#chaeya nation
rahchan-writes-again · 4 months
Major Character Death
Kaeya/Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
If someone you love dies, there are certain traditions you have to upheld.
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chaeyablood · 1 year
My first offering to my fellow Chaeya Nation...
This fic was inspired by one of my favorite songs!
[ CW: Angst, mentions of a breakup, hurt/comfort except it goes wrong and makes things worse (they DON'T actually break up though) ]
Kaeya's insecurities get to him and he tries to push Tartaglia away. Tartaglia, however, wants to try to comfort Kaeya instead. It does not work as intended.
Tartaglia had grown used to Kaeya mumbling lowly to himself, lost in his own thoughts at his desk. Sometimes he would write and sometimes he would just stare at his desk, both hands occupied by holding his chin as his elbows rested on the table. Occasionally, he'd press his hands to his ears as if he was trying to block out some noise. Tartaglia never heard anything though, so he could only assume that was Kaeya's way of saying that he didn't want to talk about it.
Today was one of those days, and Tartaglia was simply lounging in the captain's bed, straining to hear any stray words. Since they were on the same side of the room, he first thought it would be easy to hear everything. Alas, Kaeya was always very quiet. If it weren't for his breathing pattern and the slightest of 's' sounds coming from the captain's mouth, he'd think the man was simply mouthing the words to himself.
It was different today. Tartaglia heard a sniffle and his head practically snapped around look at Kaeya. The latter growled a bit to himself when he saw the flash of ginger out of the corner of his eye. He stood up, clearly intending to retreat to the bathroom. Tartaglia was faster, though. He slipped out of bed and snatched Kaeya by the wrist. He hadn't expected the captain to fully stop in his tracks without a struggle. The only reaction Tartaglia got was a hitch in his breathing. He frowned; this was not normal for the usually feisty Kaeya. He took another step towards the captain, not letting go of his wrist. Kaeya's shoulders started to tremble, and Tartaglia came to stand right behind him. He wrapped his arms loosely around Kaeya, gently steadying him against his more stable form. Kaeya's tears were falling onto his arm, and that only made Tartaglia tighten his hold a little more. It was still gentle, but it was firm as well. If Kaeya's knees were to give out under him, he wouldn't fall.
"we can't do this," Kaeya murmured, his voice slightly hoarse from whispering to himself for so long without any water.
"Why not?" Tartaglia asked gently, making absolutely no move to back off.
"we don't—you don't—you... deserve better. i'm not the kind of person you want to get close to."
"Yes you are." Tartaglia said firmly, his voice still soft. "Don't put words in my mouth."
Kaeya whimpered softly in his hold. "i'll just weigh you down. you're a free spirit; you shouldn't be wasting time with me."
"It's not wasted time if we both enjoy it, right?" The ginger smiled softly. Kaeya couldn't see it—he didn't dare to look—but there was a certain warmth to his voice that reminded Kaeya of sunlight.
"... please don't make this harder than it needs to be." The man with darker hair had a wobble to his voice. It cracked on the last note.
"We should sit down. Come on..." Tartaglia carefully lowered both of them down to sit in the middle of Kaeya's carpet, and the captain simply slumped against the Harbinger's chest. He shifted so that his side was his main contact point with the other. He had turned inwards, at least, so Tartaglia would consider that a win. Kaeya being vulnerable was very rare, and he tended to hide these moments away from everyone and everything except his alcohol collection. In fact, it was a miracle to have the captain talk to him in this state at all without liquor being involved somehow.
"Now," Tartaglia said gently, in much the same way he would comfort his younger siblings when they were upset. "What are you going on about, Kaeya?" The captain pressed his face into the crook of Tartaglia's neck, partly to keep the ginger from seeing his face, and partly because the familiar scent was comforting. Tartaglia waited a few seconds before running his fingers through Kaeya's lovelock. "Take your time. I'm not going anywhere." The captain simply whined in response. It would take a few moments to gather his thoughts into words.
"i am selfish, i am broken, i am cruel."
