#cats human au headcanon
home-of-renn · 1 year
The idea that humans are so infatuated with the concept of cats being able to purr is so lovely and also just so funny.
Like, regardless of what fandom you're in or what AUs you're into, there will always be that one person who manages to work in the concept of their favourite character being able to purr - as if adding cat-like tendencies somehow manages to make things better than they already are.
But I feel like something that many people often forget is that cats will also purr when nervous/distressed and will purr as a way to self-soothe.
Now, personally, I wrote this from way over in the Danny Phantom fandom and would like to propose - to all those who are a fan of Danny having the ability to purr or to somehow convey his emotions via his core - that Fenton/Phantom would also unconsciously purr when in great distress or when injured.
For everyone who enjoys the adoption HCs of Danny being a child/immature ghost - it could be that only other ghosts can detect when Danny 'purrs' and every older ghost that comes across him are stopped in their tracks by this child who is clearly conveying a great deal of pain and/or longing. Bonus points if Danny is completely unaware that he does this.
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moonlit-orchid · 4 months
So I literally just learnt that calico hair was a thing.
Anyone who headcanons human Kwazii with ginger hair, you've got it all wrong, he has Calico hair that he dyed himself at three am because his grandpa is Calico Jack and he will always embody said grandpa
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theimpossiblescheme · 8 months
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The two versions of Greycat--Lillie and Luna (for @sillybub)
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I feel like Demeter annotates books very carefully, but then also uses whatever she has on hand as a bookmark - receipt, old cards, an envelope that's way too big, a length of string, a quarter once. The works.
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 years
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Human Cats Character Outfits - The Girl Squad.
Got randomly inspired and decided to try something new. These are how i think these characters would dress in a Human au.
Victoria: A classic soft girl with a touch of ballet.
Jemima: A little punk/goth girl with lots of spikes and chunky combat boots.
Electra: A emo/scene girl with lots of plaids, stripes and fishnets. She likes layers and perfers things a bit baggy. (her and Jemima sometimes share clothes)
Etcetera: Also a soft girl but more ‘frolic through a field of flowers’ then ‘Ballet Princess’.
@uppastthejelliclemoon @soh-da-meatball @queen-with-the-quill @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
Human Talljake
I love how my human Talljake aesthetic is that Jake is this stereotypical dad, yknow, plump, khaki shorts, sandals, beard, etc.
Meanwhile tallstar is this thinner guy but is actually really strong and can carry Jake around all he wants
Tallstar likes how round Jake is cuz he like to take naps on him.. not that he would ever say that. He also calls him a cloud whenever they nap together
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herooffire101 · 2 years
Since I have revealed that I do head canon Bombalurina as autistic, I can say what little quirks she has.
As a cat
-Jennyanydots always said that she is a weird little queen kit.
-Super physically affectionate. Like, loves giving hugs and getting hugs. Hugs are a way to get her to calm down. She may have intentionally hugged Tugger when he was super annoying as a kitten to make him stop. Still does, by the way.
-actually loves being picked up by a human. Even a six year old girl who definitely doesn't know how to pick up a cat. She will actually purr when she is picked up.
-to humans she is considered a very unusually intelligent cat, able to understand what the humans are saying and doing. There was an incident where Jelly had to take her to her humans (the same humans who had that six year old girl) as a kitten because she had something that neither Jelly or Jenny could heal, and she wasn't scared of the vet who helped her.
-hates sensations that are scratchy and bothering and "its just too loud", like a certain blanket, or a certain thrown out mouse toy Tugger once found and she tried her best to get used to it but had a meltdown because of those things. It's very rare for that to happen, though.
