#but yeah just like. idk you can just say 'hey i would really recommend reading xyz but to summarize‚ (thing that disproves them)'
gibbearish · 29 days
are we really back to "oh you support (blank)? name ten people who (do/are) that right now or else youre lying for allyship points and everything you have to say should be disregarded". i thought we left that back in like. 2012 misogynist nerdbro culture
#i have seen it on two entirely separate topics lately and its like. hello?????#'if you cant name 10 trans authors off the top of your head you shouldnt be talking about trans issues full stop.#i dont think thats an unreasonable expectation for anyone wanting to engage in rational discourse' how about we all go outside#because like yeah i couldnt name you too many trans authors but given my transgenderismness i think i do in#fact still deserve a seat at the table. and i dont think there should be a prerequisite academic education level to be allowed to talk.#'but you could find them for free-' yes‚ you can‚ but people should still be allowed to a) choose what they read based#off of what interests them and not mildly-to-extremely dense nonfiction writing and still Talk About Their Own Lives And Have#Opinions#shockingly not reading a lot of one specific type of author doesnt prevent a person from having reasonable and valuable opinions#if youre not capable of parsing someones argument because theyre not well-read enough then that just imo means you dont actually understand#the things youve read to be able to give them a synopsis#this isnt school. we're not being graded. there is no required reading and you are perfectly capable of giving people an#explanation on your stances if theyre unfamiliar with them#i had a b) but i dont remember what it was‚ i think it probably was part of what i covered there that i thought was a separate thought#but yeah just like. idk you can just say 'hey i would really recommend reading xyz but to summarize‚ (thing that disproves them)'#it is not . difficult to either Explain yourself or‚ if that is not possible‚ Not be condescending to the person youre not willing to teach#for not knowing#ill stop there bc ive already done that ramble before but. yes#origibberish#edit: ok upon reread i got turned around and switched from addressing the less educated one conveying their arguments#to the more well read one#bc that was the b is i was gonna talk about both#yall get what i mean though just like. split it in half and flip it turnways
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Could you do a NSFW ABCs for Retro with the Vees?
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Anon, I had to look this up and. Uh. To be honest it’s not what I was expecting but hey! This works perfectly for what I’m doing right now :D
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
-CUDDLES AND KISSES ARE A MUST. Retro would be vulnerable and clingy as fuck after sex. When starting, at least. After they’ve gotten used to it, I imagine they’re the one who cleans up (or offers to, I’m sure Vox would cut in and insist on helping. Val wouldn’t care enough to bother) and they’d absolutely cherish helping any one of the Vees in the shower or bath afterwards.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
-Vox’s ports are Retros favorites. They love to tease him by running their fingers along them and sticking them inside, sometimes earning them a light shock. Depending on which port is stimulated, Vox could have quite the variety of reactions. And I think Retro likes their antennas the best. Their cute lil’ sea bunny ears. They absolutely adore Valentinos wings, and they tease Velvettes neck all the goddamn time.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
-hate. 0/10, do not recommend. Horrible texture, horrible to clean. Bleh. Vox has to help with this, a lot. Retro really does not understand the appeal of anything to do with this. In conclusion, cumming in their mouth will lead to death, most likely.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
-they bite. They love to bite. Whomever taught this little sea bunny how anything works better fucking regret it because no one that lets top will escape without at least ten deep bites.
-they love chains and begging
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
-Retro? Not at all. Literally no clue. They read smut, but that doesn’t exactly translate, especially since they’re not exactly used to those sort of feelings. They’d be completely dependent on someone else taking control and guiding them along. I imagine they’d get the hang of it quick, and probably start switching things up? They’d love to surprise Vox with some shit that Valentino would pull, just to fuck with him.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
-No preference. Again, they tend to be vanilla (I’m blanking on the names of positions help)
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
-Extremely flustered and silly sometimes. Other times? Goddamn. They’ll be whispering sweet nothings in their partners ears, nibbling their earlobes, and making the most poetic comparisons (during the slower moments, in betweens, and aftercare, of course)
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
-Yes (??) honestly, Retros a reader insert at heart so you do you, I don’t really care
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
-Poetic, considerate. They’d come up with the silliest but most adorable compliments. They’re very tender and loving, all about making sure their partner is comfortable and happy.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
-Retro just. Doesn’t. Look, they didn’t know shit about sex or lingerie or anything like that, and they sure as hell didn’t know anything about masturbation either! Again, just add in whatever you personally prefer. If I had to take a guess, it’s hard for them to get off, so idk. Fingering, maybe a vibrator??? If it helps make up for my lack of knowledge on Retros preferences, I imagine Velvette would be the one to teach them, and they’d go to eachother for help or suggestions on that. Retro is the most inexperienced a person can be.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
-Yeah, Vox was surprised. Velvette was shocked and had to process. Valentino was low key a little scared but pleasantly surprised.
-Praise. They are an absolute sucker for this. They were never really accepted when they were alive (obvious reasons, considering they’re yandere, obsessive, and literally killed people) so being praised on literally anything is just amazing for them.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
-bed. Retro is very vanilla sometimes, and likes to stick to what they know. They’ll accept a desk, too. They just like to be comfortable and uninterrupted.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
-being called a Good girl/Good boy. They are such a fucking sucker for that shit.
-Chains. Vox literally cannot summon the chains he has at any other time unless he wants to get some very questioning looks from the people nearby.
-literally just being asked. Okay, well, they’d definitely do it without second thought if any of the Vees asked, but if they begged? Holy shit. Holy fucking shit that works so well, it makes for a guaranteed session that lasts as long as the other person wants, with whatever they’re willing to do.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
-69. Val was a tad too brazen once, in suggesting this. Yeah, they hate it. Avoid it like the plague.
-spanking. And shit that’s too close to their tail in general. Obviously only the things that could hurt their tail, since it’s sensitive, anything else is fine. Tugging on it is a huge no.
-Um. Degradation and humiliation is a bit of a ‘tread lightly’ thing for them. I don’t imagine Vox would do it with Retro too often (my other versions Vox just fucking might), Val might fuck up when trying it out sometimes and make the poor sea bunny cry. He can go too far sometimes. Basically, Vox will do it because it’s easy to tell that they’re both into it. It’s hard to tell if Val is actually being serious or if it’s all just some fun, sometimes. Velvette? Guys I honestly don’t know anything about Velvette. I’d say it’s okay to do with her, she knows the limits well, and I think Retros most comfortable doing the more harmful, degrading, and humiliating things with Velvette than anyone else.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
-they’d rather receive it, if anything. They like to be showered in affection, and one of the Vee’s giving them something is just a dream come true, no matter the context or situation. I mean, Retro is always giving everyone else everything they’ve got, they’re always so devoted and thoughtful. Being rewarded in any way is just amazing for them.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
-they like it fast, rough, which works great for Vox. Val is taken aback and hesitant with this, but adapts quickly. Sometimes he’s overly considerate of Retros needs, other times he loses himself and does whatever he wants (which sometimes leads to discomfort from Retro and a talking to from Vox). Velvette? Retro has to switch things up for Velvette, to make sure she’s comfortable too. Those two are probably slower, more sensual when they’re together? Whatever Velvette wants, really. (Can Vel even…? I mean, she’s a doll. What if she’s built like a Barbie?)
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
-Not really up for it? They’ll give it a try, but it’s not for them.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
-No. not really. They stick to what they know, anything new has to be tested first. Depending on what it is, they’ll choose one of the Vees to experiment with (mostly based on skill, patience, etc.) Something new and rough is better to test with Vox, since he’s always hyper aware of Retros feelings. Slower? Maybe something Retro doesn’t even know the specifics of? Velvette, all the way. Vox isn’t great at explaining, he’d pull up an entire fucking PowerPoint. Testing anything with Val is a death sentence if he’s in a bad mood. Normally, though, he’s plenty sweet and considerate, just not very patient.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
-Depends? If they’re flustered they’ll melt so fucking quickly. Usually that’s only on days when they’re already overwhelmed, so catching them on another day or just by setting it up properly, they’ll be able to last for a bit. Valentino was surprised during their first time together. Retro didn’t last as long as his workers, but they lasted longer than he expected.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
-Retro doesn’t. Okay, they’d never admit it, but they did keep the vibrator Velvette got them. Also, do Vox’s chains count???
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
-ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. They tease endlessly. Vel loves it and finds it endearing. Val might get impatient or whiny, but he’ll wait it out with a pout. It’s a turn on for Vox, so if they keep it up, he’ll start begging. You can bet your ass it’ll be good that night.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
-soft, quiet. Little whines and whimpers.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
-Retro has sexual anhedonia. That’s my personal take on it. Again, they’re more than up for it, but it’s just extra confusing when it’s being described and it doesn’t match what they feel.
-Vox likes to beg, he’s always considerate of Retros needs, and is willing to indulge them at anytime. He might cause a city wide black out if he gets off a little too hard. He’ll definitely glitch sometimes, and that might cause him to accidentally jerk around (like flinching or whatever) and hurt them a little. He’ll apologize profusely if they’re upset, but if not, it’s all apart of the fun. Retro knows this well enough to take it into account when they’re having sex.
-I think Retro might actually have that whole ‘teeth on their tongue’ thing that sea bunnies have, except they choose when to use it. So the teeth on their tongue only show up when they want. Could make for a helluva shock for the Vees.
-We all joke about Vox being a cat, and honestly, I think he shares a lot of traits with one. So I give him more traits like that. Retro displays cat-like behavior too, sometimes, and might be caught purring after a session. They refuse to admit it.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
-confusion. That’s all they have.
-fine, if you must know, I guess I’ll give you something. Okay, sea bunnies have both reproductive parts, so any two sea bunnies can mate and have kids. Slightly irrelevant, but that’s all you’re getting, because again, reader insert here.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
-Low. Like, most of the time. At least, that’s how they feel (?). It’s hard to describe. Their body actually responds quite nicely, it’s just that they don’t really… feel anything. I guess. I don’t know, Retro is still a reader insert at heart. I’m projecting my own experiences and opinions onto them, but it works just as well for you. They are literally whatever you want them to be.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
-fairly quick. Well, they’d prefer some cuddles or kisses. They might be determined enough to stay up longer, just so they can watch their partner fall asleep and shower them with soft kisses and compliments.
Sorry, this went a bit off track. I’m trying to keep it in line with what Retro would actually prefer, but I’m having trouble with it. At the end of the day, they’re still just a stand in for the reader, so you can imagine them however you want. If anything here isn’t your cup of tea, or it doesn’t fit how you think of Retro, then ignore it! It’s all just fiction and my personal thoughts, so feel free to ignore or discard any ideas about this that you don’t like or feel would be OOC.