"Comrade," Tartaglia smiled warmly, rubbing Kaeya's back. "That makes two of us."
"No," Kaeya was quick to counter. "you're capable of love and all i'm capable of is falling apart. you—holding me—all of this comes naturally to you. and i—"
"Do I need to back off? Is it too much?"
"Archons," Kaeya almost laughed as he turned to fully cling to Tartaglia, though it came out more of a strangled sound. "No. Please touch me more."
"Then I don't understand," said Tartaglia as he softly adjusted his grip to hold Kaeya closer.
"Maybe you should listen instead of interrupting then." Kaeya chuckled softly.
"I'm listening."
"... you come from a big family. You grew up surrounded by love and affection, and I just— i didn't. I don't know what it's like to love someone like that. I want to. i swear i do. but it might be a lost cause."
"... Why would it be?"
Kaeya said nothing.
"... Kaeya. Look at me."
He shook his head 'no' and pointedly pushed his face farther into Tartaglia's neck.
"... Kaeya."
"i said no."
Tartaglia wasn't going to respect that answer, just this once. He gently grabbed Kaeya's chin and pushed it away so he could look Kaeya in the eye. "I love you, Kaeya. No matter what you do or don't do."
Kaeya's eye was filled with too many emotions for Tartaglia to properly judge how the captain felt about that. His reaction was to cling tighter to Tartaglia and sob into his neck.
"I think we need to lay down," he said gently. "Hold on." The ginger adjusted his grip to support Kaeya's weight as he carried him to bed. "But before we do that," He sat Kaeya down on the bed first, still standing so that Kaeya wouldn't just bury his face in him again yet. "It's important to stay hydrated." He activated his Vision and swirled a ring of water in his hand like a water fountain. "Drink up, Captain. I'll hold you all day afterwards if that's what you want."
Kaeya hesitated, but he did drink. He realized at that point that it had been quite a while since he'd had anything to drink, and it wasn't long before Kaeya had ingested the summoned Hydro in its entirety. The way he glanced up at Tartaglia very briefly was nothing short of absolutely pitiful.
"How about this? We take off our shirts and have some skin-to-skin contact? It's good for you. Nothing else, we're just cuddling, okay?"
Kaeya nodded a bit and Tartaglia certainly didn't miss the way that the man with the darker hair seemed utterly starstruck, just for an instant, at his suggestion. The Harbinger gently pulled Kaeya's feather boa loose and set it aside on the nightstand. Then came his cape, and his jacket, and his undershirt, all folded over the top of the chair at Kaeya's desk. He'd forgone the corset today, and Tartaglia was glad. that wasn't something he could undo quickly, with all its laces and whatnot.
The ginger crawled into bed with Kaeya, guiding his head of blue hair down onto his chest, right next to his heart. Kaeya was happy to scoot so it was comfortable to lay like that. He clung to Tartaglia, and the ginger continued to play with Kaeya's long hair. He braided it loosely and then undid it so that he could run his hands through it again. He kissed the top of Kaeya's head softly and turned his attention back to holding him as close as possible. Kaeya seemed to settle down a little bit when he did, so Tartaglia traced little shapes on his back. Before long, his cries died down into soft whimpers and then sniffles.
"Need some more water?"
Kaeya nodded a little in response to Tartaglia's voice, but otherwise didn't move. Tartaglia summoned another wheel of water for him, gently guiding it to Kaeya's parched lips. He drank it slowly, but once again, he finished the water that Tartaglia gave him.
"Now... can we talk about this properly?" Tartaglia had a feeling if he let Kaeya drift away from the subject now, he'd likely never come back to it. That just wouldn't do.
"Tartaglia..." Kaeya's voice was begging him to just let them rest.
"No," he said firmly. "We need to talk about this now. I don't want you to feel bad tomorrow too."
"I'm always going to feel bad," Kaeya laughed a little. "You can't fix me."
"Kaeya. You are not going to distract me from this."
The Captain fell silent.
