#crumpet the rat
thankyouforthefunny · 28 days
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Wearing his tail
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teapartyrats · 2 months
hi i really like the pictures of your rats, thank you for sharing them <3
Thank you so much for your message! All the rats hope you have a great day!
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Good day to everybody from Crumpet too!
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emilieautumnarchives · 2 months
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Emilie Autumn for Bubblegum Sl-t Zine
Original Link (Archive Post from Author) Last access 3/31/24 Originally Posted: Summer 2010
...I interviewed Emilie Autumn a few times in the mid-00s, although only once for Bubblegum Sl💛t. I think the photo of Emilie and me (seen on the left of the first slide) was taken after an interview for Alternative Magazine. Every time I saw Emilie, her gigs grew a bit grander and more bonkers. Consider that her entry point to the era’s music scene was a violin-and-vocal concept album - which concerned Shakespeare and mental ill health, and arrived accompanied by a semi-autobiographical novel, fusing psych ward memoirs with a Victorian fantasy world – and you get some sense of just how bonkers things got. By the time this was printed in 2010, her shows were bringing cabaret vibes and musical theatre production values to rock venues. Accompanied by the ‘Bloody Crumpets’ (a troupe of burlesque belles posing as asylum inmates), and an elaborate array of handcrafted props and costumes, she was greeted at every show by hordes of adoring ‘plague rats’ in bloomers and stripey stockings. Something I always found both inspiring and a little intimidating was just how hands-on Emilie was with every aspect of her ambitious shows. Right down to handmaking merch, she oversaw every last damn detail of her immersive fantasy world, putting in frighteningly long hours to make it happen. This was a big a theme of this very wordy interview.
Interview and scans below the cut.
Transcription note: this interview is long and EA's comments are interspersed throughout, so I've put her words in bold.
Wayward Woman
Released from her old record contract, our favourite asylum inmate Emilie Autumn has lately let her creativity run. And run. And run.
18 hour day corporate workaholics would be put to shame by the drive that Emilie Autumn exhibits in her many artistic endeavors. With each successive, increasingly grand tour I've witnessed (for which Emilie handles the design and production of lavish stage sets and costumes, the creation handmade merch and the choreography of dance routines and comedy set-pieces with her sidekicks 'The Bloody Crumpets', not to mention violin, harpsichord and vocal duties) I've felt, with crowing certainty, that superhuman powers are the only explanation for her quite extraordinary ability to maintain both the quality and vast quantity of her output. Speaking to the insomniac artist herself shortly after her Spring 2010 tour of Europe and Australia however, I've forced to entertain the more improbable, and frankly frightening notion, that her stamina is actually that of a mere mortal, as she recounts woefully how a throat infection forced her to cancel two shows on this most recent outing. The singer can't claim she wasn't warned; management -- characterized in popular music mythology as the business bods cracking the whip on the backs of their poor, cash-cow artist -- apparently made efforts to talk her out of undertaking such a lengthy tour before she had embarked up it, but inevitably such a suggestion was never given any serious consideration by a women who describes the experience of taking a few days off as "torturous".
"I wasn't allowed to speak," she elaborated on the horrors of her enforced spell of rest and relaxation. "I wasn't even allowed to whisper, so I had to write things down to communicate. As somebody who talks a lot--as you can tell--it was definitely torturous!"
Yes, I can definitely tell you that, amongst a great deal of many other talents, Emilie Autumn can really talk. Figuring out that much in the four previous interview I've got to admit that, while the kind of intense and frank debate and confessions she offers in volumes are a refreshing pleasure over any media-trained soundbite, I approach this latest encounter with as much dread as anticipation; dread that is for the figure that will appear on my phone bill when the receiver eventually goes down and Emilie and Chicago. And on this occasion there's more to talk about than ever before.
See, even within the biography of an artist who is prolific by nature the past few months can be considered a fully of activity. The tour aside, there's been the double dis re-release of Emilie's breath-through album 'Opheliac', while the publication of her long-awaited book 'The Asylum of Wayward Victorian Girls' requires epic discourse by itself. So more -- much more -- of the book later. Firstly, Emilie explains, the starting point for seeing this succession of projects come to fruition was opting to break away from former German-based label Trisol.
"Once all the house clearing went down I found, to my surprise, when the door opened I had a good amount of options," she recalls, swiftly skipping to the part where, having weight these up, she found and offer from New York's The End records the most attractive.
By signing on the dotted line she joined an oddball, distinctly arty roster, which also includes Mindless Self Indulgence, Dir En Gray and Dirty Little Rabbits, and celebrated seeing her music gain a release in her native Unite States at long last. Although "frustrated" by the prior limbo period, when her work languished on record stores' prices import shelves, she has to conceded that there's little evidence to suggest hefty taxes impeded the spread of the 'plague' (as she is wont to refer to the rise of her so-described 'violindustrial', with fans readily wearing the label 'plague rats').
"I was amazed to see the fanbase I have [here] when I first toured the US," she says. "The Plague rats are here, they're everywhere, and it's insane that this thing has spread almost without radio, without videos and without a label until now."
