#buuuut I must... continue on....
meownotgood · 8 months
apologies for not being active... I might not be for a bit longer ... I am..... sick
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semisolidmind · 8 months
So... how would the scene play out with Azure helping MK, Mei, and reincarnated Peaches go? Would he take the opportunity to yoink Peaches with Sun Wukong and/or Macaque trapped in the scroll (if that even happens)?
Or if he successfully becomes Jade emperor would he let the power get to his head and hold Peaches captive?
These are just some scenarios that have crossed my mind, feel free to ignore!
ooooohoohoo skye i love your questions
we'll just go with modern twice as bad au, to keep this relatively simple. it takes place in the lmk timeline; wukong and macaque are big bad guys, mk was raised by wukong and looks naturally like his monkey self, reader in the current era is a reincarnation of the reader from the past who was killed whilst on the journey with her two demon husbands, said husbands have been intermittently causing trouble and flirting with her every chance they get. reader works at pigsys alongside mk as the cashier/other delivery person, and is friends with the gang.
so, i imagine this is happening after the final lbd fight, but in this au wukong and macaque are also big bads, so their helping to defeat her is more because mk asked than out of any sense of heroism. they're still very much evil, they insist, and after that little bout of heroism they go back to being the bastards everyone knows them as. buuuut just a bit more tolerant of mk's friends (mostly because reader has influenced them with kindness bit by bit up to this point, shoujo-protagonist-style).
wukong invites reader to come to the mountain with mk after his monster-of-the-week battle with the twin metal demons in order to "help them organize" all the junk the kid is bringing home. really, he just wanted to get reader to the mountain so he could see her again and tease her (maybe she inadvertently admitted to finding him attractive in a heated moment the last time they met, during the big battle. like, telling him to get his big dumb handsome head in the game or smth idk). macaque joins in on the teasing too, of course.
mk, ever oblivious to his caretakers blatantly flirting with his coworker, opens the memory scroll by mistake. it almost gets him, if not for macaque quickly grabbing him by the back of his shirt and tossing him out of the way. unfortunately, this means the six-eared demon is absorbed into the ink. mk turns to wukong for help, and is firmly told to take reader and run. wukong stops a strike from the ink entity before being absorbed as well. reader and mk call out for them, but run for their lives until they get beyond the scrolls reach.
they go back later with their friends, the gang excluding mei get absorbed, and they're saved by a lion demon who introduces himself as azure.
the newcomer pauses when he looks at reader, a strange, stricken look crossing his features, almost as if he recognizes her. he looks like he wants to say something...but the moment passes and he continues his introduction. the two teens insist on going to save their friends (kinda ignoring reader's concerned voice in the bg), and he eventually agrees to help them.
the monkey demon boy and dragon girl go into the scroll (with the same reckless excitement they display in every other aspect of their lives), leaving reader behind with an unfamiliar demon. the distrust must show on her face, because said demon maintains his distance with the promise that he means her no harm.
azure tries to reassure reader, and offers to answer the many questions he's sure she has.
azure would explain the story a bit more in depth to reader (spinning it in his favor, of course). he would tell her the truths the monkey demons are hesitant to say; how reader's previous incarnation was a captive wife to the so-called great sage and his general, how monstrous the two really were, just how much bloodshed and chaos they caused... even when in service of the great monk.
reader is stunned—but not as surprised as she thought she'd be. anyone who pays even the slightest mote of attention to the world around them could tell you about just how much trouble the infamous monkey king is responsible for. kidnapping and hostage-taking seems tame in comparison.
when azure tells her point-blank who she used to be, reader goes silent. she's always felt a strange pull in her chest whenever she's around wukong and macaque. like she wants to get closer, but also wants to run as far away from them as she can. it's sobering to know why. she feels something similar when she looks at azure, she admits.
he chuckles fondly at her. it makes sense, he says, they used to be close after all. among the monkey king's allies, he was the only one who befriended the human queen of flower fruit mountain. azure assures her that her previous self was a kind person, that she had many friends who mourned her passing; himself included. reader says nothing, too stunned to speak.
azure lion rises from where he sits, stating that he must move the ritual site to his own home in order to bring the many victims of the scroll safely out. reader insists that she go with him. no offense, but i don't trust you with them, she says. azure chuckles, agreeing that blindly trusting someone you've just met wouldn't be very sensible. the two travel to camel ridge, and azure gives reader a tour.
sometime later, mk and mei bring each of their friends back to their present selves. they manage to free themselves as well (after mk has an...enlightening encounter with the scrolls' curse about his human half). they learn some interesting things about their past selves, and their many foes. they break themselves out of the scroll and confront azure about everything they've seen.
azure is holding reader hostage. the lion pins reader to his chest, and she struggles in vain to escape his grip. she yells, hurriedly telling them that azure isn't a good guy, he—! the lion moves his paw over her mouth. his expression is grim as she claws at the appendage.
the gang barely hold back from attacking him, not wanting to hurt reader in the process. though mei stubbornly tries to land a strike at the lion's head, getting knocked back.
azure says he didn't want to do it this way, but...he can't have anyone messing up his plans.
perhaps he puts reader into a scroll peice, right before the very eyes of her friends.
they stand horrified as she dissapears. azure glances at the scroll peice, tracing the characters of reader's name with his eyes. his expression softens a bit. he delivers his monologue to the gang, azure frees his brothers, they attempt to fight, the gang flees when their weapons are taken. they hate to leave reader behind, but... they're outmatched.
reader is forced to relive key moments in her past life as captive queen of the monkey king and the six-eared macaque. she learns more about them than she ever thought she would (way, way more; some of those memories were spicy 👀). she begins to understand why they treat her like they do, despite her seemingly being just another of mk's friends.
she plans on confronting them about it once she's been freed.
meanwhile, the gang is training and getting better, trying to figure out how to get both reader and wukong's scroll peices back. reader's peice is better hidden than wukong's, and so it'll be more difficult to recover. they have no idea where macaque's peice is, but one mystic monkey on their side is better than none. they know the two warlords are their best bet for defeating azure and the brotherhood.
thanks to some quick thinking, somewhat of a plan, and a whole lotta luck, the gang recovers wukong's scroll peice. they repair it, and it only takes a bit of prying from mk to get him out. the ginger-furred demon really doesn't like dwelling on his memories.
the rage radiating off the newly-freed monkey king is palpable. the hatred he feels for his once-allies is a force all on its own. now, mk and the gang just need to unleash it.
everyone is on edge during the battle, choosing to keep their distance and do their part while monkey king and mk fight azure. wukong demands to know where reader is. what have they done with her? if they laid even a single hand on her their lives are forfeit, he promises. he and azure fight for a while, trading jabs and airing out their grievances... to kinda everyone? the friends never would've guessed monkey king had romantic drama, but here they are.
it's likely they don't get reader's scroll peice back until later. i imagine macaque, after being freed (maybe it's revealed he was never trapped at all and it was just a trick; he sank into a shadow, not the ink, and that's why they don't see him in the scroll; watching and waiting for the right time to strike), sneaking into the jade palace to find her. he knows that the lion would keep her someplace he thinks she won't be in danger of being broken. when mac does find her (hidden by the throne, wrapped in a part of the lions' old cape), he handles the scroll peice as gently as glass, pressing it to his chest as he leaves the palace. he'll be the one to bring her out. he was her favorite, after all.
(kinda phoning in this part cause ive run outta steam)
the big battle happens, the gang defeats azure, they kill him, it's real sad, things sorta go back to normal. i imagine that wukong, macaque, and reader will have to have a long talk about everything.
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jswahaarts · 1 year
The Gathering 1/4: “Cold”
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Summary: A group of Jedi Younglings begin their journey to find their Kyber Crystals.
Word Count: 1749
Authors Note: Just a lil silly story with my ocs lol!! (also including my friends ocs :] )
-28 BBY, Ilum -
“[I’m cold…]” Yaupé grumbled quietly. Well. As quiet as a wookiee could be. Which wasn’t very quiet at all. He was loud, in fact. Very loud.
“YOU’RE cold??” Cara whispered harshly, turning to her best friend, “You? The wookiee?”
“[Wookiees can get cold!]”
“Can not! You guys have all that fur!”
“[Uh! can too! Even with all this fur!]”
The two glared at one another. Of course, Cara knew wookiees were capable of getting cold. Heck, Yaupé was right here, buuuut… she couldn’t help messing with him. It was too much fun.
“Can not!”
“[Can too!!]”
“Can not!”
“[Can t—!!!]”
“Yaupé! Cara!” Master Yoda’s voiced called onto the two youngling. The two slowly turned their heads towards the Jedi Grand Master as their eyes opened wide. “Have something to say the two of you do? Hm?” He asked. It was easy to tell from the short green aliens tone that he was definitely annoyed at the two, which suprisingly wasn’t a rare occurance for them. By this point, everyone in the room had their eyes on them awaiting their response.
Kriff. This wasn’t good. They didn’t just interrupt a speech. They interrupted a MASTER YODA speech; meaning they could either be in for a long and boring lecture after this, OR he was totally gonna quiz them right now if they tried lying by saying they were paying attention—which they were’nt, so that could go equally as bad and earn them a lecture regardless.
The two younglings shot quick worried glances at one another before their eyes landed back on Master Yoda. Fearing the lecture, Cara quickly bowed apologetically, being as ‘Jedi-like’ as possible, “Apologies, Master Yoda, It won’t happen again!!”
Yaupé looked at the human girl, before following her lead, doing the same.
“[Yeah! Sorry, Master, we promise it won’t happen again!!!]”
“Hmm…” Master Yoda grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. He could hear the other younglings snickering at the human and the wookiee. At least they apologized though. That was something. “Saying, I was…” The old master sighed, starting again, “To protect others, how does a Jedi? Hmm?”. He looked around, making sure that all the younglings were really paying attention, before pulling out his lightsaber, igniting it, its green light bouncing off his olive green skin and reflecting off the ice and snow.
“The lightsaber.” He answered. “Build your own lightsabers in time, you will, but first, harvest your own crystal you must.”
The group of younglings all murmered to one another in excitement, expressing their clear enthusiasm with “No way!!”’s and “Heck yeah!”’s, along with two younglings who whispered; ‘Called it!’ and ‘No you didn’t, nerf-for brains!’. Master Yoda couldn’t help but smirk. If they were’nt listening before, they sure were now.
