#hypnotherapy for children
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awarenesshealing · 2 years
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problogsposts · 4 months
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Dr. Vinod Mune, an expert children's psychologist and hypnotherapist in Nagpur.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
If you're interested in hypnosis in any way, I think it's important to understand the role it played in the Satanic Panic, and the damage it caused.
I'm not saying you can't practice hypnosis. I'm saying that you need to be aware of what can happen when people practice hypnosis in a misinformed way.
To really oversimplify things, in the 1970s and 1980s, your Evangelical types were really buttmad over stuff like civil rights, women having jobs, and also legal abortion.
Evangelicals believe everything is a war between ultimate good and ultimate evil. Everything they disapprove of is therefore the work of Satan.
Everything they disapprove of, of course, is whatever they feel doesn't serve their Christofascist politics. Also, convincing believers that evil was lurking everywhere in the outside world was a damn good way to keep them in the fold, where they felt safe.
Hence you had Evangelicals claiming that rap and rock and roll were Satanic and loaded with subliminal messages encouraging the youth to commit sin. They claimed that Halloween was a Satanic holiday and trick-or-treating was some kind of Satanic rite, which meant that kids who went trick-or-treating were secretly worshiping Satan without knowing it!
Then you had scam artists like Mike Warnke come along and claim that there were actual Satanic cults plotting the downfall of good Christian society.
And then there was Michelle Remembers, a book that supposedly describes the totally real and not at all confabulated memories of a woman who would fall into trance states in her therapist's office and recount the most theatrically ghastly tales of things a Satanic cult supposedly did in Victoria, British Columbia.
And this is where hypnosis comes in.
See, there was this whole idea that hypnosis was a foolproof method for recovering lost memories, and all kinds of everyday mental issues were chalked up to repressed memories. Supposedly, people could be cured of their ills by uncovering the repressed memories.
People would undergo hypnosis and "remember" Satanic abuse, often from family members. The way these "memories" often contained elements from popular horror films, antisemitic conspiracy theories, and witch hunt propaganda raised fewer eyebrows than it should have.
Best case scenario, families were torn apart as children became convinced their parents were Satanic abusers. Worst case scenario, innocent people were put on trial and put in prison for crimes they never committed.
The lack of forensic evidence didn't stop people. They simply declared that the Satanists must have hidden or destroyed all of the evidence. Never mind the amount of work it would have required. Never mind the utter impossibility of hiding the evidence in some cases.
Also, the people who'd undergone therapy were often traumatized by their confabulated memories. Far from curing them, the hypnotherapy only made things worse, because they believed it was all real.
Anyone who has any interest in hypnosis, hypnotherapy, or even any sort of trance work should keep all of this in mind. Not everything you experience is going to be "real." And just as stress can make you more likely to have nightmares, it can also make you more likely to see scary things while in a trance.
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insipid-drivel · 1 year
slow inhale
Inverted crosses and crucifixes are not “iconic symbols of Satanism”!!!
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The above image? 100% holy. Totally canonical. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with Satan, Lucifer, or “The Devil”. It’s called the Petrine Cross aka The Cross of Saint Peter and is a symbol of piety, humility, deference, and martyrdom particularly to Jesus Christ (not necessarily his other canonical phases of existence) and his relationship with the Pope. It’s also one of the symbols most closely associated with The Pope.
It is one of the main reasons I can’t take exorcist and demon-themed horror movies seriously ever. Not because I’m a polytheistic soul-selling Bandrui (those things are true but they’re not why), but because it’s a continuity error! A hilarious one if you think about it! The demon is just showing how much the characters really don’t understand about the religion they’re espousing in the movie!
So, why would St. Peter be associated with something that, for all intents and purposes, we visually associate with something that is backwards from Christianity or whatever “holiness” means? Because, like Jesus, St. Peter was also crucified, or at least that is the version of St. Peter’s story that is considered most canonical. In truth, stories about St. Peter that still exist date back only as late as 200 AD with the apocryphal “Acts of Peter”. Whether or not the upside down part of the story was canonical hasn’t been determined with any real certainty, but it was the version told by this guy:
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Origen of Alexandria! Origen was largely considered one of the greatest early Christian luminaries, scholars, philosophers, poets, and all-around book nerds and is the primary source for the whole “St. Peter was crucified upside down” story, inspiring Renaissance masterworks like this little number by Caravaggio:
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“Crucifixion Of Saint Peter”
Origen’s popularized telling of the tragic demise of St. Peter makes a big deal about the story-canonical feature that St. Peter insisted upon being crucified upside-down because he didn’t feel worthy to emulate the same, now-iconic crucifixion of Jesus.
