#cathan: thread
dhampiravidi · 7 months
who are we, really?
Just like in the others, Jas didn’t realize she was dreaming. But it wasn’t because her conscious mind was confused…it was because she was enjoying herself too much to care. She loved Jace Herondale, and he looked at her as if she were a princess. Well, they were on Naboo, the beautiful planet featured in the 2nd Star Wars prequel movie. The sun had begun to set, painting the sky in shades of pink and lilac.
But instead of sitting and laughing in the grass, like Padmé and Anakin had done in Star Wars: Episode II, Jas and Jace were racing. They both were riding atop muscular, multicolored horses that were modeled after My Little Ponies. The steeds galloped through the grass, and Jas’s hair had gone from its usual dark brown to a bright blue, echoing her excitement. Jace managed to pass the stump they’d marked right before she did, making him the winner. Jas sighed and dismounted, walking over to where Jace was.
“Fine, you win,” she said, smiling despite the loss.
Cathan had always known that he was a Nephilim. His parents told him the truth as soon as he was old enough to understand what that meant. The Seelie Court knew what he was because gossip always spread quickly. So when he was little, the faerie children teased him. They did until he grew up, and learned how to speak with stinging eloquence, how to impress others with his beauty and paintings, and most of all, how to hide when someone had hurt his feelings. And despite his ability to bear angelic runes, he never memorized or used any of them. Faerie magic and a concealed dagger were protection enough. Besides, the Queen treated him like a prince, giving him compliments and tangible gifts. All he had to do was be loyal, telling her whenever someone in her court posed a danger to her.
He'd used his Shadowhunter last name, "Morgenstern", all his life. The faerie couple who'd raised him were never cruel to him, but they never seemed like anything more than acquaintances or caretakers. So when the Seelie Queen told Cathan that one of her spies had seen his biological mother be taken to a hospital...his curiosity was piqued. Instead of going to the hospital, though, he went to the apartment building she'd been taken out of. He wasn't sure if he wanted to see his mother yet. Cathan wanted to confront her and ask why she and his father sold him, but...he wanted to know if she liked art, like he did. When he got to Jocelyn Morgenstern's home, though...he froze.
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ivyprism · 1 year
Masterlist 20
Suggestive? Kind of? *
Character and AU Information:
The Fallen Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Caged Bird AU (Info Dump)
The "Angelic" Villain (Info Dump)
The Dying Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fading Stars Brothers (Info Dump)
The Fallen Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
The Dying Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
The Fading Stars Skelesona and H (Info Dump)
OG Skelesonas Updated (Info Dump)
The Dragon's SOUL (OC Info Dump)
The Sun, The Moon, and The Eclipse (Info Dump)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Eclipse Hs (Info Dump)
The Sun, the Moon, and the Eclipse: The Parents (Info Dump)
The Band AU (Revamped)
The Queen of the Deep Seas (Info Dump)
Weapons (Angels Fall AU)
The Significance of Angel Hunters (Angels Fall AU)
Angel Hunters and Demon Slayer Skeleton Boys (Angels Fall AU)
The Cleric and the Warlock Sonas (Info Dump)
The Bard Sonas (Info Dump)
The Ranger, the Sorcerer, the Fighter, and the Rogue Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Artificer, the Monk, the Druid, and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Wizard and the Barbarian Sonas (Info Dump)
The Bard and the Paladin Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Spider Lily (Spidersona Info Dump)
Half of a Heart AU (UT AU Info Dump)
Half of a Heart Papyruses and Sanses (UT and UF AU Info Dump)
The Suffering Oblivion (Sona Info Dump)
The Outer Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
The Witch in the Woods and The Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
My Old Swap AU: Rewritten Boys and a Sona (Info Dump)
Magic (Worldbuilding)
Main 16 Outfits: Redone (Outfits!)
