#curtain rod without brackets
nicetown · 11 months
Between Drapes and Dreams: The Mighty Curtain Rod Unveiled
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If you think a curtain’s story begins and ends with fabric, hold your horses. Or rather, hold your curtains, because there’s a hidden hero behind every great curtain — the mighty curtain rod. It’s a tale often untold, but one that deserves the limelight. So, let’s explore the exciting world of curtain rods, where aesthetics and function blend seamlessly.
A curtain rod is like the backbone of your window decor. It’s what holds up your curtains, drapes, or blinds, helping them perform their light-blocking, privacy-preserving duties efficiently. Just imagine a superhero without their cape — that’s how a curtain would look and function without a good rod.
Curtain rods come in an impressive range of materials. You can find them in wood, metal, or plastic. If you’re going for a rustic charm, a wooden rod can be your best friend. Want something more sleek and modern? Try a stainless steel or brass rod. If it’s casual and budget-friendly you’re after, a plastic rod will do the trick. It’s like walking into an ice cream shop and being wowed by all the different flavors!
One might think that Nicetown curtain rods are simple straight bars, but they’re so much more. They can be flat or round, thick or thin, and can even take on unique shapes to add an element of surprise. Some curtain rods curve at the ends, swooping back towards the wall to give your drapes a fuller appearance. Others may sport decorative finials — those fancy ends that can be shaped like leaves, scrolls, or even glass orbs. Who knew that a curtain rod could be a piece of art in itself?
Then there’s the business of installation. Now, if you’re no fan of power tools and drilling holes, fear not. Tension rods are here to the rescue. They use, well, tension, to stay in place between two walls or within the window frame. No need for screws or nails. It’s like having your cake and eating it too, minus the sugar rush.
On the other hand, if you’re up for a bit of DIY, there are standard rods that come with brackets and screws. You can mount them on the wall or the ceiling, based on your window’s design and your curtain’s style. A word of advice: ensure your rod extends a few inches beyond the window. This way, when you draw your Nicetown curtains, they won’t block the window and can let in all the light they’re supposed to.
Just like the perfect pair of shoes can elevate an outfit, the right curtain rod can enhance your window decor. It’s not just about functionality but also about adding to the overall aesthetic. Whether you want a minimalist look or an ornate design, whether you prefer a rustic vibe or a modern touch, there’s a Nicetown curtain rod out there for you.
In conclusion, curtain rods are more than just curtain holders. They’re a blend of design, functionality, and convenience. A well-chosen curtain rod can bring harmony to your window decor, creating a seamless blend between the curtain and the room. So, let’s hear it for curtain rods — the unsung heroes of window decor!
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yolointeriors · 1 year
Tips When Buying New Window Treatments
Deciding on which window treatments to buy can be overwhelming, especially if you're not sure what you want or need. Fortunately, we're here to help! We've rounded up 8 tips to help make the process easier and ensure that you get the best value for your money.
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Know your window measurements.
Knowing your window measurements is important. If you don't know the width, height and depth of the window frame, it will be difficult to find curtains or blinds that fit properly. Also make sure that you know how far down from the top of your window casing (the part around your windows) hangs before getting new treatments installed on those windows.
Measure the width of each side: Measure both sides of each curtain rod or blind chain so they line up evenly when hung; this ensures symmetry throughout your space.
Measure from top to bottom: Measure from where it goes into its casing all the way down until it touches its sill (that's what holds up a window).
Check if there are any gaps between frames/casing/sills: Make sure there aren't any gaping holes anywhere along these surfaces for bugs or drafts to sneak through!
Take advantage of professional help.
If you're not sure what to get, or if you want to make sure that the window treatments will be installed correctly and look good in your home, hiring a professional is a great idea. A trained installer will be able to help you choose the right style, material and color for your windows. They can also advise on any necessary hardware (like rods) or wall-mounting brackets that may be required for installation purposes.
Avoid custom work when you're not sure what you want.
If you're not sure what kind of window treatment will work best in your space, it's best to avoid custom work. Custom curtains and blinds can be expensive and require extra fabric, which means that if you change your mind later on or decide that the look just doesn't work for your home at all, there's no going back. A standard size is always an option--you can always adjust them later on!
Choose energy-efficient treatments.
When you're shopping for new window treatments, choose energy-efficient ones. Blinds or shades that block out sunlight will help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Curtains and drapes made of a light fabric like cotton will also provide insulation to help regulate temperature inside your home. In addition to being more comfortable, these treatments are better for the environment because they use less energy than heavy curtains made from materials such as velvet or silk.
If you have windows that receive a lot of direct sunlight during certain parts of each day (like south-facing windows), consider using sheers instead of solid fabrics like linen during those hours--this can help keep rooms cool without sacrificing privacy or blocking out too much light!
Consider your lifestyle, too.
This one is pretty straightforward: if you're going to be spending a lot of time in a room, it makes sense to make that space feel as comfortable as possible. If you're spending most of your waking hours at home, then it may be worth investing in some nicer window treatments than if you only use the room once or twice per week.
Consider how often you'll be cleaning these new drapes: If they are going to get dirty quickly and require frequent washing (or dry cleaning), then perhaps something simpler would work better for your needs than heavy velvet curtains with intricate embroidery on them--they will just get ruined!
You should also think about how much sunlight comes into the room--if there are large windows looking out onto bright landscapes or city streets with lots of traffic lights flashing by all day long then maybe blackout shades would be better than sheer ones so that nobody can see inside when they pass by outside!
Be realistic about your budget and what you can afford.
Before you even step into a store, make a list of everything you need to buy. This will help keep your options from getting overwhelming and help prevent any impulse purchases.
When it comes to window treatments, there are quite a few factors that can affect the cost:
The type of fabric (natural fibers like cotton or silk are more expensive than synthetic materials)
The size and shape of the window treatment(s). If your windows are oddly shaped or have multiple windows in one unit (like an arched top), expect these items to be more expensive than those with simple straight edges and square heads)
How many panels are needed? Single-panel curtains are much cheaper than pleated drapes because they require less material and labor time during manufacturing; however, they also offer less privacy when closed--so if privacy is important for your space then look into getting multiple panels instead!
Remember to look for easy cleaning, long lasting fabrics.
Make sure the fabric is easy to clean. If you have kids or pets, it's important that your window treatments are washable and dry fast.
Make sure the fabric or material used is durable enough for your needs. For example, if you live in an area with lots of heat and humidity, then choose a more durable fabric than someone who lives in an area with less extreme weather conditions.
Choose appropriate materials based on what type of treatment works best for each room of your home: Curtains/blinds look great in living rooms but not so much in bedrooms; sheers can add privacy without blocking out all light; curtains work well in kitchens where water could ruin them quickly (or even worse--ruin someone else's clothes!). You'll also want to consider how light will filter through these types of treatments since many people prefer different levels depending on their needs or preferences at any given time during their day-to-day routine."
We're Yolo Interiors, and we're here to help you make your home your own. We've been in business for over many years and have worked with thousands of clients, from turnkey home builders to individual homeowners. We have a great selection of window treatments and we'll help you find the perfect ones for your home.
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We also offer full-service remodeling services for kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and more—plus some specialty projects like building decks or installing wood floors.
At Yolo Interiors, we're all about helping you find the perfect interior design to transform your space. We offer a wide variety of options so that you can get exactly what you want, no matter what style or budget. We know that every room is different—that's why our staff is here to help you find the perfect solution for your space.
Yolo Interiors 4001 S.W. 47th Ave. Suite 203, Davie, FL (954) 583-9655 https://www.yolointeriors.com
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homeimgs · 2 years
5 Ways to Hide Your Washer and Dryer in the Kitchen
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5 Ways to Hide Your Washer and Dryer in the Kitchen putting in a separate area creates more space for cabinetry and counters. There are ways to hide them, including stacking them on top of each other. One option washer and dryer are to add a closet rod, frosted door, or closet organizer. In this way, you can save vertical space by not allowing the washer and dryer to take up valuable counter space. Alternatively, you can choose to put them in the pantry or under the sink.