As a human
-just about the same as a cat, though with the struggle to understand the concept of English class and certain word pronunciations (some words have an Irish accent attached to them because of Gus the Theater Cat)
-dancing is a stim (goes in hand as a cat as well)
-hyperfixated on music and music theory. This is not helped by Asparagus Jr because he just encourages this to extreme levels because it's a shared hyperfixation of his as well
-has a well-known habit of waking up in the middle of the night to go cuddle in Demeter's/Tugger's bed. Demeter's is more likely, because it depends on if she was willing to sneak out of her parents house and go to Old Deuteronomy's house in the middle of the night.
-energy drinks and coffee make her feel weird and she really doesn't like the sensation.
-Bomba can and will take apart Munkustrap's mechanical pencils and pens. Only his. Not Tugger's. Not Demeter's. Only Munk's. Though this may be intentional than a quirk, but she's not telling him.
-tendency to ramble (same as a cat). This can be ended by comforting pressure, like a hug.
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The only criticism I will take for these designs/headcanons is if I accidentally did something problematic
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ch6sos · 22 days
✧.* nanami headcanons <3
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He hums/sings while showering and feels embarrassed when confronted about it.
When someone he enjoys talking to speaks to him, he usually appears serious, but his expression is always unreadable. The expression conveys pure fondness for the person!! He enjoys hearing them ramble about their day, their lives, etc. He gives them a warm look.
Definitely a listener more than a rambler. He listens to people all the time, and remembers the small details about them. He tends to bring them up sometimes, which surprises the other person. But, he is extremely attentive to detail and loves getting to know people.
You know how in Korean dramas, the male lead is always a jack of all trades or something? Nanami is exactly that guy. Need assistance with your plumbing? He is there. Do you need to fix a lightbulb? He is there. Need help building a house? He is there.
He plays an instrument. He would play either the piano, violin, or flute.
He definitely enjoys watching movies in his spare time. When he is not doing anything, he enjoys watching movies. If he existed in the modern world, he would for sure have a Letterboxd account.
In a Modern AU, Nanami would undoubtedly be an English/History major. I do not care what anyone says. Maybe philosophy or business. But he would be one of those fine humanities majors you notice and immediately fall for.
Books are his specialty. He probably has several places where he goes to relax and read a book he recently purchased.
Speaking of books, if he gets a partner, he will read to them. He would cuddle them in bed, holding them in his arms while he read silently to them, pressing his lips against their ear, the soft, deep tone of his voice sounding like a musical masterpiece in their ear.
Pottery!! He enjoys pottery so much. He probably went to a pottery event/class when he was bored (he failed, the bowl looked like a deformed apple) but he really enjoyed the process. He definitely began to watch more videos on pottery and probably got himself a pottery wheel.
He is definitely an animal lover. he doesn't look like it, but he loves, LOVES, LOVES animals. If he sees a dog, his heart flutters but he doesn't touch it just in case. But, he's an animal attractor of course. The dogs are all over him at the dog park, and he smiles a little while petting them.
Speaking of animals, he probably has a cat. The cat is named after a food for sure. It is most definitely a type of bread or sandwich or a nut. For example, Pistachio or Baguette.
Super gentle with children. He genuinely enjoys being around them. Ask him about having children He will Be On Board.
HE WOULD NOT BE MEAN. The amount of people I have seen mischaracterize him by making him mean just because he's serious. No. He is just introverted and serious and needs to be comfortable around a person.
During relationships, he genuinely enjoys checking in on the person he is dating. He is always there for them, comforting, cherishing, and listening. He tries to get off work as soon as possible so that he can spend time with his significant other.
If he is shown too much affection, he does not snap or become angry with the person. He just blushes. He just lets out a soft "hm" and pretends to be serious, but his heart is racing, and his cheeks, ears, and neck indicate otherwise. He also gives them a slightly surprised look that quickly turns to his stoic look.
He definitely bought baby shoes at a store just because he thought they were so cute. Mans just wants a baby.
He would be both a girl and a boy dad. I do not care what anyone says; he loves both. If he has a son, he will do everything in his power to raise him as a gentleman while also showing him a lot of love and affection. If he has a daughter, he will be so gentle with her while also raising her to be a sophisticated, strong young woman.
