#cape tribulation
pangeen · 2 years
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Cape Tribulation // pirate.scapes
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alexmurison · 1 year
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Mount Sorrow, Cape Tribulation and the Daintree Rainforest, this landscape will always be one of the most special places in my life.
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nixieofthenorth · 5 months
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📍 Cape Tribulation, Queensland, Australia
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
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Cape Tribulation tree snail, Noctepuna mayana, Camaenidae
Photos 1-5 by squiresk and 6-7 by david99
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whitelabelspring · 2 years
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
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Peppermint Stick Insect (Megacrania batesii), family Phasmatidae, Cape Tribulation, Daintree Rainforest, Queensland, Australia
photograph by Florian Denis  
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einereiseblog · 2 years
Alexandra Falls ist ein unglaublicher Daintree-Wasserfall, der tief im Regenwald der Wet Tropics versteckt ist. Die Reise zu den Alexandra Falls war eines meiner Lieblingsabenteuer in Cape Tribulation. Lesen Sie diesen Leitfaden, um herauszufinden, wie Sie hierher kommen, was Sie erwartet, und Fotos von diesem Dschungelriesen! Die denkmalgeschützte Wet Tropics Region des Daintree National Park ist der älteste Regenwald der Welt. Es ist auch einer der wildesten Orte Australiens. Wenn Sie Lust auf ein Abenteuer abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade haben, bei dem Sie einen unberührten Regenwaldbach zu einem megalithischen Dschungelwasserfall hinaufwaten, dann fügen Sie Alexandra Falls Ihrer Bucket-Liste von Cape Tribulation hinzu! In diesem Blogbeitrag werde ich meine Erfahrungen beim Wandern zu den Alexandra Falls im Daintree von Cape Tribulation beschreiben. Ich werde auch Fotos von meiner Reise beifügen, damit Sie wissen, was Sie erwartet. Lesen Sie: 20 Dinge, die Sie in Cape Tribulation tun können Über Alexandra Falls, Daintree Nationalpark Alexandra Falls ist ein über 150 Meter hoher Wasserfall, der flussaufwärts am Alexandra Creek liegt, tief im Daintree National Park. Obwohl es sich wirklich um einen der majestätischsten Wasserfälle in der Region handelt, gibt es keinen speziellen oder gepflegten Weg, um ihn zu erreichen. Wenn Sie sich unbedingt den Wasserfall ansehen möchten, beachten Sie bitte, dass es sich technisch gesehen um Wildnisgelände handelt. Ich würde nicht empfehlen, sich zu diesem Wasserfall von Cape Tribulation zu begeben, es sei denn, Sie sind zuversichtlich und erfahren im australischen Regenwald. Meine Absicht ist es nicht, diesen Wasserfall bekannt zu machen, sondern meine Erfahrungen auf eine Weise zu teilen, von der ich hoffe, dass sie diejenigen, die bereits entschlossen sind, ihn auszuprobieren, besser vorbereiten wird. Die gesamte Wanderung folgt dem Alexendra Creek und Sie müssen den größten Teil der Strecke zu den Wasserfällen waten. Daher ist es wichtig, die Bedingungen zu planen und gut vorbereitet zu sein. Abgesehen davon sollten die meisten Leute, die an Abenteuer im hohen Norden von Queensland gewöhnt sind, kein großes Problem haben, solange sie vorbereitet sind. VERWANDTER POST: Cape Tribulation Horse Riding Wie kommt man zu den Alexandra Falls? Als ich Alexandra Falls besuchte, gab es online nicht viele Informationen darüber, wie man tatsächlich hierher kommt. Ich wusste, dass der Wasserfall irgendwo flussaufwärts am Alexandra Creek war, aber es war etwas verwirrend, zum Bach zu gelangen. Der Zugang zum Alexandra Creek erfolgt über die