#cg carmilla
caregiver-carmine · 2 months
Carmilla Carmine. Weapons dealer, Overlord, and Caregiver. Who could've guessed?
Art used for banner/pfp is not mine.
All Littles are welcome! Please keep in mind that the blog owner is disabled and may not always be able to respond.
Please do not use emojis as a marker of who you are. I would prefer a code word, such as ’Stuffie Anon.’ This isbecause I am visually impaired and struggle greately with distinguishing certain emojis.
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Please Do Not Interact if:
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Generally here to spread hate, misinformation, or negativity.
Venting, tantrums, and impure regression is allowed here! However, I do ask that you mark a trigger warning for triggering topics for the safety of other Littles. Also, remember that there is a real person behind this blog!
Padded Littles
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nottapossum · 3 months
lets see, alastor and sera, carmilla and velvette, charlie and emily or emily and vaggie
Referring to this post!
(Sorry it took so long to answer this one. I'm trying to catch up on asks lol)
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Alastor and Sera:
Alastor would be waaaay too much for her to handle.
He'd definitely try to eat her (Angels tastes good)
And Sera is so used to Emily who is so sweet-
Alastor is a demonic gremlin baby!
Sera would try to discipline him, but it would only result in him biting her and her getting more and more frustrated.
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She'd eventually leave Alastor alone because he'd go full demon form and freak her out.
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Carmilla and Velvette
Carmilla doesn't normally have to deal with bratty little ones, but she has a lot of patience.
She'd take the opportunity to set some strict rules, which Velvette would immediately rebel against.
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The whole day would be Velvette arguing, bratting out, and causing problems on purpose.
Then Carmilla would calmly and strictly discipline her until the poor little one breaks down and starts crying in defeat.
Then Carmilla would spend the rest of the day consoling her.
She didn't know Velvette was so sensitive when regressed.
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Charlie and Emily
(Charlie as cg I'm guessing)
Charlie would absolutely love to take care of Emi!
She knows Emily can't do certain things like get messy, paint, or make a mess...
So she'd encourage Emily to make as big a mess as she wants! Get her a new dress she can ruin, put her hair up so it doesn't get ruined, and let her have at all the paint she wants!
Emily and Vaggie:
Vaggie would be so scared, but Emily is such a sweet and caring person.
She'd be very patient with Vaggie, asking her simple questions and encouraging her to play and ask for anything. While complimenting her and talking to her without pressuring Vaggie.
She just wouldn't want Vaggie to feel alone.
It would start off with Vaggie being scared and not wanting to ge touched by Emily at all...
To Vaggie asking to be carried and refusing to let Emily put her down.
They're friends ^^
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jacksdinonuggets · 2 days
Lost And Found Oneshots: Meetings
Summary: Carmilla has to go to an overlord meeting but she doesn't want to leave Vaggie home alone, as her sisters are out doing work. so vaggie comes along with her. what will happen when she begins to regress during the meeting?
Vaggie was eating breakfast in the kitchen of the carmine penthouse. Her sisters, Clara and Odette, had to do work for the Carmine industries. It had been about a couple of weeks since Vaggie’s trip to the hopital. She was still recovering, having to take anti-biotics every morning and constantly popping pain killers. But she was healing.
However, ever since the hospital visit, Carmilla had gotten… very protective of Vaggie. If she wanted to go out, Carmilla had to come with. Every night, Carmilla would tuck vaggie in, No matter if she was big or little. When Vaggie got cat-called for the first time, Carmilla killed the cat caller with her angelic ballet shoes. So yeah, she could be a tad bit over protective.
“Morning, sweetie. Did you take your meds today?” Carmilla asked, walking into the kitchen.
“Yup. I’m starting to only take 2 pain killers a day as well,” She responded.
Carmilla sighed. With the amount of pain she was in, she was supposed to be taking 3. 
“If you are in pain, please take the painkillers. The doctor said they aren’t very strong,” she said. Vaggie often had a habit to act tougher then she really was. It was a bad tendency. 
They sat in silence for a bit while Carmilla made her breakfast.
“I have a meeting later, and you’re coming with me,” she said.
“Why? I can take care of myself,” Vaggie protested.
