#cl fanfic
verstappensrealwife · 24 days
"Because he likes you!" - Lando Norris x Reader
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angst, smut, fluff.
approx. 2800 words
warnings: slow burn?, sex, tiny hint of carlos sainz jr x reader, ofc sex. Reader “rewarding” Lando for winning!
lando norris masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
From the earliest memories of childhood, Lando Norris was a constant presence—a thorn in your side, a tormentor, a source of frustration. He revelled in teasing, in taunting, in making your life just a little bit harder. Your parents' dismissive explanation, "It's because he likes you," grated against your nerves, a feeble attempt to rationalize the torment. You did not like Lando Norris. Not at all. Not even the littlest bit. Not at all.
But hate was a strong word.
In your teenage years, Lando's torment took on a different form. The physical assaults of hair pulling and tripping you onto your face may have ceased, but the verbal jabs and the mocking laughter persisted, carving deeper wounds into your already fragile heart. It was as if he revelled in your discomfort, delighting in every opportunity to belittle and humiliate you, all under the guise of adolescent affection—a twisted notion that your parents foolishly labelled as "liking you."
Your family received the coveted invitation to his Formula One debut in Australia—an event that filled you with a conflicting mix of emotions. The pits pulsed with an electric energy, a cacophony of roaring engines and frenetic activity, cameras capturing every moment of the spectacle.
AUSTRALIA, 2019 With the guest pass draped around your neck, you navigated the bustling pits, your younger brother trailing behind you, wide-eyed with excitement. His adoration for Lando bordered on obsession, his youthful enthusiasm a stark contrast to the simmering resentment that burned within you.
You finally located the Orange garage, the vibrant hue catching your eye amidst the bustling chaos of the pits. With determination in your step, you made your way over, anticipation building with each stride. But as you reached out to tap the shoulder of the figure clad in orange- he was not the man you thought he was.
"Lando— Oh, hi, not Lando,"
The man before you exuded an undeniable charm, his smile lighting up his features and drawing you in despite yourself. There was an aura of confidence about him, a magnetic presence that commanded attention and left you momentarily breathless.
"Hello," he replied, his voice smooth and warm, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "I could be Lando for you," he flirted, his words tinged with playful intent.
"Would rather you not, he's not my type," you quipped.
But before you could dwell on the awkwardness of the moment, your younger brother, who had been tugging on your hand impatiently, finally spoke up, his excitement palpable. "HI CARLOS!"
"Hi, little man." He looked down- not even noticing the young boy when you approached. "Is he...?"
"Not mine! Brother." You cleared up.
He smiled softly before turning his attention back to entertaining the 5-year-old, leaving you to absorb Lando's sudden presence with a mixture of surprise and nonchalance.
"Didn't think my biggest hater would come," Lando remarked, his hand landing on your shoulder with a familiarity that made you bristle.
"I'm not here for you," you replied with a smile, gesturing towards Carlos who stood nearby, engrossed in conversation with your brother.
"Him? Why?" Lando's skepticism was palpable.
"Well, just look at him—those eyes, that accent, not to mention those muscles," you teased, unable to resist the opportunity to indulge in some light-hearted banter.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop you right there," Lando interjected, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation. "He's not that hot," he insisted, though his tone betrayed a hint of uncertainty.
You chuckled in response. "Oh, believe me, he is," you insisted, your gaze lingering on Carlos as he interacted with your brother. "I would," you added casually, shrugging off Lando's incredulity.
"You would?" Lando's brow furrowed with genuine curiosity. "What would you do?"
Ignoring his question, you watched as your brother returned, proudly displaying Carlos' autograph adorning his shirt. "Bye, Carlos," you called out, offering a warm smile and a nearly imperceptible lip bite, to which Carlos responded in kind. Then, without sparing Lando another glance, you turned and walked away, leaving his unanswered question hanging in the air.
"WHAT WOULD YOU DO?!" his voice echoed after you, but you were already lost in the crowd, your thoughts drifting back to the captivating Spaniard you had just left behind.
After the race, as Lando jogged over to his and your families, the tension from the race began to dissipate, replaced by a mix of relief and begrudging acknowledgment. You couldn't deny his skill on the track, but that didn't mean you had to like him.
When he approached, surrounded by congratulations and well-wishes, you offered a lukewarm response, the bare minimum required to acknowledge his achievement. "Well, I mean I'm glad you didn't die?" you quipped, injecting just enough sarcasm to deflect any further attention.
Lando nodded in your direction, his own smile tempered by your evident lack of enthusiasm. You responded with a tight-lipped smile of your own, a silent reminder that while you might share the same space, any camaraderie between you remained strictly superficial.
As Lando finished the race at Silverstone, notching an 11th place, you couldn't resist a playful jab at his performance. "Maybe one day you can get points!" you teased, your tone dripping with faux enthusiasm.
Lando's comeback was quick, his words laced with sarcasm, "Maybe one day you can stop being such a virgin." You burst into laughter, thoroughly amused by his attempt at banter, though he seemed puzzled by your reaction. His confusion only deepened when he followed your gaze to Carlos, who was nearby.
"Oh my god! Him?" Lando exclaimed, catching on to your playful insinuation.
Lando's playful challenge caught you off guard, his smirk daring you to match his boldness. "So if I DNF, you'll sleep with me?!" he quipped, his tone teasing but tinged with a hint of curiosity.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, suppressing a laugh at his audacity. "Pfft! You do that plenty! Win first maybe?" you retorted, firing back with equal parts sass and amusement. The banter between you continued, each remark a playful exchange that danced on the line between rivalry and camaraderie, reminding you both that despite any differences, there was still room for light-hearted teasing and mutual respect.
But you still didn't like him.
MIAMI, 2024
What a mistake! Because here you were, in the Miami heat, watching Lando beat Max by 5 seconds.
Honestly, you had forgotten that deal long ago.
Lando had not. He had thought about it at every close call of winning, every podium, every late night...
You were scared for him, you didn't like him- you just didn't want to see him fail... You don't like him...
When he passed the finish line he was shouting into his radio, thanking alot of people before you heard your own name.
"...and Y/N, I hope you remember Silverstone 2019!"
People looked at you for answers but you had none.
Until he got out the car, sweaty, tired, hot– warm! Because of the heat...You didn't think he was hot.
That was when you had the answer.
Gosh... Long day ahead.
As he practically flew out of the car, his eagerness palpable, he landed amidst a bustling crowd, his body unexpectedly colliding with yours. The force of the impact nearly sent you stumbling, but before you could fully register what had happened, his arms encircled you in a tight embrace. In that moment, amidst the chaos of the surroundings, there was a brief interlude of serenity as you found solace in his warmth.
But the tranquillity was short-lived. His whispered words shattered the fragile bubble of peace, leaving you reeling in disbelief. "Gonna fuck you so good tonight," he murmured, the unexpectedness of his crude remark contrasting sharply with the tender embrace moments before.
A mixture of emotions surged within you, a turbulent storm of confusion, disgust, and an unsettling flicker of attraction. It was a disorienting mixture, leaving you struggling to make sense of the conflicting feelings swirling within.
When he finally released you, his touch lingered, his hands reluctant to part from your waist. His gaze held yours for a fleeting moment, a silent exchange of unspoken words passing between you, before he abruptly moved on to greet the next person in the crowd. Left standing there, you couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had settled over you like a heavy fog.
Hours later, as you walked briskly towards the hotel, he trailed behind you, his presence an unsettling reminder of the encounter earlier. Unsure whether to match your pace or maintain a discreet distance, he hovered awkwardly, his uncertainty palpable in the air between you.
"This feels creepy, Lando," you remarked, casting a sidelong glance at him. "Just catch up with me; you look like a stalker."
"It's not creepy!" he protested, his cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment. "We're heading to the same room... for the same... things."
You raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering in your eyes. "Things," you echoed with a wry chuckle. "You can say sex, Lando."
His blush deepened, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Sex... with you. Wow."
"I... I thought the crush I had on you since I was, like, born, was pretty obvious," he confessed, his hand gently resting on the small of your back, a tentative gesture of intimacy.
The admission hung heavy in the air, an unspoken confession of long-held desires and hidden emotions. Caught off guard, you stumbled over your words, struggling to process the revelation.
You halted in your tracks, the weight of his words sinking in. "Huh."
"Yeah..." he murmured, his gaze softening as he met your eyes. "Well, Repunzel was right—mothers do know best."
A bittersweet smile tugged at your lips as you resumed walking, his hand still lingering at your back. "It wasn't Repunzel; it was Mother Gothel," you corrected, a playful glint in your eyes. "And yeah—I'm a Repunzel fan, so what?"
His laughter echoed in the night air, a shared moment of levity amidst the weight of the conversation. "Shut up," he teased, gently nudging you as you walked side by side.
"Make me," you shot back, a playful challenge laced with a hint of something deeper—an unspoken invitation to explore the tangled emotions that lingered between you.
His laughter danced in the night air, a melody that seemed to weave around the unspoken tension between you. As his gaze met yours, there was a flicker of something more profound, a silent invitation lingering in the air.
A playful grin tugged at his lips as he leaned in closer, the warmth of his breath sending a shiver down your spine. "Challenge accepted," he murmured, his voice low and husky with anticipation.
In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you suspended in a timeless embrace. His fingers traced a delicate path along your jawline, igniting a trail of sparks that seemed to dance beneath your skin.
With a gentle tug, he drew you closer, his lips brushing against yours in a tender caress. It was a delicate dance of longing and desire, a silent symphony of unspoken emotions finally finding their voice in the touch of his lips against yours.
As the kiss deepened, the world around you melted away, leaving only the sensation of his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer with each passing moment. In that fleeting instant, there was no room for doubt or hesitation, only the overwhelming rush of love and longing that seemed to bind your souls together as one.
And as you finally pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, there was a silent understanding that lingered between you— upstairs. Now.
The kiss continued unabated, an unrelenting torrent of passion that seemed to consume every ounce of your being. With each step towards his room, his touch ignited a fire within you, sending waves of desire coursing through your veins.
In the confined space of the elevator, his hands roamed freely, exploring every curve and contour of your body with an insatiable hunger. The air crackled with electricity as his touch lingered on the curve of your ass, his fingers tracing patterns of longing and desire against your skin.
The journey to his room was a blur of messy kisses and frantic touches, the urgency of his desire palpable in every brush of his lips against yours. His cock strained against the confines of his jeans, a silent plea for release that echoed the longing pulsing through your veins.
As he fumbled with the keycard, his impatience was palpable, his focus solely on the tantalizing promise of what awaited behind closed doors. The moment the door swung open, you were both consumed by a primal need that eclipsed all rational thought.
With a forceful push, you tumbled onto the bed, the weight of his body pressing against yours as the door slammed shut behind you. In that moment, there was no room for hesitation or restraint, only the raw intensity of two souls drawn together in a frenzied embrace.
"Was that Lando?" George asked, with popcorn and a bottle of water in his hands, looking over at Alex who held the same.
"What the fuck-"
His movements were urgent, desperate, as he sought to satisfy the burning desire that raged within him. He had barely been able to put the condom on with how shaky his hands were.
With each thrust of his hips, there was a raw intensity that bordered on reckless abandon, the rhythm erratic and frenzied. The sound of skin against skin filled the air, punctuated by the rhythm of your ragged breaths and the soft, breathy moans that escaped his lips.
His forehead was damp with sweat, pressed against yours with an almost possessive fervor. The heat of his breath mingled with yours, creating a heady cocktail of desire that hung thick in the air between you.
Every touch was electric, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your veins. His hands roamed your body with a fevered urgency, leaving a trail of fire in their wake as he traced every curve and contour with a hunger that bordered on obsession.
In that moment, there was no room for restraint or inhibition, only the primal need to be one with you, to lose himself entirely in the depths of your passion. And as he surrendered to the intoxicating frenzy of desire, he found himself consumed by a blissful oblivion, lost in the heady rush of ecstasy that washed over him like a tidal wave.
You were a mess, a writhing wreck, unable to keep still as he pushed his entire cock into you. In and out, hitting the perfect spot every time. Each thrust earning another lewd moan from you. He was so proud he could make you feel so so good. But he couldn't keep going any longer after you came on his cock, the feeling making him so overwhelmed he couldn't keep it together as he came.
Not able to keep himself up anymore, he fell ontop of you.
"Ouch!" You giggle as he rolled off, beside you. You lay there, breathless and trembling, your body still pulsating with the aftershocks of pleasure as he collapsed beside you. His weight pressed against your side, a comforting presence amidst the disarray of tangled sheets and scattered clothing.
"So, how was that..." he ventured, his voice barely above a whisper, laced with a hint of uncertainty.
You turned to him, a playful smirk dancing on your lips as you met his gaze. "Surprisingly good," you admitted, a playful glint in your eyes.
"Surprising?!" he exclaimed, his brows furrowing in mock offense. "What, do I not seem like I'd be good?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his incredulous expression, reaching out to playfully tousle his hair. "Oh, you were good," you assured him, your voice laced with affection. "More than good, actually."
His lips curved into a satisfied smile, a sense of pride flickering in his eyes. "Well, I aim to please," he quipped, his tone light and playful. "Does this mean you'll go on a real date with me?"
"Maybe win again and we'll see!" You joked, making him playfully smack your leg. "Joking.. I suppose I can," You shrug.
"You won't regret it, I promise," he vowed, his tone earnest and sincere.
He led you to a charming café nestled in the heart of Miami a few days later, the bustling streets alive with the vibrant energy of the city. As you settled into a cozy corner booth, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the tantalizing scent of pastries, creating a welcoming ambiance that enveloped you in its warmth.
"So, you and Carlos..." he began, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he leaned in closer.
Your brow furrowed in confusion at the sudden topic of conversation. "What about him?" you questioned, the curiosity evident in your voice. "If it's about 2019, we didn't actually do anything," you clarified with a casual shrug. "Did go on a few dates though, but he met another girl he liked," you added, your tone nonchalant and unaffected.
The playful smirk on his lips faltered slightly, replaced by a look of genuine surprise. "You didn't even— You didn't even sleep with him," he whispered, his voice carrying a hint of disbelief that drew the attention of a few nearby patrons.
Your smile remained unwavering as you shook your head. "Nope," you confirmed.
"I guess its because 'I liked you' or whatever..."
