poorlydrawnkankri · 27 days
Kankri, what do you prefer, a death threat or someone making advances on you?
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I am already dead, I died a millennia's w9rth 9f m99ns ag9 S9 t9 make such a threat w9uld mean n9thing unless made 6y the L9rd E. himself.
H9WEVER I D9 N9T C9ND9NE DEATH THREATS, if y9u c9nduct such 6ehavi9rs I will 9nly perceive y9u with gander6ul6s full 9f disapp9intment, 6ut I rather s9me9ne make an empty threat than s9licited me despite the fact I am celi6ate.
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Kankri Vantas, Latula Pyrope
Act 6, page 5263
KANKRI: 9h, hey, Latula. I th9ught I heard y9ur device grinding 9n vari9us surfaces near6y.
KANKRI: H9w are y9ur athletic t9y stunts g9ing? Are y9u getting a l9t 9f... a l9t 9f "air"? Am I saying that right?
#Did y9u hang... #Hang 10? #N9 that can't 6e right...
LATULA: you knowz 1t bro!!!
LATULA: you c4nt 3v3n TOUCH th1s. 1m 3sc4p1ng to th3 s1d3, from 4bov3, from 3v3ry wh1ch w4y b4s1c4lly!!!!
KANKRI: Well, I wasn't g9ing t9 attempt t9 make any s9rt 9f physical c9ntact with y9u, and even if I did, I have n9 d9u6t that y9u w9uld 6e a6le t9 maneuver away fr9m my grasp 9n y9ur speedy little platf9rm. Either way, I'm m9re than c9ntent t9 let y9u escape in any directi9n 9f y9ur ch99sing, if that's y9ur wish.
LATULA: dud3. just wh3n 1 th1nk youv3 4lr34dy s41d th3 squ4r3st th1ng poss1bl3, you go 4nd s4y som3th1ng l1k3 th4t.
KANKRI: Haha. I guess. Y9u kn9w, it's really nice we can talk like this.
LATULA: 1t 1s...
KANKRI: Yes. I was just thinking lately, a69ut 9ur new p9st-scratch friends. Particularly the y9ung Vantas and Pyr9pe iterati9ns 9n their team, and h9w they're pretty similar t9 us, 6ut als9 really different.
LATULA: y34h. l1l m3 1s bl1nd! d1d u 3v3n KNOW th4t??
#h4v3 u s33n h3r l1l dr4gon su1t?? 3333! #SO cut3 >8]
KANKRI: Yes, 6ut that's n9t really what I'm talking a69ut.
KANKRI: She and Karkat have a different relati9nship fr9m the 9ne we have. Theirs is much m9re tur6ulent, which is fueled presuma6ly 6y r9mantic tensi9n. I'm picking up 9n s9me maj9r vascillati9n vi6es fr9m their situati9n. It's kind 9f unf9rtunate, 6ut it makes me grateful that we never g9t t9 that p9int.
LATULA: h3llz y34h. who n33ds th4t?
KANKRI: I'm sure it's m9stly due t9 the fact that we've stayed entirely away fr9m the sting6ug's nest 9f r9mantic entanglement. Which 9f c9urse is related t9 my 9ath 9f celi6acy, which as y9u kn9w is just a pers9nal ch9ice, 9ne which f9r s9me reas9n my p9st-scratch adult self eventually strayed fr9m... with... Meulin, 9f all pe9ple? 6ut that's neither here n9r there.
#Seri9usly. #I mean, she's nice, 6ut... #Really?
LATULA: h4h4h4h4... you 4nd m3uz. st1ll cr4cks m3 up... H4H4H4H4H4H4!!!!
#:3 #h3h3h3h
KANKRI: Yes. 6ut regardless. What I'm saying is, it's great we stayed away fr9m that. It's helped me appreciate y9u as a friend, and admire all y9ur g99d qualities. Plat9nically, 9f c9urse.
LATULA: your3 r1ght! 1ts b33n pr3tty r4d wh3n you put 1t th4t w4y.
