#capricorn sn
astrochaosmind · 6 months
astrology observation🐀
🦦sag 11h people can be the one who’s constantly making friends wherever they go and tend to be the “loud” one of the group
✨leo with cancer placements can be very difficult to understand or even get too know sometimes
🎀taurus placements especially 6h could be the type to only have a makeup/skincare routine and call it the day
⭐️pisces moons are the REAL empaths out of the other two water signs they constantly visions or use their imagination as if they were in someone else’s shoes
🌫️any virgo/pisces placement even asteroid or nn/sn are always people who help or want to be needed by someone or something , they will give you unwanted information and tips out of love and support
🍋leo 11h people are the definition of loyalty especially towards friends they do anything and every for/with them and will love you with ALL their heart
🌊cancer suns are really shy , quiet while cancer moons are talkative and love knowing people on a personal level
🫧virgos excessively lie idk if it’s the anxiety or they can’t handle accountability or what
🧌Capricorn 4H could mean you had to be mentally and emotionally independent or keep yourself busy, company from a very young age
☕️moon-saturn can mean having a very strained relationship with your mom or she didn’t really allow you to do anything as a child and now you are hesitant of getting out there and having fun
🦪many 9h placements are into foreign languages and traveling more than sagittarius natives
💫cancer risings with their leo 2nd house spend their money on frivolous things like clothes/makeup/art supplies and anything that they can express themselves with and cute their boredom
❄️speaking of cancer placements I think some cancer people with 3rd house cancer could love yearbooks , academic trophies or anything that reminds them of their accomplishments in school
🌹you can spot scorpio/aries placements a mile away the prominent brows , sharp features and the hard facial expressions
🪴libra 10H people attract a lot of people infatuated or insanely attracted to them finding them sexy/sex appeal??
🐚pisces + gemini in big 3 makes someone very creative and fun but also emotionally in-tune with their emotions plus extremely talkative
🪰gemini venus can have like multiple standards/expectations for the people they wanna date
🐸aquarius suns are very adventurous and not afraid to take risks with gemini and libra think things through and can’t decide if they want to do it or not
🪩3rd house/9th house venus and moons listens too a variety of music genres they can go from hip-pop to country music
🌆Sagittarius risings or prominent jupiter influence in first house people have big cheeks ifykyk and very noticeable, contagious smiles
🎢air 3rd house people can go through or have many cars throughout their lives like they have a new car everytime you see them
🎠people with heavy mercury influence are very funny they are quick with it
🧌gemini mercury people are very good at mocking or mimicking how people sound or sing especially if has aspects or a Venusian degree (2°,14°,7°,19°)
👽Uranus 1H people can have very big/muscular calves even ankles
🧸something about aries moons and gemini suns just give off chaotic energy
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missymu · 7 months
Mars Synastry
💝 mars conjunct moon - lots of passion, pregnancy & lessons learnt in this partnership. strong emotional & physical connection which is hard to completely break apart. partners feel a safe & familiar feeling when with each other. this aspect reveals the instinctive sides of both partners. usually, mars is more energetic than moon. moon may feel triggered by mars & partners may irritate each other due to the intensity of this aspect. (aries mars or taurus moon)
💝 mars conjunct chiron - you heal each other through sex & the sex can become addictive bc it feels so healing, but you may not be consciously aware of this. from the first time you sleep together something happens inside both of your souls. (capricorn mars or taurus chiron)
💝 mars conjunct south node - indicator of violence in a past life (sag mars or taurus sn)
💝 mars conjunct jupiter - a dramatic & fiery rxship with plenty of sexual chemistry. they brighten each others bad mood bc they are constantly flirting, playing & having fun together no matter the context or setting. however, there may be arguments & it’s usually jupiter who mediates the situation. jupiter encourages mars competitiveness, whilst mars leans on jupiter for support, wisdom or optimism. (cancer mars or taurus jupiter)
💝 mars conjunct pluto - this aspect forces partners to confront their deepest desires & greatest pains. many intense experiences will be shared together. this may turn into an all-consuming rxshop, one that leaves you without any energy left to give. (taurus pluto or sag mars)
💝 mars opposite mars - the nature of this aspect depends on the signs involved. in some cases, one mars will be very strong & the other mars will be debilitated. this will occur between aries & libra, scorpio & taurus, capricorn & cancer. in these cases, the pink mars will tend to be very direct, especially when angry. the purple mars will take a more indirect approach & will be prone to manipulative or passive-aggressive behavior. but this will tend to anger the pink mars even more, leading to a vicious cycle. in these cases, this aspect can be quite volatile. if they are to get along, they will need to learn to understand each other & compromise. the pink mars will need to learn to back off at times & the purple mars will need to practice being more direct & forthright. however, when this aspect appears in the other possible signs: pisces & virgo, gemini & sagittarius, aquarius & leo, this aspect will tend to bring balance; they will be able to work well together & compliment each other bc these mars signs are of relatively equal strength.
💝 mars opposite venus - this aspect causes strong attraction which never leaves or becomes luke warm (similar to ‘mars opposite mars’). even after years partners will never get bored of making love to one another. this intense romantic & sexual energy may even border obsession. There isn’t a lack of desire in this relationship! one has the traits that the other lacks meaning they complement each other perfectly & give each other what one another wants. both partners work perfectly in bed together bc this is the ”omg are you a top? perfect bc i’m a bottom” kind of energy. one partner, usually venus is more submissive whilst the other, usually mars is more dominant. sometimes mars may be outraged by venus’s obedience meanwhile venus is disturbed by mars’s dominance. this complex rxship can become unstable & fluctuating, almost like a roller-coaster; sometimes partners are immensely attracted to each other, other times, they’re repulsed by each other. (scorpio venus/mars)
💝 mars opposite sun - hot & cold, on & off, rivalry. (libra mars or scorpio sun)
💝 mars opposite jupiter - initially, there’s chemistry between the two. jupiter loves to provoke, test & play games with mars. (capricorn mars or scorpio jupiter)
💝 mars opposite ascendant - mutual sexual attraction. however, mars takes charge of the rxship which makes asc feel frustrated. despite mars being supportive of asc self-expression, asc feels nervous whilst asserting their rights in the rxship. (capricorn mars or scorpio asc)
💝 mars square mars - frustration & war-like dynamic (leo/aquarius mars)
💝 mars square jupiter - this rxship is full of friction. jupiter thinks they know best & belittles mars with their lecturing. mars wont put up with it & wont let jupiter take a win. there is a lot of sexual attraction but partners might have different sexual preferences. (aqua/leo jupiter or libra/aries mars)
💝 mars square pluto - intense passion, sexual chemistry & power struggles. rxhsip may even lead to abuse & violence. pluto almost activates the dark side of mars. mars will go through a self awakening & learn many lessons through pluto. partners tend to ghost each other but mars usually comes back to pluto. (pisces/virgo mars or leo/aqua pluto
💝 mars square rising - aggression & conflict. mars’s energy makes rising feel weak & threatened. if rising is a man & mars is a woman, this aspect will make her feel like he is not manly enough. for example, she doesn’t like how he handles conflict, she doesn’t see him as ambitious enough, etc. (aries/libra mars or leo/aqua rising)
💝 mars square neptune - this indicates a lack of communication. mars is in charge in this rxship & neptune suppresses themselves. neptune doesn’t understand mars’s actions or intentions. mars behaves selfishly in this dynamic. (taurus/scorpio mars or leo/aqua neptune)
💝 mutual mars in 10H (your mars in their 10H & theirs in your 10H) - the aggressive side of your rxship will likely be public. Meaning you are prone to have public arguments or fights. Alternatively you can also do illegal business or outlaw activities together, often involving some sort of violence or marsian quality
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harmoonix · 2 months
Love you like a love song
🌹 (Astrology Observations) 🌹
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~ Music to my heart that's what you are
A song that goes on and on ~
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🌹 - Eros (433) in Cancer/4th house or at Cancer Degrees (4°, 16°, 28°) can indicate your partner brings you a sense of home, they can be your comfort
🌹 - Eros (433) in Taurus/2nd house or at Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26° can indicate your partner can be very abundent and passionate
🌹 - Eros (433) aspecting the ascendant makes the native erotic, beautiful, charming while aspecting the Midheaven (MC) makes the people as a whole to see them like that
🌹 - Eros in Gemini/3rd house or at 3°, 15°, 27° degrees can indicate your partner must have a very erotic voice/good at communicating/good at flirting
🌹 - North Node in Aquarius/at 11°, 23° degrees indicates the native's life path is to start something new/unique to the world
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🌹 - Lust (4386) in the 1H/Aries/at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees can indicate a very lustful person, naughty, mischievous, very controlling of their desires
🌹- Cassanova (7328) in Aquarius natives might use a different or an unique tactic when flirting, they extra communicative at this
🌹 - Karma (3811) in Libra/aspecting Venus or in the 7H can bring you karmic partners/karmic relationships
You are beautiful, like a dream come alive
🌹 - Karma (3811) aspecting South Node indicates karma being brought up to you in this life from your past life 💖 but hey you have the chance to change it (Karma conjuncting my SN im done with life)
🌹 - Lust (4386) in Sagittarius/9H or at 9°, 21°, the native wants to be set free, to try all their lustful ideas with their partners, idk how to say this, but natives with these placements like to experience and try new things, literally giving switching the "positions" for you...
