#chonky monster man
demonicfreakish · 6 months
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Finally finished the human mocking form of one of our other gods in our lore/headworld~ Olairus "Olai" God of Mischief & Tricks~ There's a bit of information on him. If you wanna see all of his lore and the finished reference sheet head on over to my Patreon~ He will also have a completed lore page with a toned illustration~
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darkmajesty-xo · 1 year
kiri whining in your ear >>>>
he’s completely ruined btw. your pussy is literally WEEPING around his cock. it feels like he’s suffocating, he can’t fucking breathe ! and you look so fuckin’ pretty and chonky— all thick and juicy with those plush thighs pushing him deeper into your angel cunt. he was already kissing your cervix and now he’s EMBEDDED. it’s disgusting how wet you are. your brain is mush and all you can think about is the monster inside you. he’s no better. there are tears in this man’s eyes. an insurmountable level of pleasure is building inside him but there’s no way he can articulate it. all he can do is whine your name, squeeze your tummy and fuck you harder ❤️
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brahkest-fr · 11 months
do you have any tips on making fandragons? yours are really good in a way i cant quite quantify
oh why thank you! I love my dumb fandergs so much kldjkldd
I'm not sure if I have tips per se, but I can explain how my thought process works when I do make fandergs so maybe that can be helpful 👀
when it comes to making them, the way I do it is first deciding what breed to make em. I consider what details I want to bring out of the fandom character so for example, I made my Johnny Bravo dragon a pearlcatcher cuz I wanted the dragon to have hair but not so much like a tundra. I also had an outfit in mind (to match Johnny's t shirt and jeans) so that ruled out ancients since you can't dress em and I didn't feel like making a skin lol.
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and behold: a man™. when I drew him, I thought it'd be funny to actually match the style of the show so he's all angular and disproportionate. I only included features that I wanted from the pearlcatcher like the horn, ears, and tail and tbh he looks like a rhino lol but I decided stuff like the hair tufts on the face and limbs was too much for my taste.
same thing went for my Samurai Jack dragon. however, this guy's actual dragon sprite is a lot more complex just cuz I felt like making him fancy and giving him armor.
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but when I drew him, he's just very much like Jack in the show, including the style. and I'm not saying fandergs have to match the style of whatever, I just think it's a fun nod. you can also notice here I didn't draw the smoke gene on him. that's just a personal decision I wanted to keep only on the sprite, in reference to Japanese ink paintings.
my design philosophy in general is "how would x person look like if they were a dragon." but if it's like an animal/creature fanderg (like for example my bazelgeuse derg from monster hunter) then I just kinda combine both elements together.
so for Tasha here, laced and edged look like chonky scales which for me was close enough to the egg-like scales of bazel and I got a skin for the fire theming. no clothes cuz I didn't wanna cover up the skin so sometimes I don't even dress em up if I prefer seeing their bodies.
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when I drew her, you can see the combined bits of both the monster and wildclaw - bazel's wings, the chonk claws, egg scales, facial features - wc tail feathers, the multigaze, feather hair. there's a lot of "use your imagination" in my designs so like, I don't usually take things at immediate face value. so some people might see laced/edged as just flat scales or maybe even feathers but my brain went oh those are fat fuck egg bombs kjldfkldkl.
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sometimes my fandergs are just inspired from colors like Baja who's a taco bell fan dragon lol. I saw this hat and was like yeah I can do something with that. another example of a derg I didn't really dress cuz I wanna see the baja blast™ capsule. Baja would prolly be one of the more thematically standard flight rising dergs of my fandom ones cuz she's just a spiral without anything fancy pancy going on like the previous ones.
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and sometimes it's just fun to make things kinda funky. for my Jacket fanderg, I was like, what if the chicken mask was literally a part of him and badabing it worked out really well with scales. his other colors are like red and white cuz I wanted a sort of basic bitch rooster color scheme. most of the fandom bits come from the skin I made him so he's a bit more involved on the artsy side of things. the art of him afterwards became a literal interpretation of the sprite.