The fresh pressing of 'Opheliac' has also been granted a second release in Europe, where by contrast Emilie has enjoyed strong support from the alternative music media ever since the album was initially issued in 2006. Critics might assume a second coming so soon a little premature but, even without the addition of a wealth of bonus material, a record that can honestly by called a 'grower' -- rewarding revisits by revealing new depths to it's complex sonics and storyline -- makes a good case for being deserving of a second look. For Emilie herself "the 'Opheliac' record is still the most important thing" - the silver lining to the breakdown which followed her separation from musical collaborator turned lover Billy Corgan, traced to the eureka moment at which she began charting comparisons between her own increasingly troubled life and the misadventures of Shakespeare's archetypal 'difficult woman.'
"I think a couple times in your life, if you're lucky, you just get it right," Emilie reflects of the work now. "It's like creating the perfect quote that people will say 500 years later, because it still rings true. When I sing those songs onstage, or listen to that record it still strikes me that there's not a single thing I would change."
Such a definitive statement from the artist herself does rather invite the suggestion that the bonus disc can do little to enhance the piece; only encourage plague rats to pick up the second copy.
"The first disc is completely a concept album, where every sound is a puzzle piece within a big plan and everything relies on everything else around it," Emilie affirms. "So that second disc is like 'here's the mixbox' -- it's a complete jumble of things, like the inside of my head. But it is all very relevant to the suicidal theme of the album."
Specifically, she cites her unlikely rendition of an age-old song Billie Holiday mad her own, declaring "'Gloomy Sunday', - that's like the original suicide song, it couldn't be more relevant." With her version sitting alongside a cover of The Smiths' 'Asleep,' a solo violin rendering of Bach, several original acoustic recordings and samples of the spoken word, performances Emilie has lately been giving in support of her book release, she's not wrong in her assertion that the second disc is a 'mixbox' either. Set in contrast to the main album's heavy, literary study of her own human condition this new component is also reflective of the trademark scatter-brained and impatient intellect she overwhelms with when she chatters mile a minute.
By far the greatest justification for revisiting 'Opheliac' now Emilie excitably gabs is the long-awaited arrival of its companion and sequel, the Asylum book, viewed by it's author as a sort of key to decoding the shorthand hints embedded in the other releases in her catalogue.
A back-burner project in the Trisol offices for more than 2 years, the book looked so sure to be lost to the world for a time that Emilie's reaction when it eventually when into production under guidance of The End was to "go into shock - I've almost been in denial that i was ever actually happening.," she gasps. "I'd got so into saying 'wait for it, it's going to be great!' and not having it materialize that it was a shock when the new printing company put it together. It was torture to keep touring a keep releasing knowing that, even if I have a great fanbase who like what I'm doing, they really had no idea of what they liked was about at the time, They didn't know the full extent of how serious it actually was, how much i actually means and real it is."
Referring to the titular 'Asylum' -- most basically defined as a location in [Emilie's] imagination and art, but nonetheless deeply rooted in historical documentation of the treatment of Victorian madwomen, and the harsh realities of Emilie's own experience of the modern mental health care system -- she tells "there's this thing of assuming it's a fantasy world when, actually, it's for real. That was very difficult," she sighs, "to go on touring, knowing that there were so many things I couldn't do onstage that I actually might have wanted to, but because they were references to things in the book they would never make sense without it."
As much a novel, information manual for those wanting to pick up tips on surviving a mental health ward or swarm of leeches and detailed history lesson as it is an autobiography, the book was a massive undertaking --particularly for an author possessed of the perfectionist tendencies Emilie is. To put in perspective the length of the sentence 'The Asylum..." served in post-production hell, journalists received sample pages from Trisol's PR department, in preparation for an apparently imminent publication, way back in 2008. In the months it took for a released date to pass many other active and breathing public figures saw fit to issue second volumes to their autobiographies. Hence it figures that the finished Asylum on bookstore shelves now is a substantial development of those early previews.
"The story was there but with every day there was another delay and so more painting and ore words would go in just so that the time wasn't completely wasted," confirms Emilie. "If I had to wait I had to make the most of that time and now you have something that wouldn't have been quite as awesome if it had come a day earlier. It's not like the 'Opheliac' record, where I wouldn't add a note or take a note away -- this is the story of my entire life, it goes on -- I could always add another scribble in another corner. 'Opheliac' is a time capsule and this is everything, it goes [from] the beginning to beyond the end... the ultimate ending is still just a massive cliff-hanger because we don't know how it ends!"
Candor and openness being defining traits of the Emilie I've come to know it's surprising to hear that the other "big, open question mark," the book implanted in her head was a wave of self doubt--
"Like, 'okay, you think you know how you're going to react if people read this stuff by do you really ?' And for a couple of days there was this silence, on our sounding board--you know, the internet," she translates. "Everything was really quiet for a couple of days as people were reading it and digesting it and when they came back there was a kind of collective 'holy fuck - we though we knew what was going on by now... maybe not.' There's an increased understanding of me and what I do now - the colours of everything are a bit brighter, because it means more. It's a relief," she announces. " I've said it now, everybody knows all of these things about me now, and if you still like who I am, knowing that this is the life I've lived and things I've done then you like who I really am. It's just a relief to finally tell someone who you really are... like you might have wanted to pretend to be the little queen, or tired to be the good girlfriend, and when you give that up... well, it turns out that pressure is a lot scarier than telling the truth and doing whet comes naturally."
While she's in the mood to share, Emilie reveals the next stage in her grand plan.
"I'll tell you my secret," she relents, after a moments hesitation, reasoning. "I don't know if it's a secret, it's kind of obvious really. My plan, of why the book has to get so very much out there, is because we want to make a movie."