“Odette and Clara are too busy working and doing deliveries and you aren’t allowed near sharps,” Carmilla said. Vaggie rolled her eyes. There was an incident that happened when they came back from the hospital which limited her access to sharp items. Vaggie knew it was just to keep her safe but it felt very restricting, “So you’re tagging along. I don’t want you to be alone for 5 hours,” Carmilla explained. She had to run some errands afterwards too.
“Fine, when is it?” Vaggie asked, washing her dish in the sink.
“At 1, so you have 3 hours to yourself,” Carmilla explained. 
Later that day, when it was about 12:45, Vaggie came back downstairs, dressed and ready to go. Then she saw Carmilla coming down with her diaper bag.
“Mom, Why do you have the- uh- the bag?” Vaggie asked, a bit embarrassed.
“Just in case you regress. I don’t want to be unprepared in case you do,” Carmilla said.
“But I can just like, force myself to stay big, though,” Vaggie explained.
“Nu-unh, you are not gonna be repressing. That’s bad for you. If you need to regress, you regress, alright? Besides, most of the overlords there love little’s,” Carmilla told her. 
“Fine,” agreed Vaggie. She didn’t want to argue.
“Good, let’s get going,” 
They walked into the garage and got into the car, driving a few blocks down the road before coming up to the skyscraper. Carmilla walked in with the bag slung over her shoulder and checked in before they went up the elevator to the meeting room. 
They were the first ones there so Vaggie seated herself on the couch in the corner of the room while Carmilla got everything ready. Soon, the overlords came piling in. Zestial sat near Carmilla like always. He was very close friend’s with her and often had dinner with them. 
Before long, everyone was there and ready. The meeting was pretty long and Vaggie got bored about halfway through. The childlike feeling entered her brain. Why is she regressing so much these days? She tried to shake off the little feeling but it insisted on staying. Carmilla had told her that she shouldn’t repress and let herself regress, but all the overlords were here. What if they judge her? Her thumb unconsciously made its may into her mouth as she grew anxious.
Carmilla was busy talking about ways they could try to stop the exterminations without war breaking out. They would be going over lots of different things, this was just one of them. However, as she was talking, she spotted Vaggie in the corner of her eye, sucking on her thumb. She sighed, but smiled.
“Excuse me for one moment,” She told the overlords, “Vaggie, sweetie? Come here please,” She called over her daughter. Vaggie got up and walked over to Carmilla, wiping her thumb on the hem of her skirt. 
“We talked about using your thumb, dear,” Carmilla dug through the diaper bag at her feet and pulled out the pacifier and plopped it into Vaggie’s mouth.
“This is Vaggie, everyone. She’s a little,” Carmilla introduced her daughter to the group. Vaggie shyly waved to the group, trying to hide behind her mother’s chair. 
“I couldn’t leave her home, so I hope you don’t mind if joins us,” Carmilla explained.
“We don’t mind, darling! She’s adorable!” Rosie commented. Vaggie poked her head out, seeing how at least one person didn’t judge her.
“Anyways, as I was saying-” Carmilla continued with her statements. 
Vaggie dug through the diaper bag, finding little toys and knick knacks. She found her stuffy and curled up on the couch, cuddling it.
Finally, they took a five minute break. While everyone pulled out their hellphones and made small talk, Carmilla went over to her daughter in the corner of the room.
“Hey, Mija, it’s break time, we gotta get you changed, you seem pretty small right now,” she said to her. Vaggie whined but followed Carmilla to the bathroom, carrying her stuffy with her. 
“Mama, i dun wan them to know i need dem…” Vaggie said, looking down. She was a bit embarrassed by them when around others. She was perfectly fine with wearing them alone, but with other people around, it made her feel ashamed.
“They won’t judge, sweetheart. I mean, Alastor can be an asshole, but if he bothers you about this, I will protect you,” Carmilla promised. Vaggie hugged her mother, telling her thank you for looking after her. She was able to change Vaggie quickly and they walked back to the meeting room, starting the second half of the meeting.
Vaggie got very bored after a few minutes. She wants mama to play with her! But she was busy talking about stupid grown up stuff. So Vaggie tried her best to keep herself occupied without bothering her caregiver. It was hard though, as her little brain needed to be entertained.
“Mama,” Vaggie tugged on her sleeve. Carmilla looked to her left to see Vaggie holding up her stuffy.