“The heart of a lightsaber, the Kyber Crystal is.” Master Yoda continued. “Focuses the Force from the Jedi it does…” He said, before raising his hands hand towards the sky. Master Yoda closed his eyes gently, focusing as he used the Force to open a window within the temple. When opened, a beam of light was shot from the outside into a crystalized contraption, hanging overhead, that reflected that beam into the tall icey doorway in front of the group, melting it all in seconds, and exposing the entrance to the caves where the younglings are to go for their crystals.
“If Jedi you are to become, enter the crystal cave you must.” Master Yoda started again, looking at each of the younglings. “Trust yourselves. Trust eachother, and succeed you will.”
As the water from the melted door cleared, the younglings stood by the entrance to the ice caves, listening to the instructions of Padawan Leonie as she explained the do’s and don’t’s for the ice caves. Everyone seemed to be paying much more attention to her than they did to Master Yoda during the beggining part of his speech.
“—Oh! And one last thing;” She said. “Once you find your crystals, DO NOT remain inside the caves. As soon as daylight ends, the door will freeze over once again and you WILL be trapped inside…”
As soon as she said that, everyone looked at one another, making sure they all heard the same thing. “Uhh… I have a question?” Tomar announced, raising a hand, instantly catching the padawans attention. “How long would we be trapped for?”
“One rotation.”
It took a moment for the group to process what Leonie had just said, before-
“One rotation???” Everyone called out in unison. One rotation? here?? Their hearts sank just at the thought of it… staying in some old and creepy ice temple on some snow planet for the night???
“Yes. One rotation.” Leonie confirmed. “Now… that’s everything! Wishing you all the best of luck!!” She concluded with a cheery smile and a supportive thumbs up towards the group.
“Huh? wait, but-??” Khad’ started speaking.
“No ‘but’s’! Now go! Hurry before the door starts reforming!” She rushed, her hands doing a ‘shooing’ motion towards them. The group all shot frantic glances at one another before they rushed into the ice caves, finally starting their journey to get their Kyber Crystals.
Inside the Ilum temples ice caves, all that could be heard were the footsteps of the Jedi younglings as they moved along, their boots crunching at the snow beneath them, as well as the sound of crackling ice every so often. It was cold. Dark, and almost creepy with all the old frozen-over architecture among the cave walls. It was also kinda hard to walk, the floor was super slippery. Nevertheless, the younglings persisted.
Everyone, for the most part, was quiet, their thoughts mostly caught up on the whole ‘door freezing over’ bit that Leonie talked about and silently hoping to the Force that they find their crystals in time before that happened.
“So…” Tomar started, breaking the long moment of silence and catching everyones attention. “Out of everyone here, who’s more likely to get trapped inside the caves?”. It was typical of Tomar to try and bring some humor or ‘what if’ scenario into a situation, but, it lightened the mood so everyone was welcome to it. Everyone answered with the first person that came to their mind;
“Khad’.” Said Cara.
"[Khad’.]” Said Yaupé.
“Khad’.” Said Eyre.
They all looked towards Aras, who signed ‘Khad’’.
“WHAT!! WHY ME??” Khad’ shouted, his voice bouncing across the cave walls.
“Ehh… you just seem like the type to get stuck in an ice cave for a day.” Cara shrugged, a smirk plastered across her face.
Everyone seemed to nod along in agreement to Cara, leaving Khad’ dumbfounded.
“Well— she’s not wrong.” Tomar snickered.
“Shut up!! Kriff you guys!! If I get stuck here I hope you all get stuck here with me!!”
Seeing the twi’lek’s over-the-top reaction made the rest of the younglings howl in laughter, their snorts, snickers and roars echoeing across the cave walls, much to Khad’s annoyance. After walking further into the cave and getting a few more giggles out, the laughter soon vanished as the group approached what seemed to be the caves first obstacle for them. Before them lied three different openings within the cave. Peering into each one, they all seemed to look the exact same; long, dark and icey tunnels that the younglings could only assume lead right into the path to find their crystals. But… there were 6 of them and 3 tunnels. How were they going to go about this?
“Sooooo… what now?” Eyre spoke after a moment of everyone just standing there.
“[Hmm…]” Yaupé scratched his chin fur as he thought about what next step they could all take. There were three caves so, naturally, splitting up would be the best option right?Wait… no. No, they can’t split up! They could get lost- HE could get lost or hurt or WORSE!! And to add to that, none of them really knew what dangers they could even face in these caves! The more he thought about it, the more he just didn’t wanna risk it. “[Maybe… we should try sticking toge-]”
“We should split up!” Khad’ declared. Everyones eyes turned to the twi’lek. “Hear me out! See, there’s six of us and three caves, we can just split up and go into one of em with a partner!” Khad’ explained. “Then BAM! We find our crystals and make our cool and awesome sabers, easy peasy!!”
“That could work!” Cara agreed. Everyone in the group seemed to take a liking to the idea. Which was suprising cause it was a Khad’ idea. But a good one nevertheless. They almost felt bad for clowning on him earlier. Almost. “Heck yeah it will!!” Khad’ babbled eagerly, mostly just happy at the fact that his friends liked an idea of his. “Say, Aras, wanna be my partner?” He asked, nudging the Togruta by the arm. Aras smiled nodding their head ‘yes’ as Khad’ cheered, “Alright!! C’mon!” as he grabbed their hand, pulling them along into the one of the three tunnels in front of them.
“[Wait! But—!”]
“Hey, Eyre, wanna-”
“HECK YEAH!! Let’s go!!” Eyre didn’t even let Tomar finish asking them before they grabbed his arm and practically dragged him into the second cave that was in front of them. “Later losers!!!” Eyre’s voice called out, their voice echoeing through the caves walls. “Hey!! Waitwaitwaitwait!!!, slow down!!” Echoed Tomar’s voice behind them, going further and further into the tunnel, away from Cara and Yaupé.
Yaupé could only make a low grunting sound as he watched what just unfolded in front of him.
“Well…” Cara began, “Can’t blame ya for trying to keep everyone together.” She snickered. Yaupé couldn’t help but snicker along with her. Cara’s energy was just contagious like that.
“Sooo… any chance you wanna be my partner? By default?” She asked.
“[Hmm…]” Yaupé pretended to think, putting a hand to his chin. “[Ehh… I dunno if you’re cool enough to be my partner…]”
Cara fake-scoffed, playfully hitting Yaupé on the arm, “Shut up!” She chuckled, immedietly making the both of them giggle.
“We should get going—I wanna get my crystal before they do!” Cara half-joked, tapping at the wookiee.
“[Mm!]” Yaupé nodded with a newfound spark of confidence. With Cara by his side, he knew that the two of them could get through anything this cave had to throw at them! And with that, and a quick “C’mon!” from Cara, the two started into the third and last tunnel in front of them.
Leonie Luroon belongs to: @jaigeye !!
Eyre Brraven Belongs to: @circadianaa !!
(Thanks for letting me borrow your kids, besties! 💚)
The Bg’s are edited screencaps from The Clone Wars !!
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turtlebros4u · 1 year
Counterculture Terrapins (1/4)
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I was thinking about doing something short but then I kept adding detail so here we are. Inspired by someone mentioning that Donnie does Raph's tattoos (I forgot when and who I saw that from or else I would link it cuz it was so cute). Also I have a rudimentary knowledge of how tattoos work I haven't gotten my first one yet so I've done my best to Google some things.
Also in case anyone is upset at the mention of needles, like me, I have avoided using that word when talking about tattooing.
You're sitting next to Raph on the couch with one of his favorite soap operas on the TV. It's a bit boring, you know the cliché it's going for now. You look to the big guy but can barely see his invested glare over his massive delts. You gaze down in your boredom along his partial sleeve tattoo. It's so delicately done.
"Who does your tattoo?" You ask.
"Hm?" Raph says peeling himself from the drama as it hit a commercial break to look down at you over his shoulder, "Oh Donnie. He's got a real steady hand from making all those tiny 'lectronics and stuff. Why? Y' want one?"
"Uh well I was thinking about it..."
"I think you could rock one. You'd look even hotter." He drops that sentence so nonchalantly it makes you blush.
You don't say anything for a bit, letting Raph get back to the show after the commercials. You calm down as the Secret Twin trope gets revealed on screen. God it's such a cheesy show but maybe that's why he likes it.
You wait until the next break to ask, "How did you choose what to get?"
He thinks for a moment, "Uh, I wanted something that reminded me of the strength of my family and also looked cool as hell I guess."
Mikey sauntered into the room at this time whistling a tune.
"So a tattoo should be inspiring and cool?" You ask Big Red.
Mikey spins on his heels and lands his elbows onto the couch, "Angeeeelcaaaaakes! You thinking about getting a tattoo like Raph's?"
You laugh, "Ahh well not really. I'm not sure. I have been wanting one but I'm not sure what I even want yet. Do you think I should get a sleeve?"
"No one can tell you what you want except for you, sweet cheeks. Buuuut if you ask me I think you should get some bold text, like NO REGERTS or PIZZA TIME!"
He smiles widely, "Totally show me what you decide to get, pumpkin spice, Donnie's like a serious guru with that. You'd look so dope with a tat." And with that Mikey also left you blushing as he continued with whatever he was going to do.
The episode ended and Raph rambled a bit about how he wants to know who the real father of the baby was going to be and if it will be the secret twin of the dad or not. You smile softly, amused that he's invested in such goofy drama. Raph headed to his weight rack to do a couple of sets and left you scrolling on your phone on the sofa.
You sit there looking through tattoo ideas. The idea of asking Donnie is kind of growing on you. You weren't sure how to find a good artists anyways and talking to new people made you anxious.
How much would it hurt? Even if it did, to sit there under Donatello's gaze would counteract everything. You wonder how he would react to you asking.
"Hey Princess," Leo sashays towards you, a towel around his neck dabbing sweat. He must have just finished a training session with Splinter, "Mikey says you're going to ask Donnie for a tat."
"Uh well I really was just curious where Raph got his and I was looking for an artist I trusted anyways but I don't really know what I'm going to get yet." You say somewhat surprised that word is going around faster than pizza.