A nanosecond is spared for dramatic effect here before her enthusiasm spurs her on to laying out the blow-by-blow proposal, as though addressing her plague rats en masse.
"Here's what I need you to do," she instructs. "I need you to go buy me these 52 hundred copies of the Asylum book, because then we in the popularity contests--and that's how we get to the top of the bestsellers list. That's very simple, right? Because then, everyone knows, every single book that reaches the top of the bestseller chart is very quickly made into a movie. So if you want to see that movie you've got to help me and purchase that book!"
Emilie is right to think her plan is becoming 'obvious' at this stage. Always theatrical, her stage shows have now grown to a scale that their props are testing the limits of her one-woman workshop, and their stunts are insurance policies of venues only every intended to play host to the humble rock band. A theatre or screen production is the clear next step and, not one to restrict the creative outlets at her disposal, Emilie has not ruled out the former option.
"When we're hitting a new venue every night we have to wonder every night if we're going to be able to do the full show," she sighs. "It's 'are they going to let us to aerials here?', 'are we going to have to leave out the fire-eating because they won't let us do fire here?' It's becoming very clear that, at this level, there are limits to what you can do and the alternative to that is getting a theatre run where you're actually in the same place for 3 months. But there's a part of me that doesn't want tot do that because, however grueling life on the road is, there's that whole thing of the show coming to the people, which I love. SO I think maybe doing both is the ideal. Something I'm quite seriously working on," she impressed, before continuing, "is the possibility of being able to tour with my own venue. Circuses do it, so why can't I? It's a bigger production, and it's expensive, but if you know what you want there's always a way, and I've figured out what we need to do, which is embrace the fact that this isn't a rock show and begin putting it into a setting which reflects that."
Which reminds me, amongst Emilie's many interests is creating music, and between talking books, movies and big tops we've so far neglected to mention an additional iron in the fire, that is 'Opheliac's musical follow-up. Suddenly engaged on another new topic Emilie tells, "I'm about halfway through writing, but nothing has been recorded. It's still being added to because that's the next thing -- making sure that this album accurately represents my life right now. It ties in to the Asylum book, and 'Opheliac', which laid out 'this is the situation you're in,' so this next record is naturally saying 'okay, now what do you do about it?' So that's where it gets a bit more violent and bloody, because now it's about fighting."
Supporting Emilie's often re-iterated line that her seemingly disparate works are, truly, inter-connected and even inter-dependant, recent live shows have started to develop the theme of fighting. Most obviously performances on the Spring tour included a segment in which Emilie and her Bloody Crumpets tool up to become the Asylum Army, marching to a gruffly barked, yet uniquely feminine, drill chant.
"Now there' about 50% guys in the audiences," she notes. "And so when we ask there 'are you ready to fight like a girl?', and every one of them is screaming 'yes'... well, that's amazing. It's about taking that phrase -- that we've heard our whole lives a s derogatory thing, 'you fight like a girl', 'you throw a ball like a girl,' we're taking that and turning it on it's ass completely to make it like the greatest thing possible, knowing that actually, if a girl really has something to defend, there will be no chivalry, no rules, and she will use every tool possible.
For Emilie, these violent developments, as explored more graphically on the next album, represent "part tow of the adventure. It's still completely relevant, it has to be," she says. "When I put [the record] out it has to mean at least as much to me as 'Opheliac' did."
Here the perfectionist standards that her vast ambition demand surface once again, and she tells "I never want to do anything that doesn't have the same impact, on me that is. I want to get it right again. I can't fail, it's just not what I do. I would rather not put anything out. But that's not going to be a problem. I'm already working on the new record and we're gonna be just fine."
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Hi, do you remember that contest on Shefightslikeagirl blog where you could win some EA related trinkets/jewellery made by Vecona, you won the auction right? Could you post some pics of that jewellery? I'm really curious how it looks like !
Hi anon, i can't because I don't have that jewellery, it is a colleague of mine that owns these pieces. This friend wanted to take part in that giveaway and asked me if she could use my tumblr account for this purpose cause she didn't want to use her own personal account. I sent a comment, passed on her email address when she won the giveaway.
Iirc you had to describe your best EA show memory? or something, This friend has never been to EA show and made it all up. I don't blame her much cause she was at a low point att and hoped these things would cheer her up but I know she felt bad about making it up later. She said she'd like to give these pieces to some other fan but they're not worth any money or setting up ebay listing etc.
I haven't been in touch with this friend for years after i went to study abroad, though I think she's active on tumblr. That being said it's not worth photographing much, she said it's all that was pictured on the blog nothing more nothing less. The bows looked cheap and tacky on hair and the weird "rat in petals" thing is completely of no use (her words lol), the only wearable thing was the "Heart in a frame" pendant and it is most valuable nostalgia wise, as you could actually see Bloody Crumpets wearing it onstage.
