rarebuzzships · 3 years
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               Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a buzfeed creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating Valentine’s Day, from February 14 to 28, 2021!
Create something Valentine or romance-themed (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for any watcher/try/buzfeed/buzfeed adjacent rarepair (including polyships). Mention @rarebuzzships​ in it (IMPORTANT) and use the #rarebuzzvalentine, which i’ll be tracking. You can also DM me your post to make sure I see it because tumblr tends to be wonky. Also add your fics to our Ao3 collection!
All creations will be reblogged and added to a round-up post.
Everyone who joins will earn a custom moodboard based on one of their fills
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration.
Why not also make this a Femslash February fill with this Femslash February Prompt list?
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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poiregourmande · 3 years
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Title: sitting by the seaside (drinking up the sunshine)
Author: poiregourmande
Pairings: Ryan/Shane/Steven
Rating: T
Words: 896
Synopsis: it's not easy to get steven to take a vacation, but when he agrees, he's all in for three weeks in greece with his boyfriends
written for for mory for the steshyan island drabble exchange!
 ‘Tis not an easy task, convincing Steven Lim to take time off work in general. It’s even harder to convince him to leave for three weeks,      with     Ryan and Shane.
 The idea of leaving the company without its three founders for any amount of time is, understandably, very stress-inducing to him.
 He only agrees because it’s their first anniversary as a triad — and even then, he insists on shooting way more stuff in advance than they needed for three weeks.
[Keep Reading on Ao3]
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shyanlibrary · 4 years
Let’s talk reading fics.
Do you guys kudo all things you read or do you have a system to decide what gets kudos and what no? 
Do you often also comment or not, and what do you find yourself motivating you more to comment (or not) on a fic?
Finally, because I’ve seen very different uses of this, for what do you use bookmarks on AO3? The site has its own way to give you a list of stuff you want to read later, which within all the other options on top the fic as Mark For Later (you can view your MFL list by clicking on My History on your dashboard), but many use Bookmarks to archive what they want to read next. What do you use them for?
I’ll reblog my answers at @wetookanoath!
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bumblebeetlejuice · 4 years
Beetlelands human/college au
slight nsfw
“Don’t say shit!” The unholy screech echoed through the library, disturbing the other students there.
Adam was standing over his partners, hands raised in a nonthreatening gesture. Barbra couldn’t help snickering, but she didn’t turn away from the monitor. Beetlejuice, on the other hand was full on glaring. The open word document on his computer was still impressively blank.
“If you say a single goddamn told you so, I’m going to crush your sexy twink throat with my thighs!”
“Alright! Alright! I came to support you not to antagonize you!” Adam reminded as lovingly as he could. Quickly he pressed a kiss to Beetlejuice’s forehead before he could be swatted at.
“Shut the fuck up.” He dramatically spun back to the screen.
Even though Beetlejuice put on an expression of indifference, it was true. He had practically begged Adam and Barbra to spend the night in the library with him. Out of his five classes there was only one he wasn’t failing and that was World History. Beetlejuice had somehow maintained a solid seventy all semester which meant this last essay was the only thing between him failing or passing.
It didn’t matter that much to Beetlejuice. Since third grade there wasn’t a single class he hadn’t had to repeat or at least take summer classes for.
But Adam and Barbra were taking American History next semester. If he passed, that meant they could all sign up for the same course.
They’d be forced to spend an entire hour with him!
And he could copy their homework!
Finally the tapping on his shoulder broke through his thoughts. Beetlejuice spun to face Barbra.
“It’s almost 7, BJ. Start on your rough draft.” Even though it was a command, Barbra made it sound like the gentlest of suggestions.
“Fiiiiine.” His eyes moved back to the screen. He could see Adam’s reflection. The brunette had settled in a chair behind them, typing something on his tablet.
Beetlejuice scrubbed a hand through his crunchy hair. Green flakes rained down in front of his vision.
What the fuck was he supposed to be writing about anyways? He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been to that stupid class. October had been a blur of frat parties and drug experimentation. November had been a blur of seasonal depression and long cocaine binges.
God he could really go for a hit of something right now.
Beetlejuice looked over at Barbra. She probably had some weed in her bag somewhere. Then again, she actually knew how to balance her school and party life. She was the type to get high then come to the library, not bring a joint inside.
“What? I’m thinking!”
Barbra tilted her head, “Looks like you’re not thinking about the right thing.”
“I didn’t give you consent to read my mind, babe. You guys are always riding my ass about this kind of stuff so what’s with the double standard, huh?”
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“Here.” Adam had stood up. He leaned over BJ to get to the mouse and keyboard.
Beetlejuice ended up with his neck sandwiched between Adam’s arms. The top of his head was brushing against Adam’s chin.
“Let’s start with the heading.”
“Mm actually Adam, while you’re at it, why don’t you type the essay and I’ll proofread it.”
“Afraid I can’t do that, love. I’m here to help, not to do it for you.”
“But you’d be helping by doing it for me-” BJ whined, “Don't put that! My name’s Beetlejuice!”
Adam corrected what he had typed, without arguing, “Okay now what’s this essay about? I can help you with the outline.”