“I can’t play now, sweetie,” She tried to tell her daughter. However, she was not taking it and tugged more. So Carmilla pulled out a couple of coloring pages and crayons and had vaggie sit on her lap.
It was cute to see her color happily while the boring meeting was going on. It brought a little happiness to the world. Soon enough, the meeting ended and Vaggie had fallen asleep in Carmilla’s lap.
Carmilla would have to skip her errands today, Vaggie was pretty tired and regressed. Rosie stayed behind to help clean up all of the toys and coloring pages.
“Thank you, Rosie,” Carmilla told her in a hushed voice, to not wake Vaggie up.
“It’s not a problem, darling! Charlotte Morningstar comes around to Little town every so often to regress, I know how littles can be,” Rosie explained. That was interesting. Maybe they should set up a playdate. Vaggie must get bored having to play with herself or her caregivers.
“Alright, that should do it. If you need any help with your little one, don’t hesitate to call me,” Rosie said, handing the diaper bag to Carmilla. Carmilla nodded and Rosie left the meeting room. For a bit, she just sat there, stroking the hair of Vaggie. Eventually, she had to get up so she tried to position her so she could carry both the bag and Vaggie.
She was glad Vaggie was getting used to regressing around others. She wanted to take her to some littlespace places and maybe even go on a walk with her in a stroller. The only problem would be getting her comfortable enough to let herself go. Luckily, she was getting used it. Maybe soon they would go out to places, but right now, Carmilla just needed to get her back to the house and down for a nap.
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cleaetpauline60 · 11 months
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♡ Heroine Otome Game ♡
❥ Sakurai Haruka [ Haruka na Koi ]
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ascxer · 3 months
Can I request a picture of cg Carmilla and little Vaggie?
Hair care!
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I absolutely love Caregiver Carmilla with Vaggie! They both have long hair so I’m sure Carmilla loves helping Vaggie take care of hers when she’s regressed.
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lilbabjojo · 3 months
Can we see another fic with cg carmilla? Vaggie has to be babysat by carmilla but is still really scared. She lightens up once she sees how caring and loving carmilla is!
"Come on, Vaggie! You'll love it! Carmilla loves you! It's gonna be ok," Charlie reassured her nervous partner, who was currently half regressed. Vaggie nodded, clinging to Charlie's hand. Charlie kissed her hair, before knocking on Carmilla's door. Vaggie hid behind Charlie. "Vaggie..."
Carmilla opened the door, stepping out. She softened when she saw Charlie.
"Where's Vaggie?" Carmilla asked. Vaggie peeked out from behind Charlie, giving a shy wave. "Come on, mija. You know Charlie has somewhere she needs to be."
Vaggie chewed on her lip, slipping fully. She stepped out further.
"Sorry, she's a little shy right now," Charlie turned to Vaggie. "But sweetie, you're gonna have lots of fun! And I'm just a call away, remember?"
Vaggie walked closer to Carmilla, taking the woman's outstretched hand and letting go of Charlie's. She turned back and waved to Charlie.
"Good job, sweetheart. I'll miss you," Charlie said, patting Vaggie's head. She handed Carmilla Vaggie's diaper bag, starting to explain everything about Vaggie's Littlespace.
"Charlie," Carmilla interrupted, "I've got this."
"Oh," Charlie said, blushing. "Right... I'll get going then."
Carmilla nodded, guiding Vaggie inside. Carmilla rummaged through Vaggie's bag, pulling out a simple purple pacifier.
"Mija, don't chew on your lip," Carmilla said softly, holding the pacifier up to Vaggie's mouth. Vaggie latched on. "Good girl. Are you hungry?"
Vaggie nodded.
"Do you want some applesauce?" Carmilla asked. Another nod. Carmilla smiled slightly at the progress. She lead the Little into the kitchen, gently lifting her into a chair. She put some applesauce in a bowl, before putting it in front of Vaggie. Vaggie stared blankly for a moment.
"Do you not want... Oh," Carmilla realized, lifting the spoon to Vaggie's lips gently. Vaggie took the applesauce happily, wiggling in her seat. "Good."
It continued like this for a while, Vaggie beginning to lighten up as she ate, until she flapped her hands slightly, before suddenly stopping. She looked down, seeming ashamed. Carmilla frowned.
