#cause they definitely had a hand/paw/hoof in the whole thing
loptrier · 2 months
I'm not Christian but I really appreciate the sentiment and structure of the Serenity Prayer, so I decided to create a divination spread based on it. (I only have access to my Tarot deck atm but this should work with whatever.)
The prayer goes something like:
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
OK, I can get at least six cards out of that:
____1️⃣ ____2️⃣ 4️⃣3️⃣ 5️⃣6️⃣
to know the difference between two sets of things, I have to know how they relate, what I'm comparing — the overall topic of the reading
the wisdom — a deeper insight into this subject
the things I cannot change — the battles not to choose, pretty self-explanatory
the serenity to accept it — understanding my place in that situation allows me to develop a (healthy) coping mechanism
the things I can change — toxic positivity aside, there's always something I can do to influence (my) reality
the courage, which is easier to muster when there's a trusty plan of action — where to get inspiration or assistance, how the problem needs to be addressed, what to expect when it's resolved, etc
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anyway I need to go to bed but I have too much energy so I am channeling it into headcanons. here u go species headcanons for Everyone on the Dream smp with explanations because I’ve put a TON of thought into this. They’re probably like half contradicted by canon but fuck it My City Now.
Dream- A (juvenile) stage of being a god. He, DreamXD, and Drista have become known as “dreamons” but that’s technically a separate species, all spawned from them. He's not really focused on being worshipped in his own right, preferring power in the mortal realm, though he’s not averse to pretending to be his brother (the god worshipped by Church Prime) or his sister (a minor goddess of death worshipped by many hidden cults) if it can help him get power. He’s got pure white skin everywhere except his face (which is pale but human-like), black blood, entirely green eyes, pointed ears, fangs, claws, and digitigrade legs ending in hoof-like claws.
George- A human, the only human on the whole server. Humans are pretty rare, vastly outnumbered by hybrids but outnumbering any other species, and “pure” humans (what we'd consider to be a completely normal appearing human) are all but nonexistent. For example, George has eyes with dark sclera and white irises.
Sapnap- A blaze hybrid. He’s got a few rods surrounding him and his eyes blaze with fire. It’s usually just warm but not hot enough to hurt but if he's agitated or upset it can easily burn hot enough to set things ablaze.
Callahan- A reindeer hybrid. He’s got antlers, reindeer ears, fur around his arms, and hooves.
Awesamdude- A creeper hybrid. He's tauric, with four insect like legs. His skin and is green and mottled and has a texture similar to leaves. His eyes are pitch black. He has a tendency to make hissing sounds when stressed, though he can’t explode like a full blooded creeper.
Alyssa- A mouse hybrid, with large mouse ears and a long tail. This definitely isn’t an in joke for the thousands of hours I spent browsing TVTropes as a child and the “what happened to the mouse” tROPE SHUT UP.
Ponk- A demon hybrid, with pointed ears, slit pupils, a small spaded tail, and small horns.
BadBoyHalo- A full blooded demon, with pointed ears, a tall stature, pitch black skin and hair, fangs, claws, hooves, a long spaded tail, long horns, and small bat like wings. He’s rather self conscious about how intimidating he looks. He's also a lich (with Skeppy as his phylactery) which is why he has pure white eyes (a trait the undead share).
TommyInnit- An absolute mess, genetic wise, since I’m taking Tommy's joke about being born in a lab and running with it. He's mostly angel, and was basically cloned from Phil's DNA (from a feather that fell off his wings that somehow someone got a hold of) but had a bunch of other hybrid and human DNA mixed in to make him somewhat stable enough to actually survive gestation. He has very small, dark wings that are useful for balance and little else, fangs, claws, and pointed ears. His bones are very light, making him fragile but a lot more dexterous. His blood is slightly off a human's, being slightly pinkish. His freckles, wings, blood, and eyes glow slightly and are patterned like the night sky. Technically undead as of his resurrection, and maintains the many injuries of his death permanently (bruises stay and don’t heal but don’t worsen, broken limbs can be moved at unnatural angles, ect.), pale, corpse like skin, and one of his eyes turned pure white.
Tubbo- A ram hybrid, with small curved ram horns, horizontal pupils, ram ears, a tail, and hooves. Nice and simple after the absolute mess that was Tommy.
Fundy- A limited shapeshifter, able to change his species, though he prefers to be in a fox-like form. He inherited this from Sally, who had similar abilities, though with more strength. He's always got certain features he inherited from each parent that he can’t change though- wings, pale skin, and ice-like freckles from Wilbur, and salmon scales coating his wings and cheeks, and ginger-and-white hair from Sally.
Punz- A dragon hybrid, with dark horns, dark sclera and slit pupils, wings just large enough for limited flight, a strong tail, fangs, claws, and blue scales coating his cheeks, wings, tail, arms, and legs. Has a natural inclination to sleep in a pile of his wealth he only holds off on when he feels it’s at risk of being stolen (which, since this is the Dream SMP, is almost constantly).
Purpled- An enderman hybrid, with small horns, pointed ears, purple blood, and ender particles surrounding him. Parts of his arms and legs are covered in leathery, pure black skin.
Wilbur- Half angel, half fucking refrigerator because cc!Wilbur hates us (affectionate). His skin is unnaturally, icy pale, and his blood is an icy blue. His freckles are the colour of ice reflecting. He's got wings from his father, large enough to glide, but they’re pale coloured and slightly transparent. He has fangs claws, and pointy ears. His blood, wings, and eyes glow slightly and are patterned like the night sky. As Ghostbur, he’s got the injuries of his death apparent at all times, though they don’t hinder him or cause him pain, corpse like skin, pure white eyes, and is permanently transparent.
JSchlatt- A ram hybrid. He’s got large ram horns, dark sclera and horizontal pupils, a ram tail, fur around his arms, and hooves.
Skeppy- A construct made to be Bad's phylactery. He's fully made of diamond, and appears as a moving human statue (though entirely made out of diamond), though he has limited shape shifting ability to change his “hair” and “clothes”, though he has to remain the same mass. He has some small red detailing on him out of redstone (which was used partially in his contruction). The egg flipped the red and teal in his colour scheme. Also he's smalllllllllllll.
Eret- Part ghost, due to being descended from Herobrine. She has pure white eyes, pointy ears, and under stress he becomes partially transparent. They tend to hide their nonhuman features (ears under hair or hats and eyes under sunglassses) and are often mistaken for human.
Jack Manifold- Started as a wolf hybrid, with large wolf ears and a tail. After dying, he came back from hell as a hellhound with red and blue “flames” coming from his eyes, ears, and replacing his missing tail he lost in one of his deaths with two made of this fire. The fire is chillingly cold to the touch, and not warm. His eyes are also monocolour, though in heterochromatic red and blue instead of the usual pure white found in undead.
Niki- A moth hybrid, with antennae, monocolour amber eyes, fluffy wings, and more fluff around her neck, wrists, and torso. These and her hair are patterned gold and black, though as of now she’s dyed them all pink. Idk I just feel like moths fit her for some reason.
Quackity- A duck hybrid, with golden wings and webbed hands and feet. He’s also a shapeshifter of sorts, however instead of shifting into different forms he shifts into different beings, from alternate realities that never came to be. These can be used to shift into near identical copies of those around him, to impersonate them, or to shift into alternate versions of people (like Mexican Dream to Dream). These aren’t Quackity, though, and as such they have their own pool of canon lives, and while he has lots of influence over them they can still act autonomously.
Karl Jacobs- An inter dimensional being made of time itself. While his current form is mostly human, he has technicolour rainbow blood, freckles, and patches on his skin, along with clock-shaped pupils that change with the time. His “natural” form is a vaguely humanoid mess of ever shifting colour.
HBomb- I didn’t know what to do with him at first- he was a cow hybrid in my pfp set- but I just think the idea of him being a chill cat hybrid who turns full nyaa whenever he’s in a maid dress to be funny so he’s a cat hybrid now. With dyed-white cat ears and a dyed-white cat tail.
Technoblade- A piglin hybrid primarily, but he’s definitely got some weird traces of other species. He’s got tusks, pink hair, pink pig ears, a pig tail, and hooves, but he’s also got paws from some other animal hybridisation in his blood, and has a tallness that suggests demon blood somewhere down the line. His red eyes aren’t natural, and only occurred after he was sacrificed to be the vessel of the Blood God.
Antfrost- A cat hybrid, with blond and brown fur, a cat tail, paws both on his hands and feet, and cat ears. He’s also got split pupils and blue sclerae (though a different shade to his irises).
Philza- An angel- the creation of a god or goddess to help serve them (Dreamon's would be an example of the angels the Dream's can create, though they’re primarily running wild nowadays.) The creation and servant of one of the gods of death, Kristen, to serve her in the mortal realm. He’s got very large feathered dark wings, pupilless unnaturally bright eyes, pointy ears, fangs, claws, and dark blood the colour of the night sky. His wings, eyes, freckles and blood glow brightly and are patterned like the night sky. Injuries reveal that he's fully inhuman under his skin, appearing to be a void of colour that also glows and is patterned like the night sky. His crows, who are messengers from the afterlife, have this same pattern on their feathers.
