#come here and let me kiss the frown off your pretty face ali baby
Pretty Girl
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy, pregant!reader, soft!nat, light smut, daddy/praise and degradation kink, and R getting edged again as always.
Words: 886
A/N: Thinking of writing angst after this, soooooo enjoy my loves! <3
(also this may be "Kiss Me More" and "Cookie Jar" Reader and Nat, their son is 3-4 so he can't talk properly yet.)
Kiss Me More, and Cookie Jar ♡☆
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You couldn't contain the wide smile and tears when you saw the positive test in front of you. You sit around at home, waiting for your wife to come back from her recent mission. “Mommy why are you crying?” the toddler says, climbing onto your lap. You laugh softly, hugging the little boy tightly. “These are happy tears buddy.” he frowns, flashing a confused smile, “Tears can't be happy!” you fake a glare, tackling him with tickles. “Oh yes, they sure can!”
He lets out uncontrollable laughs till tears prick the corner of his eyes, “Mommy I happy cried!” he says, throwing himself back onto you. You laugh, kissing his cheek, “You happy cried sweetie.” he smiles, “Ali's sleeping.” you pause, “Where?” he sighs, “I' a nice big brother and put Ali in her crib and not on the floor.”
You smile, “Good job Alex!” you say, lightly pinching his cheek. You hear the door open, followed by a; “I'm home moya lyubov!” you get up, picking the toddler up in your arms, and leave to go greet your wife. “Hi darling!” you say, kissing her softly. She ruffles Alex's hair, making him let out a little laugh. “Hi mama!” she kisses his forehead, “Hi buddy.”
“Where's Aliana?” you look up at her, “Alex put her to bed, and not on the floor this time. Isn't that right sweetie?” he beams, nodding his head. “I' cry happy tears mama!” she furrows her brows in confusion, glancing at you for an answer. “He just– laughed a bit too hard, that's all.” you didn't want to tell her here, not in front of the kid at least.
She nods, “O..kay.. is there something you two aren't telling me?” you freeze before shaking your head 'no'. She eyes you suspiciously, “Mhm..” she says, walking back into your bedroom. You sigh, setting Alex down, “Go to your room and play games buddy, mama and I need alone time okay?” he nods, running off to his room.
You walk into the bedroom, sitting next to your wife on the edge of the bed. She glances at you, “Hey detka.” she says, laying her head on your shoulder. You bring a hand up to her wavy, red hair to stroke it gently. “What are you hiding from me baby?” your hand stops moving, and your breath hitches.
“I wanted it to be special..” you say, running a free hand through your hair. She lifts her head from your shoulder to look at you properly, “Wanted what to be special?” you get up and open your nightstands top drawer, getting out the positive pregnancy test.
Her facial expression laced with confusion, grabbing the test from your hand. “I– Y/N are you being serious right now?” you let out a shaky breath, “Yes– Nat why would I joke about this?” She smiles, tears pooling in her eyes. “Detka I can't believe it!” she says, pulling you into an embrace.
She inhales, taking in the scent of your perfume. “We're gonna be moms! Again.” she pulls away, kissing you deeply. “Natasha..” she smiles, kissing your cheek, your neck, collar bone, all the way down to your breasts.
“I love you so, so so much kotenok.” you smile, pulling her in for a proper, slow kiss. Eventually needing to break it to catch your breath. “I love you too Tasha.” she takes her hand up to your face, pushing a stray hair strand behind your ear. “My pretty girl.” you look up at her with reddened cheeks, and wide eyes.
She backs up, pushing you onto the bed. You gasp softly at the impact. She leans down, trailing kisses down to your thighs, “You're so beautiful detka..” she grips your thigh with her hand, rubbing your clothed clit with the pad of her thumb. “Natasha s-stop teasing..” you whine.
She smirks, peppering kisses to your inner thighs, just below your already dripping cunt. You whimper, squirming at her touches. She pulls off your panties, letting out a soft gasp, “You're so wet baby.. is this all for me?” you quickly nod your head, letting out a throaty moan when she runs her cold finger through your folds.
“D-daddy.. please.” you beg, gazing up at her. She slips in the tip of her finger, “Beg harder kotenok.” she whispers out, voice raspy. You roll your eyes, huffing impatiently. “..Daddy, please 'need you to fuck me so bad.” she smirks, pushing in two fingers deep inside you. You widen your eyes, moaning loudly.
“Taking my fingers in so well like a good little whore, hm?” you whimper, moaning softly. “I just wanna ruin you detka..” she says in between thrusts. “Fuck daddy I—” you get interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Mommy! Mama! Ali woke up, she's hungy!” you stifle a moan, Natasha's fingers still knuckle deep inside your pussy. “Yup– we'll be there buddy! Just one sec.” you hear his footsteps fade away, taking your attention away from the door, you look back at the red-head. “You're gonna have to pull out now Nat.”
She pulls out, leaving your needy cunt empty. “You better fuck me properly after I feed Ali.” you say, pulling your panties back on. “Whatever you say printsessa.” she winks at you as you walk to the door to leave the bedroom.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
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Summary: Dean is cursed with the inability to speak unless a cure can be found. It begins to wear on him in more ways than one...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,800ish
Warnings: language
“Stay down,” said Dean, aiming his gun at the witch.
“Why don’t you shut up,” she said, throwing something at Dean. You both shot and she was dead like that but Dean had a hand on his throat, turning to you with a bit of panic in his eyes.
“Dean!” you said, expecting him to start gasping that he couldn’t breathe but it never came. Dean only continued to claw at his throat, opening his mouth and staring at you. “What’d she do?”
You watched him move his lips and even his tongue but not a whisper came out, no sound at all. He looked like he was trying to shout but there was nothing, Dean spinning around.
“You can’t talk?” you asked, Dean nodding as he found a piece of paper and a pen, jotting something down quick.
Can breathe. No talking though. Find spellbook.
“Alright. You look down here. I’ll take upstairs.”
About an hour later, Dean was poking his head in a room, tossing a notebook at you before walking away.
Found it. Doesn’t mention anything. I dealt with the witch. I grabbed the book so let’s go home. Maybe Sam can figure it out.
“Well, I’m sure this will be an enjoyable drive home.”
“Wait. So you can’t talk?” said Sam. Dean rolled his eyes and rested his head on his hands. “Really?”
“Yes, Sam. He’s cursed or under a spell. Help me figure this out, alright?” you said. Sam held up his hands, chuckling a little. “Sam.”
“Hey, compared to the usual crap that happens to us, at least this isn’t so bad, right? It’s not trying to kill him at least,” said Sam.
Dean sighed but gave a half-hearted smile and nodded. He waved and you followed after to the library, each one of you heading off to do your own research.
Hopefully you could find a cure soon.
Four Months Later
Sam was off on another random lead that probably wouldn’t pan out. You’d managed to find a nice and easy ghost hunt but you couldn’t even drag Dean along with you. That was your rule. It was too dangerous to bring him along when he couldn’t talk. It was strange how everything around him seemed to mute. Plates didn’t make noise when they stacked together. Chairs didn’t scrape along the floor. The shower was silent whenever he took one.
He was like a ghost. Except those made sound on occasion.
“Dean. Let’s get out of the bunker, go do something fun,” you said, poking your head in your room. Dean was nowhere to be found. You checked the garage next, Baby still parked in there, no sign of him. “Dean! Where are you?”
You hoped that didn’t make him mad. He’d been having a bad week. Worse than normal which was saying something. You knew he was reaching his breaking point even if he kept it to himself.
“Dean,” you said again, wandering to your old bedroom, finding him sat on top of the bed, staring at you when you walked in. “Baby. What-”
He tossed his little whiteboard across the room and you took a seat beside him, Dean turning his head away.
“I love you,” you said, wrapping your arms around him, giving him a kiss. “I know this is hard and I miss talking to you. So let’s talk, okay?”
He tilted his head and moved to stand but you kept him in place.
“Maybe the conversation is going to be a bit one sided but we can still talk, can’t we?” you asked. He nodded, looking over to where he’d thrown his whiteboard. He went to grab it but you shook your head.
“What?” he mouthed. You pressed your lips to his, gently laying the two of you back. He blinked when you moved away, eyes watching your hand slide up into his hair. Your fingers ran through his stands, green eyes flickering up and back to your face. He was thinking, trying to understand as you grabbed his shoulder and moved his head, resting it closer to your own. You smiled as he kept watching you, still thinking.
“For all the things I hate about this situation, you know what I love? Whenever I tell you how amazing you are, how wonderful and good and handsome and strong and intelligent and witty and awesome you are, you can’t make that tsk noise or scoff or sigh or grumble or interrupt to tell me I’m wrong. You have to sit back and take it,” you said.
He gave you a bitch face, rolling his eyes as you kept playing with his hair. He started to nuzzle into the touch though, his face turning soft.
“I love you,” you said. He nodded and pecked a kiss on the top of your nose, big green eyes staring softly. “I know you love me too, Dean.”
He let out a silent breath of air, pulling you flush to him.
“I don’t care what happens. I’m with you,” you said.
He smiled and grabbed your hand, pressing it flat against his chest and over his heart. You felt his heartbeat and smiled.
Two Months Later
“Dean! Lunch is ready!” you shouted from the kitchen. “Bacon lettuce tomato with extra bacon for you!”
You waited a beat, no tuft of brown hair coming around the corner. You grabbed his plate and drink, carrying them out to the library where Dean was researching again.
“You want to eat in here?” you asked. Dean lifted his head and shook it, waving you over. “You don’t want bacon...okay. That’s not concerning or anything.”
He tapped his book and you set the food down, peering over his shoulder.
“A transference spell? You want to transfer it to someone else?” you asked. Dean nodded, tossing his whiteboard at you.
We can’t break it so let’s move it. Move the spell to someone it won’t affect, like someone in a coma that’s never going to wake up. You think that would work?
“Actually, that’s not a half-bad idea,” you said. “Lunch first and then we’ll see if it’s possible.”
“It was a good try,” you said that night. Dean was in the gym, smacking hits against the punching bag. “We’ll get your voice back.”
He looked around the bag, taking deep pants, hitting it once more.
“Dean,” you said, his face scrunching up as he swung again. Hard. He did it a few times, the bag bouncing around, Dean not letting up until he was breathing hard, falling down onto his butt. He shut his eyes and put his head between his knees.
You sat beside him, Dean letting you pull off his boxing gloves. You frowned when you saw he’d cut up his knuckles.
“Let’s clean this up,” you said when his breathing was more even. He followed you to the kitchen, his head low as you wiped down the cuts and dried it off. “I can’t imagine how hard this is. I can’t. But if you need to go and let your anger out, you will do it the right way. Tape up your hands next time, Ali.”
He nodded, glancing up through his eyelashes.
“What would you like for dinner?” you asked. He shrugged. “Pizza?”
“Uf,” you heard him say, both of you wide eyed. “Igaf!”
“You can talk!” you said. Dean did a fist pump and jumped up and down, his sneakers making the cement floor smack. “Sammy! I think the curse is broken!”
“Really? That’s awesome!” he shouted back, wandering into the kitchen after a moment. Dean was still making baby noises though and he was quickly frowning. “So it’s been about six months. Could have been a timing thing.”
“Yeah,” you said, staring at Dean.
“Ea,” he said, pouting. “Ea icese.”
“I have no idea what he’s trying to say,” said Sam.
“Dean,” you said.
“Ea,” said Dean, finding one of his white boards laying around.
I’m trying to say Dean Winchester. That’s all that comes out. It’s like my mouth doesn’t know how to make the sound.
“Y/N. This may sound strange but...I think I know what the witch did,” said Sam. “I read about it like, years ago.”
“Don’t keep us in suspense, Sam,” you said, Dean throwing up his hands.
“Infantiliccum curse. Six month initial period,” he said.
“Well what is it?”
“I think Dean is very lucky that witch only decided to mess with his voice,” said Sam. “It basically reverts whatever the witch chooses in the afflicted to become that like an infant. Babies can’t talk right? Dean couldn’t talk. The other sound thing might have been a side effect.”
“Yeah but he knows how to talk. Why-“
“Yeah, he does but this is the part Dean’s gonna be pissed about. There’s another six months before it fully wears off,” said Sam.
“Ic uns!” said Dean, his face scrunched up. “Fff mfh uc afh!”
“Pretty sure there was an f bomb in there somewhere,” you said. Dean nodded, glaring at Sam.
“Hey, I said fully reversed. Maybe now you can like, learn to talk again in the meantime,” said Sam. “Get some phrases back.”
Dean growled but he still smiled at being able to make sound.
“I think that’s a good idea. I’m sure you’ll pick it up fast.”
“I know this one’s hard,” you said about a week later, holding up a flash card.
“Owiop,” said Dean, opening his mouth wide. “Owiop. Uckin etter. I ate tat etter.”
“L’s are hard. Come on. Tongue up behind your teeth, narrow your cheeks in and drop your jaw. Lollipop.”
“Ollipop,” he said with a bit of a smile. “Oll...Lol...ipop. Loll...ipop. Lollipop. Uck it L’s. I ot tis now.”
“You want to take a break? We’ve been going all morning,” you said.
He just smiled and stared at you.
“I love you,” he said, no struggle this time.
“Been waiting a long time to hear that again,” you said, kissing him for a few long moments.
“Tank you,” he said. “Th...ank you.”
“Thank you for trying. We keep working it and you’ll be back to your old self in no time,” you said.
“Love you,” he said, kissing you again.
“I love you too, Dean. Even when you couldn’t say it, I knew baby. I always knew.”
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Lena Luthor is your lab partner.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 2215.
“Welcome Miss Luthor-Danvers.” Aly, the receptionist of L Corp, gives you a warm welcome.
“Hey, Aly. Can you call upstairs and let my mom know that I’m here?” You smile and she immediately does what you asked.
“She’s going to meet you here.” Aly says and you nod. You play on your phone while you wait. Lena asked you to go to L Corp after school. You don’t know exactly what she wants, but you rescheduled your training session with Nia and went there hoping she would say something about your anti-kryptonite force field prototype. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long for you to see Lena coming your way.
Every time you see your mom at work you get so impressed. She’s so well-dressed and put together. And she looks like a boss bitch with this black dress. She smiles at you and hugs you as soon as she reaches you.
“So glad you came, baby. I have a surprise for you.” Lena says and starts walking, shooting you a look for you to follow her.
“A surprise for me? It isn’t my birthday yet.” You say catching up to her.
“Not that kind of surprise.” You go into the elevator with her and she presses a button to go underground.
“I’ll be very surprised if you say that the prototype worked.” You turn to her expectantly. She promised she would test it for you, but she hasn’t given you any clue if it works yet.
“It will work, I’m sure. With a brain like yours, you can make anything.” What she really meant to say was that it didn’t work. You’re finally understanding the things your moms say between the lines.
Lena opens one door to a lab and you walk in. Everything is so new it smells like it. It’s full of equipment and there is a lot of technology you only dreamt about. It’s amazing, the best thing your eyes have ever seen.
“So?” Lena smiles at you and you look at her. “What d’you think?”
“It’s great!” You look around and everything is so perfectly placed, you can’t find anywhere to put your backpack. You also don’t want to touch anything before her. “Where can I put my bag?”
“Anywhere you’d like. It’s yours.” She says with a hand on your shoulder.
“The lab, babygirl. It’s yours.” She repeats and you stand there with no reaction. Wait, huh? “Oh, you’re going to need this.” She gives you an access card. “And this.” And then she gives you a L Corp id, and there’s your picture and your name in it.
“Wait.” You look at your smiling face in the picture and then around. “Do I work here now?”
“No. Well, yes, but only because I needed to hire you to give you your own lab.”
“Are you serious?” She agrees with her head. “Mom, that’s so cool! Am I gonna get paid?”
“Absolutely not.” She says with a smile and you roll your eyes.
You drop your backpack close to the door and you go inside to explore the lab. There’s literally everything that you might need. That means no more going around the house and picking up remote controls and old cameras. You’re absolutely awed by the whole thing, and Lena keeps looking at you and chuckling to herself.
“Wow. Thanks mom! This is the coolest thing you’ve ever given me.” You go back to where she’s standing so you can hold her tight. “It’s the best thing anyone has ever given me.”
“Oh.” She smiles from ear to ear. “I’m glad you liked it. Do you mind telling Kara this? She’s always bragging about the necklace.”
“Well, the necklace is also pretty great.” You hold it in your hand and smile at her. “Even though you tampered it.”
“I did no such thing.” You raise an eyebrow and she shrugs. “It’s a microchip, you can take it off in your sleep if you want to. But please don’t.”
“You know I can just take off the necklace now that I know about it and like, run away, right?”
“Why would you run away?” She asks a little worried and you smile so you can ease her mind.
“I’m kidding mom, I mean, I just got my own lab!” You open your arms with the biggest smile on your face and she smiles back at you, looking genuinely happy. “Shall we get to work?”
“I thought you would never ask.” She says going to the computers to show you the results she got with the kryptonites.
Apparently, the force field held his own with the green kryptonite for a few minutes, but didn’t work with the other ones. You and Lena both work in different computers, you’re running some tests, and perfecting your calculations. At one point, you both look at each other at the same time.
“I think…”
“You first.” She points at you and you turn your computer screen so she can see it.
“Maybe the bracelet wasn’t a good idea. I’m looking at the shape and…” You start saying and Lena smiles. “What?”
“The bracelet wasn’t a good idea.” She turns her computer screen at you and it’s your turn to smile. “Guess we had the same idea.”
“Well, I do have your brain, don’t I?” You smile and Lena is also static to confirm this. “So, I was thinking, maybe in the belt?”
“That’s good. It covers more areas. It should work.” You both get up at the same time and go around the room collecting everything that you might need. Lena’s phone rings at the moment, and you pretend you can’t hear the entire conversation, and focus on the things in front of you. She hangs up the phone and looks at you. “Baby, I…”
“Yeah, meeting.” You look at her. “Don’t worry, I’ll start on the prototype and you come back whenever you can, ok?”
“Great.” She kisses your cheek and smiles. “Just don’t leave without me.”
“I won’t.” You smile back and she goes to the door. You go back to the tablet in front of you and start simulating with the new shape. Your hands go insane in it, and you’re not even using your super speed, you’re just really excited. In the corner of your eyes, you see Lena standing by the door with a smile. “Mom, don’t you have a meeting to go to?”
“Sorry, yeah I… Was just looking at my baby working.” She says and you turn your face at her. “Kara was wrong. You look just like me.”
“Ok, you two have to stop competing over this kind of stuff.” You laugh and she joins in. “And we both know I look just like momma when she was young.”
“How dare you.” Lena says with a smile still playing on her lips. She finally opens the door to leave. “You are amazing.”
“Are you saying this because I look just like you while working?”
“Obviously.” She laughs and actually leaves.
You are left all alone and you work on the anti-kryptonite belt. You try to make it look just like the one in Kara’ suit. You’re so entertained with the new project you don’t even realize Lena was gone for three hours. You also almost didn’t notice she had returned either, and you only did because you smelled food and your stomach growled.
“I brought Belly Burgers.” She puts some fries in front of you and you’re instantly filled with happiness.
“Rao, you’re the best lab partner ever!” You shove so many French fries in your mouth it’s hard to chew. Lena frowns at that, but decides to ignore it.
“How are we going?” She looks at the belt in front of you. “Oh, you already finished it?”
“Actually…” You go to the other side of the table and grab a box. “I made a few.”
You then proceed to put another four prototypes on the table. Lena’s mouth drops and she looks absolutely in shock.
“This one’s just like Supergirl’s.” You point at a golden one. “And I made a similar one but in silver for myself.” You point at it. “This one’s for Superboy.” You point to another. “And Superman.” And another.
“Wait, you made five… Who’s the last one for?” She grabs the one closer to her and looks at it. “It looks like the Superboy one.”
“Oh yeah. I’m sure Conner will break his in like, days, so I’m making him another one.” You come back to her. “But you’re back for the most important part. Let’s see if it works with the new shape and with a different calculation. You have to test it.”
“Don’t you want to do that tomorrow? It’s really late.” Lena says and you furrow your brows.
“Please tell me you’re joking. I don’t want to break in here in the middle of the night and test it myself.”
“Ok. First, you don’t have to break in.” She points at your id. “Second, I would never let you expose yourself to kryptonites, so I’m obviously joking.” You roll your eyes. “I wouldn’t be able to sleep either.”
“Ok, go on.” You push her out of your lab, but before leaving she turns back to you.
“Hey, you know it’s a very difficult project, so if it doesn’t work, don’t be discouraged.” She touches your face.
“I know. Just go, please. You’re killing me.” You say and she chuckles, actually leaving this time.
Whilst she tests your prototype, you eat the burgers she brought you. You didn’t realize you were hungry until now. Kara calls you while you wait.
“Hey kid, it’s pretty late. Where are you?”
“At work.”
“What? Kid, stop joking. Where are you?”
“I’m not joking! L Corp hired me, ok? I have my own lab, and an access card.”
“Wait! Are you serious? Your own lab? Can I visit?”
“Sure. You can even eat my leftover fries.”
“Don’t even joke about fries. I’m on my way.”
It doesn’t take long until you hear a knock on the door. It’s obviously not Lena yet, because she has her own card. You open the door and Kara walks in impressed.
“She didn’t actually give you this lab.”
“Oh, but she did.” You give her the biggest smile.
“Dammit Lena, I can’t compete with this.” She mumbles and you laugh. Kara sees her belt at the other side of the table. She doesn’t even ask about it, she just runs to it and picks it up, putting it on.
“What are you doing?” You ask holding her arm when she mentions leaving the lab.
“We have to test it!” She smiles.
“Mom is doing that for me.”
“But Lena’s not Kryptonian. The only way we can be sure is if I try.” Kara resumes walking and you keep pulling her back.
“No way, you’re not going in there! What if it doesn’t work? Momma, please. No!”
“It’s going to work.” Her voice is sure. It leaves no margin for you to think she is not very confident in you and your work. But you’re not.
“It didn’t work the last time.” You hold her tightly. “Please, please. I can’t go through that again. Please.”
“It’s ok, baby.” She holds you back and stops trying to walk. She knows what you’re talking about, so she kisses the top of your head to reassure you. “I won’t go. But I’m sure it will work. You’re the smartest person I know.”
“I heard that!” Lena says coming inside the lab and you and Kara both look at her expectantly. “When did Kara get here?”
“Who cares! What happened? Did it work?” You ask and Lena bites her lips and furrows her brows. Your face drops. “Oh, no. It didn’t.”
“I’m sorry, little one.” Kara holds tightly again, but you let go of her and go back at the table grabbing the tablet.
“It’s ok, I just have to change the capacitor, and like, maybe the solar ce-”
“Baby!” Lena makes you stop talking and you look at her. “Who said it didn’t work?”
“Your face!”
“I was joking.” Lena goes to you and hands you the prototype. “It works! Even with the Harun-El. It held up long enough.”
“It did?” You’re almost jumping when she agrees with a smile. You jump excitedly and Kara does the same. Lena is not really jumping, you don’t think she could even if she wanted, not with those shoes anyways, but she still looks impressed and so proud of you.
“You know what? You are the smartest person I know.” Lena says joining the hug and you feel like you can fly. You can’t believe it worked. You’ll be able to protect Kara, Superboy, your uncle and even yourself! This is the happiest you’ve ever been.
“Honestly, I think I should get paid.” You say after the hug.
“Well, you should at least increase my allowance then.”
“It seems fair.” Kara adds and Lena rolls her eyes.
“I’ll consider it.” She says grabbing her things so you all can go home. You follow her to the door and grab your backpack.
“It’s totally happening.” Kara whispers in your ear and you smile. This is, honestly, the best day you had in months.
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
I’m Still Coming Out (Emily Sonnett x Reader)
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@arination99 Request:  Can I ask for a part 2 to the Krashlyn fic?? 
The reader tries her best to accept her sexuality, as well as her feelings for Emily Sonnett, feelings she has no idea if Emily returns. 
Spoiler, she does. 
If you’re looking for part 1 of this story, you can find it rightttt HERE: I’m Coming Out
It came as no surprise to you that after finding out you were gay, Ashlyn teased you to no end about your crush on one, Emily Sonnett.  
Ali reigned her in best she could, the woman rolling her eyes every time your mother would poke fun at you for blushing around the blonde.  
“Ash!” Ali shushed her, smacking her in the chest.  
“What? Look at themm!” She pouts, her hands on her cheeks as she nods to where you’re sitting with Emily.
The two of you were fast asleep, Emily’s head resting on your shoulder, whereas yours is rested on top of hers.  
“It’s just so sweet.” Ashlyn’s bottom lip trembles, her eyes glazing over.  
Ali shakes her head, but can’t help smiling when you rub your head against Emily’s, the two of you smiling in your sleep.  
In the seat next to them, Kelley and Alex are wearing the same expression as Ashlyn, both looking at their sleeping teammates with glassy orbs.  
“Oh my god that’s adorable.” Kelley whispers, stealthily snapping a picture of the two of you, her grin widening when Emily wraps her arms around your middle, pulling you closer, well as close as she could with the arm of the bus’s seat between the two of you.  
It’s soon after that the bus screeches to a halt, signaling that you’d reach your destination, which in this case was a hotel.  
The first of you to wake is Emily, the blonde’s eyes fluttering open slowly before widening, her cheeks flushing blood red.  
Her arms slowly slip from around you, the woman’s fingertips grazing your flat stomach, the blonde blushing when she feels the muscles beneath your shirt.  
She clears her throat, giving you a shake.  
“Hey, wake up we’re here.” She gives you another shake and you growl.  
“Emmmm, stopppp.” You whine, this time wrapping your arms around her, the blonde’s hazel orbs wide.  
“Noo, five more minutes Em.” You murmur.  
Emily glances around, her hazel orbs wide and cheeks blood red when she realizes everyone is watching the two of you, each and every one of them wearing massive smiles.  
Lindsey wiggles her eye brows at the blonde, giving her a wink before Emily turns away bashfully, shaking you harder this time.  
“Wake up asshole.” She growls and you frown, glancing around bleary eyed.  
When you realize you’d made it to the hotel, you turn back towards Emily, your bottom lip jutted out in a pout.  
Emily sighs, rolling her eyes.  
“No, Y/N.” She says sternly, your bottom lip beginning to tremble slightly.  
“Don’t look at me like that.” She grumbles, the woman throwing her head back with a groan as you give her the best puppy dog eyes you can muster.  
Minutes later you’re grinning, you chin resting on the top of Emily’s head as she gives you a piggy back ride into the hotel, Ashlyn carrying your bags.  
“She’s so whipped.” Ashlyn whispers to Ali, the woman grinning as you turn your head, rubbing your cheek on the top of Emily’s head.  
“Thanks Em.” You whisper, letting out a yawn.  
Emily nods, her cheeks fire ball red. 
“No, prob.”  
Emily watches with a small smile as you argue with the ref, rolling your eyes and shaking your head as you throw your hands in the air in frustration.  
Eventually, Ali guides you away, but not before giving the ref her own glare.  
Beside her, Ashlyn snickers.  
“Like mother like daughter, right?” She nudges Emily, who grins.  
“I mean, you’re pretty spicy too.” She shrugs and Ashlyn nods.  
The two go silent, their attention going back to the game, that is until Ashlyn clears her throat.  
“You know, Y/N may be over 20, but she IS my baby...” Ashlyn starts, Emily’s brows furrowing as she turns towards her, somewhat fearful at the edge in her voice.  
“Ye-Yeah...” She mumbles, attempting to swallow the lump in her throat.  
Was this a shovel talk?  
