those to any particular medical records and it leads to a place of employment or a home address…”
“Don’t you have enough stalking victims already?”
Leo hopped off the metal slab and pirouetted his way out the door. “No such thing.”
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princelylove · 6 months
Thank you a lot for answering my ask, I just plan to ask on Lisa Lisa and Holly only, and you answer for all of them ~
If you can, I want to know the ranking from the easiest to the worst yandere for the Jobro too. Only when you have time of course, I know you working on your multiple projects, I looking forward to reading your work!
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Anon I love receiving asks, send as many as you want. I also LOVE ranking things. I know the jobros are only Speedwagon, Caesar, Kakyoin, Okuyasu, Bucciarati, Hermes, and Gyro but I can include some others, as a treat. Skipping Speedwagon since I just am not in the mood to write for him today oops.
Okuyasu is… difficult to get rid of, but is he really hard to deal with? He just wants to be ordered around, and some attention, that isn’t the end of the world. Sure, you can absolutely never be rid yourself of Okuyasu, but he means very, very well. He has no ulterior motives, and with how honest he is, what’s the issue? If you can’t handle an obsessive devoted type like Okuyasu, you have no business trying to handle any of the names further down this list. 
It almost seems cruel to put Jean-Pierre on a list with such intelligent, strategy-based yanderes. He truly is just a man in love who happens to be a little (a lot.) creepy, but he’s tame compared to the bottom of this list. He’s like that guy that always hits on you during your shift but tips reaaally well. You’re kind of expecting to find him in the parking lot with rope and a knife after your shift with the way he looks you up and down, but it never happens. Jean-Pierre is after one thing- true love. He’s the type of grown man who still believes in pinky promises, and, truthfully, if you pinky swear you love him with all your heart and are only going out to go shopping or something, he’ll really believe you. He’s got some clear boundaries- don’t walk around without him (especially at night), tell him what your plans are and who you’re expecting to meet, and call him if he’s ever not around and you need to go from one place to another. Even if it’s in the dead of night, Jean-Pierre wants to make sure you get home safe. Even if he’s upset with you, there’s just some lines he will never cross. He’d never put his hands on you, both in a sexual assault way and a physical abuse way, and generally prefers to pretend to back off when you snap at him to leave you alone. Following you from behind is a good compromise, right. 
Hermes is the type of girl to say she doesn’t care but goes to scream in her pillow about it later. She really, really likes you. It shouldn’t be this stressful to grab your attention and keep it. She’s tried about everything she can do in prison to get your attention- working out near you if you go to the gym, talking loudly in the yard and running laps so she can keep passing by you (even though the sun’s in your eyes), eating lunch and dinner at a table where you can see her, she’s even resorted to picking up whatever books you barely touched in the library- just for a little touch. She’ll lean against the railing in front of your cell. What, she can’t stand here? It’s a free country. She can loiter wherever the hell she wants to. Hermes loves watching over you, she’ll be damned if she lets anything hurt her baby. As long as you let her keep watch, she’s not gonna do shit. Hermes might get a little annoying, but she genuinely just wants to help you. She can’t just stand there and watch you need her. If you say she’s being too clingy, or that she calls you too many pet names, she’ll back off a little, but won’t just drop it all. You just need some space, and she’s happy to make sure you’re all good from over there.
Guido isn’t afraid to flash his gun, or to stick it in your chest as a way to move his hands around. You know italians, always talking with their hands, he doesn’t mean anything by it. Guido can actually take a no! Chronic catcaller over here gets rejected in canon, and what does he do? He brushes it off  and moves on. Guido’s a bit obsessed with finding “the one,” so he tells himself that it just wasn’t meant to be. With you, though… everything connects back to you, so it must mean that he should seek you out more. He’s a hard man to get rid of- he’s delusional and fully of the belief that he was made for you. He wants to give himself to you, and often fantasizes about you wanting him. Guido does just about everything he can to make you see him in that way. He’ll lift his sweater up to show off his muscles, he’ll pick up furniture and move it wherever Trish demands for the same reason, he’ll even stand waaay too close in confined spaces to check if you like the new soap he’s using. It’s unscented, he’s kind of praying that you just like his smell. Something about pheromones or whatever bullshit Panna was yapping about. He's that oversized dog that follows you around, begging for you to hold his leash. Guido won’t kill you if you resist him, but he’s not super lenient like most think he is. Guido’s smart. He knows to check for your shadow under furniture and doors, he knows what a dirty plate actually looks like, and he knows what gas from the stove smells like. He wants to keep this simple and stress-free, so he’s not gonna bring it up, but he knows, and will take the needed moves to keep you right where he wants you- within his line of sight at all times. Let’s just not make it a big deal, yeah? He loves you, and doesn’t want to have to put you over his shoulder and take you home. 
