#crumbling because he's so in love
sidneycarter · 1 month
love the idea that post The Situation thomas is just increasingly obtuse when it comes to jimmy's feelings.
so when one day mrs hughes mentions in passing at how much easier it is to handle james now he's settled down, thomas is incredibly confused. and a little bit heartbroken too of course.
it gets even stranger when on valentine's day alfred sulkily asks jimmy how many cards he's sent that year and jimmy merely shrugs and smirks. mrs patmore chastises them for gossiping and announces that surely, jimmy's only got one to be sending.
then one night, most of the staff are enjoying a rare night off in the pub. as usual, a host of pretty girls surround jimmy, and one particularly brave one asks jimmy if he's got any plans on one of his half days. jimmy throws her a cheeky wink and says "sorry, darling, but i'm spoken for."
thomas starts feeling really rather hurt. he's known all along that this would happen eventually - that jimmy would eventually move on and find a nice village lass, but it still stings to hear it. somehow, it hurts even more knowing that clearly jimmy has fallen for someone but he hasn't even told thomas.
thomas puts on a brave face and elbows daisy in the side. "d'ya hear that? jimmy's kept that quiet 'asn't he?"
daisy looks at him with a frown and cocks her head to the side. "well, not really--" but before she can say anything else she's swept up into the rowdy conversation of the table.
a few weeks later, thomas and jimmy are alone in the servants hall, with thomas reading the paper in his rocking chair and jimmy tapping out melodies on the piano. the tune he's playing is sweet and gentle, and thomas finds himself swaying his head along. as the song draws to a close, a gentle round of applause sounds from the doorway.
baxter stands smiling. "let me call you sweetheart is one of my favourites. it was beautiful, jimmy."
jimmy blushes prettily and stands, closing the piano lid. "thank you, mrs baxter. good night."
after he's gone from the room, baxter enters to fill herself a glass of water. she smiles fondly at thomas. "he's so smitten you know. head over heels." she rolls her eyes affectionately.
it takes months until thomas finally figures out the truth of what's going on. well, to say he figures it out is somewhat generous.
he's in the servants hall again, this time feeling a little despondent with a cup of tea. jimmy had gone to the pictures with alfred of all people, their friendship seemingly improved since jimmy's given up on chasing ivy's skirt. thomas is resolutely not waiting up to make sure jimmy gets home safe. anna is the only other person still up, and she sits opposite thomas stitching one of lady mary's hemlines in companionable silence.
thomas dwells on his own thoughts for a while, until anna rests her sewing on the table and fixes him with a worried look. "are you quite alright, mr barrow?"
"hm? oh, yes anna, i'm very well thank you." he takes a sip of his tea to hide his moue.
anna looks unconvinced. "thomas," she says seriously, "is it-- have you and jimmy had a falling out?"
that genuinely surprises thomas. for all his worry and sadness over jimmy's as yet unknown love interest, they'd never fallen out. "no, no, of course not. he's just busy, that's all, which is to be expected now he's, you know," thomas waves his cup vaguely in the air, "courting the mystery lady."
anna chokes on a laugh. "the mystery lady?"
"yes. he's-- he's courting someone, isn't he? everyone keeps saying that he's... or suggesting that he's taken with someone." Thomas adds somewhat bitterly, "seems quite serious if you ask me. not that he's told me anything about it of course."
anna stops giggling and looks at him oddly. "thomas you-- you can't mean--"
"-- do you know who she is, anna?" thomas interrupts a little desperately. he's becoming tired of it all and he just wants to know-- how bad it is, for how long he's going to have to tend to his broken heart.
"thomas. thomas, jimmy's sweetheart is-- well, it's you."
"me?" thomas has a brief, sickening memory of his feelings before, and how miss o'brien toyed with them so badly. but he knows in his gut, that anna would never, and could never do that. he knows she's being honest, as confusing and terrifying as the statement may be.
"yes." anna smiles. "he's like a little puppy when he's with you. surely you've noticed? he gazes at you with stars in his eyes. he wants to do everything you do, and it seems like every other conversation is all about what you've been telling him this week. he only ever plays love songs on the piano when you're in the room. he laughs at all your jokes and he's not even glanced in the direction of a girl since last year." anna shakes her head. "i thought you knew and were just letting him get used to it."