"I don't have to'fix' you. I want to support you the best I can and I need you to talk to me so I know what's going on."
Kaeya's eyes flicked away from him, anxious like an untrained horse around a movement in a bush. He was tense, unwilling to be so vulnerable, and hating himself for it all the same. If only he could be an adult and talk to Tartaglia about these things without feeling like he was being backed into a corner...
"Kaeya," Tartaglia's voice was a little too firm, which made the captain flinch and push away from him slightly."Kaeya." The ginger meant to try and ground Kaeya with his voice, but all he could think was that Tartaglia was clearly getting annoyed with him, and that made him tear up all over again.
"i'm sorry."
He hadn't meant to upset Kaeya like that with the firmness of his voice. Tartaglia spoke his name again, much more softly this time. "Kaeya..."
It didn't matter. He'd still made Kaeya cry again. It seemed like he was going to have to try a different tactic at a different time. He pulled the captain close and kept a firm hold on him. "I'm sorry, Kaeya. I love you. I promise I wasn't trying to upset you again."
'then why did you do that,' Kaeya thought to himself. 'why would you talk to me like that in such a vulnerable state?'
But he said nothing, just squirming in Tartaglia's arms. He wanted—no, he needed to be alone right now, to process his feelings without judgement or interruption. He trembled slightly as he worked up the courage to try and speak.
"leave me alone." His voice shook. It was barely more than a whisper.
"No," Tartaglia did let him go though. He was disappointed when Kaeya rolled over to face away from him, but it wasn't like he hadn't expected it.
"go away, i just need to be alone for a while. i-i'll write a note explaining what you want to know. now get out."
"Leave!" Kaeya snapped and threw some frost at Tartaglia. The amount of anguish in just one blue eye certainly surprised the Harbinger. The frost hardly fazed him, but the fact that Kaeya lashed out at him was reason enough to cave to the captain's demands.
"... Fine." He pulled his shirt back on easily and left the room, but not before adding one last thing. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call out." Kaeya only huffed in response, so Tartaglia pulled the door shut behind him quietly.
As soon as the door was shut, Kaeya broke into sobs, knowing Tartaglia would hear him outside but hoping desperately that he would leave the hallway all together and let him suffer in peace.
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
Hello, everyone.
Do you often catch yourself thinking and making theories about the possible implications and correlation between the facts that the 1st and 2nd phases of Childe's boss theme and Kaeya's c2 are both called Never-Ending Performance, or are you normal?
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bunniberry · 7 months
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hello chaeya nation. today i come bearing almost nothing. tomorrow? probably nothing at all lets be honest
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konbiniconcarne · 2 years
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hello tumblr chaeya nation
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illumeew · 4 months
first dates | chaeya
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cute chaeya art by @tecochet!
Summary: The stress that is making a good impression on a first date.
Tags: Fluff/Romantic Fluff, First Date, Goofy Tartaglia (a mess the entire time), Rarepair!1!, Ragbros have reconciled in this fic, Cute. Just cute.
A/N: this was written for a friend ! apologies to those who don't like rarepairs :( i do find their dynamic quite cute though (if we don't look at the Other side of this relationship). credits go to tecochet for this masterpiece found in the header picture!
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From the other apartment’s window opposite the room owned by the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius, the neighbor could sight the man—the said Cavalry Captain, Kaeya Alberich—buttoning a loose white, long-sleeved blouse with puffed sleeves. According to a certain librarian, he had a meeting scheduled with the Fatui.
Of course, those were the words that came from Kaeya’s mouth, but what Lisa the Librarian had interpreted was that the someone he had been daydreaming about during Ordo meetings was none other than the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger, Tartaglia. High-ranking, seemingly but obviously very menacing. And even wild, as per Kaeya’s words.
Having only met, guessing from how Kaeya only started a small starconch collection on the shelf beside his desk two months earlier, they were already intimate. How inappropriate, thought Jean during one of her chats with Lisa regarding the subject of their Quarterback’s personal love life.