So how did the Petrine Cross become a symbol associated with Satanism?
Well, not all of it, but France was involved. In the early 19th century, a cult leader by the name of Eugène Vintras insisted that he was the reincarnation of the Prophet Elijah. Aside from that, he also practiced necromancy (which is the art of cavorting with DEMONS, not corpses for the love of my blackened, shriveled occultist heart) and was commonly seen wearing robes and symbols depicting the Petrine Cross.
In comes This Guy:
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Éliphas Lévi was another famous 19th century French Occultist (after leaving the Catholic priesthood when he was in his 20′s to get drunk and listen to metal or something) who took one look at, and presumably all surviving sketches of  Eugène Vintras, saw his regalia of Petrine crosses, and wrote the literally-damning words that for wearing his inverted crosses, Vintras’ satanic leanings were obvious.
After Éliphas Lévi wrote about Vintras’ wearing of the Petrine Cross and Satanic preferences, the inverted cross gradually became more and more associated with anti-religion movements and, of course, Satanism. The final nail in the Apocryphal Iconography Crucifixion came in the 1960′s-1980′s with the dawn of the horror movie franchise and the rise of the Satanic Panic, a mass hysteria movement that had to be debunked by the FBI where young people and children were convinced by their therapists during hypnotherapy sessions that they had been the subjects of Satanic rituals at the hands of the parents/guardians at very young ages that never happened, destroyed families, left countless people traumatized. FBI agent Kenneth Lanning went on to publish what’s commonly referred to as “The Lanning Report” to debunk the claims of abuse and lambast the therapist that started the panic in the first place.
If you want to really rock like a Satanist, consider donating stuff like feminine hygiene products to your local Planned Parenthood ;)
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vegaseatsass · 11 months
Home School 14 spoilers
So I just caught up on Home School and ahhhh, they did the one thing I was most fearing. The Sky Castle thing, where you have an untenable and fucked up system that uncannily if exaggeratedly resembles the untenable and fucked up systems of our real world, and then one character is actually to blame for all of it, doing things for cartoonish, individual-backstory-having reasons, and all the other enforcers of the system escape culpability by comparison.
Like, I don't think the other masters completely escape culpability, not when the good OTP Dilak/Praeporn seem to be the only ones actively resisting what's been happening, but it's still an ughhh way of making their behavior seem less terrible without actual change or growth. Plus, I try to stay in my lane and not comment on colorism, so apologies if this is overstepping, but everything about Prasath's portrayal already felt pretty uncomfortable, and it just got so much worse.
I'll wait to see where the last four episodes go, but if I'm actually supposed to believe Amin started this school for good reasons and it was a good and loving place that helped orphans by hypnotizing them into normativity so their rich parents wanted them again I'm gonna... /shakes fist! And tbf his whole plan was never actually that, it was always using that (still probably fucked curriculum!!) as a cover for his revenge on society, but using desperate kids as his child soldiers was deeply fucked even before it became a violent revenge!!
But I'll see where it goes. In the clips the students watched of Run & Putha, Run seemed like an active and informed participant in the hypnotherapy. I still 100% do not think any of this is okay when done to desperate kids you're telling you will love in their shitty parents' stead, particularly if any of the curriculum was compliance-based beforehand, but it's significantly less evil to teach the kids what for example Headmaster Yani was doing with the girls, that society sucks and you deserve better, and enforce their confidence w/ hypnotherapy in ways they know about going in and are on board with, than to brainwash them while they're out into becoming your sleeper disruptors.
I just hate in stories like this when the drama and suspense and twists and turns are privileged over the potentially juicy and salient social commentary; it's a much more impactful story imo if Amin started something with good intentions that was terrible from the beginning. If, just as Bodin passed down his father's abuse, Amin passed down Bodin's power and control over him onto the children he now had power over.