Conner- I don’t know much about him tbh but. He’s just a hedgehog hybrid. I mean he’s joked enough about canonically being the kid of Sonic and Elise. He’s got blue hedgehog ears and a tail, and blue spines mixed in with his dark hair.
Captain Puffy- A sheep hybrid, with small curled sheep horns, sheep ears, a fluffy sheep tail, hooves, and hair curly and soft like wool. The split in her hair between brown and white is natural, though she keeps a small section dyed rainbow.
Vikkstar- Another angel, though of a god long gone. His entire body, even his “clothes” (which are made of flesh) glow intensely bright and have the pattern of the night sky.
LazarBeam- A gingerbread hybrid, which I’d say is dumb but we’ve already had a refrigerator hybrid so. I don’t know what else to say here.
Ranboo- Half enderman, half god of some sort. Has small horns, pointy ears, an inhumanly wide mouth with fangs, claws, digitigrade feet ending in hoof-like claws, pure black and white skin, pure black and white hair and freckles on the opposite side of the skin, red and green heterochromatic eyes barely distinguishable from their sclera, and red and green blood. Hmm, I wonder what other character shares similar descriptions... :)
FoolishG- A more matured god than Dream. Appears to be made entirely out of gold, with his hair and freckles appearing like copper. His pure green eyes have a similar texture to emeralds. Also he’s like. Massive. He’s like eleven Skeppy's.
Hannah- A nymph of the forests. Has prehensile vines and flowers flowing in her hair all the way to the ground, and half of her face and one of her arms are entirely made of these prehensile vines and flowers. Makes flowers grow in her step, after being corrupted by the egg they wither around her instead.
Charlie- Slime hybrid. Honestly just kind of got the most impractical parts of being a hybrid, having random sections of skin changed into green slime which drips everywhere and kind of gets in the way. It doesn’t seem to bother him though.
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zach-the-fox · 4 years
Furiends Episode 6: Research and Capture
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The two girls and fox boy regroup with their friends as they stand on the outside of the chain-link fence surrounding a large, two-story building situated in the forest. Streaks of cracks line the concrete structure. Plants grow through the broken pavement around the uninhabited facility.  
Niji glances at the property and scans around the area. “Look at this place! What a total dump! Probably a home for rats.”
“I don’t find it bad,” says Navy. “I actually quite like it. And I adore rats. They are just so cute!”
Eren turns to the warthog. “Um, Emmy. Why did you tell us to come here? What’s going on?”
“Zach saw an article in the paper that there was some strange figure residing here,” Emmy answers. “And we suspect it’s the demon Carly, Navy, and I summoned.”
“What?!” Navy runs up to her. “You found our child?! Is he here?!”
“Maybe. We won’t know unless we go in and check it out.”
“You want to explore an abandoned laboratory?!” Silus exclaims. “Are you crazy?!”
“That’s what I thought, too,” Carly adds. “Then Emmy brought up a point with Team Rescuers. I don’t want to get in trouble… My mother would kill me…”
“If we’re going to find this demon, we should be quick,” suggests Zach. “There’s a chance Team Rescuers might show up and search this area, given all of the cries from Heroto.”
“Right, let’s not waste anymore time,” Emmy utters. “Let’s get in there and find our demon. Now, how will we get over this fence?”
“I can lift you guys over,” Silus says. “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get in, though.”
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” Niji spurts, staring down the opposite direction. The gang all see where he’s looking: A slight tear in the metal fence forms a little hole for those to sneak inside. “We can just crawl in through there.”
“Good thinking, Niji!” Emmy walks down to the opening with the others. One-by-one, they get on their paws and knees to crawl passed the metal chains-links. Silus, being the last one in, gets stuck under with his shirt caught in the edges. Eren and Zach help pull him out of the ditch, ripping his apparel and creating a streak in his shirt, showing his bare chest.
“Oh,” utters Eren, blushing with shock. “My… When we’re done here, we must go to the bedroom.” Silus chuckles. The gang then make their way toward the two, shattered glass doors of the concrete structure.
Carly steps up and attempts to open them by pulling, then pushing. “They don’t budge… Guess we can’t go in…”
Navy grabs a metal pipe laying nearby and swings it at the glass, breaking it into pieces and clearing the way. “You were saying?” The friends then climb through the open spaces in the doors, entering inside. “Okay, now what?”
“I say we split up,” Emmy orders. “We’ll cover more ground that way.” The others hesitate, then they agree before splitting into groups. Niji goes with Emmy and Zach as they head up the stairs while Carly stays with the blue jay, deer, and newt on the ground level.
“I don’t feel very comfy about this place,” Carly comments, paws huddled together as she stays close with her friends.
“Come on, Carls.” Navy puts her wing around the cat. “It’s not so bad. I’ve been watching urban exploration videos Snootube and it’s pretty fascinating to see old structures hollowed out. The vide is quite nice.”
“Maybe for you, but me, not so much.” Carly narrows one eye and puts her paw on her chin. “Though, it wouldn’t be bad to maybe draw some of my characters in the same situation.”
“You’ll have plenty of time when we get back,” Eren tells her. “Right now, we should help Emmy find the demon.”
“By the way, what does he look like?” asks Silus, searching around. “Do you have a description of him?”
“I don’t know,” Navy goes. “He was a fireball when we summoned him at my apartment. I didn’t get a good look at him.”
“Well,” Carly starts. “Zach looked at the article in the paper, and he said it’s a giant, furry, black creature. So, look for something furry and big, I guess.”
“And maybe glowing eyes,” adds Navy. “Demons usually have glowing eyes that pierce through the dark.” Carly gulps, wearing the face of fear with wide eyes.
Upstairs, the boys and warthog enter a big room littered with barrels and tables of broken beakers and equipment.
“Interesting place,” Niji utters, passing the large machines to get closer to Emmy. “Why would people abandon a laboratory and leave some of their things behind?”
“Obviously, something must’ve happened to force the scientists to leave,” Emmy answers. “What that might’ve been, I don’t really know.”
“I know, though…” Zach places his paw on the wall and leans on it. “Ten years ago, when I was eight, we went on a class field trip to this place… We were to learn about the wonders of science and technology for our outing… The whole group and I were in one room when something knocked glass beakers and test tubes over and spilled on the table, causing it to react with the other chemicals; my tail. The entire facility was in chaos… We had to evacuate and exit the building when a giant explosion ripped a hole in the place. The government deemed the laboratory unsafe and shut it down. Our trip only had begun that day, too, but it ended quickly. My classmates all hated me for that and refused to talk to me.” He puts his paws on his head. “It’s all coming back to me… All the kids calling me flawed fox and how awful I just am…”
Emmy walks up to the fox. “Hey… It was only an accident. You didn’t mean to knock over all of that stuff and destroy the whole place. Mistakes happen… We can’t erase them…”
“Funny you say that, Emmy… Considering you’re talking to one…”
“You’re not a mistake, Zach. So, what if Team Rescuers and Heroto doesn’t like you? Their opinion doesn’t matter, anyway. Ours does! And we all like you.”
As the warthog comforts the fox, the rainbow-haired wolf motions toward the pile of barrels situated in the corner. “Weird how scientists would abandon a lab and not take their chemicals with them.” He leans down and squints his eyes to read the label on one of them. “Danger. Handle with care. Avoid contact with skin and fur.” Niji tilts his head. “I wonder what’s so dangerous that they don’t want people touching.” He grabs the lid of one barrel and pulls it off the top. Looking inside, his eyes glisten and his mouth forms a small ‘o’ when staring at the colorful liquid settling in the container. “Oooh, rainbow! Ahhh!”
Emmy takes her hoof back from the fox’s stomach, and turns around. “All right, let’s get back to- Niji, what are you doing?”
“Look, guys!” Niji shouts, holding the rim of the barrel and lifting it up. “Rainbow liquid! It’s so pretty!”
The warthog ambles over to the wolf. “Niji, we shouldn’t be messing around with any of these strange chemicals. They could be dangerous.”
“I’m not messing with chemicals. I’m just looking at it.”
“Listen, we shouldn’t-” As she reaches for him, Niji moves away, holding the metal container in his grasp still. “Come on, Niji. Don’t be difficult.” Her hooves grab the other half of the rim. “Put it down!”
“No! My rainbow! Mine!”
“Niji, stop! I swear, you’re going to-” Emmy yanks hard with her might, which causes the force to pull her back and hit into a stack of metal barrels. “Cause an accident…” The containers tip over and fall to the ground, dumping their colorful contents out all over the warthog before flowing toward the wolf and fox. The three friends are knocked off their feet and swept away by the wave of rainbow fluids.
Back downstairs, the others stop in place as they hear the sloshing sounds above, as well as rushing liquid and their friends screaming.
“What’s going on up there?!” Carly spurts. “What’s happening?”
“Emmy, Zach, and Niji must be in trouble,” answers Eren. “Maybe they found the demon!”
