illusivekati · 12 days
Hello I am well, but unfortunately not gotten back to sims just yet still, everything to do with sims is still feeling like an effort, I think I am going through a stage atm where I haven’t the passion for sims like I used too, but I don’t wanna completely give it up just yet atm I’m not 100% either so that doesn’t help my case either so I’m still continuing my hiatus from sims at this stage but still trying to keep up on the stories or gameplay I love
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illusivekati · 1 month
hello Katalinaize here
I have just updated my username to @illusivekati, previously katalinaize Im still here just now illusivekati :) XD I am gradually getting better but not enough still to do big projects just :) but for those being patient, thank you for your patience and continue support unfortunately at this time my posting its dependent upon how i am feeling mentally etc
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illusivekati · 1 month
hello hello
hello everyone, sorry for no content or story posts, I still havent had much of a chance to cope with too much, I just dont have the mental state to cope with alot with up to my ears in appointments with physio, soon hospital, I have been focusing on myself, and I don't get a chance to do anything till weekend but still havent had the mental energy possibly could be linked to my foster mothers birthday coming up who had passed in 2020 I can only do my best and i have felt nothing but spent lately but I am still alive and well just i guess its more of a time to focus on myself for a bit but been trying to keep up with everything :) and the only chance I get to sims related stuff is the weekends but I am not tasking too much of a big project I still want to do my story but it better if things start calming down for me first kinda wish physio didnt go nuts booking too many appointments ahead of time x.x atm story will still be on hold until farther notice until i can figure a balance for me atm its only general gameplay i can work with until i find a good balance I have also though about changing my username
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illusivekati · 1 month
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[EnriqueS4] Erika Hairstyle
New Mesh
Comes with 80 Swatches (24 EA Swatches + 56 Swatches from my natural palette)
Comes with 80 Ombres combination and also 80 swatches for chunky higlights
Hat Compatible
Base Game Compatible
All Lods
Teen to Elder
If you use my cc don’t forget to tag me as well like #enriques4 or @enriques4, for see your sims using my cc.
If you have any question or an issues, please let me know, i will try to fix it as soon as posible!!
Free release: 05/04
Download (Patreon - Early Access)
instagram - pinterest - twitter - youtube - twitch - thesimsresource
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illusivekati · 1 month
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🫧Hair For Infant Girls Part 2 🫧
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Creative Creators ✰ @simsulani @goamazons @milkemie @sehablasimlish @qicc @ravensim Thank you all ✰
You can find Part ONE here 𖦹
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illusivekati · 2 months
CAS Challenge I did
Today i did a cas challenge as a way to mix it up :) as it been awhile since I jumped ingame to have play etc it went like this.
Create a Character with...
Eyes the same color as the shirt/top you're wearing
If you have a natural hair color the give him/her long hair, if you have dyed hair give him/her short hair
Skin the same color as your hair this can be confusing but you pick the skin that you feel colerates to your hair color
The same gender as you
If you were born in fall or winter give them glasses
if you were born in spring or summer give them a hat
If your short, make them 5yrs older then you
if your tall make them 5yrs younger then you
if you like dogs give them a t-shirt or sweatshirt
if you like cats give them a sweater or collared shirt
if the weather is hot rn give them shorts or a skirt
if its cold out give them pants
if you have 1-3 pets give them long socks
if you dont have any pets give them a scarf
if you have more than 3 pets give them both long socks and scarf
This was my result had fun creating her, if you wanna have a go at it then feel free too :)
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illusivekati · 2 months
hello everyone
hello, everyone, an update, since my time off sims I have been focusing on myself and real life I know quite a few of you have been eagerly awaiting, more Lust and Lyrics, however things still havent calmed down for me but its not as crazy the most important stuff are done now its Food Coach and Physio I might try and try and do some general gameplay and see how I cope and that will depend weather i come back for writing more of story or if I still need life to calm down more for me to post as I was feeling like everything was extra work then usual but I am getting okay and better its just I have alot of me to focus towards myself as things keep changing :) and Im currently trying my best to catch up ^^
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illusivekati · 2 months
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I had access to the trial of Baldurs Gate 3, quite enjoyed playing it I've never played it's previous ones or dungeons and dragons but I managed to be grasping it pretty well and well this is my character Kylnera she is a High Elf and Draconic, of noble birth when I can be less tight with my money I'll definitely be getting it for myself ☺️
