#child hypnotherapy near me
Hypnotherapist In Melbourne: Unlock Your Full Potential with Specialized Hypnotherapy for Children!
Are you looking for a reputable hypnotherapist in Melbourne? Look no further than Hypnotherapist In Melbourne, the leading provider of hypnotherapy services in the area. With a team of highly skilled and experienced hypnotherapists, we are committed to helping you achieve your goals and overcome any challenges you may be facing.One area of expertise that sets Hypnotherapist In Melbourne apart is our specialized hypnotherapy for children. We understand that children may face unique issues and challenges that require a tailored approach. Our compassionate and skilled hypnotherapists have years of experience working with children, helping them overcome fears, anxieties, and behavioral issues. Through gentle and effective techniques, we can help your child build confidence, improve focus, and achieve their full potential.
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Another popular service we offer is hypnotherapy for weight loss in Melbourne. If you have been struggling to shed those extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight, our hypnotherapy sessions can provide the support and guidance you need. Our hypnotherapists will work with you to identify any underlying emotional or psychological factors that may be hindering your progress. By addressing these issues at their root, we can help you develop a positive mindset, overcome cravings, and make healthier choices for long-term weight loss success.
At Hypnotherapist In Melbourne, we understand that every individual is unique and may require a personalized approach. That's why our hypnotherapists take the time to listen to your concerns, understand your goals, and tailor each session to your specific needs. Whether you're seeking hypnotherapy for stress relief, smoking cessation, phobia treatment, or any other issue, we have the expertise and resources to assist you on your journey towards personal transformation.
When you choose Hypnotherapist In Melbourne, you can expect a supportive and non-judgmental environment, where your comfort and well-being are our top priorities. Our hypnotherapists are fully qualified and adhere to the highest professional standards, ensuring that you receive the best possible care. We combine the power of hypnosis with evidence-based therapeutic techniques to help you achieve real and lasting change.
If you're ready to take control of your life and unlock your full potential, contact Hypnotherapist In Melbourne today. Our friendly team is here to answer any questions you may have and schedule your initial consultation. Experience the transformative power of hypnotherapy and start living the life you've always dreamed of. Don't wait another day – take the first step towards positive change with Hypnotherapist In Melbourne.
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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Are you worried about your children or teenager?
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If you feel something’s wrong, then it’s time to seek help. The teenage years can leave parents feeling shut-out and lost, not knowing if it’s ‘just a phase’ or if there’s something deeper going on.
When you look back on your own teens it’s easy to think you’re over reacting, but today’s teenagers face a completely different set of challenges. Which is why you need a different set of tools to reach them.
More Update Please visit - https://myperthhypnotherapy.com.au/services/children-teenagers/
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problogsposts · 4 months
What Does Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Look Like?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, usually known as PTSD, is a mental health condition that can influence any individual who has experienced a traumatic event.
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, frequently referred to as PTSD, is a psychological problem that can foster after experiencing a traumatic event. Trauma can appear in different structures, like accidents, violence, or any circumstance causing serious fear, helplessness, or horror. Individuals with PTSD may experience persistent symptoms that make it difficult to go about their daily lives.
Symptoms of PTSD:
Individuals encountering PTSD might show a scope of side effects, including anxiety, depression, and stress disorder. Traumatic memories, flashbacks, and nightmares that are related to the traumatic event are common. These symptoms can lead to avoidance behaviors, increased profound responses, and difficulty concentrating, influencing individual and professional aspects of life.
Role of Professionals in Managing PTSD:
Those who are dealing with PTSD need to go to counseling sessions with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor who is qualified. Experts specializing in mental health play an important role in assisting people with exploring the difficulties presented by PTSD. A psychologist for depression and anxiety is trained to address the particular necessities of people managing these mental health issues.
Hypnotherapy and PTSD:
Hypnotherapy, a type of psychotherapy, is earning respect for its capability in treating PTSD. The goal of this strategy is to get people to relax and become more open to new ideas. A skilled hypnotherapist can assist individuals in exploring and refocusing traumatic memories thereby decreasing their emotional impact.
Counseling Psychologist and PTSD:
A counseling psychologist, specializing in trauma and mental health, can offer designated help to people with PTSD. Through psychotherapy sessions, a counseling psychologist helps people understand and manage their symptoms, cultivating flexibility and survival techniques.
Understanding what PTSD looks like is essential for advancing mental health awareness. Looking for professional support from counselors, psychologists, or hypnotherapists is a significant step toward managing and overcoming the difficulties presented by PTSD. If you or somebody you know is struggling with PTSD, contact a mental health professional for guidance and support.
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parentyourmind · 1 year
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sneha640 · 1 year
Technics to improve self-confidence and positivity l mobile की लत छुड़ाने की तकनीक
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roppongi-division · 6 months
Mireya's Thoughts on Pixel Syndicate
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Anika Kiyozaki
"Would you believe me if I told you that I actually had an session with Anika once? Truthfully, it was more of a curiosity than anything. I was a bit skeptical about the whole idea that hypnotherapy would work, but... well, I won't say it perfect, but I did feel... strangely better after it was over. It was strange, I can't really explain it. I haven't made another appointment since then, but its good to know I have options."
"Besides that, like Kai mentioned, I've noticed that Zakari gets a bit... upset whenever this woman's name is mentioned. I've tried asking what's wrong, but he refuses to answer. Kai tells me that it may have something to do with his past that he doesn't want to talk about. Poor thing..."
Shian Meizono
"Shian is one of my better patrons here at Gypsy's Palace! Like Kai mentioned, she's usually in here two or three times a month. And she definitely knows how to party and have fun! She's a good friend, and we've even met and talked a few times. It's always good to see her, both in and outside of the club."
Makina Setsukura
"Like my husband, I know little to nothing about video games. I was always interested in them as a child, but my mother always forbid from playing with them, saying they were just a waste of time. I know I can play with them since I'm older, but... so much time has passed, I don't think I would even know where to start. A shame, really. I've not watched this girl's videos, but she seems to be having fun..."
Pixel Syndicate
"Akihabara is certainly an interesting city. I don't know if I'd be able to live there, though. I'd feel out of my element, what with people talking about anime, video games, technology and everything else in between. Maybe Zakari can help me out... though I doubt he wants to go anywhere near Akihabara considering that's where Anika is. I wonder what's bothering him about her..."
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Paige Newberry Bartholomew: Your Trusted Master-Level Therapist in Austin, Texas
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In the bustling city of Austin, Texas, finding the right therapist to guide you through life's challenges can be a game-changer. If you're dealing with issues like PTSD, anxiety, depression, or struggling with your relationships, Paige Newberry Bartholomew is the master-level therapist who can provide the support and healing you need. With years of experience and a compassionate approach, Paige is dedicated to helping individuals and couples navigate their emotional landscapes and find a path toward growth and well-being.
A Beacon of Healing in the Heart of Texas
A Multifaceted Approach to Psychotherapy
At Paige Newberry Bartholomew Counseling and Hypnotherapy, the focus is on holistic well-being. Paige's extensive background in psychotherapy, psychology, counseling, and trauma therapy equips her to address a wide range of concerns. Whether you're grappling with trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety, OCD, panic, grief, loss, or Trauma Therapy in Texas, Paige offers a safe and nurturing space to explore your thoughts and emotions.