That said, I still love all the kids, look forward to Maki and Run's reunion, and find Amin/Bodin very very juicy. Imo:
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analiavs · 6 months
Follow Up Appointment
CW drugging
Harper x Bailey
His machinations have been going a little to well, but Dr. Harper finds someone new to ruin.
He’d thought it a wonderful experiment at first, but now his liaisons were cutting into his time with his patients. He’d tried to wean them off of him but that only made them all the more fervent.
Remy had tied him down in a bullpen and rode him till he passed out, Briar had od’ed and forced him to fuck him on even more drugs, and worst of all Quinn wanted him to be an active parent in their tentacle spawns lives. There was only so much mileage his dick could handle. He was getting ready to follow up on his current pet project’s latest hypnotherapy session when his phone started ringing off the hook.
He took one glance at his notifications and hung his head in his hands. He couldn’t go on like this. He sent Remy a dick pic, Briar a picture of his next prescription, and a quick voice message to his… children before rushing to his appointment.
At the end of the night with Quinn sleeping on his chest he tried to think of an exit strategy. Usually he would of asked the whispers for advice, but they’d been enthused with the notion of the spawn growing up in a two parent household.
There had to be someone that could give him advice. A person enmeshed in the underworld bacchanalia yet personally disconnected from participating. Who knew his partners on a personal level, but wasn’t friendly enough to go blabbing their mouth…
Some chloroform and sedative later he had Bailey chained to a bed in the hospital’s basement. It was almost too easy… maybe the top dogs were getting complacent.
Bailey woke up screeching and struggling like a feral dogboy so he was glad he’d used the premium cuffs.
“Now, calm down. I just need some advice.”when his words had no effect he injected Bailey with a mild sedative. Not long after Bailey was staring up at the ceiling with a glazed over look.
“There, that’s better.” He petted Bailey’s cheek. Though slack he could start to see the appeal.
“You know, you kinda have dilfy vibes. If I were a milkman and you were a lonely housewife. I’d be all over you. HA HA ha… you are a single parent when I think about it. Perhaps just a little taste. Nothing untoward of course… just a taste.” Bailey’s face was still slack as he leaned in and pressed their lips together.
He tasted coffee and a little sweetness. A normal taste especially compared to his other partners; there was no hint of milk, no touch of alcohol, no cum, or slime. Maybe Bailey could be his subject, just for a week or so. To refresh his perspective on his partners.
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We all have an inner child regardless of our age.
The inner child is often wounded in adults but it symbolises our inner purity and innocence.
When I help adults to remove their limitations we work together on healing their wounded inner child.
We are adults walking around with deep hurt, mostly caused in our childhood.
We consequently hurt one another. Hurt people tend to hurt people.
Parts of our inner child has been frozen in time and left behind in those moments of hurt and disappointment, shame and sadness.
So we grow up with an aching emptiness or void that gets filled with addiction or self-sabotage.
We push away what we most want. We deny ourselves our deepest desires.
Unfortunately we pass it on to our children.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
You can heal your heart and mind. You can love and nurture your inner child so you can feel whole and healed again.
This image is a digital version of the sculpture LOVE by Alexander Milov.
It represents two humans who are at odds, but their inner child is attempting to connect with each other.
Through transformational hypnotherapy and other techniques I can help you to heal the past so you are free to love yourself and your life.
Send me a direct message and we’ll take it from there.
If we heal ourselves one by one we can heal this planet.
It’s an act of commitment and self-compassion to want to heal.
You can get to the other side.
You can change your mind.
You can heal your heart.
