#cassandra ulysses
feriorem · 8 months
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Day One (and two sadly because I worked too hard on this one) of ClassicsTober!!!! I'm sooo happy with this so I hope y'all like it :D
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pansy-picnics · 4 months
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some very inconsistent horses
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stuffedwriting · 1 month
Cassandra’s Poem
Erysich, my love, you who understands my pains because you share the very same pain, I thank the gods for our meeting, I cherish you like none other, for you have comforted me when my mind fills with prophecy or worry, you were always there with warm touch and soft words to soothe my heart. You are unlike any other on earth, no mortal or god is similar, you have been treated like a monster your entire existence, you are as deadly as the Minotaur for your hunger is endless and your greatest pleasure is devouring men whole, I understand how that is horrifying but when I see you overcome with the pleasure of it I can not help but feel the same.
Now I write of the mastermind Oysseus, you cunning man with a mind that rivals gods. You gave me insurmountable sorrow from slaying my kin and my people with help from that wretched wooden horse you fooled my land into believing was a gift to Athena and Troy and yet you are the only man able to believe my prophecies. I thank you for letting me journey with you as you follow the commands of gray eyed Athena and for giving me the only place I truly feel at home, you are the reason I met my lovely Erysich, the things I have done with you are countless, far too many to list here. I often think that the fates enjoy the irony of our relationship, of how you helped kill my family who hated me then years later you accepted me as your companion as you and your crew loved me as your own.
Next I shall write about golden eyed Medea, you wily woman, skilled at the works of Hecate to kill and poison countless men, I admit I am quite frightened of you but your demeanor eases this fear inside my heart, I am unsure who the better schemer, you or Odysseus, time and time again you have proved yourself a valuable crew member and friend.
Ulysses… I am sorry for taking part in your creation, your suffering is undeniably horrible, I have asked Apollo to make he who shakes the earth, Poseidon and lord of wine and madness Dionysus to release you from their grasp but they refuse, I hope next time our paths cross I can help soothe your pain.
With that I close this poem, it is the first time I have ever done this despite being a priestess of the god of which poetry is part of his domain. Apollo, accept this devotive offering, may reading it delight you.
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thesandman1989 · 2 years
its so funny that cassandra cain is supposed to be into classic lit now but she just reads poe😭 girl u need to put down the poor mans franz kafka and pick up fucking moby dick
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ava-core · 24 days
when i tell you i’m courier six: may brainrot i am MAY brainrot!! more info on her!! (still not the main post on her…i have an entire google document on her with all her stats, backstory and a journal of her journey as i play the game as her)
in the meantime, here’s an OC chart of her (template provided by @vault81 <3)
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yeah, par for the course.
some tidbits on this chart i’d like to explain:
of course i blocked out her real name. call me marjorie, but it adds to her mystique…and the fact that no one in the mojave, too, is none the wiser her real name isn’t May Bells? yeah i’m into that. the only person who has an idea is Boone, and that’s because they’re around each other 24/7—enough for him to notice the dogtag around her own neck that’s visible when she sleeps has strange symbols on it (his 3 INT can’t quite reach the fact that it’s mandarin) and he’s pretty sure they all don’t translate into something as short as May Bells.
may also has this strange flirtation going on with the strong, hot-headed women of the NCR: colonel cassandra moore, whose compliments seem…loaded, and corporal betsy, who never misses the opportunity to flirt unabashedly with may (who can never respond, despite usually being quick to reply with a dry or scathing quip). what can she say? she’s got a type. something about tough-around-the-edges soldiers with baggage to carry…oop.
of course boone doesn’t appreciate that. it’s first recon on first recon beef for this less-than-verbally-charming courier who will pick her nose if she knows there’s a booger in it
on that note: her 3 CHR stat and 28 Speech is so fun for me. i usually play as couriers with silver tongues, and may is, at the end of the day, underneath her combat prowess and big brain…just a nerd. just look at that big, fat 9 INT. she knows her way around terminals, science, how a plasma rifle works and how to jury rig that shit. she’s basically a few training modules away from being a certified trauma surgeon. she literally does math problems in pre-War textbooks to destress. she’s also convincing when she needs to be so long as the conversation involves reason and logic. but when she gets flirted with? nope. this girl will NOT respond with anything else than a silent, burning red face or roll of the eyes, depending on how much she likes you.