Kaeya messed with the cloth of the blouse, tousling it to make it seem loosely fitted, and it accentuated his waist perfectly. It combatted the black leggings he wore that were, in a way, tighter than what most of the other captains wear. Everything about what he had on, he did it in a calm manner, occasionally rummaging through his closet if the accessories he had on didn’t fit the theme of his clothing. Au naturale is what he called his outfit, yet nothing he put on seemed natural at all.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the land shared by Mondstadt and Liyue, a certain someone, dressed in the most proper—ranging haggard—outfit on, as he tried to pick between  bunches of flowers exported from Mondstadt. Tartaglia has never been to Mondstadt despite his status as a Fatui Harbinger, which he lied about to Kaeya after the captain asked him if he’d ever traveled to his nation before.
“Of course I have!” That was an obvious lie. He was sweating. “I even picked up your favorite flower.”
Kaeya was surprised to see that Tartaglia knew what his favorite flower was the first time they met by the borders of Liyue. Whether it be a guess or Tartaglia was really too into him was what Kaeya asked not of—the moment those words were heard by him, he was in absolute bliss.
But really.
From the way Tartaglia was struggling to pick out which of the many Mondstadt specialty flowers were Kaeya’s favorite. Hell, he didn’t even know if his favorite flower was from Mondstadt. It could’ve been Liyuean flowers or Fontainian flowers. Whatever it was, he just needed to get a gift for his darling, sweet captain.
Windwheel Asters? Seemed too flashy. Kaeya’s always flashy, but never too much, he thought.
Lampgrasses? Too bright. It’s his brother’s signature flower, he rolled his eyes.
Cecilias? Mondstadt’s national flower. No, Tartaglia switched to the last bunch.
The moment Tartaglia’s eyes landed on the fourth bunch, it immediately screamed “Kaeya. Kaeya Alberich of the Knights of Favonius,” and he was sure he’d love them. He told the seller the fourth one and grabbed his wallet to pay, leaving the array of other regional flowers with a smile. It was as if he almost forgot he had a date to go to, to which he started sprinting to the other side of the harbor, clothes tattered and messy.
He just hoped Dandelions were Kaeya’s favorite flowers and not the forgotten Calla Lilies.
Kaeya held a flower between his fingertips. His favorite, a Calla Lily, and he’d already imagined what Tartaglia would look like holding out the bouquet for him to grab. A bouquet of Calla Lilies just for him? How endearing! He could already see the look on his brother’s face once he brags about the bouquet given to him by his lover, someone Diluc doesn’t have.
“What a shame, dear brother,” the captain snickered, hiding his smile behind his hand as he held a glass of wine with the other. “You said you’d find a suitor before I did. Where’s that now?”
Over the letters they’ve sent the past few weeks, they’d both agreed on a place to settle in with their first date, which was at Angel’s Share, somewhere not just Kaeya, but Tartaglia too, could flaunt their relationship to Master Diluc. Not that it was Tartaglia’s idea to do so, and had Kaeya not agreed to it, they would have simply walked the lands of Mondstadt, hand in hand.
“Watch him enter that door—” Kaeya pointed at the front door of the tavern. “holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers to give to me.”
Though, when Tartaglia did enter the tavern, not only was he holding a bouquet of the wrong flowers, but he also came in with a mess of an outfit. It was an improper suit, noticeable marks of dirt were on some spots on his pant legs, and his hand was scratched up.
Tartaglia heaves a pant, looking up from the ground, and smiles at the captain. “For you, milyy.”
Whether that pink-coated smile of Kaeya’s was a face of embarrassment or a face of love, Kaeya came to the manor with Tartaglia the next month for the Ragnvindrs’ monthly family dinners, and Diluc simply assumed that they were both still together, even after that messy first date.