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I have a lot more fandergs of course but that's more or less my thought process on designing them! I don't usually have any sort of standard for designs, it really ends up being how much I feel like putting in and how much do I directly want to interpret from a fandom source. sometimes it's very literal and other times it's like a lil nod or so. tbh, you can really make a fanderg out of anything since what you wanna see is entirely up to you. I personally think it's pretty fun to see how close I can get with just what the site has to offer.
I have two more fandergs I'm actually working on rn and am very excited to share when I get to it hohohehe
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Genuine question because I‘ve seen this hc around…not frequently enough to be fanon per se, but often enough to notice it-
Where did the whole "8bit Link lives in a wasteland/Hyrule is a barely livable wasteland“ thing come from?
As in, nature is dead, the water is toxic, Link‘s shunned by the people, that sort of Mad Max/Fallout type wasteland. Because if you play the games or even just look at the maps, that’s not the case at all? Like, here’s the Zelda 1 map:
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Those parts circled in cyan? They’re almost all trees. Out of all screens, only 4 don’t qualify as woods, 2 of which are Fairy Fountains. The other two areas are a clearing in the woods and a pathway to the (extremely tiny) desert, respectively. Both however still have very green trees. Ironically the most "dead“ part of the tree areas is the Lost Woods of all places, on the very right just under the graveyard lol.
The upper half of the map doesn’t have trees because it’s a giant mountain- a giant mountain with a waterfall leading to the giant lake and presumably where the woods underneath get their water from, so probably not murder-juice, and the lower right corner‘s a beach that (Just like the desert) still has some sort of functioning ecosystem going on given the enemies are probably just in their natural habitat there.
But the real kicker is Adventure of Link.
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The light green‘s grasslands, Hyrule Field style, and the dark green tiles are very dense, lush woods. But then there’s a third type of green tile, the ones circled. Stretching acres of plants that have grown so big they not only hide enemies from sight, but even slow Link down.
Those are flower fields. (Swamps. Turns out they’re swamps! Not as conventionally pretty as flower fields, but just as much filled with life!)
I don’t think there’s a single other version of Hyrule that has as many flowers as this one, bar perhaps the Switch games. But even then, proportionally speaking AoL‘s got more percentages of land covered.
Maybe the water isn’t poisoned but the opposite, because there’s definitely fish living in those ponds and just like the plants, they’re very big. May I dare say they’re chonky bois. Very annoying ones, probably the enemy I died most to, but very chonky, and presumably getting a lot of food. Plus, the towns have fountains, and there’s a cave with a healing water spring somewhere.
Speaking of towns! Links not being chased out at all, quite the opposite in fact! My man’s getting premium healthcare, for free! And sometimes the people you can talk to call him a hero! Teach him sick moves and cool spells for his quest! One even gifts him a magic container! That’s like a whole heart container, but for magic! Also, once again, some of the towns have fountains. Therefore, they have a properly working water system of some sort, which means the structures gotta have been in place for a while.
That fact is further cemented if you look back at the map, as those yellow lines are roads. Real, actual roads where monsters can’t fight you. Every single town minus one is connected to the road. (And Old Kasuto is connected). This land is better connected than every other place in this entire series. Half of them don’t even have roads!
In many ways, 8bitrule resembles Switchrule a lot- most likely because it was a deliberate choice to go "back to the roots“, not just to the beginning, but also to the only other open world games in the series.
And just like its grand tech-filled counterpart, the Kingdom of Hyrule might be in ruins, but the land of Hyrule- it’s not a wasteland, it’s thriving.
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half-blood-goods · 9 months
Had my first ever D&D session last weekend, so I decided to watch Honor Among Thieves last night. Please enjoy a collection of my blind reactions.
- Ominous tower is ominous
- Oh this is some Alcatraz shit
- God I love strong woman
- "Jarnarhan" fucking brilliant
- Only took a solid 6 minutes before the first character development death
- "Mutual respect" if that makes ya sleep better at night
- Throwing potatoes, a surprisingly effective attack
- You can see my man was looking for a better reaction after her daughter not seeing him for 2 years
- Gurl looks like Morticia at the MET Gala
- I knew he was too British to be trusted
- Wizard guy a fucking loser and I love him already
- NGL this Owlbear scene was banging as fuck
- I do not like ominous skull man
- Talking like a real politician
- This Wildshape sequence was one the coolest things I've seen in a while
- Short King and his Tall Queen
- This whole 5 question sequence was golden
- The costume designs are on fucking point, Those Tabaxi
- Paladin Man my beloved
- I do not like the living brains either
- "There is evil here" Aren't you guys in like the most evil place in D&D aside from like literal Hell
- Meeting up with great-great-grandpa like ya do
- Obligatory "team almost falls apart" moment but I surprisingly don't hate it
- Wow, this plan is actually brilliant. Like, cudos to them.