"Ah I see, Mikey was telling us about it while we sparred. He got very excited about tattoos and ended up going off about trying get a whole pizza pie tatted to his shell. Fun fact, you can't tattoo a carapace. Anyways, Splinter suggests doing something symbolic and simple. And if you want my opinion—"
"I do want your opinion, " you say knowing he was going to say it anyways.
Leo stuttered for a moment, thrown off his rhythm that you were actually asking for it this time. "W-well I'd say an elegant asymmetric pattern of some sort on your shoulder or thigh would suit your style well. Like a spider web or lighting or wrinkled plaid. "
"Wrinkled plaid? "
"Okay maybe not plaid, but something like that, I feel it suits you." He shrugs off the awkward suggestion and escapes towards the showers before putting more of his foot in his mouth.
You consider plaid for a moment longer and then shake your head of the silly suggestion. Leo often had great ideas but was very bad at explaining why or offering any useful context when it came to personalized things. He could make a life or death decision in a split second but he couldn't explain to you why he liked tile over rugs.
You've been mulling over it for a few days now. You have finally both decided what you want and also built up the courage to ask Donnie if he would do the honors.
You get to the lair and beeline for the lab. Leo and Mikey see that you hardly acknowledge their presence and they smirk at each other. They know you've finally decided.
You flip the plastic sheets away as you enter the lab.
"Donnie!" You say loud and proud.
Donnie perks up and spins on his stool to face you.
"What can I do for you, Sparkplug?" He asks setting down the tools in his hand and giving you his full undivided attention. A rarity.
"Would you be willing to give me a tattoo? I trust you and I want—"
"I thought you'd never ask." He says, a glint in his eye as he leaps up and goes to the industrial cabinet that holds all varieties of his tools and he opens the drawer for his tattoo work.
"Yesterday I finished prepping the attachment for human skin. I had initially made the pen for us, since we've got thicker skin—at least literally—than you. But this should work wonderfully. Are you ready for your consultation?"
"Yep, let's get started!" You say and plop down in another stool.
After a day of prepping the design, Donnie let's you know he's ready.
You had asked for him to design it based on some key words. You are excited to see what he came up with but even more hyped to lay down and let him work his magic.
You get to the lab and see that Donnie's set out some sort of MacGuyvered massage table? Or was it a dentist's chair? You took a seat anyways.
"So, Tattoo Guru," you joke to the purple banded terrapin, "where shall we put it?"
He scoots toward you on his rolling stool and slides just between your knees.
"May I?" He asks gesturing to you that he would like to look you over for the perfect location. He had decided he would design it first and pick a location later.
You nod and he begins. He mumbles to himself as he analyzes your body from top to bottom for the prime location. You try to fight the blush in your face when he runs his fingers across your thighs and down your calves. It's no use.
He gently lifts your shirt up to check your stomach and sides. Your shoulders and collarbone. His face is so close to yours. You can feel his warm breath on your neck.
"Are you nervous?" He asks, "Your heart rate is increasing and your breaths are shorter."
"N-no," you stutter somewhat embarrassed that he was noticing, "not about the tattoo. I trust you entirely. It's just you were studying me so intently I'm starting to wonder if you can see any flaws from this close."
His brows raised, "Flaws? What flaws?"
"Oh y'know. The blemishes and cellulite and the few gray hairs I've been trying to keep plucked but somehow elude me." You say trying to play it cool.
"Oh, you think those are flaws?" His voice rose in astonishment. You remember that he doesn't have hardly any clue about human beauty standards, and while he knows that humans are judgemental, it's on a totally different scale for him.
"Well yeah, people think they aren't very flattering." You admit, not proud to admit humans weren't all great.
"That's ridiculous. The whole point of being human is to be unique and live unique. And as you age you get little representations of the life you've lived. Like nature's tattoos. You can almost read my brothers' shells and find a mark from every year from some stunt we pulled. I find it quite fascinating to read all the little love notes that life leaves."
You face flushed with heat. If you had managed to hide it before you certainly couldn't now.
"I've decided your shoulder blade is the best." He said changing the subject very matter-of-factly. "Would you remove your shirt, here's a towel if you want to cover your frontwhen you lay down." He shifted the seat to be horizontal and scooted away. You take the towel remove your shirt and lay on your chest. The table was quite comfortable.
Donnie scoots back with his template, wipes down your shoulder blade and begins his work. While he preps the stencil his every touch makes you tingle. The air is cool on your back and his hands warm.
You definitely would not have had this experience with any other artist in New York. This was special.
"I'm ready to start inking. You ready, Sparkplug?" He asks gently. You confirm and brace for the sting.
It hits you but less painfully than you expected. It still takes a moment to adjust to the regular zing in your shoulder as he begins.
Through the corner of your eye you can see he is zoned into his work. His tongue sticking out a bit as he is apt to do when in deep focus.
Although somewhat munade, every time he wipes away your shoulder, it feels so intimate. You close your eyes and just soak it in. The buzz of the pen, the warm hands and trained eyes.
May this will be one of those little love letters Donnie was talking about. You are glad your face is buried somewhat, your heart skips a little just thinking about how oddly poetic Donnie was when he said that.
Maybe that's the way Donnie sees the world. Every line of code, every chemical equation, every physics constant, every biological mutation was just poetic to him.
You were glad to have the opportunity to be one of the few who knew the brothers. You went through a wash of emotions.
First pride for almost having them to yourself, but then followed sorrow, that the brothers were limited in who they could trust and show themselves to without insighting the worst humanity had to offer.
Again you were grateful that you could be one of the people that didn't make them feel like they didn't belong here. You felt a twinge of resentment towards the outside world, because it took you this long to find a family this accepting and kind and optimistic about everything, you had felt your fair share of human cruelty both from people you once considered close as well as the system itself that felt so predatory.
When you were in this little pocket of sewers, turned into a cozy abode, under the city, you felt like you could step away from the rat race for once. Like it didn't really matter as much as everyone made it seem.
Overall you felt content. You loved the turtles and their fatherly rat, each with their quirks, but always trying to be better and never abandoning those they considered family.
"Aaaaand 100% completion. You may have outdone yourself Donnie," he said to himself, "I could compete with a RedSail laser cutter and win." His pride was bubbling up in the most adorably nerdy way.
"Let me just get you cleaned up and wrapped, let's keep it covered for a few days and then you can see, how's that?" He asks laying down the protective plastic over the fresh tattoo.
You nod trying to recover from being hopelessly lost in thought just moments ago.
He allows you to cover yourself again and you thank him for his work on your way out.
You send a text to Mikey to let him know that he can join you in the lab in two days to see your brand new tattoo.
You show up a little early and Donnie is busy soldering away at something or another.
He hears you come in and looks up from his hunched position and smiles, "Early as usual."
You take a seat and pull off the button up blouse you were wearing. Underneath was a tank top that revealed your entire tattoo. You were honest and hadn't looked at it yet, avoiding the chance to peak at it through the mirror in your apartment.
Donnie washed up and rolled over to you in his signature wheeled stool. He peeled the plastic off and took a damp towel to wipe it down.
He just finished when Mikey flung open the plastic sheets to the entrance of the lab announcing in one of his many comical voices, "And here were have the perfect human specimen, recently upgraded and equipped with the finest work our generation has to offer!"
You look at him in confusion at who he is talking to and see Leo and Splinter walking in behind him.
"Splinter?" You ask in confusion.
"My child," he responds intentionally not answering your implied question of why he was there.
"Cmon Y/n, spin around so we can see it. Mikey's been hyping it ul for days and he doesn't even know what it looks like." Leo said obviously just as excited as Mikey but showing it differently.
Somewhat nervous with such a crowd you freeze for a moment.
"Here," Donnie hands you a small mirror and holds up another so you can see the back of your shoulder when you turn around.
The tattoo comes into your sight. It's amazing.
"Donnie that's perfect." Leo commends.
"Angelcakes! Whoooaaaa that's so rad! Omygosh Omygosh Raph's gotta see this!" Mikey makes a break to sprint down the tunnels hollering for Big Red.
Splinter nods, "You've managed to capture my impressive aura I see. Excellent work." You roll your eyes and chuckle at the vain rat's comment.
You can't stop looking at your shoulder in the reflection. It really is amazing. It had everything you wanted. A symbol of new York in the classic sewer cap, simple representations of the five people you cared most about with Splinter's silhouette donning the masks of his four sons on his tail, and bold inspiring text through the middle of the sewer plate that reads, "WE'RE NOT MONSTERS".
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You couldn't have been more proud to reclaim one of Mikey's most impactful quotes. And he seemed ecstatic to see them worn proudly.
Raph thumped in, "Calm down little bro, I've seen tattoos before, I'm sure it's cool." He stalks up and inspects it closely and quietly for a minute.
Then a moment later Donnie is spinning out of control on his stool with Raph bellowing, "Who said ya could give someone else a cooler tattoo than what you gave me. I told you specifically to give me the most badass tattoo and obviously mine is second best now."
Leo and Mikey bust up laughing. Splinter chuckles heartily. You can't help but giggle as Donnie recovers, shaking his head of the dizziness and smiling like an idiot. He took Raph's reaction as a full blown compliment and it truly was.
You leap towards Donatello and wrap your arms around his neck. He catches you and pulls you close.
"Thank you," you mutter, "Raph is right this is the best tattoo. I'm so proud to have it. You guys aren't monsters, you are the best family I've ever had!"