this aspect is so funny. really. i’m so used to the smooth talkers that i just up and use the failed speech checks for dialogue because i can see may saying them with her rifle in hand, her trigger finger itchy because where her words fail her bullets don’t. (“i came here…for uh…yeah, fuck it, you’re going to die.”)
her tag skills are medicine, science, and unarmed. this surprises no one.
this girl LOVES her sarcasm. growing up in an environment where you had to be kind, calm, and submissive, the freedom to just be a jack shit asshole with your words was a promising proposition may took without a second thought the moment she was in shady sands.
still, when she doesn’t need to talk, she won’t talk. she prefers the company of books, and later in the story, when she grows closer to boone and the rest, she still retains her fondness for silence—she bonds with others by being silent together.
while she might seem like an average grizzled merc with her mask and the scars and bullets around her body, not to mention her terrifying presence perk, she’s actually quite forgiving. it ties into her natural tendency towards compassion, no matter how hard she tried to suppress it; hell, remember her father, who murdered almost all of his entire family? may remains conflicted about that, and despite his abuse of her and her siblings, there are times where she remembers him fondly and often honors his memory alongside the other deceased members of her family.
it’s her recognition of the complexity of these relationships and how they tie in together that make her more empathetic of the people in the mojave. she knows everyone around her’s got their own burdens; if they’re not doing anything to actively shit on you, why add to that, right?
may spends a lot of her time thinking. she’s always pensive, always wondering, thoughts swirling around in her head, the entire opposite of head empty. may head full. too full. always full.
also, yes, she’s superstitious. somewhat, as i indicate, because she’s not above dismissing some Shi rites she deems irrelevant entirely—but some centered around karma and the value of the soul, she upholds. an example is, again, her effort to respect the dead civilians she encounters in travel. a broc flower here, a silent prayer there. if no repose is to be found in this life, it was the least she could do to at least wish for them to find it in the next one.
MAY BELLS i love you…my nerdy, awkward, sarcastic little courier six…playing fnv as you is the highlight of a very difficult week <//3
also if she was exposed to modern music, she’d probably love my chemical romance, fall out boy, green day and the smashing pumpkins. you can already imagine what kind of person she’d be…that emo-punk eyeliner phase LMFAO
so…one more song for the road, one i know may would have as a favorite.
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majestativa · 7 months
Cesare Pavese knelt atop the most beautiful hills in Italy to ask death to come and he had eyes of fire. Distant, more distant still, the ghosts that detained Ulysses momentarily confirmed today their profound and true reason: not wanting to return.
— Miyó Vestrini, Grenade in Mouth: Some Poems of Miyó Vestrini, transl by Anne Boyer and Cassandra Gillig, (2019)
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librarycards · 5 months
do you have any favorite books/articles/etc. on asexuality and/or aromanticism?
this is great timing, anon! @stephen-deadalus and i just recently published an article/webtext rellated to ace/aro rhetorics in a neuroqueer/transMad context. below is a link to that + another piece of mine, and some other works you should check out
First and foremost: check out Carnival of Aces and Carnival of Aros. The former was one of my main sources of info back in the day when I ID'd as ace (starting in 2012ish) and they're still going. Carnival of Aros is more recent, and their posts have been really interesting to read so far.
for articles:
[sarah] Cavar, In praise of -less: transMad shouts from absent (pl)aces (hiiiiiii)
[sarah] Cavar & ulysses c. bougie, port-man-toes: the aroace - queercrip - transmad - neuroqueer erotics of digital collaboration (hiiiiii pt. deux) [also see our references in this piece for more cites]
C. Bougie, Composing Aromanticism
Carter Vance, Unwilling Consumers: A Historical Materialist Conception of Compulsory Sexuality (h/t @queertemporality)
M. Remi Yergeau, Cassandra Isn't Doing the Robot: On Risky Rhetorics and Contagious Autism (a chapter in Yergeau's first monograph, Authoring Autism, also attends to the prefix 'demi' in compelling ways, esp. for those interested in neuroqueerness)
for books:
Twoey Gray, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. See my review in Feral Feminisms here, and the whole Ace & Aro Reviews Issue here.