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skrill999 · 3 months
Wow there is nothing on the invincible tag. Guess I am one of the first people to see it (I mean what kind of Loser would stay up until midnight just to see a dumb cartoon) well I did and now I want to talk about it.
Anyways Invincible S2E5 is good and I recommend it (if you like Invincible that is)
HEAVY Spoilers ahead!!!!!
"My pizza's getting cold" man we just thought it would be a fun quippy chill episode. I mean I remember when Rex said "surely there won't be two massive disasters at the same time" like Dude Rex! Don't say that! You're just setting yourself up for disaster.
They killed DupliKate!!! And Shrinking Rae!!! Nooo! I know they didn't get too much detail to their characters but I was enjoying them!! As I was watching the battle I was thinking "Surely DupliKate has a master copy that she keeps out of battle" but it the battle when I saw she was stuck in the lizards grasp I saw how scared she was and that made me realize she might not. Though now that I am thinking about it she still might but idk. Still!! For all intents and purposes they killed her!!!
Also that moment where Rex was getting the sh*t beaten out of him and Shrinking Rae came to help and she went in his mouth and Rex said
"You know she doesn't stay small"
I thought that was so cool and was just waiting for her to come out so cool and then... she didn't. That was shocking and that's when I realized just how f*cked the situation really is. It was quite interesting to see him on such a backfoot while he was fighting and panicking. Very brave I will say that. Does he even have powers? I think he can make explosives but I don't know if that's just his gadgets. That was an interesting (cathartic?) moment where him losing his hand was what took down that other guy. But wow he is so fucked. What can he even do to get out of this?
Also I don't know when Rex became my favorite character but he *surprise* did have a moment of not being an asshole. You know when he was talking to Eve and giving her a pep talk (with ulterior motives of course but still it was nice)
Also yeah on the other end of everyone is getting fucked, the A-team is also fucked but it has bigger consequences then potentially just one person dying. (Don’t get me wrong I like Rex and DupliKate and Shrinking Rae but they are just 3 people and surely there are other heroes to take care of the Lizard League, it's down to it's last member, right?) If the A-Team fail then potentially all of Earth is doomed.
It is funny to me how shapechanger really thought he was fooling people. Though when he was speaking to the Martians his speech did not come off anymore naturally so now I wonder if he is as alien to the other Martians as he is to the earthlings. It does seem like he doesn't fit in with them either.
If you have gotten through this word salad that I call my flow of thoughts immediately after watching that episode, I am impressed. There is no organization to it. Anyways I have not read the comics, nor do I ever intend on doing so (at least not while the show is coming out) so I would appreciate no spoilers. But hey I would love to hear other people's thoughts. Perhaps there will be more activity on this tag when I wake up tommorrow (or today, whatever)
I bid you all a goodnight or goodmorning and good week wait for the next episode. :)
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forjongseong · 2 years
mi reina // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader
genre: fluff, smut, crack at some point idk, office!au // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; mentions of Hwiyoung (SF9), Taehyung (BTS) and Lia (ITZY); hyung-line makes another appearance; mentions of body image (getting fit); making out; cunnilingus (twice!); unprotected sex // wc: ~10.2k
summary: in this sequel, you spend more (intimate) time with your secretary and you're starting to notice how deep your feelings for him are.
previous chapter:
part 1 - carmesí
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
author’s note: it took two to three days for me to wrap up writing this, after writing carmesí I really thought I would never be writing another 10k-word fic again but oopsy! here is the sequel.
I appreciate all the feedback I've been getting for carmesí, some of you even took the time to go in my ask box as anons, recommending scenes and telling me the parts you like the most. I truly appreciate it! also, if you're reading this and you recognize the scene being something that you've mentioned to me before, then it probably is! I take people's feedback very seriously and I am happy to mold the story into something that not only satisfies me but also caters to your needs.
I decided to title this one mi reina and you will find out why towards the end. It's part of the lyrics to KESI by, as you guessed, Camilo (ft. Shawn Mendes! omg).
happy reading and feel free to recommend this fic to other people! you can find the rest of my work here.
taglist: @hee-pster @duolingofanaccount @jaylaxies (send an ask if you want to be tagged!)
It was an unusual day at work—you had to go to the office alone since Jay was out of town with his parents. He chose to take his paid time off during the week of his father’s birthday, and you decided that you can manage to go through seven days without him. It was chaotic on the first day, you admitted, having called for Jay several times only for you to see Hwiyoung, your second assistant, peeking inside your office.
Hwiyoung had been working for almost as long as Jay had, but he always had to deal with the affairs that did not concern you directly. When Jay told you that Hwiyoung would cover for him, you almost did not recognize the young man because of how long he grew out his hair. And now you’re beginning to think if one of the reasons you’ve been hiring your staff is because they all look good.
You were in your car, sitting in the backseat as Mr. Lee swiftly drove your Benz. Fixing your hair, you waited as Jay picked up your video call on the other side.
“Hey, Boss,” he chirped as soon as he appeared on the screen. His honey skin was glistening under the summer sun, his eyes squinting as his white tee almost reflected all the light. “Looking gorgeous as ever.”
Your eyes widened and you eyed Mr. Lee, wondering if he had heard Jay’s spontaneous compliment. Jay, noticing what he had just said, slapped his hand over his mouth.
“Did he hear?” Jay was now whispering.
You took a moment to observe Mr. Lee and noticed that he was so focused on the navigation on the dashboard. “I don’t think so,” you say as you reached in for your Buds, not taking any chances and making the conversation private.
“You really didn’t have to send me the meeting prep, I got it covered,” you said, holding your iPad on your other hand, scrolling through the slides Jay sent you a day before.
Jay waved his hand, dismissing you. “It’s my job.”
“You’re on a break,” your eyes glance at Jay on the screen. He looked dreamy with the wind blowing through his hair.
“Well, yeah, but,” Jay put on his orange-tinted sunglasses. “I still wanted to help you.”
You merely smiled at his comment and without looking, you knew he was smiling too. “Where are you by the way?”
“We’re just on a small boat about to cross to another island,” Jay answered, raising his voice. “I don’t know if I can still get service.”
“I don’t want to keep you from your holiday,” you diverted your attention from the iPad back to your phone. “Give your mom and dad a big hug for me.”
“I will,” Jay was looking to someone behind the screen, smiling widely.
“Do they know?” you asked, fixing the position of the Buds in your ear.
Jay took a second before putting his phone closer to his mouth, his face taking up the whole screen in your view. “They know I’m seeing someone,” he then lowered his voice into a whisper, “but they don’t know it’s my boss.”
You snorted and laughed softly. Jay had this really wide smile where you can see the wrinkles in his eyes and smile-line. “You should go,” he said, keeping his smile. “I’ll call you again later.”
You nodded and waved at him, while he blew air kisses and made smooching noises on the phone. You chuckled and shook your head, taking your Buds off.
“We’re here, Miss.”
Taking a glance at Mr. Lee, you noticed the car had stopped and it was time to go to work.
You’ve grown accustomed to Hwiyoung’s assistance and a week flew by. You checked your phone and saw that Jay would be home tomorrow. It was Friday and you decided to wrap things up early.
“Can you push back the two appointments I have to Monday?” you asked Hwiyoung as you stepped out of your office, your bag in your hand. “And let them know that Jay will be back.”
Hwiyoung tilted his head.
“I mean Park. Park Jay. My PA,” you cleared your throat and forced yourself to calm down, wondering why you forgot to call him the way the other staff do.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Hwiyoung smirked, making a scribble in his iPad before closing it and bowing to you.
“Miss is fine,” you chuckled. “Always so formal.”
Hwiyoung smiled and brushed his hair back as he waved you goodbye. “Enjoy your weekend, Miss.”
His tone sounded awfully cheery and you thought that he might have felt relieved that his work shadowing you was over. You didn’t give it much thought as you head down to the lobby, Mr. Lee already waiting for you outside.
“Where to, Miss?” Mr. Lee asked, opening the door for you. “Home?”
You shook your head and told Mr. Lee to drop you at your favorite café, refusing when he offered to wait for you someplace else. You wanted to disconnect and de-stress, to balance your emotions after the busy week you had and to prepare yourself for tomorrow. You were determined to welcome Jay home in the best mood possible because only he and God knows how many breakdowns and tantrums you’ve had that were caused by work.
After ordering your usual drink, you sat in a corner of the café, burying your nose in a new book you’ve been meaning to get into for weeks. When the lights around you turned on, you noticed that it had gotten dark. You saw people walking by the café, some were getting off work, some were already on a date, and some looked like they were in a rush.
Deciding to just walk back to your apartment, you put your book in your bag, your half empty drink in your hand, and stepped out of the café. The barista nodded and waved at you as you left, and you immediately feel the evening breeze hit your face. The scene was so serene and almost like something out of a movie.
When you started walking, however, you cursed yourself for wearing the wrong shoes. Your black Jimmy Choos were digging into your heels and you could feel your skin starting to get blisters. You knew that your walk couldn’t go on for longer, and you were almost home anyway, so you pushed through. Seeing a bench, you opted to sit and put on band-aids before things get worse.
You sat down putting your drink aside and just as you were about to reach into your bag, a pair of hands carefully reached for your feet, taking your heels off.
You would have screamed if you did not notice the young man kneeling in front of you.
“What did I say about wearing stilettos?” Jay tutted. He put your shoes aside carefully and started observing your feet.
“What,” you were too surprised and in pain to comprehend what was happening. “Jay, you’re supposed to come home tomorrow.”
He glanced at you and smiled before attending to your feet again, taking the band-aids that were already poking out of your bag.
“I was going to surprise you,” he calmly answered, ripping out a band-aid and putting it on the back of your heel. “I texted Hwiyoung and he told me you were leaving early.”
“Does Hwiyoung know?”
Jay shook his head. “I said it was a work thing to do,” Jay answered, carefully putting your feet down, done with the fix. “Anyway, I also texted Mr. Lee and he said he dropped you off at the café. When he said that, I knew you didn’t want to be disturbed so I just walked around until it was dark.”
You saw the duffel bag sitting beside him as he continued to kneel in front of you. “You came here straight from the airport?”
Jay nodded. “Like I said. Surprise.”
Tears started forming in your eyes. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. You had everything planned, you were going to see him when everything is perfect.
