#call of duty bops oc
yawnderu · 29 days
>Second commission for @alypink 💗💗
Adler's visage is oddly relaxed, nothing but pure calmness shown on his usually stoic expression. His cheek rests on his palm, using his elbow as leverage to keep himself up, blown pupils focused on the sleeping figure in front of him. Despite the violence his hands have caused, a newfound gentleness is displayed when he traces the outline of her cheek with his knuckles, the soft skin a sheer contrast to the calluses on his palms.
His head tilts slightly to the side, letting out a small sigh as he admires Aleks like she belongs in the most prestigious museum— her chest rising up and down with each breath she takes, plump lips slightly parted and tiny snores coming out of her, forcing the corners of his lips to tilt up into a sincere small smile despite himself. He moves a few strands of soft blonde hair away from her face, leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead, cursing himself out in his head the moment she begins to stir awake.
“Good morning.” Aleks says groggily, raising her hand to rub the sleepiness away from her eyes, thankful for the blackout curtains they decided to purchase the moment they moved in together. Adler says nothing, his arm curling around her waist to bring her closer, her face resting on the crook of his neck, feeling her take a moment to inhale the lingering scent of cigarettes and coffee— the very same Colombian coffee she insists on buying every single time they go shopping.
“How'd you sleep?” Unlike her, Adler is fully awake, secretly taking a few minutes each morning simply to admire her like a work of art never once seen, destiny's gift for someone as flawed as him. He doesn't recoil back when her soft hand comes up to cup his cheek, tracing his wrinkles for a few seconds before moving onto the deep, dark scars adorning his visage.
“Much better now that you're here.” Her nose scrunches up teasingly as they make eye contact, earning a small smile in return. Though often away on missions, they both bask in these moments of normalcy, of having a normal life rather than making new enemies by the day.
“Go get dressed, I have a surprise.” Without giving her time to reply, Adler steals a kiss from her lips, his hand coming up to move her bangs away from her forehead just to admire her full face for a few seconds before getting up from bed, barely giving her the chance to see his large frame disappear into Mary's room.
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Aleks' blonde hair blows in the wind, the way it gets all over her face as they try to set up a blanket on the grass drags an amused chuckle out of Adler, crouching down and setting a rock down on the corner that was previously giving Aleks issues, the cheeky grin he shoots her way only is enough to earn him a playful slap on the back of the head— much to Mary's amusement, her sweet laugh ringing through the field as they lay down on the thick blanket.
“You made this?” The disbelief is clear in her tone and written all over her face as she looks inside the picnic basket, taking in the plethora of sweet treats waiting for them. She has rarely seen Adler cook anything other than steak and BBQ— never anything that had to be baked or looked half as appealing as these pastries. He simply hums in confirmation, his full focus on holding one of Mary's plushies, play-fighting with hers as they finally get settled.
Despite the lovely sweet treats, Aleks' hands immediately reach out for the thermos flask, excitement setting in her core the moment the smell of freshly brewed Colombian coffee overwhelms her senses, mouth watering in an instant. She mouths a quick 'thank you' before pouring it on the plastic cup, closing her eyes in delight at how well-made it was. For all his initial coldness, Adler was nothing short of a box full of surprises, acting so casually about romantic gestures as if they were nothing, despite taking his time to thoroughly study Aleks and anything important to her, wanting to be part of it all.
“There's some chopped strawberries, too.” While Adler is not the most vocal man when it comes to romance, it comes as a second nature to express himself with actions, every single pastry in the basket has been mentioned by Aleks in the past when talking about her favorites, memorizing them even if they were briefly mentioned years ago.
He sits up, his calloused hands reaching out to settle Mary's tiny body between them, reaching out to grab a pastry and holding it up to her lips until she takes a messy, big bite. Despite the simpleness of the situation, there's always a growing pit of pride at seeing his small family having a good time, the thin smile on his lips not going unnoticed by Aleks.
“You should eat.” She points out with a grin, pushing the basket towards him until he grabs a Tupperware bowl with chopped fruit, fidgeting with the fork for a few seconds before sinking it into the biggest piece of strawberry, offering it to her. The corners of his lips tilt up in amusement as he sees her cheeks get rosier at the offer of her partner wanting to feed her with his own cutlery for the first time.
