suzimiya · 1 year
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Ein User fragte wegen der Covid19-Impfung.
Antwort an @[email protected]
Das Immunsystem wird durch die Impfung nicht verwirrt.
Die Impfung zeigt dem Immunsystem gegen was es abwehren soll, dadurch tritt beim Immunsystem ein 'Aha-Effekt auf und es ist zur Gegenwehr von #Covid19-Virus gut aufgestellt und gewappnet.
Quelle https://twitter.com/Suzimiya/status/1634487832512176132
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thecpdiary · 2 years
Ignoring the virus exists
We’ve all changed from the pandemic and the majority are in denial. The consequences are too great, and we’re seeing those unfold through social media, because the media are failing to talk about the virus.
The catastrophes that are unfolding are too great for us to ignore and yet that is what we’re doing. It is important to deal with what is unfolding in front of you. To ignore it is to accept that it isn’t happening. It doesn’t mean we won’t get caught out.
A leading scientist, who leads the biosecurity programme at the Kirby Institute in Sydney, Professor Raina MacIntyre, says we’re wrong to ignore, to think the pandemic is over.
The narrative is: ‘Let’s get back to normal, take off your masks, is denial’ she told AAP, the media agency. She believes society is grieving for the lives they had in 2019, before Covid.
“We haven’t come to that stage of just accepting it and saying, ‘OK, this is here to stay and if we want to have a reasonable quality of life and not end up debilitated with chronic diseases, we’ve actually got to change the way we live’.” – Raina MacIntyre
Professor MacIntyre also stated Australia needs to start to address how we design and build housing and how we live in apartments, and how to lessen the risk and make it safer.
Her comments follow her presentation to the AFAC emergency management conference in Adelaide where she outlined important approaches to manage a better future in the COVID-19 era.
She told the conference the virus wasn’t going anywhere, and Australia needed to be smarter about minimising the effects, in both short and longer term. Waves of epidemics would continue while it was likely more diseases would pose a threat to health.
Talking about Australia, she said it needed to be more prepared and that this should include developing early warning systems, stockpiling vaccines, and other virus-related medications.
That work should include training to ensure health officials and others are better equipped to work together. Prof MacIntyre also advocated an increase in local manufacturing of protective equipment, vaccines, and other medical supplies.
She told AAP that waiting a few years for the position to improve would result in virtually everyone having been infected and Australia faced a considerable burden from the long-term problems of COVID-19, including heart failure and dementia.
“This is not a flu or a cold, this is a virus that persists in the body in a number of people after the acute infection,” she said. “So, we can’t keep ignoring it because then we’re going to put a massive strain on the NDIS and we’re going to have a huge tranche of people who are disabled and unable to work.
She continued… “the longer we ignore it and hope for the best, the bigger the burden of chronic diseases that we’re going to have to deal with.”
This isn't something that is just relevant to Australia. The virus affects us all. It's something all countries and governments should be talking about and acting on.
Source: msn.com
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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allinlist · 2 years
How The Four Sorts of COVID19 Vaccine Works
The fight against the virus COVID-19 had seen a vaccine progress move at a record speed, with over 170 different vaccines that were on trials. But how did these vaccines become different from one another and how these vaccines will protect us against this disease?
There are a lot of vaccine candidates all together in the pipeline to this COVID-19 disease than with any other before for a transferable disease. Each one of them is attempting on achieving the similar thing – immunity to the COVID19virus, and some can also be able of stopping its transmission. It will do so through energizing the immune response to the antigen, the molecule located on a virus. In this COVID19 case, the antigen is usually a characteristic spike protein located at the surface of a virus, which it typically uses to assist it to invade the human cells.
Four major types of the COVID-19 vaccines
There are four groups of vaccines in the clinical trials. Some of them tried to smuggle this antigen into a body, others are using the body’s own cell to create a viral antigen.
1. Whole virus - Many conservative vaccines used the whole viruses for triggering the immune response. It has two main methods. Live attenuated vaccines used the weakened form of a virus that may still replicate without the need to cause illness. Inactivated vaccine is used virus whose genetic material had been destroyed so that they may not replicate, but may still trigger the immune response. Both kinds use the well-recognized technology and pathway for regulatory approval, however, the live attenuated ones can harm causing disease to people with weaker immune systems and usually required careful cold storage, building their use even more challenging in lower-resource countries. The inactivated virus vaccine will be given to those people with negotiated immune systems; however, it might also need some cold storage.