“We should help them, then!” Silus shouts. He leads the three animals toward the staircase, only to stop after a few steps. They freeze to see rainbow liquid rushing down the stairs, carrying their three friends in it as it surges toward them. “Oh crud!”
“Yipe!” Carly turns and runs down the other way. The others are quick to follow, but the chemical flow swoops them off their feet and carries them into the room at the very end, piling the gang into a corner before settling. The friends remain sitting/lying in the puddles for a little bit, soaked by the rainbow water, then they each stand up, one-by-one, shaking off the remnants of the fluids.
“What the hell were you guys doing up there?!” Navy exclaims, looking at the warthog, wolf, and fox. “And what is all of this?!”
“Some sort of rainbow water,” explains Niji. “I don’t see why it’s dangerous, though.”
“Aw man!” Carly shakes off her paws. “Now I’m going to need a shower! Thanks a lot, Niji!” Niji frowns as he looks at her.
Zach, on the other hand, forms a smile on his face while he remains seated in the chemical. “For once, I’m actually quite happy it wasn’t me this time.”
“That was definitely something,” Silus adds, standing tall. He notices the deer staring and blushing at him. “Um, Babe, are you okay?” His husband remains silent, then he sees the others noticing his bare torso, slim and slightly muscular. “Where’s my shirt?” He then sees his apparel drifting in the liquid. Silus leans down to pick it up, only to see it soaked and ripped further. “Well, there goes my good shirt… No point wearing this anymore…”
“Eren, I am jealous,” Zach comments, staring at the shirtless newt. “Now, I really wish I had my own “Silus”. He’s so hot and handsome without his shirt.”
“Really?” asks Carly. “Didn’t take you to be the gay type, Zach. I always thought you were mostly into girls.”
“Bisexual,” he corrects her. “I’m bisexual. I am into anyone regardless of gender.”
“Well, after being completely soaked in rainbow, I still don’t see where Emmy’s demon is,” Niji utters. “In fact, I don’t think he’s even here. We should call it a day.” Everyone’s ears twitch upon hearing the sound of muffled voices outside and branches breaking. “What was that?”
“Someone’s here!” mutters Navy. “Could it be Team Rescuers and the authorities?!”
“Let’s get out of here, then,” Emmy states. The gang all bolt for the door where they came in, but soon halt in place to see shadows appear by the entrance. “Great, now what?”
“There’s an opening in the wall we passed to get in the chemical room,” Zach expresses. “We can go out that way!” He and the others scramble up the stairs and down the hallway to the giant, gaping hole in the wall. Silus picks up Eren with his hands and places him on his back, then he slides down the side. Zach does the same thing, carrying Emmy on his back. Niji falls off after running out. Silus puts Eren down quickly to catch the wolf.
“You’ve got to be joking!” yells Carly. “I’m not jumping down from here!”
“You’re a cat!” Navy tells her. “You’ll land on your feet perfectly!”
The cat turns to her. “What?!” The bird shoves her off before jumping herself and flapping her wings to slow her fall. Carly lands in the bushes nearby, which have cushioned her fall. Navy goes over and helps her up. “Never do that again!” The friends then scurry off, vacating the area and then disappearing into the brushes as a shadow looms over their route.
 The seven animals make their way through the forest and back into town, dripping wet with the rainbow liquid still soaking their bodies.
“Ugh, that went horribly,” Carly comments. “Not only were we walking around a creepy laboratory, but we also got soaked in some chemical…”
“I’ll need about ten baths a day just to get it out,” Silus adds.
“I’m kind of used to it,” Zach butts in. “I’ve been covered in way worse.” Navy asks him what he means. “Oh, mud, ketchup, tar, sewage water, coal dust… Yeah, the list keeps on going…”
“Aside from being soaked in that rainbow water, I thought it was kind of pretty,” remarks Niji. “The colors and all…”
“Well, the whole “search and capture” mission was all but a fail,” Emmy implies. “I was hoping we’d find that demon…”
“Hey…” Eren puts a paw on her shoulder. “We may not have found anything other than colored chemicals, but at least we all hung out together. That’s all that matters.” He smiles.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to head home immediately,” says Navy. “A little shower and freshening up is what I need.” The others agree before parting. Eren turns to Silus, still staring at his exposed torso.
Silus takes notice of him. “Like the view, Darling?” Nothing comes out of Eren’s mouth. The newt then scoops him up in his arms and carries him. “I guess we’ll be in the bath together, tonight.” He starts walking with the deer in his clutches. “Come along, Zach.”
“Just a minute,” Zach tells them. “I’ll meet you at the house.” As the two boys head off, the fox steps toward the warthog, who remains still and lets out a sigh. “You okay, Emmy?”
Emmy pivots to him. “Huh? Oh, I’m fine… I’m just disappointed… I wasn’t just hoping to catch the demon to stop Team Rescuers from finding him, but I was also really excited I’d get to see the very thing I summoned. I really wanted to get close to him if I could.”
“W-what? Why would you want to be close with a demon? What’s wrong with us?”
“It’s really more of a “not-being-single” thing… Zach, there’s nothing wrong with you guys as my friends. It’s just sometimes, I’m just so sick of being lonely… and I feel like no one wants to date a short, weird warthog like me…”
“I understand…” Zach places a paw on her back. “I’m sorry things didn’t go as planned for you. I don’t know why anybody wouldn’t want to date you, though. You’re not a bad person; you’re a sweet, talented young lady who’s different like me. If anything, I’d say you’re someone I’m glad I’m close with.”
Emmy shifts her head back at him, tears streaming from her eyes with a smile. “You know what, the whole demon hunt doesn’t matter. I don’t need a demon date when I have you and the others. I’m just glad I get to hang out with everyone.” She throws herself forward to hug the fox. Zach smiles as he squeezes her in his arms. When they part, she looks up at him. “Thank you, Zach… Um, I should get back home before my mom and jerk of a stepdad get worried, and wash these chemicals off. Don’t want them getting concerned.”
“Can I walk with you?” Emmy asks him why. “Can’t friends walk together and enjoy each other’s company? Also, I have a feeling Silus and Eren are going to occupy the bathroom for a while, considering they are quite “dirty”.”
Emmy chuckles slightly. “I guess it’s okay.” She walks down the sidewalk with the fox alongside her as they head into further in town. From afar, a pair of glowing eyes pierce through the foliage and watch the friends as they amble away. @emmy-the-absolute-goof​ @carlycmarathecat​ @ask-choro-mama​ @rainbow-strike​ @pink-unicorn-blood​
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drferox · 7 years
20 Questions with Dr Ferox #14
Another mixed bag of 20 questions and comments from you Vetlings. I hope I’m not overloading you with answers lately. Many of these questions and comments pertain to posts made earlier in the week.
Anonymous said: Dumb question but do you draw? I looked at the FAQ and realised most of the questions have been vet stuff so I wanted to ask something non-vety... If you do draw, can we see an art?
Unfortunately i do not effectively draw, and I’m profoundly jealous of those that can. I can manage an unconvincing kidney or an overly complicated scribble on an endocrine system, but they are better described as ‘a spider falling into ink and having a seizure across the paper’ than ‘art’.
Anonymous said: Talking about drug seeking behavior: My mom use to work in a human urgent care and once a lady walked in saying she's new to town and doesn't have a vet yet but her poodle has SEVERE anxiety and NEEDS some kind of drug to help the dog and the poodle just happen to weigh as much as the lady. What a coincidence. Needless to say she didn't get drugs.
Rightfully so. What sort of poodle weight as much as a grown woman? That’s a poorly thought out ruse if ever I saw one. That said, I’ve had someone come into the clinic and ask to take home a syringe full of euthanasia solution for their dog at home, which happened to be human sized. We firmly declined.
@ jbbarnes-rogers said: I wanted to say that I really liked hat you compared surgery to hand sewing :^). I've always wanted to be a surgeon or a vet but gave up on that when I was in middle school because I inherited my mother's shaky hands, but I'm pretty proud of my ability to sew.
It’s a fair comparison for soft tissue surgery, which is the more common surgery. Facial surgery takes a little more finesse, but orthopedic surgery is more like carpentry.
Anonymous said: My cat, Arrow, has been with us for about 10 years and she's got a few adorable habits. When she's sleepy, you can pick her up and move her somewhere else and she'll remain purring and not be disturbed even slightly. She also seems to have figured out petting, somewhat; when she wants you to pet her she'll raise her paw and slowly claw your arm until you start petting. She doesn't seem to realise we don't like claws, but she never tries to hurt us or deliberately break skin. She's a good kitty.
All kitties are good kitties, according to their own definition.
Anonymous said: My cat really likes to eat grass. Is that ok for her?
If it’s not sprayed with anything then eating a little bit of grass is probably fine. Some cats just like to chew it, some like the novel taste or texture. A little bit wont hurt her.
@thisoleking said: ive known the issues with the Scottish fold breed for quite some time, however id like to know if Scottish straights are generally of better health?
