trampolin0 · 1 year
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luciferhollow · 2 years
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It's time to cook, Tavi ⚗️ 🧪
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melittosphex · 1 year
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Starting 2023 with a redraw ✌️
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tavwavs · 8 months
octavio and alexander, drunk, having a slow and sloppy makeout sesh that turns into a hasty and desperate fuck
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se9g7 · 1 year
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Caustane Fic
Here, enjoy a quick slap-dash mess of a ficlet. Gift for @grezzirossi
Scientific Discovery
"Come on come on come on, compadre..." the lithe green blur beged, moving from one end of th laboratory to the other, disrupting countless experiments with his questing fingers and endless curiosity.
"Please refrain from dipping your fingers in that serum... on you will lose them. Permanently." Caustic warned, seemingly not taking his eyes from the microscope before him even a split second. There was a considering pause...
"And do not try dipping your tongue or any other appendage you wish to keep, in the serum." Octane, tongue halfway towards the fizzing beaker, pauses. "Aww...."
Caustic doesn't move when he feels wiry arms wrap about his waist, an exasperated sigh pressed into his back.
"But I'm so booooored, amigo... when are you going to be DONE? It's been AGES!" Tavi whined, fingers fiddling at the various tubes and pouches dotting the larger legend's outfit. They lingered over a series of rather jagged tears in the suit where Caustic had been brought down by bullets earlier in the match.
The scientist noted how the ever fidgeting digits stilled, almost contemplatively, over the now healed injuries. It was not hard to fathom the thought process...
"Do not concern yourself with the damage, it was simply how match concluded. There was nothing that would have changed the outcome without a completely differnt set of variables."
"Yeah yeah yeah, I know... just don't like it when I have to shoot you down. Or Che. Feels like... the opposite of a rush, you know?" Octane sighed again, sagging against the yellow fabric.
Realising that his evening plans to complete the new nutrient formula for his Gaean fauna was unlikely to conclude successfully... he gently removed the slide and placed it into a containment module.
"I am not... the best at reading emotions, Octane, but even I can sense that you are filled with a sense of disquiet and despair over your victory today." he says slowly, almost tasting each word as it rolled off his tongue.
Sentiment was not always an easy discussion for him, but when it came to this particular human... he could try. "If, perhaps our... mutual partnership is impacting your functioning in the games, then it may be best we terminate it here." he suggested, finding a quiet gnawing discomfort growing in his chest at the thought of dissolving... this. Whatever one might refer to it.
Caustic saw them as symbiotic, natural counterparts from two different ends of evolution. The clever and quickwitted, the solid and the speedy, a difficult duo to best. Thus why the Syndicate had gone out of their way to avoid pairing them recently. One too many wins and betmakers were getting suspicious things were rigged.
Of course, pitting them against one another caused... other issues.
"I mean yeah, winning was awesome! My fans loved it!" Octavio crowed, delighted as he pulled out his phone automatically. Quickly shoving it away when he recalled Caustic's reluctance to be in pictures outside the games. "But... but it felt off having to down you..."
"If you had not, I would have been forced to kill you. Is the alternative any better?" Caustic queried, feeling the way the arms tightened automatically.
"Yeah but you LIKE killing, amor... and it's kinda hot when you do, but it just felt weird knowing I did this!" Octane's fingers dipped into the bullet holes, his hot fingers brushing against the tender new skin covering what was once gaping wounds. Caustic could feel the grin as his abdominal muscles clenched instinctually from the sudden contact.
"Mmm... but perhaps I am enjoying this reaction, Nox... do you like when I slip my fingers into your holes?" Octane laughed, even as he was shoved away by a semi-disgusted scientist. "Aw c'mon babe, you know you love it when I go full stim-mode on your-..."
"Please do not finish that sentence or I may be forced to kill you." Caustic intones, voice meanacing but with a distinct lack of bite. He was clearly enjoying the exchange, but going to great lengths to pretend he wasn't. And speaking of great lengths...
When the towering figure turned around, it left Octane eye-level with his prize, as he sat splayed on the floor. Something about the costume just accentuated... well, everything about the mad scientist. He could feel his heart thudding faster, heat flooding his cheeks and spreading to his cock in a way stim never quite could.
His hands swarmed up the dark tights, sliding underneath the blinding yellow protective material, still coated with spatters of blood from the match.
