homestuck-hell · 2 years
Zenada Roigir, Rouge of Space, Derse
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Purple punk
Those aren’t imitation grubhorn
Has a mean kick
Land of Horns and Frogs
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theextendedzodiacas · 2 years
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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: 241/288 Capriga
Sign of the Surveyor; (Capricorn/Derse/Space)
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yippee! here’s one for you:
Your name is Costel Hemway and your legal sign is Capriga (space/derse bound). The sect of Mirth you practiced in was (is?) Massacarism. You only had one matesprit and one kismesis your entire life, neither of whom miss you. You never had your conciliatory quadrants filled. Your preban hive was on 1735 Cackle Road, in New Gore Hivestem, Merrymaker Subgrub. As a postban you served on HMS The Starslayer until your untimely demise. The registered coordinates for the transportalizer you acquired semi-illegally are 42.4° North and 83.9° East. You have two Trollian accounts, cruelestTantalization and fpqavbqkVsoxwlgv.
doxxing is fun, right? :3
i’M N0t M0therfucKing p0stiNg this?? What the fucK??
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hiko-the-teacup · 1 year
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heheehehe tommeeeyyyy
he's so goofy, i tried to make him look interesting cuz i saw a lot of designs that were really simple and i wanted to add more silly details
so tommy is a human, but he is in fact an Aries, he is a Prospit dreamer and i believe he is a Heir of Blood (im too sleepy to explain just trust me on this one) so, hypothetically, if he were to be a troll he would be in the (canon extended zodiac's) sign of Arcer (sign of the officer)
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i love the idea that tubbo had kind of a jade situation and had to fuse with his sprite which happened to have a ram and is actually god tier but uses normal clothes :)))
so tubbo is a human as well but he is a Capricorn, and i believe he is a Derse dreamer and a Bard of Breath
mostly because of the way he developed as a character, starting in a way, very attached to Tommy, looking for connections and trying to be the leader of a country, but in the end not being able to bare with it all and pushing people away
so hypothetically if he were a troll he'd fall on the sign of Capriun (sign of the cartographer)
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fundy is a human which also had a jade situation and became part fox!!
hes a Mage of Breath i believe, mostly because of the way he felt isolated from everyone
he is also a libra and a Prospit dreamer which would land him on the sign Libus (sign of the vibrant)
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ok more like my second fave but still hehe
Wilbur, unlike many designs would lead you to believe, is actually a Virgo!!
i believe he is a Prince of Mind, and i will elaborate in another post (maybe) because i have a lot to say about him bc i LOVE THIS CHARACTER SO MUCH AGHHH
so anyways, he therefore is a Derse dreamer Jadeblood, Prince of Mind, which would fall into Virza (sign of the puzzle) ((fun fact that's also my extended zodiac sign)) (((i swear it wasn't or purpose i prome plz-----)))
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he is also a virgo actually, that surprised me lmao
i believe he is a Witch of Rage, a Derse dreamer and being a Jadeblood that would give him the sign of viriborn (sign of the stringent)
i don't have much to say, this design was kinda lazy, i might remake it actually
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they would also be an ancestor design, i just couldn't render him cuz,, i got lazy---
but yeah he is a Capricorn and he is a Sylph of Heart♡♡♡, he is also a Derse dreamer and that would give him the sign Caprio (sign of the opaque)
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so first of all quackity is a Capricorn, HOWEVER i couldn't think of a very good design with purple for him specifically and so i was talking with a friend and came to this thought:
Quackity, like Jack Noir, was kinda pushed around and undermined,(more things i wrote but were deleted,ill do a deeper analysis when im more awake i swear)
essentially hes a derse Capricorn page of space, that would fall on Capriga sign of the surveyor
((edit;; oh my god it deleted like half of my post im going to die))
((ill post the rest tomorrow maybe))
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pillowkind-catch · 6 months
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found this guy again, it's from a whiiiile ago (and I never figured which sign to give him oops, it's between caprittarius and capriga) but I really liked how it came out! I made some sketches trying to figure out what to do with his horns to maintain his cat-like hood but they're really messy :P
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with six evenly-sized horizontal stripes each. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: dark purple, bright purple, neon cool pink, light cool pink, neon teal, and warm medium green. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: bright purple, dark purple, black, white, light cool pink, and neon cool pink. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: bright purple, dark purple, maroon, dark pink, neon cool pink, and light cool pink. END ID.]
