#carlando fluff
vivwritesfics · 2 months
Would you maybe please write a carlando x reader were reader is sick or injured but is also really stubborn and doesn’t want to let the team down so maybe pushes herself a little too hard? She comes pretty high in the rankings but not without cost. Cue soft and fluffy carlando having to look after her and nurse her back to health? 💕💕
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"Out," she said as Lando led Carlos into her apartment. "Both of you."
They ignored her, Lando sitting on the couch as Carlos went to the kitchen to get her something hot to drink. "Baby, if you didn't want us coming into your apartment, you shouldn't have given us a key."
"You're sick," Carlos stated as he walked back over with a cup of tea. He placed it on the coffee table and held her shoulders, sitting her in the armchair.
(They joked that it was the best seat in the house, or it would have been of all three of them could have sat there).
"We're gonna help you get better for the race," Lando finished.
That consisted of three days of Carlos doing everything and Lando sitting on the other side of the room for her, because he didn't want to get sick.
On the Tuesday they travelled for the Grand Prix. On the Wednesday it was media duties. She swore she felt well enough for all of it.
On the friday they had practice. Another thing she swore she was okay for. Carlos and Lando tried to protest, but she wasn't listening. If she wanted to drive, she was going to drive.
And drive she did. But her vision went fuzzy around a corner, she missdd the racing line and dipped a wheel into the gravel, spinning out into the barrier.
It was a nasty crash, but she was fine. The car wasn't, though. There was no way she was going to drive in FP2.
Carlos and Lando really weren't happy with her when they got to her garage. Carlos, the controlled one of the two, had words with her team principle. Words that got their reserve driver in her car.
They got her back to her hotel room, helped her to shower and get into bed. "We'll get you some take out," Lando said as he placed a glass of water beside her.
"Not take out," she said pressing her hand to her burning forehead. "I still have my diet."
Suddenly Carlos was there with a cold flannel. "No diet for today. You need to get better." He kissed her forehead and placed the flannel to her skin. "Lan, stay with her," he said and left the apartment to get her food.
She turned to Lando, pouting. "I don't wanna eat takeout," she mumbled and he squeezed her hand.
"Eat what you can, baby. I'll eat the rest and we won't tell carlos." He held his pinky towards her. "Deal?"
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lxndonorris · 2 months
the day after - Carlando
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Lando Norris x Carlos Sainz Theme: Fluff (light touching) it's the day after the Australia GP and Carlos is spending the morning in bed with Lando x word count: 1325 taglist: @game-set-canet open for requests of either ships or reader fics, feel free to ask :)
The golden rays of dawn filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the plush hotel room where Lando and Carlos lie entwined in each other's arms. The afterath of the Australian Grand Prix still lingers in the air, the taste of champagne and victory sweet on their lips.
Carlos stretches, his hazel eyes fluttering open to meet Lando's gaze. A soft smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he takes in the sight of his beloved, his heart swelling with affection.
Lando, wearing Carlos's Ferrari shirt, looks back at him with adoration, his fingers tracing lazy circles on Carlos's bare chest.
"Morning, champ," Lando murmurs, his voice husky with sleep but laced with tenderness.
"Morning, my love," Carlos replies, his voice filled with warmth as he presses a gentle kiss to Lando's forehead.
The events of the previous day flood back to them—the adrenaline-pumping race, the electrifying atmosphere of standing together on the podium, celebrating their victories side by side. Carlos's triumphant win, with Lando right by his side, has been a moment they will cherish forever.
But amidst the glitz and glamour of the Grand Prix, there is a quieter, more intimate celebration that unfolds behind closed doors—the celebration of their love, a love that few knew existed.
As Carlos shifts, a twinge of pain shoots through his abdomen, a reminder of the surgery he had undergone just two weeks prior. His appendix removal has been a setback, but Lando has been there every step of the way, offering unwavering support and care.
Lando's touch is gentle as he traces his fingers over the faint scar on Carlos's abdomen, his lips pressing soft kisses along the path. Carlos sighs contentedly, reveling in the warmth of Lando's affection and grateful for his unwavering presence.
"You should be resting," Lando murmurs, concern lacing his words as he gazes into Carlos's eyes.
"I am resting," Carlos replies with a playful grin, his fingers tangling in Lando's tousled hair. "With you here, it doesn't hurt at all."
Lando's gaze is filled with warmth and adoration as he looks into Carlos's eyes, marveling at the depth of emotion he finds there. He traces the lines of Carlos's face with his fingertips, committing every curve and contour to memory, as if trying to capture the essence of his beloved.
Carlos, in turn, drinks in the sight of Lando, his heart swelling with love at the tenderness he sees reflected in those beautiful brown eyes.
"I must excuse myself." Lando reluctantly peels himself from the warmth of the bed to attend to nature's call. "You just stay there," he smiles, pointing at Carlos still lying in bed.
Carlos smiles, unable to help but admire the sight before him. The way Lando's black underwear hugs his frame, accentuating every inch, sends a surge of desire corusing through Carlos's veins. The red Ferrari shirt suits him, the fabric draping over his frame in all the right places.
With a playful swagger in his step, Lando makes his way to the bathroom, the soft fabric of the shirt billowing around him as he moves. He can't deny the rush of satisfaction that washes over him, knowing that he looks good in Carlos's clothes.
Carlos's gaze lingers appreciatively on Lando's form, taking in the sight of his boyfriend strolling around inside his hotel room, wearing his clothes.
As Lando disappears into the bathroom, Carlos can't suppress the grin that spreads across his face. He feels a rush of affection for his boyfriend, marveling at the effortless charm and magnetic presence that draw him in time and time again.
When Lando returns, shirtless and exuding confidence, Carlos's breath catches in his throat. The sight of Lando's exposed torso—the play of muscles beneath taut skin—is one to behold.
Carlos's heart beats faster as he watches Lando approach, his longing evident in the warmth of his gaze.
Without a word but a knowing smirk playing on his lips, Lando slips back into bed, the mattress dipping under his weight as he nestles against Carlos's side. He wraps his arms around Lando, pulling him close in a tender embrace. The warmth of their bodies pressed together, the steady rhythm of their breaths syncing in perfect harmony.
With a soft smile, Carlos runs his fingers gently through his boyfriend's hair before he brushes a kiss against his temple, his heart overflowing with love.
"You know," Carlos breathes, his voice barely above a whisper. "I love seeing you in my clothes. But to be fair, you look just as fine without them."
Lando's cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and pelasure at Carlos's words, a shy smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He leans into the touch, his heart fluttering at the sincerity in Carlos's voice.
"Thanks, Carlos," Lando replies, his own voice filled with affection.
"But." Carlos's fingertips dance lightly along Lando's jawline, tracing the contours with a feather-light touch. His gaze softens with love as he leans in closer, his breath mingling with Lando's as he speaks.
"I miss your stubble," Carlos murmurs, his voice tingling with longing. "It made you look so rough, so mature."
A soft chuckle escapes Lando's lips as he meets Carlos's gaze, his heart swelling with love at the tender admission. He tilts his head slightly, leaning in to his boyfriend's touch as he savors the warmth of their closeness.
"I'll grow it back just for you." Lando breathes deeply; his voice laces with playfulness as he brushes his lips against Carlos's fingertips. "Anything to make you happy."
Lando's fingers trail softly over Carlos' chest as he smiles happily. A tender warmth spreads between them, their connection deepening with each gentle stroke.
Their tender moment is interrupted by a soft knock on the door, signaling the arrival of room service. With a reluctant sigh, Lando extricates himself from Carlos's embrace and makes his way to the door, pulling on a pair of shorts as he goes.
Returning to the bed, Lando sets the tray of breakfast delicacies on the bedside table, his eyes lighting up with excitement. Croissants, fresh fruit, and steaming cups of coffee await them—a feast fit for Grand Prix winners and podium sitters.
While enjoying their breakfast together, Lando can't help but feel a surge of affection for his beloved. With a tender smile, Lando offers Carlos a perfectly buttered croissant, atching with satisfaction as his eyes light up with delight. The sweetness of the pastry melting on Carlos's tongue, a small but meaningful gesture of love and devotion.
Next comes the fruit, each piece carefully selected and lovingly offered to Carlos. Lando revels in the simple pleasure of deeding his boyfriend, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of Carlos enjoying the breakfast.
"Thank you, love." Carlos smiles warmly, leaning forward to kiss his boyfriend.
With their stomachs content and hearts full, Lando and Carlos melt into each other's embrace once more, their bodies fitting together like pieces of a puzzle.
As Lando's hands trace patterns across Carlos's chest, a sense of peace settles over them, enveloping them in a cocoon of warmth and intimacy.
Wrapped in each other's arms, they revel in the simple pleasure of being together, their chuckles mingling with the soft rustle of sheets and the rhythmic beating of their hearts.
Lando's touch is gentle yet possessive as he explores every curve and contour of Carlos's body, his fingertips leaving a trail of fire in their wake. With every soft stroke he elicits a soft growl out of Carlos's throat.
"Feels good, huh?" Lando purrs playfully, already knowing the answer.
Carlos sighs lowly again, his breath mingling with Lando's as he nuzzles closer, seeking refuge in the safety of their embrace. "So good." He breathes against Lando's skin, sending shivers down his back. With each caress, he feels the weight of the world lift from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of belonging that only Lando could provide.
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cars-on-the-moon · 9 months
Still in a tiz-woz and cannot write or create anything for the life of me.
So, here’s a little, goofy Carlando thing below.
It had started in Monaco.
Lando could see the difference. It was so much so as to what the Spaniard said, it was the way he carried himself around him. His posture was straighter, his arms always rigid on each side and his smile tight-lipped. He hadn’t given it so much thought, not when he declined to go out together nor when in Barcelona he cancelled their plans to go golfing. He was extremely busy at his home race after all.
“Mate, hey!” Lando jogged the Montreal deserted paddock to reach him.
Carlos turned to find the voice that had called him and his lips slightly quirked up. “Hey.” he said lowly. “How are you?”
That was a bit too formal for Lando’s liking, so he furrowed his eyebrows and bumped his shoulder. Carlos lost balance for only a moment and grinned a bit wider than before.