Okay so maybe you did like Lando Norris... Just a little- maybe a lot.
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eversincevenus · 2 months
In a world of boys. CL¹⁶
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°•Summary:When least expected, is revealed to the public your and Charles wedding.
request are open.
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liked by charles_leclerc and 137.926 others
yourinstagram: Part time driver, full time photographer 📸.
tagged charles_leclerc
view all 16.937 comments
username to have charles leclerc has my personal photographer😩
username: what i wouldn't do for that😩☝️
username: a girl can dream.
username not he giving his all to yn's pics
yourusername: what can i say, he understand the importance of my ig feed.
charles_leclerc: im you elite employee!
username: not charles being chronically online🤠
yourusername: baby stop ✋️!!
charles_ leclerc posted on their stories
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viewed by yourusername, pierregasly and 214.098 others
replies to your story
username: stop, she so pretty 😍
username: where are you guys at???
username: is not her b-day rigth?
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbff and 164.037 others.
yourinstagram: such a special moment shared with all our special people ❤️
tagged charles_leclerc
view all 23.837 comments
username: body goals ✨️ 😍
username: yes, i wish i was that pretty
username: where the dress is from?? Is so dreamy
yourbff: stop, this is such a emotional moment for me 😪😪
yourusername: don't be like that, you know u are my forever ♥️
yourbff: I better be!
charles_leclerc: my till the end
yourusername: 💗🤍
username: tell me why everything is so strange these days.
username: that's what I been saying, what are they celebrating???
username: it could be someone birthday, you guys need to chill
username: no, (y/n) friend and charles comments sus
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liked by charles_leclerc and 437.936 others
yourinstagram: caro mio ben.
tagged charles_leclerc
View all 43.835 comments
username: stopppppppp
username: my parents are married 😪😪
username: and the children (us) were no there
username: 😩
username: i knew it!!!
username: my husband has a wife
username: We need more photos
charles_leclerc: mon ange 🤍
scuderiaferrari: we're emotional here
username: she officialy the W in wag.
im back, not with a noah post but with a charles one. Already want to say I'm sorry for everyone who is waiting for my noah post, I'm just not inspired to write and I'm trying my best, I just have all these ideas on my head but is very difficult for me to put them out.
785 notes · View notes
charles-eclair16 · 11 months
Justice for Joris: Charles Leclerc
Pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
Genre: fluff🌥️ social media au 🌟
About: Joris being the Steve in Charles relationship aka where fans wants justice for Joris
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Liked by peirregasly, carlossainz55, your_username and 69.7 k others
Tagged: your_username
lando.jpg: after party🥂 with the lovebirds
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Username06: they're so cute
Ferrarigirl: Charles looks so good
F1fan09: thank you for the pics lando
Charles.ynfan: lmao Joris💀
Your_username: @joris_trouche why are you making that face
↪️Charles_leclerc: he's fed up with us😂😂
↪️lando.jpg: honestly even I'm fed up with you guys
↪️Joris_trouche: honestly can you blame me @your_username the things I had walked into🫠
↪️Charles_leclerc: @joris_trouche as if I wasn't the one third wheeling you for years
↪️16fangirl: spill the tea👀👀
vettelfan: poor Joris😭
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2K notes · View notes
formulafics · 6 months
Hi, love your fics!! ❤️❤️ Could I request a charles x reader? One where she's also a driver (your choice which team) and she's from Poland and their flags just look like 🇵🇱🇲🇨 and it's like a "funny" coincidence to the fans or something, maybe it's a charles and y/n thing to always point out how similar their flags are
Scenario: time and time again, your flag gets mixed up with your boyfriends’, and vice versa. this time around, something a little more interesting than just a mixed up flag happens.
Pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader (mclaren driver)
A/N: i’m so sorry this has taken me so long to get to! thank you so much for your patience 🫶🏻 this is actually such a cute idea, i love it. i hope you enjoy the fic! <3 ALSO THIS IS MY FIRST CHARLES FIC ‼️WHO CHEERED?
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liked by arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri, f1, yn_ln, and 1,360,155 others
charles_leclerc good to be back on the podium…even with the flag mishap. i wouldn’t want it to be any flag but @/yn_ln’s.
view all 12,345 comments
yn_ln i could say the same for your flag. congrats on p2 baby you deserve it! 🥰
scuderiaferrari if you can’t beat them join them. right @/yn_ln ?
⤷ yn_ln 👀
⤷ rizzciardo hey so what does this mean lol
landonorris get a room
⤷ yn_ln bet 🤭
leclercnorrisrussel WE CAN BE WORLD CHAMPION I SAID
lovelyleclerc yk its a good day when yn and charles are on the podium together
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, landonorris, alex_albon, georgerussel63, and 864,562 others
yn_leclerc (accidentally) took his flag, joined his team, and now taking his name. 🤭❤️
thanks lando for taking the pictures 🫶🏻
view all 9,652 comments
charles_leclerc through sickness, health, and mixed flags 😂
⤷ yn_leclerc forever and always baby ❤️
landonorris thank god i don’t have to spend another year with you
⤷ yn_leclerc just bc we aren’t gonna be teammates doesn’t mean we aren’t friends 🤨 you’re not getting rid of me that easily mister. also i gave you photo credits i expect you to be nicer
pierregasly congratulations ❤️ love you guys
maxverstappen1 💙
georgerussel63 congrats guys 💙
carmenmundt so happy for you both! congratulations, mr and mrs. leclerc! ❤️
paularon_ @/arthur_leclerc can be the flower child at the wedding!
stardustf1 serving parents more than ever with this one
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yn_leclerc and scuderiaferrari
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liked by charles_leclerc, alex_albon, f1, paularon_, arthur_leclerc, landonorris, and 876,542 others
yn_leclerc a wise man once said “if you can’t beat them, join them” and join them i did. 🤭 can’t wait to see what the 2024 season brings!
view all 7,672 comments
charles_leclerc i love you ❤️ can’t wait
⤷ yn_leclerc i love you more
oscarpiastri thank you for the seat
⤷ yn_leclerc your welcome pls take care of lando
scuderiaferrari happy to have you! 🥰
lovelyleclerc everytime i get the notif that you post, i go insane. i just wanted you to know that!
norrisnation i’m gonna miss you in mclaren but im so happy for you 😭🧡
ynsnumberone MOTHER
⤷ rizzciardo it truly isn’t a yn post if there isn’t someone in the comments calling her mother
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thank you for reading! all feedback is appreciated! — dae <3
💌 | @renarots @jsjcue @lovstappen @illicitverstappen @treehouse-mouse @minkyungseokie @lokietro @spidersophie @arkhammaid @vellicora @stopeatread @motorsp0rt @leclercvsx @cixrosie @piasstrisblog @vroomvroomverstappen @harrysdimple05 @sadieurlady @fastcarsandshit @kortneej81 @i-love-ptv @pretty-little-bunny382728 @elliegrey2803 @yagirlhayes
831 notes · View notes
angywritesstuff · 1 year
Pole King... (and queen)
Just a quick one in honor of the pole king who is back
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader warning: probably poorly written english/ the first post is a video
liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and others
ItsMeYn It's Quali day they said... dress accordingly they said...
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charles_leclerc ✓ I like the pants
↪️ItsMeYn Of course you do
ilpredestinato She understood the job perfectly liked by itsmeYn
evelyn.leclerc They are gonna be twins... i love it
charles.leclerc.fanclub She is always so supportive of him
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liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari and others
ItsMeYn I'm dating the Pole King if you were wondering... (so this means I'm a Queen... just saying)
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scuderiaferrari ✓Charles is on fire in Baku
↪️ItsMeYn He is always on fire charles_leclerc✓My queen ❤️ liked by ItsMeYn, yourmom, and others
cherles.leclerc.fanclub He's done an amazing job... King and Queen
f1.obsessed You do the points on Sunday not on quali
↪️ItsMeYn Thank you for telling me... I didnt know 😒 ↪️evelynleclerc She is so sarcastic... I love it ↪️pierregalsy✓ Yn your claws are showing liked by ItsMeYn
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liked by charles_leclerc, leclerc_pascal and others
ItsMeYn I think I look good in a wedding dress... @charlesleclerc what do you think? view all comments
charles_leclerc ✓ you always look amazing
↪️ItsMeYn That wasn't... nevermind... thank you
lewishamilton ✓ Did I miss something?
↪️ItsMeYn Of course not... you would be my first invitee ↪️arthur_leclerc ✓ Yn your crush is showing ↪️ItsMeYn @arthur_leclerc show some respect... you child... there is a seven times world champions in this comments section ↪️charles_leclerc ✓ What crush? ↪️ItsMeYn nothing baby
pierregasly ✓ I would like to be the best man
↪️ItsMeYn tell your friend to make a move and I could put in a good word ↪️pierregasly ✓ We've got a deal
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and others
ItsMeYn This year I'm bringing winx to coachella 🦋 view all comments
Yn.leclerc didn't even get to the ID check before blessing us
↪️ItsMeYn no rest over here
Yourbestfriend I heard lewis is at coachella too...
↪️ItsMeYn who do you think took the photo? 😁 ↪️charleswife you are always disrespectful towards Charles with all your flirting with Lewis and the fact you're always half naked ↪️ItsMeYn I can promise you Charles loves my being always half naked ↪️charleswife you don't deserve him ↪️charles_leclerc ✓ I can assure you I'm the one who doesn't deserve her and there is a big difference between flirting and joking. I have never had a doubt and never will about @itsmeYn love and faithfulness ↪️ItsMeYn you tell them babe.. love you lewis- I mean Charles ↪️charles_leclerc ✓ @itsMeYn you are a menace ↪️ItsMeYn @charles_leclerc you love me
charles_leclerc_fanclub OBSESSED
↪️charles_leclerc ✓ Me too
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charles_leclerc ✓
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liked by itsMeYn, pierregasly and others
charles_leclerc ✓ She is like a baby... she stops making a fuss when you buy her ice cream
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ItsMeYn what's that saying? a lady in the street and a freak in the sheets?
↪️charles_leclerc ✓ baby.... ↪️ItsMeYn What? i'm asking ↪️charles_leclerc ✓ now pierre is gonna appear on this comments section ↪️pierregasly✓ 😏 ↪️charles_leclerc✓ see Yn... what did I tell you.. he is gonna make more damage than he did with the dog emoji ↪️ItsMeYn don't worry... I got you ↪️pierregasly✓ Yn why are you calling my girlfriend? stop talking to her... thank you... now I'm in the dog house ↪️ItsMeYn I thought that was what you liked... sorry I must have misunderstood the dog emoji ↪️piarlesfan Oh my god....I laugh everytime they interact in the comments
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liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc, Charles_leclerc and others
ItsMeYn Date a F1 driver they said... it's gonna be fun they said... @charlesleclerc
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charles_leclerc✓ You are such a scaredy-cat
↪️ItsMeYn I thought you said cut not cat... also you're sleeping on the couch ↪️pierregasly✓ charles you can always sleep at mine if she kicks you out ↪️ItsMeYn I like this idea: you take Charles and I take Kika ↪️pierregasly ✓ Not liked by pierre gasly ↪️ItsMeYn but liked by Kika 😘 ↪️Yn.leclerc @itsmeYn woke up and chose violence
olliebearman ✓ I heard dating F2 drivers is even better
↪️charles.leclerc.fanclub Not Oliver Bearman flirting with charles' girlfriend ↪️arthur_leclerc✓ man that's my sister in law ↪️Yn.leclerc wait what... sister in law? are we missing something? ↪️veronica Remember that post of a while ago in which Yn was in a wedding dress and was hinting at Charles to propose... Did he take a hint... we need to know ↪️F1Obsessed And if infact they did get married: was @lewishamilton invited and @pierregasly was the best man? we need to know someone talk please
taglist: @buendiabebeta @whathesaid @idkiwantchocolate
English is not my first language so I'm sorry if there are any mistake.
Supporte of any kind is always welcome and appreciated
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ricciardosheart · 6 months
What the actual fuckkk
Charlesssss baby the things you do to me - 😳😳😳😳😳
guys this is my edit
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pia-nor481 · 7 months
Wine and Whiskey (part two)
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Charles leclerc x reader smut 18+
3.3k words
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“Where are you going?” Her voice slurs in whining, shimmying closer to the edge of the bed and shooting up to stand, stumbling far more than Charles did.
He was quick to catch her despite the surprised look on his face, his arm coming around her bare waist to press her closer to his body. Even with the way his fire proofs rubbed against her skin, she only leaned in closer to prop her chin on his chest. “I was just going to get a towel to clean you up,” Charles chuckled softly, bringing another hand up to run his fingers through her hair. While the touch was relaxing, and as much as she wanted to settle into him, the obvious tent pressing against her abdomen kept her alert enough to huff and attempt to stand straighter in his grasp.
“And not let me take care of you?” She muttered softly, sulking as Charles’ hand slipped down to cup her cheek. Another chuckle leaves him, except there was a slight mock in his tone as his fingers slid further down to hold her chin up once again. “You can’t even stand up straight,Cherie.” He smirked down at her, although he was certainly intrigued at just how determined she seemed to be to please him. Even after his win today.
She flashed him a smile, his teasing only urging her on as she slipped her hands under his shirt to squeeze his hips and lean up closer into his hand, “I don’t need to stand.” There was a gleam in Charles’ eyes, clearly having piqued his interest as he gazed down at her with that same desire from moments ago. That alone was enough encouragement for her to catch his lips in a slow kiss. Her hands began traveling higher under the black shirt, where her fingers slid along his sides and pressed into his back to feel that much closer to him. A shift in her step caused slight stumbles and breathy chuckles shared between the kiss, and soon enough his shirt was finally off. Not to strain her feet any longer, her lips traveled lower down his body, leaving teeth marks and circles of reds over his skin. The heavy breaths and soft groans above only spurred her on, nipping softly at his navel as her hands found the waistband of his trousers, only to be stopped by a firm hand against the back of her head.