🌹 - Venus in the 6H/Virgo Venus/Venus at 6°, 18° get enemy -> lovers partners, people don't like you at first but somehow end up crushing for you...like girly ..didn't you hated me 2 seconds ago??
🌹 - Baddies with Gemini Venus/Venus in the 3rd house and 3°, 15°. 27° always spill the tea about their past relationships, like they love to tell stories about their exes
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🌹 - Juno (3) in Air Signs natives are extremely charismatic, they charm with their words, these type of people who like text you at 3 am and finish the conversation in the morning
🌹 - Mercury aspecting Juno in good aspects make the natives to have a good communication between them and their partners (tense aspects can show that you don't always understand eachother)
🌹 - Vertex aspecting Juno can indicate a certain relationship of yours will change your life/faith/destiny but depends on the circumstances
🌹 - Scorpio/Aries/Capricorn/Taurus Sidereal/Vedic Risings can act more tough/dominant while on the inside they're the sweetest
🌹 - Juno aspecting Saturn can indicate an older spouse, like yasss you attract more older/mature/respectful people
🌹 - Pisces Juno/Juno in 12H/12°, 24° can indicate having a compassionate spouse/relationship, being affectionate can be a really good thing between you 2
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🌹 - Vertex aspecting Sun can indicate that your faith/destiny/future all depends on you and you are responsible for your own future
🌹 - Venus in 2H/Taurus/2°, 14°,26° love gifting. They will always make gifts for people they love! Especially surprises!! This placement also indicate expensive taste
🌹 - Sun/Leo in the 7H have a vibrant energy, that's why people can be into them so much, their nature is charismatic makes them to attract desirable people
🌹 - A high aspected Mercury or Venus will indicate artistic talents, being into music/arts/drawing/acting
🌹 - Sun aspecting Midheaven will attract attention whenever they go. It's something they can't hide
There's no way to describe what you do to me
🌹 - Lust (4386) in Pisces/12H or at 12°, 24° will indicate a native who fantasize a lot about their sexual desires/lustful dreams/they have a very naughty imagination
🌹 - Lust (4386) in Scorpio/8H/ or at 8°, 20° will indicate a very intense native, they'll get addicted to you or vice versa, you by them, they have a mesmerizing aura
🌹 - Ceres (1) in Scorpio/8H or at 8°, 20° can nurture themselves with doing love, as corny as it sounds, it's kinda true if you think about it, Scorpio rules over the reproductive organs and Ceres is a nurturing point
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🌹 - Ceres (1) in Libra/7H or at 7°, 19° can indicate nurturing through relationships, self beauty and admiration, is a very beautiful placement to have in your chart
🌹 - Ceres in (1) in Capricorn/10H or at 10°, 22° indicates a native who has a soft yet long nurturing term, when is in the 10H you can heal through your career/job/public, your nurturing process can be seen by people/public
🌹 - Lilith in Sagittarius is possibly a place where Lilith feels the wildest, because she doesn't give 2 apples about Adam in this energy
🌹 - Lilith in Taurus is a very luxurious place for Lilith to find herself in, she develops a sense of a big self - value/worth here and builds her confidence
🌹 - If your Sun has little to no aspects, you have an easier time to be yourself/without having to hide yourself from others
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🌹 - Moon in Aquarius/Moon in the 11H/Moon at 11°, 23°. The native has a charismatic energy, they love to make new connections/new friendships with people and in general they're very loyal towards these
🌹 - North Node in Gemini/3H or at 3°, 15°, 27° degrees indicates a life path where you learn to express yourself/your personality/your aura in the right way, discover yourself through arts/music/writing etc...
🌹 - North Node aspecting Lilith indicates a life path where you have to embrace your shadow self/your bad side, to embrace and to understand that you have both good & bad sides
🌹 - Moon aspecting Lilith especially in harsh aspects are not to joke about, Lilith transforms into a venomous snake when is in harsh aspects with the Moon and it can be from powerless to dangerous to powerful and so on..
🌹 - Having a sidereal/vedic Sagittarius Sun is not that bad. Actually not at all, I have this placement at 20° in my vedic chart and it helps me being optimistic in my life
🌹 - GUYS remember how I did a post saying how much i love Pisces Venus and that I'll trade my Scorpio Venus for it? Well the Universe heard my prayer and after I found out my right birth time I actually found out I have Pisces Venus in my D9 chart (vedic astrology) which for me is still a win because I love this placement so much!!😭🌹 I literally started jumping when I discovered
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🌹 "A song that goes on and on" 🌹
- Harmoonix
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 5
Hey, here's another astro observation. 🍻🍻
Highlights: north node in houses, ceres, pallas, ascendant, sun, mercury, venus, neptune, uranus, lilith, saturn, pluto, chiron, degrees, cancer, capricorn, virgo, 1st house, 4th house, 6th house.
🍄 NN in the 4th or opposite MC. It's all about your sense of security. These people learn how to create security inside themselves instead of looking for it in people or outside sources. You should feel safe wherever you are physically and in your life journey, as long as you have yourself, it's all you need. You may not feel at home anywhere, you may dislike your family, which leads you to adjusting the concept of "home" to something suitable to your life, where you feel emotionally safe. Once you create your home inside you and nurture it fully, your home might manifest outwardly and you could certainly have the house of your dreams. (if you have this placement let me know how it manifests for you). 