“Good question.” Beetlejuice casually rubbed a hand over Adam's, interlacing their fingers.
“Do you have notes or anything?”
“I’ve got a few notes. I can’t hit the high ones too well anymore on account of my balls dropping.”
Adam took that as a no. He clicked open a different tab, scrolling through BJ's folio account. Eventually he found a link for the essay requirements. It was pretty tame as far as college essays went. Three hundred words over any of the topics listed below. AP format. The works cited page even counted toward the three hundred.
“Alright, so which of these topics do you know the most about?” Adam asked highlighting the list.
Beetlejuice chewed the red nail polish off his ring finger as he forced his eyes to focus on the words.
Blah, blah, blah, empire, blah, blah, blah, crusade, blah, blah, blah, civilization.
Using the hand not in his mouth, Beetlejuice poked a random topic on the screen.
“The Byzantine Empire?”
“Alrighty! That was an interesting period of time, especially architecturally.”
Of course Adam knew a lot about boring history stuff. That sexy nerd was majoring in the most boring major there was: architecture.
“During thi-"
“You guys hungry? I’m starving!”
He could see Barbra raise a brow out of the corner of his eye. The two of them had already stopped to get food before they got here. Barbra had insisted, since she knew how hard it was to get things done on an empty stomach.
“Don’t give me that look, babe. You know I’m a fucking fatass.”
Her expression shifted, “You’re beautiful, sweetie.”
She pulled a dollar from her pocket, “Here. Go get something from the vending machine.”
Adam moved back as Beetlejuice snatched up the dollar.
“Hold up!” BJ grabbed his backpack and dug out a roll of masking tape.
The couple watched as he carefully taped one side of the dollar then carefully taped the other side. He’d seen it in a video once and was eager to try it.
Beetlejuice jumped up, zooming to the vending machines on the other side of the room.
If this worked he was going to clean out every vending machine on campus.
The dollar disappeared into the slot easily enough. Beetlejuice held on to the tape, waiting for the pulling to stop before he yanked the dollar back out.
A bag of m&ms edged forward before dropping into the slot.
“Fuck yeah!” Beetlejuice yelled.
At least thirteen people glared at him. That didn’t stop him from cramming the dollar back in.
Beetlejuice managed to snag two bags of m&ms and a honey bun. He was waiting for a bag of doritos to fall, when the bag stopped.
“What the fuck? Hello?” He banged on the machine once.
The chips were stuck.
Beetlejuice let his other snacks fall to the carpet. He shoved the dollar in his coat pocket before winding up and kicking the machine. The resulting sound was loud but the chips didn’t budge.
Fine. He could do this the hard way.
He took a small running start, then slammed his shoulder into the machine.
He backed up and did it again.
Someone might have been saying his name, but they’d have to wait.
He slammed into it again.
Suddenly Adam and Barbra were standing in front of him, looking equally concerned.
“Beetlejuice!” Barbra snapped.
“Huh? What!”
“What the heck are you doing?” Adam joined in.
“Chips got stuck. Now move.”
“BJ, sweetie, don’t worry about the chips. We can get someone to open it later.”
“Yeah, look at the snacks you’ve already got.” He hadn’t seen Adam pick up them up, but there they were in his hands.
Barbra wrapped an arm around Beetlejuice’s back, steering him back to the computers, “Come on. If you break another vending machine I don’t think they’ll let you off with another warning.”
“It’s bullshit anyway. We already pay to go here! Why do we also have to pay for food and parking and stupid books we don’t even use!” He was accidentally yelling.
Barbra pressed a kiss to his cheek. Her and Adam managed to wedge him into a chair between their chairs, with a hand on each of his arms.
“We know, BB,” Adam practically purred, “You can’t keep picking fights with vending machines though. We don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I’m…” It was hard to argue when they ganged up on him with their special brand of gentle affection. Beetlejuice practically melted, “…Fine. Whatever.”
They stayed like that for a little while until Beetlejuice’s attention shifted back to the food. He dug into the honey bun while Barbra asked for critique on her own paper. It was for some literature class and wasn’t due until the next night.
From what Beetlejuice heard as she read aloud, it sounded pretty good. Adam gave suggestions on some sentence structures. Beetlejuice suggested she add stuff about reverse cowgirls.
She put on the final touches, submitted it then turned back around expectantly.
“So, BJ.”
He spit the bit of m&m wrapper he’d been chewing onto the floor, “So Barbra.”
“What time is your paper due?”
“…7AM. I got an extension because I’m stupid.”
“You are not stupid.��� The couple spoke in perfect unison.
Beetlejuice waved them off dismissively. It was already 8:57… somehow.
Whatever. He still had like twenty hours.
“Now that I’m finished, we can all focus on getting your paper done!” Barbra chirped.
“Yeah!” Adam pulled BJ and himself back over to the computer, “I was going to suggest writing about the architectural aspects of course, since I could really help you there, but you’re probably not interested in that.”
Beetlejuice bit off another piece of wrapper, chewing on it thoughtfully.