Turpentine Road, etwa 20 Minuten südlich von Cape Tribulation oder 25 Minuten nördlich der Überquerung des Daintree River. Dies ist nur landeinwärts von Thornton Beach in „Diwan“. Ich machte einen Ausflug zur Heritage Lodge and Spa, um zu fragen, ob ich Zugang zum Bach bekommen könnte. Es war jedoch klar, dass sie nicht wollten, dass jemand, der durch ihr Resort ging, nach Alexandra Creek kam. Stattdessen gibt es nur 100 Meter vor der Heritage Lodge and Spa ein Tor mit Schildern nur für private Fahrzeuge. Dies ist eine private Auffahrt, die zum Alexandra Creek führt. Hier beginnt die Reise zu den Alexandra Falls. VERWANDTER POST: (Rezension) Beste Daintree Crocodile Tour Die Blue Pools von Cape Tribulation Nur 50 Meter stromabwärts von diesem Bachzugang befinden sich die „Blue Pools“ von Cape Tribulation. Dies ist ein wunderschöner Ort mit unberührtem, klarem Wasser des Regenwaldes. Mir wurde jedoch gesagt, dass das Schwimmen in den Blue Pools von den traditionellen Besitzern abgeraten wird, da dies ein kulturell bedeutender Geburtsort für indigene Frauen ist. Wir machten einen kurzen Abstecher, um diesen schönen Ort aus der Ferne zu bewundern. Als wir es entdeckten, trafen wir einige andere Reisende, die bereits in den Pools schwammen. Tatsächlich sahen wir bei unserem Besuch mehrere Gruppen, die zu den Pools gingen. Ich
bin nicht jemand, der das Verhalten anderer beurteilt, aber ich persönlich bin aus Respekt vor den traditionellen Besitzern der blauen Pools und des Daintree nicht lange geblieben oder im Wasser geschwommen. Die Alexandra Falls „Wanderung“ Wanderstrecke: 8,2 km hin und zurück Dauer: 3-4 Stunden hin und zurück Höhenmeter: 145 Höhenmeter insgesamt (meistens am Ende) Schwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel Die Alexandra Falls Route beginnt an der Bachüberquerung bei Alexandra Creek (oben). Der Weg zum Wasserfall folgt diesem Bach stromaufwärts für etwa 4 Kilometer. Sie müssen sich bewusst sein, dass ein Großteil der Wanderung durch das Wasser waten wird. Die Felsen sind ziemlich hart und rutschig, daher würde ich auf jeden Fall empfehlen, Trailrunner oder andere geschlossene Schuhe zu tragen. Wir waren uns ziemlich sicher, dass Krokodile nicht so weit flussaufwärts wanderten. Allerdings kann ich sicherlich nicht garantieren, dass dieser Bach völlig krokodilfrei ist. Bei unserem Besuch in der Zwischensaison hatte es etwas geregnet, aber es war relativ trocken. Der Bach war über den gesamten Weg zu bewältigen, wobei der tiefste Abschnitt nur etwa auf Hüfthöhe lag. Angesichts der Erosion an den Seiten der Ufer ist jedoch klar, dass dieser Bach besonders in der Regenzeit heftig fließen kann. Ziel ist es, dem Alexandra Creek den gesamten Weg bis zum Wasserfall zu folgen. Allerdings gabelt sich der Bach in mehreren Abschnitten, was die Wegfindung etwas erschweren kann. Der beste Weg, sich ihm zu nähern, besteht darin, einfach dem Hauptbach zu folgen und Umwege oder kleinere Nebenflüsse zu vermeiden. Die Wanderung ist für den größten Teil der Wanderung relativ flach. Auf den letzten Kilometern müssen Sie jedoch mit einem sanften Geröllklettern zum Wasserfall aufsteigen. Dies ist nicht steil, aber es kann rutschig sein. An einem Abschnitt gegen Ende schien es, als wäre der Bach vollständig ausgetrocknet. Als wir diesen Abschnitt passierten, war es jedoch offensichtlich, dass der Bach unter den Felsbrocken geflossen sein musste. Strecke: Strava VERWANDTER POST: 7 beste Cape Tribulation Touren Was zu erwarten ist Die Route hinauf zu den Alexandra Falls im Daintree war eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsabenteuer in Cape Tribulation. Das war zumindest für mich ein echter Vorgeschmack auf den Daintree. Alexandra Creek ist voll von wunderschönen Abschnitten mit tiefen, aquatisch-blauen Wasserlöchern. Auf dem Weg zum Wasserfall