You can see the giveaway photo on @shefightslikeagirl in Vecona tag, sorry i don't have the pic on my device to post right now
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pruechaosbracket · 11 months
ROUND 2-B: Taako, Magnus and Merle VS Tiny Tina
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About Taako, Magnus, and Merle: A trio of adventurers, who's in-universe group name is Tres Horny Boys. Their antics come in both group ways; such as when they jumped down a well when none of them can levitate, and individual ways; such as when Taako brought and item that can be traded for someone's most valuable item and then sold it back to the same person for a Flaming Raging Poisoning Sword of Doom which he use as an accessory. When Magnus and Merle stole from a Bank while stopping an actual Bank Robbery, Taako threaten to rat them out to the officer outside. Merle chased someone into a quarry; which Magnus had just told him to not enter, to persuade them into following Pan via the Extreme Teen Bible, which he introduced with a song. When they group was blocked by a mass of vines, Merle flirted with the plant which caused it to be infatuated and grossed Magnus and Taako. Taako threaten his student for if he ever became more powerful then Taako, and he then brushed it off as him practicing for a play.
About Tiny Tina: A 13-year old demolitionist who the game's caption calls "Pandora's Deadliest 13-Year Old", and when she returned after a 7 year time-skip as a 19-year old her caption was changed to say "All Grown Up, Still Insane". She has her own set of bunkers, and once granted refuge in exchange for a session of Bunkers & Badasses; which is essentially Borderlands’ version of DND, where she was the DM. She turned "Pop goes the Weasel" and "I'm a little Tea Pot" into murder ballads, she blew off the door of her own camper van just to make an entrance, she gives the player-character a variety of nick-names, she calls onions "crying apples" and potatoes "googly tuber" and will threaten to kill anyone who corrects her on them. She tried to scam her exes by announcing her fake wedding for gifts/money, and then got legally married to mop and blew the entire wedding up when they actually came to it. Almost her entire diet is just crumpets, to the point where she has to be forced to eat other stuff, she can and will murder anyone who implies she takes bad care of her pets, and she went ballistic after realizing that a vending machine she thought sold chocolate chip actually sold oatmeal raisin, and ordered the player to destroy every vending machine there.
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goatskickin · 6 months
Thank you so much for the tag @eulaliasims! thanks for calling me a storytelling simblr that was rly cool of you🥺  As per @episims: Sims Say the Darnest Things: When you get this, list five of your characters and their best quotes so far. Then pass it on to five other storytelling simblrs. 1. Patrick Springs-Eternal
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“Hope my crumpet, now I know you didn’t mean to break the computer on purpose, but this is very inconvenient for me, as the entirety of my children’s novel was on there, as well as the perfect lemon-rose black rice pudding. You’ve got to me more careful.”
“f you are feeling restless, you are more than welcome to sort through the cans I’ve found at the dump this week, and toss the dented and swollen ones.”
“Patrick you are so attractive when you chastise me.”
“Don’t try to distract me Hope, my vegan chili recipe was also on that computer.”
2. Hierarchical Command Unit 70 aka HCU-70
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“We do not have records of poor conversation comprehension among your species.
But yes, again, we received the distress signal and I have responded. What is the nature of your distress?”
3. Temperance Springs-Eternal
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“Hey so like, I love that you don’t wear makeup, you know? It makes your eyes look all squinty, and your face washed out…like a cute lab rat, you know?”
“What the hell? Was that supposed to be a compliment you jerk?!”
4. Loren Teens
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“Wow! It’s been so long since I’ve been called a monster.
I forgot that people do it with such… vehemence.”
5. Faith Springs-Eternal
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“Naked guy. Can I. Help you?”
“Jeez Red, you’re a tough crowd!”
“Well, you’re going to have to do better than waving your hog around if you want to impress me.”
TAGGING: @deedee-sims, @vampireacademysims, @mdpthatsme, @mikexx2 and @ts2windyvalley
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rat-off-string · 2 months
rat my dear mutual.. what are some things you like..
(unless you have been asked this before)
i HAVE been asked this before but i'll answer it again because i love talking about myself because my ego is big.
I LIKE SPLATOON. i dont even play that game (cant afford a switch) ive just been absorbing splatoon content second hand. my faves pearl & frye i love the forehead gals they have very mecore energy aslso. also splatoon music goes hard as FUCK
anyway music i love music. let me tell yuo about my music ive been listening to lately. - New Hampshire (PWR BTTM) - Piedmont (Destroy Boys) - Ergophobia (Psychadelic Porn Crumpets) - Club Foot (Kasabian) - Horny Hippies (The Dodos) - Something Soon (Car Seat Headrest) (i also prefer the teens of style version)
boy that sure is a lot of music. erm what else do i like. i like poetry and i like eating food and i like doing art. yay !
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macaroonsims · 1 year
Ever After High Legacy challenge
I'm pretty sure no one has made this yet, so here we go!
all heirs must be spellcasters, unless stated otherwise
it will only focus on the girls. If we did everyone it would get too long and confusing.
Rules are the same as always. Heirs can be of any gender, use cheats if you want. Complete all gen goals and aspiration, reach top of career.
birthday's are included in case you have an astrology mod
Gen 1: Apple White, daughter of snow white
traits: good, self-centred, loyal
aspiration: leader of the pack
career: politician, leader/president branch
Birthday: may 13th
plant apples in garden,
white is your favourite colour
volunteer often
have an A in both elementary and high school
master logic and dance skills
have a pet fox named Gala
befriend wild foxes
Gen 2: Raven Queen, the next Evil Queen
traits: mean, loyal, outgoing
aspiration: spellcaster and sorcery
career: criminal
birthday: 25th november
purple is your favourite colour
two familiars: a dragon named nevermore, and a raven (name is up to you)
have a dog named prince. When dog dies, get a pet rodent (rat) and also name him prince
have one child, afterwards marry someone (not the father of your child) who already has two kids
Gen 3: Ashlynn Ella, the next Cinderella
traits: loves the outdoors, animal enthusiast, good
aspiration: friend of the animals
career: style influencer
birthday: 15th october
own a shoe shop called the Glass Slipper
have phoenix familiar called sandella
have a cat and a dog, and one of each pet rodent
have chickens, cows, llamas
complete bug, frog, and fish collections.