“I hope those are happy tears,” he said as he noticed a tear drop down your cheek. He moved closer to you and wiped it away with his thumb before turning his back towards you, squatting.
“Hop on,” he instructed.
Jay took his duffel bag and hung it over his shoulder, putting the bag in front of him, making room for you on his back.
“I’m carrying you home. I’m not letting you walk in these,” he tilted his chin towards your Jimmy Choos.
“I can walk barefoot,” you claimed, already taking your heels in your hands.
“Yeah, I’m not letting you do that either,” Jay said, stern. “Come on, now.”
You sighed, noticing he wasn’t going to let you go that easily. Caving, you snaked your arms above and around his shoulder, your heels secured in your grip and your bag already on your shoulder. He then placed his arms under your thighs, pulling you up with ease.
As he started walking, you rested your head beside his. “Thank you,” you murmured. He replied by nudging your head with his, chuckling. “Can’t remember the last time I got a piggyback ride.”
“What happened to the Chanel shoes?” He inquired. “Is there a reason you’re not wearing them?”
“They’re being cleaned,” you sighed.
“Why didn’t you just wear sneakers?” He asked.
“And just leave my collection of heels as décor at home? No way.”
Jay chuckled and lightly pinched you under your thigh. You winced and playfully smacked him on his chest. As you both arrived at your apartment’s lobby, you made Jay put you down, claiming that the floor is fairly cleaner than the outside which means you don’t mind walking barefoot. You said hello to your doorman, who eyed you carrying your shoes and offered to help you carry them, to which you of course declined. Jay smiled at the doorman too and couldn’t help but notice how he was looking at you both until you entered the elevator.
“Does he know?” Jay asked as soon as the door closed.
“The doorman.”
You snorted and shook your head. “I don’t think so? Would it matter?”
“I mean I come here a lot,” Jay said, staring at the number on the elevator screen.
“Yeah, he knows you’re my assistant.”
“Oh yeah,” Jay said with a sudden revelation, almost forgetting that you’re his boss. “All good then.”
When you reached your floor, you walked out the elevator and intertwined your fingers with Jay’s, leading him to your place. The moment you both walked in and closed the door behind you, Jay dropped his bag to the floor and you did too, also throwing away your heels in the process.
You leaped into him and he caught you, grasping your thighs firmly as they wrap around his waist. You were nuzzling his neck, taking in his scent and just appreciating the fact that he was there in the flesh.
“I’ve missed you,” you said, almost a whine, lifting your head to look him in the eyes.
He looked at your lips and leaned to kiss you. You felt his hot breath in your face as you reciprocated, your hands finding their way to cup his cheeks. He kept kissing you until you feel your feet graze the sofa.
“I’ve missed you more,” he finally replied, laying you down on the couch. “It was torture.”
You chuckled as you caressed his face, seeing him kneel beside you on the floor. You pulled him by the collar of his flannel, inviting him to lie with you. He hovered on top of you and pushed your hair away from your face before leaning in, brushing the tip of his nose to yours.
He kissed you again and you sighed. He wasn’t even touching you anywhere else, yet you already feel so needy. You tugged his flannel shirt and helped him take it off, only to reveal the white sleeveless tee he was wearing underneath. Your hands travel to graze both his biceps, and he was just smiling at you while you run your hands over the surface of his skin.
“I don’t remember you being this buff,” you said, your voice low from fatigue and thirst.
“I’ve been working out,” he confessed, leaning in to peck your cheek.
“What’s the target?” You pulled him by the nape to kiss his lips.
“Look good,” he said into your mouth.
“For who?”
Jay stopped hovering above you to sit back, taking his tee off. You propped yourself up with your elbows, now seeing him topless and sitting just inches away from you. He sat up straight, muscles flexing and you almost moaned at the sight.
“Do I really have to answer that?” He teased, his fingers now fiddling with the buttons on your shirt.
You let him undress you, keeping your eyes on his hands throughout the whole process. He pulled your shirt off and then your hands, to make you sit on his lap. He got comfortable and leaned back as you straddled him, kissing his lips before peppering his cheeks and jawline with butterfly kisses.
“The whole time I was away,” Jay whispered as he looked into your eyes, his fingers stroking your hair. “I kept thinking about coming home to you. I was already planning to surprise you, you know.”
You pouted and he raised an eyebrow. “I wanted to pick you up tomorrow at the airport. I had the whole day planned. You ruined it.”
Jay chuckled, bringing you closer to him by gently pulling your waist. “I ruined it?”
He then secured a hand on the back of your head and pushed you into him, kissing and nibbling on your lips before forcing his tongue inside your mouth. You whimpered, palms flat on his chest as he continued to abuse your lips, eliciting obnoxious wet sounds.
As Jay pulled back, he ran his thumb over your lower lip, noticing how plump it had become and how your lipstick was gone completely. “Did I ruin it? Or did I just make it better?”
You shyly bit your lip at his question. He had this power over you, the power you basically have on everyone else, making you listen.
“Better,” you replied in a whisper. Jay smiled proudly before running his hands around your body and pulling you into another kiss. As both his hands roam down your waist and up to your chest, you noticed his fingers fumbling in the front, and then towards your back.
“Where the fuck is the clasp??” He asked in pure confusion when he pulled away and you buried your head in his neck, silently laughing. Your body was shaking and by then Jay was grunting impatiently, his head looking over your shoulder to see if he could still unclasp your bra.
“This is a sports bra, you genius,” you said as you grabbed the band of your bra, tugging and then pulling it over your head like a t-shirt. “It has no clasps.”
Jay sighed, almost like he was relieved to finally see your tits on full display. “Please don’t wear that again,” he pleaded, looking up to you.
“I won’t if I’m with you,” you smiled, touching his nose with your finger. “Promise.”
He was quick to leave a kiss on your hand before he dove into your breasts, inhaling your scent and placing kisses everywhere. You could feel his hard-on against your fully clothed core, and when he started sucking on your nipple, you were sure your panties were already drenched. He massaged your waist as his lips and tongue made themselves busy around your chest. He was squeezing you with his hands, sucking your soft skin and leaving love marks around every part that was previously covered by your bra.
“Jay,” you called for him sweetly, already aching to feel more.
“Hmm?” He was always quick to reply, no matter how busy he was, and in this case, your nipple was encased in his lips. He was sucking you a little too hard that you had to tug on his hair. He groaned and looked up at you.
“Take me to bed,” you whispered, “…please.”
Jay knew that you had always been assertive. He had also noticed that no matter how assertive you may be, you always insisted on the importance of politeness too. Hearing you say ‘please’ so sweetly melted his heart, but it ignited something else too.
You and Jay had made love countless times, yet every time you feel like it’s the first time. Jay was always trying something new, if not doing something new he would be fucking you someplace new. There was nothing specifically grand or extreme, and you love how most of the time he likes doing it the way you do—classic vanilla.
Jay picked you up in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands around his shoulders, as he carries you to your bedroom. He lays you down and stays hovering over you, caressing your cheek tenderly.
“Tell me what you want me to do to you,” he muttered under his breath. “In detail.”
You were already breathing heavily from the anticipation. You gulped before you opened your mouth.
“Undress me completely.”
Jay leaned to kiss your neck passionately and you whimpered, running your fingers through his hair. Your hands are soon empty as you find him traveling downwards, his fingers unbuttoning your pants and pulling them off slowly. You licked your lips as you fixed your gaze on him, seeing him so focused. He then hooked his fingers on the sides of your panties and pulled it down, discarding it completely.
“Done,” he hummed. “What’s next?”
You were not used to him asking for directions in every step of the way, and you were slowly getting impatient.
“Touch me.”
Jay chuckled at the sense of urgency in your voice. He really wanted you to be specific, but you were just so aroused that words were jumbled up in your head.
“Hands,” you brought your own hand to cover your eyes, frustrated. “Your hands. On my thighs.”
You almost yelped when you felt him grip your thighs a little too tightly. “Eat me out,” you say in a whimper. “Please.”
Now how could he refuse when you were being so polite?
You already felt yourself dripping in your core, and Jay was quick to lap up your juices. You flinched when the warmth of his tongue came into contact with your folds. Jay felt you jerk your legs and he quickly rested your thighs on his shoulders as he continued to suck on your cunt. For some time, the only sound in the room was your gasps and heavy breathing, interspersed with the wet and lewd noises coming from Jay’s mouth.
“Stop,” you say, denying yourself of the orgasm building up.
Jay pulled away in an instant, his head shooting up to look at you, waiting for your next instruction. You could see his chin tainted with a mixture of his saliva and your wetness.
“Let me taste your lips,” you reached out your hands, ready to welcome him in your embrace.
With a smirk, Jay crawled upwards until his face was above yours. He was holding himself up with his forearms beside you, and you snaked your arm around his neck to pull him into you, smashing his lips into yours. You could taste yourself and you moaned, his tongue wrestling with yours to make sure you don’t waste a drop.
You moved one hand down his chest, all the way to his abs, grazing them ever so slightly. When you reached his cock, which as you predicted was already rock hard, you squeezed it and Jay almost lost his balance.
“Tell me what you want next,” he said, almost breathless.
You continued to stroke him through the thick fabric of his black joggers and it took everything in him to stay up. As he waited for an answer, he started bucking his hips into your touch.
“Y/N,” his tone sounded demanding. “Words, please.”
“Get naked,” you say, tugging his pants down. “I want your cock inside me.”
He pushed himself away with a grunt, hastily undressing completely before hovering over you again, his dick in his hand lined up to your core.
He looked at you for confirmation and you nodded. When he slid the tip inside, your stomach tensed, and when he was completely inside of you, you sigh in relief.
“I’ve missed you,” you said, voice almost breaking. “I miss you inside of me.”
Jay shushed you, brushing your hair back and kissing your cheek.
“Move, please,” you continued. “Make love to me, fast.”
And like any other errand you had made him do, Jay executed this task perfectly. He started slow, letting you readjust to the size of him, and when he felt your hands on his biceps, he knew you were ready for him to go fast. And, my God, he did.
The time it took for you to cum was a lot less than all the foreplay. In between his thrusts, you told him you were close and he kept his pace until your walls squeezed around him. He made sure to help you ride out your high before he pulled out and finished himself with his hand, staining your stomach with his load.
Jay collapsed by your side and when you turned your head to look at him, he raised his hand, his pointy finger asking for one second to catch a breather. You smiled and leaned to kiss him on his temple before carefully slipping out of bed.
“Wait,” he said, breathing heavily. “I haven’t cleaned you up.”
