#christine paolilla
morbidology · 1 year
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Christine Paolilla, a young girl from Long Island, New York, was diagnosed with alopecia as a child, resulting in hair loss. In an attempt to fit in with her peers at school, she wore wigs. During her teenage years, she attended Clear Lake High School and became friends with Rachael Koloroutis and Tiffany Rowell, part of the popular crowd who showed her kindness and included her in their social circle. After winning "Miss Irresistible" at 17 years old, she started dating Christopher Lee Snider, who was 21.
On July 18, 2008, Christine and Christopher went to Tiffany's home, where Marcus Precella, Adelbert Sanchez, and Rachael were also present. They intended to obtain drugs from Marcel, but an altercation broke out, and Christine and Christopher shot all four of their friends before fleeing the scene. However, Christine later returned and found Rachael still alive, trying to reach the phone. Despite Rachael's plea for mercy, Christine killed her by beating her with the gun's butt. The police determined that the murders were fueled by personal hatred, as the victims were shot multiple times, with Rachael and Tiffany being shot in the genital area.
The case remained unsolved for three years until the police received an anonymous tip, leading to Christine's arrest. She was apprehended in a San Antonio hotel room where she and her husband, Justin Rott, were living as heroin addicts in a room filled with drugs and drug paraphernalia. Justin confessed to the police that Christine was involved in the killings and had even beaten Rachael to death. Upon learning of Christine's arrest, Christopher Snider took his own life.
Despite being spared the death penalty due to her age at the time of the murders, Christine was sentenced to life imprisonment.
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missmcspooks · 2 years
The Clear Lake City Murders
In this article you will learn about a young woman who was welcomed with open arms by two girls who helped her change her life around. Instead of getting repaid with love and genuine friendship, they get repaid with death during a drug-raid gone wrong, along with two others, and she almost got away with the crime forever. 
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Christine Marie Paolilla, born on March 31, 1986 and raised on Long Island, New York, was the second child to Lori and Charles Paolilla. Lori was a stay at home mother while Charles worked as a construction worker. Unfortunately, Christine lost her father in a construction accident when she was only two years old. Not too long after the death of her husband, Lori started a drug addiction, and lost custody of Christine and her older brother to their grandparents. Christine had a few medical problems, and was diagnosed with alopecia, which caused her to lose her hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes, forcing her to wear wigs. If that wasn’t enough, she also had very poor vision, and had to wear very thick eyeglasses. From kindergarten through middle school, Christine was constantly ridiculed and bullied by her classmates, and it really took a blow to her self-confidence, along with being lonely and depressed from having no friends to spend time with. 
Eventually, Christine and her brother were reunited with their mother, who had since remarried and overcame her drug addiction. The family left Long Island and moved to Clear Lake City, Texas, where Christine was enrolled in Clear Lake Highschool. She quickly became good friends with two popular girls, Rachael Koloroutis, and Tiffany Rowell. The girls gave Christine a complete make-over and helped her fit in with the rest of the crowd, finally making Christine feel liked and accepted by her fellow classmates. She was even voted “Miss Irresistible” in 2003 by her classmates, and in that same year she began dating a 21 year old man, Christopher Lee Snider. Not only did Christine’s mother and step-father disapprove of their relationship, but so did Rachael and Tiffany, mainly due to his frequent drug abuse and his extensive criminal record. Eventually, Christine would follow in her boyfriend's footsteps, and begin using various drugs throughout the year of their relationship. Christine’s mother would later state that her relationship with Christopher was abusive and toxic, and not only did he isolate her from her friends and family, but he allegedly sexually assaulted her as well. Christopher's family would also state that their relationship was dysfunctional, and that Christine was very prone to jealousy, and the couple would fight often. They also stated that after one particular fight, Christine had spent the night on their front lawn, and threatened to kill his family. The police were called on Christine multiple times during their relationship, and Christopher had allegedly told his family that only two things scared him: the police, and Christine. 