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Washer and Dryer
Hidden washer and dryer
If you want to have extra counter space in your kitchen, consider hiding your washer and dryer. Unfortunately, most dryers aren't portable and it's nearly impossible to move them without damaging the concrete floor. To get around this, you could build a counter above the washer and dryer to give you extra space. You could also create a dummy backsplash and cover the front of the dryer with a white and black curtain. The hardest part of this project will be the backsplash.
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Washer and Dryer One of the simplest and most effective hidden washer and dryer in kitchen ideas is to install a door in front of the laundry nook. This may require a double door if the opening is large. Bifold doors are great for hiding washers and dryers because they fold up and don't take up a lot of space in the kitchen when they aren't in use. Bifold doors are inexpensive and easy to customize with a bold paint color or stencils.
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Washer and Dryer One option is to build a new room and hide the laundry room. This option is ideal for homes with limited space. The kitchen will always have a positive vibe because it is a space associated with food, while the laundry room reminds us of chores. This option helps blend the two spaces. You can also hide the laundry appliances by hiding them behind the cabinets. This way, you can maximize the space in the washer and dryer kitchen and avoid having to leave the room when you do laundry.
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Washer and Dryer
Stacking washer and dryer on top of each other
Having a stacked washer and dryer in the kitchen is an excellent space-saving idea. Most studio apartments have tiny kitchens, so every inch of space must be utilized. This idea is also applicable to kitchen counter space. By stacking these appliances on top of each other, you will save space and make better use of your counter space. The best way to make them stack is to choose a front-loading model. The front-loading model should open in the same direction and be able to fit against a wall.
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Washer and Dryer While you can stack the washer and dryer on top of each other in your kitchen, make sure that they are secured with brackets. An unsecured door can come off a stacked dryer, so be sure to take safety precautions when doing this. Alternatively, you can mount your dryer on the wall. This way, you can use vertical space more efficiently and require less bending over to do the laundry.
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Washer and Dryer If you have a corner in your kitchen, you can place a stacked washer and dryer inside a large wall unit. This option is especially useful for maximizing space and preventing appliances from being seen. While it isn't as convenient as a room corner, a corner is an ideal place to hide large appliances, like a washer and dryer. If you don't want to take up much space in your kitchen, you can also conceal your washer and dryer with a pocket door.
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Washer and Dryer
Adding a closet rod
Adding a closet rod above your washer and dryer will be a practical storage solution. Instead of trying to store clothes in a hamper, you can use it to hang laundry and dry clean it. In addition to being functional, a closet rod will also provide extra space and make laundry more manageable. You can place it over the washer and dryer so it is out of the way and not in the way of your other storage solutions.
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Washer and Dryer You can also install a cabinet with a hanging rod on the top of the laundry room. You can mount this washer and dryer closet rod between the wall cabinets or along a side wall. You can install a rod between the wall cabinets or on a side wall for convenience. Various types of closet rods are available in hardware stores. You can choose one that fits your style and needs. The closet rod can be as long as you want it to be as functional as possible.
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Washer and Dryer Some kitchen designs have dedicated laundry rooms. Alternatively, you can place your washer and dryer anywhere, even under the counter. If you don't want to have a dedicated laundry room, you can even install them in a bathroom! Be sure to check the plumbing before you make any changes, as you can save money by using your existing pipes. Adding a closet rod to the washer and dryer in kitchen ideas
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Washer and Dryer
Adding a frosted door
A single frosted door on a panel door can hide the washer and dryer, while a double frosted door may hide the entire opening. If you have a wider laundry area, you may want to consider installing bifold doors that open from either side. When closed, the doors are practical, but they allow light and ventilation to filter through. A frosted door on a panel door is a sleek and elegant solution, and a freestanding closet door can be fitted with a frosted glass door.
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Washer and Dryer Adding a frosted door to a washer and dryer in the kitchen ideas does not have to be a big project. You can even conceal the appliance with a red velvet curtain, which is less obvious than a door. You can even choose a curtain and hang it from the ceiling if that's what you'd prefer. A bifold door will look better in a kitchen that's decorated with red and green.
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Washer and Dryer A frosted door on a washer and dryer can be an elegant way to disguise an awkward appliance. This option can make the appliances look aesthetically pleasing while still being functional. It's also possible to conceal the washer and dryer while still leaving space for a sink, detergent, and other items. A pull-down door makes it easy to conceal the space when a company comes over. Another great option for hiding the washer and dryer is a frosted door that pulls down for easy access.
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Washer and Dryer
Adding a fold-down screen
Adding a fold-down screen to the washer and dryer is an easy way to hide these appliances while still giving you the space you need. Screens can be purchased in various sizes and styles to blend in with any kitchen design scheme. Fold-down screens are also easy to move out of the way when laundry time comes around. Here are some kitchen design ideas for a hidden laundry nook.
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Washer and Dryer You can also choose to cover the washer and dryer in cabinetry. While remodeling cabinetry can be a costly and time-consuming project, it is certainly worth it in the long run for aesthetic reasons. HomeTalk and Lacquered Life manufacture cabinets that can hide the washer and dryer in one, and both include built-in storage. The Lacquered Life cabinet opens up to create a full-sized closet, while the HomeTalk cabinet has a laundry station and built-in storage.
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Washer and Dryer
Adding a pedestal drawer
If you're interested in putting a washer and dryer on a pedestal, consider building one for these appliances. The basic pedestal will be a box that rises off the floor and features an open front. It will be framed with stile boards and one or more 1"x4" pieces of wood. You'll attach the pieces to the front face of the pedestal and to the sides of the bottom frame. Then, nail each piece in place along the top and bottom frame.
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Washer and Dryer If you're considering adding a pedestal to your existing space, you should be aware that these units are typically quite large. To accommodate a washer and dryer, you should aim for a height of about waist height. A pedestal that's lower will make it harder to reach controls and may even require you to bend over to empty the units. It's important to keep in mind that the height of the pedestal will also depend on your personal preference.
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Washer and Dryer While the front load washer and dryer can work without pedestals, you should still consider installing a matching pedestal for the laundry set. Pedestals not only add style, but they can improve ergonomics. The added stability will reduce the risk of back pain while transferring clothes to and from the laundry room. A pedestal can also be used to keep two appliances level, so you don't have to choose between the two.
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Washer and Dryer
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Washer and Dryer
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Washer and Dryer
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Washer and Dryer
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Washer and Dryer Read the full article
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sherriematula · 5 years
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Luxury Patio Door Curtain Rods Without Center Bracket WC13uik8 http://bit.ly/2VBQEwa #WindowCurtains #patiodoorcurtainrodswithoutcenterbracket
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lifewithchronicpain · 3 years
Giles knocked down my closet curtain :c. I should probably have gotten brackets instead of a tension rod, but I prefer things I can put up without a hammer and nail.
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dollsonmain · 4 years
I over work myself in the hopes that my brain will shut off and let me rest.
It didn’t work.
I took down the old curtains and hung the new rods. The brackets are the same length, but the screw holes weren’t in the same places, so only one screw in each bracket BUT the curtains that will go on them are very light and it’ll be fine.
I also scraped the peeling putty off the ceiling. It looks bad, but not as bad as it did with the chunks hanging down. I don’t know what happened, there. Probably hire someone else to fix it.
I also managed to put everything away instead of leaving it laying around. That part is a struggle for me.
I asked for a hug and got shoulder checked instead. Sometimes that’s all he feels like giving; a nudge, especially when he’s feeling down. I cried again.
