#color x epic
swiftmitsu · 4 months
Ship requests?
Can I request Epic and Colour?
Your art is very pretty btw
euwijskd thank you 🥺<3333
here you go~
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never heard of them before but i feel like they’d have a chill relationship<3
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zhenykami · 1 year
Epicolor 🍪🌈
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I haven't posted about it in a while
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shinechermont · 10 months
Unexpected Changes - Chapter 4
First chapter
Previous chapter
Thanks to them
Ccino’s phone buzzed. He already knew who that was.
“Hi Color”, Ccino said with his usual kind tone.”Is everything okay? You called me earlier today.”
“Nothing outside the usual”, Color’s tired voice could be heard from the phone. He probably hadn’t taken a sip of his morning coffee. “I am just calling to know if you are alright.”
Ccino couldn’t help but let out a small giggle. “Hehe, you don’t have to worry, I am okay!”
“Are you though?”
Color said that as if he didn’t visit Ccino for weeks, when in reality he appeared in the previous day with his boyfriend to help take care of the kids and of the shop.
“Don’t lie to him, coffee boy!”, Epic’s voice could be heard on the other side of the call. “If this man discovers you were crying he is going to-”, and then he stopped talking. Instead, a very loud screaming from one of his rubber chicken getting smacked against a solid surface could be heard.
Ccino started to laugh as Color exasperatedly told his boyfriend to stop acting like that - it was 8 a.m.
Honestly, Ccino didn’t know where he would be now if it weren’t for them both.
Not so long after Nightmare disappeared, Ccino’s mental condition worsened. He felt lonely - the only person who stayed for him just… didn’t stay - and the fact he had to deal with his own feelings while having to prepare for the arrival of his kids and take care of an entire coffee shop on his own was, well, exhausting.
Then, these two guys, Color and Epic, started coming to the coffee shop. They started being frequent customers - probably due to Color’s coffee addiction - and they ended up making friends with Ccino. It was fun to have them around - they would always bicker each other in such a sweet way, and they all would have such fantastic ‘pun battles’ until the three would be wheezing on the ground.
Again, it was fun to have them around. They were extremely friendly, like most of his customers really, but, one thing the shop owner didn’t expect was the couple’s sharp eye to his silent signals of tiredness and discomfort. 
They would always gently point out that he had bags under the eyes, that he would almost fall asleep in the back of the balcony sometimes and many other things…
So then they started by offering to help Ccino with his chores around the shop. They were both too stubborn to accept Ccino’s refusals. They managed to overcome his stubbornness - a big win, really.
They knew when Ccino was having a bad day, and it was in those in which they gave him a very, very helpful hand.
…But of course, that didn’t change the fact that Ccino was depressed and still didn’t overcome the fact Nightmare left him and his soon to be born kids alone… This resulted in Ccino having a mental breakdown in front of his two friends, in which he finally ended up saying what happened.
And once again, they both gave him the most helpful hands in the world. They stood in there for him, gave him room to think over his own feelings and vent his own feelings and insecurities when necessary. 
When he suggested going to a therapist, they both supported the idea. And that meant the world for him, as it was a huge step he was afraid to take - he feared just talking about all the crap that made him feel upset with himself with someone he wasn’t familiar with… but in the end, he guessed that it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be…
While managing to vent out, he managed to think things through - specially when it came to parenting - and he got a lot less insecure about it.
And then, the babies came. It was extremely difficult, but he wasn’t alone, as the triplet’s best uncles were always visiting to help their very tired papa. The least said papa could do was to make Epic and Color their godfathers - role they gladly accepted!
The kids would always have fun with Color and Epic. They were the best child entertainers and caretakers Ccino ever met. The back of his coffee shop, where his actual house was, would always be filled with laughters.
Of course, things weren’t perfect - three toddlers and a coffee shop filled with cats gave him a lot of work to do! - But Ccino wasn’t alone anymore. He had people who actually cared about him and would always be there.
He couldn’t have wished for more.
Almost two years without updating this fanfic! I really am not proud of how much time it took for me to write two pages, but it is here!
This is the conclusion of Unexpected Changes. I wanted to apologize to everyone who was waiting for an update.