On July 18th, 2003, Christine and Christopher went to Tiffany’s home where they planned on stealing drugs and money. Tiffany was there with her boyfriend, Marcus Precella, his cousin Adelbert Sanchez, and Rachael. It’s allegedly stated that Marcus and his cousin were drug dealers, which is why it was assumed that there would be drugs stored at Tiffany’s home. All four of the victims were shot multiple times, Tiffany and Rachael were also shot in the crotch, which showed detectives that this was a sign of sexual aggravation and jealousy. Rachael was surprisingly still alive after the shooting, and attempted to crawl behind the couch to call 911, but was spotted by Christine. She then took the butt of her 38-caliber revolver and proceeded to bash her skull in until she was dead. Christine would later tell police that Rachael had begged for her life, but she took it anyway. When they were sure everyone was dead, they left the home and Christine was dropped off at her job by her boyfriend. Tiffany’s friend Brittany, along with two others had discovered the bodies after trying to call her multiple times with no answer. Police would describe the crime scene as “overkill.” Based on how horrific the crime scene was, police had originally expected the crime to be drug related. Tiffany and Rachael had both recently graduated and worked as waitresses at a strip club, while Marcus sold cocaine and ecstasy. Police assumed that the crime was organized by drug trade professionals, since all the victims were killed execution style, with the exception of Rachael. Investigators also placed the time of the murders around 3:25 PM, and Christine had clocked into her job at Walgreens before 4:00 PM that very same day. After the murders were publically announced, Christine acted completely distressed in front of her family, and allegedly didn’t attend their funerals due to depression. Christine decided she wanted to get clean and admitted herself into rehab for her drug addiction, and around that same time, Christopher was arrested and put into jail in Kentucky for unrelated charges, and their relationship ended. 
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In 2004, while Christine was in rehab, she met her future husband, Stanley Justin Rott. The two quickly fell in love, and after their treatment was completed in 2005, they immediately got married, and vowed to start their new life completely without drugs. Her father had left her $360,000 in a trust fund, and the couple used that money to buy a condo. Christine’s family initially didn’t approve of their marriage, and Stanley allegedly had a history of leeching off women. However, their happy drug-free marriage was very short lived, as the second anniversary of the murders was coming up, and in July of 2005, the murders were televised and news channels talked about the murders remaining unsolved, and she became upset when she saw the sketches that neighbors had given of the perpetrators. After seeing the news, she confessed about everything regarding the murders, and the couple went into hiding. In November, 2005, the couple were living in a motel room in San Antonio, and for the next eight months, they stayed in that room and shot up heroin and cocaine every day. 
On July 8th, 2006, an anonymous call was placed to the police regarding the murders. The male called told police that he was in rehab with Christine Paolilla, and overheard her admitting to the murders to her now husband, Stanley Rott. Police tracked down Christine and arrested her on July 19th, 2006, and also arrested her husband as they found 70 vials of heroin in their room. The other killer in the crime, Christopher Snider, was recently released from jail. However, when police entered his home, they found that he had completely vanished. Before the police even got to his home, his parents notified him that the police were looking for him and were planning on bringing him up on capital charges. Friends told the police that he had allegedly brought soda and pills back with him from South Carolina, where he was living with a woman he met online, after hearing about his arrest warrant. His body was later discovered in nearby woods, and was confirmed by medical examiners that he overdosed on pills. Investigators found two guns inside of his safe, which were later linked to the murders. 
When Christine was arrested, she told police that she didn’t intend on killing anyone, and they were only supposed to go there for drugs and money. She stated that her boyfriend got into an argument with one of the men there, and that’s when the shooting started. She claimed that Christopher was the primary shooter, and forced her to shoot them with his gun by putting his hand over hers. This was later proven to be false, as coroner reports cited that there had been two different guns used. She also admitted that they exited the home, but went back inside to make sure everyone was dead, and that’s when she saw Rachael trying to call 911, and repeatedly hit her in the head with the gun. Knowing all of this information, her defense attorney’s still tried to claim that she had never held a gun, and that she “never intended for anybody to be hurt.” 