2. Protein subunit - Subunit vaccine is using the pieces of pathogen – usually fragments of protein – in triggering the immune response. By doing so, will minimize the danger of side effects, however, this will also mean that the immune response can be weaker. It is why they normally require adjuvants, to assist in boosting the immune response. The example of the present subunit vaccine is hepatitis B vaccine.
3. Nucleic acid (DNA AND RNA) - Nucleic acid vaccines use genetic material – either the DNA or the RNA – to give cells with the directions to create an antigen. In the instance of COVID-19, it is typically the viral spike proteins. Once the genetic material steps in the human cells, it utilizes the cells' protein factories in making an antigen that can trigger the immune response. The benefits of certain vaccines that they are simple to make and affordable and since an antigen is made inside our own cell and in bigger quantities, an immune reaction must be tough. However, the downside is that, until now, no RNA or DNA vaccines had been licensed for the human use that will cause more difficulties with the regulatory approval. Additionally, the RNA vaccines needed to be kept in an ultra-cold temperatures, either -70C or even lower, that could prove demanding for countries that do not have special cold storage equipment, mainly in middle-and low-income countries.
4. Viral vector - these vaccines also worked through providing cells, genetic instruction in producing antigens. But they vary from the nucleic acid vaccine in that they utilize a harmless virus, unlike the one that a vaccine is targeting, in giving these instructions to the cell. One kind of virus that had usually been used as the vector is adenovirus that causes the common colds. As with the nucleic acid vaccine, our personal cellular machinery is being hijacked to make the antigen from the instructions, in turn of triggering the immune response. The viral vector vaccine will mimic the natural viral infections and must therefore trigger stronger immune responses. But, since there is this chance that lots of people can be already exposed to a virus being used as the vectors, some can be immune into it, making a vaccine less efficient.
 COVID-19 Vaccines
The COVID-19 vaccines that are available in the US protecting and are effective for people—especially those that are boosted— from receiving severely ill, hospitalized and dying people. As with the other illnesses you are better protected from COVID-19 if you will stay updated with the suggested vaccines.
The four COVID-19 vaccines had been authorized and approved in the US to prevent the COVID-19: Pfizer-BioNTech, J&J/Janssen, Moderna, and Novavax. It’s suggested that the J&J/Janssen vaccine only be taken into consideration in some instances.
When Are You Updated?
You’re updated with the COVID-19 vaccines if you have taken all the doses in the first series and all the boosters suggested for you, when entitled.
Vaccine suggestions are based on the age, the first vaccine you received, and the time of the last dose. People that are severely or moderately immunocompromised have unlike recommendations for the COVID-19 vaccines.
The 5 brand names of COVID-19 vaccines
The COVID-19 vaccines had been a portion of the everyday conversations, and yet people seldom refer to them through their brand names.
Below are the clarifications of the brand chosen for the 5 COVID-19 vaccines base on the Endpoints News Reports:
Pfizer's COVID-19, Comirnaty vaccine: The name symbolizes the combination of the words COVID-19, community, immunity and mRNA.
Moderna's COVID-19, Spikevax vaccine: The major part of the label referred to a “spike” glycoprotein on coronavirus.
AstraZeneca's COVID-19, Vaxzevria vaccine: With the "Evri" sound included in its name is aimed to communicate that a vaccine is for everybody.
Novavax's COVID-19, Nuvaxovid vaccine: This vaccine name was styled to allocate the same cadence to a drug maker's name with no explicit association.
Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline, Vidprevtyn COVID-19 vaccine: This is the primary syllable of the label likely referred to the COVID-19, and a second syllable is seemed to represent illness prevention, based on the report.
Mixing the COVID-19 Vaccines with other products
Primary vaccines - CDC does not suggest mixing products for the primary series doses. When you take Pfizer-BioNTech, Novavax or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for your first dose series, you should receive the same series for all of the following series doses.
Boosters – Respondents that are 18 years and above can get a different shot for their booster than what they got in the primary vaccines as long as these are Moderna, J&J/Janssen or Pfizer-BioNTech. Teens and children ages 5 to 17 years that got the Pfizer-BioNTech first series must also take the Pfizer-BioNTech for their booster.
Novavax isn’t allowed to be used for the booster dose!
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jangillman · 2 years
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aagdolla · 3 years
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seasiainfotechusa · 4 years
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pakarherbal · 4 years
Jamu Anti Corona Virus Sebagai Obat Alami Cegah Penularan Covid-19
Berkaitan dengan tema " jamu anti corona virus '' maka admin akan menguraikan rangkuman mengenai istilah pentingnya sedia payung sebelum hujan :) yang tentu saja masih berhubungan dengan penangkal alami yang patut diterapkan.