How could it be a shovel talk when you were only her best friend...?  
Emily’s cheeks flush bright red.  
Did she know?  
How COULD she have known that Emily wanted more?  
“And seeing as she’s my BABY... I’m not above literally killing for her...” Ashlyn turns towards Emily, Emily whose hazel orbs are bugging out of her head.  
“You know what I mean?” Ashlyn whispers, leaning towards her and Emily swallows hard, nodding rapidly.  
“I-I-I do...” She stammers, the older woman nodding before her lips split into a grin.  
“Just, treat her right.” She nods, turning away.  
Emily’s brows furrow, the tips of her ears burning.  
“W-W-W-We-We’re just friends you know...?” She stutters.  
Ashlyn turns back towards her, a smirk stretching across her face.  
“For now.”  
The confusion on your face was apparent when Emily shuffled towards you, her head down and cheeks pink.  
You give her yellow vest a tug.  
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You ask, head cocked to the side in confusion.  
Emily shakes her head.  
“N-No, n-nothing's wrong.” She stammers and your eyes narrow.  
Emily’s cheeks flush darker when you slip an arm around her, fingers unconsciously dipping into her short’s pocket.  
Emily notices immediately, the tips of her ears literally on fire, her palms beginning to sweat.  
You feel her stiffen; your brows arched.  
“Are you alright?”
Emily nods.  
“Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be!?” She squeaks loudly, your eyes widening at the sound.  
“Umm, because you sound like you’ve been hitting the helium tank a LITTLE too hard...”  
Emily’s eyes narrow.  
“I do NOT.” She grumbles and you snort.  
“You do too.”  
Ashlyn watches from across the field as the two of you bicker, a smile stretching across her face.  
Ali walks up beside her, the woman’s lips splitting into a grin.  
“Are you sure those two aren’t married yet?” She whispers, giggling when you pull Emily into a headlock, the woman attempting to wiggle out of your hold.  
“Nah, not yet. Em, thinks they’re only friends.
Megan sighs.
“Oh to be a young baby gay again.”  
Ashlyn shakes her head, smiling when she sees your cheeks are dusted pink, Emily’s arm slung around your shoulders.
“Should we meddle?” Kelley asks as she joins the group.
Ashlyn shakes her head, smiling when Emily’s fingers tangle in your messy hair, your eyes widening as you turn towards her, face blood red.
“Nah, let them figure it out on their own. I have a feeling it won’t take them long.”
Weeks had passed since Ashlyn had spoken to Emily about you, and the blonde couldn’t get you off her mind.
Friendship didn’t explain the way her heart would race when you were around, wouldn’t explain the way it skipped a best when you laughed.
“Okay, that’s it, you’re going to tell me what’s wrong right now.”
Emily jumps at the sound of your voice, the woman pulled from her trance.
“What are you talking about?” She asks innocently, earning an eye roll.  
“You’ve been spacing out for weeks, and I know you’re thinking because your nose crinkles.” You poke her nose and she huffs.
She remains silent for a moment and you groan.
“Em, seriously what is-
Your eyes widen when in a single motion Emily grabs your face, the woman tugging you forwards, her lips meeting yours in a kiss.
In that moment your body is set aflame, though you can’t move, you’re entirely frozen.
Emily pulls back abruptly when she realizes you aren’t kissing back.  
“Y/N?” She whispers, voice cracking as her hazel orbs fill with tears.  
In one swift motion you leap from the bed and sprint out of the room, slamming the hotel room’s door behind you, leaving a heartbroken Emily Sonnett behind.  
A loud knocking on their hotel room’s door makes Ashlyn nearly fall out of bed, she and Ali sharing a glance before the blonde jumps to her feet and jerks the door open, revealing her incredibly disheveled daughter.  
The second you see your mother you burst into tears, the goalie opening her arms just as you leap towards her.  
“Shhhh, it’s okay.” Ashlyn coos, pushing the door shut behind her as she carries you to the bed, Ali frowning sadly when she sees you.  
“Aww, sweetie what happened?” She asks as you and Ashlyn move onto the bed.  
You turn, wrapping your arms around Ali, burying your face in her chest.  
“She kissed me and I didn’t kiss her back.” You whisper, Ashlyn and Ali sharing a glance, both unable to bite their smiles back.  
“You didn’t want to?” Ashlyn asks and you shake your head.  
“I wanted to.” You pout, bottom lip trembling.  
Ashlyn can’t help but laugh, shaking her head.  
“Then why didn’t you?” She asks and you shrug.  
“I don’t knowww!” You huff, growling when Ashlyn snickers.  
“I got scared!” You yell as Ali flicks Ashlyn in the ear.  
“It’s okay to be scared Y/N.” Ali brushes your tears away with a tender smile.  
“What did Em do?” Ashlyn asks and your eyes widen, remembering the look of pure heartbreak on Emily’s face.  
Your bottom lip trembles, tears yet again forming in your eyes.  
“She was crying...” You sniffle, your Y/E/C orbs darting around Ali’s face before you turn to your mother.  
Ashlyn cups your cheeks, leaning in to kiss your forehead.  
Afterwards, she nods to the door.  
“Go tell her how you feel Y/N, don’t let this chance pass you by. If you do you’ll regret it.”  
You swallow hard before nodding.  
You wrap your arms tightly around her, giving her a squeeze before doing the same to Ali.  
With no hesitation, you leap from the bed and sprint towards the door, hoping you weren't too late.  
The door slams shut and Ashlyn sniffles, a tear leaking from her hazel orbs.  
“She’s grown up, isn’t she?” She asks, Ali’s arms wrapping tightly around her.  
“Yeah, she is.”  
Kelley lets out a literal screech when someone pounds on her and Alex’s hotel room door, the defender hitting her head on the night stand.  
“Oh god, call an ambulance.” She groans and Alex rolls her eyes, jumping from the bed and heading to the door.  
“Shake it off.”  
“I could be concussed JAN!” She screeches as Alex opens the door, frowning when she sees a disheveled, sobbing Emily Sonnett behind it.  
“Whoa, what’s wrong?” Alex asks as Emily pushes her way inside, immediately running to Kelley who wraps her arms tightly around her.  
“I kissed Y/N and she ran awayyy!” She sobs into Kelley’s neck, the defender’s eyes widening as she holds her close.  
Kelley glances at Alex, the woman smiling softly as she makes her way over.  
“It’s okay Em, it’ll be okay.” She whispers, running a gentle hand down the blonde’s back.  
“She didn’t say anything?” Kelley asks.  
Emily shakes her head.  
“No, she just got all stiff then ran away.” She sniffles, frowning when Kelley smiles softly.  
“Why are you smiling?” She asks, bottom lip trembling.  
Kelley cups her cheeks.  
“She cares about you Em.” She whispers.  
Alex nods.  
“It sounds like she’s scared...”  
Emily sniffles, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of her hoodie, her eyes widening when she realizes it’s in fact a hoodie, she’d stole from you.  
“Why would she be scared of me...?” She whispers and Kelley smiles, cupping her cheeks.  
“I think she’s scared of taking the next step...”  
Emily sniffles nodding to herself, a small smile playing on her lips.  
“You think she feels the same...?”  
Alex giggles, ruffling her messy blonde hair.
“She does, now go get her Em.”  
You burst into the hotel room you share with Emily, a frown tugging the corners of your mouth downward when you find the room empty.  
You sigh, slinking towards the bed, your elbows resting on your knees.  
What if Emily didn’t come back?  
What if she decided the kiss was a mistake?  
The silence in the room is deafening, so deafening in fact that you can hear footsteps in the hallway, footsteps that are approaching your door.  
You swallow hard, fear coursing through you as the door to your hotel room opens, revealing the blonde you were wanting to see more than anything in the world.  
You jump to your feet, rushing towards Emily, who rushes towards you, the door shutting behind her as the two of you meet.  
Emily cups your cheeks, hazel orbs disappearing behind fluttering eyelids as the two of you close the distance between one another, lips meeting in a tender kiss. 
This isn’t just a first kiss, it’s a promise, a promise for more kisses to come, a declaration of love in the purest form.  
The two of you part, Emily’s eyes still shut as you search her face.  
“I’m sorry for running away...” You whisper, only to be pulled back in, Emily’s lips again pressing against yours.  
“All that matters is that you came back.” She whispers in between kisses, the two of you eventually pulling apart, your forehead resting against Emily’s.  
Emily’s eyes flutter open to reveal hazel orbs that shine brightly, almost as bright as the smile that nearly splits her face in half.  
"Hey.” She whispers, a smile much like hers stretching across your face.  
You brush your nose playfully back and forth against hers.  
“Hey.” You chuckle, Emily closing the distance between you yet again.  
Later that night, with Emily fast asleep and curled into your side, you realize that coming back to the hotel room was the best decision you’d ever made, a decision that led you into the arms of the one and only Emily Sonnett.
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myemergence · 4 years
A/N: Buddie First Kiss Week prompt: on a dare. Thanks you marciaelena for the beta. Check out all of my 9-1-1 fics here @buddiefirstkissweek
"Do you remember what you asked me a couple of months ago?"
Buck looks across the table at Maddie, raises a brow at her question before bringing the beer to his lips and taking a long swig. Tonight was supposed to be poker night and Josh had bailed... to go on a date. He didn't know where Maddie was going with this, but he knew that Maddie wouldn't beat around the bush and she’d tell him.
"What did I ask you?"
"You asked me if I thought that you were lonely."
Buck shifts in his chair and lets out a low sigh. "Maddie, that was a while ago. I was just going through something."
"I know you were, Evan. You were watching Red die and imagining yourself in his shoes down the road... at the end of your life. Thinking that maybe you'll never find someone, that being a firefighter is all that you have and that somehow through all of it,  you'd get left behind," Maddie says as she takes a few sips of her water before she adds, "again."
Buck shoves the fork deeper in his takeout container, fishing out some lo mein. "I feel like you're trying to go somewhere with whatever this thing is that you're trying to say."
"When's the last time you went out on a date? The last time that you put yourself out there?"
He sighs as he sets down his fork. "There it is. What, because Josh is back in the dating game now, you're going to focus all of your attention on fixing me?" He knows that Maddie means well. She always does. But there's only one person that Buck wants to date, and he can't ruin their friendship over this. It's too much to risk, all because he wanted more than Eddie is willing to give.
"This doesn't have anything to do with Josh."
"Then what does it have to do with, Mads?" Maddie shifts in the chair across from Buck, resting her hands on the table as she looks at her brother. "Is this about the baby, and you're just worried that I'll really be alone now that you and Chim are going to be too busy to worry about your baby brother?"
"No," Maddie says sternly, her eyes softening as she moves her takeout container to the side. She reaches across the table and gently grasps Buck's hands in her own. "I told you that I'm never going to be too busy for you, that I won't leave you behind again, alright?" A quiet sigh slips past her lips as she glances down at their hands and then smiles up at him, sadly. "It's just-- you could have so much more if you would just stop being afraid of the what-if's."
"I don't know what you're talking about." He does know what she's talking about. Buck knows exactly what she's talking about and he clenches his jaw slightly, not liking the direction that poker night is going in. They've had these conversations before, about Buck and Eddie.  They've just not had them since Red died and the prospect of Buck dying a lonely, old man had crept into the back of his mind and burrowed in there to stay.
"Yes, you do," she urges, running a hand over her slightly rounded belly. "We're talking about Eddie."
"No, we're not," Buck says with finality. "Not in that way, we're not. We've had this conversation."
"You're right," Maddie agrees. "We have. But at the time I thought that you would move on, that you'd start dating again. You haven't. You've not tried once since Ali. I get that your last couple relationships were hard for you, that they hurt you. But you can't just stop trying."
Buck watches Maddie with intent as she runs her hand over her stomach. He lets silence wash over them for a minute as he finishes his beer and takes the bottle to the sink. He leans back against the counter, looking at his sister. "This isn't about me not trying anymore. It's about me not ruining things with my best friend over some stupid crush that I had."
"You say 'had' like you no longer have some stupid crush on him." Maddie tilts her head to the side slightly as she looks at him. "But it's more than a stupid crush, isn't it, Evan?"
Buck sighs heavily and turns around, starting to tidy the countertop. He needs to distract himself with something other than thoughts of Eddie that are way more friendly than he'd like to be with Buck. "I'm done talking about this."
He hears Maddie moving around at the table. "I hoped it wasn't going to come to this," she sighs. He doesn't want to turn around and talk to Maddie about this right now, but her words have him wondering what she's even talking about at this point. He opens his mouth to speak but is stopped as she drops a large bag of Warhead sour candies onto the table loudly. "50 warheads."
" Mads."
"50 warheads," she repeats, not letting her gaze leave her brother's face. "You know the rules."
"We're not kids anymore. You can't just—"
"No questions asked, Ev." Maddie crosses her arms over her chest, reminding him. "You have to tell Eddie how you feel. If you regret it, I'll eat 50 warheads."
"You're with child . I am not going to make you eat 50 warheads, which makes this entire agreement null and void." Leave it to Maddie to try to use the agreement they had with each other when Buck was a kid now, at twenty-eight. When he thinks about all of the things they'd dared each other to do on their '50 warhead dares' he can't think of a single one that he regretted. Maddie never had to eat the warheads. Buck on the other hand had paid dearly one time . When he dared Maddie to ask a boy out that she had been crushing on for months, Jimmy Lashley, and he had flat out turned her down. 50 warheads were actually pretty close to being painful.
"Chim will do it," Maddie says with certainty. "If you regret telling Eddie that you have feelings for him... Chim will eat 50 warheads."
"You can't be serious about this dare." Buck's aware that there is a whine in his voice as he says it. He's always followed through with the dare, never backed down, and Maddie knows that.
"I'm serious."
Buck's still in denial over the fact that Maddie dared him to come clean to Eddie about his feelings. Honestly, what adults in their right mind do that? Only the Buckleys, that's who. He's run through every possible scenario in his mind: every possible setting for his confession, every possible reaction that Eddie could have. He's sure that it can only end in one way: rejection and awkwardness.
Christopher is with his abuela and Pepa tonight, and he only has twenty-four hours to do this. Buck figures that he should just suck it up and get it over with. He considered not going through with it at all, but he knows the end result is going to be Chim eating 50 warheads and he can't help but find a little bit of pleasure in that.
He texts Eddie and asks if he's going to be home or if he has plans tonight. Buck can almost hear Eddie laugh when he texts him back saying that his calendar is clear. Buck stops for burgers and fries on the way and once he arrives,  he steps into the Diaz household holding the brown paper bag up. "I hope you're hungry."
Eddie chuckles as he pulls two plates down from the cupboard for them. "When am I not?" They take their plates into the living room and balance them on their laps as they eat. Buck is quieter than usual, not really knowing how to bring it up. He regrets his decision to go through with this more and more with each passing moment. Eddie must notice his apprehension, or maybe it's just that Buck is unusually quiet, but Buck startles when he feels a steady hand on his shoulder. "Didn't mean to scare you. Is everything alright?"
"Yeah," Buck answers automatically, "everything is fine." Except everything isn't fine. It isn't fine to have his mind racing with images of rejection, picturing Eddie's face twisted in disgust because he doesn't want that with Buck.  It isn't fine to dream about the feel of Eddie's lips firm and needy against his even though he knows deep down it's never going to happen. It isn't fine to picture what it would be like to really be a Diaz, to take Eddie's last name, and be a constant presence for Christopher. Buck cringes at that, thinking that he's not only crossed the line but sprinted beyond the boundaries of acceptable thoughts to have about your best friend.
"It doesn't seem like everything's fine." Eddie sounds concerned and that only makes Buck's heart pinch more.
Buck lets out a slow breath and fidgets with the french fries on his plate.  He looks up to a pair of concerned hazel eyes that he's almost sure can see right down into his soul.  Buck clears his throat and forces himself to hold Eddie's gaze. "So there's, uh, there's something that I needed to talk to you about."
"Okay," Eddie says slowly, and his voice is dripping with apprehension. "What's going on?"
Buck swallows and leans forward, setting his plate down on the floor. His elbows rest atop his knees and he runs a hand over the top of his head anxiously. Finally, he turns his head to look at Eddie. "So, this is kind of awkward, but... I'm just gonna say it and get it out there and over with." His words come out in a jumble, stacked on top of each other and nearly impossible to break apart, "Ilikeyou."
Eddie frowns. "I didn't quite catch that. Can you... slow down this time?"
Buck huffs out a breath. "I said I like you," he says, glancing down to where his hands are twisting in his lap. "I mean, obviously I like you, you're my best friend. What I meant is... I like-you like you, y'know?"
"You.... like-me, like me?" Eddie repeats carefully, and the way that his eyebrows knit together and he looks at Buck with an odd expression on his face makes Buck question whether he gets it.
"I get that you don't like me in that way, Eddie, that you look at me as a friend and that's it. And that's fine, really it is. I just-- I needed to get it off my chest and now that it's said we can just sweep it under the rug and pretend that it never happened. I'm gonna kill Maddie." Buck's gaze slips to the floor and his heart is pounding in his chest.
"What does Maddie have to do with any of this?"
"It's a long story," Buck tells Eddie after a pause. Now that he's said the words aloud there is a sense of dread looming over him, and he thinks that if he could he'd take it all back. Warheads. All of this unnecessary turmoil because of candy. "Please, let's just forget I said anything." Buck leans down and grabs the plate from the floor before he walks towards the kitchen. Suddenly he feels a vice gripping too tightly around his chest, and he has to remind himself to breathe. He feels like he's going to suffocate on regret, the emotion threatening to swallow him whole because he just fucking ruined everything.
"Buck, wait!" Eddie calls after him, and he hears Eddie's footsteps follow him into the kitchen.
"Please, I-I know I'm the idiot that came over here tonight. I'm the one that said I needed to talk to you and I throw you this curveball. I'm gonna go, and-and give you some space. I'm gonna... go." Buck stumbles over the words and he hates the way that his voice is shaking right now. He hates the way that he sounds so unsteady and unsure. He can't even look at Eddie and he moves to walk towards the door.
He feels a firm grip on his bicep; his pained blue eyes look up at Eddie, drowning in regret.
"Buck, stop."
"Eddie, please. I-I know I probably made you uncomfortable and this is super weird."
"That's what you think is happening? That I'm uncomfortable?" Eddie's grip tightens slightly on Buck's arm so that he won't slip away out of reach. His other hand moves to Buck's hip, and Buck's heart is racing with the realization that Eddie isn't pushing him away. He doesn't look disgusted or upset with his admission. There's a darkness in his eyes that Buck barely registers before Eddie is drawing Buck forward. "You're an idiot," he mutters, and Eddie is all but pressed up against the front of him, lips closing over Buck's. Eddie shifts the hand that was anchoring Buck in place at his bicep and slides it up to his chest,  dragging his fingers over the t-shirt.
Buck kisses him back, soft and slow. He tries to memorize the feel of Eddie's lips against his, the soft drag of his fingers before they curled against his chest, the taste of him. He draws back just enough to hold Eddie's gaze, a fond smile playing across his lips. "I'm an idiot," Buck echoes, his chuckle low as Eddie smiles in return.
"My idiot," Eddie says, and Buck only hums in agreement.
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wardenrainwall · 3 years
Something Like Home - CH 13
Inquisitor Trevelyan/Alistair Theirin Post Trespasser - non canon compliant - all the angst - hints of fluff Sequel to Mercy
 Evelyn woke up, warm and sandwiched between Liddy at her front, her stuffed bear shoved up against her face, and behind her, the solid press of Alistair’s back. In those moments before full wakefulness, she thought that she had never laid like this with Alexander. Isaak had never crawled into bed with them.
 And Thom, they’d never had this chance. The What-if flitted at the back of her mind, ready to take form, but she opened her eyes, cutting off the thought. No more what-ifs, she chided herself. Alistair didn’t deserve that.
 To lay in bed and imagine another man holding her? A dead man at that. No, she wouldn’t do that to him. So instead, she focused on the soft sound of their breathing and smiled. Alistair’s arm was around her waist, his face against the back of her neck. Reaching up she nudged the bear out of her face and realized how much of the bed spread out before her and she wondered how much space Alistair truly had.
 “You awake?” Alistair’s voice was a quiet murmur and Evelyn twisted her head around as much as she could as Alistair rose up to rest his weight on his elbow.
 “Are you even actually still on the bed?” Evelyn asked, biting back a smile.
 “Mostly,” Alistair said, reaching out to trace a finger over Liddy’s cheek, and behind her ear then down back. “Sort of. Maybe, barely.”
 Evelyn’s laugh was silent, but it shook her frame and he offered her a smile and a shrug. “Your daughter is a bed hog,” she told him. And her heart skipped a beat just seeing the way his eyes lit up when she called Liddy his daughter. And if she did it more often than not just to see that light, well, he deserved it.
 “Best night’s sleep I ever had,” he told her, and Evelyn scoffed.
 “Liar.” She grinned, but there was such an earnest look in his eyes that she thought he might have meant it.
 They stayed like that for a little while, Alistair’s arm stretched across her as he rubbed Liddy’s back. “Hungry?” he asked. “I could make some breakfast.”
 Liddy’s head jerked up at that, her eyes snapping open at the mention of food. “Su’ar toas’,” she demanded.
 Another quiet laugh escaped Evelyn’s lips and she turned her face, pressing it against the pillow because she thought she might tear up. They could have this, mornings like this, every morning if only she could let herself.
 “You only get sugar toast if you have eggs too,” Alistair told her and her face screwed up into a disgusted frown.
 “Eggs icky. Wan’ su’ar toas’.” Liddy sat up, then scrambled up to lean across Evelyn’s chest so she could put her face very close to Alistair’s. “P’ease,” she drew out the word, long and pleading and Evelyn bit her lip so she didn’t laugh out loud and encourage her.
 “Cheesy eggs,” Alistair bargained and Liddy clapped her tiny chubby hands.
 “Cheesy eggs. Cheesy eggs,” she chanted. “Ali papa bear make cheesy egg and su’ar toas’!”
 Leaning forward, Alistair pressed a kiss to the tip of Liddy’s nose, and she fell back, sprawling out on the bed and giggling. “I’ll take the same,” Evelyn said, turning her head to look up at Alistair again. “And would you boil water for my tea?”
 Alistair’s brows drew together and he frowned, his fingers reaching out to skim over her left bicep. “Bad still?” he asked.
 It hurt, but it wasn’t nearly as painful as it had been the night before. “I’ll go see the healer this morning, make sure everything is alright and see if he has any ideas.” Worry settled over his features and Evelyn reached up to stroke her fingers over his jaw. “It’s okay, Alistair. I’m okay.”
 Later, after eggs and toast slathered in butter and doused with cinnamon and sugar, Evelyn left Alistair and Liddy to their own devices and headed into Skyhold proper to see the healer. On her way back, she found Talon, pacing her hands pressed to her back as she arched. “Everything alright?” Evelyn asked her and Talon offered a smile, that broke into a wince.
 “Baby,” she said, shifting her hands to rest on her belly. “I think this little one is finally getting ready to come out. Here’s hoping for a quick labor,” she said with a laugh.
 “That would be a change,” Evelyn offered with a smile. “Anything I can do?”
 Talon waved a hand dismissively. “No, but thank you. At this point, the only thing anyone can do is pray that this one isn’t as stubborn as my other children.”
 They spoke for a few minutes longer until Talon grew restless and waved goodbye before she resumed her pacing. Evelyn had just stepped onto the road that led through the ever-expanding village when she caught a familiar flicker of movement from the corner of her eye. She stilled, slowly canted her head as she turned her face toward it.
 There he stood, not looking much different than he had the last time she’d seen him years earlier. “Hello, Cole.”
 Alistair carried Liddy perched on his shoulders as he walked down the street. He and Liddy had run a few errands and gone on a little exploration where she’d found a whole crop of dandelions some still bright yellow flowers and many turned to fluffs that she happily ran through and blew until the air was filled with those little bits.
 They had checked the house to see if Evelyn was back and worry was a weight in his belly. It hadn’t been that long, he told himself. Evelyn was fine. She’d probably stopped at the bakery to see Taashath, so that was where they headed.
 “Mama!” Liddy shrieked and Alistair finally spotted her, walking up the road, a smile on her face.
 “Hello my baby,” she said, blowing her a kiss.
 “Down!” Liddy tugged at his hair, and with practiced ease, Alistair brought her down off his shoulders, flipping her upside down so she would laugh before he set her on her feet. Liddy hugged Evelyn’s legs and held out a bright yellow dandelion that was a little worse for wear.
 “Oh, thank you,” Evelyn crooned and dramatically sniffed it before tucking it behind her ear. “It’s beautiful.” Then she looked up at Alistair, still smiling.
 “Everything alright?” he asked cautiously. Not that her happiness was cause for worry, but he was afraid that she was using it to cover up terrible news. “What did the healer say?”
 Giving a little shrug of her shoulders she sighed. “Everything is healing well, he’s going to mix up some stronger pain tonics for when it’s like it was last night.” She didn’t sound pleased, but Alistair was grateful to hear that she was healing. “Talon’s in labor,” she said, changing the topic with a sudden brightness to her voice and held her hand out to Liddy. “Come on Lid, let’s go,” she said when the girl started to toddle off. But she ran back and grabbed hold of Evelyn’s hand.
 Alistair stood stunned for a beat as the two began walking back toward the cabin, then he rushed to catch up, coming to Liddy’s other side, he had to lean down to take the hand she held up for him to hold. “Is there anything we need to do?”
 He remembered Evelyn’s labor. She’d been uncomfortable all day, denying it was time for as long as she possibly could. Then she’d screamed and wailed and Alistair had held her hand when she wanted it, fed her snow when her throat grew parched, and finally, finally, held Liddy as Evelyn lay exhausted and teary-eyed.
 Evelyn gave her head a little shake. “No, I told her to send for us if she needed anything, but I think she’s got it quite in hand,” another quiet laugh escaped. “She’s had enough, she should by this point. Taashath is going to take Liddy later this evening, a playdate with Liora and Brisa, and Talon’s brood.”
 It surprised him. He knew how overprotective Evelyn was, she fussed and worried about Liddy if she couldn’t see her. It had taken a time before she had even let Alistair take her out alone. “Oh?” he asked, raising his brows.
 He caught the flush on her cheeks as she ducked her head. “Taashath is the only other person in this world, besides you, that I trust irrevocably with Liddy. We’ve been through too much for me not to.”
 “You wouldn’t trust Talon?” he asked curiously.
 “No, no it isn’t that I don’t trust her, it’s just that… I can’t explain it, but the connection I have with Taashath - it’s silly. Absurd really, because I know Talon, Zevran, Cullen even, none of them would stand by and let something happen to any child, even mine.”
 Alistair wasn’t sure what to say to that, but finally, as they turned down the path to their cabin, he reassured her, “it isn’t silly.” Evelyn shrugged and smiled as they walked inside. “Liddy got you a present,” he told her.
 “Other than my beautiful flower?” she asked, sinking down onto the floor where Liddy promptly crawled into her lap.
 “She wrapped it and everything,” Alistair continued. “Liddy, go get mama’s present.”
 Liddy let out an excited chirp and jumped up, running into Alistair’s room, and then she came barreling back out, a small fabric wrapped parcel in her hands. “Oof,” Evelyn let out a breath as Liddy flung herself back into her lap. “Mama! Liddy pick,” she said pressing the bundle into her hand.
 Evelyn cocked her head, then looked over at Alistair who had sunk down on the edge of the couch, and looked awfully nervous.      What did you do?     She wondered and smiled, kissing Liddy’s head. “You wrapped it so wonderfully, will you help me open it?” Because there was a loose bit of ribbon tied into a bow.
