#code refactoring
Prioritizing Technical Debt in Business-Focused Scrum Teams: A Framework for Addressing Technical Debt to Improve Product Quality, Increase Productivity, and Align with Business Objectives
Abstract In Scrum teams, prioritizing technical debt can be a challenge as the focus is primarily on delivering value to the business through product features and functionality. Technical debt can hinder the team’s ability to deliver value over time by slowing down development, introducing bugs, and making it difficult to maintain the codebase. Therefore, it is essential to address technical…
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webstoriess · 1 month
How to Use GitHub Copilot to Refactor Code: A Step-by-Step Guide
In software development, refactoring code is a routine task. It involves changing the structure of the code without altering its functionality. The goal is to improve the code’s readability, reduce complexity, and maintainability. Here’s how you can use GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered tool, to help you with this task. Understanding Code Refactoring Code Refactoring refers to the process of…
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Techniques to Perform Code Refactoring
Red green refactoring
Refactoring by abstraction
Composing method
Simplifying methods
Moving features between objects
Preparatory refactoring
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zaions · 1 year
10 Common Mistakes Made by Intermediate Developers and How to Avoid Them
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kaiserouo · 1 month
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Sick of setting up the scene, adjust all settings, and render 8 images individually by hand for every character i want reference for
Spend >2 hours coding the functionality to do the whole procedure in like 5 clicks
Spend more time just to code something that saves time? Sure why not.
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iobartach · 4 months
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frog707 · 10 months
I lied when I said I was going to work next on loading a 3-D model. Sorry, old habit! Actually, I went straight into refactoring. Let me explain...
The English Wikipedia defines refactoring as "the process of restructuring existing computer code . . . without changing its external behavior", which is fairly accurate, though lacking in motivation.
My back-of-mind definition would be "changes to code whose primary purpose is not to add features or solve issues, but to make the codebase easier to maintain".
Back when I worked for corporations, I got in the habit of never mentioning refactoring around anyone who wasn't a software developer. If my boss (or my boss's boss) knew I was making changes (and spending work hours) on something other than approved features or known issues, awkward questions would arise. (Like, do we have a billing code for that?)
Anyone who's worked intimately with a large software project knows that if changes are made only for features and issues, the project will accumulate "technical debt" that makes it difficult to maintain: hard to explain/learn/understand/remember how it works and hard to make changes without introducing bugs.
Both of today's refactorings focussed on the BaseApplication class, which became unwieldy weeks ago. Last night the source file for the class reached 1901 lines of Java code (not counting blanks, comments, and javadoc). I don't place a hard limit on lines of code in a class, but a file containing 1901 LoCs positively screams technical debt. It's especially painful these days, since I'm working on a laptop with a tiny screen and using a track pad instead of a mouse. (I spend lots of time scrolling back and forth, hunting for the lines I need to change.) Cramming as much as possible into a single file makes some sense for a tutorial, but I see the V-Sport project as something I'll be maintaining for many years.
First I split off all the code that deals with physical devices and put that in a new PhysicalDevice class. The change greatly clarified which properties of the physical device matter and how that information is accessed.
Then I split off all the code that deals with texture data into a new Texture class. The new class bundles up 3 related Vulkan resources and provides a clear lifecycle of create/use/destroy. I expect it to minimize duplication of code when the project transitions (sometime in the near future) from a single texture to multiple textures.
I'm subjectively pleased with how smoothly today's refactoring went. One measure of its success is that BaseApplication shrank from 1901 to 1650 lines of code. Still plenty of room for improvement, though!
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dontcode · 5 months
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I think my commit name is very funny
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
seriously though healing causing F.C.G pain sure uh. Sure throws some complications into the works huh. At least for me. Mentally.
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gender-trash · 2 years
also sorry abt the infrequent + low-quality Poasting, i am once again in demo hell at work so im just like. completely braindead in the evenings. especially since over the past two weeks i think i've rewritten like half the robot driver + firmware. which is supposed to be the hardware team's responsibility but the hardware team does not currently have any programmers and i DID write the first drafts of both of those before handing them over to Andrew The DM (now living at a nice grad school upstate), who handed them over to another guy, who also quit and handed them back to me (with only a little wear and tear).
but like... do i really want to be working on higher-level robot behavior stuff during a(nother) demo crunch? no the fuck i don't!!
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jackdaw-sprite · 8 months
It's been said before about the bugs we get here on tumblr dot com but sometimes I just really want to know what the hell the backend for this website looks like. Like, tumblr live is a *new* feature. How is it already so kludged together that changing the timeout on the toggle broke the toggle entirely?
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cauldronofmorning · 8 months
Aya just feels like home you know? Like I feel safe and happy with her, and I want to know all the paintings in it and understand what they mean.
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otter-byte · 9 months
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copilot calling my code a hack. Okay bestie how about I wave a magnet over your severs and we'll see how you feel.
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roast my code
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findrahil · 1 year
if the code isn’t broken then don’t fix it
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kmclaude · 2 years
You deserve to have a bit of an ego tbh, you make incredible work that resonates with people AND you're chill when so much Online is very not AND you give great advice AND you deserve nice things on basis of being a human. I know you struggle with self worth sometimes and that's normal but it always makes me so happy when you post about how proud of your work you are. ❤️ not that that defines your worth! As a person you are introspective and kind and laidback and that's just as important.
thanks ♥ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
i try to not have too much of an ego but i am truly very proud of my work -- art is the only thing i find i am both good at AND have a constant interest in, so it's natural to want to like....smash it in people's faces. not in a 'rub it in' sort of way, more a...aggressive kindergartener hyperfixated kinda way. a lookit what i made!!!!! which i think is a human thing to want....
(and much like my kindergarten experience the reaction is "ew why are you so weird" which yanno you'd think that'd prepare one better for....*gestures*...anyway wow again at it with being dark and depressing, sorry!)
anyway! yeah! thank you! maybe after i'm dead i'll be famous which will suck for me because i'll be dead and can't enjoy it but it'll be great for the handful of people who bought my zines and can sell them on ebay lmao which i guess would be kinda cool. put your kids through college from your weirdo lewd zine collection. now if only my comics could put me through college
chill existentialism vibes out here ayyyyyy
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