“Thank you.” She mumbles out, her gaze drifting away from his to calm her fast-beating heart, taking her time to admire the breathtaking view in front of them— the sounds of the strong wind hitting the trees and birds chirping mix in with her daughter's laugh, likely being tickled by Adler. She closes her eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun hitting her skin and the inner peace their little getaway makes her feel, her lips tilting up into a smile at how good life has become despite her difficult past.
A warm hand ruffling her hair drags her back to reality, blue eyes meeting hers as he leans down, his lips pressing against hers, moving at an almost agonizingly slow pace until he pulls away after a few seconds, letting the flustered woman brush her hair to fix the mess he purposely left just to be an asshole. A little treat for himself, of sorts.
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revnah1406 · 1 year
Mason's Legacy Fic Cover!
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WOHOOO!! I was so excited for this one! So here's the new Fic Cover for Mason's Legacy Fic. Haha I Wanted to make it like it's a movie poster or a videogame cover.
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 13 hours
hiiii sleepy (✯◡✯) since I just see ur black ops oc and he is AMAZING i wanted to ask u if he is on Cold War or only black ops 6 ? also what will he say about bell :3 love your art so much (´◡`)
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Well-- There you have it-- 💀
Thank you so much for asking about Fletcher! Appreciate it a lot 💗
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lynmars79 · 9 months
Fun meta asks for writers! 1.Tell us about your current project(s) – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it? 17.o you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations? 20.Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks, etc.)
Menace. Bully. Fiend. How dare you--
So in 2022 as we were awaiting the finished dark knight zine and prepping for FFXIV Write 2022, roommate found a submissions call for a zine called "I Spade You" that would be about Ace romances. I've had a pseudo-idea floating in the back of my head for a long while about a middle-aged pair in a fantasy setting who despite being from opposite sides of a conflict end up having a connection, and tried to form it into a 2500 word story for submission to this zine but it wouldn't gel.
Well, the problem really was that it was gelling...into something longer. I'd been thinking of it in the background long enough that it took on a life of its own. But things at work heated up, I already had fandom writing projects, so I shelved the idea and lost track of that zine. I didn't think of it seriously for months.
Then Bigolas Dickolas Wolfwood entered the chat with their sincere promotion of This is How You Lose the Time War, a novel I had heard about but hadn't read yet. So I read it, and while "people from opposite sides of a conflict form a connection" is the only similarity to my story, the visceral language in that novel really got to me.
I found myself opening the Spade folder again. And writing random scenes from various points in a 25ish year relationship between 2 people thrown together by outside machinations into a marriage neither wants, falling in love despite that, but the cracks form and irreconcilable differences arise due to duty and pride and a lifetime of nationalist education, a long separation and obsession, and then fate puts them together once more, relearning who they are now After All That.
It's arranged marriage friends to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers again. I keep forgetting to add straight people to the supporting cast. I have 3 distinct parts--early relationship, 15 years apart having life happen, then a disaster that makes one of them relearn all they thought they knew while the other hurtles toward their long-waited fate. I have world building and character profile documents. A family tree for one group for Reasons. Avatars for some characters thanks to BG3 and Picrews. So. It's...drafting. It's currently pretty indulgent and a lot of Vibes, little in depth research yet. There's probably over 100k words written but I dunno how many total and a lot of them will change.
It's still an ace romance between the leads. And between another ace character and her bi partner. Whether people think it "counts" or not will be where there's a perception schism, I guess. If I ever get any of it out. It won't be for everyone and there's probably things I'll get wrong and also some of the characters, even protagonists and heroic figures and loveable folks, aren't always the best people and have major flaws and issues.
There's also a teeny bit of "this aspect of this character's story in X other media annoyed me and also I see where there's some influence from this author of Y media I like so wonder if I could write something similar to be more satisfying for me" thrown against the general idea of "I have this one OC that's been bopping around in my head for years" and it became "but what if they kissed and that's all they do while being in love because they don't need more than that? And there's also a lot of familial and platonic loving relationships in there? And framed around an epic fated adventure?"
Still really developing recurring themes and callbacks, but there's a running joke with flicking balls of paper at someone's head, and a poignant bit about family home entryway markers and mourning rituals that may run throughout.
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derangedspacefreakk · 2 years
Some small information about the character's baby days and childhood:
*Almost all of the characters hatched from eggs, since most of them are insects,reptiles,birds etc.