befriend birds, rabbits, and foxes
have three children: One, and then twins. The younger twin will be the heir
Gen 4: Darling Charming, a somewhat rebellious princess
traits: bookworm, cheerful, active
aspirations: beach life, mt komorebi tourist, city native
career: writer, journalist branch
birthday: 11th february
have a dog named chance
have a dragon familiar named herowing
only have one child
Gen 5: Madeline Hatter, daughter of the mad hatter
Traits: erratic, outgoing, foody
aspiration: bussiness
career: working at your bakery/business
birthday: 8th June
have a rat called earl grey
own a tea maker
keep a diary
wear a hat with every outfit
own a bakery
master baking skill
have a dragon familiar called crumpets
Gen 6: Cerise Hood, the next red riding hood
traits: active, loner, loves the outdoors
aspiration: bodybuilder
career: athletic career
birthday: 31st october
be a werewolf
have an older half sister from your father's side. Parents aren't together and never married
have a dog called Carmine
plant cherries in back garden
Have nine children, including a set of triplets. Eldest will be the heir
Gen 6.5: Ramona Badwolf, daughter of the bad wolf (optional generation).
traits: gloomy, loyal, active
aspirations: werewolf initiate, wildfang renegade
career: up to you
birthday: 19th of April
be a werewolf
join the wildfangs and become their leader
become an apex werewolf
Gen 7: Briar Beauty, the next sleeping beauty
traits: lazy, party animal, dance machine
aspiration: jungle adventurer,
career: gardener
birthday: 9th of august
only have one child
Gen 8: Rosabella beauty, the next Beauty
traits: animal enthusiast, bookworm, ambitious
aspirations: bestselling author, friend of the animals, country caretaker
career: politician, charity branch
birthday: 4th of september
have a butterfly (part of the insect collection)
have one of each rodent, a dog, a cat, cows, chickens, llamas
befriend dolphins, birds, foxes, and rabbits
have bees and all bugs from eco living
have two children, eldest will be the heir
Gen 9: Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Hearts, the next queen of hearts
traits: good, self-absorbed, active
aspiration: freelance botanist
career: gardener, florist branch
birthday: 18th january
have a pet hedgehog
master flower arranging and gardening skills
plant roses in back garden
have only one child
Gen 10: Kitty Cheshire, daughter of the cheshire cat
traits: cat lover, goofball, mean
aspirations: chief of mischief, lady of the knits
career: make money by selling knitted things on plopsy
birthday: 24th may
always have a cat in your household
master knitting skill
have only one child
Gen 11: Duchess Swan, the next swan queen
traits: dance machine, evil, mean
aspiration: master actress
career: actress
birthday: 30th april
have a lake stocked with swans
master acting skill
reach superstar fame rank
have a negative reputation
only have one child
Gen 12: Courtly Jester, daughter of the joker card
traits: mean, goofball, active
aspiration: joke star
career: comedian
birthday: 11th January
master comedy and athletic skills
learn all mischief magic spells
have twins
Gen 13: Poppy O'Hair, believed to be the youngest twin, is actually the eldest.
traits: genius, creative, loner
aspirations: painter extraordinaire
career: stylist
birthday: 19th june
master painting skill
use the vlogging station to film make-up vlogs
Gen 13.5: Holly O'Hair, the next Rapunzel, believed to be the older twin
traits: bookworm, creative, genius
aspiration: bestselling author
career: writer, author branch
plant hollies in your garden
master imagination skill as a toddler
keep a diary
master writing skill
have a cat called Clipper
only have one child
Gen 14: Blondie Lockes, the next goldilocks
traits: high maintenance, overachiever, outgoing
Career: writer, journalist branch
birthday: 9th september
have one of your outfits be a bear costume
use the vlogging station often
master coding skill
master writing skill
only have one child
Gen 15: Bunny Blanc, future white rabbit
traits: genius, active, creative
aspirations: musical genius, bodybuilder
career: politician, charity branch
birthday: 21st January
befriend bunnies
become best friends with the flower bunny
favourite colour is white
master athletic skill only by going jogging/for a run
have only one child, but something happens and you cannot take care of them. They are adopted and raised by someone else
Gen 16: C.A Cupid, the next cupid
traits: romantic, loyal, outgoing
aspirations: serial romantic, soulmate (in this order)
career: teacher
birthday: 24th november
attend every romance festival
complete the social butterfly aspiration as a child
read and write romance novels, and watch the romance channel often
never go swimming
only have one child
Gen 17: Cedar Wood, the next pinocchio
traits: creative, art lover, proper
aspiration: painter extraordinaire
career: painter
birthday: 17th July
master painting and photography skills
befriend birds and have a bird feeder
make at least one of each wooden sculpture and master that skill
only have one child
Gen 18: Faybelle Thorn, the next dark fairy
traits: ambitious, active, self-absorbed
aspiration: chief of mischief
career: up to you
birthday: 16th november
have a fairy familiar
learn all untamed and mischief spells
be a cheerleader in high school
never date or get married
have a pomerenian puppy called Spindle
Gen 19: Ginger Breadhouse, the next candy witch
traits: foody, cheerful, geek
aspiration: master chef
career: bakery owner/chef
birthday: 24th january
master baking, cooking, and gourmet cooking skills
have a gummy guppy called Jelly
have one child
Gen 20: Nina Thumbell