“You’ve already done so much, Jay,” you said, blowing a kiss at him before disappearing into the bathroom. It took you less than five minutes to clean yourself but when you walked back into your room, you found Jay asleep, his naked body completely exposed, his dick gone flaccid, and his hair all messed up and wet from the sweat.
Only then you realized how tired he must have been, returning from a long flight and going straight to where you were, having to carry you on his back all the way home, and completely indulging yourselves in reunion sex.
You took a clean towel from your bathroom and walked to his side, gently wiping away the sweat and leftover cum around his crotch. He wasn’t a light sleeper, so you knew your movements were not going to wake him up. Still, you managed to quietly tuck him in, pulling the covers up to his chest. He stirred in his sleep but quickly found a position he liked, continuing to dream as he lies sideways.
After staring at the serenity painted on his face, you came to realize that there was absolutely nothing you wouldn’t do for this boy.
You agreed to go for a Sunday morning run with Jay after a week of him being back at work. His fit physique made you slightly jealous, and you vowed to get in shape to boost your own confidence. Jay was supposed to pick you up early in the morning, but after not hearing from him for an hour, you decided to go check on him.
Standing awkwardly and not knowing who will answer the door, you shifted your weight as you waited. The door to Jay’s flat opened, and you were greeted by a guy with silver hair, his head tilting to the side like a curious puppy.
“Hi?” He greeted you, sounding more like a question.
You smiled. “Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m supposed to meet with Jay.”
The guy’s eyes widened in wonder, but before he could reply, he was interrupted by a taller, black-haired guy who snuck up behind him as soon as he heard your name.
“You’re Y/N? Come in!” He said, gesturing for his friend to make way.
“I’m Heeseung, and this is Jake,” he said once you were inside. “We have another flat mate, it’s Sunghoon. I think he’s in the bathroom.”
“Am not,” you heard Sunghoon’s voice from behind you and you turned to see him in the kitchen. “Nice to meet you,” he nodded at you, chewing his cereal.
“Are you going out for a run? Is Jay supposed to pick you up?” asked Jake as he observed Heeseung getting busy, finding an appropriate mug to serve their special guest a drink.
“Yeah, is he still asleep?” You asked, aware that that would be the only reason for him not answering your calls.
Sunghoon took a peek inside Jay’s bedroom and looked at you nodding. “I’m gonna try and wake him up.”
You were about to stop him but then Heeseung held up a mug in front of your face. “Hope you like orange juice,” he said with a smile. You happily accepted his offer and immediately he walked away, following Sunghoon.
“Waking Jay up is a two-man job,” Jake explained, sensing the confusion on your face.
You took a sip of the orange juice before holding the mug tight in your hands. “By any chance, are you Australian?” you asked Jake who was now by the kitchen counter, standing across you as you sat on the stool.
He was surprised at how you guessed his accent correctly. “I spent all my school years there. Are you Australian too?”
You shook your head. “I did live in Brisbane for a couple of years though.”
“No way,” Jake gasped in disbelief. “I’m from Brisbane!”
Your face lightened up as you witnessed Jake’s expressive reaction. The two of you proceeded to share stories of your stay in the same city, Jake’s eyes sparkling and his lips curling up every time you mention a place that he recognizes. You must have been talking for a while because by the time you were done, Jay was already up, pouting and rubbing his eyes.
“I told you guys to wake me up early,” he said, annoyed, looking at his three roommates.
“Believe me, mate,” Jake raised his voice. “We tried.”
Jay staggered towards you and when he finally reached you, he rested his head on your shoulder. You tensed at his affectionate gesture, unsure if his roommates were aware of your dynamic, but Jake smiled at you and gave a reassuring nod.
“Boss, meet Jake,” Jay mumbled, clearly still gathering his thoughts. “Jake, this is my boss.”
You giggled and covered your face with one hand, hiding your embarrassment.
“I know,” Jake replied, already shuffling backwards to leave the premises. “And I like her. She’s cool.”
When Jake left, it was just the two of you in the kitchen, and you shook your shoulder to get Jay off of you. You see him with his eyes half-open, mouth still pouting.
“Are we still gonna run?” You asked as you gently tapped his cheek to wake him up. “You told me you were gonna help me get fit.”
Jay yawned before nuzzling into your touch. “I have other ideas for you to get fit.”
Your eyebrows furrow, wondering what type of work out agenda Jay would come up with. “Like what?”
He stepped closer to you, pulling the bar stool you were sitting on, making a dragging sound on the floor. As he closed the gap in between your faces, you closed your eyes only to be startled by the voice on the other side of the room.
“Get a room!” Sunghoon shouted, his face looking half-annoyed, half-jealous. Jake merely chuckled beside him, patting his shoulder and encouraging him to walk away.
Jay sighed in annoyance and you could feel his breath on your cheeks. You laughed softly and gently nudged him away.
“I’ll go get changed,” he said as he stretched his arms out. “Sorry I made you wait,” he leaned in for a quick peck on your cheek before rushing back to his bedroom.
Heeseung appeared from the bathroom, his face looking brighter than when he invited you in moments before.
“It still feels weird seeing him like that,” he said to you as he opened the fridge, scanning the inside for something to drink.
“Like what?”
“All smiley and shit,” Heeseung settled on a small box of chocolate milk. “He never shuts up about you. I think you really make him happy.”
You were stunned at Heeseung’s sudden confession, thinking that the overwhelming joy that you felt was one-sided.
“Let’s go,” Jay suddenly rushed past you, his outfit changed from pajamas to workout. “Before any of my flat mates keep talking to you and fall for you.”
Heeseung scoffed and you cackled, almost embarrassed at how the boys have been throwing you compliments since you arrived. You saw how Jay immediately intertwined his hand with yours and you looked back at Heeseung, waving goodbye and mouthing ‘thank you’ to him.
The door closed and Heeseung finished drinking his milk as Jake and Sunghoon rejoined him in the living room.
“She’s seriously so cool,” Jake confessed. “Jay really got himself a keeper.”
Heeseung nodded. “We didn’t really talk much but I really like her vibe.”
Sunghoon was staring blankly at his phone, mindlessly scrolling the screen. “Do you think she has any single friends?”
Heeseung and Jake exchanged glances, shook their heads and walked out of the room sighing, leaving Sunghoon alone and confused.
You fulfilled your promise of coming back to Taehyung’s jazz club after its grand opening. You admit it took you literal weeks to go back, but your excuse was valid—you own a company and work gets hectic sometimes.
Jay sat at the booth waiting for you as you went to the restrooms. He took a sip of his drink as he glanced at the band playing live music. It was a whole other atmosphere compared to the opening that he attended with you. It was much more quiet, with people talking softly and the warm lighting shining bright enough for everyone to see everything going on.
“That’s a really nice leather jacket.”
Jay turned to face the source of the voice and found Taehyung, getting a seat beside him. “Wait, I know you,” he said to Jay, eyebrows furrowing in concentration.
“Stop harassing my man,” you appeared behind Jay, protectively putting your hands on his shoulder as you slightly pulled him back. You were too distracted to notice the stupid grin forming on Jay’s face after he heard you call him your man.
“Oh, right!” Taehyung clicked his fingers. “You’re the handsome personal assistant!”
Smirking, Jay held out his hand. “Jay is fine,” he said, shaking hands with Taehyung.
Taehyung then looked at you. “Did you just call him your man? Are you guys dating?”
Jay looked at you and you didn’t know why he needed to ask your permission. Taehyung clicked his tongue and chuckled.
“Okay, ignore my question,” he said as he fixed the collar of his silky button-up. “But if you are then I am happy for you. You deserve love after everything you’ve gone through.”
“Here we go,” you said as you take Jay’s drink from his hand, chugging it down. Jay just stared at you, concerned, as you winced from the burn down your throat.
“You know how it goes, Noona,” Taehyung leaned in to speak in a lower volume. “I need to screen the man you plan on dating.”
Jay decided to lean back and watch the conversation in front of him unfold.
“Yeah? Where were you when I was about to date my last ex?” You challenged Taehyung who was now fully committed to either debate you or give Jay a whole lecture.
You and Taehyung started going back and forth, recalling events and stating facts like you were in a legitimate argument. Jay merely blinked as he sat between the two of you, patiently waiting for the fire to be put out.
“Point is, Noona,” Taehyung cleared. “You need to tell this lovely man about your ex.”
“What’s the point?” you asked, glaring at Taehyung. Your eyes soften as you felt Jay’s gaze on you.
“I just think he deserves to know,” Taehyung nodded, acting wise. The band finishes a song and Taehyung quickly turned his head. “My cue to leave!”
You and Jay stared at Taehyung as he made his way to the stage, seemingly performing a routine where he would sometimes sing for the club.
“You don’t have to tell me, you know,” Jay finally spoke after minutes of just being the listener.
“What?” You looked at him, doe eyes questioning his statement.
“About your ex. Your past is the past and you’re not obliged to tell me anything,” Jay moved his fingers to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
Moved by his gesture, you decided to do the exact opposite.
“My ex was famous,” you confessed. “Is, famous, I mean. He still is.”
Jay nodded and went to his usual stance of listening—turning to face you with his legs slightly spread open. “Okay?”
“What Taehyung was trying to say is that,” you looked at Taehyung and can’t help but admire his singing voice. “I dated him for a while, and we didn’t even start on a good note. The point is, I broke up with him and it was really hard to do.”
“Because you both loved each other?” Jay inquired, starting to guess.
You shook your head. “He didn’t want to break up so I had to be the bitch. Eventually we did, but Taehyung says that he still asks him about me sometimes.”
Jay pouted as he nodded, looking at the stage. “So we’re dealing with an obsessive ex?”
“I wouldn’t say obsessive,” you sighed. “Well, I did block him everywhere on my social media.”
Jay chuckled and took your hand in his. “What are you trying to say?”
“I don’t know,” you said, frustrated. “I don’t know. I just don’t want you to think of me differently.”
Jay saw how fidgety and uncomfortable you got just seconds after talking about your ex. He pulled you by your waist and tilted your chin up to face him.
“Enough about exes,” he said, rubbing his hand on your sides, comforting you. “If you do still want to talk to me about anything, though,” he kissed your cheek and moved his lips towards your ear. “I’m your man.”
You blushed, feeling Jay’s breath tickle your ear as he pulled away, looking at you.
“You really are,” you said, affectionately brushing his hair back.
In the privacy of Taehyung’s exclusive jazz club, you weren’t worried how people might find out about your relationship with Jay. You accepted all his advances and displays of affection, and when you leaned in to kiss him, Taehyung continued to sing his song, now serenading the lovebirds in his club.