Totally forgot my taglist on these 😅
@turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @geeksauruse
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astrovagrant · 1 month
fallout show final notes (attempting to keep this Short because i can and will keep going if i'm not mindful)
firstly: people who liked it getting mad at people who didn't and going "eugh fnv fans are so crazy" is silly. there are legitimate grievances to take with the show, which i will do in just a second. i'm sure there ARE fnv hardcore fans out there who are spitting mad because they didn't actually learn one of the most important lessons of fnv (the status quo must be broken continually to improve) - the shady sands bit isn't necessarily strictly bad BECAUSE it changes something fundamental about the ncr. i also don't think the show was going out of its way to spit on fnv as a whole Necessarily - there are too many nods and the fact that house is around at all just adds to that. it's not a todd dick contest, i think they were doing it in good faith, the fact remains that they still didn't do it Good.
so here are the things that i actually didn't like, now that we all got our kneejerk pissed off "group x says y and they're WRONG for that" reactions out of the way. SPOILERS spoilers Spoilers.
dealing with vault tec mysteries isn't actually a bad thing - kind of interesting inherently. however: vault tec AKA a group of Shadowy Elites is Responsible For Everything is so. pointed look at camera.
vault tec bearing sole direct responsibility for bombs dropping (and having that suggested to the board of shadowy elites by a black woman no less) is truly the least interesting progression point for fallout lore as a whole. we're going to ignore the war as a whole and The US Government in favor of corpo responsibility offloading.
lucy's dad being a freezy pop who nuked shady sands landed on a broken ankle because they're serving us Nuke Revelation with a side of Nuke Revelation. and it's all the same company. WOAHHH can it get ANY more interconnected!
i started straight up guffawing at ghoul mom reveal. pleasssseeeeee god
moldaver had so much build up as an interesting character and then got wasted on being the vaguest possible revolutionary who then died way too soon. hello? why is she dead already? what was the fucking point of the flame lady cult? why open this can if you were immediately gonna discard it? why isn't lucy's mom moldaver? CHRIST.
i dislike the attempt at new ghoul lore that just seems ultimately pointless? like ghouls as a concept were not Advanced in any way with this lore. i did like the pause to provide empathy with the feral ghouls, was a nice touch. buuuut Big Drug Energy is nothing to me and loss of discussion of radiation effects on a changed being that now lives in harmony with radiation is a sad loss for fallout as a setting imo.
i don't dislike ghoulman cooper. i think his character Concept is inherently very funny and good for its irony, except they didn't even use the irony at all? the myth of the american cowboy and The Western, the poison of american individualism, the sad reality of bouncing from one big lie (american exceptionalism esp in a time of war) to another one (ads for vault tec aka selling the end of the world) was instead turned into Oh No, My Wife (Black Woman) Is Actually Pretty Evil And I Forsook My Good American Boy Values For Her! and then just being a right bastard in the postwar.
bethesda will never be tired of Privileged Person Is Subjected To Horrible Degenerate Wasteland. lucy's character arc is supposed to be That (But Look, She's Still Good, Because She's A Good Vault Girl!), but it mostly just involves her being actively tormented in various situations. idk i don't think she should have to forgive cooper's humanity or lack thereof just because she's So Nice. character arc implied but not executed in a way i find noteworthy.
maximus. face in hands. he's literally maybe the most interesting character on the entire show. the brotherhood even got portrayed as an Actual fucking cult (which it IS. this is the best thing the show did imo). but for WHAT? for a CHARACTER ARC OR DEVELOPMENT OF ANY KIND? nope! he isn't even given the grace of a full scene where he actively realizes and says out loud or internally like. hey. maybe brotherhood............. is bad for me? and others? he goes back to the bos again and again to take his punishment, but still has to be Part of them for the final encounter. and doesn't even get to go with the "you have nothing to lose but your chains... Of Morality" duo at the end. i just want so much more for him & i feel like he's being squandered by the end of the season. i have 600 more things to say but i'm gonna shut. up
shady sands hot take: the ncr needed to be challenged and have the status quo shifted. by a random pissed off prewar man w too many resources being divorced? not really useful to change the worldstate in a meaningful way, to be honest. nuking the capital of the ncr not inherently bad. there being zero power-seeking (on behalf of other factions) behind it happening, NO factions fighting over the scraps (THE NCR WAS MORE THAN ONE CITY), and everything just smoothing back out into bethesda-preferred shantytowns and empty wastes where society isn't what you really have to care about, just your individual morality, is a big yawn for me. we've been here and we've seen this and it comes off worse in a tv show than a first person rpg.
of course all the survivors of shady sands immediately did a cult *from inside a vault* where they smear nuclear corpse ashes on themselves. and there don't seem to be any other survivors of note, just those ones.
i have many more things to say but let's cap it here.
final notes: so many of the things in the show feel like they were done for setpiecing shock value (can you BELIEVE it's ALL CONNECTED? here's some fun unexpected gore) (i actually don't mind the gore bc it's pretty falloutcore but sometimes it's like. okay we get it, shit's crazy in the wasteland!) rather than for actual coherent 'let's advance the world of fallout and its themes and lore' reasons. i understand that they were doing an external-to-games timeline and kind of a mishmash of elements, hence why i'm not bothering to complain about stuff in the show feeling Too Similar to game events - bc i don't really care about that. i care about it feeling like fallout and doing things actually meaningful with fallout's core themes, and at the end of the day, i don't really think i got that.
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urbuddynova · 1 year
✨⭐️The friends and the children💻🦎
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So we all know that scp-682 is a life hating immortal lizard able to change its shape and adjust itself to reach his goal. Buuuut we also know that he is friends with scp-079 and protective of scp-053.
So my proposal is:
Imagine if in my little AU that some Scps live together in a little house, scp-682 (note that at this point his hair has grown to a very long size which has cut his speed in half because of the weight of the locks) finds my junior researcher at the park seemingly alone, 682 being the apathetic creature it is goes to devour her before spotting 079 in her hands…in a Nintendo 3ds???? Both 682 and 079 catch up, ponder and bicker for abit before making a bet with one another, the bet was “682 lives with the junior researcher for a whole year, if 682 loosens up during this year then he cannot kill the researcher and must stay with her and the other scps, if his views do not change over the 365 day period than he is free to continue devouring everything in his path and take 079 with him on his mission to destroy all life”.
For abit he just lives in the backyard in his normal size snapping at birds and growling whenever anyone other then 079 got close to him, but then when a thunderstorm occurred he stayed inside the house at the scale of a middle sized dog.
Also I learnt about an scp that has a disease like property when touched named scp-734, so I thought to myself being the stupid little Nova I am :
“what if scp-053 and scp-734 interacted?”
like she is able to heal herself at miraculous speeds and technically the baby cannot hurt her or get agitated around her since he’s below the age of 3 so I thought Mabye both their anomalous abilities kinda cancel each other out. Also I wanted to draw an interacting with the little girl and the big grumpy lizard.
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I was going to ask this on the old blog but alas :( I’m very sorry to hear about it, that must be tough
Buuuut a hc ? for you: do you think that Arthur’s siblings have a favorite out of his brood? Ik that they all have different relationships/histories with each of them but do you think they each individually have one that they look at and say “yeah, that’s the one”
So this is actually a fascinating question I have thought about so much it's not even funny. Arthur's sons have slightly different relationships with their aunt and uncles than Zee does. Also, I'm sorry if this gets kind of boring before I get to the interesting part I was an anthropology major for a long time and this shit fascinates me.
So when I look for how to write characters, I look at history. What peoples were where, when, and what language they spoke all play a significant role. But I'm also looking for tension. Scotland was a major player in the competition for Canada, and the Irish played an outsized role in American and Australian politics. Rewind a millennium or two before they were hatched and zoom into Celtic Europe; uncle-nephew mentorship was extremely common. Nephews were often sent to live with their uncles, and in ancient and medieval Europe, the mother's brother was usually far kinder to the sister's son than the father's brothers with their brother's sons. Amongst brothers, it could be something of a hostage situation. Don't do anything stupid; I have your heir. And I can see how that history would have affected what access to his children Arthur permitted his siblings. Historians cant see remnants of those relationships in Scottish culture until about the mid-18th century.
Rhys and Alfred. Elizabeth I was his godmother, but Rhys was his godfather. It's not a relationship that is as strong now, but Alfred's childhood was much defined by Rhys. Rhys is very much to Arthur what Matt will be to a grown Alfred. Thus, when Arthur was a new parent with all the paranoia of one, he really only trusted Rhys. Rhys has always had a more nurturing relationship with Arthur, which continues with his son. When Arthur is the type of father that's the equivalent of the young mother who got knocked up before she finished college and is drinking, partying and looting Spanish ships, Rhys was babysitting. Alfred resembled him immensely as a baby when he was all round and soft. Rhys also had to knock Arthur out of bed after an Elizabethan pegging session to see Alfred's little chonklet self take his first steps. But it was his second set of 'first steps.' The first were all his, and he's never told a soul. He also occasionally had to exorcise, kill, bribe, cajole or otherwise rid the nursery and house of all the mystical creatures attracted to the bizarre new power source in the tungsten cube baby. Due to this, Alfred picked the name Jones when he came to manhood. Rhys will always have a soft spot for Alfred and his more playful tendencies than anyone else will. Also, I think the most significant ethnicity of Quakers in the US were Welsh, and they were the only sane religion in the US, so I'm willing to credit Rhys with a lot of the reasons Alfred sort of turns out okay.
Matthew and Alasdair. This relationship started before the British Conquest with Francis inviting Alasdair to be Matthew's godfather more as a fuck you to Arthur than out of the existing affection towards Alasdair, but it didn't matter to Alasdair. He wanted that baby. The Kirk brothers hijacked the colony in 1629, and Alasdair returned the baby. He eventually had to give him back, but he's been a fixture ever since, slowly learning to be affectionate but always so gentle with him. Matt still felt neglected a lot because Alasdair and Arthur had this strange thing where they walked in circles around raising him. There was some cultural competition where the father competed with his brothers for influence over his sons. Add in Arthur's general insecurity about the children, and you get a situation where Arthur would withdraw when Alasdair did too much with Matt. This, in turn, had Alasdair withdraw so the boy wouldn't be without his father. So Matt just existed as no man's land. But Alasdair cares so, so much about him and what messy hands-on parts of parenting Matt got largely came from him.
Jack and Brighid. He is Brighid's bouncing baby boy. Her own little study in contrasts. She'd interacted with Alfred, weaving the charms into his cradle's iron with her brothers, but this tiny crackhead tumbleweed that rolls into her lap one day blurts out "Mama!" and she's a fucken goner. He imprinted on her like a baby duck, okay. And as he grew and became more and less like her with every passing day, that never faded. Irish politicians gained office in Australia before anywhere else in the anglosphere. Irishmen shook the labour paradigm in the British empire by leading strikes and taking direct action after direct action for increased rights in Australia. He got his father's temper but Brighid's grit and sense of outrage. I'm not sure if he speaks Irish, but he can sing in it, and he's been memorizing her songs his entire life. Whether it was as a toddler who didn't understand why he existed, a boy who didn't know why he would never be entirely British or enough to fit in at any school or a man standing over the grave of the child he used to be in 1916, it was her hands on his shoulders and her assurances in his ear and her influence having its say in shaping his life.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
Any other thoughts for the dotc au?
i have some big ones that i'll be keeping my pocket for now buuuut have a very mixed bag of things i've thought of:
Jay was one of Midnight's attempts at a protege to succeed her in being a keeper of knowledge. However, their relationship became like that of parent and child and she was devastated when he eventually went to live with other cats. It would be years before she'd take on another protege and the next one, Sol, would be just as unsuccessful (and 10x as antagonistic).