- I would still love her if she was a worm
- Not the broken record spell
- I'm starting to put together the plot and I don't like where this is going
- The weak nerd arms came in clutch
- This is giving hentai
- Okay this is very hype, all these monsters and stuff. My somewhat minimal D&D knowledge is paying off
- The potatoe returns
- Not going to lie I fully expected Baldy and sorcerer guy to start arm wrestling with the magic hand
- ...Baldy ain't coming back from that one
- Now I would probably more sad if we didn't have the exact item for this scenario
- This credits scene was just, so fucking good
Amazing fucking movie. Got surprisingly high body count by the end there with the maze. Wish there was more multi battle kinda stuff than one person combat, but still amazing, 9/10
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violent-optimism · 1 year
Ranking every Ganon/Ganondorf based on Appearance
Hey folks!
Those who know me well know that Ganondorf is one of my all time favourite video game characters and I am SO excited to see him return in “Tears of the Kingdom”. In that spirit, I thought it would be fun to do a personal ranking of every major Ganon or Ganondorf appearance in a Zelda game.
Notice how I said “major”, because quite frankly there are a lot of smaller Zelda games out there and I don’t have time to look into every single one of them to see if the G man had a cameo or not. This won’t be a complete list, just complete in terms of my personal knowledge and the games I am most familiar with. Also, friendly reminder that this list is my opinion and I’m not trying to offend or change anyone’s mind.
Let’s go!
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Ganon from the CD-I Zelda games - 1/10
I had to throw this one in here just for fun. It’s no secret that most of the characters in these games look absolutely god awful, not just Ganon himself. He looks like a weird, swamp monster that’s a cross between a dog and an ogre. Whenever I see this image all I can think of were those hilarious Youtube Poops from way back in the day. It is truly a silly design that fails to even remotely represent such an evil and intimidating character.
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Calamity Ganon from Breath of the Wild - 3/10
Gosh, I just know I’m gonna piss people off with this one. I’m sorry, but I just don’t like this design at all. Like, what am I even looking at here? He looks like a Christmas tree crossed with a pirate skeleton or something. The only reason why I gave him a 3 is because at least he is somewhat intimidating, unlike the last entry on my list. I know I haven’t actually finished BOTW, but that doesn’t change the fact that I find his design to be pretty uninspired and confusing, at least from what I’ve seen.
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Original Ganon from the Legend of Zelda -  5/10
Although I’ve always preferred Ganondorf to Ganon, I will say I actually dig this design quite a bit. It really gets the point across that he is a powerful baddie and will hurt you if he gets the chance. It’s a good look, it’s effective, and oddly cute in a weird way? Especially when you see him in the game as a bundle of sprites that resemble a bright blue pig. Ultimately it’s just not as threatening or aesthetically pleasing as some of his other reincarnations.
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Ganondorf from The Wind Waker - 6/10
Now we’re getting somewhere! While this is far from my favourite design of his, you have to admit it goes in a pretty creative and unique art direction. This version of Ganondorf feels rather large and imposing, especially since he towers over the characters of Link and Zelda who are literal children. I love the small details like his brooch and sandals. When I look at this image, I’m left with only one burning question...why did they make him so god damn CHONKY?
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Ganondorf from Ocarina of Time - 7/10
Honestly it’s really hard to find anything wrong with this design. This was the first time we ever saw a human version of Ganondorf, and it’s inspired all of the other versions since then to some degree. He’s imposing, he’s threatening, he’s powerful, and it shows. I love the brown tones mixed with the white/blue/red cloth that’s scattered over various points. I think the only problem I have with this is the weird cod-piece situation that’s going on. And why did they make his ears so big and goofy?