Justin Rott explained to authorities that she had came clean to him about everything she did during the murders, and agreed to testify against her. They were later able to confirm that everything he said during his testimony was true. On October 13th, 2008, Christine Paolilla was convicted of four counts of capital murder. Considering the fact that she had been a juvenile offender at the time of the murders, she was able to escape the death penalty, and was sentenced to life in prison. She had filed several appeals regarding her sentencing, and each of them had been denied. As of 2022, she is incarcerated at the Crain Unit in Gatesville, Texas, and won't be eligible for parole until 2046, at age 60. 
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stdhealth · 2 years
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tomorrowimjustdirt · 3 years
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At an early age Christine Paolilla was forced to go through several hardships. After her father was killed in a construction accident, her mother began abusing drugs and neglecting Christine and her brother. Soon, Paolilla's maternal grandmother took the two children in to care for them. Around this time Paolilla was diagnosed with alopecia and had lost most of her hair. She would wear wigs and also had to wear thick eyeglasses which lead to her classmates bullying her.
By the time Paolilla was ready to enter high school, her mother had received the help she needed and was able to have custody of Christine and her brother again. The family moved to Clear Lake City, Texas and Paolilla attended Clear Lake High School.
Once there Paolilla met Rachel Koloroutis and Tiffany Rowell. The two befriended her and gave her some what of a makeover which helped her to gain some self worth and acceptance from the students there.
With her new found confidence she met and began dating 21 year old Christopher Lee Snider. Snider had a history of drug use as well as a criminal record. Paolilla's friends and family did not like Snider because of this and felt he was too controlling of Paolilla. Their relationship quickly lead to them both using drugs and constant arguing. During one fight they had, Paolilla wouldn't leave Snider's front yard and screamed threats of killing his family if he wouldn't stay with her.
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On the night of July 18, 2003 Paolilla and Snider planned to go to Rowell's house to steal drugs from her and boyfriend Marcus Precella. Koloroutis, and Precella's cousin Adelbert Sanchez were also at the house. Once Snider and Paolilla arrived, an arguement broke out between Snider and Precella which lead to Snider shooting him as well as the others multiple times killing three of them. Rachel Koloroutis tried to make her way to a phone but, Paolilla caught her and beat her in the head with the butt of a gun crushing her skull, killing her as well.
For two years the case ramained unsolved due to the lack of evidence that was left behind at the scene.
By 2005 Paolilla and Snider had broken up, Paolilla was sober, and she had married a man she met in rehab, Justin Rott. With a trust fund of $360,000 she received from her father's death the couple moved in to a new home together.
On the two year annivesary of the brutal murders, after seeing a news story speaking of how the case still remained unsolved which then showed the police sketches of Paolilla and Snider, Paolilla admitted to Rott of what she and Snider had done.
From there the two went into hiding for eight months in a local motel where they heavily used heroin on a daily basis.
During this time a man who had been in rehab with Paolilla called Crimestoppers and reported that Paolilla had addmitted to him she and Snider had commited the murders.
On July 19, 2006 police arrested Paolilla on suspicion of murder and Rott for having drugs.
While in custody Rott told police of Paolilla's confession.
It was quickly made known police were now on the hunt for Snider who had been in and out of jail the last few years and was currently living in South Carolina with a girlfriend.
A family member of Snider's had called to alert him of the warrant police had out and Snider made the decision he would not go back to prison ever again.
On August 5, 2006 police found a dead body deep into the woods who they determined to be Snider. He had committed suicide by overdosing on prescription pills.
By October 2006 Christine Paolilla was convicted of four counts of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison.
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fletchermarple · 6 years
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Quick Review of the True Crime Books I read in 2017 (Part 2)
Part 1 of 2017
Review of books in 2016 Part 1 and Part 2
Review of books in 2015
The Michigan Murders by Edward Keyes: Before Ted Bundy, there was John Norman Collins. He was also a handsome, charming, smart university student that looked nothing like a stereotypical killer, but in fact was raping and murdering women from ages 13 to 21 at an alarming rate between 1967 and 1969 in Michigan. This book was originally published in 1976, and it’s a very serious and professional exposition of the case, written under journalistic standards but not so much literary ones. By that I mean that it sticks mostly to facts and remains objective instead of adding some narrative touches to make the story more appealing. Don’t get me wrong, the case is interesting enough in itself and if like me you didn’t know much about Collins (who now goes by the surname Chapman), this is a very informative read. The problem with this book is one that many true crime novels have: since there’s not a main character we can focus on, and instead we get just “this victim disappeared, then this victim disappeared” with no remarkable investigator to take the reigns of the story, it kind of drags a lot in the first part. It gets better once Collins is introduced, and let me tell you, he’s so chilling and the way they got him is so curious it definitely makes worth the read in the end. I should also add that Keyes changes pretty much every single name in the case, including the killer’s, which might have been common practice back then, but seems ridiculous now when everything is public information and it’s something that I particularly hate in non fiction stories.