Genuinely would be the grandpa of the friend group. Come on. Just look at him.
As a teenager, he probably would do the emo hair flip thing because his fringe kept getting onto his eye. Gojo probably laughed his ass off.
Secretly really touch-starved. People think he is not affectionate, but he is, just not in public. He would most likely grab his significant other while they were doing something and attack them with kisses. He probably likes being a little spoon sometimes even though he looks like an old man. He is clingy, okay? But not overly clingy. Sometimes he needs his own space.
Loves kissing their partner's beauty moles. The ones under their nose, the ones on their ear, the ones on scattered around their face, the ones in other areas... Wherever they are located, he will kiss them.
Sometimes he needs to be reassured. He needs to know if he is doing okay, if he is treating a person well. It looks like he does not need it, but he genuinely sometimes gets insecure about how others perceive him or how well he treats them. He worries about hurting someone's feelings.
Loves to try and hype up his partner with extreme amount of compliments. He is truly the number one simp and hype man.
I am a strong advocate for the fact that Nanami loves people of color. Like he will date a person of color. I don't CARE. I am Afro-Latina let me have my headcanon in peace : (
Once again. He is NOT mean. He will not yell. If he is angry, he is calm. He does not yell and if he does it is extremely rare. But he would never in his life yell at his partner or children if he has any. The only way he shows disappointment is by staying calm.
Speaking of being angry, he is not the type to show silent treatment. He would much rather talk rather than give a cold shoulder. He is a grown man. He knows how to communicate, people.
Old-fashioned nicknames. That is all. My love. Darling. Sweetheart.
He is probably fluent in several languages. I understand he is overly perfect, but he is perfect in my eyes. He probably takes the time to learn languages so that people feel included. Plus, he genuinely enjoys learning about different cultures.
Owned a bakery or worked as a chef at some point in his life. Maybe even a barista.
Helps old ladies cross the street, assists people with heavy bags, is courteous to his neighbors, and is the grandson of every old neighbor ever.
Probably is the type of guy to sit down on the couch and not try at Just Dance, and ends up winning.
Despite being serious, he would genuinely be bad at the game Among Us. This is so random but hear me out.
Favorite ice cream flavor is probably coffee or pistachio. Maybe even basic vanilla. He is not a big fan anyway.
Jazz music, classical music, old music is his speciality. In high school during his emo hair era he more so listened to 90s rock/punk rock.
His most used app(s) on his Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra is WhatsApp and Candy Crush.
Definitely has a whole closet of clothing and browses through them every night to see what suit he wants to wear for the next day.
When he shops or gets food, he goes to local family owned shops. He does not go to Starbucks for his coffee. He goes to the local family owned coffee shop.
Dry texter but if he gets a partner who is not a dry texter, he genuinely begins to pick up their habits. If they type with emojis he begins using emojis. I apologize but he'd unironically use the laughing crying emoji. "Haha! 😂". Okay but genuinely, he would actually keyboard slam at some point. He sends them a photo, they go like "jshekehdkehdjdlsjdl" and one time they did the same thing and he was like:
"....Kshskshdjxbsnab." You know?
He is low key sassy. He was affected by sassy man apocalypse. He hides it in that serious exterior of his but he gives the biggest side eyes sometimes, crosses his legs too.
Snores like a dad. Bro was probably recorded by Haibara while he was in the dorms and bro was snoring like a regular ol dad. Drooling too. What a silly guy.
Overall, the best man ever. He is the man ever and that is why he is not real. Unfortunately.
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forever angel <33
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Chapter 10 of @mrghostrats Human AU fic BNF!! I mean everybody already melted but maybe re-read it an melt some more.