KANKRI: Like h9w y9u never 69ught int9 the usual r9les 9f y9ur caste, as an aqua, n9t even the m9re "well intended" s9cial c9nventi9ns 9f y9ur privileged arist9cratic 6l99dline. Y9u never l99ked d9wn 9n any69dy, 9r saw it as y9ur civil duty t9 care f9r 9r "impr9ve" the warmer classes, falling prey t9 unf9rtunate tendencies inv9lving cerulean savi9r c9mplex, 9r the "6lue 6l99d's 6urden" (trigger warning 9n that, 96vi9usly) which sadly 6ecame s9 insepera6le fr9m the fa6ric 9f the spectral 9rder, with each class c9nditi9ned t9 view th9se 6el9w it the same way, the 96stacles t9 raising awareness were alm9st insurm9unta6le. 6ut unlike the c99ler hues 9n 9ur team m9re priviliged than y9u, like y9ur Serkets, y9ur Zahhaks, y9ur Amp9ras... I never g9t the sense that y9u put the slightest 6it 9f st9ck in any 9f that, and I think that's pretty amazing.
#Cerulean savi9rs #Teal templars #Vi9let valiants #Purple paladins
LATULA: uh... y34h! th4t sh1tz 4 dr4g, why would 1 both3r w1th 4ny of th4t? 1 m34n, 1ll h3lp low bloods l34rn stunts 4nd ch34t cod3z 1f th3y w4nt, but th4ts 1t!!!
KANKRI: Right. And I'm just saying if my head was ever cl9uded 6y r9mantic feelings f9r y9u, I pr96a6ly w9uldn't 6e a6le t9 appreciate that a69ut y9u.
KANKRI: Just like I w9uldn't 6e a6le t9 appreciate the fairly c99l "zees" y9u put at the end 9f many w9rds, 9r say things l9udly and with enthusiasm, even if it's n9t particularly warranted.
#It rarely is
LATULA: h3h3h. y34h!!!!
KANKRI: 9r the way y9ur hair fl9ws in the wind when y9u sc99t 9ver s9me s9rt 9f 96stactle 9n y9ur device really fast.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u make this funny little n9ise just as y9u c9nnect with 9ne 9f y9ur c9pi9us high fives, which can 9nly 6e heard 9ver the l9ud slap if y9u listen really cl9sely.
LATULA: um, y34h... 1 not1c3d... som3 stuff l1k3 th4t...
LATULA: 4bout you too 1 gu3ss?
LATULA: h3h.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u have always sh9wn kindness t9 pe9ple wh9 needed help, with9ut making them feel tragic 9r helpless f9r accepting it.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u still manage t9 l99k stylish even with9ut y9ur c99l shades, 9r s9metimes when they're pr9pped up 9n y9ur head just in fr9nt 9f y9ur h9rns.
LATULA: wh...
#1... #hm
KANKRI: 9r, I d9n't kn9w if y9u remem6er, that time Meenah 6aked every69dy a cake. It was the first sweep anniversary 9f entering the game, 9ne 9f the rare m9ments 9f s9lidarity and g99d cheer am9ng 9ur entire team at 9nce. Every9ne was raving a69ut h9w g99d the fresh 6aked cake smelled, s9 y9u t99k a 6ig sniff, I guess f9rgetting f9r a m9ment y9u c9uldn't smell. Then y9u quickly caught y9urself, and played it c99l making sure n9 9ne n9ticed, which n9 9ne did. 6ut I n9ticed. And I just th9ught that was kind 9f endearing.
KANKRI: Anyway, I think all that w9uld have 6een c9mpletely l9st 9n me if we didn't have this str9ng plat9nic 69nd. I just th9ught I'd say that. Guess I'll get g9ing n9w.
KANKRI: See y9u ar9und, Latula.
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prosaicpedagogy · 6 months
Aren't you celibate?
My celi6acy has n9thing t9 d9 with the aut9nmy s9me9ne has 9ver their 9wn 69dy.
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[Text] Always? Since when did you meet GHB then Signless?
Oh Dear-
Are y9u asking me when I met him pers9nally, 9r when I'd learned a69ut him?
He was always a very huge figure in Alternian s9ciety, s9 I had kn9wn a69ut him since I was a child.
It was always very apparent h9w his quadrants were centuaries empty, s9mething that m9st tr9lls c9uldn't get away with under n9rmal dr9ne laws- 6ut he had )(er favor. Many th9ught it was a religi9us act 9f celi6acy, 6ut in reality he just hated pe9ple.
6ut, addressing the actual questi9n, I've kn9wn him pers9nally f9r... pr96a6ly sweeps, n9w.
