historiavn · 17 hours
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Lincoln (2012) - dir. Steven Spielberg
I have to do this! And I will! Or I will feel ashamed of myself for the rest of my life. Whether or not you fought is what's gonna matter. And not just to other people, but to myself! I won’t be you, Pa, I can’t do that, but I don’t want to be nothing!
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historiavn · 18 hours
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💼 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ       ROBERT TODD LINCOLN
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PRIMARY UNIVERSE:      Historical
SHIPPING STATUS:      Open / Bisexual.
If you want to explore a romantic ship between Robert and your muse, please comment a heart emoji. I will message you so that we can plot! Feel free to send shippy askbox memes to test chemistry as well.
MOST WANTED UNIVERSES:      Historical Fiction, Percy Jackson, Star Wars, Stranger Things, Disney Franchise, and Chronicles of Narnia.
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historiavn · 23 hours
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ABRAHAM GLANCED DOWN AT HIS partner, fond amusement flickering across his war-weary features. He shook his head, broad shoulders sagging under the weight of the MANY BURDENS he was forced to bear as COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the Union Army.
“Unfortunately, my dear, being President of the United States means that I must put my people first.” He responded, but even as he spoke, centuries’ worth of EXHAUSTION crept into his voice. “I must ensure the nation’s well-being before I can address my own, but you are welcome to stay with me while I finish this work. My presidential duties cannot wait.”
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╰► @audaciiae
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Apollo rather dramatically lays across Abraham's lap, throwing his hand over his forehead with a groan. "Oh, my darling, will you not pay attention to me? Do I have to beg? Whine? Complain? You've been cooped up in this office all day. Who do I have to write to get you to come out for more than two seconds, hm?"
He looks up at Abraham with a pout and wide blue eyes, his arms crossed. It's well into the evening, and Apollo is feeling rather neglected. "Whatever you're doing can wait until the morning. It's time to take care of yourself."
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historiavn · 23 hours
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SURE, HE’D BEEN BORN A MERE SIX YEARS after Abraham, but there was still something about Elmira’s demeanor which reminded him of what he surmised would be a MOTHER FIGURE. Hence, the INCORRIGIBLY STOIC Aide-de-Camp to President Lincoln allowed his chiseled features to soften — a most shocking feat indeed — once the First Lady linked her arm together with his own.
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“I’ve been as alright as one can be in these turbulent times.” Ethan responded, but the HAUNTED EXHAUSTION clouding his piercing gaze suggested that this was a flawed standard by which to measure his present state of being. “If I am to be forbidden from fighting — in the event that civil war indeed erupts — for my country, then here alongside you and Abraham is where I would prefer to endure this conflict” The hope that war would not break out at all went unsaid, as did Ethan’s growing fear that such a development was inevitable. “Now, enough about me; how have you been?”
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╰► @officerwaltons
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historiavn · 2 days
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historiavn · 3 days
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PRIMARY UNIVERSE:      Historical Fiction
SHIPPING STATUS:      Open / Bisexual.
If you want to explore a romantic ship between Constance and your muse, please comment a heart emoji. I will message you so that we can plot! Feel free to send shippy askbox memes to test chemistry as well.
MOST WANTED UNIVERSES:      Historical Fiction, Time Travel, Percy Jackson, Star Wars, Marvel, Disney Franchise, Mythology.
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historiavn · 3 days
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HENRY CAVILL as Sherlock Holmes in ENOLA HOLMES 2 (2022)
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historiavn · 3 days
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⚔️ ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ       Lieutenant General ETHAN CLAY
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PRIMARY UNIVERSE:      Historical
SHIPPING STATUS:      Open / Pansexual.
If you want to explore a romantic ship between Ethan and your muse, please comment a heart emoji. I will message you so that we can plot! Feel free to send shippy askbox memes to test chemistry as well.
MOST WANTED UNIVERSES:      Historical Fiction, Time Travel, Percy Jackson, Star Wars, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Disney Franchise.
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historiavn · 4 days
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UNBEKNOWNST TO HEWLETT, Dr. Ophelia Chronsturn was indeed quite the magnet for misfortune. She only had time to utter a quiet ❝ Thank you, ❞ to the gentleman who provided her with a chestnut horse before subsequently being reminded of this fact — which was, of course, already evident to her due to the mere existence of her family’s curse. It seemed that Ophelia was doomed to attract every possible form of bad luck for as long as she lived.
On this particular occasion, the bad luck in question immediately manifested itself as Hewlett’s following inquiry — where were you heading from? Ophelia momentarily froze like a deer caught in headlights, before schooling her expression into one of perfect serenity. Meanwhile, her mind was racing.
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Quick, Ophelia; think! In a desperate effort to conceal her panic, Ophelia mounted her horse, hoping to stall for time. ❝ I, uh— ❞ She began, cursing herself for stumbling into the situation of lacking a suitable alibi. Luckily, however, one came to mind moments later.
❝ — Virginia, sir. I’m … erm … I’m traveling from Virginia. ❞ Close enough to D.C. that it’s technically not a lie, and better yet, Virginia was one of the original thirteen colonies. ❝ It has indeed been a long journey, and the woods were quite lovely before I got attacked by those asshol— ❞ Wrong era, Ophelia! ❝ — by those unfortunate men. ❞
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╰► @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins
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historiavn · 4 days
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WEBWEAVE: With Malice Toward None
WITH MALICE TOWARD NONE is a new musical currently in development that recontextualizes the well-known narrative of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency by focusing on his struggle with mental health. Narrated by the Robert Todd Lincoln of 1922, this musical is a complex commentary on the issues of mental health, leadership, and historical memory.