Aziraphale relaxed, which was a considerable accomplishment with the love of his life draped across him like a weighted throw blanket. Crowley didn’t seem to mind though, so he didn’t let himself either. A minute of sleepy silence drifted by them, before Crowley shifted imperceptibly against his chest and let out a small noise, not unlike an impatient cat. “That was nice,” he whined softly.
I'm using all the urge to fanart because !!!! this fic!!! to practise digital and I'm kinda maybe sorta getting into a direction i like.
Also spot my headcanon/easter egg! (not you evie, you already know)
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 5 months
Cat café AU headcanons - TF141/König*Reader
You own a cat café, TF141 and König are your cats, and they can shift into human form.
Here are hcs about what they will do at your café in the morning and at your home when it's night.
You only have one double bed, so they need to take turn to sleep with you in human form, others need to sleep in cat form if they want to sleep on the bed too.
cat café AU 2 cat reader hcs
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1. at the café
• the chill type
• likes to sit in the highest place of the room, observing anything happens down there
• knows everything happening in the café, and comes down from the highest spot if some incidents happen
• everyday morning, he will stay in human form and drink the tea you make for him, enjoy the quiet morning and watch you prepare in the kitchenette, and shift back to cat form before opening hours
2. at home
• will help you cook dinner
• if he stays in cat form, he doesn’t have a regular sleeping spot, sometimes he sleeps on you, sometimes he sleeps in the cat bed, or he doesn’t sleep and sleeps in the morning
• if it’s the day he can sleep with you in human form, he will take the opportunity to touch you as much as he can, always stick a hand on your body or palms at your flesh
1. at the café
• the energetic type
• runs around in the café, keeps meowing at every customer, meows a lot and loudly
• will steal customers’ food ( or keep looking at them until they give up) so you need to scold him
2. at home
• the first one to yell and meow about food, keeps scratching at your bedroom door until you open it
• when he stays in cat form, he likes to sleep at your crotch because it's warm there
• when he is in human form, requires a lot of kisses, please expect a lot of licking and biting during them
• if it’s the day he can sleep with you in human form, his sleeping habit is VERY BAD and will suffocate you under his weight
• you need to tell him to wear clothes if you don’t want to see him walking around the house naked, he’s just not used to wearing clothes
1. at the café
• the hospitable type
• the only one who can sit still for a long time and allow customers to put clothes and apparel on him
• every time you come out of the kitchenette to hand food and drink to customers, he will walk to your side and rub his body on your leg
• he has the most pictures on your café’s Instagram because he is able to sit and let you take thousands of pictures and won’t run away like Soap or hate cameras like Ghost and König
• if you’re busy today, he will go to the back room, shift to human form, and come out to help you (but he might declare to others that he is your bf)
2. at home
• shifts to human form the second he steps into the flat, the couch is his second favorite place (first is your bedroom), watches TV shows with you
• if it’s the day he can sleep with you in human form, he will ask for goodnight kisses before falling asleep quickly
• if he stays in cat form, he sleeps anywhere as long as he can snuggle his body with yours
1. at the café
• the “Don’t touch me” type
• death stare at any customer who tries to touch him, hiding at higher or darker places and scrutinizing them
• if he’s in a good mood, he might walk around the café, it's the only chance for customers to see his full figure
• if someone is a regular of your café and they are quiet/tender type, he might allow them to pet him
• do not try to dress him in clothes if you don’t want to die
2. at home
• brood on your chair/pillow/laptop etc, death stare at you if you try to tell him to get down
• you can see him stays with Soap sometimes
• if he jumps to a higher place and accidentally breaks a glass, he will let you pet him as an apology
• if he’s in cat form, sleeps in the cat bed beside your bed because your bed is too crowded, sleeps with his head facing inside the cat bed, but unaware of his ass sticking out of the bed (he forgets he’s a large cat too)