Gazing up at Charles with wide and curious eyes, she notice him holding his glass of whiskey while he looks down with a slight tilt to his head, as if he was was curious himself. Swallowing in anticipation, she watched completely enthralled as Charles tipped his head back with his glass, assuming he was taking his last sip. With a look in his blues that had her body yearning towards him, she pushed herself up on her knees as her heart thrummed under the buzzing excitement. Charles’ hand pressed her head closer, holding it in place as he leaned back just enough to let the whiskey pour past his lips and stream down from his chest to his sternum, dribbling past his navel in a straight path to her lips. Without even asking, she tilted your head back with an opened mouth, chin digging into his abdomen to drink up as much of the whiskey as possible. Even despite the disdain for the hard liquor; the act of it, the heat of the exchange causing an ache between her legs all over again. As much as she hated the taste, the mere fact that it sat in Charles mouth and rolled down his body to meet her tongue, had her moaning where she kneeled in front of him with her head in his hand.
There was an almost mean laugh in the air as his fingers dig into the back of her head, tangling in your hair. “Vous avez enfin changé d'avis pour le whisky, hein ? Et tout ce qu'il a fallu, c'est un tourbillon dans ma bouche pour que tu gémisses autant… Honnêtement.” There was a tantalizing edge to his voice, how he smiled too sickeningly sweet down at her. But she just couldn’t help the feeling of pleasure. As her eyes averted from his, a sharp tug to her hair lead to gasps. Immediately meeting Charles’ darkened gaze paired with that teasing smile of his. “What happened to “doing what you had to do”?” He chuckled softly, taking one step back towards the edge of the bed, all the while she followed him in earnest on her knees with hands grasping at the sides of thighs. His hand was still in her hair even as he sat at the edge of the bed, even more intimate in his proximity to her. With her hands on his knees, all she could do was look up at him as he leaned down. Close enough to smell the woody vanilla aroma of whiskey in his rougher yet controlled breaths.
“You really are such a sweetheart.. Wanting to take care of me, even after such an overwhelming orgasm…” Charles spoke low enough to caress her throat, coaxing her into a trance that had her leaning into him subconsciously as a sly smile spread across his face. “So go ahead,” he started in a deep purr, nuzzling around her cheeks and sending a shiver down her spine, “Do what you have to do.”
Charles kissed her in the same vein, slow and gentle in the drag of his tongue and the tug of his teeth over her bottom lip. As he pulled away, his hand slipped from her hair to rest on the edge of the bed, and the slight nod of approval had her leaning in to press kisses down his navel slowly. The lingering taste of whiskey on his skin had her humming and licking her lips, her fingers tucked under the waistband of his fireproofs and boxers as she kissed lower.
Once he slipped free of his garments, her eyes trailed up slowly and her mouth watered embarrassingly so, having to swallow heavily just from looking at him from between his legs. Pressing her hands against his inner thighs, she lined up kisses along the underside of his cock, letting her lips drag lazily as she leaned in closer to kiss at the head. With a blissful sigh just above her, she could feel Charles’ hand slip under her chin, caressing at the jaw like he was appreciating her before taking him in. She leans into his affection, Charles’ thumb sliding along the bottom of her chin and tugging it down to part her lips. In the cloudy haze, their eyes met as his thumb pressed against her lips in tandem. “Show me.”
There was confusion for a split second, until Charles pushed his thumb past the part of her lips to press against the middle of her tongue. Almost immediately, she wrapped her lips around his thumb to swirl her tongue around it, hollowing out her cheeks and bobbing her head slowly, all the while he held her eyes. He looked more than pleased with her display, tilting his head slowly to get a better look of her, and if his eyes didn’t show it, the slight twitch of his hips definitely did.
“That’s it..” he sighs slowly in his pleasure, only for his grip to tighten under her chin for a second, his thumb firmly hooked under her tongue as he tugged her impossibly closer. “surveille juste tes dents, chérie.” He spoke in a soft warning, but something about the glint in his eyes held a curiosity to see if she would actually try. As she nods in his grasp, Charles slowly slips his thumb out, gently rolling her bottom lip down before finally letting her go, to lean back against his hands. Finally deep in that fuzzy headspace, she wraps her hand just around the base to stroke him down, ease out the tension and tightness in his abdomen with her tongue swirling around the tip. She wad spurred on further by the quiet grunts and heavier sighs that bloom from his chest, her lips finally wrapping around him fully with a delighted hum buzzing against him.
Charles groaned shakily and curled his fingers around the sheets, watching through half-opened eyes as she bobbed her head slowly, similar in motion to the way she sucked his thumb; taking her time all in earnest to make him feel good. She lost herself in the feeling, just as he did. The heat and the weight of him, the pulse of his veins and the heady taste, it was full and warm and scratched the right itch of her needs that she not-so-subtly hid away in the crevice of her mind. Both of her hands pressed against his inner thighs once more, forcing him to accommodate as she lowered her head and widened her mouth to take in more, to feel him slip into her throat where she swallowed hard around his girth. “There.. There you go…” Charles praised in the rumble of his chest, his head lolled to the side where it rested on his shoulder. He got the perfect view from that angle, watching the way the light caught in teary eyes, the growing flush in her cheeks that hollowed the deeper she went– it was certainly a sight to behold all in the part of his knees.
It looked as if she wanted to consume him completely, having started this to take care of him, only for it to slowly shift into a filthy and selfish desire to feel more of him, to hear him sing for in a way that only she could pull out. how her tongue plucked the strings of his pleasure, how her throat swallowed him in to project those deep grunts. The occasional shift of his hips is what had her squirming on your knees, so eager to please and yet so eager to be used, to use him. The drunk feeling was so much in her mind– spinning in the foggy haze, wanting so many things all at once knowing the pleasure would be just as rewarding all the same. Charles let out a breathless laugh as he observed– how she looked so torn in gaining her own pleasure all while she wanted so badly to pleasure him too, to have him feel the same way as she did, with her mouth so full of his cock. He found it cute, almost, how her sense of direction had become so muddled in the chase for Pleasure.
“tu es jolie, petite chose.” Charles murmured in that same rumble, cooing almost as he brought a hand over to brush his fingers along her cheek, brushing away the few strands that stuck to her face in the slobbering haste. “.. Si doux et impatient, hein ? Doux dans la façon dont tu m'accueilles... Me laissant glisser tellement plus profondément, là où j'appartiens,” he whispered his way of praise, his hand sliding down as he spoke to stroke the length of her throat. The way he leaned over pushed him so much deeper than she could him, breathing in deep and shaky through her nose; choking at the intrusion, and yet welcoming him with a whine from the lighter parts of her flushed chest. He reveled in the cushiony heat, gasping quietly in heavy breaths as her throat closed in around him, as if trying to accommodate for his size, or perhaps take more of him.
As Will leaned back to admire her and her desperation, his fingers tangled back into her hair as she continued in her languid motions with an occasional hum and moan of her delights. Charles looked down at her expectantly with that sly smile of his and hummed grunts sounding from his glistening chest, his hand so close to just pushing her down for him to use, she was more than pleased to be on her knees and giving into all of his desires. She dipped down lower, taking him deeper, slowly reeling back, Will’s hips suddenly bucking into her mouth with his fingers tightening in her hair. She choked and gagged at the sudden motion, nails digging into Charles’ skin as the tears blur her vision. “désolé-” he panted, but looking up at him through the tears, he didn’t seem too sorry by the act, nor did his grip loosen in her hair.
There wasn’t a single spark of disdain in her glassy eyes, pupils wide and dilated like something had awoken in you. The ache in her jaw, burning at the corners, and the sharp pain of her scalp, she was beyond saving at this point. Breathing deep and heavy through her nose, shaky in between as she took him deeper again, slowly pulled away to bask in the warm weight– and he thrusted again. This time she moaned at the sensation, the burn and ecstatic heat in her throat coursing down to her core. Charles murmured his apologies, but it was no use with the way he did it over and over and over again, and she took him in well just as he praised. As she could only squirm and whine around him, her entire face flushed and glistening with her fallen tears and sweat, lips swollen so prettily that he had to pause for a moment just to look at her.
Charles’ hips stammered in her mouth, jumping in her throat as her nose nestled into the trimmed hairs of his pelvis, with eyes rolled behind her lids, a drawled moan reverberating from the depths of her chest went straight into his groin. “Oh– You’re insatiable–” Charles’ words strained in his throat, choking with the bob of his Adam’s apple as her tongue caressed the sensitive underside of his cock, the pulse of his veins thick and urging her closer, to drag him closer to the edge. Her neediness seeped into his fingertips, warming at his chest and swirling in his core. His jaw falling slack, fucking your throat with abandon as his fingers twisted into your hair. Charles was barely sitting at the edge of the bed, his hips driving into her, she created choked off moans like a beautifully curated orchestra for him. He tuned those strings just right, plucked and loosened inside of her, keeping her pliant enough to play that he was practically hers to tease and toy and break and build up all over again.
This was the only place she’d allow her to get lost in, gazing up at Charles with pleading eyes, glazed over with something obscene, almost depraved, far from wanting anything gentle and warm. It was hot and indelicate the way he held her head in place and found that pace that had his chest heaving, glistening with a sheen of sweat with a curl of whispered praises and curses leaving him at once. He caught her gaze in his haste, swollen lips growing into a knowing smirk as he rolled the heat– that weight right on her salivating tongue with the anticipation of what’s to come. The tighter twist of his fingers in her hair had her whimpering in the sharp pain, a particular thrust down her throat caused her to choke and scramble to grasp at his thighs, his voice coming in rough and guttural and dripping with sex, “Don’t waste it. Not– Not a single drop, you hear me?” He asked as if she could answer, continually shoving himself down her throat in a way that stirred her insides without actually fucking her guts.
“ Nous ne gaspillons pas notre… Notre nourriture ici, chérie. En particulier.” He panted, coming out heavier and quicker in tandem with the sloppy thrusts of his hips. “–Especially.. When it’s made just.. For you.. So, don’t. Waste it.” He growled out the last phrases, emphasizing his words with a thrust, and one more for good measure– before forcing himself down her throat and giving her everything he had, spilling into her with a drawled moan and twitching hips. “oh putain, oui, c'est ça, oui, oui, putain.”
With her nails clawed into his thighs, she swallowed down every last drop just as she was told to, even as her lungs burned, even as her body felt like it was on fire, wanting to curl away from the strain– but the pain blurred the line of pleasure that it had her floating all at the same time. The heft of W
Charles’ hand still on her head, tangled in her hair and trembling as he held her for a moment longer to relish in the heat, to get drunk off of it, a feeling he could never get just drinking whiskey on his own.
Ever so slowly, he reeled back trying to catch his breath, pulling her head up with him once he was satisfied, as he was teetering on the edge of overstimulation. There, he loosened his grip on her hair, hissing with the resounding pop of her lips released from the head of his cock, and soon his hand found its place back under her jaw, but she looked satisfied, well satiated. Pressing his thumb to her well-loved lips, she reacted almost instantly with a gentle kiss to the pad of his thumb, leaning further into the security of his hand with a blissful sigh.
“Come here..” Charles sighed softly, having come down from his overwhelming high and ready to have her so much closer. She obliged the best that she could, legs feeling like jelly as she pushed herself up with her arms on Charles’ knees, but he was right there to pull her onto his lap in his stronger arms. Gentler kisses stamped her chest, lighter nips to her collarbones just to wake her up while she got comfortable on his lap, arms falling loosely over his shoulders. Charles kissed and dragged his lips higher, taking the extra time to kiss her throat slowly, lingering on her skin where it grew warmer as she hummed in appreciation. She offered her own sense of affection with fingers running through his now damp hair, Charles’ hands rubbing over her sides, along her back where he pulled her down by her shoulder for a proper kiss. She was thoroughly melted into charles’ body, his tongue like honey against hers and his hands acting as that gentle reminder that he has her, that he’s not going anywhere.
Pulling away from the kiss, he settled them both down on the bed, under the now red linen covers where he pulled her into his chest. It’s like he was reading her mind, the way she yearned with her arms outstretched towards him, not wanting to be away from him for longer than necessary, even tangling her legs with his. She whispered thanks into his neck, pressing a few kisses under his jaw to further solidify the end of her pleasures with him.
As they settled into each other, her fingers tracing shapes along his hip, and his fingers stroking along the line of her spine, there was a rumble under her ear. “Hm?” She tilted your head up towards Charles , blinking slowly as she looked at him with a softer gaze in your questioning.
“Thank you so much Cherie, I really appreciate you, I do. You don’t know how much you mean to me.” He said, squeezing her closer. She responded with a quick “I love you, it’s what you deserve.” As she began to close her eyes. Charles spoke up again, “so I think it’s safe to say you like whiskey now, no?” He basically giggled out, receiving a weak and small shove as a response.
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imthebadguyyy · 9 months
Something Just Like This II
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pairing - charles leclerc x reader
fandom - f1
summary - a look into your relationship
part - ii (part II) (part III )
a/n - more angst??
"everyone, I want you to meet charlotte”
never before had a single sentence made your head whirl the way it was. never before had you felt nauseous at the sight of your best friend, but that day, the wine you had drunk threatened to make an unpleasant comeback. never before had you felt your heart shatter at the sight of a person before, but you swore you heard your fragile heart shatter into a milllion unfixable pieces, as you stared at the gorgeous brunette with the sweet smile, currently greeting charles’ family.
it wasn’t just you that stood shell shocked. pascale stared openly at her son, confusion and sadness visible in her eyes, but nevertheless, the matriarch of the leclerc family greeted the young girl with a smile, kissing her on the cheek and welcoming her to the home that suddenly felt so cold to you. lorenzo stood up to, ever the kind hearted one, greeting her and offering a glass of wine to her.
arthur was the only one that sat shell shocked, mouth agape, and it wasn’t till lorenzo nudged hum gently that he stood up to greet the woman.
the smile on charles’ face made your already hurting heart ache a little more. he looked so happy, and you hated it. you felt the easy tears rising again, threatening to spill over, but you forced them back. no. you were not going to have a breakdown in front of charles and his family, and his new girlfriend. girlfriend. the word had never seemed so painful before.
but you put on your camera smile, flashing charlotte a warm smile, and giving her a small hug. “Hello, I’m y/n” you smiled softly at her, admitting to yourself that she really was a beauty. "hello, I’m charlotte, I’m a big fan!” she exclaimed, and you forced yourself to keep the smile on your face. “always a pleasure to meet the fans” you joked half heartedly, and she laughed. much to your relief, pascale, sensing your discomfort, pulled the girl into a conversation on the other side, leaving you, arthur, lorenzo and charles in her drawing room.