“My back is killing me. Those cars,” Lando exhaled deeply. “Seriously, I’m not having a great time.”
“Really?” Carlos looked at him again.
“Yeah, I have changed my training.” he confirmed. “I have to strengthen my back. How’s yours?”
“It’s fine. Not the best, but good enough.” Carlos replied him. “I’ll see you later, be careful with that back.” he patted his shoulder and jogged away.
Lando stood there. He stood, gazing towards the man that had left after exactly uttering five sentences to him. But who was counting.
“Good job, Lando.” was the next words to him. “Lando Norris leading the British Grand Prix.” he turned to find the man grinning to him.
“Thanks, hey, thanks!” Lando replied, turning his body fully towards him. “We are celebrating, you know.”
Carlos chuckled, throwing his head back. Rupert found them there, right in between the motorhomes, embracing Lando quickly.
“We are flying straight to Budapest but have a shot for me, okay?” Carlos replied him.
“Wait, Carlos-” he exhaled, puffing his cheeks. “What is it with him, d’ya know?” he asked the other Brit.
Rupert followed his gaze and looked at Carlos too. “I don’t know, mate.”
“Oh, come on! You are conjoint.” Lando snorted.
The trainer then shrugged. “Ask him, but he won’t say. He’s been very private.”
“From you?” Lando almost –almost, squealed.
During the summer break, Lando forgot. He nearly forgot about the coldness he received from Carlos. He did a million things from following Martin to his shows to renting a yacht with his family and diving into water without a thought in this small brain of his. He played padel with other drivers and hung out with Max lots. He laughed and bantered with a few people around; he even got frisky with a beautiful dark-haired young man from Malta one night he had one too many vodkas.
However, when he returned in Zandvoort, the first person he laid eyes on and really looked was Carlos.
“Good summer break?” he found him on Sunday for the driver’s parade.
“Oh, he talks!” Lando joked, following Pierre’s step.
Carlos smiled tight-lipped, the way Lando didn’t enjoy. Not the huge, exaggerate, whole-hearted laugh of his that Lando adored. Loved.
“What did you do?” he asked then, as he grasped that Carlos was not going to neither remark nor continue the conversation.
“Not much. I trained and hang around with friends.” he replied him.
Just like that, Carlos greeted Alonso and their private conversation had ended.
He took a long breath and nodded along with what Lawrence was saying. He was tired and very warm and- his eyes found the screen that was broadcasting the podium ceremony. He seemed so happy then. In a way that he hadn’t looked in so long. In a way that he used to be around Lando without podiums, awards or *his* Ferrari.
His press officer nodded at him.
“Um sorry, I was watching the podium.” he turned back to Lawrence. “Do we-we aren’t allowed to have smoke in Silverstone. Anyway.” he shrugged, trying really hard to focus in this bloody interview.
Lando liked Singapore. It was in fact one of his favourite tracks. Not from the driving perspective that much, but from the atmosphere, the aesthetics of the night. The city was beautiful and interesting and modern and another thousand little words he didn’t have the intellectual capacity to find.
“Lando?” he heard his name while taking a picture of a very intriguing and complex neon painting above the lift.
“Carlos? You’re staying here too?” he asked.
Carlos nodded, confirming his first thought.
“It isn’t that hot this time around, ey?” the Spaniard asked him pushing the button to call the lift again.
Lando stared at him.
“No?” Carlos asked, furrowing his eyebrows to the lack of a reply.
 “We never talk anymore and your opening is the weather?” he apparently couldn’t hold back.
“What are you talking about, Lando?” Carlos entered the lift.
Lando incredulously snorted at him. Wanting, needing to sound like a f*cking brat.
“You haven’t said a proper word to me in ages! I even texted you and you ghosted me.”
“I have been busy-”
“Yeah, me too mate but I am not an asshole.” Lando interrupted him. “We talk through journalists now apparently. You talked about my back pain without even checking on me.” he added.
The lift *pinged* and Carlos got off. It wasn’t Lando’s floor but he trailed him, suddenly yearning for an answer.
“Your room is better than mine.” he remarked after looking around for a moment and a half.
Carlos crossed his arms.
“Bloody Ferrari, no?” he said.
Lando rolled his eyes at his own past words and shook his head.
“What is going on, Carlos? Did I do something? Because if I did I want to know what I am going to apologise for.” he told him.
“No, you didn’t.” Carlos replied quickly.
“Then what is it? Did my mum do anything? My dad? My sister?”
“No, Lando.” Carlos shut his eyes, hanging his head low.
“Max? Jon? Like-McLaren? Oscar?”
“What? No!” Carlos replied, looking at him again.
Lando parted his lips to ask again but he remained silent. He looked at the Spaniard’s eyes. It was peculiar; the sadness they were displaying.
“What is going on?” he asked again in a lower, softer tone.
Absolutely, completely, utterly unexpectedly, Carlos took a heavy step forward and grabbed Lando’s head, leaning in. Their lips met and the Brit almost yelped to the pure absurdity of the gesture. He froze. He didn’t know what was kissing and how it was supposed to go.
What pulled him back was the scorching hot tug he felt on the back of his head and as Carlos was about to pull back, Lando got scared and pushed. He pushed his lips on Carlos’s more and grabbed his waist tightly to keep him close, in his space.
Carlos pulled back and placed his palm over his lips. His eyes were big, bigger than the usual surprise and he breathing hard, harsh.
“I’m so sorry.” he said. “I’m sorry, Lando.”
“Bloody hell, mate.” Lando stupidly offered.
“I-I am sorry.”
“Well, don’t be.” Lando shrugged. “Is this why you’ve been cold?”
“No, yes, well-”
“Since when do you like men?” Lando asked.
“Since you turned 23.” Carlos replied with a long-crawled huff.
Lando raised his eyebrows to the bloody heavens.
“I found you fit since I was 17 or so.” he said earnestly. “If that makes you feel better. Because well, you seem a bit pale.”
“How can you be so unfazed by-by-what? You like me?” Carlos ran his hand through his freshly-cut hair.
Lando nodded. “Mate, you’re very hot. Very very hot. Like Singapore hot.”
“Lando!” Carlos whined, burying his whole face inside his palms.
The Brit chuckled then and patted his back in an extremely condescending way.
“You never showed.”
“What? I always showed.” Lando replied him.
“You are like this with everyone in the paddock. All you friends.” he spat the last word out.
Lando stopped caressing his back and walked across him.
“You’re jealous that I have friends?”
“You have too many friends.” Carlos immediately remarked.
“What can I say? I’m a good boy.”
Carlos raised his eyebrow. “Are you?”
“Wait, I meant a good guy.” Lando quickly corrected his words.
“No, you said good boy. Are you a good boy?” Carlos took a brave step to him.
Lando’s breath was violently taken away from him. His legs; what were legs even?
“How-how did that happen? I was trolling *you* a moment ago.” he stuttered his words.
Carlos reached for the back of his head again and tangled his fingers with Lando’s curls.
A very rebellious groan escaped the Brit and he had to close his eyes to feel the pure intensity of the atmosphere, of Carlos’s touch.
“If I carry on, we might never comeback.” the Spaniard whispered closely to Lando’s ear.
“We are friends first, Carlos.” Lando replied him.
Carlos shared his frustrations with Ferrari. The misery he felt that he had completely changed his whole online and offline persona to size up to the Italian team’s standards. How he had to maintain appearances about everything, unable to even control his own social media anymore. How he was good, very good and Charles was still the golden prince. How he missed him. How he missed himself in the presence of Lando. How he wanted to be himself and how he wanted to be around Lando.
He shared his skills in bed and left Lando absolutely discombobulated.
He promised to try. Only try.
Now, if Lando seized the opportunity and slapped Carlos’s bum while the latter was in an interview the following day, it was nobody’s business. Friends right? Right.
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leclercdream · 3 months
✮⋆˙ when carlos breaks reader’s heart, lando is ready to mend it
✮⋆˙ ex!carlos sainz x singer!reader | bestfriend!lando norris x singer!reader
✮⋆˙ warnings: cheating, alcohol consumption, carlos is an asshole
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername: the lips i used to call home
maroon is yours now x
view 3,485 comments
landonorris: tattooing maroon on my arm rn
↳ yourusername: ah i love having a fan
↳ landonorris: im proud of you
↳ yourusername: i love you with my whole broken heart
user1: so mom and dad are really over uh
user3: the marks they saw on my collarbone the rust that grew between telephones 😭😭😭😭 WHYYYY
lilymhe: yn WHY would you even write the fucking legacy lyric. i’m about to break up with alex so i can sign this properly
↳ alex_albon: excuse me?
↳ alex_albon: well maybe we could take a 3:39 break to sing it tbh
↳ yourusername: please DONT <3
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liked by bffname, user4 and others
f1gossip: Carlos Sainz spotted in a Melbourne club with model Rebecca Donaldson after just three weeks of breakup with singer and wag of 3 years yourusername. Not only that, but if you scroll down on our page you can find that this girl is the same that was on a yacht with Carlos about two months ago 👀
tagged carlossainz55 yourusername
user1: so he really did cheat uh
user2: after 3 years i was waiting for a ring, not this :(
user3: not bffname liking this lol pls
↳ bffname: i mean if he cheats he should at least be held accountable
liked by landonorris
↳ user3: LANDO?!!!!
user4: yourusername just ruined carlando forever
↳ user5: please go to therapy
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liked by user3, user6 and others
f1gossip: this ex couple won’t stop giving us content! Carlos Sainz and ex girlfriend yourusername seen outside a cafe arguing. Apparently he left her there crying by herself :(
According to one of our sources she was crying because of the alleged cheating from his part, and he was being insensitive about her feelings. The worst part for us? he blamed her music and touring for the downfall of the relationship 😳
tagged: carlossainz55 yourusername
user1: is he INSANE?
user2: damn who does he think he is 💀
user3: she deserved it tbh
user4: maroon hits different after this
user5: so he can says he cheated bc she was on tour but she never did even though he is always around the globe driving?
↳ user6: please and she was always with him at every gp, even arranging tour dates so they could be together 😭
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yourusername ig stories
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landonorris: damn
landonorris: when did u get hot?