"no i didn't -- i didn't know, i thought," thomas can feel himself blushing, "i don't know what i thought."
anna stands with a stifled yawn. "you make each other very happy. if you really didn't know, i think you ought to talk to him. good night, mr barrow."
"good night anna. and thank you."
thomas is left in the still and quiet of the room, watching the steam spiral up from his cup. a private and hopeful smile spreads across his face. yes, he thinks, nodding his head, perhaps we should talk.
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stiffyck · 2 months
Okay what if the winners got to meet previous versions of themselves through the life games.
Like grian meets no one. He didn't have any previous "versions".
Scott meets 3rd life Scott.
Pearl meets 3rd life and last life pearl.
Martyn meets 3rd life, last life and double life Martyn.
Scar meets 3rd life, last life, double life and lim life him-
This whole thing was an idea that I got just because I was thinking about ll and sl scar because they were both so lonely like wtf and I just though about a scene that would be so. Grips chair.
Ll: "We won?"
Sl: "Yeah"
Ll: "Did we have allies? Friends?"
Ll scar probably thinks sl scar won only because he had allies to support him. He knows what its like being lonely and he hopes no one has to go through that loneliness. And he wants to be optimistic for once that sl scar, future him, gets allies, gets friends.
He tries to hope and then he sees the look on sl scars face. Or maybe sl scar tries to lie- maybe he tries to say they had allies.
Ll scar sees right through him. He's him after all. Maybe he's always gonna he lonely anyway
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thinking about the possibility of belos ending up in the inbetween realm after being stomped and finally getting what he deserves... 
[ ID: A digitally illustrated comic mainly featuring Philip Wittebane from The Owl House. The first panel on the first page is a birds eye view of the inbetween realm, with cubes floating everywhere and a slight disturbance in the water below. The second panel is a close up of that disturbance, which looks to be a whirlpool of some sorts. The third panel follows that, and Philip’s hand is shown forming on the water, with a ““splat” beside it. The fourth panel is a behind view of Philip kneeled over, head to the ground and face obscured. He is in his human form, like how he is seen in Elsewhere and Elsewhen, and is breathing heavily. The fifth panel is still of Philip kneeling, except he has popped up his head and is looking around. He asks, “What is this” but is then promptly cut off by the next panel, which shows a grimwalker hand rising out from the water with a splash. He looks at this with a confused look.
The first panel on the second page is a close up of Philip’s face, a concerned and fearful expression on his face. He blurts out the word “No”. The second panel is spliced into three pieces, and each shows more dead grimwalkers rising from the water. The first shows another hand, the second a fully formed grimwalker with a broken mask crawling towards and reaching out to Philip, and the third yet another hand. The third panel is of Philip trying to back away by crawling while more grimwalker hands shoot up around him. He shouts at them, “G-Get Away!” The fourth panel is a view of Philip crawling back from behind, and a head of a grimwalker can be seen behind him. He yells again, saying, “I said-” but is cut off by the fifth panel where the grimwalker behind him suddenly grabs his arm. The sixth panel is of him looking over his shoulder, surprised. The seventh panel is an above shot of Philip sitting on the water, grinwalkers surrounding him and grabbing each of his limbs. The water swirls below him in a whirlpool motion. He shouts, “Get off me!! Go!!” The eighth panel is a closeup shot of an arm grabbing his shoe and pulling him down, the ninth panel showing the fear in his eyes.
The first panel on the third page is a wide shot of Philip being dragged down under the water, his arm straight up desperately trying to grab something. The water cascades around him, pushing him down even more. The second panel is a closeup of Caleb’s eyes, which are glaring with anger. The third panel is a below view of Philip being dragged down, with Caleb’s hand still tightly grasped around his foot. The fourth panel is a closeup of Philip’s eyes, which are staring in fear. The fifth panel is from Philip’s POV, where Caleb is seen still pulling him down by his ankle, glaring at him. Other grimwalkers are beside him, hands reaching up towards Philip to also help drag him down.