Milks & Ceranowski, eds. Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives (the og one is out, but the 10th anniversary ed. is forthcoming this year....with a chapter by Ulysses and I again!)
Ela Przybylo, Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality
I haven't read the Ace anthology yet, so I rec with grains of salt included. But reviewers I respect have commented favorably on it, so I'm putting it here.
This list is pretty short, mostly because I wanted to keep the citations to those actually accessible for free online (apart from books). It is also because the most radical, interesting, and generative discourse happening on ace/aro subjectivity and community, at this time, is happening on Tumblr and other blogs. Genuinely. I recommend searching the ace/aro/loveless/lovequeer tags to get a sense of what is currently happening; these are the spaces where I get a lot of my information and citations, including for the published articles above. hope this helps get you started!
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therivercocytus · 2 months
everyone should adopt the trojans using roman names bit itd be funny. “fucking hate that ulysses guy can’t believe he’s going to burn our city in like 3 months” “um cassandra his name is odysseus” “what. are you trying to gaslight me like the rest of my family???”
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art history album moodboard – dance fever by florence + the machine
The Flamenco Dancer – Leopold Schmutzler // The Queen in “Hamlet” – Edwin Austin Abbey // Vanity – Frank Cadogan Cowper // Play of the Nereides – Arnold Böcklin // A Still Life of Tulips, Roses, Bluebells, a Peony, and Other Flowers in a Glass Roemer on a Wooden Ledge with a Dragonfly – Jacob van Hilsdonck // Yseult – Frank Bernard Dicksee // The Course of Empire: Destruction – Thomas Cole // Vanity – Frank Cadogan Cowper // Dance to the Music of Time – follower of Laurent de la Hyre // Marie Camargo – Nicolas Lancret // Ulysses and the Sirens – Herbert James Draper // Cassandra – Evelyn De Morgan // El Jaleo – John Singer Sargent // The Course of Empire: The Consummation of Empire – Thomas Cole // The Flamenco Dancer – Leopold Schmutzler
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sixamese-simblr · 6 months
Alien Invasion: Family trees 25 years in
It's been 25 years since the invasion of Pleasantview and Strangetown started. Since Tycho is technically born in-game and he had a baby with Lucy Burb, the first born in-game generation is now complete for my alien invasion hood!
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PT was really busy early on, but his jobs have slowed down lately. The rule was to only summon him when a human man rolled a want for a baby. Among his kids are Tycho, Vidcund Jr., Loki's twins Atom and Ceres and their younger sister Elektra (number 7 in the row), and finally John Burbs 3 alien kids Jane, Joe and Jack. Tycho already has a child of his own, little Joule with Lucy Burb.
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Stella has a relatively modest number of kids at 4. Her eldest, Aster (pictured second), was born from her short-lived marriage to Cassandra Goth, and Deneb (pictured first) was born about a year after, from the affair she had with Darren that ended that marriage. She has two girls from her marriage to Vidcund: Violet and Cundy Sinclair Nova.
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Chloe is happily married to Ripp, and has three children with him: Melanie, Bruno and Flavio. Outside of her marriage, she has three more: Azzura Goth, Alexander's daughter, Junior Oldie, Herb's son, and Rina Singles, the daughter she had with Nina. Only Junior and Rina have any alien DNA, although it remains unexpressed in Junior.