Then I got to work upstairs and kept thinking though I’d really like to stop, now.
How would I react if That Guy said to me “I love you and our son, but I feel like my presence is hurting you. I’m going to go and work on myself for a while, and I’m sorry. But I’ll continue to support you financially and will check in every day as long as you’d like me to. I’m here if you need me, and none of that will change even when you find someone to take my place. I hope you can find happiness without me, or maybe in spite of me.”
My reaction would be a deep, desperate, hopeful, grateful joy, as opposed to “Please, don’t leave....” Much like when he was gone for months at a time.
I never felt as lonely when he was gone as I do when he’s here.
Which says a lot.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
Pairing: Roger x Fem Reader
Summery: There’s a problem with your curtains...you don’t have any.
Warning: Smut (18+), Exhibitionism, masturbating, public fingering, unprotected sex, dom!roger, little bit of choking.
Words: 2305
A/N: No one asked for this and I didn’t intend to write it but 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Inspired by THIS ask I sent to @idontbelievethiss (who also very kindly beta read it for me) about living with a big ol glass door in my bedroom that doesn’t have any curtains on it (true story). This fic is an ode to exhibitionism and uhhhhhh I need to get me a neighbour as cute as Roger.
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Taglist:  @somekindof-cheese @dtfrogertaylor   @ezmina98  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama​ @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr​
The flat you’d rented was small – amounting to barely more than a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen-slash-living-slash-dining area – and needed a little work. Nothing huge, just small cosmetic stuff that even the poorest student could fix themselves without too much trouble. Which was okay since you and everyone else on the street were students, and none of you were particularly well off. It gave you something to bond with your neighbours over. Or it would if you could pluck up the courage to talk to any of them. You’d waved at the boys in the place next door once but the blonde one was too much your type for you to talk to without feeling flustered and you were already nervous enough just moving in. So you focused on settling in and imagined the conversations you’d have about the broken lightbulbs and loose taps. 
 The most annoying thing you’d had to fix was the curtains. Not the curtains themselves, though they were worn and faded and musty enough to warrant replacing. No, it was the brackets that screwed into the wall and held the whole curtain rod up. They were splintered and chipped like someone had once tried to swing from the curtain rod and found it couldn’t quite hold up the extra weight. Someone probably had. Drunk most likely. Either way it felt like one harsh tug on a curtain would bring the whole thing down on your head. Which meant you’d had to spend an afternoon trying to find a screwdriver that fit so you could remove them and then you’d had to go to the hardware store to buy new brackets and screws. Of course, now it was a full month later and the new curtains you’d picked up still weren’t hanging. Your fault, obviously. The brackets you’d picked first were much too small to hold the rod you already had. Then you’d realised you need different screws and a new screwdriver since none of yours were the right size. And then between classes and adjusting to your new life it had kind of slipped your mind.  
It possibly should have bothered you more that the door that led from your bedroom into the back garden was left curtain-less, especially since it was a glass door. It had bothered you at first. You’d cursed yourself for a week straight for not fixing the damn thing, staring out into the dark garden as you tried to sleep, feeling like a good hard orgasm would help send you off but also feeling uneasy at doing it with no protection from the outside world. But then there’d come a night when you were just so overwhelmingly horny you couldn’t ignore it. A week of rushed orgasms in the shower and on the couch had left you desperate for something better, where you could take your time and really enjoy it. And you couldn’t shake the image of the blonde from next door. It was dark outside, you’d reasoned, and it wasn’t like you were facing the main road – just the back garden where no one was likely to go, especially not at quarter to midnight. And besides, you were safely hidden away under your covers in your dark room so there was no reason to believe anyone would see you. You slept better that night than you had since you moved in.  
A few nights later you did the same thing, after your cute blonde neighbour smiled at you. And then again the next night after he waved hello. And then the next day, because at nine in the morning on a Saturday you could almost guarantee you were the only one awake so really there was no risk and what else could you do when the only thing in your head was the neighbour’s laugh. You’d stayed tucked up that time, carefully watching for any sign of movement out the back door, but gradually you let the covers drop little by little. Before you knew it, you were regularly getting off in full view of the back garden. You knew that the chances of someone actually seeing you were tiny but something about the mere possibility of it happening had you reaching for the vibrator again.  
Which was the only explanation you had as to why you were yet again spread out on your bed, at two in the afternoon, skirt and underpants thrown to the side, shirt in a crumpled heap next to you. You held the vibrator against your clit once more, moaning as your orgasm began its approach again. You’d been going for twenty minutes or so with the vibe on the lowest setting, pressing it to your clit on and off, teasing yourself with it. Part of you wanted to flick it onto a higher setting now and just let yourself cum but part of you wanted to hold out, let it build a bit slower. You closed your eyes and let out a needy whine as you pulled the vibrator away again. After a few calming breaths you pressed it back to your clit. You could already feel your orgasm, picking up almost where you’d left it. Right as you were considering switching to a faster speed your eyes drifted to the door. A familiar figure was out there, in your back garden, casually looking into your room, blue eyes watching you intently. Your heart constricted with shock as your eyes met and you came, moaning loudly. By the time you’d got yourself back together he was gone. 
 The fact that the cute blonde from next door that you may have a slight crush on saw you like that was enough to have you blushing for the rest of the day. Even the slightest sign of his long golden tresses had you ducking for cover. By the evening you were desperate for a drink so, after checking the coast was clear, you headed down to the local pub. Within minutes you were stationed at the bar, two empty shotglasses beside you and a full pint in your hands, trying to drown out the memory of those eyes through your door, and the small voice that was telling you to see if it could happen again. It was going as well as you could hope it would when you saw those same eyes fix on you in the mirror above the bar. Cheeks already burning, you watched as he downed his drink and walked in your direction.  “I knew I was good but I didn’t realise I could make a girl cum just by lookin’ at her” You turned to look at your neighbour, his back was to the bar and he leaned back on both elbows as he looked you over. “That- that’s not what happened. It wasn’t you,” you managed to stutter out.  He pushed himself to his full height, turning toward you, “But I think it did have something to do with me, even if it was just by virtue of my impeccable timing. See, I think you like knowing people are watching you. Innocent shy little thing like you doesn’t have curtains in her bedroom? Has to mean something. And I think it means I could have you cumming on my fingers right here in a matter of minutes because you like the danger and you like being naughty where anyone could see you.  You struggled not to whimper as you listened to him, heart rate increasing with every word. And by the way he laughed he could tell just what an effect he was having on you.   “I’m Roger.”  “You’re my neighbour yeah?”  “One of. And what should I call you?”  “Y/N”  “Well Y/N,” his fingers tickled your knee, “shall we test my theory?”  You were already uncrossing your legs, letting them fall open so he could trail his fingers up the inside of your thigh. His touch crept higher and higher up your leg as he finally slipped into your underwear.  “Already soaked.”  You breathing was heavier than it had been a moment ago, eyes darting around the crowd on the search for anyone who might suspect what was happening.  “Look at me, love. Eyes stay on me while my fingers are in your tight little cunt.”  All you could do was nod as he slowly worked two fingers deep into you, terrified that if you tried to speak you’d alert someone and everything would grind to a halt. And then he leaned into your ear, speaking softly despite the surrounding noise.   “God you’re fucking filthy aren’t you. Have to be to get off like this. Y’know I was coming over to introduce myself properly this afternoon. Seen you around enough, thought I should. No answer when I knocked at the front so I decide to try round the back in case you couldn’t hear me. And wasn’t I glad I did. Didn’t expect to see the shy new girl being such a slut, practically inviting everyone to watch her. Guess it was my lucky day.”  You couldn’t hold in a whimper as Roger increased the pace of his fingers.  “Haven’t stopped thinking about you since. About the way you came when you saw me. How your eyes went wide and how your cunt looked clenching around nothing. All the ways I want to fuck you in front of that door.”  You came with a gasp, shuddering quietly as he pulled his fingers free and wiped them on your skirt.  “Looks like I was right. Should I take you home now?”  You knew he was being cocky and presumptive but all you could manage was a small, half begged, “Please.” 
