#crowley is an optimist
queer-reader-07 · 7 months
do i think crowley is gonna be a hot mess in s3? yes. do i think he’s gonna be sad beyond anyone’s comprehension? yes. do i think he’s absolutely fucking devastated and angry? also yes.
but do i think he’s for one moment gonna think that aziraphale isn’t coming back? FUCK NO.
a little book quote for you all
“Because, underneath it all, Crowley was an optimist. If there was one rock-hard certainty that had sustained him through the bad times then it was utter surety that the universe would look after him.”
now aside from how much i adore the distinction that he believes the universe has his back, not god, not hell, not heaven, the universe. i want to talk about his optimism.
it’s described as being a rock hard certainty. need i remind you that the only reason the Bentley didn’t explode with crowley in it is because he believed it was fine. that’s how much being an optimist is a part of crowley’s character.
i don’t think he’s at all content with aziraphale leaving, but i do believe that he has hope. that he knows azi is coming back eventually, one way or another. he won’t lose hope. not ever. because the universe has his back, and the universe wouldn’t let him live out eternity away from his angel.
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thatineffablewitch · 8 months
Crowley the Optimist
It makes so much sense that Crowley is an optimist (according to the book). He drives into unsurvivable hellfire in the first season, and his imagination (and optimism!) are so strong that he does the impossible and survives. He asks to run off to Alpha Centauri with Aziraphale, hoping Azi will say yes and they can be free. Being optimistic that his idea of the best case will happen.
One thing people don’t talk about: Being an optimist hurts. It hurts to see what could be, and it doesn’t happen. To see the best, and watch the chance of it happening be bulldozed away. To build beautiful nebulae and think how much it could blossom if you just suggest to the Almighty Embodiment of Love that She let their creations live a beautiful, full existence, and instead being painfully cast out and rejected to Hell. Then to carve your place out in the world and see the beauty in existence, only for others to be dedicated to destroying that beauty. And despite yourself, despite past experiences where your most optimistic interpretation didn’t happen, you can’t help but think, Maybe this time it will. And when it doesn’t, your heart breaks all over again. Hope is draining, optimism is draining, but you can’t stop hoping. It’s baked into you, some intrinsic part of your existence. No matter how much it hurts, how much you know it may not happen, you keep hoping anyways.
And that makes the confession scene so much more painful.
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cha-mij · 7 months
I'm currently re-reading Good Omens (well, I should say listening to the brilliant full cast Audiobook), and I wanted to point out to you all that Crowley "wanted Bach, but would settle with the Traveling Wilburys", so I wanted to give you all the image of Crowley, who is at heart, an optimist, driving in Bentley to a fresh cassette of this gem.
The Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line (Official Video)
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smite-the-metatron · 2 months
I think people who are very steadfast in their negative opinion of the breakup are coming at it from a human point of view, and forgetting that this is an on again/off again relationship of two entities who forever orbit their love of Earth. The gravity of that love doesn't let them ever truly leave.
Sometimes they sync to create perfect harmony, other times one eclipses the other.
Yoy can't judge the slow dance of their relationship the same way you would judge the dynamics of a human one.
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thatlonelycactus · 3 months
Okay so my messed up mind just can’t let go of the fact that Crowley’s an optimist because the universe always makes things work out for him. Thus, I have narrowed it down to two theories this I, personally like:
This one I’ve seen multiple times (idk who I saw it from but if yk lmk please) but, as we know, Crowley tends to warp the world around him, therefore it is entirely possible that his (supposedly) unconscious miracle-aura thingy is what’s making things work out just the way Crowley wanted them to. Which has a kind of sweet message about making good things happen for yourself if you think about it. This is the most probable theory.
The universe loves Crowley as much as Crowley loves it and so it does everything it can to make things work out for him. Very unlikely, I know, but I think it’s still kinda sweet and all. Like a little way to repay Crowley for all the things he’s sacrificed to save it- like when Aziraphale saves Crowley (eg the holy water).
Or, bonus option which has like a 0.001% chance of being even remotely possible, the almighty loved Crowley (fav Angel yada yada yada- not the least likely thing about this one I’d like to think this is true for now atleast) and so they wrote the ineffable plan so that things would always work out for him in the end.
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nickydraws · 5 months
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You know how sometimes you just have to get through November, and to do it you need one particular demon with a bottle of wine. Happy December everyone I guess!