A Glimpse into Paige's Journey
A 4th generation native Austinite, Paige Newberry has deep roots in the vibrant Texas community. Her sense of comfort and connection to her home and family play a significant role in her therapeutic approach. With over 12 years of experience as a master's level psychotherapist and 25 years as a hypnotherapist, Paige's journey has been marked by her dedication to helping others heal.
Guided by Expertise
Paige's professional journey is grounded in evidence-based practices that encompass developmental neurobiology, hypnosis, PTSD treatment, Attachment Therapy, Internal Family Systems, and Somatic Experiencing for chronic pain and trauma. Her holistic approach integrates the wisdom of various therapeutic modalities to create a personalized and effective healing experience for each individual.
A Journey Within
Paige believes in the power of exploring one's inner world to facilitate healing. Drawing from the healing wisdom of the Sufis, she gently guides her clients to connect with their inner child – the part of them that may carry wounds from the past. By nurturing this connection, individuals can work towards mending their emotional scars and fostering self-compassion.
Services Offered
Individual Therapy for Emotional Resilience
Paige offers individual therapy sessions for a range of emotional challenges. Whether you're seeking relief from anxiety, navigating the depths of depression, or healing from trauma, Paige's empathetic and skillful guidance can support you in finding inner strength and resilience.
Couples Counseling for Deeper Connections
Relationships can be complex, and Paige understands the intricacies involved in maintaining healthy connections. Through Couples Counseling Near Me in Texas, she helps partners communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and cultivate a deeper understanding of each other.
Embrace Healing, Embrace Growth
Get Started Today
Are you ready to embark on a journey of healing and growth? Paige Newberry Bartholomew invites you to take the first step. Schedule a free phone consultation and begin the process of transformation. Paige's compassionate presence and extensive expertise make her a beacon of hope for individuals and couples seeking a path toward emotional well-being. Let's talk for free. Schedule your phone consultation with Paige today!
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optimisticfoxwolf · 3 years
Frequently asked questions about psychology & psychologist
What is psychology?
There is no definition that will satisfy everyone.  In generally, psychology is the study of human hobbit, mental processes, and how they are affected and/or affect an individuals or group's physical state, mental state, and external environment Clinical psychology, as well as educational and school psychology, and dialectical psychology are often the most recognized fields.  In addition to these there are many other general and specialty areas.  At present the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) recognizes 13 specialty areas.
What does it mean to be Board Certified in psychology?
The American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP)  is one of the highly marked professional associations.  The ABPP provide the public need by providing oversight certifying psychologists competent to deliver high quality services in various specialty areas of psychology. Board certification (awarding of a Diploma in a specialty) satisfy the public that specialists designated by the ABPP have successfully completed the educational, training, and experience requirements of the specialty, including an examination designed to assess the aptitude required to provide quality services in that specialty.  At present there are 13 specialty areas of certification including Educational, Forensic, Clinical, and School Psychology.
What does it mean to be a psychologist?
Psychologist is a generic term that assigns to a person who has trained in one of the many fields of psychology. A psychologist is a scientist and/or clinician who by reading the human mind and human behavior.  For a more accurate answer visit the "websites" section of this website. While choosing a psychologist is similar to choosing any other professional, the relationship you will have with the psychologist is very personal.  I guide you to check the psychologist's credentials, including both training and experience.  Make assure to talk to the psychologist directly before making an appointment.   Ask questions about the services that will be regulated, so you will not get something different from what you expected. See how appropriate you feel when you are talking with the psychologist. Finally, contact the state and national psychological associations to make assure the person is in good standing.
What can a psychologist help with?
Psychologists have by reading human behavior and the brain (including how people think, feel, learn and behave) and have been trained to assist people who are having challenges coping with emotions, thoughts and actions. This can include those appreciate mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, addictive behaviors and childhood behavior disorders. Psychologists use clue-based come that are tailored to suit each client and circumstance and they assess, diagnose and treat a wide range of clients and areas of concern.
                                                                                        Do I need a touchstone to see a psychologist?
No – you can make an appointment with our psychologists without a referral from your GP or a psychiatrist. If you have private health insurance that includes psychological counseling as extras cover, you may be eligible for a partial rebate on the cost of your appoint
 What education and training should a psychotherapist have?
In Spain there are directly three professional figures that can legally practice psychology as a health profession (health care related to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases). These are approved psychologists (who were already practicing the profession before 2011 and meet training and experience requirements), clinical psychologists (who have passed the PIR – Internal Resident Psychologist) and common health psychologists (who have passed an official licensure master’s degree). Clinical psychologists commonly work in hospitals or the public health
Is online psychological therapy effective?
Online psychological therapy, or  telepsychology, is powerfully as long as it is conducted by an accredited professional in psychology and the appropriate techniques are applied in each case.
To obtain results, equivalent to those seized in the face-to-face modality, it is necessary to carry out sessions in real time using a videoconference system, which allows fluent communication and the good establishment of the therapeutic rapport.
The online therapy based on videoconference has different aspects compared with face-to-face sessions, including, surely , advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that there may be a decrease in verbal and non-verbal communication, which requires that the psychotherapist have specific skills handling the technological environment.
  What can a psychologist help with?
Psychologists have by reading human behavior and the brain (including how people think, feel, learn and behave) and have been trained to assist people who are having challenges coping with emotions, thoughts and actions. This can added those experiencing mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, addictive behaviors’ and childhood behavior disorders. Psychologists use evidence-based asses that are tailored to suit each client and circumstance and they assess, diagnose and treat a wide range of clients and areas of concern.
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imjeralee · 4 years
Wallflower: Chapter 19 - rEaD mE :)
Raihan x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Summary: You’re an unassuming Pokemon breeder who works at the nursery in the Wild Area and he’s Raihan, the fearsome gym leader of Hammerlocke who has more than a million followers. You don’t want anything to do with him but he’s…persistent.
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Lemon, smut, violence, language.
Extra note: this chapter is also messed up 
rEaD mE :)
Drifloon has deposited the little girl in a strange world.
It looks around, seemingly confused. This new area they're in is eerily quiet and it resembles a cave of some sort... The pokemon turns to the girl, tilting it's head to the side. She's beginning to stir as she lies on the cold, hard ground. Perhaps this is her doing?
A profound darkness sweeps their surroundings but then a weak, tawny glow begins to dot the area and Drifloon sees that there are several glowing rocks on the wall which is the source of the light along with a strange, jellyfish-like being that has appeared from nowhere. It floats around and hovers near them, dancing around in the dark before it jostles closer. Drifloon watches it cautiously.
You watch silently as the little girl finally wakes up, looks up and around and realises she's far from home. Bringing her knees to her chest, she begins to sniffle and wail.
"Looker?" You call out, "Looker, are you here?"
"I'm still here. What do you see?"
"There's a Nihilego." You mutter.
"What's going on?"
You continue to observe: Nihilego floats near the little girl and the balloon Pokemon watches it warily. It tries to get closer but Drifloon stops it by hurling a ball of dark energy at it, prompting it to retreat - but only briefly. Nihilego comes back, determined to get it's human host and the girl begins to cry.
Drifloon continues hurling shadow balls at the creature and the girl keeps crying, her sobs growing louder and louder until a bright light suddenly flashes and you watch as a slit appears in mid-air, as though the very fabric of the universe is being torn open, a glitch in the matrix - and the slit widens and expands into a circle, revealing a clear blue sky within and a large spray of trees - it occurs to you that it is Ilex Forest.