The moment he was in your room his lips were on your neck, sending pulses of electricity through your body as he unzipped your skirt. He detached himself briefly to yank your shirt over your head and then he was back, sucking at your skin as you tilted your head to encourage him. His hands were warm as they ran over your body and yours trembled slightly as they tried to unfasten his pants. You managed to push them down past his hips, setting his cock free, before he spun you round and pushed you towards the bed.  “Hands and knees facing the door,” he ordered as he wiggled the rest of the way out of his jeans.  You paused to pull your underwear off and then hurried to obey. You watched from your position as Roger pulled his own shirt off and then he disappeared behind you. The bed dipped and your heart pounded against your chest.  “Being such a good slut for me,” he said as he grasped your hip, “wanna hear you moaning like you were this afternoon.”  The ‘yes’ you were about to give was lost in a whine as he eased into you. He gave you a moment to adjust, kneading your arse, and then his fingers were digging into you as he began fucking you in earnest. It was rough and deep and there wasn’t much more you could do than clutch at the sheets and whine his name. You dropped your head forward but almost straight away his hand was around your throat forcing you to look up again.  “Gotta keep looking at that door. Never know when someone could come by. And you wanna be seen don’t you.”  You didn’t respond, too focused on how good he felt, but you did squeal when he pulled you backwards onto your knees, his hand squeezing your throat, his cock buried deep inside you.  “Maybe I should call my bandmates over, let them see how slutty the new girl is.”   You shook your head as much as you could under his grip but Roger just laughed in your ear.  “Your head says no but by the way your cunt just clenched around me I’d say you quite like the idea.”  You shook your head again, “Please move Roger, please fuck me.”  “No,” He wrapped his free arm around your stomach, holding you still against him, “not till you admit you like the idea of people watching you like this,”  You bit your lip, trying to wiggle out of his hold but it was too tight. You gave in, “fine Roger you win. I like it.” “Like what?”  “Roger, fuck, I like the idea of being watched. I came when you saw me because you saw me and I kinda want someone to come over and see me now.”  “Was that so hard to admit? Silly little slut.”   You couldn’t respond because both his hands were gripping your hips, setting you to bouncing on his cock and the only coherent words you could form were ‘oh’ and ‘fuck’. You grabbed onto one of his wrists for support as you brought your other hand to your clit, furiously chasing your release.  “Christ,” Roger groaned.   You were sure you’d find bruises in the morning from how hard he was holding you but as your orgasm hit nothing could have convinced you it wasn’t worth it.  You chanted his name, each separate “Roger” growing louder and overlapping until it sounded like one continuous word.  He came with a grunt, followed by a gruff, “fuck” as you collapsed to the mattress together.  
He stayed long enough to catch his breath and get redressed, talking to you while you lay where you’d landed when he’d lifted you off himself.   “Next time I’ll fuck you up against the door shall I? Or maybe I’ll open it and let the rest of the street hear you.”  You laughed softly without really understanding, watching as he pulled his shirt back on and made to leave. He paused in the doorway, “And hey, welcome to the street.” And then he was disappearing into the darkness.
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perusquare66-blog · 4 years
Made To Measure Blinds.
Curtains Vs Blinds
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Is This Home Window Treatment Error Destroying Your Visual Allure?
Wood Blinds
Depending upon the size of your home window and also the type of therapy you desire, expect to pay $300 to $1000 for every window, plus unique hardware as well as installation. To welcome this fad, add woven wood shades in rattan or bamboo for a textured, informal look. If your style is extra traditional, including a contrasting binding tape to a Roman color aids with formality. According to reports from Blinds.com, shutters are the fastest-growing group in blind items. The good news is, there is currently an option to upright blinds that does not endure any one of these disadvantages.
What is the cost of SunSetter awnings?
A https://www.consumentenbond.nl awning will usually cost about $400 more than a manually operated awning. On the higher end of the scale, motorised awnings that can span a wide area can cost thousands of dollars.
Https Www Hunterdouglas Com Vertical Blinds Skyline Layout Your.
Enjoy Blinds.com experienced video clip tutorials on whatever from exactly how to choose the best window therapy for your home to determining, setting up, and more. We'll deal with you with cost-free style aid and the finest consumer treatment.
Nonetheless, it's constantly crucial to acquire your blinds from a trusted supplier of soft furnishings to make sure they're of the best possible. For instance, if you're enhancing a minimalist space centred around simpleness and also downplayed home furnishings, you can source Roman blinds in white cotton product. Or, if you're wishing for something slightly extra conventional, you might go with floral corduroy blinds or charcoal smashed velour. Windows are just one of the most vital functions of any type of building, whether it's a residence or a commercial property. Without windows, we would certainly spend our days in huge brick buildings without any view of the outside world or the capacity to ventilate each area. with fresh air.
When you select cost over top quality, upright blinds can break quickly at its head rail or vanes especially. Browse our Purchasing Guides to learn more regarding various home window covering styles and choices available with Blinds.com.
As soon as the area is embellished, people rarely pick details such as the color of the blinds to see, however absorb the general atmosphere of an area. Give your windows the upgrade they should have-- get started with Kwik-Hang today. Kwik-Hang's no-drill, no-damage drape rod brackets have changed the curtain-hanging process by turning a time-consuming inconvenience right into a simple installation process. Simply place the brackets, tap into place which's it! No unique tools or specific dimensions are called for.
What Is The Distinction Between A Recess And Exact Fitting?
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Like Roman blinds, roller blinds are produced with one item of textile.
They are fitted flush against the window, providing a timeless yet simple choice to draping drapes and Roman designs.
Roller blinds are much less ornamental than Roman blinds, which is optimal for homeowners with ultra-contemporary tastes.
Much like mobile shades, roller shades can be cleansed with a very easy move of your vacuum cleaner brush add-on or wiped down with a moist cloth. Cleaning time is minimal because the color surface area is smooth. Blinds are several of the most functional window treatments offered. As well as, with both tilt and lift alternatives, they can assist control just how much light you want in your area.
Are Awnings Waterproof?
We continue and have to gather in times of change as well as assurance to maintain our products, on the internet presence and also customers upgraded as we browse through these tough and new times. Surf our Purchasing Guide to read more about various home window covering designs and also choices available via Blinds.com. While plastic blinds take in the sunlight's rays, these aluminum mini blinds will show the sunlight's rays and better safeguard versus heat moving into the room. The Riviera Classic Mini Blinds are dealt with to stand up to dirt buildup, and also it deserves noting that aluminum mini blinds are commonly simpler to repair than vinyl versions.
Can I paint my awning?
One of the most important qualities is durability. Of the most common fabric types used in t-shirts, polyester is generally the most durable. 100% cotton, cotton/polyester blends, and cotton/polyester/rayon blends are also good choices for this resilient wardrobe staple.
Cordless home window therapies are simple to utilize and are likewise the safest selection if you're embellishing a nursery or concerned concerning youngster security. Cost, of course, is the most significant downside of this modern technology.
How do you clean a Sunsetter awning?
Place the liquid in a spray bottle to reduce clean up time! Begin by spraying an initial coat of your waterproofing liquid on your awning. suntex but avoid overspray which will cause the liquid to run. Remember, you will be going over this initial coat with a second layer to ensure a water-tight seal.
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Searching for security versus sunlight as well as wetness, or purchasing child-safe shades for your new baby room? As well as finally, keep in mind that the majority of people will certainly not directly discover the color of your blinds. When picking several points for redesigning or when very first decorating a house, it is very easy to obtain captured up in all the choices you need to make.