#heal #innerchild #wounded #hurt #relationships #freetolove #compassion #commitment #selflove #hypnosisheals #hurt #sad #timeforhealing
Pauline Rohdich
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agendratum · 11 months
can’t believe i got to the ninth episode and only just now realised that all the horror parts of the story only happen in jiah’s pov (and btw they do horror pretty nicely i’d say, it’s creepy and i surprised myself by jumping at the hypnotherapy scene)
like the rest of the cast are supernatural creatures! they don’t give a shit about this stuff (especially lee yeon), they don’t see any of that in the scary horror light. like the children following jiah subplot? that was pretty fucking creepy not gonna lie. and then lee yeon shows up and he’s like “hey kids btw don’t do this anymore, it’s rude” and kids are like “teehee okay :)” and it’s not scary!! and then he shoo-es the rest of the children away
lee yeon and lee rang run around having their clown time in the normal to them circumstances meanwhile jiah is having a horror experience every second episode
i’m just amazed cause i only just now realised that!! even tho i was enjoying the contrast the whole time, they’re so good at it. it just didn’t click in my brain
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spinalembrace · 1 year
I furiously binge-watched the two seasons of Wayward Pines (2015–2016) yesterday (missing at least one episode and parts of some, since I couldn't access them at all/in their entirety). Since I was watching alone, I decided to rant out my contemplations down on paper, which I will recount here (spoilers of course):
Season 1
If the Ballingers were revolutionists, why did they rat out Beverly, causing her to get reckoned?
Why on EARTH would they think public executions are the answer in a pseudo-community living off of lies? (See e.g. Camus' Reflections on the Guillotine [1957] for a humanitarian discussion of public executions.)
If putting people back to cryo-sleep is an option, why not use that with the citizens as well? Adults are fertile too — why aren't they such a precious resource to the company/cult as well? And — as long as people are thought of as resources, even in that ideology, isn't it a huge waste to respond to misdemenours with DEATH?
How homophobic and heteronormative is a community so focused on reproduction? (They turned to this question briefly in season 2, answer of course being very. I was not satisfied with the extent this question was discussed — being, it nearly was discussed at all.)
How is the company/cult not eugenic and nepotistic inherently? (It is.)
Why does Theresa show so much resent for Katie, when Ethan is the one who has consciously betrayed Theresa? Misogyny? Internalized misogyny?
The people running the company/cult are adults — on what basis do they then think adults are incapable of habituating to the new situation? Aren't the other adults then just worries about their own monopoly over power? Children might be the future but they are also easier to control — hence the adults leading the children are the ones creating the picture of that future.
Hypnotherapy is bullshit.
2000 years in the face of evolution is merely a blink of an eye.
How white and ignorant do you have to be to think culture = a couple classical piano concertos, classicist home decor, and a few paintings from 1500–1900s?
All the aberrations look have male bodies? What does this tell of the perception of evolution? Or degeneration? (This question was brought up in season 2, really not giving satisfactory answers and continuing to view sex and gender in an overly dichotomized and binary way.)
Why would the aberrations be more adapted to the 41st century? What is the evolutionary biology behind that?
How very lame to do the "evil man listens to classical music in a secluded mansion while others are dying on the streets".
Why does Wayward Pines have so much guns and ammo, if there is only one sheriff and the reckonings are done by hand?
Season 2
The aberrations don't seem that complex or scary.
Why does this season as well have to rely on a white male archetype to lead on the story?
The minute they find a female aberration, they dress them up (sexualize/shame their naked body) and find it even more convenient to abuse them.
Where the fuck did that guy get a twizzler?
There are no artists in Wayward Pines? Yet another depiction of "essential roles in society", where the arts and humanities are left out.
What are the ethics of weaponizing viruses, sacrificing oneself tp kill over one third of another population? What is the use of the evacuation? Don't the aberrations deserve to reclaim their territory, especially since the human invaders can save themselves in another manner? Didn't they learn anything about the possibility for cooperation?
The repetitious clips of the aberrations just screeching at the cliff do not do justice to the complexity of the aberrations. They seem like blood-lusted "monsters" yet again.
This is where my notes end. After sleeping through the night and rethinking Wayward Pines, I find the two seasons very discontinuous. Season 2 beginning with a voice over of Benjamin really set the mood to think they would be the main character — after the season I don't even remember what they did or what happened to them after all? It also was disappointing to see that Theresa's character was not developed further and they became a side character, even though the viewer was engaged to their character from the beginning. Also I can't stand, nor see the value or meaning, of the monogamous heterosexual quarrels happening in both of the seasons.
Okay bye !
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helloblog0 · 1 year
*** An amazing summit coming up! Just wanted to share this. ***
Hi all
I would appreciate your help.