🍄 NN or SN in 4th, or in cancer/capricorn natives make others feel very safe around them and in their house/work. They give off a natural sense of warmth and security which make people trust them. They care for others without expecting things in return. Their houses/companies are often very homey and beautiful. These people just have vibes that make guests stay longer than they intended.
🍄 NN in the last 4 houses (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th) can have a purpose that has to do with the collective. The lessons they learn or the talents they have should be something that inspire a change to the collective's shared sets of values and outlooks on life, people and the world at large. They can make people around them see a whole different viewpoint of the things they believed were facts. There's no such thing as absolute truth or fact, everything in the world is changeful and so the people at large should be able to change and adapt with it. That's why many of these people are celebrities or in the public eye. 
🍄 NN or MC major aspects to uranus (conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile) can mean that the native doesn't necessarily follow the usual get a degree find a job typa life. But with softer aspects it's less forceful and destructive, more free flowing. Even if they tried to follow the traditional route, there is usually an underlying desire to break free from that and create a different path for themselves. They're always met with pleasant/unpleasant surprises, cuz uranus wanna do what they wanna do lol. I have uranus opposite NN and conjunct aquarius MC, and I can’t tell you how much I hate that system with just words. 
🍄 I noticed that animals are attracted to virgo ascendant/moon/venus/mars, personal planets in the 6th or 5th, or ceres in the 1st or 6th. Animals feel like they are taken care of by these individuals and trust them. The type of people that when they call the pet's name, they LISTEN. Also, If you have a lot of fire in personal planets animals might see you as an equal lol (their sass come out). They might pick up little fights with you out of nowhere, especially cats. 😽
🍄 Your ascendant could be your mom's ceres sign or degree. (if you aren't sure of your ascendant checking her ceres sign might help!). You could have the same ceres or pallas sign/degree as your mom or they could conjunct/opposite one of your personal planets. If there are such placements, then your mom might have had a strong influence on you. 
🍄 Pallas aspecting NN and neptune can bring and expand popularity especially if other aspects support it (like neptune or sun aspecting NN or MC). Pallas conjunct NN can mean making your talents known in this lifetime. 
🍄 Pallas conjunctions are very powerful. Neptune conjunct pallas is a natural artist, like naturally good at some hobby they have. Venus conjunct pallas, naturally good at beautifying things and themselves. Mercury conjunct pallas, naturally good at speaking/writing/singing. Ascendant conjunct pallas, natural beauty, naturally good at presenting themselves. Michelle Pfeiffer has is exactly conjunct her ascendant. It can give a variety of different talents and good luck. 🐞
🍄 A mix of Cancer and Libra in personal planets can give dimples and charming smiles and also beautiful voices. Speaking of charm, sun conjunct venus or moon can give a youthful charm and a personality that is admirable, especially if it's in a fire sign. Venus conjunct any personal planet is a charming aspect. 
🍄 Neptune conjunct lilith, can make the native appear sexy in an innocent and otherworldly way. Emphasis on the seductive eyes here, especially if neptune or lilith also aspect the ascendant. Can give sanpaku eyes. They don't have to try so hard to be desirable. Very hard to replace their appearance. e.g. Vanessa Paradis, Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp. 
🍄 Sun opposite/square/conjunct saturn, feeling inadequate, overworking themselves, feeling unworthy when they're not working. Having high expectations of themselves and thinking they can’t achieve it all in the time they set for themselves. Attaching their sense of worth to their achievements. These natives are super hard on themselves. Bottled up emotions, underestimating their emotions, putting on a strong face, facing the world with a sense of responsibility. You are hard workers and deserve all the success you want. You are worthy no matter what you do, plz. (these difficult emotions can come up strongly with the transits too I noticed, even if you don't have that aspect, don't bottle them up, release them). 
🍄 People with pluto opposite ascendant attract others with pluto conjunct ascendant and vise versa. It's that power dynamic, it happened so often to me. That push and pull can be euphoric and obsessive. Wanting to dominate the other, fear of being dominated. Wanting to empower or destroy each other. Wanting to feel needed and wanted or needing the other. Wanting to own that person or being owned by them. It is hot ngl, but it never ends well if there are control wounds at play, which often are and at the forefront. 
🍄 Venus opposite NN natives give me the sense that they mastered their type of beauty or other venus related topics. Many celebrities with this aspect are conventionally attractive. e.g. Cameron Diaz, Zooey Deschanel, Britney Spears, Billie Eilish, Jennifer Lawrence, Song Hye-kyo. Same with venus conjunct NN, but moreso they need to learn how to accept, apply and use their beauty no matter how different it is. They also need to learn how to be in healthy relationships and to accept the overall blessings that come their way. e.g. Lana Del Rey, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift (wide orb but still same sign). 
🍄 Chiron conjunct/opposite personal planets, especially sun/mercury/mars, or having heavy chiron aspects, is someone who is authentic in their self expression but they might not see it. They give off this authentic vulnerability that is so beautiful. Taking a messy/crying/bad hair day photo of themselves and sending it to their friends typa vulnerability. They embody the qualities of the sign the planets are in with a chironic touch that makes their very existence healing and delightful. They may use self-deprecating humor as a way to bring joy to themselves and others through the pain they feel. They don't see the good qualities others see in them fully, and others might take it as a chance to deliberately make them self conscious, especially when young. They may attract a lot of jealousy from friends because they don't always see their delightful personality and it may trigger others (yes delightful and heartwarming, fight me). The way they see themselves is often blurred due to the experiences they went through and the already existing wound of their self concept that they often go to extreme phases of self doubt and introspection. 
🍄 Mercury conjunct/opposite jupiter can make someone funny, it brings a humorous layer to the native's outlook on life and the way they express their views. Mercury rules gemini and jupiter rules sagittarius, both are known to be funny, when they conjunct it creates either a philosopher or a chrackhead or both lol. They are deep thinkers, but they acknowledge the contradictions in life, in themselves and in people, which leads them to use sarcasm, wit and irony. The way they speak and change their voices can be funny too. This aspect is often seen in the charts of comedians or just naturally funny people. e.g. Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Rowan Atkinson, Jenna Fischer, Pete Davidson, Emma Chamberlain, Aubrey Plaza, Billie Eilish, Kevin Hart. 
🍄 Venus degrees like the placements can tell you about how you like your relationships or your love language. Venus in a leo degree can indicate liking when your partner gives you gifts and praises you, loyalty, dramatic love. Venus in an aquarius degree, needing freedom, wanting your partner to also be your best friend, stimulating conversations, online dating. Venus in an aries degree being fierce, childlike and adventurous in love and flirting a lot, physical touch. Venus in a scorpio degree being loyal, intense and flirty in love, physical touch and quality time. Venus in a virgo degree liking the act of service, being cared for and noticing the little details. Venus in a Libra degree, the typical relationship stuff, words of affirmation and gifts. I have venus at 11° and in the 11th house, I can tell you I prefer the friends before lovers typa love, it's easier to develop feelings, you can just be yourself, also no awkward first date. 
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations Pt.6
Based on my experiences, take them with a grain of salt
People rag on Leo suns but some of the sweetest people I’ve known have been Leos. The most warm in a subtle way have been Leo suns with earth placements. If you need someone to root for you no one believes in you like a Leo, it’s a feeling like a warm glow in the dark.