Remember your blinds do not need to be boring and also white. This, paired with the fact that they're very easy to maintain as well as are extremely resilient, indicates they're likely to stand the examination of time.
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nicetown · 11 months
Rods of Wonder: Bringing Curtains to Life with the Right Support
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From the elaborate drapes in an old-world castle to the sleek panels in a modern loft, what do all great window treatments have in common? It’s not the fabric, the color, or the pattern. It’s the curtain rod, the unsung hero that holds it all together, often overlooked but always crucial.
Curtain rods might seem like an afterthought. You choose a curtain, then grab any rod that will hold it up, right? Well, not quite. In the realm of window dressings, rods are like the foundation of a building. You wouldn’t build a palace on sand, would you? Similarly, the perfect curtain requires the right rod to truly shine.
There’s more to rods than meets the eye. For starters, there are different materials to consider. Metal rods bring a sleek, modern edge, perfect for that industrial loft or a room with chrome accents. Wood rods, on the other hand, offer warmth and a touch of traditional charm. Want a coastal, breezy vibe? Go for a bamboo rod.
Then there’s the question of size. Just like you wouldn’t wear shoes that are too small, curtains shouldn’t hang on rods that are too short. A good rule of thumb is to extend the rod 6–12 inches beyond the window frame on each side. This gives the illusion of a wider window and allows enough space for your curtains to fully cover the window when drawn.
Now, let’s talk about thickness. A dainty sheer curtain will look ridiculous hanging from a heavy-duty rod, just as a heavy velvet drape would overwhelm a skinny rod. The rule of proportion applies here. Light curtains, light rods. Heavy curtains, sturdy rods.
A rod isn’t complete without the right finials — those decorative knobs on the ends. They can be a subtle touch or a statement piece. A sleek glass finial can add a touch of elegance, while a rustic pinecone or arrow can bring a theme to life. It’s like choosing the right accessories to complete your outfit.
Remember, installing your rod at the right height can elevate the look of your room. Hanging the rod closer to the ceiling gives the illusion of taller windows and a grander space. It’s like wearing high-heeled shoes — you instantly add height and elegance.
Finally, there’s the matter of the Nicetown curtain rod hardware — brackets, rings, or grommets. They’re like the supporting cast, ensuring the star of the show — the curtain — hangs perfectly and glides smoothly.
In essence, a Nicetown curtain rod isn’t just a tool to hang your curtain. It’s a vital part of your window treatment that can complement your decor, enhance your window’s appearance, and bring your curtains to life. So the next time you go curtain shopping, don’t forget to pay special attention to the rod. After all, even the most stunning curtain can’t stand alone. It needs the support of a well-chosen rod.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
May I request A current in-character canon-compliant, soft, angsty, romantic soowon x yona endgame fic please 🙏 thank you very much!!
Hello, dear! Very sorry it took a while to get this request to you; I’ve had a lot going on with the semester and my 200-follower event and such. However, at long last, here it is! ^.^ Enjoy!
Mad World
The wooden floor of her palace room groaned and moaned with her feverish footfalls as Yona paced back and forth, back and forth, back and back and forth and forth and back again. That was all Yona could do, was pace and think and think while pacing and pace while thinking. Back and forth, think think think, riddle on what the hell she was supposed to do basically imprisoned in her bedroom like this. No dragons, no Yoon, no Hak, just Yona. Yona, alone and pacing and thinking.
It was maddening.
With a sudden, deranged screech of lunacy, she whirled on her heel to tear into the curtains framing the large window overlooking the palace courtyard. Her fingernails ripped into the silken fabric, reaming into the threads and pulling them asunder as she yanked on the curtain with all her might. Little, angry screeches spilled from her mouth while she tugged and tugged, rattling the curtain rod mounted into the stone wall. The linear metal piece desperately tried to cling to the rough surface, but with Yona’s continuous and manic assault, dust began to rain down as the brackets began to wrench loose. Yona wasn’t sure why the poor curtain was the object of her ire, but nevertheless she tore into it like a mangy feral cat, dropping shreds of torn fabric around her slippered feet. Very soon the screws could bear no more and jumped from the wall; the heavy, decorative metal ball welded to the main body made the rod’s plummet all the hastier. Yona jumped violently as it collided into the wooden floor with a massive thunk! and the curtain slipped from her hands to puddle like white milk at her feet. She stared dully at the half-destroyed, dismounted curtains with burning red eyes. It was not satisfying at all; her fingers still itched to maim, to tear into everything in this room and leave it a maelstrom of silk and cotton and splinters.
“Princess! Are you all right?” Of course the noise would attract whoever happened to be nearby. Yona hadn’t much cared of the consequences of her actions at the moment; she was boiling with boredom and anxiety and frustration, and desperately needed an outlet. Normal people might cry, but Yona had elected that tears wouldn’t do. She was beyond tears now, or so she told herself. But…
Why did it have to be Soo-Won?
The young king stared with wide eyes at the curtain rod hanging at a diagonal angle from the wall, the one set of brackets struggling to support its weight, and the tatters of silk curtain surrounding the hem of Yona’s pink kimono. Her eyes were lidded and cold as she just watched him gawk. This was all his fault, really. Sure, Yona had decided to entire an alliance and come to the palace, but if Soo-Won hadn’t set off the chain of events that resulted in that alliance, this wouldn’t be happening.
Yona immediately regretted the thought. She knew better now. If none of this had happened, her people would still be struggling and Yona would be living in blissful ignorance. Sometimes, however, she just couldn’t help but crave that ignorance… Especially when the lingering flames of her love for Soo-Won decided to rear their ugly heads.
Yona’s mouth curled in on itself as her heart lurched in her chest just at the sight of him. It was maddening, the way her desire to dig her fingernails into his cheek mixed with her longing to softly caress it, the way her desire to rip every one of those flax-golden hairs out of his head mixed with her longing to run her hands through him, the way her desire to scream and yell and curse him in a thousand tongues mixed with her longing to throw herself at him and sob and beg and surrender. Maddening, yes it was. It was driving Yona to near insanity, and as she stood there, she was wide-eyed and teetering on an abyss from which there was no return.
“Yona.” His voice was soft and full of concern as he uttered her name. His eyes, still huge with the sight of Yona’s shredded prey, finally flickered up to meet her own fiery ones like dawn. To his credit, he did not flinch away at the inferno there; he just stared, measuring, waiting for her response. “Are you… displeased?” he said finally when she refused to respond. Really, Yona was still so embroiled with her own feelings that she couldn’t formulate a response. His question returned some sense of normalcy to her mind. The fire died in her eyes, cooled by the sheer incredulity at his question.
“‘Displeased,’” she echoed. Slowly, like water trickling from within rocks piled high, her wits returned to her. Her head dropped to do as Soo-Won had, stare numbly at the carnage she had wrought on the poor, innocent drapery. Her hands began to sting terribly with the weight of the own violence she had wrought, as if they were coated in hot, sticky, burning blood and insides. They were just curtains; it wasn’t like she had killed someone. Still, Yona’s stomach flopped about with the unsettling possibility that if someone had stumbled upon her in her mania, she might very well have unleashed on them like a woman possessed. It made the bitter acid of shame flood her tongue. Yona had never been so violent before. Sure, she had done violent things, but always with good reason. This was wanton destruction, and the fact that it was borne of her own hands rattled her to her core.
Well, it wasn’t entirely without reason, she rationalized. “Displeased,” she repeated in a hoarse voice. “Displeased” didn’t even scratch the surface of what she was feeling right now. She didn’t have a word for what she was feeling right now. Silent, teeth clenched, she just stared at the mangled curtains and lamented her own sorry state of being. How had it come to this? Cool, calm, collected, and strong to manic, deranged and mad?