• if it’s the day he can sleep with you in human form, he definitely big spoons you and refuses to leave bed in the morning
1. at the café
• the shy but overall friendly type
• prefers to stay inside the kitchenette with you, or hide inside cat beds
• if customers slowly approach him, show him that they are harmless, maybe even show him some snacks, he will poke his head around the bed and eats
• the biggest cat of all, very huge and furry, like a walking cloud, so everyone likes to pet him (if they get trusted and have a chance)
2. at home
• purrs VERY LOUD, like a motor, you can feel him rumble when you are lying on your bed and he’s sitting on your chest
• if he stays in cat form, he likes to sleep near your head, tucks his head at the crook of your neck
• if it’s the day he can sleep with you in human form, time to enjoy his warm body and stay close against yours, but he’s a little excited so you need to coo him into sleep
• steals your clothes or slippers or other things to make into a pile as a bed, and sleeps in there too
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Call Of Duty Masterlist
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And They Were Roommates
Simon Riley X Reader (NSFW F!Reader)
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Red Panda! Reader x Cod boys
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Funny texts:
funny texts 1
funny texts 2
Graves sex pollen
Konig sex pollen
Price Sex pollen
Squad 141 with a dog
Squad 141 snacks for movies
AU Squad 141 with Witch!Reader
AU Squad 141 with Witch!Reader + Blurp
AU squad 141 with Winged!Reader
AU squad 141!Greek gods with Human!Reader
AU Simon Riley! Dragon rider X Reader
Dads 141 receiving their Child stuffed animals while on misson
falling down the stairs (relationship established simon riley)
One-shot :
The devil (GhostxReader)
Down the rabbit Hole (Price! Werewolf x FBunny! Reader) (idea from @fnny-bnny )
Konig Werewolf x f- Reader
Cotton Candy Pacifer [ Ghost x F-Reader established Relationship]
Madripoor High
Simon x Reader (NSFW - F!Reader)
Moodboard Pinterest
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Soul Link series (Cat!Ghost) :
blurp 1
blurp 2
blurp 3
blurp 4
blurp 5
blurp 6
Ai chats:
Simon Riley:
he's a dumbass
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gortashs-skidmark · 2 months
Tieflings DnD - variations for the fanfic writers and artists!! -
There’s a lot about tieflings on the internet. THESE ARE CANON, except for one thought i put in.
If you’re gonna do BG3 fanfics about Tieflings, please please please consider adding some spice with origin lore and CANON facts about their race :) it would be SO fun!
Pls I need more zevlor fanfic too.
PLS READ: I don’t believe in censorship or ignoring the subject of people who are oppressed, but be mindful of how you write and use oppression of dnd races on your tav pls.
- Orange; Canon Historical Events, Abilities, Bodily Facts, and Bloodlines. It means i think you should look into it.
Pink: I think it's cute. Red; Warning, Comment Purple; Headcanon (only one of them)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; <3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Tieflings are prone to bad luck, because of the Curse of Aasimar.
- Planar Proverb “don’t ever make a bet with a Tiefling” hey I already made one with Lakrissa.
- They’re arcanally gifted, most of them. Zariel Tieflings are much better melee fighters.
- Tielfling Blood; is tainted from the hells so they could have human parents. Be descendants of demon, devils, evil deities, night hags, and succubus!
- i know y’all love aphrodisiac fanfics, succubus spittle is exactly what you need dawg. Someone make me a fanfic including succubus heritage.
- along with that, Tieflings are unable to breed with anyone except humans or other Tieflings. Literally. They can be Tiefling or human.
- Usually there is some tell to if they’re Zariel, Asmodeus, Mephistopheles by birth mark, or traits like cat eyes, or night hags bloodlines have red eyes without pupils or scelaras
EDIT: I thought the flaming pupils were cat-like slit eyes in the game, but Karlach does indeed have regular slits!
- Tieflings can be male, female, or without gender. It is a canon fact. A win for my gender struggling homies.
- They can have green, blue, purple, pink, yellow, red skin tones. With dark hair colors only like black, purple, dark red and blue. I don’t care for this, genes be gene-ing so have any color you want.