"Hmmm..." Caustic replied, not exactly encouraging, but not overly stopping him either. Seeming content to simply observe...
Tavi loved this. He was a risk taker, an adrenaline-junkie... and what else could make his heart pound harder than knowing he was both at the mercy of, and seemingly in full control of, a man like Caustic?
That he could let his fingers untangle the complex belt system beneath the outfit and delve deep within to cup the burgeoning shaft. The thickness always made his mouth water, as he raised to his mechanical knees. The padding on the joints prevented the chill lab floor from bothering him overmuch.
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, show me the good compadre... you know I love it when you let me give you a rush!" he grinned, languidly stroking the shaft within teh tight confines of the man's legend garb.
His smile fades as his hand is swiped away roughly, and his eyes dart up to identify whether there's been soe miscommuication here.
"No... I believe that perhaps you are the one that requires a... rush, before you overthink yourself to a state of paralysis about the match." Caustic concluded, reaching down to pull Octavio upright without seeming to expend any effort at all. The sensation of being lifted went straight to Tavi's cock, and he felt it grind frustratedly against the protective fibre of his pants. They were flameproof, yes... stain-proof, no...
In an uncharacteristically tender movement, Caustic pulled him close, pressing him tightly against the rubbery fabric of the suit. His eyes filling with an almost radioactive yellow for a moment, before all he could focus on wa the muffled thudding pulse of his lover's heart, and the sharp inhale/exhale of the man's mask.
The hand at the nape of his neck was gentle, considering any other would have had their vertebrae broken in a sharp jerking motion by now, for daring to come this close.
"Tell me again, if you wish this..." Caustic said, tone ambiguous as if he cared not either way. "OR I shall return to my work and you may do what you wish in yoru quarters."
"Please..." Tavi manages, pulling back from the mild suffocation. "I want to feel you inside me until I can't come anymore, so I can carry you with me into tomorrow's match. If you can manage that, amor..."
"I think such an experiment can be arranged, Octavio. Now... put your hands before you on the bench and do not remove them for even a moment or I will cease." Octane placed both hands on the clear labtable before him, devoid of any ongoing experiments, and felt the thrill of exhilaration run up his spine as Caustic slipped down his jogging shorts. His cock, already erect and visibly oozing a thick bead of precum, bounced free in the temperature controlled air.
It sent goosebumps up his arms, his legs, his neck. Caustic placed a glove beside the runner, and dribbled something across the bare fingers on display. Octavio couldn't help but want to suck on them, it was so rare that he caught Caustic out of some form of glove... in a weird way it was more intimate than catching him maskless and naked.
His right leg bounced, all energy being contained in a single spot. He couldn't even stay still when asleep, let alone when his nerves were keyed up like this.
The still-gloved hand ran up the length of his back to his shirt, and then down again before admiistering a perfectly positioned slap to his buttocks. Tavi moaned, loving the sensation, as he always had, and feeling his knees tremble at the sensation of fingers sliding inside.
They'd been on the jumpship for months now, even before he and Caustic became... well, this. No privacy. One simply had to pretend they didn't hear others in their open-plan spaces having a quiet game of mess-the-sheets every so often.
Still didn't fully understand what Path or Rev or Ash were doing when those noises emanated from their areas... kinda afraid to find out. Also very curious.
The sudden sensation of two fingers in his hole snapped his wandering focus back to th moment, their pressure on his prostate anchored him to the now.
"Oh... yes, there amigo..." he moaned, wantonly like he was about to burst, and felt the way Caustic began to prod incessantly.
"D-do you think Pathfinder ca-... ah" he grasped at the surface of the desk and found no purchase as the fingers found a new friend to delve into his depths. "...can crank it? Or wh-...huh...whatever he's got d-down there?"
The fingers still a moment, thoughtfully pressing up against his prostate but not moving at all, as Caustic considered the query. Something he likely would not have entertained for any other.
"...I do believe he can. As can revenant... though I have no information to suggest if the new simulacrum is capable of such feats, for she has limited data available." mused the other man, fingers moving again. "Is that something you dream of, Octavio? When I am drilling you close to orgasm, your mind wanders who else could be satisfied bysuch ministrations?"
"N-nah... just wondering if they c-can... 'cause I heard some weird st-uh-ah-yes, there!" he cried out, grinding back desperately, hands obediantly on the lab benchtop as he felt the heat in his abdomen pulse hotly.