Her apprentices vary in animals but none have yet to succeed her.
The "-paw" suffix comes from a shortening of "under cat's paws" which as often how apprentice-aged cats would be described.
I think it would be interesting if the two part names came from the park cats who had divided the park into different turfs and had surnames at the reflected that.
...Of course, the park cats aren't remembered that well as many of the Clans often lead patrols there to try and convince them to join their respective Clans, resulting in the community being fractured.
Dove and Lion remained fiercely loyal to Thunder and while they regretted having to take the measures they did against Gray and his group, they, like many, believed it was for the greater good.
Jay didn't and fell into a deep depression, reliving the battle over and over in his dreams. He went to Midnight for council and, at her advice, ended up going elsewhere to seek refuge from the nightmares...and eventually ended up abandoning the Clans altogether.
he ended up near a lake all by himself...and eventually discovered some tunnels....how interesting.....
starclan's relationship with the present three reflect the past one: jay's is tumultuous and hostile; dove's is all-knowing but vague; and lion's alliance with one-eye is what allowed the df to creep into lionpaw's mind.
the part i've been sort of gnawing away at is what happens after the big battle: the clans are now separated and now must begin to divide themselves completely. It feels kind of cheap to have Skystar be the one to pitch this but him being the one to insist that "they look out for their own" is too good of irony for the future of his little kitty group. So some general notes:
the code does not exist and will not exist for a while. it is a frightening and bloody era
for all the posturing the clans have of being better than others, they are the ones to almost destroy each other.
buuuutt this is also where cultures begin to form:
ThunderClan's noble battle culture comes from their leader Thunderstar being a stellar fighter! Thunderstar also cements kin-based leadership because he keeps choosing his kin for important roles. Cats challenged him over it and failed, meaning the tradition continued on. I imagine it mellowed out over the years, especially with the advent of the deputy needing an apprentice part + to make sure i can keep juicy drama like thistleclaw and bluefur vying for the position.
RiverClan being cut off from the others more because of the rivers and water that surround their territory makes them less engaged in the rising jingoistic culture surrounding the other Clans. Riverstar's more hands off approach to leadership is also what makes their "casting stones" tradition solidified for years to come.
ShadowClan, being neighbor's to the bulky fight-loving ThunderClanners adopted a new strategy: stealth. They are the pioneers of kitty assassination techniques, the masters of taking someone down before their victim can even realize they're being followed. You never pick a fight in ShadowClan territory, Thunderstar lost a life to Shadowstar learning that lesson.
WindClan, having been the closest to a certain cat who is now forbidden to name, spent a long time throwing themselves into trying to please their ancestors. This sort of self-flagellation turned into a sense of superiority when they were the first Clan to have not only a Medic but said Medic taught them where to get their nine lives. I plan on redoing a ton of Moth Flight's story but she and Wind Runner have a very different relationship once she's named and even makes some leadership calls herself.
SkyClan is jingoistic, brutal, and is insistent on their bloodline leadership system. Skystar is the creator of the Clan ideology: borders run thicker than blood, each Clan to their own, and the warrior is always superior to the outsider. This ideology sank into the other Clans but SkyClan would always be the loudest supporter of it and eventually, it was what would cost them too many allies in their greatest time of need. I like modern SkyClan being what the Clans should be and also a great transformation of what was once the most warrior clan to ever did clan: modern SkyClan is a community first and foremost, outsiders are not enemies, and borders should never mean senseless violence. im so sad at what modern skyclan has become, bring back the cool version of it.
aaaahhh ty for the ask! i have been thinking about my dotc au especially since i keep it in mind when brainstorming any sort of rewrite/au >:3c
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Prompt from @recurring-polynya
Working Title: Takiyaki Is NOT Communication
Characters: Rukia, Orihime, Renji (RenRuki)
Rating: G
Genre: Humor/Romance/Fluff
Prompt: Rukia presents Renji with some food she has made. I tried to keep it very open bc I'm more interested in where you might go with it!
Story Summary: When Rukia recognizes her feelings for Renji, she works with Orihime to figure out how best to tell him. Their plan is tasty, if not a little dangerous. Post TYBW, some spoilers.
Author’s note: I had a lot of fun writing this prompt, but man was it a roller coaster ride! At first, I was writing a completely different fic, a Prestigious Private School AU Part 2, where we meet Renji’s study group and Rukia bakes a cake. Buuuut, that one was getting way too long in the tooth, and was riddled with problems that I’ve just begun to solve. Then I remembered I had a fic I wrote a beginning for, but no middle or ending because I just couldn’t figure it out. And I realized that this would be perfect for it! So sorry if that’s a cop out, I didn’t realize the other fic wasn’t going to work within the timeline until friday, so I needed to find a shorter solution. It still took awhile to make the two ideas work together and actually write the middle and ending if that counts! Also, you get a free Orihime out of the deal, so that’s nice! This is my first time writing for her so let me know what you think! Also, I all admit this one is a little crackish, especially for Rukia.
Takiyaki Is NOT Communication
Inoue Orihime was very much enjoying sleeping in on her day off from the bakery, when she heard a knock at the door. Who could be here this early in the morning on a Sunday? She wondered, as she tried to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes. She had just begun to yawn rather loudly and stretch out her limbs when she heard yet another more vigorous knock.
“Coming!” She yelled, throwing on a sweater over her pajamas. She went over and looked through the peep-hole on her door.
"Rukia!” She exclaimed, throwing the door open wide, “I didn't know you were in town. Come in, come in! What brings you here?" Kuchiki Rukia stood in the doorway looking more serious than Orihime had ever seen her.
"Orihime….” she said with great gravity, “There is something serious I must tell you. Something so serious that I couldn’t tell you over the phone."
Orihime gasped, “Oh Rukia, are you in danger? Do you need me to call Ichigo?” Orihime immediately reached for the phone in her pocket.
"No!” Rukia said quickly, frantically waving her hands in front of her, “No danger. No physical danger anyway… And I’m afraid this is not something he can handle,” she crossed her arms again, “Plus he'd probably just make fun of me, anyway…"
Orihime looked at her friend kindly, "I'm sure that's not true,” then she tapped her chin in thought, “Well, okay, it's probably a little true, depending on what the problem is… But he would still help you out afterwards!"
"I'm afraid it's beyond his skills. You see, Orihime, I...” Rukia paused for dramatic effect, “...have a dark secret…"
"Oh my… Um… Do you want to sit down?" Orihime asked, waving her hand towards the couch.
"Perhaps that would be best," Rukia nodded seriously, entering the apartment. Rukia sat down heavily on the couch. Orihime shut the door, and sat down gently next to her. She patiently waited while Rukia worked up her courage. Finally, Rukia spoke.
"Orihime… I think… I might be in love with Renji."
Orihime continued to sit with anticipation. When Rukia said no more, Orihime realized that she was finished.
"Oh? I mean, oh! Really?! W-what a surprise! I never would have guessed!"
Rukia turned towards her friend and began speaking rapidly, “I know, right? I mean, I know the guy's hot, I do have eyes, and it’s pointless to pretend otherwise,” she stated matter of factly, “And okay, maybe I had a crush on him before, and maybe MAYBE I dreamed about him occasionally even during the separation… But!” she crossed her arms now, “It was a pointless and silly little crush! I told myself as much, so I did my best to forget about him,” Rukia looked down, her brows knitted together, “But ever since we got back together again, the feelings came back little by little. So even when I tried to push them down, tell myself it’s pointless to get wrapped up in a silly crush again, he would do something or say something that was just so him, that I would find myself falling all over again. And finally all those moments kept piling up, so that my feelings kept getting stronger and stronger until… Uuuuugh…" Rukia covered her face with her hands, "This is so stupid…"
"No, no, Rukia! It’s not stupid!” Orihime said, waving her hands quickly. She began to rub her friend on the back soothingly, “I think it's great that you are able to admit your feelings to yourself. I think it is very mature of you."
Rukia looked up at her friend between her fingers, "Really?"
"Yes, really. It can be…hard to face your true feelings, and I think you are very brave to do it. And… I'm glad you told me."
"Oh…Oh Orihime…” Rukia said, putting her hands down again, “Thank you, Orihime, but…"
“Anyway, now that you know, what would you like to do about it?” Orihime quickly asked, pushing the conversation along. Rukia gave her friend an unconvinced look, and Orihime returned it with a pleading one. Rukia sighed. She’d let it go for now.
“That is the question…” she said slowly, “I’m not entirely sure. S-should I tell him?”
"Well,” Orihime began, “that's completely up to you. Do you want to tell him?"
"Normally, no, that's why I didn't tell him before,” Rukia said quietly, “I… I like what we have, and I don't want to mess it up by getting greedy… but… and I know this sounds absolutely crazy…"
"Yes?" Orihime asked patiently.
"I think he might like me too," Rukia finally said.
Orihime was more ready with her exaggerated reaction this time. "Ooooh! You think? Wow! Amazing!"
"Right?!" Rukia exclaimed, she began talking rapidly again, "I know it's a long shot, especially with all those girls over at the Sixth Division fawning over him everytime he so much as walks by in that flower bath robe of his…but…" Rukia got a little quiet, "he's been acting differently lately. He gives me compliments now. Not just when I wear something extra special for a festival, but even when I so much as wear a new hair clip, he notices. In the past, I would sometimes see him staring at me out of the corner of his eye for no reason at all. I would look up at him, and he used to immediately look away…but now he just doesn't?! I look up at him, and now he just stares me straight in the eye, smiles a little, and then slowly turns away. We would always meet up at events, but now he offers to walk me there and back. It's almost like…it feels like he's trying to tell me he likes me, without telling me."
"Oh…" Orihime said slowly and thoughtfully, "why do you think that is?"
"I don't know! Maybe he’s not sure I like him back. Or maybe he still feels like he needs to impress my brother. But maybe…” Rukia sighed, “maybe it's because I've been so busy and in a bit of a slump since Captain Ukitake died, and he doesn't want to push me into a relationship before I'm ready.”
