#cameron dallas fanfic
forgracie · 8 months
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oi, oi! ✨️
capa feita para a história destiny no spirit fanfics. a capa não está disponível pra uso 💝
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diorjadore · 2 years
OMG you did not just mention Magcon Lord pls help me I had a crush on every single man but Shawn and Jack G hit some nerve and I still drooll when I see them
STOP CAUSE I USED TO EAT THE WATTPAD FANFICS UP. I liked Cameron Dallas too, I got around like that. AND YEAH I remember Shawn feeling out of place and now he’s the most successful out of all of them. And Jack G is still fucking hot I gasp whenever I remember him.
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galalmightyyy · 4 years
Hey everyone it would be the world if you check out my fanfic , I wrote this when I was 18, I’m updating soon but would love more love not it
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camdallasfanfics · 2 years
What now? - Epilogue
Cameron Dallas fanfic - Sequel to I’m not that kind of girl
Word count: 3'190
Previous Chapter
7 years later
„Auntie!“ She yelled running towards me. „Aww look at you, Angel. You grew up so fast! You are so tall! What did they give you to eat?“ I embraced her in a hug. She giggled in response. „I missed you, Auntie.“ She mumbled into my neck. I picked her up and carried her over to Sam and Ethan. „I missed you too my little Angel. And of course, I’ve missed my two best friends.“ I put Angel down and hugged Sam and Ethan. 
„You look good!“ Sam squealed. „Does that mean any other time I didn’t?“ I playfully glared at her. „Meh…“ Was her response. „So before we do anything. I want to bring my bags back to your place and tomorrow I got to go visit my parents, alright?“ They all nodded and we headed to their car. I was holding Angel by the hand as she told me all about what has been going on in her kindergarten. I was glad that she was enjoying herself. I was glad that I had this little bundle of joy in my life.
„So tell us Y/N, how was Singapore?“ Ethan prompted. „It was so much fun. The job was great. I think the agency might prolong my contract.“ I grinned. „That’s great! Where’s your next job?“ Sam asked excited. „Actually here, well in LA but you get the picture. I’ll be here for half a year!“ I explained. „That’s even better maybe you’ll be here when-“ Sam started exchanging a moment with Ethan who nodded smiling. „When I give birth to our second baby!“ She exclaimed.
I shrieked out of surprise and awkwardly tried to hug Sam from my seat behind hers. „That’s amazing! How far along are you? Three months? Oh my god is it gonna be a boy? Or do you want another girl?“ I blabbed on. „We don’t know the gender yet. But we’re having a party tonight with everyone. But it’s no gender reveal we’re not that bad, you know.“ We laughed and I turned to see Angel pouting.
„Aren’t you excited Angel? You’re gonna be a big sister.“ I lightly pinched her cheek. She shrugged and I let her be, she was probably tired. So I turned back to Sam and Ethan. „So a party huh?“ I chirped. „Yeah, bunch of people are gonna be there and don’t worry, your bedroom is all ready so when you feel like you’ve had enough just head upstairs to the guest room reserved all for you.“ Sam smiled at me while I nodded. 
It’s been a while since I’ve been in California. I’ve been busy but the main reason being.. well, I tried to stay away as much as possible. Of course I regularly visited my family and occasionally Sam and Ethan but I’ve missed out on a lot of stuff. I couldn’t attend Kian and Greg’s wedding which was a shame, who would want to miss the gay ex-boyfriend’s wedding. But I did get to go to Will and Sarah’s wedding, that was years ago though. Everyone seemed to be getting serious about life while I felt stuck. I was as content as I could be, with my job, with my situation. But sometimes… you just feel like everyone is passing by you in life.
I came to terms with everything that has happened and accepted things the way they were. In the beginning Sam often told me that he was asking for me. Telling her, that my number was disconnected, that he had tried to reach me. But she hasn’t mentioned him in a while now. I hope his career was successful or still is. I hope he has found someone. Someone he was happy with. Maybe even started a family. He deserved that. 
I haven’t been looking into his life. I tried to forget about him. Tried to block him out of my life and I did successfully. I was preoccupied with my job anyway. Working for a small but successful photography agency had its perks. I travelled a lot in the past years. But now I would be here until New Years. My thoughts were interrupted when the car came to halt in front of Sam and Ethan’s house. They had this perfect little life going on and I felt proud of them. They got their shit together. I got out of the car and got my luggage out of the trunk, carrying it upstairs to the guest room. When I got downstairs Ethan and Sam were discussing something in a hushed tone. „Am I interrupting something?“ I timidly asked. „No! No, of course not. Are you hungry? The party starts in an hour or so. If you can’t wait until then feel free to get something from the fridge.“ Ethan immediately rambled. I laughed a little. „It’s alright. Thank you guys again. You know… for letting me stay.“ I smiled.
I smiled a lot when I was around them. I laughed a lot when I was with them. It was different from when I was alone. I used to cry, a lot, especially after their wedding. It was hard back then. It was and still is difficult. I learnt to deal with it. It wasn’t a biggie. I suppressed every emotion after a while, until it just felt normal. 
„Y/N can I talk to you for a second?“ Sam said pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded waiting for her to continue. „Let’s go to the kitchen.* She pulled me by my hand and I felt slightly taken aback. I sat down on one of those bar stools leaning against the counter top. „Sooo…“ She started. „So?“ I questioned back. „Have you been on any dates lately?“ She grinned from ear to ear with a curious twinkle in her eyes. I immediately shook my head. „I told you I don’t have time for such things.“ I exaggeratedly breathed out. 