"so charlotte sine huh?” arthur asked, face blank of any emotion. he recognised the girl well, having grown up quite near the family. “yes, I met her the other day on my run and figured I might as well ask her out on a date” he smiled, grinning it himself at the memory. “she seems nice, n’est ce pas?” lorenzo asked, throwing you a sympathetic smile. “oui, elle est tres gentile” he affirmed, and you fought back the urge to cry once more. “mais, y/n, you didn’t tell me you would be here?” he said, pulling you in for a hug,
y/n. not cherie. that was your first thought. of course you wouldn’t be cherie anymore. no, you’d have to give up that title, you reasoned, inhaling a shaky breath.
"i wasn’t supposed to. but i met maman in the afternoon and she invited me over for dinner, and i missed you guys so i thought i might as well” you said, quite honestly. “lovely, that way I can introduce you to charlotte too, no?” he smiled, and you faked a smile once more, before politely excusing yourself.
taking deep shaky breaths, you slipped into the balcony, glass of wine still in hand, sipping on it slowly to keep you grounded, you recognised the sound of feet softly making their way to you, and before you knew it, arthur’s blue shirt came into your line of sight.
how are you holding up?” he asked, wrapping his warm around.
you let out a shaky breath, taking another sip of your wine, and throwing him a watery smile. “simply splendid, tur” you whispered, and arthur swore he felt his heart break for his older sister.
"il ne sait pas ce qu’il ressent cherie, donne lui de temps, je sais qu’il t’aime” he doesn’t know how he feels darling, give him some time, I know he loves you he said, and you let the first tear drop, feeling it roll slowly down your cheek and drip onto the railing.
“no don’t cry” arthur mumbled, feeling such sadness on your behalf. with a soft sigh, he pulled you in for a proper hug, letting you bury your face in his shirt, and balancing your wine glass on the balcony railing.
how had it come to this? this wasn’t how you expected your night to go. you had hoped at the end of it you and charles would have been the ones cuddled up on the couch, laughing and chatting with his mother.
but unfortunately, fate had different plans.
dinner was an oddly quiet affair. pascale’s delicious dinner received multiple compliments from the five of you, but there was an odd tenseness in the air. and you knew it was because of your presence, that the atmosphere was so tense.
"merci maman, pour le diner, mais, je pense qui je vais rentrer chez moi, maintenant, je suits tres fatigue” thank you mum for the dinner, but I think i will head home now, I’m very tired you said, giving the woman who had been a second mother to you all your life a tight hug. you saw your own sad smile reflected on her face, and she gave you a bowl of chocolate mousse to take home.
"leaving already?” lorenzo asked, pulling you in for a hug as well.
“oui, je suis tres fatigue, enzo” you whispered, and he dropped a kiss to the top of your head. “d'accord, bonne nuit ange” he said, and you smiled at him. arthur insisted on walking you all the way to your car, and you let him, grateful for his company.
“is he gonna be with her forever?” you asked, the childish question slipping past your lips, voicing the fears you had in your heart. you knew it was silly to ask. but you had to ask, you just had to.
"no, don't be silly ange. of course he won't. i know he's my brother and i do love him unconditionally but he is terrible at maintaining relationships. in fact he is utterly hopeless. you know why? because he isn't with the woman he truly loves" arthur stated, helping you into your car.
you just sighed, leaning up to kiss his cheek and then starting the engine. the roar of your ferrari brought a small smile to your face, and waving him goodbye, you drove out.
yes, you were distraught but no, you were not going going to let it wreck you. but even as you forced yourself to be strong, you could feel your heart cracking into a million pieces in your chest. you had felt heartbreak before but never had you felt so absolutely wrecked over someone. not just someone.
your best friend. your bestest friend in the whole wide world.
and you had never told him you loved him.
the thought brought bile rising to your throat, and you had to pull over to throw up.
finally, you stopped resisting the tears, and let yourself break down completely in the car, parked near the dock in monaco. you sobbed and sobbed and wailed, lashing out at the wheel of your ferrari, releasing all your pent up hurt.
you turned the radio up, trying to muffle out the sound of your tears. the last thing you expected was the knock on your window, that had you reaching for the pepper spray and slowly lowering the window.
"hey, you doing okay y/n? i saw your car and i heard what sounded like crying so i thought.." your eyes met lewis' sweet ones, currently displaying concern for you.
lewis hamilton leaned down, taking in your red eyes and nose.
he knew you quite well, he had seen you with charles and lorenzo and andrea very frequently around the paddock, and had even spent time with you in monaco when charles invited him for dinner.
he'd never admit it, but he had always thought you were beautiful. but a few stories from pierre suggested to him that you and charles were a thing so he never said anything to you.
but here you were, tears streaming down your face, blasting someone like you by adele on the radio and he knew something was wrong.
"oh! hey lewis. didn't think anyone would be here, i just wanted a minute" you smiled.
"i can leave if you want, just wanted to make sure everything was okay" he said, and you were touched by the sincerity in his eyes.
"im okay" you spoke softly, not trusting your voice to go above a whisper. "but i could do with some company" you admitted, chuckling.
"anytime" he smiled back at you. you opened to door to your car, letting him slide in the passenger seat.
"out on a jog were you?" you asked, driving down to your favourite icecream store (vegan of course)
"yep, i had a lot on my mind and i just wanted to run it all off y'know" he said, and you noticed the shift in his eyes and the sadness reflecting in them.
"this season's getting to you isn't it?" you whispered, and felt your heart go out to him when he nodded.
"lewis, one season doesn't define you...and you've been performing marvellously considering the car you have. im not exactly an f1 whiz but you're still the best. without a doubt" you said honestly.
lewis chuckled, and then turned to face you directly. "don't let charles hear you say that" he joked, and immediately he noticed the shift in your demeanour.
"uh yeah i won't" you mumbled, with a tight smile. "is everything okay with you two?" lewis asked, concerned.
you sighed, stopping at the store and looking determinedly out the window, trying your hardest not to cry.
"yeah it's all okay. im just a little overwhelmed right now is all" you sighed.
lewis nodded, not pushing you to tell him anything you didn't want to.
"c'mon, let's go and get some ice cream" he smiled at you, getting up to open your door.
your story
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caption : late night snack 💗@lewishamilton
replies -:
@.yourbestfriend - girlie pop is that lewis hamilton you've tagged?!?!
@.arthurleclerc - icecream without me? :(
@lorenzotl- icecream with lewis?
@lewishamilton - had so much fun! definitely trying the biscoff one next time💜
@.charlesleclerc - is that our icecream spot y/n?
sighing, you let your hand crash against the piano, wincing at the discordant notes.
this stupid melody had been playing around in your head for weeks and you couldn't put it into a proper song.
at the same time you had also decided the best thing you could do was put space between you and charles, and so, your communication had decreased significantly.
arthur still spoke to you regularly and visited you almost every week. he often brought carla along, who you adored, and who thought of you as an older sister.
he kept you updated on how everyone was doing, and you spoke to lorenzo and pascale over text when you could.
but of course it was hard to avoid your best friend when your social media feed was full of posts about him, now more often with his girlfriend, and you were having a hard time ignoring it.
letting your head drop back, you stretched, hearing your back crack like bubble wrap. the ding of the text notification from your phone made you sit up, smiling when you saw lewis' contact pop up on the screen
lewis h 💜: hey, just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're doing okay?
you : hello, I'm doing okay, thank you for asking 🫶🏼
lewis h 💜: what have you been upto?
you : just trying to figure out this melody, it's driving me insane
lewis h 💜: don't dress about it. i've heard your music and it's absolutely phenomenal. just relax, breathe, and let the music flow.
you : thank you. i can't thank you enough
lewis h 💜: anytime darling 💗 hope to see you soon?
you : ill be there at the monaco grand prix!
lewis h 💜: ive been meaning to ask, would you like to come as my guest to the mercedes hospitality?
you : id love to but..i don't want to cause a media storm..
lewis h 💜: fuck the media honestly. if i want to bring a friend to the paddock, ill bring a friend to the paddock.
you: lewis hamilton swears? 😯
lewis h 💜: hahaha. so ill see you there?
you : yes. ill be there 💗
lewis h 💜: looking forward to it y/n 💗
smiling, you put your phone down, almost giddy with excitement.
like magic, the melody seemed to fall into place and you called your friend jack.
"hey jack, I've got this idea, but ill need some help" you said.
jack antonoff laughed and said, "on it. another pop hit in the making?" he smirked and you laughed. "i sure hope so. ill see you soon then"
you smiled to yourself.
maybe life wasn't so bad after all.
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@kymillman- @yourinstagram arriving at the monaco grand prix, but not in her usual manner with @.charlesleclerc, but rather with @lewishamilton, with a mercedes cap. she also made her way past the ferrari hospitality and went to the mercedes hospitality, but always a pleasure to photograph her.
@predestinato - oh dear what did charles do :( she's always supporting charles at all the races and she's been at every monaco grand prix since he got into f1. i miss her :(
@charles16monaco - she's with lewis now? i was hoping to see her at monaco with the leclercs.
@ynfan23 - mother is serving as always!! but i do wonder where charles is...
@ynlnisaqueen - serving looks and badassery.
@charlesbanana - charlie noo :( but yn looks gorgeous as always but i don't want to lose her to mercedes 😭
@lh44fanbase - sir lewis?? shooting his shot?? with our resident popstar queen?
pushing your sunglasses up your nose, you took in the sight of the monaco paddock, smiling as the sun warmed your skin.
the buzz and chatter and roar of engines felt like home, and you felt so excited to be back.
you spotted lewis, walking with roscoe to the media pen, and you watched as he turned towards you and shot you a bright smile.
you didn't expect him to turn and sprint towards you, and wrap you in a hug. you heard the click of cameras behind you but you didn't care. you were glad to have a friend in the paddock.
it felt a little strange to not walk into the red, bustling ferrari hospitality, and instead into the calm atmosphere of the mercedes one. it felt strange to walk past the sea of red, and you did feel a tinge of guilt.
lewis noticed. and he nudged you, bending to whisper, "it's okay, we're just here as friends. and it's just one race. let's just chill okay. ill treat you to more icecream too" he smiled and you giggled, walking into the hospitality.
across the paddock, charles frowned. he hadn't known you would be at the paddock. you were always at the monaco paddock with him, ever since his first grand prix.
he was used to seeing you wearing some element of red, a cap or a shirt or pants. but you were wearing a mercedes cap, and you hadn't even bothered to tell him you would be at the gp.
he pursed his lips, and decided to make his way to the car. he just needed to be focused on the quali and not on how you were with lewis-
no. he shook his head vigorously. he did not need that image in his head.
from the corner of his eye, he saw carlos approaching, and he sighed. he knew what he'd ask.
"cabron, where is y/n? why is she at mercedes? what did you do?" he asked.
"i did not do anything and i don't know why she's there" he said, sounding more put off than he meant to.
"are you sure? she always supports ferrari.." he trailed off, noticing how sad charles looked.
"what do you think happened?" carlos asked, leaning against the wall. the spaniard hadn't know you for very long, but in the time that he had, he had become one of your closest confidantes. he knew he would have trusted you with anything.
"i don't know, but she has been distant lately ever since..." he trailed off, unsure of the conclusion he had come to.
"ever since what?" carlos asked, growing impatient.
"ever since i introduced charlotte to her and my family.." he trailed off, eyes clouding over.
"ah. i see" carlos said. he didn't have to say anything else. he knew that charles knew, what exactly he wanted to say.
"mate, i know that you and charlotte broke up, and I know that it's because of a very strong reason. don't mess up mate. she's something special and you know it." carlos told his friend.
charles sighed, eyes dropping to the floor.
"best of luck for quali mate" carlos said, clapping him on the back and leaving to get ready for his own quali.
unfortunately for them, quali was shit for ferrari. engine issues meant that charles was p10 and carlos as p12, and much more irksome was the fact that lewis qualified p1, and the cameras had planned to your grinning and clapping.
he stormed off to the drivers room, slamming his helmet on the ground and sinking down onto the bed, roughly grabbing his own hair.
"tu es tellement stupide charles, tellement stupide et maintenant tu perds l'amour de ta vie"
sighing, he reached for his phone, and opened up instagram. he instantly wished he hadn't.
the first post he saw made his heart shatter into a thousand pieces.
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@yourinstagram - delighted to announce my new single 'it's nice to have a friend' is out now on!! to all my friends who've been there for me, new and old, i love you to saturn and back. thank you for being my people and for loving me and guiding me through everything. i love u all 🫶🏼💗
tagged - @yourbestfriend @lewishamilton @carla.brocker @lilymunihe @kika.gomes
-@ynisabadassqueen - same girlie sameee!! 😭 miss maam really just dropped a banger out of nowhere.
@kika.gomes - forever proud of u my love 🫶🏼so glad to have seen you make this song and see u power through life. honoured to be your friend and ill love u forever. always wanna hang out with u.
@lewishamilton - honoured to be on your team. my support is with you always. so proud 💜
@yourbestfriend - my favouritest friend. my babygirl. my love. my sweetheart. my talented darling. forever proud of you. forever glad i gave u my glove. 🩷
@lilymunihe- my darling u are a force and i adore u. you're my favourite person ever. so proud and i'm always there for u. ps alex has been sobbing for half an hour I think u broke him
-@alexalbon- no I am not lily 😭😭 but gorgeous job y/n. many congratulations 🎉
@carla.brocker - congratulations mom soeur. i love u always 🩷💗🫶🏼 so glad to have u in my life and have u guiding me. you're an icon and a force to be reckoned with. forever grateful for u.
@arthur.leclerc - you are truly a wonder. congratulations cherie! 🩷
@yncharles2216 - she didn't tag charles :( all those years of friendship...
@charlesfans - she's two faced. forgot charles already.
-@ynfans - we don't need u here. mother slays and you're a loser.
liked by @arthur.leclerc @.kika.gomes @.yourbestfriend and @carla.brocker
charles took in the sight of the blue waters surrounding the boat.
his brothers, their girlfriends, his mother and their friends had all decided to spend the day on the boat. lorenzo and arthur were enjoying the football game on the tv, and carla and charlotte (lorenzo's girlfriend) were enjoying a sunbathing session on the deck.
charles sighed. he missed your presence on the boat. in fact, he missed your presence overall. usually, the both of you would be chatting away to glory, or playing games or just lounging about together.
he hadn't realized exactly how much your presence meant to him until you had slowly begun to pull away.
he felt tears rise up and he blinked them away furiously.
from the corner of his eye, he saw his mother approach him.