Cegah Corona Virus Covid-19 : https://www.pengobatanhiv.com/corona/ Tautan : https://youtu.be/IgFi8jfF0zI
Sejauh ini ikhtiar yang dilaksanakan pemerintah yang telah berjalan, baik itu pusat maupun di daerah, namun tentu saja dukungan konkrit berupa kesadaran masyarakat sendiri alias dari masing - masing individu sangat diperlukan artinya secara tidak langsung turut andil dalam pencegahan secara mandiri melalui inisitif sederhana misalnya berupa pengobatan tradisional seperti meminum jamu anti corona dengan memanfaatkan ramuan jamu corona, seperti yang sedang viral jamu corona di yogyakarta
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Setidaknya terdapat 3 faktor yang menjadikan seseorang gampang tertular virus, antara lain sistem imun tubuh yang menurun, pengaruh dari lingkungan yang tidak bersih dan kurang sehat, meningkatnya jumlah kuman atau parasit, bakteri, dan virus.
Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan beberapa cara yang patut ditempuh seseorang guna menangkal dirinya supaya tidak gampang terinfeksi atau tertular virus, yaitu dengan memperhatikan asupan nutrisi dengan mengkonsumsi secara rutin akan sayur - sayuran juga buah-buahan.
Mengenakan pelindung area wajah khususnya lubang hidung dan mulut berupa masker, adapun rekomendasi standar yang dianjurkan yaitu bertipe  N95 sampai surgical mask, dimana jenis masker tersebut biasa digunakan di rumah sakit alasannya lebih melindungi pernafasan dari virus.
Tidak cukup hanya dengan melindungi wilayah muka saja namun pada bagian tangan wajib memberi perlakuan yang sama pentingnya seperti mencuci tangan 'eeiittssss tapi ingat ya kawan' harus dengan metode yang tidak keliru yaitu ketika membasuh telapak atau lengan tangan mesti memaikai sabun dan pastikan airnya mengalir serta jangan lupa usap secara merata di sela jari - jari tangan, Oya keringkan setelahnya ya... bisa dengan tisu atau bila tersedia dengan alat pengering elektronik.
Sebagai informasi tambahan bahwa baru - baru ini perusahaan jamu tradisional terkemuka asal cilacap,  PT. De nature Indonesia Group memberikan bantuan kepedulian berupa nominal uang simbolis sejumlah 500 juta rupiah terhadap pemerintah kabupaten cilacap dalam rangka menanggulangi dan memerangi dampak yang diakibatkan oleh  wabah virus ganas dunia saat ini yang kita kenal dengan corona covid-19
Berikut jamu herbal yang sangat direkomendasikan oleh pakar herbal dari PT. De nature Indonesia
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- Habatop 200 Kapsul (ukuran besar) - Habatop 50 Kapsul (ukuran kecil)
Merek Obat Habatop De nature merupakan ramuan herbal yang terbuat dari bahan dasar habbatussauda (biji jintam hitam jenis terbaik di kelasnya).
“Sesungguhnya di dalam Habbatussauda (jintan hitam) terdapat penyembuh bagi segala macam penyakit, kecuali kematian” (HR Bukhori & Muslim)
Terimakasih sudah mampir di berita update bertemakan Jamu Anti Corona virus Sebagai Obat Alami Cegah Penularan Covid-19. Semoga menambah wawasan kita akan pentingnya informasi kesehatan terkini.
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nateaz · 4 years
Speculation based on the current facts and Trump’s actions lead me to belong that #Covid19virus may be a bio-weapon. https://www.instagram.com/p/B94tqZwl3yl/?igshid=1gmgyg5db5cqp
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patrickkurtiskent · 4 years
I want to tell you all a story concerning viruses! Share this if you would like...
After seeing all the media reports and posts on social media that you are all sharing I would like to tell you a true story about a virus.
Cindy and I were missionaries in Weekes Saskatchewan about 10, 1/2 year ago. When we were there our boy’s contracted a virus of some sort and I (Kurtis) ended up contracting it from them. Days later I found some strength and staggered into the emergency at the hospital in Porcupine Plain. I had the H1N1 and didn’t know it till the test came back days later. They put me on temporary quarantine in the hospital and gave me tamiflu and wished me well. I returned home the same day.