The OG Skeleton Brothers: Redone (Outfits)
Mermaidsona (Info Dump)
The Puppeteer (Sona Info Dump)
The Puppeteer's Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
The Other Creations (Skelesona Info Dump)
A Few More Creations (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Blossom (Pirate H Info Dump)
The Warlock Sans and the Cleric Papyrus (Info Dump)
Farm Boys (Skeleton Boys Info Dump)
Orchard Worker Sonas (Sona Info Dump)
Horrorswapfell Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Heights part 1 (Many AUs)
Heights part 2 (Many AUs)
Heights Part 3 (Many AUs)
Heights Part 4 (Allureswap)
Allureswap Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Deer Monster and Half-Deer Monster Sona and Siblings (Info Dump)
Althaea (The Trapped Mermaid Sona)
The Void Travelers: Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Heights Part 5 (The Void Travelers)
The Fallen Humans AU (Info Dump)
Bird of Passage thoughts (Creator Rambles: The Fallen Humans AU)
Stories Written:
A few Happy Moments (The Sea's Song Story)
Still Here (The Sea's Song Story)
The Queen of the Deep Sea (A short story AU)
The Queen (Hehehooo)
The Alluring Queen of the Deep Sea (Hehehooo)
The Captains' Dance (Hehehooo)
Needle and a Thread (Angels Fall AU)
Blood Spilt (Angels Fall AU)
I love you (Runyon x Reader)
I'll be your knight (Cathan x Reader)
You complete me (Cynwrig x Reader)
The Silence is Deafening (Sona Backstory)
The Bee and the Flower (H x Honeycomb)
C'mon, Captain~ (Blossom/H x Dusk: Pirate AU)
Blossom x Dusk: How they Met (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
The Truce (Outcode Story)
Aren't you tired of fighting? (Mermaid Pirate Hydrnagea: Not Csanon)
Soft headcanons (The Wandering SOULs Fell Sans)
A Caged Bird Info (Info dump)
A Caged Bird "no"s! (Info Dump)
Some Random Facts (Fallen Stars and Caged Bird Boys)
Some Facts (The Dying Stars Sans)
Angst Facts (The Dying Stars Sans)
Nickname (The Dying Stars Sans)
Angst Facts (Mafiafell Sans)
Soft Facts (Allurefell Sans)
Angst Facts (Underfell Sans)
Type? (The Caged Bird Skeletons)
Facts (The Caged Bird AU)
Ticklish? (The Caged Bird H)
Villain Underfell HCS (Stuff lmao)
Erorrotale Facts (info)
Best Dad with best dad jokes (UT Gaster)
Favorite creations? (The Puppeteer H)
Ianira Isn't Here? (The Creations)
Rejected Creations? (The Puppeteer and the Creations)
Opinions on each other? (Farmtale, Farmfell, and Farmswapl
Lolita fashion (yay multiple characters)
Chronically Ill SO (Many AUs)
Blossom x Dusk HCs Part 1 (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
Blossom x Dusk HCs Part 2 (First Mate Nightmare x Pirate H)
Dalton Fun Facts (The Void Traveler Fell Sans)
How they met! (What if two humans fell AU: Various AUs)
The skeleton brothers (What if Two Humans Fell AU: Various AUS.)
Resets (What if Two Humans Fell AU: Various AUs)
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ungrateful-cyborg · 2 years
21/22 : A'idan ; 28 : Skaar ; 34 : Inge ; 19 : TA ; 8-16 : Wolfy ; 31 : Astrid ; 40 : Kazan ( 8D)
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Have they ever killed anybody? Do they have any regrets?
On a technicality.
He wasn't the one who killed the man, but what difference does it make when he was fighting too? Perhaps if he had cast a sleeping spell on the first soldier, he could have saved the one who died. Perhaps if he had done something different, if the fight hadn't last as long, Lian and him wouldn't have blood on their hands.
Since the thread isn't done yet, all I can say is that at the moment he's trying to focus on ending the mission and saving those who still need saving. There'll be time later to dwell on it, but I suspect it'll take him a long time to overcome his feelings on the matter and make peace with the reality of the job he's chosen to do.
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How do they break bad news to someone?
Surprisingly softly coming from a man very few would expect such behaviour from. Skaar will try his best to put the person at ease and be reassuring, or at least offer some comfort if there's nothing to be reassured about.
Now if it's bad news in the form of "this is the consequences for your actions", like punishment or something like that, he's usually more firm than soft. How gentle it'll be will highly depend on the person and the situation though.
(Garleans and Empire sympathizers can go to the Seven Hells for all he cares, he won't make an effort to be nice with them.)