*Naoko's mother fed her hot sauce as a baby
*Naoko's mouth looked like this as a baby
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This is just a product of being a bird Novis bestia
*Erika didn't always have a strong opinion on family and how much you should care for them. She used to kind of think of her brothers as annoying, specifically Kevin,but due to the guilt tripping done by her parents and also growing up, she sees it as her duty to take care of her brothers,which leads to her brother's annoyance.
*Cho and Ikari was seen as very fragile in their childhood due to them being a bug Novis bestia, part of it is true. But while Cho was fine, Ikari was annoyed and tried to rebel
*Naoko caused fire due to her wings. It's not that she was op as a baby, but she pretty much couldn't control her powers back then
*Hiro constantly bops Momoko's head to get her to swear,getting her in trouble
*Speaking of which, Momoko discovered hentai and porn at 11. Hiro discovered it at 13
*Yuriko was called big sis (nee-chan in Japanese I guess) in her youth because of her supportive big sis attitude.
*Yuji had wings when he was younger,but after he got his prosthetics he lost them
*Tomoe (an oc I've had for a while) was seen as a exceptional in her family. That's where she's gets her god complex
*Before Cho truly developed her fairy rays,she sometimes released short,but bright bursts of light whenever someone squeezed her belly or blew raspberries on her stomach.
*Same for Ikari,but just for anything and it's emo dark rays
*right now, only 8 of the Character's parents are alive which are The triplets,Hiro and Momoko,cho,Ikari,Yuriko. The triplets' parents live with them and have a fine relationship with their parents,Momoko and Hiro visit their parents at the hospital and have a complicated relationship with them since they can't really talk that much,Cho's parents are in prison,Ikari lives with his parents and has a complicated relationship with them, and Yuriko lives far from her parents and that's all I know. The reason the other characters don't have parents is because I haven't developed them yet.
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chocobroobsession · 7 years
The Red String - Chapter 20: The End
Author’s note: Last chapter in my soulmate AU based on the red string of fate story, featuring Ignis x fem!OC. This chapter is more about how I think the guys got closure with Noctis before the final battle. Plus I always figured they made it out alive without him anyway. I went ahead and just tagged the epilogue onto this chapter since it was so short. Word count: 2232.
I just want to say thanks to anyone who has read my series. I know it wasn’t seen by many, but that’s okay by me. I’m just proud of myself for putting myself out there and trying something new. We’ll see what the future holds for my writing because I honestly don’t know where I plan on going with it. It should be fun though!
Chapter Masterlist
Approximately Eight and a Half Years Later
The guys could all feel it. Noctis was coming back. They were elated at the thought of finally reuniting with their king and best friend, but the moment was bittersweet. They suspected he wouldn’t be back for long. They had all gathered in Hammerhead, waiting on Talcott to deliver him to them. Chandra stroked Ignis’s thigh as she leaned up against him in the booth in Takka’s Pit Stop.
“Don’t shake so much. It will be okay, my love,” she soothed.
“I know,” he responded as he rested his head against hers. “There are just too many conflicting emotions in my head right now. I’m happy to see Noct, but I know this will be the last time. I’m not sure what the future holds right now. I also do not wish to leave you.”
“I know,” Chandra sighed. “I don’t want you to leave either, but he needs you. This is important. The fate of Eos rests in his hands, and he can’t do this without you and Prompto and Gladio.” They sat in silence, sipping on tea as they waited for the rest of the group to show up. Shortly thereafter, Prompto and Jade entered with Gladio in tow. Greetings and hugs were exchanged as they all settled down into the booth to await Noctis’s arrival.
“Are you two sure you’re going to be okay?” Prompto looked to his wife and then to Chandra.
“Of course, Prom. We’re tougher than we look. We have to be to run with you guys,” Jade laughed as she ruffled his hair. He playfully glared at her and blew a raspberry onto her cheek, causing her to squeal.
The group laughed and reminisced of previous adventures, getting caught up in the past. It was nice to sit around like old times and not think about the uncertain future.
Suddenly, Ignis perked up. “I can hear someone coming!”
Gladio shook his head. “Man, your hearing is supernatural. I can’t hear a thing besides the A/C in this place.”
“Well if you’d clean your ears more and not listen to your music on high volume, maybe you’d be able to hear as much as a normal person,” Ignis smirked.
“Still as sarcastic as ever, I see,” Gladio chuckled.