“Yona.” His voice called her with maddening power. Of its own accord, Yona’s head rose to obediently meet his beckoning gaze. She hadn’t heard his footsteps, but he had closed the distance and was standing in front of her. She compulsively swallowed. His eyes were the one burning now, pulsing with a soft yet furious heat that made her tremble. It wasn’t anger, or disappointment, or disdain; it was something else entirely, and it both frightened and excited her. He tilted his head to the side slightly as he smiled that gentle reassuring smile that she missed so dearly but wanted to slap off his face. “Tell me what happened.”
 She wanted to lie. She did not want to admit that she had just had a psychotic fit and wrenched the curtain rod off the wall and destroyed the curtains like some kind of beast. Yona, however, felt the pitiful attempts at falsehoods dissolving on her tongue under Soo-Won’s gentle yet critical stare. There was no point in lying and he knew well enough what she had just done. “This alliance isn’t working out the way you wanted it to, is it?” he asked her with a degree of amusement in his voice that made her skin itch with fury.
“No. No, it is not, Soo-Won.” The steel in her voice was sharper than the finest-crafted blade. At the iron on her tongue, the king exhaled deeply and his body sagged sadly. The reaction disquieted her; was he acting for her benefit or truly displeased that she was going crazy cordoned off in this bedroom? His eyes shut for a second, and when they opened, Yona felt electric shocks pulse over every single one of her nerves. The way he was staring at her, apologetic and guilty, was a look she had imagined every day since she witnessed him drawing a bloody sword from her father’s limp body.
It was not satisfying, not at all. Somehow, she wanted more. The madness began to scratch and howl in her ringing skull again.
“How dare you. How dare you look all sad and guilty when I’m stuck here with nothing to do but pace and think and fret all day!” she screamed at him suddenly. She lunged at him, fingers clawing into his kingly robes like they had done the curtains, but rather than shredding them, she only clutched onto them with an iron grip. Her red eyes burned as they bore into his, as if a glare alone could make his combust. “How dare you. You want to know what happened? I am losing my mind! I can’t take it anymore!” A dam erupted inside of her, releasing long-held feelings and tears. They were like rivers of ice and fire as they flooded down her cheeks, and her voice cracked as she hissed again, “I can’t take it anymore. I don’t know what is up and what is down. My mind is reeling. I don’t know what I’m doing, and I don’t know what you’re doing, and the one single comfort I could be afforded while I’m all but your prisoner in here is barred from me!” Her head dropped, chin banging against her chest. Her quivering hands held onto his clothes like the were the lifeline preventing her from being washed out to sea. She hated herself right now, admitted all this to him. But if she didn’t release it to anyone, even if it has to be Soo-Won, she really was going to go insane. What was her country? What was her fate? What was Soo-Won’s plan and how should she respond? These questions plagued her, maddeningly so.
With the weight of her on psyche mounting on her frail body, her knees finally buckled. Soo-Won reflexively caught her under her elbows as her legs folded in on themselves. Sobbing and groaning, she just cried pathetically while he held her up. “And you know… you know what the worst part is?” she choked out between sobs. “I hate you, but I love you. I despise you for what you did but I love you still. I thought I had grown so much, but I came back here, and it all has come crashing down upon me. I’m still that naïve, foolish little girl who wasn’t worth killing.”
“Yona!” She did not expect such harsh bite from his voice. It made her head snap up to look at him with wide and watery eyes. His lips were drawn into a taut line and his eyes were their fieriest yet. “I did not let you go because you were ‘not worth killing.’”
“Then why?” she demanded in an agonized cry. Her fingers dug further into his clothes, probably bruising the skin underneath. “Why, Soo-Won, I don’t under-”
The rest of her words came out as a surprised squeak muffled by his lips crashing into hers. It was not at all kingly, the way he kissed it her; it was passionate, carnal, desperate and mad. If Yona’s legs had been able to support her then, her kneecaps would’ve been obliterated to dust the instant their mouths smashed together. Her eyes fluttered shut with a low, needy whine; as if responding, Soo-Won’s tongue pushed into her mouth and tangled feverishly with her own. She didn’t object. She got drunk off him like she was partaking in the finest wine in the world, her tongue savoring every little bit of his essence. She could vaguely feel his fingers in her dawn-colored hair, caressing and twisting, but most of her senses were dominated by the explosion of feeling fireworking over her body. Oh, oh, how she had wanted this, and how much she hated herself for it.
She lamented the loss of his warmth and touch as he pulled away, and despite herself, her lips involuntarily chased him. She wanted to spend forever in that kiss. In that hazy fog, she didn’t have to think about the circumstances or how wrong it was; she just had to think about him, her mouth on hers and his hands on her body. It was simple. Easy. Uncomplicated. He permitted her pursuit for a moment, giving her another softer kiss with more feeling, but pulled back again after a few seconds. He said her name and it pulled her out of the fog, back to her confusing and complicated and maddening reality.
“Does that answer your question?” His voice was breathy and laced with a fair bit of irritation. Maybe with himself, maybe with Yona- maybe both. She swallowed and licked her lips, mouth suddenly drying up. Was she supposed to be satisfied with that? A kiss that seals the deal and makes everything all right? The trouble was that she was one hundred percent satisfied with that.
She stepped away from him, trying to hide the tremor in her still-recuperating jellified legs. She felt that her hands needed to be doing something so she smoothed out nonexistent creases in her kimono. Her brain whirled desperately trying to make sense of everything, but nothing made sense anymore. That was her problem to begin with. “I’ll take that as a ‘no.’” He sounded amused, like he had expected it.
“What do you expect?” she huffed. The fight was dying from her voice and spirit, replaced with indescribable weariness. She was so tired. She was so tired of fighting whatever this fight was, but that was the only thing Yona could think to do was fight. Surrender simply was not in the meek, naïve, ignorant princess’ blood, apparently. Her hands continued to fix her perfectly fine kimono while she refused to look at him. “I just… I can’t…” God, she couldn’t even explain herself. This is not how she wanted to look in front of him, flustered and stupid. It was like her previous self had been taken captive and replaced with a bungling imposter, and she was trying so desperately to get it back with little luck. Her hand began stringing through her hair, which was crimping uncomfortably with sweat. All the while, Soo-Won watched her, thankfully without pity. “I hate you,” she grumbled finally, because it was the only thing that sort of made sense.
“I know.” Oh, hell, no, he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t get that sad look on his face and think that it made it all okay. But it did. In Yona’s stupid, manic, mad mind, it made it okay. Defeated, she kicked the curtain rod aside and sank down on the cushioned seat that sat below the windowsill.
“I love you,” she simpered as she put her flushing face in her hands. She didn’t have to look at him to know he had that other look on his face, that soft, gentle smile that made her heart sing and wail simultaneously. That smile that carried a hint of sadness that never faded.
“I know that, too.” A period of silence settled between them. She peered through her fingers to see his own twitching, like he was trying to figure out how to comfort her but arriving at no conclusions. She couldn’t blame him. She didn’t know what to do with herself, either. As she sat there, the moonlight cool on her back as it flood through the unshielded window behind her, Yona finally began to feel a sense of normalcy returning to her. She partitioned off the confusing kiss and focused instead on her situation and what she ought to do about it, and was beginning to feel that clear-headed determination return to her. I just have to keep fighting. That is all I can do. I will resist as long as I have to and find out what Soo-Won wants…
She felt the cushioning dip beside her and heard the slight ringing of the metal as it rolled over the wooden floor when Soo-Won seated himself beside her. “I wish things were simple.”
“You’re the one who made it complicated.” She kept her face buried in her hands because she didn’t know what would happen if she looked at him.