The first panel on the fourth and last page is of Philip being dragged down, a fearful and almost angry expression on his face. He screams, “Caleb! Let-” but does not finish his sentence. The second panel is of Caleb still glaring at him, not saying a word. The third panel is Philip looking at his brother with an unreadable expression on his face, as though he just realized something. The fourth panel is an above shot of Philip finally being dragged down into the depths Dr. Falcilier style, arm out stretched and he sinks. Broken masks of grimwalkers can be seen below him, pulling him down too. The last panel shows the surface of the water in the inbetweens realm, the surface still and finally tranquil. The word “Fin” is written at the bottom of the page. End ID. ]
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starbylers · 9 months
M*levens will say Will’s love for Mike is ‘just a crush’ or that ‘he can/will get over it’ whereas El’s love for Mike is real and true and deep, too strong for her to possibly move on from…while in the same breath try and claim Will’s words/feelings in the van also belong to El. Make it make sense 🙂 they'll say Will's feelings = El's feelings to explain why the monologue is valid even though Will was the driving force behind it, but then turn around and say Will's feelings ≠ El's feelings which is why he'll move on but El can't, and why El’s love for him is deeper and why she‘s better for him. It's a total paradox.
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turrondeluxe · 9 months
TMNT au were Mikey and Leo were raised by Shredder to be foot soldiers with Karai being manipulated by the Shredder, believing they have no one but themselves as family, and meeting Donnie and Raph, who are pals with Casey and April already helping them take down the foot solider to face off against Shredder. They cross paths with each other, which shapes how the story continues. Mikey starts to question Shredder, believing that the other side is who he should be with because he starts finding the way the foot handles things to be suspicious, so he goes on his own solo fights throughout this iteration, fighting Raph and Donnie every now and then, with Leo popping in to see assist and see if everything is okay. He also starts questioning his loyalty, but never brings it up since he believes in his father, Shredder, and sister Karai are innocent, so he and Mikey get into a fight, and Mikey chooses Raph and Donnie, which upsets Leo, who throughout the rest fights with Karai to try and get Mikey back on the shredder side. Thoughts?
fic on my hands now please pretty please
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trash-can-sam · 1 month
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What happens when your coworker kills your other coworker but both of you are in a relationship (kind of) with the same ethereal woman who had an admiration for said dead coworker.
+bonus Evandrey because it’s funny to me (I’m sorry Eva.)
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#pathologic#pathologic 2#andrey stamatin#yulia lyuricheva#eva yan#evandrey#yulieva#evaandrey#Eva yahn#Andrei Stamatin#see I think that Eva is very okay with Eva being how she is- promiscuous and spreading her love (Maybe a little jealous but more rooted in#self loathing and insecurities)#and she’s like look I’m okay with this whole open relationship (technically we aren’t in a relationship even though I really want to be)#thing BUT why HIM. I have to work with him and he’s by far the worst man I’ve ever worked with (besides maybe his brother because at least#Andrey actually talks but really they’re a package deal anyways) I need to have meetings with him often and it’s horrendous every time#like spread your love it’s noble really.#I wouldn’t expect anything else from you#but maybe give him less he’s annoying as hell#I also think that she’d figure out pretty quickly that Andrey and Peter killed Farkhad#just bcuz like. yk she’s there. she’s seen the already shaky relationship crumble beyond repair. she’s seen them argue in meetings.#she knows the stamatwins are not above murder. especially for art. and she’s clever.#And andrey knows that so he doesn’t try to hide it. she doesn’t have recourse anyways-#the kains (who I think helped cover up the murder) employ her too#and andrey respects her to a degree- he assumes she’ll see reason.#and honesty. Yulia might be upset that Andrey killed one of the only other architects but also she does not miss him that much.#she’s like I don’t agree with this whole murder thing but you are kind of right he had to go he was getting on my nerves#the meetings will be 10x more tolerable now that the twins can’t argue with him about things that aren’t even real#it’s awful but it did drive Eva further into my arms so necessary evils.#my art#sorry for the essay in the tags.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 2 months
And what if I say castle crumbling by Taylor Swift is a riko Moriyama song??