"There! Yes! Ah!" His come spurts out to coat the underside of the bench, the floor, and dribble down his still twitching cock. Heart thundering in his ears and hole clenching tightly at the fingers within as they mercilessly forced him into a second wave of pleasure.
There were many side effects to stim, and some felt that the exceedingly short refractory period after orgasm was not one of them... but Tavio felt that, when one had a boyfr-... partner like Caustic, who could try to make you come every few minutes for hours on end to test your limits... there were some drawbacks.
It was a tad awkward to explain to Che why he could barely walk the next day, the last time...
White streaks painted the normally stark, sterile decor and dribbled towards the floor.
"Mmmnh... more, please..." he gasped, hands clenching to fists as he felt the other continue his assault, not allowing Tavi a moment of peace until a third orgasm had reduced him to a shivering mess.
Only then was he gently pulled back into Caustic's arms and slick fingers pressed to his throat to check his vitals. A small juicebox appeared from somewhere, and he sipped greatfully at the little straw. Mouth flooding with sacharine fruity flavour that he immediately shared with his lover by way of kissing him like nothing else existed.
Pulling apart, he gasped heavily. "That was amazing, as always! I wish you would let me stream it sometime, I'm sure my fans would pay extra for a video like that..."
"I am glad that the experience met your expectations." Caustic returned, glowing green eyes slightly softer than usual, in a way they only were with Octane, and sometimes with Wattson... but for vastly different reasons.
Octavio crushed the empty juicebox with a hand and hurled it expertly into the nearby rubbish bin. A hungry grin spreading across his face as he noticed the telltale arousal from earlier making itself known beneath all those layers.
"Care to take my temperature with your equipment, Doc? Get some real acurate readings if you go deep enough..." he teases, pulling the other closer. "Do you want to take me on the bench? How about on one of your traps? Oooh, how do you get them to fill so accurately each time, you should let me look at the compression modules I might be able to supercharge my jumpads with them and-..."
Octane caught himself, and was surprised at the genuine fondness in Caustic's eyes, and a hint of excitement, prehaps because of the shared passion around gas compression as a means of fast and efficient deployment of ultimates... but possibly simply because it was Octane doing the talking.
"It is a relatively simple mechanic, that I believe can be easily adapted to make your jump pads more efficient to deploy. However, we would need to run some experiments, and perhaps identify if the variables can-..."
Without another word, Tavi turned and placed his hands back on the bench, arching his back to gain the full attention of the scientist. "C'mon amor, if you keep talking like that in that sexy tone I'm going to come all over myself again. Tell me while you're deep inside me and I have no where to run. Okay?"
A bare hand struck his backside for the impudence, and two large hands descended to pry the cheeks apart. Rutting the massive length in the slick of before, making certain that there would be no hinderance to entry.
"If you consider that the current model of your jump pad," Caustic said, his heavy tip pushing through the slick ring of muscle and stretching in a deliciously decadent way that Tavi could feel in his toes. He rocked his hips to accept more as the other spoke. Rewarded with the equally eager thrust of his lover. "I believe we could substantially improve on the model by-..."
Caustic paused a moment, as he slid in to the hilt with a final thrust, grinding right against the sensitive bundle of nerves that sent Octavio cresting into another orgasm. The doctor rocking his hips so that he dragged out the climax in a beautifully cruel way until Octane gasped into another and collapsed on the benchtop.
"...by recreating a smaller design with a more powerful compression-loaded deployment option. It should take some time to replicate, but if corect, would provide you with a better escape option from the ring or enemies." Caustic advised, his bare hand tracing soothing circles across the flushed tan skin of Tavi's back. "Is this too much for you at this time?"
"No way, amigo... g-give me all you got, I wanna feel you pulse inside me. Gimme the kinda injection I can't get from stim, hey?" Tavi goaded, rolling his hips and groaning at the sensation. "Wanna make your heart race like you do mine.."
"I did not take you for a poetic person, Octavio... but it would be accurate to say that you do, already. Mechanical affection aside, there are intangible variables that have led us to this mutual attraction..."
"Pfft, you are such a dork, amor, just say you love me... you're like eight inches deep inside me and still using big words. C'mon, c'mon, come in me!"
"If you insist..." Hands tighten about his hips and the turgid length pulls back before slamming home again, rocking him almost violently into the edge of the bench.