Caesar is seemingly the perfect lover. He’s not overly possessive, he respects you, he’s never asked you to go fifty-fifty on a date, and he’s never forgotten an important date. He can be a bit competitive whenever you mention someone else, but that’s something you’re willing to look away from. It’s endearing, isn’t it? How passionate he is? That same passion is what keeps his head on his shoulders, he doesn’t really know what to do with himself if you weren’t here to check his attitude every once in a while. He’s so prissy and afraid of getting dirty, he’s somewhat of a diva at times. All of that is a part of his charm, it makes you fall for him over and over again. It’s too bad that Caesar doesn’t feel the same way. He needs this to be perfect, and loathes how you look at other men when you’re out together. You’re making him look bad, you know that? It’s seriously such a pain to get the blood out of his clothes after his little bouts of insecurity. He sleeps well at night knowing that loser you had the nerve of looking at is dead in an alleyway somewhere, but he sleeps better knowing you’re staring at his perfect face. He has no reason to kiss you with his hamon, but every once in a while… he just needs the security of seeing you obey his every whim. 
Noriaki’s small stature often leads his enemies to assume he’s frail. In fact, he won’t put his hands on you until he’s sure that you’ve warmed up to him enough for physical contact. Attempting to get out of Noriaki’s grasp likely leads you to aching wrists and ankles. He isn’t afraid to slap you for speaking to him so harshly. Mind your manners when addressing him, or don’t speak at all. Noriaki is big on etiquette- he likes being addressed properly, and for his home to be relatively neat and orderly. If you make a mess in an act of rebellion, he’s happy to puppet you. You’re not making your boyfriend clean up after you, are you? Until he properly conditions you post kidnapping, Noriaki makes sure all of your needs are met via Hierophant Green. Doesn’t it feel good to give up control, and to let him do it all for you? He thought so. Since you’ve passed Noriaki’s requirements to be involved in his life, he just assumes he’s also up to code. Don’t try to act like he isn’t, either, Noriaki takes great pride in himself. Noriaki will do just about anything to make sure you’re always under his thumb. His grades are perfect, he’ll go to any college you are. Despite his introverted nature, Noriaki has no problem networking. He’s always a step ahead- everyone already knows you’re “dating.” Isn’t that sweet? Say it’s sweet, darling. 
Gyro is intelligent. He’s silly, sure, but you can’t fool him. He acts as if he’s only joking. You must hear that stupid nyohoho~ laugh he does in your nightmares. Hooohoo, he’s only playinggg, he’s not seriously going through your bag, relax! He’s just stealing your flask for a little sippy sip. Gyro’s not afraid to get a little handsy- he disguises most of his threats and ‘reminders’ as affection or just playing around. He laughs way too loudly at an unfunny comment and slaps your back with enough force to knock you forward as a little reminder about just how strong he is. If his little subtle hints aren’t working, he’s fine spelling it out for you: you’re meant for him, and you need to stop talking to other people. Gyro’s smile drops when he says it, but it’s right back up when he finishes. “Ooookay, back to what I was saying, do you want somethin’ from the catalog?” Gyro doesn’t really want to hurt his darling, but he’s fine with sabotaging their things. Your horse “had a broken leg,” so he put it down for you. Let’s ride on his! It’ll be sooo much fun, he’ll sing for you, he won’t even say anything if you get a little grabby. Wink wink. Should you be rude to him, his smile drops and he just stares. “What makes you think it’s alright to speak to me like that?” He’ll utter, and put his hand on your shoulder. “Oh, aw! I wasn’t serious. Don’t look so scaaared. Loosen up, sweetheart.” What solidifies Gyro’s spot on this list is the fact that when he’s serious about something, he sees it through. He knows his behavior is criminal, and what little guilt he feels is easily pushed aside- It’s not that he doesn’t have morals, it’s just that he doesn’t get what’s so bad about the way he loves. He’s passionate, he’s not going to water himself down for anyone. If you can’t handle him, you can learn to adapt. If you need to be spoken to with that cold and firm tone he takes with himself, then alright. Gyro would really prefer to keep everything all lovey dovey, but if what you need is a stern voice, he’ll let you see that side of him. 
Bruno is a family man, above all. If you reject him, he’ll only focus on you more. ‘You’re pushing me away? Did you have a bad experience with a man? We’ll go at your pace.’ type of logic. Regardless of the type of love, Bruno’s love will always be overbearing and constant. He inserts himself everywhere in your life, the people around you just adore him. He just doesn’t know how to stop, and wouldn’t if he could. It breaks his heart to see someone in need not have someone to latch onto when he’s right there- latch on to him. Bruno is begging to be needed, and when he meets you, he just can’t get enough. Suppose you could have it worse, it’s just a gorgeous man taking care of your every need, but there's no freedom from Bruno. You’ll never gain any privileges, never have any say in long term choices, but not because he doesn’t want you to! You’re just not supposed to be doing those sorts of things now that you have him. Bruno by himself is one thing, but Bruno’s never really alone, is he? He has his entire team, two of which he considers to be his sons. If you’re Bruno’s you’re also a part of the family, and family’s not going to just let you go- especially not when so many of them have such severe abandonment issues. You wouldn't abandon someone who needs you, would you. Bruno takes on a lot of responsibility, something you'll learn to share as husband and spouse. Narancia doesn’t trust you at first, and neither does Pannacotta, but he latches on fairly quickly when Bruno expresses his intentions. Narancia will rat you out. You’re the parent when Bruno isn’t around, why are you acting like you aren’t?? Be serious. There's a lot of guilt in being Bruno's darling, but share your guilt with him! He wants to do everything for you, and give you the 'easy' life he never had.
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