↳ yourusername: when i hit puberty
↳ yourusername: when will it be your turn?
↳ landonorris: haha 🙄 omw to pick u up
lilymhe: tell me that’s song lyrics PLEASE
↳ yourusername: hehe 😈
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part 2 coming soon x
sorry if there are mistakes english is not my first language
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norrisleclercf1 · 3 months
More poly!drivers ideas: you coming home after a work trip to find your boys curled up in bed, fast asleep and just needing to take a moment to appreciate how adorable they look before Lando wakes up and makes grabby hands for you to come join him and Carlos
A/N: If I had Lando and Carlos in my bed I'd think I cry cause those cuddles would be immaculate
You just wanted to cry.
Work was a disaster. You had a customer cancel a 5k order, another customer being far more difficult than needed, and you had coworkers that didn't want to do their job and it landed on you doing all of it. You just wanted to go home either cry or drown yourself in a very tall bottle of red wine.
Walking into the house you stop, noticing two very big suitcases sitting in the hallway. Now you had a very different reason to cry, your boys were home and you quickly kicked off your shoes and looked around for them.
The bedroom was dark and that's when you knew you'd find them. "Lando? Carlos?" You whisper and step into the room and stop seeing Carlos on his stomach, arm wrapped around Lando's stomach. Lando was sprawled out and his face buried in Carlos's neck.
They must've been exhausted from their flight, you knew it was a rough one flying halfway across the world to be. Moving silent through the room you go to the bathroom and turn on the shower. You needed to wash away the day honestly.
Stripping you step into the shower and melt under the warm waters. You don't know how long you were in the shower, but by the time you get out you notice that the evening sun was lower and turning dark.
You walk over to the closet and pull on some clothes, clothes that belong to them. Moving over to the bed you about jump out of your skin when you see Lando looking up at you smiling. "Hi," He whispers and groans when Carlos's arm tightens around him before relaxing.
"Hi," You whisper back and he lifts up his arms and makes grabby hands for you almost. "Come to bed," He begs, whining almost. "Alright," You whisper and move climbing into bed, lying on his other side. Carlos's hand flexes and grabs your other hand and holds it tight.
You smile and cuddle into Lando who smiles, but soon slips back into his sleep. Work can be rough, but sometimes coming home to your men, made it worth going through the hard days.
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lqvesoph · 7 months
Is it over now - LN4
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lando norris x fem!reader
summary: your situationship with lando ended 10 months ago… or did it? based on taylor swift’s "is it over now"
warnings: toxic behavior, cheating, smut, p in v, dirty talk, handjob, fingering, edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, praise (with slight degradation)
a/n: you have no idea how long it took me to finish this and idk the word count but its long and filthy. Also this gif does things to me… just the way he looked that day🤌🏻 the curls the beard the cheekbones
masterlist | taglist
You knew he was gone. He left exactly 113 minutes ago. His flight had taken off 44 minutes ago. Angrily you turned around in your bed, kicking off the blanket and staring at the blank spot next to you where only three hours ago, Lando’s curly head had laid.
Since then you slept with each other. Again. And had a terrible screaming match. Again.
You knew it was for the better to let him go, you were toxic, your relationship, if you can call it that, had been from the very start two years ago when you drunkenly slept with each other after a celebration party.
Since then it’s been one hell of a ride. Neither of you were very good at the whole relationship and communication thing, so naturally your relationship was based on an endless circle of being somehow happy, until one of you screwed up, you fought, left and ended up in each others bed minimum three days later.
Some might say this behavior exhausts but for the two of you it was what made things exciting and addicting.
His touch, his lips, his body, HE was addictive.
But since the last time you broke up, things had changed. Lando had gotten a new girlfriend, something that made you mad as hell.
He knocked on your door last night, storming in and pinning you to the wall before violently attacking your lips with his.
But that wasn’t what made you mad, this was a rather regular occurrence any time one of you got a new partner. What made you mad was that when he woke up the next morning he didn’t stay like he usually would. He jumped out of bed, calling the previous night a 'mistake' and something that 'shouldn’t have happened'. On top of that he blamed you.
Naturally that resulted in your neighbors, once again, hearing a thirty minute screaming match which ended in you kicking Lando out of your door with the words "Don‘t ever call me or knock on my door again, especially not when you realize she can’t give you what you want!!" "I promise I won’t!!" "Oh you are a lying traitor!!".
You hated that even though he was gone for good now, he still wouldn’t leave your mind.
Fast forward to almost 10 months later. Mason, your very nice colleague picked you up from your office. You met on one of your threehundreds of awkward blind dates your friend had arranged, finding out that you actually worked for the same company. However that didn’t make the date any less awkward, because you mostly talked about work. But at least you kind of found a good friend now. You haven’t spoken to Lando since that night. To be perfectly honest, you didn’t think he actually wouldn’t come back.
"Hey, ready for that coffee?", he smiled.
You grabbed your bag and joined Mason. Together you walked to the cafe you‘ve been going to ever since the first time. You noticed he was a bit nervous for some reason, but you didn’t dare ask why, deep down you didn’t care but you wouldn’t admit that to yourself of anyone.
"Two latte‘s to go, please", Mason placed your order. While you waited you pulled out your phone to check some new messages from your friends.
"Lando Norris spotted with yet another model", Mason read the most recent headline when he opened twitter. "Can you believe that guy, huh?", he huffed.
"I bet she’s got blue eyes", you huffed and shook your head when Mason showed you a picture of the blonde girl with blue eyes who basically looked like your clone. "Predictable." "What?", Mason asked confused. "Oh nothing, I happen to know all his girls literally look the same", you fake smiled but thankfully Mason didn’t notice. For some reason he didn’t know about Lando and you when you met and you were rather happy about keeping it that way.
Sure Lando and you never paraded each other around on Instagram, you never actually were together long enough to feel comfortable with announcing your situationship, but you have been spotted together multiple times in the paddock or at parties.
Mason didn’t need to know about the boy who still kept you up some nights.
Your coffees were placed in front of you, making you look up and hesitate for a second. "Here you go", the waiter smiled and for a few seconds you saw Lando in front of you.
The dark brown curls, the green eyes and lord that smile, it reminded you of him.
"Thanks", Mason replied on your part and grabbed the coffees. "You good?", he asked. You simply nodded, still a little in your thoughts.
"Okay good because I’ve been wanting to ask you something", he said, glancing to you. "Hmm?"
"We‘ve been going on these take out coffee dates for almost 10 months now, and I remember how beautiful our first one was, the blind date. So I’ve been wondering, would you like to be my girlfriend?", Mason asked, glancing down at you to catch your reaction.
You looked at him with a blank face and simply nodded. "Uh-hmm", you muttered, your mind still some place elsewhere, more specifically at one of yours and Lando‘s good nights, with his head between your thighs.
"That’s great!", Mason called happily and brought you into a hug.
"I think we should go out tonight and celebrate this!", Mason spoke excitedly, pressing a kiss to your temple.
Mason told you to invite a few friends as he did the same so you decided to ask your two best friends to come. And same as you, they were never one to turn down an invitation to a night out.
"So, you’ve been acting a little weird ever since we’ve been here", Mia pointed out, taking a sip from her drink. "Mason asked me to be his girlfriend", you dryly replied, making Mia almost spit out her drink again and Laura shockingly turn her head towards you.
"What?!!", they called in unison. You nodded, taking another sip of your drink. "Well, did you say yes?", Laura pressed, both hers and Mia’s eyes staring you down intensely.
"Uh-hmm", you gave the same answer as to Mason a few hours prior. "That’s- uh great", Mia stuttered over her words for a bit. Her and Laura look each other before Mia looked away.
"Fine, if you won’t say it I will. Finally!!! I’m so damn happy you finally completely moved on from Lando and found someone who treats you better than that piece of junk", Laura started rambling and just in that moment your eyes locked with the devil Laura has been talking and you’ve been thinking about.
No fucking hell. That couldn’t be true.
How can it happen that after 10 months of not running into Lando once while clubbing, toady was the day where it happened?
"We both weren’t great in that relationship", you muttered, slightly defending Lando without even meaning to, your eyes still locked with his.
An arm wrapping around your waist pulled you out of the staring contest. "Hey babe", Mason whispered in your ear and placed a sweet kiss to your temple. You internally cringed at the nickname and the rotting sweet gesture.
Laura’s eyes sparkled at the sight of you, while Mia caught your annoyed looking gaze. She was always the one who understood you and Lando the most out of all of your friends. Maybe because she was such a sweet and genuine human that she believed both of you could change for each other or probably she simply understood how attached you grew to each other that no matter what, that bond wouldn’t break.
And judging from the fact how Lando and you captivated each other just moments ago, that bond also didn’t break in the last 10 months apart.
"We’ll go take a smoke, you wanna come?", Laura asked but you shook your head. Ever since the whole thing with Lando started you never touched a cigarette again. He didn’t like it, it was unhealthy and being with someone who doesn’t smoke made you smoke less as well, until you stopped completely.
"You should really enjoy life a little again", Laura replied, knowing your reasons to quit smoking.
"Maybe I’ve just come to the realization that I don’t need to poison my lungs to enjoy life", you simply answered, rolled your eyes and turned away.
"Can you get me something to drink?", you asked Mason who was still gently rubbing your waist, actually only wanting to bring some distance between the two of you. "Uh yeah sure, what do you want?", he asked. "Just bring me anything", you replied, stepping out of his embrace as a sign for him to get going.
He nodded and turned around but not before placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. You cringed internally.
"Y/n?", his voice suddenly spoke behind you, making your whole body freeze. Lando’s hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you in, something he did quite often when you were 'together'. "What are you doing here?", he whispered and you immediately felt your legs weakening. You had no idea why your body immediately reacted to him and you hated yourself for it.
Lando only smirked when he noticed you wobbling a little and gripped your waist tighter. "Missed me?", he muttered, placing a gentle kiss on your exposed shoulder, making your eyes flutter and your body lean back into his.
"300 days later and you still react to my touch like that", he smirked.
"He really can’t give it to you properly, I can see that from the way he was holding you", Lando snorted, making fun of Mason and you didn’t feel the slightest need to defend your boyfriend because you knew Lando was right.