„Oh come on! You’re turning like 29 next year. And you always wanted to get married and have kids, right? So why aren’t you putting in any effort?“ She frowned at me but something about the speech didn’t sound genuine enough. Something about her told me that she was glad. Something told me she knew what was coming for me before I knew. „I never believed in marriage anyway.“ I shrugged it off hoping she’d let it go. „And kids-wise we already know that’s not happening.“
Just as she was about to speak, loud knocking and Ethan’s steps interrupted her. „I’ll go see who it is.“ I nodded lightly and quietly chewed on my lips. She had a point. I did want kids at one point. I did want the perfect little family with a beach house because I loved the beach. But that never happened and probably won’t because of my circumstances.
„I’m glad to see you too!“ I heard Sam talk at the entrance. I had yet to hear the newcomer. „Where is my little Angel?“ And that’s when I was just about ready to fume. She’s my little Angel! I huffed. Of course she would do this. It wouldn’t be Sam’s party if she wouldn’t at least try to fuck me over, right? I slowly got up from the bar stool and moved over to the door way to get a good view of the scenery before me.
Angel hopped down the stairs and right into his arms. She was like a feather in his hands. It looked like no effort at all when he picked her up and threw her up in the air making her giggle. „I missed you Cammy.“ She snuggled into his neck. „I missed you too, my little Angel.“ He lightly kissed her forehead. „Mommy this day is amazing!“ She suddenly exclaimed. Sam and Ethan raised their eyebrows looking at her with gentle smiles. 
„How so, Angie?“ Ethan asked hair as he pulled Sam into his side. „First Auntie came! And now Cammy!“ She threw her arms up and Cameron finally let her go. He frowned confused with which Auntie she was talking about. „I didn’t know your sister would be here. I thought she was on a business trip, right?“ I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was he so invested into the whereabouts of Ethan’s sister? 
„Oh she doesn’t mean her actual Aunt, you know.“ This made Cameron frown even  deeper. „Who else would she talk about?“ He tried to play it off by a light chuckle. That’s when I suddenly felt a small hand tugging at my leg trying to pull me towards the group. „Auntie!! Look who’s here!“ Wide eyed looks greeted me. I waved slightly. „Hi, nice to see you again.“ I brought out. 
„Oh god, I totally forgot that I had to - uhh - I…“ Sam began to stammer while she picked up Angel. „The thing! Of course how could we ever forget about that! Let’s - uhh - take care of that right now.“ Ethan continued and pushed Sam towards the kitchen closing the sliding door behind them.
„Wow, that didn’t seem planned at all.“ I said after quite the awkward silence. With a chuckle he said his first words to me. „Yeah, sure didn’t.“ He observed me. His eyes bore into every little detail about me. He inspected my clothes, my hair, my face. As did I with him. He looked older, more mature. A casual two-day beard and some tiny wrinkles slowly forming. Time was taking its toll on him as well. His hair was short on the sides, just how he always liked it. He kept his hands in his pockets as if he didn’t know any better use for them. He was sporting a casual look, slightly ripped, washed-out jeans and a dark grey t-shirt. 
„You look good.“ He commented. I nodded. „Thank you, you don’t look bad yourself.“ He chuckled lightly. There was this slight shimmer in his eyes, it had something nostalgic. „Haven’t seen you since…“ He started. „Yeah.“ I simply finished. I didn’t want to go back on that, I didn’t want to bring up old pain that I have so well suppressed. „Wow.“ He sighed. 
„So how’s everything?“ I tried to be casual act as if things were normal. We broke up seven years ago for fuck’s sake, well, I broke up. „Good, good. Could be better though.“ There, the twinkle intensified. „How are things for you? Did you finish your studies?“ I nodded quite proudly. „I did. I work here now. Well I will.“ I couldn’t help but smile a little as did he. „I see.“ He nodded in response.
„You seem close with Angel.“ I commented mindlessly. I didn’t really know what to talk about. „Yeah, I try to be here as often as possible, with Ethan and Sam, you know. Somehow Angel got me wrapped around her little finger. I wish I had a kid like her.“ I chuckled. „Yeah, her name may be Angel but the way she wraps everyone around her tiny little fingers reminds me of the devil.“ We both quietly laughed at that. 
„I heard you are her favorite auntie?“ He chuckled. I nodded yet again. „As I said, she got everyone wrapped around her finger. I don’t even know why she takes on me. I’m barely ever here.“ I look over to the still closed kitchen doors. „Should we, like, go sit in the living room? I’m kind of getting tired of standing here.“ I point towards the living room. „Yeah sure.“ He held out his arm as if to say ‚go ahead‘ and I did.
We sat down at opposite ends of the couch quietly observing each other again. We didn’t say much because there simply was nothing to say anymore. „I see you kept it.“ Cameron quietly whispered, finally breaking the silence between us again. He pointed to my necklace. „Oh, uhh - I…“ I trailed off. I didn’t know how to answer. It was the only thing that I had left that reminded me of him. „I’m glad that you still have it.“ He smiled gently. „It looks too expensive to be thrown away, you know.“ I lightly chuckled as did he.
„So.“ He started. „So?“ I questioned. „You came here for the party?“ I nodded slowly. „Yeah. I guess you did too, huh?“ He shrugged. „I’m kind of surprised you didn’t bring a date or anything.“ I chuckled trying to cover up my weird rambling/ questioning. „I don’t really bring dates to important stuff…“ He trailed off. „It makes no sense. Gives them a feeling of belonging in my life and we don’t want that, do we?“ He sarcastically laughed at his own comment. When did he become so cynic? 