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Do they use one blanket and one pillow, or do they sleep on nest of fabric?
One blanket and one pillow, and that's if she even sleep in a bed at all.
Inge spends so much time in nature that she's more used to just sleeping in a tree or something like that. Perhaps a hammock if she had time to make one or brought one with her, as it would be her preference.
Generally speaking, she doesn't like sleeping on a bed that's too soft or nest-y.
The rest under the cut because it’s getting long XD
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Do they like to stargaze?
He does! Doesn’t do it all that often though, and he doesn’t know all the constellations or anything, but it’s relaxing and peaceful.
And now that he’s stuck in the Thirteenth, he does miss the stars dearly.
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What's something that will always make them smile?
His family and his best friend, who he considers family anyway.
He gets along extremely well with his parents, brother and sisters and they know him well enough to know how to make him smile, or how to make fun of him but have him playing along, etc.
He’s usually happier and softer in their presence than with anybody else.
Are they the 'mom' friend or the 'suck it up' friend?
He’s got one (1) friend and I’d say neither, actually.
Wolfe isn’t the kind of person who’s gonna tell you to suck it up if he cares about you. Unless it’s Cathan but he doesn’t want to admit that he cares, and even then, if something serious were to happen I don’t see him being this inconsiderate with him. He’d try to help and comfort him in some way (probably just not with words). I mean, he apologized already for getting him in trouble.
But I don’t see him being a mom friend with anyone. If he were to take a role close to that, he’d be someone’s mentor.
Really, he’s more somewhere in between.
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Do they have a comfort item? 
Not at the moment, no. But she’s got comfort food? It’s almost the same thing, really. Except when people eat all of it and she’s got nothing left for herself.
More seriously though, she lost everything she had on the isle of Vale, except for the few belongings still at her parents’ house, and then when she came back and decided to star over in Mor Dhona, she ended up teleported at the other side of the world with just her working bag on herself. So no, she doesn’t have any kind of comfort item at the moment.
We’ll see if she gets attached to something later!
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Do they know that they are loved?
No, he doesn’t. And for all the good being loved did to him, he doesn’t even believe he needs it. His parents loved him, probably, but they died when Reizei and him were young children. If the rest of his family cared about them, or exists at all, he doesn’t know and never heard of them.
And his brother, the only family left that mattered, chose the Princess of Sui-no-Sato over him.
The only person close to him now is Seimei, and two years and a few months later, he still doesn’t know what to do with the man and tries to keep him at bay. If Seimei loves him and someone told Kazan, then Kazan would ask: how does he know? He doesn’t know who I am, what I’ve done, and if he did, he’d change his mind. He’d see I’m not worthy.
(Can’t believe you made me write it down.)
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
Deep in The Woods - King Caspian
Pairing: Caspian x Reader
Request: hullo! i saw that your requests are currently open, so can i ask some fluff with caspian? something with him playing with his children hehe thank you! - anon
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff! Mentions of sex!
Words: 1170
Name meanings: Silas - Forest/Woods 
Cathan - Battle
A/N: I hope this is okay anon, thanks for the request! Hope you guys all like it and please let me know what you think, I love you all! xxx
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You weren’t quite sure what had woken you up; it might have been the glorious summer sun that beamed down upon your face. Or, it could have been the soft lips that pressed a feather light kiss against your forehead, perhaps it was just the rough bark of the tree pressing against your back. You opened your eyes to see your gorgeous King hovering over you, a teasing smile lifting the corners of his plump lips.
You sat up; messy thick curls spilled past your shoulders as you stretched your arms above your head and cupped your husband’s face as you looked around the beautiful little glen. The babbling brook played a beautiful melody in your ears. You were exhausted today; you had been taking little naps ever since you had been out with Caspian and your twin boys.
There had been a royal ball the previous night and you had become rather merry on the gorgeous spiced wine and had spent the night making love with your husband. You smiled at the memory and leaned forward to kiss him, threading your fingers through his thick hair, tugging a little at the ends.
“Hello, my love,” he sighed wistfully down at you as he trailed his fingers gently over your skin.
“My King,” you beamed at him as you played with his long raven locks, you loved him so much.