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rogue-of-light · 1 year
yeaH!!! like this event was enough for this man to go
"Guess I'll take up celi6acy.. F9r every quadrant, actually. If feeling flushed c9uld make me act s9 h9rri6le, i d9n't even want t9 imagine what pitch 9r ash, 9r hell-- even pale c9uld d9 t9 me."
even though to literally everyone else it was just.. a normal day
real !!!! the average mentally ill teenagers thought process
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el9quence · 4 years
Bold of u to assume that many of us fuck in the first place
Haha. M99d.
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69yc9tt-blog · 5 years
I l9ve celi6acy.
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garysmithsfemboy · 2 years
CRONKRI Fanfic. "workshop love"
[PART ONE :))]
"Kankri, babe, I love you, but shut the fuck up."
cronus mumbles, his thick greaser-y accent being prominent as he works on the bottom of his old 1997 beat up car.
"...thats very triggering..didnt y9u kn9w? im trying t9 share s9me valua6le inf9rmati9n with y9u s9 perhaps next time y9u will n9t trigger p9rrim in the ways y9u did t9day..alth9ugj that sh9uld have 6een av9ided in the first place..its n9t that difficult t9 6e kind t9 p9rrim she is a...very leniant lady..s9 it takes al9t t9 upset 9r anger her..just like her dancest9r, karkat tells me that y9ung kanaya is very kind and d9sent get triggered as easily as s9me pe9ple..such as myself, but that means that what y9ur d9ing is pushing them 9ver the e--"
kankri was cut off again, this time by a soft and tender kiss on his temple, causing the cherry blood to go limp against the chest of drawers he was sitting on while watching cronus work on the car, as cronus stood up and walked over, his empty pupil-less eyes fluttering up to meet the others exact same eyes, kankri took a moment to study cronuses face,
his thick eyebrows where pointing inward, the prominent whitish purple scar slitting through his right eyebrow, and..the fins..kankris always wanted to give his fins a touch but..he didnt want to step over his boundaries and trigger him, just like how whenever cronus joked about touching his horns, he would freak out and put a certain amount of distance between the two of them.
"that seemed to havwe shut ya up..huh." cronus chuckles, spinning a wrench between two of his fingers on his left hand and using his right to put the nail from his pocket back into the corner of his mouth so he could get back to work on his car.
"ah..uhm..well cr9nus..i d9nt..i uh.."
kankri just stammers, not knowing what to say to him anymore.
"..that was..c9mpletely inappr9priate cr9nus..im a 6it dissap9inted that y9u did n9t warn 9r ask me..thats n9 way to treat an9ther tr9ll.." kankri said calmly, and to which cronus sighs and puts the wrench down on the workbench and the nail aswell as he looks kankri up and down.
"kanks...ivwe..gotta tell ya..ivwe had the biggest crush on you for the longest time"
cronus whispers, awkwardly and gently grabbing kankris wrist and pulling him a little closer.
"6-6ef9re y9u c9ntinue..id like t9 remind y9u i have a v9w to celi6acy.." kankri says in a hushed tone as cronuses takes a turn to analyse kankris features this time.
"but..i like ya. i like ya chief ALOT...and i...i knowv..ya got ya wveird cellobaycy think or wvhatever but..wvould you maybe consider.." cronus looks kankri straight in the eyes
it takes kankri a moment to register and find a response, but when he dose he gently tilts his head
"9h cr9nus, please explain this c9ncept t9 me..i have n9t 6een accust9med t9 any human terms yet as y9u are, ny ap9l9gies..i sh9uld 6e more educated..oh g9sh am i g9ing t9 trigger y9u? cr9nus im s--"
"no..kanny..its fine..human datin is like..troll datin but...diffirent i guess..theres just one normal relation ship..no wveird angry quadrants n wvhatevwer"
cronus explained to him, his tone hushed as he stepped closer to kankri
"so..ill ask you again..wvould you consider goin on a human date..wvith me?" cronus asked, still meeting kankris pupil-less dull eyes, as the cherry blood thought it over, suddenly cronuses hand was clasped by his and he pulled cro in closely.
"i guess that c9uld w9rk..yes...asl9ng as y9u w9rk 9n 6eing less triggering.." kankri mutters, staring at cronus for a moment and letting it sink in, he was going to be dating mr bad boy, for real.
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insertofalord · 4 years
K.a.n.-k.r.i: *write a 80 page essay about how he appreciates and supports me*
P.o.r.r.i.m: Aw, yo+u're flushed for them.