Orihime thought about this. While it was pretty clear to her, and the rest of their friend group that Renji liked Rukia, she did have to admit that it had taken them awhile to figure out that Rukia liked him back, so that was a possibility. Rukia showed her affection in less than ordinary ways, ways that usually involved shouting. However, Renji knew Rukia a lot longer than any of them, so it’s unlikely that her unorthodox way of showing affection would faze him.
Orihime thought some more. It could be the brother thing… Orihime didn’t get it fully herself, but she had heard about it a bit from Rukia. Apparently Soul Society had this whole class system thing that didn’t allow Renji to even talk to Rukia until he was made Vice Captain. Still… from what she saw, Renji got along quite well with his captain/Rukia’s brother, so she doubted that this would be a problem anymore…
The last one was….hard. Rukia had been very busy since her Captain’s death. Her texts had become pretty sparse, so much so that Orihime and Ichigo barely heard from her anymore. The slump thing could easily be connected. Rukia often became a work-a-holic when she was trying to avoid things like thinking about her feelings. But if Rukia was here, presently with her, and asking Orihime’s advice on her feelings about Renji, then that means she isn’t avoiding them anymore. She’s ready to move forward.
“All of those are possible of course,” Orihime began, “But if you’re ready to talk about it, then perhaps that means you are ready to tell him.”
Rukia thought about this, “Yes. Yes, I think so too. Thank you, Orihime.”
“Of course! So how do you want to go about telling him?”
“Yeah, that’s the other problem… I’m not sure I’m ready to say all my feelings for him out loud yet. I think I would just jumble them up.”
“Okay, that’s no problem! You could just write them down!”
“Y-yeah! I could do that!” Rukia agreed. Then she deflated again, “But I don’t just want to hand him a note though, that’s pretty embarrassing too…”
“Maybe you could put it with something else? Like sort of a gift and card combo?”
“Oh yeah! That could work! In fact…” Rukia began, getting a scheming look on her face, “Maybe I could cook him something and then stick the message inside of it! Like a hidden message!”
“Wow!” Orihime exclaimed, “That’s a great idea, Rukia!”
“Yeah!!! Oh, but…his favorite food is takiyaki… Can you stick a message in that?”
“Hmmm, maybe but…takiyaki has a filling for a center,” Orihime reasoned, tapping her chin, “Your message might get lost in that.”
“Oh…yeah…I guess that’s true.”
“Although….” Orihime began, thinking hard.
“What you could do is make a bunch of mini takiyaki, fill all but one, put the message in that one, and then stick that one on top. Then when he opens it up, he gets the message!”
“Oh!” Rukia exclaimed, smiling. She hopped up off the couch, “Oh that could work! Thank you, Orihime! I’ll try that!”
Orihime smiled happily along with her friend, “Glad to help, Rukia!” She got off the couch too. “I actually got some supplies to make takiyaki if you want any help.”
“Yes please! This is going to be great!” Rukia said, with newfound determination as they headed towards Orihime’s kitchen, “Renji better look out, because these are going to be the best takiyaki he’s ever seen! He may or may not love me, but he WILL love our takiyaki!” Orihime laughed.
“Yeah!” She agreed.
"I present to you,” Rukia began dramatically to Renji, whom she met up with later that day. They were in the Sixth Division mess hall which was nearly always empty in the mid afternoons, “homemade takiyaki, made by yours truly!"
Renji raised an eyebrow at her. While he had tasted Rukia’s cooking since the separation, and it wasn’t bad, it was also clear she did it extremely rarely.
"With help from the wonderful Orihime!" Rukia finished with a dramatic flourish.
"There it is," Renji said, "Well that does boost my confidence in the quality, if not the flavor."
"H-hey! I could give it to someone else you know!" Rukia said, reaching to remove the plate, but Renji grabbed ahold of it, and held it securely closer to him.
"Uh uh! Nope! You said they’re mine, so they're mine!" Renji picked up the top takiyaki and examined it carefully, “Hmmmm…. Crispy on the outside, and soft in the center, good good…”
“But of course!” Rukia said triumphantly.
Renji gave the takiyaki an experimental sniff, “Nice aroma as well…”
“The nicest, I’d say!”
“Hmmm,” He said thinking, “but…”
“W-what is it?” Rukia asked with a sudden sense of dread.
“You went kind of light on the filling, especially on this one,” Renji said, giving the takiyaki a light squeeze, “Did you forget to fill it, maybe?”
“J-Just try it already!” Rukia said with nervous frustration.
“Okay, okay!” Renji chuckled. He took the mini takiyaki in both hands, and shoved the entire thing into his mouth. He then immediately choked.
“It was very nice of you to leave a note for your friend, Rukia, but this is why it’s important we tell people before we put non-edible items in food,” Captain Isane said.
“How was I supposed to know he was going to stuff the entire thing into his mouth?!” Rukia exclaimed, while rubbing Renji’s back. They were sitting in the Fourth Division Emergency Room since Rukia had used shunpo to get them both there after Renji had started choking.
“Why wouldn’t I? How was I supposed to know you had stuffed a wad of paper in there? What’s it say anyway?” Renji asked, reaching for where it had fallen on the floor after it had been successfully hacked up.
“W-wait! Don’t touch that!” Rukia said, snatching it up.
“What? Why not?!”
“B-because! It’s dirty!
“Then why did you grab it?”
“I…I….” Rukia suddenly looked very uncomfortable. She stared at the note, crumpled and wet, in her hands. She went very quiet. Isane took the hint and decided it was high time she excused herself.
“Well, I have other patients I need to check on, so I’ll be going now. As long as you're feeling better, you’re free to go, Vice Captain Abarai. I’ll send in someone to give you your emergency room dispatch papers.” And with that, she was gone. Renji stared at Rukia. Rukia continued to stare at the wad of wet paper in her hands, looking a little defeated. Renji sighed.
“I guess it was probably pretty important, huh? What you wrote on that note?”
“Something that's kind of hard to say out loud?”
“Something like that…”
“Ah…” Renji said, looking up at the ceiling, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked back at her again, “Sorry, I ate your note, Rukia.”
“It’s okay…it…was a stupid idea anyway.”
“Yeah, maybe not your smartest plan," he chuckled, "but it was definitely one of your tastiest! The takiyaki surrounding the note was really good, even without the filling!”
“Really? You liked it?”
“Oh yeah! For sure! Heck, if the rest of the division didn’t eat them while we were gone, I’d love to finish them!” Renji said.
“Oh yeah? Yeah, hopefully they didn’t…” She finished quietly. Rukia continued to stare at the note in her hands. It was utterly ruined. Renji sighed and walked over to her, He cupped his hands around hers.
“Hey…” He began gently, soothingly. Rukia finally looked at him, “It’s okay, y’know? You can try again,” he said, his thumbs gently caressing her hands, “I’ll still be here. I’ll always be here, whenever you're ready. So don’t worry about it, alright? We can try again.”
Rukia stared into Renji’s eyes, and he stared right back. They were soft and warm. Rukia felt her heart drive straight up into her throat, drop off its bags and settle down. Clearly it lived there now, hung up curtains and everything.
"A-alright, Vice Captain Abarai, here are your dismissal forms," Hanataro said as he entered the room. He looked up, "O-oh Rukia! You’re here too! It's nice to see…" his eyes fell upon their joined hands, "Waaah! I'm sorry! I'm interrupting!" Renji sighed and let go of Rukia’s hands.
"Heh… Your timing is impeccable as always, Hanataro," Renji chuckled derisively, "here give me the paperwork to sign."
"Ah, okay, sorry!" Hanataro said. As Renji signed the paperwork, Rukia felt the tension building inside her. She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to steel herself for what she wanted to say. Finally, Renji finished signing his paperwork and handed it back to Hanataro who apologized profusely again. Rukia had enough of her mind left to remember to tell him not to worry about it, and that she will talk to him later. He thanked her and left. Then she and Renji were alone again and the tension jumped through the roof.
Finally Renji said, “Okay, well we better hurry if we want to be able to eat the takiyaki before someone else does.” He gathered up his paperwork and started heading towards the door. But Rukia stood firm.
“R-Renji!” Rukia said as firmly as she could. Renji stopped and turned towards her. She was standing very rigid, but was also slightly shaking with nervous energy.
“Yeah?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“I- What if- We should go eat! Together!”
“Yeah, we’re going to go eat the takiyaki…”
“No, I mean….” Rukia stopped and closed her eyes. She slowly breathed in and out, calming herself. She opened her eyes again and glared at Renji.
“Renji!” she nearly shouted at him.
“Y-yeah?” he asked nervously, taking a step back.
“Will you go out with me to a fancy restaurant in a romantic way?!” She demanded while pointing her finger at him. Her ears burned. Renji blinked.
“If not, that is okay!” she continued just as firmly, “Our friendship is very important to me, and I hope we can remain that way!”
“Good, but-”
“If you need time, that is also okay!” Rukia said remaining firm, but she was starting to shake again, “Being friends with someone who you know has romantic feelings for you when you do not feel the same way back can be stressful! So if you need time away, I…I…underst-”
“Rukia!” Renji said, closing the distance between them and stilling her shaking shoulders with his larger hands, “Rukia…” He said again, more gently, one of his hands moving up her neck, his thumb gently caressing her cheek, “Of course I’ll go to the restaurant with you.”
“In…in a romantic way?” Rukia asked, uncertainly.
“Uh yeah, idiot,” he chuckled warmly, “What other way would I mean?”
“I mean…we’ve eaten out a lot before so I…just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. That this is romantic and that you are okay with that,” Rukia said firmly. Her face was going a little red too now.
“Of course, I’m okay with it! I’ve…always been okay with it. Are you okay with it?” he asked, looking at her with some concern, “You’ve been through a lot within these past couple of years, are…are you sure you’re ready?”
“Of course, I’m sure! I’m the one who asked you out, idiot!” Rukia said, sounding resolute again, ���I wouldn’t ask, unless I was sure!” Rukia put her hands on top of his, “I- I want to go out with you, Abarai Renji, and to do romantic things with you specifically!” She said, nodding firmly.
“Oh! I uh…good! That-that’s good!” Renji had become fully aware that his ears were now burning. He coughed, “So um…did you have anything in mind? For the restaurant, I mean!”