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Ganondorf from Hyrule Warriors - 8/10
Now THIS is more like it! I never played Hyrule Warriors, but boy do I sure love this design of Ganondorf. The blue and gold tones, the giant boots, the luscious red mane that’s free to blow in the wind. This is a look that just screams power and strength, with a touch of grace added in for good measure. Ganondorf looks delightfully mean here, like he’s thinking about how much he’s going to enjoy smashing your face into the ground.
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Ganondorf from Tears of the Kingdom - 8.5/10
This new look hasn’t even been out for a week and I’m already so in love with it. I’m really enjoying the Samurai inspired design, with the man bun, tattoos and more skin shown than any other version I can think of. I know it’s on trend to talk about the thirst factor, but it definitely is there. Ganondorf’s potential for sex appeal is long overdue, and judging by everyone’s reaction I think I’m correct in that. Similar to Link and Zelda’s designs, I feel like this look has taken a bold new turn without straying too far from the original design of the character. I can’t wait to see more of him!
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Ganondorf from Twilight Princess - 10/10
Here he is; the man, the myth...the absolute GOAT. In my opinion, Ganondorf’s design PEAKED with Twilight Princess and no other design has even come close to this level of perfection. Part of this might be my nostalgia talking, or the fact that this is my favourite Zelda game. But according to some other folks online, it looks like I’m not the only one who is obsessed with this look. Just looking at this image you can feel the anger, the power, the dominance. I love the colour scheme, the hairstyle, the cape, the fingerless gloves. There was so much thought put into every detail and it really shows. Perhaps 11 year Sam was ahead of her time, but I thought this Ganondorf was sexy as fuck back in the day (and tbh I still kind of do). At the end of the day, this look has everything you’d want for the King of Evil.
Thanks for listening to my ramble, folks. I hope you got something out of it. What’s your favourite version of Ganon/Ganondorf? :)
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ratsoh-writes · 3 months
*I hum*
oh yeah, let's go! we should get some cake too at some point...
*I follow after sparks with akira in tow as we head towards the food stalls.*
You pass by all kinds of goodies, but one smells absolutely divine! Oh my stars, it’s squid on a stick! Literally!
The chonky cat monster manning the stand is grilling and selling squids on kebab sticks. He’s of course rubbing them in seasoning first, and they smell heavenly. Both you and sparks turn your head to it at the same time. Heck even baby Akira is looking at it with interest
Akira: *goblin noises*
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trekwiz · 9 months
@ovenroastedtwerkey and I were talking about some of our favorite toys as 90s kids. I found videos and pictures of many of my favorites, but there's one I can't seem to find at all. And I'm wondering if it was a really niche toy instead of a popular one.
It was a toy sword, but it wasn't one of the flimsy ones meant for beating up siblings. It was an electronic toy sword; it had a sheath, and made a sound effect when the sword was released from it.
I think it made swooshing sounds when swung, but I'm not certain. I do recall there being a couple buttons (maybe 3?) with sound effects that could be triggered.
I also recall that it wasn't typical sword proportions: it was very chonky to fit in the electronics, and to protect them from damage.
It was gray and black. There might have been some kind of monster design on it too, but I wouldn't swear to it.
I don't see anything like it on Google. I want to say it was contemporary with the Hasbro Flying Fighters, because I remember having both at the same time--Google puts them at 1989, but I feel confident that I had a later model. 1990-1992 ish.
It definitely wasn't the He-man sword dominating Google's results.
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lassieposting · 1 year
Look Lassie. While I absolutely concede that Henry Cavill has a massive dick, it must be remembered that Liam Hemsworth ALSO has a huge chonky donger, I think he's a good consolation prize
I'm so sick of the hemsworths, honestly. Like, no shade, I don't dislike either of them, but there are a certain amount of actors who are just. Reused to the point of being utterly bored with them. A lot of the Marvel crew. Bendydick Cumbersnatch. The Hemsworths. The Rock. They're in everything lately. It's just blah at this point.
The only other role I've seen Cavill in is the Enola Holmes movies, and tbh it had to be pointed out to me that it was him. For some reason, this guy outside of Geralt costume is so utterly Generic Sharp-Jawed Conventionally Attractive Man that I just. Don't recognise him from one role to another.