Silent Witness by Don Weber and Charles Bosworth Jr.: This book is about the murder of Karla Brown, which I wrote about here, and the hunt for the killer. Although the book is co-signed by Don Weber, he’s presented in a third person style within the narration. He was the prosecutor in the case, and he comes across as a guy who takes his job very seriously and was willing to take risks with new technologies and techniques so he could get justice for the victim. The case itself is very twisty and interesting, since it took investigators four years to point to the right suspect, so the story is very riveting, especially if you, like me, enjoy the investigation and judicial part of true crime. Just keep in mind that the book was written by someone who is certain of the killer’s identity and there’s no room left to doubt his guilt, as opposed to the reality, where there are some people that have tried (unsuccessfully) to find proof of his innocence.
The Man from the Train by Bill James and Rachel McCarthy James: I really enjoyed Bill James’ book Popular Crime and I got this one as soon as it came out. James is not really a true crime writer, his main area of expertise is baseball, but just like us he’s very enthusiastic about true crime and has spent a lot of time researching, reading and formulating theories about it. In this book, he tackles a series of unsolved murders that happened in the first decade of the 20th Century in the US, when several families were hacked to death with an axe for no apparent reason. James and his daughter do a very thorough research into old archives to try to determine which murders are linked and were likely committed by the same person, who in their theory is also the guy behind the infamous Villisca Axe Murders. The book is really a very well done exercise in speculation, amateur profiling and connecting the dots, because there’s no way we can really know if what James is saying is true or not, and he knows it and acknowledges it several times through the extensive book. I’m not sure The Man from the Train is for everyone, I’d recommend it mostly to people who really enjoy unsolved mysteries and old American history, because there’s a lot of interesting analysis of those times. James is very entertaining in his writing and speaks directly to the reader while adding some humor and worthy anecdotes here and there. ( @congenitaldisease I know someone recommended this book to you, I think you’d enjoy it as well).
My Story by Elizabeth Smart: It pains me to say this, because I’ve met Elizabeth Smart and she’s an amazing and inspiring person, but of all the true crime books I read this year, this is probably the worst. I find it hard to believe that she worked with an actual writer, because the book reads like the journal of a 12 year old in both narration and content. The story is, of course, terrible and haunting, and Elizabeth tells us in detail about being kidnapped from her bedroom when she was 14 by the seriously disgusting Brian David Mitchell and his mentally disturbed wife Wanda Barzee. She also talks a lot about her determination to survive through the horrible ordeal and her faith... She’s pretty heavy on the faith side, at points the book can read like a Sunday sermon so if you’re one of those people who frown at religion, this is definitely not the novel for you. Like I said earlier, the book is written in a very childish way, which would be ok if Elizabeth had written it right after her kidnapping but this was done when she was already an adult and a decade had passed. There’s no deep insights or much new information and on paper Elizabeth does not communicate as well as in person. Her experience is worth to know, but objectively, as a piece of literature, this book is bad. I would suggest watching any of her interviews instead of picking up this (and definitely don’t get the audiobook because she’s not a good reader).