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Lola has only two kids, Sitara and Parveen Loner in a previous marriage to Ajay. Sitara, the younger of the two, possesses recessive alien genes.
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Jill has 3 kids, 2 with her longtime fiancé Buck: Jeff and Jess. Additionally, she has a toddler age son with Beau: Bill Broke. Jess has her grandfather's green skin, and Bill has latent alien DNA.
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Johnny has done one hell of a job, with no fewer than 9 children. From eldest to youngest, we have Gertrude Nigmos, with the late Ophelia, Esmeralda Broke with Dustin, Diana and Dzvezda Smith with Dirk, Beelzebub Pleasant with Lilith, Justina Smith with Dina, twins Arma and Colt Grunt with Tank and finally baby Eric Davis with Johnny's most recent ex-husband Aldric. Of these, Justina is homozygous for alien genes, making her the first full blood alien to be born in the neighborhood.
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Dina has a modest 4 children. Her eldest two are the twins Dino and Regina Goth with Mortimer, followed by her son Michael with her wife Angela. Finally, she had Justina with Johnny, as previously mentioned. Michael has latent alien genes.
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Unfortunately, Nina and her husband Don passed away when a cockroach-borne epidemic swept SimCity. With him, she had two daughters called Jezebel and Carmen Lothario. Outside of her marriage, she had 5 more kids: Laser Grunt with Buzz, Rina Singles with Chloe, Paul Curious with Vidcund, Nino Pleasant with Daniel and Ulysses Beaker with Circe. Of these, Rina and Ulysses have alien skin, and Nino has recessive alien genes.
In total, this means the next generation consists of no fewer than 42 sims. 24 of those have alien skin, with one of them being a full alien. 5 sims have recessive alien genes, and 13 are fully human.
For the upcoming generation, I will be focusing on pairing off the half-alien offspring with each other. Hopefully, by the next generation we will have arrived at the final stage of the alien invasion, and we have at least one fully viable court consisting of a queen and several drones, each fully alien.
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historiavn · 20 days
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CURATED BY CALLIE ⠀— ⠀22 years old ⠀ / ⠀ she & they pronouns ⠀ / ⠀ university student ⠀/ ⠀aspiring history professor and musical theatre playwright currently writing WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE, a new musical seeking to recontextualize Abraham Lincoln’s presidency through focusing on his lifelong struggle with mental health.
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non-roleplay / personal blogs are welcome to follow and interact, just please do not reblog any of my roleplay threads or in character askbox responses.
minors under the age of eighteen, please do not interact with this blog under any circumstances.
the askbox meme prompts that I reblog never have an expiration date. you are welcome to send as many askbox prompts as you want to this blog irregardless of the date that the prompt list was reblogged; just please specify the recieving muse!
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OTHER WHERABOUTS INCLUDE rmstitanics (personal blog), calliesmemes (askbox prompts and roleplay help), valorums (shi’al valorum / star wars original character), and prodijedi (count dooku / star wars canon character). Please bear in mind that this is a main blog, not a side blog.
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LOUDEST MUSES: Cassandra Fatesworth, Anastasia Andrews-Ismay / RMS Titanic, Agatha Morrible, Giles Andrè, Joseph Pulitzer, Bruce Ismay, Ophelia Chronsturn, Abraham Lincoln. Please interact with them!
NEWEST MUSES: Giles Andrè (Phantom of the Opera), Agatha Morrible (Wicked), Octavia Ozpin / The Land of Oz (Wicked), Cassandra Fatesworth (Bridgerton).
CURRENTLY READING: Crucible of Command: Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee — The War They Fought, the Peace They Forged (William C. Davis), Star Wars: the Living Force (John Jackson Miller), Red White & Royal Blue (Casey McQuiston).
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THIS version of my muse list includes links to starter calls and shipping calls. However, if you want a simplified version of my muse list, please consult the content below the read more.