„I suppose that you haven’t met someone worth while then. I’m sorry.“ I meant it. I was sorry. I wanted to make that clear. „Who said I haven’t yet?“ He accusingly frowned. „You know nothing about me Y/N.“ He shook his head. „Absolutely nothing.“ 
I frowned. „What is that supposed to mean?“ He shook his head and I could tell by the way he bit the inside of his cheek and didn’t look my way the slightest that he was pissed off. „Nothing… let’s just forget it, alright?“ He mumbled and I left it at that.
When people finally started to gather around the house the awkwardness between Cameron and I was covered up by the laughter and chattering. I didn’t talk to him anymore. I didn’t even look his way… or at least I tried my hardest not to. It was difficult. I couldn’t stand the way we stood in the same room on opposite sides. It felt like the tension between us never really vanished. The spark never dimmed. 
At one point I slipped out into the backyard to catch some fresh air. Okay… not fresh air. I needed a cigarette and I was not proud of it. Just as I was about to light it, two fingers removed the cigarette from my mouth and broke them in half. „Didn’t know you smoked. New habit?“ He didn’t look at me as I just stood there and gawked at him. „I don’t think it’s any of your business anymore, is it?“ Now I was just being a prick. „You made sure of it, didn’t you?“ He spat back at me. We were like a bickering old couple and at this point there was no denying that I missed him. „I did it for your own good.“ I quietly whispered in hopes of him not picking up on it. „What good was it to leave me at that moment? Do you even understand how deeply in love I am with you Y/N? DO YOU?“ He began to shout which I was not expecting. My eyes widened. „Do you even understand what you put me through?“ 
„I thought it was best that way. I knew you wanted a family and—“ He interrupted me abruptly. „And what? Just because you are not able to birth a child doesn’t mean there’s no other way we could have had children! I thought you were smart, Y/N! What happened?!“ He was angry and after all these years, he finally could lash it all out on the person who caused his distress. „I wanted you. Nothing else mattered. We were barely legal age back then, we didn’t even consider having kids.“ Although he was furious he kept his tone low, maybe he was afraid he’d upset me.
„I’m sorry. I just thought I was a burden for the long run.“ I didn’t even look at him. I stared at my feet aching to smoke a cigarette just to calm down for a minute, to relief this stress. „I’m sorry too. I never wanted you to feel like a burden.“ His tone was now less furious, calmer. He pulled me into a hug and I instinctively buried my head in his chest. The strong muscles not going unnoticed, he felt different but yet he still felt like home. „I just wanted the best for you.“ I mumbled into his shirt as he stroke up and down my back. He sighed.
„You were the best for me. Nothing and nobody would ever be able to replace you.“ He kissed the top of my head. As much as I wanted to suppress it and ignore my feelings I couldn’t deny that I miss him, that I miss this. 
We were so young and we still are. I just thought that maybe I would be able to stop the pain before it would get to me; the realization that there wouldn’t be any little Cam Cam’s of our own. Maybe it was my own insecurity of never being good enough for him, that I didn’t deserve him. But now that we were back in this embrace the world stopped spinning for a second again and it finally felt like all of this weight I’ve been carrying for years was lifted. This aching finally stopped and the day seemed brighter than before. 
I think this time we’re here to stay. And if you would’ve asked me a year ago what my thirties were going to look like, I probably would’ve given a very different answer than right now, when I was in his arms. I saw a future, together, for the first time again. Life made sense again.
3 years later
As I was looking out into the yard I was amazed that we have gotten this far. Our wedding. When we were just 18, I wouldn’t have dreamed of this. But when I saw Cameron swinging Angel around, laughing like a maniac, the distinctive image I once saw years ago came back to me.
A little baby girl in Cameron’s arms. They stood in a spacious garden. She was all dressed up and he smiled at her as if she was everything he needed in life. He looked content.
Cameron came up to me grinning from ear to ear, kissing my cheek before pressing one on my lips. „I love you“ he whispered against them after they parted, and I returned the gesture, „I love you too“. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the make-shift dance floor and we twirled around for a bit. Pure serenity. And that’s how our wedding went, I kept pulling myself out and watching from the sidelines in disbelief that this actually and finally happened. I enjoyed every second of it. I watched as he hugged his bros for the thousandth time today, as he picked up Angel and swung her around in the air, as his eyes always found a way to me.
Sam came up behind me, hugging me from the side. „I haven’t seen you grin so bright in years. I am so happy for you.“ She smiled at me and I couldn’t even put into words how right she was. I was finally and eternally happy again. And if all else fails, trust that what is meant for you will always find you. One way or another.
A/N: there you go... I finally did it... only took me like what? 5 years? lol either way... if anyone is actually reading this I hope this ending fulfills you more than the last... even though it is a bit rushy at the end but I didn't want to draw it out any longer than it already was.
So that's it... the very last about this guy I once used to stan in order to finish this very weird story.