Jay was sitting on a bench by the basketball court, watching as Heeseung and Sunghoon play against each other. Jake came running to him, two bottles of water in his hands. He gave one to Jay and happily sat beside him, the two of them catching their breaths.
Basketball on Thursday nights had been a thing for the four flat mates ever since they moved in together. Heeseung was only a year older than the others, so it didn’t take much effort for them to become close friends. They really were the closest friends Jay has ever had, to the point that he shares his concerns with them, and they listen to him with open arms.
“Does Y/N Noona play basketball?” asked Jake.
Jay raised an eyebrow as he took a sip of his water. “You call her Noona now?”
“Well, she’s not my boss, what else would I call her?” Jake averted his gaze to the one-on-one happening in the court.
“I don’t think she does,” Jay responded, trying to think of things you might be interested in.
“It would be fun if you ask her to tag along,” Jake fiddled with his bottle as he said this.
Jay chuckled. “Why are you so fond of her? You’ve only met her once.”
“Exactly. And the first impression was so good. She’s so nice and smiley and so good at initiating conversation. Was that why you started liking her?”
Jay pondered over Jake’s question for a while. He started asking himself why and when exactly was the moment he fell for you.
His mind started to travel to that one TED Talk you attended last year. You were invited to give a talk because the theme was about women in power. The day of your talk, you were dressed in an all-grey fit—a loose grey blouse, high-waisted straight pants, and stilettos. Jay held your long coat the entire time you were there, and when it was time for you to go on stage, he found himself a seat in the audience.
He had been to many meetings and presentations with you, and he knew that public speaking was one of the skills that you had mastered. Whenever he asked if you were nervous, you would only say ‘just a little bit’, and then completely ace whatever presentation you were supposed to give.
That day, however, you weren’t there as ‘the boss’. You took on the role of a mentor, and you delivered your speech in a way that was so engaging, so mesmerizing, without it being intimidating. You even took the time to do adlib jokes, out-of-the-script ments that even Jay did not see or prepare in the slides he designed for you. He saw how the audience never took their eyes off of you, a smile plastered on their faces throughout the whole talk. When you were done, Jay almost jumped from the thunder of applause the audience gave you, and he then sprinted backstage to meet you there.
On the ride back to the office, Jay was seated beside you in your car, as usual. He was rechecking your schedule for the rest of the day on his iPad when he started asking you stuff.
“I’ve never seen you like that before, Boss,” he said, eyes glued to his iPad.
You glanced at him. “Like what?”
“Being in control of the whole room. It looked like you were teaching,” he continued.
You smiled as you looked out the window. “I used to teach.”
Hearing this, Jay paused the scribbling he was doing and looked at you. “You did?”
You nodded and proceeded to tell him how, after you graduated college, you immediately took a teaching job and found joy and satisfaction in how the students would pay attention to you in class, and how they would express their gratitude to you at the end of each semester.
“It was the most rewarding thing I have ever done,” you ended your story. Smiling, but still looking outside the window.
“Why did you stop?” He asked, completely immersed and intrigued in this past history of yours he wasn’t aware about.
You shrugged. “Took a pause in the middle of teaching, noticed that the university didn’t need me anymore. I pivoted and took interest in daddy’s business,” you explained. “Fast forward, now we’re here.”
“Did you ever think of going back to teach?” Jay asked full of genuine curiosity.
“In a way I’m always teaching,” you noticed your car approaching your office building. “Why do you think our staff is so good at their jobs? Why do you think I insist on everyone calling me ‘Miss’?”
Stunned by your words and still in complete awe of you, Jay didn’t notice that it was time to go.
“Are you gonna open the door?” You said, tilting your chin.
“Jay,” Jake was waving his hand in front of Jay’s face. “Don’t zone out like that, mate, you’re scaring me.”
Jay blinked and saw Heeseung and Sunghoon wrapping up their game. Jake threw them both their towels as they made their way to the benches.
“Glad you two are done. I tried having a conversation with this guy and he just started daydreaming about his boss girlfriend,” Jake giggled, eyeing Jay and elbowing him in the ribs.
Jay scoffed and awkwardly started brushing his hair back, thinking how he had let himself go just by the mere thought of you.
“You said there’s this fundraiser thing you have to go to with her tomorrow, right?” Heeseung asked, sitting next to Jay. “Do you already know what you’re going to wear?”
Jay’s eyes widened as the sudden realization hit him. Sunghoon cackled and pointed at his funny face.
“You really need to get your shit together,” Sunghoon chimed in. “You’re keeping her life organized but your own is a mess.”
Heeseung chuckled and gave a pat on Jay’s shoulder. “It’s alright. It happens. Love makes you dumb sometimes.”
You stand by the entrance of your apartment, having small talk with your lovely doorman as he keeps you company, waiting for Mr. Lee to pick you up. You told him to pick Jay up first since your place was closer to the fundraising event, and to make sure Jay gets ready on time.
“Your car is here, Miss,” your doorman said as he walked past you, approaching your Benz that was pulling up. He opened the door to the backseat to let you in.
“Thank you,” you smiled and touched your doorman’s arm, appreciating the time he took to talk to you while you waited.
“Right on time, Mr. Lee,” you greeted your driver before turning to look at Jay, who was now pouting.
You furrowed your eyebrows in question and he quickly typed on his phone before showing it to you.
Really? You’re not greeting me first? The doorman, the driver, and then me?
Smiling, you leaned back on your seat as you kept an eye on Mr. Lee. “Looking sharp, Park.”
“Thank you, Boss,” Jay replied awkwardly as he typed another thing in his notes. And then he showed it to you.
You look ravishing.
You couldn’t contain the smile creeping up your face and by now you were certain you were blushing. Jay proudly put his phone back inside his pocket, knowing that he just bumped up your confidence level by a hundred.
A week ago, you were already planning the outfit for the fundraising gala. The moment you received the invitation, you knew you were going to attend it with Jay, and you wanted to show up with the best outfit possible. You had asked Jay for his measurements and he gave them to you without asking any questions. You had your bespoke tailor make an all-black suit for him and shopped for gold cufflinks so he could match your planned outfit. You opted for a full-length black mermaid dress with a plunging neckline, and you had picked gold for all of your accessories.
With the help of a hairstylist friend, your hair was done up in a textured chignon, giving you the ideal look between effortless and well-prepared. Your friend even added gold hair pins here and there to match the rest of your look, and you did your own make up, sticking to your signature shade of crimson red for your lipstick.
Your doorman had complimented you repeatedly earlier, so you knew Jay was going to do the same, but you weren’t aware how much of an effect his three words had on you. And he didn’t even say it out loud.
When you arrived, Jay was quick to open the door for you and help you out. This was the one night he didn’t lecture you on wearing stilettos because he knew you weren’t going to leave his arm and he would be there to support you if you ever get tired. The two of you enter the hotel and if a someone sees you, they would think you were a celebrity couple.
“Is your lipstick transfer-proof?” Jay asked, as he led you down the empty corridor, on the way to the ballroom.
“This gala involves drinking and eating, of course it’s transfer-proof,” you answered, your hand secured in his arm.
Jay took a quick glance around the area and quickly pulled you into an empty hallway that leads to the parking lot. You didn’t even have the chance to say anything before he checked one last time and basically slammed his lips into yours.
Your heart was beating fast, and you moaned into the kiss from how fervent he was, his hands firm on your waist and his lips doing the absolute most on yours. After a couple of seconds Jay pulled back, his eyes glued on your lips.
“Wow,” he said in between breaths. “It’s not ruined,” he grazed a thumb over your lower lip.
You frowned. “You dragged me here to test out my lipstick?”
Jay took out his phone and checked his reflection on the self-camera, making sure he didn’t have any stains. “I wanted to pounce on you the moment you got in the car.”
He looked at you and asked you to smile with your teeth, and then he brushed his finger over your front tooth.
“It didn’t get on me but it’s on your teeth,” he said, facing his phone to you so you could check your face. “All good?”
You merely looked at him and wondered when on earth he gained the confidence to act so bold and at a place so public. You were scared you were going to get caught, but you cannot lie that it was making you feel a rush that you had never felt before.
Jay led you to the ballroom once you both were sure you looked as neat as you were before, and once you entered, you had to separate from Jay to talk to the other people in the room—mainly CEOs from different companies, men and women in power just like you. Jay was worried that you were going to forget some names, but you took the initiative to go through the guest list last night and memorize each name to make sure you did not offend anyone.
You kept walking around the room, greeting and talking to the people you meet, and Jay shadowed you from a distance, keeping his hands occupied with a glass of sparkling water. He had his eyes glued on you that he didn’t exactly pay attention to where he was going, so he bumped into a young woman in a pale yellow dress.
“I am so sorry,” Jay said as he checked if he spilled anything on the poor lady. “I wasn’t looking. Entirely my fault.”
The woman smiled sweetly and brushed it off. “It’s okay, I wasn’t paying attention either. Are you with Vesselsoft?”
Jay shook his head. “L/N Tech.”
“Ah,” the woman nodded in acknowledgment. “I’m Lia. From Song Enterprises.”
Jay accepted her gesture and shook her hand, smiling. “You can call me Park.”
“Executive Manager?” She guessed as she flicked her long black hair back, standing comfortable and leaning in closer.
Jay shook his head and chuckled, looking down to the floor. “I’m just a PA.”
“Alright good, because I am also a PA, and you need to be more proud of our jobs.”
Jay started talking to Lia and the two of them shared their trivial concerns about secretarial work. Both didn’t want to reveal who their bosses were, so they stuck to topics that are unrelated to the jobs. Eventually they began talking about galas and rating the events that they had been to, both claiming that their bosses could make an event that is much better.
“Listen, I have to get your number,” Lia said as she pulled her phone from her purse. “I have a couple of vendors that might be useful for you so I can send you them. And in turn you can give me your list?”
Jay was hesitant at first, but he decided to type in his email instead. Lia waited patiently beside him until he was done typing and gave his phone back to her. He then scanned the room and found you looking at him, from a distance, while you talk to three different men in a group. You held eye contact for two seconds before you turned to the man on your side, smiling and continuing the conversation.
The gala went on for hours and as much as Jay wanted to shake off his new acquaintance, he couldn’t sacrifice his politeness for his bluntness. He eventually lost sight of you, and he felt like you would need him soon, so he finally excused himself.
He found you in the center of a circle of men, giving them a piece of your mind on their business ideas when you saw Jay walking towards you.