Without wasting a further second, the exhausted Drifloon grabs the girl's arm and tugs her towards the portal as the Nihilego swoops down on them, its tentacles reaching for the girl. However, the portal closes in seconds and its prey disappears within, abruptly leaving the scene.
It was a close call.
Nihilego watches the empty space before it turns to you.
You're still here.
You stiffen on the spot, freezing up entirely.
"What's wrong?"
The creature begins to slink over towards your direction.
This can't be right.
Looker said nothing here can hurt you.
".......It's looking at me." You cannot explain it but you feel it is staring right at you, it can see you.
And it's coming closer.
"Looker, get me out of here!"
But nothing happens and Nihilego comes closer and closer and it lifts one of its thin, transparent tentacles towards you and -
Your eyes open in a snap as you jerk awake.
You've returned to the interrogation room. You're lying on the hypnotherapy chair with Looker and Hypno at your side. However, it doesn't stop the distress from overwhelming you; your heart begins beating frantically and your breathing grows laboured, your forehead covered in sweat.
"It's okay, you're safe now. Take deep breaths." Looker instructs as your panicked eyes meet his. "Breathe in."
You suck in a noisy breath, still trembling.
"Now breathe out."
You exhale as calmly as possible.
Looker does this breathing exercise with you until your breathing returns to normal and your pulse slows down and it takes a while but finally, you've tamed your racing heart and panicked state and you slump over the chair, exhausted. You look up and around the room, noticing that it's been roughly an hour since the session and you're surprised you were under for so long considering you thought it was a relatively short experience.
Also, the band on your wrist is pulsing fiercely with two lines dotting the small screen - one line is orange and other one is green. The green one must be reflecting your heart rate as it blips in a routine fashion whilst the orange line is incredibly erratic, going in all sorts of directions. Meanwhile, the polygraph which Looker mentioned earlier shows a convoluted zigzag pattern all over the white sheet.
Looker hands you a cup of water and a tissue and you thank him as you dab all over at your damp forehead. He asks, "Are you okay?"
"I...I think so." You mutter, gulping the water down noisily. He takes the cup off you and refills it.
"Take it easy." He mutters, handing you the cup once more as he returns to his chair whilst Hypno moves to sit on the stool, watching the two of you with its beady eyes.
"I saw it, Looker. I saw everything. It was Driffie."
"I know."
"And he took me to this weird place where I saw Nihilego - and it saw me. It was looking at me." You continue to mutter in disbelief. The tape is still recording, which you're all too aware of. "....I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"I don't think I'm the missing child you're looking for."
Looker emits an inaudible sigh under his breath and throws his glance to the recorder on the desk. "...We've confirmed two possible theories though. That place you were in - there's a name for it - it's known as Ultra Deep Sea. It's the home of Nihilego. You've passed through an Ultra Wormhole. During the session, your energy levels spiked and the reading went off the chart. There's a practice called remote-viewing. If you've never heard of it before, it's not that well known or scientifically proven but essentially..."
"It's okay, I've heard of it and I know what it is."
Looker nods again. "Whilst you were under...although you were hypnotised, you made contact with Ultra Deep Sea. I believe that's why Nihilego saw you. Although you were viewing a past memory, you had crossed over." A brief silence spawns until he adds, "My theory is that your energy diverted you and Drifloon to a different dimension. You were also able to open a portal which deposited you in Ilex Forest."
"But how? I don't get it."
"It would seem to be because you were under extreme emotional distress." Looker mutters, "Your Drifloon protected you from Nihilego. I don't think he realises what he has done. Do you despise him for what happened?"
Despise Driffie? "I don't...I don't know."
"What are you going to do?"
You sigh heavily, holding your head in your hands. "...I don't know." You say through gritted teeth as your head begins to throb; you can't stress it enough.
The session's over now, so Looker thanks you for the time and for your cooperation. The session yielded very good results and interesting information which he'll send to the Bureau for examination and further study.
Whilst Looker recalls Hypno and begins tidying up, he says, "I'll talk to my superiors about this and get back to you. However, you need to be careful from now on. If we hadn't undergone the hypnosis, I doubt you would've known about your abilities. We've opened a door - one which we intend to keep shut."
"What do you mean?"
"The last thing we need right now are Ultra Wormholes opening and closing in Galar." Looker says, and you nod. "Keep the band with you at all times; it will continue to read your energy levels. Avoid anything that can and will inflict emotional distress. Things are going to be different from now on."
"Got it." You say; you really doubt anything will trigger you to undergo or experience the intense emotional distress that you felt when you were in Ultra Deep Space. "Bye Looker."
When you leave the room, you close the door behind you and turn round, spotting Raihan in the empty waiting area: he's slumped over a plushy seat with one hand stuck in his hoodie and Rotom in his other hand, scrolling through photos on his social media account until he senses your presence and looks up.
"Rai, what are you doing here?" You ask as you head over and stop in front of him.
He looks up at you with a wide grin, puts Rotom down but his phone chooses to float by his left shoulder. Reaching for your hand, he lifts your palm to his lips and you can't help but smile as he pecks the back of your hand and your knuckles with light, warm kisses. "Thought I'd come pick you up. How'd it go?" He murmurs, when he releases you to rub your palm gently.
"It was fine. I'm fine." You shrug casually but your face says otherwise; Raihan stares at you for longer than usual and you wonder what's wrong until you blink and something wet and warm trickles down your eye and over your cheek. "Oh..." You quickly lift a hand up, wiping at your face and the corner of the eye. "What's wrong with me....? I'm...I'm crying."
Raihan stands up immediately, reaching for you and pulling you into his embrace. "C'mere." He says, encircling his arms around you protectively. You're so small and tiny in his arms all of a sudden.
“Sorry...” You croak out as your vision becomes blurred with tears.
He chuckles, giving you a squeeze. ”Don't apologise, just let it all out...” Raihan murmurs as he hugs you tightly, patting you and rubbing little circles on your back.
You hug him in return as you're enveloped all over with his warmth and he presses his nose against the side of your head, nuzzling your hair affectionately. Squeezing your eyes shut, you begin sobbing and Raihan pats you on the head and strokes your hair soothingly. You can't seem to stop, sniffling and snivelling drearily in his arms.
He doesn't ask you what happened, he just hugs you and tells you its going to be okay, over and over again.
When you finally stop, he slowly loosens his grip and peers at you inquisitively. "...You okay?"
"Uh-huh." You choke out, nodding as you wipe your eyes.
Letting go of you, he cups your cheeks, plants a big kiss on your forehead. "Let's go."
You nod.
Once you leave Hammerlocke police station, you were planning to go to Raihan's place but when you see the massive gate, you decide to leave the city instead and sit down on the large stone steps of Hammerlocke that connects to the Wild Area, overlooking the magnificent green pastures. Your eyes are puffy and red and occasionally you'll still hiccup and sniff slightly but you're no longer crying. Raihan joins you, seating himself by your side and you both sit and stare at the vast grandness of the expanse.