"You shouldn’t", you warned Lando before hearing someone clear their throat behind you.
Lando dropped his hand from your waist and his gaze darkened when he saw Mason standing behind you
Said boy pulled you into a possessive hug.
"Hey, babe", he smiled, pressing a kiss to your temple before handing you your drink.
You sniffed before realizing it was Vodka Coke. A smirk made its way on Lando’s face when he saw your drink and your reaction. You knew he knew that you hated Coke.
"And you are?", Mason let his eyes wander to the curly headed boy in front of you. "Lando", he muttered, ignoring Mason who held out a hand for him to shake. "Okayyy", Mason whispered. "You wanna dance?", he then turned to you. You simply nodded and accepted his hand that led you into the crowd of people.
Mason pulled you in, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Isn’t that the guy with all of those girls?", he asked, leaning closer to your ear so you’d understand his words over to loud music.
"Lando Norris, yes", you nodded, interwinding your fingers behind Mason’s head. "Do you know each other?"
Flashbacks of Lando and you floated your mind. Driving along the French Riviera in his McLaren, the occasional stop to get in a quickie, or the sneaking away from his engineers to meet in his drivers room. And finally, him peacefully sleeping next to you on that one damned night, his curls a mess on his head, his torso bare with a few red marks on his back from your activities before and his beautiful eyes shut.
"No", you simply replied before placing your lips on Mason’s to get him to stop asking questions.
Mason more than happily gave in, letting his hand wander down to your ass, gently rubbing it. You kissed him harder, wanting him to be a little bit rougher as well, to firmly grab you and not just delicately touch you.
But instead he backed off.
"Woah, what’s gotten into you today? This is totally not like you!", he stated with a confused smile, which made you even angrier. Of course this was like you, he just didn’t know you well enough.
"I’ll be in the restroom for a second", you rolled your eyes before leaving him standing alone in the middle of the dance floor.
You pushed open the heavy door to the women’s restroom, being thankful that no one was there before putting your hands on the marble counter and leaving your head hanging.
Until the locking of the main door made your head shoot up. And to be perfectly honest, you half expect him to follow you in here.
"What happened to your newest toy?", Lando smirked, leaning against the now closed door. You rolled your eyes and didn’t reply.
Lando pushed himself off the door and walked closer to you until he stood directly behind you, looking at you through the mirror. "Don’t roll your eyes at me, baby", he warned.
"Now tell me what happened to that guy? Realized he couldn’t give you want you want?", Lando smirked, quoting your words from the night you last saw each other. You shook your head, not wanting to give into him.
"Come on baby, I saw your face. You didn’t like the gentle touches in the middle of a club dance floor, admit it!", he dared you.
"'Newest toy', what do you think of me? That I slept around with everyone that was in a 1 mile radius of me?", you ignored his words and stared at him through the mirror.
"Did you think I didn’t see you? There were flashing lights", you huffed. "Maybe I wanted you to see me and please baby, don’t play all innocent", he whispered, still standing behind you but coming dangerously close now.
"At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight unlike you!!", you called.
"Oh baby, don’t you think I‘ve heard the rumors? About your hips…", Lando stepped forward and let his hands trailed over your hips, "and thighs…", he let them wander further down to your thighs, gently rubbing the exposed skin. You let out a sigh at the familiar feeling and closed your eyes in pleasure, "and those whispered sighs", he smirked and quickly turned you around before lifting you up on the bathroom counter.
"Exactly rumors", you breathed, before he smashed his lips on yours.
Lando’s hands immediately grabbed your legs, opening them so he could stand between them. Then they went to your waist to pull you in closer.
Lando groaned at the feeling of you finally back in his arms.
His hands kept scanning over your body, squeezing your boobs which made you throw your head back and let out a deep moan.
"Been waiting to get my hands on you again for so long, baby," he breathed heavily, speaking into your skin as his fingers fumbled open the top of your blouse. His lips trailed over your exposed chest and stopped just under your collarbone, sucking the fragile skin between his lips.
"You’re saying you missed me?", you teased, trying hard to push the words out before another moan interrupted you. Lando grinned and ripped open the buttons of the white silk blouse, allowing your tits to spill out.
Lando swore he could come from that sight alone. "You're so gorgeous," he muttered, more to himself than to you, before looking back into your eyes.
His lips attacked yours again while his large hand worked your bra covered boobs.
Your eyes fluttered, feeling that all too familiar ache in your core while the large size of his palm against you, made you think of those thick, veiny fingers between your thighs.
Your hips pressed against his, feeling his hard cock against you, making you smirk.
Lando's eyes darkened as you ground yourself against him, faster, harder. His one hand tightening around your waist and his head falling forward on your shoulder.
"Admit it, darling", you whispered into his ear. You could tell me was holding back a moan, his restraint hanging by a thread, and every move you made threatened to break that thread.
You wanted to make him snap, an evil smirk brightening on your face as you moved your hips faster.
While he closed his eyes, you took the opportunity to fiddle with the metal belt around his hips, opening it along with the button and zipper of his jeans.
"Can’t wait, can you, you desperate little whore", Lando smirked, watching you push down his jeans and slide your hands inside his boxers to grab his cock.
Lando's head fell back with a groan as you started pumping his hard cock.
"Missed your hands, darling", he groaned, holding on to your waist tighter when you trailed your finger over his swollen tip before pulling your hand back, tracing them down his abdomen.
"Please, Lan", you begged, knowing your whispered words would make him weak. But he’s been playing this game just as long as you were.
His fingers slipped under the hem of your skirt, quickly stroking up to your clothed core. A heavy moan escaped your mouth.
Lando caressed the inside of your thighs while his lips traced down your neck, leaving a few marks here and there.
His finger pushed your laced thong to the side before lightly gracing your pussy, making your hips buckle into his hands. "Lan-", you moaned. An evil smirk spread on his face. "Now who’s desperate?", Lando whispered, repeating the action twice, pulling away way too quickly.
"I hate you", you breathed, throwing your head back before grabbing his wrist and holding it in place.
Lando shook his head but finally gave in and dipped the tip of his finger inside you. Your grip on his wrist tightening. "M-more", you slightly pleaded, trying your best not to sound too desperate but failing miserably.
"I’ve missed watching you react to me like this, still the very same as the first day", he said, pushing a second finger inside you to stretch you out. A high pitched moan left your throat and your hand let go of his wrist to grip the edge of the marble counter.
His lips were still traveling along your half exposed upper body, one hand pulling down your left bra cup, making your boob spill out before he took your nipple between his lips.
"Lando- I-", you moaned loudly, thanking heaven that he locked the door when he came in and gripping the counter tighter, your knuckles almost turning white.
He pulled his fingers out of you, making you whine at the feeling of emptiness, before you felt his hand trying to get your thong off. You lifted your hips a little to help him, watching as he pushed your underwear in the back pocket of his trousers.
"You should see yourself, darling", Lando smirked mockingly, his fingers being welcomed by her glistening pussy as he traced them along your slit.
"So desperate for me", he cooed, watching your eyes close and a frown forming on your forehead as you moaned.
"It’s funny how eager you are for everything I give you, baby", he chuckled humorless. "You won't call for months and now you want my cock inside of you?"
You whimpered at his words, all while he slowly inserted his finger inside you again.
"Lando- oh my- please", you continued whimpering and pleading, making Lando smirk. "What is it, baby? You're gonna have to tell me exactly what you want, you know how this works", he cooed into your ear.
He was teasing and you knew that, you have experienced it multiple times before. You didn’t want to give into him but damn his long thick fingers and how they felt inside you. You mind already playing images of him fucking you till you’re nothing but a whimpering mess.
"C’mon", Lando demanded firmly. "You've always been mouthy with me, even earlier, so why are you being quiet now, huh?"
"Lan- lando please, more", you whined, while moving your hips on his finger to get some sort of relief. "I just need more, please", you begged slightly, your eyes closed and not wanting to look at the winning smirk on Lando’s face.
"But you already have a boyfriend, mylady", Lando reminded you with an evil grin. You shook your head, the mess of your hair whipping around. "N-no", you tried to deny as he added a second finger.
"Just wanna cum, please- fuck!", you muttered as Lando curled his fingers inside you.
Lando, completely ignoring you, continued with his question. "What more could you possibly want?"
"I want your cock- so bad, just fill me up- fuck, Lando- fuck me, please- I-", you begged, your eyes tired but glistening in desperation and lust. "Jus’ wanna- want you to fuck me hard and fill- uhh- I wanna be full with you please, please Lando", at this point you didn’t even care anymore that you sounded like a desperate slut.
You’ve gone 10 months without seeing Lando in person, of course you had your fair share of fucks but you couldn’t pretend that any of them came even close to pleasuring you the way Lando was able to.
"Such a needy girl", he tsked before wiping you tears away, that you didn’t even notice had started falling down your cheeks. You clenched around Lando’s fingers, loving the way his voice sounded in your ear.
"Oh you want to cum?", Lando looked at you with a devious smile. "Do you think you deserve that?" Before you could reply, you felt his lips pressing against yours, his tongue gliding between your lips without being met with a lot of resistance.
He hummed in satisfaction, tasting the alcohol from the drink you previously had on your mouth before he pulled away, only to let his tongue trail from your lips, over your neck and down to your chest as he sucked on your skin, leaving a dark purple mark on your breast. You were too far gone to realize anything until the sudden bite of Lando's teeth on your nipple shocked you out of your daydream.
"I asked you a question, baby", Lando hummed, licking over your hardened nipple. You blinked down at him, seeing a little blurry. "W-what?"
His grin was wickedly evil as he looked up at you. "Aw, poor baby's already going cock dumb and I haven't even fucked you yet." Your cheeks heated but didn’t give you time to reply before slamming his cock inside you.
You gasped loudly, grabbing the back of his neck for leverage and letting out a strangled cry as Lando continued to fuck into you at high speed.
There was truly no one who could fill you up like he did.
The sound of his hips clashing against yours and both of your strangled moans were the only thing left to hear in the restroom. You felt your pussy clench around Lando’s cock, making him moan into your shoulder. He moved his fingers from rubbing the side of your waist to your clit, touching the already sensitive bundle of nerves and rubbing it as you cried out.