Aquarius suns think unconventionally in a conventional way. Like they will come up with creative ideas that still are still under a conformist umbrella. If something is trending they want to be at the head of that trend. Aquarius moons have the real out there, out of the box ideas. Sometimes they won’t be grounded enough to make them work but Aquarius moons will really make you think differently.
Sagittarius and Geminis tend to set the trends first, can’t explain why but their energy and clever ideas tend to be infectious. Pisces are also really good at this with their dreamy energy, less intentionally though. Virgos will also find very clever ways to use the tools at their disposal.
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Every time a cancer has suddenly gone from distaste/indifference to being nice to me they’ve been trying to get something out of me 🤷🏾‍♀️ (Cancers that are always nice are a different story lol, very kind people)
Where a sign falls in your houses will definitely influence how you perceive them. Signs in your 8th house will come off as suspicious and secretive, 2nd house will be seen as grounded and with affection, you’ll identify closely with signs in your 1st house, etc.
Gemini placements really have their shit together when it’s together imo, they can really balance a lot of things well. This can be hard to perceive sometimes because Geminis can fake having a harmonious life better than any other sign. Libras get a lot of flack for being fake but Libras are a sign of balance. They like to have a sound image to project socially but they can be deeply off balance when anything is lacking in their life.
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Trust a developed Virgo’s (sun, moon, rising) advice, even if you don’t want to hear it, they know what they’re talking about.
Heavy Capricorn or Scorpio placements? Welcome to the family karma club. Odds are you have a relationship that’s strained with at least one parent, uncle, aunt, grandparent, etc. The good news is that if you break out of cycles with your family (and don’t fall into cycles with people like them) you can have a much more rewarding life and a found family to match no other as an adult.
I’ll probably do a family post soon. I have a lot of ✨opinions ✨
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Whole house astrology can teach you a lot about yourself and frankly I prefer it.
For example, my standard birth chart has Saturn/SN in Aries in my 5th and 6th house- but my whole house birth chart has Pisces in 5th and Aries and 6th and that makes more sense for me. I’m a creative and have had a sort of winding journey to make my art my full time job. I’ve also had to bring in a spiritual/healing focus to my creativity and my life in general but it’s vastly improved everything for me. Also I definitely have had very delicate physical health and a lot of sudden rivals in the workplace.
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moonastrogirl · 1 year
Credit @moonastrogirl
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Mercury sextile Pluto
Indicators of having kids in a birth chart, fertility indicators and 5th house
Infertility indicators- Chiron, Pluto, Vertex and Ketu/SN in 5th house
Empty 5th house in Cancer
Synastry Moon in 8th house and partner’s moon in scorpio similar to a moon conjunct venus ?
Synastry Rahu/NN in 1st and Ketu/SN in 4th house doom to end ?
Human design chart
Jupiter transitioning the 3rd house
Moon based posts
Cancer Full moon January 2023
Cancer Full moon Update January 2023
Aquarius New moon January 2023
Leo Full moon February 2023
Pisces New moon February 2023
Virgo Full moon March 2023
Aries New moon March + April 2023
I decided to stop for now moon posts maybe I’ll do them against later I don’t know yet. Tho you have all the necessary information thanks to my previous posts to keep on using the moon cycle at your advantage.
Advice on spirituality
Advice for beginners
Blood Magic / Sex magic
Call back your energy and power in 2024
Escape the matrix month by month with astrology
Paid readings prices
Credit @moonastrogirl
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yet-another-leo · 2 years
Astro note 5
sorry for being gone for a really long time but here's a new set of notes.
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Disclaimer: I am no professional astrologer. I do like to observe so here are some of my observations, there are also a few assumptions I make about some placements. If something doesn’t resonate with you, then leave it be.
💠 a common pattern i noticed with most aqua moons is that they never seem to have good romantic relationships. it's always like the relationship is just trapping them.
my mother and best friend both have aqua moons and they've had horribly failed relationships where the partner was cheating but was also rlly controlling of them other examples are: marilyn monroe, britney spears, princess diana
💠 2H also represents greed. Having jupiter in 2H can be a indicator of a very greedy person
💠since jupiter exaggerates anything it touches, 2H jupiter can also manifest as someone being extremely poor
💠 mercury in 10H or conj MC can manifest as someone having social anxiety, being anxious of being in the spotlight or anxiety surrounding your reputation or social status
💠 neptune in 5H can mean you have photography as a hobby or watch movies as a hobby
💠 neptune in 5H can also indicate having interest in astrology while uranus in 5H can indicate having interest in astronomy
💠 the moon rules over fluctuations
e.g. moon in 6H can indicate fluctuations in health
💠 libra placements with aries, scorpio or capricorn placements in their inner planets might not relate to the "libras are indecisive" stereotype
💠saw someone say that Capricorn NN find their true purpose and success when they travel away from their home because of their cancer SN. I just think that this is more accurate with sidereal astrology because if u use sidereal astrology most Capricorn NN (0º to 24º) are Sagittarius NNs and Sagittarius rules over travel to foreign lands
💠 I've seen many people say jupiter transiting your 1H or jupiter conjunct asc in sr chart indicates weight gain and i know why they make that interpretation, like jupiter maximizes what it touches so jupiter in 1H in transit/sr chart can indicate drastic changes in weight so people immediately think of weight gain, but the key point here is that jupiter basically takes things to the extreme so either you would gain too much weight or you lose too much weight.
💠 i saw this on another post that when your venus conjuncts somebody's asc u will have the hardest time moving on from them
💠 this is based on personal experience, with sun conj. moon synastry, you either love and understand each other or hate each other's guts.
i think it's cuz this aspect means that the moon person reflects the sun person and not everyone can stand seeing themselves in smbody else
💠 one time a guy liked me whose lilith conjuncted my saturn, moon conjuncted my venus and my asc conjuncted his south node. I rejected him cuz he was one of those "nice" guys and till this day he stalks me and actively tries to ruin all my relationships pls just save me from this guy 😭
no cuz i dont understand wtf is wrong with him he ruined his own relationships and friendships cuz of his obsession with me and he still says i'm the one to blame for everything he went through after meeting me he couldnt ruin my new relationship as my partner already knew what kind of person he was
sorry if it felt short anyways see u next time byie 🥰
[Exeunt Leo]
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
Part 1 • Copywriters Reserved©️GeminiMoonMadness
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The asteroids show how you react to certain situations in your life, you could say they add shape to it. If you have strong aspects to an asteroid it’ll be more prominent in your life. Some asteroids will have minimal effect on you, depending on it’s placement in your birth chart.
ATE (111)-
It’s Assertiveness that's bordering on intolerance. When you respond OTT to a real or imagined threat. If ATE is afflicted with Squares or Oppositions there’s a chance you have issues letting your guard down. You may take things too seriously where you’re unable to take a joke.
BEER (1896)-
If prominent in your chart, it can indicate an issue controlling alcohol intake. Alcoholics usually have aspects such as;
BEER Conjunct Moon
BEER Conjunct Jupiter
Any aspects to the asteroid ATE(111) -Trine especially
CLOELIA (661)-
If this asteroid is prominent in your chart you’re someone who has a fighting spirit with a strong sense of justice. Cloelia conjunct an angle (IC, MC, ASC, DSC) or personal planet can indicate an someone who is able to free themselves or others. This Asteroid can be seen as a response to hardship, for example; Cloelia conjunct IC, an individual may have the ability of freeing/liberating their family members from limiting ideas or practices that keep them in metaphorical captivity. This asteroid is prominent in charts of people who often speak up for those in trouble and advocating for causes close to their hearts.