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imaginaryexcellence · 6 years
“Nice to meet you”
It is a Monday morning. 9.17 am to be exact. I am currently walking through the empty hallway. Kind of reminds me of a really bad horror movie, the only difference is that I am going to die from embarrassment and not get killed. As I walk past all the closed doors I check the room numbers to find my classroom and there it is. 407.  Instead of opening the door I just stand there. Frozen. Completely unable to move the doorknob. “Looks like somebody is late” I hear a young male voice in the distance. I turn around slowly in hopes it is not a teacher. “Don’t worry. Miss Harrison won’t even notice. She just makes us read some stupid shit from Schiller and then she usually dozes off.” Our eyes meet and I am pleasantly surprised. It is not a teacher but a really cute guy. “You”re the new girl, aren’t ya?” Completely lost for words I just nod and stare into his honey brown eyes. “Not a big fan of words, huh? Kind of funny since we’re standing in front of our literature class.” he laughs mockingly. “Not a fan of douchebags either.” I turn back around to face the door. My hand is still wrapped around the doorknob and the door is still closed. After a couple seconds of really really awkward silence, he continues to say “Are you not gonna open the door?” “I don’t think I am ready.” I whisper more to myself than for him to hear. It is silent again before he touches my shoulder. “Well, why don’t we just skip this class? There is a beautiful park about 5 minutes from here. I’ll even buy you coffee.”  His smile is inviting and he’s making it really hard for me to say no. I have never skipped class before. But then again I’ve never been late either. “Sitting in a park and drinking coffee with a stranger sounds insane.” His beautiful eyes start to sparkle and his lips form a smug smile. “Ok let me officially introduce myself. I’m Cameron and I would love for you to keep me company while I skip first class.”
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mmagcon101 · 7 years
Missin you - Hayes Grier Imagine
Just something I came up with let me know what you think.
Y/n continued to scroll through her Instagram feed carelessly hoping to find something that’ll amuse her for at least 5 seconds. She stopped when shes noticed a fan account of her and her ex boyfriend Hayes Grier the post was a “relationship goals” edit of Y/n and Hayes and it just left Y/n with a overwhelming sadness. 
Y/n groaned turning her phone off and switching to lay on her stomach shoving her face into the silk pillow. Her mind became overwhelmed with thought of her and Hayes in the past she quickly regretted how they ended and became guilty thinking of the words her and Hayes said when the relationship came to an end. 
“what if I just text him - I mean it’s been 5 months and I don’t hate him but he probably hates me “ Y/n groaned once more.
I just anted to post and write something pleas let me know if you wan me to continue this !
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ohholyfanfics · 7 years
C.Dallas Imagine
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Requested:Yes/No Song(s):None Warning(s):None Summary:She’s the new girl in town, and Cameron feels like it’s his job to make her feel comfortable with him and the rest of the group.
Hey love, this didn't come out the way I wanted but it’s way better than what I had before. Hope you like it. @thoughtfullyyoungduck
She was nervous, she had been all morning and now knowing that the people she would be stuck with for God knows how long were behind this door made her sick. She bite down on her lip as she was lead through the doors and laughter was heard. Her eyes followed each one of them, as they ran across the room. They were energetic and loud, and she was tamed and quiet. Lots of thoughts ran through her head before one of them walked over to her.
She blinked before offering him a soft smile.
“You must be Y/N, Bart was telling us you would be join us for this leg of the tour." He stated as she nodded her heading searching for Bart who had seemed to disappear. “I’m Aaron by the way.” He flashed her a soft smile.
It had been three weeks since she had officially joined Magcon and had still felt on the outside. It’s not that She didn’t like the boys, that certainly wasn’t it. She was just finding it hard to get comfortable with them, she felt as though they didn’t like her. It was one of those strange days where everything was still and not much was going on, she had planned to stay in her hotel room and catch up on some shows she was majorly behind. Three episodes into Game of Thrones someone knocked on her door. Sighing, she stood up and opened it to come face to face with Cameron.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go have a cup of coffee or something..” He stated as she blinked slightly confused. “I just noticed how on edge you were and thought that maybe I could help..”
A soft chuckle left her lips as she nodded her head and moved to the side allowing him in. “Yeah of course, let me just get changed into something more suitable..” She smiled as he felt relief wash through his body.
The two didn’t go too far seeing as their was a coffee shop about a block away from their hotel. In recored timing they were both seated in the back with a cup of coffee and a muffin each. Cameron had asked a few questions, just simple getting to you type of questions while giving her a bit of background facts on each of the guys. He learned things about her as she learned things about him.
“You know you're really cool..” He stated once they got back to the hotel. A slight blush casted its way onto her face.
“Thank’s Cam, you’re not so bad yourself.” She joked as he rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips.
“Promise to not be a stranger?”
“Promise..” She whispered as he smiled. “Thank you by the way..” She added as they waited for elevator.
“For what?"
“For helping me feel a bit more relaxed..”
“No problem babe, we’re friends I'll be here when you need me.”
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okay guys
so i want to be more active but the magcon fandom is kinda slow at the moment. so how would people feel if i added the dolan twins?? i love those boys!! opinions?? i also have no requests and maybe if i have the dolan twins i will get some!!
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hanninganx · 3 years
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The Choice
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bitchumightbe · 7 years
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atriaedits · 4 years
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Undercover | Atria Grey
fanficsupportproject (instagram)
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cam-shawn-jacob · 5 years
I’m writing my first Shawn Mendes and Cameron Dallas fanfiction!
It’s my first time writing something so it might be a little rough, but as soon as i have at least 3 chapters written i’ll post the link here!
In the mean time, if you have any Shawn/Cameron/ Jacob themes you’d like me to try to write lemme know!
Thanks loves!