"God! Fuckin- hell- ohh!"
"I think God is the last person to help you right now, darling", Lando chuckled but got interrupted by a moan as your walls clenched around him again. You felt yourself nearing your orgasm with every rock of his hips.
"Fuck, baby you’re so tight", he moaned. "You have no idea how much I missed this tight fucking hole, perfectly clenching around my cock like this- ohh", Lando spoke in a light whisper, rubbing eight figures on your clit.
Your legs shook as you felt your orgasm approaching, your walls tightening. "Fuck, Lando, I- shit, I- I’m cumming!", you let out a breathy moan once more before clenching one last time. Your vision going blurry while your pussy kept throbbing around his cock.
"Lando, please I need-", you winced at the oversensitivity when he kept pounding into you. "Time", you breathed through a moan, gripping the back of his neck tighter as you felt another orgasm approaching. All while Lando never stopped fucking into you even when you came for a second time in a row.
The overstimulation leaving you as a sobbing mess. "Lan- lando, it’s too much! I- I can’t- fuck! 'm cumming, Lando-", you cried, tears streaming down your face, you head falling forward on his chest, not having the ability to keep it upright anymore.
"Yeah? You’re cumming again?", Lando mocked you, rocking his hips a bit slower.
"But I missed you so much, haven’t you missed me?"
"I- missed you- fuck! So much- so fucking much", you cried, your walls repeatedly clenched around his cock.
"Fuck! Lando!", you called pathetically when he started to pick up his pace again and relentlessly started hammering inside you, chasing his own orgasm.
You couldn’t do anything apart from moan, cry and clench around him, feeling another orgasm approaching as well.
"Shit- I’m so close", Lando groaned as a whisper, pulling you closer to him and placing his lips on yours. "I’m cumming- baby- I’m-", he whispered against your lips. Your body already going limp against his as you felt him filling you up with his cum.
A deep and breathy moan left his lips as he slowed down his pace. You felt the sticky liquid dropping out of you and running down the inner side of your leg.
Lando whipped it up with his finger and held it in front of your mouth. Without hesitation you took his finger inside your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and closing your eyes at the taste of his cum on your lips.
Lando gently rocked his hips again, making you whine. "Not again, Lando- please I- I need a minute", you winced, feeling way too overstimulated after cumming so many times in a row.
"Shh, baby it’s okay, just tryna fuck my cum back into you, to make sure it stays there until I can go back inside you again", he reassured you, before slowly pulling out, making you gasp and wince at the feeling of emptiness.
Exhausted you placed your head on his chest and closed your eyes while he held your waist.
"So did you find something greater in all those models’ beds?", you said with a dumbfound smirk forming on your lips, your mind still hazy while trailing your fingers over his bare chest. You felt his chest vibrating as he laughed and shook his head with a smirk. "Oh baby, I think you know exactly that nothing compares to you!"
You chuckled and lifted your head as he reached over to the paper towels and started cleaning your inner leg up a little. "What do we do now?", you asked, a hint of insecurity in your voice, as the reality of your situation came crushing down on you. "Well, I for damn hope you won’t go back to that milk boy", Lando chuckled, reaching for his belt to close his trousers again after tucking his cock away.
You stayed silent, your blouse still halfway open, your body too tired to move. Lando looked into your eyes before reaching to cover you up again. "You wanna come to mine?", he asked while closing the last button of your blouse.
Getting out of the club without Mason seeing you turned out easier than expected, however something you didn’t expect were people hanging around in front of the monegasque nightclub.
As soon as you opened the door, you already heard yours and Lando’s name being called and saw at least ten phones recording you.
Well, now Mason knows anyway, you thought while Lando grabbed your hand tighter and pulled you to his car quickly. Both of you waved a few times while passing the fans but stayed silent for the short walk. Lando opened the door for you before jogging around to get to the drivers side.
You snuggled into the seat of his familiar car, that wore his familiar scent and when Lando started up the car, he put his familiar hand on your thigh. You took a deep breath, you might be toxic but how damn good does this familiarity feel? It might just cancel the bad parts out.
Lando’s fingers drew circles on your thigh and he smirked when he noticed you opening your legs a little bit wider, an invitation to move his fingers up further.
His hand scooted up, pushing the material of your tight miniskirt away and gently tracing along your inner thighs.
"Baby careful or you’ll ruin the seat", he whispered sarcastically. He didn’t give a damn if you actually did and you knew that because this wouldn’t be the first time it happened.
"Lando-", you quietly whimpered when you felt his fingers come dangerously close to your core, still feeling the sensitivity of the multiple orgasms he had given you merely twenty minutes ago, but backed off just before touching you. "Shhh, baby", he spoke, keeping his eyes on the road while entering the tip of his finger.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you sunk down the seat a little. Without having to see, you knew Lando was smiling.
He pushed his finger further inside and immediately followed up with a second one. You quietly moaned at the pleasure.
"Already so fucking wet for me, baby", he spoke. "My good girl", he purred moving his finger faster inside you.
You moaned at his words and the way his fingers stretched you, making you see stars. "L-lando-", you whispered but got interrupted by another moan when he scissored his fingers. Your eyes shot open and you grabbed his arm tighter, your fingers most likely leaving marks on his skin.
You started moving your hips up to meet his fingers, chasing your own release in the passenger seat of Lando’s sports car.
But Lando suddenly slowed down and almost pulled his fingers out of you completely leaving you empty and whining. "L-lando - plea - ahh- please, baby", you couldn’t form proper sentences while his fingers traced your clit.
"Shh, no baby, you’re not coming until we’re home", he gently whispered, making you furrow your brows. He slid both fingers back inside you and picked his pace up again, making you gasp before an idea came to your head.
You let go of his arm and reached over the middle console and started palming the slight bulge in his trousers.
Now it was his turn to let out a surprised gasp. "You are playing a dangerous game, baby", he muttered, gripping the steering wheel tighter. You simply giggled and squeezed his clothed cock through his pants.
Lando twisted his fingers inside you, making you stop your movements and close your eyes. You hectically tried opening up his belt and trousers before sliding your hand inside his boxers, stroking over his tip that was already leaking pre cum.
"Baby-, I’m driving remember", he rasped, his finger still moving inside you but your main focus now laid on his cock in your hands. "It’s not like this is the first time", you breathed and started pumping his cock.
You could see how much he was fighting to close his eyes, which made a sadistic smirk form on your lips.
Because you were too focused on him, you didn’t see that you were already in front of Lando’s apartment.
He slid his fingers out of you and pushed your hands off him as well. "Let’s go!", he sternly said, getting out of the car and walking towards the entrance of his apartment building already, his trousers still opened.
You smirked and left the car as well, hurrying behind him. As soon as you got to the elevator, Lando reached for your hips and smashed his lips on yours again.
His hands moved to your ass and squeezed it playfully.
When you heard the familiar bling of his apartment elevator, he didn’t even look. Lando just moved you backwards out of the elevator, still kissing you. You fumbled his key out of the back pocket of his jeans and opened the door as soon as you got there.
Lando grinned and pushed you against the door to open it up completely before attacking your lips once again, kicking the door shut with his foot.
"Where you wanna go?", he muttered between kisses and moans. "Here is fine", you said breathlessly and pointed to the couch. Lando smirked, remembering what had happened on this couch, remembering catching you making out with a random dude after one of your fights.
"Was it over when he unbottoned your blouse?", Lando smirked, opening your blouse button for button, before pushing it off your body.
You smirked when you realized where he was getting at. But two could play that game, you had also caught him with a random girl on his exact couch.
"Was it over when she laid down on your couch?", you replied with the same smirk, only standing in your lace underwear and walking backwards to sit down on his couch.
Lando moved closer in only his trousers. He placed his strong arms on either side of your head and leaned down so his lips were almost touching yours.
"Was it ever really over?"
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungariann @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @sawendel @enjoymyloves @ricsaigaslec @ravenqueen27 @temqr1 @leclerc16s @theamazingsimplethings-blog @coldmuffinbanditshoe @hotchnisscm97 @andtheworldiscrashingdownonme @moneymasnn @justme2042 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @pleasantducktimetravel @anthonykatebridgerton @lisannehus @hannahholland1811 @lighttsoutlewis @mydutchproblem @dan3avocado @alwaysclassyeagle @cocomiracle @allthisfortommy @soleilgrec @cheeryara-blog @person2345-blog @aquamariene-me @judespoision @sbgal @teti-menchon0604 @darleneslane @flower-nymph
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goldsainz · 10 months
THREE IS COMPANY — one shot.
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pairing: carlos sainz x reader x lando norris
taglist: @lorarri @lpab @whatthefuckerr @noncannonships @mikasa140904
request: “Hello! So...perhaps a Carlando one? Hard launching with the drivers being shocked? 😂 Thanks for doing fun work!”
NOTE: i’ve had this request since april… i’m so sorry i’m just getting to it!! i hope you meant a throuple fic cause that’s what i did😭 anyway, carlando stays superior and unbothered. this is kinda short (and so unserious), but i hope it’s still good nonetheless 🫶
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 407,926 others
yourusername when you and i were forever wild
view all 6,118 comments
ynfan1 oh.
ynfan2 not a m*n stealing my wife🙄
kaliuchis te extraño bebe i miss you baby
⤷ yourusername yo másss me moreee
landofan1 …lando?? hello??
ynfan4 she looks so so good
ynfan5 so who’s the lucky guy?
⤷ carlosfan1 and if is say it’s carlos then what
⤷ ynfan5 i’d say you’re delulu… but you do you, boo!
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liked by danielricciardo, maxfewtrell and 1,073,824 others
lando.jpg Mine.
comments are limited
yourusername alrighty then!
yourusername didn’t know we were hard-launching😭
⤷ lando.jpg Had to set the record straight 🤷‍♂️
carlossainz55 ❤️😂
danielricciardo HUH
danielricciardo HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS?!?!
⤷ lando.jpg I’m very good at keeping secrets
⤷ yourusername lies!!