You inhale deeply, closing your eyes as he watches you. Re-opening your eyes, you slide your gaze to the sky where you see a few Butterfree and Beautifly in the air until one of the Butterfree abandons the group, deciding to flutter towards your direction. You gingerly hold your arm out, reaching for it and it lands on your finger and looks at you. Raihan observes you quietly before lifting Rotom up and snapping a quick picture.
He switches the camera shutter to silence mode so the sound of the shutter won't scare the Butterfree away and takes a few shots of you with the butterfly pokemon before it flies away. You watch the Pokemon return to its group before you throw your gaze to the ground, bringing your knees to your chest.
You tell him everything that happened.
Although you're not sure where to start precisely, you tell him that Drifloon took you away. It took one moment where your mother and father took their eyes off you - perhaps for a few seconds or so - and you were gone but you didn't end up being spirited away, it turns out that you are a Fallerand you had somehow passed through an Ultra Wormhole and you ended up in Ultra Deep Sea. A Nihilego attacked but you were able to escape by opening a wormhole that brought you to Ilex Forest in Johto.
And then...obviously, you were found.
Raihan listens intently and it's a lot to take in; you wonder what his reaction might be but the more you spoke, the more you could not believe your own ears.
It sounds....unbelievable.
Raihan's holding your hand the entire time and he gives you an affectionate squeeze. "I'm sorry about Driffie. What'll you do about him?"
You hesitate before fishing out Drifloon's pokeball and you press on the button, releasing him. Drifloon appears, blinking at you and Raihan with his beady eyes. Standing up on the step to face him, you say, "I know what you did. You took me away from my family.... and if I continue to keep you, I...I-I can't forgive you for what you've done, I just can't - "
Inhaling a shaky breath, you mentally shake your head. Your fists curl at your sides as Raihan watches your interchange silently. "I'm releasing you; I don't want you anymore." You utter, "Go."
Driffie attempts to float towards you but you firmly stand your ground.
"I said go. Go on, get!"
The balloon pokemon shrinks away at the threatening tone of your voice and lowers its head. With his pokeball in hand, you toss it as far as you can, watching it vanish over the horizon. Driffie watches it sail in the air, blinking wildly before turning to you. "Floo....!"
"Get out of here! I don't want to see you ever again!"
Finally, Driffie stops.
You glare at the small pokemon and it turns round sadly and hovers towards the plains before he disappears from your view entirely; Raihan slowly moves to stand up beside you. You know what he's thinking - he's never seen this side of you before. You've never raised your voice, been angry. Not like this. Not towards a pokemon, no. You've always been so loving and caring. For a long time you stare at the horizon, wondering if Driffie would return.
He doesn't.
Your legs shake and you almost collapse if Raihan didn't catch you.
Tears build up in your eyes as you begin sobbing helplessly all over again and the dragon tamer helps you sit down with him and brings you into a hug, gently pulling you into his lap and wrapping your arms around your waist and you loop your arms around his neck in return and although you've embraced him many times before, this time you hold onto Raihan as tightly as possible as though fearing he would disappear. Raihan lets you cry it all out, rubbing your back and stroking your hair soothingly.
"He's gone," you croak out, wiping at your eyes. Your voice is hoarse and raspy. "Rai. Have I made a big mistake?"
Raihan looks conflicted; he can't give you a straight answer. "I'm so sorry, princess." He murmurs, threading his fingers through your hair and brushing some strands behind your ear before he presses his lips against your cheek.
"...Nothing's changed. I still don't know my real family and I still don't know where I come from."
"Maybe you're from a parallel dimension."
"...That's a bit farfetched."
"What if you're from that dimension your brother mentioned, where there's no such thing as pokemon?"
"No, I'm pretty sure there's pokemon where I'm from. I can't imagine a world without pokemon. It would be miserable, I bet."
He laughs and you feel his chest rumbling. "What if there's another you from another dimension somewhere out there and she's with a parallel mighty Raihan."
"Well...even in a different dimension, we're still together."
"Yep." Raihan presses another deep kiss over the curve of your cheek and the thought actually makes you happy. It occurs to you that he's trying to cheer you up so you force out a chuckle,  "When's your next appointment with Looker?" He murmurs, as he continues smothering your jaw and cheek with kisses.
"I dunno; he says he'll be in touch. I've to keep this band on for the time being and make sure my energy levels don't go crazy or something bad might happen. Looker didn't say that but I got the feeling that was what he was trying to say. Who knows, maybe I'll end up opening an Ultra Wormhole by accident or something. I don't know." You say with a sigh, blowing some hair from your eyes before you turn to him and his lips press against yours.
He was aiming for the cheek but when your lips meet, he pulls back with a grin and then leans forwards once more, capturing your lips with his. You kiss passionately for a brief moment or so, until Raihan gently pries your lips apart and tangles his tongue with yours. Admittedly, you don't kiss enough with tongue so Raihan pulls you further into his chest, your mouths pressing harder together.
When you finally break apart, his grin widens as you sit in his lap, breathless. "C'mon, let's go. Let's go check out some beds."
You force yourself to smile, nodding. "Okay."
A few days later.
After bed-shopping the other day with Raihan at a department store in Wyndon, you had returned home, glancing at your little cottage house. Something just feels different but you can't quite place your finger on what it is and why. Perhaps it is a matter of perspective.
It's just you, Espie and Poliwag in the house now.
A day ago or so, you could not bring yourself to get out of bed. You found yourself wondering why you were alive and what was the reason why you were even here on this earth. You were suffering and in pain. You called in sick and took a few days off. You couldn't bring yourself to get dressed properly, comb your hair, wash your teeth or hair or face...you could not even eat or drink....and your Pokemon tried their hardest to bring you out of this depression and luckily you were able to snap yourself out of it. Your pokemon care for you and love you. You still need to train Dreepy; he's counting on you.
And you still have Raihan and your family. It would hurt them to see you like this.
Therefore, you pulled yourself out of bed the day after.
You've called mom and Glenn, informing them what happened and what you had discovered. They want to visit you in Galar but you reassure them countless of times that you're fine. You tell them you've released Driffie. It's a shame, they said.
You do miss Driffie, but what's been done has been done.
In an attempt to move on with your life and focus on other things, you call your friend's mother and ask about the progress of your friend's recovery. Your friend's mother tells you she is getting better and firmly believes that she will be waking up soon; her fingers twitch occasionally and she responds to her voice. You thank the heavens above that your friend is fine.
Also, you're going to move in with Raihan. You've arranged some time to talk to your landlord about your lease - you still have roughly a half year left on your contract and although you looked over the terms and conditions, you had wanted to speak to the landlord to clarify on a few things. You wonder if you can break lease early, but most likely you might get fined... unless you find someone who can take over.
Raihan's already ordered the new bed which will arrive during the weekend - it's a king-sized mattress, not too soft or too hard. You both had tested out a few mattresses at the store which was a fun experience and eventually discovered the one dream mattress that fitted both your needs. It was perfect for sleeping and for...well...you know, other activities.
You're really looking forward to moving in with him. Never in a million years did you think you would meet your partner whilst working abroad - and now you are going to live together too. You're aware that usually this can also test the strength of one's relationship because you never truly know what someone's really like until you live with them. Nevertheless, it's all very exciting.
You're going to attend one of Raihan's matches later on and then you will be meeting with him to buy some necessities.