But like. He is Geralt. Changing your main character's actor partway through a series is never a good idea, and it's even worse when the actor knows the character so well and embodies the character so perfectly. It's like how every other nature documentary narrator will never Be David Attenborough, who is THE nature documentary guy. No one else will ever Be tony stark. No one else will ever Be the doctor the way david tennant was - every doctor since has been in his shadow.
It's just. Such a shame, all for the showrunners' stupidity. I shall miss my dumb bisexual cheesy monster show and I'm currently in geraskier hell so I'm salty about it
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mrultra100 · 1 year
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Even with how I doubt myself, along with all of the other Pokemon that I love and can’t put into a team, this is now my own personal team of 6, all based on not only my tastes, but also things like personal experience, aesthetics that I like, some special quirk to them like a certain Ability or move, that sorta jazz.
Hisuian Samurott- It was very hard for me to decide my favorite starter. Skeledirge, Venussur, Incineroar, and Swampert were all good contenders. But, at the end of the day, the spiky-shelled otter samurai managed to win out. Part of why I loved Legends: Arceus was how it went about with the new regional forms being a good majority of new Pokémon, and that rings true for the first starter-based regional forms in the series. While I considered regular Samurott to be a alright Pokemon, it doesn’t have enough of the same charm for it to be on the same rank as favorites like the aforementioned Venusaur and Skeledirge. The Hisuian variant completely flips the script on that, by turning Samurott into a much more spikier, samurai-focused, Water/Dark bruiser. The design and pattern of its shell, along with its mustache, have made this Pokemon a lot better. If we get more Legends games with regional final evos like this, I’ll be all for it.
Pincurchin- Of course, my favorite Pokémon just HAD to be here, and I’m not complaining about a single bit of it. Pincurchin is a banger in of itself. Yes, it does look weak, but this is my team, I make the rules here. If you do it right, a Pincurchin is able to be a pint-powerhouse in its own right. I’ve had this Pokémon for both my Shield and Scarlet teams, so I know what I’m talking about. Also, it’s cute as a button. Gotta give it extra “points” for that. (Yes, I couldn’t resist making a stupid sea urchin pun, I’m not sorry)
Tyrantrum- As dinosaur-crazy as I am, Tyrantrum was actually what got me into being really into T. Rex. Long before the days of the lipped, sparely feathered, chonky swimmers that we know and love, the world’s most famous dinosaur just didn’t appeal to me as much as it does today. Who would’ve thought Pokémon would come and help with that? Not only is Rock/Dragon a cool type combination, nor does it have a banger ability (Strong Jaw), I actually had a Level 100 Tyrantrum during the X and Y days. I wish I actually brought him over to future games, as he was sadly lost to history, but he basically was my main man.
Yanmega- I have to give kudos to Legends Arceus again for making me appreciate another Pokemon that I didn’t thought up at first. Not only does Yanmega tap into my liking of bugs very well (A title rivaled by Vikavolt, Lokix, and a few other Pokémon), it certainly has that kaiju feel to it. The one that I used in Legends was named Megagarius. That name alone should be pretty obvious to anyone who knows even a LICK of Godzilla.
Mimikyu- Long before Pincurchin came onto the scene, I considered Mimikyu to be my favorite Pokémon. Since I’m a sucker for some good ol’ gothic horror, how can I even say no to the little guy? Fun typing, equally fun ability, and even more delightfully creepy backstory aside, this has to be one of the cutest of all Pocket Monsters out there. I’m so happy that everyone has decided to show the little guy with love. He rightfully deserved it, dammit!
Glimmora- I am so, SO sorry to Clodsire and Revavroom, but the funny crystal flowersponge has them both beat. Not only does it have a fun and interesting type, along with a absolutely bonkers ability that makes it a threat to face as the first Pokémon, but Glimmora’s design might actually be one of the best in the franchise in a long time, even with many others rivaling it. I’m not gonna go into full detail about its inspirations here, as I’ve got a full-on post planned for it in the future, but as a quick taste for now; Think of this Pokémon (and its pre-evolution) as a three way between a nightshade flower, a hunk of copper sulfate, and a deep-sea sponge.