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
rereading the last chapter of 'so mordor it is' for the first time in a hot minute and i just-
Eddie purses his lips, “I mean- Okay, yeah, that’s shitty or whatever. But I get it. I get why he’s doing it.”  “Because he’s a dick? Because he’s always been an asshole looking for a reason to pick on you? Like I said, it’s not excusable, Edd-”  “Because if I lost you how he lost Chrissy, I’d do far worse.”  Willow pauses with her mouth wide open, taking in just how deadly serious he looks at this moment. He’s not even cracking up in the slightest at her insults at the jock who had contributed to being a thorn in their side this past year, focusing on her and only her.  “No,” Willow says slowly, “You wouldn’t. You’re a good person with common sense.”  “Not when it comes to you,” Eddie rebuttals, “Not when it comes to you getting hurt. If you- If you had- If it had been your body found-” he chokes up, unable to continue the thought without taking a breath, “I’d also have a vendetta out for the prime suspect. Hell, I’d have it out for every possible suspect. Willow, if I lost you, I’d do far worse than some petty rallying against the town’s freak. I’d burn this town down for you.”
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what the hell is wrong with me
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christnarr · 13 days
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marriage counselors HATE THEM!
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packet-of-staples · 6 days
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#FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!!#MY HEART#EVIL EVIL EVIL JAIL 100 YEARS#I always love an episode where Hawkeye crumbles under the pressure#me when the jokey coping mechanism facade falls away#me when its easy to be confident in your abilities when you’re operating on people you dont know#but as soon as its someone you love you’re reminded of the gravity of your work and what could happen if it goes wrong#PLUS knowing you’re the reason he was out there to get hurt in the first place#and even though everything goes well the guilt makes you act as badly as you feel you are#leading to my next point. I love when character’s perception of another also crumbles#Ah Radar sweet naïve starry eyes Radar#Hawk always has a joke a comment a remark. he laughs in the face of the war#even if he’s scared he doesn’t let it get to the steadiness of his hands. nothing could rattle him#and that makes it all easier to keep going to not be scared yourself#but thats a lot to put on someone’s shoulders to be fearless at all times#so its a cold shock when he snaps after you try to uphold him to your idealised view of him. showing hes just as scared as you are#maybe even more so#this whole episode was so thich as thieves brother’s first fight#God… GOD!!!!#Fallen idol….. hawkeye…. radar…..#literally head in hands#its all so human…. putting someone on a pedestal helps no one….#all because Radar has no rizz…#the way everyone went to yell at Hawk after he snapped at Radar was classic#Mulcahy really put his whole christussy into kicking that heater#Potter and Margret’s whole how dare you yell at your little brother like that dont you know he looks up to you?!’ shtick was great#urgh…#they’re brothers your honor#theyre so important to me#mash
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crossbackpoke-check · 9 months
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Why I Am Not Coming In To Work Today [abridged], Jess Zimmerman
part one | part two
#toronto maple leafs#HELLO EVERYBODY THIS HAS BEEN MONTHS!!! MONTHS IN THE MAKING BECAUSE i AM UNHINGED AND NEEDED THE PRECISE PICTURES THAT I KNEW I WOULD GET#like. seventy five percent of this has been done since the first time i posted this and while it has gotten better with time because#my narratives simply got more complex and there's so much of this that is For Me but don't worry i will explain but aLSO goddamn mitch coul#you have gotten married any later in the year. also willy you truly disappointed me by not getting an absurd haircut this year (now that#i've said this he's going to debut it on instagram like. tomorrow. but anyway that meant y'all got to enjoy my neuroses of#Loving Tyler Bertuzzi who is a goddamn leaf. the joys of having to wait to post this (was not a leaf at the time i started it) and anyway i#have at length i think had the breakdown about tyler in pigtails girl dad & how i got a bob & then tyler copied me which was rude. that's m#gender. ANYWAY starting from the top we got sheldon keefe documentation which was really just the personal decision that i wanted all the#coaching staff to be the markers in the poem/the bold & also at the TIME keefe hadn't re-signed &we thought it might be everybody out w/kyl#anyway the title of the scrap of an old lover's flannel is literally 'u think this is about sheldon & kyle NO it's about timothy liljegren'#bc. liljegren was on the marlies winning cup team & has had a contentious relationship w/keefe ever since & was healthy scratched in playof#& the narrative is sooooo. also at one point for the ryan o'reilly i was going to edit the stlb out of his grandma's shirt or cover it w/th#childhood dreams line but THEN i found the gio snapped stick one which was too perfect for 'crumbling copy' the ryan o'reilly To Me is so.