"Are you alright, dear?" She asked. Vaggie stared at the table. "Are you full?" Vaggie shook her head. "You can stim, dear. You know that, right?"
Vaggie perked up, squeaking happily and flapping her hands.
"There we go," Carmilla said softly, helping Vaggie finish her applesauce.
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theogclownboy · 3 months
can you draw cg carmilla teaching little vaggie ballet?
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lilclaracarmine · 1 month
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Hi!!! My name is Clara,
My sister is Odette ( @chaos-kiddo5 ) and my mother is Carmilla Carmine!!!
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I'm an Age Regressor and wanted a place to regress!!!
My regression can be vent related, please keep this in mind!!! + I'm very sensitive when little-
My headspace changes a lot and I don't really know what my age range is. (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
You're all welcome here I happy to speak to everyone!!!
I'm a minor (17) as well as a regressor so please don't be icky.
Anons: 🪲,
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DNI: Anti agere, NSFW Blogs, Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, Proship Ageplay, Meanies.
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Main Blog ~ @aew-kun-age-regression
CG Blog ~ @cg-zestial & @the-radio-demon-caregiver
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tinie-bee · 14 days
(more)Hazbin hotel agere headcanons!
-Flip (cg lean)
-She's a gentle cg
-She loves giving hugs and kisses(she always asks before though)
-She usually tries to teach her littles how to dance,sometimes it goes well,sometimes it doesn't
-She likes making food(specifically pancakes) for her littles!
-She rarely ever regresses,but when she does,she just likes to watch her favorite childhood movies
-Little age:3-6
-She loves bubbles and clouds!
-She normally goes mute when she regresses
-Sometimes she gets really bitey
-She giggles a *ton*
-He's such an ipad kid(I think we all agree on that lol)
-He is so bitey,he can't go 10 minutes without biting something(or someone)
-*all* his agere gear is shark themed
-He is a chaos child
-He has a big sweet tooth
-Like,to the point where both Val and Vel have to lock up all the sweets
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry this is so short,I have a lot of requests to do!
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lskamil27 · 11 months
what was your inspiration to create your game? how was the creation process?
all the best, and good luck with the game! :D
My inspiration for Weeping Rosemary was? a bit varied throughout it's creation, since I had first conceptualized it in 2018. I don't recall what led me to it, but I remember first creating Ophelia and drawing her around this time.
Weeping Rosemary was originally a webcomic series, since it was what I knew best and what was easier for me around this time, even though I always imagined it as a game in my heart. However, uni came along and made me too busy to continue it - which, to be honest, might have been a blessing in disguise LMAO
The story of Weeping Rosemary was... not well written at all. Coming out of the hands of a teen who's main consumption of media was edgy horror manga, or really outdated harem anime; the writing of it was so juvenile and cringe ( and not in a 'but free' way! )
As I got older, and my interests expanded, as well as my own growth within myself - it affected a lot of how Weeping Rosemary has changed and developed.
Now, for what inspired - a lot of it is the gothic! And not gothic as in like, the fashion & makeup, etc. ( though I still like these elements a lot ); but the books of gothic novellas! The books that mainly inspired me being:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter
And then of course, movies such as Crimson Peak, directed by Guillermo del Toro, and the series Penny Dreadful. They are other media I like as well that have inspired me, but I can't comment solidly as I only know them from an outside POV ( for now ), like Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu, and Bram Stoker's Dracula, for example.
I really like sensual ( sexy? ) horror, that does a nice balance of blending in elements of sexuality with terror - and I feel that gothic novellas do a nice balance of this; which is what I plan ( and hopefully succeed ) in with Weeping Rosemary's full game. It's also why WR's horror is not, like, a loud jumpscare horror, moreso than a subtle horror.
As for the creation process - The game production had commenced around February of this year, as it was my final semester as a art student. I had to do a thesis and all I knew was that I realllllly wanted to make a game, but I was unsure of what. I decided to revise and redo Weeping Rosemary, my webcomic, because I felt confident that I could not only give it the writing it deserved, but make into the game I always imagined!
My dear friend & classmate had the program, and she gave me hers, and so I got to work! Weeping Rosemary became my thesis, and I had completed the demo game around?? April 30th?
I'll show in the images below, but I had done a lot of writing; around almost 30 pages of script writing and 5 page outline to hand to my professor so he could see my plan. And then a lot of thumbnail planning and art to make for the CG and sprites! As well as see what art style would suit the game best.
