illusivekati · 2 years
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♥ Max & Linure ♥
I was waiting to bring them to sims 4 remember the recent sims 3 pic of these two in sims 3 I went ahead and brought them to here especially in tail with the new werewolves pack that was released I will be playing it with these two Linure is a vampire like her sims 3 counterpart & Max is the werewolf like his sims 3 counterpart & loved how @simomo-cc hair looks amazing on him and suits him ♥
the unlikely and usual coupling of werewolf and vampire have come to sims 4 are ready to break the mold none said it was meant to be easy considering the relationship between werewolf & vampire some may look down on it others may admire it who knows but these two plan to break the mold ♥
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kalissimsblog · 2 years
I've only briefly read as time limited and I saw your wonderful Halloween posts I hope your well sorry ive been m.i.a from reading like I usually do I always was checking up on your story adulting sucks 😞 but I usually read when I can I hope everything improves for them but poor Christan I adore him but being forced to do things he won't I hope he or someone comes through for him and removes her permanently from him I saw your post about your dog too I hope your alright my thoughts and condolences
Hello, no worries. Glad to see you ^^. I've been a bit busy but besides that I'm doing alright. Thank you.
And yes, the whole thing with Christian is definitely a sticky situation and it's only going to escalate from here. Nobody is safe at this point. As for if or how they're going to stop her... we'll see ;)
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helenofsimblr · 2 years
Get To Know Me
I was tagged by @sparkiekong and @sheepiling thanks guys, haven't done one of these things in ages.
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better. 
Favorite Color: Grey
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: I am a sweet tooth.
Craving: The idea of craving something scares me.
Tea or Coffee: Coffee, Coffee, Coffee! 
Last Song You Listened To: Hollywood, michael buble
Last Series You Watched: Cobra Kai
Currently Reading: The Theory of Materials Failure
Working On: The Tomorrow Men, and the next story, and a few more sequels in the pipeline to come
And I’m tagging: @themoonglitch @whyhellosims @lollipopsimblr @butterflieskiss @tabbyrhsims4simblr @merrymomo @wannabecatwriter
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igglemouse · 2 years
Happy Follower Friday!
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Another Friday and another group of lovely simblrs to appreciate!
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sparkiekong · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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"Ya be wanting to know things about Mama Kevari, @sheepiling? Here be the things you request!"
"Mama Kevari be knowing all manner of things about a great many people."
"Mama Kevari may be blind, but she be quite capable of seeing the truths of the world."
"As hard as it be to believe, but Mama Kevari be living a long time. King Triton be quite the adorable little scamp back then, dat be a truth."
"Mama Kevari be keeping a very large secret from my Princeling...but dat be a truth for another time."
"Mama Kevari be quite fond of Sulanian Cigars and Sulanian Rum... but nothing be better than Sulantian Rum..."
"Be telling Ms. Apple that she and Caleb be teaching their youngling, by remembering three things. Before one speaks, ya must be letting words past through three gates. Be they truth or lie? Be it necessary? and Be it kind? Only then should ya be speaking the truths of your heart. Mama Kevari certainly not be telling anyone how they must be raising their younglings, but it be a fine suggestion to be working through emotional control yes? Dat be a truth."
"Mama Kevari be thanking ya for your interest and asking that Kong be tagging @helenofsimblr @igglemouse @whyhellosims @oenomeltides @wannabecatwriter @mysimsloveaffair @brooklyn-mayhem @stargazer-sims @butterflieskiss @kimbr3"
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dandylion240 · 2 years
Reminiscing about The Sims
I was tagged by @butterflieskiss
Share how you discovered the sims franchise & the very first sims game you played (e.g. ts2)
The first time I became aware of the Sims games was when I was visiting my cousin. He was playing Sims1. He had a single sim who liked to party and when he wasn't partying he wasn't happy. I liked how you could decorate their homes anyway you wanted as long as the sim had the money for it. My Dad wasn't exactly thrilled with the game. It wasn't until a few years later when I was gifted Sims2 Pets for the Ninetendo Cube that I started playing it myself.
Then in 2009 I was gifted a laptop by my Aunt along with My Sims Life Stories. I remember that it took me a while to figure out how to have a baby and then I couldn't figure out how to make it stop crying. It didn't take long before I discovered Sims 2.
Sims 3 was the first game I really got into and I remember being so excited whenever I heard about a new pack coming out. Then I found out there was a whole community of other people who loved the game and wrote stories about their sims lives. I fell in love with that aspect of the Sims community. Plus at the time I needed a outlet to help me work through some rough RL moments and I found writing to be that outlet. It was natural to combine my love of the Sims with writing. It was through the community I discovered you could mod the game, add custom content and pose the sims to depict more of what the story was about. Sims 3 will always be my favorite game.