#ur insane in ways u did not think for that one. like. how soft her hands were. his grandma you guys. he grew up a leafs fan. if he ever get#to lift the cup with her again i will lose my shit. the cup run a movie i remember nothing--OKAY the spezz one i knew i needed him stresse#but also i believe in the spezz/kyle narrative so. it comes up later don't worry ALSO SPEZZ FOLLOWING HIM TO PITT CAME AFTER I MADE THIS bu#the muzz tea one makes me a little sensy bc muzz was out with an injury for most of this season & it was a really scary spinal one & so yea#& then the simmer one just straight up makes me cry bc i love him so much & the work that he does for anti-racism in hockey means so much &#if you have that video open & watch it i promise you will cry i do every time it's so beautiful he had to be on comforted by beauty & sammy#boy is on the a man who doesn't know me because EYE remember the caps goalie tandems. baby lilya. the mo one is a little funny bc it is#solely due to wade's thread about mo rielly the coal miner homestead husband. that's why he moves to omaha also i think it suits him (quiet#OK NOW OLD MEN IN LOVE NARRATIVE this one's in contention for my fave bc it's spezz coping w/retirement fundamental meaningless of existenc#u heard abt tyler already that's for me the minchy picture was just too good i had found it earlier & i spent SO LONG looking for an empty#leafs rink picture for bathtub i have some cool construction photos but i wanted the melting ice ones (thought about tahoe lol) & the sprin#one i manip'd a lot bc i needed a spring picture bc playoffs clinch in spring & that one fit so coincidentally perfect bc it's 7 straight#seasons 7 guys so. :) & i KNEW i swore to god they did more milk advertising i knew i was gonna do this one from the minute i saw the poem#the milk patch & it took a hot minute BUT I FOUND THIS ONE this one's for funsies. AND THE PIC I WAITED SO FUCKING LONG FOR this is actuall#from kerf's wedding but i was like i know on god mitch is getting married this summer & that's about to be the drunkest shenanigans wedding#i'm waiting for the pics. & then i was BLESSED with this one which is beautiful & perfect & LOOK AT THEM. anyway the last one is bc
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dylanconrique · 2 months
thinking about "i-i pushed her right at him" and how guilty tim felt about giving lucy the advice to go out with caleb, and how he is going to feel like he's responsible for putting her in the hospital again if it really is this person from his past who targets her.
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
The mistake(s)
Kanene’s notes: Summary of this fic:
Teru: I am evil I am mean I know no mercy I am the master of teases.
Mob: *smile*
Teru: I,,,, s,,somft,,
Warnings: None. This is just a cute tickle fanfic with Lee!Mob and Ler!Teru. Can be viewed as platonic or romantic. Around 2.000 words.
Watching that movie was a mistake.
Except for the part where Teruki got bored with the plot holes - which, together with the roterist's lazy shortcuts to get all the movie's conflicts resolved in less than ten minutes, ignoring completely that they still had 45 minutes left of story to tell, created the perfect setting to enjoy some procrastinating time with a good company - and decided he absolutely needed to stretch himself across Shigeo's lap, looking at him with the corner of his eye to see if he perceived any kind of discomfort with him by the other.
Shigeo's attentive and neutral eyes turned down to watch him back. "Do you want to watch something else?"
The lack of anything but mild curiosity that painted his tune made Teru relax, slightly adjusting himself to be more comfortable and smiling nonchalantly while focusing again at the screaming protagonist on the screen. "Nah. It's fine."
It was calm, the silence that bathed them. Teru felt more than saw the other's hand hovering above his head. Although he didn't allow himself to externally react to it.
"Teruki." He hummed in reply, laziness already beginning to fog his brain and trying to coach him to sleep. He kind of wanted to finish watching the movie with Shigeo, though. "Can I touch your hair?"
"Uh, sure. Go for it."
So, watching that movie was a mistake. Not because it was bad or poorly made. Not because Mob's careful but still very present touch combing his hair made him feel so relaxed and boneless he was afraid he would slip from the couch at any moment. Not even because he realized how... soft this moment was, how soft Shigeo was, even when their first contact, when Teru's first contact with him was much more aggressive and unkind than what he was being shown now.
No, none of these were the reason for the incorrigible mistake that was made that day.