 “Oh, I-” Alistair flushed and he leaned forward slightly as if to take it and do it for her.
 “We’ve got it,” she reassured him, and with Evelyn’s one hand, and Liddy’s two they managed to tug free the ribbon and pull away the fabric. Inside, was a little box. It was plain but made out of a pretty stained wood. “Ohh, I like this,” she told her.
 “Open! Open!” Liddy said, the box balanced on her palms. Evelyn lifted the lid, the small hinge gliding easily to reveal a delicately engraved pendant inside. At first glance, it looked black, but as Evelyn carefully lifted it from the box, she caught the blue striations that ran through it. As if it were blue smoke caught in a black stone. A knot of vines coiled in a frame around a mabari.
 She looked up at Alistair, brows lifting and he shook his head, raising his hands. “I didn’t say anything,” he told her. “Just told her to pick one. Blame Cullen and that new hound he stole from the Winter Palace.” Evelyn laughed.
 “Puppy, mama, see,” Liddy got up on her knees, the pretty box tossed aside to wrap her little fingers around the pendant.
 “I see,” Evelyn smiled, letting Liddy take it so she could draw her into a tight hug. “I love it, thank you.” Looking back to Alistair she held out the necklace. “Help me put it on?” she asked.
 Alistair was on his knees in front of her in the next instant, taking the necklace from her fingers. “That’s the thing, we picked out a chain long enough,” he told her, as he held it up, “so that you wouldn’t need help with it.” He looped it over her head.
 “Oh,” she breathed out, her hand coming up to curl around the pendant. “Oh, thank you, Alistair.” Liddy reached up to trace her fingers over it and Evelyn let go in favor of catching Alistair’s hand before he could move away again. Ducking her head, she pressed a kiss against his knuckles and for a long moment just sat there, holding his hand against her lips, then she looked up and saw the deep blush on his cheeks.      You’re so good to me,     she thought.
 He did these things so effortlessly. Showed such kindness and took care of her in so many little ways. Evelyn knew she didn’t come close in that regard. But she would try to do better because she never wanted Alistair to question how very important he was to her. “Thank you,” she said again and squeezed his fingers, then felt him do the same in return as he smiled at her
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artificialqueens · 5 years
if we have eachother (Branjie/Ninex/Kasia/Scyvie/Everyone) 4/5 - PinkGrapefruit
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four. in which family means support
A/N - it’s been a while and i’m sorry but here i present you with a mess that i love rather alot. it contains a few deeply personal moments and has been so lovingly beta’d by frey and i really hope you enjoy it. remember, don’t be quiet with your feedback! it’s a writers coffee. enjoy!
When Monét and Nina go on a date, Brooke and Vanessa decide it’s the perfect time to give the twins some responsibility. In hindsight, it’s not their best idea, then again, hindsight is always 20/20.
They drop the pair in front of the two-story house - tell them they’ll be right down the street in the little French café, and leave rather abruptly. Noah knocks on the door, and the two cringe as they hear the kerfuffle of a house full of three young boys, and a rather disgruntled looking Monét. 
“I’d tell you they’re usually saints, but that would be a bold-faced lie,” she tells them, out of breath, carrying the youngest of the three - Spencer. He’s a two-year-old from East Asia that they adopted six months prior. He smiles like he knows no other facial expression and likes “The Little Mermaid”. This is all the information the flustered adult relays to them before he yells up the stairs for his partner.
Nina comes down in a pressed white shirt, black dress trousers and a rainbow bowtie. He is not smiling - a fact which concerns the twins as they have only seen him frowning four times.
Noah has an allergy attack. No one is happy. Allie vividly remembers crying into Brooke’s shirt. 
Brooke gets paint on the carpet. The paint is red. The carpet should not be.
Nina cannot put together an Ikea chair.
Monét drops Owen. No one knows how it happened, but Nina frowned for solid three days, and everyone thought the apocalypse was brewing.
Nina is trailed by Judah, the little boy carrying his stuffed Mufasa and being followed himself by Owen - the three-year-old sniffling as he shuffles down the carpeted stairs.
“Ah,” she turns, seeming to notice Allie and Noah for the first time. “Hey, kiddos! Can I get you anything?” She says all this while fixing Monét’s tie, which had been laying limp around her neck. Spencer tries to pull it undone several times, but Nina prevails through an impressive mix of brute force and ‘Part of Your World’.
“I think we’re okay?” Noah responds good naturedly, half-laughing at the scene unfolding. 
Monét spends a few more minutes explaining various things to the twins, as Nina goes round kissing all of her babies good night. She tacks on that they’re ready for bed and need to be asleep by 7, but whispers to Allie that it’s harder than it seems, winking a little.
“Thank you so much guys!” Shouts Monét on the threshold.
“Yeah! We’ll be back by ten at the latest!”
The door shuts, and Allie wonders briefly if  she’s agreed to babysit demons. She realises rather quickly, that the answer to that is complex. It is complex, because while they were not demons when she half-heartedly agreed - they certainly are now. Her head snaps up as she hears a yelp coming from her brother, and she stifles a laugh, seeing him lying on the sofa, being sat on by all three babies. Noah isn’t short - he’s long and tall, a mess of dark, curly hair complimenting his soft caramel skin - but he is lanky. So lanky that even the smallest of the kids engulfs his torso.
Allie scoops up Owen with little to no effort - the small blonde relatively light for his age - and sits him on her lap. 
“What’s wrong, buddy?” She asks the sniffly child in a soft voice.
“Juju - he -” he starts crying softly again and she rubs his back calmly. 
“He did what?”
“He took my dammy.”
At this moment Alie is so very grateful that she has been a part of the boys life for so long. Had she been anyone else, she would have had no idea what he was on about, but she just happens to have been the one who picked out the stuffed dalmatian toy, so she hoiks Owen onto her hip and very slowly carries him upstairs to where she assumes the animal will be. She is proven right, when it is found under Judah’s pillow - the four-year-old pretty rudimentary in his hiding skills (for being four). Once the child is calmer and almost fast asleep in her arms, she checks the time. It’s almost ten to seven, so she quietly places him in the toddler bed, tucking the covers under his chin and placing a kiss to his soft, blonde hair.
She turns around to see Noah at the door, Spencer lolled in his arms, and Judah clinging to his leg. She smiles warmly at her twin with a baby, and watches his face soften everytime he looks down. 
“You take Judah?” He asks quietly, the little boy almost asleep on his feet, tired out by whatever game he was playing with Noah, and she obliges, guiding him to the slightly bigger bed, while her twin takes Spencer to his parents’ room. Nina must have been joking, she realises, as she tucks him in too, pushing her fingers through his thick, black curls. She might have agreed to babysit angels instead.
When Allie reaches Nina and Monéts room, she pauses at the door, hearing Noah softly singing. It’s a Spanish lullaby, the one their Papa used to sing when they were little. She hopes it brings Spencer the same peace it’s always brought her. 
“'Arrorro mi niño’? Huh,” she jibes quietly as he closes the door. 
“Shut up.”
“Noah le gustanlos bebés”
“You’re such an ass.”
“Español, por favor?”
“Eres un gilipollas.”
“Thank you, bro!“
“Wakey, wakey mijos!” Calls Vanessa through the sizzling of pancakes. He doesn’t hear anything for a second, as he leans on the staircase railings, but then hears a quiet thud and cursing, so assumes at least one of his children is awake. He figures he can tip some water on them if they aren’t awake in the next fifteen minutes. 
The morning feels reminiscent of a time long gone. Brooke is stood in a plaid dressing gown, making pancakes while sipping from his very faded ‘Worlds Best Dad’ mug. Vanessa sits at the breakfast bar with his own coffee - his smaller frame dwarfed in a t-shirt of Brooke’s and some plain pyjama bottoms (almost certainly Brooke’s too). He smiles at the memories of school mornings with kids half the age, of herding them through doors and into the car, and has to stop as he feels tears rising in him.
“They’re only sixteen,” reminds his husband softly, placing down the pan to set a gentle hand on his arm.
“I know,” Vanessa sobs, “but sixteen means there ain’t long til we look at college and all that shit. I ain’t ready for that!”
“You got long enough, Papa,” comes Noah from the stairs, his voice a little huskier in the morning. He makes grabby hands at the cup of coffee waiting for him, before taking his usual seat at the bar too. Brooke slides a plate of pancakes towards him and smiles with pride as the boy reaches for the maple syrup.
“Happy birthday, son,” he says before making a vague gesture upstairs and raising an eyebrow. Noah shakes his head vigorously, and Vanessa wipes his eyes before grabbing a glass of water.
They hear a loud yelp and footsteps thunder down the stairs, the short Puerto Rican swiftly followed by an angry teenage girl - her dark curls flying after her.
“Happy birthday, Love,” calls Brooke, handing over a plate of food as a safety precaution. Allie has it within her to smile as she takes it, before slouching onto the chair between Vanessa and Noah. She makes a hand movement for coffee, and her Papa slides a mug to her with a chuckle. 
“You’re clearly my kids,” he grins as he sips his drink.
“Annoying, speaks passable Spanish, highly caffeinated,” Brooke ticks off with his fingers. “Sounds about right.”
Vanessa sighs and tilts his head to the side. “I can’t even argue with you.”
“Happy birthday, dimwit,” whispers Allie, head on her brother’s shoulder as they listen to their parent’s bickering.
“Happy birthday, little sis.”
She hits him.
It’s the day after the twins’ birthday. They’ve had a fantastic time running around LA with their parents and messing around - just the way they wanted to spend it - and decide to end it cuddled up on the sofa, drinking cold lemonades and watching cartoons. It feels right.
“I hope you kids have had a good day,” calls out Brooke from across the living room, his own tall frame encompassed in blankets and his husband. Vanessa pokes his head up from the comfort of the cocoon and smiles, kissing Brooke’s cheek before resting his head again.
“We have, but we have one more thing,” Allie announces, wrestling with the blankets and pillows for a second, so she can stand up. She leaves the room only to come back with a box - A4 sized and with a red ribbon tied around it. Noah gets up to join her, and they meet in front of the couple, handing Brooke the box with expectant looks. 
He chuckles nervously - “I thought it was your birthday weekend” - before he slowly unties the ribbon. 
Within the box is a brown court envelope addressed to Brock Hayhoe-Cancel. He fumbles with it for a second, feels the weight of the paper in his hands, before he starts to peel at the opening, tugs and pulls out a sheaf of white paper. There’s a note at the top - on a school grade lined paper, it reads:
You’ve been our dad for years, but we figured it’s time you became that officially. We love you! 
Allie and Noah.’
Before he realises it, Vanessa’s hand is rubbing soft circles onto his back, and he is crying. He drops the papers onto his lap and takes one of each twin’s hands with his own.
“Thank you,” he says through choked sobs, “thank you for letting me be your dad.”
Allie swipes a finger under her eye and smiles wetly. “Thank you for being the best dad we could ask for.”
Noah gulps and smiles too - leans his head on his sister’s shoulder, sighing. He swings Brooke’s hand in his own before leaning forward to kiss his wet cheek.
“Thank you, Dad.”
“It was never something that needed thanking.”
“You want a cat?”
“Dad is always telling us how much you loved Henry and Apollo!”
“Yeah, but they weren’t my cats.”
“They were Dad’s.”
“Funnily enough, still no.”
It happens, as all important things do, on a Tuesday.
Noah arranges a family meeting by placing an event in the Hytes-Mateo google calendar (a necessity in a house where one or both parents can randomly be booked for a gig - both do more shows now than they have since before the twins). He does so without saying a word, half hoping the rest of the family will assume it’s been there for months, and just turn up. The next step in his plan is to order pizza to be delivered at the exact time the meeting is arranged for - he has always been taught that pizza is a universal bandaid. 
And now he waits.
He struggles to sit through AP calculus, legs jittering and palms sweaty, as he tries to keep primary and secondary derivatives straight in his head - completely ignoring the teachers long-winded explanation of limits. When he gets home, he sits in his room for a little while until six, when he takes his seat in the living room and waits for his family. 
Vanessa steams through the door, shoes and bag on the floor and ass in his chair before Noah can say a word. Brooke follows pretty soon after, although his movements are a little less frantic and better placed. Allie is last, then again she’s never had a penchant for being on time.
He stands at the front awkwardly, hands clasped in front of him, then in his pockets. One briefly lingers on his hip and another brushes through his hair, slick with sweat.
“Noah, honey. What’s wrong?” Asks Vanessa. He’s worried and Brooke places a hand on his knee in solidarity - whole body leaned forward, as if trying to hear the words that haven’t yet been spoken.
“Mhmm,” he assuages (rather unconvincingly), “it’s just that. I’m just-”
“I’m gay.”
The room is that sort of still quiet for a second. A pause in the woods, a page being turned, the moment after a hairdryer is shut off. They all just stare, and he looks a little queasy - pale green - never one to enjoy pointed attention.
“AND I LIKE MEN TOO,” Allie shouts, jumping up and going to put an arm around her brother - a small smile creeping onto his face. “You see, we’re just a set of twins who both like men, cool? Cool.”
“I love you,” Noah whispers into her ear, the girl just winking.
“I mean, it would be hypocritical to disapprove, son,” responds Brooke, beaming as he says it. “I- We’re so proud of you.” Vanessa stands up with him and they all move to embrace him. It’s a family hug that seems to go on for hours, the shorter man whispering affirmations into his son’s hair, nose deep into the chocolate curls.
When they pull away, everyone’s a little teary.
“I’m so proud to call you my son.”
“Who you texting?” Yvie asks, smirking as she leans into Scarlets side. The couple are hanging out with Allie for the afternoon - having become the favourite of her parents’ friends when she realised she could (and would) steal their clothes.
She hides her phone with speed, tucking it under the cushion next to her, and ignoring the way it pings every thirty seconds. The adults raise eyebrows but say nothing.
They are at the judging part of ‘Project Runway’ when Scarlet takes it upon herself to crawl across the other two bodies and grab the device unceremoniously. She hits the on button with a ferocity not seen since Penny Tration’s dumpster diving in season five, before it lights up displaying the texts. 
“Ooooo,” she teases. “Who’s Michael?” 
Allie flushes crimson, her face matching the sofa cushion she is hugging for emotional support. She tries to answer, but giggles instead - it’s sickeningly sweet and makes the air smell like spun sugar.
“No one!” She attempts to cover, but it comes out sing-songy and too high pitched, and she buries her face in the cushion instead. 
She sighs, pulls her shoulders back and composes herself, looking straight into Yvie’s eyes. “He is a boy from debate class.”
“Well, is he cute?!” Scarlet asks, squealing a little, and Yvie looks embarrassed, trapped against her will in a conversation she thought she escaped years ago - teen boys.
“Ugh. Show me a picture then.” She concedes, frown turning to smile when she sees Scarlet’s reaction.
“He’s… hot?”
“He’s called Silver.”
“It’s a cat, Brock.”
“But the toe beans.”
“I swear to fucking god and the holy motherfucking ghost.”
“It’s a kitten, José. Language… Squeesh.”
“I guess. I guess it’s pretty cute. But it is your responsibility. You better be chill, Mr Silver. I don’t want no shit from you.”
“Told ya you’d like him.”
“Don’t push it.”
When Nina and Monét text the family Whatsapp group saying they’re taking their kids to the park, they don’t expect Allie to reply. They also don’t expect her to be as enthusiastic as she is, when she turns up at their door in her daisy dukes and a short-sleeved striped button-up. 
She’s practically bouncing on her heels as she picks up Spencer, spinning him around before balancing him on her hip. She smiles softly as he tries to grab her glasses off her head. 
They take a long wander to the park, Allie chasing Owen and Judah part of the way until she sits down on a park bench overlooking the play area with their parents.
“How come you’ve only adopted boys?” She asks out of curiosity, eyes fixed on Judah on the seesaw with a younger girl. 
Monét looks at Nina with a furrowed brows before answering, “I guess we just felt more comfortable. I don’t know. Do you think we shouldn’t have?”
She smiles in a way that can only be described as a little lonely. “I don’t know. I just always wanted to be a big sister? You get me.” There’s a lull in the conversation, as she reaches down to untie and retie her shoes before sitting back up straight and looking them both in the eye. “I know that you guys have been such a great second family to me,” she says, bringing a smile to Nina’s face immediately. “I love being an older sister to your kids, and they will always be my family - you will always be my family.”
“The kids love you like you’re ours,” Monét points out as she sits forward to place a hand on Allie’s knee. “We all love you so much. You and Noah are always welcome round here.”
Nina looks proud as they sit there, rests his head on Monét’s shoulder, and they lean back on the park bench. 
“I think we know what we’re doing next, then.”
“Hey, kids!” Shouts Brooke up the stairs one morning. “Asia feels like she hasn’t seen you in ages, and wants to know if you want to go over this afternoon.” He reads the text once more before adding, “Kam will be there?”
Noah replies first, his head poking up at the top of the stairs, nodding frantically, while Allie texts Brooke an affirmation, making him scoff a little before returning to his crossword.
He drives them to the house in the suburbs with the teal shutters, the red door and the pride flag hanging out of the second-floor window, like no one’s heard of homophobia. He chuckles to himself, as Kameron walks out in a pair of basketball shorts and an apron which proclaims ‘Kiss the cook’, but as each child walks past with a bemused look, the older man’s enthusiasm fails a little, and he looks dejected trailing back to the kitchen.
“Right, kids,” he states, clapping his hands authoritatively. “Me and Noah are gonna make lasagna. Allie, you’re upstairs, tiling the bathroom with Asia.” Kameron giggles at the reactions he gets (although is pleasantly surprised at Allie’s enthusiasm, when presented with a filler gun and a cement powder-covered man in his late forties). 
They realise later that Asia would have been much better equipped to make the lasagna, as Kameron trips on the edge of a loose tile, briefly cursing the drunken wedding that led him to the moment. The lasagna, however, is beautiful (all due to Noah’s apparent culinary genius.)
The twins share the washing up, as Kameron and Asia drink wine at the kitchen island and wonder for a second why they never had kids. They realise that they never needed to. They have two Mateos (or five, with the Wests), and a family that spans across countries. Plus, they’re friends with Vanessa, and that’s enough.
Nina and Monét signed up to foster when they realised there were so many kids that needed non-permanent homes.
They got a call on a Wednesday night, telling them there was a seven-year-old called Amelia, that needed temporary housing, and the acceptance was instant. Now it’s two days later, and they’re not all the way convinced.
“We’ve never looked after a girl,” points out Nina, as she leans on the car window frame. They’re on the highway with the windows open and she can’t hear herself think, which she’s starting to believe may be just what she needs.
“We’ve half-raised Allie,” reminds Monét, placing a gentle hand on her partner’s knee. “Andrew, baby, look at me.” She sees the tears in her eyes, and if she wasn’t driving she would wipe every single one away. “We can do this.”
“You’re right. Let’s meet Amelia.”
It started as a joke:
“Vanessa Vanjie Isabella Mateo-Hytes ain’t your mother bitch!”
But it swiftly grew into so much more.
One day, Allie runs downstairs at a breakneck speed. She charges into the dining room, to find her Papa sat at the table stoning a pair of tights. She looks scared and she’s clutching her phone like a lifeline, and he stands up, ushering her to the nearest seat to regain her breath.
“Papa!” She cries, “it’s Lily, her- her mom’s boyfriend- he, he-” She starts sniffling, and Vanessa notices her phone ringing again. He reaches over slowly, and upon seeing Lily’s name, he picks up swiftly. The girl on the other end of the line is crying and it takes long enough for Vanessa to coax out that she’s hiding behind a sofa, because her mum’s boyfriend came home drunk and he’s not happy. She’s holding her little brother Dylan, who’s whimpering in the background, and she sounds utterly alone. 
“Can you get out?” He asks, calm and collected. When she affirms she can, he asks her address and, dropping a kiss on Allie’s head, grabs his car keys and leaves. 
He collects them from the lobby of the flat complex, bundles Dylan into the backseat with enough blankets to ensure he’s safely protected (they lack the car seat needed), and asks Lily to climb in the front. She’s come over for tea many times, and they’re familiar enough that she feels comfortable around the family, her tears clearing up as they round the corner onto their street. 
“You kids can stay here ‘til you feel safe, okay?” He asks, affirming what he hopes had been an obvious sentiment from the beginning.
“Thanks, Mama Mateo,” Lily jibes (although she is clearly beyond grateful. Her eyes pool a little as she smiles, and Vanessa wipes off a stray tear.)
“I’ll get Nina and Monét to bring over some spare stuff for Dylan.”
Then, Noah’s boyfriend comes out to his grandfather and he kicks him out (albeit temporarily), and he comes to stay. Brooke comes down the next morning with a knowing smirk and a kind heart.
“So, we’re adopting strays, Mama Mateo?” He jokes as he hugs his husband from behind.
“That’s Mama Mateo-Hytes to you, sir.”
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noodlecupcakes · 5 years
Coming Down - Chapter 11 (Sequel to The Other Woman)
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Warnings: Language, Daddy kink, Implied sex, Sexual references, Fluff, Negan does have a heart 
Shout at me if you want to be added to the taglist
Please remember to reblog your writer friends works nowadays, it helps us a lot. 
Chapter 11
Negan’s P.O.V
Roxy’s birthday had come around sooner than expected. I knew she didn’t like the idea of celebrating it as there were more important things nowadays. She was right, but you still needed to have some fun in this world or otherwise what was the point in staying alive? I’d gotten her a few things that could count as presents and I had a whole evening planned for her. Just the two of us, nobody to disturb us…or so help them they’d be getting real up close and personal with Lucille. I carefully got out of bed and changed for the day. Thankfully she stayed asleep. I’d made sure to turn her alarm off, I wouldn’t have her doing any work on her birthday. She got the day off to do whatever she wanted.
I found her presents at the back of the TV cabinet, hidden behind a bunch of the DVD’s. I unfortunately didn’t have to wait long for her to wake up. She stirred but kept her eyes closed as she rolled over to get a couple more minutes sleep. I went over to her bedside and pushed her hair out of her face. “Wake up baby girl,” I spoke softly. She grumbled, rolling over so her back was facing me. Never come between a woman and her sleep. “Baby girl, it’s your birthday, I want you to open your present,” I continued. “If it’s your dick in a box I’m gonna bite it off,” she mumbled.
Well there goes that idea for later. I chuckled. She rolled back over and rubbed her eyes before yawning. She sat up, looking at me with half opened eyes. I put the crudely wrapped presents in her lap. She opened up the first one and frowned, looking at me and the item. “Batteries?” She questioned. “Your vibe ran out of juice a while back.” “I thought you hated that thing. It made you feel ‘inadequate’.” “I like it when I get to join in instead of you playing solo.” She smiled, leaning over to kiss me softly. She then unwrapped the next present, which were kinda three presents wrapped as one. The entire Wool series by Hugh Howey. It was books, she’d been nagging me for some better reading material for ages. Hopefully this would do it.
She smiled, flipping over the first book to read the blurb. “An apocalypse style novel for someone living in an apocalypse. Maybe we’ll pick up some tips,” she smirked. “You’re always complaining about the lack of books in this place.” “I know, and I really appreciate these. They’re even in good condition…then again when all hell breaks loose who's gonna rob a bookstore?” She moved on to her final present, the one I was most excited for her to open. It had been a last-minute thing and Eugene had helped make it. She tore off the paper and frowned at the rectangular box.
Roxy lifted the lid and studied the present for a little while before breaking out in to a huge smile. I think it was safe to say she liked it. Good. Inside was a bullet necklace, her name carved into the side of the bullet. I’d made sure the bullet was something of a bigger calibre, something sleeker so it looked nice instead of bulky and small. A 223 Remington had done the trick. I took out the box and put it around her neck, the bullet resting perfectly between her breasts. “You know what this reminds me of,” Roxy spoke, a hint of a smirk on her face. “I’m hoping we’re on the same wavelength here.” “That Bon Jovi song, shot through the heart and your to blame,” she started. “You give love a bad name,” I finished.
“God, we’re so fucking cheesy.” “I’m not complaining.” She thanked me for her presents before kissing me again, wrapping her arms around me to pull me closer. I kissed her back, I wish I could have the day off with her but unfortunately that could be disastrous. “You’re taking the day off, you can do whatever you want okay,” I explained. “Anything?” “Within reason.” “Alright.”
It was close to dinner, everything I needed was set up. Now I just needed to find Roxy. I headed to our room and knocked on the door first before opening it. Inside she was sat on a chair with her feet in Eugene’s lap. He was painting her toenails a sparkly red colour. I raised my eyebrow at the scene before me. Roxy turned and smiled. “Hey daddy,” she greeted. “This is not what I had in for Eugene when I brought him here,” I replied. “Well you said because it was my birthday I could do what I wanted. So, I wanted to get to know this big bumbling baby. I like him more than Daryl.” I frowned at the pet name she’d given him. I suppose it was fitting for Eugene. I stepped further into the room.
“Is he almost done?” I asked. “Yeah, they’re just drying now. Why, what's up?” “You might wanna change for what I have planned.” “Oh? See with you could that mean a few things, so I’m gonna need a hint of what you want me to wear.” “Something nice.” “Okay.” “And then I’ll meet you on the fourth floor.” “…okay.”
I left them too it, heading off to make any final changes. Later Roxy met me on the fourth floor like I had asked, dressed in a cute mint green summer styled dress. She looked pretty. Well I mean she always look hot or beautiful, but it was nice to see her in something more feminine. “Don’t stare at me like that,” She smiled. “Why not?” “Because, it makes me blush.” I leaned down and kissed her cheek, “then I’m gonna keep doing it.” I laced my fingers with hers and led her down the halls before opening a door for her. It was one of the empty rooms, so I’d been able to set it up how I’d wanted. It wasent much, but I’d just wanted to do something nice for her what with all the shit that had been hurled our way recently.
She stepped inside and smiled. I’d set up dinner for just the two of us. Candles were on the windowsill and any other place I could put them. A real fucking fire hazard if one of them goes over but she was worth the risk. We sat down. I’d made spaghetti again, but it was a meal I was good at making, she’d enjoyed it the last time and I had to make do with the food we had. “It’s nice that it’s just us,” she spoke. “Nobody’s gonna bother us tonight, it’s all about you tonight baby girl.” “You don’t need to make such a fuss for my birthday.” “I guess I won’t be eating that pretty pussy all night then, if that’s how you feel.” “You will if you know what's good for you,” she jokingly warned.
We ate and made small talk, mainly just enjoying the quiet and each other’s company. It was rare for us to have a quiet moment to ourselves, so we needed to enjoy it whilst it lasted. Once we’d finished I pressed play on the CD player. The wives had given me a few CD’s they knew she liked and I picked two out for tonight. Music filled the room and I took her hand in mine, pulling her to her feet. She was blushing again, giving me that cute little shy smile where she looks at her shoes instead of me. We held each other, just swaying to the music. “This is really not like you,” she spoke. “For me to do nice things for you? I know I’ve been an asshole lately baby girl and I’m sorry about that.” “I think I can forgive you,” she smirked.
I leaned down and kissed her, enjoying the closeness. Just everything in this moment was perfect. Until there was a sudden loud bang from outside. We went over to the window in a panic, looking for the source of the noise. Eugene was outside with wives, letting off some sort of crudely made rocket. The wives were having a good time. Maybe Eugene wasn’t a complete cold fish when it came to the ladies. We sighed, relaxing. “It wouldn’t be a night at The Sanctuary without someone trying to disturb us,” she shrugged. “At least it wasn’t an actual emergency.” “Thank you. For doing all this. It’s really sweet of you.” “And I thought I was an asshole?” “Shut up and take me to bed.” “Gladly baby girl.”