"salut maman" he smiled, kissing her cheeks.
"charles, pourquoi as-tu l'air si triste?" charles why do you look so sad?
"je ne sais pas maman, je... elle me manque tellement" i don't know mum, i... i miss her so much.
"mon fils, tu sais, je sais, nous savons tous que tu aimes y/n. pourquoi tu ne lui dis pas chérie ? elle t'aime tellement aussi et ça me fait mal au cœur que deux personnes destinées l'une à l'autre ne soient pas ensemble." my son, you know, i know,we all have known that you love y/n. why dont you tell her darling? she loves you so much too and it hurts my heart that two people destined for each other aren't together.
"mais... et si elle ne m'aime pas, maman ? je ne veux pas ruiner notre amitié et je ne veux pas la perdre. et c'est égoïste, mais je ne veux pas être blessé" but.. what if she doesnt love me back mum? i domt wamt to ruin our friendship and i dont want to lose her. and its selfish, but i dont want to be hurt..
"charles, l'amour est une douleur. dire à quelqu'un dont vous ne savez pas qu'il vous aime, que vous l'aimez est terrifiant, mais c'est ça l'amour. mais tu ne peux pas laisser cette peur t’arrêter. ne manquez pas votre chance de trouver le véritable amour. souviens-toi de mon fils, un amour comme celui-ci n'arrive qu'une fois dans la vie" charles, love is pain. telling someone you don't know loves you, that you love them is terrifying, but thats what love is. but you cant let that fear stop you. dont miss your chance at true love. remember my son, a love like this comes only once in a lifetime.
"je le ferai maman. merci" i will mum. thank you.
pascale pressed a kiss to her middle son's forehead, and left him to his thoughts. she knew he had a lot to think about.
charles knew he had a lot to think about too. he knew he had to tell you that he loved you, because damn it, you were his sun moon and stars and he would be damned if he let you go.
he smiled, a plan forming in his mind. he called carla and arthur, knowing you had a soft spot for the two of them.
"les gars, j'ai besoin de votre aide" he said.
"how can we help charles?" carla asked, smiling at him.
"i want to tell y/n that i love her"
a/n - part ii finished!!! i hope you guys liked it 🩷🫶🏼 comments, feedback, opinions, reblogs are always appreciated! my comments and inbox and are always open so feel free to drop in any time!!
part iii should be up soon too!!
those who responded to part i - @chanshintien @eternalharry @janeholt3 @magicalcowboyarbiter @oneafterdark @leclerc13
f1 tags - @theonly1outof-a-billion
all writing - @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird
625 notes · View notes
gaslysgirl · 1 year
Winter Morning Motivation - [Charles Leclerc]
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Gifcredit to @/yesloulou
A/N: a lil smut for ya, because Charles’ new vlog just caused fanny flutters all around, let's be honest. I noticed he said something that he didn’t always have the motivation to go to his training, but eventually he goes and finds the motivation, so why not start the day with some extra motivation?
WARNINGS: 18+ content, smut, unprotected sex, oral (female receiving).
It was still dark outside when Charles’ alarm rung, making him grunt as he rolled around in the warm cocoon of sheets in the soft bed, pressing his fingers onto the device to shut it off. The faint streetlights of Val Gardena slightly shone through the thin curtains that were closed in front of the window, causing you to be able to see your boyfriends face and his features when you turned around too. Charles didn’t let any words slip out of his mouth as he rubbed his tired face, feeling drowsy from the deep slumber, his muscles still burning everywhere in his body, with every move he made. Charles folded his arms behind his head, convincing himself to take just five more minutes before Andrea would drag him out into the snow again. He felt your head moving onto his chest, your hand following and delicately placing on his chest, rubbing the smooth skin under your fingertips. He felt sorry for waking you up every morning, but you didn’t mind. You were happy to spend the winter break with him, even if he was out for training the whole day.
“Don’t you need to go?” you hum, your eyes were closed again already, feeling his arm curling around you, his hand briefly caressing your cheek before it start to glide up and down your spine. “I do,” Charles chuckles. “But I have enough time,” he adds. Silence filled the room again, and you absently continued to draw patterns on his skin. His muscles had become more defined after just a week of the hard work he had been putting in the gym. Charles’ abdomen contracted under your touch, goosebumps rising on his skin. Your nails tickled his skin a little, but he didn’t mind. You listened to his steady heartbeat, your fingertips meanwhile finding the smooth v-lines and the waistband of his sweats. A soft chuckle moved past his lips, sensitive to your touch as he sucked in his stomach. You smiled a little, not stopping to trace the cotton that was hanging low on his hips. Charles felt the blood flowing south, doing no attempt to stop you or tell you he needed to go. You listened to his breathing pattern, noticing how his breaths got shorter, less deep when your hand moved under the fabric, coming in contact with the veiny skin of his cock.
Charles’ jaw clenched as your palm closed around him, dragging your hand from the base to the tip till it was fully hard. His voice was still raspy as he moaned lowly, his eyes falling closed as his eyebrows knitted together. His hand curled around the material of the sheets, squeezing it in his fist when you continued to jerk him, twisting your wrist at the top before going back down, spreading the oozing drops of precum. You could perfectly imagine what his dick looked like under the sheets now, fully erect, the blushing red tip, veins prominent. You could only see the movements of your hand under the duvet, and anyone could guess what you were doing. Charles’ hand slipping into your hair at the back of your neck caught you off guard, causing the movements of your hand to falter as you looked up at him in the dim lit room. His lips crashed down on yours in a firm kiss, the warmth of his lips against yours sending a shockwave through your body. You felt him moving next to you, propping up on his elbows before his weight atop of you pushed you down onto your back, legs opening automatically to let him rest his body there.
A soft whine elicits from your mouth as you feel his cock against you, his hands slipping under the shirt you wore to bed, palms finding your tits and squeezing them, thumbs rolling over your nipples. Charles’ mouth barely left yours, claiming your lips over and over again before his tongue ran over your lips, invading your mouth with a passion you hadn’t felt earlier this week. He had been tired, too tired for sex after his training, causing this moment to excite you even more. Heat pooled between your thighs, your panties becoming damp as Charles kept rutting his hips into yours. He rode the shirt up, exposing your tits to his eyes that had adjusted to the darkness. You threw it over your head, fingers curling into his hair as he kissed down your neck, teeth grazing the swell of your tits before he rolled his fingers over your nipples again, wondering how he could have denied the beauty of his woman several nights before. Determined to make it up to you, he kissed further down your body, fingers hooking into your panties and dragging them down your legs, wasting no time in pressing his mouth to your thighs, kissing the skin, sucking his marks on them, on the most intimate spots of your body.
The cold air outside the cocoon of sheets reached your body as you pushed them aside, a cool gush of air against your pussy making you gasp already, followed by his delicate mouth covering your clit. “Oh, Charles,” the sigh you let out in combination with your fingers in his hair pushing his head deeper between your legs caused his heartbeat to accelerate. His tongue lapped at your pussy, thick stripes licked up from your hole to your clit, sucking the little nub of nerve endings into his mouth and swirling the muscle over it. The obscene sounds of your soft moans and heavy breaths with the wet, squelching noises started to fill the room in the early morning, and he could get drunk of it right now. Your noises continued to praise him, making him grunt lowly against your pussy. Your head fell back in the way his wet tongue glided over your clit, making you clench around thin air. “Fuck, I’m gonna- fuck,” you didn’t manage to form a full sentence before you came, hot and heavy, writhing and curling under him in the deliciousness of the orgasm he just gave you. Charles was pulsing, swallowing hard at the thought of your warm pussy around him right now. You could taste yourself on his lips as he hovered over you and captured your lips between his.
One of his hands between your bodies guided his cock to your pussy, the tip pressing against your hole already had you squirming a little. “Putain,” he cursed under his breath as he slid home, fully filling you, stretching you out. Thoughts of him being late, concerned you’d be the reason he would show up later than Andrea asked him to, left your mind as Charles started thrusting into you, dragging his cock so heavenly against the walls of your pussy. Your legs wrapped around his hips, your fingers curling around his biceps to find some leverage. You weren’t able to stop moaning as he fucked you deeper into the mattress, the headboard of the bed starting to knock against the wall, a cry of his name leaving your throat as the tip of his cock grazed your g-spot. Charles got lost in how good your pussy felt, the warmth of your body against his, your tits pressed up against his chest as your back arched off the bed. He wanted to kiss you once more, but he was panting a little, swallowing your moans. Charles felt his body tensing in the best way possible, the fiery ache in his muscles in some way relieved. Your nails dug into his skin, one of your hands shifting to his back, dragging them down his skin, his name alongside some profanity leaving your mouth.
“That’s it, baby, right there,” you moan, begging him to thrust in the same angle. Charles slows down his pace a little, making sure he does so, chasing your orgasm as you clench around him, your beautiful sounds becoming higher pitched the closer you get. The mere brush of his fingertips over your clit has you falling so deep, the warmth and wetness of your pussy around him sending him over the edge too. Charles groans as you convulse so deliciously around him as he cums, his cum seeping inside you. He rests his forehead against yours, lazily thrusting through your orgasms. Your arms wrap around his neck again, sleepiness filling you again after the endorphins filled your veins. “You need to go,” you hummed, even though you didn’t do any effort to untangle your limbs from his body. “I know,” Charles grunted in protest, lifting his head to take a look at the time on his phone. “Do you think Andrea will let me skip the first hour because I already did my cardio?” Charles asked, switching on one of the bedside lights to look into your eyes properly. You covered your eyes with your arm, shaking your head with a chuckle. “Probably not,” you say, reaching out to trace his fine features, the muscles on his arms. Charles finally managed to push himself up and get out of his bed.
He was quick to slip into some clothes, and you gladly watched the way his back muscles rippled as he put on a shirt, tucking it into the ski pants he slipped into. You, meanwhile, curled up in the middle of the bed, ready for a couple of hours of more sleep while he went out. Charles pushed a beanie over his head to cover his messy hair, but he was sure his slightly red, glowing face would betray everything about the workout he had before his day started. He kissed you before he left, taking his backpack with him to meet his friends and trainer in the lobby. “Good morning,” Charles greeted them, and Joris grinned at his friend, nudging his side.
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peachenle · 1 year
captain’s log
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pairing: park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: college!au | fratboy!au | sexual themes (minors DNI)
word count: 8.7k
warnings: lots of drinking, profanity, a tiny bit of sexual content, suggestive language, sunghoon biceps,  y/n is a serial party-goer, fake frats, lots of semi-unhumorous banter, ft le sserafim bc i needed more characters
༄࿔˚✧ synopsis: “If you’re trying to be subtle about checking me out, it’s really not working.” You were too drunk to care, and met his eyes, “Yeah, yeah you caught me. Life’s more fun without subtlety.”
The captain's log is a form of record-keeping used by sailors to keep track of incidents, such as weather, ship sightings, and any other information about the vessel and her passengers.
CAPTAIN’S LOG ENTRY 11:30 pm please I beg of a crumb of pussy
read the continuation of captain’s log here.
It took you approximately 46 seconds to sober up after the first whoop of the sirens outside the house. Red and blue lights peeked through the cardboard panels that were haphazardly stuck in between the blinds of the windows. From the continuing booming music, the thundering steps of the dance floor, and the bumping bodies, you realized you were one of very few to realize that the party was getting rolled. And you did not want to be caught in the mess of policemen shining flashlights into mascara stained faces.
You dragged your friend Yunjin out from the middle of the dance floor, much to her disappointment as she was swaying with one of the execs in the fraternity, and snuck onto the back porch. You two stumbled into a few couples who also had their fun interrupted by the sirens. Yunjin peeked around the side of the house and groaned, “It’s always the NKT parties that get shut down so early. Heeseung and I were finally dancing!”
Seeing her pouty face, you laughed, “And he’s literally the only reason we keep coming back. Their good music cannot justify the sins that occur in that household.” While NKT had some of the wildest hazing stories, their alumni donated well to your university, so it was easy to overlook.
You and Yunjin were crouched by a bush in the house’s side yard. She whispered, “Liar, you were so into President Jeno before…”
You snickered and responded, “Okay, and I still am, but he never comes to parties anymore. Plus, you did not just call him president.”
She laughed. “That’s who he is!”
The music shut off abruptly and you rolled your eyes after hearing screams from the partygoers. That meant most of the officers were likely already in the house yelling at kids to leave, so you and Yunjin quietly went through the side fence of the house to make it into the street.
Frat row wasn’t too far from your shared dorm with Yunjin, so you two opted to trudge through the neighborhood in your short skirts rather than call a taxi. It wasn’t until your head hit the pillow that you realized you were still very drunk. The you of tomorrow morning would not be happy. 
Parties weren’t your thing until Yunjin joined a sorority this year and dragged you to come to a few, and you realized just how fun it was to be the messy one for once. You thought this was her way of trying to lull you into her sisterhood, and whether it actually was or not, you didn’t mind. It was funny to watch the unknowing first year frat pledges hit you with all sorts of philanthropy collab ideas at parties after you lied and introduced yourself as the president or outreach chair of some random sorority.
The next day, a Friday, you woke up with a throbbing migraine and with leftover eyeliner smudged on your pillow. You definitely missed your 10 am tutorial. Much to your surprise, you found Yunjin already awake, typing away at her desk, equipped with a sheet mask. She, too, missed her morning class.
After you returned from a shower, you called out to your roommate, “Wanna hit the dining hall for-” you looked at the clock, showing a valid 12:11pm at this point “-for lunch?”
Yunjin did not bother to look away from her laptop, “Can’t! But can you get me a sandwich or something? I have this killer paper due and I need to finish it before we go out tomorrow.”
You stared at her blankly, not that she would be able to see it, “What do you mean go out? Again?”
She stopped, “Why are you acting surprised?”
“I just assumed you’d want to go out with your sisters or something.”
“You know I prefer you,” she pointed a finger gun at you dramatically, “and you can’t admit that to anyone or else we’d both die. Also, this is a homecoming party of a frat house neither of us have been to yet! I don’t want to miss out.” 