Waiting to be Heard by Amanda Knox: Now this is the complete opposite to Elizabeth Smart’s memoir. It’s a well written book that gives a very clear and thorough account of the ordeal Amanda Knox went through when she was accused and wrongly convicted of murdering her roommate Meredith Kercher in Italy. Amanda is very candid and represents herself very well, with a lot of material from the trial and details of her life behind bars. You can tell by this book that Amanda was a very naive, inexperienced girl who lacked self awareness. Even when writing this book she doesn’t seem to understand why her behavior was inappropriate and bothered the italian authorities, and while she doesn’t give a satisfactory explanation of why she involved Patrick Lumumba, there’s no doubt in my mind that she’s innocent of the murder and was horribly railroaded by unethical investigators, prosecutors and journalists, who built a case on nothing but a twisted fantasy. I imagine if you somehow believe she’s guilty (and I really would like to hear a good argument for that) this book would be extremely annoying to read, but otherwise you should add it to your list and expect to get your blood boil over the injustice. It’s scary to think that under the right circumstances anyone could experience what Amanda did. 
Never See them Again by M. William Phelps: A gripping account of the Clear Lake Murders, a massacre in 2003 in which four young people were gunned down in a house in Texas in the middle of the day by then 17 year old Christine Paolilla, a close friend of two of the victims, and her boyfriend. Phelps, an experienced writer that used to host the show Dark Minds, does it right and finds memorable characters to narrate his story through, including the victims (especially Rachel Koloroutis, whose family was clearly one of Phelps main sources), the main investigator and Christine herself. Christine’s life is well researched but even after you’ve read so much about her, she remains an intriguing figure. It’s clear that her self portrayal of a victim that got forced to commit the crime is a fake and she’s a master liar and manipulator, but it’s hard to know for sure what drove her to kill the two girls that had made efforts to improve her life. Like Edward Keyes in The Michigan Murders, Phelps also uses some fake names but only in witnesses and he lets you know when it’s a pseudonym, which I appreciated.
Law and Disorder by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker: Any book by John Douglas is worth the read, because not only he talks in depth about very interesting cases, but his perspective, whether you agree with it or not, is always well informed and fascinating. He makes an excellent writing team with Olshaker, who lets Douglas’ voice come through in a way that lets you know what kind of person he is through the pages. This book, the most recent he wrote, published in 2013, is no exception. Here he tackles famous cases of miscarriage of justice, from the Salem witch trials to Amanda Knox. It’s not always about wrongfully convicted people, he also talks about how some clearly guilty convicts abuse the justice system. Douglas talks about his views on the death penalty, which he’s in favor of although not a passionate advocate: he just believes that if the sentence exists, and is decided after a fair trial, the family of the victim has a right to see it through. His main point throughout the book is that a theory should never be above the evidence, meaning some investigators get so obsessed with trying to prove someone is guilty that they ignore the actual evidence and use only what fits their idea of how a crime was committed. He gives several examples, but I found the chapters on the JonBenet Ramsey and West Memphis 3 the most illuminating. Really, when analyzed by Douglas, an agent whose experience in crime is not to be dismissed, it sounds ridiculous to think the Ramseys killed JonBenet or that the WM3 are guilty. Even if you think they are, I would ask you to please read this so you can have a wider perspective. (I also got some mild pleasure at all the shade Douglas throws to investigator Steve Thomas, whose book on the JonBenet Ramsey case I reviewed here). However, I will say that if you’ve never read a Douglas book, this is not the one to start with. You should at least read Mindhunter first.
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Clear Lake Murders, Christine Paolilla and Chris Snider: Murder in the Moonlight Ep 45 Catch up on previous episodes of #MurderInTheMoonlight on #youtube #instagarm #facebook & #twitter All 🔗links in bio🔗 Tune in Thursday nights at 7:00 MT/8:00 CT to be part of the live conversation! Join our #patreon for bonus content and more! #truecrime #truecrimes #truecrimestories #truecrimehistory #crime #criminal #murder #murderer #murderers #murders #murderino #homicide #spreekiller #spreekillers #killer #killers #killercouples #lovers #notorious #texas #clearlake #clearlaketx #massmurderers https://www.instagram.com/p/CZk038cMI3b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blogtintonghop24h · 3 years
Giúp bạn thân kém sắc 'lột xác' hóa thiên nga, hai cô gái trẻ chẳng ngờ gieo nên mầm họa, nhận tấn bi kịch đẫm máu
Cô nàng vịt hóa thiên nga
Ngay từ khi sinh ra đời, Christine Paolilla, đến từ Mỹ thường xuyên nghe những lời chê bai vì ngoại hình kém sắc của bản thân. Vì căn bệnh Alopecia mà Christine Paolilla đã phải đối mặt với tình trạng bị rụng từng mảng tóc, lông mày, lông mi cũng chẳng còn. Chính vì thế, cô gái này phải thường xuyên trang điểm, đội tóc giả để che đi diện mạo thật của mình.