“What about the fall of the empire?” Barbra suggested, “You love dissecting weak societal structures.”
That was true.
Beetlejuice nodded.
“Okay this is good.” Adam excitedly began typing, “You’ll have an intro, three paragraphs then a conclusion. Your intro can explain the inner workings of the empire…”
Beetlejuice looked back over at the vending machine. His poor chips were still in there, just waiting for someone to free them. Someone, meaning Beetlejuice. If anyone else tried to take those doritos he was going to break their fucking shins. That was a promise.
“Beetlejuice, we pulled up a few links that talk about the fall of the Byzantine empire. All you have to do is sort through the information and use it to support your topic.” Adam explained.
Beetlejuice blinked, “That doesn’t sound difficult to do at all.”
“Of course not. It’ll be fun!” Barbra smiled.
BJ moved the mouse around the screen, clicking through the links they had pulled up. So many words. So much reading. He was getting tired just thinking about reading.
One of the links was a video. Beetlejuice immediately went for that one.
“This is one of my favorite educational channels,” Barbra informed, “It’s certified as academic content and they really get right to the point.”
Beetlejuice checked the video length, “Fifteen minutes! How the fuck do you get right to the point in fifteen minutes?”
“I’m sure it’s possible.” Adam pushed a notebook and pen into BJ's hands, “I want you to write down anything interesting you hear in the video.”
Beetlejuice groaned loudly, “Can we take a break?”
He expected them to say no and call him lazy since he literally hadn’t done anything yet.
“Yup. We can take a break after the video.” Barbra said instead.
That was… fine. A fifteen minute video then a fifteen minute break. Beetlejuice gnawed on the end of his pen as the video began. Vaguely, he realized he had swallowed the wrapper piece.
Adam and Barbra took turns hitting pause whenever they noticed the scratching of pen on paper. They even made the video interesting by making jokes about people in ancient Rome.
By the time it was over, Beetlejuice had accumulated an entire page and a half of semi usable notes. His handwriting was barely legible, but if he stared long enough he’d probably figure it out.
“Break time!” The notebook and pen landed messily on the floor as he jumped to his feet, “You guys wanna make out on the staircase?”
Barbra smirked sideways at a blushing Adam, “We'd get in a lot of trouble if we got caught.”
“Who gives a shit!”
Obviously Barbra and Adam did. The goody two shoes. Even though they hadn’t admitted it, Beetlejuice knew they’d chosen to meet at the library because every time they did a dorm study night, no one could keep their hands to themselves.
Clearly they had underestimated his love for exhibitionism.
Beetlejuice pulled them both closer as he aggressively smushed a sloppy kiss to Adam’s lips. Adam only resisted a little, shoulders slumping.
He cut Barbra off by immediately turning and connecting his lips to hers'. It always caught her off guard when he was gentle. She gasped lovely and perfectly into his mouth.
“Beetlejuice Shoggoth.” Adam snapped, pulling him from Barbra.
Apparently he had underestimated Adam’s goody two shoe-ness.
“Getting in trouble for public… inappropriateness does not look good on a permanent record!” He hissed.
Beetlejuice rolled his eyes, plucking himself down onto Barbra’s lap, “God Adam calm down. Why you gotta be so sexy.”
Barbra stroked his back while she giggled. She was still a bit dazed from the kiss, “We can have all the fun we want when we get back home.”
“Can we go now?”
Adam shook his head, “I’m setting the break time for ten minutes. That’s not really enough time to walk there and back.”
“We don’t even need to go back to someone’s room! There’s a unisex bathroom right there!”
“Absolutely not!” Adam’s face was a delicious shade of cherry red.
“Beetlejuice, darling, Adam said no.” Barbra stepped in, pressing her face into Beetlejuice’s shoulder.
“Baaaaaabs!” He whined, leaning into her.
“Don't babs me! How about you and I go for a little walk, clear your head, then we can knock out this essay?”
Beetlejuice had already forgotten about the essay. The reminder almost completely extinguished his mood.
“Yeah… okay. Adam, make sure no one steals our shit.”
Adam nodded, face still very red.
Beetlejuice stood up, clutching Barbra’s hand.
He didn’t spend a lot of time in the library. The last time he’d been there, he’d been stoned to the point that his roommate had had to give him a piggyback ride home. The time before that him and Barbra had taken a nap on the floor of the satanic cult book section. They’d been pretty hungover that day.
“Did you know there’s four floors?” Barbra asked as she led him to the staircase.
“Me and the library don’t really hang.” He mumbled back.
Barbra went on as if she hadn't heard.
“My lab partner told me that the fourth floor is haunted! Apparently there was some sort of smoke problem and a few people didn’t make it out. She said that’s why no one uses the fourth floor.”
“You know what?”
“That sounds like the perfect place to make out.”
Barbra gave him an absolutely filthy grin, “Six minutes. I don’t want Adam to worry.”
Beetlejuice hurried his ascent of the stairs, eagerly pulling Barbra with him, “Six minutes is all I need!”
It was weirdly empty on the fourth floor, not that either of them was really paying attention.
They bee lined for one of the walls not lined with windows and Barbra was immediately on top of him.