You thought about the long week ahead of you as you shoveled food onto your plate. You forgot to ask where Yunjin was planning on taking you, but it mattered less in comparison to the assignments you wanted to get ahead on before the weekend’s festivities took you completely. While you were wrapping up a sandwich and some food for Yunjin, as if on cue, she texted you.
you remember that Heeseung is in the hockey club right? he just invited us to a party at their house tonight … come thru?
“I think you have a problem, another weekend like this and you’re going to have to pay for my liver transplant,” you said to Yunjin when you returned.
She stuck her tongue at you and threw a crop top your way, “Take this as a gift in return for the food! And you’ll be wearing it tonight, thank you very much.”
Midterm season was upon you and with the addition of a frat-not-frat sanctioned event courtesy of Yunjin, you needed to get as much work done as possible. You made a deal with yourself that you’d complete at least one of two of your pending report papers, otherwise, no new frat homecoming party tomorrow.
You managed to find a table by the south side windows of the science library, and laid out your necessary notebook and textbook for the treacherous anthropology report you were about to bullshit the hell out of. Two hours into your frantic typing and at least 30 Google tabs later, you realized that one of the sources you wanted to use was locked online, and all the “legal” databases to surpass the paywall didn't have it available. Upon closer inspection, the source’s website indicated that it was available at certain universities, including yours.
You decided to take a break from typing. Your lingering hangover and the eye strain from your laptop screen were begging for a rest. So you cleaned your table and went to find someone to help you find the book you needed.
There was a crowd of 4 boys around the circulation desk, cackling over things unknown to you, and definitely distracting the boy working at the counter. They were exuding mischief, one of them trying to reach over to clack on a computer, and you recognized the one of them, Jake, jumping to sit on top of the counter. You stood in line, scrolling through your phone as you waited to be called to get help.
The areas of the library where the IT and circ desk were not necessarily meant to be quiet places, but you were surprised the group of boys didn’t get scolded considering how they were holding up the line.
A student walked by and shushed the group, interrupting them as they were doing their best to ruffle the boy’s hair over the counter. They scoffed at the passerby, but lowered their voices. You took this as an opportunity to clear your throat, finally grabbing the attention of the circ desk worker. He offered you a sheepish smile and shooed away his friends. The boy was about a head taller than you, sporting a black distressed long sleeve and now haphazardly messy hair. 
“Oh, sorry babe - didn’t see you there,” snickered one of the boys. He had sharp features and a confident smirk. The group stepped backward to let you through to the counter.
The boy behind the counter shot the other guy a glare after that comment and ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry about my friends; how can I help you?” 
You fought the urge to roll your eyes and shoot a glare yourself, choosing to ignore the group. “Seems like you're new here or something. They seem to be excited to visit you.” You glanced pointedly, as two of the guys had their phones out, likely taking a picture of their friend.
The boy extended a hand out to try to cover his exasperated face from their photos.
You continued, holding up your phone to reveal a screenshot from the library website, “Wondering if this book was still available?” The boy squinted and nodded silently, typing away on his computer to look it up.
“Yeah, it is. We have one copy on the 4th floor. Are you familiar with how the books are sorted here?”
“Honestly no, I usually use stuff online, so this would be the first time I check out something from the library.”
The boy smiled in understanding, then glanced between you, his friends - now distracted by a couple girls you recognized from Yunjin’s sorority, and the empty line behind you. “I can help you find it, if you’d like?”
You gave him a small smile, “Yes, that’d be really helpful.” 
“Sunghoon, by the way. And you were right, it's technically my first day off of training,” he said as he met you on the other side of the counter, by the elevators. Seeing him up close, there was no point in denying that he was cute, especially with the furrow in his brow he wore due to the thought of his friends. His friend group were still talking to the girls, one of them with an arm shamelessly around one of their waists. Sunghoon looked exhausted, but amused, just looking at them.
You laughed as you introduced yourself too. “Don’t worry, I get it. My roommate ate at my old part-time job every day I was working for the first month. Just try not to let them get you fired,” you advised jokingly.
The conversation between Sunghoon and you flowed smoothly. Over hushed whispers through the library shelves, you learned he transferred to your university that semester, and was studying Kinesiology. 
“It’s kind of a jock major, I was surprised,” he muttered as he ran his fingers over the spines of some books, turning his head sideways to read the titles.
You frowned, “Why? You don’t play sports?”
“It’s not that, I just wasn’t expecting to have to take activity classes. It’s like high school P.E. all over again.” 
Even though he was matching the library volume, Sunghoon was soft spoken, and he was funny without trying. You explained how you were studying Human Biology with a minor in anthropology, and he picked at your brain about the paper you were writing.
“No, Sunghoon, sociology and anthro are not the same.”
He was quiet for a moment. “Wait really? I took a socio class before and it’s literally what you’re describing.”
“I think you should stick to your kines classes.”
Sunghoon hummed. “We’d probably take some physio classes together, I reckon?” He suggested, realizing the science similarities in your degrees.
“Oh! Yeah, you’re right.” Judging on how well you two were talking even in this short amount of time, you added, “Maybe we can study together or something.”
A pause.
Sunghoon was distracted, squinted behind you at something. You bit your lip to try to ignore the disappointed pang in your chest and your internal facepalm for trying to make a pass at the cute boy from the circ desk. Following his gaze, you realized that he had found the book you two were looking for.
Your mild small talk continued during the walk back to the circ desk, and you exchanged goodbyes after he assisted in checking out the book for you, his group of friends no longer in sight.
“Hope I’ll see you around,” Sunghoon waved.
You spent the rest of the afternoon holed up at your desk in your dorm room, typing, flipping through pages, and blasting audible adderall playlists out loud. And from the corner of your eye, you could see that Yunjin was doing the exact same.
The two of you finished around the same time, and decided to bring food from the dining hall into your dorm to eat while you and a couple of Yunjin’s sisters pregamed for the night. You decided to omit your encounter with a cute boy in the library while you guys were discussing your afternoons.
Yunjin was laughing, “We were literally so crazy, rapid fire typing next to each other while Y/N’s stupid Mario Kart songs were playing.”
Mouth full with pizza, you argued, “Don’t act like that music didn’t help us finish our papers. This could’ve been avoided, but you want to drink at every opportunity possible.”
She mocked your tone, “Don’t act like you don’t feel the same!”
The other girls, Chaewon and Kazuha, giggled at your dynamic, and poured everyone another round of shots.
The hockey club was basically a fraternity of its own, Chaewon explained to you as you all arrived, just less exclusive. It was a place for brothers in different frats to have their own camaraderie between each other, and their parties were open to anyone. You could feel the vibrations of the music’s bass in your ribcage.
As you three pushed through the crowd into the kitchen, Yunjin off to find Heeseung, Kazuha pitched in, “I heard one of the players that just graduated agreed to supply all the alc tonight.” You stared at the tubs of jungle juice and the tens of lingering bottles on the back counter. Even the sink was filled with beers and seltzers.
“He must be fucking rich,” Chaewon yelled over the music.
“Mark definitely comes from a wealthy family,” shouted a voice next to you. You turned and realized it was a boy from the library, one of Sunghoon’s friends. He smiled, and leaned in closer to make sure you heard each other, “Library, right?”
You did your best to ignore the two piercing stares behind your head from your girl friends, and nodded. He was dressed in a sailors outfit, white yacht cap and all. You could smell the whiskey from his breath.
“Jay,” he extended a hand to each of your friends and flashed Chaewon the same confident smirk you saw at the library. “Would you all like a drink?”
“Y/N.” You shook his hand and despite the alcohol flowing in your veins, you replied, “I think we know better to not accept drinks from strangers.” 
He teasingly frowned, “Hey, we’re on a first name basis; I’d think we’re at least friends now. Right?”
Chaewon gently nudged you with her elbow, sending you a hint. “Surprise us,” she said.
You took a deep breath before downing the cocktail Jay put together, a mix of coke and Hennessey. Mark, whoever he was, really was rich.
Safe to say it was just you and Kazuha left for this part of the night; you didn’t mind when your friends found boys to dance with, there was plenty of alcohol and music for you to have fun yourself. At some point in the night, Chaewon wove herself back through the crowd to find you two, her hair a little displaced and more intoxicated than you last saw her. She brushed it off as “It’s hot in here!” even though you caught a glimpse of her following a boy in a yacht cap. You left the dance floor to find the bathroom, heading to the front of the house where you saw a line of people before.
The music was quieter here, though the front of the house was still crowded with people cheering and laughing, at least you felt like you could hear your own thoughts again. 
You cringed seeing the line of people all waiting for the bathroom. Desperately, you looked around a couple hallways for another open bathroom, but all other doors and staircases in the house sectioned off with caution tape. There were too many drinks in your body, you had to go. 
“Now it looks like you’re the one new here.”
You turned around to meet eyes with Sunghoon’s neck, he was awfully close. He took a half step back upon seeing your surprised eyes, but gave you a smile.
“I didn’t know you were in the hockey club?” 
“I know the guys - a bunch of jocks in my classes, remember?” Sunghoon looked more relaxed. His outfit looked identical to Jay’s, also sporting the yacht hat. You could see that his hair was now styled and less messy than what you had seen in the library earlier. And considering the heat of the house and your own sweat that clung to your forehead, you were surprised to still catch a whiff of his cologne. His white shirt was loosely buttoned, revealing several inches of his chest, his skin smooth. Sunghoon leaned down to whisper, “If you’re trying to be subtle about checking me out, it’s really not working.” He smelled strongly of coconut rum, explaining his boldness.
You were too drunk to care, and looked him right in his eyes, “Yeah, yeah you caught me. Life’s more fun without subtlety.” You grinned, “So what’s with the outfits?”
“The boys wanted to match, Naughty Nautical was their wording,” he shook his head with a smile. He noticed the quirk of your eyebrow, “and no, I’m still not on the team.” Sunghoon motioned to a long strip of poster paper hanging on a wall by a clock near the stairs. He pulled you towards it to get a better look at what was written. “You didn’t see the ship decor?”
10:05 pm - You must refer to each player as Captain or Sailor tonight, or you will be kicked out. 
10:06 pm - HOUSE SHOT 
10:07 - TEAM SHOT
    10:32 - Tri Delt is here!! <3 :)
10:33p  who asked -Heeseung BRUH LMAO -jake
10:52PM - ur gonna regret letting the freshman riki in >:)
10:58 pm - Riki just ate shit on the stairs -JW
11:12 pm - FUCK I MISSED 11:11, but I still wish for pu$$y
    11:20pm - LOL Same.
11:23 pm- i a m drunk ..
11:30 pm please I beg of a crumb of puss for my boy Jay please add him on snap here: jjongseong420
You reach over to scribble something on the log too.
12:34 AM - where is the bathroom
Sunghoon laughed and offered a hand for you to take. You were surprised that his fingers intertwined with yours, Am I about to get laid tonight? you drunkenly thought to yourself.
Sunghoon lifted a strip of caution tape for you to duck your head under first, before following suit himself. You let go of his hand to grip the stairs’ side rail and heard him stifle a laugh or two behind you as you stumbled up. The first bathroom you two encountered was unlocked and you quickly shut it as soon as you opened it. You clenched your eyes and paused for a second to convince yourself that you did not just witness your best friend’s naked limbs woven between those of the frat boy she’s been talking about for the past couple of days.
Sunghoon didn’t take the hint and laughed out loud, “Holy shit, was that Heeseung?”
“I think I’ll need another drink after that. Maybe a whole bottle.” Sunghoon kept laughing at that.
After finding an actual available bathroom, you found Sunghoon waiting for you, typing on his phone with one hand, and carrying an unopened bottle of Malibu in the other.
“Ask and you shall receive,” he smiled, raising the bottle when he noticed you stepped out.
Your eyes widened, “Jesus, I didn’t mean I wanted to actually drink a whole bottle.”
“No, stupid,” Sunghoon chuckled. He was certainly more playful when he was drunk. “I was going to share this with you, and offer you to take the rest home.”
You rolled your eyes, but smiled. “Well, at least you chose my favorite.” Your hearing was a bit muffled after making it somewhere where the beats of the songs didn’t ring your eardrums. “This house is nice enough to have a balcony somewhere, right?”
Sunghoon nodded, “Follow me.”
The balcony was accessed through one of the bedrooms down the hall, you stared at the width of Sunghoon’s shoulders as you walked behind him. You didn’t say much as you two sat on the bench outside, overlooking the front yard. There were other patrons loitering outside, a beer pong table set up, and a couple or two making out by the fences. The midnight breeze lightly shook the branches within your reach.
Sunghoon was pretty much a stranger for all you knew, yet you didn’t mind letting him take you through the house. At least he was a very cute stranger, he seemed different from the other boys you’ve met at parties so far. By now, considering you two had been alone for a while, any other boy would probably have tried to stick his tongue in your mouth. And yet, the conversation continued as smoothly as before, or well as smoothly as a pair of intoxicated students could manage. Sunghoon talked about a story or two about some of his friends, and you told him about why you chose to pursue your minor in addition to medicine.
“It’s just fun to get away from the quantitative stuff, and learn more about the human experience,” you babbled. “I want to apply to this abroad program in Prague, where you spend 2 weeks on an archeology site.”
Sunghoon stared at you, amused, “It’s kind of ironic that you wanna dig up dead bodies, while learning how to treat live ones.”
You bumped his shoulder with yours, and watched as Sunghoon took a couple more swigs right from the bottle before offering it to you, letting his fingers graze yours for a couple seconds too long. You could still feel the rage of the party downstairs, and you found it nice to be away from the center of it.
“So, do you at least play hockey with them? Or is your friendship with the team solely professional and from class?”
Sunghoon smiled, “No, not a hockey person. We’re solely transactional, I do well on our group projects, and they give me free alc.”
You nodded, seemed reasonable to you.
He made a face at how you accepted that so quickly, “But no, yeah, I also help them train. I’m an assistant coach on the side? At the rink downtown?”
“I know our hockey team is mostly composed of skinny boys, which is already unusual… But you?” Your eyes traced down his slim figure, “A coach?”
He poked your forehead, “Hey, I know my way around a puck better than half those guys. But nah, I figure skate. Help kids break into their first set of skates. But with the team, it’s usually to help with movement, speed training.”