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haganez · 8 months
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if i ask for chaeya thought are u gonna hurt me again
depends ^__^
starts very casual, mostly just childe is very set on talking to kaeya and kaeya finds it kinda entertaining. childe catches feelings first but it takes kaeya a lot longer to realize. Problems start because childe is like extremely sincere about everything and its honestly a bit scary for kaeya, and suddenly it feels like theyre working backwards. kaeya is trying to figure out how to open with anyone again and childe is so patient with him it almost makes him feel worse. childe sees something is kaeya that he really doesn't see in himself.
it gets more fun when you throw the fact that kaeya is pretty likely to try and push childe away. both of them actually being able to be themselves fully not the person they usually display. Or both of their very intense loyalties to their nations...or the tsaritsa not liking that her most loyal dog suddenly has his eyes on something else...or childe seeing kaeya as something holy and being super willing to sacrifice himself for him..or or or or and you get the point
they have So Much potential to be incredibly tragic or really amazing. or both at once huzzah anyways quotes i think of a lot
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"if i betray you, i betray myself. if i betray her, i betray my country. my country is very dear to me." / "dearer than i?" / "no, not dearer than you."
and sorry yes take me to church too
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egret-orchids · 5 months
no <3
tldr: a silly genshin modern au based around crepus' death & the diluc-kaeya fight. its also chaeya & very fun.
the first point is that it is in fact set in like. mondstadt but more like a big city than a nation
basically a fifteen-nearly-sixteen year old kaeya, a seventeen year old diluc & crepus all head into a small village/less city-like area of mond bordering snezhnaya.
theyre meeting with dottore, a business partner of the ragnvindrs, to discuss business things ig
dottores office is unnamed but is known as 'ursa drake' (ursa the drake! dottore was being silly)
they enter but mid-meeting diluc, who'd been chatting to dottores assistant outside, runs in shouting about a fire
nobody knows how it started. but in short the building burns down & crepus dies.
kaeya doesnt but hes rlly injured. he'd tried to help save crepus but then the collapsing building trapped him & damaged his legs like majorly
he spends time recovering (like a year or so) & this is where the rosakae comes in. her mother died, kaeyas father died. bonding!
they date for a while but rosarias college of choice cant properly accommodate kaeya & his disability so they break up on good terms
kaeya decides to head to a college jean helped him find & ends up being childes roommate
extras: rosaria ends up dating barbara & diluc funds a lot of memorial-type stuff
thats all for now haha
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alligaytorswamp · 1 year
chaeya nation listen to me
this song is so so so chaeya pls
Well, I don't know your secrets, I'm no visionary Yeah, I don't know your story, but I like what I see So tell me what you've been missing I'll do anything to get you ticking And you might be the answer to the sinner in me
Oh, it's automatic You know I just gotta have it I'll make your body a habit You know there's some kind of magic, uh-huh
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind? Do you wanna, do you wanna all the time, all the time? Do you wanna know what the good, good, bad things all feel like? Yeah, do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind? Own my mind, own my mind? Own my mind, own my mind? Do you wanna know what the good, good, bad things all feel like? Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
In my civilization, you're the king and the queen I'm praying at your altar, if you know what I mean Yeah, everything I've been missing You've been serving up in your kitchen No, I'm not even superstitious But I'm feeling you're something vicious, yeah
It's automatic You know I just gotta have it I'll make your body a habit You know there's some kind of magic, uh-huh
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind? Do you wanna, do you wanna all the time, all the time? Do you wanna know what the good, good, bad things all feel like? Yeah, do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind? Own my mind, own my mind? Own my mind, own my mind? Do you wanna know what the good, good, bad things all feel like? Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
Do you want a long night? Do you wanna be mine? Do you wanna go once, go twice? Girl, do you want a long night? Do you wanna be mine? Do you wanna go once, go twice, girl?
Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind? Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind? Do you wanna know what the good, good, bad things all feel like? Do you wanna, do you wanna own my mind, own my mind?