They may have gotten a little carried away.
Beetlejuice blamed Barbra. She was fucking hot when she dropped the polite exterior and took what she wanted.
So fucking hot.
Really fucking hot.
Maybe too hot.
Beetlejuice stuffed his underwear in the bathroom trashcan.
He rarely went commando in a suit. The general sweatiness and chaffing made it a little uncomfortable, but today he would take it instead of the other option.
Beetlejuice rejoined Barbra at the top of the stairs. She looked a little embarrassed.
“I’m sorry.” She said quietly as they descended.
“Babe. Baby girl. Babs. I would do it again in a heart beat.” He gripped her hand.
It was a lot easier to think now, he had to give her that.
Adam looked surprised to see them, when they got back to their corner. “Wow. You guys were almost on time. Ready to get back into it, Beetlejuice?” Coming from anyone else it would’ve sounded sarcastic and patronizing, but from Adam it was genuine.
“No, but let’s do it anyway!” BJ snapped with fake enthusiasm, “Byzantine empire and how it fell, huh.”
Like the way vending machines sometimes fell and crushed people. That was one of the many Die-o-ramas from that old Crash Bandicoot game. What was the name of it? Whumpa racing? The villain was that ugly whumpa guy, but there was also that green guy with a German accent that was probably an offensive German stereotype. What was the name of that game? Beetlejuice used to play it at his cousin’s house all the time. Lydia only played it sometimes. Her skills mostly lay in backseat gaming. Was it a one player game? He definitely remembered playing it with her, but he also remembered Crash being the only playable character. That was probably in adventure mode. God that game was great. Next time he was back in his home town he’d have to play it again. What was the name of that game though?
“Nitro…? Nitro racing?”
Beetlejuice realized he’d been muttering bits of his thought process out loud. Barbra and Adam were staring at him blankly.
Fuck it.
He pulled up a search engine and attempted to spell Bandicoot.
“Should we…?”
“Let’s let him find it, or else it’ll bother him for the rest of the night.”
Adam knew him very well.
Beetlejuice spent the next few minutes typing and scrolling and retyping while Adam and Barbra did their own things on their phones.
There was a reason the seats around them were empty.
“What a stupid fucking name! How’d they go from Twin-sanity to Tag Team Racing?”
“The 2000’s were a simpler time.” Barbra shrugged.
“The only reason Crash died is because he jumped on top of that shit. RIP to Crash, but I’m different.”
“What?” Adam closed the tab, “Wait, no, never mind. BJ, you need to get back to your essay.”
Beetlejuice huffed. It was only…
He looked at the clock. It was already past ten.
“Holy shit! It’s almost midnight! I thought you guys were gonna fucking help me!”
“Wait, no. I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry. Sometimes I lash out at others when I’m really just disappointed in myself… and by sometimes I mean always.”
“It’s okay, Bee.” Barbra rubbed his back comfortingly.
Adam picked up the abandoned notebook, “Yeah we know school's tough, but you did come to us for help. Acknowledging your problem and accepting help is the first step to improving.”
“Didn’t know this was an AA meeting.”
Adam couldn’t help but smile, “Okay. How about you type up these notes then we can start incorporating the rest of the sources into the body.”
Beetlejuice nodded. Typing in Microsoft word was baby work.
It didn’t take him long to do at all.
All he had to do now was read a bunch of stuff and type three hundred words.
“You finished the notes?” Barbra asked.
“Yeah.” Beetlejuice picked up the pen, clicking it idly.
“Alright so, what I would do is read through some articles and find parts that explain your topic. You can copy and paste them into the word document then we’ll go back in and rewrite a lot of it.” Barbra stared into his eyes as she spoke, ensuring he was listening.
“Find parts, copy and paste. Got it.”
Beetlejuice returned to the internet tabs. All of the articles had looked boring when he first flipped through them so, he picked one randomly. It was a lot of words in tiny font. He sighed, settling his chin in his non occupied hand as he began mentally scanning the page. Every time he began reading a sentence, his eyes would bounce to the bottom of the page and he’d lose his place.
“Would it be easier to read aloud?” Barbra more suggested than asked.
Beetlejuice glanced around at the steadily emptying library. If he spoke at the volume of an average person, only Adam and Barbra would hear him.
He pulled his eyes back to the screen.
“In three-thirty A.D the Byzantine empire was it’s title- dubbed it’s title by empire Con… Con- Constant? Constant. I?” He squinted at the words, “What the fuck.”
“Emperor Constatine the first.” Barbra supplied.
“Yeah. That…. He it- wait, fuck. He declared it New Rome on an Ancient…” Beetlejuice lost his place for a moment.
Refusing to submit to dragging his finger across the screen and forgetting the highlight feature of the mouse, he took a good minute to find his place.
“Ancient Greek colony.” Beetlejuice hated fucking reading. It took him so long to read that one sentence.
He blinked and scrubbed at his tired eyes.
“You’re doing great, bug!” Adam chirped, rubbing his back.
Beetlejuice wanted to call out Adam for lying, but he couldn’t. The compliment and acknowledgement of how hard he was trying, felt good.