“Well, I’ve been to a couple with Niisama, but they all tend to be pretty stuffy. I don’t know if I could relax in those…”
“Hmmm, good point,” Renji said. He thought quickly, “Oh!!! Kira took me and some of the guys to a bar once that was pretty fancy! Not the captain’s level of fancy, though.”
“Sounds perfect! It’s right in between, “Rukia nodded, “Now more importantly, how was the booze?”
“Oh pretty good. Fancy enough to have some of the more fancy drinks, but not so fancy that you can’t get wasted on others.”
“Oh nice! You should have shown them to me sooner!”
Renji laughed, “Yeah probably, I was just waiting for a special occasion…” He said, looking at her warmly. Rukia nodded. She gave his hands a meaningful squeeze before removing them. She then gave his arm a tug.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” She said, enthusiastically, “That booze ain’t going to drink itself! Plus I want to try out the fancy drinks too!”
“Alright! Alright!” Renji chuckled. They exited the room together and began to walk down the Fourth Division Emergency Room halls. When they made it outside, the night sky was crisp and clear.
“Hey,” Renji began.
“Thanks for asking me out. To be honest, I’ve liked you for a long time, like a really long time. And I figured out more recently, that you liked me too, but well…” Renji sighed and looked down, “After what happened to Captain Ukitake…well I saw how that affected you. How busy and tired and sad and stressed you were, and I…” he turned to look at her again, “well I wanted to support you anyway I could! But I wasn’t sure that romance was what you needed from me,” he looked down again and began rubbing the back of his neck, “And I didn’t want you to feel bad if you didn’t want or just weren't ready for a romantic relationship. So I tried to do my best to be there for you but also let you know that if that is something you did want,” he took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes, “that I’d always be here for you.”
“Ah…” Rukia breathed, “So that was it. That’s what I thought.”
“Yeah…sorry, I didn’t say that before.”
“Idiot, what are you apologizing for? You were trying to be considerate!” Rukia fussed at him, “Still…know in the future, you can always just talk to me about it. No more of this beating around the bush, alright?”
“Yeah…” Renji smiled, “Thanks, Ru.”
Rukia felt her ears burn a little at the nickname, “Idiot, w-what are you thanking me for! Now come one before there isn’t any booze left!” She said stomping off.
Renji chuckled, as he followed after her, “It’s a bar, Rukia, I doubt they are going to run out.”
“They are if I get there before you and drink it all!” Rukia said, breaking into a sprint.
“What?! Hey, you don’t even know where it is!” Renji said, sprinting after her.
“My shinigami alcohol sense will tell me!”
“That’s not even a real thing, Rukia! Hey, get back here!”
They raced each other all over the Seireitei. Soul King only knows if they ever even made it to that bar. But it matters not, for they were together.
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littlebatsimagines · 10 months
The Orphan and The Clown Part 2 (Jerome Valeska x OC)
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The 18 year old ginger sat at the table in the rec room, his foot continuously tapping as he waited. “Calm down ginger, geez.” Barbra said as she walked by and sat across from him. “She’s been gone 20 minutes, what they took her for only takes 10.” he said as he turned away from Barbra, his foot tapping only stopping for a moment as he spun back to face the door. “Hmm. Didn't think you'd care for anyone.” One of theguards snickered as he walked by, kicking Jerome's foot. The tapping paused only for amoment as he tripped the guard who glared at Jerome as he stood back up. “Watch it boy or she wont be coming back." the guard growled as he confined walking. “So, what's so special about her?” Barbra asked making him quickly turn to her. “What’s it matter to you, huh? Jealous?” Jerome asked with a chuckle and wicked grin spreading across his features. “No just curious.” Barbra said unimpressed. “Well you know what they say..” he started as he fully turned to Barbra and started to inch across the table. “Curiosity killed the cat!” he said as he slammed his hand on the table causing her to jump slightly and him to laugh as he slowly sat back down. “Buuuut if you must know…” he started as he became strangely serious. “She’s been there through it all, the ups, the downs…the crazy coincidences. She's stayed through it all, she helped me hide things,” he started excitedly as he jumped up into a crouch on his chair. “She’s never shied away from me or what I've done…she’s never been afraid of me. She also has the best smile." he said as his wicked smile came back as he remembered her helping him hide thee body of his whore mother that lovely night.
“Hmm, so you need her?” Barbra asked pulling Jerome from his thoughts. “Noooo…not really, but I want her…she’s my partner in crime.” Jerome said his eyes meeting Barbra’s but his eyes held a strange spark. “Her demons don't stop mine, they dance together…not like any of you would get that." he giggled as the doors opened making him whip around and grin as the little doll he was waiting for walked through them.
The small pale girl pushed her glasses up but her bangs kept her green eyes hidden when she kept her head down. Jerome's smile grew as she took her seat next to him, his hand joining hers under the table in a silent greeting making a wide smile spread across her doll-like face. The smile that formed on his face turned sinister as his gaze shifted to Barbra. “She could've gotten away with it ya know. Gordon didn’t suspect her but she came clean… she enjoyed it as much as I did." he said as he stared down Barbra while gently rubbing the back of Chance's hand while she lightly played wit his fingers under the table. Barbra noticed a few things as she watched the two. Chance was quiet, she always stayed near Jerome's side, she always did what he asked, and he always watched her and never let anyone harm her. They were the king and queen of Arkham and god help anyone who disrespected the queen.
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xenon-demon · 1 year
WIP Wednesday ✒️
Tagged by @stobinesque - thank you so very much!!
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
steddie domestic hairwashing
steve overstimulation projection manifesto
cheerscoops fake dating season 3 au (steddie/buckingham)
when you come back, it's gravity (kas!steve au)
med student steve & nurse eddie who is sick of his shit
Gonna be real with y’all, the only WIP I’ve wrote anything for in the last week is #2 because it’s been A Week. (Also don’t let the WIP name fool you I mean overstimulation in the autistic kind of way, not the kink way lmao)
No pressure whatsoever buuuut I’m gonna tag @onirislanding and @sailors-ink!
Snippet from “steve overstimulation projection manifesto” (under a cut for length):
This time, however, his alarm clock says it’s only 1:27 AM. What’s more, it was even on his nightstand this time. Sure, Eddie had to move a bunch of papers from his campaign planning and a magazine or two he’d haphazardly dumped there to be able to read it, but it was actually on the nightstand. Where it belongs. Eddie’s really winning in the game of life tonight.
His winning streak only continues as he hears the shuffle of footsteps and the squeak of the trailer door closing behind Steve. Because at this time, Eddie knows it has to be his boyfriend; Family Video closes at midnight on Saturday nights. Factor in the time it takes Steve to close up shop and then drive over to the trailer, and there you have- wait.
It definitely doesn’t take an hour and half for Steve to get home after work – even if Saturday is one of their busiest nights.
Eddie is suddenly struck by the realization that it’s one of those nights.
“Stevie? Sweetheart?” Eddie calls out. He starts standing up, gingerly stepping over the notebook and loose pages scattered around his feet so he doesn’t crush them. He’s got probably three half-songs’ worth of chords and tentative lyrics in there somewhere, he doesn’t want to lose them. By the time he’s done that, put his guitar down, and quickly scooped all his papers into a rough pile he can sort through later, Steve’s entered his bedroom.
He doesn’t even spare Eddie a glance before immediately planting face-first onto his mattress.
“Oh, baby,” Eddie coos, coming over to sit next to Steve on the bed. Steve makes a noise in acknowledgement, although it’s heavily muffled by the mattress. “Stevie, can I touch you?” Eddie gets another muffled noise in response to that, but this one sounds distinctly like an uh-huh. Taking the confirmation for what it is – this is not Eddie’s first rodeo with nights like these, after all – he reaches out and rubs a firm hand up and down Steve’s back.
Steve sighs contentedly at the contact, some of the tension slowly leeching out of his muscles. They sit like that for a few moments, Eddie half massaging him and half just letting him know he’s there, before Steve says something else. He says it directly into the mattress, just like before, so Eddie doesn’t understand a single word of it.
“Wanna try that again, sweetheart?”
Steve lets out an enormous sigh, and then turns his head to the side to face Eddie. “Wan’ you to lay on me,” he says, and it still comes out a bit slurred. Whether it’s from the way Steve’s cheek is still smushed into the mattress, or talking is just a bridge too far for his baby right now, Eddie doesn’t know and frankly, does not care.
“Sure thing. You want your work uniform off first?”
“Just the vest.” Steve’s eyes are shut, and there’s a faint frown between his brows. It’s adorable, and Eddie knows he’s going to do something stupid like bite Steve if he keeps looking at his gorgeous face, so he quickly busies himself with removing Steve’s work vest. It only takes the gentlest of encouragement for Steve to move his arms as needed, Eddie trying his best to take off the vest without making Steve feel unnecessarily constricted. As he does so, he hears Steve taking some deep breaths in and out, and he smiles.
That’s one of the things they both find helpful, when they get overwhelmed like this; taking a moment to just breathe, as deep as you can. Slowly, in and out, and feel the stretch of your chest expanding each time you breathe in. It’s grounding – and plus, it’s harder to freak out about something when you’re physically forcing yourself not to hyperventilate. Eddie knows he and Steve have very different levels of success on that front, though.
Now that Steve’s vest is gone, however – and Eddie’s just flung it somewhere across the room, deciding it’s Future Eddie and Steve’s problem – it’s time for what his darling boyfriend actually asked for.
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sparatus · 1 year
Listen I know I already did one buuuut ⌨ for Lance and Des make up please?? 🥺
OKOKOK finally got around to this one turns out maybe the other part of my issue with continuing stuff right now is that everything is on gdocs and i havent transferred back to my preferred software,
Send me ⌨ + title to one of my fics and I’ll write sentence for that fic!
"lance and des make up" [doc title, currently untitled]: no-Reapers AU, an Armistice Day anniversary gala shoves General Williams back into the same room with all his least favorite people from Shanxi and has a heart-to-heart with the last one he expects
While Leni shyly showed her parents what had become of her toy, Lance took a deep breath and forced his face back into something that might have been composed. “Ash found her crying about her toy under a chair and stopped to help her,” he said, squaring his shoulders as he took a couple steps closer. He forced himself not to recoil as five sets of slit-pupiled eyes zeroed in on him. He was a general, for fuck’s sake, resigned or no. “She must have gotten stepped on. We were trying to find you.”