kommen wir an vielen vorbei, und ich kann beruhigt sagen, dass sie viel schöner und ruhiger sind als sogar das beliebte Mason's Waterhole und das Emmagen Waterhole am Cape Tribulation. Es gab Abschnitte, an denen wir am Bachufer entlang gehen mussten, um tieferes Wasser zu vermeiden. Es gab Hinweise auf einen Warnpfad, dem man auf diesen Abschnitten folgen sollte, aber keine Markierungen oder Bänder. Insgesamt ist der Weg zum Wasserfall ziemlich klar, wenn man durch den Bach watet, aber er ist voller wilder Reben und wartet eine Weile, sobald man das Gestrüpp betritt. Wir bemerkten auch, dass es Schläuche und Rohre gab, die zum Bach führten. Das war bedauerlich, da ich mir ziemlich sicher bin, dass das Umleiten von Süßwasserströmen in einem Nationalpark illegal ist. Natürlich kann ich nicht erraten, wer dafür verantwortlich sein könnte, aber es war enttäuschend zu sehen. Alexandra Falls – Ein epischer Geheimtipp im Daintree-Regenwald Nach ungefähr 4 Kilometern nähern Sie sich langsam den Alexandra Falls im Daintree Rainforest. Dieser riesige Wasserfall hat eine hübsche untere Ebene mit einem tiefen Schwimmbecken und gestapelten Baumstämmen. Das Hauptereignis befindet sich jedoch an der Spitze eines kleinen Geröllaufstiegs dahinter. Es ist schwierig, genau zu sagen, wie hoch die Alexandra Falls sind, aber ich würde sagen, der kumulierte Fall aller drei obersten Ebenen beträgt mehr als 150 Meter – wirklich ein beeindruckender Cape Tribulation-Wasserfall! Alexandra Falls liegt auf einer exponierten
Lichtung und hat darunter ein eigenes flaches Becken, in dem Sie sich abkühlen können. Perfekt umrahmt wird der Wasserfall auch von zwei hoch aufragenden Palmen, die fast so aussehen, als wären sie dort gepflanzt worden! Nachdem wir fast eine Stunde am Wasserfall entspannt und Fotos gemacht hatten, drehten wir uns um und machten uns auf den Rückweg zum Auto. Wir haben es geschafft, die Wanderung in knapp 4 Stunden zu absolvieren, was meiner Meinung nach in einem ziemlich gemächlichen Tempo war. Verpassen Sie nicht: Wo Sie in Cape Tribulation übernachten können – 16 beste Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten Weitere Fotos von meiner Reise Mehr Cape Tribulation und Far North Adventure Inspiration Ich hoffe, Ihnen hat dieser Blogbeitrag über meine Erfahrung an den Alexandra Falls, Daintree National Park (Cape Tribulation) gefallen. Wenn Sie nach weiteren Abenteuerideen und Reiseinspirationen vom Kap und dem hohen Norden von Queensland suchen, schauen Sie sich unbedingt einige meiner anderen Beiträge unten an! Weitere Wasserfälle und Wanderungen finden Sie unter: Beste Wasserfälle in FNQ und meine Liste epischer Wanderungen in FNQ. MEINE KAMERA UND FOTOAUSRÜSTUNG Spiegellose Kamera: Canon R5Drohne: DJI Mavic Pro 2360-Grad-Action-Kamera: Insta360 One X2Landschaftsobjektiv: Canon RF 15-35 mm f/2.8LAllround-Objektiv: Canon RF 24–105 mm f/4L Teleobjektiv: Canon RF 100–500 mm f/f/4,5–7,1 LLange Aktionsstange: Insta360 Invisible Pole (BulletTime)Landschaftslinsenfilter: Hoya Circular PolarizerKamerarucksack: F-Stop TilopaLieblingsfotozubehör: Peak Design Capture Clip Eine Liste meiner empfohlenen Fotoausrüstung (einschließlich was ich benutze und warum) findest du in meinem Leitfaden für Kameraausrüstung für die Reise. Wenn Sie eines der Fotos auf dieser Website verwenden möchten, besuchen Sie bitte meine Lizenzierungsseite, um herauszufinden, wie. Ich verkaufe auch professionelle Kunstdrucke, besuchen Sie meinen Print Store oder kontaktieren Sie mich direkt für Zollabzüge von Bildern auf We Seek Travel. .
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jonathanhulten · 2 years
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Anima/Animus: Featuring Jonathan Hultén and Viv Gee as models
“Photo story based on the Jungian archetypes of anima/animus.”