“Damn, I didn’t think you could get any hotter,” you blurted out, honestly surprised. Usually you’d feel at least some regret admitting that, but the way Sunghoon’s ears burned red? Priceless.
“It’s not something I really admit; I got teased a bit before I got close to the guys. Had to score a couple goals against those bastards before I got them to admit a triple axel was cooler than any dekes they’ve learned.” He smiled faintly.
“You finished your paper, yeah?” You let him change the subject a couple beats later.
“Yup, that book really helped.” Sunghoon lulled his head around with the faint music, “I was just cruising right after we found it.”
“Hmm, I feel like I deserve a reward for helping you.” You know what, maybe you were a bit wrong about Sunghoon. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he didn’t seem that soft spoken as when you met him earlier that day. You were suddenly aware of how much his leg burned against yours.
“I mean, I can think of some ways,” you slurred, the liquid confidence drawing out each syllable, the words leaving your mouth before you could think of the cringe it would cause you the next morning. Sunghoon was unabashedly staring at your lips and you couldn’t resist yourself from smiling. Maybe he wasn’t so different, but you didn’t mind.
It was he who made the first move, his hand pressing lightly on your thigh as he leaned towards you. You fluttered your eyes shut, fully anticipating his lips against yours, only to open your eyes in confusion a few seconds later after nothing. He was biting his lip to not burst out laughing, his hand now stroking the top of your thigh. “Sorry, I just- it’s fun to tease.”
You squinted your eyes at him, and pulled his hand off your thigh. His eyes widened as you moved to straddle him, the poor bottle of Malibu tipping over to flavor the balcony with coconut.  “Try to tease me again and you’ll see.” 
Any ounce of his playfulness was erased, one hand rushing to grab your hip and the other reaching for the side of your face. He sealed his lips over yours and you eagerly tangled your fingers in his hair, knocking over his stupid boat captain hat.
You felt his tongue press into your mouth and you let him in, your lips moving messily against his. You let out a groan as his hips grinded underneath you and you felt him smile.
You held onto a shoulder and one of his biceps, feeling it tense as he pushed your ass further down onto him. His other hand moved from your jaw to the front of your neck and you let out a loud whine; this time Sunghoon pulled away with a short chuckle, cocky as hell, whispering, “Be careful. The people under the balcony might hear you.”
“Jeez, Sunghoon, are you an exhibitionist or something?” You teased.
His fingers, now brushing the front of your throat. Under the dim light of the moonlight you could see the swell of Sunghoon’s parted lips. He playfully rolled his eyes and scoffed, but said nothing.
You smirked and continued, “I only want you to hear.” And you swore you felt Sunghoon throb under you.
He picked you up, which seemed easy for him, given his arms, and carried you back into the bedroom - whose ever it was. He reconnected your lips, a hand sliding underneath your skirt as soon as your back hit the sheets of the bed. You pushed him off for a second, your hands clumsily reaching for the buttons of his shirt, eager to feel what was underneath. He watched as you traced your hands up his now bare chest, and you pulled him back in. He pulled the strap of your tank down, exposing more of you as he traced his lips, then his tongue, down your skin. You felt the graze of his teeth and you drew in a sharp breath.
Though you had to help him with the clasp of your bra with a giggle from you and a shut up from him, his tongue moved expertly over your chest. Sunghoon’s other hand pressing into you over your panties, and as he began to tug on them to free you, you couldn’t help but push your hips up to rush him, eager for his touch.
And as you felt his fingers slip inside of you, the door swung open, another busy pair of bodies stumbling towards the bed. And, obviously in the darkness, you screamed, but so did Sunghoon. And so did the other couple. “Wait… Sunghoon?” The guy said, his voice sounding surprised and almost proud?
Surely you couldn’t show your face at the hockey house anymore after this, you thought to yourself as you hurriedly clothed yourself, thankful you were only topless.
It was your first time getting walked in on, and considering what you witnessed earlier that night, at least you and Yunjin had a common story to laugh about tomorrow morn- err afternoon. After pushing out of the bedroom, Sunghoon, however, was still burning red, maybe from the alcohol, but also the embarrassment. You laughed as you poked his cheeks.
“Well, I guess you should be out there with your friends, doing keg stands or something?” You asked.
He chuckled too, thankful you were nonchalant about everything, and leaned down to kiss you again. His lips were gentle this time, and still sweet from the liquor. He held your hand as you headed down the stairs together. Your activities sobered you up so you two headed to the kitchen for more fuel, finding Yunjin and the other girls. After a couple more drinks with your girls, you didn’t even notice that Sunghoon had left your side at some point. Craning your neck over the still plenty of dancing bodies, you frowned, unable to see his tall self.
Yunjin noticed your disappointment, side eyeing the crowd as well. “Who was that guy you came down with?”
“Just met him today, he’s no one I guess.”
1:32a WHO TOOK MY FUCKING LEFT SHOE -yangyang :(
1:40am - I have a small peen -jisung (Delta Rho Pledge Class)
2:20am - ^ NO FUCKIN WAY HOON???
2:33 am - ^  IT WAS ME I TOOK IT LOL -JAKE
And again, you and Yunjin opted for stumbling through the dark neighborhood back to the dorms instead of calling a cab, the other girls begrudgingly joining you.
Yunjin slurred, “I can’t wait for the morning recap later,” her body landing on her bed with a soft thud.
You giggled at the thought of it too, although you frowned at the memory of Sunghoon leaving you in the middle of the night. It wasn’t wrong of you to be disappointed that he didn't want to continue what you had started, right? You thought of your conversations throughout the night, and even in the morning when you had first met him, wondering if you said something wrong. You grumbled in bed, bothered by how he made you question yourself, even though he knew you for less than a day. Just another night at a party, you convinced yourself, before drifting to sleep.
You woke up nauseous, your instincts kicking you out of bed to run to the toilet. After seemingly endless minutes of gagging and thoughts of regret, you lifted your face out of the toilet to see Yunjin in the doorway, looking at you pointedly.
“Damn, you had fun,” you muttered, letting out a pained giggle after seeing the marks on her neck.
She scoffed, helping you up from the floor to stand behind you in the mirror. “Look at yourself.” While not as dark or as many as hers, you traced a finger where some red bruises were trailing your collar.
After a hot shower and plenty of water, you met up with the other girls at the dining hall for breakfast. Yunjin and Chaewon were obnoxiously laughing, recounting the story about some freshman tumbling down the stairs in a Sailor Moon costume. 
Chaewon laughed, and paused to think. “I learned that I might not be into roleplay as much as I thought.”
“No…” You glanced around, looking out for any eavesdroppers.
“He kept the hat on and referred to himself as Captain before he went down on me.”
Yunjin gagged. “My biggest takeaway from last night? I guess, him… the biggest…”
It was your turn to gag.
The other girls continued to pry for more detail, and you got up to get some more water before they could pounce on you for your story. Your headache was pretty much gone at this point, but the nauseous feeling lingered. You spotted a boy with dark hair by the drink station and felt your nausea take a turn.
“Hey,” you gave Jake a small smile. He was in your major, so you had chatted with him a few times in some shared classes. “Was wondering if you knew how that freshman was doing?”
Jake turned and looked at you, and snorted as he tapped on his phone to bring up an image of the poor child, Riki, he told you was his name, tumbling down the stairs in a skirt. “The attention he’s getting from that is distracting him from his concussion.” He tapped again to show a Snapchat story of the boy himself, the tools of a hospital examination room behind him, with the caption i’m ok. “See you at the HYB house tonight? I’ll make sure there's enough Malibu,” he flashed you a vague smile and walked off. 
You frowned as you made your way back to your table, eager stares from the girls. “My night was uneventful! My takeaway is that it is far more fun to dance with you guys, than to be off in the corner with some guy,” you stated as you sat down. It was true - hookups weren’t ever on your party itineraries. Kazuha and Chaewon cheered you for that, but you met your best friend’s eyes and knew she was going to spare you just this time.
Jake’s comment bugged you the rest of the meal and continued through the rest of the afternoon, as you tidied your room and finished a bit of schoolwork. Give it up for frat boys to talk about you as soon as you part ways.
Since there was always room for school work to be completed, you decided to squeeze in some time at your usual library spot. As you passed the circulation desk, you half-heartedly snuck a peek to check who was working. For better or for worse, not who you were looking for.
The rest of the afternoon was less eventful, no need for Mario Party music to help you get through the last bits of a paper. Tonight’s pregame squad was larger than last time’s, with the inclusion of Kazuha’s classmate Sunoo and his best friend, the villain of the other night, Riki.
Yunjin groaned, “Are you sure they’ll even let you in?” She gave you a look that screamed, can you believe this kid? And you just laughed because forcing beef with a freshman was not something you were expecting to see from her tonight.
Riki squinted at her, “I know you. And I’m closer to Heeseung-hyung than you think, so you better watch it.” 
Yunjin cleared her throat, “Alright, fine, but if they close the door on your face? I’m not gonna turn back.” Riki faked a smile and continued to sip from his solo cup.
The rest of your friends were finishing their makeup, taking shots, and obnoxiously laughing. “You know,” Yunjin pulled you to the side, “You never explained who you were really with last night.”
“You know it’s a peeve of mine to share everything I do with boys.” 
“Hey! I’m just wondering if I need to keep an eye out for someone, in a good or a bad way.”
“Park Sunghoon, another kines major and groupie of the hockey team.”
Yunjin nodded slowly, obvious she was wracking her brain through all her social circles to determine what she knew of him. “Newest HYB pledge. Transfer. Ridiculously good looking and a rare attendee of HYB events - he barely rushed but he got a bid because everyone liked him so much anyway.” She paused, “I’ll err on the side of red flag since he’s too incognito in Greek, but he’s hot so just have fun?”
“Not sure if I’m going to try to indulge in that again. Didn’t even know he was in the frat. He seemed… like he thought he was above that mentality.” Yunjin gave you a side-squeeze, and a couple more glugs of her vodka concoction into your cup. 
“He sure as hell looks the part though. That’s what makes ‘em fun.”
The HYB house was larger than any frat home you’d stumbled your way into. It included a nice, curved driveway - now crowded with shivering bodies - and a stairway entrance. Several signs, - in the chic-est of spray paint on bedsheet - cursing out your university rival, lined the top floor’s windows. And much to your chagrin, considering the run-in you had today, you saw that Jake was one of the door guys.
Your friends were going over the plan on how to get Riki in, “They’ve been begging Sunoo to rush HYB, so if they come in a pair, surely they couldn’t turn him down,” Kazuha rationalized.
Chaewon was doubtful, “Boy doesn’t know his tolerance, they might see him as a liability.”
“Can’t you just pass the door guy a couple bills and call it a night?”
“Bitch, I’m literally broke. If they say no, I’ll just sneak in from the side.”
“Well, well, well.” Jake looked your group up and down with a smirk. “Now y’all look like a bunch of troublemakers. Wait,” his eyes locked onto Riki, who was (mind you, 6 ft tall) subtly hiding behind Sunoo. “You ladies can go in, but I’m gonna have to ask about the boys.”
Sunoo rolled his eyes, “Look, we brought three girls, surely the ratio will be fine.”
“Hey Sunoo, I’m jus-”
Yunjin pulled you into the house, and hissed “I said I would not look back and I meant it.”
You were astonished by the glory of the inside. The historic style of the outside contrasted with the dark and sleek minimalism of the inside. They had invested in Real Quality strobe lights and a dedicated raised platform for the DJ set. The girls reflected your awe just the same.
HAPPY HOMECOMING was spelled out in much nicer fashion, on poster paper rather than bedsheet, along the second floor ledge.
Due to the nature of the event, the kitchen - just as pristine and sleek as the front of the house - was filled to the brim with bottles and fiending students. Frat boys were behind the island dishing out drinks.
“Heeseung’s not coming?” You asked Yunjin. 
She shook her head, “His frat’s having a party at their house too, but this house is far nicer so naturally I chose HYB.” And judging by the line you saw outside and the amount of bodies pressing against you, so did everyone else.
An older looking boy even introduced himself to your group, a sober safety bro as he said, and offered a hit of his vape.
You’d be lying if you said that the possibility of Sunghoon being here (which was at least 90%) didn’t kind of bother you. Even amidst the dance floor, your eyes did an occasional scan of the perimeter. If it was paranoia or hope, you couldn’t tell the difference. You saw your genetics TA, some girls from your dorm suite, and, wait, is that Riki helping out the DJ?
Even Chaewon noticed your scanning and shoved her cup in your face, a universal signal to chill out, and enjoy the night. 
It was a good time for a refill. The crowd to get drinks was less packed, but still full enough to block your vision of who was pouring.
You were using your front camera to fix an eyelash before realizing you had made your way to the front. Your vision of your reflection was immediately replaced with the embarassed? expression of Sunghoon as soon as you put your phone down.
“What can I get for you?” He slightly yelled over the music.
“Rum and Coke,” You heard yourself stammer, and hoped it would be mistaken for a drunk stumble.
Sunghoon nodded. “Yes, mommy,” he visibly cringed as you blinked at him. “Ugh, sorry, the pledges have to call the girls that tonight.” He turned around to pour your drink. You, too, turned to look the other way.
If it was any other guy, you’d be laughing, but seeing him again made you feel awkward enough already. The addition of frat pledge hazing was NOT helping.
“Here you go,” Sunghoon passed you the cup. And you stared at the clear liquid inside.
“This isn’t-“
“It’s Malibu,” he said with a smile and turned to help the next person in line.
Your many drinks later helped soothe you to your normal self, enjoying the moment with closed eyes, swaying your body next to your friends’. 
At some point you and Yunjin decided to take a break from the dance floor and explore the house. “Some of Heeseung’s bros are banned from this house so they asked for pictures,” she whispered, ungracefully taking pictures of semi-occupied hallways and rooms with flash. You were so embarrassed for her.
She snickered going through the ones she just took. “This photo is so creepy; there’s a guy just sitting in this room alone, like a stalker.” The irony zipped above her head.
You two began to make your way back to the action. The DJ was hyping up the house, the music stopped - getting everyone to chant profanities about your rival school. Yunjin quickly rejoined the crowds, leaving you to stroll in through the kitchen without her.
You watched the back of Sunghoon’s figure as he poured a drink for himself, then raised his cup with the rest of the party in a cheer. He was so good-looking, even from behind.