“Ah, there you are, Park,” you said in the most formal way possible. Jay almost scowled. “Gentlemen, if you would please excuse me. Leave your card with my assistant and I will be sure to give you a call.”
You turned away just as Jay arrived and the men immediately greeted him, surrounding him as he smiled and struggled to keep the name cards shoved into his hands. He matched their names with their faces, shook their hands and quickly bolted out of the room to look for you.
He saw you walk down the corridor towards the entrance of the hotel. You were walking slowly, partly in pain because of your stilettos.
You did hear Jay call you but you were too tired to even stop and turn around, so you let him catch up to you.
“Hey,” he said, gently touching your arm. “Is something wrong? Is it okay to leave now?”
“Yeah, I met everyone I needed to meet already,” you continued to walk without holding on to his arm. “I’m tired.”
“I’ll go get Mr. Lee.”
“I called him already.”
“Oh,” Jay was stunned and unsure of what to do. He had never seen you in this mood, he couldn’t put a finger on what you were feeling. He had seen you mad, upset, sad, hungry, and you did say you were tired, but he thought that this wasn’t it.
Your Benz pulled up at the lobby and you got in without waiting for Jay to open the door for you. Jay jogged to the other side of the car and got inside. You stayed silent the whole ride home and for the first time, Jay was too afraid to ask. He did keep an eye on you, though, and he noticed how you felt your eyelids get heavy and you eventually slept, your head resting on the side of the door.
The car was almost at your place and Jay noticed Mr. Lee looking in the rearview mirror, noticing that you had fallen asleep.
“Mr. Lee, you can get off here and I’ll just drive around until she wakes up. You can come back on Monday to get her to work. I’ll cover for you over the weekend.”
“Really, Park?” Mr. Lee’s eyes widened, happy about the idea of getting a whole weekend off when he would usually drive you around for your errands. “Alright then.”
Mr. Lee pulled up at your apartment lobby, got off, and was replaced by Jay. He thanked himself for not drinking any alcohol that night, so he drove slowly around the block, occasionally checking on you to see if you were up.
Jay hit a speedbump a little too hard and you bumped your head on the door. Jay winced as he saw you wake up, confused and rubbing your forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and you felt disoriented seeing him driving. “Do you want me to take you home?”
“Yes,” you answered. Your voice croaked and Jay made a mental note to make you something hot to drink later.
Arriving at the parking lot, you waited for Jay to open the door for you. He was about to offer his arm but you started walking without him, into your apartment. His mind started going into overdrive, wondering what went wrong during the gala for you to ignore him like that.
You arrived in front of your door and you almost did not want to let Jay in, but he was the one who entered the passcode and opened the door for you. You came in and took off your shoes while Jay went straight to the kitchen to fix you a drink.
“I saw you with someone,” you claimed as you walked to the kitchen, barefoot, not bothering to put on your house slippers.
Everything then clicked. You were waiting to address the issue at home, refusing to cause a scene. You saw the whole conversation between Jay and his new acquaintance, and how half the time he was smiling and just laughing to whatever she was saying. He was now able to identify what you were feeling—jealousy.
“I know you like people to be straightforward,” he said, putting down the mug he just got out from your cabinet. “So I’m just gonna ask, are you jealous?”
“Yes,” you answered, not missing a beat. “Can you tell?”
Jay sighed and rested his palms on the kitchen counter. He decided to explain everything before you even ask him to.
“The girl you saw me talking to is Lia, she works for Song Enterprises. She’s a PA too, so that’s why we started talking,” Jay stated calmly, as if he was doing a presentation.
“Uh-huh,” you stood straight, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “And when did you realize she was throwing herself at you?”
Jay frowned. “What?”
“The pretty lady was flirting, Park.”
Jay tilted his head and started to put the pieces together. He also noticed that when you’re mad, you tend to address him by his last name.
“I’m pretty sure she wasn’t?” Jay responded, in a manner that was contrary to his statement. “We were talking about office events and vendors and other stuff.”
“Did she ask for your number?” You were now leaning on the counter, chin resting on the back of your fingers.
Jay paused. You smiled.
“Did you give it to her? Were you not aware that in your jacket, I put several company cards for you to give out to people in the gala?”
You swore you could see Jay gulp, not knowing what to say to you next.
“Were you just so enamored in the conversation that you forgot to do your job?” Your tone was now condescending at this point. “Park?”
“Listen,” Jay pushed himself back and shuffled towards you, standing right in front of you and looking into your eyes. “I didn’t give her my number, I gave her my email. I accidentally bumped into her when I was keeping an eye on you, and she just started talking and I couldn’t stop her, and by the time she was done you already wanted to leave.”
You calmly stare at him as he babbled his explanation, almost panicking like he did something bad. He did, you thought. He made you feel ignored. He was supposed to shadow you and he didn’t.
“I’m sorry. I was supposed to shadow you,” he said, the speed in his speech slowing down. You were surprised, thinking he just read your mind.
“I’m very capable of networking on my own,” you said, hopping on the counter to sit on it. “I was just bothered because she was all over you.”
“Trust me,” Jay sighed. “All I wanted to be tonight is over you.”
You squinted your eyes and Jay chuckled nervously, looking down. “You know what I mean.”
“What do we do now?” you asked, a question you often raised whenever you were in a staff meeting and you were demanding your team to fix a mess they made.
“Punish me,” Jay chirped. For some reason his voice was slightly higher than usual.
You almost burst out laughing so you smirked and bit your lower lip. Jay looked at your face and sighed.
“Use me, I don’t know. Do whatever you want with me.”
He was getting frustrated and you shushed him, pulling him in closer to stand between your legs as he buried his face in your neck.
You stroked his hair a couple of times and felt him kiss your neck. At first it was a soft, chaste kiss but then he switched to open-mouthed, wet kisses as he started to grope your thighs. You tugged his hair and made him look up at you. He winced from the slight pain.
“I didn’t say you could do that,” you whispered. He closed his eyes, regretting his actions. “Go sit on the floor.”
He did as you asked him to, and you quickly followed him, pulling your dress up as you straddled him, making him sit with his legs straight and his back leaning on the sofa. You pulled him by the nape and started kissing him aggressively. The poor boy didn’t know where to put his hands, so he sat there helplessly as you initiated a tug-of-war with his tongue. He groaned when you pulled on his hair, finally raising one hand to squeeze your hip.
Your lipstick had been on for hours and it finally gave in, staining Jay’s mouth and chin, reminding you of the first time you made out with him. You leaned into his neck, sucking his birthmark, careful not to leave a bruise. His breath hitched as you moved down to his collarbone, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. His head was now resting on the sofa cushion, looking upwards to let you gain more access to the surface of his skin, and you kissed him everywhere.
Jay felt like he was on cloud nine with your lips all over him, and his eyes were closed shut. You then gripped his chin, tilting his face down to make him look at you and planted a kiss on his now swollen lips.
“You’re going to make me cum,” you demanded. “With your mouth.”
Jay’s mouth was slightly open as he nodded enthusiastically. You smiled, patting him on the cheek before taking your dress off, knowing that the amount of fabric would get in the way when you sit on Jay’s face.
Taking your panties off and leaving yourself with only your nude strapless bra, you fixed the position of Jay’s head, making sure he wasn’t going to strain his neck in the process. You then placed your legs on the sofa, looking down to see if you had aligned your cunt perfectly with his face.
“Give me your hands,” you said, and Jay immediately held both his hands up for you to intertwine your fingers. You lowered yourself and you could feel his hot breath tickling your core.
When his lips came into contact with your folds, you moaned and tightened the grip of your hands. He started kissing and licking your cunt, and his pointy nose was tickling your clit. He licked a stripe and you shivered, looking down while you struggle to hold yourself up. He squeezed your hand as he pushed his tongue inside of you, and you moaned his name loudly.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath. “Keep going.”
Jay started lapping up your juices religiously, occasionally squeezing your hands for reassurance. You started grinding on his face, feeling the delicious friction of his nose on your clit. You started moaning even louder, and that only served as motivation for Jay to make you cum faster. He let go of your hands to grab your ass, guiding you to grind better on his face, which only helped you reach your high sooner.
You came on his tongue, your thighs completely shaking as you let your upper body slump on the back of the sofa. Jay licked your cunt dry before squeezing one of your thighs. You threw your leg to the side, hopping off of him, sitting helplessly on the sofa, almost buck naked.
“Are you okay?” Jay sat up, immediately going to your side to check on you. For someone who just got his face sat on, you really felt like you should be the one asking him that.
You nodded and let him lean in to kiss you, tasting a hint of yourself from the remnants on his face.
“That felt more like a reward than a punishment,” he whispered, face just inches away from you.
You chuckled and lightly slapped his cheek. “Your punishment is that I’m not letting you cum.”
“Yeah,” Jay smiled with his teeth awkwardly. “I wish you had said that earlier.”
You frowned and you looked at his crotch, the area damp and his pants basically ruined for the night.
“You came?” You asked in awe. He nodded sheepishly. “Just by eating me out?”
“I love doing it and the sounds you made were… otherworldly.”
“Oh my God,” you buried your face in your palms and Jay immediately chuckled, trying to pry your hands away.
“Come on let’s wash up,” Jay said, starting to undress himself, collecting the pieces of clothing to put in your laundry room. “Maybe we could recreate the first time you invited me into your shower.”
“Oooh,” you replied, intrigued. “Does that mean you’ll give me a massage?”
“Of course,” Jay leaned down towards you and picked you up bridal style. “My queen,” he whispered before capturing your lips in his for a soft kiss.
© forjongseong 2022, all rights reserved
SECRETARY!JAY will return...
read the next chapter: millones
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hey girl! i have a question...
i hear a lot about neville's barbados story, and since i am a similar situation where i want to relocate to a completely different country, i was wondering...
did neville feel consistently fulfilled/a sense of knowing that he was in barbados, even when he had to think about the 3d?
for example, when i move to another country, i would have started at a different school, but when i am thinking about... idk... like what class i have next and what train to catch to get to school.... should i be feeling fulfilled/having a sense of knowing? or can i just return to the state when i think about specifically the other country and be like "oh, yeah, i live there"
thank u <3
Hii!! I'm in the same situation here and I'm still learning, so I'll reply and try to explain it the best I can. Take what I say lightly because I'm no expert and I haven't fully mastered the loa yet.
Okay so for what I read on Edwad Art's posts, when Neville decided that he was in Barbados he was constantly fulfilled/ constantly knew he was already in Barbados, even when doing exercise and stuff in the 3d.