Some progress shots, to show the general gist:
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caregiver-carmine · 2 months
Hi I'm Ren, also can I go by fire anon
It's lovely to meet you! Of course you may!
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nottapossum · 3 months
Would Carmilla let Odette and Clara hang out with little Charlie or any other little hotel resident
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Of course!
Vaggie loves visiting Tia Carmilla. She's one of her approved babysitters.
It took the three girls some time, but they actually got along pretty well! Vaggie especially gets along with Clara since they're closer in age.
Then, of course, she had to introduce them to Charlie, who was enthusiastic to get to know the girls.
Clara and Odette aren't usually very enthusiastic about meeting new people, they ended up loving Charlie and Vaggy ❤️💜💕
It took a bit for Odette to get used to Charlie, but she found her spunky personality charming and she ended up enjoying her company.
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn @abby5577
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jacksdinonuggets · 17 days
Lost And Found Part 5
Requested on wattpad a few days ago.
TW: R slur and mentions of the bad mental institutions from the 60's.
Vaggie found herself in a hospital bed, alone. She called out for mama but she wasn't there. She noticed that she had both of her eyes and the room looked very similar... oh no. Not here again. She got out of the bed, she was in the stupid hospital uniform gown thing that everyone had to wear. Beginning to panic, she rushed out of her room. Running down the white, depressing halls, she tried to find the door out. She rushed past the other teens in there and eventually found the door. It was next to the front desk. The man working there had already started to call the security.
Vaggie pulled and pushed on the door, trying to get it to open but it was locked. The security ran up to her and tackled her, beating her with a stick. She was carried away from the door, screaming and crying. She just wanted out. She didn't want to live here any longer.
Vaggie was taken to another room where they put a straight jacket on her. She tried to bite their hands off but that only made it worse because they threw into the fucking assylum again. The stupid white, padded, walls greeted her. The last time she was there was when she had a "tantrum". She hated this. The jacket was super itchy and the room was too quiet. She needed to get out. Anything to escape this place. But nothing was there. Nothing to help her escape. She was alone again.
Carmilla woke up to Vaggie stirring in the hospital bed. She checked the time on her phone and it was just past midnight. Realizing the girl might be having a restless night, she ran her fingers through her hair, trying to comfort the girl. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work because the girl woke up with tears running down her face and whimpering.
"Mija, what's wrong?" Carmilla whispered. Vaggie hugged her tightly.
"B-bad dweam," She whined.
Carmilla frowned, wishing she could do something to take this pain away.
"What was it about?"
"Mm, was in da bad hospital again..." She said. It was very scary and she didn't want to share anymore details. She was just glad Mama was with her now.
"Oh, Baby..." Carmilla kissed her forehead and hugged her. After a bit of cuddling, Vaggie seemed to calm down a bit. Carmilla had a few questions and decided it would be best to ask them now.
"Why did you go to the bad hospital, mija?" Carmilla asked. She needed to know if she was going to help her come over any trauma she may have from it.
Vaggied whimpered again and hesitated. She was a little nervous and scared to talk about it but eventually opened her mouth.
"Papa sent me aways too because. I fink da doctor said was autistic, but papa always said wetarded," Vaggie told her. She didn't like having to relive this but knew it would be best if she told her new mother this. (Btw, Vaggie died when Mental hospitals were still really bad, probably around the 60's-70's)
Carmilla's heart broke. She couldn't believe her father! Sending his kid away because she was autistic. And then calling his kid dumb? She wanted to cry just thinking about it. But she needed to stay strong for vaggie.
"Baby, there is nothing wrong with being autistic. It's not retarded either. You're just a little different from everyone else but that doesn't mean it's bad." Carmilla told her. She wanted vaggie to not be ashamed of the difference that she had.
"But den why papa call it wetarded?"
She sighed, not wanting to have to explain what a slur was to her mentally 2 year old.
"He wasn't being kind to you, sweetie. He- he called you dumb," she tried to tell the truth to her in the most friendly way she could think of.
Vaggie whimpered, upset that her father had been calling her that all those years. Maybe she was too dumb if she didn't understand what her father was calling her. She let herself get comforted by Carmilla for a bit until she let out a yawn.