Taglist: @belathora, @my-world-of-imagines, @genevievedarcygranger, @warriorqueen1991, @astrangegirlsmind, @robinwritesallthethings, @negansdirtygirl22, @ms-sith, @mwesterfeld1985, @isayweallgetdrunk, @almostinwonderland, @jungle-feeveer, @negans-network, @multi-fandom-trash4life, @wolfangelwings, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @collette04, @neeadinghugs, @glittered-unicorn-lava, @thewew, @annablack1102, @eldritchmortician, @neganisking, @jdmsgal, @lettherebepink, @negans-girl, @ali-pennell, @yedi16, @backseat-negan, @strangeandunusual-83, @harleysandbats, @ibelongtonegan, @kellyn1604, @badsongwinchester, @nickyl316h, @jeffreydeanmorganownsme, @robert-d-j-bernthal, @phoenixsnape1, @negan-the-cat, @shadowpriestess6, @valkyrie-wrath, @metalocalypseismylife, @alwaysartist, @falling-out-of-grace, @themagikat409, @loveforfilm, @toxic-ink, @sherrybaby14, @inlovewithfreyamikaelson, @londoncapsule, @rhyatt-deauxtreve, @poppinjeffrey, @josadeca, @liiv0urlifee, @ejspencer14, @nycktmcginn, @frozenhuntress67, @neganismyobsession, @talyatooturnt, @emoryhemsworth, @miss-cap21, @jdmfanfiction, @loreleilara, @neganrpblog, @beltzboys2015-blog, @faith-lynn9, @jessiellong1987, @thedeadwalks, @sarahlee8793, @multireality, @roguesandsaviors
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angstkawa-blog · 5 years
Every Day, I love You
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Every Day, I Love You
Adaptation of Every Day by David Levithan
“And nothing else is right
You're laced inside my mind
I'm holding on, I know it's wrong
But I can't see your soul”
                          -In my Head by Peter Manos
7:00 AM
Waking up always felt the same, except it’s not entirely like that. I sat up and the first thing I did was to take a look in the mirror to see who I was today. A girl, maybe around nineteen, a redhead, tons of freckles, turquoise eyes, an athletic figure, pretty.
“Allie! You’re taking the bus today, your dad and I will be going to work a bit early today. There’s dinner ready in the fridge, we won’t be home until late eleven, love you sweets!”
I heard the door closing and an engine going off before all went silent.
Taking the girl’s wallet, I took out an ID and read it.
Guess I’m Alison Paige today.
My eyes scanned the crowd for a face that I wanted to see. There were too many students and I wasn’t even sure where to start looking.
I turned around to see his smile. The dimples that poked his rosy cheeks, his chocolate waves that were ever so unruly, how his green eyes sparkled as they bathed underneath the sunlight. He looked at me with so much happiness that I forgot what sadness is.
“C’mon, don’t want Mills after our tails again for being late.”
I followed him, still in a daze. I knew he was here but I never thought he would be this close. I didn’t even have to go looking for him; he came to me. Like an eager puppy, I became his tail and followed him to wherever this Mills was.
“Took you long enough.”
A girl with messily chopped up hair approached us and threw an arm around me. Her eyes were the darkest shade of browns, it could be mistaken for black even. She gave me a smirk before pinching my cheek.
“Sorry Mills, just caught this girl here looking lost.” Charlie said, going over to Mills’ side.
So this is Mills. The girl Charlie’s been so into ever since day one.
“Lost? You’ve been coming here since you were like, kinder.” Mills said, snorting “You sure you weren’t hooked up on something last night?”
“W-What? Uhm, no?”
She laughed and ruffled my hair, I frowned. I didn’t like it that she was treating me like a little kid.
“Alright cutie.”
A guy came to us and I saw him wrap his arm around Mills’ waist, my eyes glanced over at Charlie who still had that goofy smile on his lips but it was clear in his eyes that he was uneasy.
I glanced at my imaginary wristwatch before I gently took Charlie’s hand and tugged him “Well, uhm, we’ll be going to our first period now. We’ll see you guys later.”
“See ya cuties!”
I didn’t know where I was headed, didn’t do my research. All I knew was that I didn’t like the look in Charlie’s eyes.
“Where are we going, sweetheart?”
I stopped in my tracks, his deep voice sending chills down my spine “Uhm, to first period?”
“We passed by Trillie’s room minutes ago.”
“Oh.” I say, not knowing who this Trillie is nor where her room was nor did I know what our first period even is.
“You’re just trying to get me away from Bryan, aren’t you?”
A weak laugh left my lips “No…?”
“Al, you’re like a sheet of plastic cover, I can see right through you.”
I rubbed the back of my neck and shrugged. He chuckled and shook his head as he pulled me out into the fields.
I bet Alison’s mom and dad weren’t going to like it if they heard their daughter skipped classes.
“What are we doing here?” I asked as I watched him sit down underneath the shade of an old Oak tree.
“Aren’t you going to save this poor lad from a bitter heartache?”
I snorted before I sat down beside him, crossing my legs and leaning back against the trunk of the tree.
“It’s funny though.” He said.
“What is?”
“You weren’t this caring before, it’s like someone possessed you.”
I chuckle nervously, shaking my head “Guess I was an idiot.”
I turned my head to look at him. He had his eyes closed and he looked, tired.
Why is this Alison so dense?
“What’s wrong?” he asked, and I was greeted with his emerald eyes, their mirth gone.
“You look tired, why? You look better happy.”
He blinked, his mouth opening to speak before he closed it again. And suddenly, I felt something warm against my lips. For the briefest moment that our lips touched, I felt envy. I envied that I’d never get to be Alison again.
“I am tired, Al, thanks for pointing that out.”
“I’m not Al.” I whispered before I leaned in to kiss him again.
I felt his hand reaching up to hold my cheek, feeling his fingers caressing my skin. He held me close and I felt his heart beating, I could taste how bittersweet this is. I heard my own heart beating against my ribcage, echoing.
We pulled back and I stared up at his eyes, they looked back at mine with so much care and adoration.
I wish I could be Alison every day.
“I’m drunk.” I mumbled to him.
“No, you’re not.”
“Sue me.”
He chuckled and he held me close to him, resting his chin on my head “Let’s go to class.”
7:00 AM
A sharp pain shot up my spine as I tried to move. Wincing, I looked around and saw I was in a mess of a room. My head was pounding and I felt the urge to vomit. Rushing towards the bathroom, barely even making it, I threw up on the sink. I raised my head up and saw the familiar face of Mills looking back at me.
The ride to school was a blur, literally.
What was she doing last night? I internally screamed, feeling the urge to vomit again.
Oh no, no, not him.
“You okay? You look pale.” He chuckled and leaned closer “Was it because of last night?”
I shook my head and pushed him away, feeling sick. I wanted to go back to being Ali, I hated this body. I hated every inch of it.
“Hey, Mills.” Bryan grabbed my wrist and pulled me back “Where are you going?”
“T-To class?”
“To class? What? Are you kidding me? Dang, was it that strong enough to make you like this?” he looked at me quizzically, his brows furrowed together “Come on, let’s go.”
He started pulling me the opposite direction of the hallways, towards his car and my eyes widened.
“U-Uhm, I’m busy today, Bryan. I can’t come with you.”
His grip only tightened, as if he didn’t hear me. I looked around frantically and saw Charlie.
Our eyes met and he frowned, I mouthed “Help.”
Without hesitation, he jogged over and was in front of Bryan in an instant.
“Woah dude, what are you doing hauling off your girl in the broad daylight?”
I broke free from Bryan’s grip and backed away, Charlie coming to my side in an instant. Bryan eyed the both of us before someone called his attention. He stared for what felt like an eternity before turning back on us and going over to the guy who called him.
“You look terrible.” Charlie said.
“Yeah, I know, thanks. You look great yourself too.”
“…Alison? What happened?”
He shrugged, his eyes going over to glance at a familiar redhead who was laughing with a group of girls.
She probably doesn’t remember what happened yesterday.
“I’m sorry…?” I said uncertainly, which caused him to look at me with a frown.
“You’re awfully out of character today Mills.”
“Am I?”
He shrugged again and headed off, I followed him, unsure of what to do. We ended up underneath the same Oak tree we went to yesterday. I bit my lip, watching him as he sat down.
“What do you want, Mills?”
“Every time you and your dude fight, you always come to me. Why?”
I stood there, speechless. I wanted to say that I was the Alison who kissed you, that I was the Yvonne who wiped away your tears that one February night, that I was the Mica who swapped your spiked drink with my own, that I was the Adam who helped you get close to Mills, that I was the Tyler who listened to you rant about your family, that I was the Zia who ended our relationship because I wasn’t committed enough to us and didn’t want you stuck because the Zia who wasn’t me was too selfish, that I was the Xin who told you that you were cute.
That I was a different person every time and I would always go to you, I would always go to you because I loved you the moment I saw you smile and heard you laugh. I would always go to you because you were my paradise and my only hold on sanity because I don’t have anything else but you to keep me going.
“I-I have to go.”
He rolled his eyes and he shook his head “Fine.”
“I’m not good for you, you shouldn’t be close to me anymore. Stay with Alison.”
“She’s as worse as you.”
I winced, that stung a lot. If only you knew, Charlie, if only you knew.
“I’m sorry.”
I turned around and headed out. It was too suffocating, too suffocating.
I felt like I wasn’t getting enough oxygen, felt too dizzy, felt too overwhelmed.
What am I doing?
“I’m so sorry.”
7:00 AM
I sat up, groaning. Stretching, I felt something warm beside me, frowning I shone the light of my phone and my mouth fell as I saw Charlie.
I pushed him away from me, we were fully clothed, thankfully but who was I? What happened?
“Claire, what-?” I heard him groan from the floor where he fell “It’s still too early, come on, let me sleep.”
What’s going on?
He sat up and rubbed his eyes, he looked even more dreadful than he did yesterday.
“Charlie? What’s wrong?”
Looking at me, he chuckled “So now you care?”
I blinked, unsure of what to do. I want to tell him badly, I could see he was getting way too confused and affected by everything that’s happening.
I love you.
“I’m sorry.”
I love you.
“For what?”
I love you.
“For everything.”
I love you, I’m sorry.
“What are you even talking about?” he asked, frowning as he sat on the bed. I felt the tears falling, I felt my hands shaking. I hate this, I hate myself, this is disgusting.
“H-Hey, Claire, I’m sorry…” he said softly, I still heard the confusion in his voice but that didn’t stop him from pulling me in for a hug.
“It’s always you…” I whisper, closing my eyes as I took in a shaky breath “I’m always finding myself coming back to you.”
He was quiet as I started talking, may as well call me a psycho for telling him who I was before and what I did to him. Would he believe me, I’m not sure, but I don’t want to ruin him.
I finished talking and he was quiet, his hold on me loosened, I couldn’t see his face. I didn’t know what he was thinking, I didn’t know what expression he has on, I didn’t know if I was way too much of an idiot to have let my emotions get the best of me.
And suddenly, he let me go, stood up and walked out of the door.
7:00 AM
I woke up, feeling my eyes sting. I didn’t know who I was today. I didn’t want to look. I laid there, staring at the dark. Why is this happening to me? I was so tired of living like this.
Avoiding any mirrors, I knew I was going to be someone from Charlie’s life. This much I knew. Every person I had been, they were all connected to Charlie one way or another.
I was never going to be able to avoid him.
I arrived at school early. There wasn’t much people around yet. Unconsciously, my feet took me towards the same Oak tree in the fields. I sat down and leaned back, closing my eyes and sighing.
Who knows how long time passed until someone tapped my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see two green eyes looking at me, eyes that were full of concern, full of tiredness.
“Uhm, by any chance, were you Claire, Mills, Alison and a lot more in the past?”
I blinked, staring at him.
“Right, sorry, I’ll just-“
He looked at me, his eyes suddenly filled with, dare I say, hope.
“It’s me.”
Emotions ran through his face but I was able to catch every single one of it. Relief, confusion, sadness, and a little bit of anger.
“It’s you.”
“What’s your name?”
I proceeded to take out my wallet to check an ID but I felt his hand stopping mine. I looked up and he shook his head.
“Your name.”
“I don’t know.”
“Are you…a girl or a guy?”
“I don’t know. Would it be weird if I was a guy?”
He chuckled, “I don’t know.”
I shrugged “I don’t know anything about me besides who I am today.”
“So…every day you…change into someone else?”
“Yeah, I noticed they’re all someone who’s connected to you. Who is this girl I’m in today?”
“She’s Eva, Secretary of the school council, someone I only talk to whenever school stuff is involved.”
“I see.”
I looked at him, frowning in confusion “Avery?”
“Your name, Avery. I’ll call you Avery. You change every day and yeah, you get it.”
A laugh left my lips “It’s weird, I don’t ever remember being given a name.”
“Well, you’re my Avery now.”
7:00 AM
I wake up and felt a smile on my face. Avery. Avery.
My name is Avery.
The days pass and Charlie only meant more and more for me. He was everything. He was my ground, he kept me steady, unwavering.
But I know this can’t last.
“This girl’s family is very loving.”
“She’s really cute too.”
“Her name is Avery as well.”
He looked at me, eyes showing confusion. I gave him a pained smile as I held his cheek, caressing it.
“I don’t like that tone Ave…”
“Charlie, you know we can’t keep on going like this…”
He sat up from lying down on my lap, shaking his head “But I’m fine.”
“I’m not.” I whispered “I love you Charlie but I can’t stand hearing what they say about you just because they’ve seen you going out with different men and women every day. I can’t.”
“So, listen to me, okay? I’ll make sure that this Avery remembers you. I’ll give her every memory of us. I’ll give her all of my love for you. I’ll let her be your Avery. I don’t know how, but I will make it work. Be with her, okay?”
I felt him pulling me close, felt him burying his head on my shoulder, felt his heavy breaths and trembling hands.
My hands reached up to embrace him and we stayed like that for awhile, quiet, holding each other, trying. Eventually, he pulled back and he cupped my face, leaning in to give me a soft kiss that was terribly, painfully, bittersweet.
“I love you.” He whispers.
“I love you more, Charlie.”
“Stay with me.”
I gave him a nod, and the weakest of all weak smiles.
“I’m here.”
Night crept upon us and I was cocooned in Charlie’s embrace. I felt his fingers stroking my hair, his chin resting on top of my head.
“I won’t go looking for you, Charlie.”
He was silent.
“But please, remember this.” I removed his hold as I turn around to face him. I brushed back his bangs so I could look at him face to face.
“Even if I live a thousand lives, my heart will always be yours, intertwined, never faltering, infinite.” I gave him a smile as I leaned up to give him a kiss on the forehead.
“Because every day, I love you.”
??? AM
I open my eyes and sit up.
Everything was bright.                                                                  
I wasn’t in a room, I don’t know where I was but I felt peace for the first time.
There wasn’t anyone in sight but I heard a voice.
“Do you wish to go back to being Avery?”
Smiling, I shake my head.
“I’m happy now.”
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jrubalcaba · 6 years
A Long Night of Fun and Family
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So! This is the first bonus chapter for Can’t Help Falling In Love and the Collide/Ricochet/Impact series. This takes place six months after the end of Can’t Help Falling Love. This is also the first chapter that @suz-123 and I have written together! I hope everyone enjoys this!
WORD COUNT: 11,074!
July 2022
“Righ’, everyone ready?”
“Ready as we’ll ever be, big guy.”
Simon raised an eyebrow at Maggie who grinned back up at him. Together for three full years now, managing the reconstruction of The Council and the new management of The Slayers that still resided back in their home dimension, they were a brilliant team when they worked together.
Maggie had mellowed Simon to the point he was no longer scary and unapproachable and Maggie was most Slayers first point of call if they ever needed someone to talk to, Maggie didn’t care where they were in the world or what time it was, she would help them and then make sure they got any professional help.
Which was the reason for this trip, Megan the Vampire Slayer, who was stood behind them, with Kerry stood next to her, was close to a burn out, and needed, desperately, to get away from the intense pressure.
So, Simon had Gavin and his coven send the message through the portal and, just three days ago, Tony Stark and King T’Challa had responded. Megan would come through and go to Wakanda in the first instance, training with the Dora Milaje and spending time with a successfully retired and happy Slayer would help her.
Tony had offered a place with The Avengers if she so desired as well, after all, there was another successfully retired and happy Slayer living with them, too.
Not that Simon was excited to see Alice or anything.
Megan and Kerry the Vampire Slayers shifted behind him, nervously. Simon doubted they were nervous about the magic that was swirling around them, they were used to that, Kerry particularly. For Megan though, going somewhere new? Where she wouldn’t be forced to fight for her life every night? It would be harder than he thought most people would ever give credit for.
Unfortunately, that was one thing that Simon hadn’t been able to change. Slayers existed for a reason, and that reason never slept.
“Okay, the portal is ready. Step through.” Gavin’s eyes were black as he channeled the magic through. Gavin was alright now, he had gone back to his coven and he had stabilised, he wasn’t terrified of Slayers anymore and he worked for The Council directly.
Squaring his shoulders, Simon looked behind him, addressing Megan directly. Kerry had had experience going here after all. “Alright, you’ll feel a bit nauseous, maybe lightheaded, when you get through, but-”
Megan rolled her eyes and stalked past him,
“Talk is cheap, man.” Her Queens accent was haughty as she ran the last few steps and through the portal.
“For fucks sake, mate.” Simon grumbled. “Okay then. Let’s fuck off, yeah?”
Kerry giggled and ran past him too, taking a leaf out of Megan's book and launching herself through.
“Oh, Stark is going to give me so much grief for this.”
Maggie laughed At Simon’s discomfort, “Who cares? Let him. I wanna see Alice and Evie, dammit!”
Taking her hand, Simon stepped through, hoping that Alice was still as happy as she was when he had last seen her. A lot could change in two years.
“So. You have that control over The Slayers, thing, down I see.” Stark quipped once they were through and Simon grimaced.
Kerry and Megan had already left the building.
“Shit! Where the fuck-” Simon got to his feet, the lightheadedness was no joke, and tried to brush past him but Stark put a hand on his arm, halting his movements.
“It’s okay, big guy, Alice had a feeling something like that would happen, I immediately took them both to a car that will take them to a private airfield and they'll head straight on over to Wakanda. Kerry, obviously, knew who I was, made Megan see I was trustworthy.”
“Oh. Right.” Simon still stared out of the hallway after them.
“It’s okay,” Tony clapped him on the shoulder, “Kerry was super eager to see Gail and I may have set a surprise up for her.”
“Oh?” Simon raised an eyebrow. Kerry did not like surprises.
“Oh yeah. There’s an… event coming up soon in Wakanda and I’ll be sending my best wing wearing guy out there to be an Avengers guard.”
“You puttin’ Kerry and Sam in the same room? That’s brave. What’s the event?” Simon asked.
“Alice and Bucky should be heading there too, soon. Big reunion for the three of them.” Tony rushed out but, before Simon could follow up, Maggie stormed through and upto Tony.
“So, Tony. How’s Pepper? When’re you getting married? How’s Steve and Evie? Did they get hitched? Did they get divorced?!” Maggie asked excitedly.
“Woah!” Stark held up his hand. “Okay, firstly, Pepper is good. Secondly, don’t know yet, we haven’t discussed it. Thirdly, Steve and Evie are great, they got married and, no, not divorced and-”
Tony stopped, open mouthed, as Maggie whooped in joy and Simon groaned, taking some money from his pocket and slapping it into her palm.
“What?” Maggie was all smiles as she pushed the bills into her pocket, “He thought they wouldn’t last! I knew better though. As usual.”
“Well, yeah, good call.” They began walking to the SUV that was parked outside, “Actually, Steve and Barnes retired, not long after Steve and Evie got married.” Tony grinned at the shocked look on Simon and Maggie's faces. “Yeah. They still recruit and train but they don’t go on missions anymore.”
“What abou’ Al? How’s she doin’?” Simon asked quickly, he didn’t give a crap about the others, well, he did, but, Alice was the one who he really wanted to hear about.
“Alice is… busy. Recently. Still studying and doing stuff with Colleen, I think she wants to do more to help people with psychological trauma and learn more about dreams and stuff but, yeah, she’s been busy.”
“Why? What-?” Simon thought the worst but Tony held up a hand again.
“Steve and Evie? They had twins six months ago and-”
“Ohmigod!!” Maggie squealed. “I’m so happy for them!”
“Well, I’m driving you out to theirs now, you’ll be staying with them whilst you’re here so you’ll get to catch up.”
“And Alice and Bucky? What about them? I mean… I got news for Al and I don’t want to upset her.”
Tony raised an eyebrow but Simon didn’t elaborate so he continued, “They’re both busy but both still sickeningly in love, really, it’s gross. At least I don’t have to pay for beds anymore.” Tony griped, good naturedly.
Simon cringed but silently, he was more excited than ever.
The legend, and the tests, said that Slayers couldn’t have kids. That was the facts of life for them.
But, The Council had just found out, four Slayers in various parts of the world had just become pregnant. The coven and the doctors weren’t sure why but it was definitely there and the babies were healthy, one was due to be born in the next couple of weeks, in fact.
Simon really wanted to tell Al that her and Bucky might yet be parents, after all. It must be terrible to be living with a married couple who had just had twins when you thought you would never have that yourself.
“Simon?! Did you hear that?! Okay, when we get a chance, we’ll sneak Alice away and tell her about these others! I want to see her face!”
Pulling Maggie to him he kissed her, part because he wanted to and part because he wanted her to be quiet, “Yeah, alright babe. Seein’ twins ain’t gonna start making you baby crazy, is it?” Worry laced Simon’s tone.
It wasn’t he didn’t want kids with her, it was that the thought of being like his own mum, not being there and then getting killed on the job, haunted him. He didn’t want to put a child through that.
“Nah. We’re good. I like babies because I can hand them back.”
“Okay, I’m calling Evie to let her know we’re on our way, we haven’t told Alice you’re coming, we want to surprise her.”
Simon frowned, “What is it with you an’ surprises, mate? Al hates surprises. All fuckin’ Slayers hate surprises.”
“I’ll think she’ll like this one.”
“Wakey wakey, sleepy head. Did you have a good sleep, my darling? Are you ready to play with your brother and your cousins?”
Alice’s heart filled with love as her daughter looked up at her and reached both little arms for her, her teal coloured eyes lit up with baby joy and she started babbling away in her little language.
They played this little game every time Alice was there to change her and get her dressed after she woke up, Becca's first word had actually been “Dada” which she had said when she was six months, making Bucky cry and Alice feel like she would pop with the love she had for them.
Becca was sixteen months old now and her vocabulary was pretty good, she had names for almost everyone she knew, soon, Alice was certain she would start stringing small sentences together but right now, she just loved hearing her beautiful daughter call her “mama”.
Alice grinned down at Becca as her legs kicked in the air, making Alice laugh as she tried to hold on to her so she could change her, and giggling her own little baby giggles.
“You want to give me a hand, dada? Or you just going to watch me struggle?”
Bucky was lounging in the doorway to Alice’s right, small smile playing on his lips.
“Can’t a man just watch his best girls?” Bucky pushed away from the doorway and walked over, standing next to her and smiling down at his daughter.
“Hey Becca!”
All three of them carried on this vein for a while, testing Becca but she never faltered. They did this every day and it was the most favourite part of Alice’s day. Seeing her daughter get smarter… seeing Bucky become more and more wrapped around her little finger… Alice never knew she could feel this happy.
“Hey,” Bucky lifter her chin so he could meet her eyes, “Where’d you go?”
“Nowhere. I’m already there.” Alice grinned and kissed Bucky, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Hunter came in and sat next to the changing table, keeping his eyes on his “sister” as Alice and Bucky enjoyed their quick and passionate kiss.
“C’mon, doll. We can continue this later, maybe see if Stevie will take Becca tonight an’ we’ll take the twins tomorrow or something?” Bucky whispered against her lips before pulling away and smirking.
Alice mock pouted at the loss, “Okay, okay, sweet talker. We’ll see. I dunno… I just…” Looking down at Becca who was currently holding onto both of her feet and making a “bbrrrr” noise to herself, Alice felt some random fear swell up and started babbling, “M-maybe… no, it’s okay, Becca should come home and we should keep an eye on her and it’s not like we don’t get time to do adult things and-”
Alice stopped when Bucky laid a gentle metal finger over her lips and sighed.
“Alice, Becca ain’t goin’ anywhere, remember?” Bucky chastised, softly. “How about this, then, we go and see the rest of the family and we see how we feel, later? I doubt either of them will mind taking her at short notice.”
“Brrrr brrr brrrrr!!!” Becca burbled happily, leaning over to wave her little hand at Hunter, who raised his head so she could pet him.
“Okay, Bucky. Sorry.” Alice kissed him and smiled. “So, what should we dress our little girl in, today?”
Bucky lit up like a christmas tree, he loved picking out Becca’s clothes and playing with the small amount of soft chestnut curls on her head.
Alice giggled, feeling stupid for her panic and sublimely happy that she had what she had in her life, right now. What could possibly make it better?
The three of them “walked” from their apartment over the the bigger house shared by Steve, Evie, Sarah and Robert (Robby for short). “Walking” really meant, Alice and Bucky holding onto a hand of Becca’s each and swinging her up in the air in between them.
“Up Up!” Becca chanted, kicking her little legs.
“You wanna go up again, babygirl?” Bucky laughed.
“Up Dada!” Becca smiled a big gummy smile and Alice saw her man all but melt at his daughters glee.
“Okay Becca! One more for luck!” Bucky grinned at Alice who took the signal, “One, Two, Threeeeee!”
The last number stretched and they swung her into the air, much to Becca’s excited yells and giggles. As Becca reached the highest point, Alice moved around with her, so Becca faced Bucky, and swung her into Bucky’s waiting arms.
“There she is! Who’s my best girl, huh? Who makes me the happiest Dad in the world?”
“Dada! Kiss!” Their daughter giggled and started placing big wet kisses all over Bucky’s face.
Alice went to pull out her phone to get a picture, to capture the look of love and rapture on Bucky’s perfect face, to freeze the simple, glorious happy that was on Becca’s beautiful face, and, to have Hunter in the background, tongue lolling and dancing around the two of them, desperate to be included.
Unfortunately, her phone was back in the house.
“Ah, cra- uh… no!” Alice sputtered, indignantly, “I left my phone, dammit!”
Bucky raised an eyebrow at her almost slip of a swear word, they had made a promise to not swear or yell in front of Becca, apart from their worry she would pick up any negativity from any yelling, Becca was starting to copy words at an alarming rate.
Hence why Sam was now called “Bir” by Becca. Alice was fairly certain it was because Bucky continuously called him “birdman” and Becca had copied her father. It was pretty funny, not that Alice would admit that out loud, of course.
“You want me to go back and grab it, Alice? I think I wanna grab Becca’s jacket anyway, it’s warmer than I thought it would be.” Bucky fussed, looking at Becca as she smooshed his cheeks between her palms.
“She would be better with just a hat and we could keep her under the umbrella, she’ll overheat in a jacket.”
Alice was ignored, of course, Bucky nodded vaguely, all attention solely on Becca as he turned around and walked back to their apartment, Becca in his arms.
Alice’s two perfect, favourite people in the world.
“I love you too, Hunter. You’re my favourite son.” Alice patted Hunter’s head and they both made their way over to Steve and Evie’s. Once there, Alice made a short cursory knock against the back door and opened it without thinking, they always made their way over at this time of day, everyday.
Between four adults, three kids and two dogs, there was a lot of activity going on, even on a day when all four of them would be home.