(📸) by Viv Gee
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
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tropic-havens · 26 days
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Cape Tribulation, Australia
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surfer-roo01 · 8 months
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Cape Tribulation, Queensland,
Australia 🇦🇺
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Round One: Ngwevu vs Kholumalumo
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Ngwevu ntoloko
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs and @zygodactylus
Name meaning: Grey skull
Time: ~190 to 180 million years ago (Pliensbachian to Toarcian stages of the Early Jurassic)
Location: Clarens Formation, South Africa
Ngwevu is a dinosaur with a case of baby-face so bad it was classified as another genus for 40 years. Initially discovered in 1978 and thought to be a specimen of Massospondylus, turns out it was just a really baby-looking prosauropod of a different kind! Many times in evolution animals will retain “baby” characteristics into adulthood - the classic and easily recognizable trait being large, round eyes, but also other features such as stunted proportions and chunkier limbs, depending. It seems that Ngwevu went through one of these processes, looking more similar to juveniles of other prosauropods (such as Massospondylus) than adults, all while actually being adults themselves. Predictably, it had a squat face with large eyes, a wide snout, robust proportions, and a thick body - babified Massospondylus! It probably had a more generalist diet than its cousin, indicating probable niche partitioning as the two lived in the same environment. The Clarens Formation, coming right after the Elliot, was an arid desert dominated by dunes, with a few types of dinosaurs including ornithischians, theropods, and other sauropodomorphs. In addition, fish, crustaceans, and invertebrates are also known from this location. 
Kholumolumo ellenbergerorum
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Artwork by @alphynix, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Kholumolumo (giant reptilian dragon from Sotho folklore) named for Paul and François Ellenberger (the original excavators of the fossils)
Time: 210 million years ago (Norian stage of the Late Triassic)
Location: Lower Elliot Formation, Lesotho
Kholumolumo is an old friend with a new name. Its previous informal name, “Thotobolosaurus” meaning “trash heap reptile”, was truly magnificent and became one of the great memes of Ye Olde 2010s Palaeo Tumblr! Needless to say it was a bittersweet moment to see our old buddy finally published but lose its iconic name in the process. Rest in peace, Trash Heap Lizard.
The reason it wound up with that name is because the fossils were in fact found basically right next to the local rubbish dump of the village of Maphutseng in 1955. The trash pile turned out to be sitting on a bone bed of around five to ten animals, and over the course of several years they were excavated and moved to the University of Cape Town. Unfortunately, and perhaps appropriately to the name, the subsequent study of these fossils ended up being a complete trash fire. Specimens went missing that have never been found, professional relationships fell apart, and the animal itself wasn’t mentioned in the literature until 1970 when it was dropped into a discussion on the stratigraphy of the Elliot formation and named “Thotobolosaurus mabeatae” without any description of the fossils. This made the name “Thotobolosaurus” a nomen nudum (naked name) and thus invalid.
Finally in 2020 all the tribulation paid off and it received a proper initial description, although many fossils that weren’t lost in the chaos still remain under study and could be the subject of future papers. It’s nice to see our beloved trash heap of a dinosaur finally coming into its own!
DMM Round One Masterpost
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MOON KNIGHT SYS PROPAGANDA TIMEEEEE WOOOOO (made as a submission due to length ehehe :-D )
I love these duders sm n they have sm swag!! For one the comic the images for their pic r taken from is the Lemire run, a run with immense swag for being one of the best explorations of their systemhood and dynamics and understanding of themselves to date.
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It’s also a masterclass in comics as a medium, blending various artstyles to show the distinction and overlap between various headmates as they encounter trials and tribulations and are thrown through a mental loop, their worlds in headspace distinct and tailored and yet blending into each other.
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It also features one of my favorite characters! A headmate that only shows up in this run (but should come back bc I miSS HIMM and he has sm to oFFERR), who’s a spaceman who fights werewolves on the moon in their headspace, accompanied by a factive of one of the system’s best friends :-D (the guy w the mustache)
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He’s a fictive based on a childhood action figure/imaginary game play, one that can be seen when we have a flashback to Marc and Steven interacting when the system was younger, showing just how long they’ve supported each other in life and how close they are :-)
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While their history in publication has been fraught with ableism, accentuating the public misunderstandings of plurality and DID specifically, they’ve grown and developed as characters through it all and have managed to carve out a really important space for plural/system/DID rep in the mainstream, making amazing stories along the way!
The MCU show slammed, showing a super important narrative around system discovery, struggles, acceptance, and love, headmate support, internalized and external ableism, free choice and the determination of the self in the face of eugenics, introject personhood, and so much more.
Plus! Beyond the complexities and importance of them as a system, they’re also just a group of strange, flawed, guys who dress up in a funny little white cape and punch GHOSTS and VAMPIRES (and also befriend sentient man-eating houses) all while figuring their life out!!! And that’s pretty swag to me.
So as I leave you with a fun little Jake moment from the also wonderful current MacKay run (truly check it out!) let’s Tokyo drift into this final, and get this moon bread people!