Actually, the moment Teruki realized that something was happening it was already too late to intervene.
Because the scene was already playing on the screen.
Not any scene.
A tickle scene.
And Teru made the mistake of looking up at Shigeo at this exact moment.
His friend was still concentrating on the movie, hand still playing with his hair and... the corner of his mouth was turned upwards. He was smiling.
That was when Teru realized two things:
1. He has never seen Mob laugh or giggle.
2. He really, really needed to be the reason of his smile.
The question slipped before he could think too much about it.
“Are you ticklish, Mob?”
Maybe it was because of his way-too-casual tune, or because the calm moment made Shigeo lower his barriers, but the answer jumped from the tip of Mob’s tongue before he even realized it.
The blonde could easily notice how, even before the word was completely out, Shigeo realized the trap he was walking into, turning to look at him with alarmed eyes, so Teru didn’t waste too much time. With a predatory grin his fingers jumped to his sides, dancing and scratching from left to right, up and down, effectively searching and finding any and every weak spot where he could latch on and prevent the other from even thinking in payback before he managed to pull at least a single stray giggle.
His worries were, however, unfounded, since the moment the Kageyama’s wide eyes noticed his attack, his entire body tried to curl on itself, arms hugging his torso and legs trying and failing to go up to protect his middle due Teru still being laid on them.
And then, Mob began to shake.
Teru’s fingers faltered, an unpleasant cold fear suddenly appearing on his mind, the fear that he was too rough, too sudden, too close. That he went too far,  overstepped his friend’s boundaries and just made the strongest person he ever known cry for a stupid personal desire.
His eyes then ran to the other’s face, hands still hovering in the air, when he saw it.
Shigeo’s cheeks were puffed out, his eyes were closed, his previous smile now much bigger stretching along his face.
Teru blinked, a bit stunned. The shaking had stopped.
He experimentally brought his hands back to his friend’s torso, now skittering along his ribs, index fingers lightly drumming on the space between each one while his thumbs drew circles on the highest ones, the tip of his fingers getting dangerously close to his highest ribs.
Shigeo began shaking again, shoulders jumping up and down just the slightest amount (Teru was sure that if they weren’t that close, he wouldn’t even realize) and small huffs and puffs of air that sounded suspiciously close to muffled yelps made the blonde realize with delight that Shigeo wasn’t just shaking, he was beaming due the amount of giggles and belly laughter he was trying to hide.
That piece of knowledge made his smirk come back at full force, his tickles getting more enthusiastic with this revelation. Now, that just won’t do.
“Come on, Kageyama, you can’t keep them inside forever.” A snort escaped from his tight pressed lips, body swaying a bit to the left when Teruki’s efforts began walking in the direction of his armpits.
Seeing his reaction, the blond decided he wanted to be mean, so he taunted the other by tapping his fingers right on the border of his armpits, just light enough to send tickly tingles where he touched, nerves buzzing with the prospect that he could strike at any moment.
“See? That is already one. You just need to free the rest of them! Let all the high pitched giggles, embarrassing squeaks, cute snorts and melodious laughter come tumbling right out. I promise I won’t break your serious guy façade to everyone we know.”
His teases were accompanied by a couple of pokes to the tickle spot, which made Shigeo duck his head and try to press his mouth on his shoulder, his low, quiet reactions being successfully hidden with it, his bounces getting stronger with the (honestly unfair) mix of silly tickles and taunting teases.
Suddenly, Teru had an idea. It was a risky bet, more than anything. But it could work.
He kept the flow of pokes, slowly increasing the speed bit by bit. “Bet you will feel much better once they’re all out,” Poke. Poke. Poke poke. Poe poke poke.  “don’t you think? To just let it go and laugh and laugh and laugh.” Pokepokepokepokepokepoke.
Mob didn’t answer, the sensation and words making him want to both crawl off his skin (Teru wasn’t even full tickling him yet, how such soft touch could be so maddening-) and not laugh so they could extend that playful moment for longer.
Teru let out his best impression of an evil snicker, lifting himself just a bit more and...
His mouth was now close to Shigeo’s ears.
“Unless you want me to tickle it all out of you.”