“Daddy!” Silas, one of your twin boys sighed while his twin brother, Cathan looked bored as he hit the ground with his wooden sword.
Caspian grinned at you as he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, “duty calls,” he rolled his eyes playfully as he got up and ran over to his sons.
It was an unusual day in Narnia, a rare day where you and Caspian didn’t have to endure endless council meetings. So, you had both decided to take Silas and Cathan away from the castle for the day, so they could just be little boys. You smiled as your heart melted as you watched Caspian play fight with your boys; he was such an amazing father and husband.
You and Caspian had hated each other at first, you had both been forced into an arranged marriage but over time, you had fallen desperately in love with him. You knew that he felt the same way about you.
“Oh, no! Y/N, please help me!” Caspian called out jokingly as he let Silas and Cathan get the best of him. They descended upon him, jabbing him with their swords. You giggled as you watched your husband and your sons play together.
“We’ve got you, daddy!” Cathan yelled and you heard Caspian’s breathless laughter echo through the woods.
“Okay, okay! You’ve got me, I can’t take anymore!” he laughed.
You beamed as Silas’ little giggle filled the glen with its sweet sound, “come on, Cathan! Let’s play in the water!”
“Don’t go too far you two!” you called after them as they ran to the little stream and began to splash each other.
You smirked as your husband stalked towards you like a predator circling his prey, he took you in his strong arms as you both lay down on the soft grass together, “you look so beautiful, My Queen,” he traced his fingers over the soft swell of your breasts as his honeyed words cooed in your ear.
“Caspian,” you breathed out his name in a whine as he scattered kisses along your neck, “not here, not where the boys can see.”
You felt Caspian pout against your skin before he pulled away, stroking his fingers through your hair, “let me take you to mermaid cove this evening, we haven’t gone in a while and I know that it’s one of your favourite places in Narnia,” you grinned and leaned up to kiss his cheek.
He was right of course, you loved watching the mermaids swim and dance in the water beneath the moonlit sky, and it was like another world down there. It was there that Caspian had told you that he loved you for the first time, many months after your wedding.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea, I’ll have the kitchens prepare us a night-time picnic,” you raised an eyebrow and decided you could tell him now. You didn’t want to wait any longer, “though, we must be careful,” you rested your hands on your stomach as you lovingly gazed up at him.
“What are you talking about?” he frowned down at you for a second and you rolled your eyes as you laughed up at him, shaking your head. He looked down at where you had placed your hands and he gasped, tears filling his deep brown eyes, “are you pregnant?”
“Yes!” you giggled, “I’m pregnant, I’m a couple of months along. I didn’t want to tell you yet because I know how hard you’ve been working to make all of Narnia peaceful for future generations.”
Caspian’s hand slid down from your cheek, down your neck and rested on your stomach, rubbing his thumb in gentle circles. He gazed down at you with such love and adoration in his eyes, it was like you and your little family was all that mattered to him. He gracefully bent his head down and pressed a kiss to your stomach through the silk on your dress, you giggled as he rested his cheek against your stomach and you tangled your fingers into his hair.
“Hello, little one,” he murmured, “I’m your father, and trust me, you are going to be so loved,” he pressed a final kiss to your stomach, before he leaned up to kiss you, “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too,” you smiled and you both glanced over to where your twins were still happily playing.
“Should we tell them now?” Caspian laughed.
You shook your head, “no, let them have their fun, they’ll be devastated when they find out they’ll be getting a brother or a sister. Oh god, I hope it’s not any more twins,” you giggled, rubbing your hands over your face.
Caspian smirked down at you, “well, I for one love how you look when you’re pregnant with twins, I’m not even going to keep my hands off you.”
You rolled your eyes as you rested your hands on his broad shoulders, “you can’t keep your hands off me anyway, no wonder I’m pregnant again,” you laughed as he pressed a kiss against your forehead.
Cathan and Silas’ squeals of delight were growing closer, Caspian winked at you as he picked up his wooden sword before turning to his boys, “oh no, Y/N! It’s the water monsters, I’ll save you! For Narnia, for Y/N!” he yelled, laughter in his voice as he got to his feet, chasing the twins around the woods.