You had spent all of last night on the phone discussing about things you'd be sharing from now on - it dawns to you that this is new to Raihan as well - but essentially you'll get the bottom shelf of the bathroom cabinet because he's tall and can reach the top shelf better. You'll sleep on the right side of the bed near the window and he'll sleep on the left near the door. You'll get your own cupboard and drawer in the kitchen where you can put your baking stuff. And he'll clear some room in the cupboard under the stairs so you can put the equipment you use for work inside.
You fondly recall how you had been chatting animatedly with him about what you'll do together on the weekends, how you'll spend your evenings and how you can both take turns cooking breakfast, lunch or dinner. Indeed, it's the life you've always dreamed of and a few years ago, you wouldn't have thought about these things...but having someone by your side and sharing things is very appealing to you.
It's almost time for Raihan's match so you grab the ticket he's given you and head out with Espie. The Corviknight taxi takes you to Hammerlocke in a matter of minutes and you approach the stadium, joining the massive queue of fans and tourists alike. The lobby is bustling - a huge number of people queue up for merchandise, taking photos with Ball Guy and various aspects of the interior of Hammerlocke stadium. It's even busier when you enter the stalls - you weave your way through the crowd and finally find your block.
Raihan's gotten you a front row VIP seat so once you show your ticket and the attendant allows you in, you realise you're sitting with all the hardcore, die-hard Raihan fans who have broke their banks for the chance to see their idol up close and personal; they are screaming and cheering for him, waving glow sticks and taking selfies with their friends and pokemon. The majority are female and as you hop down the aisle and find your seat, you notice a few girls stop chatting abruptly about their Raihan photo collection and stare at you; you think they recognise you and immediately, the entire row goes silent.
You don't pay them any attention; you sit down in your seat with Espie in your arms and wait for the match to begin, watching the large TV screen which shows a video of the Pokemon League and several replays of Leon's and Raihan's matches. Down below on the pitch and you see the cheerleaders have split themselves into two groups, practising a routine for the crowd whilst they wait. You fail to see Alicia, funnily enough.
"...Isn't that Raihan's girlfriend?"
"She's here??"
"Yeah, I think that's her..."
You don't respond to the conversation that's going on in the background. Let them talk. Who cares?
The stalls are slowly being filled up and once all seats are full and the match is about to start; suddenly the lights of the stadium go dim, bathing the audience in darkness until a few spotlights switch on and the cheerleaders cartwheel away and out of view as the referee appears - he's roughly Kabu's age, wearing a black and white striped jersey, matching shorts, socks and shoes; the crowd gasp in awe as the huge screen stops playing the Macro Cosmos endorsed videos and is stamped with the words: "Welcome ladies and gentlemen!!!"
The referee has a microphone taped over his cheek near his mouth, his voice amplified as he thanks everyone for coming, announcing loudly that the match is going to begin; he holds his arm up, gesturing to the left of the stadium. "Please welcome....gym challenger three hundred and sixty one!"
The crowd begins to go wild and you watch as the gym challenger appears, emerging from the dark corridor. It's a teenager in the gym challenger uniform, maybe....fifteen or sixteen years old. Although she's reached the final gym, she looks terrified.
The referee then announces Raihan, throwing his arm to the corridor in the right and the crowd goes insane. The fangirls in your block begin screaming for him and stomping on the floor, causing your row to shake violently. Espie clings onto you and folds her ears down in an effort to blot out the noise as Raihan finally appears and the cheering grows a thousand times louder in volume that you think your eardrums are about to burst.
You check if Espie's fine and she seems okay, so you avert attention to your boyfriend as he swaggers out to face off the challenger. Along the way he waves to the crowd before he takes a selfie and your heart thumps hard against your chest; you watch him stride across the pitch and smile widely to yourself for you are extremely proud of him.
Bringing Rotom out, you ask him to take some photos of Raihan for you. The dragon tamer also seems to be searching for you so you wave frantically with Espie meowing loudly, hoping to catch his eye. You hope he sees you and when he spots you in the stall, he gives you a wink.
A few girls behind you think he's winking at them and squeal with delight.
Raihan and the challenger arrive at the middle of the pitch and exchange a few friendly words of sportsmanship before they turn away, heading to their respective spots. The referee stands at a safe distance in the middle, glancing at the gym challenger and Raihan. With his whistle in hand, the referee tells both battlers to get ready - the TV begins a countdown, starting at three - and Raihan brings his Rotom out with a gentle smile, checking the little screen briefly before he lifts his arm and in a split second, his expression changes into a fierce one.
The fangirls scream wildly in response and the countdown is over; the message on the huge TV immediately switches to "You are challenged by Gym Leader Raihan!" and the referee blows on the whistle.
The match starts.
Raihan does his signature pose before he tosses two ultra balls onto the field.
He begins the battle with Gigalith and Flygon; Gigalith's ability whips up a sandstorm but the crowd is safe from the weather effects by a mysterious, invisible shield that protects the viewers whilst the referee, Raihan and the gym challenger are battered.
It's a tad hard to see and you wouldn't have known exactly what was going on unless the referee wasn't outlining the match with energetic vigour that keeps the crowd on their toes, full of nail-biting suspense. The TV also shows close ups from both battlers from various camera angles. The battle is tense but the gym challenger is prepared - she's brought a fairy type and a water type. Gigalith is quickly taken down after a few hits and Flygon is smacked around by a 'Play Rough' move courtesy of her Grimmsnarl. Flygon takes down the water pokemon and Raihan brings out Sandaconda, who quickly knocks out Grimmsnarl.
When both are down to their final pokemon, Raihan releases Duraludon and starts to Dynamax him but not before taking a quick selfie with the enlarged glowing ultra ball; it's the moment everyone's been waiting for as he tosses it high into the air. The fangirls alternate away from mindless screaming and cheering and begin chanting to a tune which you are all too familiar with, having watched so many battles online.
In fact, the entire stadium is lit up with this chanting and it encompasses the entire arena which is now bathed in a red glow as Duraludon re-appears, having grown to the size of a skyscraper (and looking very much like one too).
"Bring the storm! My partner will send everyone in the stadium flying!" Raihan yells, and it's his trademark quote which causes the crowd to erupt into a frenzy.
The gym challenger releases their pokemon - it's a Cinderace - and she dynamaxes it. It also grows to a gargantuan size that matches Duraludon and you watch as both pokemon whale blows on each other using G-Max moves until Duraludon's health is brought down to zero and he returns to normal size, collapsing over the pitch.
Raihan's expression falls as he recalls the fainted pokemon and the referee blows the whistle again, officially ending the match.
"Gym challenger three hundred and sixty one WINS!"
Raihan hangs his head low whilst the gym challenger jumps up and down with happiness and dances around with her Cinderace.
The fangirls seem sad too but soon the crowd returns to cheer and Raihan picks himself back up with Rotom grinning haplessly.
"...At least I still have my good looks." He mutters to himself with a pout, adjusting his headband over his forehead. The fangirls go crazy, squealing with glee.
Re-gathering at the middle of the pitch, Raihan shakes hands with the gym challenger and passes over the badge. You don't stay for the cheerleaders when they re-appear to celebrate the victory and watch as Raihan heads for the corridor whilst confetti and happy messages appear on the screen.
Leaving your seat with Espie, you quickly leave the stalls and take the stairs down to the 'staff only' area, showing your pass to a gym trainer who lets you through. You arrive at the dark corridor where you see Raihan leaning against the wall - he's been waiting for you - and you quickly make your way over.