From 20 -the 30th of March 2023, there is the "Children's mental health matters summit" in which I am one of the presenters.
Over 35 presenters are delivering excellent sessions on all things related to children's mental health.
I would love it if as many people as possible would attend; please use my affiliate link below as all proceeds I make are going to SMIRA, which is a UK charity helping children and adults who suffer from Selective Mutism which is what my talk will be about.
Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety-based mental health disorder where those affected can speak in some situations but not others.
For example, can you imagine a child who cannot speak in school or with friends and, if left like this, have to deal with this into their teens some people have had to deal with this all of their lives?
Thank you, and I know you will get so much out of all the sessions if you purchase your ticket before March 7th; you will get all these fantastic presentations for only £17.
Tony Gordon
Changing Your Mind LTD
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steeltempered · 1 year
modern shop au for midnight
&. @aitheros
⋆ Midnight was the cringey nickname he sneakily gave to himself when he was ten years old ( he alleged that his friends call him Midnight... to get everyone to call him Midnight ).
⋆ As a younger kid, he had a tough childhood, and with trauma came insane difficulties with sleeping. He would have night terrors, then refuse to sleep at night, which led to insomnia and mild hallucinations. It was a vicious cycle.
⋆ As he got older, Lachlan ( who prefers to go by his middle name, Macbeth ) began to research scientific methods to try and help himself get better rest, as he eventually developed full-blown insomnia as a young adult. The research fascinated him, so he chose to pursue therapy as a career, where he would eventually focus on hypnotherapy to address subconscious issues interfering with sleep.
⋆ He is playing around with the idea of going back to school to become a sleep technologist.
⋆ People in his field encourage him to try working with kids, but he's simply not comfortable with it... He's never vibed well with kids. He worries that he may be too direct while talking to children.
send an au, i'll come up with ideas for it.
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reality-detective · 1 year
I recently met up with a friend for a chat. As I opened the door, I was really excited to see her and I greeted her with a big smile and a ‘Hey! how are you?!’ to which she replied ‘I’m old and fat and miserable.’
I wanted to shout ‘Don’t say that!’ ‘Don’t let those words come out of your mouth!’ ‘Can’t you see how your words are creating your reality!?’
Instead I decided to start with a softer approach; I hugged her and I said ‘C’mon, none of that is true’.
My friend doesn’t open up about her feelings easily, in fact, she doesn’t open up at all, which is probably why she’s stuck in a bad place.
Facing ones own ghosts is not a fun prospect and so most people prefer to keep them locked up inside where nobody can see them.
The problem is that they remain there, increasingly weighing down on you, until they hold you back and keep you down.
One of the main obstacles in clearing one’s inner ‘closet’, is that we fear people will stop loving us if they saw who we really are, but those that truly love us, will not only remain by our side, they will love us even more for our honesty and courage.
Showing your vulnerability to someone is the greatest form of trust and love towards that person.
Most of our insecurities stem from things we were told as children that made us feel shameful or stupid or ugly or unappreciated, but when you start dealing with things, you will find that a lot of it was not actually such a big deal, it just felt that way because you were too young to assimilate things in context.
I feel that right now, whether people want to or not, everyone is being forced to face not only the ugliness that controls the world, but also whatever ugliness we are holding inside that is ultimately preventing us from being our greatest version.
Disentangling long held beliefs and insecurities is not an easy nor a fast process to go through. My advice is to focus on the little steps that will take you to the right place.
I told my friend to start making small changes in her life; starting with creating better daily health habits. That in itself, will help with energy and confidence levels, which will positively impact all aspects of her life.
I told her to let go of the anger she holds inside by facing past traumas so that she may release the weight that’s keeping her down. (Hypnotherapy is a very effective way of doing this, you can reprogram past negative perceptions into positive and empowering understandings in just a few sessions.)
Lastly and most importantly, I told her she must never, ever speak negatively about herself. One must deal with the shadows, clear them out, start feeling proud that you did so and then become your greatest cheerleader!
The power of words is something most people ignore, but words are either the beginning of something great or the beginning of something awful. Words are always the beginning, for they hold the creative power, so be very, very mindful of the words you speak to others and to yourself.