As soon as the words filled the room, his hands dug on the armpits, vibrating and unmercifully attacking the so-protected tickle spot with plenty of scratches and scribbles while he blowed weakly at the - now completely red - ears, hoping his assumption that they were ticklish was right and he wasn’t just making a fool of himself.
A surprised and surprisingly loud, high pitched wheeze was his answer and, before the silence could stretch across the room, a waterfall of sounds followed it. Snorts, yelps, squeaks, squeals, titters and an adorably adorable hiccuped laughter began flowing freely from the one with raven hair and they filled every inch of the room, stunning the blonde so much that he almost ceased his attack.
Instead, he pried his hands from under Mob’s arms and shot them upwards, targeting the, as it seems, incredibly and awfully sensitive spot right behind Shigeo’s ears, letting them dance and draw senseless forms on them, skittering the shells and sometimes letting the tickles slip a bit too close to his neck. 
A pure and warm delight exploded on his chest when he watched how such a simple thing made Mob throw his head backwards, not even bothering to try to hide the low and fast giggles that spilled in flocks from him, shoulders still bouncing and trying - even if halfheartedly - to press on his ears and save them from the unfair and unexpected attack.
“So your ears really are ticklish.” It wasn’t even a tease now, Teru was so lost in the realization that this was laughter, this was his serious friend, this was the strongest person in the universe laughing and enjoying himself, this was his attentive friend giggling uncontrollably and non stop because of a few silly tickly tickles, that he even forgot to add that snarky, taunting tune in his words, just letting the fun of the moment carry both of them away.
“Yes.” The word was almost unrecognizable when said in between so many titters. Teru’s hands began to explore his neck, tap-tap-tapping non stop from the spot right under his chin to his shoulders, creating tickly, tingly paths wherever he went and Mob knew that the spot wasn’t even that ticklish in the first place, but in this moment it didn’t fail to fish plenty of squeaky yelps from him. His hands shot to hold the sleeves of Teru’s shirt, not really pulling them away. “Teheheru. It t-tihihickles.”
And that was the exact moment Teruki Hanazawa realized he had made an incorrigible mistake.
Because now he wouldn’t ever, ever be able to live without listening at least once again to his name being said in between those bouncy giggles and huffed titters.
Or without seeing that gigantic smile taking over Shigeo’s face. Or the way his cheeks were still puffed out even though the laughter kept falling and filling the air. Or the way the tip of his ears were starting to be painted in a lovely shade of red. Or how low and silly his laughter was. Or how...
Teru was the one who walked straight to a trap here, wasn’t he?
He felt his grin turning into something much more soft than playful, and tried to pull his smirk again, not being sure if he was successful or not. Fortunately enough, Mob still didn’t open his eyes or he would, without doubt, see the shine that took over his gaze.
“It is supposed to tickle, Kageyama. This is the whole deal here, you know?” He snickered in amusement, lowering his arms to give the boy’s knees a few experimental squeezes, being gifted with a snort at every single one. “But, I must say, I didn’t think you would be so, so ticklish. Maybe we should change your nickname from Mob to Giggle Storm.” Teru wormed one hand to under his knees, slightly pinching the sensitive skin there while the other one kept squeezing the kneecap, the mix of soft and rough tickles creating a stronger hiccuped laughter and low, high pitched giggles, as if to prove his words. “Or maybe Hiccup King, it would be very fitting, right?”
Mob only shook his head, heat flooding across his entire face, body starting to get too tired to keep his beaming and tears beginning to gather in the corner of his eyes. A couple of squeaks escaped from his lips and he tried, once again, to curl his torso, resting his forehead on Hanazawa, who was still on his legs.
A privileged position that the blonde didn’t even think twice before fully exploiting. Shigeo could only get a glimpse of Teru taking a deep breath before shoving his face on his stomach and giving him a huge raspberry.
Another loud, wheezing sound briefly floated in the air before being cut and replaced by full silent belly laughter, one or two hiccups appearing here and there before the one with raven hair fell again in silence.
When the maddening, tickly vibrations were over - even if the buzzing kept dancing across his torso and making the other spots tickle in empathy - Mob put his hands on the other’s shoulders and pushed it away, his arms feeling more wobbly and noodly than normal, as if he had just went through another exercise from the Body Improvement Club. Teru took a look at the few tears running on his cheeks and the gigantic smile on his lips before chuckling and ceasing his attack.