"Rai!" You call out to him and he looks up from his phone, grinning at you.
"Hey, princess."
You hold your arms out but instead, he pulls you into his arms and crushes you into a tight embrace that would put a Bewear to shame and promptly lifts you off the ground, spinning you round in a circle before he settles you back onto your feet where he clutches you firmly and buries his nose into your neck, trailing kisses over your cheeks and lips. You can't help but giggle as he kisses you all over.
"I watched the match; it was amazing."
"But I lost."
"Aww, it's okay." You gently pat his head, smoothing down his hair before you pinch his cheeks gently, "You did a great job out there."
"The gym challengers are seriously keeping me on my toes. How can I keep up with Leon at this rate?" He mutters as you let go; he leans forwards and he smooches you, pressing his lips firmly over yours again and again.
"Perhaps you'd be interested in some EV training?" You suggest, "Then you'll be able to squash all of Leon's Pokemon with one hit."
"Nah, s'alright. If I did that, it wouldn't be fair on Leon and it wouldn't be fun either." He replies with a wicked grin. Scooping your hand with his, he kisses your knuckles swiftly. "Let's get outta here. I'm hungry."
"Sure, where'd you wanna go?"
"Hm, let me think about it. I gotta grab something from my locker first."
"Okay, I'll wait for you outside in the lobby." You reply, and he presses a quick kiss on your forehead before you split up.
Raihan heads to the locker room and you make a beeline for the exit until you spot the gym trainer from before who let you in, holding onto a white envelope. He looks a little troubled and as you pass him, he stops you in your path.
"Oh, uh...Excuse me." He says, "Are you Raihan's girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Someone just came up to me and told me to give this to you." He hands you the envelope and you raise a brow as you hold it limply in your hands.
Turning it around, your blood turns cold when you see that the front is indeed addressed to yourself and it is stamped with the words: rEaD mE :)
Your eyes grow wide and slowly, you pry open the flap. Delving your hand inside, you pull out a single piece of paper which you unfold and there are instructions spelled in Unown, telling you that they have the DVD and you are to meet at the top of Rose Tower immediately. You are not to tell a single soul and you must come alone.
Or else.
Panic seeps into you all over. Fear grips you like ice and you reread the instructions a second time....you cannot believe it. It's deja vu all over again. And again, it's to do with the goddamn DVD. However, as you tremble and shake in horror, suddenly these feelings evaporate entirely, replaced with searing hot anger as you scrunch up the blackmail letter so tightly that your knuckles go white and your bones clench.
It’s happening again.
Why is this happening again?
You're about to use Rotom to call Looker.
But you stop.
No, this time you will deal with this on your own. Whoever it is and whatever it is they want, you simply don't care anymore. You have your pokemon with you so you are well-protected and you won't show any mercy.
You are sick and tired of being pushed around and you aren't going to let this pass, to let them get away with it.
Not this time.
The energy band on your wrists starts to blip intensely but you ignore it.
You tell the gym trainer to inform Raihan that you've got to leave due to an emergency and without further ado, you leave the stadium abruptly and hail a taxi. You don't want Raihan to worry or get hurt because of you. You'll deal with this quietly and quickly.
When the Corviknight taxi arrives in Wyndon, you enter Rose Tower without further ado and although a staff member comes up to you, asking a polite 'How can I help you?', you tell them someone is expecting you at the top of the tower and they seem to understand, allowing you entry to the lift.
You enter, watching the lift doors close behind you and it begins to chug up to the top floor. You clutch onto the strap of your bag firmly, your knees quaking. You can't help it. Your stomach does numerous flips, the back of your throat is dry. The lift finally arrives at its destination and the doors slide open, revealing the same outdoor arena you had once set foot on with Raihan, although on this occasion the dragon tamer is not with you.
You step inside and there are two familiar figures within: it's Alicia and Raihan's ex-girlfriend.
You’re not totally shocked to the very core that they are the ones behind this. You always knew they were up to no good and they disliked you so the fact that they are the ones responsible doesn't really make heads turn. This is it, probably. The final confrontation. You will tell them to leave you alone right here and now. You storm over, stopping a short distance away and you give them beady looks whilst they stare you down.
Raihan's ex speaks first. "I didn't think you'd come."
You notice Alicia's Rotom phone is facing you with a little light on. Holy crap, are they...are they recording this???
You ignore the phone for the time being. "Where is it?" You demand angrily, having successfully stamped down the fear and nervousness and you're able to control your voice; you don't stammer or at stutter at all and your energy band blips again.
"Oh? Not so timid now, are you?"
"Answer the goddamn question."
Raihan's ex isn't fazed by your newfound hostility considering the last time you spoke, it was all rather genial. She dips her hand into her bag and pulls out a shiny, flat disc. "You mean this?"
"Hand it over." You growl, "I'm not in the mood for any games."
"I'll hand it over if you do something for me in return."
"You want me to break up with Raihan, don't you? I know you messaged him. Why are you doing this? I thought he already told you this - he doesn't want you," you bark and her face goes a funny colour in response. "And you don't deserve him."
"It's not like you deserve him either." She quips back.
It's because of the DVD that this is happening so honestly, you could just walk away from this. "Do you know what? Just do it. Just upload it online. See if I care, because I clearly don't and neither does Raihan. You don't scare me, neither of you do."
There's a brief silence and Alicia throws a quick glance at the ex worryingly. "Maybe we should - "
"Shut up." The ex snaps, crossing her arms. Her expression turns dark but then her lips curl into a cruel sneer. "Fine then, maybe I will. And I'll also tell everyone that you're adopted, that you were abused when you were a kid and that you were bullied in school, that you're nothing but a loser. I'll dig up every single dirty little secret you have and make sure it goes public."
Your fists curl. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. How does she know this, how did she find out???? You cannot fathom and as she smirks, you begin to seethe with rage. You are enraged, flush with anger. But at the same time, you are also panicking deep inside.
"...Is she having a mental breakdown?" Alicia mutters.
"Who cares, you're getting this on camera, aren't you?"
You begin to find it hard to breathe, your mind racing frantically and your heart cannot pounding so hard it hurts - and they notice, laughing at your reaction. They're recording this too. Why is this happening? Should you fight her? With punches and kicks? No, she's not alone - you're unlikely to get the upperhand although you want to strangle the wind out of her if you could. Hell, you could get your pokemon to attack them but that's a criminal offence. Realising that you have no advantage here, you find yourself at a loss and you're reduced to a quaking mess again, sick to the stomach.
As you despair, the band on your wrist beeps louder and louder and the orange line is spiralling out of control; it's at the peak, quivering violently as the reading begins to go off the charts, the band cannot keep up as you become lightheaded and dizzy and you drop to the ground.
Suddenly, their laughter stops.
Instead, they're now adamant in staring wide-eyed at something behind you.
Turning round, a slit has appeared in mid-air.
Looker sits in his office in Hammerlocke Police station, going over the transcript of the hypnosis session.
She had described Ultra Deep Sea in-depth. She had even seen a Nihilego. Looker rubs the bottom of his chin as he reads the final part: the Nihilego had seen her during the session. He has a bad feeling about this so he goes to one of his briefcases and opens it. There's only foam inside, cushioning a single pokeball and a folded piece of paper.