⤷ carlossainz55 Lies 2.0
⤷ danielricciardo YOU GOT CALLED A LIAR TWICE🤣🤣
maxverstappen1 Happy for you 3! 🧡
alex_albon Great news for afternoon tea
⤷ yourusername tell lily to invite me next time
⤷ alex_albon No, you always hog her attention🙄
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liked by lance_stroll, carmenmmundt and 651,934 others
yourusername my boys
view all 9,781 comments
carlossainz55 Only yours, hermosa beautiful
⤷ yourusername los amo i love you
landofan31 i need at least a month to process this
carlosfan31 HELLO????
carlosfan32 carlando is real i can’t believe this
landonorris Oh, I look good😍
⤷ landonorris Carlos is there too! I hadn’t noticed…
⤷ yourusername you’re such a liar😭
⤷ carlossainz55 Say it to my face
landofan32 never getting over them
ynfan31 lost my wife to not one, but two men💔
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc and 2,035,827 others
carlossainz55 Mis amores ❤️ My loves ❤️
view all 30,538 comments
landonorris This is kinda cute
⤷ yourusername you’re literally blushing, don’t act tough
⤷ carlossainz55 You’re literally next to me and you’re all smiley??
landofan41 they just called me single in a hundred different languages
charles_leclerc Sending you all the love!
liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 152,904 others
carlosfan41 Y/N IS SO CUTEE
landofan42 imma need them to stop with the cuteness i cannot take it anymore
lewishamilton 💜💜💜
⤷ yourusername I LOVE YOU LEWIS
⤷ landonorris Woah!
⤷ carlossainz55 Y/N, we talked about this🤣
landofan43 carlando being real still feels surreal
ynfan41 these are all my parents now. i don’t make the rules.
fernandoalo_oficial Felicitaciones a los tres! Congratulations to the three of you!
⤷ yourusername i cannot believe fernando alonso knows who i am…
1K notes · View notes
carland0 · 17 days
Star Crossed | D. Ricciardo
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Summary: You are attending the Met Gala. You've been several times before, but this year Anna Wintour has invited you to perform. You meet Daniel Ricciardo on the red carpet, and you spend the evening getting to know eachother.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x singer!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.3k
A/N This is my first time writing in a really long time so pls go easy on me, and let me know if you want part 2! This part is more of a prologue, it will get spicier as it develops in future parts
Part 1
It's the first Monday in May; Met Gala day. I've been before, and it's always been one of my favourite events of the year, but this year is different. This year, I'm performing.
I shouldn't be nervous, I've performed in front of thousands of people worldwide, but as I pull up to the red carpet, I can't remember the last time I felt this nervous. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, trying to shut out the conversations of my team around me.
"Y/n, it's time to go", my assistant calls, jolting me from my thoughts. My stylist fusses with my hair, and I stand to step out of the car. As I step onto the carpet, the flash of cameras illuminate the night, and I can't help but feel a rush of excitement.
I smooth down the delicate fabric of my gown, a 2001 Karl Lagerfeld dress, and begin to navigate my way towards the cameras. The flashes are almost blinding, and the paparazzi start shouting directions at me, telling me where to look. At first, red carpets and paparazzi were overwhelming, but it's become second nature to me by now.
I make my way across the carpet and up the steps, pausing every now and then for photos and to say hi to a few industry friends before making my way into the opulent halls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
After catching up with an old friend, I hear an Australian voice calling my name. Glancing around, my eyes land on a familiar face, but one that I've only seen on television screens and in the pages of magazines.
Daniel Ricciardo.
He stands tall, making his way towards me. Despite attending a few races, I've never met him, and his easy smile draws me in like a magnet. I knew he was good-looking, but up close...
"Hi, I'm Daniel," he says, interrupting me from my thoughts and extending his right hand. I reach out and shake his hand, trying to ignore the shivers crawling up my arm at his touch.
"I'm a huge fan," he adds with a grin.
"Oh, you don't need to introduce yourself to me," I say, smiling back at him. "I'm a fan, too. Is this your first Met?"
"It is. Pretty crazy out there, right?" Daniel responds, gesturing towards the crowd outside.
"Sure is." I agree, nodding.
"I was just ahead of you on the carpet, you made it look easy," he says, beaming his signature grin again.
"Thank you," I chuckle. "It hasn't always come naturally, but y'know, it comes with the job. You must be used to it too, especially now you're a Netflix star."
"You watched Drive to Survive?" he asks, seeming surprised.
"Of course, like I said, I'm a fan too. It's great to meet you."
Our conversation flows effortlessly, spanning topics from our favourite tracks to travel adventures. Despite the glitz and glamour surrounding us, our interaction feels genuine, as if we've known each other for far longer than just a few minutes.
"So, what's it like performing in front of thousands of people?" Daniel asks, eyes sparkling with curiosity as we make our way around the exhibits.
"It's exhilarating," I reply, trying to mask the nerves that flutter in my stomach at the thought of tonight's performance. "But it can also be nerve-wracking. Tonight's no exception."
"I can imagine," he muses, leaning in slightly as if hanging on to my every word. "But I have no doubt you'll kill it out there."
His words offer a comforting reassurance, and I can't help but smile gratefully. "Thanks, Daniel. That means a lot." I say, as I see my assistant approaching from the corner of my eye. "That's my cue. It was great to meet you, Daniel." I say, not quite ready for the conversation to be over.
As I start to walk away, Daniel catches my arm gently, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me. "Hey, if you need a distraction from the nerves, I'll be right here."
I chuckle nervously, grateful for his offer. "Thanks, I might take you up on that." With a final wave, I disappear into the backstage chaos, my mind buzzing with anticipation for the performance ahead.
As I take the stage, the bright lights momentarily blind me, but as my eyes adjust, I scan the crowd for familiar faces. And there, in the sea of Hollywood stars and models, I spot Daniel, his encouraging smile a beacon of support amidst the sea of faces.
Our eyes lock for a brief moment, and in that instant, I feel a surge of confidence wash over me. With his silent encouragement, I dive into the performance, pouring my heart and soul into each lyric. After my performance, I head back into the crowd to watch the other performers and catch up with a few friends, but I can't escape the disappointment in the back of my mind that I haven't bumped into Daniel again.
Later in the night, as I'm beginning to get bored of forced conversations, our paths cross again. Daniel's presence is like a magnet, drawing me in with his infectious energy and easy charm. We find ourselves laughing and sharing stories, the rest of the gala fading into the background as we lose ourselves in each other's company.
"So, what's next for you after tonight?" Daniel asks. I smile, feeling a rush of warmth at his interest. "Well, this was my last performance for a little while. I'm taking a break for a bit before heading to the studio to work on new music. What about you?"
Daniel shrugs casually. "Oh, same old. Just doing some promo stuff for Red Bull. I'm desperate to get back on the track."
Instinctively, I reach out and gently touch his arm. "I have no doubt you'll get there, you're a talented driver."
Before I can say anything else, Daniel reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. "Hey, would you mind if I got your number?" he asks, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
My heart skips a beat at his request, and I nod, trying to contain my excitement. "Of course," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady as I take the phone from his hands and enter my number.
"Thanks," Daniel says with a grateful smile as he takes his phone back. "I'd love to stay in touch."
The warmth in his voice sends a thrill through me, and I can't help but smile back. "Me too," I reply, my heart fluttering with anticipation.
As the night begins to wind down, the energy of the gala mellows into a gentle hum of conversation and soft music. Daniel and I linger for a while longer, savouring the final moments of the evening.
I glance at the time on my phone and realise that it's time for me to leave. "I hate to cut this short, but I should probably head out. Mind if we take a quick picture before I go?"
"Of course," he says warmly, leaning in as I snap a picture of the two of us at our table. "It's been an amazing night, thank you for making me feel welcome at my first Met."
"The pleasure was all mine. See you again soon?" I say, trying to hide the sadness creeping into my voice at the thought of saying goodbye.
"I hope so," he smiles, opening his arms and pulling me in to a gentle embrace. I reluctantly tear myself away, the lingering scent of his cologne leaving a bittersweet reminder of our evening together.
Settling into the backseat of my car, the picture of Daniel and I burns brightly on my phone screen. I decide to share the moment to my Instagram story, tagging Daniel alongside the honey and badger emojis. I place my phone in my bag to avoid the notifications that are sure to start rolling in, and rest my head against the window, shutting my eyes to replay the night in my head, wondering when I'll see Daniel again.
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f1smutwriter · 3 months
Poly Driver Masterlist
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𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐬 (𝐦𝐯𝟏 𝐜𝐥𝟏𝟔)
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 (𝐨𝐩𝟖𝟏 𝐥𝐬𝟐)
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 (𝐜𝐥𝟏𝟔, 𝐜𝐬𝟓𝟓)
𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐦𝐯𝟏, 𝐜𝐥𝟏𝟔)
None yet
None yet
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lxclerc · 2 years
insta au - carlos sainz + going to a premier with actress!reader
pairing: carlos sainz jr x reader INSTAGRAM AU
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Liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and others
carlossainz55 you are the brightest star, cariño
View all 5,729 comments...
yourusername muchas gracias, mi amor. te amo ❤️
carlossainz55 mi corazón
user1 he's her biggest fan 🥹
user2 congrats to y/n! she absolutely deserves it and more ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc you look smashing, mate!
carlossainz55 it'd be embarrassing not to dress up when i'm next to her
user3 carlos bf duties
landonorris why wasn't i invited?
yourusername it was a no kids allowed event i'm afraid
user4 she didn't have to do lando like that 😭
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and others
yourusername can't even blame him from stealing the spotlight when he looks like that
View all 3,462 comments...
carlossainz55 no one can ever steal the spotlight from you, mi amor
landonorris you two make me nauseous
yourusername ay get off my page, landito
user1 carlos and y/n parenting lando will always be my favorite
charles_leclerc he does look very good
yourusername our boyfriend looks hot, doesn't he?
user2 charles and y/n sharing one boyfriend
user3 the second picture altered my brain's chemistry
charlottesiine congratulations, mon bébé! so proud of you 🤍
yourusername i miss you, please come over soon!!