For a moment, they just stayed like that. Shigeo taking deep breaths and slowly stopping the flow of quiet titters that remained dancing around them. Teruki realized that the movie had ended a long time ago.
"Uh, sorry if I went too far. Just... It really looked like you were having fun." The playful tease left his grin before he even realized it.
"I was." The certitude in his tune, the direct way he didn't even seem phased by the whole tickle attack and tease he just received beyond a light redness taking over his cheeks and a smile still adorning his face... Mob was really something else.
In his place, Teru would probably still be a mess of peals of laughter and pleas of mercy. Actually, cross that, his soul would have flown away from his body the moment he received that raspberry.
"I don't mind being tickled. It's fun."
"Heh." Teru's smile got even bigger, losing somewhat its smirk, sincerity dripping freely in his tune. "That is cute."
Mob considered his words, not saying anything to agree or disagree to it.
A comfortable silence fell on them once more.
"I also don't mind getting revenge."
"Ah- wAIT-"
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chipsonthemenu · 11 months
fnc aro4aro send post
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*And another one*
I don't hate Rory, but I still think Mitchum was right, and I also don't think he was conspiring against Rory and Logan's relationship, and I also don't think he was extraordinarily mean and harsh (read extraordinarily as "beyond average experience of people in such a situation").
First thing: neither Mitchum nor Rory when speaking of her career are speaking of her becoming an average, serviceable, or even a competent desk research journalist. All references we get to the sort of job Rory aspired to is the kind of aggressive, go get it journalism: running through war zones, uncovering conspiracies, relentlessly pursuing the news and truth, demanding it, tearing it from people that don't want to give it.
And in that, Mitchum is right: Rory doesn't have what it takes. She's a kind, shy, sensitive people pleaser. She works well in structures where her duties and perks are delineated, where she receives encouragement, support and praise. She's not an entrepreneur the way Jess is, for example.
And her internship proved it. She did not push Mitchum to give her what she needed, she did not take every opportunity to showcase her talent, she just looked around and settled for the secretarial and managerial tasks no one else was doing. Which I think are important tasks that require skills that are not as easily found as you might think (punctuality, asiduity, patience, a well organized mind, manners and words that make other people cooperate with you and with each other, ability to recognize people's talents and put them to good use, comprehension of the big picture as a whole and in its details, all traits that Rory showed excellence in also later on in the DAR and as editor of the Yale Daily News).
Mitchum didn't tell her she didn't have what it takes to be successful in general or to work in journalism in general; he told her she didn't have what it takes to be a top dog aggressive reporter. And the series proves him right. Rory never becomes that, but she does become, an extraordinarily talented editor there where someone like Paris failed miserably.
As for the harshness, I'm not saying it is desirable, this is not "people need toughness to become good". But I was made to cry three times a year for three years as a student teacher. Every evaluation was a devastating list of all my failures in teaching a class. That wasn't the thing that made me a competent teacher, but I can attest to you none of those professors had any personal beef with me.
They weren't harsh or unfair for some secret motive. They had evaluated hundreds of students and I was just one more; the tearing to shreds of my classes was not personal. Mitchum is the owner of several newspapers and an empire. Rory is not the first person he has mentored, and given Logan's track record where he slept and fooled around with his sister's bridesmaids when his relationship with Rory had a couple months hiatus, Rory also isn't a specially distinct face in the universe of Logan's lady friends. We are so used to everyone seeing Rory in the show as super special, and also because she's a main character, but that doesn't mean everyone in her universe sees her that way.
I'm not saying that it's contradictory to canon the idea that Mitchum might have had second motives, but it's also not a given, and the opposite is as arguable and as plausible.
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talentforlying · 5 months
i've got stuff to do tonight but i am thinking about how it absolutely fucking pains me to see the joy and energy and love of living sapped from constantine's spirit over the initial run of hellblazer. like he goes from this spirited, wisecracking, life-loving, bully-punching, fastidious little guy to a man so disintegrated by decades of grief and being used and never being good enough for anyone that he was willing to be buried alive to serve a cause he didn't even care about. thank god they gave him back some friendly connections and some semblance of hope by the end of "red right hand", because that late-hellblazer constantine was utterly unrecognizable and it broke my heart.
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