I’d never heard them called ‘Scottish Straights’ before this site. I’m sure there’s a joke to be made from that name somewhere. They lack the gene for osteochondrodysplasia but are equally likely to develop the genetic heart and kidney diseases.
@ vilkasdaina said: Do the American Curl cats have the same risk as the Scottish Fold because of their ears?
If you mean whether they also get osteochondrodysplasia, then it doesn’t appear to be so at this stage. This s a relatively new breed though, and I’m yet to see one in Australia, so will await further data.
@dracus16 said: Quick question: what does feeding a cat a banana do?
Quick answer: You will have fed it a banana.
It eats a whole bunch of starch and potassium that won’t do any harm to a normal cat. It’s far from a balanced diet, but the occasional banana nibble doesn’t concern me.
Anonymous said: Why does eating too well cause so many problems in horses?
Someone who’s still studying this can go into more details, but asides from potentially getting colic from either pasture which is too lush, or stomach ulcers from feed which is too rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, horses (and ponies) that are fat are at increased risk of laminitis, where their hoof can basically fall off.
@lunalcvegoocl said: Hi! Thankyou for all your advice and time and effort you put into this blog! I had a check out of previously answered questions but i dont think youve answered anything along these lines before! My pregnant dog (she is in her second term, getting regular vet check ups) has recently started going mad whenever there are certain foods around, foods she has never bothered about before, also foods that are poisons to her, chocolate is one of the biggest reactions, is it like the dog version of cravings? we have kept her on her regular food, the vet recommended one, yet while she has never begged before she will now growl and bark and whine if anyone has anything (like chocolate, or weirdly, eggs and cheese) that she wants. Is this normal or should we be worrying about her not having all her proper vitamins needed? do you know if theyre any way to find out what it is she is lacking in? (she is a shih tzu, just turned 4 years old, this is her only litter)
You can get blood levels for various vitamins and minerals checked (they’re expensive though), but I would suspect this is more likely behavioural, especially because she’s after chocolate and it’s easy to ‘spoil’ a dog who’s pregnant for the first time. I wouldn’t give in to her, especially with regard to teh chocolate.
Anonymous said: I know breeders would never let it happen, but what would you think about making the puggle the new pug? Their faces are still a little smushy but at least they have an actual visual nose, and they get also get more proportional legs from the beagle as well. I just think any pug/English bulldog/etc are unethical to breed since, ya know, they literally can't breathe, and they need to figure something out, and for pugs making the puggle the actual pug might be a solution?
A pug x beagle is not a ‘new pug’. While such a cross reduces some problems, It’s not going to solve all of them and is a lazy, short term solution. This is particularly the case if you have breed standards, and public desire, striving towards a flatter and flatter face.
I have talked about this before here.
What I personally would like to see is new gene infusions from multiple suitable breeds, then back crossing those mixes to pug lines, selecting for better faces, hips and spines. This will take a global effort and a lot of work to organize, but it would be the best long term solution.
Anonymous said: Hey Dr Ferox, I was wondering, how often have you seen yellow cats aka cats with yellow nose, gums, inner-ears etc.? One of our own turned to that shade and, without going into detail, he couldn't be helped. Just wondering if it's a common occurrence. As for the question tax: came for the breed evaluations, stayed for the fantasy biology and vet stories. I like reading your posts that come by on my dash!
I don’t see really yellow cats very often (they look like their blood has been flooded with yellow highlighter), but I have about a 50:50 track record for getting them to survive. By the time they’re that jaundiced, the poor things are very, very sick.
@phenolphthaleinfuchsia said: Do you find that cats that started their lives as strays tend to get more health problems later in life even if they are kept inside once they are adopted? My mom thinks it's true based on the four cats we've had but I'm not convinced. Her argument is they are exposed to more pathogens outside that could lurk in their bodies and cause problems later in life. And question tax: what did you choose as your first starter Pokemon?
I tend not to see this. For young kittens their main problems from being strays are parasites and malnutrition, which you can correct with some parasite treatment and good tucker. Older cats may have picked up viral infections, FIV and Feline Leukaemia being the most important too, but if they have avoided these specific diseases then they’re pretty hardy. Pedigree cattery cats may avoid the malnutrition, but they’re not guaranteed to be free of these diseases, and it’s common to see them with cat flu, so they’re not notably better off.
Anonymous said: Do you recommend getting pet insurance? Specifically, do you recommend getting it for sighthounds?
I recommend everyone have a financial plan for if their pet ever gets sick, and for most people that’s insurance. However, I’m not a financial adviser so I don’t recommend any brand in particular.
Anonymous said: Does heat effect the gender of all reptile eggs, or is it just for some reptiles?
I’m not a herpetologist, but firstly reptiles don’t have a gender, they have a sex. In many species it has been determined that temperature does play a role in skewing the percentages of either sex (pH and other water parameters can do this in fish too). Wikipedia has a good starting article.
Anonymous said: Do you get foxtails in Australia? Inspired by a very recent incident in which my cat got a foxtail in his eye.
Yes, we have that type of grass seed, but we don’t often use that name. They’re just a grass seed or an *expletive* grass seed.
@ mushymaman said: Do you often see working animals such as seeing-eye dogs or therapy pets or even police dogs or horses? Have you made any observations regarding them? I assume that they have to be especially well for their jobs and I always wondered what vets think of animals being relied on for important tasks.
The police usually have their own vets they prefer, but I see the occasional guide dog or seeing eye dog. They have a few extra challenges when it comes to medicating them, because instructions like “administer half a mil” is a challenge when you’re vision impaired.
I have treated a custom’s dog before, and had to write him a medical certificate to excuse him from work while he was healing after surgery.
Anonymous said: Can cats crack their knuckles? My cat uses his teeth to pull at his toes very hard when he's cleaning them, and I can hear an audible "pop" sound before he lets go. He does each toe very methodically. There are no wounds/scratches on close examination, touching and handling the toes produces no pain reaction, he is not limping or showing any sort of injury. Vet check reveals nothing out of ordinary. He does it about twice a day for all the toes. I've honestly never seen anything like this before
It’s possible, you could technically ‘crack’ any articular joint. I suppose he might also be cleaning his claws, but I can’t really speculate more than that.
Anonymous said: Going anon because I speak for all of us vetlings on a very important matter.  May I politely demand more Trash Bag?
If you’re willing to come to my house and tell the little scamp to sit still more often for his photos, then sure. He’s a constantly moving target.
@ actual-dullahan said:  A little "question tax" if you will, heh! If you could live in any video game for a day, what game would it be and why?
That’s an interesting and difficult question because video games either have very short days or lots of bad things happen and you’re likely to die
While there is a certain appeal to survival games where literally all you’re expected to do is find yourself some food and not annoy the monsters, I would probably choose the Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time. I’m still hugely fond of that game from my childhood, it was very pretty and the danger levels were manageable. And it was just pretty and peaceful a lot of the time.
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askdawnandvern · 7 years
A Lamb Among Wolves Chap:13
Chapter Thirteen: Breakfast Battleground
Dawn had spent a good twenty or so minutes tending to her tousled poof, making sure that it didn't sag anywhere before she applied her usual make-up. Under normal circumstances, that would have been enough for the day ahead. However, thanks to the early visit of her remnant estrus, she was going have to do her best to both cover her scent and try to minimize it's production or else she'd risk driving her mate crazy. Not to say that the ewe was any better off at the whim of her own gnarling urges. If she wasn't careful, it would be very easy to give in, and pull Vernon along with her, or cave to his persistence should she not keep the pheromones in check. Sadly the ewe hadn't brought much in the way of perfume, at least nothing strong enough to mask pheromone production. She had always been the kind of mammal to believe that when it came to perfume you needed a light touch. But now she was wishing she was the kind of mammal who doused themselves with the contents of a perfume store. At least then she'd have a ton of the stuff at her disposal.
"You all right in there Honey Lamb?" She could hear Vernon on the other side of the door. Clutching the lone bottle of 'Ewenique' perfume tightly in her hooves, she haphazardly began to spritz herself all over in an effort to cover up the scent. She had nearly drained half the bottle of the floral scented essences before placing it back on the sink and opening the large bathroom door. Vernon was leaning against the frame with a worried look on his face.
Dawn spread her arms out and closed her eyes as she gestured expectantly to the wolf.
"Well?" Dawn asked.
"It's still there." Vernon whined.
"Mutton Chops!" Dawn cursed, flopping her arms lamely to her side. Briskly she turned back to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.
"What now?" She heard Vernon mutter from behind the door.
It was then and idea popped into Dawn's head. It was both instantaneously brilliant while also absurdly cruel, at least it would be to Vernon. Dawn was reluctant to pose the idea, but she was out of options.
"Vernon, does your Mother wear perfume?" Dawn asked.
"Yes, bu-" Vernon's reply seemed to stop dead in it's tracks.
"Dawn." Vernon murmured. "That's, I mean. Jeeze I'm going to need therapy." Vernon whined.
"Well then you'll need therapy!" Dawn huffed. "Luckily for you I know a good Doctor, now please ask your Mom for her perfume!"
"What do I even say we need it for!?" The wolf spat back.