K.a.n-.k.r.i: N9 I'm n9t?! Y9u kn9w I practice a strict celi6acy-
Me, who thought we were already dating: 👁👄👁??????
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6igmouth · 4 years
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First 9f all, that is a very der9gat9ry statement and I d9 n9t appreciate the implicati9n 9f such a suggestive c9mment that I did n9t c9nsent t9 viewing.
Sec9ndly, might I inf9rm y9u 9f my v9w 9f celi6acy, the 9nly thing I will 6e interacting with regarding y9u and I, is the 6l9ck 6utt9n functi9n sh9uld y9u c9ntinue.
Lastly, sh9uld I 6e aware that a certain yell9w-6l99ded individual wh9 has speech impediment issues has put y9u up t9 this, there will 6e severe c9nsequences f9r making me n9t 9nly unc9mf9rta6le and 6reaking the 6arriers 9f my pers9nal space, 6ut having my eyes 6e assaulted 6y that many num6ers 9f Three’s in 9ne sitting.
TW: #harrassment #abuse9fpersonalspace #sexualinnuend9s #suggestivec9ntent #celi6acy #terri6lewritingquirks #keysmashing
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cancrinegabardine · 6 years
This is g9ing t9 6e a can9n call I supp9se.
First 9ff, hell9. I am Kankri Vantas, l99king f9r 6asically any9ne, but I'm m9stly interested in finding P9rrim Maryam (my m9irail), Latula Pyr9pe and Mituna Capt9r (they were actually chill with me) (H9russ Zahhak was as well.), and Cronus Ampora.
He was in a flush relationship with me, maybe even m9re than that. We felt l9ve m9re than the quadrants c9uld ever feel f9r us. He was the sweetest. He was always gentle with me. He made sure t9 never cr9ss b9undaries when we made c9nversation. He had never-ending patience with me pertaining t9 my v9ws of celi6acy. I'm sure there's more I c9uld put for Cr9nus, 6ut 6rushing his eg9 w9uld defiantly n9t 6e g99d f9r every9ne's 6enifit. (Plus I'm trying n9t t9 ram6le t99 much f9r every9ne's sake😅)
P9rrim was just as understanding as Cr9nus. I mean, she was my m9irail after all. She always knew h9w t9 cheer me up when I was sad. And when I w9uld feel d9wn a69ut the 9ther tr9lls n9t wanting to listen t9 my "lectures", she was always there t9 6ring me to the pile, so she c9uld listen t9 me instead. And the day she made me the sweater, it was the best and sweetest thing any9ne had ever given me. I feel 6ad f9r the way I treated her in the past, and she 9nly treated me with kindness. I'm s9rry, P9rrim. I h9pe y9u can forgive me.
This just all I can remem6er f9r n9w. H9pefully I'll have m9re mem9ries as this 6l9g g9es al9ng. If any9ne is interested in learning m9re, I'd 6e happy to answer questi9ns. Maybe it can j9g s9me mem9ries that way.
Thanks f9r reading this little intr9 t9 my 6l9g, I supp9se.
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vntas-blog · 5 years
Hows that pack of celibacy working out for you Kankri?