He gave his eyes one last hard rub, before resettling in his seat.
This was going to be a long ass night, but at least he knew Barbra and Adam would be there to help him through it.
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mysterywheeze · 5 years
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made this after being inspired by @beaniegara​‘s tags. 
The footage from Shane's solo sessions always struck a balance between insufferable and charming. By this point, Shane had already gotten some decent results from the flashlights, and that skeptical son of a bitch just kept taunting the local ghouls, same as usual. It was - for Ryan, at least, as he went through the footage looking for anything noteworthy - so very, very annoying, and so very, very hilarious. Like watching a man host a comedy roast of a bear. While standing five feet from said bear.
"Demon," said the Shane on the screen, "now's your opportunity to enter my soul."
Typical Shane. Always playing chicken with the devil.
"We'll put fifteen seconds on the clock here, and... here we go."
Then he pulled what can only be described as A Shane™. 
With all the grace of a wet dog shaking itself dry, Shane pretended to be possessed by a demon. At least, that's what Ryan assumed he was doing, because Shane had picked the goofiest possible way to act a demonic possession out. He shook his head in all directions and made noises to boot, like he was trying to do a Richard Nixon impression while simultaneously being drunk and high unable to make himself stop. He seemed to be trying to roll his eyes back into his skull. He might have succeeded for a brief moment - not that Ryan would know, since his own eyes were half-shut with laughter and couldn’t focus on the screen. You couldn't even say he was breathing anymore; it was all wheeze. After just a few seconds, he had to pause it.
He barely even reacted when he saw Shane out the corner of his eye, coming back to the desk with a coffee. All he did was take his headphones off to hear whatever quips Shane had up his sleeve today. The wheezing would not let up.
"What's so funny?" asked Shane. "You find a spooky little ghost comedian in there somewhere?"
"No," Ryan wheezed out, "it's just- ah, you being an idiot."
"Hmm. That is a favorite hobby of mine."
"I just-" he spoke more clearly now - "why do you represent demonic possession like... were you possessed by the spirit of Tricky Dick?"
Shane didn't have a quip prepared for that. He seemed confused, actually.
"Was I what? You mean that Tricky Dick? Ryan, if a dead president took over my body, I think that, as your good friend, I'd tell you." He grasped at his heart. “You wound me, Ryan.”
"Didn't you say you'd delete footage of ghosts if you found it before I did?"
"Well, yeah, but they would've been bar ghosts. A president, though? A president’s a big deal."
"River Phoenix was a big deal."
"Yeah but, I mean- shut up. Why are you even asking, what little clip of garbled static are you hearing Nixon’s voice come out of? Is the spirit box getting political now?"
"C'mon, man. It's this bit."
Ryan took the headphones out of their jack and pressed play. The clip of Shane's little gag played out for both of them, and Ryan went right back to wheezing. This time, he could soften the blow by averting his eyes to Shane, to see that smug-ass grin he got when Ryan reminded him of past shenanigans.
Except that Shane wasn't smiling.
He stared at the screen, blank-faced. His brows started to furrow, before whispering:
"What the fuck?"
"What?" Ryan paused the clip. Shane's expression didn't change.
"What the fuck is that?"
"Shane, I swear, if this is another bit-”
"Shut up." Shane's tone broke the air like a blunt instrument. "I'm not kidding, Ryan, what is that?"
"It's your bit. Your ‘being-possessed-by-a-demon’ bit. Are you... are you okay, man?"
Ryan thought he saw the blood draining from Shane’s face. 
"I didn't do that. I don't remember doing that at all."
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sequencefairy · 5 years
“I’m Ryan,” Ryan says, into the quiet. “This is Shane. We’d like to make contact with anyone still here and able to speak.”
Across the table, Shane shifts. “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” he sing-songs. Ryan can’t help the way his mouth curves into a grin.
“I’m gonna open the floor,” Ryan says, after another moment of silence. “So, if anyone’s here who has something to say, now’s the time.”
“Yeah,” Shane agrees, “speak now or forever hold your peace.” Ryan kicks him under the table, but Shane chuckles, unrepentant.
Happy Hallowe'en, boils and ghouls!
As stated, I had several desires for S6, and several of those did not materialize, so I thought I should write a fic where they happened because what is fanfic if not personal wish fulfillment? And then I remembered it was gonna be Hallowe'en, so I decided to make it spooky and this is what we ended up with.
Thanks to @perfectlyrose for the beta, and to my Thirsty Witches for the original impetus.
I hope your spooky season is a delight, dear friends.
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ao3feed-kelra · 5 years
You'll Kiss A Short Funny Lady
by poetdameron
Kelsey, Sara and all the kisses she have shared. Or, an Anthology of Kisses.
Number one: The morning after they get together, Kelsey wakes up a brand new world.