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illusivekati · 2 months
If anyone interested in following my twitch your quiet welcome too :) my twitch is katalinaize as well for now :) I stream here as well as youtube lately :)
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illusivekati · 3 months
Yuna's Sending Dance Final Fantasy
Such a bittersweet and beautiful scene its one of my favorite scenes
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illusivekati · 3 months
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So Sorry, I think atm I will have a break from Sims, It's feeling like so much energy at this current time as I end up having alot going on at this current time, and feeling like a bit more of playing on my PS5, and I've been streaming or sharing videos alot with my games, don't worry I will still be here trying to catch up it's just atm until things calm down for me in real life Sims is currently feeling like I have to use alot of energy but I also had a meltdown today in my real life and Sims has made me a lil depressive so I think I need to try a decompress from Sims until everything has calmed down for me so my story will be on hold for now until farther notice my content may change for a little bit until things calm down for me in real life I will share other content for now as I play around on PS5 your welcome to enjoy it 🙂 I have been streaming games on my YouTube channel current games being streamed by me is Saints Row Relected, Saints Row, Genshin Impact and Final Fantasy X if you wanna join if not please be patient and understanding but also if yous have questions about anything or even my Sims your still welcome to ask :) it's just until life calms down for me I won't post my Sims and Story but I'm not leaving the community 🙂 I just need a lil break and change of pace from Sims 🙂 and Tag Games are welcome still 🙂
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illusivekati · 3 months
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Since I have gotten my PS5 I've also gone back into my Final Fantasy, these are from Final Fantasy X one of my favourite scenes even though it is bittersweet but this has always been a gorgeous scenery when she does her sending dance at Kilka Port
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illusivekati · 3 months
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Since I got my PS5 I've been playing all sorts of games like this one Saints Row I got it recently I've had too much fun causing Chaos lately yeah at the back there is my Boss I made love my Boss personality 😄
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illusivekati · 3 months
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Some Grenshin Impact Screenshots they have had alot of events on lately 😄
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illusivekati · 3 months
Only Two Posts Headache Again
I only have two posts for today due to being headache again, as I am still getting used to glasses thats my guess why i been headache, my eyes also feel a bit strained I should be back tomarrow with more lust and lyrics :)
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illusivekati · 3 months
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I can't anymore
Karlie and Collin ended up moving their conversation downstairs.
Karlie: " There is something else I want to discuss with you"
Collin: " I am exhausted thinking about work but non the less I will hear you out and then rest up for tomarrow evening"
Karlie: " Bro I am sorry but I just can't keep being manager while juggling my job its exhausting me and I am not as exprience as someone who knows what they are doing would"
Collin: " You know very well I am not comfortable with a stranger doin it to many have used me for their own gain please sis"
Karlie: " don't worry I know so thats why I will travel to San Myshuno and see who I can find, and you bro can interview them alright does that work for you and make it more comfortable to do so "
~Collin nods~ " That does make me feel better, but you might have still explained things to them on how they manage me"
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illusivekati · 3 months
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Thoughts Collin
~Karlie found her brother in the gym of course working out on the treadmill, Collin had just finished his treadmill workout when Karlie came in ~
Karlie: " Hey bro come here I have sorted out your schedule"
~Collin approaches her as she called out to him ~
Collin: " Alright what have you got for me miss manager I can only imagine their would have been alot calls etc you were in there most of the day"
Karlie: ~shows him the piece of paper ~ " Yeah, I was very busy, as you can see here "
Collin: " Thats alot but thanks for accompany my routine sis makes it easier on me " ~as he is looking at the paper~
Karlie: " your welcome bro, also a friend of mine his name is Valentiono Castellanos, he runs a strip club nightclub, and hopes you could visit it I had put it down for tomarrow evening.
~Collin thinks for a moment~ " May I inquirer what is the name of the club he runs so I know where I am goin tomarrow night "
Karlie: " Oh yes sorry its called Ambrosia Lux
Collin: " Ambrosia Lux hmm okay I'll do that for you and him, I havent been out on the town since Sapphire, "
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