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002yb · 1 year
jaybin who acts tough and snarky most times but secretly insecure because since nightwing is unofficially the Most Desired Bachelor among superheroes there are times he feels like dick can always do better than him :c
Premise: Dick and Jason being close during Jason's time as Robin. Batman and Nightwing having joint custody of Jaybin.
Oh, this boy would have so many mixed feelings. On the one hand he would be so incredibly proud. Downright smug, even. That Dick is so well received and revered in the hero community would just give Jason so much joy.
Because he's been there for Dick's lows; his trials and tribulations, the disappointments, the failures, the losses. Jason was also there to see Dick's persistence in coming back from every setback - that resolve and fortitude, the discipline and diligence and passion. Sacrifices made and experience painstakingly earned.
Dick is highly capable. He has a work ethic that speaks of drive and ambition; an ability to lead bolstered by a natural inclination to take responsibility, to be accountable; to take care of others. Trustworthy. Steady. More than anything though, Dick is good.
For such incredible, amazing heroes to recognize those inherent qualities in Dick - the ones Jason loves so much - of course he would be happy. This is a community Dick thrives in and fits with; that they see him for who he is (how Jason sees him); it's wonderful.
And Jason knows, he knows, that Dick isn't perfect. Jason has seen it for himself what a damn nightmare Dick can be. Dick gets lost in his own head - trapped - when he gets overwhelmed. He withdraws from the people who care for him, who can help him because he refuses to bleed on anyone. He's a stubborn ass. Passionate to the point of cruelty, sometimes - capable of getting so focused he loses sight of the important things.
But he tries. He tries. More and more, harder and harder. Unrelenting, unapologetic; damn near compulsive until he gets it right.
Dick has fucked up a lot. It's why he does so well now - he learns and puts into practice and does better.
So on the one hand, of course Jason is happy that Dick is respected in a community of respectable people. These heroes - they're Dick's equals. Equally as hardworking, equally as kind - just as good, though Jason would argue not nearly as warm or wild or wonderful.
On the other hand - and Jason comes to this realization slowly - Jaybin doesn't measure up. Sure, he stands alongside Bruce/Batman at these meetings of heroes. He stays with Dick at times, too. The more he's exposed to the community though, the more he realizes that he doesn't fit. He doesn't measure up. He's not good enough.
Insecurity follows Jason like a shadow; it drapes over him like a shroud. Only it would have been a long time since he's felt it so viscerally. Because being Robin - being with Batman and Nightwing (Bruce and Dick)...they bolstered him. His life with them would have become a comfortable thing; he would have been so confident with them in their own little safe (metaphorically) space of Gotham and Bludhaven.
So Jason would psyche himself out with too many unfair comparisons. And he'd unwittingly pull away because of it - a little less quippy, a little more snappy. Less playful orneriness and more prickly anger. Because Jason might always be easily spooked and more easily threatened; defensive and combative because of it.
And obviously Dick is aware that something is wrong, but Jason isn't exactly forthcoming with his vulnerabilities. So he reaches out however he can (and it's good when it's just them - at least until it's not. At least until Jason starts pushing Dick towards their colleagues and hiding himself away, nearly beneath Batman's cape for how close he keeps to him). And just. Dick not being able to fathom Jason being insecure around all the other heroes because Jason is something of a hero to him.
Excerpt from here:
...Jason is a punkass on a good day and a brat on the others; he’s abrasive and difficult and frustrating, but Jason is sweet.  Jason is painfully kind-hearted.  The compassion he has for people, the lengths he’ll go for them; that selfless devotion and depthless empathy is wonderful and terrifying and beautiful.  Jason is sensitive–so damn fucking sensitive, a weakness made into a strength like Dick has never seen.  And Jason is brave, braver than anyone Dick has ever met before. Brave for seeing Robin as something wonderful.  Brave for seeing Dick as something worth anything at all. Jason’s resilience is inspiring.  The way he gets up after getting knocked down; the way he falls and crashes and burns and walks it the fuck off.  The strength in that, the emotional strength to carry that weight and the burdens of someone like Dick–undeserving and cruel and ugly–fuck.  Jason is, Jason is… The world has hurt him.  People have hurt him.  Dick hurt him.  And yet Jason is still so breathtakingly vulnerable; more gentle and kind and strong and caring than anyone Dick has ever known.
Basically, Dick feels as highly of Jason as Jason does of Dick. So even when his friends - Roy, let's say - points out to him that Jason is probably overwhelmed and insecure, Dick is bemused because what?? About what? Because Jaybin, Jason, is magic - far as Dick is concerned. Who the fuck made him insecure?