"An emergency!" The ewe replied.
Dawn could hear the wolf grumbling and whining, the sound fading as he presumably went off in search of Audrey. The ewe crossed her arms, sitting on the nearest toilet as she waited for Vernon's return. It was a solid plan. Smelling like Audrey would definitely make Vernon shy away from her, and as long as she tried her hardest at keeping her pheromones to a minimum they would make it through the day just fine. But internally, she worried about the amount of mental scarring that Vernon would experience thanks to the association of smells. He might not even want to touch her months afterwards, but it was better than risking the entire Hunter clan hearing them mate. The embarrassment alone would be impossible to live down, let alone the trouble it could cause among the family.
"D-Dawn?" Vernon murmured.
"Did you get it?" Dawn hopped off the toilet.
"Y-yeah but-"
"Then give it to me Puppy!" Dawn yelped as she threw open the door.
The wolf looked pitiful, a mixture of mortified and miserable. His ears sagged sharply as he whimpered.
"Phrasing!" Vernon hissed.
Dawn could see a purple tinted spray bottle in his paws, and clasped her hooves tightly around it. However the wolf wouldn't let it go. Dawn looked up at the weary looking wolf.
"D-do we have to-"
"Vernon, we do." Dawn said. "Now please give me the bottle."
With a heavy sigh, Vernon released his grip allowing Dawn to pull the bottle into the bathroom and close the door. Dawn wiped a thumb over the label, reading the swirly script softly to herself.
"Winter's Moon." She muttered.
"Y-y'know, I don't think we need it." Vernon mumbled from behind the door. "I can keep it together wi-"
Dawn ignored the wolf, giving the bulb atomizer several squeezes. The scent was heavy on the lavender, with maybe a hint of something like amber. The ewe couldn't fully place it, but it was at the very least a pleasant scent. Once she was satisfied that she was thoroughly covered, the ewe opened the bathroom door again.
Vernon was now slumped on the floor with a wary look in his eyes as the lamb approached. She handed off the bottle to the forlorn wolf before raising her arms again expectantly.
"How about now?" Dawn asked.
Vernon shook his head, letting out a whine. "Sweet Sawgrass, you smell just like her...ugh." The wolf recoiled.
Dawn gave Vernon a soft pat on the head.
"I'm so sorry Puppy." She cooed. "But I had too."
The wolf simply whined in response.
"Don't worry, I'll wash it off later." Dawn reached out to the wolf again only for him to pull away. Vernon quickly rose to his feet, turning away from the ewe.
"Let's just get breakfast." The wolf muttered, taking a few steps forward. " And don't stand too close until the smell weakens a bit. It's real unsettling."
Dawn began to follow the wolf, doing her best to mind his words as she kept a few paces behind him. It wasn't a pretty solution, and she hated to put Vernon in such a position, but for now it at least was working.
By the time they had reached the kitchen Dawn could hear a rising din of voices and clattering dishware. It was a loud, raucous clamor that immediately put the ewe's nerves on edge and brought her mind back to the new task at hoof. Dawn didn't know exactly what she was walking into. Just around the doorframe she would be faced with a whole bunch of strange mammals, most of whom already reservations about the lamb and her presence. On top of that, Dorian was most likely there as well to make the situation that much more awkward and intense. She was nearly ready to turn tail back to the bathroom in order to hide when the delectable aroma of hot pancakes caressed her nose. Her stomach groaned in response, effectively blanking her mind of the sudden fear in exchange for gnarling hunger. The scent was now aiding to pull her along as she followed closely behind her mate.
"That smell..." She murmured dreamily as the two entered the dining room. The sound of chattering voices was now booming, and the noise caused Dawn to linger slightly farther behind the edge of the door frame as nervousness began to creep back up despite the sweet scent.
"That'd be Ma's pumpkin flapjacks." Vernon replied.
"Best in the county!" Audrey yelped over the din. The she-wolf quickly sidled up along the pair as they stood in the door frame. Audrey extended her paw out to Vernon expectantly. The wolf passed the familiar purple bottle back to the She-wolf.
Audrey eyed it curiously, seemingly taking stock in just how much had been used.
"T-thanks for the help Ma." Vernon mumbled.
"Well I don't know what 'emergency' ya'll needed this for, but yer welcome Puppy." Audrey said, reaching up to give Vernon's hair a tousle.
"HEY, THE RUNT'S HERE!" A sudden voice loudly exclaimed. It was quickly followed by a whooping laugh.
Dawn watched as Vernon's ears immediately flattened against his head. The wolf grimaced sharply as he stared across the room beyond Dawn's line of sight. The ewe took a deep breath before poking her head around the edge of the door to fully take stock of the packed dining room. Now she could see everyone, a nearly packed house of mammals save for what looked to be Zach, Vanna, and much to Dawn's relief Dorian. At the far end of the table in what the ewe assumed to be Dorian's usual chair now sat a jet black wolf with piercing yellow eyes. He wore a brownish-red somewhat aged looking jacket with a multitude of clips and chains on it. The wolf was leaned forward expectantly as he grinned back at Vernon.
"Yuri..." Vernon grumbled.
Standing just next to the dark wolf was what Dawn now assumed to be the source of the odd laugh she had heard. The large female hyena stood with a paw over her mouth, still stifling giggles as she eyed the wolf next to her. Her striking green eyes stood out amid the sea of speckled browns, grays, and blacks that dappled her pelt. And her long mane of hair was toned in a perfect split of pure black and cloudy grey. It pulled to one side, exposing a portion of her scalp she had seemingly purposely shaved down to the pelt line. She had a similar jacket to Yuri's, except it matched the wolf's pelt in it's darkness.
"C'mon now Yuri, can't we go five minutes of Vern showing up without you picking on him?" Another unfamiliar wolf interjected. The wolf's fur was strikingly white much like Dorian's, but he had sharp blue eyes unlike his Father. His hair tuft was styled similar to that of Vernon's, except it seemed to be more springy, standing higher than Vernon's own stalks. The wolf was dressed in a baggy blue almost military styled jacket that had 'Burrows District Trooper' written on chest, with a grey sweater underneath. He had laid his utensils down as he eyed the darker wolf in disapproval.
"You rather I make fun of you Trent?" Yuri sneered. "After all, you are the real Puppy in the family!"
The white wolf scoffed before picking up his knife and fork again.
"But Vernon's special, cause he'll always be the runt!" The black wolf hissed, pointing his butter knife at Vernon.
Vernon let out a groan.
"Just ignore him like always." Trenton said to Vernon, before shoving a slice of flapjacks into his mouth. "That mouth of his is only good for things going in it, not for what comes out."
Yuri let out a barking laugh. "No way!" He chortled. "I'd say that's more Xavier's bag." The wolf leered across the table at another rather stern looking wolf. The wolf had a similar fur pattern to Vernon's, however the white patches had seemed to creep further out into his pelt, making him appear almost half white and half grey. His cold grey eyes glared at the black wolf in irritation as he adjusted his small spectacles. The wolf looked like he came from a career of high distinction, wearing a suit jacket and sweater that reminded Dawn of Dr. Gnu's style of dress.
"Oh, yes, let's start in with the gay jokes." The wolf muttered. "It's not like I haven't heard all of them a million times over." The wolf daintily took a bite of his own pancakes. "I swear, your obsession with what Malcolm and myself do in private says more about you than me." Xavier flashed Yuri a smug smirk.
"He's just jealous Darlin'." Said the huskier, green eyed wolf seated next to Xavier. The chubby red wolf took a few pancakes from one of the stacks on the center of the table. He was still dressed in an apron on top of a button down shirt that featured a few smatterings of batter on it, leading Dawn to believe he had been helping Mrs. Hunter prepare the food that now lay before them. His hair tuft was in immaculate shape, perfectly coiffed and parted down the middle.
"He wishes Ada could cook like me!" Malcolm laughed.
A snort came from the Hyena still standing next to Yuri. "Yeah, I'd probably boin the whole kitchen down if I looked at da oven da wrong way."
Dawn had almost completely lost herself in the scene playing out before her. Her nerves and fears dying down in the face of the conversation that was going on. She was simply observing from a safe distance, much like a trip to the aquarium or the reptile house.
"Hey, who's that?" The question came from a small white fox seated next to Trenton. The purple hoodie wearing vixen stood in her seat, pointing her own butter knife Dawn's way as she squinted her one visible amethyst eye at the ewe. The other seemed to be almost entirely covered by a messy tuft of hair. With all the commotion, Dawn hadn't realized she had slowly been leaning further and further out of the door frame. Now she was simply standing in the open doorway, and the other mammals eyes had all turned to the fully exposed ewe.
"Eep!" Dawn yelped before scurrying behind Vernon. She clasped the wolf's pant leg tightly as she braced herself for whatever was coming. Dawn looked up at Vernon fearful and pleadingly. Now that she was in the thick of it, she really didn't want to be there. The basement suddenly seemed a lot more homier and welcoming than she had considered it to be the day before. She wasn't ready, and she was looking to her mate for an out. Instead however, Vernon gave her a warm smile before placing his paws on her shoulders and guiding her out in front of him.