Sims 4 may not be my favorite for game play (ie the lack there of) but I do adore the ease of posing the sims and adding custom content and yes I do have stories centered around my Sims 4 sims as well. I cannot play without making a story. Sims 4 is the first game I've started make my own custom content and I'm still learning. I'm hoping eventually to return to poses again. I have many ideas for poses that I haven't seen much of but it's baby steps otherwise I get to frustrated when it doesn't work the way I think it ought to.
Not sure if I'll be jumping on the Sims 5 bandwagon as EA has pretty much killed any enthusiasm I had for the game. I'm scared of the glitch fest it more than likely will be since they can't seem to make a glitch free workable pack for the Sims 4 that's been around for years.
I'm tagging: @izayoichan @mahvaladara @katmk36 @stargazer-sims @wannabecatwriter. Feel free to skip if you've already done it.
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scarshattered · 4 years
I was just coastin' Never really goin anywhere Caught up in a web I was gettin kinda used to stayin' there And out of the blue I fell for youNow you're lifting me up, instead of holding me down Stealing my heart instead of stealing my crown Untangled all the strings round my wings that were tied I didn't know him and I didn't know me Cloud nine was always out of reach Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterfliesKiss full of color makes me wonder where you've always been I was hiding in doubt till you brought me out of my chrysalis And I came out new All because of you
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illusivekati · 2 years
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So I Have @kalissimsblog Christian in game with Collin, Karlie & Adria along with @helenofsimblr Kira & Kane as I have em all in Collin's big house Christian had been behaving himself and then I come to this as I am checking on everyone and your boy is butt nakey playing chess please come and collect him @kalissimsblog but his fitting in well with everyone they seem to be his kind of people
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illusivekati · 1 year
Thought I better come on Wishing everyone a happy new year and I hope I can return soon ❤️
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illusivekati · 2 years
yous are probably sick of these updates and probably may be wondering when Ill post again I am gradually having a little more free amount of time fingers crossed Haha I still must book a doctor's appointment etc and I still work every Thursday I haven't gone in game just yet but just might today after updates and over the weekend but 2023 is probably going to be my busiest year as because I am apart of NDIAS which is disability support scheme and my plan was updated and 2023 is going to have more appointments etc from mental health to my general health to my weak ankles from alcohol fetal syndrome and possibility chance of being diagnosed with PSD due to the abuse and violence I was put through when I was under foster care but have yet to be diagnosed with it but it will be investigated after all I had depression and anxiety as a child but I won't go in detail as this wasn't the reason for this update its more so Ill gradually come back to posting and catching up on my mutuals stories ive read but warning it may not be consistent til the weekend at the moment but I also gotta figure what I was up too consistency may only be weekends at the moment after all I'm an auntie now and gotta adult this year is my last year of being my twenties as next year I'll be heading into my 30's yay x.x I am still an auntie to my nephew, a sister to my siblings, a cat mom all without being married not against it just haven't found that right one anyways once I figure what I was up to and doing post would be consistent over the weekend not an everyday thing at this current stage so look out Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays for posts from me once I've figured where I am too Not So Berry I'll just kept on Hiatus for now and try and get Larsen Isle Lagacy finshed I am as far as I remember fishing up Gen 2 Builder & Would be heading into Gen 3 The Nurturer which will leave only two generations left ^^
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illusivekati · 2 years
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♥ Lexie, Kira & Luca ♥
Kira is now a child she hasn't been sleeping in her tent like she did as a toddler
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illusivekati · 2 years
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so I have gradually gone back into midnight isle save I am currently in the process of giving everyone make overs no Larsen Isle of Midnight Post Story posts just yet at the same time worried its heading in the direction of my orginal play of this as we nearing generation three just like last time but ive also been in not so berry preparing for generation 2 Rose but I also have some gameplays to do with the new packs ive been playing but first one to have a makeover in isle of the midnight sun is Adria
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illusivekati · 2 years
About EA Policy Drama
I've just seen a creator compare rape to ea policy related stuff I'm sorry but wtf is wrong with people these days I've seen these pop right all over Tumblr that's not okay no offence but EA has all the rights not you creators if EA says something must not be behind a paywall of any sort then don't but literally I've just been ingnore this drama goin on but now it's all over no matter how I ingorn it but that reference is out of line even tho it's true they don't have the right too but comparing it to content literally just wtf but earlier access from what I know it's fine for what about 2-3wks but putting it behind a paywall permanently probably not okay I honestly thought creating was because you enjoy it and it makes you happy therefore make others happy I know it certainly makes me happy when I do recolors of my own of colours and little patterns of my own and seeing people happy to use it makes me happy I'm only small when it comes to that and I don't put anything behind a paywall I only use patron to follow and support my favourite creators when I can which isn't always because of my lack of money but even with lack of money I don't have tiers or behind paywalls one because I don't know how to use it for such purpose as another platform for my stuff and because I want everything to be free and accessible for those who do enjoy my recolors I do for Sims and two I still can make small living through gardening for the elderly I value the