Tuy nhiên, cô vẫn phải đón nhận những lời mỉa mai, châm chọc, cười chê của bạn bè đồng trang lứa. Điều này đã gây ra nhiều tổn thương cho cô gái tuổi teen. Cho đến khi gặp gỡ và được hai người bạn học xinh đẹp, nổi tiếng trong lớp là Tiffany Rowell và Rachael Koloroutis chủ động làm bạn, giúp đỡ lúc này cuộc sống của Christine mới bước sang trang mới, mọi thứ đã bắt đầu tốt đẹp hơn.
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Christine Paolilla nhờ 2 cô bạn thân mà đã có màn thay đổi ngoạn mục
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Hai cô bạn Tiffany Rowell và Rachael Koloroutis
Nhóm bạn 3 người của Christine đã xây dựng một tình bạn vô cùng thân thiết và gắn bó. Với sự giúp đỡ của hai người bạn thân Tiffany và Rachel, Christine dần dần đã thoát khỏi cái bóng "con vịt xấu xí" năm xưa. Christine thay đổi cách trang điểm, chọn một kiểu tóc giả mới và phong cách ăn mặc của cô cũng hiện đại, thời thượng hơn.
Đến năm cuối cùng của trung học, chẳng ai ngờ Christine đã lột xác hóa thành thiên nga, trở thành một cô gái nổi bật tại trường Clear Lake, ngoại ô bang Houston. Tuy nhiên chính vì ngày càng nổi tiếng trong trường mà Christine càng sống sa đọa hơn, cô nhanh chóng giao lưu với những thành phần bất hảo, thậm chí còn dính líu đến ma túy.
Đầu năm 2003, Christine bắt đầu hẹn hò với một gã bạn trai 21 tuổi, Christopher Snider. Tên này được mọi người mô tả là một kẻ tâm thần, có xu hướng bạo lực và sở thích bệnh hoạn. Christine cũng không phải là cô gái ngoan hiền khi luôn tỏ ra ghen tuông một cách thái quá và có thể nổi điên bất cứ khi nào nhìn thấy bạn trai liếc nhìn cô gái khác. Christine và Christopher kết hợp với nhau trở thành cặp đôi rắc rối, nghiện ngập để rồi cùng nhau nhúng tay vào tội ác không thể dung thứ.
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Christine và bạn trai
"Trả ơn" bằng bi kịch đẫm máu
Buổi trưa định mệnh ngày 18/7/2003, Christine và Christopher đã nổ súng sát hại 4 người bao gồm Tiffany và bạn trai, Rachael và một người bạn nam khác. Theo lời khai của Christine, cô ta và tên Christopher muốn đến nhà Tiffany để ăn trộm nhưng không ngờ Christopher lại xảy ra gây gổ với một trong số các nạn nhân dẫn đến cuộc ẩu đả và nổ súng.
Cả 4 nạn nhân đều bị bắn nhiều phát vào người. Riêng Rachael sau khi bị trúng đạn vẫn còn tỉnh nên đã cố gắng gọi điện báo cảnh sát. Cô còn van nài Christine tha mạng cho mình. Chẳng ngờ người bạn thân thiết ngày nào lại lạnh lùng bắn Rachael một phát súng chí mạng, sau đó cô ta còn dùng súng liên tục đập vào đầu nạn nhân cho đến chết.
Sau khi gây án, Christine và Christopher nhanh chóng tẩu thoát khỏi hiện trường. Mãi cho đến buổi trưa ngày hôm sau, khi một người bạn của Tiffany gọi điện thoại đến nhà nhưng không ai bắt máy nên đã đến tận nhà kiếm thì mới phát hiện ra khung cảnh đẫm máu đáng sợ.