The ewe now stood before the assembled wolves and other mammals, their eyes focused intently on the new arrival.
"This is Dawn." Vernon said firmly. "She's my mate."
The faces in front of her bore a mixture of non-verbal reactions. Some surprised, some confused, Yuri however looked surprisingly pleased with himself, and there was another wolf Dawn didn't know who looked utterly terrified. The dark grey wolf's yellow eyes were wide as saucers. As the wolf dramatically rose from his seat and stabbed a finger in her direction, Dawn could see his black tee-shirt bearing what appeared to  be a pyramid made up of a bunch of sheep.
"THAT'S DAWN BELLWETHER!" The wolf yelped in shock. The other mammals eyed him briefly before turning their attention back to Dawn and Vernon. Dawn looked up at Vernon nervously, but the wolf simply crossed his arms as he stared back at the others.
"Yeah," Vernon said. "And?"
The wolf continued to point, stabbing his finger out several more times as if to accentuate a point.
"She's part of the conspiracy!" The wolf hissed before grabbing at his shirt. He pulled the graphic forward shaking it at the others. "The sheep conspiracy to take control of EVERYONE'S MINDS!"
The attention remained on the seemingly beleaguered wolf. Dawn meanwhile, was feeling deathly ill. Despite the sweet smell of flapjacks in the air, her stomach had completely soured.
"THE NIGHT HOWLERS!" The wolf pleaded! "SHE DID THE NIGHT HOWLERS!" He sputtered.
"ULRIC WOULD YOU SHUT YER TRAP!" Trenton stood up and snarled at the grey wolf. Ulric sunk quickly back into his seat. "We know who she is."
Vernon took a step forward, placing Dawn slightly behind him and holding a paw over her protectively.
"She also saved the city and nearly killed herself doin' it." Vernon said. "So if ya'll got any problems I expect you to take 'em up with me." Vernon bared his teeth at the assembled mammals. With that, Audrey stepped in between the pair and the table.
"And I'd like it if you would all make her feel as welcomed as possible." Audrey added.
The reactions were a mixture of shrugs and nods before the mammals all returned to their plates. Ulric however was still shaking, eyeing the couple with a mix of fear and suspicion. As for Yuri, the wolf had leaned forward over his plate again, smiling almost sinisterly.
"Well, you want me to make her feel like part of the family or you want me to kiss ass?" The wolf sneered. "Cause you ain't a part of this family if you can't take a little heat. Teeth to tails Vernon can barely take a little teasing and he's practically an omega because of it."
"YURI!" Audrey snarled. "WE DO NOT USE THAT WORD IN THIS HOUSE!" The she-wolf stared daggers at him. For the first time Dawn could see the wolf seemingly shaken, his nasty demeanor faltered slightly under his mother's glare. The wolf leaned back into his seat as he crossed his arms. The wolf let out a huff.
"Whatever." Yuri hissed.
"WHAT WAS THAT YOUNG MAN!?" Audrey began to walk toward the wolf, and Dawn could see an immediate flare of terror flash behind his eyes. The wolf recoiled defensively.
"I -I mean!" His voice was shaking slightly. "S-sorry Ma!"
Ada let out another cackle, slapping Yuri on the back as the wolf's muzzle curled up in annoyance.
Audrey stopped mid-step, flashing the other wolves a smug smile before turning back to Dawn and Vernon.
"Well, I already set up seats for you two, so please help yourselves." The she-wolf grinned as she bent down to Dawn's level. "And don't you worry none, I'll be here the whole time. I'll be doin' my damndest to keep that Pup in check." She gave Yuri another glare, and the wolf quickly looked down to his own plate.
With that, Audrey made her way to her own seat, and sat back down as the normal clamor of the meal returned. It took a few moments for Dawn to realize that the spotlight was finally off her. The topic had traveled so quickly to the worst of her crimes and then suddenly everything had seemingly returned to normal. Her head still felt like it was reeling as she was beginning to grapple with the fact that for the most part the rest of the Hunters didn't really seem to care about what Ulric had said.
"Honey Lamb?" Dawn looked up to find Vernon staring down at her with concern. "Ya'll right?" He added.
Dawn gave a meek, reluctant nod.
"W-well then let's sit down and get some food in us huh?" Vernon added. "I can introduce you to everyone once we sit down."
Vernon reached out a paw, beckoning Dawn to take with a sheepish grin.
Dawn, still somewhat shell-shocked, took Vernon's paw involuntarily. She only seemed to recover her full senses as she found herself being lead around Audrey at the other head of the table. The arctic fox in purple was eyeing her curiously as she and Vernon neared the vacant chairs next to her. She was seated on a similar, albeit somewhat smaller stack of phone books much like Dawn had been the day before.  Dawn could see another stack of books in the chair right next to her, clearly intended for her. However, before the ewe could say anything Vernon quickly slid the books into the chair closer to Audrey and sat in the now vacant spot, effectively cutting off Dawn's view of the mysterious fox.
Still holding Dawn's hoof, Vernon helped the ewe make her way onto the phone book stack and carefully seat herself. Dawn made herself comfortable as best as she could, but she couldn't bring herself to raise her head. Instead she simply focused on the empty plate sitting right in front of her.
"Dawn?" Vernon's voice came from the seat next to her, however she couldn't bring herself to look away from the dishware.
"Y-yes?" Dawn muttered quietly.            "Ya'll right Lamb Fry?" Dawn could hear a hint of worry in the wolf's voice, causing her to wince.
"I-I'm okay." She mumbled.
"Because you're still clasping my paw like you're holdin' on for dear life." Vernon whispered.
Dawn quickly turned to find Vernon had leaned in to quietly bring up what she was unwittingly doing. Looking down at their connected hands she could see her own hoof squeezing his paw tightly. Dawn quickly released her grip, blushing furiously as she went back to staring at her plate.
"And ya ain't looking up." Vernon added in another whisper.
"I-I know." Dawn murmured quietly. In truth she was scared to. She was certain every member of the Hunter family was staring at her, and was too petrified to confirm it. If that was the case she imagined she'd just completely freeze up, unable to say a single word.
"I-I" She mumbled.
A wet 'plap' finally broke her focus on the plate as it suddenly filled with a small stack of orange tinted pancakes. Out of reflex Dawn looked up to find it was Audrey who had placed them there.
"There ya go Darlin'." The she-wolf said, placing the large platter of flapjacks back in the center of the table. "Save ya having to reach out for 'em." She said with a broad smile.
Dawn immediately smiled back before realizing she was now looking out across the table. She was about to return to staring at her meal when she realized that she had been wrong. Not a single wolf at the table seemed to be staring. Instead they were all still buried in their various piles of cooked batter and coffee.
"Syrup?" Audrey asked. She was now holding a small ewer filled with a thick amber liquid. She tilted it back and forth playfully causing the amber syrup to slowly slosh from side to side in the container.
Dawn gave a brisk shake of her head as the fear of being the center of attention and ire began to fade.
"Y-yes please." Dawn said, adjusting her glasses as she smiled more confidently.
As she she-wolf began to pour some syrup on Dawn's pancakes the ewe was becoming more aware of her surroundings. Without the sudden panic clouding her mind, she began to note the wolves seated around her. At the head of the table to her right was Audrey, and across from her she could see Wade. That coupled with Vernon taking the spot on her left had essentially formed a protective enclave around the ewe. Now she knew why Vernon had swapped seats with her. Another protective gesture by the wolf to create a little wall of safety around her. The only other wolf that was still directly in her line of sight that she didn't know anything more than the name of was Malcolm. The red wolf was seated next to Wade, but seemed to be more focused on scooping flapjacks onto his plate than the ewe.
"There you are Darlin', all set." Audrey said as stopped drizzling syrup on the orange hotcakes. By now the warm and luxurious scent had drawn the ewe back to the contents of the plate. Dawn licked her muzzle reflexively as she eyed the syrup covered cakes.
"T-thank you Mrs. Hu-" Dawn stopped to correct herself. "Audrey."
"No problem Darlin'." The wolfess grinned as she turned back to her own plate and began to dig in.
Taking a page from the other wolves, and unable to resist the sweet scent any longer, Dawn cut herself a slice of syrup soaked pancake and quickly popped it into her mouth. The flavor was almost indescribable, and the ewe nearly bit her own tongue as her taste buds tingled with pleasure. Without saying another word Dawn was quickly on her second and third bites, letting out a few pleasurable moans as she chewed.
"H-hey, Hey!" Vernon suddenly drew Dawn's attention back to the wolf at her side. His expression was one of clear anxiety. "T-take it easy Honey Lamb." The wolf pulled at his shirt collar. "D-Don't uh, don't want to eat that too fast or ya might choke."
Dawn eyed him quizzically for a moment. Vernon was opening his eyes wide, flicking his eyebrows up and down clearly trying to convey some sort of message to her that she wasn't getting.