The label on it says: "Type: Null - Property of Macro Cosmos."
Looker takes out the paper and unravels it, revealing that it is now property of the Bureau, having been confiscated. He glances to where his signature is along with the print where it details that Type: Null is under Looker's protection. Contemplating to himself, Looker reaches for a small bottle of correction fluid from a tub on the desk and carefully removes his name.
Once it dries, he picks up a pen and writes her name in his place.
Nodding to himself, Looker folds the paper back and pats the pokeball. "You'll be in good hands." He says.
Suddenly, his Rotom phone beeps loudly and he glances over. "Bzzzrt, abnormal energy level detected from zzzubject zzzixteen!" Rotom cries out.
His brows furrow at once. "Whereabouts?" Looker demands as he gets up from his seat, grabbing his coat off the hook and donning it. He picks up his suitcase too, packing in some of his equipment.
"It'zzz coming from Rozzze Tower in Wyndon."
"Thanks, Rotom. Let's go check it out."
Looker hopes he's not too late.
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Madness Haunts
Adamska finds drowning himself in his work is a good way to distract himself when he can't simply get high every second of the day to shut them up, block them out, if he had the time he'd try and find the trigger The Philosophers used to use but it'd take to long it wasn't just a word after all... But George is still worried, and asks him to lunch, says he's overdoing it since he isn't well. It's so stupid but it's almost like- Adam agrees but he's not alone. And they won't. Shut. Up...!
TW: Ghosts, self neglect, dad ghost Sorrow is disappointed in your weak ass will adam. fight eli/liquid off like a man. possession / attempted possession, drug abuse references? Hypnotherapy??? Weird ass romance between Adam(ska)/Ocelot and George, low self esteem, Adamska is a shitty Medium; blame The Philosophers, depersonalization WIP tags idk, swearing/cuss words?
Once again, If i missed something let me know.
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It wasn't strange when grey eyes glance up from the paper work in his hands, the concerned face of... Why did he have to look like a kicked puppy its not like he mattered, their plans were more important and yet.
“J-George, do you need something...? I'm busy with-”
George clears his throat, one blue eye shining with affection that makes Adam's stomach twist, or had he forgotten to eat again? He shook the thought away glancing away from him. Liquid had been standing behind George giving him bunny ears and Ocelot had nearly laughed, LAUGHED him? God he was getting sick of Eli's interference.
“Yes actually, Its a bit past noon but, would you care to have some lunch.”
Adam smiles and shakes his head, his gaze not leaving the papers in his hands, still reading them over as he replies.
“No I have work I need-”
Of course his stomach decided to protest this by growling and George's hand touches his left shoulder gently.
“...I... guess we could, if I can keep working well we do?”
George's smile blind sided Adam in such a way he can feel tears just start to rise but there blinked away as if nothing, unnoticed, he smiles back tiredly allowing George to pull him close and wrap an arm around him leading him towards where ever it was he likely had set up this little plan of his. ...Adam wondered who was leading who around at this point. He was smitten by this man, but he looked so much like- which probably helped and yet...
“I'm hoping you like what I picked out for us, it's not anything super fancy but its better then rations.”
Laughing softly Adam shakes his head about to reply when a glance outside the window showed rain and red eyes. He glances away and stares at the floor eyebrows knitted and expression guarded.
“I'm sure I- ...”
“Adam...? What's wrong?”
One blue eye glancing out the window confusedly and back at his companion.
“Don't like the rain?”
Jokingly Ocelot shrugs shaking his head and mumbling out.
“Kuwabara, Kuwabara... no... that's- that's not, maybe.”
He admits it unsurely struggling to keep his gaze low as Eli bends down in front of his face, he turns to not make eye contact with the foolish boy trying to get his attention.
“Scared of the rain Ocelot? Didn't take you for a superstitious type.”
“...I wasn't until you showed up...”
He hisses under his breath and he can feel George hold him closer and grab his cheek and force him to look at him having stopped moving.
His concerned face made Adam smile instinctively.
“George, please. You worry to much-”
Red caught his grey. Adam's heart caught in his chest, which as usual buzzed with two annoying beats, one going to fast one steady as usual.
“...I... have to go... lay down... I don't...-”
“Adam, you should eat...”
“Bring it to my room if you're so worried!”
He watches as George flinches but his gentle grip doesn't leave his arm. Adam pulls himself free and starts to storm off.
“Madness, you worry about it so much, and yet you only confirm it to those around you the more you fight, acceptance my Son and then perhaps you'll find some peace and strength to not be so pathetic.”
Ocelot's teeth grits hands shaking with rage heart still pounding in his ears and chest, and he coughs chokes on his spit.
Eli reaching for his hand and- what??? George's grip was tight on his left wrist, Eli's on his right. No no no- Eli stop right now STOP STOP-!?
Ocelot gasps hard shaking trying to pull his left hand free so he can grip at his right. Pain like lightening sparking through his limb.
“If you can't do this old man maybe I should!~ Chickenin' out all cause Daddy's disappointed-”
“ifyoudon'tstopyouwillregretthis. Let. Me. Go.”
George glares at him and pulls him closer.
“Adam, look at me, please.”
“George, let me go. Right now. I... need to lay down please...”
George's hand reaching and touching his cheek, the cool feeling of his hand he can't help but sigh softly and lean into his touch but that moment of weakness was all Eli needed.
“Foolish Sentimental old man! I've got you now, this body is mine to pilot!”
Adam shouts out shoving himself away and falling onto the ground with a grunt, George having stumbled back a look of surprise on his face.
“Adam- Adam! What happened- did I hurt you?”
Eli was in control, he clears Ocelot's throat and does his best impression of him, he'd like to say he was getting pretty good at it!
“Sorry- sorry... George... I told you I needed to lay down didn't I? But... If you're so insistent that I eat could you carry this old man?”
Adam growls at him, it felt so weird to not be in control of himself, following alongside himself as Eli seduced George, though he assumed Eli felt the same way when he was in control.
“Give me back my body Eli, it's MINE. NOT YOURS, YOUR DEAD!”
Eli's smiles up at George as the other man gently wraps his arms under his knees and back lifting him up, Eli wrapping his arms around his neck. He sticks his tongue out at Adam well George was still adjusting him in his arms.
“What are we havin'?”
George simply shakes his head but gives in anyways, his face still full of concern but he's smiling softly again. Eli beams up at him, a practiced attempted to hide love struck expression he's seen Adam use.
“It's nothing fancy as I said, ramen and some turkey and lettuce sandwiches.”
“Fresh lettuce? You tryin' to spoil me hm?”
George simply purrs gently lifting him closer so their foreheads touch.
Adam can see the way Eli- his lip twitched for a moment uncomfortably, before he leans forward and their lips meet, Adam growling in the background reaching and grabbing his right arm and pulling frantically but nothing happened, Eli didn't even flinch.
Adamska hisses wildly spinning around towards the voice growling at him as The Sorrow takes a step forward, he steps back unsurely, teeth bared still.
“Don't. Come near me.”
“Are you afraid my little Ska?”
Adamska freezes for a moment, grey stares into red. He was pretty sure if he had a heart it'd be pounding right now, then again in his body it probably was.
“...what do you want from me...?”
A hand reaches out and impulse has Adamska flinch, mouth opening to bite the fingers that went to touch him but he was surprised to see his Father- NO. The Sorrow let his hand drop a sad look on his face.