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I 6elieve what y9u meant t9 ask was: H9w is my “pact” 9f celi6acy w9rking 9ut f9r me?A “pack” of celi6acy d9esn’t exist. Unless y9u mean s9me f9rm 9f gr9up 9f pe9ple wh9 all have taken the v9w t9gether. In which case, it still d9esn’t grammatically make sense, 6ut I’ll let it slide.#F9r n9wH9wever, regarding the questi9n y9u asked, I supp9se I c9uld share my newest self disc9very with y9u all since I’m in a place where I d9n’t mind d9ing s9. 6ut in the future, at least warn s9me9ne 6ef9re y9u g9 and starting prying y9ur nu6s int9 9ther’s pers9nal life. Especially when it is related t9 sex, 9r lack there9f.#In 9ther w9rds  #Tag things y9u simplet9ns  #It isn’t that hard please#Sexual Affair Menti9ns  #Celi6acy Menti9n  #Pers9nal inf9 dump ahead6ut the truth is… I actually rev9ked my v9w 9f celi6acy s9me time ag9. H9wever. This d9esn’t mean I d9n’t still have standards, 9r that I gave the v9w up 6ecause 9f urges 9r anything. S9 please kindly keep y9ur pans 9ut 9f the gutter and all9w me t9 explain first 6ef9re y9u assume anything a69ut me.After taking a small det9ur int9 an9ther self disc9very sessi9n.. I’ve c9me t9 realize that a 6ig reas9n f9r wanting t9 take the v9w in the first place, was 6ecause I…. Was afraid.I have never felt sexual attracti9n f9r any9ne 6ef9re. S9 f9r a l9ng while I assumed s9mething was wr9ng with me… I used the v9w as an excuse t9 keep sexual c9ntact t9 a c9mplete zer9. With9ut it seeming… Stranger than what it pr96a6ly was already.H9wever, I’ve learned many new things. And….. Have experienced feelings 9f different cali6ers… And I finally realized that. Apparently n9thing was wr9ng with me after all. I may very well 6e asexual. 9r demisexual.When I disc9vered this, I decided t9 redact my v9w. And n9w I’m living c9mf9rta6ly with myself 6ecause 9f it. It’s nice really.H9wever, again I feel the need t9 restate this: Just 6ecause my v9w is n9 l9nger there, d9esn’t mean I’m 9ut here, l99se and fancy free. Sexual c9ntact still makes me feel very unc9mf9rta6le. S9 I’d very much appreciate it if flirting 9r sexual advances just… Weren’t a thing.#L99king at y9u Cr9nus Amp9ra
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9h, well...
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I have already explained that I will n9t answer any asks regarding h9w I feel a69ut s9me9ne in any ‘quadrant’ like mann9rs. In case y9u weren’t aware, flushed feelings c9unt as well. I stand 6y my v9w 9f celi6acy and that w9n’t change.
Pers9nally, I think that it’s a great thing that me and Latula d9n’t have any r9mantical tensi9n, unlike 9ur fell9w dancest9rs Karkat and Terezi. It all9ws me t9 n9tice a l9t m9re things a69ut her than I w9uld ever have realized if we weren’t such cl9se friends. I w9uld g9 int9 m9re details a69ut that su6ject, 6ut again, it really isn’t any 9f y9ur 6usiness.
Perhaps if I were speaking t9 Latula, and n9t her ancest9r, I w9uld 6e much m9re willing t9 g9 int9 further detail a69ut h9w 6eing g99d friends with her has all9wed me t9 n9tice a l9t m9re a69ut her than if we had r9mantical tensi9n 6etween the tw9 9f us. That 6eing said, please mind y9ur 9wn 6usiness, I d9n’t g9 ar9und asking pe9ple 9r wh9 they flush f9r, s9 please respect me and d9 the same.
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Cr9nus, if y9u're reading this... Thank y9u. For helping me thr9ugh everything. My anxiety attacks, my aversi9n t9 t9uch, the 6ullying I went through. Thank y9u f9r n9t g9ing straight t9 anger, and instead helping me em9ti9nally 6ef9re c9nfr9nting th9se wh9 caused me pain. Y9u were s9 g99d t9 me. 6reaking my celi6acy v9w f9r y9u was the 6est decisi9n I ever made, even if it caused me internal c9nflict f9r a great deal 9f time. I l9ved y9u s9 much.
“Cronus, if you're reading this... Thank you. For helping me through everything. My anxiety attacks, my aversion to touch, the bullying I went through. Thank you for not going straight to anger, and instead helping me emotionally before confronting those who caused me pain.
You were so good to me. breaking my celibacy vow for you was the best decision I ever made, even if it caused me internal conflict for a great deal of time. I loved you so much.“
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What do you think of the ship Cronkri?