Words: 441, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Buzzfeed As/Is, BuzzFeed Multiplayer - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kelsey Impicciche, Sara Rubin
Relationships: Kelsey Impicciche/Sara Rubin
Additional Tags: Athology, Kisses, Fluff, non-linear chapters, Established Relationship
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/20405452
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fratboyryan-blog · 5 years
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hi everyone! i’m a full time student who also works to support myself, but recently bills have been piling up and my job (bartending, which requires late nights and a lot of physical labour) is taking its toll on me both physically and mentally. i love writing fics but i don’t always have the time/energy to write them because of financial concerns nowadays! 
so, i am opening fic commissions! if you want to support me and get a fic of your own in return, please consider commissioning me! my rate is 6 GBP per 1000 words, aka for 6 pounds you’ll get a fic that’s about 900-1100 words, for 12 you’ll get something about 2900-2100, for 15 you’ll get something that’s between 2400-2600, etc. 
i usually write buzzfic and examples of my work are on my ao3, but i’m happy to write in other fandoms including anime, harry potter, the adventure z*ne, etc. i love writing smut, angst, fluff, pretty much anything, although i reserve the right to turn down any commission requests i don’t feel comfortable with. this includes: rape or other dubcon situations, ddlg or any kind of age regression situation, pregnancy fics or anything with young children, and other thematic elements i feel are otherwise bigoted. 
if you’d like to commission me or would just like to support my work, my ko-fi is here. please like and reblog this post to help me out! thank you!
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“You’re sad. I feel like I’m watching a schoolboy with a crush, but also the weird guy that loiters around the playground, together as one single pathetic entity.”
Shane has a crush. Sara wants in on it.
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seasonalwitchcraft · 6 years
The Loudest Ideas Come During the Quietest of Days
AN: uh hi! i haven’t a fic (especially one this long) in a long while, so forgive me if the writing is poor or the pacing is bad! but i do hope you enjoy it! i had some inspiration from playing night in the woods and listening to artists such as dodie, cavetown, and chloe moriondo
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: It’s a slow, rainy, summer day, and Adam finds Annie struggling to finish a song she’s been writing. He tries to see if he can help her.
There was nothing quite like an extremely humid rainy day. The rain seemed to fluctuate between broken sink faucet and complete torrential downpour. But Adam didn’t exactly mind, or at least, not when he’s sat in Steven’s air conditioned living room. Here, the air was cool and refreshing. Anywhere else and it’d feel like a thick fog has completely filled up the space. He couldn’t understand how anyone could stand being in such a space for a long period of time. Steven knew the day was gonna be a slow one so he’d invited all of his friends into his abode just so if they were bored, then they could be bored together. Which was actually nice for a while until everyone started going past the limit of how much “being bored together” they could handle. Steven offered to go out and buy some snacks and some games to entertain the others and Andrew decided to tag along, leaving Adam and Annie alone in the house. After a good half hour of idle chit-chat, they both decided to just roam around. Steven didn’t really mind, as long as nothing was spilled on anything.
It had been probably an hour since Annie had left to roam. How big was Steven’s place anyway? Definitely not big enough to walk around for an hour. Adam thought it’d be best if he went to go check on her, which took no time at all. She couldn’t have been in Steven’s room. Yeah, they’re practically siblings but that’d be kind of weird if she had just been chilling there all by herself. She hadn’t been in the bathroom, either. The door had been left open. The only other place Adam could possibly check was Steven’s basement garage. It was a pretty huge space, even when the car was in it. With the remaining space, Steven managed to deck it out with a couple of old couches that just barely held themselves up together and some other junk he’d thrown in to make the space look snazzy. But no matter how cool one basement garage can look, it’d still be relatively more humid than the other rooms in the house. Gross.
Going down the stairs, Adam realized there was noise coming from the basement. More than just rain. No, not noise. Music? He couldn’t really tell, but it was definitely more melodic than gallons of water bulleting themselves into the ground from the sky. Adam stopped to listen. Indistinguishable melodies. Silence. More melodies. More silence. Frustrated sigh. Okay, yep, that’s definitely Annie. Adam quietly slipped into the room, as to not disturb what was going on. Not to say Adam was shocked, but he was greeted with an interesting surprise. There, Annie sat on one of the arms of the couches, holding an acoustic guitar and singing a song Adam had never heard before. His curiosity had instantly peaked as he stood there, just silently listening and admiring the never before seen talent. How long has she known how to play? Where did she learn how to sing? Does she know how to play other instruments too? The thoughts were cut off when Annie abruptly stopped her song with another frustrated sigh. As she stood from her seat, about to put down the guitar, Adam caught her attention.
“Wait, what were you playing?” Annie almost dropped the guitar in shock, not realizing Adam had been there.
“Oh jeez, uh, hey.” She said, lowering the guitar as to not damage it. “It was uh, just something I wrote. Or at least trying to write.” Adam walked over to her, glancing at the guitar.
“This’s Steven’s?” He asked, picking it up. It was pretty old, but in the most charming way. Patches in the wood were discolored and the strings looked frayed at the top, as if they’ve broken and been replaced dozens of times.
“I think Ryan lent it to him? Gave it to him? Not really sure,” Adam looked at Annie. Her face was flushed and he couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed or if it was from the thick humidity in the room. “Do you play?” Adam shook his head.