John Adams — William Daniels & Paul Giamatti
Jane Austen — Anne Hathaway
Abraham Lincoln — Various Actors
Robert Todd Lincoln — Various Actors
Mary Todd Lincoln — Sally Field
Andrew Carnegie — Adam Jonas Segaller
Bruce Ismay — Various Actors
Captain Edward J. Smith — James Wilby& Bernard Hill
Ethan Clay — Henry Cavill
Emmeline Eisenhower — Hayley Atwell
Dr. Constance Morgan — Vera Farminga
Dr. Ophelia Chronsturn — Jenna Coleman
Anastasia Andrews (RMS Titanic) — Adelaide Kane
Justine Javert — Keira Knightley & Emma Watson
Agatha Morrible — Anya Taylor Joy
Octavia Ozpin (The Land of Oz) — Emilia Clarke
Cassandra Fatesworth — Rose Williams
Sarah Phillips — Amybeth Mcnulty
Celeste Franklin — Megan Follows
George Washington — Ian Khan
Theodosia Davy (HMS Terror) — Keira Knightley
(Historically Accurate) Joseph Pulitzer — Daniel Brühl
Giles Andrè — Matthew Mcfadyen
Augustin André — Phantom of the Opera
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vodka-and-ocs · 3 months
Abby Idris
Ada Amakiir (later Galanodel)
Adel Weiss
Arbus Lawrence
Ariane Serta
Aster Nordström
Clarabell "Bell"
Barnard "Bernie"
Nathaniel "Brownie" Brown
Camille James
Cobalt Nightingale (formerly Song)
Daryl Galanodel
David Ceese
Eris Winberg
Narangerel "Gan" Purev
Gary Khan
Hazel Brown
Helen C.C. Kobena (the C.C. stands for Craterellus Cornucopioides)
(The) Hero
Hillen Eke
Himari Fujimori
Isabelle de la Tour
Jak'raadun'zaerazylym "Silver Jack"
Jackie Lantern
Kal Idris
Keion Galanis
Kris "Krill"
Laurel Walters
(Idris) Lavellan
Levi Eke
Lewis Glory
Liz (short for Lizard, allegedly)
Lyr Galanodel
Mercury ? (later Lawrence)
Mushi ? (later Skoll)
Nora Eke
Persimmon "Percy"
Phoebe Hobbes
Pluto Cedeño
Poe K. Amon
Rena Idris
Robjorn "Rob"
Sedna Ramanantsoa
Sol Nordström
Swift J1818.0
Thej Mahariel
Valerie (Valentine, Raphael, ...) Heart
Vincenza "Vinny" Fontanelli
Will Frey
Yori Kamiya
[lonely avatar]
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stuffedwriting · 2 months
Introducing The Accursed Universe!
Main characters:
Odysseus: a king who fights for Athena forever after being brought back to life, leader of The Accursed
Erysich: cursed with endless hunger and quells that hunger by sadistically swallowing people whole,
Cassandra: cursed so that nobody believes her prophecies (Luckily Odysseus goes by “Nobody” sometimes so it’s a loophole) she’s dating Erysich because they bonded over their shared pain,
Medea: haunted by the ghost of her lover Jason after she ruined his life but she used his love for feeling like her hero to make him protect her.
Side characters:
Ulysses: Odysseus’ dead body alive but without a soul being controlled by Dionysus and Poseidon
Dyomiteron: the daughter of Artemis and a nymph, this nymph fell in love with the goddess and attempted to have assault her but was over powered, still somehow the nymph had a child asexually like how Hera did with Hephaestus.
Story time line so far:
Another day another memory
A curse and a blessing
Hungry for love
Visions of the past
Love blinded fools
Nowhere to else go
Wine to water
Cat’s or devil’s eyes
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wasteiandbaby · 4 months
Key Symbols
Strikethrough = Taken Character
Italics = Reserved Character
Bold = Most Wanted
We are an indeed an OC friendly server for anyone wishing to know, originals can be found listed in the roster within the server.