Evie still worked, Bucky and Steve still helped the Avengers and Alice was still studying and working periodically with Colleen, as well as occasionally training new recruits for the Avengers.
So, usually, Bucky and Alice would come over with Becca at this time and they would organise logistics before they all needed to head out. Very rarely would there be a reason for Alice to wait to be let in.
This morning might’ve been one of them.
Hunter charged through the door, barking like mad and launched himself at the large bearded man who was stood next to Tony, like he was always going to be there this morning and Alice had just forgot.
“Surprise!” Alice jumped when Maggie came out of nowhere and threw her arms around Alice, “We got you! Hahaha!!!”
“Yeah, you did…” Alice murmured, glaring at the three devils stood next to Simon, “So, you three organised this, then?” After returning Maggie’s hug, Alice made her way over to Simon who didn’t hesitate to pull her into a bone crushing hug.
“Al, how’ve y’been? You okay?” Simon’s voice was gruff and he was looking at the twins, both sat in their high chairs, waiting to be fed.
“Yeah, honey, tell him all about how you feel dealing with other people’s kids!”
Alice looked around Simon in confusion at Tony, “What? What d’you mean? I love looking after them, obviously, but-”
“Listen, Al, I know it must be hard, when, y’know… you can’t and-” Simon rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, and Alice realised why Evie, Steve and Tony all looked like kids at a candy store, Simon didn’t realise yet that she had had her own baby.
Or that she had his name.
“-I got some news for you and- and I think that we should go and talk and-”
Alice nodded at Simon, trying to keep the smile off of her face, Bucky and Becca were about to walk in.
Simon’s words were interrupted when Bucky came through the door, talking in stage yells to Becca, who was sat on his shoulders and giggling.
“Where’s my girl? Where’d she go? Hey, Stevie! You seen Becca, pal?”
“Dada! Up Up!”
They walked in and everyone went silent.  
“Simon?! Maggie?! Where the hell did you come from?!” Bucky hissed, clearly as confused as Alice was.
“I thought you said they ‘ad twins, Stark?!” Simon spun to face Tony and then Evie and Steve who shrugged.
“Oh yeah, there were definitely only two that came out, Si, think I would remember a third.” Evie replied dryly.
“Hey! Ain’t no way this little beauty is anything but mine!” Bucky yelled indignantly, moving Becca from his shoulders to cradle in his left arm and walking over to stand next to Alice.
“Simon,” Alice walked over to him as he stood, stunned and staring at her daughter, “Meet mine and Bucky’s daughter, her name is Rebecca but everyone calls her Becca.”
“Becca Barnes…” Simon gulped, “She’s beautiful.”
Alice stepped away when Maggie came over and wrapped her arms around him, whispering something to him that made him blink and smile again. “I’m guessing it is Barnes, though? You ain’t gone all twenty first century and let her have Alice’s name?”
Bucky scowled and Alice smothered a giggle at the look on his face before taking Becca from him, “Becca, you want to meet aunt and uncle? Yeah?” Becca was eyeing the new people but she wasn’t scared, she was used to many people all around her.
Alice held her out to Simon, “Do you want to hold her?”
“Go on, I need to get a picture!” Maggie smiled as Simon gently took Becca who immediately thrust her fingers into his beard, making a “oooooo” sound as she did.
“Curious little lady, ain’t ya?” Simon said gruffly.
“Becca has a middle name, too.” Alice said quietly, tears threatening at the back of her eyes at the smile that lit up Becca’s face and the way Simon was slowly and carefully bouncing her in his arms.
Simon’s pale blue eyes lit up as they looked at Alice, “It ain’t Stephanie is it?” mock disgust laced his words and he tilted his head towards Steve, “Old Cap just had to get his name in there?”
Steve looked outraged and Tony started laughing, clapping him on the back.
“Anyway, what’s up with you, mate? What’s with that stupid lookin’ beard? Can you not grow a proper one?” Simon needled Steve, now ignoring Alice who rolled her eyes at Bucky.
“Babe, not everyone can grow a beard like you, it’s not fair you ask them to try.” Maggie giggled, holding her phone up and filming everything that was going on.
“It’s Simone.”
The room went quiet again and Simon slowly turned to Alice, flinching when Becca tugged on his beard, “What?”
“I said,” Alice said slowly and patiently, enjoying the look of wonder on his face, “Bucky got to pick her first name, so I got to pick her middle one. I wanted her to be named after her uncle.”
“An- and y-you chose… y’coulda picked Matt or-or- Stephanie, or-” Simon sank into the couch behind him, still holding Becca and looking like someone had clubbed him over the head.
Alice shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable with everyone staring, “I liked the name Simone. Plus… you were my brother first, even if you weren’t especially good at it.”
Simon jumped slightly and looked at Becca who was now stood next to him on the couch he had collapsed on, holding onto his shoulder and smiling that huge smile she wore when she was happy, “SeeSee!”
“Becca likes you, pal. Y’got a name from her.” Bucky grinned at the way his daughter was tugging at Simon, trying to get his attention, “Up, SeeSee! Up!”
“Up?” Simon looked dazed, dragging his hand over his face, “Up where, darlin’?”
There was a pause and Becca picked up on the tension, her lower lip started trembling and she looked to her parents, “Mama? Dada?”
Alice rushed over and sat next to Simon, picking up Becca and sitting her in her lap, “It’s okay, darling. Simon will pick you up in a bit.”
Alice met Simon’s eyes and still saw the wary tension there as he looked at Becca, getting very frustrated very fast, Alice tilted her head and said in the sweetest voice she could manage, “Tell me what is bothering you or get out and stay out. I won’t have you upsetting her.”
“Alice… I need to talk to you.” Simon was quiet but his nerves seemed to clear, “Can we have some time alone?”
A short while later, Alice and Simon were out on the route her family used to run, walking Hunter and Howie and throwing balls to them.
Simon was trying to articulate what he was feeling. What the hell was causing him to act so strange to Alice… to her daughter. Her fucking child!
Taking a deep breath and lobbing the ball away from the barking dogs so they ran off and after it, Simon looked at Alice and spoke, “I’m sorry, Al. I’m a bit overwhelmed right now.”
Alice scoffed. For the last half hour she had caught him up on everything, what she had felt when she had found out she was pregnant, how scared she had been, how she had since had more tests since Becca had been born and they showed the same thing as before.
Alice’s body killed anything that entered it to “protect” her.
And yet… Becca was here.
Apparently, Gail had also had a baby, a son. Simon scowled when he realised that that was the “event” that Tony had been going on about. Gail and T'Challa's son was having a Wakandan equivalent of a Christening (not that Simon was stupid enough to say those words to the Wakandans).
Simon had no idea what was going on.
“Simon…” Alice started, biting her lip as she paused, clearly thinking about how to say what she wanted to, “I know you had no idea what had happened, you were hoping to give me some good news, but-”
“Alice I ain’t fuckin’ mad because you had a baby before I could tell you it was possible, for fucks sake.”
“Well, what’s your problem then?”
“You’re the first Slayer to have a kid.” Simon looked at Alice, gauging her reaction to that, “I mean, I’ve checked and I think Slayers have had children before, but, for the most part, that was when girls getting married at 13 was a normal thing.” Simon said with distaste. “Any child a Slayer had was attributed to her having it before being Called.”
“So?” Alice knelt and rubbed Hunters head as he bounded up, taking time to do the same for Howie.
“So.” Simon placed his hand on her shoulder to get her attention back, “I’m worried. These Slayers back home? I can keep an eye on them. I don’t know what this means, if it’s going to be a good thing or not, but, back home, I’m in control.”
Simon paused, feeling fear crawl through his blood as he thought of something happening to the little teal eyed girl who had his name.
“I can’t do jack shit to help you, to help Becca and what if-”
Simon’s words were cut off when Alice tutted and shoved him so he fell back on his arse.
“Oh, shut up, Simon.” Alice grinned as she got up, “Listen, apart from the fact that Becca’s father is the scariest and deadliest man on the planet, and that’s without someone threatening me or his daughter, we are both surrounded by superheroes at all times. There is never a moment when we aren’t being monitored in some way.”
“You’re okay with that?” Simon asked, incredulous.
Alice shrugged, “It’s amazing what you’ll get used to when you have a child to think about. Look,” a huff of breath and Alice threw the ball again, sending it much further than Simon had been able to, “I don’t know any better than you what having Becca means for me or Gail or the Slayers back home. All I can tell you for certain is how it makes me feel.”
Simon cocked his head, wondering what the hell she meant, “What? You getting all sappy on me, Al?”
A narrowed eyed glare, then, “Before, even after stopping the Council, not going out and hunting, patrolling every night, it was hard, you know? The pulse to go out, to stop evil, it never went away, I had all this energy and I wasn’t using it in the way it was intended to be used.” Alice smirked, “Why do you think Bucky and I ended up trashing so many beds?”
“That’s fucking rank, Al.” Simon shuddered and ignored her laugh.
“I got pregnant though and… it stopped. Being pregnant was the scariest thing in the world but it absolutely stopped all my Slayer instincts, I was still strong but my sense of self preservation actually overrode the Slayer instincts.”
Simon scuffed at the grass, he had been around Slayers his whole life, he could only imagine what that must’ve felt like for her.
A few months of peace.
“When Becca was born, though…” Alice paused, again, she seemed to weigh her words for a few moments before talking again, “Evie made some comment about six weeks after Becca was born, that I had got my figure back so quickly and she hoped she could do that too.”
“Well, your metabolism and everything-”
“It wasn’t my metabolism.” Alice dryly interrupted him. “Evie and Steve didn’t realise, but, a few times after midnight feedings, I was going to the gym and going crazy in there, attacking every machine and punching bag until Bucky would, forcefully, drag me away.”
“Those instincts came crashing back?” Simon asked quietly, assuming that the instinct would be stronger now she was a mum. Alice, however, surprised him.
“Not quite. See, before, my instinct was to save the world, sacrifice myself if needed. The only thing that came close to overriding it was Bucky and even then…”
Alice trailed off, thrusting her hands in her jeans pockets and looked awkward. Simon threw the ball, letting her get her bearings.
The Council had pulled her away from Bucky because, at that point, she had still been far too much a Slayer to stay. The same had happened in Wakanda. It didn’t matter what had happened since, Alice was never going to let herself be free of that guilt.
“So, what’s different now?” Simon prodded. He didn’t like seeing her so down.
“Now? Well, my instinct is one hundred percent to protect Becca, and by extension, Bucky and, now, the twins.”
Alice turned to look Simon dead in the eye, her gaze stopped him completely.
“If the world was ending and I had the choice, save everyone on the planet or save my daughter, the man I love? The world could burn as long as they were safe. That’s what will change for The Slayers, that’s the only danger. You might still have active Slayers but the balance will get out of whack because they won’t want to do the job anymore. It could put their lives in jeopardy and that will matter now.”
“Hmmmm…” Simon let her words mull over in his head for a bit. “Well, that could be a good thing.”
“Oh yeah? How?” Alice smiled and turned, heading back towards the house.
“Well, if Slayers are getting pregnant and they don’t feel the need to be Slayers anymore? Maybe that’s because there ain’t a reason to be Slayers anymore. Maybe… maybe we’re beating it back. Finally.”
Alice didn’t answer but the expression on her face said it all. When something seemed too good to be true? It usually was because it was.
“Come on, enough talk,” Alice picked up her pace, “I want to get back and you need to play with your niece.”
Later that day.
“Up! Up!”
“Up y’go, sugar plum!” Simon yelled and, quite literally, threw Becca in the air, catching her on the way back down and making an “ooomph” noise. “You gettin’ heavier or what, little lady?”
“Big Becca!”
Simon grinned at her as Becca puffed out her chubby little cheeks and made a “pfffft” noise at him.
“Dada!” Simon turned and laughed at the look Bucky was giving him as he held his arms out for his daughter, “Yeah, that’s enough of being thrown around like a rag doll for you, babygirl.”
“Bye, SeeSee!” Simon handed her over and his heart melted a little at the identical look of contentment that spread across her and Bucky’s faces.
“Bye, Angel.”
Simon watched for a moment as Bucky walked his daughter back into the bIg house to have a nap with her cousins. Pulling out his phone, he swiped through and looked at the pictures he had of his niece, on her own, with him, with Alice and Bucky.
With Maggie.
Simon realised he hadn’t seen his girlfriend in a while and, abruptly, he got worried and then he got scared. The irrational fear of something happening to her came randomly and when it did, watch out.
Except, Maggie never got scared, never got angry or even irritated. Maggie, the little minx, used it to her advantage and wound him up continuously so, more often than not, she ended up slung over his shoulder and walked to the nearest private area.
Simon made his way to the house, passing Bucky and Steve who were with the kids. Pausing to ask if they knew where Maggie was, Simon stopped when he could hear her infectious laugh from the big room.
“Oh, my God! But could you imagine it though?! All three of them?! Damn…”
Simon frowned, what the fuck was she chatting about now? He turned to look at the other two men who shrugged.
“Maggie, that’s… that’s just revolting.” Alice sounded faintly nauseous.
“Yeah.” Evie, now. “I ain’t got no complaints and, anyway, I’m related to Bucky for fucks sake. This isn’t Game of Thrones, woman.”
“Yeah, but they’re so hot! And you know you would love a chance at Simon, Evie!”
“No. No. No! What is the matter with you?!” Alice yelled, Simon couldn’t work out if she was amused or not. “I would never, not ever sleep with two men who are basically my brothers! And if you even try and lay a hand on Bucky-”
“What the fuck…” Simon was livid, he knew exactly what Maggie was doing. Bucky and Steve looked appalled so Simon rolled his eyes at them, “Don’t get your fuckin’ knickers in a twist. Maggie wants some attention, is all, you get me?”
“Uhhh…” Steve shuffled awkwardly, “Maybe you should give it to her then, pal. Evie sounds like she might kill her.”
Simon did a double take as he heard crashing and ran through to the room, bodily picking up Maggie as she scrambled away from Evie who, quite frankly, looked fucking terrifying.
Alice held Evie back and calmed her down whilst Simon spun Maggie around in his arms so she faced him, “Y’alright there, babe?”
“Hi Simon! I missed you!”
Simon raised an eyebrow, “Uh huh. Right, Steve? Where’s our room, then?”
“Umm, upstairs and it’s the smaller blue room and-”
Ignoring him, Simon slung Maggie on his shoulder and stalked off.
“Oi, before we go, maybe I can babysit? Let the women have a night out and I can help look after the kids?”
“Yeah! Great idea, babe!” Maggie yelled gleefully.
“W-well.. I don’t know…” Alice looked nervous but Bucky pulled her to his side and kissed her, shutting her up.
“Yeah, great idea, Simon. It’s good to have you back.”
“Great to be back, mate.” Simon huffed as he started carting his giggling girlfriend up the stairs, laughing when he could hear Alice mock gag.
“Yuck! Gross! Bucky! Get Becca! I am not  having her here whilst they are doing that!”
“What about us?!” Evie yelled, “We have to live here!”
“Well, that’s what you get for not telling me things!”
Maggie slapped his arse, urging him to hurry up, “Catch y’all later! We’re gonna have so much fun, girls!”
“Y’gotta get through this afternoon first, Mags.” Simon promised, grinning to himself as she started sputtering with laughter.
All in all, this had been a good day.
Later that night
“I can’t remember the last time I had a girl’s night,” Evie exclaimed as she, Maggie and Alice were in the middle row of Alice’s Tahoe. Simon was in the driver’s seat, as he had offered to drive them to the bar. Bucky and Steve were in Evie’s Suburban with the kids and dogs, headed for the Tower. “Wait, yeah I do. It was my bachelorette party, before I got married.” She frowned, as it had been almost two years since then.
“Aah, don’t worry Evie,” Maggie consoled, patting her back. “You’ll have plenty of fun tonight. Oh! Let’s make this a tradition. Every time Simon and I visit, we have a ladies night while the guys watch the kids!” Alice and Evie looked at each other and grinned.
“Cheers to that, Mags!” Alice cried as she and Evie hugged her tightly, as she had become a third sister.
“Oi! Dontcha think you outta talk to us guys about that first?!” Simon asked from the front seat. Evie rolled her eyes and blew a raspberry.
“Well, seeing as how Alice and I are the mothers of their children, and that I almost died giving birth, they won’t say no to us having a night off every so often,” she explained oh so smugly. Simon scoffed before she added on “That’s also more time you get to hang out with your niece, so I doubt you’d be opposed to it either.” He looked at the three women over his shoulder, a huge smile on his face. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. That little girl’s already got you wrapped around her fingers and you literally just met her.” He shook his head, but it was pointless to deny it. He would do anything for her. In fact, Simon just spotted something he could do for her right now.
“Pit stop ladies.” Simon parked the Tahoe and got out, opening the door for them so they could follow him into the…
“Tattoo parlour?” Evie moaned, biting her lip. She wishes Steve would get one, but the serum would reject the ink, so he can’t.
“Yeah, I wanna get something done real quick,” Simon said as he walked to the counter. The girls went all around looking at all the designs on the walls before Simon followed the tattoo artist into a back room.
“Wonder what he’s getting done?” Alice asked to no one in particular. Maggie and Evie shrugged before resuming their perusal of the artwork. After 15 minutes, Simon came out, grinning like mad as he held his upper arm.
“Girls wanna see?” he inquired as he pulled his phone out. They gathered around and looked at the picture on his phone, a collective ‘AWWW’ sounding from them.
Tumblr media
“Simon, that is adorable. Send that to Bucky,” Alice gushed, wiping a tear from her eye. Evie was silent, a thoughtful expression coming over her as she began to look off into space. Maggie threw her arms around him, kissing him ferociously.
“That is the sexiest thing ever!” They kissed more graphically this time as Alice began to make gagging noises. “Alright, let’s head out before Her Majesty has our heads.” They all laughed as they filed out and got back in the car.
“Alright m’ladies. Have fun, and call me when you wanna come home.” Simon said a few minutes later as he parked in front of the bar. Maggie kissed him goodbye as Evie and Alice waved.
“Thanks Si! Let us know if the bab-” Evie started to reply before Maggie slapped her hand over the doctor’s mouth.
“Take care of those babies for them!” She hollered as he drove off with a smile. She turned back to the two women and shrugged. “What? I know its hard, but don’t worry about them. Your kids are in Avenger Tower, guarded by Black Widow, Ant Man, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Iron Man, Thor, War Machine, Simon, not to mention their fathers Captain America and the Winter Soldier. They are perfectly safe. You need to relax.” Evie and Alice looked at each other uneasily before following her inside. “Come on. Let’s get you drunk!”
And drunk they became.
After a few hours, Evie and Alice had quite the buzz going on. Maggie had a higher tolerance to alcohol, so she wasn’t nearly as drunk. The night was going great, no word from the guys so the babies were doing fine without their mommies. Evie and Alice were having the time of their lives, until it came to a crashing halt.
“Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in,” a snotty voice spoke from behind Evie. All three women looked up, Evie and Alice baring their teeth. It was the two women from the bowling alley. The same two skanks that had openly flirted with and laid hands on Steve and Bucky. Maggie could cut the tension with a knife.
“Yeah, you. Still as trashy as ever,” Evie snapped. The redhead bent down, getting in her face.
“You trying to drown your sorrows after Captain America dumped your ass?” she mocked as the blonde laughed coldly at this, which made Evie grin.
“No, bitch. He married me and knocked me up with his children,” she shot back, holding her left hand up to show off her impressive wedding rings, her grin getting wider by the second. The redhead’s face flushed as she huffed out a breath.
“Don’t even think about starting shit with me, but I will tell you that me and Bucky had the best sex ever this morning, and I’m not giving that up without a fight,” Alice piped up then, smirking as well. The blonde looked at them both with disdain before smiling her own nasty smile.
“Well, it looks like you’re past your prime then. Maybe we should pay your men a visit, ‘cause I’m sure they wouldn’t mind trading in their outdated models for younger, better ones.” Alice and Evie looked at each other before looking to Maggie, who shrugged as she cracked her knuckles and popped her back, limbering up.
“I think you two need to leave,” Evie pointed out as she, Alice and Maggie stood, outnumbering the whores. The redhead laughed as she got back in her face.
“I’ll leave when I can go home and fuck Captain America. ‘Cause after I’m done with him, your kids will call me ‘mommy’.” Evie’s mind went blank for a split second before an undeniable rage filled her as she lunged for the redhead, tackling her to the ground. They began to wrestle, Evie clearly having the upper hand and was beating the shit outta the redhead. The blonde, realizing this, went to grab ahold of Evie, her long hair the target, but Alice was not having that. She launched herself across the table, colliding with the blonde and pinning her down, keeping her away from Evie.
“Get her, Evie! Show that bitch who’s boss!” she cried, encouraging her sister. The blonde tried to get up and help her friend, but Alice shifted and got her to lie still. “You ain’t going anywhere, whore.”
Maggie sat back through all of this, watching and waiting in case she needed to lend a hand. The other patrons in the bar were giving the women space, not wanting to get involved, but also loving the spectator sport that was going down in front of them.
After what seemed to be an eternity, security guards came and broke the four women apart, hauling them outside and banning them from the bar.
The two skanks, realizing that they were outnumbered, turned and slunk away as Evie, Alice and Maggie grinned.
“Yeah, that's right. Run away with your tails tucked firmly between your legs!” Evie yelled after them, sporting a bloody lip. Alice didn't have any visible injuries, but the other two looked so much worse.
“Okay, so we definitely need some food,” Maggie exclaimed as the three of them turned and walked down the sidewalk, pulling out her phone and typing in her search engine. “Oh! There’s a place that’s open right now over in Jersey. I’ll call a Lyft and we can go!” She turned back to Evie and Alice, who were standing completely still, their faces white. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, we can’t go to Jersey,” Evie answered.
“Why not?” Maggie was confused. What could possibly keep them from going?
“Because the last time we ended up in Jersey, Steve and Bucky got so incredibly mad at us. They thought we were going to leave them,” Alice explained, choking up a bit at the end. Evie nodded.
“Yeah, and I promised Steve on our honeymoon that I’d never step foot in Jersey again as long as he…” she trailed off, looking scared out of her mind.
“Point is, we’re not going to Jersey. End of story,” Alice stated matter-of-factly. Maggie shrugged.
“Okay, whatever. I still cannot believe Simon got that tattoo of Becca’s initials earlier. It was so sweet and sexy. I love that man,” she gushed. Alice nodded in agreement, knocking Evie’s shoulder with hers.
“E, what’s up?” she asked. Evie looked up, having been lost in thought.
“I wanna get a tattoo. Seeing Simon get his earlier has had me thinking about it. I’ve had an idea for a while anyway, but now, I think I’m gonna get it.” Alice and Maggie stopped and stared at her before Maggie broke into a grin.
“I’ve been wanting one too. Let’s go!” The girls began running down the street, Maggie in the lead. She stopped outside the same shop Simon had taken them to, the other two women colliding with her. They all giggled like mad before composing themselves and walking in. Evie and Maggie headed to the same artist that Simon had used, while Alice hung back. She wasn’t keen on voluntarily being stabbed with needles over and over, so she was there for emotional support. The artist called over a buddy, so they could work on the girls at the same time instead of making them wait on each other. The guy helping Evie was answering all her questions, drawing up what she was explaining to him. He walked in the back for a few minutes before coming back with a piece of paper, which Alice assumed had the design that Evie wanted after he had drawn it. She looked it over before nodding. He went back in the room as Evie came over to Alice.
“You gonna hold my hand?” she asked shyly, to which Alice nodded.
“Of course. What are you getting?” Evie smirked at her.
“You’ll have to wait and see.” The artist came back and motioned for Evie to follow him, so the two women did. He motioned for Evie to get on the table and to get comfy as this would take a while. She pulled off her outer shirt so the artist could put the tattoo right where she wanted it. After he placed the stencil and she approved of its placement, he had her lie on her belly so it would be easier for him to work.
Maggie and her artist were at another station as she got ready for her own tattoo. Funnily enough, she chose the same spot to get her tattoo that Evie had. This caused the two of them to shout ‘Twinsies!’ before promptly dissolving into another fit of giggles.
The artists started their machines and the room was filled with the buzz of tattoo guns, cutting their laughter off. Evie semi-moaned as she understood why Simon had so many tattoos. The rush that came with the bite of the needles was exhilarating and addicting, and she knew she would be getting more after this. There were a few spots that had Evie gritting her teeth in pain, but for the most part, it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be.
Finally, after an hour and a half, both girls were done. They got off the tables and went to the full length mirrors so they could see their new ink. Alice and Evie fawned over how pretty Maggie’s was, which made her feel incredibly smug. When they went to inspect Evie’s tattoo, Alice became confused.
“I don’t understand. Why can’t I re...oh. Now I get it. You got the dates done the American way. Damn Yanks and their backwards dates,” she scoffed. Evie looked at her over her shoulder, grinning.
“Oh, go cry to the Queen about it. Damn Brits,” she shot back. Alice quirked her eyebrow and opened her mouth to retort, but Evie beat her to it. “In case you’ve forgotten, you’re in a relationship with an American. Your daughter is American, hell everyone you live with is American, so get over it.” Evie laughed at the shocked look on her sister’s face before turning and engulfing her in a hug. “Don’t worry, you’re my favorite Englishwoman. The last one I met, well…” she trailed off as the two realized who she meant. “I didn’t like her, but I’ve got something she don’t so neiner neiner.” They shared a laugh before pulling apart and heading to the front to pay for the tattoos.
Once they were done, Maggie suggested that they needed to celebrate with more alcohol, so they walked down the sidewalk to the closest one, and proceeded to get hammered, but not by Thor.
Simon loved babysitting. He loved it because he got to spend all the time he wanted with Becca, but the moment she got crabby, he could hand her off to Bucky and not have to worry about it. He also got to spend time getting to know Robby and Sarah, and he could see the divide in each kid.
Robby was the quieter one of the two, but don’t let that fool you. He was already so protective over his little sister, smacking Becca on more than one occasion when she tried to take a toy from Sarah. He was Evie’s clone, and with his semi-cleft chin that he obviously inherited from Bucky (Simon still couldn’t believe that he and Evie were related), he was going to be a looker when he got older.
Sarah was quite the little beauty already. Becca was beautiful too, as she was a mix of Alice and Bucky, but Sarah, with her blonde hair and big blue eyes she got from her daddy, was sure to break the hearts of many a boy, assuming Robby didn’t break their faces first.
How the hell did these four already decent looking people manage to have the three most beautiful children in the universe? Kinda unfair to be honest.
“I need food!” Evie whined as she, Alice and Maggie stumbled out of the bar. They had shut it down, but now had nowhere to get anything to eat.
“Oh! How about we take a Lyft to the closest supermarket and we can get whatever we want?!” Maggie suggested, half shouting even though the other two were right next to her. “We can have Simon come pick us up there too!”
“YES!” screamed Alice and Evie as the thought of food was all they had on their mind. Maggie got on her phone and requested the Lyft and when it arrived, they all piled in, eagerly awaiting snack time. They spent the 45 minute drive talking about all of the food they wanted to get, Alice complaining that they didn’t have many English snacks here in the States.
Finally, they had arrived. They got out and paid the driver before walking into the store. The three of them stood there for a moment, looking around at everything.
“There’s so much stuff in here. You can get lost,” Evie suggested, before running off. “Not it!” she yelled over her shoulder. Maggie and Alice looked at each other and grinned.
“Not it!” Alice shouted before running after her sister. Maggie laughed before pulling her phone out and calling Simon.
Simon smiled as Maggie’s face lit up on the screen as he stood and walked into the kitchen before answering.