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Liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and others
yourusername the after party and the hangover the day after
View all 4,639 comments...
user1 they are literally the hottest couple to ever exist 😭😭😭
user2 no one has the right to look that good hangover
charles_leclerc i thought i get him this week?
yourusername sorry, will have to extend his stay with me till next week
charles_leclerc 😡😡
user3 charles and y/n sharing custody of carlos 😭
user4 fuck romeo and juliet, i want what these bitches have
carlossainz55 tan hermosa ❤️
yourusername no, you
landonorris 🙄🙄🙄
user4 y/n always fighting with charles and lando over carlos 😭
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Carlando Masterlist
All of my Carlando imagines, blurbs and series can be found here
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Carlos and how he deals with his brats (except Lando is a brat and her punishment is all his fault)
Supernatural Carlando
Supernatural Carlando pt2
The cheating blurb
The cheating blurb pt2
Reader feels left out
carlando + thick thighs
for the first time in his life, lando is the good one
meeting after lando win
lando win smut
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Carlos Sainz
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← Main Masterlist
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cars-on-the-moon · 6 months
Love since forever and a bit more (5637 words) by Cars_on_the_moon Chapters: 5/5 Series: Part 2 of Childhood Sweethearts tag
Hello! i once again post my "Love since forever" little ficlets because something happened with the link. I also added two new ones. I'll post again when I update.
Thanks for reading! :)
*Ficlets written are fiction
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leclercdream · 2 months
this is part 2 of maroon
✮⋆˙ when carlos breaks reader’s heart, lando is ready to mend it
✮⋆˙ ex carlos sainz x singer!reader | bestfriend lando norris x singer!reader
✮⋆˙ warnings: cheating, carlos is an asshole, slut shaming
✮⋆˙ tofi talks: thanks for the love on part 1! one last part coming soon x please ignore dates
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and others
yourusername: my new album GOOD RIDDANCE out march 27! presave in my bio 💜
this project means a lot to me and i hope you love it as much as i do. i can’t believe this is my first full album!!
i also wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love you are giving to MAROON 🍒 i wrote this song at 3a.m. in my best friend’s room, crying my little pisces heart out and accepting that sometimes letting go is for the better. i never expected it to get big, it was just an outlet for me, so again, thank you a million times!
this one is for you, you know who you are.
view 839 comments
landonorris: woop woop landonorris: i’m so incredibly proud of you landonorris: please let me listen to the whole album :(
yourusername: not yet 🤍 lilyzneimer: babe CAN I? i just know a few of these are love songs. oscarpiastri: me too please x yourusername: sending u the link for tmr!!! user1: WHICH ONE ARE LOVE SONGS!????yourusername: i don’t kiss and tell x user2: BITCH ALDNWNS
maxverstappen: P is so excited to hear it!
yourusername: i will send you the link to the early listening party 💜
user3: carlos liking this 😥 the audacity this mas has user4: why is no one talking about the last part guys, is it for lando? carlos???
user5: its not always about them u know?
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yourusername just posted a story
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landonorris: can’t wait to see you tonight landonorris: you look beautiful yourusername: lan 🥺 thank u love, got pretty for u!!! landonorris: i’m giggling and kicking my feet landonorris: think about what i told you yourusername: i already said yes lan 🤭
oscarpiastri: why is lando blushing? what did you do? yourusername: lol yourusername: he asked me out on a date and i said yes? 👉🏻👈🏻 oscarpiastri: KALSW SUAVW YN!!!! oscarpiastri: sorry lily took over oscarpiastri: that’s amazing tho, told you he likes you! yourusername: don’t you think it’s too soon? after everything that happened? :/ be honest oscarpiastri: nah, after what carlos did you are allowed to move on. plus if you listen carefully to your songs lando and you are long overdue yourusername: thank u osc 🤍 please take carlos out on the next race yourusername: kidding!!! (not) oscarpiastri: at your service (kidding) (not)
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, kellypiquet and others
lando.jpg: yourusername just finished the first leg of her tour looking beautiful as ever. in honour of new year’s day being played today you can have that picure we took drunk at said party
view 920 comments
user1: i thought this was a yn post lol
user2: the second picture i’m screaming!!! the fact that she was dating carlos at the time yet she always looked at him like that 🥺
user3: slut behaviour
oscarpiastri: i’m so normal about this
yourusername: my favorite photographer ever 🤍
yourusername: glad you could make it tonight!! let’s get a podium tomorrow so we can go home and rest
lando.jpg: yes ma’am
maxverstappen1: Did you do it?
landonorris: yes maxverstappen1: What did she say? landonorris: yes maxverstappen1: 🤝🏻👍🏻 user3: what is this user4: they have such a weird relationship i swear
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, lilymhe and ohters
yourusername: highnobiety thank you so much for having me! martietomanova shooting with you is a real rare joy. link in bio if you wanna read my interview taking about silly things and my new album! view 923 comments
user1: my jaw is on the floor
user2: lando must be loosing it rn lol about to risk it all
oscarpiastri: you are correct user2: nooo dont expose him lol
landonorris: asdjqenxf
landonorris: WHAT IS THIS
landonorris: YN???????
landonorris: please pick up the phone im so in love with you *deleted*
landonorris: stop looking at her PLEASE im going insane
landonorris: you are the most beautiful human being on this whole world
yourusername: 🤭🤭 im blushing yourusername: see u soon? landonorris: YES landonorris: im picking u up RIGHT NOW landonorris: i would risk everything for you *deleted*
user3: anyone else saw lando’s deleted comments? boys down bad haha
user4: i love how as soon as she broke up with him he started showing he likes her lol long overdue
last part coming soon
taglist: @evie-119 @landossainz @noneofyallsbusiness @ladyblablabla @likedbygaslyy @softiecaro @1655clean @willowpains @lightdragonrayne if your name is crossed out i couldnt tag you
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carlos55edits · 1 year
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All of these stories contain smut/mature content. 18+ Only. All are Carlos Sainz x Reader.
Rhythm of Love
You have had a hard day at work. As you walk into the house, soft music is playing, clearing your mind. Your wonderful dance partner makes you focus on him.
Ferrari Heat
Fancy dinner with the love of your life. He just can’t keep his hands off of you. Wait until what happens after dinner.
Toxic Affair
Though you are Charles Leclerc girlfriend, your heart belongs to someone else.
Peeping Tom
A new neighbor has moved into the neighborhood. He was a pretty cool dude until you caught him staring from his window into your house. You and Carlos wanted to give him a little show.
A Sweet Treat
Summer break has arrived and you and Carlos decided to take a trip to the Maldives. Carlos didn’t want to have dessert that night after dinner…at least what was not on the dessert menu.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I love creating them! ❤️
Also, if you want to check it out, since I have started writing, I created this playlist that I use to write my stories to. I’m also adding more song to it. If you want to check it out, here is the link!
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theferrarieffect · 2 months
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red (soy lago - part 3)
part 1 // part 2
lando x carlos (carlando)
summary: Old feelings die hard. Do they die harder than a bad crash at Spa? warning(s): angst, mild description of non-lifethreatening injury a/n: shoutout to every sad reader of Soy lago and All this, just to say goodbye - this one's for you :') this was inspired by lando's real crash at Spa, but takes place after melbourne 2024 in universe.
At Spa, Lando sees red.
He sees it in the rim of the soft tyres his pit crew all but rips off his car, as the rain transforms from a mist to a drizzle to a steady downpour. He sees it in the Ferrari struggling in his rearview mirrors, an unlikely sight for the usually dominant car. He sees it in the flag the stewards wave during Q3 as a bolt of plasma splits the sky in half. And he sees it in the flash of balaclava that gets hurled to the floor in anger. Carlos never made it out of Q2.
Lando sticks his hand in his pocket, making sure the precious cargo inside has remained dry. Luckily, the fireproofs seem also to be relatively waterproof. He inhales deeply, lets the air rush out through his nostrils. Weaves his way through the paddock.
Oscar is fully unconscious, curled up like a cat on a bench in the garage, hood pulled over his wavy hair. Lando can’t help but smile at the sleepy young driver as he walks past McLaren to the red Ferrari garage. It’s all too much for little Oscar Piastri, a voice in his head sings.
Carlos gesticulates wildly to a race marshal, the tops of his cheeks flushed. His lower jaw juts out angrily, his eyes narrowed. It’s rare for the cool-headed driver to lose his temper, but Lando remembers the crevice that opens between his dark eyebrows well. He saw it after Ferrari gave him some truly dogwater strategy calls in Monaco last year. He saw it when Pierre shoved him after the Canadian qualis. And who could forget, hardly a year ago, being interviewed about that five-second penalty in Melbourne? 
Lando figures it’s about him getting knocked out in Q2. A crazy idea floats into his mind.
No, he tells himself firmly. No more offering to go on a walk. You’re over this.
Less than ten paces away, Carlos is hilariously juxtaposed by Charles spread horizontally out over an armchair, legs dangling off an armest like a little kid, smirking as he undoubtedly texts some new romantic conquest on his phone.
Lando moves on.
Pierre is inexplicably in the AlphaTauri (Lando refuses to call it Visa Cash App Red Bull) motorhome, wielding a black tray of...ew, where did he get sushi? Lando wrinkles his nose in disgust as he gracefully picks up a piece of dark red fish with a pair of chopsticks and feeds it to Yuki. 
“Just so you know,” he hears Pierre say, “if you’re not hungry anymore I’m finishing the rest of it.”
“Okay!” Yuki chirps happily.
Pierre’s fond chuckles fade away as Lando passes Haas—where Kevin and Nico are busy dribbling a football between their ankles—and makes a beeline for Williams. Of course George is loitering around, because Alex is there. Their heads are bent together conspiratorially over Alex’s phone. George giggles like a schoolgirl, tucks a nonexistent strand of hair behind his ear. Blushes. What a fool.
“Mates,” Lando calls out.
George and Alex shoot apart, eyes darting frantically from side to side. Lando rolls his own. It could not be more obvious if they carried around a neon sign that said “WE’RE MADLY IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER BUT REFUSE TO SAY IT OUT LOUD”.
“Hey Lando,” Alex says casually. “Any word on when they’re letting us back out?”
“Aw, mate,” George teases, “seeing as you’re not even in Q3, I should think it doesn’t even mat—ouch!” His jab is interrupted by Alex elbowing him between his ribs. George snatches Alex’s hat from his head in retaliation, placing it atop his dirty blond waves.