Joke all you want about the Covid 19 virus but I personally take it very serious. During my H1N1 infection I had a very high fever, none stop sweating, puking, and diarrhea. But the worst of my infection was the uncontrollable coughing to the point that I had no breath left and felt like I was drowning. Each night I coughed up between 8 to 10 ounces of blood, filling a glass a night. From the profuse coughing the veins were rupturing in my lungs and I was choking on my own blood.
To my shame during my battle with H1N1 I actually cried out to God to take my life. I asked Him to take me home so that I wouldn’t have to live another day with this virus. 8 days later I walked out of my bedroom 22 pounds lighter with not an ounce of energy. 3 months later I stopped coughing. Are viruses real and something to prepare for? YES! Remember I actually asked God to take me home during my battle with the H1N1. If I were a senior or someone with lung and respiratory issues I know for a fact I wouldn’t of survived that virus.
Is God bigger than a virus? YES! Is Jesus on the throne? YES! Is He loving and caring and still good? YES!
Are we overreacting by taking precautionary measures? NO!
I would sooner prepare for something and have no regrets, than not prepare and have regrets.
What verses comfort my family in times like this? In times of trouble and unrest I often turn to Philippians 4:6-7. Read these verses...And be anxious for nothing.... Rest in Jesus Christ our Lord and our Saviour!
May God Bless you and your family at this time.
Pastor Kurtis!
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hydnews24 · 2 years
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Israel reported the first case of flona flu plus Corona. Is that dreadful?
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elainaledoyen · 2 years
With COVID-19 ravaging the world for nearly two years, an urgent need for discovering a vaccine has arisen. But while the vaccine is a much-needed preventative measure, doctors have also been desperately searching for remedies to cure the severe symptoms caused by the second wave of COVID-19. Antiviral drugs like Remdesivir, which was previously being used to treat Ebola, came into the limelight during the second wave. However, the most dependable solution seems to be antibody treatment.
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achinhimanshu · 3 years
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guestplant · 4 years
NASA made a necklace that reminds you not to touch your face
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NASA has released open-source instructions for a 3D-printed necklace designed to help you stop touching your face. We’ve heard time and time again that we shouldn’t touch our mush with our fingers to limit our chances of contracting COVID-19. However, it’s not always easy to avoid that reflex. To remind you to keep your mitts at bay, three engineers at the agency’s Jet Propulsion Lab created Pulse. The necklace has a proximity sensor with a 12-inch range and a coin vibration motor, which activates when you move your hand towards your head. The closer your fingers are, the more intense the vibrations get. "The objective of Pulse is to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which can be transmitted if an individual touches an infected surface with their hand and then touches either their eyes, nose or mouth," NASA said. You can download the list of parts you need, CAD designs to 3D print the case and directions on how to make the necklace for free. NASA said it designed Pulse to be affordable and easy to put together. NASA notes that Pulse isn’t designed to replace masks or respirators. It’s supposed to work alongside other coronavirus-prevention measures, such as maintaining distance from other people and thoroughly washing your hands. Still, it could prove useful for those who just can’t stop scratching their noses. Read the full article
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harusukeakagi · 4 years
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Making handkerchief mask without sewing, and disposable mask with two paper towels. My paper towel is thin. So I used two paper towels. I applied making handkerchief mask without sewing. Also I put half size tissue paper between the mask and my mouse. #mask #makingmask #photo #photography #picture #howtomakemask #disposablemask #handkerchiefmask #handkerchief #nocorona #nocoronavirus #nocovid19 #Corona #Coronavirus #covid19 #covid19virus #virus #peace #world #health #maskwithoutsewing #nocovid19 #nocovid19virus #マスク #縫わないマスク #使い捨てマスク #コロナウイルス #コロナ #マスクの作り方 #キッチンペーパー #キッチンペーパーマスク https://www.instagram.com/p/CBawZ4ugYOj/?igshid=9avzbkthy2cf
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rockdesignbd · 4 years
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Don't be PANIC, T-shirt Design DOWNLOAD LINK : https://www.codegrape.com/item/dont-be-panic-t-shirt-design/40627 #black #blacktshirt #corona #coronavirus #covi̇d19 #covid19virus #novelcorona #red #redtshirt #tshirt #tshirtdesign #typography #white #whitetshirt #wuhanvirus https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLwfRXjUXZ/?igshid=1ddln04s0s67d
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griffynrobotech · 4 years
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Pune-based Griffyn Robotech Will Manufacture and Supply Mass Ventilators to the Government of India. For more visit: https://bit.ly/2yfIUtd Thank you VarIndia This Week for featuring us Get info :https://bit.ly/2Mu8dv6
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