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taintedslurpee · 5 years
The Coven (Season 2) - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 is up :)
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shawnstilinski · 6 years
Fall For You - (S.M)
Word count: 1,544 (incl. lyrics)
Author: Cam
Inspired by this request: I don’t know if you’re still doing this but can you make one where this girl is singing in an empty auditorium because that’s her escape(like the one from Glee) and she is playing the piano and singing a sad song and Shawn is in one of the seats all the way in the back watching her and admiring her? Please thank you
A/N: College!Shawn, my boo (vaguely, but it’s a start)! Thank you for your request, I’m sorry I’ve been so inactive, but I appreciate the inspiration that came from this request! I’ve added a bit more of a backstory to the two. I hope you’ll enjoy!❤️
The song mentioned is Fall For You by Leela James, and I highly recommend listening to it whilst reading.
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She delicately placed her index finger on the key and pressed it, causing the note to fill the empty auditorium. She hummed a soft melody that sounded like something out of a fairy tale movie. Her eyes were closed shut, but her mind was fully awake, as she readied a breath, to introduce the first bit of lyrics.
Here we are, together
And everything between us is good
I’m right here in this cloud, baby
Ready to fly but before I take
Another step
Her voice echoed off the wall as she hit each note as if it hung in the air in front of her and all she needed to do was reach out and grasp it. With each word that passed her drying lips, her body followed suit to the lyrics, swaying and moving to the melody. Her right hand still rested on the piano, but as of that moment, the song was in her head and her body – her soul, and she let it unfold like a blooming flower.
Would you catch me if I fall for you?
‘Cause I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
He knew that he wasn’t privy to the secrets she was speaking to the empty seats in the rows between them, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave. So, he sat silently with his books and papers and amazement scattered across the floor and seats surrounding him.
He proudly considered his friend, seated on the little black stool, singing with a desperation and soulfulness that made him feel like they were the only two people on the planet – and he had to admit that he quite liked the feeling that flooded his body, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake.
She opened her eyes and pressed down on a key, breathing new life into the song. She left her left hand to remain resting on her jean-covered lab, and as she raised her shoulders tenderly, her hoodie bunched up her hair around her concentrated face for a brief moment before she let her body ease again.
I’m so used to standing
So used to being on my own
But this thing is new, baby
It feels like I’m losing control
I’ll take another step
He was absolutely consumed, and in spite of his mind telling him, ‘leave, Shawn,’ his lanky body stayed in the seat, mesmerised. He had spent the last few weeks in her regular company, and yet he’d never heard the faintest hint of singing escape from her mouth. Now, here he was, getting more than any music he had ever presented at that very stage if he should say so himself. He was getting what he considered music to be all about; honesty. Blank and bared accompanied only by the sound of a piano.
Just an hour ago he had sat across from her with a cup of coffee as she had rubbed the sleep from her eyes and told him firmly to not let her drink, ever again. After laughing kindly at her, he had told her that he had some studying to do, but when he asked her to join him, she had declined and told him quietly that she was going to take a walk and think a little. He had immediately teased her and suggested that she was surely just hung over, at which he had gained a punch in the arm (and a wince when her headache promptly returned, so he’d considered that battle won).
If you catch me when I fall for you
'Cause I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
Will you promise to be there?
Stay by my side always?
Whenever I need you
Don’t let me down, no, no
She smiled as the lyrics surfaced from her heart and Shawn could feel the huff of a joyous laugh at the tip of his tongue, but he shut himself up to stay hidden from her. Her singing breathed a life and feeling into the song that he didn’t think was possible. He did consider himself talented, but she was something else. She never fell short of reminding him of his talent, though, and had complimented him many times on his singing, the most recent time being last night, when he had picked her up from the party that she’d gone to.
That had been their deal since she picked Shawn up from a party a few days after they had started talking. They had gone to the same university and had shared a few classes since they had started there three semesters ago, but had never taken each other into much consideration until they had to do a project together two-months-time ago. He had called her in an attempt to reach someone else, but by her account, “I’m already awake and on my way to get McDonald’s, so I might as well come and get you. Yes, I was gonna get McDs in the middle of the night. On my own. Shut up. No. Stop laughing. Okay, you can walk home, ass hat. Idiot.”
She had picked him up, of course, and he’d stopped mocking her when she had gotten him an order of cheeseburger and fries too. He had been quite drunk, and with a soft tune playing on the radio, she had noted that the music-major had an angelic voice, as he had slowly lulled himself into a near-sleep. She knew he wasn’t fully asleep, when she had admired him at a red light, and he, with a cocky smile, had told her to keep her eyes on the road. She had chosen to roll them instead, and had told him, “I’m just wondering how it’s possible to get a guy of your size thisdrunk.”  He’d huffed out a laugh, and sighed something that sounded like “tequila.” Understandable, she had thought.
She had called him the following weekend at crap-o’clock and insisted that he owed her one, so on their way home, they decided to make it a thing to pick each other up after parties, if they weren’t both attending. Shawn had pointed out that they’d hardly ever go to the same parties. She had made an annoyed breathy sound and told him to join her at the next party she was invited to. He barely agreed, but she had said that that could be another ‘thing’ of theirs, and so he had given in (and whether he’d admit it or not, he had fun at the party).
When they rounded McDonald’s, they had decided that that should go on the ‘thing’ list as well.
They had been tossing jokes between them on the way home, and even though the laughter died out, the smiles on their faces became a semi-permanent instalment, when she had in a drunken daze wondered aloud about why she hadn’t spoken to him much earlier. If you were to ask Shawn, he would tell you with a strained nonchalance that the following sentence contained words such as ‘sweet, caring and hilarious as all hell. Totally Boyfriend Goals, as the kids would say.” If you were to ask her, she would most likely tell you that she doesn’t remember anything.