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zionworkzs · 7 months
Alright, lets talk about Aziraphale protecting Gabriel. More specifically why and what it tells us about our favorite angel.
First off, I like musing about why Gabriel came to Aziraphale in the first place. He says he was looking for Beelzebub and "got lost." I think, and I'm sure someone has mentioned this before, but I think Gabriel on some level knew Aziraphale's infatuation with Crowley and thought, if anyone will understand my predicament (read: being in love with a demon), it's Aziraphale.
And that's really sweet, but for me, the interesting thing is WHY Aziraphale helps him, and why he seems so willing to help so soon, with virtually no information.
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Is it some of that Heavenly loyalty? Maybe. I kind of doubt it since Gabriel tried to kill what he thought was Aziraphale at their last encounter. And Aziraphale knows this, even if Crowley never told him directly what went on in Heaven.
So why? He loves the mystery? Sure, later in the season he enters his Detective Era(tm) for all of one episode, but his initial thought isn't to solve what happened, it's to protect Gabriel.
Does he feel bad for Gabriel? Probably, a little. But again, Gabriel is technically an enemy at this point. And would Aziraphale really risk the life that he built for himself (and Crowley) for this amnesiac archangel because he felt bad for him? Honestly, probably, yeah. But there's more to it than that.
Even when faced with danger. Danger for himself, Crowley, and all their human guests, he still protects Gabriel.
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Because fundamentally, he believes that everyone can be redeemed. And not even in a Heaven-can-save-your-soul kind of way either. In a distinctly human way. He's seen 6,000 years of human history. He's seen humans be unbelievably cruel and also heart-warmingly kind. He's seen his own demon (supposedly unlovable, cruel, evil) be kinder than all of Heaven's angels combined. But the interesting thing about that is that Crowley is kind in the way humans are kind. And Aziraphale believes in human kind.
He sees the good in people, even if it's buried so far down they may not even recognize it. And there's something inside him that longs to bring that goodness out in others.
And I think this hits on a main facet of his personality which is Hope. Because if people can change, and people can be good, there is hope.
Makes me think of this post:
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brainwormcity · 2 months
Thinking of Crowley in season 2, sitting closer, smiling easier, quicker to apologize, being so indulgent, and always close by because he knows what it feels like to have believed he would have to live in a world where Aziraphale no longer exists.
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p4nishers · 8 months
aziraphale leaves and crowley stops caring about his hair. he grows it out. aziraphale leaves and he stops changing his clothes, stops dressing up (it was only ever to impress aziraphale. now that doesn't matter). aziraphale leaves and he stops drinking coffee, stops wanting to be awake. aziraphale leaves and all crowley does is sleep. he doesn't dream. aziraphale leaves and crowley doesn't even notice his plants dying. aziraphale leaves again and again and again in crowley's mind and crowley dies with each one.
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thestormsfloral · 5 months
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Finally posting this
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queer-reader-07 · 7 months
will i ever stop harping on the fact that crowley is an optimist? no. no i will not so here i go again.
so aside from being a full time good omens fan, i’m also a big fan of vlogbrothers, john & hank green, and nerdfighteria in general. (this connects i promise)
and despite being such a huge fan i’ve only ever read one john green book and it was the anthropocene reviewed. which is a novel that’s part memoir part the story of humanity and entirely reviews of things from a human world rated on the 5 star scale.
and a lot of quotes from that novel have stuck with me. but for today’s purposes have these two.
“For me, finding hope is not some philosophical exercise or sentimental notion; it is a prerequisite for my survival.”
“You can't see the future coming--not the terrors, for sure, but you also can't see the wonders that are coming, the moments of light-soaked joy that await each of us.
and because john is a far better writer than i am, he’s phrased so perfectly what i believe to be the fundamental truths of being an optimist. it isn’t about never thinking that shit could hit the fan, it isn’t about pretending you live in a perfect world. it’s about needing hope and always finding hope because how can you get through life without hope? and that hope is what allows you to remember that there are joyous moments awaiting you in the future. yes there are terrors, but the terrors are not and will never be all that there is.
that is what i think crowley embodies. crowley being an optimist isn’t him acting like everything is perfect. we’ve seen time and time again that he knows how imperfect everything is.
and maybe that’s me projecting. maybe that’s me taking what i believe optimism is and deciding that’s what it is to crowley as well. but i think that in part this is what it’s about.