“Hey babe. I need you to come get us. We’re at a supermarket and I just lost Evie and Alice.”
“Supermarket? You’re supposed to be at a bar!”
“I know, but the bar closed down. Well, the second one did. The first one kicked us out.”
“Kicked you out? Of fuckin’ course. You lot are okay though, right? How do I get there?”
“Yeah we’re fine. I’ll just send you the address. Bring Bucky and Steve, ‘cause I don’t think we’ll be able to corral these two with as drunk as they are. See ya in a bit.”
She hung up and put the phone back in her purse before slowly making her way through the store, grinning evilly at the chaos she was creating.
Bucky watched the man walk away, smiling to himself. Bucky was glad that Alice had Simon, even if he did want to strangle him sometimes.
Steve was next to him on the couch, watching the kids all play together. His heart was full, knowing that he had the family he always wanted and Bucky by his side with his own family.
Sam walked in then, Matt behind him. Bucky was surprised to see the lawyer here, but he figured that Alice could do with another surprise.
“There’s my Becca!” Sam exclaimed as he swooped down to pick her up.
“Bir!” she squealed as he lifted her into his arms, causing him to frown.
“Bir? As in ‘Bir’d-man? Man come on! That ain’t fair!” he groaned, while Bucky, Steve and Matt laughed.
“Well, what do you expect? She repeats what she hears,” Bucky replied as Simon walked back into the room.
“Hey, uh, that was Maggie. She and the girls are at some food place and they need us to come get them,” he explained, sliding his phone back in his pocket and grabbing Alice’s keys.
“Food?” Bucky exclaimed, jumping to his feet. “How the hell did they end up there? They’re supposed to be at a bar! They have food!” He began to follow Simon to the elevator when he noticed Steve hadn’t moved. “Steve come on!” he urged his brother, who made no attempt at moving.
“What do we do about the kids? The girls will be pissed that they aren’t asleep,” he pointed out.
“Matt and I will watch them. Go get your women,” Sam offered. Matt froze for a second before recovering.
“Sure, what harm can an honorary uncle and a blind honorary uncle do?” he mused.
“Thanks guys,” Steve said. “We’ll be back as soon as we can.” He got in the elevator with Simon and Bucky and descended to the garage, loading up in the Tahoe and peeling out onto the street.
Evie and Alice had ran off to the vegetable aisle where Evie grabbed a cucumber and began waving it around like it was a certain...appendage, poking Maggie and Alice with it. Evie stroked it seductively before she grabbed a can of whipped cream and sprayed it all over Alice, yelling ‘Yeah, you like that white stuff, don’t you?!’. Blushing furiously, Alice ran and grabbed a baguette loaf and cracked her sister over the head with it, laughing like a mad woman. Maggie and Evie froze before grabbing their own loaves and the three women began to duel before Evie’s broke.
“Aww man,” she lamented before looking around. “Do they sell Viagra here?” she asked loudly, causing Alice and Maggie to burst into giggles. “Let’s play Marco Polo!” She ran off again, cackling. The other two ran off as well, the three of them shouting ‘Marco’ and ‘Polo’ as they tried to find each other.
Simon was following the directions on his phone, glad that Maggie had thought to send him the address so he could get to them quicker. After about 20 minutes, Steve and Bucky perked up, as Simon was taking the ramp for the Lincoln Tunnel.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why the fuck are we headed to Jersey?” Bucky shouted, looking back at Steve. “Alice and Evie know better than to even think about stepping foot over the state line again.” Steve nodded vigorously in his agreement.
“What the fuck is wrong with Jersey? The girls wanted food and the only supermarket that’s open this late is Walmart. New York doesn’t have any, so this one’s closest,” Simon snapped. Steve snorted.
“Looks like Evie went back on her word,” he said, a dark edge to his voice.
“So did Alice,” Bucky agreed. The rest of the ride was in silence as Steve and Bucky contemplated what kind of punishment to dole out to their women.
Finally, the men arrived at Walmart, getting out and, in Bucky and Steve’s case, stalking inside.
As Alice rounded a corner in the toy department, Evie jumped out, yelling “POLO!” as she shot Alice with a Nerf gun. Alice leapt back, trying to dodge the foam bullets.
“What the fuck is going on here?!” Bucky shouted as he, Steve and Simon walked up. Evie, clearly startled, turned and shot at him, a few of the bullets sticking to his metal arm. “Oh, you did not just shoot me!” He began to chase her, all while she screamed. Alice walked up to Simon and Steve, shaking her head. She stuck her foot out as they went by, tripping Bucky and allowing Evie to get further away from him. “Alice, what the hell? You’re supposed to be on my side!” When all she did was smirk, he rolled his eyes before taking off after his sister/niece.
“Juveniles,” was all she could manage before dissolving into laughter. Steve couldn’t help but laugh as well, as he hadn’t seen Bucky this playful since before the War. The two of them played for a bit longer, before Bucky had gotten the drop on Evie and had put her in a (very gentle) headlock and marched her back to the others.
“Hi baby,” Evie slurred as she spotted her husband. “Whatcha doin’?” Steve glared down at her, shaking his head.
“Oh, I’m just trying to figure out how to punish you for coming back here.” At this, Evie stopped struggling with Bucky.
“We’ve never been here before,” she argued to which he nodded.
“You’ve been in Jersey before, E. You and Alice made us chase you here, remember?” Evie and Alice looked at each other, fear plain as day on their faces.
“No. There’s no way we’re in Jersey. We told Maggie we couldn’t come back here,” she whimpered as Alice nodded vigorously in agreement. Maggie grabbed her phone and pulled up the map, showing their location.
“Yeah, we are in Jersey. We wanted food but nowhere is open this late except Walmart, and as there isn’t one on the island on Manhattan, this was the closest,” she explained. Evie started to visibly shake as Bucky released her.
“Bucky, I swear we wouldn’t have come here if we had known,” Alice pleaded as Bucky stood in front of her.
“Steve, I think they’re telling the truth. You can see how scared she is,” he pointed out as Evie walked up to Steve and grabbed his shirt.
“You’re not gonna drown me, are you?” she squeaked, thoroughly cracking Steve’s ‘tough guy’ demeanor.
“No. Of course not, baby,” he crooned, pulling her in for a hug. “It’s not your fault,” he growled over her head in Maggie’s direction. She was preoccupied though, as she was clumsily trying to undo the buttons on Simon’s shirt.
“Oooooh s’hot in herrr,” she slurred, tugging at it.
“Yeah, but we’re in a supermarket for fuck’s sake,” he grumbled, even though he thought she was so cute like this, but it’d be a snowy day in Hell before he admitted that out loud.
Alice was loudly whispering (read: shouting) to Bucky about how boring Steve is. “I’ve been saying it since forever Bucky! He’s always such a stick in the mud. Look!” They all looked over as Evie was slowly running her hands over Steve’s pecs, slightly squeezing them before teasing his nipples, his face getting stonier and stonier as she went on.
“I never saw before now though! I’ll never doubt you again!” he agreed as Evie continued, but when her actions failed to elicit a response from him, she stomped her foot and ‘hrumpf’ed.
“Alice is right. You are Sad Face Steve. Hopefully neither of the kids end up like that!” she spat, to which his jaw dropped. The other four laughed at him before he made a face at them.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, someone has to be the adult around here. Come on, let’s go get you girls some food so we can get out of this god forsaken state.” He grabbed Evie’s hand and began to guide her away from the toys.
“SNACKS!” Maggie cried, followed by Evie, Bucky, and Alice.
Simon zoomed by, Maggie on his back. “Snack!” Steve let go of Evie as she chased Bucky and Alice, who were running hand in hand.
“Not you too!” Steve lamented. Simon stopped and turned to him.
“Eh, I’m hungry. Let’s just get on with it.” With that, he turned back around and took off after the others, leaving Steve to sigh and hang his head.
Once Steve got to the front, he saw Bucky, Alice, Evie, Maggie and Simon standing in a checkout lane, having all of their snacks scanned. As he got closer, Bucky made eye contact with him and stage whispered “RUN!” before grabbing Alice’s hand and dragging her outside.
“My Pringles! NO!” she cried as they slipped from her hands. Steve made it to the register, an awkward silence in the air.
“Why me?” he asked aloud at the ceiling before picking up the Pringles and pulling his wallet out to pay for everything. He stomped outside, making a beeline for the Tahoe. He could see Simon and Maggie in the front seats, while Bucky and Alice were hanging out the windows from the middle.
“YAY! My Pringles!” Alice cheered as he handed them to her. “You’re the best brother in law ever!” He smiled, looking around for Evie. “She’s in the back, waiting for you. Just don’t defile the seats, okay?” she instructed as she opened the door so he could climb in the back seat.
“Well Alice, no one sits back here but us anyway, so how do you know we already haven’t?” Evie taunted with a wink. Alice stared in shock before shuddering. “I’m just joking Alice….or am I?” Bucky tried his best to not laugh at the distraught look on Alice’s face, but ultimately lost as he burst into laughter.
“Alice, it’s okay. We’ll make them detail the whole car, just to be on the safe side,” he assured her as Simon pulled out of the parking lot and headed back to the Tower. Steve and Bucky were back to being tense as their need to get out of Jersey overrode all other feelings, visibly relaxing once they re-emerged on the New York side of the Lincoln Tunnel. Simon parked in the garage and the six of them got in the elevator, heading up to the residential floors. Evie, who was standing between Steve and Simon, looked over and poked the latter’s tattoos, giggling.
“I’ve got one too,” she said quietly, or so she thought. Steve turned her to him, disbelief clear on his face.
“What the hell? You got a tattoo!” he all but yelled. She nodded proudly as everyone turned to her.
“I sure did. I’ll show you, but I have to take my shirt off first.” She grabbed the hem of her shirt and began to pull it up, oblivious to Steve’s fury as he glared at Simon and Bucky, daring them to watch his wife strip as he stood in front of her. “Steve, I have an undershirt under my shirt, ya know!” He sighed, rolling his eyes.
“That’s not the point Evie! You don’t need to be stripping in front of other men!” he cried as she finished taking her shirt off.
“Oh, but it’s perfectly fine for you to strut around the pool in just your swim trunks in front of other women though?” she shot back at him, making his jaw drop in shock. “I’m not stripping. I’m just taking off a shirt that I’m going to put right back on after I show off my tattoo.” Evie turned her back to Simon. “Hey Si, can you take the bandage off?” He nodded before slowly pulling it aside so the others could see it.
“That one’s my birthday,” Bucky pointed out. “No wait, that’s Becca’s birthday.” Evie grinned at him over her shoulder, while everyone else apart from Alice continued to study the ink.
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“Y’all look lost, so I’ll explain them. 12.16.2019 - the day Bruce and I became family. 10.17.2020 - the day Steve and I got married. 11.18.2020 - the day we all became family. 3.10.2021 - Becca’s birthdate. 1.25.2022 - Robby and Sarah’s birthdate.” Steve grinned before kissing her deeply.
“I love it baby,” he cooed, kissing her again.
“Yay! I’m glad. Maggie got one too, and I’ll give you three guesses as to who didn’t,” she teased, looking over at Alice. Simon turned to his lady, a huge grin on his face.
“You got one too?! Let me see then!” Maggie smiled with glee as she too took off her shirt, letting Simon pull the bandage away so she could show off her tattoo.
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“It’s beautiful babe. Well done.” He kissed her sweetly, knowing he would congratulate her properly later.
“Wait! I have to show you the other one I got!” Evie exclaimed then, to which she pulled the waistband of her pants down to just above her bikini line, but there was nothing to see. “Damn! There was a mouse there. Oh well, I guess my pussy ate it,” she replied, shrugging. She looked up at Steve, who had his eyes shut while he clenched his jaw. Bucky began to cackle at her joke, which caused her to start laughing, while Alice blushed. Maggie joined in on the laughter after a while, and all Simon did was snort.
“Fuckin’ Yanks.” The elevator dinged just then, opening up at the common room. They all filed out before Evie and Alice stopped dead in their tracks at the sight in front of them.
Sam had a sleeping Becca in his arms while Matt was slowly swaying Sarah and Robby in his. Normally, this wouldn’t bother the mothers, but seeing as how all three children were in some sort of sleep regression that even their own parents couldn’t solve, for Evie and Alice to see their babies asleep in Sam and Matt’s arms…..
It tanned their hides.
Bucky and Steve made to grab their kids, noting the fury on their women’s faces. Sam and Matt pulled them away at the last minute, Sam placing his finger over his lips in the ‘shhh’ signal.
“You got them asleep?” Bucky cried softly, as to not wake them. Sam nodded.
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“What, like its hard?” he replied, a smirk spreading across his face. “Why don’t you guys go get some sleep? I promise they’re in good hands.” Steve and Bucky looked back at their girls, wanting to grab them, but also afraid to make any sudden movements lest they flip out.
Simon, noting this, walked up and pushed Alice toward Bucky, before turning to Evie. “Sorry ‘bout this love,” he murmured before slapping his hand over her tattoo. She arched away from him, landing in Steve’s arms. “You’ve gotta set the tattoo. Sorry.” Before Maggie even had a chance to defend herself, he slapped hers as well, letting her slap his in retaliation. “Let’s get them in bed. It’s been a long night.” Steve and Bucky nodded before leading Evie and Alice to their old rooms, noting that Hunter and Howie were fast asleep in Hunter’s old room. Steve steered Evie to his, letting Sam and Matt use Evie’s old room for the kids. Once he had tucked her in, he walked out and met Bucky, who had just done the same to Alice.
“Gonna check on the kids before turning in,” he explained as they fell into step walking down the hallway.
“Yeah, me too.” Steve opened the door and stepped in, followed by Bucky. What they saw in the bed was enough to melt Captain America and the Winter Soldier’s hearts tenfold.
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Robby and Sarah were asleep, side by side and holding hands, while Becca was on Sarah’s other side, her arm stretched protectively around her cousins.
Bucky and Steve grinned at each other, beyond ecstatic to see their kids love each other so much, even in their sleep.
@suz-123 @avenger-nerd-mom @aglarelen @amaranthuspetals @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @bad-wolf87 @bolontiku @brighterlightss @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @buckyywiththegoodhair @caplansteverogers @captainradicalpassion @caramell0w @celeb-fess @delicatecapnerd @doloreschanal @donnaintx @earinafae @etts21 @ghostssss @girlbehindthecameraposts @gramaeryebard @handshugging @jhangelface0523 @kimistry27 @liz-pbnz @loki-god-of-my-life @magellan-88 @marvel-trash07 @pegasusdragontiger @punkfrog @ruinerofcheese @ryverpenrad @sarahp879 @silver-starburst​ @the-real-kellymonster​
24 notes · View notes
ruined-by-destiel · 6 years
Making Memories (part 10)
Summary: Some days are harder than others. But today is always the worst.
Words: 1.2k
Misha x Reader
Warnings: *BEWARE FOR SPOILERS AHEAD* angst, nightmares, implied character death, depression, implied PTSD
Notes: i’m sorry. i’m so, so sorry. written for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing and @like-a-bag-of-potatoes 12 Days of Christmas Challenge
*see end of the fic for more notes*
Day 10: Driving Home for Christmas
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
“You sure you’re ok?”
You nodded, staring out the window. “Yeah, just nervous I guess.” Something felt off, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Whatever is was, it was probably nothing.
“Well, don’t be. It’ll be fine.” Misha pulled out of the airport parking lot, downtown Los Angeles coming into view. You took a deep breath, chewing at a hangnail on your thumb.
Misha took your hand, lacing your fingers together. “C’mon, it’s not like I’m the first guy you’ve brought home before.” You bit your lip, staring straight ahead. “Right?”
You looked at your boyfriend, shrugging. “I’ve never been in a serious relationship for this long.”
He furrowed his brow, thinking. “Ok. Well, that just puts a little more pressure on me, that’s all.” He squeezed your hand reassuringly. “Gotta make a good first impression, right?”
You managed a smile at that. “I don’t think it’s possible for you to make anything other than a great impression on anyone.”
Misha smiled back, pulling into your neighborhood. “See? We’ll be fine. Just stop worrying so much.”
“You sound like my sister,” you let go of his hand to reach for your purse, just as you pulled into your driveway.
The front door opened, your heart pounding as you and Misha got out. You walked up the front steps hand in hand, grinning as you reached the smiling couple.
“Hey, mom. Hey, dad.”
“So, Misha, what do you do?”
“Mom-” Misha cut you off before you could reprimand her.
“I’m an actor. I actually have a recurring role on the show Supernatural, if you’ve heard of it?”
Your dad slowly shook his head, taking a sip of his coffee. “Can’t say I have. Is it pretty famous?”
Misha opened his mouth to answer but you put a hand over his mouth. “Guys, really?” You removed your hand, looking at Misha. “They’re kidding, they watch the show every week. My dad almost had a heart attack when he found out we were dating.”
Your parents laughed as Misha’s eyes darted from them to you, dumbfounded.
“Sorry, sweetie,” your mom patted Misha’s knee, “we’re just messing with you. We actually love Castiel, he’s James’ favorite character.” She leaned back against the couch, folding her arms. “I’ve more of a Dean girl, myself. He’s quite handsome, isn’t he?”
“Mom,” you covered your face with your hands. “Can you not?”
“At least you don’t have to live with her,” a voice piped in from the doorway.
You looked up, a smile breaking across your face. ��Izzy!”
She smiled as you jumped up from the couch and wrapped her in a tight hug. “Long time no see, dork.”
“Missed you, kiddo.” You pulled back so Misha could say hi, kissing your sister on the cheek before pulling her into a hug.
“Hey, Iz.”
“Don’t get all sappy on me, Misha,” she joked, hugging him. “It’s good to see you.”
You stood in the midst of your family, a soft smile on your face. There was a pang in your chest, and suddenly you felt sad. You stared at your parents, sitting on the couch whispering to each other, and at Misha and your sister, chatting about school. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been together with all of them.
Why was that?”
“Y/N, are you ok?”
Your dad’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and just like that everything was back to normal. “Yeah, sorry. Just tired, I guess.”
“How was the flight down?” You were about to answer your sister, but then stopped. Your mind went blank, unable to remember anything from before you left the airport.
“Not too bad, just a little under three hours.” Misha stood next to you, taking your hand. “The drive to the house was pretty short, too.”
You nodded, suddenly remembering. “Yeah, not bad at all.”
You mom stood up. “What are your plans while you’re here? We have some ideas, but we don’t want to intrude.”
“No, of course not mom.” You looked at Misha. “Santiago and Jenny invited us to come over for dinner on Tuesday, but other than that we really don’t have anything planned.”
“Great, that makes things a lot easier,” your dad piped in. “Camille and I thought we’d have to cut back on things to do if you guys were busy, but looks like we might get you all to ourselves if we’re lucky.”
Isabelle smiled. “It’s so nice to have you back, Y/N.” She pulled you into another hug. “We really missed you.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled into her neck, “I missed you guys too.”
She pulled back, her smile morphing into a frown when she looked at you. “Are you ok?”
You smiled. “I’m great. Perfect, really.”
You felt a hand on your shoulder, turning around to find your dad looking at you, a concerned look on his face. “Are you sure?”
“Sweetie, are you crying?”
Your mom joined the circle, and you touched your cheek. Sure enough, it was wet. Why were you crying?
“I don’t,” you frowned, your mind fuzzy. “I-”
“Angel?” Your dad held your face in his hands, the tears flowing freely now. “Angel, wake up.”
Your frowned, a sob escaping from your chest. “What?”
“Angel.” He stroked your cheek, a sad smile on his face. “It’s ok.”
Wake up.
Wake up.
“Y/N, wake up.”
You blinked a few times, the fog clearing from your mind. “Baby, are you ok?”
You turned your head on the pillow, Misha staring back at you, concerned. “You were crying in your sleep.” He ran a hand through your hair. “Nightmare again?”
It came back to you all at once and then you were crashing, sobbing into Misha’s chest as he held you tight, rubbing circles on your back.
“I can’t, I can’t-” your were cut off by the sobs again, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath.
“Breathe, baby. Breathe.” Misha whispered soothing words in your ear, holding you for what seemed like hours until your crying subsided, and your breathing started slowing back down to normal.
He kissed the top of your head, pulling back to wipe your tear stained cheeks. “Same nightmare?”
You shook your head. “Different.”
“Ok.” He pulled you back against his chest, rocking you slowly. “You want me to get you some tea, a-”
“They were alive.”
Misha didn’t say anything, just nodded and kept rubbing your back.
“We were there for Christmas. Izzy, too.” You sniffed, holding back the new tears that threatened to spill. “They were there, and it was just,” you trailed off, staring off into the dark.
“It was perfect.”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
Misha pulled back just enough so you could see his eyes reflecting in the dark. “I know today is a hard day, but I’m gonna do everything I can to help you. Today, tomorrow,” he cradled your face in his hands, “forever.”
You let out another sob, feeling the tears building up again.
“You’re not alone in this anymore, ok?” You nodded. “I’m always going to be here for you. No matter what.”
You buried your face in his chest again, silent tears falling this time. “I love you so much.”
He stroked your hair, holding you tight like he would never let go. And you hoped he wouldn’t.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
On December 23rd, 2013, when Y/N was 21, her parents died in a tragic car accident while driving home for Christmas. Y/N and Isabelle were in the backseat of the car when they were hit by a speeding drunk driver, sending them through the guardrail and off the side of the highway. Her father, who was driving, died on impact. Her mother died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Y/N suffered minor brain injuries and a broken leg, but walked out of the hospital two weeks later. Isabelle walked away from the accident with only a few cuts and scratches. Isabelle, only 15 years old, was taken in by her grandparents, while Y/N permanently moved into an apartment off campus. They both attended grief counseling for a few months, but Y/N still frequently has nightmares where she relives the night of her parent’s death. She avoids driving on the highway as much as possible, especially at night. Over the past year, since living with Misha, the nightmares have become less and less frequent, though still very intense and triggering when they do happen.
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bamby0304 · 7 years
Victoria Grimes VI: Chaos
So for those of you who don't know- and have seen all of TWD so far- the red headed woman in Alexandria is named Barbra, and the woman who took care of Judith in the church while everyone fought the walkers, is named Anna.
Anyway, enjoy :):)
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Chapter Eleven: A Little Bit of Normal
Warning: Smut
The week had been nonstop work. Everyone had been busy, all hands-on deck. We'd managed to build the walls up again and start the expansion around the church. We'd built a few more guard towers, started clearing a spot for crops, and cleared all the walker bodies out. Everything was going well. Everyone had settled and things were moving on.
Tara and Denise made their relationship official, the two now living at the infirmary. Rosita and Abraham were sharing an apartment with Eugene. Gabriel lived closer to the church. Maggie, Glenn, Sasha and Carol lived in the house next door. It was just dad, Carl, Judith, Michonne, Daryl, Aly and myself in our house now.
Carl had been doing well. He was up and moving about, adjusting to the fact he was missing an eye. Dad had opened up to the community and finally admitted that we were all family now.
After everything that had happened, I'd realized Deanna was right. Every morning I found myself looking at her letter, wanting to read it, but stopping myself. I knew she was right, but I wasn't ready to let go just yet. I wasn't ready to admit it completely.
"Mummy!" Aly came running down the stairs. "Are we going yet?"
I smiled as I finished packing a lunch. "Yes, we're going."
She beamed up at me, moving to pet Houdini and grab her lunch from me before she moved to the front door.
Grabbing Judith out of her high chair I lifted myself sister in to my arms before putting her in the stroller. Once she was secure, I headed to the front door, following Aly.
I was helping out with the fence. The faster we got the expansion done the better. Although as much as I knew hands were needed to help get the job done, I found myself wanting nothing more than to be curled up in bed with Vic.
The first couple of days after everything had happened we hadn't left the house. We'd barely left the room. Those were the best two days of my life. Spending time with Aly and Vic- especially Vic- it had made everything easier.
But we knew people needed us, so we'd gotten back to working and helping once the little holiday was over.
"Daryl." I looked up at Tobin, seeing him gesture behind me. "You've got visitors."
Turning around I saw what he was talking about. Vic and Aly were headed our way, with Judith in the stroller and Houdini running circles around a giggling Aly.
Aly bounced back pretty quickly. Even after she found out about her friend, Sam, she still seemed able to move on from everything pretty well. Don't get me wrong, she was still scared, and woke up most nights from nightmares. But she was doing good considering.
Dropping my shovel, I headed over to them, my speed picking up when Vic smiled at me.
The moment I reached them I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her flush against me, pressing my lips to hers. She grinned against me, her arms wrapping around my neck as she kissed me back.
With me working on the fence, I'd been gettin gup before Vic most mornings. She tried to wake up with me, but most of the time I just snuck out, letting her rest. So on the days she came down like this, bringing me lunch, it was nice to be able to hold her.
"Daryl." Aly pulled on my shirt. "Mummy made you a peanut butter sandwich. You have an apple too." she told me.
Smiling down at her I let Vic go before taking the paper bag from the little girl. "Thanks."
Her face beamed. "You're welcome."
Turning back to Vic, I let my hand slip into hers. "You busy today?"
"Ah, yeah... I'm watching Judith, Carl and Aly all day, and then I'm heading over to Maggie's tonight... Girls night." she reminded me.
I nodded. "Girls night."
"Mum says we're gonna have so much fun. She told me we're gonna listen to music and dance and eat cookies. Carol said she's making lemonade, too." Aly was so excited.
The whole girl's night idea had come from Tara. Vic had told me how a bunch of the women around town were going to meet up. It was so they could bound, but also so the people that were at Alexandria before us got to hear about some of the things the rest of us had been through. Kind of like stories around a camp fire, only it was more girly than that.
"Don't worry." Vic smiled, stepping closer. "Aly will be staying with Tara and Denise tonight. And I'll be home before it gets too late. So, we can spend as much time together as you'd like."
"Hmm." I still didn't like it. I wanted Vic home, with me. Sharing was never a talent of mine.
She chuckled lightly before pressing her lips to mine quickly and then pulled away. "Why don't you get back to work, and I get these three back home?" she gestured to the two girls and the dog. "I'll see you later."
"Yeah." I leaned forward, kissing her one last time. Pulling back, I looked to Aly. "Be good."
"Yep." she smiled before skipping off, giggling as Houdini followed her.
I watched as Vic walked away as well. Seeing her with Aly and Judith, it had me thinking...
"Carl." I called, standing in the kitchen. "Lunch." pushing his plate over I set it next to Aly's.
Turning to Judith I smiled at my sister as she sat in her high chair, eating the apple sauce and biscuits I'd given her. When others were busy, I took care of the kids. It was nice, spending time with them like this. I knew I'd eventually have to work again- probably once Carl was better- so I was making the most of this while I could.
Carl came down the stairs. "Where?" he asked, coming to a stop at the bench.
"There." I gestured to his plate. "Can you take Aly's into the living room too, please."
"Sure." he nodded, grabbing both plates and moving off.
The front door opened, dad and Michonne walking in. The two were busy talking, though I didn't pay any attention to it. Since the walkers had gotten in a week ago and then we'd worked to fix everything, dad and Michonne had started working with Maggie, figuring out and working on the next step for the community.
"Lunch?" I asked.
"Yeah." dad moved to grab a bottle of water. "That okay?"
Moving to the fridge, I pulled out two paper bags. "Already done."
"Thanks." Michonne smiled at me, taking one bag before looking in. "Jam?"
I nodded. "Olivia has some people making things with the fruit growing in the forest."
Dad filled his bottle with water. "Anything's better than peanut butter. We've had that for the past four days straight. I didn't like it before. Don't like it now." he grinned.