Personally, when I make the decision of having something I need to experience it in my imagination because I don't desire having something, I desire being the person who has/is it. Once I have experienced being that person in my imagination, I instantly feel fulfilled and get the feeling of knowing I am that person. Then I go on about my day in the 3d knowing I'm that girl. If it's something I really love it usually stays in my mind because it's someone I enjoy being. Of course I like to remind and experience being that girl during my day, but when I'm not thinking about it I don't feel like I'm not that person if that makes sense.
So to answer your question, if you know you are someone then you just know. Doesn't matter if you think about it or not. I hope I helped and don't hesitate to ask again if I didn't fully answer your questions. I also recommend reading @piercedblunt 's posts!
Dearly, Anastasia🎀
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skibasyndrome · 6 months
Hey Simon 💜,
1, 2,4, 36, 39, 41, 46 and 47 for the fanfic ask :)
Hope you have a lovely weekend!!
Hi Sophia 🥰 Thanks so much for sending in an ask! I'll try my best to reply with the tiny catalog of read fics I have available haha.
favorite fanfic of all time
I cannot possibly answer something as... final as this lmao. I'll just name my recent faves again (sorry for tagging you guys again):
The most beautiful boy by thelovelysarcastic (not on tumblr? idk?)
Treasures and Treachery by itsme_hi_imtheproblem/@iwouldnevergetintofanfic
Ivy by unfortunate17/@unfortunate17
2. favorite writer of the fandom
You see... now I have a very similar problem, lmao. Toooo many amazingly talented people whose writing I am obsessed with, to possibly decide, but I'll give a few definite faves:
@earlgrey-lateatnight (RubyIntyale), @ungaroyals (embracedthevoid), @unfortunate17, @darktwistedgenderplural, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic (itsme_hi_imtheproblem), @stretchoutfics (strechoutandwait), ... (and I'm sure I'm already forgetting people and fics arghhh)
4. the fanfic you would recommande for somebody not in the fandom
Honestly? All of my favorites.
But I actually did send a link to you can stay by origamifrogs/@princewillesothermom to my bf @alkalinetrios yesterday because I was like "I don't care that you're not involved, you HAVE to read this". (it's beautiful and heart-wrenching and a masterpiece)
36.   your favorite trope
So if we're learning one thing here today, it's that I am highly indecisive. God, I love so many tropes. I think it'd be easier to ask which tropes I don't like, I guess?
But I definitely love a good slow-burn, a good friends-to-lovers or enemies-to-lovers or strangers-to-whatever-to-lovers with everyone suffering from being painfully in love. I guess I just very much love reading about them falling in love and being dumb about not noticing that it's mutual lol. Yeah I think that's it, something like mutual, very lovesick pining.
39. a trope you would like to see (more) in the fandom
Oh idk, I don't think I have enough of an overview to really say something I missing, but as a never-fully-recovered former emo kid I'd love to see some more of the stuff the MCR fandom had for example, like idk... vampires obviously, but also ghost stuff or like tragic angsty historical fics or idk. I guess just some dark stuff? For funsies lol.
41. How do you choose the fic you read
Firstly it's gotta be Wilmon-centric, then I look at the word count, and compare that to how much time I have lol, then I read the summary and idk? I guess either the writing style needs to catch me immediately or it needs to be some original premise. Or a retelling of one of my favorite scenes, that also catches me lol. So I guess I just base what I want to read on the summary. Oh, or a trusted mutual/friend recommends it!
46. did you stay awake up to an veeeery unreasonable hour to finish a fanfic
Yeeeeeeep, very much do that, probably too often. Sometimes my eyes will be falling shut, but I tell myself I gotta push through, there's only x chapters left lol
47. WIP or not WIP
Yes WIP!!!! I love WIPs for soooo many reasons, most of all because it's such a fun journey and because the waiting just kind of heightens the excitement for the next chapter!
Send me a fanfic ask
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Hey! How Are you! I’m back at work and need more of your writing 💕🌻
Could you write another Doffy part, where he finally also gets some? Maybe something with y/n being a little distant after the dress thingie
Also Yay. You didnt only get me back into one piece, I also startet jjk because of you and love Nanami
🌻! I wrote Doffy for you *rubs face* This was an experience where I thought death was coming for me. It is SO LONG. This thing is so LONG but it was necessary. I wouldn't have been able to write it shorter unless I sacrificed Doffy's characterization.
I'm so happy I could get you into other fandoms! That's such a high compliment lol. Nanami is the love of my life. I need to write more Nanami fic tbh.
But anyway, this is about DOFFY. Please be advised it is very NSFW and might be a little dark content wise. I'll throw in the warnings below.
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Butterfly. Six. Mine.
DOFLAMINGO X FEM READER, NSFW WORD COUNT: 6.2k (I have nothing to say. Read at your own risk) CONTENT WARNING: Mean ass Doflamingo strikes again. He is so mean, we already know this but I have to say it because I don't need people crying about him being mean. THAT'S JUST HOW HE IS. Dom!Doffy, consider this a dark romance~~ if you may, it's a bit toxic guys so like I don't recommend but that's just how the cookie crumbles, actually it's pretty damn toxic, like maybe this is on the verge of yandere doffy, idk you tell me, unprotected sex (please wear ur party hats in rl), biting and lots of degradation because Doffy loves talking shit, like it's so much shit talking it's half the fic, biting a lot of it, like everywhere, anal play, so much teasing, pussy slapping, he likes to tie people up because he finds it hilarious so bondage lite, blindfold???, yeah that too, lots of cum, it's everywhere A SUMMARY: Y/N (aka Butterfly aka Six) knows she doesn't have many weapons to use against Doffy so she tries depriving him of her undivided attention. Doffy lasts two whole days before he snaps.
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He thinks two hours of hanging from his canopy bed by the wrists should be sufficient. If you hadn’t learned something by then, Doflamingo simply could not help you. There was only so much he could do, in his unending benevolence, to assist you in learning the skills needed for survival. Had he not taught you enough throughout the years you had known each other? Had he not been an attentive, and detailed instructor?
Had you, really, learned nothing?
He wanted to blame himself for this. Perhaps you had inadvertently exploited a weakness, he himself didn’t know he had. Doffy thought, if he should find it, he would cut it out of his body with his own capable hands. Too irate to face you, he sends two officers to cut you down from his canopy bed.
Your arms had started to grow numb. The uncomfortable tingling soon becomes painful. You kept shifting your weight on the bench bed, as if that would help alleviate the ache in your arms, or the throbbing of the small nicks and cuts of your wrists. At the sound of the door creaking open, your heart jumps. You turn your head quickly, but it is not he who walks through the door but two officers you know well. 
Shame heats your body before it grows deathly cold. 
It is apparent they’re fighting off embarrassed smiles as their mouths twitch. Their fingers move about carefully, as if they feared the repercussions of touching your skin for too long. What belonged to Doflamingo, belonged to him for the extent of its life. Although your body collapses as soon as you're free, a weight coming from it you didn’t know you possessed–you’re not dead yet.
You hold onto this realization as strong arms help you down from the bed bench, and half carry you out of his bedroom. You grip it tightly, like the air between your hands, until your nails bite into your skin. If there was any pride left in your war torn body you’d use it, despite the possible repercussions.
Your acts of rebellion are limited in range, so you do the only thing you can do–you deny him of the tiny bits of intimacy he craves from you. When he peers over his shoulder at you, you do not make eye contact. You look past his broad shoulders and to the intricate paisley pattern of the wallpaper in front of him. When he tries to make small talk, something you know he detests, you keep your answers short, clipped, monosyllabic if possible.
It is childish, you know this, but it is all you have. A blunt weapon was still a weapon. With enough force behind it, sometimes it could kill.
Six was being childish. He had put up with it for two days. This was as far as his immeasurable patience went. Doffy had half the mind to grab her by the hair and make her submit, no matter how many men were currently present in his office. Her usual soft, and pliable mouth was spread thin into a harsh line that made him frown. Her shoulders pushed back stiffly, as if she was busily carrying the weight of something.
That something, whatever it was, he would smash it to pieces.
Baby 5 is talking, and Doflamingo brings a hand up in the air. He curls his fingers in a quick snap of his wrist, grabbing onto thin air. She silences immediately. Her gaze follows Doffy’s to find it behind him, on the girl he affectionately called Six. Baby 5 had asked him once, defying common sense, what he meant by that.
He had laughed, and laughed and laughed.
Six, for the amount of steps she was to stay within him. Six, because he sometimes forgot her name.
Whether that was a lie or not, Baby 5 had no intentions of finding out. Just like she had no intentions of staying behind to see whatever sick twisted games Doffy was about to begin. She knew that smile well enough to know her time was up. She begins to make her exit wordlessly as the rest of the men in the room are already departing from the room.
“Lock the door,” Doffy says as she reaches the threshold of it. Her hand hovers on the doorknob and she gives one last look over her  shoulder. You make eye contact with her, and she notices the tension in your jaw, the way you suddenly bore holes through her forehead. A sensation close to pity settles in her chest, so she leaves quickly and locks the door as she was commanded before a conscience can begin to grow where one had already died before.
You stand silently, hands clasped in front of your stomach. His presence growing closer to your body was almost enough to melt away all your resolve; brick by brick, you had laid them one after the other these past two days. It all threatens to come toppling down when his fingers graze your chin. He clasps it with a clammy hand.
“Don’t make that face,” he says calmly, tilting your chin upwards. You follow his hand’s command with a small frown. “You know how much I hate it. You have been ignoring me. I can’t forgive you for that.”
You say nothing. What was there to say? You had been ignoring him in hopes of hurting him on some kind of level. You turn your face away from him, freeing your chin from his grasp. Doffy tuts, and steps closer, breaching whatever miniscule space was left between your chests.
“I’ve been thinking about it all day,” he says calmly. Doffy’s hand reaches for your face again, and you turn to face the other way. His fingers tangle in your hair, a curling lip is the representative of the last vestiges of his patience. His free arm wraps around your waist and he pulls you towards him until you are flush against his hardened body. Your breathing quickens. You despise the way your body warms up against his. It was such an easy, predictable thing. A flimsy paper that couldn’t even hold the weight of your convictions. “Your punishment,” he concludes when you still give him no reply.
You can’t help the way your eyes narrow. It is foolish, you know, to feel anything akin to injustice. You think to blame it on your still fading bruises; the ones on your skin and on your ego. You continue to think this when you utter your next words: “Punishment for what?”