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4 nạn nhân xấu số
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Băng rôn truy nã hai hung thủ
Vụ án 4 thanh niên bị bắn chết dã man đã gây rúng động dư luận vào thời điểm đó và làm cảnh sát đau đầu suốt 3 năm trời vì họ nghi ngờ rằng có liên quan đến tranh chấp ma túy nhưng lại không tìm ra được chứng cứ thuyết phục. Năm 2004, Christine và bạn trai chia tay sau khi gã đàn ông bị tống giam vì tội ăn trộm xe hơi.
Ít lâu sau, Christine vào trại cai nghiện ma túy tại Kerrville, Texas. Tại đây, cô ta đã yêu một tên nghiện ngập khác, Stanley Justin Rott. Cặp đôi sau đó kết hôn vào tháng 3/2005. Đến tháng 7 năm đó, tròn 2 năm sau vụ giết người rúng động, cảnh sát đã đưa tin về vụ án chưa được giải quyết và hình phác thảo tên hung thủ do hàng xóm cho lời khai.
Christine bỗng cảm thấy vô cùng bất an, sợ hãi xen lẫn lo lắng nên liền thú nhận với chồng về chuyện mình đã từng giết người. Cặp đôi đã nhanh chóng bỏ trốn. Suốt cả năm sau đó, vợ chồng Christine sống ẩn dật tại một nhà trọ tại San Antonio, ngày đêm hút chích ma túy.
Đến đầu tháng 7/2006, một người đàn ông ẩn danh đã gọi điện cho cảnh sát, cho biết khi ở trong trại cai nghiện, Christine đã tự thú nhận mình cùng với bạn trai giết chết các bạn. Khoảng 10 ngày sau đó, Christine bị cảnh sát vây bắt ngay tại phòng trọ. Chồng của cô ta cũng bị bắt với tang vật là ma túy ngay trong phòng.
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Giọt nước mắt muộn màng tại phiên tòa của thủ phạm
Trong lời khai với cảnh sát, Stanley đã kể hết những chuyện kinh khủng của Christine từng nói với hắn ta cho cảnh sát. Christine không còn cách nào khác phải cúi đầu thừa nhận mọi tội ác. Tuy nhiên, cô ta không ngừng đổ lỗi, cho rằng chính tên Christopher là người xúi giục, bắt cô phải ra tay với nhóm bạn thân của mình.
Trong lúc đó, tên Christopher nghe ngóng được tin tức bạn gái cũ Christine bị bắt nên đã tự sát. Thi thể của hắn được cảnh sát tìm thấy ở một vùng hoang vắng tại Greenville trong tình trạng phân hủy. Khám nghiệm tử thi cho thấy tên này chết do sử dụng thuốc quá liều.
Ngày 13/10/2008, Christine bị buộc 4 tội danh giết người cấp độ 1. Tuy nhiên do tại thời điểm gây án, Christine chỉ mới 17 tuổi nên tên hung thủ đã không bị xử tử hình. Cuối cùng, nữ hung thủ máu lạnh đã bị kết án tù chung thân, hiện đang bị giam giữ tại nhà tù Mountain View, Gatesville, Texas.
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kellyclarebabi · 6 years
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hannahlillyz · 4 years
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I decided to create a comic to explore other artist approaches. This was inspired by my secondary research when I analysed a magazine called 'Murder Most Foul'. The magazine contained many comic strips as well as an article about Christine Paolilla who murdered her four friends. For this piece I used: Copic markers. The story behind this is that the man's girlfriend left her phone at his house. Once he saw the messages from her many different boyfriends, he decided to take his revenge. 
I then pieced the images together to create a short book.