@lixgalactic sorry for the tag but you seemed interested in seeing a continuation. Actually, it was your comment that motivated me to give this story an actual conclusion!
I hope all of you guys enjoyed it! In case of any grammar or spelling errors please tell me!
Ccino by black-nyanko
Epic by yugogeer012
Color by superyoumna / othertale-blog
Nightmare by jokublog
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loving-delusions · 2 years
Epic x Color
Can you draw it? Because I want to see it in your art
here u go! ^^
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they're so cute :')
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I want to ask you about an uncommon ship, few people know about it
What do you think about Epicolor (Epic x Color) ?
You can ignore if you don't want to reply
Hey ! Sorry for the delai, and like a lot of persons, I didn't know about this ship 😂 but it looks interesting to be honest ^^ the personality and desing fit well. They totally can be a good ship but it's my opinion ;)
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brotherconstant · 2 years
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2tr4ng3r · 6 months
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Yall seemed to really like these, so heres some more! ❤️
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Merry Christmas!🎄
I hope you enjoy your holiday
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saturniade · 10 months
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yes well. why dont you make up some pairings of sdv villagers and maybe youll calm down.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
Feral and Animalistic Behavior.
Growling, snarling, biting, etc.
Subtle attempts at asserting dominance.
Implied dehumanization.
Mentioned violence.
Mentioned blood and possibility of infection.
Deep loneliness.
Badly translated Arabic.
Implied one sided Color x Delta.
If anyone told Color that he would one day be used as a chew toy for his traumatized, crazed, alternate version of himself, mass murdering best friend; he would’ve called you crazy.
But as luck would have it: he was the crazy one. Because he was currently allowing Stage 3 to chew on his arm like it was a fresh piece of bacon.
It was better than the alternative, of Killer attempting to break Color’s neck with his teeth maybe, but by the stars did it hurt.
“okay, buddy,” with a grimace, Color attempted to shake Killer off his arm. Which was a bad move, because the way Killer’s head snapped towards the skeleton, wide and intense gaze pinned straight on him, was a soul stopping moment.
Color could hear the growl building up in Stage 3’s chest, the ribs rattling, and wasn’t that just swell? Sweat dripped down the skeleton’s forehead.
“look, bud,” Color gulped, attempting to keep his voice steady and to maintain a sense of calm. He knew Stage 3 wouldn’t understand what he saying, but it would understand the emotions. He didn’t know how the crazed being would react to signs of pain or fear, but he knew he shouldn’t stare directly in his friend’s (?) eyes. Animals typically took that sort of thing as a sign of being challenged. “i know you think you’re being nice..”
The responding rumble from the skeleton body latched on his arm seemed to confirm that, and Color couldn’t help but find that a bit sad.
What exactly led this part of his friend into thinking not immediately ripping someone to shreds was being kind, and leaving bite marks in flesh and bone was friendship?
It was a rhetorical question. Color knew who made them like this. Not exactly what, but he could guess. Was it really even a surprise that Killer could hardly function in society? People were either threats, lines of code, or interesting toys to play with his friend’s eyes.
Somehow Color managed to worm his way into being something different. But that didn’t mean he was safe, he was aware of that. He was something new, really.
He just hoped his novelty wouldn’t ware off one day. That maybe that bits of Sans that was left over in Killer had enough care for him to not throw him away once he got boring.
Guilt suddenly overtook Color at that thought. It was a cynical way to view things. He knew Killer was trying, he knew his friend was relearning how to care for or trust others.
The fact Color had gotten as far as he has with Killer, to the point that the multi souled creature would proudly proclaim him a friend, already said a lot.
But it was times like this that Color couldn’t help feeling insignificant; very much like a toy. He knew the higher Stages of his friend’s soul certainly weren’t stable or mentally sane, in a way that was different from Stages 1 and 2. At least they could pretend to keep it together.
But not Stage 3, and probably not 4, either. Definitely not Stage 4, actually. Killer had attempted to hide the existence of that one from Color for a while, and he was clear when he said he didn’t understand Stage 4 in the slightest.
Stage 3 was feral. Or..”crazy,” as One has described it. It didn’t take Color long to realize that 3 didn’t think in complex ways, like he or the lower Stages could.