ELPIS (59)-
If prominent in your chart it can indicate that you’re a positive, hopeful and expectant person with a consistent sense of desire. Due to this enduring desire, the individual is able to reach the goals they set easier then most. If Afflicted with squares and oppositions, a person may have a negative outlook on life. If Aspected with conjunctions, sextiles & trines, a person is able to successfully renew hope in their lives even after facing situations where most would lose faith.
FIDES (37)-
The asteroid of Truth, trust, faith and honestly. FIDES conjunct, sextile & trine personal planets makes a person Trustworthy, Honest, Dignified and hold moral integrity. This person is seen as truthful & fair by others. If afflicted with squares & oppositions, a person may have trust issues, be dishonest and seen as somewhat disrespectful.
NARCISSUS (37117)-
If Prominent in a chart it can indicate someone who is physically attractive but self absorbed, selfish, or simply thinks too ‘highly’ of themselves. If Afflicted with squares and oppositions, a person may have issues understanding other peoples point of view or sympathising with them. It overall indicates a narcissistic personality/NPD. For example: Narcissus conjunct North Node- Will become a narcissist in this life. 
This asteroid is associated with the idea of never giving up and having the strength to persevere for the long haul. The sign & house your Perseverantia is in is the area of life you have perseverance, dedication, endurance & discipline. Example: If it's in Cancer/4th House- Dedication to Family, you’ll do anything for them. When not feeling yourself, they keep you going and the source of your strength. Capricorn/10th House dedication to your career and reputation. You will do virtually anything to get to the top, get rich and gain status.
THALIA (23)-
If Prominent in the chart it can indicate someone with a happy, bubbly, entertaining and funny personality. If you have thalia conjunct personal planets you may be known as the 'Class Clown'. You’d be someone who'd make a good Host. If afflicted with squares and oppositions it's not necessarily a bad thing! It just gives an individual a dark sense of humour, one that tends to shock others.
Represents an entertaining yet educational outreach (especially to children). People with this asteroid prominent in their chart have a talent at educating and entertaining others at the same time. They have a fun instead of a boring personality, for example- Someone who has prominent aspects to the asteroid Astrowizard will dress up, sing, dance and be hands on to get their point across rather then use the average whiteboard approach. If prominent in your chart it can also show a deep interest in Astrology and Astronomy.
When prominent in a chart it indicates powerhouse type personality. Someone that isn't afraid to stand up for themselves or others, people who are be ready to 'battle and defend what they perceive is right. With mixed aspects a person can balance going over board at times and still have a healthy amount of assertiveness. Easy aspects like Trine or Sextile make a person seem to know how to be assertive when & where needed. They easily stand up for themselves and others they care for. Hard Aspects like Square & opposition can cause a person to have assertiveness that borders intolerance. These people take offence easily.
ELVIRA (277)-
This asteroid brings mournful qualities, a hopeless romantic, someone with a sedimental heart. If aspected with Squares and Oppositions, a person will be very dark and depressing to interact with. Prominent aspects will make someone a pessimist, having a cup have empty rather than cup half full outlook.
This asteroid is associated with long term sadness and depression. Having square & opposition aspects will give a person depression, moments of sadness and mourning. Having trine &' sextile aspects seem to be able to cope with the events in life that trigger these emotions. Ability to Cope is more developed if easily aspected.
FELICIA (294)-
It’s our ability to maintain a happy disposition in life and a certain degree of luck. If Prominent in a chart, regardless of what they’ve been through they remain happy, bubbly, cheerful. If negatively aspected or not aspected at all individuals may have a hard time maintaining happiness throughout their life circumstances. TIP- If poorly aspected, Work on your mindset!
If prominent in your chart you have more chance in succeeding in the Music Industy/Field. Having conjunct, sextile and trine aspects to this asteroid gives you a natural affinity for creating music that's pleasurable to the senses. If negatively aspected you may still have musical interest but not necessarily be good at it, for example: Someone who loves to sing along to the radio in the car. Hard work needs to be put in place if you want to succeed.
SOPHIA (251)-
This asteroid gives an above average sense of wisdom, insight and intuition that can surprise others. The house & Sign it's in can also show where you have wisdom, for example; Someone with Sophia conjunct Uranus may have natural wisdom when it comes to individuality, Standing out from the crowd and innovation. With Sophia Conjunct Neptune, Same may apply but to the matters of Spirituality, religion and the ego. When Aspected with trines & sextiles this wisdom is easily perceived by others as a gift. If aspected by squares & oppositions, others perceive your knowledge to come from a place of superiority or a bit of a know it all.
If Prominent in a chart it can show someone is an opportunistic person who may take unorthodox actions to meet their goals. They have the ability to rise through the ranks of society or obtain power in ways others do not. If aspected with squares and oppositions an individual may be tempted to resort to deception and manipulation to obtain what they desire. If aspected with trines and sextiles an individual will stay on track, experience less resistance & pursue their goals with ease.
If Prominent in a chart, someone can be given a natural talent as a peacekeeper or effective negotiator. The glue that holds family, friends and even co workers together can be seen with trine and sextile aspects. If poorly aspected, with squares and oppositions you'll see people who cut ties with those dear to them or have broken relations. These individuals hold grudges longer then most. If positively aspected, An individual will readily forgive others when hurt or harmed.
Let me know what you think of that! Do you have any of these asteroids prominent in your chart or know someone who does? Any asteroids you want to see in part 2?
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csmiclxtte · 3 months
ATEEZ 2018 Solar Return Reading (Debut Year)
I tried studying members' chart the year they debuted (2018) to get a general view on how the year went for them. I will only analyze placement that stood out to me.
Take it for fun only!
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Mercury conjunct Ascendant 1H: As a leader, Hongjoong definitely think and speak a lot. In 2018, communication was a big theme. It was a hectic year, and there's a lot of mental process. This aspect also indicates a new project (can be associated with ATEEZ debut). His self-expression, ideas, and opinions were highlighted.
11H Stellium (Sun & Moon Scorpio, Venus Libra): An emotional year. Hongjoong could be self-critical. He focused on achieving his goals. Big ambitions. People found him charming and lovable.
Saturn Capricorn 1H: Saturn required him to shoulder major responsibility. He appeared very serious and disciplined. A year full of hard work and perseverance.
Pluto Capricorn 2H: A transformation in material, financial condition, or personal value. A year to learn the power of self-worth and his core value.
Chiron Pisces 4H: Family may be a sensitive topic. Conflict or argument with people in the house is possible.
Moon and Jupiter Scorpio 6H (intercepted): A heavily emotional year, extra sensitive or emotionally unstable. He may felt like luck was not on his side, especially in work area. Overwhelming workload.
Venus Taurus 12H (intercepted): He may not feel so lovable. Struggle with self-esteem. Lack of financial stability, constant feeling of insecurity.
NN Leo conjunct IC in Natal 2H: I read this as a need to be true to oneself, to evaluate personal value, and to acknowledge the journey one have gone through. A courage to present and to express genuine self.
Sun trine NN-IC, Sun sextile SN-Midheaven: This lesson is not completely unfamiliar for Seonghwa. He had experienced this before.
Mars conjunct Saturn Capricorn 8H: A year of personal growth, transformation, and gaining power. Can suggest financial trouble. Setbacks and delays. Lesson around responsibility, rationality, and discipline.