“I suppose that’s true.” His laugh was hollow and mirthless. “I wish I could explain it all to you. I really do. But if I did, I didn’t know if you would believe me.”
“Can’t fault you for that.” Another hollow, joyless laugh that rang through the quiet bedroom, followed by a slight sigh. “I’m not giving up, you know. Don’t think this changes things. I just needed to get it out of my system.”
“No, I expect you won’t.” She finally lifted her head to look up at him, finding him smiling as he looked at her out of his peripheral vision. “You wouldn’t be the girl I loved if that happened.”
Surprisingly, her body garnered no reaction from that bombshell of a statement. It felt more like she had known it all along and she was vindicated now. It made a funny taste tingle on her tongue, one she couldn’t quite place; possibly a mixture of things. He smiled more as he pushed himself up from the seat and began heading for the door. “I’ll send someone to fix that in the morning,” he said with a lazy gesture to the destroyed curtains. Yona watched him go with confliction and a heavy heart.
“Yeah. Sure.” Once the frame of the sliding door clacked against the threshold, she exhaled loudly and flopped onto her side; the cushion embraced her, sinking her down into its fluffy softness. With the adrenaline no longer pumping in her system, her muscles now felt the strain of torturing the curtains. Dully, she stared down at its wispy corpse spread out over the wood floor.
The Celestial Dragons. The usurper King Soo-Won. The displaced princess. The Thunder Beast. The unknown battle for the world as they knew it.
Maddening, it all was to Yona. Somehow, though, the one thing that should be the most maddening was no longer maddening at all. She smiled thinly to herself and rolled onto her back, the moonlight washing over her like enclosing her in a blanket.
You drive me mad, Soo-Won… But still, I love you so.
Enjoy this story? Here’s Part II! Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents! 
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megansplants · 5 years
if I remember correctly you have some plants hanging from a curtain rod as part of your plant setup...I’m looking to do the same across a 70” window but worried that most rods I can get on Amazon etc won’t be able to hold the weight of multiple plants. any suggestions?
Hi, yes! 
Back in my old apartment, I had two rods across a space probably 50″ ish or so, and those held up really well even without any supports (I have two different posts in those two links). Now I’m cheating and have my tension rods held by brackets because my walls are too far apart for tension rods.
If you’re curious, most tension rods have a rating for the weight they can hold -- weigh your plants after watering them, and I think you’ll actually be surprised how light they are compared to what you’d think!
But that being said, it’s easy to give them a little extra support. Here are two great options:
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These basically just give extra “oomph” by holding the ends from below, so they don’t slide down the wall. 
You can also support your rod from the center, using one of these bad boys (OR just by using some wire fixed above the center of your rod because aint nobody got time to drop $40 on support):
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I’m imagining something along the lines like this:
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Inside mount brackets (red) with your tension rod (yellow) and some sort of wire / inside support (blue).
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holesphere92-blog · 4 years
Have You Heard the Story Of Sound Blocking Curtains?
Do soundproof curtains really stop invasive noises? Is it market hype, or is it true? Can you stop traffic sound, the neighbours 'music', the racket of the 2 am stagger-home crowd or the Airbus A380 flying overhead? The answer is both yes and no. Invasive noise is really challenging, especially if you're a shift worker who needs sleep while the rest of the world raises a racket. Whatever your circumstances, let's explore your choices and empower your right to silence. Sound Proof Curtains We'll take a look at the claim presumed by soundproof or acoustic curtains. We'll weigh the financial investment, it's merits, the methodology and innovation, and we'll arm you with basic methods to identify if the item you're buying is all that it declares to be. Do Soundproof Curtains Really Stop Noise?
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To answer this concern, we need to resolve a wordplay issue. When a client calls a member of our team a 'guru', we understand they're stating they're good at their job. We also understand they're not anticipating Buddhist or Hindu spiritual guidance. In the same method, when people in the market talk about 'soundproof curtains', they're actually discussing sound muffling or sound minimizing acoustic curtains. The only method to really soundproof a window is to remove it, cover it with soundproofing products, or to place drape upon drape, upon drape, upon drape, upon curtain, (and continuing) till we accomplish a 100% noise removal objective. But who would want that? What else can you do? Eventually, there are a variety of acoustic properties that figure out how sound goes into and acts within a space. If your noise problems are extremely bad, you may require to examine the quality of your walls, the nature of your interior home furnishings, and even think about setting up double-glazed windows. These will all affect your soundproofing success. really useful information are also prohibitively expensive, often ridiculously unwise, and all too often, absolutely difficult. Sound Proof Curtains Stop Noise The next most effective strategy is the installation of soundproof curtains. Do they work? As long as you comprehend that the expressions 'acoustic curtains', 'soundproof curtains' and 'sound blocking curtains' are utilized interchangeably by the industry and that they refer to sound muffling innovation, then the response to the question is "Yes! Soundproofing curtains really do work." Let's explore what is possible. Why Invest in Acoustic Curtains? When we discuss acoustic curtains (or sound blocking curtains), we are speaking about drapes that influence the behaviour of noise. These drapes don't initiate their magic till a sound goes into the space. This is important to keep in mind since this shapes not just the option selected, but likewise tempers our expectations into a more realistic area. With this in mind, we need to keep expectations realistic. The way audio waves act in your space has many affecting aspects. Bearing this in mind, we subjectively estimate that a 60% decrease in volume is sensible in many situations. What if it was just 40%? If so, this would imply: Individuals talking as they walk by your tenement window (60dBA) would, to you, sound comparable to the hum of an operating computer system (40dBA). A diesel truck passing 10 metres from your window (85dBA) could sound like light traffic ( 50dBA), and That police vehicle on immediate responsibility (" Why do they always boil down my street?) won't be like heart-stopping sirens (115dBA) however more like the sound of the shower running ( 70dBA). Is that enough of a reduction to justify the investment? Something is missing out on from the equation, of course: the dollar worth of the financial investment. Nevertheless, that's not something we can respond to without knowing your circumstances. That's likewise why we're constantly offered to answer your concerns. One call can see you empowered in a accurate and practical method. If you 'd like to do that, call (02) 9971 8802, or finish the Contact Request Form. In either case, somebody will help direct you through the journey. Buy Acoustic Curtains What Do Soundproof Curtains Do? Soundproofing and sound blocking curtains don't 'block' sound; they absorb it. A handy equivalent to think about is motor cars. There was a time when a 'strong' vehicle was thought about the most safe cars and truck. Nowadays, however, the most safe cars are those that fold in such a way that takes in impact without hurting the vehicle's occupants. Sound or soundproof blocking drapes do the exact same thing. Sound is a mechanical wave; energy moved from one particle to another. When sound energy reaches a wall, floor, furniture piece, window or soundproof curtain, the energy either transfers into that item or 'bounces' off it. If, as a result, we hear the sound two times, we hear an echo. How long we continue to hear it is called reverberation. Soundproof curtains absorb this sound energy. In their essence, soundproofing curtains acoustically change the sounds within a room. Acoustic curtains will: Act as a 'sound-blocker', by taking in sound energy coming through your window. Minimise noise-bleed by avoiding openings in the curtain's sides, bottom or leading. Decrease reverberation (the sound was there, but only briefly). Acoustic Curtains for Your Home Making Sound Blocking Curtains Work For You When designing an acoustic curtains solution, we create sound blocking capability by concentrating on 5 functions. Product Size (covering more than the window). Layers (Multiple). Hardware (rods and hooks). Visual appeals (they need to not minimize your front curtain alternatives too dramatically). The material we are speaking about here is not the front curtain. When we consider aesthetics, we'll talk about that. Here, we're focused on the layers of acoustic product that hang behind the front piece. We use what is called 'three-thickness' material which, as you may guess, is a reference to product density. It is a durable product, with high fibre material in a really tight weave. This is a best-practice, premium acoustic drape product. Other extremely specialised materials are available for specific amplitude (vibrations or oscillations) requires, however this is very seldom needed. Size also matters. A reliable sound-absorbing acoustic drape covers more than the standard window location. A soundproof curtain should ideally drop from ceiling to floor and also extend a minimum of 15 centimetres past the edge of each window frame. Layers matter since extra layers develop additional soundproofing surfaces, and also produce echo/reverberation capture zones in between the layers. We typically use 2 layers of industry-best three-thickness product. This normally accomplishes the objective, though we can add extra layers if you would choose. Your hardware (rods and brackets) likewise need to cope with the additional weight. We likewise keep in mind aesthetic appeals, because we desire to look good! Your surface area drape capacities stay massive. Sound Proof Acoustic Curtains. Beware Soundproof Curtain Fakes. Phonies do exist-- in up until now as what is on offer is not all it could be. Unscrupulous dealerships in some cases market any curtain that is thicker than typical as a 'soundproof curtain'. An easy test is to examine the item with the info we've supplied in this post, and likewise ask the provider, "What makes it soundproof? "If the product lacks the features we've discussed if the provider declares that they can sound block 100% of sound, or if they are not able to explain the sound stopping properties of the drape, you're likely dealing with a replica (or their latest staff member). So, as we close, you now understand that:. 1. Acoustic curtains don't stop intrusive sounds; they stifle them. 2. Soundproof curtains is an industry term, rather than a claim to outright noise decrease. 3. There are many building and room qualities that affect noise reduction. 4. Sound blocking curtains work in absorbing sound energy. 5. Your situations will affect the specific results you delight in. 6. Design features of product, size, layers, hardware and looks are all vital. 7. Soundproof curtain phonies do exist-- beware!