"Wanna go back to sleep?" Carmilla asked. Vaggie nodded and snuggled up close to her.
Carmilla was glad they had this talk. Hopefully later, they could enroll vaggie in therapy or something. She needed someone to talk to about this. But for now, she would do her best to support her.
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veemothcg · 22 days
you are tall but are you taller than @caregiver-carmine and @cg-zestial they are both very tall
Hmm.. probably not.. Unless Carmilla lets her hair down.
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About Us (The Hellion Collective)
We are the Hellion Collective! Bodily we are 28 years old, and we are currently on a waitlist for a DID/OSDD evaluation, however our therapist is encouraging us to let the mask fall so that's what we are doing.
There's 40 total, plus several fragments
Adam (Mood Booster and in charge of socialising, Owner of @first-man-first-uncle, Ageless, He/Him)
Akira (Little, Age Unknown, They/Them)
Alastor (Protector, 32 years old, He/It)
Angel Dust (Sexual Protector, 32 years old, He/She)
Arthur (Role Unknown, 46 years old, He/They)
Blitzo (Protector, 31 years old, He/It)
Carmilla (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, She/Her)
Charlie (Caregiver,  Protector, Co-Host, Owner of @princess-of-hells-littles, 224 years old, She/They)
Cherri Bomb (Role Unknown, 27 years old, She/Her)
Circe (Sexual Protector and Caregiver, Owner of @that-goddess-auntie Ageless, She/Her)
Declan (Gatekeeper, 24 years old, He/They)
Edalyn (Trauma holder, Pain Holder, Caregiver, Owner of @eda-the-mama-owl-lady, 40 years old, She/Her)
Edward (Trauma Holder, Middle, 15-18 years old, He/Him)
Eli (Host, 18 years old, He/They/It)
Emily (Little, 5-14 years old, She/They)
Eve (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, Pronouns Unknown)
Fizzarolli (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, Ze/Hir)
Hadrian (femHusk) (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, She/Her)
Hezekiah (Protector and Trauma Holder, Owner of @big-brother-hez, 69 years old(soul), He/They)
Husker (Census Keeper, Age Unknown, He/Him)
Ignatius (Gatekeeper and Protector, 24 years old, He/They)
Kalani (Little, 2-16, They/Them)
Lilith (Caregiver, 892 years old, She/Her)
Loona (Social Protector, Age Unknown, She/They)
Lucifer (Unknown Role, 10,000 years old, He/Him)
Lute (Little and Trauma Holder, 5 years old, She/Her)
Max (Little and Trauma Holder, Owner of @puppy-max, 7-10 years old, He/It/Pup)
Millie (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, Xe/Xem)
Moxxie (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, He/Him)
Nessy (Little w/major age slide and Trauma Holder, 4-21 years old, She/They)
Rosie (Caregiver mostly innerworld, 52 years old, She/It)
Stolas (Protector, Owner of @celestial-prince-cg, 36 years old, He/Him)
Ulysses (Boundary Enforcement, Ageless, It/Its)
Vaggie (Caregiver and Gatekeeper, 24 years old, She/They)
Valentino (Tino) (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, He/It)
Valerie (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, She/They)
Velvette (Social Protector, Age Unknown, She/He/They)
Vesper (Little and Trauma Holder, Owner of @vesper-the-littlest-imp, 0mo-12mo, She/Her)
Vox (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, He/They/It)
WildStar (Census Keeper, 12 Moons, She/Her)
Zestial (Role Unknown, Age Unknown, He/It)
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lilbabjojo · 3 months
Cg Carmilla headcanons?
Yesssss I've been waiting for this! I love her sooooo much!
Gentle, but straight to the point.
Loves her Littles to death.
Tries not to spoil her Littles too much.
Puppy eyes don't work on her.
Mostly cares for her daughters and Vaggie, and occassionally Charlie.
Very understanding. If a Little is crying, she's always there to listen.
Doesn't use a ton of nicknames or babytalk, but does speak appropriately and in a way the Little can understand.
She does tease a bit.
Knows a ton about caregiving.
Runs her fingers through her Littles’ hair to comfort them.
Will help her Littles get dressed and do their hair.
Keeps a strict schedule and a sensory friendly environment.
Littles with disabilities are her specialty.
She will hold her Little on her lap while she works.
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