"Yeah yeah yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Tavi crows, feeling another climax crawling up his already tingling spine.
Caustic begins to thrust hard, deep, prefectly precisioned to break Octane apart in the best way. He could not help but slide one hand free of the table to cup at the periodic buldge that rose in his abdomen with every thrust. When he gripped it, he could feel Alexander's surprise, and the sensation sent him into another orgasm.
He was going to need an entire punchbowl after this, or he was going to die of dehydration... but what a rush! What a way to go! The edge of the table bit into his hips in a way that sent pleasurably painful feedback through his body. A hand slipped down past his own to encircle his cock, forcing back an orgasm on the brink of erupting yet again.
He whined, poised on the precipice and a little confused about what this was about.
"No..." Caustic grunted, his rhythm falling apart, as Octane caught on. "Together..."
"Yeah yeah yeah! Together... come in me, papi, fill me up and make me yours...." Tavi moaned, thrusting back desperately, feeling his cock throbbing in alternating tempo with the cock inside him.
"Ah, hah... Tavi..." Caustic groaned deeply, the vibration of it rumbling between them through the pinioning length. Hand slipping from Octane's cock and freeing the runner for a ruinous orgasm as Caustic climaxed as well. His come pulsing hotly, deep within the risk-taker and slipping out with each subsequent, erratic thrust, to dribble down the taut muscular thighs there. Until neither could take it anymore and stilled, breathing heavily in the still, sex-drenched air.
"...that was amazing, 'lex. Loved it. Love you... but we made a mess!" Tavi grinned.
"Indeed." Caustic responded, flatly. He slowly slipped free in a sea of ejaculate that pooled by their feet. Reaffixing his mask, Caustic tugged off his attire and went to the nearby sink to pick up a clean washer.
With a care and precision few would credit, he gave the human and robotic parts of Octavio a gentle clean. The floor and desk would be a mere matter of calling in a cleaning bot. But Tavi always liked when Caustic cleaned him off, helped him free of his prosthetics and clothes, and took him into the shower.
It was not by accident that the scientist had a door to his quarters through this purpose built laboratory. However, it came in handy today, and in days before.
Tavi couldn't help but laugh when he saw another juicebox on the bathroom sink, a subtle sign that perhaps Caustic had anticipated this evening's activities. Of course, the scientist refused to acknowledge it.
Octavio simply enjoyed the experience, kissing languidly at whatever parts of his lover he could reach as the only really restful sensation he ever experienced crept over him like a soft blanket.
"Love you 'lex..." he mumbled as the other placed him in the bed, his newly cleaned prosthetics placed close at hand so he could leave if he wished.
"...and I hold great affection for you." Caustic replied after a moment's hesitation.
Tavi wrinkled his nose and laughed, a kind sound. "Dude, we have got to work on your emotion words... just say you love me, you had your cock so deep in my ass ten minutes ago I finally know how kermit the frog feels..."
Caustic barks a startled laugh at the muppet comparison, and places a slightly awkward hand atop the green fluffy mess of Tavi's hair.
"Very well. I love you as well, Octavio."
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alexrainbow · 2 years
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Да, это снова я пришёл рекламировать свои фички! На этот раз вас ждёт увлекательная история о приручении дракона летуна и одного непослушного мальчишки. Ведь доктор Каустик способен укротить любого зверя. Или нет?.. 🧪 https://ficbook.net/readfic/12272394 🧪
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admiirall-aj · 2 years
Any caustane fic recs? Just started getting back into apex again and it looks like the ships have died
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spook5hadow · 8 months
I wrote another thing <3
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grezzirossi · 2 years
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Caustic and Octane swapping clothes! I made for the amazing @phoenixfire-thewizardgoddess​ based on her idea <3 I love you very much <3 
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(Of course Caustic would never swap masks) heuheuehu
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trampolin0 · 1 year
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aeonhood · 1 year
I miss you caustane I never stopped loving you to death both literally and figuratively.... Never gonna give up on my demented adrenaline junkie and the murderous scientist he conned into nailing him into the floor
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luciferhollow · 2 years
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tavwavs · 10 months
"cmon, i can take it." octavio x "watch as you beg for mercy." alexander
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tempural · 3 years
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comm: caustic and octane
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ink and pencils progress.
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melittosphex · 4 years
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Doodle dump. They have the best dynamic, prove me wrong
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