It saw the world in movements and survival. Non verbal cues, body language, the tone of your voice and facial expressions. The creature was unpredictable; one wrong move could have it attacking whoever moved or looked at it a certain way.
Stage 3 twitched sometimes, uncontrollably. When it was excited or nervous, mostly. Those could pretty unnerving to see.
Its movements were very much like a predator, graceful and adaptive, yet it was clear that it was ready to attack at any moment. Look it in the eyes or smile a certain way, and it’ll be on you before you could even blink.
This even applied to..”friendship.” Color couldn’t really say if the feral animal living inside his friend’s broken body knew what friends were, but Stage 3 was the definition of love bites and roughhousing (if leaving teeth marks and bruises during play times counted as that.) Perhaps a better word would probably be more animalistic, like a pack mate.
Or a pup that 3 had to care for. Or a sheep it had to herd, maybe even a resource that needed guarding. Territory.
Color couldn’t say, and Stage 3 couldn’t tell. Out of all the Stages, navigating this one’s world was the most confusing.
“..but, that hurts.” Color reached out, cautiously placing a skeletal hand on his friend’s skull. He hissed when Killer instinctively clamped his teeth down harder, thanking whatever Gods existed that he didn’t hear a bone snap. Stage 3 was tense, shaking with what seemed like excitement (or maybe it was fear? Fear of the unknown?), yet it wasn’t growling and going for the neck yet. “not everyone can endure what you can.”
Slowly, slow enough that the feral thing could stop him if it wanted to, Color began to lightly scratch along the top of its skull. Killer was quiet and unnaturally still, staring with those dark, huge eye sockets at Color. The flame head attempted to avoid staring back, suddenly aware of how awkward it is to be giving your grown adult best friend head scratches.
He couldn’t help but wonder if this was how he was going to die. Killer had warned Color against Stage 3 for a reason, after all. Had even advised using extreme methods such as killing him, putting Killer down as if he was a rabid dog, if that meant Color lived.
Killer wasn’t the type to exaggerate the danger, not while in Stage 1. Stage 2 was all about the flair and the dramatics, pretending he cared about anything more than he actually did. Emotionally fake, in any way that actually mattered. Everything about 2’s acts was..unreal, like watching an alien putting on its human skin and play acting.
(Color couldn’t hold that against him. There was no winning in his situation. Mask and be seen as a creep, don’t mask, and be seen as an emotionless husk that was still a creep.)
Stage 3 was a threat. It can, has, and will brutally kill. Anything resembling friends and allies were temporary things in its world. The only luxury is that it won’t bother to draw out the death. It doesn’t want pain, it wants you out of its way. Away from it.
Color’s soul felt tight, conflicting thoughts pulling him in different directions. Perseverance urged him to cease any potentially life threatening actions immediately, but kindness and patience insisted in giving this a chance.
Bravery suggested taking a bolder action. Maybe Stage 3 would react better if Color could show that he was stronger?
Justice reared its head in disgust at the thought. Hadn’t Killer had enough people forcing dominance over him?
Judging by the way Color still hadn’t pulled away, his fingers even bravely making their way down and underneath Killer’s chin, the decision had already been made. A unanimous one, once Color carefully went over every perspective.
Sudden movements would only scare Stage 3 off, or provoke its temper. Color didn’t want to hurt Killer, even if said friend was currently chomping down on his bones like a tasty meal. Especially when this was just 3’s atypical way of showing affection, despite how bad it hurt.
With a gentle hand, Color was sure he could show Stage 3 a way of love that didn’t have to hurt.
“it’s alright, جرو.” He muttered lowly, watching the way Killer’s body shook in its fear and confusion. It still wasn’t attacking, despite it all. Trust was there. The hold on his arm was present, but certainly not as hard as it was before. “i won’t hurt you. أنت آمن مع—“
Color’s words were cut off by Killer suddenly lurching away from him, and Color leaned back when the skeleton bared his teeth at him. Dark ink slid down the porcelain white face, staining the teeth, and the soul was barely anything resembling a shape. More red than white.
Color tensed, his breath catching, as he stared back; his eye socket blown wide and the eye light a mere pinpoint. Despite his fear, the flames burned a fierce orange, as he stood his ground; raising his chin up at the animal and narrowing his eye.