And Roy, because Roy has gone through it, too (he loves Dick, but Dick is a lot to measure up to), just gives a weak laugh because oh, Grayson. Buddy. It's Dick. It's everyone towards Dick. Dick is kind of the ideal, doesn't he know? A good hero to be; a top hero to get dicked down by. Dick knows how it is.
Meanwhile Dick is just like - no. Very much no, what? Because he's only got eyes on Jason, honestly. Whether or not they're a thing. Their hero community is a professional place. The only dubious going-on is the thing Dick has going with potential jailbait situation Jaybin.
Anyway, while Dick and Roy are having that heart to heart, just like. Wally being the one to seek out Jason on Dick's behalf (because Dick has been fretting and lbr Dick's being too slow in checking in on his protege/brother/boyfriend), so. He'll help his friend out.
And omgggggg Jason not liking it one bit. So he bails on Wally constantly until it becomes a game of hide and seek, basically. With Jason getting more and more creative with his hiding places, but Wally is just faster.
He tires Jason out. They have a heart to heart. Wally doesn't necessarily find it funny that Jason is so distressed, but he does get a bit of a kick out of the situation because Dick is the same. With thinking he's not good enough (for what he has, for what he's worked for, for Jason).
And Wally doesn't divulge all of Dick's secrets, but he'd provide some assurance because this is Dick's boy. And because Wally is Wally.
Then Dick and Jason would finally communicate. Only while Jason is getting mad at Dick for not understanding that Dick can do so much better, Dick is just sat there marveling Jason even as Jason tears them both apart. It'd spur Jason on more to be looked over with such tenderness; he'd snap at Dick to listen.
Only Dick would break him down with the most earnest: 'You're too good to me. For me.'
After which Dick would throw down the counter-argument of a lifetime because for all the heroes here, Dick only has one.
(Two, he corrects himself later. Because Superman, lol).
Situations where Jason feels insecure over anything are so sad ahhhhhhhh. ;A; Also this sort of a little niche, hopefully it's enjoyable enough though! Thank you for the scenario, anon!!
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chihoshisai · 24 days
♡ Perona's Diary ♡ ch4
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Goth Family (Perona, Zoro, Mihawk)
cw : found family, fluff, comedy, chaos // this is a preview, the full chapter is on ao3 !
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A Red Guest
Closing her journal and gleefully looking forward to the present that would come her way after today’s events, Perona carefully placed her diary away before retiring from the night. 
"Who's that?" Perona asked, fixing the vague outline of a figure that seemed to be heading their way. Clutching her parasol in one hand, she squeezed her eyes as though it would help her see better.
"Probably your imagination," Zoro vaguely answered, not bothering to look at the mentioned sight. Instead, he frowned at the well put afternoon tea table that laid before him and which contained no trace of alcohol. Once again he had been deceived — forced — into having tea with the Ghost princess on the castle’s patio.
"My eyesight isn't that bad," Perona whined with a frown. The gloomy weather of the island, mixed with the thin fog constantly made it quite hard to tell what lay around one's surroundings, but Perona would wager her entire teddy bear collection that it was not a Humandrill monkey. 
"It can't be Mihawk either since he said he'd be back this evening," Perona added with pouty lips, mostly for herself, eyes filled with suspicion. The warlord had left last night to attend a meeting with the marines, and after much pleas and shrieking from Perona — who insisted she couldn't survive more than a day alone with Zoro — he promised to cut his journey short and return the next day.
As the figure approached with a steady step, seemingly unbothered by the atmosphere of the island, Perona started distinguishing their overall features — tall, with a cape, a white shirt and red hair.
Perona shrieked.
The yell, highly pitched, the type that would cause eardrums to throb, echoed throughout the area, and probably well into the castle too. A few birds, scared by the clamor additionally let their presence known by loudly chirping as they flew from the trees. 
Startled, Zoro yelled back at her, "what's with you this time?!" His eyebrows were furrowed, yet the look of surprise could be read from his widened eyes.
In an exaggerated fashion, Perona turned to face Zoro, eyes filled with tears, who seemed to be seconds away from falling. The swordsman shot her a quizzical glance, urging her to speak, but as she was too emotional, Perona simply lifted a finger towards the walking individual.
But because no sound came from Zoro, while he squinted his eyes to see what could possibly have alarmed Perona in such a way, she felt the need to tell him the answer, "it's red haired Shanks !" 
“What?” Zoro grunted with a frown. The incessant heavy breathing and tribulation from the ghost girl were quite hard to ignore, “calm down there’s no way someone like him could be here,” he said flatly. Though there was no telling what emperors did in their spare time, so how could he know ?