traits: animal enthusiast, loves the outdoors, green fiend
aspirations: country caretaker and freelance botanist
career: eco innovator/engineer
birthday: 23rd march
be a cheerleader in high school
always recycle
live on a off the grid lot and generate your own energy
have a cat called rascal
dress up as a fairy for halloween
Gen 21: Jillian Beanstalk, daughter of Jack from the tale 'jack and the beanstalk'
traits: adventurous, music lover, green fiend
aspirations: musical genius, outdoor enthusiast
career: civil engineer (eco green living pack)
birthday: 9th december
buy the brave trait in the rewards store
plant beans in back garden (jungle adventure pack)
have twelve children, youngest will be the heir
Gen 22: Justine Dancer, daughter of the 12th dancing princess
traits: dance machine, creative, self-assured
aspiration: master actress
career: actress
master acting and dancing skills
Gen 23: Farrah Goodfairy, the next fairy godmother
traits: good, creative, loyal
aspiration: spellcraft and sorcery
career: style influencer
birthday: 27th september
own a clothes shop
have a pet rat called Clydesdale
have a fairy familiar
Gen 24: Melody Piper, the next pied piper
traits: music lover, dance machine, creative
aspiration: musical genius
career: musician/dj
birthday: 31st July
master dj skill
have a dragon familiar
keep a diary
have a pet rat called mousetro
Gen 25: Crystal Winter, the next snow queen
traits: cheerful, good, active
aspiration: extreme sports enthusiast
career: up to you
birthday: 17th november
declare love for cold temperatures/cold weather
go ice skating often
master snow boarding and skiing skills
have an owl familiar
unlock the achievement polar bear club (go swimming when its freezing/snowing outside)
teach skiing classes
have two daughters, eldest will be the heir (Meeshel and Melody)
Gen 26: Meeshell Mermaid, daughter of the little mermaid
traits: child of the ocean, music lover, child of the island
aspiration: beach life
birthday: 2nd march
master singing skill
be a mermaid
live in sulani
befriend a dolphin
complete seashell collection
marry a human
Gen 27: Lilly Bo Peep, the next little bo peep
traits: good, clumsy, animal enthusiast
aspiration: country caretaker
career: sell wool/eggs/animal products
birthday: 7th september
must have llamas, other animals are up to you
Gen 28: Maisie Muffet, the enxt little miss muffet
traits: foody, good, cheerful
aspiration: master chef
career: chef/ice cream shop owner
have an ice cream maker
own an ice cream shop
Gen 29: Helga Crumb, daughter of Hansel
traits: mean, foody, glutton
aspiration: chief of mischief
career: bakery owner
birthday: 27th april
master baking skill, be the owner of a bakery
End of challenge! Ended up being reallyyy long, but if you follow it you'll unlock the alphabet legacy achievement
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thankyouforthefunny · 28 days
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He’s shaped like a delectable pastry, perhaps a croissant or a bear claw
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teapartyrats · 27 days
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Crumpet wishes you a rat-tastic day!
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ratlicker69 · 1 year
Rats taste like hot buttered crumpets ok stop asking and go taste one for yourself
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
The Great Mouse Detective (1986) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 80+ sentences from the 1986 version of The Great Mouse Detective to use for your enjoyment!    
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1.      “This is my very best birthday.”
2.      “I haven’t given you your present yet.”
3.      “You’re the most wonderful father in the whole world.”
4.      “Little did I know, but my life was about to change forever.”
5.      “Come, come. Dry your eyes.”
6.      “Oh my, you poor dear! You must be chilled to the bone.”
7.      “I know just the thing. Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets.”
8.      “The villains slipped this time! I shall have him!”
9.      “You don’t understand! I’m in terrible trouble!”
10.   “How did you know I was a doctor?”
11.   “I believe I smell some of those delightful cheese crumpets of yours. Why don’t you fetch our guests some?”
12.   “Drat, another dead end. He was within my grasp!”
13.   “Young lady, this is a most inappropriate time.”
14.   “He’s a genius, a genius twisted for evil. The Napoleon of crime.”
15.   “As bad as all that, eh?”
16.   “For years I’ve tried to capture him, and I’ve come close. So very close. But each time he’s narrowly evaded my grasp.”
17.   “There’s no evil scheme he wouldn’t concoct, no depravity he wouldn’t commit.”
18.   “Who knows what dastardly scheme that villain may be plotting even as we speak.”
19.   “Quite an ingenious scheme, eh? And aren’t you proud to be a part of it?”
20.   “You can do what you want with me. I won’t be a part of this evil any longer.”
21.   “By the way, I’m having the liberty of having your daughter brought here.”
22.   “I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate was to befall her.”
23.   “Oh, I love it when I’m nasty.”
24.   “You know what to do. And no mistakes.”
25.   “My friends we are about to embark on the most odius, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career. A crime to top all crimes, a crime that will live in infamy.”
26.   “It promises to be a night she will never forget.”
27.   “It hasn’t all been champagne and caviar. I’ve had my share of adversity.”
28.   “For years that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans.”