11H Stellium (Sun, Mercury, Neptune): His focus revolved around his goals. Chiron here suggested wounds around friendship, or social media, the feeling of being accepted by society.
6H Capricorn Stellium (Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Lilith): His energy mainly was poured for work, work, and work. Conflicts with coworkers is possible. Yunho may felt unsatisfied with his job, or that he feel like he wasn't moving anywhere in work. Daily life was tiring, struggles in routine. In worst case, authoritative figure could have beef with him.
Pluto conjunct Descendant (opposite Ascendant) cued that his relationship with people was pretty intense, transformative, or at worst unhealthy. There could have been problems or tramsformation with power dynamics.
Mars conjunct Saturn: A year to mature, to take responsibilities, and to maintain routine. His action was held responsible. He had to be more disciplined.
10H Sagittarius Stellium (Mercury, Venus, Uranus): His reputation, career, and public life changed radically. Yunho was charming to the public. He could feel adventurous and expansive in career life.
Sun, Neptune, Chiron 9H: Yunho may felt lost at that moment, questioning the purpose of life or his belief, especially with SR Ascendant in 9H. These placements suggested a lesson around faith. He had to expand his mind.
Saturn Capricorn 2H: Yeosang may struggle with self-worth. Finance could be slow or restricted. He could have taken futher financial responsibility.
Chiron Aries 5H: Struggle to find happiness. The things he used to love didn't bring him joy anymore. Feeling stuck, burnout or lacking creativity.
8H Stellium (Sun, Moon, Mercury): Year with a lot of transformation. Seeing the Pluto, Mars, Lilith 3H it's probably about honing communication skills, transforming the mind, and fighting the tendency to overthink negative thoughts.
Moon opposite Saturn: Yeosang could feel lonely, bored, or frustrated. He had many hidden emotions. Limited emotional support.
Mercury opposite Saturn: He had lesson around practical and pragmatic thinking, but this aspect could lead to hopelessness and pessimism.
Rectangle (Ascendant, Mercury/Moon, Uranus, Saturn): Despite all, Yeosang had a relatively smooth path on dealing with the challenges. He was willing to welcome change and to improve himself. He had plans ahead. Yeosang was also able to discipline himself, his thoughts, and emotions.
Sun 4H conjunct IC: San was close with his family & people from his root. Maybe it had something to do with being the first idol from Namhae to debut. He shone in his birthplace.
Moon Taurus 2H: Finance might be fluctuative. He was looking to reach financial stability.
Mercury & Venus Leo in 5H: A lot of creativity, romance, and happiness. He was likeable, warm, and glowing. Center of attention.
Moon square Venus: Tension between emotional fulfillment and financial security (e.g. buying things make him feel happy, but it might make his finance situation unstable).
Mars and Pluto 10H: Energy mainly flowed on professional life. Transformation or changes in reputation and career. Ambitious, serious, and intense.
Chiron Aries in 12H: Negative mental space. Difficulty sleeping. Issues with dreams, either literal or metaphorical.
Water Grand Trine (Sun, Jupiter, Neptune): His dream manifested. He got recognition on his creative pursuits. Being in the spotlight. All favors were working for him. Lot's of blessings.
Sun conjunct Mercury: Increase in mental process and self-expression. Mingi had strong opinion, he could be stubborn. His thinking pattern is strongly linked to his ego. If he was indeed born at 4 p.m., he could reflect a lot since the conjunction is in the 12H.
Sun-Mercury square Jupiter: Mingi was prone in overestimating his capacity, taking up too much projects. Overly optimistic, spreading himself too thin because of heightened enthusiasm.
Venus opposite Chiron: Wounds around love. Low self-esteem. Trouble in setting boundaries with other people. A need to balance being there for himself and others.
Venus trine Mars: Improved financial condition. Hard work was finally rewarded. He had a lot of support in his creative and artistic pursuit.
Water Grand Trine (Moon, Jupiter, Neptune): I read this as an emotional fulfilment of reaching his dreams. A lot of the mentioned aspects also hinted that Mingi was probably very happy. Hence he was being optimistic, kind, and generous. However, he may be prone to be taken advantage of and seeing things in rose-colored glasses.
Sun conjunct Jupiter 6H: An optimistic outlook in life. This was a happy year for Woo. Expanding and growing, experiencing positivity in daily life.
6H Sagittarius Stellium (Sun, Jupiter, Mercury): Wooyoung was broadening his perspective. Very busy period, but he has the luck to deal with all the tasks. He might be very talkative.
Venus Libra 5H (intercepted): Like San, Wooyoung stood out in creative field. Charming, charismatic, and interesting. However, I think Wooyoung was more self-conscious. His negative mindset may hinder him to genuinely have fun in creative, financial, or relationship sense.
Mars & Neptune Pisces 10H: Flowing creative energy. He was motivated to reach his dreams. At times Wooyoung might have been too naive in professional life.
Chiron Pisces in 11H: Conflict around friendship. Trouble with society, internet, or social media. Striggles around the feeling of. acceptance.
Sun square Pluto: Struggle with authority, issues in power dynamic. A profound change in personality.
Venus square Mars: Conflict with personal or business partnership. The need to hustle to earn more.
Mercury opposite Uranus: The mind focused on the future. Jongho was prone to anxious feeling and overthinking.
Saturn sextile Mercury: Jongho was able to discipline and take control of his mind with this aspect. Thoughts came in rational and realistic way.
Jupiter trine Chiron: Easier time in his healing journey. As he went through life lessons, Jongho probably gained new insights and wisdom.
Fixed Grand Square (Mercury, Mars, Uranus, NN): The lesson probably revolved around balancing each planet energy (the way he communicate, thinking pattern, motivation, action, changes, and self expression). Can be quite tough aspect seeing the fixed sign.
Thank you for reading
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astrofansblog · 1 year
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Aries mars in the 4th house probs grew up in violent / aggressive / argumentative environment.
Moon in 11th house natives may have lots of female friends.
Lilith in 11th house people are probably sexualised by their friends.
If someone has your rising sign as their Venus sign they may like you/ find you sexually attractive.If it’s vice versa then it’s you doing the loving. lol
Mars dominant , Mars 1st , Mars - ASC/MC (positive aspects ) , Aries / Scorpio ASC are built athletic.
The house mars is placed can show you where you put your energy / anger most in. 7th house mars that anger / energy can be placed into relationships , marriage , 3rd house siblings , short distance travel , communication , learning. 2nd house mars energy/anger placed in your finances ,material possessions , ect.
Venus in 4th house have / a deep desire for a beautiful home. yk like nice home decor and stuff.
Venus in 9th house probs think that the love of their life are in some foreign country. Well they are probs not wrong.
The house in which your moon is placed in tells you about what emotionally fulfills you. 6th house - get emotionally fulfilled when doing routine-y things , moon 11th house - friends , meeting large groups emotionally fulfill you , 5th house - having/babysitting/interacting w/ kids , expressing your creativity.
South node is what you were doing / were like in ur past life. Also ur comfort zone. It is opposite to ur north node. Your north node is what you are destined to do in this life. Doing things that align w/ ur nn make you uncomfortable. Example ( my nn and sn ) nn- Pisces 3rd house & sn- Virgo 9th house.
Venus 8th house being attracted to bad/evil/criminal/taboo people or vice versa. Also they may not be attracted to someone if they don’t see them as sexy or are sexually attracted to them. They may also gain money through their significant other. This may change if you have the 8th house in other planets.