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finethingswellworn · 7 months
The thing about Crowley is that he is, one-hundred percent, a complete and total pushover when it comes to Aziraphale. I mean, look at the way he folded when Aziraphale asked/informed that he'd be taking the Bentley. Look at the way he greeted Aziraphale after the fights in seasons one and two.
Crowley holds grudges, yes, but never against Aziraphale.
Now, obviously this fight is different. This fight, Crowley put his whole heart on the line, their whole relationship on the line, practically begged Aziraphale to call it what it was, to finally choose him.
And Aziraphale couldn't. Not yet.
And that's new and old at the same time. Because Crowley's always pushed Aziraphale, always gone too fast, but he's always waited, too, when Aziraphale asked.
To earn Crowley's forgiveness, Aziraphale needs to prove to Crowley that they're on the same page, once and for all. That their exactlys mean the same thing. And that's going to require Aziraphale to confront everything he's been pushing down for all these years.
But here's where I have hope for a relatively quick reunion.
Crowley knows heaven will do Aziraphale wrong. Crowley knows it will only be a matter of time until Aziraphale realizes that heaven isn't interested in using his talents to save the world. Crowley knows Aziraphale means well. But Crowley also knows that Aziraphale has to figure it out for himself.
So Crowley says, "Don't bother," and "Good luck," and walks out. But he does what he's always done. He waits because he knows Aziraphale better than all the angels in heaven, far better than the Metatron, and he realizes, even if Aziraphale doesn't yet, that Aziraphale is going to crash and burn in heaven.
Crowley waits and sees and will continue to do so, I think.
The scene with Maggie and Nina suggests this, to me, anyway.
Nina says that if she's lucky, Maggie will still be waiting for her and Maggie assures her that she will.
So, all this is to say that I think when Aziraphale finally works out that the entire heaven and hell structure is fundamentally flawed and cannot be fixed, Crowley will do what he's always done. Crowley will greet him with a: "Took you long enough to work that out, angel," or some such.
Except, this time, Crowley won't be left in doubt as to where Aziraphale stands because Aziraphale will have made his choice at long last, a permanent choice. The choice to turn his back on everything he thought he needed and build something new with Crowley. On their own side.
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thepringlesofblood · 7 months
don't make me tap the sign
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[image id: screenshot of the simpsons "don't make me tap the sign" meme, where the sign is edited to read "“Hastur was a Duke of Hell. Crowley wasn’t even a local councilor” - Good Omens (1990)" /end id]
update: re-read the book lately and realized they spell it "counsellor" bc they're british. this makes sense but it also means my american ass can't help but read "counsellor" as the american "counselor" which is like a therapist or mental health consultant (the way i spelled it originally is like. someone who sits on a council. which is what i'm sure they meant). just wanted to share the fun image of crowley as a therapist ("I see I see. have you tried yelling at plants?"), or even funnier, that "Duke" as a title is like. a level above therapist. grand therapist. high throne of therapy. tier 1 therapist hastur la vista.
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midnights-dragon · 5 months
yes I think Crowley would not be angry at Aziraphale and would take him back immediately and love him forever and ever no questions asked. yes I also live for fics of him and Aziraphale angry fucking or of him becoming Duke of Hell. and what about it
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revyn-moonfox · 2 months
I've wrote this in a chat with one of my bestfriends a few days ago, and I feel like sharing it here to (I hope it makes sense without the context of the conversation before, but i believe it does):
After reading more fanfics about Good Omens, I tried to see the world like Aziraphale and Crowley might few it: As a project that was given up by one (god) an driven fourth by others (mainly humans, but also kinda demons & angels), and I tried romanticizeing humanity like I think Aziraphale would, fazinated by every detail of modern life, viewing it as different kinds of a work of art.
It's difficult to see not gonna lie, and sometimes almost impossible to hold onto, but it at least gives me little moments of happyness. =)
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As Crowley waits by the car, what if a measure of his grief is this: for six thousand years he has been protecting Azi from the knowledge of what heaven is capable of. He doesn’t talk about his fall, he didn’t tell anyone about the Job job, he didn’t take Azi to hell, he doesn’t talk about what happens during the body swap, he doesn’t reveal the threat over helping Gabriel. Not because he doesn’t trust Aziraphel, but because he doesn’t what him to have to carry the same grief he carries over all of it.
He’s been trying to keep that apple out of Azi’s hands for all this time. But now he has to watch him climb the branches of the tree and he knows he can’t stop him from tasting that fruit any longer. And he loves him, and he knows the grief it will bring him, and it breaks his heart.
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