29.   “I haven’t had a moments peace of mind.”
30.   “All that’s in the past! This time nothing can stand in my way! All will bow before me!”
31.   “What was that? What did you call me?”
32.   “I’m afraid that you’ve gone and upset me. You know what happens when someone upsets me.”
33.   “I trust there will be no further interruptions.”
34.   “This case is most intriguing with its multiplicity of elements, its many twists and turns.”
35.   “You’re certain you’ve told me everything? The slightest detail may be important.”
36.   “A crime of the most sinister nature, no doubt.”
37.   “No sign of the blackguard anywhere.”
38.   “This is not business for children.”
39.   “You are most definitely not accompanying us and that is final.”
40.   “Not a word out of you. Is that clear?”
41.   “The thrill of the hunt, eh?”
42.   “Upon my word, I’ve never seen so many toys.”
43.   “Don’t let this girl out of your sight!”
44.   “Confound it! I told you to watch over the girl!”
45.   “Poor girl. I should have watched her more closely.”
46.   “Don’t worry, old fellow. It’s not entirely hopeless.”
47.   “There’s always a chance as long as one can thing.”
48.   “How sweet. I just love tearful reunions.”
49.   “Remember it must be ready tonight!”
50.   “You mean you’re not mad? I’m glad you’re taking it so well.”
51.   “Oh I can just see that insufferable grin on his smug face.”
52.   “You delightful little maniac! You’ve presented me with a singular opportunity.”
53.   “Don’t be absurd. You look perfect.”
54.   “Stay close and do as I do.”
55.   “Two pints for me and my shipmate.”
56.   “There you are boys. It’s on the house.”
57.   “Has a rather nice bite to it.”
58.   “Bravo! Bravo! A marvelous performance. Though, frankly, I expected you fifteen minutes earlier.”
59.   “No one can have a higher opinion of you than I had. And I think you’re a slimy, contemptable sewer rat.”
60.   “I just love your disguise. Really, one would hardly recognize you.”
61.   “So help me, I’ll see you behind bars yet!”
62.   “You fool! Isn’t it clear to you?”
63.   “The superior mind has triumphed! I’ve won!”
64.   “You don’t know what a delightful dilemma it was trying to decide on the most appropriate method for your demise. Oh, I had so many ingenious ideas I didn’t know which to choose. So I decided to choose them all.”
65.   “Oh, this is wicked. So delightfully wicked.”
66.   “See what you can do with the proper motivation?”
67.   “It was my fond hope to stay and witness your final scene, but you were fifteen minutes late and I do have an important engagement.”
68.   “You should have chosen your friends more carefully.”
69.   “Haven’t you figured it out? The Queen’s in danger and the empires doomed.”
70.   “Have you been with us long?”
71.   “How could I have been so blind?”
72.   “We all make mistakes, but we can’t let that stop us.”
73.   “He would never have walked into such an obvious trap.”
74.   “Pull yourself together! You can stop that villain!”
75.   “It’s finally happened! I’ve been outwitted!”
76.   “Our queen is in mortal danger!”
77.   “As your new royal consort, I have a few slight suggestions.”
78.   “I have the power! I am supreme!”
79.   “This is MY kingdom! That is, of course, with your highness permission?”
80.   “You’re not my royal consort. You’re a cheap fiend and imposter?”
81.   “Stay where you are or the girl dies!”
82.   “Would you kindly sit down and shut up!?”
83.   “There’s no escape this time!”
84.   “The games not over yet!”
85.   “To be thanked by the queen herself! Oh how very thrilling, eh?”
86.   “The case is over. Perhaps it’s best I found my own living quarters.”
87.   “You look as if you’re in some trouble.”
88.   “Over the years, we’ve had many cases together.”
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alicesought · 1 year
What kinds of names does Jervis give his mice? Do they follow any sort of pattern?
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{{ Back in his lab days, besides the biggest one being called Dormouse of course, all his other mice were named after food, especially desserts you'd find on a tea table.
Biscuit, crumpet, cheesecake, etc! It's the nature of lab rats that they're often cycled through, so besides a few consistent testers he didn't really have one single set of rats you need to remember the names of outside of Dormouse, but they were always named things like that while they were in use! }}
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fartofthesunrise · 2 years
i love that fart records pic so much lmao its edited so well to the point where i didnt even notice the records were edited and when i did i zoomed in to each one lol. Also I'd love to see the records in the pic listed out if u dont mind (if u do mind its cool tho!) #epic
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This’ll be a LONG one, bear with me.
Steely Dan - Aja
Walter Becker - 11 Tracks of Whack
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica
Osees - Castlemania
Gary Fink - Can’t Stop Singing About Jesus (jokingly added)
Fusioon - Fusioon
Doobie Brothers - Minute By Minute
Golden Earring - Cut
Primus - Antipop
Rush - 2112
Uriah Heep - The Magician’s Birthday
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Brain Salad Surgery
King Crimson - Islands
After All - After All
King Gizzard - Willoughby’s Beach
Babe Rainbow - Double Rainbow
Pipe-eye - Laugh About Life
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - High Visceral, Pt. 1
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - High Visceral, Pt. 2
King Gizzard - Infest The Rats’ Nest
The Murlocs - Bittersweet Demons
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel 2: Scratch
Donovan - Sunshine Superman
Golden Earring - Moontan
Gloop and The Yoinkies - Gloop And The Yoinkies Kill The Government
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Clear Spot
Primus - Green Naugahyde
The Police - Regatta De Blanc
Oysterhead - The Grand Pecking Order
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
King Crimson - Starless and Bible Black
XTC - Drums and Wires
Uriah Heep - Firefly
Bullant - German People
Viper - You’ll Cowards Don’t Even Smoke Crack (jokingly added)
The Poopshitters - The Poopshitters (jokingly added)
Babe Rainbow - Today
Osees - Face Stauber
King Gizzard - Omnium Gatherum
King Gizzard - Polygondwanaland
King Gizzard - Gumboot Soup
King Gizzard - Made in Timeland
King Gizzard - Murder of the Universe
King Gizzard - Teenage Gizzard
King Gizzard - Quarters!