However, when she woke up to a glass of water and a couple of aspirins on her nightstand, she too had to start practising her nonchalant attitude.
If I give you my all, don’t let me fall
Would you do that for me, hold me?
Will you love, will you love me?
Her voice and heart decorated the heavy air in the dark hall like Christmas lights on a late December night, similar to the ones that had been adorning the campus for the past few weeks. The woman contained an unbelievable amount of emotions and never before had he heard nor seen them articulated as well as right in that moment.  
Last night, on the way home, she had found herself staring at him as the street lights flickered on his skin. He sang along to a slow song and looked like he had been plucked right out of a RomCom and had been placed in the driver seat of the car that she just so happened to also be in. He had been clad in a pair of sweats and a knitted jumper, and he was visibly tired, as he rubbed his eye and dragged a hand through the messy hair on top of his head.
She had found herself suddenly crying when she had realised that he had come to pick her up rather than sleep. He had naturally called her an idiot and a sap, but he didn’t hesitate to lay a hand on her leg and tell her, that he’d choose her rather than sleep any time. When her face had broken once more, he asked her why she always cries when she’s drunk, which made her cry even more and he’d only laughed as he caressed her leg. If she hadn’t been crying, he might not have missed the tinted red colour that rose on her cheeks at the action, but she cried and he laughed; and she was really drunk, which may have been why her blurry eyes didn’t catch the crimson that blossomed gingerly from his chest either.
My heart is ready
For love and to be loved
And I chose you, baby
That’s the one thing I’m sure of
So I will take this one last step
So catch me, I’m falling for you
I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
I’m falling
I’m falling, I’m falling
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! If you have any thoughts or feedback about this piece, please send me a message. I’m very unsure about the tense (regarding the grammar) so if you noticed anything that was off, please help a girl out!! Thank you again, and have a great day 💕  
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camdallasfanfics · 7 years
What now? - Chapter 19
Cameron Dallas fanfic - Sequel to I’m not that kind of girl
Word count: 1′983
Previous Chapter
1st of July
I sat in my apartment in New York. She’s gonna hate me. She’s so gonna hate me. I was supposed to be in LA right now. Being next to the bride to be and try and calm her. But I wasn’t. I just wasn’t. I should have been on my flight last night. But I got scared. I couldn’t do it. She already texted and called but I didn’t answer.
Ethan tried to reach out to me. But I ignored him as well. Basically everyone tried to get a hold of me. For fuck’s sake I was the maid of honor. I had to be there. I was supposed to be calling bridesmaid that didn’t show up on time and kick ass. I was supposed to be there for my best friend when she got cold feet.
I was wrapped in my blanket on my bed. One lonely tear rolling down my cheek as my phone started to ring again.I expected it to be Josh or Will. Or anyone else from our friend group but It wasn’t just anyone else form our friend group. It was him. We hadn’t talked in months.
„I’m sorry to inform you, that you are not pregnant.“ The doctor said in a monotone way. I nodded and Cameron’s grip tightened around my hand. „It happens that the pregnancy test is positive though you are not pregnant. It is rare though. Maybe you are just late on your period and your hormones aren’t balanced at the moment which could be an explanation for the positive test.“ He explains matter of factly.
I didn’t know how to feel. I simply nodded and after the talk we bid our goodbyes and went back to Cameron’s apartment. We didn’t say a word. Neither of us. Not even as much as a glance was shared. Just a comforting touch of his hand. His grip tight reassuring me. Reassuring us.
Flashback over
I picked up the phone and stared at the screen for a few seconds before accepting the call. „Y/N?“ His voice soft. „Where are you Y/N?“ He used my name. He didn’t call me marshmallow. „Are you there?“ I nodded as I tried to hold in my tears. I hummed a simple „mhm“ because I didn’t trust myself to say anything else.
„Listen. Sam needs you here, okay?“ I sighed. „And you know it. For a matter of fact I know that you’re beating yourself up this very moment because you are not here for her.“ He spoke fast his voice remains soft and low. „She hates me.“ I couldn’t speak more than a bare whisper. „She doesn’t.“ He sighed. He was frustrated and stressed. I could sense it.
„You hate me.“ I mumbled. I squeezed my eyes shut as if it would help me prepare for his answer. „I don’t. You know that. Just hop on the first plane and get your ass to Sam. She’s losing it without you.“ He paused. „And I am too.“ His voice even lower when he said that. I sighed. „I’m going to be there. But only for Sam.“ I finally said.
„Text me when you get home.“ He said while he hugged me. My face nuzzled in the crook of his neck. I inhaled his sent. „I love you.“ I whispered as low as possible and left a small kiss on his neck. He pulled me in tighter one last time. „I love you too.“ He kissed the top of my head.
We let go of one another and I didn’t look back. He was going to go to Europe. I was going to be in NYC. I wouldn’t see him in a long time. As I sat at the gate waiting for boarding I received a text.
Cam: love you. and miss you.
A faint smile tugged at my lips.
Y/N: love you too. miss you more.
Flashback over
I slowly opened the door to Sam’s apartment. I took a big breath. „Sam?“ I called out. No answer. „Hun? I’m hooome.“ I closed the door behind me. It was dark. Well it was night time, of course it was dark. I put my small carry on bag on the couch. „I know you’re mad at me but you have to hear me out first. You know that right?“ I sighed as I walked towards her bedroom.