Remember, ‘in the beginning was the word’… so start speaking words that create only good things for yourself and for others. God gave you the power to do so.💜
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lucylightbringer · 2 years
Hi I’m Lucy & my name means ‘bringer of light’.
I am on a mission to be soul led & high vibe & to assist others to join me on discovering their true selves.
The SOUL purpose of my mission is because after years of battling my own darkness, challenging my own limiting beliefs and discovering and learning lots of therapies to raise my vibration I want to pass on my methods
Many people know me as the Acupuncturist, the Hypnotherapist, The Reiki Master Teacher with some Integral Eye Movement Therapy & EFT thrown in.. I have felt drawn to these to facilitate my own healing & feeling great satisfaction in helping others on their own path. This is the 13th year of being a holistic therapist & after much pushing & shoving from friends & clients around me I am now plunging into the world of blogging.
Holistic therapies such as these are only tools to find & challenge your self limiting beliefs and to change them so you KNOW THYSELF.
Which is pure love light consciousness.
We can release blockages to the light by the above methods so you can begin to FEEL who you truly are & become aligned with your highest vibration which is the path you are supposed to be on.
Your limiting beliefs are those belief systems that hold you back. These are picked up from birth, from your parents beliefs, your environment, your teachers and your experiences as children. As we grow those beliefs become so imbedded in our subconscious we don’t even realise they are interwoven in our lives & they are reflected back at us as mirrors until we face them AND change them.
Common beliefs are
‘I am not enough’
‘I don’t deserve love’
‘I am a disappointment’
‘I am annoying’
‘I am stupid’
There are countless others.. for example one client of mine found herself becoming disappointed in everyone around her, she would look back at her life and find a common thread of feeling disappointed. I chose Integral Eye Therapy to rewire her neuro pathways to challenge these beliefs. After this session she realised it was herself that she felt disappointment in. It is very common to discover that once we realise that everything around us is a mirror of ourselves that it is us that attracts those circumstances, in her case it was disappointment and once she realised her belief was ‘I am a disappointment’ we now know her core belief and can change that to the opposite belief of ‘I am satisfied, I am fulfilled, I am a great achiever’ through affirmation & hypnotherapy.
We are all carrying these belief systems around with us & seeing them being mirrored back to us in our daily lives however we are ALWAYS being nudged back to the light, the love & who we are. Our higher selves would never give up on us, because it is a part of us & knows our true path.. if we raise our vibration we will become aligned with it.
Many people have heard of the ‘Dark night of the soul’ this is also known as depression. Dark night of the soul is a period of time where you face negative emotions, usually after feeling downtrodden for a long time or a catastrophic event that leaves you completely broken..
This brings up questions such as ‘why me?’ ‘what is the lesson from all this?’ Once we fully integrate the understanding that everything is a mirror of our inner selves we can ask ‘why did I create this in my human experience’ and finally ‘how can I assist others through this?’
My advice is to that in moment to moment, day to day choose the thing that feels more attractive for you to do.. the key is to raise your vibration out of it so anything to feel good, to feel relief, to feel better.. it won’t feel like joy to begin with as your energy would be low but eventually it will if you completely unattach from any outcome and just focus on the present moment and as the gurus say ‘follow your bliss’..
I remember when I was in it I’d live moment to moment.. it’s the only thing I could do to feel as little pain as possible, one step in front of the other, and ask myself what is the best choice to make to feel some relief now? Even if it was ‘I’m going to get out of bed and grab a coffee and take the dog for a walk’. Small steps become larger steps towards the light as you follow a vibration that is higher than you are currently in.
Have you heard of the rubber band theory? The farther you spring back into darkness the more you propel forward towards the light.
The way to get out of dark night is that you vibrate out of it
Sending high vibes healing your way!
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matthewcahill · 15 hours
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Is there a demand for hypnotherapists in the UK? Many in the sector are trying to work out if there is a requirement for hypnotherapists within the UK. The landscape of mental health and wellness is evolving, and so are the professions within it.