gardening more then the money and yes it's nice being paid for my hard work but to be greedy hell no this isn't okay and this is going out of line quickly especially with the creators who are guilt tripping people making people feel guilty because they don't like the rules EA has put in place no offence but alot of you's never really said your situation until ea put those rules so it looks shady and wrong to me for those who do tho even before the rules koodios to know and seems like you's aren't in it just for the money but actually enjoy it and like seeing how happy it makes people but those who suddenly doin sob stories to guilt people it's not okay and it's a form of manipulation and shows you don't quite value the community unless it benifits you sorry not sorry for my honesty if your a good creator and people enjoy your content then you having nothing to worry about they will still support you and it be without the guilt tripping manipulation now for the anons first off I understand it annoys you that people abuse the privileges they were given but there is no need to be nasty pasty about it and add slurs and insults in it and attacks them it won't do any good but for those who are polite about it but the people who they were polite too being nasty you didn't deserve that and it just shows their true colours this all I will say from my perspective and brutal honesty about it want anymore on my thoughts feel free to send me an ask I'll happily answers it but be polite about it don't come attacking me cause you don't like my thoughts and if you feeling I'm attacking you that's on you that you feel that way because I've probably called yous out unknowingly and everyone one way or another was affected by COVID not just you's but this is my take on it
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illusivekati · 2 years
High School
So I look forward to playing this pack especially with the addition of bubble tea and more things for teens to do and be a bit more human I feel, I've also been missing prom from Sims 3 well School dance and well it's different from what I went through in high school here in Australia this is all American inspired high school which I'm foreign too, you see Australia we didn't have clubs or stereotypes and Instead of a School dance I had Leavers Dinner instead as far as School dance related I had Ball in College but high school it was leavers dinner I also was bullied by a kid because he was bigger then me this isn't a metaphor he was a big boy body was bigger then my high school self for less polite words he was chubby or fat and thought that made him bigger and better then healthy weighted me and he used that as a reason to bully me and once I hit college I was a bit mean but not everyday like that bully from high school and I was bullied extensively in primary that where alot of bullying on me happen atimes it felt like the whole school was out to get me next came high school wasn't as bad but the things he would say along with his minions weren't very nice if it wasn't some flaw in my apprencence it was certain aspects of my personality or how I laughed or something he would find it and bully me for it, High School crushes is a sore spot for me but I've experience it because when I told the guy he ran off screaming like a girl and told others who picked on me for admitting my feelings to him he was what American high school would dubbed as the popular boy that every girl wants but girls like me were something he would use as to poke fun about and embarrass me about it was entertainment for him in the most messed up ways and then my Leavers Dinner a piece of paper which had the letters of our first and last name down the side so with each letter someone could write something nice to us he wrote this whole I'm sorry for everything I did to your a nice girl etc that's was cool and all and then as I'm walking in town he tried to approach me be nice etc wanting to talk etc and he ask me about feelings and was lathering it on me with complements I told him I did like him but he ran off screaming like a girl and that I was over him the moment he rejected me he left me alone after that with all this our high schools had those influences but the clubs or stereotypes weren't in groups at least from my experience as the high school I went too was a Christian private School similar things happen that I Imagine would in a public high school just we had Christianity ever present and well I didn't get the choice of subjects as we were given what was called PACES no choice of subjects I didn't get that til College and College you would see the cliqs of people but they weren't labelled as popular/cool kids, Geeks or Nerds, the Whiz Kids etc I also didn't have the whole cheerleaders and jocks but if you were to see them and who they interacted with along with what people said they were like to tell which is what but labels were never used but you would get the odd oh don't associated with such and such because there weird or goth etc but I am looking forward to the new experiences this brings and I Hella love the buy/build items alot I would use myself so I think I might teenafy some of my Sims and join in on this experience I'm excited getting it tonight 🥰
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illusivekati · 2 years
Afternoon 🙂
Hello everyone once again I am a day behind with me edits my Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays get really busy these days so if lucky I find spare time to get in game on a Tuesday but not always lucky to get some time to myself today was my work day so I'm buggerd and tired I'll probably rest up and then post later Isle of the Midnight Sun is still on its Hiatus as I've been focusing on Not So Berry Save atm because like well I got most goals of mint generation done I'm just stuck at finding two base game minerals it hasn't been great idk how you's completed that as I haven't had any luck however I don't want to be spending another month just finding them to complete the collection cause all so far turning up is either I already have or it won't sit in the chart so if I don't I will just call it completed if nothing more keeps turning up as my rose generation is not far from becoming a young adult I'd like to make a start on that once she becomes young adult
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illusivekati · 2 years
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Santino Larimore (Young Adult)
Santino has all grown up now he was very unique like his brother when Minthe & Nickoli gave birth to him he basically has his mama's eyes and body and skin like Nickoli
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