The group made their way outside and over to Cid’s garage. Cid and Cindy were sitting outside chatting and waved the group over.
“It’s really happening, isn’t it,” Cindy asked.
“It is,” Ignis answered.
Headlights suddenly came into view as Talcott pulled into the lot. He got out of his truck and ambled over to the group. They all stood in silence and watched as an older, hairier Noctis slowly stepped down and shut the door. He looked tired, but his face lit up the moment he spied his three best friends.
The women stood back and allowed the men to catch up with their friend and king. Time and daemon hunting had taken its toll on all of them. They had seen so much for people still so young. They had all been looking rather weary, but seeing Noctis made them all look like young men again, barely into their twenties. Chandra smiled, happy that Ignis was happy, even though she didn’t know what fate had in store for them in the coming days. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard part of the conversation that addressed her and Jade.
“And who are the lovely ladies?” Noctis glanced towards the women and then back at his friends.
Prompto quickly walked over and scooped the blonde up and carried her bridal style to Noctis. “This is my wife, Jade.”
She blushed and held out her hand. “Nice to meet you, King Noctis. I would bow, but someone has to be weird!” She giggled as she bopped Prompto on the nose.
Noctis laughed. “It’s nice to meet you, Jade. And please, just call me Noctis. And Prompto has always been weird, so I hope you didn’t enter this marriage thinking that it would normalize him.”
“Believe me, I wouldn’t have him any other way,” she said as she smiled at her love.
Ignis walked over to Chandra, lacing his fingers with hers, and led her over to Noctis.
“Noct, this is my wife, Chandra.” He seemed to swell with pride as he introduced her, and it made her heart flutter.
Noctis’s eyes widened before a large smile spread across his lips. “Chandra, it’s so nice to meet you. You have no idea how happy I am that Ignis has found someone to call his own.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you too, Noctis. Ignis is the best thing that’s happened to me. Thank you for being in his life and taking him on your journeys. Without you, I may have never met him in the first place.” She gave Ignis’s hand a squeeze and he lifted hers to his lips for a tender kiss.
Noctis looked between his friends, overjoyed that they had people in their lives to live for and had each other. It made him feel a little less guilty about leaving them so soon.
At the campsite, Noctis begged his friends to tell him all about the last ten years. They made Ignis go first and explain about the pull he had for Chandra, his surgeon wife, and how they ended up together, got married soon after, and had their now four-year-old daughter, Gabriella. Then Prompto had to go on and explain how he met Jade, who was Chandra’s friend and also a nurse who worked with her in the surgery suite at the hospital. They had only been married for three years, but were eager to start a large family. Gladio then went on to tell Noctis about how he was planning to propose to his girlfriend, Saffron, whom he met when she came to Lestallum to visit her cousin, Jade.
“It’s funny how we’re all connected now, huh?” Gladio laughed.
“So it is…” Noctis mused.
After speaking of the past, the men had to face the future. Noctis explained what had to be done and he thanked his friends for being there for him. It was an emotional end to the night. Though none of them were sure how the next day would end, they all knew they were in it together.  Prompto and Gladio had already gone into the tent to prepare for bed while Ignis finished up the dishes. He had cooked one final meal for the group, and was packing up as much as he could so that they could get an early start in the morning. Noctis walked over and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Yes, Noct?”
“I think you had the story wrong.”
Ignis raised an eyebrow above his protective shades. “Come again?”
“You had the story wrong! The story of the red string of fate!”
He was confused. “What do you mean?”
Noctis patted him on the back. “You said that each person had a red string of fate tied around their pinky finger and that the other end was tied to the pinky finger of their soulmate.”
Ignis nodded. “Yes, that was the story I was told.”
Noctis smiled. “Yes, and you told me that you didn’t believe it and that fate was something saved for those with a greater purpose in life, like me.”
“I do recall saying so. I have since then slightly changed my stance on the matter, but I still don’t see what you’re getting at.”
“The red string doesn’t just tie some lucky soulmates together. It’s a web. It forms the tapestry of life. None of us can exist without each other in our lives, even if we only make a small appearance. If Chandra hadn’t appeared to you in Altissia, you would have probably died, and honestly, I don’t know if we would have made it to Gralea without you, Specs. And if you hadn’t found Chandra in the snow, she probably would have died out there.”