“Is that so.” Desolas’s mandibles were halfway down, letting Lance see his top teeth, but he still lifted his head up, up, as high as his neck could go, and turned it back and forth to study Ash first with one cruel blue eye, then the other.
Then, to Lance’s shock, he lowered it back down and tipped it in a small nod. “Thank you,” he puffed, adjusting his grip on Leni. “We… appreciate it.”
Abrudas rumbled something that might have been agreement, maybe, Lance had never understood how anyone could get any sort of tone out of the birds’ deep, guttural chest sounds. She seemed to relax, though, so Lance decided on agreement. Behind them, the other three exchanged startled looks, but Sparatus managed to compose himself and bow out, murmuring something to Abrudas as he tugged his wife along with him. Abrudas flicked a mandible in acknowledgment, and after a moment, Victus drifted off, too, leaving the Scourge of Shanxi and his loyal attack dog alone with a couple very juicy steaks.
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zumpietoo · 9 months
Ah Yes, Duan Must Now Meangirl a Bit...
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I can never quite (other than she's both batshit and a dumb bitch) figure out the exact motivation FOR Duan's asshole behavior.....but it IS all there....
I could even understand if she had issues with Babs, given how Dayna is supposedly her "best friend".....but, noooo, she's seemingly nursing the lonnnggg girl crush on Babs, instead....
And then, as Cole continues to gently distance, himself, there she is, doting on all his exes, including the one who made almost 0 effort (and ultimately then only to try and salvage shit towards the very tail end of it) and she'll never see again, the one that never happened and the one who's beyond batshit (and she previously had cut out).....
Buuuut.....oddly, I notice she's also kinda snubbing the Lotts these days, so who fucking knows?
I'M not even sure if I'm glad or sad my first impression of her, years ago, turns out to have been ded on
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kazuyummy · 10 months
Hi, Ani!! I was a bit nervous about requesting. I wasn't sure if it's still open if not please ignore this
Can I request for your event Daiya no A, please?
Matchup: intuitive, sarcastic, cool, apathetic
Drabble: 🍊-imagine I'd like my character to feel jealous about the attention I give to someone else but can't do anything cause he hadn't confessed yet.
ok so believe me when i tried to match you up with literally anyone BUT the beautiful man in your profile pic... but i honestly couldn't. and i hope this all explains why, hehe ❤️
SANADA SHUNPEI loves trying to get under that calm, seemingly unbreakable exterior. he's easygoing and won't be discouraged by any initial attempts to brush him off, in fact, seeing it as a challenge. he enjoys your quick, sarcastic quips, even if they're directed at him - just another step in figuring you out and what makes you tick. make no mistake, though - he genuinely cares about you and appreciates your talents and the way you think. his warm, magnetic personality compliments your more indifferent first impression in the best ways (like the kinds of couples where one is like a dog and the other is like a cat). i can see you in a bit of a rivals to lovers situation, and even after getting together, having that same banter in your relationship - truly never a dull moment!
jealousy drabble under the cut 😈
after WEEKS of sanada bothering you to come out to watch one of his games, you finally make your way into the stands
so why on earth, after defeating seido and putting on a god-tier pitching performance, are you talking to one of them and not him?!
he'd even made eye contact with you a couple times before batting and getting on the mound, your smirk just oozing "go on, show me what you got. impress me" vibes - and he had done just that! or so he thought...
out of all people - it's that stupid lead-off runner who managed to get three hits off of him. on instinct, he marches right over as you're laughing at something he's said
you don't notice until you feel something draped over your shoulders and look down to see the fabric's familiar pinstripes - his jersey. the girls in his fanclub must be seething
"hey, good game, man," he nods to kuramochi, his smile forced before turning to you, "and thank you for being my good luck charm today"
"uh, shunpei, wh-"
"oh, are you two...?"
you both turn to kuramochi, and you wave your hands frantically,
"oh, no, no! nothing like that!"
"ah, ok - well here's my number, as promised"
he gives you a quick side-hug before making his way back to his team. once he's a safe distance away, sanada grumbles,
"c'mon, you're gonna go for him?"
"i didn't say i was, shunpei."
"then why'd you literally make heart eyes at him? and giggle like a little school girl?"
you scoff, exasperated at your close friend's outburst.
"you're imagining things. first, he's not my type. second, i hadn't seen him since elementary school, which i would've explained to you if you hadn't so kindly interrupted us!"
you sigh. sometimes this boy could be so much... but you're getting a sense as to why he's doing it. the protectiveness, the scrutiny over guys you talk to... you want to deny those reasons as well as the thought that it's honestly a bit... cute
"buuuut... you did play really well today"
he's on your heels, continuing down the path away from the diamond. he's clearly sheepish about being called out, but you just know he's soaking up your praise
you stop when you meet your reflection in the window,
"hmm, this jersey actually looks pretty good on me"
you turn around, flicking sanada the nose and not even looking back once to see the smitten smirk painting his face,
"and jealousy looks pretty good on you, shunpei"
ok so i was going to make it completely angst but like... the boy's head over heels for you so i just know your intuition has lead you to pick up on it now and play with him a little 😜 i just get the vibe that like... you're calm and collected kind of cool, and he's a charming and engaging kind of cool but... i also know you can be huge dorks around each other!!! like how could i NOT match you up w him lmaoo. and that he'll get his revenge and get you flustered hehe... hope you enjoyed 🥰
anyone can request a matchup here 💫
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nahalism · 10 months
What’s your favorite type of weather and what’s one you dislike most? I love the way you speak so dont be shy to write it out loong ly
<3 i loooveyou. i get so self aware about how much i write / over explain myself but i cant help it. i need to feel like ive landed on the right word and right description. not even a good one, just the right one for the moment.
my favourite type of weather doesnt exist cause i hate favourites. in my mind, variation and contrast is what allows room for preference to even be explored/ exist, so change is infinitely more interesting than the final preferred thing itself. but hmmm... i love winter and u.k autumn's cause i love the feeling of cold wind on my face and i love auburn trees, and rain, and the way the air is so crisp and chilly, but dense and foggy. theres just this dead stillness pervading all these matchstick like trees and i relate to that a lot, especially during those more introspective months. — i must confess not a huge fan of british spring. partially cause its a false spring and doesnt really exist also cause its usually when my s.a.d goes into overdrive because its just months of false promise of sun and prolonged rain buuuut the one thing i love in spring is the cherry blossom and tulip trees & thats when they bloom so idk. anyway.,, after/whilst enduring the 9& a half month long british winter, i need a min of 6 months in somewhere hot, preferably tropical, with access to the beach and rivers. also would love if to b one of those scenarios where the sun up and out from 4am - finished setting by 10pm. thats cause the first thing about summer is eating fruit walking around half dressed, getting messy and sweaty and swimming and showering as much as you like but still drying quickly. cos. its. hot. but the second and really first best thing about summer is the evenings. in the right climate when the evening air is heavy like in the winter but also with a slight breeze to it & it never fully gets dark so theres just this continual suspension of the moment, as if they day never truly ends, hanging in the air. honestly. thats a slice of heaven for me. couple tables and chairs, out on a summer night, violet skies, warm with breeze, good music. maybe some sangria, couple zoots, walk to the beach or by a canal. laughing with friends or doing something alone. just so nice. 🥰
anyway thank you for letting me be free. have a blessed evening sending u my love
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padfootastic · 2 years
I squealed when I saw your WIP list, because I want to see them all!!! But reining myself in a little, I would love to see a snippet of ‘Harry has always been Sirius’ son…’
Also, I’m sorry, but I just had to ask about Harry punches Molly?!
hjhdsbjdsk ur too nice to me 🥺🥺 this talks about harry punching molly (i should’ve anticipated it but i’m still surprised by how interested people are in it lol) and this one is a snippet for the blood adoption
buuuut bc i love the fic and ur ask, here’s another one <3
Almost as if someone else is directing his movements, Harry walks until he’s standing in front of the tapestry, running curious fingers over the rough texture, picking on the raised names and portraits of Black family members long dead.
Guess Walburga Black’s actions didn’t hold much weight then. She could only do what she did because her husband had been dead and neither of her sons had been able to step into his shoes. That was something, at least.
Harry doesn’t know how long he stood there, tracing his fingers over names like Alphard Black, Callidora Longbottom (who knew Neville was part black?), Cedrella Weasley (that must be the infamous grandmother), Cassiopeia Black, and so on. So much history contained in a piece of woven tapestry, lost to the annals of time.
It’s not the Black family history that he’s particularly attached to, rather the implications for his own. What was the Potter lineage like? Did he have cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents? Had all of them died out? He knew that it was an old family line, traced back to the Peverells—there had to be other branches, right?
Harry doesn’t know whether he wants it to be true or not. On one hand, finding family couldn’t be anything but a worthwhile endeavour but on the other…knowing he had someone out there? Who wasn’t the Dursleys? It might just be the last straw for him. Perhaps it’s better to live in ignorance, then. Spend his time on a family that’s not his own, sever the emotional ties.
His fingers snag on Andromeda’s name and he smiles, lightly, seeing her back on the tapestry—whole, unburned, as a daughter of the House of Black should be. He moves past Narcissa, Draco, Bellatrix to reach the main branch, the one he’s been avoiding so far.
Orion Black. Walburga Black. Harry lingers on Regulus’ name, bowing his head in respect for the man—nay, boy who’d sacrificed himself without a single thought for the glory of it nor his own life. Slowly, painstakingly, he moves to the one name he almost doesn’t want to see. He knows what he’ll find—a restored, perfectly detailed Sirius Black III. He can picture it quite clearly in his mind. Does he really need to subject himself to the pain of actually seeing it?
“Surely…not…” Harry’s mumbled words trail off as he raises his head to stare straight ahead, eyes catching on something that wasn’t part of his confident mental image.
“What the buggering fuck,” he breathes out, leaning forward until he was a hairsbreadth away from the fabric, nose tickling at the minute threads but he paid no attention to that for his eyes were caught on a faint line continuing on from Sirius’ name.
A line that shouldn’t be there because it signified progeny. Something Sirius didn’t have. Harry is dead sure about that. So what—
With trembling fingers, he traces the line, finger dragging against the coarse material almost painfully slow until he reaches one Harry James Potter.
From this WIP game
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