As we delve deeper into this topic, it becomes evident that the role of hypnotherapy is gaining prominence in today's society. The rising interest in alternative therapies has led to an increased recognition of hypnosis as a viable treatment option. But does this mean there's substantial demand for hypnotherapists across the UK?
The Rising Demand for Hypnotherapists in the UK
There is a growing trend towards alternative therapies across the United Kingdom, with hypnotherapy leading this surge. The UK is increasingly cognizant and accepting of mental health issues, resulting in an immense demand for alternative therapies such as hypnotherapy.
A successful therapy business can be built by leveraging this increasing interest in holistic healing methods like hypnosis. Aspiring therapists who undergo comprehensive training from accredited institutions or under-experienced professionals such as Matthew Cahill could potentially support their families within 18 months post-training completion.
Potential Opportunities Amidst Growing Demand
This rising demand paves the way for numerous opportunities within the field of hypnotherapy. There are multiple avenues where newly trained practitioners can establish themselves - private practices, therapy clinics at healthcare centres or even delivering therapy online to reach clients beyond geographical boundaries.
In addition to traditional face-to-face sessions, offering treatment packages that include online consultations caters more effectively to today's digital-savvy client base while also broadening potential market outreach significantly.
Fuelling Factors Behind Increased Acceptance
Hypnosis has gained significant recognition as an effective tool against various psychological concerns, including anxiety disorders, stress management and low self-belief, among others. With societal pressures on the rise alongside a greater understanding of mental health, individuals are increasingly seeking therapeutic interventions like hypnosis for relief.
Beyond adults benefiting from these services, children too have been referred extensively for treatments dealing with behavioural issues or academic performance anxieties, thereby further fuelling growth across all age groups.
Essential Steps to Building a Successful Therapy Business
The journey towards establishing a successful therapy business can be complex, but it is not insurmountable. The key lies in strategic planning and consistent execution of your plan.
This guide will walk you through the crucial steps needed to build an effective and thriving therapy practice.
1. Overcoming Low Self-Belief A significant hurdle that many therapists encounter when starting their own practice is low self-belief or shyness. It's essential to overcome this barrier as it plays a vital role in enhancing marketing efforts and attracting clients effectively.
To tackle this issue, consider utilising power techniques therapy, which helps reframe negative thoughts into positive ones, thereby boosting confidence levels. Another method worth exploring would be conditioned reflex therapy - focused on replacing unwanted behaviours with desired ones via conditioning, thus building resilience against setbacks encountered during the process of setting up your own practice.
2: Maintaining Focus on Private Practice
In order for you to successfully establish yourself within a competitive field like hypnotherapy, maintaining a constant focus on private practice development is paramount. This could involve creating a welcoming environment for sessions, implementing efficient scheduling systems, and ensuring smooth operation of day-to-day activities, whether working from home or a dedicated premises.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/K8gsdfoCFR4?si=TqwARK-z2ETpprQs Nurturing Decision-Making Skills
An often overlooked yet critical aspect of running any successful business is the ability to make sound decisions swiftly under pressure. Circumstances might arise unexpectedly throughout the course of operations - particularly true for budding hypnotherapists looking to set up their practices independently.
Whether deciding pricing structures, choosing promotional methods best suited to target audience preferences, or even selecting appropriate software solutions for streamlining processes, all require clear-headed thinking backed by comprehensive research and planning to avoid costly mistakes later down the line for professional organisations.
Key Takeaway:
Building a successful therapy business, such as hypnotherapy, is no walk in the park. It requires overcoming self-doubt, maintaining focus on private practice development and nurturing decision-making skills. Remember to face hurdles head-on with confidence and strategic planning.
Setting Your Therapy Practice Apart Through Quality Services
In the rapidly expanding field of hypnotherapy, standing out from the crowd is crucial. Providing a transformative experience that can have lasting impacts on your client's lives is essential to setting yourself apart in the field of hypnotherapy.
Your professional conduct plays an essential role in attracting and retaining clientele. This goes beyond punctuality or dress code - it encompasses maintaining client confidentiality, adhering to ethical guidelines set by professional organisations, and continuously updating your skills through ongoing training at reputable institutions like UK colleges.