“Still bite the hand that feeds hm? Chew up all that you love till there's nothing left, my son, my sweet Ska. I'd of thought you were better then this.”
“You don't know me! You don't know that- GET OUT OF MY HEAD! ...declaw a cat and they'll use their teeth.”
The suffocating feeling of grief and sorrow-filled loneliness he's been shoving down for so long was all swarming in his chest, it hurt. He hurt... His breath- he didn't need to breathe and yet he felt like he couldn't so filled with all of those feelings- a weapon, a tool did NOT have feelings and neither did he. And yet he couldn't shove it down the same way he could in his body as if he had no where to store it but his soul, bare and exposed.
A hand touches his cheek and for a second it all bubbles to the surface he presses into his Father's hand and a sob breaks out of his throat tears dripping down his face. But it only lasts a few seconds before his fangs dig into the man's hands. The Sorrow simply scolds him.
“Ska, let go. Now.”
The snarl escaping him wild and angry as the taste of blood filled his mouth, grey eyes filled with a defying rage, a yearning for freedom he can't know. Adamska grunts as he feels a fist grip up his hair and pull trying to rip his teeth from his hand. It takes a few pulls but Adamska's teeth release The Sorrow.
Adamska glanced towards where Eli and George had been but...
“Shit... where'd they go...”
“...That's easy. You should know. It's YOUR body right?”
“Fuck off.”
His face flushed with shame as his non-existent stomach twists. Adam can do this. No Ocelot- Adamska- Which one of them can-??? He grabs his head and groans wiping at his right eye angrily... Blood- a slight pulse, his head hurt and if he could he'd puke.
“I don't need you're help old man.”
“You are old now too Adamska, you'd refuse to listen to my teaching anyways, they made you quite resistant to such things had they not? No. It was simply drugs they pumped into you? Is that why you're to scared to part with-”
“SHUT UP! I do not need you're scoldings I am a grown man, I NEVER. Needed you or HER or anyone else but myself and my handlers!?”
“Where are they now?”
“John's- shit... fuck... no he's not- I just meant- They're dead, I am my own handler now. I am my own per-... I am...”
Adam stumbles entering the room Eli and George were but he can barely focus on them at all he just wanted to go to his body and pass out- he sees Eli's- no his eye glance at him.
“Adam, could I accompany you in your room?”
“Of course George... I can walk if that's alright?”
Blue eye looks concerned and Eli- no. 'Adam' reaches and taps his eyepatch with a laugh.
Adamska snarls impulse to tear his teeth into George and rip him apart. He was his and no one elses'! NO ONE. ELSES. HIS.
“Calm yourself Ska, you are not a hungry child anymore. Take a breath, steady yourself and step back in control.”
The Sorrow is quiet, his Father looks annoyed. Red eyes glowing and dripping blood and suddenly nails dig into the stump of his right arm.
“I died so you may live Adamska, if I had not died you would have been killed, I'd of still been with Joy but we loved you- love you- Do not tempt the dead, Adamska, with what ifs. For they are all I, we. Have.”
Adam trembles in his grasp, chilled to his very soul, it hurt... it hurt... And for just a small second he was a small child again tearing apart a chew scarred stuffed cat, an ocelot, with his teeth so no other kid can have it when they take him away.
A hand cups his small face and he stares up at him and snarls, bristling the memory away he isn't thinking about that-
“Go away, leave me alone- please... GO AWAY. GET OUT OF MY BODY ELI!?”
Adam rushes forward grabbing at his right arm and trying to wrangle Eli free- but Eli simply laughs and George tilts his head.
“What's so funny Adam?”
And Eli smiles at him nuzzling into his neck.
“I never thought I'd have someone who cares about me as much as you.”
George is helping him undress, and himself too. They're in bed, laying down together and Eli is kissing him-
And suddenly Eli is shoved out of place he cackles hysterically, his blue eyes shining mischievously.
The Sorrow glares at the other ghost touching his shoulder, but he says nothing and shakes his head vanishing, Eli snorting but decides to leave him be for now. Time to scheme some more.
Adam pulls himself free from George's lips panting hard rolling over to the edge of the bed and puking. Growling, barely containing a sob. Blood still- no just now dripping down his face from his right eye. His head throbbed George's hands gently pull him back against his chest and simply rubs his back.
“shush... shush it's alright, just breath ok. Don't push so hard, we have time. You'll feel better and then we can do that.”
Adam digs his nails into him, teeth gritted as he bit his own lips and yet.
George smiles at him and gently presses his forehead against Adam's, frowning a bit concernedly at him.
“Are you too hot?”
“...no... no... sorry- I just want to sleep-”
“We can do that.”
The two curl up tightly together in a tangle of blankets and pillows and Adam slowly drifts off to the even breathing that George gives him to focus on, unconsciously chewing lightly on the blanket he had pulled up slightly over his head.
George simply smiles and pushes long white hair behind his ear.
“Feel better Adamska...”
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awarenesshealing · 2 years
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problogsposts · 5 months
The 5 biggest mistakes people make when going to therapy
In the journey towards better mental health, seeking help from a professional can be a crucial step. Whether you opt for counseling, psychotherapy, or hypnotherapy, understanding the potential pitfalls can make your therapeutic experience more effective.
1. Ignoring the Importance of Professional Help
It's common for individuals grappling with mental health challenges to underestimate the significance of seeking professional assistance. A licensed counselor, psychologist, or hypnotherapist is trained to provide the necessary support. If you're dealing with anxiety, depression, or any mental disorder, consulting a professional is vital. A psychologist for depression and anxiety can offer tailored sessions to address your specific needs.
2. Failure to Address Childhood Trauma
Many people forget that childhood experiences play a pivotal role in shaping mental health. A counseling psychologist is equipped to delve into these past events and help you navigate their impact on your present. By acknowledging and addressing childhood trauma, you pave the way for a more comprehensive and effective therapeutic journey.
3. Inconsistent Attendance and Engagement
Therapy requires commitment and consistency. Skipping sessions or failing to actively engage during consultations can hinder progress. Whether you're seeing a counselor, psychotherapist, or hypnotherapist, regular attendance is crucial. Consistent engagement allows the professional to understand your unique situation and tailor their approach accordingly.
4. Overlooking the Value of Pricing and Offers
Sometimes, individuals might shy away from therapy due to concerns about prices. However, it's essential to recognize that investing in your mental well-being is priceless. Many therapists offer reasonable prices and even have special offers to accommodate various budgets. Prioritize your mental health, and explore options that work for you financially.
5. Expecting Instant Results
Patience is key in the therapeutic process. Whether you're consulting a psychiatrist, counselor, or hypnotherapist, expecting instant results can lead to disappointment. Mental health progress takes time. Trust the process, be open with your consultant, and understand that improvements may come gradually.
In conclusion, approaching therapy with a mindful attitude can significantly enhance its effectiveness. By avoiding these common mistakes, you empower yourself to make the most out of your therapeutic experience. Remember, whether you choose counseling, psychotherapy, or hypnotherapy, seeking professional help is a commendable and crucial step towards a healthier, happier you.
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parentyourmind · 1 year
We offer hypnotherapy, which is a type of therapy that uses hypnosis to create a state of relaxation and focused attention in order to help individuals make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
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