Lando fights back the sudden urge to vomit at their saccharine affection. “Er, no.”
“Carlos is giving the stewards an earful,” George narrows his deep blue eyes. The dark fringe of his lashes almost touch. “I overheard him talking about how it’s dangerous, how they should postpone Q3.”
This is news to Lando. He’d assumed Carlos was angry about his quali result. 
Alex chuckles. “Who died and made Carlos the weather police?”
“Sorry, gotta go,” Lando says hurriedly, brushing past them out of Williams. George waves him off, his other arm stretching out oh-so-casually behind Alex’s slim waist.
The thing was, every once in a while, Carlos just got feelings. Eerily accurate ones. Lando remembered Silverstone in 2022 all too well—Carlos had joked to Danny that he should avoid George because he got the feeling he’d be extra menacing that day. Not that Danny had taken him entirely to heart, but if he’d pushed from the get go, it might’ve been the former McLaren hurtling over the tyre barrier instead of Zhou...
The McLaren garage comes into view when someone grabs his forearm. Lando whirls around, comes face to face with a pair of slightly manic brown eyes. The tall collar of a red racing suit.
“Lando,” Carlos says in a low voice. “I need you to be...careful.”
“Huh?” Lando asks, perplexed.
Carlos gestures to the rain, which has lightened considerably. “The marshals, they are starting up Q3 again. I don’t like that.”
Lando squints up at the gray clouds. It didn’t seem like the rain was going to get any worse. He was probably off the mark on this one. “Ooookay, Carlos. Whatever you say.”
“I’m serious, Lando,” Carlos insists. Lando is taken aback by the urgency in his voice. “I just...I just have a bad feeling about this.”
Will’s radio bleats in his ear. “Lando, ten minutes to start, ten minutes, please come back to the garage as soon as you can.”
“I gotta go back,” he mutters to Carlos, and the other driver’s grip on his arm reluctantly slackens.
“Be careful,” Carlos pleads once again, finally letting him go.
Lando hurries back to the garage, shaking his head as if that would help clear his jumbled thoughts. I’m sure he was like this to everyone. To Charles. I know he begged him to be careful, too. We’re all friends now, remember?
But as Lando pulls his helmet on, watching Oscar frown up at the darkened sky, he can’t help but wonder if the desperation in Carlos’ voice was meant just for him. As he pulls forward slowly for the out lap, he sees Carlos pacing around, and when they make eye contact, the Spaniard’s face is stricken.
He can’t help but imagine Carlos fretting over him, and only him, and he smiles.
Lando hasn’t even finished his out lap when the rain starts to come down in sheets again. “It’s definitely wet,” he tells his race engineer.
“Should be good, Lando, should be good for one hot lap for those tyres.”
No way. But what can he do?
He feels the car lose control at La Source. Just enough to scare him.
“I dunno, it’s almost too wet. Some aquaplaning. Quite a bit of aquaplaning.”
“Okay, understood.”
Lando squints down Eau Rouge. Red Water. Sure enough, the rain has made the creek below the track swell, mixed with clay. He sees red.
“The rain will continue for...six more minutes,” he hears as the car aquaplanes again. 
Lando hurtles down the straight with no control at all.
He closes his eyes, braces himself for impact. 
A sickening crunch, and his car spins out, only after what seems like an eternity coming to a stop.
“Lando, are you okay?” Will sounds through the radio.
Lando figures he has about fifteen seconds before the damage kicks in. His fingers scrabble for the radio button on his wheel. Oh god. His hands are shaking so badly that he misses it the first time.
“Lando, are you okay?” The question is now tinged with panic.
He hits the button.
“Yeh—” Lando ekes out—“all good.” 
Then, before he can turn the radio off, the pain slams into him like a truck. He groans into the mic, thinking he wouldn’t be all that surprised if all his bones had shattered with the impact of the crash.
“Can you get out of the car?” Will demands.
Mate, I can hardly lift my neck, Lando retorts silently. But he wills himself to get it together, feebly attempts to hoist himself to a standing position. No, wait, the wheel. He tries to unscrew the wheel and place it on the chassis. The twisting motion of his arms makes his chest feel like it’s erupting into flames. And it was getting steadily harder to breathe. What was happening?
He hates this. Hates that it might all end here, just like this. He wonders if Carlos saw him crash, and desperately prays he hadn’t witnessed it. Lando doesn’t want this to be his last memory of him. 
Soy lago, Carlitos. Chili. I’m sorry. His fingers find the piece of soft, worn paper in his pocket. He closes his fist tightly around the paper airplane. 
Lando tries his best to breathe. He knows it’s a losing battle.
He vaguely registers people shouting at each other—paramedics, he hopes. A fluorescent green ambulance, lights blazing. Two sets of hands grasp him under his armpits and haul him out of the car. His chest hurts so badly, his vision’s starting to white out at the edges.
“Ah—ow,” he hears his own voice say, and then everything—finally—goes mercifully dark.
When he opens his eyes, Lando sees someone standing in the doorway, clothed in red.
Right. The crash. He wonders whether he’d died, and some version of Carlos was waiting to take him up to heaven. He smiles, and feels a searing pain across his dry, cracking lips. Dammit. He probably wouldn’t have chapped lips if he really was dead.
“Thank god Lando, you’re awake,” the scarlet-clad driver says...in a French accent. Lando’s heart sinks.
Charles winds his way through the army of IV poles, wires, and monitors surrounding the bed. “How are you feeling?”
Lando takes a mental inventory of his battered body. He recalls his chest being on fire, which had now reduced to a dull ache. He pushes the covers down, revealing several ugly bruises encircling his ribcage. And, to his mild horror, a tube draining right out of his chest.
Morphine, he decides, is truly God’s gift to mankind.
Charles winces when he sees the chest tube. “They said one of your lungs collapsed. Your broken ribs...they punctured it.”
“Lovely,” Lando mutters.
“All that matters is that you’re okay, mate,” Charles sighs. “You will be okay.”
He pulls out a crumpled ball of paper from his pocket. Lando stares at the remains of Carlos’ note, now from five whole years ago...
Charles, noticing his recognition, places it gently on his bedside table. 
“You were holding onto it so tightly...even when you were passed out.” He closes his eyes. “No one knew what it was, until Carlos—” Lando shudders reflexively at the name—“came by and found it.”
His green eyes bore holes into Lando’s blue ones.
“Carlos was scared to death,” Charles adds quietly. “He was doing an interview, and he saw your car spin, and the reporter told him it was you. He didn’t finish his sentence, let alone the interview—he went silent. If you saw the look on his face...” He shakes his head, as if doing so would erase the memory. “He heard you on radio and he looked...he looked like he wished he was in the car instead.”
Lando swallows hard. “Is he—is he here?”
“No. He’s back at Ferrari.”
He nods. It’s probably for the best.
“Thanks for coming by, Charles.”
Charles pats him gently on the shoulder and leaves. Lando gingerly reaches for the crumpled paper plane, unfolds it. 
The ink is blurred from the rain and sweat and drops of maroon—which used to be bright red—bloom on it, but Lando doesn’t need to read it to know what it used to say.
He wishes, even though he shouldn’t, that he could have one more walk with Carlos.
“Landito,” comes a soft voice through the darkness.
Lando squints, because he would know that voice anywhere. His heart starts pounding, reflected in the frenzied symphony his monitors begin to emit.
“Sí.” Carlos emerges from the darkened hallway.
It’s past midnight, at least. Lando had heard the nurse murmuring to herself as she took down his vitals. “You’re not supposed to be here, I think...” 
“I know. I snuck in. It was on purpose.”
Carlos snuck into the hospital? For Lando?
“Can I come in?” Carlos asks. Lando waves him into the room, grimacing at the pain shooting through his shoulder with the motion.
He wonders whether morphine can make someone hallucinate, and looks lovingly at the line connected to the crook of his arm, wondering if he could swindle a nurse into giving him some more tomorrow. 
Then Lando becomes aware of Carlos standing by his bed, giving him a very strange look indeed. He clears his throat. 
“Um. Hi.”
Carlos kneels beside him. Lando is suddenly conspicuous of how exposed he is, the bandages, the bruises, that damn tube…
“Lando,” Carlos says, hoarsely. “I should’ve said something. Done something.”
He feels completely bewildered. “What? Carlos, you couldn’t have—there’s no way you could’ve known—“
“But there was,” whispers Carlos morosely. “I’ve aquaplaned at that corner before, I tried to tell the stewards it wasn’t safe…I didn’t try hard enough…”
He gently traces the bruises on Lando’s ribs. Lando’s not entirely sure, but he swears he sees Carlos’ eyes well up. 
Then he remembers Carlos glaring, all but going hand to hand with the stewards, and laughs. 
“Oh, Carlitos,” he says, breathlessly, “you always know the damnest things.”
Carlos looks utterly baffled at Lando’s laughing. 
“I have very little left to lose,” he says slowly, frowning. “But the one thing I will not...is you.” 
“Carlos?” Lando’s voice trembles. He’s not laughing anymore. 
“I’m sorry. About everything.”
He feels Carlos’ warm hand take his, and give him a squeeze. “There is no I’m sorry, my muppet friend.”
Lando can see the dim lights of the monitors reflected in Carlos’ huge, glassy brown eyes. Overflowing with warmth. Tenderness. Maybe even love.
Carlos reaches into his pocket, slowly produces a piece of folded cardstock. It’s red. Lando’s eyes widen as he takes in the pointy nose, the crisp wings. An airplane. Completely dissimilar from the hastily constructed, ripped-from-a-random-engineer’s-legal-pad one Lando had been toting around for so long. 
He presses it into Lando’s palm. “I guess it was time for a new one.”
Then he leans over, and brushes Lando’s forehead with the barest whisper of his lips, leaving Lando dizzy, overwhelmed. 
“Goodnight, Landito,” he breathes before he disappears, as if he was little more than a dream.
Lando unfolds the little plane with quaking fingers. 
This time, six words greet him, written in gorgeous script. Slow. Intentional. Utterly deliberate.
There is only...I love you.
Soy lago, Lando thinks as a tear snakes its way down his cheek.
But this time…for all of the right reasons.
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