“Then think about it. If you and Chandra hadn’t gotten together, Prompto may not have overcome his feelings of inadequacy. Chandra has been not only a good friend to you, but to Prompto as well. Without her, he probably wouldn’t have met Jade.”
“And without Jade, Gladio probably wouldn’t have met Saffron,” Ignis continued. “I get it. The red string of fate not only connects soulmates, but friends as well. You, Prompto, Gladio, and I are connected like brothers.”
“Exactly. I don’t think I could have gone on this journey without you guys. As I’ve said before, you guys are the best. Without you, I may not have been able to fulfill my duty. I could still fail tomorrow, but somehow, I don’t think I will. I have a good feeling about this,” Noctis smiled sadly, tears prickling his eyes for the second time that night.
Ignis placed a hand on Noctis’s shoulder. “I’m really glad we’re friends, Noct. Come now, let’s go to bed.”
And with that, the two of them headed into the tent to restlessly sleep until the final battle.
As the sun rose for the first time in ten years over Eos, multitudes of people rejoiced. Daemons disintegrated in the sunlight and the world finally saw a glimmer of hope. Chandra and Jade had spent the night in Cindy’s apartment over the garage, and both woke to the rays of light hitting their faces.
“They did it,” Chandra whispered as tears streamed down her face.
“Yes, but did they make it?” Jade whimpered.
Chandra was unsure. She had barely slept, tossing and turning, worrying about her daughter and her husband. They had left Gabriella with Jade’s mother, who was like a surrogate grandmother to the little girl. Ignis hadn’t wanted Gabriella to deal with the immediate aftermath of his death, should that be his fate that day. What will I tell her if he doesn’t come back? She wished she could feel Ignis—to truly know that he was okay. At that moment though, she felt numb. Was he gone, or was she just too preoccupied to feel him? As the women sat there, worrying about their men, Cindy walked in carrying two cups of Ebony.
“The sunlight is glorious, ain’t it,” she attempted to lighten the mood. She looked between the two women and sighed. “Well don’t just sit there and worry and put more wrinkles in your pretty little faces. Drink some coffee! I’m sure those fellows will be back in no time!”
They sat in silence, barely sipping their Ebony, when suddenly Chandra felt a familiar tug in her chest. She nearly sloshed coffee down her front as she slammed the cup down on the floor next to her bedroll. “Ignis!”
Jade nearly spit out her Ebony. “What? Where?”
“Don’t you feel that? That tug?” Chandra jumped up and scrambled to put on a hoodie and jeans.
“What? Chandra, you know the pull I feel for Prompto isn’t nearly as strong as the one you feel for Ignis.  No one else I know can feel the pull the way you two can. It’s unnatural.” Jade jumped up to change clothes as well. “You two appear to each other in spirit too. Prompto and I can only share each other’s happiness, and right now I feel nothing because obviously this isn’t a joyous occasion for him!”
The women burst out the door and hurried down the steps, Chandra taking the lead. She ran out across the parking lot and into the road. Just over the furthest hill, she could make out three figures slowly trudging towards Hammerhead. It took everything in her not to take off sprinting towards them. She knew they would be hurting, physically and emotionally, so she wanted to give them space.
As the figures came into view, Jade grabbed Chandra’s hand and started crying. “They’re alive. They’re actually alive! Except for…”
“Except for Noctis,” Chandra whispered. The guys had told them beforehand that Noctis would likely not return, but they still had hoped he would all the same.
When the men were within a hundred yards, Jade lost her composure and sprinted forward to Prompto. She practically tackled him and they sat down on the pavement, holding each other, the two of them sobbing. Gladio reached Chandra first. Tears pricked her eyes as she looked up into his bloodshot amber orbs. She reached out to him and he squeezed her hand in return. “Gladio. I’m so sorry. I’m really glad to see you though.”
He attempted to smile but it fell flat. The King’s Shield had just lost the only thing he had sworn to protect and he felt numb. “Yeah, thanks. I’m going to go call Saffron. She’s going to kill me for not letting her come here with me in the first place.”
Chandra turned and watched as Ignis limped towards her. She closed the distance between them and slammed into his chest. She slid her arms around his waist, the waterworks coming on full force. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on hers, tears streaming into her hair.
“You’re alive,” she sobbed. “You came back.”
He pulled away and grabbed her chin, pulling her face up to his to kiss her salty, tear-stained lips. “No,” he corrected. “I came home.”  
The End
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