Mephestopheles is recorded as to having blue skin, pale blue whites and red eyes, soot black scales, with large wings in the 2nd Manual. BUT in a 3e version he is described having red skin, bat wings, being 9ft, with white eyes, and slick black hair. Both of these are present in Mephestophic Bloodlines in BG3. Raphael is the son, though cambion, is red.
Asmodeus rules the Nine Hells. Mephestopheles being his archduke, only rules the 8th layer. Asmodeus has a humanoid, and a scale-fiend version of himself. He's red, slim, 13ft tall, horned, vibrant red eyes, and a neatly trimmed beard. He is Lawful-Evil.
The Blood War (where Karlach escaped) is described as a "philosophical war" and which kind of evil would rule. Asmodeus plays a part but didn't start it, it's rooted in ancient Hell conflicts. Asmodeus claimed it was a senselessly bloody conflict from a militia standpoint. He really hates it, he's not a fan of it. INFERNAL POLITICS ARE FUCKING COMPLICATED. look into it :)
Zevlor was a Hellrider or Rider of Elturel! a Cavalry unit for Elturel during the 14th and 15th century. They ride horseback, and use spears and bows. They're well reguarded!! Zevlor should have more pride in himself for his service, being a refugee isn't his fault, or The Descent.
In the late 1400's striving for Paladin Knighthood in the Order of Companion was a rank of Hell rider. Before and after the year 1494, you could be a Paladin and join freely.
The Order of Companions was an Elturel, of Western Heartland, theocratic realm of Paladin Knighthood. It's just a region of Paladins that are highly reguarded. They typically worship Tyr, Torm, Helm, and Aumanator.
They kept order in the high capital of Elturel, preserving local civilization from outer destruction. They're super Lawful Good.
Typically an Oath of Devotion or an Oath of the Crown.
"For a City Guard, they outmatched the armies of the Whole Realm" - Forgotten Wiki Realms
They guard general land, they aren't really police, and can escort as far as Waterdeep if privileged to. It is a job they hold for life. I FUYCKING LOVE HELLRIDERS.
Shortly after Elturel’s descent into Avernus, the Tieflings were blamed for the fall, and expelled from the city entirely. Zevlor and any tiefling hellrider’s title has been stripped from them. Any hellrider’s were arrested at The Gate. And the reputation of tieflings sunk even lower.
Badlurian’s are Elturian’s rivals but Duke Ravenguard was tricked into coming to Elturel for politics and ended up helping and sending in troops to help fight. He’s extra important! I might find Wyll, all though lovely, useless, his father is very brave and noble and amazing for what he does.
- Tieflings can have feathers! Although rare. They can have fur, scales, or be bald like humans. They can be any variation of sorts!
- A more common portrayal of tieflings, is having solid colored eyes, whites and irises the same color. They can be black, red, silver, gold, or white.
- Tieflings are technically minorities and don’t live in the highest neighborhoods. It gives them an even worse reputation.
- Most of the Tieflings with famous status, also give bad reps. Climbing their way to the top in corruption.
- When Tieflings get nervous, experience anxiety, or are upset. They’re known to wrap their tails around their leg!! Super telling.
- They can use their tail like a monkey, very dexterous about it. It’s about 5-6ft long.
- Their ages, weight, height. All similar to humans. Idk how logical that is with 5 extra feet of meat behind them. Sometimes they can live longer, to about 120-150 years old.
- Tieflings can look just like humans. Though they can have their hellish features, those with strong hellish features are often killed at birth out of disgust.
- They can also have legs of a goat, tail akin to a horse or a lizard.
- Tieflings can be really good at thieving, hiding, and deceit.
- their diet consists of meat, marrow, gristle, fat, and bones. They’re highly carnivorous. They even eat roasted insects.
- Many worship Besheba, the goddess of bad luck, finding similarities in them and their goddess.