I rolled my eyes. "You get what you're given, and you eat it. Don't complain."
"You sound like a mum." Carl called from the living room.
"She is a mum." Aly gave a short nod.
I frowned... was I acting like a mum? I mean, with Aly, yeah I did, because I was her mum. But was I acting that way towards everyone? I had started taking care of people more than I had before. With Carol living next door and being busy I'd taking up most of the house work... I cooked, cleaned, baby sat... Was I becoming a motherly house wife?
This will not do.
Sitting on the edge of my bed, ready to head over to Maggie's to help her get ready for tonight, I looked down at the piece of paper in my hands... Deanna's letter.
When I woke up this morning it had been like any other morning. I had been determined not to read whatever was on this note. I wasn't ready to face the truth. But after realizing I'd become a sort of mother to everyone I got scared. I didn't want to be the mum. I wanted something more than just doing the laundry and making lunches.
Taking a deep breath, I made up my mind, unfolding the paper, reading the words writing in front of me.
When you first walked through the gates and I first saw you, standing strong and confident next to Daryl, holding Aly's hand protectively, I knew in an instant that you were the future.
I had never seen a woman such as yourself in all my years. You walked into this community with a confidence not many people possess. Holding your head high and walking with determination. You were an image of example. Inspiring and strong. A role model for women and men alike.
But I could see more than that. I could see the kind softness inside you. I could see it in the way you held Aly's hand. The way you cared for your group... Your family.
There's something I never told you... Aiden told me about you. Before you came here, years ago, he'd mentioned a girl. It wasn't odd, he'd always talked to me about everything. He'd told me how I'd like her, how she was smart and caring and beautiful.
When he realized you'd come to Alexandria he'd reminded me of the girl he met years ago. The smart, caring, beautiful girl. He told me I could trust you and anyone who stood by your side.
You've adapted to the world in away the rest of us haven't. You're stronger, faster. You know more about living now than most of us. You care for the ones you love and you protect them no matter what. You make decisions and you teach lessons.
You are a leader Victoria, and the people need you to realize this. They need you now more than ever.
Vickie and Aly had come over a little earlier and helped me set everything up. Now the other were showing up, Carol, Michonne, Tara, Denise, Rosita, Sasha, Olivia and more. Glenn was on guard duty for the evening, which meant us girl had the house to ourselves.
"Hey." I smiled at Vickie, taking a seat next to her on the couch.
She'd been keeping the distance, just watching everyone else, not really participating. It was odd, really. Since the moment I met Vickie she'd been a friendly and welcoming person. It's one of the reasons why we became friends so quickly, and had such a strong bond.
"Hey." she smiled back, though it didn't reach her eyes.
I frowned slightly. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah." she nodded, lying. "Why wouldn't it be?"
I sighed. "Vickie, you know you can talk to me."
She sat there, watching as Aly played with Rosita and Tara. The little girl giggled as our friends laughed, the three playing snaps with a deck of cards.
Finally, she spoke. "I read Deanna's letter."
After everything had happened with the wall and the walkers and Carl, Vickie had sought Spencer and me out. She'd handed us a letter each, telling us they were from Deanna.
I'd felt bad about the fact she'd seen so much death while I'd been stuck on the guard tower. We all knew about Deanna, Sam, Jessie and Ron. Everyone had heard what had happened. Knowing that Vickie went through that and there was nothing I could do to help her, hurt. I hated not being able to help her, because she'd always been there for me.
When I had a moment on my own, I'd read the letter from Deanna. It had told me to simply keep going, to not give up, to do my best to keep her dream alive. But she'd also asked me to try and get Vickie to join me. Now that Deanna was gone and I was left to lead- though Rick had stepped up to help- I felt like I needed Vickie. It would be nice to have her on my side.
"What did it say?" I asked carefully.
"A lot, actually. Well, to me, at least. But the main message was that she wants me to lead. I guess that's not really a surprise to you, hey?"
I shook my head. "No." offering a smile, I grabbed her hand. "I believe in you, too. I always have. And I need you. Taking care of this place isn't as easy as it looks."
She laughed lightly. "Yeah, I know."
We fell silent as I watched her. She'd turned away from the others, setting her gaze on her hands, deep in thought.
"Okay. I'll do it."
My eyes went wide. "Really?"
"Yeah." shrugging, she turned to me, grinning. "You seem surprised."
"I am." I admitted. "I didn't think it would happen so fast."
"Well." she sighed. "You're gonna be popping out a baby soon. Dad can't lead everyone on his own- he still scares some of them. And there's no one else who will or can do it. So I kinda feel like I have no choice." she quickly went on before I could say anything. "But I want to, as well. I do."
A smile crept on to my face. Grabbing her shoulder, I pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug. "Thank you."
"So, Victoria." Barbra turned to me. "How'd you and Daryl meet?"
"I actually haven't heard the story either." Tara noted.
We'd been talking away, all of us telling stories about things we'd been through and done since the world had fallen apart. Now, everyone's eyes were on me as they waited expectantly, giving me no choice but to answer.
"I stole his knife." I shrugged.
"Really?" Olivia sounded disappointed. "That's all you're giving us? Come on."
Maggie grinned, nudging my arm with her elbow. "Go on, tell them." she'd heard the story before.
Actually, Maggie and Carol were the only ones who knew. Even Michonne had no idea about our history.
Sighing I told them. "I'd been on my own for a couple of months. Glenn found me. It was pure coincidence, really. He took me back to his camp, where it turns out my family was. Dad had been missing too, and he found us on the same day. So we were all happy, and relieved. But..." I paused for a moment before going on. "Dad had been found by some of the camp's people while they were in Atlanta. Daryl's brother was one of them.
"He'd been difficult, so dad handcuffed him to the roof. One of the others had the key, and lost it. So when they had no choice but to get out of there before the walkers got them, they left Daryl's brother. They locked the door so he was safe from the dead, but he was still in danger." looking to each of them I could see all of the women engrossed in the story. "Anyway, the day after we all got back to camp, Daryl showed up.
"He'd been hunting for everyone while his brother was gone. When he found out what happened, he got so angry. He tried to attack my dad. Another one of the campers got him in a choke hold while I took his knife, as dad tried to explain why he did what he did. Daryl didn't care though. He was pissed. His brother was the only person he had left." I shifted slightly. "My dad offered to go back. I volunteered as well.
"But my parents wouldn't let me. So dad, Daryl, Glenn and one of our other friends left us at the camp. While they were gone the camp got ambushed by walkers. We lost nearly half our people. We lost a lot of people." I looked away, falling silent.
"Then what happened?" Denise asked, all of them sitting on the edge of their seats.
A small smile crept on my face. "The guys came back. I was on the back of Daryl's pick up. He rushed over, climbed up and shot all the walkers that got too close." I looked up at them. "He saved me."
None of them said anything for a minute or two. They just sat there, watching me. The story had clearly drawn all of them in.
"Wow." Anna leaned back in her chair.
"Yeah." Rosita nodded. "You can say that again."
"So..." Tara hesitated before going on. "When did you figure out you liked each other?"
I looked down at the ground, thinking of the night my feeling for Daryl became concrete. "We were at the CDC. I was attacked by my ex, who I'd known for years... Daryl saved me. He stayed with me all night, keeping me safe."
"Wow." Anna repeated, shaking her head.
Francine frowned. "You don't seem like the kind of person that needs saving." she noted.
Nodding I looked to her. "I'm not most of the time... now. But back then, I was pretty weak and useless."
"So, what made you change?" Barbra asked.
"Daryl helped, and being on the road. Dealing with walkers on a daily basis changes people." I answered. "But it was the eight months on my own that really changed me."
"You were out there, on your own, for eight months?" Olivia was completely shocked. "How'd you survive?"
I shrugged. "Like I said, I changed."
I walked up the steps of the porch, moving towards the front door. I could hear the women inside, laughing and chatting away. It had almost made me turn around and leave.
But it was already dark, I was ready to head off to bed, and there was no way I was doing that without Vic.
Raising my hand, I knocked on the door twice.
"I got it!" someone called from inside. After a moment the door opened, revealing Tara. "Daryl." she smiled. "What's up?"
"Uh..." I shifted on the spot slightly. "Vic here?"
"Yeah, I'll just get her." she offered before turning and yelling over her shoulder. "Vickie! Daryl's here!"
There was the sound of feet rushing along the floor and women giggling before Vic flew around the corner, a huge grin on her face as she looked up at me. Then, for some unknown reason, the others gathered a few steps behind her, watching us like they were waiting for something.
Trying to ignore them, I looked down at Vic. "You ready to go?"
She gave a sharp nod. "Yep." she grabbed my hand but stopped before we could leave, turning to Tara. "You sure you're okay with Aly?"
Tara nodded. "It's okay. Denise and I are gonna head off soon anyway."
"Okay, cool. Bye Aly!" Vic waved to the little girl as she stood with the others before she turned to me. "Let's get out of here."
I didn't have to be told twice. With her hand in mine we headed off.
I walked out of the bathroom, feeling clean and refreshed after my shower and brushing my teeth. Wearing the thin, light purple, cotton night dress, I felt free and relaxed. Walking into the bedroom, using my towel to dry my hair, I headed over to Daryl as he sat on the daybed by the window, looking out.
"Hey." I smiled. "You okay?"
"Yeah." he nodded. "How was your night?"
"Great. We all really bonded. Everyone got to hear some stories, found out how it's been for everyone else." I stopped in front of him. "I even learnt a few things about the people here."
"They learn anythin' about you?"
My smile turned into a grin, knowing he was wondering if I'd told them anything about us. "Yes." I answered honestly. "These people look to me, Daryl. I told them about how I was before. Hopefully it'll help them see that they can change too."
He turned to look at me. "You tell 'em about us?"
"Yes." I gave a short nod. "They asked, I answered."
"Mm." he lifted his thumb to his mouth, chewing on the nail as he fell silent.
Sighing I stepped closer, so I stood between his legs. "Daryl, there's nothing bad I can tell them. And I'd never tell them anything personal. They just wanted to know how we met and got together."
Slowly, he lowered his hand from his mouth. "That it?"
"That's it."
"Good." he relaxed a little, turning to look out the window again.
Smiling, I placed my towel next to him giving up on drying my hair. "Now can we please go to bed? I would like to get as much snuggle time with you as possible before you leave for work at a ridiculous time tomorrow morning." turning, I went to move towards the bed.
"I heard about Maggie." he said out of nowhere, stopping me in my tracks.
I frowned, looking at him again, only now confused. "You heard what? That she's pregnant?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Glenn told me."
"I would have, but it wasn't really my place to." I explained.
"I get it." he assured me. "That ain't what I'm trying to say."
My frown came back as I continued to be confused. "Then what are you trying to say?"
"Would you do it?" he looked up at me.
"Have a baby?" I shrugged. "I mean, I don't know. I've thought about it, but the time just never seemed right."
Daryl and I had used some kind of contraception whenever we could. When we came across condoms, or birth control pills, things like that, we'd use them. The times we didn't have things like that were usually when we were on the road. With stress and poor health there'd been a very low chance of me falling pregnant. With attacks and fighting, there was a low chance of me keeping any baby we might have had.
We'd never really talked about not using protection. We'd never talked about trying to get pregnant... Though I guess we were about to.
"Now's a good a time as any."
I took a small step back, looking down at Daryl with even more confusion than before. "Are you telling me you want a baby?"
He gave a short nod. "Never loved anyone like I love you, and I wanna make somethin' out of that." he was a little nervous, I could tell. "Never had a good dad growin' up, don't know if I'd be any good-"
I cut him off. "You're a dad to Aly. You're an amazing dad. Especially considering the circumstances."
"With Maggie and Glenn havin' a baby, it got me thinkin' about us. Aly, she's ours, but she ain't. You're good with Lil' Asskicker, too."
I smiled at the nickname he'd given my sister when she was born. No one had called her that for a while now. But it was nice to hear.
Tilting my head, watching him carefully, I sighed. "Are you sure about this? You know the risk. Not just to me, but to the baby."
Reaching forward he rested a hand on my stomach, looking up at me. "I'm sure."
I stood there, looking down at him, taking in his words. Taking everything into consideration I thought about Aly, dad, Carl, Judith, everyone. Now that I was stepping up to lead, I'd be busy. Once I'd have the baby people would have to care for it sometimes... It wouldn't just affect us, it would affect the whole community...
But then I thought about what Daryl said about loving me. I'd never loved anyone as much as I loved him. I guess that's what had me nod my head.
"Okay." I smiled. "Let's have a baby."
His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me on to his lap before he pressed his lips to mine in a deep, heated and passionate kiss. In a matter of moments, I could feel him grow hard against me, causing me to moan.
Pulling back, breathing heavily, I looked down at him. "What are you doing?"
"Gettin' started." he answered before his hand gripped my hair and pushed my face against his in a hungrier kiss.
He used his other hand to move my legs so I straddled his waist before he got to his feet, holding me in place, walking us to the bed. His tongue danced with mine in a frenzy of need as my body vibrated with a desperate ache that only he could cure.
The air left my lungs as he dropped me on the bed. I bounced on the mattress for a moment, watching as he started to strip himself, his hungry eyes never leaving my body. My body shivered with anticipation, getting into action as I reached forward to help him strip.
Once he was completely naked, his member standing hard and at attention, Daryl knelt on the bed, his hands finding their way under my night dress. I lifted my body of the bed enough so he could pull my underwear down my legs, his lips leaving kisses and nibbles on my skin as his face followed his hands.
Having no more patience I sat up and pulled the last of my clothing off, tossing it across the room as Daryl crawled his way so he knelt in between my legs.
My eyes rolled and my back arched as he pressed himself against my core. "Oh, Daryl." I moaned, grabbing on to his shoulders.
Needing no more encouragement he pushed into me with a hard and deep thrust.
I was completely lost to the world. I was nothing, just a play thing for Daryl to use as he wished. The way he made me feel, physically and emotionally, had me melt away, leaving me with nothing but a need for him.
His thrusts were hard, they always were. His tempo changed, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Either way he always knew what my body wanted. It was like he could read me like a book.
Daryl kept working himself in and out as he watched me, keeping his back straight, knowing the fact he was out of reach from my lips was killing me in a way that made everything feel even better.
Grasping my thigh, he pulled my leg higher and closer to him as he pushed himself in as deep as he would go. With each thrust my insides curled more and more.
"Daryl..." I was so close to the edge, but there was something I needed. "Daryl..."
Hearing my name on his lips, he let out a growl. Grabbing my side, he pulled me up, keeping himself in me as he pressed my body to his. With him kneeling on the bed, and me sitting on his lap, he managed to get himself deeper.
I groaned, my arms wrapping around his neck, my chest rubbing against his. Hands still holding me, he slipped them down to cup my cheeks, lifting me up and pulling me down harder. In this position, without sweat covered bodies sliding against each other, my sensitive button rubbed against him.
When I orgasmed, it was incredible as always. Everything in me buzzed. My mind emptied. My skin vibrated. My insides curled and rippled. Nothing ever made me feel as good as this. Nothing and no one could do what Daryl could.
He didn't slow down as I rode out the orgasm. In fact, he sped up, attaching his lips to my neck as he sucked on the skin until I felt him explode inside me with an animal groan.
Staying inside me, he thrust a few more times, emptying himself deep in my core, holding me close to his chest so I couldn't move.
When he was done and we'd both calmed a little, he pulled back, letting me fall against the pillows, still out of breath and slightly dazed. He joined me, falling on to the other side of the bed, both of us staring up at the ceiling.
Even though we'd stayed home for a few days after everything that had happened with the wall and walkers and Carl, we'd only actually had sex once during that whole time. I'd gotten back from the infirmary, and we hadn't been able to stop ourselves.
That had been different. We'd both been sore, and he was scared about opening my wound. So we'd moved slowly and carefully.
But I found I preferred it like this. When Daryl was a little rough. When it was hard and fast. It felt better that way.
A grin crept up on my lips. "A girl could get used to this."
"Good." his arm slipped under me before he pulled me to his chest. "We want a baby, we're gonna need to do this every mornin' and night."
I laughed, looking up at him, only to see that he was serious. "Oh..."
"Get some sleep." he grinned. "You're gonna need it."
I could already feel my body buzz with excitement. "I love you."
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I love you, too."
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jurgenmeister-blog · 7 years
El Matador (Chapter 54)
Sergio's POV "My god Alexia I can't believe we've never done this before." I moaned in pleasure. "You never asked." She teased me, I could sense a smirk on her face. "You never offered." I replied. "I didn't know you wanted to." I added. Her hands were magic, reaching all the right places. After hearing about my rough day at training and seeing me walk in a little bit of pain, Alexia offered to give me a massage. Let me just say, when Alexia offers, she goes all out. "Anything to make my boy feel better." She happily said, digging in more in between my shoulder blades. "Fuck that hurts so good." I half laughed, half groaned in pain. "You'll feel better in the morning though." Alexia replied above me. "And you'll smell like lavender." She whispered in my ear before kissing my neck. "I'm sure the boys will love that." I teased as she continued rubbing my back. To be honest I didn't mind the lavender lotion Alexia was using. I liked to be pampered from time to time, especially by her. "Oh hush, just enjoy this." Alexia giggled as her hands moved to my shoulders, tightly squeezing and massaging. "Oh I am." I smiled lazily as she moved one hand up to play with my hair. "Fuck babe you're spoiling me." I looked up at her happily. "Well it was a tough day for you. My big guy needs to be taken care of." She replied, leaning down to kiss my forehead. As tough and masculine as I could be at times, I always loved getting all of Alexia's attention like this. She had a way of giving me this gentle treatment when we were together sometimes. I exhaled deeply as Alexia moved to massage my lower back. "Babe I love your tattoos." Alexia said softly as she continued to work out the knots in my muscles. "Thanks, I think I'm gonna get more." I mentioned before yawning slightly. "Why? You have beautiful skin." Alexia questioned, not sounding disappointed, just curious. "Because they're all very important to me. Things I love, my family." I responded and Alexia seemed okay with that answer. "Kids names and birth dates too when I finally have my own." I added, smiling. "I think you'd make a great dad." Alexia said sweetly as she moved her hands up my back and down again. I didn't have the courage to tell her she'd be a great mother to my children. I didn't want to scare her, we were still a very new couple. "They'd have cute little freckles like you." Alexia whispered as she kissed my shoulder. She gestured for me to roll over, so I complied. Happily she moved to sit in my lap. "You think the freckles are cute?" I asked smiling up at her, running my hand along her side. "They're adorable and you only notice them if you get close." She softly spoke, leaning down before kissing my nose. "They're more prominent in the summer. You'll see." I responded, moving to peck her lips. Soon she moved to deepen my innocent kiss. I brushed a little hair from her face, caressing her cheek as our lips locked. Alexia smiles softly and sat back up. Her expression changed to a frown as she looked at me. "Babe it's starting to bruise." She gestured to where Xabi had punched me earlier. "Is it bad? Or do I look tough?" I teased her with a smile. "Like Rocky." She grinned back. "He got you pretty good. It's bruising all under your eye." She added, studying it. "Maybe it'll get me a little pity tomorrow at work." I teased her. "At least he didn't split your lip." Alexia raised and eyebrow and leaned down. "Yeah that would have been a shame. It's not fair to keep you waiting on a nice kiss." I flirted back as I rubbed her side. "You think quite highly of yourself don't you?" She teased and leaned closer. I hummed with a smile and wrapped my arms around her middle, pressing my lips to hers. "I love you." I mumbled against her lips as I tightened my grip around her. Alexia pulled away slightly and caressed my face gently. "I love you too, handsome." She whispered and smiled. "You're sleeping over right?" I asked, hoping she'd say yes. It had been a couple days since we shared a bed and I wanted her in my arms. "I am, but I need to go home and get some clothes first." Alexia replied, checking the time on her phone. "I should go do that." She added, moving to get off of me. "Just wear my clothes, you love how they smell." I offered, pulling her back to me. "Don't leave me." I pouted, using a baby voice. "Baby I need clothes to wear out tomorrow, I can't be showing up to training in joggers and a shirt that are both two sizes too big for me." Alexia laughed a little, thinking my suggestion was silly. "Why not? Everyone knows we're together now, it's no secret." I tried but she was having none of it. "Just because everyone knows doesn't mean I can look unprofessional now." Alexia sensibly answered. I sighed heavily, gently rubbing her back. "Hurry back, okay? Don't take too long, I wanna cuddle." I said, releasing her so she could get up. Alexia pecked my lips after slipping her shoes on. "I'll be back in an hour, hour fifteen tops. I love you." She said before heading downstairs and leaving me alone. I felt my nerves creeping up on me, more than usual if I missed a dosage of my medication so I calmly headed to the bathroom. My hand shaking as I fished around the medicine cabinet. *** Alexia's POV: With a smile on my face I happily packed an overnight bag for Sergio's house. Usually I had clothes there but I hadn't gotten a chance to wash those. I searched around my room for some lingerie to wear. I was going to give Sergio a happy ending to his massage, but he seemed more intent on cuddling me. I figured this would help focus his attention. I shuffled over to the bathroom to grab a little bit of make up, a toothbrush, and my hair brush. I tossed all the toiletries I'd need into a small bag and added it to the backpack I was bringing for the night. I sighed happily as I pulled the straps on and left my room, turning the light out as I did. I grabbed my keys and phone off the kitchen counter and saw I had four texts and two calls from Sergio. "I've only been gone an hour babe." I said to the empty apartment as I unlocked my phone. The text messages made my heart race: "Babe, I'm feeling really anxious can you just come back?" "Please, we'll figure out your clothes tomorrow." "I really need you." "Ali, please pick up the phone." I could hear my pulse in my ears as I frantically dialed his phone. "Alexia?" Sergio asked in a very shaky voice. "Baby, I got your texts what's wrong?" I inquired as I grabbed my keys and hurried out. "I feel a panic attack coming, I'm trying to c-calm d-down but I, I just c-can't. Please I really n-need you Ali. I don't want to do this by myself." He explained and I could hear his voice break as he choked out the last sentence. "I'm on my way, 10 minutes, 5 if I get all the lights." I hurried down the stairs, no time to wait for the elevator. Sergio was scared to death and I needed to get over there. "Please, don't hang up." He squeaked out. "I won't baby I promise." I spoke as I fumbled with my keys. Sergio lived 25 minutes from me, but at this time of night and the urgency of his call I had to get there quick. "Are you speeding? Drive safe please I'm worried." Sergio softy spoke into the phone. "Gio, babe, I need to get to you. I told you I would be there for you." I answered him confidently, silently thanking god that all the lights were green. I continued my frantic drive, trying my best to keep Sergio talking, and as calm as I could him. "Babe I'm pulling onto your street." I said, breathing a sigh of relief that he hadn't had a full on panic attack. The other end of the line was silent. Shit, I thought. "Sergio?" I asked as I quickly pulled into the driveway and closed the gate behind me. Still no answer as I grabbed my things and sprinted inside. I dropped everything immediately as I entered the house. "Sergio where are you?" I asked as I ran around looking for him, pausing as I reached the kitchen. Sergio was huddled in a corner, his phone a few feet away, still unlocked and bowl of fruit and glass of water sat idling on the counter above him. I knew he would go distant when he had a panic attack, but not this distant. "Baby." I breathed out, rushing to his side. I hugged him to me and tried to remember everything he said helped. I untangled him from himself and pulled his head to my chest. He said it helped to hear someone else's heart beat. He was sweating and breathing heavy. He didn't move at first except for shaking and erratic breaths. Still unresponsive verbally, which was making me nervous. I delicately reached for his hair, softly running my fingers through it. "Just breathe." I soothed. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I could hear him sobbing and feel a few warm tears through my shirt. I sat quickly, just holding him to me as I played with his hair. All I had to do was get him calm enough where he and I could talk. "It's okay Sergio, I'm right here." I reassured him, kissing his head. It was silent for a few minutes as we sat in the empty kitchen. I was perfectly content, and thankful I wasn't traveling with the team at a time like this. That was a big fear of mine, that I wouldn't be able to reach him if and when he had a panic attack. They're like earthquakes, you never know they're gonna strike until a few seconds before or at least that's how Sergio described it to me. "I love you." Sergio softly voiced from my chest. "I love you too." I sniffed, thankful he had calmed down enough to speak comfortably again. "I'm sorry you had to see that, and I'm sorry if it scared you." He said quietly, still not looking at me. "Sergio that's what I'm here for. I'm here to love and support you, through good and bad. You need to know you're safe with me just like I know you'd kick anyone's ass if they tried to hurt me." I smiled, all the while still playing with his hair. "Thank you." Was all he responded with. "Why don't we get you up to bed? Or a shower maybe?" I asked, moving to get him to sit up. He rubbed his red, puffy eyes before pulling back from the bruised one. "Ow." He mumbled. "I just want to go to bed, with you." He said, looking at me for the first time. "Of course." I nodded and helped him up. Immediately following, I wrapped my arm around his waist and held his hand. "Baby you're all sweaty are you sure you don't want to take a quick shower?" I asked him as we walked slowly up to his bedroom. "I don't want to be alone." He said softly, still upset. "Well I'll get in with you and help you wash up." I offered in a gentle tone and he nodded. By the time we reached his bathroom, Sergio still looked very upset. I was hoping the shower would relax him a little bit before bed. "Okay let's get you out of those sweatpants." I said to him, gesturing for him to take them off. He did as I said while I undressed myself as well. "You look pretty." His voice cracked a little as he spoke quietly, gesturing to the lingerie I had chosen to wear. "Thank you." I winked at him as I moved to turn on the water. Sergio came up behind me, still in his boxers and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pressed a gentle kiss to my shoulder before hugging me to him. "I love you." He whispered as he rested his head on my chin. I caressed his face and turned, planting a kiss on his cheek, "I love you too, Sergio." He unwrapped himself from me and stepped away so we could both finish undressing. I stepped into the shower first and extended a hand to help him in. "Let's get you cleaned up." I said, giving him a tired smile that he reciprocated slightly. I grabbed his shampoo while he stood under the warm water. I gestured for him to come over to me. I massaged his scalp as I worked in the soap, playing with his hair, using my nails. He seemed to relax just a little bit, but was still on edge. "Okay go rinse." I said in a soft, gentle tone. He nodded and went over to the shower head to rinse off. While he was doing so, I found his body wash, my favorite one anyways. He moved back towards me when he was done and I massaged his back as I worked the soap to a suds in his body. Moving to his arms and chest, I did the same. After, I bent down to get his legs. I glanced up at him as he watched me, his wet hair sticking up all over the place. He had a certain look on his face, it was almost like he wanted us to do some adult things in this shower but he didn't have it in him right now. As much as I was looking forward to probably having sex with him tonight, now that was definitely out of the realm of possibilities. "Okay baby, just go rinse off and brush your teeth, I'm gonna go grab my bag from downstairs. I'll be right back, yell if you need me." I said and made my way out of the shower. Sergio stared at me silently as I left, I hoped he'd be fine for a minute while I grabbed my bag. Hurriedly I ran downstairs, holding the towel to me and grabbed my backpack, sprinting back up the stairs. I set it down on Sergio's bed and walked into the bathroom. I walked into see Sergio brushing his teeth with a towel around his hips. He paused and waved at me before going back to brushing. I breathed a sigh of relief and went to put on some pajamas which at this point was usually one of Sergio's shirts and some panties. "Hey." He mumbled behind me, startling me a little. "Hi love." I smiled at him. "What's in your hand?" I asked, pointing to what looked like a shirt. "This is for you." He said softly, handing me the shirt. I unrolled it to reveal a Real Madrid jersey with Sergio's name on the back. "A-after we started dating, and made it official, I scored the next game. That's the jersey I wore. I w-want you to have it. You can wear it when I'm away for a game or you're away, or if you miss me." He spoke, still with a quiet, nervous voice. "Baby, I love it." I smiled at him and pulled off the shirt I was wearing, trading it for the jersey. The sleeves were loose and it was long enough to cover my butt. "It smells just like you." I grinned. He nodded. "I washed it, but I wore again and sprayed a little cologne on it, I know how much you like it." He blushed slightly. "It's perfect." I smiled and walked over to hug him. Sergio wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in his embrace. I heard him sigh and felt him relax a little more, "I'm exhausted, can we go to bed?" Sergio asked. I nodded and crawled into what had become my side of the bed. "Do you want to cuddle?" I asked him, looking over at him. He nodded and got in, quickly moving to be the big spoon. "I'm really glad you're here." He whispered and kissed my shoulder. "Always baby. I'm glad you called." I answered as he pulled me closer to his body. "I'm not letting you go all night." He said and held me a little tighter. It wasn't uncomfortable for me, but I could tell he was still anxious. It was really nice to know I had become his security blanket. "Goodnight Sergio, I love you." I whispered, settling in. He didn't answer, the only response was his quiet, cute snores. Knowing he had fallen asleep was enough for me to relax and drift off too.