Neptune in 1st house look dreamy , ethereal and are majestic looking . People may copy their looks / personality. Examples , Ariana Grande (her impersonators tho ), Marilyn Monroe , Kim K , ect.
Capricorn rising have this like ‘ cut to the bullshit /get to the point ‘ kinda look. They’re late bloomers too.
Uranus in 1st got a goofy ahhh looking face. Y’all look odd 💀. Nah just kidding y’all are beautiful but in unusual / strange way. Btw y’all are ahead of time.
Uranus can also tell what kind of freedom you need. 3rd house Uranus need freedom with communication , learning , siblings. 2nd Uranus - need freedom around their finances like they want to do what they want when it comes to money they spend their coin HOW they like it. 7th house need freedom around relationships.
When looking at your career :
Identify the sign of your Midheaven (E.g for me Virgo) the sign your MC is in is the ~vibe~ you give off professionally
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nico-esoterica · 2 months
tw: mentions of sexual abuse and trauma
More on Diddy - He's currently in a 7H profection and will be entering an 8H one this year. News about everything w/ him kicked off around his birthday in '23. So this tells me that house ruler was obviously significant and the repercussions following flow into the 8th. That house, natally, also deals with where we feel shame. Having planets in the 8H exacerbates it. It can translate into shame over one's identity, emotions, sexuality, beliefs, etc. Exceptions of this will be if the ruler's dignified in some way by sect, triplicity, etc.
Since he's known for inflicting intense sexual abuse and trauma, imo, this is sometimes due to similar trauma experienced. Refusing to break a cycle, but that's speculative on my part. W/o that, in the chart of a sexual abuser (remember it's the PERSON--the chart provides the framework if it applies), it leads me to think there's 7th and 8th house issues. In Sasha Grey's chart, a former adult entertainment star, she had 8H planets and suffered abuse in that industry.
This isn't to say 8H planets INHERENTLY mean this. Plenty of people lead happy lives with them. But the relationship between the 7th and 8th house translates in a mundane sense to what we transactionally owe or are 'owed.' This is why there's many cases of people who inherit money being in 8H profection year when a family member passes (derivative 5th from the 4th--a child receiving benefits). And in other cases, those transactions translate emotionally into someone's boundaries being eroded through abuse and coercion. This is why w/ 8H synastry, there's this feeling of one or both parties involved feeling as if they have 'power over the other.' That dynamic can be healing and welcomed or oppressive.
When this translates physically, this is where sexual abuse can be on the table. Because an abuser who's familiar with power dynamics can use them to their advantage. The eclipses last year clue us in. This is why I'm reconsidering if he's an Aries or Taurus rising because it'd shift that Libra-Scorpio emphasis to his 6th and 7th or 7th and 8th. But I personally feel as if he has 8H planets because it'd better illustrate the image of him being this monster who drags beautiful women away into the depths to 'punish' them for being beautiful and out of his reach via abuse and unspeakable horrors. Both Diddy and Cassie have a Venus-Venus conjunction in Libra. And since the SN in Libra is playing a major role here, this tells me that that sign was impacted for her and trapped in his chart somewhere.
Under threat of blackmail and further violence (death included), there's a contract in place. In an Aries Rising chart for Diddy, this would place her in his 7th. Since it's on an angle, it'd paint the public image of being very visible to those around him and it'd fit because her Virgo Sun would be in his 6H of work and it's known that that's how their relationship appeared at first/on the surface. But in her progressed chart it'd move her to a Scorpio Venus and would fall in his 8th. Meaning it starting off as a work relationship turned romantic/sexual one and it being abusive or starting off that way when she thought it'd be something different. So Aries Rising def fits. Esp with a late (double dignified) Mars in Capricorn looking down on his empire in his 10H and having free reign to harm others irreparably as he sees fit. Elevated in the 10th, he'd be super protected unless the rulers of his 12th or 7th (jupiter and venus) are under threat in his houses relating to enemies. I def wanna elaborate on this more later.
And if we look at it from this angle, it means that the upcoming Saturn and Neptune transits moving into Aries can put him under fire. But idk about a 1H Neptune transit. I like the idea of Pluto transiting his 12th for a Pisces rising permanently knocking him out.
My thoughts on this will develop.
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kakiastro · 1 year
Astro Observations and pass life astrology part 7
Your moon placement + 4h + any planets in your 4h= what family cycles you are here to heal and complete on your mother side
Your Sun sign + Saturn + 10h + planets in your 10h= what family cycles you are heal and complete on your father side
Also check your degrees and Decans to get even more detail on your family cycles
The planet that closely aspects your South Node + Degree + Decans= can give you the vibe of your recent pass life or the one you chose to heal, whatever personally resonates with you
Ex: South Node Conj Sun at 2°.
You probably was part of a powerful royal family or was just really known, this is where using your own intuition comes into play and find out what resonates
Your South Node Persona Chart can give you a better glimpse of the overall energy your pass life. You can find yours at www.Astro.com using extended chart selection
I have a theory that whatever time period you have a fascination to or feel deeply connected than you probably lived that life, this is where your SN persona chart can probably help you.
In a synastry chart, If someone planet is aspecting your personal planet then that can give you a glimpse on the connection you two had in a pass life
Ex. Your partner Mercury Conj Moon 4h
You all were probably siblings in a pass life, do y’all picker and argue like teens😅
Ex 2. Saturn Square Sun 10h
They could’ve been your dad or authority figure, with the square here, some power struggles now you’re here to balance each other out
12h directly links to pass life information and karmic pass life cycles
Ex. Someone’s Venus falls in your 12h in Capricorn.
You guys were lovers or you had a loving relationship but something restricted it with it being in Capricorn or this could mean you were lifelong lovers and wanted to continue that journey in this life
Like I said earlier take what feels right to YOU! these are just general observations to help you get the message😃
I Hope you enjoyed this post make sure to check out my others
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niniiko · 5 months
My solar return chart of 2023 and how it went
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Moon in gemini 1st house: 2023 was a year were I was very emotional, I had a lot of emotional up and downs, a total rollercoaster, since it was in gemini, I really reflected a lot on my emotions a lot and maybe even detached myself from them, but most of the time I was just very accepting of them and I let them flow. Since gemini is a mutable sign, I tried new makeup styles, new clothes styles, tried new hairstyles and got a failed haircut lmao.
Mars in cancer 2nd house: my self esteem was flunctuating a lot throughout the whole year, I gotta say that at the beginning of the year it was pretty stable, in the middle of the year was pretty bad and I regained back my confidence in October, I also started trying to find jobs but none called me back🥹Finances were also not stable at all.
Lilith in leo 3rd house: i was very active on social media this year which maybe without me knowing attracted some level of jealousy? I got into some arguments with friends online but we resolved it by talking it out. I also wanted attention on social media and followers and likes were kind of important for me, just because of comparison tbh, but we are good now, numbers mean nothing.
Vertex & SN in scorpio 6th house: My daily routine changed a lot in 2023, I began to add things into my daily routine that could help me have a more stable start of the morning, they will definetly will be kept doing in 2024, in terms of jobs, I didn't work throughout the year but I did try to find some.
Pluto in capricorn 8th house: I started to feel comfortable with my emotions and I also started to write a lot more, journaling more, I learned a lot about psychology, followed people who added value into my healing journey and people who talked about the stuff i was learning about.