Focusing on Client-Centred Care
A cornerstone of high-quality service delivery involves adopting a client-centred approach where each session is tailored according to individual needs rather than using generic scripts or techniques. Matthew Cahill, for example, has been successful with this personalised method.
Spend time during consultation sessions learning about each client's unique situation before devising treatment plans based on their specific goals or challenges. This level of personalisation enhances therapeutic effectiveness while demonstrating respect for individuals' uniqueness - reinforcing trust between therapist and patient over time.
Nurturing Professional Relationships with Clients
An integral part of setting yourself apart lies in building strong relationships with clients by showing genuine care beyond therapy sessions. You could send follow-up emails after appointments or offer free consultations initially so prospective customers can get an idea about what they might expect from regular meetings without any financial commitment upfront.
Maintaining High Standards Of Service Delivery
Maintaining the highest levels of quality and expertise is essential to maintain a competitive edge. It includes staying on top of the latest developments in the industry and attending relevant workshops and conferences regularly to keep updated on new therapies and techniques. Invest in tools and resources to help streamline administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling and invoicing.
So, focus primarily on improving customer satisfaction instead of getting bogged down by mundane tasks. Your dedication to consistently providing excellent customer service will surely distinguish you among competitors and make you the preferred choice for many seeking hypnotherapy.
Key Takeaway:
Setting your hypnotherapy practice apart in the UK requires more than just offering sessions. It's about providing a transformative experience, maintaining professional conduct and ethics, focusing on client-centred care, nurturing relationships with clients beyond therapy sessions, and consistently delivering high-quality service. This commitment to excellence will make you stand out from the crowd.
Effective Marketing Strategies for Your Therapy Business
In the ever-evolving field of therapy, crafting effective marketing strategies is crucial to ensuring your business thrives. Registering your practice on professional directories and leveraging these to promote yourself as a therapist can be an effective way of growing your business.
We'll delve into some key approaches that have been proven successful in this industry and how they might be applied within your own therapy business.
Leveraging Professional Registers and Directories
The first step towards gaining visibility as a therapist involves registering with reputable directories such as Hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk, Freeindex or Yell. These platforms serve as digital hubs where potential clients search for therapists like yourself.
By maintaining an updated profile on these registers, you not only increase exposure but also lend credibility to your services - something akin to what renowned hypnotherapist Matthew Cahill has achieved through his consistent efforts over time.
Harnessing Social Media for Wider Reach
Social media presents another powerful tool at your disposal when it comes to nurturing a wider audience reach. For instance, setting up profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., allows you to directly engage with prospective customers while simultaneously showcasing your expertise through regular posts related to mental health.
This approach, however, requires commitment in terms of consistently posting content that resonates with followers. Additionally, prompt responses to queries and comments further enhance your reputation, leading to more enquiries about the treatments offered at your clinic.
In addition, offering self-hypnosis workshops either locally or online helps establish authority in the domain, providing added value that could potentially convert attendees into private session clients.
Equally important is having a professionally designed website that acts as a virtual storefront, encapsulating your unique selling propositions, testimonials, case studies, and treatment methods, along with a clear breakdown of fees and free consultation sessions.
To summarise, establishing a thriving therapy business hinges largely upon strategic marketing encompassing both traditional and modern techniques. Creating a powerful brand image, which will bring in and maintain dedicated customers, necessitates the proper combination of strategies.
Key Takeaway:
Therapy businesses can thrive with strategic marketing, from listing on professional directories for credibility to harnessing social media's power for wider reach. Consistent engagement and offering added value, such as self-hypnosis workshops, are key, alongside a professionally designed website showcasing your unique selling propositions.
Offering Value-Added Services to Clients
In the dynamic field of hypnotherapy, providing value-added services can be a key differentiator for your therapy business. These additional offerings not only attract more clients but also enhance their overall experience with you.
A prevalent strategy is delivering therapy online. The convenience and comfort offered by online sessions are appealing to many potential clients who may have busy schedules or live far from your practice location. By embracing technology, you can extend your reach beyond geographical boundaries and tap into a larger client base.
An alternative effective approach is offering treatment packages that bundle several sessions together at discounted rates. This provides an incentive for long-term commitment while simultaneously securing revenue upfront for your business.
Learn different techniques of hypnotherapy
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