- Tieflings are as sensitive as humans, same hearing. They usually have dark vision. And their body temperatures can be colder or warmer than humans depending on their type of tainted blood. --Mephistopheles blood lines are from the frozen layer of hell, maybe their blood is colder.
- They don’t purr, sorry girlies. They’re closer to humans than Tabaxis or Driders.
- Tieflings don’t regrow horns unless they’re still young, though they do tend to file them down.
- They have a natural unsettling aura about them. Even if their heritage is unknown to others, it makes people uncomfortable. They also can smell of sulphur.
- There are so many Tieflings bloodlines. I love the Babau Tieflings bc they’re already known as uncanny creatures-- Babau Tieflings are gaunt and skinny, darker skin, and a small horn coming from the back of their head.
- Marilith Tieflings are known to be seductive- more than they already are, and have dark hair. They have snake-like half-bodies and have grey tongues.
- Succubus Tieflings! They’re like the ones you see in bg3, often have a small set of wings.
- Tieflings can have so many fucking variations it makes me dizzy.
- Tieflings can have bat-like wing shaped ears, that perk up and shit. I know yall think about ear movements. <zevlor has this>
Edit: Ya'll loved this :) I can do another on Tiefling politics if ya'll want. Or more bloodlines and fun facts if you want.
I have built another list of Canon facts about Driders and Kar'niss Headcanons if you monster fuckers are interested!!
Currently in the works; He Who Was Headcanons and Shadar'Kai canon facts and events.
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After serious consideration, while a don’t think Jerrie would ever get into another serious relationship ‘canonically’ (single fatherhood suits him quite well), i think that in my Human AU with Fiddeldedee, he would. And i think it would be with Coricopat.
@afairytalestray This is entirely you’re influence.
@uppastthejelliclemoon Human Jerrie is all ginger curls and ath-leisure, Human Fiddeldedee is named Felicity and is half-hispanic. This father-daughter pair of chaos gremlins met a very serious and debonair Cory and end up incomprehensibly making a family.
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lakesparkles · 8 months
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Aaaand some Petrigrof art I posted on my Instagram these last days :D (except GOLBetty that I drew today). The first one is a) me trying to draw them more in my actual art style and b) showing my headcanon that cats usually love Simon because he is, well, such a cat person to me.
The second image is more of my "Happy AU" that I drew earlier - just an excuse to draw them being Marcy's parents. However, if you want a little more of information about that (and the two different ideas), it's under the cut:
(description from Instagram as well)
I'm worried about how much I'm drawing them - especially because I'm feeling very overwhelmed about art rn. But these two are still giving me motivation and, in my mind, if I draw them enough times, my fixation will be better, maybe quieter? Did it ever work with PB and Diane - who I drew more than 100 times and I'm still not tired of? Noooo, but you never know.
These are some stuff I drew in these last days! The one I want to talk the most is the first, who is part of the "Happy AU" (you guys wanted it to be happy, after all) where Marceline is Betty and Simon's daughter. In no way this is an original idea, I've seen many fanarts with this concept -and the show itself, I mean, Simon is her father!!- but I wanted to imagine interactions between them! Sooo I had two different ideas and idk which I like more:
The first would be closer to canon. How will that work? I... I don't know myself. I don't know what I'm doing, in fact, I never finished watching Adventure Time.
The second would be closer to a modern, everybody-is-human-AU! Like, Simon and Betty would meet like they did in the show, but Simon is a single father.
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
Warrior cats human hc time!.. again
So, yknow how ik the moor on the hill au, ivybreezeant is a thing? Yeah hc that cats that are still alive who are mates of dark forest cats get either a dark ring on a part of their body. The reason this happens is because when a dark forest cat kisses a living cat, it's almost like they're stained so when ant kissed breeze and ivy on the cheek, their cheeks have black spots on them now.
This could also apply to hawkivy but they're not in this au right now
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