I slowly opened the door revealing the dark room. „Sam?“ I hesitated before turning the lights on. „Y/N?“ I heard his hoarse voice. He turned the lamp on his nightstand on. „What are you doing here?“ He rubbed his eyes slowly getting up. „Ethan, why didn’t you lock the front door?“ I sighed leaning against the door frame.
„Because Cameron is still out and staying here tonight?“ When I didn’t say anything he continued. „So, I guess Cameron convinced you to come?“ He just sat there and yawned. I nodded slightly. „So where is my best friend? Or does she call me a useless stupid fake friend now?“ I sighed yet again. Yeah just sigh a little more that’ll make everything better. „She’s at the hotel where the wedding’s taking place.“ I nodded.
„Alright sorry than. I’ll go over there.“ I was about to leave the room when he stopped me. „How’re you gonna get there?“ I shrugged. „I’ll get an uber. No worries. Sleep tight.“ With that I left his bedroom and closed the door. I slowly grabbed my stuff and was about to open the front door when Cameron opened it from the other side. His eyes widened when he saw me.
„You’re here.“ He states. Thanks, captain obvious, I know already. I simply nodded. „Where are you going?“ He all of a sudden frowned. „To the hotel. Didn’t know she was gonna spend the night there. And not the other way around.“ I avoided his gaze and just wanted to get out of there. „I’ll drive you. Come on.“ A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.
one month before the wedding
„Y/N you have to tell him. Considering you wanna spend the rest of your lives together.“ I sighed. „That is one of many possibilities and you know that. He could dump me any day now.“ Sam didn’t answer. „Okay. I’m gonna tell him as soon as he tells me he landed in LA.“
„Yeah keep telling yourself that hun.“ I rolled my eyes at her. „I’m hanging up now. You’re the worst best friend right now. I don’t blame you but I’m sure telling you.“ She chuckled. „Boohoo bitch.“ With that she hung up. Wow, the wedding is really getting to her, my god.
Not long after Cameron texted me informing me he landed safely in LA. I immediately called him so I wouldn’t procrastinate any longer. „Y/N.“ He said with some sort of relief. „Cameron.“ I mocked him a little. „How are you?“ He started some small talk. For sure there are fans around. „Can you talk right now?“ I knew he knew what I meant. He wasn’t oblivious.
„Give me a sec.“ I waited patiently for a good minute until he spoke again. „Alright marshmallow what’s up?“ He called me marshmallow. „I was at my lady’s doctor.“ I started as I sat down on my couch. „Weren’t you there like when I just started tour?“ He sounded confused. I could imagine his face scrunching up and his cute look. „Yeah, that was that appointment. Just before you left for tour I had these horrible cramps, right?“ I really didn’t know how to do this.
„Yeah I wanted to skip the first few dates to be with you.“ Nice that he remembered that conversation. „Well I didn’t really know how to tell you the news a month ago and I still don’t but I can’t just not tell you.“ I started to tear up. Damn hormones. „Please don’t tell me that you’re pregnant.“ He sighed. His voice was barely audible. „What is that supposed to mean?“ I suddenly got angry.
„Listen. I don’t want to ar-“ „Oh buddy it’s too late for that. What would you do if I was pregnant? What happened to ‘we are in this together’ , huh?“ I let out a huff in disbelieve. He’s got to be kidding me. „Y/N. What I meant was that I personally think that we are too young to have kids. We are not responsible enough to raise a child. And no one knows I’m in a relationship either. The first thing they’ll know about us would be that we are getting a baby. I wouldn’t be able to handle that.“
He sighed. „Don’t worry Cameron. I’m not able to have kids anyway.“ Great way to break the news Y/N. Well done. „What?“ It sounded like he was about to choke on air for a second. „Yeah, you don’t have to worry about breaking any news to any fans ever.“ I brushed away a small tear. „Why didn’t you tell me right away?“ He sounded angry. He was mad at me? Are you fucking serious right now?
„Because you were in Europe. Would’ve told you earlier if I had known.“ He scoffed. „Don’t do this Y/N. Don’t push me away like that.“ I shook my head. „Go worry about your little fans Cameron.“ Before I hung up I heard him muffle an „I love you.“ and with that the conversation ended.
Flashback over
I hadn’t talked to him since. I was being an asshole. I ignored him whenever he tried to reach out. But he shouldn’t have said what he said the way he did either. So we sat in silence as he drove me to Sam. I absentmindedly looked out the window as we cruised through the mostly empty streets of LA.
„You know, I wanted to apologize, right?“ He began. When I didn’t say anything he continued. „I was just stressed out because of Magcon and than we hadn’t really been talking.“ He sighed. „Why didn’t you tell me right away?“ He sounded defeated. Right about done with this bullshit.
„You were in Europe.“ I mumbled quietly and shrugged. „That’s not a valid reason.“ My gaze was still fixed to the buildings that were rushing past. „I was scared,okay?“ I sighed. „I didn’t know how you would react. I know that you want kids and I can’t give that to you. Why in gods name would you still want to be with me?“ I started to tear up still not looking at him.
Instead of saying anything he simply grabbed my hand that rested on my lap, soothingly stroking over it with his thumb. „I felt like I disappointed you.“ I closed my eyes waiting for his response. „It’s fine we’ll find a way. But it’s nothing we have to worry about now.“ His voice was soothing as always.
After that we didn’t talk much, he left me in front of the hotel leaving a kiss on my cheek. I was dreading Sam’s reaction. But when I knocked on the door to her hotel room she welcomed me with open arms. „I knew you’d come. I knew it.“ She mumbled into my shoulder as she pulled me closer.