Perona risked another glance towards the forest, and surely enough it seemed to look more and more like Shanks, except that the earlier commotion had caused him to quicken his pace. “He’s coming right at us!” She shrieked in fear, clutching her parasol with force, shoulders shaking.
Scanning the forest once more with a bored look, the flamboyant crimson hair of the pirate reflected upon the swordsman's eyes like a flame. “So that’s an emperor,” Zoro stated in a whisper, owning him an awful expression of irritation mixed with anguish from Perona. If only he could take this seriously !
This time, with fear getting the upper hand, tears descended down her cheeks. "Are we gonna die? I'm not ready to die yet!!" she whimpered at the thought. In this moment, Perona realized how cruel life had been to her ever since she had left Moria’s side. A swordsman, a warlord and now an emperor. Who would be next ? 
Her wailing, like that of a child, resonated throughout the open area, irking Zoro some more, "he's not gonna kill us so quit your crying!"
His voice, like that of his usual grunt, caused Perona to momentarily pause, "what makes you say that?" She asked, eyes brimming with tears and lips trembling in a pout. 
Raising a corner of his mouth in a confident grin, Zoro replied, "just a feeling."  
"You!" The inkling of hope Perona had due to his words caused her to feel foolish for believing them in the first place. "We should call Mihawk for help while we can," her sobbing voice added, thinking of the ridiculous possibility that the warlord could teleport himself from the marine's base.
“Are you guys alright?” Shanks' voice, filled with worry, made itself heard from nearby. He had reached them, arriving as silently as the snow, without their notice. 
The gasp that escaped Perona’s mouth ended up dying in her throat due to the sheer pressure that emanated from red hair. In fact, it caused her body to reflexively float to hide behind Zoro, who remained sitting with crossed arms, eyeing the emperor with a frown.
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cookieeks-art · 6 months
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I’m still somewhat lacking the energy to really throw myself into being as active and social online as I was last year sadly, but I am going to try to share the art I make / have made when I’m able to, since that’s something I really like doing. So! Here’s two superhero au related things I’ve done!
(IDs in alt and under cut)
Two images
The first is a digital in-part line-less drawing of Arthur from Red shoes and my oc Edda (A pale chubby woman, with deep eyebags, brown hair and grey eyes), specifically from my superhero au where Edda has short hair that just past her chin. Arthur is wearing a orange t-shirt, and has his hand placed on Eddas shoulder. Edda is wearing a dark red button up shirt with rolled up sleeves and her hair is cut a little bit lover then her chin. She is turned to the left, holding a vial on her hand. They are both looking to the right, with wide plotting grins and their faces thrown in dramatic shadows. The background is a gradient that makes it seem like light is coming from the upper right.The signature in the corner reads “Cookieek”.
The second is a collection of pencil sketches that have been photographed and digitally shaded with warm grey tones. In the upper left corner is text reading “Superhero! AU”. Bellow the text is a sketch of Edda and Arthur. Edda is dressed in formalwear, a button up shirt with a type of winged collar that are pointed upwards, a vest with dark lapels, and a dark cravat. Her hair is pushed back with a hairband and she’s looking up at Arthur with a grin on her face, one hand holding the collar of his armour. Arthur is dressed in full armour, including helmet and cape, and is standing with one arm on his back and one over his stomach, looking down at Edda with a surprised expression. To the upper right is another sketch of Arthur and Edda. Arthur is still in full armour, but Edda is dressed in work clothes, a simple dark button up and pants and with her hair loose. Arthur is holding her side as he kisses the back of her hand from behind her with a blush on his face. Eddas looking at him also blushing and with a confused expression. On the lower right is yet another sketch of Arthur and Edda. Arthur is in full armour and Edda is wearing work clothes, this time with light pants. Arthur is holding her bridal style and smiling down at her with hearts around his head. Edda is looking up at him appearing perplexed. Finally to the lower right is a sketch depicting a magazine cover with Arthur on it. Arthur on the image is in full armour, but excluding the helmet, he has a hand on his neck and is grinning smugly. The title of the magazine isn’t visible aside from a p and s at the end, a textbox in one corner is visible reading “Nr 10 2037”. There’s a few other text boxes surrounding Arthur reading “Exclusive interview!” “The Knight of Camelots training routine!” “10 Hot new villain sightings” “Tribulations of dating superhero’s”. Someone has written with a pen on the cover, one reading “What” with an arrow pointing to the villain sightings text block, and one reading “Smuggest prick” with an arrow pointing to Arthur. A cup of tea or coffee is visible beside the magazine alongside an uncapped pen. In the lower left corner is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
End if ID]
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cornertheculprit · 1 year
Hey since you seem to have great taste in such things I was wondering if you had any Phoenix & Maya fics you could recommend 👉👈
SURE!!! some of these also include pearl and trucy because. family <3
kids who need saving (1.3k):
Maya gingerly stepped closer until she reached the middle of the cluttered room. She couldn't see what was happening on the other side until Nick stepped away, producing a small, timid child clinging to a pink cape.