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itunesbooks · 5 years
Never See Them Again - M. William Phelps
Never See Them Again M. William Phelps Genre: True Crime Price: $4.99 Publish Date: September 4, 2012 Publisher: Kensington Seller: Penguin Random House LLC Seventeen-year-old Christine Paolilla had her whole life ahead of her…that is, until she murdered her best friends. Award-winning investigative journalist M. William Phelps takes us inside a crime that shocked the nation.   In the summer of 2003, the Houston suburb of Clear Lake, Texas was devastated when four young residents were viciously slain. The two female victims, Tiffany Rowell and Rachael Koloroutis, were just eighteen-years-old—popular and beloved. But when a killer came knocking, it turned out to be someone they knew all too well.   Seventeen-year-old Christine Paolilla was an awkward outsider until the girls befriended her. In this gripping true story, complete with 16 pages of dramatic photos , M. William Phelps delves into the heart of a baffling mystery to get to the truth of an act so brutal it could not be understood—until now.  Praise for M. William Phelps  "Phelps ratchets up the dramatic tension." –Stephen Singular "One of America's finest true-crime writers." –Vincent Bugliosi "Phelps creates a vivid portrait." – Publishers Weekly   “One of our most engaging crime journalists.” –Katherine Ramsland "Phelps is the Harlan Coben of real-life thrillers." –Allison Brennan "The best true-crime writer to come along in years." –Gregg Olsen http://dlvr.it/R0kcC3
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scarydba · 6 years
This Teen Brutally Murdered The Popular Girls Who Turned Her Into “Miss Irresistible”
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morbidology · 7 years
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When Christine Paolilla from Long Island, New York, was a young girl, she was diagnosed with alopecia and as a result, started to lose her hair. Wanting to fit in with the other kids at school, she took to wearing wigs. As a teenager, she attended Clear Lake High School where she fell in with the popular crowd, consisting of Rachael Koloroutis and Tiffany Rowell. The majority of the other students mocked her but they took her under their wing and gave her beauty advice and took her shopping. Christine later described them as “the only people who wouldn’t stab me in the back.” After being voted “Miss Irresistible” at 17-years-old, she started dating 21-year-old Christopher Lee Snider. 
On the 18th of July, 2008, Christine and Christopher went to Tiffany’s home. Also in attendance was Tiffany’s boyfriend, Marcus Precella, Marcus’ cousin Adelbert Sanchez and Rachael. Christine and Christopher had intended on getting drugs from Marcel. However, after getting into an altercation, Christine and Christopher shot all four of their friends before fleeing. Shortly afterwards, Christine returned to the house to find Rachael still alive. She was attempted to crawl to the phone. “Why are you doing this to me?” she begged. Christine beat her to death with the butt of the gun. Police determined the killings were the result of a deep personal hatred. This was implied by the fact that they were shot multiple times with Rachael and Tiffany being shot in the crotch area. 
The case remained unsolved for three years until police received an anonymous tip. Christine was apprehended in a seedy San Antonio hotel room where she and her husband, Justin Rott, had been living. The couple were heroin addicts and the hotel room was covered in drugs and drug paraphernalia. Her husband confessed to police that Christine had told him she was involved in the slayings. He also told police that Christine confessed that she was the one who beat Rachael to death. As news of Christine’s apprehension broke the headlines, Christopher Snider committed suicide. 
Due to her young age at the time of the murders, Christine was spared the death penalty and sentenced to life imprisonment.
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Christine Paolilla and Chris Snyder
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vesago1 · 9 years
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 In 2003 at the age of 17 Christine Paolilla and her boyfriend Christopher Lee Snider, age of 21, shot four of Christine's friends to death. Three years went by before an arrest was made through an anonymous tip to the police.  Although, Christopher committed suicide before his arrest,In October of 2009 Christine  was sentenced to life in prison.
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therulesofevidence · 12 years
Primetime from ABC News : Inside the Interrogation Room (2010)
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morbidology · 9 years
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On 18 July, 2003, 17-year-old Christine Paolilla and her boyfriend, Christopher Snider, went to the home of her friend, Tiffany Rowell. Also in the home was Rachael Koloroutis, Rowell's boyfriend Marcus Precella, and Precella's cousin Adelbert Sanchez. Paolilla said they went there to steal drugs but an argument ensued which ended with Paolilla shooting all four people in the house. Koloroutis attempted to make her way to the phone after being shot, but Paolilla struck her over the head multiple times with the gun, bashing in her skull. The couple remained free until three years later when somebody called in an anonymous tip. Paolilla was apprehended and sentenced to life in prison. Her boyfriend, Snider, committed suicide after learning Paolilla had been arrested.
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