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Excuse y9u? I happen t9 6e celi6ate. N9t t9 menti9n y9u didn’t tag that y9ur inquiry w9uld have a r9mantic element. I w9uld advise y9u t9 always warn 9thers 9f the c9ntent 9r intent 6ehind such queries, as they may find it t9 6e highly triggering. N9w, th9ugh y9u have asked this questi9n in a rather disquieting manner, it 6rings me t9 a g99d place t9 inf9rm y9u 9n celi6acy, as y9u may n9t have 6een aware 9f what it is and what it means. T9 6e a celi6ate is t9 v9w n9t t9 engage in any sexual activities. Pe9ple take this v9w f9r many reas9ns, th9ugh s9me 9f the m9st c9mm9n 96jectives have t9 d9 with pers9nal spiritual gr9wth 9r religi9us matters. I t99k my v9w 6ecause I 6elieve that any and all sexual acts are unnecessary, especially f9r s9me9ne like me. I find that I am 9ften t99 6usy with my missi9n f9r s9cial justice t9 even think 9f such things. As many wh9 undertake celi6acy, I als9 d9 n9t engage in any quadrants, as I 6elieve that I am als9 capa6le 9f leading a perfectly healthy and meaningful life, 9r, excuse me, afterlife, with9ut them. Even if I were t9 engage in any quadrants, I find it unlikely that he w9uld 6e a part 9f them. Y9u see, while Cr9nus d9es have many redeeming qualities, he has a rather, er, lustful nature. If we were matesprits I d9n’t think he w9uld 6e very satisfied, as I would still keep t9 my v9w 9f celi6acy and w9uldn’t c9nf9rm t9 the 6ehavi9ur expected 9f a l9w\high matespritship. 9n t9p 9f that, he w9uld als9 have t9 give up his m9re triggering h966ies while we were in a relati9nship, as I w9uld flat 9ut refuse t9 6e with a red partner wh9 red-flirted with 9thers, 9r wh9 6ehaved s9 rudely t9wards pe9ple like Mituna. As far as Cr9nus’ quadrants g9, th9ugh, I d9 wish he’d strive f9r s9me9ne wh9 w9uld appreciate him and his self identity m9re than Meenah d9es. He deserves s9me9ne less unsympathetic and triggering than her. H9wever, he and I in a relati9nship w9uld 6e rather ill9gical. 9ther pe9ple may als9 find y9ur ha6it 9f ‘shipping’ them t9 6e disc9ncerting and\9r triggering, s9 mind what y9u are saying in the future. D9es this answer suffice?
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insertofalord · 4 years
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"After a l9ng night 9f thinking, I decided t9 pr9perly answer Angel (als9 kn9wn as @charliedoyleloves ). This will feature talk 9f, 6ut n9t limited t9, #c9ncupiscent relati9nships,  #self d9u6t and #6ef9rian culture. I will try t9 6e as c9ncise as I p9ssi6ly can.
Please, excuse my 6ehavi9ur and d9u6t 9n y9ur intenti9ns, I have t9 admit that I still d9 n9t t9tally understand the su6tility 9f human culture and c9mmunicati9n, especially in a 6lack setting as I d9 n9t have experience in it either. I am s9rry t9 hear a69ut y9ur human peers cruel 6ehavi9ur, I did n9t kn9w a69ut it.
A69ut my speeches I… I hear y9u. I am w9rking 9n it and the idea 9f 6eing m9re straight t9 the p9int and efficient. It is n9t in my ha6it and I d9 agree that it may help my message t9 6e underst99d and assimilated (which may 6e the cause 9f my 9wn failure as a Seer 9f 6l99d in my 9wn sessi9n, like I had previ9usly realized, even th9ugh I had refused t9 truly admit it until n9w).
While I understand what y9u mean I… am n9t sure h9w I am supp9sed t9 act 9n it. I spent my life (and death) trying t9 live up t9 my ideals and 6eing listened t9. I kept my f9cus 9n n9t 6eing cut in my speeches, 6ecause it was an essential part 9n me gr9wing up 9n 6ef9rus. My celi6acy was a ch9ice I made very early in my life, it seems that it handicaped my understanding 9f r9mantic dynamics. It was the 9nly way t9 av9id the c9ndescending and insulting 6ehavi9ur 9f higher 6l99ds, 6ut I d9 realize n9w that it is quite irrelevant since I am talking a69ut a relati9nship with an human. Nathan has 6een in n9 way patr9nizing t9 me and I am n9t sure why I av9ided the p9ssi6ility 9f a red relati9nship, except f9r the idea that they are a very preci9us friend t9 me and I didn't want t9 l9se that. 
Perhaps I sh9uld 6e m9re "active", as y9u c9uld put it and n9t 6e afraid t9 9ffend them with my… With my flushed feelings f9r them. I did realize that I may n9t 6e the 6ravest tr9ll, and I sh9uldn't 6lind my eyes 9n my 9wn feelings and listen t9 my heart f9r 9nce. I guess y9u are right… I sh9uld c9nfess t9 them.
Thank y9u."
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