"Yer' moanin'." Vernon whispered as he leaned in, causing the ewe to blush furiously as she returned to staring down at her plate. In the ecstasy of the warm and sticky breakfast playing on her tongue she had almost completely forgotten about the pheromone problem. Dawn gulped sharply as she slowly and cautiously returned to her meal, now actively trying to savor it just a little bit less.
"How is it Darlin'?" Audrey asked, getting Dawn's attention again.
The ewe looked up, still in mid-chew of another scrumptious bite of the savory cakes.
Dawn gave a terse nod of approval. "S'good." She said through her chewing. Dawn winced at her own terrible table manners before taking a hard gulp of the chewed food.
"I m-mean it's great. T-thank you." Dawn stammered. "Sorry."
Audrey chuckled. "S'alright Darlin. I know yer nervous." The wolfess said as she to another bite of her own meal. "Just relax and try to enjoy the meal.".
The ewe gave a sheepish smile as she cut another slice of her own stack of hotcakes. Glancing over at Vernon, her smile widened the wolf seemed to be enjoying his food as well. However, it was at that moment Dawn noticed that once again the arctic fox was staring at her. This time she was leaning around Vernon as the wolf hunched over his plate. The second the two made eye contact, the vixen immediately withdrew behind Vernon's frame.
"Would you knock it off Quails." Dawn heard another voice murmur from behind Vernon.
Dawn could see Vernon swallow hard before sitting straight up and glancing toward the couple to his left. With the wolf sitting straight, Dawn could see further down the table as the white wolf she had heard called Trenton leaned into her sight line.
"Welp, I might as well be the one to start." She heard the white wolf say, running a paw over his scalp as he looked directly at her and Vernon.
"Howdy Ms. Bellwether. I'm Trenton Hunter." The wolf gave a weak wave of his paw, his arm never leaving the table.
Dawn watched as he reached out behind the chair that Vernon seemed to be blocking before dragging the arctic fox from before out into view. The fox looked terribly embarrassed as Trenton held her in Dawn's line of sight.
"And this lookie-loo here is my mate Qali Pelagere, whose sorry fer staring."
The white fox grinned sheepishly as she held up a paw, flicking her fingers in an uneasy wave.
"Sorry. I-I um." The fox stuttered. "Nice to meet you."
Dawn gave a meek nod. "N-nice to meet you too."
"Oh thank you for breaking the ice!" Dawn's attention suddenly turned to the red wolf seated across from her. Malcolm looked almost gleeful. "It felt so awkward after Ulric's outburst! I had no idea what to say!"
"How about your name for starters Dear." The bespectacled wolf next to Malcolm adjusted his glasses as he spoke.
Malcolm practically lunged across the table. The wolf was seemingly unaware of the stack of pancakes he had leaned across in the center of the table to extend a paw toward the ewe. Dawn reflexively shrank away at the sudden movement, but the wolf was grinning broadly, seeming not to notice her initial reaction.
"The name's Malcolm Hackett!" The red wolf's eyes flicked back and forth between the ewe and his extended paw, gesturing with increasing vigor for her to take it.
Dawn meekly extended a hoof only to have Malcolm snap it up in his paw in an instant, giving it a excited shake so turbulent it left the ram rattling in her seat.
"Malcolm Dear, while I love your enthusiasm you are clearly scaring the lamb." The well dressed wolf was now leaning on his paws as he eyed the spectacle taking place across the table. "Forgive my mate Ms. Bellwether, he's quite energetic and often forgets to mind others personal space. Also Darling, you're leaning in the pancakes."
Malcolm quickly released his grip, leaning back into his seat with a blush. "Sorry Ms. Bellwether." The wolf grinned sheepishly as wiped smushed pancakes off the apron he was wearing. Malcolm gave the wolf next him a playful elbow as he grinned. "Good thing I was wearin' mah apron already huh?"
Xavier dipped his head down, shaking it dismissively as he sighed.
"My name is Xavier Hunter." The wolf straightened back up, extending his own paw across the table. Dawn meekly reached out and shook it. His handshake was more gentle yet firm, something that he seemed well practiced in. It reminded Dawn of the type of mammals she used to deal with as the Assistant Mayor.
"Y-you can call me Dawn." She replied as the broke the shake.
"Good, then you can just call me Xavier, no need for formalities here." Xavier replied as he adjusted his glasses.
Dawn smiled timidly.
"I'm Ada Dabu! 'Course you can call me Ada, or Addy, or Dabs."  Dawn turned to see the hyena standing near the jet black wolf was the one talking. "Nice ta meet ya lamb chops." The hyena let out another cackle, but quickly covered her muzzle as if it an accident.
Trenton leaned forward again. "You'll have to forgive Ada, she has an abysmal sense of humor."
"Pft!" The large hyena turned her back to the table as she crossed her arms. " Not my fault you guys just don't get me!"
"Is that why you laugh at your own jokes?" Vernon asked, stuffing another slice of pancakes into his mouth.
"Or Yuri's brand of 'humor'?" Trenton mused. "Or statements, questions, or really random things half the time?"
Ada shook her head dismissively. " Eh rut all of ya's! You know I can't 'help the yelp' sometimes." The Hyeness shrugged. "It's a tic."
"And since they probably won't introduce themselves..." Xavier trailed off as he pointed his butter knife toward the shuddering wolf seated by him. It was the first one of the Hunter's Dawn could say was really staring at her, although seemingly more from fear than anger or hate.
"This whimpering little mess of wolf is Ulric. He's a professional, how do you say, wackjob?" Xavier concluded.
Ulric seemed to straighten up in his seat, although still twitching slightly. He snarled at Xavier.
"Hey! I'm a truth seeker!" He hissed. "You guys are so sheepwashed!"
Xavier gave the wolf a bop on the nose, causing him to recoil slightly as Xavier pointed a fork back in Dawn's direction.
"Could you please mind yourself in front of the lamb you dolt?" Xavier said sternly. "She's a guest, and you should respect that."
"B-B-B-" The wolf stammered.
"Sorry Dawn." The ewe turned to the wolf sitting next to her. Vernon's ears were sagging as he gestured to the fidgety dark grey wolf. "My brother firmly believes that sheep are responsible for everything that goes on in the world. Part of some secret society or somethin'." Vernon muttered. "It's not you specifically."
"O-okay?" Dawn said, utterly confused as to what to make of the wolf's words.
"Oh yeah! Not her specifically!" Ulric laughed oddly. "Not like the Blackwool's haven't been trying to take over the world since the dawn of time!" The wolf began to rifle through his pockets, quickly raising his phone in the air triumphantly. "If you guys would just look at the documentation I can pro-OW!"
Xavier ribbed the twitchy wolf hard enough that he dropped his phone directly on to his un-eaten food. It sank into the syrup soaked stack, allowing the excess maple drippings to slowly swallow the phone into the mashed flapjacks. Ulric simply stared at it in shock, blinking down at his increasingly submerged phone in dumbfounded confusion.
"She doesn't want to see your conspiracy blog!" Xavier grumbled. "Honestly there should be limits to the type of trash you can put on the internet these days."
Ulric huffed, eyeing Xavier with disdain before his line of sight passed over both Vernon and Dawn. He glared at them suspiciously before pulling his syrup soaked phone out of his pancakes. As he aggressively wiped the sticky phone with his napkin, he began to mutter to himself almost inaudibly. Dawn couldn't make out everything he was saying, but phrases like 'mind controlled' and 'wool over their eyes' managed to ring out clearly enough to pick up on. Needless to say Dawn was starting to feel uncomfortable, and hoped someone would move the conversation somewhere else.
"Anywaaaay." As if on cue, Xavier picked up where he had left off. "And old scowley at the end of the table there is-"
"Does anybody else smell that?" Yuri had cut the other wolf off. The black wolf was now leaning forward on his paws as he eyed the rest of mammals. As his piercing yellow eyes fell on Dawn a mischievous grin crawled across his face.
"What?" Trenton asked tersely.
Yuri seemed to sniff the air a few times, his nose aimed toward the ewe. Seemingly satisfied, his grin grew almost Cheshire in proportion. Vernon leaned forward, blocking out the wolf from Dawn's eye line.
"I smell Ma's perfume." Yuri chuckled.
"You've got to be kidding me." Dawn could hear Vernon hiss under his breath.
"So, Ma's probably wearing it." That had come from Trenton. "What the hell does that matter for captain obvious?"
Dawn heard a chair squeak sharply, and almost simultaneously Vernon rose to his feet. Dawn could see that Yuri was standing as well, staring Vernon down with an almost sinister grin.
"What's a matter Runt?" Yuri asked.
"Why are you getting up?" Vernon asked.
"None of your business." Yuri retorted, taking a step closer to the larger wolf.
"I-it is my business!" Vernon snarled, reaching a paw back toward Dawn. The ewe was simply frozen, watching in confusion and rising terror.
"Yuri! Knock it off right now!" Audrey chimed in. "I'm wearing my perfume! Mystery solved!" The wolf added.
Yuri continued to grin, taking another step towards Vernon as he sniffed the air.
"Nah." The wolf chuckled. "Whoever's wearing it is drenched. It's overpowering." He sneered. "You don't wear it like that Ma."