“Uh, Maya? This is Trucy. She’s my—daughter.”
The little girl—Trucy—gave Maya a careful once-over, her eyes gliding from her socks and sandals to the stud earrings in her ears, and Maya felt pinned by the eight-old’s gaze. Her expression was blank, but Maya could see the contemplation stirring in her big round eyes. Nick seemed to notice, because he gently nudged her and whispered, “she’s good.”
And Trucy blinked up at her father, then back to Maya, and Maya realized that there were more kids who needed saving. Nick had seemed to realize it, too.
Wright and Co. Christmas Offices (5.6k):
Phoenix is determined to give Pearl a good Christmas this year. It goes better than expected, even if he's pretty sure he's going to have to set aside a 'Pearl Games' fund, now...
oceans and waves and wires (1.9k):
Before this week, Maya had really only channeled for maybe two or three hours at the absolute most. A whole twenty hours of unconsciousness rendered her completely disoriented and laughably weak until quite a while after her testimony had wrapped up. As Maya and Mia sat in the defendant’s lobby that morning during the recess, Maya nursing a ginger ale and Mia petting her hair, the older sister admitted that any longer probably would’ve resulted in a lot worse.
In spite of all this, if there’s one thing that can tide over a sour mood (or a raging migraine in Maya’s case), it’s a traditional post-trial Wright & Co. Law Offices afterparty, and Maya isn’t about to let that get taken away from her too.
A Time To Play (9.1k):
Nick takes Maya and Pearl on a day of fun and adventure around the city, trying to give Maya a chance to open up after all that's happened. Set post-Trials and Tribulations.
What You Cannot (3.3k):
Nick cries for Maya when she can't, when it is taking all of her strength just to carry on. Eventually Maya returns the favor.
Third Time Charmed (3k):
Maya visits the building for the "first time" three separate times. Whether it's housing Fey & Co. Law Offices, Wright & Co. Law Offices, or the Wright Anything Agency, it always manages to be just the opposite of what she's come to expect.
A Place To Rest Her Head (4.8k):
Maya thinks she's good at hiding when she doesn't feel well. But Phoenix knows her a little too well by now to know something's up.
name your courage now (11.8k):
There's an unspoken promise between Maya and Phoenix, dusty from where Phoenix picked up what Mia left off: if it's me or the truth - the truth, every time.
In the case of Iris of Hazakura Temple v. State, Maya's testimony is make-or-break. She knows what she has to do.
Not to Portray, but to Evoke (1.5k):
After learning that Phoenix went to art school, Maya and Pearl demand a day of painting together.
New Digs (3.3k):
Maya Fey has trouble sleeping. This is a known truth. The reasons behind it, though, are recent, uncomfortable, and best left alone.
Chip on my Shoulder (1.4k):
It is a lovely day in Los Angeles, and Maya Fey is a girl on a mission. It's nothing that illegal, of course! Is it even illegal? It's probably a little illegal.
But it'll be fun, and more importantly it'll be some great team bonding for the newly renamed Wright & Co. Law Offices, and—what the hell is Nick wearing?
Flurries and Phoenixes (11.3k):
Several months after Phoenix adopted Trucy, Maya has him bring Trucy up to Kurain to have some fun in the snow and get to know Pearl. Snow angels, snow phoenixes, and hot chocolate can't cure all the ills of the world, but they can certainly make them more bearable.
and, for fun, here's a super awesome casefic with phoenix, maya & pearl!! (+franziska!)
Turnabout Specter (76.8k):
Maya Fey has successfully launched the very first Kurain Village Cultural Festival, a celebration of the village’s culture and history! However, its success is short-lived, as (of course) a murder takes place on the festival grounds. With Phoenix Wright heading the defense of the suspect, of one of Kurain's acolytes, the trial that ensues will bring to light one of the darkest chapters in the history of the Fey clan, as its future becomes thrust into increasing uncertainty.
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