Arthur Maxson
Aspirant Dane
Initiate Clarke
Knight Lucia
Knight Maximus
Knight Rhys
Knight-Captain Larsen
Lancer Captain Kells
Paladin Brandis
Scribe Haylen
Aurelius of Phoenix
Gaius Magnus
Legate Lanius
Vulpes Inculta
Mama Murphy
Ronnie Shaw
Carrie Boyd
Cassandra Moore
Chief Hanlon
Colonel Royez
Corporal Betsy
General Lee Oliver
James Hsu
Lieutenant Gorobets
Major Dhatri
Ranger Ghost
Sergeant Bitter-Root
Lizzie Wyath
Mags Black
Sierra Petrovita
William Black
Courier Six
Lone Wanderer
Sole Survivor
Arcade Gannon
Butch DeLoria
Christine Royce
Craig Boone
Dean Domino
John Hancock
Joshua Graham
Lily Bowen
Nick Valentine
Paladin Danse
Piper Wright
Porter Gage
Preston Garvey
Raul Tejada
Robert MacCready
Rose Of Sharon Cassidy
Star Paladin Cross
Veronica Santangelo
Conrad Kellogg
Dr. Allie Filmore
Dr. Clayton Holdren
Dr. Justin Ayo
Dr. Madison Li
Father / Shaun
Dr. Stanley Carrington
Drummer Boy
High Rise
Old Man Stockton
Ricky Dalton
Tinker Tom
Benny Gecko
Cooper Howard
Dr. Amari
Kent Connolly
Lucy MacLean
Mr. House
The King
Waking Cloud
Yes Man
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cobycobsy2k · 5 months
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Alternative, Season 2, Episode 16: "Chaotic Y2K"
"The year 2000 has begun, so everyone is very excited to see what this new millennium has in store for them, so let's see what has happened to the boys"
Academie Le Tour
House of Bianca, Kent, Desiree and Ulysses
Desiree and Bianca were returning from a walk, as they had both had a nice vacation and had many stories to tell.
Bianca: My parents don't want to let me get my nose pierced! My "brother" so to speak, Mercutio, knows a very expert piercer who is in Downtown. I'm going to see if we go together and I'll get the piercing done.
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Desiree: Really? Wow! It sounds good, my mom says that now I can wear a little makeup, the other day we were buying things and I saw some very nice clothes!
Ulysses (Together with Kent going to greet her friends): Wow, girls, you look fabulous!!
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Kent (Giving a little joke to Bianca): How are you going to get a Piercing, Bianca?
Bianca: Hey Kent, you're very joking today haha! Well, I'm going to get a piercing!
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Ulysses (Looking at Bianca with a small blush): I think a piercing would look very nice on you!
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Bianca (Surprised to hear Ulysses' words): Do you really believe that? Thank you!
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The four friends decided to talk about everything they had done on their vacation.
Meanwhile, at Priscilla, Rénee and Crystal's house
Crystal had invited her best friend Riley and her boyfriend Mickey to spend the day with her. The two were telling them everything that had happened at graduation and how college was going.
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Mickey (while hugging Riley): And then, we met Cassandra Goth herself, but we only saw her from afar…
Riley (as she grabbed Mickey by her chin): We would have said hello to her if we weren't busy with that college job! Ugh Crys, I swear college isn't like in the movies.
Crystal (while chatting with someone on the PC): Really? I imagine it must be horrible!!
Mickey: Yes… especially everything that has to do with Mathematics, that teacher Randall is very demanding… Right Boo?
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Riley: You're right Mickey, by the way, Natasha invited us to her house in Desiderata Valley, because there will be a party for John's birthday… Although I told her that we would go before nightfall… Who do you talk to so much Crys? I see that you are very focused on the computer.
Crystal (with a smile): Well, it turns out that I'm talking to a friend named Buz, I think that's his name!, who is very handsome, and studies at La Fiesta Tech!
Riley: Really? That sounds great! You just have to be careful, who knows if he's actually a good person or not?