_ like i could argue how literally every part of this song works for them personally i think it's childe @ kaeya, but the other way around also works
anyways pls agree with me, i'm burdened by this incredible discovery ok
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menstits · 1 month
Hi Leo :) random ask but since your chaeya post has so many notes i didnt wanna talk in replies but i felt so overjoyed and affirmed to see that someone else also feels violent hatred for people who see a post about your fave character pairing and tag/compare it to their own AND THEIRS IS ALWAYS SO MUCH WORSE AND ANNOYING. Like this is my vision, not yours, my friends, not yours, your guys would not do this, they dont have it in them... and so on, hatred forever... its the craziest when people do this with hyperspecific posts like one time i made an enstars post about "self aware characters rewriting the storyworld through the power of 4d chess romance and suicide" and someone, i kid you not, reblogged the 4 note post and tagged it with a star wars ship...?
Hi Clarii ^_^ You're SO right about this, truly hatred forever. It would have bothered me less if it had been just the pictures presented without context but the guys this is about are literally stated in the caption... Like ok I have to preface this with the disclaimer that my chaeya guys don't even actually know each other in canon, the whole thing started out as a joke just because their personalities and issues are very compatible and it would be a political catastrophe for several nations if they were romantically involved so it's amusing to think about. HOWEVER that's also why i think that people acting like this on an enstars post is actually a much bigger offense, like you're annoying as hell for doing this on my post but you dare do this to EICHI AND WATARU TOO? JAIL FOR ONE THOUSAND YEARS!!!!!
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mikopikopon · 1 year
About Me
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Quick Info:
Name: Miko
Age: 25
Pronouns: 🇬🇧 He/Them 🇬🇧 🇵🇱 On/Ono 🇵🇱 🇩🇰 Han/Hen 🇩🇰
Nationality: Polish 🇵🇱
Spoken Languages: Polish 🇵🇱, English 🇬🇧
Read only: Danish 🇩🇰, Russian 🇷🇺
Genshin Impact ID: 703710501 (EU) very active
Honkai Impact ID: 206738357 (EU) rarely active
Honkai: Star Rail ID: 701390785 (EU) active
FFXIV: Miko Tyriael (Louisoix) active
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Content Warnings
Triggering things I tag on my original posts: domestic abuse, domestic abuse mention, suicide, suicide mention
I don't usually tag reblogs, but if you'd want me to tag something specific, feel free to ask.
Genshin X.X - for playthroughs and such I'll be using tags like this, in case you'd want to avoid spoilers
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(you can expect to see them, but I don't really care much about them, they just cute me thinks)
Ruthari💜Janaya💜EiMiko💜ElyMei💜JeanLisa💜Matcha Blossom💜4ggravate
(I have them muted and I will avoid interacting with it)
LucKae💙XYZ x Reader💙Haino (i like both characters so i love seeing them together too, but i do not ship them)
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🌸Kaveh🌸 | Alhaitham | Kaeya | Izaya | Amaya | 🌸Barbie🌸 | Dainsleif | 🌸Elysia🌸 | Draculaura | 🌸Snuffkin🌸 | G'raha Tia | Hythlodaeus |
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I am both very social and very shy! You can use pet names and flirt with me (you can expect I will do so myself, unless you don't like it). I am more active in a group rather than in one-on-one conversations. I reblog a hella lot of various things. If you see me use the words like "unalive" or "heck" it's because I find them funny (and I love neologisms, especially if they are dumb like this) not because I censor "kill" or "fuck". I also may write a fanfic in your tags, who knows. I LOVE PINK in general, if there is a pink character in a medium - it's my favorite.
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rahchan-writes-again · 8 months
No Archive Warnings Apply
Kaeya & Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact)
Time Travel
The Abyss (Genshin Impact)
Double Drabble
Kaeya fell into the Abyss where time is a wibbly wobbly wonky stuff
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chaeyablood · 1 year
I Know the World's a Broken Bone Chapter Masterlist
✨ Part 1
words: 837
It wasn't that Tartaglia was afraid of getting kidnapped or killed by the vampire. He simply did not want it to leave. He wanted to hear its lovely voice again, to be able to admire its pretty face. There was much he didn't know about. Much he didn't have time to ponder as his head felt felt like it was being filled with cotton. It became too hard to think.