caprizaextendiac: a gender related to being a capriza from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a purpleblood, mindbound, and a derse dreamer.
caprigaextendiac: a gender related to being a capriga from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a purpleblood, spacebound, and a derse dreamer.
caprioextendiac: a gender related to being a caprio from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a purpleblood, heartbound, and a derse dreamer.
based on @neopronouns' classpect + hemospectrum flags!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @honey-makes-mogai
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thebirdmanhewatches · 2 years
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[ ID: a digital drawing of a tall, thin ,purple blooded troll ,with wavy horns, clown paint and thick longish straight hair with a fringe slouching. he is wearing a white button up shirt with a diamond pattern in light purple and the capriga symbol in dark purple on it and a pair of dark purple trousers that get wider the further they go down he is also wearing purple striped fingerless gloves and socks ,glasses and a transparent light purple neckerchief. There is a text next to him with the S C and J replaced with 5 ¢ and ] respectively this has not been included in the ID the text reads
Llewis venmor
Seven and a quarter sweeps old
Purple blood
Night of doom
Derse dreamer
A clown, a joker and a scoundrel
A rather tall troll who enjoys flinging fire around his face for entertainment
No thoughts head empty
Below the text there is a smaller image of the same trolls head without clown paint with text pointing to it reading without clown paint end ID]
He was supposed to be a trollsona but then he became his own character because why fucking not he may be the worst but I love him
Compared to some of the other Fantrolls I’ve seen he’s pretty bland but hey sometimes you just gotta admit that you love clowns
This character is literally 18 days old but I’d still kill for him
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Name: M. Doss Scheer Color: Dijon #C49102 Symbol: Capriga Strife Specibus: fireworkkind Handle: trustingGaud Animal: prairie dog Pronouns: they/them Age: 13 Birthday: December 21, which was a wednesday. Sexuality: Fond Of No One Interests: sports memorabilia and fencing Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Mage of Hope Land: Land of Restraint and Hunting, a distinct place, with embarrassing Moorish Viper consorts. It is a place full of mysterious beeping and webs. Hyperion wants to play. Instrument: nyatiti
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roll-a-troll · 13 days
Name: Vr. Totolm Xoloft Ancestor: The Spectrum Strife Specibus: bookkind Blood Color and Sign: Purple; Capriga Handle: thoughtfulCreature Lusus: tapirmom Pronouns: she/her and he/him Age: 12 sweeps Interests: tennis polo and microbiology Sexuality: Fond of Men Class: Bard Land: Land of Wheat and Monsoon, a helpless place, with proud Chinese Alligator consorts. It is a place full of bloody vallies and villages. Oceanus loves this land like his own spawn.. Quirk: make heavy use of slang via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/MWjPGme, do as you please
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trollstrology · 4 months
could i ask for coMpatibility betweeN a geMiNo (gold, prospit, dooM) aNd a capriga (purple, derse, space)?
Doo♍ and Space are extre♍ely co♍patible! Doo♍ as I've ♍entioned before is about wisdo♍ and co♍fort, and Space is about patience and creation. Absolutely one of the better co♍bos out there, and paired with the different lunar sways they definitely co♍pli♍ent each other well!
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anthropophagay · 5 years
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things im good at:
- making shitposts of my characters
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homestuck-hell · 1 year
Sarona Moeler, Thief of Space, Derse
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Is very good at applying face paint
Runs a face painting stand
Loves when the church runs carnival events
Land of Brushes and Henge
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selvepneart · 5 years
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If your true sign is Capriga, then you possess the unique combination of qualities held by all Purple Signs, Derse Dreamers, and Space-bound.
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Free to use with credit. Please do not repost.
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shibbledibble22 · 2 years
Lolol I retook the extended zodiac test for the first time in over four years
I went from a caprilo to a capriga
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homestuck-uwu · 6 years
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i forgot to upload this yesterday so
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nae-draw · 6 years
Let me tell you about a Homestuck :3
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Do you know Homestuck ? This OC is to my Friend. He asked me to draw it. His name is Noyzis Onirix a young troll to Derse Dreamer. He is a Capriga and Space bound. :3
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