Meanwhile with Priscilla and Rénee
The two girls were watching TV accompanied by a friend of Mickey and Riley.
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Priscilla: I don't understand why the principal told us to come to the Academy if we have a free week…
Rénee: The truth is I prefer to be here than at home, having my mother pregnant is a bit chaotic, although I do get a little bored here.
Priscilla: Should we tell Crystal to see if we go out together or not?
Rénee: Nah, She's busy with Riley and Mickey.
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Tim (University Mascot): And why don't you try shopping here at the academy?
Priscilla: Sounds interesting!
At that moment Crystal runs out with great excitement, since that Buzz guy had arrived at the Academy. Upon leaving, Crystal felt disappointment and anger, because in reality, Buzz was nothing more and nothing less than General Grunt from Strangertown.
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Buzz: Hello Crystal! It's nice to see you here!
Crystal (a little angry): I say, what are you doing here?
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Buzz: Miss, I remind you that I am that friend she was talking to on the internet, and also, why are you wearing that short shirt?
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Crystal (angry): Listen to me very well! You are not my father or my uncle to tell me what I should or should not wear, second, it's a halter top!!
Buzz (a little surprised by Crystal's attitude): Wow, so we have a rebellious lady? I really like your attitude Crystal, you're too cool
Crystal (Calming down a little): Really? Well, thank you very much, I think you are someone very interesting!
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Buzz (While grabbing Crystal's hand to kiss her): A lady like you shouldn't distrust others, I won't say anything to your uncle, don't worry, your secret will be safe with me.
Inside the house, Rénee and Priscilla were watching everything, they were both a little worried about Crystal's attitude.
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Rénee (Sitting on the floor, because she and Priscilla are hiding of Crystal): That's not a real military man!? Crystal is crazy!!
Priscilla: I think we should talk with her later...
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elementalgod-aj · 9 months
Anthro Allies Remastered (Part 11)
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were at the home stretch we Got Mollusks, we got Annelids, Parasites, Flora, Fungi and Micro Organisms
Sync (Giant Octopus/Blue ringed)
Lakella (octopus hybrid)
Tihomier (vampire squid)
Silah (Squid hybrid)
Bobby (bobtail squid)
Cassandra (Cuttlefish)
Jubal (Ramshorn Squid)
Lozen (Nautilus) 
Rosallyn (Snail)
Shankha (Garden snail/Horse conch)
Oozie (Sea slug)
Bryce (Land slug/Blue sea slug)
Ulysses (Bivalve hybrid)
Petunia (Bivalve Hybrid)
Lucian (Lined Chiton)
Gumshoe (Gumboot Chiton)
Grindor (Earthworm/Leech Mutant)
Eztli (Leech)
Gorya (Giant Gippsland Earthworm)
Splicer (Bristle worm hybrid)
Legume (Peanut worm)
Gabija (Ragworm)
Parasitic worms 
Pasala (Mutant Tapeworm)
Hammer (Hammerhead Worm)
Sludge (Mud dragon)
Lori (Loricifera)
Linka (Penis worm)
Gordian  (Horsehair worms)
Husky (Roundworm)
Arrowhead (Arrow worms) 
Spyne (Thorny headed worm)
Harry (Hairy Backs)
Jabber (Jaw Worm)
Slim (Flatworms) 
Wheel (Rotifers) 
Valve (Lampshells)
Brio (Bryozoa)
Kampto (Entoprocta)
Ribbon (Ribbon worm)
Phil (Horseshoe worm)
Cycle (Tree Of Life Ent)
Flo-Rel (Plant Ent)
Matango (Giant Mushroom)
SHroom (Mushroom)
Microbes (Bacteria/Protist/Archaea/Monera)
Micro (Microbe)
Mirca (Bacteria)
Miniscule (Choanoflagellate)
Ambrosal (Protozoa)
(For More Information About The Earthdemons, Neo demons, The Anthro allies , the O'Kong family and more of theses characters as well as updates please visit the @the-earthdemon-hub for more)
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