Your mind reeled, you two hooked up and surely anyone would be willing to continue what… (rather, who) didn’t finish, right? Maybe it was self indulging, maybe it was the alcohol, but you didn’t want to stop your gravitation towards him. It was past 2am, surely you waited long enough.
“Hey again,” you said simply, tapping him on the shoulder.
“Hello, mo- Oh. Hey, Y/N.” He sighed.
You withheld your cringe. “Didn’t know you were a pledge,” you half lied (You knew.. you just learned a few hours prior!).
You were thankful that the people coming into the kitchen for refills were grabbing beers, rather than asking for mixed drinks. Sunghoon’s avoiding eyes told you he felt differently.
“It’s still a new development to me.” He was being so awkward, unlike the ramble-y, giggling Sunghoon you were with less than 24 hours ago.
 “Am I speaking to Park Sunghoon, or did I meet someone entirely different last night?” You blurted out.
He offered you a polite smile, “Sorry, I just don’t really know how to go about this.”
Oh god. He was going to give you a rejection speech - a babble about how one night is one night, and how he isn’t interested in anything more. Your heart panged, were you getting desperate? Sure, you met him only yesterday, but getting ghosted already - he barely gave you any time to even recover.
He took your hand to pull you to a quieter side of the room. “Alright, if you’re not interested anymore I get it, I’m an adult, you can be straight up.”
“No! It’s not that,” Sunghoon stared at your sleeve. “It’s just that I wasn’t sure how to act… hooking up with someone at a party isn’t at all my type of thing.” 
You resisted to quirk your brow at Sunghoon-the-alleged-not-frat-bro, frat bro. He noticed you were waiting for him to continue.
“And you… seemed like the opposite. I thought that you’d probably just leave me behind, so I decided it best to leave first.”
“I go for the music, the chaos, not the boys,” you shook your head. “But, I was kind of confused that you didn’t want to… continue?”
“Sorry for abruptly leaving, I didn’t really know what to say. Plus we were already walked in on, the guys are like helicopters over pledges - they’ll figure out everything so I - I don’t know - wasn’t sure I wanted to involve you.” He scratched his head, “I wasn’t expecting you’d come try to talk to me again.”
“Wow, Park Sunghoon, woman respecter, protecting me from the frat boy gossip.” You quipped. “You failed by the way, Jake made a comment to me earlier.”
He rolled his eyes and groaned - “It’s because of that stupid captain’s log. You should see the rest of it - Jungwon documented everything I swear.” Sunghoon stopped to look at your blank face, “I’m not giving a good explanation, am I?”
You shrugged.
“Fine. Let me make it up to you.”
You thought to yourself, now am I getting laid?
Sunghoon intertwined his fingers with yours again and you followed behind him this time up the staircase. The HYB stairs were tile, far smoother than your unsteady walk could handle. Sunghoon laughed at you, “If you’re like this walking on land, I wonder how you’d be on figure skates.”
“Are you suggesting you’d want to see me in public and on skates? And not in the haze of a dingy frat party?” You feigned surprise.
Sunghoon snickered, “Hey, our house is the least dingy in all of Greek.” He smiled again, “And yeah, I’d be down to see you without an absurd amount of coconut rum.”
You ignored the sirens going off in your brain about getting more involved with someone unpredictable like him, Yunjin’s just have fun, echoing in your head.
He unlocked a room’s door, revealing a typical single, dark bed sheets matching dark curtains. You noticed a few trophies on a shelf. Sunghoon frantically picked up stray clothes, “Sorry I don’t really, bring people back.” He looked at you as you leaned against the door frame for support, “Wait. You’ve had way more drinks than I have. I think we should just watch a movie? I set up pretty good speakers, my surround sound is elite.”
You snorted, “Woman respecter, certified.” You removed your shoes and climbed into his bed. The soft sheets felt good against your skin, the spinning of the room felt more obvious with your new position. The bed dipped as Sunghoon joined next to you, equipped with his laptop. The sirens in your head went off again as he slid an arm under you, pulling your heavy head against his chest. He still smelled of cologne - a tinge of spilled orange juice and fruity smoke, clinging gently on his shirt. You were more conscious of how you smelled to him, of coconut and pure sweat, most likely. Sunghoon gently rested his head atop yours. Oh god, there was no way he wasn’t breathing you in now.
Sunghoon mumbled, “You okay? Need water?” He was aimlessly scrolling through his front page of Netflix. You shook your head, then laughed pointing out Megamind under his Watch It Again list. He sat up, trying to cover his other recommendations that were all along the line of family movies. “It was for nostalgia, okay!”
You wrestled with his arm, revealing more of his lists. “Monster House I can get behind, but Boss Baby? Really?” He wrestled back, before he closed his laptop, suppressing his own embarrassed laughter with fake seriousness. Sunghoon climbed on top of you, lightly pinning your wrists against his sheets.
“You talk mad shit for someone who told me they listen to Mario Party music unironically.” You gasped.
“I did not tell you that! Plus, I’d rather be caught listening to Mario KART music, than watching a movie about a baby in a suit.”
Judging by Sunghoon’s expression, you knew you won that argument. He continued, “I might have asked around about you.”
You smirked, “Stalker, are we?” Then you realized, how did other people know that about you?
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, and decided against a comeback. He dipped his head to seal his lips over yours. He let go of your wrists, opting to grasp your chin with one of his hands, as his other supported his weight above you. You eagerly moved your lips against his, sighing.
Shamelessly, you mumbled against his mouth, “Couldn’t stop thinking about this.” Your arms wrapped behind his neck, tugging him closer to you.
You felt Sunghoon’s shoulders stiffen, as your lips trailed downwards, eager to trace lines against his jaw again.
“Hey,” he whispered. Your hand followed down the front of his chest, prying at the edge of his collar. “Hey-,” Sunghoon repeated, louder. He let out a soft groan, before you pulled away, satisfied.
“What?” you whispered, exasperated.
“If this is all you want from me, I can’t do that.” He said seriously. “I don’t want to just hook up with you, plus you drank too much.” 
You cleared your throat. He was right, though he was just as playful, he seemed quite sober. Sunghoon resumed, “I’d like to just spend time with you, but if you’re seeking something else - no hard feelings.” You saw a gentle pout along his lips. You heard him, but you couldn’t resist placing a kiss against that pout.
“No! I don’t just want to sleep with you…” You looked at him, maybe the sirens going off in your head were just a false alarm. “Just promise you won’t ditch me?”
You felt his neck burn up, if it wasn’t for the room barely being illuminated by his digital clock on the wall, you knew his face would be flushed red. “It’d be hard to leave, considering we’re literally in my room,” he joked. He placed a kiss on the side of your mouth before lying back next to you, his arm sliding back under your head.
You giggled as you watched him quickly scroll past his Netflix recommendations, instead pulling up the anime genre page. 
Eventually agreeing on watching Saiki K, Sunghoon’s gentle shaking from his quiet laughter began to lull you to sleep. Your last thoughts before sleep consumed you was how sweaty you felt with Sunghoon’s body heating you up, how you forgot to text Yunjin back about your whereabouts, and how criminal it was for someone to still smell so damn good.
Those thoughts were also the first ones that came to you as morning struck.
Much to your surprise, your head didn’t hurt, probably thanks to the water Sunghoon basically force fed you during the second episode. His arm was still under you, but he was now turned to face you, his other arm lightly draped over your frame - effectively trapping you in his arms.
You weren’t complaining. 
Slowly, and quietly, you slid your hand to grab your phone in your back pocket. The most recent text from Yunjin, wear protection xx, with a selfie of her and RIki making kissing faces at the camera. Looks like their beef was relieved, you couldn’t help but to laugh out loud.
Sunghoon dipped his face deeper into your hair and neck, with a soft groan as if to shut you up.
Panic set in. You had to get out of there and shower. It would be an absolute disservice to this gorgeous man to keep allowing him to breathe you in.
You tried to shake him awake, Sunghoon pulled you tighter. You blinked at the intimacy of it all, sure he almost had his fingers inside you the other night but this felt far closer. It was pulling at your heart strings.
“Hoon, wake up, I’m stinky.”
Sunghoon mumbled, “I don’t mind.”
“Gross… I have to get to class.”
“Liar, Yunjin told me you have afternoon classes today.”
“Yunjin?” That woke him up.
He slightly pulled away, “I might have… inquired.”
You couldn’t hold back a satisfied smile. “Wow, I’ve known you for a weekend. This has to be a new record for me.”
Sunghoon brushed a few hairs out of your face. “You know, we actually met at the club fair last month.”
You tilted your head in confusion, “No, there’s no way - I definitely would have remembered you.” It was his turn to grin.
He bit his lip, “Well, it was more like I signed your friend’s petition, but you were at the table too. I was with Jake, you two were going over a lecture. You were too engrossed in genes or whatever, so I guess you didn’t notice.”
You hummed, “That lecture was so bad… Jake and I shared notes that night.” You watched Sunghoon’s now shy expression. “So a month, huh?” Maybe Sunghoon was a green flag.
Sunghoon covered his face with a hand, then teased, “Don’t forget you were all over me last night, practically begging for me.”
“You’re exaggerating.”
“No, I think you just can’t remember with all that alcohol you drank.”
You squinted at his smug face, “Shall we call a truce?”
“Only if you let me take you out tonight.”
Tracing a finger along his jaw, you whispered, “That sounds reasonable.”
He grinned, placing a kiss on your cheek before getting up out of bed.
“Alright, I’ll take you home. Lord knows someone needs a shower.”
You pulled him back in bed to try to smother him with a pillow. He escaped quickly, laughing at your attempt and opting to practically pick you up. Sunghoon held your hand, leading you out of the remnants of the HYB house, only letting go for a moment to open the car door for you.
His hand found its way a top your thigh as he drove towards your dorm. 
When he parked, you grabbed his phone from the cupholder, holding it out so he could punch in his passcode. Sunghoon grinned as you sent yourself a text.
“I’ll pick you up at 6?” He offered.
You returned his smile with a chaste kiss, “See you then.”
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that-guy-sleepy-miles · 2 months
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Go dig your teeth into Ray & Frog Chapter 1: Teaser Trailer (Hiraeth)! Complete with 4 screenshot edits, 6 more chapters on the way, and psychological dystopian horror waiting to happen!
Fall deeper into a spiral right by Rayman's side as he realizes that his personal life is anything but, and watch through the lens of Eden how their relationship unfolded!
AnyadverseeffectsofconsumingthismediaisnotthefaultofEdenTech,EdenTechtakesnoresponsibilityforanypsychologicalharmormentaldisturbancescausedbyviewingRAY&FROG©,pleaseconsultamentalhealthprofessionalbeforeconsultingEdenTechaboutadverseeffectsofwatchingRAY&FROG©. (This message is unreality, reading fanfics will not cause you harm <3)
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charles-eclair16 · 11 months
The Horrific Rumours
0.3 (part 2)
~The one where he clears the break up rumours~
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Liked by your_username, carlossainz55, your_bestfriend and 69.7k others
Charles_leclerc: Mon amour❤️
Ps- I would really appreciate it if people would refrain from sharing such rumours about my personal life. We are very much together and happy.
↪️Username06: he really said what breakup
↪️Ferrarigirl: a perfect fuck you to the rumours
Ynfan09: they're so cute together
Ynfangirl: yes tell them charles
Your_username: Mon bébé😘
↪️Charles_leclerc: only yours😘❤️
↪️Pierregasly: yeah yeah we know that you're together no need to show off
↪️Charles_leclerc: you're the one to talk?!
↪️Carlossainz55: yeah mate I've had enough of you kissing her in front of me to last a lifetime
Danielriccardo: I almost thought you've lost your mind after reading the rumours mate
↪️Charles_leclerc: nice to see you believe in me Daniel
Landonorris: shit I got my hopes up...I thought no more watching you guys be disgustingly in love
↪️Username06 LANDO?!
↪️Username05 umm what
↪️Charles_leclerc: don't even think about it Lando
Charlesfan05:" I don't plan to ever break up with her" if it's not love then I don't know what is
Pierregasly: Apart from jokes please don't spread rumours I almost had a heart attack
↪️Likedbygasly: Lmao
↪️Pierregasly: I don't know what I would've done if he started crying mid interview
↪️Ynfan09: probably start crying with him
Astonmytin: man is in love
Joris_trouche: I can't believe people thought you broke up when all you do is lock lips together
↪️Username: joris airing charles secrets
↪️Carlossainz55: don't forget the phone calls every other hour
↪️Landonorris: or how he whines about missing her every damn time
↪️Maxverstappen1: I'm pretty sure I know everything about her, all because he can't stop talking about it
Redbullfan05: not the others exposing charles💀
Username06:Lmao the whole grid was worried💀
Arthur_leclerc: I was on the verge of crying like I can lose Charles but I can't lose my partner in crime
↪️Randomfangirl: Arthur💀
↪️Charles_leclerc: wow okay I'm not offended at all
↪️Ferrarigirl: Arthur really said he would rather lose his own brother then his girlfriend😭
↪️Smooth_operator: he's whipped
Georgerusselfan: I love how the whole grid was worried that they broke up
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Liked by Charles_leclerc, pierregasly, carlossainz55, arthur_leclerc and 86.9k others
Your_username: "You are the best thing that's ever been mine". I love you❤️
Charles_leclerc: I love you too baby 😘
Your_bestfriend: you're cute and all but please stop kissing in front of me
↪️Your_username: we don't always kiss?!
↪️francisca.cgomes: you kind of do babe
↪️your_username: kika?! Not you too
Youfan15: I want what they have
Lilymhe: What do you mean I'm not the best thing that's ever happened to you
↪️Alexalbon: Lily?!
↪️Charles_leclerc: cry about it
↪️Your_username: you're one of my favourite people lily❤️
↪️Charles_leclerc: but I'm the best right?
↪️Fangirl16: I love their banter
Ynfan09: not Taylor swift lyrics
Charlosgirl: which God did to pray to?
Arthur_leclerc: please don't leave me alone with him
↪️Randomfan02: he's your brother💀
↪️Your_username: you've been living with him since you were born??
↪️Arthur_leclerc: yeah exactly
Likedbygasly: Charles really went and took my wife
Pierregasly: Please don't scare me like that
↪️Username06: Lmao Pierre was really going through it
↪️Username08: man was stressed
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lead-huge · 3 days
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