“Save me, my valiant Knight!” you called after them, a beaming smile on your face.
Their screams and yells of delight filled your heart with warmth; your family was something that you never wanted to stray from.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​
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undeadqveen · 5 years
✕ — isn’t that shiklah wandering the streets of new york? civilians know them as queen of the undead and see them as an anti-hero (or villain depending the day,,, yike). as far as i know, the one thousand+ year old stands with the legion of monsters & howling commandos and are rumoured to be pretty authoritative & cavalier. ( priyanka chopra /demi-girl / she/they )
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{ trigger warnings : coma mention, war, sort-of-not-really-cannibalism (since u kno, demon, but still human eating), torture, medical/experiments  }
everyone say hello to my monster!baby, shiklah! she is the literal light of my life and i can only hope i do her justice. sooo here we go.
shiklah hasn’t been around in the comics for too long. and all her appearances in marvel are entirely comic based
so this rendition of her is going to be based on that, with my own head canons filling in the gaps along the way to make her a fully fleshed out character
age: old. really fucking old. she was alive before the first humans.
gender: demigirl. her war demon form is gender neutral. she wears female human skin, however.
height: 10’3” in true form, 5’8” in humanoid form
species: succubus, sorceress
occupation: succubus queen, queen of the undead, queen of the underworld, queen of monstropolis
place of birth: the arabian peninsula
citizenship: arabian
marital status: married (two polyamorous marriages)
orientation: pansexual, panromantic, and polyamorous
pre-coma family: mother and father, names unknown (deceased); amjad, brother (deceased); baqir, brother (deceased); jenny, cousin (alive and a fucking badass)
children: cathan, adopted son (species: demon who prefers a werewolf form, sorcerer)
pets: bug, her pet dragon, who flies and breathes fire. he’s a good boy.
affiliation: leader of the legion of monsters
base of operations: monster metropolis (otherwise known as monstropolis), morlock tunnels, manhattan, NY
moral alignment: lawful evil
before humans were even around, shiklah and her family ruled the monster world. but the vampires wanted to overthrow their family. cue a war that lasted centuries and saw the coming of man. aka a long ass fucking war. my poor baby.
during the war against the vampires, shiklah’s kingdom had fallen, and her and her father witnessed the deaths of shiklah’s two brothers.
her father, in a,,,,, stroke of,,,, genius? well. a stroke of something. decided to lock shiklah up in a sarcophagus for. however long it’d take until the war ended or until she was going to be wed. surprise surprise.
well. dracula decides to hire deadpool to go wake up shiklah. so they could be married and end this long ass war and finally have peace. things were going fine until deadpool gets into a fight with a minotaur and shiklah’s sarcophagus shatters, awakening her and bug.
in her short period of time being awake in the modern world, shiklah was nearly assassinated by blade, was captured by hydra, and captured by aim, both of which wanted to exploit her powers and experiment on her.
she also fell in love with wade who taught her how to acclimate to the modern world, about technology, and about popular culture
when humans brutally murdered a centuries-old monster who resided in monstropolis, an elder monster who was completely senile and not a threat to anyone, shiklah sort of. snapped. she tried to handle things with civility at first, going in front of the courts and asking for retribution for the cold blooded murder of her loyal friend.
when the courts laughed in her face and told shiklah that monsters aren’t protected under the criminal code, she realized humans really are horribly discriminatory, and declared war against them.
to stop shiklah from killing. everyone. wade went to get dracula, who came to find shiklah and proposed. the two were also married and shiklah took a temporary leave of her duties to pursue their relationship and learn how to rule as a fair ruler, not a forceful one. she realized she didnt like using her powers to rule her own citizens by force. proud of you, baby girl.  