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Given how Tumblr doesn’t let you add in more than 10 pictures for some stupid reason, I can only afford to add in 4 additional ‘Mons that got close to being in the team. While the sheer agony of 6 slots makes it hard to come up with a team that you’d be cool to spend a lifetime with, made even more harder that there are now more than 1000 of these things now, I find it interesting to stay true to yourself when making a Pokémon team. Who knows? If you’ve struggled come up with a perfect team like me, you just need to list down which interests and aesthetics suit you the best. Maybe then, you could find the team that screams “You” the most.
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risto-licious · 5 years
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old storm beast risto (a massive chonker)
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head empty. just thinking about chonky moth and reverse au combined. us just like roaring BIG at childe because he has been playing with us all day. like my man just likes to pull on our tail, wings, bite, mini scratches BUT THEY HURT A LOT. so we just roar at him but he just bleeps at us. I have this scene where moth shows us his tongue when angry plus his fangs BUT THEN WE SHOW HIM OUR TONGUE(s) -bc of the chimera form- AND FANGS WHICH ARE BIGGER AND SCARRIER.
also imagine in exchange au where we bleep at childe.
he's not even scared or anything when you glare at him for tugging and playing with you all day, just bleeps and nudges against you to snuggle down, pressing his body against yours with a hearty purr and you just can't stay mad at him, so instead you grumble and lay next to him as well and pull him close. his purrs are so full and rumbly now that he's chonky, and you can feel him shivering a bit with how strong they are. you yawn at him, and he yawns back and shows his teeth and tongue and it's just so CUTE to you because compared to your teeth his teeth are small <33
WHEN YOU BLEEP AT HIM IN THE EXCHANGE AU OH MY GOD- Childe's heart just melts as he holds your face and whispers lovingly to you- of course he'd rather it be him reduced to bleeps and purrs but he's glad you're at least feeling safe and HAPPY enough to bleep at him. he lets himself relax for just a little bit and indulge in your cute antics, just like you used to do for him when HE was the Abyssal monster
AAAAA I MISS THEM TOO ;-;; I'M SURE THEY'RE ALRIGHT THO- and you're correct, my dear black cat anon has not said anything about the chaos au for a bit
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the-art-block · 2 years
Random John questions: If John is an operative, does that mean he's a spy? Also do he and his sire ever see each other or get along . Who staked Atena:ti anyway? Guy's built like a freaking tank! Also who killed John's sire? I hope you do art of her. Do you play as John etc. /they appear in your campaign or are they just artwork. Sorry for a million questions. Also I *hugs* them and *shows them Dutch bunny*
To answer the questions in a helpful order: - John isn't in any formal campaign, no. He's just part of my personal stable of ocs that the setting inspired me to make. HOWEVER I would absolutely play him in a campaign that suited his character, any fuckin time any fuckin where! - Yes, John is essentially a spy! It's a very complex and chonky piece of fan-made content, but to be as brief as possible: John is a vital intelligence member of a new Kindred sect in the 2020s that's comprised largely of Indigenous American Kindred who are putting their immortal and superpowered unlives to good use by fighting for native causes. They're also working to preserve tribal traditions that might die out if there weren't literal undying folks with the cultural knowledge kicking around. They're led by an ancient Tzimisce named Dibikad, who rose up out of the Lake Superior as a Great Lynx-shaped monster, and they call themselves the Moonrise Nation. (And of course the Moonrise Nation has a lot of opposition in other Kindred sects, so by extension - John has a lot of enemies to deal with for his people!) - Atena:ti was staked by the Nosferatu living in the warrens under the Bronx! They uncovered his torpor burrow when they went digging under the Hudson river, hoping to expand their dwelling a bit. He was awakened by the sudden collapse of his underground chamber, and luckily the New Yorker Nos managed to stake him before he killed anyone in his angry, sleepy confusion. - John's Sire/Atena:ti's Childe, Kaiennenhawi (Who also went by the name "Mary Davies") was killed at Wounded Knee in 1973 by Camarilla agents sent in to neutralize the conflict. Her death really devastated John, who fled the scene in fear for his own life. And I simply must draw her now! - John and Atena:ti do get along, extremely well. Atena:ti is super damn old, as you've seen. As an ancient warrior he's used to being a self-sufficient, god-punching, one-man army. It took him a long time to get comfortable with dependence on others. He relies heavily on younger Kindred to help him navigate the modern world, and John is the person he trusts most. Their "familial" bond is important to him, moreso than it might be to other modern Kindred. He considers John his only living family, and John feels the same way about the giant grandpa.