FEATURING QUOTATIONS AND IMAGES PULLED FROM Tumblr, Pinterest, And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle (Jon Meacham), Joshua Wolf Shenk, The History Channel’s Abraham Lincoln docuseries, The Psychic Life of Abraham Lincoln (Susan B. Martinez).
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historiavn · 5 days
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THUNDERSTORMS WERE LOVELY INDEED, but when Agatha had decided the campus weather for today while conversing with her mother over a nice warm breakfast, she hadn’t realized the fact that the SHEER MIGHT of her marvelous storm would NEGATIVELY IMPACT any attempts at SOCIAL INTERACTION.
❛ Oh—! ❜⠀Agatha exclaimed, a quiet giggle escaping her lips. ❛ Don't you fret, Mr. Tiggular; I can take care of the rain problem. It’ll take me just one moment. ❜ One of her perfectly manicured hands slipped out from beneath Fiyero’s umbrella, and then, she snapped her fingers. In that very instant, the storm subsided, VANISHING from sight as though there was never a storm at all. Shiz University had been freed from her merciless wrath — at least, until the NEXT TIME that Agatha made the choice to “shake things up a bit.”
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For most students of sorcery, the feat which Agatha had just performed would require YEARS of intense magical training under careful supervision. Although Agatha indeed studied this delicate art alongside her mother, weather manipulation had always felt as easy to her as BREATHING. Hence, she managed to appear entirely UNFAZED and UNAFFECTED by this endeavor. ❛ There — ❜ She announced, her lips tugging upward into a small smile. ❛ — now we can socialize in peace without suffering the consequences of Nature’s wrath. ❜
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╰► @dancedfacades
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historiavn · 5 days
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IT WAS NOT ONE’S INHERITANCE WHICH DETERMINED FAMILIAL TIES ⸻ this Bruce now knew for certain, for Rhaegar was HIS BROTHER IN ALL BUT BLOOD. His biological brothers meant nothing to him; Rhaegar, however, meant EVERYTHING. The young boy swallowed thickly, failing in his VALIANT EFFORT to conceal just how much Rhaegar’s words had moved him. A shaky breath was required to steady himself before he could even hope to respond to his dear friend. Merlin — how was it that Rhaegar could always read him like an OPEN BOOK? With most other souls, Bruce would rather DIE than admit to them that he was scared. Rhaegar, on the other hand?
He could tell Rhaegar anything.
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❝ Thank you. ❞ Bruce murmured in response, his voice barely above a whisper. ❝ I … you … that means … that means a lot to me. It really does. ❞ You are the first person who’s actually wanted to protect me. Before you, I had no one.
❝ My father … he’s been putting more pressure on me lately regarding what I’ll do when we finish Hogwarts. That shipping company he bought a while ago — the White Star Line? He wants me to apprentice under him for a bit, and then manage the company myself when he passes, but I’m tired. I’m so damn tired of doing what he tells me to do; nothing I do is ever good enough for him, anyway! ❞
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╰► @rh4egar
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@historiavn SENT AN OWL. " i'm tired. tired of being afraid. " | prompt.
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there is a silent understanding between them ⸻ two boys so similar, born under circumstances that could not have been more different. both of them, however, are afraid. though rhaegar was afraid of hiding it. the heir looks to nagini in awe —– she is large, larger than the likes of worldserpents, she flies past the grandest mountains & over deepest oceans without fear, for she knew nothing could ever be as great & terrible as her. perhaps, if he clings to the winged mountain tight enough, binds himself to her though his very soul —– he could be fearless too. he needn't fear the sirens that pierced london's nights, he needn't be terrified of the sound of german bombers that carved itself into his mind. ❝ afraid —– ? of your father —– ? ❞ gaunt turns thoughful for a moment. ❝ once i claim my title as head of the sacred twenty - eight. . . ❞ bruce knew of nagini —– watched her grow from the size of a cat to the beast she was today, there were few secrets rhaegar had he would not reveal to his friend. ( just one actually —– the horcruxes. ) naturally ismay also knew of his plan to become subdue the noble families. many a gaunt held this title, for were they not the most sacred of bloods? a custom abolished as the gaunts fell from grace many generations ago, a bloodline grown thin & weak. but rhaegar was different, he would be greater than salazar slytherin himself. ❝ i am still in need of my friend. no one would dare hurt you. i will make sure of that & if not me —– nagini will. ❞
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historiavn · 5 days
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historiavn · 5 days
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⚔️ ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ       Lieutenant General ETHAN CLAY
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PRIMARY UNIVERSE:      Historical
SHIPPING STATUS:      Open / Pansexual.
If you want to explore a romantic ship between Ethan and your muse, please comment a heart emoji. I will message you so that we can plot! Feel free to send shippy askbox memes to test chemistry as well.
MOST WANTED UNIVERSES:      Historical Fiction, Time Travel, Percy Jackson, Star Wars, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Disney Franchise.
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historiavn · 5 days
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💼 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ       ROBERT TODD LINCOLN
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PRIMARY UNIVERSE:      Historical
SHIPPING STATUS:      Open / Bisexual.
If you want to explore a romantic ship between Robert and your muse, please comment a heart emoji. I will message you so that we can plot! Feel free to send shippy askbox memes to test chemistry as well.
MOST WANTED UNIVERSES:      Historical Fiction, Percy Jackson, Star Wars, Stranger Things, Disney Franchise, and Chronicles of Narnia.
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historiavn · 5 days
this family is so fucking funny. preston’s back there babbling old man nonsense while monty’s convincing a 10 year old he wasn’t kicked out of the cabinet (lincoln is just sat there stone faced)
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historiavn · 6 days
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It’s Mama you’re scared of, not me getting killed.
[Lincoln slaps Robert in the face. It shocks them both.]
[Lincoln tries to embrace Robert, but Robert shoulders past him and walks back toward the front of the building.]
Lincoln Screenplay (Tony Kushner)
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