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midnightstarsky · 7 years
VS Cartel AU Chapter 2 Part 4
This is my cross-over fiction of vatanim sensin and the narcos history/tv show. This is the fourth part of chapter 2. I hope you guys enjoy this! The other parts of chapter 2 and all of chapter 1 are already posted, just check the vs cartel au tag on my blog.
Note: I don’t own any of the VS characters or narcos characters. These are characters based loosely on history so I any similarities are due to that.
All of these parts can be found under vs cartel au tag on my blog, where you can also find gifs and previews for the story and narcos show. And you can find a mash up trailer.
Hope you enjoy!
This one takes off where part 3 ends, where we get a glimpse of Yildiz in her natural environment, and meet the founding members of CevVas cartel; needless to say our trio of Hilal, Leon, and Ali Kemal are not thrilled to be rubbing elbows with them. 
content warning: This is a cartel fic, so there will be mentions of violence and drugs from this point on from the story. So canon typical violence for a show like narcos is to be expected.
                                             Chapter 2: Magical Realism
                                                           Part 4
Ali Kemal stood in awe as he took in his surroundings, of the golden walls and the massive chandeliers handing above them. Everywhere there were people dressed in the finest clothes money could buy, dripping with jewels. Scattered among these people were a few men and women dressed in dress military uniform, and he felt his eyes narrow. Here were the oligarchs bought off by his father, their loyalty to money more than their loyalty to their country. He tried not to let his disdain show.
              A silence hit the room as everyone turned towards someone making a grand entrance.
              Ali Kemal curiously followed their gaze and stopped.
              Yildiz strutted in, and everyone’s eyes seemed glued on her.
              Ali Kemal felt his jaw drop.
              Yildiz was dressed in a dark blue dress, a plunging velvet dress with a big slit flashing her long legs as she walked. She had her lovely black hair in waves swept to the side, and her lips were a bright red. Her dress was made even more dramatic by the tulle train and the embellishments on the shoulder and one side of her waist that spiked out, like thorns. She looked every inch the cartel princess, draped in luxury in an enticing, dangerous way.
Get to close and Yildiz might entrap you or kill you.
She was gorgeous, Ali Kemal admitted to himself as he averted his eyes, “Dammit.”
“Focus,” he breathed.
He grabbed a glass from a passing server and chugged it down.
Leon eyed him curiously, but Ali Kemal coughed, “Taking advantage of the great booze.”
“Right,” Leon remarked as he turned to his wife, “Hilal, loosen your grip. I’d like to have my right arm intact at the end of tonight.”
She relaxed her grip, “Sorry.”
“I know,” he said softly as he leaned his head near her.
Ali Kemal felt a twinge of envy, but quickly pushed it down as Yildiz came towards them.
“You made it!” a she said giddily.
Ali Kemal grunted in greeting as Leon politely smiled but Yildiz turned her attention to her sister.
“You look lovely, and what did I say? Everyone can’t keep their eyes off you!”
Or you, Ali Kemal thought as he tried not to admire her.
Leon scowled and Yildiz laughed, “Oh, don’t you worry, Leon. No one’s going to steal Hilal from you.”
Yildiz leaned in to Hilal to say slyly, “I never realized that Leon had such a jealous streak in him, I always thought you were the jealous one of the two.”
Hilal frowned slightly before cringing as Yildiz gave her a quick side hug.
I hate you, Hilal mouth to Leon.
Leon’s scowl disappeared as he gave her a pleading look, as if to say, It’s not my fault.
Ali Kemal watched this silent exchange finding it quite entertaining.
“Well, there’s someone you have to meet,” Yildiz said, “And here he comes.”
They heard footsteps from behind them as Yildiz added, “Chairman Vasili has been waiting quite a while for this.”
“I have indeed,” a voice from behind them.
Ali Kemal breathed in sharply, noting that Leon had tensed as well. Hilal glanced up at him in concern, bringing her other hand to run it up and down his arm to calm him.
“Boss,” Yildiz smiled that charming smile of hers that Ali Kemal was really finding annoying.
The man stepped in front of them to face them as he smiled at them.
“Boss, Ali Kemal, Leon, his wife and my sister, Hilal,” Yildiz said as she stepped beside Vasili.
Vasili was a handsome man, with his hair still jet black and twinkling blue eyes that seemed to hide the world’s secrets. He smiled an easy smile, and he had laugh and smile lines. This was a man who enjoyed life, but there was a cleverness there that belied the easy temperament he gave off.
He looked at his sons warmly, “My how you’ve grown, Dimitri, it seems just like yesterday you shoved the neighbor’s kid for stealing your baby brother favorite teddy.”
“It’s Ali Kemal now,” he corrected.
“Hmm,” his father managed before glancing proudly at his youngest, “My son, you’re grown into a handsome man, taller than your brother and I.”
Leon plastered a grin but said nothing.
Vasili didn’t seem to care, he took in his two sons for a moment as if to savor this moment. He sighed wistfully before his turning to Hilal. He looked her up and down and smiled as if he approved of the image before him, making Hilal press closer to Leon as Leon tried not to glare openly at the man.
“And you must be my beautiful daughter-in-law, Leon you’ve chosen well, son. Gorgeous, and if she’s half as clever as her father, a beauty with a brain,” he mused.
“She chose me really,” Leon offered he gripped Hilal’s hand tighter.
“Well, welcome to the family, my dear,” Vasili said as he grabbed her hand to bring it up to his lips, “Anything you two needs, anything at all, just name it. You are family, and I intend to take care of my family.”
Hilal slowly retracted her hand and managed a smile, “Thank you.”
Vasili smiled.
Yildiz raised her hand and called, “Daddy! She’s here!”
Cevdet came into view and Hilal gripped her husband like he was her lifeline and breathed heavily. After a moment, she stiffened and stepped away from her husband to take a step towards her father.  
Cevdet walked over and as his eyes fell on his younger daughter, he smiled softly. He approached her and placed his hands on either side of her face, “Hilal, my beautiful little bird.”
Hilal’s eyes were wide as he kissed her forehead. She grasped blindly for Leon’s hand and he stepped quietly forward and took it. He stroked her hand gently with his thumb as her breathing slowed.
Cevdet pulled back to smile at her, “I’m so glad you’re here, Hilal. Yildiz has told me so much about you, but nothing comes close to seeing your daughter in person.”               Hilal managed a nod, “It’s good to see you too, father.”
Leon winced and Ali Kemal could swear he heard a crack.
I’m sure Leon doesn’t need his shooting hand anyway, he mused.
Cevdet’s smile widened and his eyes shined.
He turned towards Leon, “And you must be her husband, Leon. Yildiz told us about the marriage.”
“Imagine our surprise and joy at hearing that we officially became family,” Vasili cut in.
Cevdet extended his hand towards Leon, “I’ve heard only good things from Yildiz, I’m very happy Hilal found her soulmate in her childhood friend.”
Hilal reluctantly released her husband’s hand so Leon could return the handshake.
“Thank you,” Leon said.
Vasili glanced at his watch, “I wish we could catch up more but business awaits, perhaps some time later we can talk. Miss Yildiz, do make sure they have an enjoyable time.”
“Of course,” she nodded respectfully.
Vasili left with one last smile as Cevdet followed him.
Yildiz spun around, “Well, why don’t I show you around and introduce you to some of our guests?”
She looked at Ali Kemal expectantly her arm extended as if expecting him to take it.
She looked at him with those beautiful green eyes and her pretty smile, and what harm would it do to just enjoy the night…
He stamped those thoughts away as he muttered, “I’ll stay here, not feeling up to walking around much. Not a people person.”               Yildiz’s eyes flashed angrily for a second, so quickly Ali Kemal thought for sure he had missed it.
She turned towards Hilal and Leon, but Hilal was quick to say, “I’m going to stick around here, make sure he doesn’t drink himself under the table.”
Ali Kemal sneered at his sister-in-law.
Her sister frowned but Hilal shoved Leon over, “I’m sure Leon would love to catch up on old times with you.”
Leon shot her a look before saying, “It has been a while since we’ve had time to talk, Yildiz.”
Yildiz brightened and looped her arm through Leon’s and dragged him away, Leon turned his face to mouth, Hilal, this is not fair!
But his wife had grabbed a glass from a waiter and mockingly raised it towards her husband, I love you, darling.
Leon’s eyes narrowed as he turned his head away.
“That will teach him to compliment me in this dress,” she said.
“You’re evil,” Ali Kemal noted as he tipped his glass towards her.
She smirked and clinked her glass with his.
              I love my wife, I really do. But I swear she made it her goal to torment me through our marriage.
Yildiz leaned in closer, “I’m really glad you came, Leon. We should really make up for lost time.”
Leon decided not to mention that she was the one who had run away from her family and her friends only to end up here living a life of luxury paid for by drug money.
Yildiz glanced around as they walked around the grand ballroom, strolling past the circle of dancing couples.
Yildiz nudged Leon suddenly with her shoulder, “That’s General Dimitriou, one of your father’s closest friends in the army. Beside him is police colonel Colonel Antonopoulos. He’s quite the charmer, and a wonderful dancer.”
General Dimitriou nodded in greeting as the younger man turned and smiled as Yildiz flashed him a flirty smile before she guided Leon away.
“And that’s the representative from Thessaloniki and his wife, a lovely pair,” Yildiz continued.
She tilted her head, “That’s the representative from Crete, and the woman beside him is the representative from Patra.”
Leon wondered if these powerful figures knew who their host really was, or did they know and just not care? They were briefed that Vasili had connections in the government and army, but he wondered how deep Vasili’s influence went.
Vasili’s influence, in fact, went very deep. It was a simple matter of offering a choice to people who could stand in his way, money or death. It was a simple but effective choice, one that allowed Vasili the influence and power needed to keep running his illegal business.  Politicians were paid or threatened to smooth over any concerns or questions about where Vasili’s money really came from. Army and police officers loyal to Vasili made it easy for Vasili to do whatever he wanted without worrying about any kind of interference impeding his drug trafficking. Very few people were honest enough to refuse his bribes, even fewer were brave enough to withstand his threats.
“Father had invited General Markoras, but he refused,” Yildiz said sourly, “Arrogant, odious man.”
Yildiz waved over at some well-dressed women before adding, “Of course, your father went out of his way to invite Colonel Mehmet tonight, but the colonel refused our invitation quite rudely. I’ve heard he’s terribly boring so perhaps it’s best he didn’t deign to show up. Married to his job they say.”
“Doesn’t sound like he would enjoy a party,” Leon mused, “Is he someone very important for Vasili to personally invite?”
Yildiz smiling knowingly, “He’s the police colonel responsible for the Thessaloniki province, your father wanted to work with him as part of his bettering the neighborhood initiative. Make the streets safer in Thessaloniki so that children don’t have to be afraid to go out, things like that.”
“Didn’t know father was so charitable,” Leon said as he tried not to sound mocking.
“Oh, yes, buying homes for the poor and funding for hospitals and sports programs,” Yildiz replied, “Your father runs quite the charity for his home city, it’s unfortunate that Colonel Mehmet thinks his work is too important to join us today, these parties are a key part of business not just pleasure.”
Leon wondered if the colonel just hated parties, or he was one of the few not on Vasili’s payroll. He mused on that thought for a moment before he caught sight of his wife and brother each grab another glass from a server.
He sighed.
“This was quite nice, Yildiz, but I really should stop Hilal from drinking herself into a stupor,” Leon smiled, “Hilal can’t handle her alcohol at all, she’d hate it if I didn’t stop her from embarrassing herself from having too much to drink.”
Yildiz looked over, “It looks like she’s already looking a bit tipsy, go on and rescue your wife. I have some people to talk to myself.”
She broke away from him and smiled before wandering off.
Leon made his way to his wife who was already grabbing another champagne flute. He picked up his steps and grabbed the flute before she could bring it to her lips.
“Hey!” she protested.
“You’ve had enough, dear,” Leon handed the glass to Ali Kemal as he grabbed Hilal’s arm to gently guided her away.
Ali Kemal waved them off and finished off Hilal’s drink in one chug.
Leon eyed him as he muttered, “We should really keep an eye on his alcohol intake.”
Hilal nodded before she noticed they were approaching the other dancers, “Where are you taking me?”
“Relax, I’m not kidnapping you,” Leon teased, “I just thought a dance would be nice.”               She narrowed her eyes and stopped, “I don’t want to dance.”
She turned to leave but he gently pulled her by the arm, “Come on, you’ll enjoy it. How often will we get the chance to dance?”
“Leon, my feet are killing me and I’m freezing in this dress,” she hissed, “I hate how exposed I feel.”
But her husband held her hand and gave her a pleading look, “Come on humor me.”
She stubbornly rooted herself where she stood, “No.”
He sighed and leaned down, “Please, loosen up tonight for me? Maybe you’ll enjoy it.”
Hilal eyed him as he pleaded once last time, “Just relax and have a bit of fun for a while.”
“You don’t seem to understand where we are,” she remarked her eyes flashing to his father in the distance, but her resolve seemed to be weakening.
He smiled at her, “Think of it as part of the job, people will wonder why we aren’t dancing.”
She rolled her eyes, “Leon, that is incredibly stupid, oof.”
She gasped as he pulled her close and placed his hand around her back and was spinning her around the room as she glared at him.
“Leon,” she warned.
He released her but only to spin her around and pull her back in, “You were saying?”
She looked at him, her eyes softening and he smiled inwardly.
She bit her lip before relaxing in his arms.
He took that as his cue to keep dancing. They swayed to the music, both in perfect harmony with each other. Leon would release her to spin her before gently pulling her back to him and guiding her around the dance floor. The second time he brought her back Hilal glanced down and tried to hide her smile. The third time she couldn’t help it, she smiled up at him as he grinned back.
“This isn’t that bad,” she managed.
“What was that?” he asked cheekily.
She gave him a challenging look, “Don’t push it.”
He chuckled and spun her one last time before the music stopped. He stood smiling down at her as he held her hand, and despite herself, she found herself smiling too.
“I love you,” he muttered.
Her gaze softened, “I love you too. Even when you force me into these evil heels.”
He brought her hand to his lips, “I’ll make sure those heels never see the light of day.”
Hilal gave him the brightest smile he had seen from her today.
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mila-regan · 7 years
Little fic that adds to my challenge but also not?? Makes sense, I hope. This fic covers a little about Ethan, a phonecall with Tracie and Aliya and more of Mila’s thoughts! The mistakes in the letter were made on purpose. Edit made by the wonderful Cashew. Thanks to @tracie-beauchamp @aliyatyson and @sophiaravensfromillea
The mood was bright and jokes were being told as the beer was passed around.
For one evening, they were allowed to have fun, tonight they could drink and laugh. Tomorrow they would be back on the field, not knowing who would get hurt or who wouldn’t make it to the next day.
He kept avoiding the events on the television on purpose. Staring at the ground as he tried to laugh along with his mates but he didn’t found their jokes funny. Mostly because all the jokes were about him. They weren’t fond of him. They knew why he was there and what he had done. He disgusted them.
These men had all been randomly selected. They were proud to serve Illéa. Proud that they would die in pride and with a cause. They had real families that were proud of them. Some had wives or were engaged and expecting babies.
He had no one.
He would die in shame and without a purpose.
The guy on the chair next to him slapped him on his shoulder and pointed to the screen. It was his punishment to watch along. Watch the three girls standing next to each other. There were smiles plastered on their faces but he could see that none of them was truly happy.
She wasn’t. He had spent way too much time with her to see her genuine happy. Her eyes would have been smiling. They didn’t.
‘’You have good taste dude.’’ one soldier s houted from the other side of the room as the cameras on television zoomed in on her face. ‘’I would totally do her.’’ Another one yelled. There was agreeing murmur and he gritted his teeth. He had trouble controlling himself. To not punch one of them squarely in the face. No one had the right to talk about her like that.
‘’I would go back for such a pretty face too.’’ There was loud laughter. He clenched his fists in anger what made them laugh even harder.
One of the older men shushed the younger guys as they focused back on the television again.
He didn’t want to see her. He wanted her to be happy but not with a Prince. She should have been living a happy life with him in Bankston. She hated him now. He fucked it all up.
He had nothing left and he knew it. The girl he still loved, was nowhere in reach and hated him. He had left his grandmother all to herself in Bankston without a word from him. She didn’t know that he was left here, left here to die. He abandoned the only family that has ever cared about him.
He was unwanted, unloved and a coward.
One last glance at the television and he knew he couldn’t stand to watch this any longer. When the commercial break cut in, he stood up from his place. The soldiers stick their feet out in order to let him trip but he didn’t fall.
Outside he pushed himself against a brick wall as he started to cry.
Enough. He decided that it was enough. He wouldn’t cause harm anymore. Not to anyone.
They didn’t hear the loud shot.
They didn’t notice his empty seat as the next daughter of Illéa was announced. They clapped their hands, proud of the girl that had won while others had rather picked the other one. They were proud of the next King in line. Proud to serve him.
They finally noticed his absence when they got back to their barracks. The lower bunk was empty, except for a yellow note on his pillow. They recognized his neat handwriting and the founder of the note frowned as he read the text.
‘’Have any of you seen Barret?’’ the founder asked while he looked around the barrack. He didn’t recognize any of the faces that belonged to this bunk.
‘’No. He left the cafeteria when there was a commercial break. Mummering something about shooting a fucking guard.’’ The tall soldier with dark hair laughed loudly as his mates smacked him on the shoulder and laughed with him.
They had been picking on their fellow soldier ever since he came into the group, a couple weeks ago. He was a Three, an aspiring scientist who thought he was better than the rest and a traitor to the Crown. He had committed a crime against Illéa and would not leave this camp unpunished for that.
At first there were small harmless jokes. Hiding his uniform and giving the wrong times to eat dinner so he would be late and didn’t get to eat anything.
Those small things grew into bigger plots. Aiming at him with real bullets instead of practice ones or let him defuse a defect bomb that had a high percent of exploding. He got out of it unharmed every time.
At some point, they just started to ignore him. The traitor was just a stupid guy. A psycho who had love get him so far it had damaged his common sense.
‘’What do you have there?’’ another soldier grabbed the piece of paper out of his hands as he took a quick look. ‘’Is this a joke?’’ he asked as he read the few lines. ‘’I don’t know, dude. I’m asking again, did anyone see or talked with Barret?’’ all the other men shook their heads and murmured no’s.
‘’Damnit.’’ The soldier who found the note whispered and pushed through the crowd of men. He went outside to the barrack where this camp kept their weapons and other protection. All soldiers were assigned to their own weapons but he saw it instantly.
The traitors’ one was missing.
When he ran back to alarm the rest of the camp, it was too late as he already heard shouting.
They had found the traitor already..
‘’Those weren’t real guns, that was just your imagination.’’ I whisper to myself hugging my legs close to my chest. ‘’If it were real guns’ guards would’ve burst into my room, they would have brought me into safety and everything would be fine. No one will get hurt. No harm. Not anymore.” my bedsheets are tangled around my feet and drenched in sweat.
I can’t stop my body from shaking anyway. Shivers run down my spine as the imaginary shot echoes in my head. Why does it come to haunt me right now? This was almost two months ago, I should leave it behind. But when I started to think, it was hard for me to stop. My mind started going places where I didn’t want to go.
They went to Ethan, they always shifted to him.
They were about Haiden too. I haven’t talked to him ever since we came back from the shelter. My great idea of taking him here didn’t end up the way I hoped and suddenly, it made me doubt everything. Him, my reasons to be here and all the recent events.
The darkness of the night changes slowly as the hours pass. When the sky has turned yellow and pink my maids come into my room and get me ready for breakfast. I don’t mind going back to the dresses but I prefer my sweater over any dress. But as Saniya helps me in a soft pink day dress I give her a tight hug. Just because I’m so thankful for her.
‘’Oh Miss, before you leave.’’ Dana stops me as I already stand with one foot in the hallway.
‘’You have special mail today, take a stop at the post office if you can.’’ She winks and pushes me carefully out of the door. I shake my head with a little smile and take a deep breath. I hope it’s from the girls, I could use a little courage before seeing Haiden again. It would be as awkward as I would make it myself but with all the doubt, the tension would still be in the air.
I hurry to the post office and walk in the room as the doors are already opened. ‘’Good morning, Lady Mila.’’ Two guards greet me with a small bow as the one immediately starts searching through a pile of envelopes. ‘’I think this belongs to you.’’ He hands me a bright blue envelop and my smile widens as I see my name messily written on the front.
‘’Thank you, gentlemen.’’ I say and make a deep curtsy what makes them laugh a little as I run off with my letter.
In the dinner room, it’s rather quiet and I sit down with the two other girls. As breakfast is served no one talks to one another so I take my opportunity to open and read the letter.
 Dear Mila,
Momma helped me write this letter to you but I wrote the most of it on my own. I’m really proud of you and all the other girls too! But those dresses you wear seem heavy, do you get to take them off in your room?
Momma has let me stay up every Friday night to watch you and your amazing but that’s good.
Is the Prince still nice to you? Does he know how to do sign language when I get to meet him? I hope so. Papa is still not home. He will be when the Prince announces, but that might be weeks away.
I miss you and I love you very very very much, hope you have a fun time at the palace.
Greetings of your little brother, Kian!
 When I look up from my letter the girls heads are turned to me and I realize I must have been laughing out loud. ‘’Excuse me.’’ I mutter and hide the letter away as I take a sip of my orange juice and try to avoid all the eyes. I had to write a letter back soon to him. he would love that. I would send some pictures of the palace along with it.
With my camera in my hand and the phone in my other I walk around the garden, snapping pictures of flowers and the backside of the palace. With the phone, I am planning on calling Tracie. It has been a long time since we have talked and I miss hearing her voice.
When I arrive at the greenhouse, I let out a deep sigh and sink down on the metal bench. This whole greenhouse beams Haiden.
First date, second- first kiss, maybe a goodbye to be added to this list. Who knows..
I dial Tracie’s number and wait for her to pick up. ‘’Hey Trace, it’s me. I haven’t talked to you in ages.’’ I say and hear her laughing.
‘’Oh Mila! I feel like it’s been years honestly. The future Princess is busy.’’ I shaky my head sadly as I hear her say that. I try to laugh with her. ‘’Not so sure about that anymore Trace. By the way, is Ali there?’’ there comes a strange sound from the other side of the line, as if she is spitting her drink out. ‘’You what? Hum yeah, she’s here and not with Ray for once.’’ Tracie sounds almost annoyed.
‘’Hey Mila! Is Tracie talking to you? How does that feel? I wouldn’t know?’’ I guess I’ve been put on the speaker and I frown pushing the phone closer to my ear.
‘’Is everything okay there?’’ ‘’Perfectly fine.’’ Aliya answers. ‘’Can’t be better.’’ Tracie adds but I can sense the tension. ‘’Why are you not sure about winning? I thought you were going for it.’’ I shrug, they can’t see. ‘’I don’t know anymore.’’ I confess. ‘’Not sure? What?’’ Ali asks confused.
‘’I’m so lost in him after the trip to the shelter.’’
‘’What happened? I thought he seemed even more quiet than usual when we brought you home.’’ She comments and I hear Tracie mumble something about the shelter. I remember the ride back to the palace, it was quiet and uneasy. Even Ray noticed.
‘H-he isn’t a determined to erase the Castes, and it isn’t feeling good to him. Because the Castes have been around for such a long time. He thinks too many people will disagree.’’ I explain and feel that heavy feeling again. failure, the feeling that I hate the most.
‘’You brought him to the shelter? You didn’t tell me that.’’ I shake my head. Sorry Trace.
‘’How can he not- I mean, I’m sorry Mila.’’ Aliya says and after that she and Tracie start arguing about curfews and rules. Something I can’t say anything about to mix in. I just listen.
‘’But have you spoken to Haiden after that?’’ Ali asks after the argument.
‘’We haven’t. I feel that my affection for him is so one sided.’’ ‘’You should talk to him Mila.’’ Tracie insists and I nod. I should, but how?
‘’He doesn’t understand that I love him.’’ I try but Ali defends him immediately. ‘’He can be scared.’’ ‘’He is scared.’’ Trace confirms. ‘’I am scared too! He has two other girls to pick out from but I only have one heart. I am sacrificing my whole future for one decision that he will make!’’ my voice becomes louder and I feel tears burning behind my eyes.
This is my future too, I am making sacrifices too.
After a long pause, Aliya asks the burning question that I have asked myself maybe a hundred times. Often late at night. ‘’Do you think you’ll be happy with him, Mila? Because if you won’t- You can still step out, you don’t have to force this because you came this far.’’
‘’I don’t know Ali, I don’t know anything anymore. it’s all a big mess.’’
‘’You would need a break from him if you want to know what I think. You need to think clearly without him being around.’’ Somehow, I like that idea of Tracie. She has some good ones once a while. ‘’We’re barely talking already.’’ I mutter.
‘’I can kidnap you.’’ ‘’Tracie, seriously.’’ Ali scolds.
‘’I can’t let him break her heart.’’
‘’Rational ideas please.’’
And so it went on.. ending with Tracie and Aliya talking it out. Tracie spilling her heart out which I’m glad she did. She cried, I cried and with jokes of her kidnapping me I hung up. If only she would really do that.
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I spend the rest of my day in the garden and my room. Writing a letter to Kian with the balcony doors wide open. My maids play games of cards and read my books. It’s good to have distraction and they are the best at doing that.
In the evening, Dana prepares one of the nicest baths ever. She knows me so good, exactly when I finally could use one she knew it. I take my medicines which were assured to be fine and enjoy the warm water and the comfort of the bath. For once there is no place for Haiden, no place for worry and doubt about love and broken hearts. There isn’t even Ethan to spook around. There are only bubbles and that one book I have wanted to finish for ages.
After an hour or three I get out of the tub and dry myself off with a clean towel. I wrap one around my dripping wet hair and around my body as well. I would sleep early, get some energy and speak with Haiden tomorrow. Yes, I’ll do that.
I even hum to myself as I walk back into my bedroom. As I notice the two figures standing in my room I let out a scream and clutch the towel closer to my body.
‘’TRACIE, SOPHIA!’’ I back away in confusion as Sophia waves a little awkward. ‘’Hi.’’
Tracie smiles bright and crosses her arms. ‘’Told you I was going to get you kidnapped.’’
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