“Guitar? No, not really. Andrew tried teaching me once but got pretty frustrated,” Adam chuckled, remembering how frustrated Andrew’d gotten at his poor skills. “You’d think for someone who played drums, it’d be easier to learn a second instrument.” Annie didn’t say anything. She just watched as Adam examined the guitar. Then, she had an idea.
“How about I teach you?” Adam looked at her. She had that look on her face that meant she was determined to go through with what she just said. “I promise I won’t be as hard on you as Andrew was.”
And she wasn’t. Instead of trying to cram everything into one go like Andrew had done, Annie decided to teach Adam little by little. In no time, Adam could play A, D, and E chords and can, albeit poorly, play Elvis Presley’s Hound Dog.
“See?” Annie said, beaming at Adam. “Am I a better teacher than Andrew or what?” Adam chuckled, passing her the worn guitar.
“Maybe it is pretty easy to learn a second instrument. You make it easy.” He smiled. Annie felt her face heat up and if anyone were to ask, it was definitely just from the humidity. He looked at her and Annie almost turned away if Adam hadn’t had the same flush on his face. “So…what exactly was that song you were writing earlier?” Annie sighed. To Adam, it was a sigh of frustration again. To Annie, it was a sigh of relief, Adam hadn’t caught her blushing.
“I’ve been trying to work on it all summer,” She rested the guitar in her lap, considering whether or not to try again. “I thought a day like today would help me out but, ugh, I don’t know…” Adam nodded, he’s known this type of creative block before. He’s seen it in Steven and Andrew, and himself too.
“Would it be alright if you played some for me? Maybe I could help?” Annie almost seemed to hesitate but nodded in agreement, taking the instrument into her hands.
A slow, steady tune. Not like the type you’d hear in heartbroken ballads, but a very relaxing melody. Pretty much a slow, rainy day compacted into a little tune. Lyrics about childhood and whimsy. Carefree attitudes and optimism. It was a sweet song, one that sounded like she had put her own experiences into it. A personal song, but not in the negative way. A song that celebrates youth? Or being lively and carefree? The song seemed to be complete, until Annie gradually comes to a stop.
“It’s the bridge.” She says, quieting the guitar strings. “I have the chords for it, but I don’t have words.” Adam stops to evaluate the song. Brows furrowed, he hums the tune of the bridge again, just to have it in his head.
“Well,” he starts, after some thought. “So far, the song is about a childhood and all of the liveliness that came from it. How about in the bridge, the lyrics can be about when it ended. Or why it ended. The lyrics you have so far are all positive, I think if you add something a little more low, it’ll give the chorus more of a meaning.” Annie paused. Adam couldn’t tell if his idea had struck a nerve or was just a bunch of BS coming out of his mouth. But before he could worry any longer, Steven and Andrew come from around the corner and park in the garage.
“Hey!” Steven says, coming from his seat. “I see you two have been using the Bergara guitar-a!” Annie rolls her eyes and Andrew audibly groans.
“Sorry we took a while, Steven couldn’t make a decision on what chips he wanted.” Andrew said, grabbing the bags from the back. “But we bought Clue! And some knockoff Cards Against Humanity that Steven said looked cool.”
As Steven and Andrew walked and argued up the stairs, Annie followed them, leaving the guitar on the old couch. She turned to face Adam, who had a vaguely confused look, probably wondering if she’d finish the song, or if he had actually helped her in doing that. She just chuckled.
“C’mon, we’ve spent enough time with Bergara guitar-a.” Adam laughed along with her and followed suit.
The humidity finally let up, as well as the rain. Luckily for the group, the living room managed to stay cool even without the air conditioner. They’d played 2 round of each game and gone through about nearly 3 bags of different types of chips. Maybe they day had started out slow, but the end of it came pretty quickly. Before the others could get up to get their stuff set up to go, Annie stops them.
“Wait! Before we go, I have something to play for all of you.” As Annie runs down into the basement, Adam perked up. He didn’t see her sing or write anything down since they’d been down there, right before Steven and Andrew got back. Has she finished the song already? Steven and Andrew look at her quizzically as she comes back with the worn guitar.
“I’ve been writing a song for the past few weeks and I want everyone’s input on it. Adam helped me finish it today.” She gives him a fond, thankful look and he can’t help but feel his face flush, and this time, he can’t blame it on the humidity.
A slow, steady tune. Not like the type you’d hear in heartbroken ballads, but a very relaxing melody. Pretty much a slow, rainy day compacted into a little tune. Lyrics about childhood and whimsy. Carefree attitudes and optimism. A sweet song, one that sounded like she had put her own experiences into it. A personal song, but not in the negative way. A song that celebrates youth? Or being lively and carefree? And then, softer, softer. An ending, but not of the song. Of the optimism, replaced with stress. Whimsy replaced with fear. A stop. And then the chorus, but even stronger. A key change. The song completes itself as Annie gradually comes to a stop.