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sherriematula · 5 years
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Luxury Patio Door Curtain Rods Without Center Bracket WC13uik8 https://ift.tt/2FEgkm7 #WindowCurtains #patiodoorcurtainrodswithoutcenterbracket
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Now as some of you may know I'm not the best at putting things together and working on the house, but I try.
So today I put together, albeit slowly and with many breaks, two small cube shelves without any trouble. I was feeling proud of myself so I decided why not take it a step further take down the closet doors and hang a curtain instead. Now one might think I struggled here and you would be wrong so far. Not only was I able to easily get down both doors and get both brackets for the curtain rod up I didn't have to redo putting up the brackets six times because they were uneven.
I was feeling real good at this point so I go to hang the curtain only to realize it doesn't have a loop to hang it with! Alright that's a quick fix I go and sloppily stitch it together and get it on the rod. It's looking mighty good at this point! I then open up the curtain only for the rod to fall, okay, the two rod pieces weren't tightened that's an easy fix one would think.
Now here I am staring at this rod that has no way on this green earth to be tightened and I have no idea how to keep it there the right way. So what do I do some might ask? Do I call my dad or mom? Maybe my brother or sister? As all of them are more handy then I am.
No I don't do any of that. What I did do was hot glued that son of a bitch counted my blessings and called it a night while I was still ahead.
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High Quality Curtain Rod Hardware High Quality Curtain Rod Hardware | Howdy beloved visitor. Hunting for new choices is probably the exciting activities however it can be also exhausted whenever we might not obtain the desired plan.
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nancypullen · 5 years
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
I get ideas. LOTS of ideas.  If you need an idea, I have plenty that you can borrow.  My husband would love it if you’d take some ideas off my hands.  That’s because they often involve him and a screwdriver and/or a trip to Lowe’s.   He thinks of things that I don’t consider...like what’s behind a wall or how much does that thing weigh?  I’ll explain.
Over a year ago I dragged home a rickety, old shutter from a barn sale.  It needed a home and I just knew that it would be perfect on a wall in the kitchen with recipes or photos clipped to it, or maybe over a headboard with a garland strung across it.  I figured that I’d stare at it a while and it would tell me where it needed to go.  Well, it clammed up and I ignored it until last week.  I dragged it out and propped it up in the laundry room.   My reasons were twofold...I tend to put all of my supplies on the window sill in that room which creates clutter.  Also, that room has the electrical panel that is a necessary eyesore in any house.  I wanted to use that window sill for some pretty potted herbs or succulents, and as it turns out that shutter is just wide enough to cover the ugly panel. This room is neglected.  It’s where the cats do their business and where I moan about folding laundry.   
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I did a little measuring and ordered two wire baskets from Amazon.
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Then I told the mister what I planned to do - attach the baskets to the shutter, hang the shutter over the panel, and create adorable laundry storage and free up that window sill.  Genius, right?  Nope.  He immediately told me that I couldn’t drive a nail into the wall above that panel because there are bundles of wires behind it and yadda, yadda, electrocution, death, short out the whole house, and rain on my parade.   Then he mentions that the shutter might not weigh all that much, but once it’s loaded down with my laundry supplies the hanging mechanism needs to support it and blah, bah, blah, I’m not a carpenter.  You get the idea.  BUT...because I am married to a wonderful man who likes to make my dreams come true, he got busy.  He unscrewed the panel to see just where the wires were grouped, then he rummaged through his toolboxes and found just the right size sawtooth hanger, and then he even added brackets to the back of that loosey goosey shutter to make it stronger.  While he was doing all of that he even took the time to screw the baskets on for me.  Sure, my way would have taken fifteen minutes but we’d probably be dead and the house would be on fire. So once he did the construction part of things, I got to do the fun part - making it pretty.  I raided my Ball jar stash in the garage and started filling jars with stuff I use daily.  Tide Pods and Oxy-Clean pods...
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Snuggle and dryer balls...
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I picked up a pour cap for the liquid fabric softener and it’s a perfect fit.
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Now everything is off that window sill and is both useful and decorative. Two of my favorite things!
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Presto, change-o, no electric panel to be seen!  If we ever need to access the panel, we’ll simply take those jars out and lift the shutter off its hanger. Easy Peasey.  I absolutely LOVE it. The room still needs a little fluffing.   For example, because of the location of that electric panel, the shutter is a tad higher than I would have liked it - but if I put a curtain rod over that window and hang a little lace valance I think it will balance it.
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I don’t even care - that’s how much I love it. And while we’re on the topic of my laundry room, I’d like to share a little something that I love and can’t live without.
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That little bottle makes most of my house smell divine.  It really is smaller than it looks in this photo - maybe five or six inches tall.  It’s a fragrance diffuser from Pier 1.  I’ve used them for quite a while and they. are. fabulous.  They offer a wide variety of scents, something for everyone.  This one is Sea Air.  I also love the Pink Champagne.  In the fall I buy their spice cake and pumpkin fragrances.  Mickey uses Moroccan Vanilla upstairs in his office.   They last much, much longer than any other home fragrance I’ve tried and they don’t give me a headache like so many of the plug-ins and burning candles.   These little things are wonderful and they’re only $6.95.  Even better, there’s almost always a sale or coupon to get them even cheaper.  You guys know how cheap financially responsible I am - I’ve found that with MANY items, not just at Pier 1 but most stores, if you can order it online and pick it up in store (where’d you be going anyway to buy it) you can almost always apply an online coupon and get a tasty discount. Check retailmenot.com and you can find a code nearly every time.  I’ve done it everywhere from Target to Kirkland’s and even Belk.  Even better, if you’re picking up an order at Kirkland’s they’ll give you a 15% discount on anything you buy while you’re there to get your order.  Picking up that doormat you wanted and spy the perfect birthday gift for a friend? Discount!  My husband knows that I’d rather have a root canal than pay retail, but I’m even happier if I can bring home a broken $5 shutter and turn it into something I love.  If it’s chippy and worn, even better.  I may need a truck so I can bring home more things to save us money.
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