King Gizzard - Sketches of Brunswick East
King Gizzard - Oddments
King Gizzard - Live in San Francisco ‘16
King Gizzard - Chunky Shrapnel
King Gizzard - Live in London ‘19
King Gizzard - Live in Brussels ‘19
King Gizzard - Live in Adelaide ‘19
King Gizzard - Live in Asheville ‘19
Bruford - Gradually Going Tornado
Osees - Orc
Rush - Signals
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Safe As Milk
Klark Kent - Klark Kent (I think)
Donald Fagen - The Nightfly
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Love Beach
Osees - Floating Coffin
Simon & Garfunkel - Bookends
Peter Gabriel - Spiel Ohne Grenzen (I don’t know why I didn’t just use the actual album cover)
Bruford - Feels Good To Me
Steely Dan - Gaucho
King Gizzard - 12 Bar Bruise
Wishbone Ash - Argus
King Gizzard - Fishing For Fishies
Genesis - Foxtrot
Giles, Giles & Fripp - The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles & Fripp
Osees - Smote Reverser
Frank Zappa and The Mothers - Over-Nite Sensation
Beans - Babble
King Gizzard - K.G.
King Gizzard - L.W.
Local H - Pack Up the Cats
Klaatu - 3:47 EST ;-)
Steely Dan - Countdown To Ecstasy
Pink Floyd - Piper At The Gates of Dawn
King Gizzard - Flying Microtonal Banana
Primus - Frizzle Fry
King Gizzard - Float Along - Fill Your Lungs
Steely Dan - The Royal Scam
King Crimson - In the Wake of Poseidon
King Gizzard - Nonagon Infinity
Yes - Fragile
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Trilogy
Steely Dan - Aja
They Might Be Giants - They Might Be Giants
Victor - Victor
Chris Squire - Fish Out of Water
King Crimson - Red
Genesis - Nursery Cryme
Deep Purple - Machine Head
I Mother Earth - Scenery & Fish
Toadies - Rubberneck
The Buggles - The Age of Plastic
Rush - A Farewell To Kings
Pink Floyd - Meddle
The Police - Ghost in the Machine
Kraftwerk - Computer World
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin III
Terry Reid - Seed of Memory
Creepy John Thomas - Brother Bat Bone
Golden Earring - Seven Tears
Yes - Close to the Edge
Spish - Building a Family
King Gizzard - Butterfly 3000
The Police - Outlandos d’Amour
Mr. Bungle - Mr. Bungle
Asia - Asia
Daft Punk - Human After All
King Crimson - Discipline
Blank Banshee - Blank Banshee 0
Steely Dan - Can’t Buy a Thrill
The albums with coloured names are in my top 10. Also, thank you! Glad you enjoy it :-)
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Person I’m getting rats from said their names are crumpet and biscuit and I asked them more questions about them and they then referred to biscuit as muffin. Then said I should keep their names because they’re used to them (after a month apparently?)
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Posted: May 21, 2010 Archived from the BonnyTymePyrate Archives
Dearest Plague Rats,
Just a very quick note to tell you that the campaign to Spread the Plague to South America, Fall 2010 has been doing incredibly well! We are so close to being there, don’t stop now!!
Besides contacting your local clubs and promoters and letting them know that you would like to see Emilie Autumn in South America, you can also contact your local radio stations, media outlets, magazines, throw a parade, dress up and take over a nightclub, have an Asylum bake sale, etc., and I would personally adore seeing some photos of S. American Asylum tea parties…just saying;)…
And because I am so very into the campaigning spirit at the moment, I’ve decided to make these boys famous for making perhaps the best music video I have ever seen in my life. I am being utterly, nay, deathly serious when I say that I feel this piece of genius deserves an MTV Video Award, and any other video award for that matter. I’ve no idea how in the fuck these kids even found this song of mine, but, bloody hell, I am so glad they did.
[video removed; parody TGIP video by two children]
So, dear Plague Rats! I give us until midnight tonight (Friday) to get this vid up to 20,000 views, and, considering how quickly it has grown in only the past three days, I have NO doubt whatever that you can make this happen.
Now, I know that some overly protective Plague Rats may, upon first view, feel that this video makes a mockery of me and a song that you know is very important to me and also to some of you, but that is just the point: IT DOES! It makes a mockery of me making a mockery of me. These boys got the joke in a way that few really do, and I am nothing but flattered by their illustration of it. It is a parody of a parody. I am a parody. I always meant to be.
And lastly? Yes. I do indeed have a stripper pole in the middle of my cell. It is golden. Really.
With Love & Bloody Crumpets from the Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, Block B, Cell W14, Inmate A,
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