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rarebuzzships · 3 years
Trying to find a rare-pair Shane/Andrew fic. There is a work party that Shane declines an invite to and so does Andrew. They decide to go get a quiet drink instead, but they end up drinking at Andrew’s instead of a bar. They drink wine and listen to an opera record and basically speak in code about their respective unrequited crushes on their co-hosts. Andrew (who has been giving off very high class courtesan vibes) invites Shane to shower with him and they get intimate. Thanks for the help!
oh bless you for reminding me of this fic, it's simply incredible!
il n'a rien dit mais il me plaît | sessrumnir / @beaniegara | explicit | 5k | It's late, Shane is tired, and he wants a drink. Andrew happens to offer just that. A pleasant surprise, in many ways.
(and while i'm at it, psa that y'all can always ask if you want me to find a rare pair fic, i'm happy to provide a similar service to @skepticbeliever-bookclub)
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poiregourmande · 3 years
Tumblr media
Title: tire her out
Author: poiregourmande
Pairings: Katie/TJ
Rating: E
Words: 2061
Synopsis: Katie always walks out of those location Unsolved shoots feeling utterly exhausted but wired at the same time.
“I could tire you out,” TJ offers.
Katie loves her job, she really does — there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of everything clicking into place and running smoothly because she planned it so well. There’s nothing quite like the fun you can have on set with a team of like-minded people who have worked together for years.
And she knows how lucky she is that she gets to travel for work, don’t get her wrong.
It’s just that sometimes, Unsolved shoots — especially those in remote locations — can truly drive her nuts.
[Keep Reading on Ao3]
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twitteranti · 6 years
new fic i’m working on. i promise to actually keep updating this one
the choices we make 
Shane and Ryan find themselves in a world where much is the same, yet everything is different. An apartment that's theirs, but not theirs. Photos of them that were never taken. And most importantly a child, who's somehow theirs, yet they've never seen her before. or Shane and Ryan wake up in a world where they're married and have a baby. Lots of tooth-rotting fluff as is customary for kid fics.
words: 7056  (i have an additional 3k written already)
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bianchilnyckyj · 6 years
Fandom(s): Buzzfeed Worth It, Buzzfeed Unsolved
Relationships: Standrew, Adamnie, Shyan, Shara
Characters: Steven Lim, Andrew Ilnyckyj, Ryan Bergara, Shane Madej, Annie Jeong, Adam Bianchi
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Smut
Word Count: 2573
The year is 1914. Vampires are now on the rise. Precautions have been taken and Vampire Hunting businesses are being made. A popular Vampire Hunting Business receives an anonymous call about a rumor of a castle located in Ukraine. The rumor is of Ilnyckyj Castle, abandoned for the last 274 years, actually being run by 3 hostile Vampiric souls. The business calls upon it’s best Hunters, Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej, and their Rookie, Steven Lim, to deal with such a grand Hunting call. The 3 Hunters, after traveling to find Ilnyckyj Castle, hidden deep within the dense Ukrainian woods, finally come across a clearing which holds the grand residence. Though supposedly abandoned, the Hunters are indeed welcomed by 3 spirits, Lord Ilnyckyj, Annie Jeong, the Castle maid and midwife, and Adam Bianchi, the Castle Blacksmith. While things begin friendly and normal, the longer the 3 reside in the Castle to investigate, the more troubling things become and tensions start to rise. Shane appears to be the only one who remembers why they’re there in the first place. Where did the Castle’s rumors arise from? Why are these residents so detached from the world? The more Shane investigates, the worse things get for everyone else. 
chapter 1 now out on ao3!
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mysterywheeze · 5 years
Use of Deadly Force Authorized. 
6697 | M | Gen | Oneshot
Tags: Angst, Trauma, Gun Violence, Flashbacks, Injury, Death, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: In the early hours of September 20th, 2019, thousands of people gathered near Groom Lake, Nevada. Some came to protest, others for attention, and others still just to see how the event would turn out. Among them were two internet personalities hoping to promote their show.  That was a month ago. Ryan and Shane are still dealing with the wounds it left behind. 
A/N: I was inspired by all the memes floating around to write this little helping of angst. Do mind the tags. 
[AO3 Link]
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wetookanoath · 5 years
Meteorite | Shara Fic ~
Characters/Pairings: Shane/Sara, TJ. Past Sara/Ella, Shane/Ryan Rating: M Warnings: Alternate Universe - Time Loop, Aline Invasion, War. Implied/Mentioned Suicide and Death, never graphic or in scene. Word Count: 6,554 ~ Summary: Sara was 25 when she joined the fight, she was 27 when she gained the loop, and 28 when she met Shane. Shane was 32 when he gained the loop and met Sara 1,106 times in the same day. With her help, he could win the war. Edge Of Tomorrow AU.. Tagging: This fic was made for @madejsryan‘s birthday! Sorry it took so long. Also tagging @saraerubin, @ebonybow, @ryanxmadej, @rarebuzzships and @poiregourmande ~ A/N:  This work was a lot of fun, Edge Of Tomorrow is one of mine and Shane's favorite movies, so having the chance to work on this AU really was great. And as always, I really hope you guys enjoy it. It was also heavily inspired by a lot of the fanon in the EoT community online. It's been a while since I last interacted over there, but man. That's one talented fandom.
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