succubus physiology
enhanced strength, speed, dexterity
supernatural beauty
royal-level mystical abilities
pheromones (my personal head canon, it hasn’t been written in the comics yet but her cousin jenny has succubus pheromones and it’d make sense shiklah does, too, as part of her supernatural beauty)
hellfire/soulfire manipulation
enslavement beams,,, yike
life-force absorption
i wont bore you with all of my myriad historical head canons about shiklah’s life before her millennia long sleep, they’ll probably come up as flashbacks in her threads anyhow, plus theres so  much time there to fill in that i’m sure shiklah will also tell me things as time goes on
what’s important to know about this though is that shiklah is, in many ways, very traditional. she loves donning a maid outfit and cleaning her entire palace. shes a forceful female ruler who’s still subjected at times to her thousands of years old preconceived notions of gender roles
she loves to party. she’s admitted to wade before that she throws parties with her monster friends all the time — one’s that are orgy ceremonies actually
she eats humans, particularly in her war form. it’s cool  
she’s pretty naive to the ways of the modern world. wade fills her in on stuff, but it’s also wade, lmao. her perception of things in the modern era is very biased towards deadpools own views on things
she’s adorable sometimes? like. super scary evil murder demon baby who cracks jokes about the kardashians.
shes evil towards humans but she is a fair and just ruler to monsters. she doesn’t like asgardians because apparently her people were enslaved by them during a conflict thousands of years ago. this issue though was sort of resolved when her cousin jenny was tricked into starting a fight with jane foster, and the two ended up reconciling and becoming close
but she respects the inhumans and she respects mutants, especially ones whose powers altered their physical appearance
tbh she wants to mom every monster looking kid
she reads comics in the bath like a cutie
she also goes to conventions, especially comic conventions, where people think shes dressed in cosplay. their reaction to her answer, “no, this is just the human skin i’m wearing for the day,” is her favourite thing
she loves bug more than anything else
consequently she loves sex almost as much as bug
blood k!nk~~~
she will kiss you and drain some of your life force. she will. it’ll give you a rush of adrenaline like nothing else and it really gets her off.
personally i HC that she was actually taken by hydra for a while and she was actually taken by aim for a while. she was weaponized by the former and experimented upon by the latter.
actually i have a lot of angst head canons for shiklah that’ll probably come out more in her threads and flashbacks too
she knows the x-men and some of the avengers and the fantastic 4 because they were at her wedding with wade????????
similarly, i imagine she knows most of the people he was on teams with or worked with, tbh. she probably loves the kinneys actually
she has a son she adopted, a five year old little demon sorcerer who she named cathan (in honour of the elder god, c’thon). he’s a little monster baby who uses his shapeshifting demon powers to stay in a werewolf humanoid demon form — because he was raised by wolves before shiklah rescued him
as a ruler of one of the dimensions of the underworld i imagine she also knows the other hell leaders such as dormammu, the hellstroms, mephisto, etc. but also other hellfire users like ghost rider.
shes evil but she has a big heart for the people she cares about. she has a bad tendency of prioritizing her needs and wants over what the people she loves needs or wants but she’s actively working on that, too
shes full of juxtapositions? which is why i love her. shes cunning in some ways but naive in others. shes evil to some but a darling to others. shes a war demon but also a housemaid. shes so complicated and diverse and i can’t wait to write her with you all!!!
— i think that’s about it for now?! shiklah is my BABE honestly. so hmu for all the plots because im sO EXCITED for her ok thanks fam ily <3
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mischievouscourtfae · 7 years
New Verse
V. War of the Seasons
The Civil War in Never-Never is in progress. Winter and Summer are at war with everyone while the combined forces of Autumn and Spring try to return peace and balance. Corruption, a dark and chaotic magic unlike anything the citizens of the Never-Never have ever seen before, has been spreading throughout the land. It twists the mind and is hard to detect. Each side claims the others have been infected by the sickness and that only they can purge it and restore the faerie lands.
Rosaline is the Autumn Lady and Gaspara one of her Ladies-in-Training. Raphael is the Winter Knight, his mind shattered by the Winter Queen who has grown twisted and paranoid and now uses her Knight as an assassin and torturer. Cathan is hidden away from the War by the Great Owl, she will not lose her son to this bloody mess, they stand aside... waiting it out.
{{ As this is set during the 100 years of war (roughly 1900-2000 on the human side by time moves dif in faerie lands) and this is a very plot-heavy time in my story, threads are limited in type and my muses personalities will reflect the horrors they are going through. This is a crucial part of their shared stories and a verse that I want to write a book on. That said, exploring it could be lots of fun! :D but it will require plotting to make sure thread set here fir the rest of their story. I won't AU in this verse. }}
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