"Just sit back down and leave it." Vernon said, starting to growl.
Trenton stood, attempting to block his brother, but Yuri elbowed passed him, nearly knocking him on the table.
"HEY!" Qali hissed.
"YURI!" Now Audrey was standing. But the wolf was already standing in front of Vernon. There was silence for a moment before Dawn was startled by the black wolf's nose darting around his brother in an attempt to sniff her. Vernon weaved in his way, but the wolf simply switched sides as Dawn tried to shrink away.
Suddenly the wolf stumbled back, Vernon had clearly pushed him away. However, Yuri's face was twisted into a smug snarl.
"By the gods, you that much of a Momma's boy you gotta make your mate smell like her Puppy?" The wolf cackled.
"SHUT IT YURI!" Vernon snarled.
"Bad enough you get yer rocks off prey chasin', but now you want to rut Ma too?" The wolf shook his head as he chuckled. "Oh this is rich!"
A whooping cackle came from Ada, but again the hyena clasped her paws to her muzzle in clear embarrassment.
"S-Sorry everyone." Ada muttered. "Y-Yuri, that really ain't funny."
Yuri turned back to his mate, scowling at her slightly.
"Oh c'mon babe, this is too good to pass up!" The wolf outstretched his paws as he continued chuckling. "I can get weeks of material out of this!"
Vernon stomped back toward the darker wolf, getting up into his face.
"Why can't you ever just shut up!" Vernon hissed.
"Oh are you mad little brother?" Yuri said in a mocking and childish tone. "That because you've once again proven you're even more of a little freak than I previously thought?"
The wolf turned to the table, seemingly beckoning the other family members to applaud him for his little show.
"Or is it because of that other smell I'm picking up. The one she's trying to hide?" The wolf sneered back at Vernon, seemingly catching the wolf off guard.
Dawn could see Vernon glance back at her worriedly for a brief moment.
"Surprised I could pick up on it aren't you runt?" The wolf grinned widely. "My poor messed up little Runt, so far gone that even a little hot ewe scent gets him so worked up he-"
"YURI!" A sudden voice boomed, drawing the attention of the entire family toward the entrance to dining hall.
In the door stood Zach, and a very un-amused looking Dorian. Zach seemed nervous, the russets wolf's eyes darted from mammal to mammal with a look of unease. But Dorian was cold and cool, his eyes firmly fixed on the shrinking black wolf before him. The older wolf crossed his arms as he continued to stare his son down. He exuded authority and severity, and it was only amplified by his clothing. While Zach was wearing a simply orange hoodie and faded blue jeans, Dorian was clad in his full Sheriff's uniform, a deep faded green suit complete with a deep green hat emblazoned with a sheriff's badge and a belt heavy with various equipment. The black pelted wolf immediately took a step away from Vernon, his ears splayed back as he began to twitch in a way similar to Ulric.
"PA!" Yuri yelped. "I-I w-wa-!"
"You weren't what boy!?" Dorian snapped. "Instigating fights again!?" The wolf hissed.
Yuri took another step back, letting out a whine. "I was-."
"You know how you're supposed to behave in this house!" Dorian hissed.
Yuri took another step backward, bumping into Trenton as he continued to cower. Dorian remained unmoved, but his eyes were still locked on Yuri.
"B-But I was j-j-"
"KIDDING!?" The sheriff scoffed. "Always kidding aren't we boy?"
"Well guess what Mr. Funny mammal, ya'll just earned yerself loading duty!" Dorian spat. "You get to load yer Ma's food truck all by yourself till you ain't in such a funny mood no more!" Dorian waived a paw toward the wolf.  "Now get yer ass outside and get to work!"
Yuri looked at Ada, and then his half eaten plate of food with uncertainty.
"B-but Pa, I ain't even finished ea-"
The older wolf stabbed a finger directly at the jet black wolf.
Yuri practically stumbled over himself as he bolted around the table, darting into the kitchen with his tail between his legs as fast as he could. He was a black blur, gone in an instant before Dawn could fully register it. The room fell silent as the mammals all stood stock still, seemingly unsure of how to proceed.
"Welp, go on." Dorian muttered, waiving his paw at the rest of the group. "Go back to yer damn breakfasts." His eyes passed over the collection of unmoving mammals. Dawn looked at Vernon, who was looking back at her with seemingly equal uncertainty.
"I said eat yer food!" The wolf huffed.
Some of the other members of the family immediately went back to their plates. Malcolm in particular stuffed an entire pancake in his mouth as he eyed the others nervously.
Dorian let out a terse sigh before storming out of the dining room leaving and Zach standing in the hall alone for a brief moment. Dawn could hear the front door open, and then slam shut sharply. She could almost feel the table rattle from the vibration. Zach looked at toward where Dorian had run off too nervously for a moment, before flashing the rest of the group a sheepish grin.
"I-I uh..." Zach muttered. "I'll...I should-" The wolf shrugged before quickly scurrying after his Father. The front door clattered again, and then the room fell silent.
Everyone remained quiet as Vernon slowly eased back down into his chair. The wolf leaned over his plate, placing a paw to his head as he let out a frustrated sigh. Dawn meanwhile was still trying to process everything that had happened. It had all escalated so quickly and then went out in an instant, like fire in a bottle. If it weren't for the lingering silence the ewe wouldn't even be fully sure of all that she had just witnessed. Vernon had mentioned he held a great dislike for his brother Yuri, and now that she had met him she could easily see why.
At least in Dorian's case he seemed to dislike the ewe for a reason. Granted it was one she remained somewhat unsure of, but it was something that seemingly had a motivation behind it. Even Ulric's distrust of her stemmed from misinformation and paranoia when it came to caprids in general. But Vernon's brother Yuri seemed to get a massive amount of glee out of simply terrorizing Vernon. Dawn barely seemed to matter in the full scheme of what had just happened, she had merely been a tool to better torment his brother.
"I'm sorry." Dawn was pulled out of her thoughts by Vernon's sudden words. The ewe could see the wolf looked devastated, his tone sullen and sorrowful. "Y-you shouldn't have had to-"
Dawn reached her hoof out to Vernon, gingerly placing it on his paw as she offered the wolf a timid smile.
"Vernon I'm sorry." Dawn said. "Y-your brother-"
"Is such an asshole." Qali interrupted. "Gah, why'd he even show up this year?" The arctic fox glanced over at Ada, who was still standing by Yuri's evacuated chair seemingly dumbfounded. Qali's ears seemed to droop and she let out a slight whine.
"Sorry Ada, no offense." Qali said.
"None taken." The hyena replied.
Slowly Ada made her way over to Dawn and Vernon. She gingerly placed a paw on both of their shoulders, surprising the ewe completely.
"I-I'm sorry about dat really." Ada muttered. "D-don't let dat spoil the whole weekend huh?" Ada gave the pair a firm pat with her paws. The hyena gave a sheepish grin before slinking away from the pair. Walking back toward the direction Dawn had seen Yuri scurry off toward. With one last weak smirk toward the family, the hyena disappeared behind the kitchen door frame.
"Yuri, he's-"
"Hey." Dawn stopped Vernon, gently caressing the wolf's cheek. "I-it's okay. Really."
"No, it ain't." Vernon spat. "We just, I mean..." The wolf ran a paw through his head fur.
Dawn simply spread her arms open, beckoning the wolf for a hug. Vernon was quick to oblige, wrapping his paws around her as he buried his face in her neck. She could hear a sniffle escape the wolf's mouth.
"I-I'm glad you're okay H-Honey Lamb." Vernon murmured. It seemed he tried to cover up his sniffling but Dawn heard a few more quiet ones escape as the wolf rubbed his face into her neck.
Dawn gently rubbed the wolf's back, cooing sweetly as she tried to comfort the clearly troubled wolf.
"I'm okay Puppy Love." Dawn said with a sigh.
After a moment the wolf recoiled from Dawn's grasp, wiping his nose roughly. The ewe eyed the wolf in confusion.
"Teeth to Tails! You smell too much like Ma!" The wolf hissed.
Dawn chuckled as she suddenly remembered the 'repellant' she had earlier applied. Unfortunately the aroma barrier was going to make it hard to comfort the wolf. Still, Dawn supposed that the sniffling she had heard earlier was the wolf recognizing the scent as not quite what he was expecting rather than stifling sobs. Not that she would probably be able to get Vernon to admit the true answer either way.
"What's wrong with smelling like me?" Audrey asked, raising an eyebrow at the wolf.
"I didn't say anything was wrong with it!" Vernon whined. "I jus-"
"I am curious though, why are you wearing Mom's perfume?" Xavier asked.
"Let's just drop it okay?!" Vernon yelped.
At that moment, Vanna crept out of the Kitchen door frame. She was dressed in a pink zip up jacket with cartoon tigers frolicking across the chest. and a pair of tight and partially shredded jeans. She leaned against the frame, slumping slightly as she cradled a coffee mug in one of her paws. With the other she was groggily wiping her eyes.
"What did I miss?"
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