Neptune & saturn in pisces 10th house: I feel like these placements were the ones at fault for me not getting any job in 2023 despite me trying to work 🥹😭Saturn when I catch you Saturn...Saturn when I catch you Saturn....I also wanted to work at jobs which I could've regretted working at if I actually got them thanks to neptune...lol. The thing I wanted was maybe not good for me and neptune just blurred a lot of my decisions when it came to work terms.
Sun, chiron, jupiter & mercury in Aries 11th house: like I said before, a very active year for me in social media, I posted a lot on my ig but at the same time a year were I compared myself to people online. I also spent more time with my friends and went out more, tried new things that I'd never did in my life, learned new things, my dreams and optimism this year were big. 2023 might have been the year where I went out the most with my friends. I also got to try new foods all very yum! I started to take morning walks with my friend every Monday and Friday at almost the end of the year and I gave her a lot of advice on how to stop procrastinating and actually committing to the stuff you put your mind into. I also have to say that I kind of stopped talking with some friends which I used to talk to and call with almost every day which made me think of cutting them off, I didn't let my impulses take over because I know I would've regretted it, I also cut contact with an ex friend of mine of 2021 due to disagreements of the genocide going in Palestine, funny because the original ruler of the 11th house is aquarius and aquarius is all about humanitarian causes so it all makes sense now.
Uranus, venus & NN in taurus 12th house: a very stable year mentally for me but due to uranus also being there it kinda shook it so thats why there were some ups and downs but I always got better. My dreams were also very weird and very vivid, almost prophetic too, I had a lot of prophetic dreams in 2023, I remember a dream I had back in February were I saw some snow on the mountains and 3 or 4 days later it snowed after like 5 years without snow!!! I also began to write them down too, wether in the notes app or on paper, it really helped a lot.
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
Hello, can you tell me placements that indicate a perdon isn't going to achieve their North node purpose in their lifetime even if they live a long life?
Hiii love! So I can't give you an direct answer to that. Simply because everyone has a purpose in life. Every chart shows this as well. The best way I can put this is no matter the circumstances in life you always have an ordained destiny. You came on earth with an purpose to fulfill & learn lessons. The nn is your souls purpose and in my opinion that is a karmic point & something you have no choice but to live out & learn from.
Now if we are talking terms of it being harder for a person to LEARN & ACHIEVE their nn it would be saturn influence in the charts hitting where the nn is sitting.
Maybe there's a lot saturnian/plutonian energy in your chart and it may take longer for you to reach this but here's a few placements I think can indicate it being harder for you to understand your purpose & fulfilling it;
NN-PLUTO & SATURN (conjunct, opposition,sqaure) under 4 degree orb
Capricorn/10th house stelliums
Pluto sqaure/opposing SN
karma (3811)- saturn,neptune,uranus (conjunct,sqaure,opposition)
Even if you do happen to have these placements it may be harder for you to get there. But that's not guranteed its so many ways it could play out it depends on the entire chart!
No matter what you will always leave the world fulfilling what you came here to do. I hope this helped and resonated! Have a great day! 💗
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
Placement that indicate like one prefer solitude or is spiritual ?
Placements that indicate someone being spiritual: check out this post!
Placements that indicate that someone might be an introvert:
Water sign placements
4th/8th/12th house placements
Sun/Moon conjunct Neptune
Harsh Sun/Moon and ASC aspects
Mars in the 11th house
Pluto in the 1st house
Saturn in the 1st house
Aquarius placements (especially paired with water Moon/Mars)
Chiron in the 11th house
SN in the 12th house
Medusa in the 1st house
Mars in the 1st house
Medusa in the 11th house
11th house in a water sign
Virgo & Capricorn placements (if they're not working)
Taurus placements
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royaleofury · 2 years
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◽Saturn( if 7th house lord) and North-Node aspects especially conjunction can expect something odd happening during their marriage. Something unusual that makes your wedding day memorable in a good or bad way.
◽Saturn dominants should not go for opening their business. Because , Saturn is definitely not a leader, unlike Sun. They are more good at taking orders and executing them.
◽Smart work doesn't go well for Gemini Saturn.
◽Saturn ruling 6th house and going to 9th house can indicate taking loans for higher studies
◽An Aries Saturn retrograde will always prioritise their work and career over anything.
◽Now this one is very personal observation. I have seen one of my friends have Saturn square moon and also Saturn trine Neptune. The thing I noticed that no matter how many difficult situations she is in, she won't show it. There's this glow or smile on her face that makes other things that everything is going well in her life. This is how her Saturn trine Neptune helps her to cover up her problems whenever she wants to.
◽9th house Saturns were not allowed to go for higher studies in places away from their place of living.
◽Also, I have noticed that harmonious Saturn - Venus aspect people tend to favour female figures a lot.
◽Saturn square Sun are secretly hating on their fathers but can't talk about it loud
◽10th house Saturns always have to work 200% more than others to get something. It's like something that seems easy, so you don't prepare much, and it turns out that the results aren't good.
◽Saturn - mercury ( difficult aspects) often have problems with putting up their own opinions out there. They have this fear that maybe their thoughts or opinions don't contribute much. There's always this need to push them and let them know that they need to speak up if they feel like.
◽Saturn - Venus ( difficult aspects) are always giving explanations to prove themselves right to their partners.
◽Saturn, Sun and Chiron in the 7th house can indicate having a very protective father who didn't like you interacting with others much. Due to which, you try to hide certain things from them.
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◽Bro, just run if your boss has virgo Saturn. He will nitpick everything till the work has been done to his satisfaction.
◽Also, virgo Saturns are healers in some way. They love helping out people, giving them advices to maintain their diets. Literally, waking up people at 5 am, to do exercise together.
◽You know why Saturn is debilitated in Aries because Aries indicates making your own decisions, more like being your own boss. But Saturn is not like that. Saturn's personality is of someone who takes work and get them done within the time limit.
◽Something similar is found in Leo because both Aries and Leo are fire signs. Leo also indicates leadership and being confident about your decisions.
◽Saturn- moon conjunction is one of the toughest conjunction, I have ever seen, especially in the 1st house. These people either didn't get much attention or love from their mothers or their mother wasn't present in their life.
Now, heree comes a twist, if in this conjunction, moon is in cancer or Taurus, you can see that the person's mother was always with them but she was very strict and wanted her child to remain in discipline always.
◽Something similar can be seen if Saturn aspects 4th house of your chart(as per vedic astrology)
◽9th house Saturns can actually start believing in religious works or even go to pilgrimages after the age of 30.
◽If Saturn holds the highest degree in your chart( excluding SN,NN, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus), you will see that the person gets instant karma if they do something that's violates the principles of Saturn as per their chart.
For eg. 10th house Saturns slacking off....and getting hit by karma instantly.
◽Capricorn Saturns being secretive about their wealth is a must.
◽7th house lord as Saturn can feel like marriage will tie them down or lessen their control over life.
◽Saturn in 11th house will see that they don't really have a person in their life whom they can call "best friend".
◽Also, I have seen how 11th lord conjunct with Saturn in different houses will show that somehow their friends will always rely on them for the things relating to the house where the conjunction is happening.
For eg, 11th lord conjunct with Saturn in 10th, can indicate that their friends are always clinging to them for climbing up in the social ladder or maybe things related to academics
If it's in 12th house, can indicate that their friends are always seeking that emotional support from them
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