#by which I mean the misogyny and transphobia and terrible Christianity
dark-siren · 1 year
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batfamfucker · 4 years
I have never understood the argument that trans people literally just living their lives and transitioning to become who they've always truly been is sexist. "It takes us back 100 years" NO IT FUCKING DOESN'T!!! TRANS PEOPLE MERELY FUCKING EXISTING DOES NOT ENDANGER FEMINISM!!! Stop making it about you. Women who were assigned male at birth are not fucking misogynistic for fucking transitioning and stating so is transphobic. You are not brave, you are not raising awareness of a 'terrible issue', and you are not a true feminist if you agree with JKR on any of this. JKR is not a hero, she is not some God send who's 'finally standing up for women during this misogyny', she is a transpbobe who is being protected by bigots, wealth, and childhood nostalgia because some people don't want to believe that the books they grew up reading were written by someone with a moral compass made of such cheap fucking plastic it could break with even the slightest of insecurity.
The term "People who menstrate" is not sexist, it is not taking anything away from cis women, it's just inclusive to trans men and non-binary people. Stop saying shit like 'if you menstrate you're a WOMAN' or 'only women menstrate' because, not only is that trans erasure, but it proves that you do not believe trans men to be real men, or trans women to be real women, or even some fucking cis women to be real women because guess fucking what!!! Some cis women don't menstrate!!! For a variety of reasons!!! That doesn't fucking mean they ain't women though does it???
Stop hiding behind fake feminism to support your transphobia the way that fake 'Christians' hide behind religion to support racism, homophobia, etc. That trick is getting old.
Feminism was created to allow women to be equal to men, but, like every movement, it had evolved and adapted to become more inclusive due to the needs within society through different time periods. Modern feminism is not just about women being equal, it's about everyone being equal and no one being discriminated against due to gender inequality, that includes women, non binary folk, and men. And before some of you @ me by saying men are not oppressed, I understand they have significant privilege, but can you look me in the eye and tell me that men don't also have unrealistic standards placed on them, that toxic masculinity is not a thing, and that society does not expect things from men that are unfair and unjust just because they are men? Hell, me even having to make a post about this issue proves my point because ya'll won't even keep your mind open for two fucking seconds to realise that trans men are real men, and having gender neutral terms for menstruation is vital to ensure that they feel safe and accepted within our society, it is not women erasure to support trans people, but claiming it is is fake feminism.
And if you're so opposed to fighting for men too, as this suggests you may be, then go ahead and fight for just women. But if you're going to do that, fight for ALL women. INCLUDING trans women. Not just white, cis, straight women. If you clearly care about all women, as you claim to from the glass pedestal you've put yourself on, show it by actually fucking supporting ALL women. That means trans women, that means queer women, that means women of colour, and women who have other religions beliefs than your own. I better see you supporting black lives matter and black women, I better see you standing up against the dangerous stereotypes that Muslim women face, I better see you fighting against homophobic dealth penalties in countries where being gay is still illegal and punishable by death for queer women, ect. Fight for these women the way they have fought for you, for the way trans women have fought for you, even as you still fight against them. We're on the same side so why the fuck are you fighting them? You've got the wrong target.
If you want equality, then fucking prove it by fighting for equality for all women, not just equality for you. Because let's be honest, you don't actually care about people's rights unless they're your own, that's what this is really about.
So to JKR, and anyone who 'stands with JKR', with all due respect, of which you are due none, fuck off. Just fuck off. Take your 'subtle' transphobia and your fake ass 'feminism' and keep it away from me. Stop making this about you, I know some of you are bored during quarantine but you can't seriously be desperate enough to start the pettiest beef for even an ounce of the putiful attention you crave. Grow the fuck up, mind your own business, and stop dragging trans people when you have literally nothing to do with their lives, because, shockingly, their lives do not revolve around you. Find something actually meaningful to do with your life, travel the world, follow your dream career, maybe even write a book. Or, maybe, don't, because if you're supprting JKR, I can only imagine how it'd turn out. Don't want to let another generation of kids down when they realise the author's a terf now, do we?
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fatui-harbingers · 5 years
You’re family sounds horrible. Is there nobody in your family that’s good? Not even remotely? Not even with good intentions? I mean there has to be someone in your family (besides you and your sister that you’ve mentioned in your posts) that’s good!
I'm sorry, I just saw this!
My cousin is pretty good, she's just still figuring things out n all that bc she's 14. I can't really say anything about her two brothers bc they're too young for me to really get to know them like I want to. My mom was really great too but that's about it tbh.
We're a pretty dysfunctional family bc we're all control freaks and then there's the generational differences and politics. The politics are the biggest issue for me personally bc they're really hateful. Like my grandmother literally called trans women freaks! And she still calls gay men the f word! So you can see why they're so terrible to me lol. They're super hateful to people that aren't like them and bc of their racism, homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny, they vote for people like Donald Trump (I seriously shudder every time I type that lol).
I would love to be able to have a real conversation about these things with them but they're not willing to listen so I've just about given up. Bc I mean, I don't like that I dislike my family so much but the things they say and support I just can't. Add all the controlling and toxic behavior to the mix and it's nearly unbearable.
My mom's oldest cousin I thought was good for a while and while he does accept me as I am and seems to love me more than the others, I found out he was a Trump supporter, and I just can't deal with that. Especially now that Trump is seeming rather delusional lately and going as far as claiming he's the chosen one! People say you shouldn't let politics get in the way of your relationships but I'm not sacrificing my morals to have closer relationships to blood family. If they're disgusted by poc, immigrants, lgbt+ people (which I am but they haven't picked up on that yet), and non-Christians (which I also am) then that's a no go for me. (it's funny bc they tell me to have an open mind when trying to convince me to go to church!)
Not to rant on about my blood family again lol.
It's okay really bc I will leave and make a new family wherever I move to. Imo love is what makes a family a family and not blood bc blood family can be super horrible! Especially when their love is conditional. So, the close friends I’ll have in the future will be my chosen family bc I ain't about to give my unconditional love and loyalty to people that don't give that same love and loyalty.
So I guess the short answer is my cousin and my mom are/were the only good family members.
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