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florence-is-gay · 3 years
I love watching HLVRAI because I don't see the characters as the models they use, but more as their own character (the power of roleplay!)
It baffles me how artists ended up with a way to draw Benrey that doesn't look like the actual character but still makes sense?
Like.. You go on google images to search up fanart and nothing is consistent.
You see him drawn as the model.
Drawn like an edgy teen.
Drawn like a wrinkled old man
Drawn with soft and round baby features
Sometimes he is big, (not like bossfight, but generally large)
Sometimes he is small
Sometimes he's skinny and gangly looking
Sometimes he's very chonky
Long black hair
Normal skin/gray skin/blue skin
Like... There's so many different factors!!
And this isn't about the ART STYLE, bro!! This is art of an imagined character that doesn't have a definined look. We all just created him in our minds??
And the things we all seem to agree on for him include sharp teeth, shadow over the eyes, and those chullo hats
The best part about the infinite artists rendition of Benrey is that HE IS NOT ALWAYS CUTE OR SEXY. I'm actually surprised by the amount of times where I came across drawings where it looked like they were making him look unattractive intentionally?? Like gross face details that are sometimes physically repulsive. (Like sure, someone out there probably thinks it's hot but that person sure as hell aint me)
So basically, yeah. I understand why people are confused when I say I simp for Benrey. He doesn't have a set design. He is up for interpretation.
So of course I've fallen in love with my own version of him. I'll never be able to truly depict him in my art as how I see him, because my art style is weird.
I also love all the interpretations of his monster/eldritch/alien form, they're so wildly different but for wildly different reasons
I didn't have any particular goal in mind for this post, so feel welcome to reblog with your thoughts! I find this to be a very interesting concept and would love to know what others have to say!
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artobotsrollout · 3 years
Man... For years I only drew animals and monsters (with dragons being a favourite!) which... helped me learn other art stuff like, shading, perspective, animal anatomy, creature/character design, etc but it certainly DIDN'T help me when it came to drawing people when I got into University sndbjw. I noticeably lacked competency in drawing humans compared to everything else
NOTHING, not even the furry fandom that saw my dragons and sorta commissioned and then adopted me XD helped me feel comfortable with human anatomy or drawing human faces.
I WATCH TRANSFORMERS and DRAW THEM A BUNCH AND SUDDENLY I'M BETTER AT HUMAN ANATOMY AND FACES. It's also helping my learn perspective and inorganic shapes which are a nice bonus. Dvehdie TfP where have you been all my life?!? I coulda used you to help me learn how to draw humanoid things years ago. I just had to find Alien robots that were made from the same basic shapes as humans just with armor and shit on top to finally make things sink in XD
I still can't draw noses though and I refuse to learn. dhhjdw Any character that has a nose? Sorry lad gotta chop it off in the name of laziness stylization! Bless Starscream for teaching me how to draw thinner/longer/sharper features. I kept making everything chonky till him
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sad-boy-hank · 3 years
You’re good lmao.
Yan Tricky I assume let’s go.
-Is actually very good at the stalker bit. Has Hoffnar’s ability to just kinda…appear despite how clumsy the man was. So you probably only find out tricky was stalking you if he WANTS you to.
-Once you do game over.
-Clown has engaged.
-Stalks you for a while longer. Leaving you…rather concerning gifts of teeth (most of which are his or Hanks), heads, ravaged corpses.
-Will defend your base of operations if you have one. You wake up to screaming and see Tricky bashing a man to death because he was trying to rob you. You do not rob Clown lover. Or the clown kills you.
-Doesn’t lock you up shockingly enough. Doesn’t even take you. He just. Starts living with you at some point. Very chonky monster man who will not let you go. If you need something he will get it.
-You do not leave your base.
-Clown will do it for you.
-Again, not my greatest, but I tried. G0L3M.
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