„I’m so sorry I’m late. Did I miss your freak out yet?“ I tried to lighten the mood. She chuckled. „You missed about three of them. One of them concerning the fact that you weren’t here yet. I thought you’ve been murdered, up until Cameron told me you were on your way.“ She sighed looking at me with this knowing look.
„So… Are you ready for tomorrow?“ A grin slowly formed on my face. She frantically nodded and that was the point where we started squealing and laughing. My best friend was getting married and life was kind of okay at the moment.
Next Chapter
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. University is more stressful than anticipated. Story is coming to an end though. Last chapter coming soon! Hope you like it. Always appreciate feedback!! Love you guys.
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imaginaryexcellence · 7 years
“Babe, I got good news!” - Cameron Dallas imagine
“ Can you do an imagine were Y/N is pregnant with Cameron's baby and it turns into this huge mess. You can choose the ending...hope this helps with writers block 😘☺ “ requested by @manydaddies “Stop staring at that thing. You’ll drive yourself crazy.” Your best friend says as she tears the pregnancy test out of your hand. She was right, well kind of, because you were driving yourself crazy with the pregnancy test in your hands and without it.  “What.. I mean.. How.. Cameron..” you had so many thoughts floating around in your head but you struggled to put them into words. “Hey.” Your best friend said comforting as she wrapped her arms around you. “Don’t worry about Cameron..” she pauses and then continuous “He loves you. And he’ll love the baby. You know that!”  You listened but didn’t say anything.  Instead, you buried your face deeper into her comforting arms. The timer on your phone goes off and your heart sinks into your stomach. Fuck! You take a really really deep breath. “Are you ready?” Your best friend asks with an excited undertone. As ready as I’ll ever be.. You take another deep breath and grab the  test from your best friends hands.  “Two lines..” you say monotone.  “OH MY GOD! TWO LINES!” you scream as soon as you realized that you are pregnant. To your surprise it was a pretty enthusiastic scream. You hug your best friend as you start to tear up.  “Congratulations?” She looks at you confused. “Are we happy about this or still scared?” she looked at you as she furrows her brows.  Well, that actually was a good question since you almost cried just a couple of minutes ago. “I.. I am happy.” You smile unknowingly as you look at the pregnancy test. Your best friend pulls you in for another tight, and this time, congratulating hug. “Hey, girls. What are we so happy about?” Cameron walks in. You instinctively hide the pregnancy test behind your back within a split second. Cameron walks over to kiss you. “What do you got there?” he asks with a confused smirk as he points behind your back.  You feel your face turning a dark shade of red, knowing that you are horrible at lying. Fuck, he’ll find out the worst way possible. “A tampon.” Your best friend says with a fake embarrassed smile as she grabs the test with both hands, hoping Cam wouldn’t look at it. His smirk turns in to a disgusted confused smile. Typical. “Well, that’s my queue to leave.” he shakes his head with the same weird smile. As soon as Cameron left the bathroom your best friend says “Fuck. That was a close call.”  She get’s up to hug you and continues to say “I’m gonna leave the two of you alone. This one definitely is a one-to-one talk”  She kisses your cheek, puts the test on the counter and exits the bathroom. “Bye, Cameron” You hear her a little further away right before you hear the door close. You stay in the bathroom a little longer, making up the hole conversation you’re about to have with Cameron. This is so stupid. Conversations never go as planned, especially these kinds of conversations. “Babe, I got something to tell you”  you walk into the living room where Cameron sits as he goes through his emails. “Huh?” he ask, still distracted from his phone even though you’ve already sat down. You place your hand in front of his phone screen. “Y/N, this is important.” he reacts annoyed  “Cameron, what I’m about to tell you probably is more important.” you roll your eyes but he doesn’t even notice. “Ok,ok. What is it?” Cameron asks as he lays his phone into his lap. “I.. Have absolutely no idea how to say this.” You pause for a smile. “Just tell me, babe.” he giggles confused. You pull out the pregnancy test without any explanation. “What the fuck, Y/N?” his face went blank. You had no idea if he was just shocked or actually angry. One thing was for sure.. He was not happy. His negative mood was contagious. “Please tell me this is a prank.” he laughs insecure. “What do you mean?” you shake your head.  “I.. We..” he stops and thinks about what he’s going to say. “Y/N. We are way too you. We aren’t married. I’m at the height of my career. I.. We can’t do this.” he get’s up from the sofa and steps back. You laugh sarcastically. “What are you trying to say?” you pout your lips and furrow your eyebrows. “Fuck.” he whispers as he sits down again.  “We got this. We’ll get married and raise the baby. We got this.” he tries to convince himself but he was just making you even more insecure.  “Get married? Is that all you think about? You don’t want to raise a bastard?” You say angry. “You’re not the slightest bit excited?” you ask blankly. “I’m just trying to do the right thing here, Y/N” he replies serious. You get up and grab your keys. “The right thing would be to be loving and accepting instead of being a fucking asshole.” one single tear falls off of your cheek. Cameron jumps up and gently grabs you by your arm. “Don’t leave, baby” his town softened.  “This is a first for me.” a smug smile formed on his face. “I don’t know how to deal with this.” Cam pulls you closer and looks into your eyes.”I love you and I will love the baby. I’ll be there every step of the way.”  He pauses for a second and then goes on “We’re in this together, right?.” he holds out his pinky  and waits for you to do the same. “We’re in this together.” you smile as you intertwine your pinky with his.  
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