It wasn’t a challenge, but there was no way he would allow the fear and surprise to show. And he needed Stage 3 to see that he wasn’t going to be pushed around.
The two stared, one attempting to maintain eye contact while the other stared intently at the space between eye sockets. It was quiet, not a sound beside the rumble of the air conditioner in Color’s run down, crappy apartment.
3 suddenly let out what sounded like a chuff, snapping his teeth at Color. Before the cracked skull skeleton could even react to that, Killer was on his feet and rushing out of Color’s bedroom; in what could only be described as his tail between his legs.
Color watched his friend run away in quiet astonishment, slumping against his bed pillows. He knew where the animal was likely running off to; Nightmare. Or to be more accurate, the dark, warm, and quiet closet in Killer’s bedroom.
Which meant Color likely wouldn’t be seeing Killer for another few days. A few weeks, if Nightmare keeps him busy.
Disappointment was a knife in Color’s soul, that ever aching loneliness already making itself known; an empty cavern in his being that he could never seem to keep filled.
Blood dripping on to his shorts demanded his attention, and Color glanced over at his arm. The bite was in a perfect shape of Killer’s teeth, covered in salvia. An infection was likely, if Color didn’t heal it.
Color didn’t want to. He wanted someone else to heal him for once, to feel the warmth of healing magic and intent washing over him. Battling off darkness and bone deep loneliness.
But Killer just ran away. Dream and Ccino were likely busy with their duties, Epic was likely spending the day with Cross. Gaster was still in the Void. Core Frisk..he didn’t want to have to rely on them. They were just a kid, they’d probably freak out if they saw the injury.
..It might reflect badly on Killer. And his chances on getting into the Omega Timeline, once Color managed to help him leave Nightmare.
Which left Delta. Color was overdue in giving his ex roommate the souvenirs he got for him, anyway. With his uninjured arm, Color reached over to grab his phone from the nightstand; immediately pulling up his most recent contacts.
As soon as he caught sight of the profile picture, of Delta’s brazen smile, Color couldn’t help but consider if things had been different. If he had decided to give up on Killer like everyone seemed to want him to, stayed in the Omega Timeline with Delta and tried to live a normal life.
The thought of it caused his non existent stomach to churn. He wasn’t built for staying in one spot. He couldn’t give up on Killer. He knew it was dangerous, possibly even impossible. Maybe it was even pathetic to be chasing after someone as unstable and danger prone as Killer.
Everyone kept insisting the same thing, over and over. He can’t change.
But Color couldn’t believe that, not for a second. Not when he’s seen the way Killer crashes and breaks after each mission. Not when he’s seen the man come apart at the seams over the injuries of a beloved pet, blaming himself for every single thing that goes wrong.
Not when Killer looks at him in that way. Scared, but hopeful. Trusting. Admiring and loving. He can’t be the reason why such a look no longer grazes that face. The reason why his hope up and shatters and flies away in the wind. He won’t be.
But it’s nice to have support, whenever Color is the one left in shambles. He’s grateful for Delta, truly. But he can’t give the man what he wants. He’s just glad that Delta seems to understand that.
Without allowing himself to ponder much more on it, he quickly presses down on that green call button. He’s silent as the rings fill the air, the sounds breaking through the silence in such a way that Color has to resist the immediate urge to hang up. Grating on his non existent ears.
The rings seem to go on for such a long time that Color finds himself holding his breath once again, wondering if perhaps this is the point where Delta finally leaves. Or maybe his friend was busy, and Color will once again have to patch himself up.
Then the soft, welcoming click of a phone call being answered fills the room, and Color heaves a sigh of relief. He can’t stop smiling when he says,
“hey, de. you have a moment?”
I had to use Google Translate for the Arabic bits, so it probably isn’t accurate, but here’s what they’re supposed to mean:
‎الجرو = Supposed to mean pup. But translates to puppy.
‎. أنت آمن مع = “You are safe with—.” Supposed to be “you are safe with me,” if he wasn’t cut off.
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maimoncat · 7 months
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Another old piece
Just wanted to draw Gilgamesh and Enkidu. And then colour it. and then draw a background like in those french romanticism paintings. See, this is why nowadays I‘m more comfortable drawing beyond the sketch phase on the tablet: I absolutely suck at colouring!