✨ Part 2
words: 540
"And you were just willing to trust that I wouldn't kill you." Tartaglia laughed a bit. "I wouldn't have let you." The vampire rolled its eye. "Right." They both knew that the trance caused by the venom put the ginger in a position where he couldn't think, move, or feel. If it had wanted to kill him, there would have been nothing he could have done about it. "So what brings you back here?"
✨ Part 3
words: 767
"Do you know who I am? I could have you killed for disobeying me. If your master is so unhappy with bullets and a little vampire blood, tell them they can come pick up their little prize—in Il Dotorre's lab." He grinned as the men paled. "Now, stay put and I'll get those bullets for you. I mean it. One step forward and I'll disembowel you myself." When he was sure the men would obey him, he knelt down to the injured vampire, gently running a hand down its back in attempt to soothe it. It didn't take Tartaglia long to recover a single bullet from the vampire, who didn't move or breathe whatsoever. He'd be worried if these men weren't buffoons with silver bullets.
✨ Part 4
words: 1492
CW: mild gore, unsanitary handling of wounds
The vampire had hardly noticed the actual bullet coming out until he saw Tartaglia about to toss it in his mouth—blood and all—like a piece of candy. "Stop-!" He quickly sat up and snatched the man's wrist, immediately confiscating the bullet. "Don't you know that ingesting vampire blood would turn you?!"
Status: Unfinished
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frozenambiguity · 8 months
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This animatic gives me a major boost of serotonin every time I come across it.
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ao3feed-dilucnkaeya · 9 months
A Relationship Of Thorns And Roses
Read on AO3
by KaeyaMyBeloved
"The Kingdom Of Mondstat presents to you, our illustrious prince Kaeya, for your son, Prince Ajax's hand in marriage."
 However, Ajax finds himself falling in love with his fiancé despite the arranged marriage. As a royal, he realizes that life is not easy, and many people are against him and his future husband's reign. Even using his fiancé against him is not off the table for those who want to see him fall from his high perch.
 Or, Childe and Kaeya are set up for an arranged marriage for the profit of their nations, Diluc is more than willing to volunteer to commit a murder, Childe has no clue what he's doing and Kaeya is a tease like always. And of course, we can throw in the royal drama, because who does not want drama in here. {Tags contain spoilers!}
Words: 2832, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Diluc (Genshin Impact), Crepus (Genshin Impact), Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe's Family (Genshin Impact), Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Kaeya/Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Diluc and Kaeya are Adopted Siblings (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Kaeya Get Along (Genshin Impact), Diluc and Kaeya Don't Hate Each Other (Genshin Impact), Kaeya is a Tease (Genshin Impact), Kaeya is Good with Children (Genshin Impact), Soft Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Oblivious Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe is a Tease (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe is Called Ajax (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe Loves Kaeya (Genshin Impact), but is in denial about it, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Royalty, Blood and Violence, Diluc is Protective of Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Diluc is Bad at Feelings (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe Being an Idiot (Genshin Impact), Assassination Attempt(s), Attempted Murder, Poisoning, Strangers to Lovers, Betrayal, the drama is here, kid me was obsessed with royality, I Live for the arranged marriage trope, Kaeya is Bad at Communicating (Genshin Impact), he can tease but express his emotions? nuh uh, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, My 48485848 attempt at writing fluff, The Author Regrets Nothing, I have a painting exam but no, we write fics, If no one will feed me chaeya crumbs, i will do it myself, no beta we die like me when the sleep deprivation kicks in, Author Projecting onto Kaeya (Genshin Impact), Can you tell I love him, nope - Freeform, not at all, Updating tags as we go, listen to derniere danse or love story by indila reading this, PLEASE do, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I Will Go Down With This Ship
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whale-cat · 2 years
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Hey Chaeya nation I have another proposal for u all: beta design Childe being eyepatch buddies w Kaeya :)
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