Wollte einfach mal Gilgamesch und Enkidu zeichnen. Und sie ausmalen. Und einen Hintergrund wie den bei französischen Bildern der Romantik zeichnen. Seht ihr, das ist der Grund, warum ich nach der Skitze derzeit immer mit dem Tablet zeichne: ich bin eine echte Niete beim ausmalen!
Volevo solo disegnare Gilgameš ed Enkidu. E colorarli. E disegnare uno sfondo tipo quelli dei quadri del romanticismo francese. Vedete, è questo il motivo per cui oggigiorno vado oltre alla fase dello schizzo solo digitalmente: io faccio davvero schifo nel colorare!
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fluermoop · 3 months
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Meus desenhos nem são tão bons e tem gente roubando eles, socorro
Enfim, minha kinsona (da lux) e minha namoradinha butterfly 😋💞
Me digam shipps para desenhar pls 🙏🏻
Tell me ships to draw pls 🙏🏻
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• Rhombus ! My Butterfly(EpicColour) x Lux(CrossDream) kiddo !! :•
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
• Credits :
Butterfly belongs to : @lunnar-chan
Lux belongs to ???
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
• Info :
- moon Hunter ! Hunt the children of the moon…
- Diamond hair !
- lives in the desert :]
- genderfluid!!
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lunnar-chan · 2 years
Hello Lunnar! Sorry for my curiosity but I have some questions about Butterfly that I would like to ask you?
1 . How old is she in the adult version?
2 . Does she have friends? I guess maybe her friends are Lux and Starcross? (sorry if i'm wrong)
3 . What is her personality like? Is she like Epic or Color? Does she like the rubber chicken toy that her father (Epic) used to play?
4 . I wonder if you are thinking about her right now and have something special for her?
Sorry for asking so much about this and bothering you, I just wanted to get to know her better. It's okay if you don't want to answer these questions, I still respect your decision.
Have a great day ❤️
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Okay, well, let me translate some information about Butterfly from original post since so many people asked for her. Sorry for being too long in silence, as you see, I'm alive, haha.
First, she is 23 in adult ver., she wore more simple outfit before she got another one.
Her birthday is in November 30th. BTW, here's another's kids birthdays if you're interested.
Butterfly has an... autophobia (fear of loneliness)? But in much light form. This does not prevent her from living, but it manifests itself in her behavior. You know that her parents are not a couple, just like friends, brotp, whatever you like, so we can say Butter is a kind of fusion.
She’s very kind and cheerful person, she also likes to joke (Epic instilled her a sense of humor) and does this really good unlike Starcross (aww, sorry, baby, I told them the truth). Butter is always glad to play with another kids, no matter what kind of children it is. Anyway, then the day is out, she stays alone, and dreams about any company.
Butterfly always tries to show her parents that she’s alive and she wants their attention. Maybe even obsessive behavior… but no one minds! If Epic or Color are free, Butter comes to them and will be next to them as long as she can or if they need to back to their universes. So yes, she doesn’t live with Epic nor Color, she has separate house in abandoned void. Thanks to creators, Butterfly doesn’t need to eat, she entertains herself with anime that Epic recommends to her, and also she likes to play with puzzles!
Well, when Epic knew he has a daughter, he was confused at first, but he admitted it and now tries to educate Butter. Color thinks this is annoying and Epic tells her an absurdity (in real, he just hangs out with her, but we know Epic is actually smart). Color is more serious, he was skeptical when she was born, but the most parents’ duty he takes over on himself, so they discuss more about important things while walking somewhere in a quiet place.
Don’t think they don’t love her, they just, um, busy enough to be together every time. Butterfly appeared in wrong “couple’’ in wrong time, but both of them try make her happy.
Anyway, her fear will never leave her alone. She will be always so obsessed with someone next to her, who will give her attention, care and love. So my babies will meet her when she will fifteen years old! I will not let Butterfly end up alone!
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kyokasuiigetsu · 2 years
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zhenykami · 2 years
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I draw more about Epicolor 🍪🌈
But still really don't have much idea for it 😶...
Epic blengs to yugogeer012
Color blengs to superyoumna
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