“Six,” he says, tone growing impatient. The tangled fingers in your hair give a tug–an unspoken reminder to keep your eyes on him. His voice is short. His fingers dig into the skin of the small of your back. “Do I need to spell everything out for you? You’ve committed a grave sin.” Doffy brings his face close to yours. He presses his nose against your cheek and inhales noisily. The heat of his breath on the apples of your cheek is enough to have shivers coursing through your spine. You grab onto his mostly open shirt, tug on it as if it would bring you to your senses. His tongue runs flat up against your cheek, leaving a trail of hot saliva in its wake. 
Six was a nickname he used when he felt particularly mean. You flinch when he licks your other cheek, expecting the worst. 
“You’ve been ignoring me,” he says against your ear, fingers still knotted in your hair. The hand on the small of your back travels slowly over the curve of your ass. His fingers are devious, and unapologetic. They are used to always getting what they want, so they settle for digging into the supple muscle of your derriere. For their affront, they pull a small gasp from your lips. Doffy smiles besides himself. “You know I loathe being ignored, don’t you?” His teeth bite down on an earlobe. A whimper lays to rest in the back of your throat as you crush it down. “You of all people should know better.”
There’s a fluttering in your heart you want to squash. The pained sound in his voice, feigned or not, tugs at your heartstrings. You consider giving in, letting him have his way, and getting it over with. There was no use living at odds with Doflamingo. It wouldn’t benefit you in any way. 
“You’ve injured me,” his words are breathy, strained, as he brushes his lips against the line of your jaw. Your eyes close at the feel of his breathing scorching your skin. He kisses down the side of your neck. Kisses so wet and hot, it clouds your reason. There’s a slickness slowly seeping into your underwear. You become more acutely aware of this as the fingers on your ass move to slip between the waistband of your pants and your waist. “Now you have to pay the price.”
You nod, blindly agreeing to anything he could possibly propose. If it was your soul he wanted, he could have it. The method was up to his diabolical whims.
Doflamingo bites down on his lip. Not because the erection in his trousers is beginning to get uncomfortable–although it was. Not because when he sucks on the hollow space of your neck you moan so deliciously it makes him want to rip your clothes off—although he did want to do that. He bites down on his lip to keep the laughter at bay. You were so predictable, so pliable, so easily swayed. All he had to do was touch you, and you unraveled around his fingers, just like string. 
He releases you. You sway where you stand, suddenly breathless and dizzy. Doflamingo moves around the desk, and reaches for the inside of a small drawer. He pulls out two pieces of pearly white silk. It drags on the floor as he moves towards you.
“You’ve been a bad girl, Six,” he says, and gestures at your hands with one of his. “Now give me your wrists. I’m taking away some of your privileges.” You blink, unsure if you had any privileges to begin with but you concede, holding up your hands together, inside of wrists touching each other. He binds your wrists with one of the pieces of silk. “And because you dared to avoid my gaze,” he says, giving the knot on your wrists a good pull. You jolt towards him, and shout as he catches you by the forearms. Doflamingo leans forward, enough for his breath to tickle your nose when he speaks: “I’ll take yours away.” A sense of fear ices your veins. Your mouth moves, words refusing to form. You think to ask for him to reconsider but his hands are quicker than your mind. He is tying the silk over your eyes, like a blindfold.
The last thing you see is his grinning mouth, and a pair of shades reflecting your own face back at you.
Darkness consumes you. Your breathing sounds inexplicably loud to your ears. You focus on steadying your breaths, making them shallower and shallower. The sound of rustling startles you. You turn your head in the direction you think it’s coming from, but his hands are on your shoulders pushing you back. You stumble backwards until the back of your thighs hit the edge of the desk.
“Don’t,” he hisses against your ear. “Move.” You hold your breath before a shudder forces you to inhale loudly. He is tugging at your waistband. You feel thick fingers press against the skin of your hip as he grips the fabric. He had instructed you not to move but your body jerks as he pulls the fabric. The sound of cloth ripping, strings being torn and undone fill the still air of the office. A cool breeze touches your hip, your thigh, and even lower as he continues to tear the right pant leg all the way down.
Your breathing quickens. White teeth dig into your bottom lip as you struggle to keep quiet. He hadn’t asked you to not make a sound but you didn’t want to try his patience. Not when his fingers were on the other side of your waist, destroying whatever was left of the other pant leg. Another forceful tug, and you’re free of your pants. Cold air kisses the back of your knees.
“I hate these pants,” he complains, kicking the remains of the clothing item out of his way. He advances towards you, grasps your hips with heated hands and flips you around. You shout, as he bends you over the desk, ass up. “Why do you insist on this stupid suit? They are ugly. I thought I told you, I loathe ugly things. I’m throwing them all out,” he insists, his large palms running over the width of your ass cheeks. “Every single one, and I’m filling your closet with dresses. And skirts,” he pauses, hands still on your ass. Dresses and skirts so he wouldn’t have to tear into them with brute force. Doflamingo brings one hand up and slaps a cheek. You cry out as the sting blooms into a burning ache.
Doflamingo goes into his haunches. You feel him panting against the back of one thigh. You breath hitches. His mouth moves lower, to an ankle. He flicks his long tongue out, and grazes the inside of your ankle with the tip of his tongue. It’s hot, and wet, enough to make you twitch. You curl your fingers tightly, trying to fight the urge to rub your thighs together. It shouldn’t have aroused you so much, but you feel the growing wetness becoming worse in your underwear
The scratchy feel of your stockings over your skin is enticing. He hates it but he can’t stop. His tongue drags up from the back of one calf, all the way to the back of a knee. He stops there, contemplatively for one nanosecond, before he decidedly sucks on the sensitive area. You whimper, and he chuckles up against your thigh. His detailed attention is on the lovely crease of your ass cheek. Open mouthed kisses, and licks leave a slippery trail that mimics the dripping wetness from your pussy.
By the time he’s done with your other leg, you feel soaked. You rub your thighs together, the stockings scratching and creating a pleasant friction. You increase your pace. Doflamingo stands up in time to watch your salacious movements. He laughs before slipping a leg in between them to stop you.
“Enough,” he says, trying to hide his humor. “You’re always trying to do something like this. Can’t you stop being a slut long enough to quietly take your punishment for once? You’re always  making me work twice as hard. Be a damn good girl,” he finishes with a snarl. “And stay fucking still.” His thick fingers seize the stocking over your ass and he rips them open. You gasp and barely have time to process that when he is seizing the band of your panties. You know what he’s about to do but you cry out all the same when the fabric rips as well, leaving you completely exposed.
He would never admit it. Doflamingo would rather be strung up, beaten, burned and humiliated than to admit it. He’d choose imprisonment or death before he admits how the sight of you bent over his desk, pussy glistening already with your arousal, has him thinking stupid, feverish, foolish thoughts.
He should fuck them out of his mind while he still could.
His teeth find their mark on the swell of one ass cheek. You cry out when he digs in, leaving bruises that bloom into pink-purple flowers in the shape of teeth. He leaves mark, after mark, until he has counted eight total. His mouth presses at the top of your crack, a soft kiss that you know could only lead to debauchery. You wiggle your hips, trying to shake him off. Doffy tightens his hold on your hips, and slams you down on the desk. There will be more bruises on top of the old fading ones but you don’t care. The only thing you care about is the way his tongue is following the path of your crack.
“D-Doffy!” you stutter, slamming your tied hands down on the desk repeatedly to try to get his attention. His hold on your hips is unshakeable. You close your eyes tightly, when they move to your cheeks. “You don’t have to do this.”
He pulls your ass cheeks apart. “Don’t be stupid,” he tells you without looking away. He frowns down at your puckered hole, two shades darker than the rest of your skin. “I do as I please and you…” he pauses to tilt his head. He is aware you can’t see him but he shoots an incredulous look at the  back of your head. “Did you forget you are the one being punished? You have no right to say anything.”
With his case spoken for, he turns his attention to your hole once more. With your ass cheeks spread, he dives in, his tongue flush against your crack. His tongue circles your hole in a way that deeply shames you. The tickling pleasure makes your toes curl, and you try to keep quiet, try to still the small twitches of your belly as pleasure builds inside you. His circles become tighter and tighter, faster. Your neck pulls your head back. You cry out, a long soft moan hanging in the air.
Doflamingo pulls away to look at your sweating forehead. He grins. “Heh,” he chuckles, pulling your ass cheeks apart once more. “Look at you. You keep forgetting your place.”
He takes a rattling breath, nose wrinkled. Doflamingo hacks and spits into your hole. A glob of foamy white saliva hangs on your hole before it slowly drips down to your bright and puffy pussy. He leans back, fingers still digging into the supple flesh of your ass. You feel him let go of one cheek, and his thumb moves towards the middle. There's a protest forming in your mouth. It tumbles clumsily out of your lips, but he’s pressing his thumb against your hole regardless. He presses it further in, tip sliding in even when you try to speak again.
You cry out as he makes it past the first knuckle. He moves it inside you, soft wide circles. Your hips buck as you try to get away from him, a building pressure around your asshole. You whimper, and moan, the sensation so intense and so strange it scares you. He laughs when you ask him to wait. He laughs again when you sigh in relief when he pulls out his thumb. He laughs, lastly, when he inserts index and middle finger instead and you cry out. You’re banging your hands on the desk again, words almost unintelligible flying out of your mouth. You hate the way your folds are slick with your arousal, how your moans don’t stop no matter how many times you command them to go away in your mind.
“Oh?” you hear Doffy say, your fingers gripping the edge of the desk as he thrusts his fingers into your hole, time and time again. He is rough enough to shake you, to keep your hips pushing and bruising against the hardwood of the desk. “All of a sudden you can speak? How interesting. Should have done that two days ago.”
He reminds himself he is merciful, sometimes, and pulls his fingers away when you give a painful cry. Doflamingo looks down at his fingers, a frown heavy on his brows. He reaches for the back of you, and wipes them clean on your crisp white shirt, careful to go under the fingernails.  “You know,” he says, looking down at your dripping pussy. You’re so wet you’re soaking down the inside of your thighs. Shiny folds greet him, beckoning him for a lick or two, a good suck, a good fuck.  “You kept saying it was dirty while I was fingering you but you’re the dirty one. You’re fucking soaked.”
Doflamingo isn’t a man who kneels. He grabs your hips and pulls you up, helps you fold your legs so that your knees are on the desk. You lean forward on your elbows. Your breathing is loud, and erratic. The heat circling around you feels suffocating. Sweat covers your neck, and you feel it slipping down between your breasts. You can’t see him, but you feel him moving behind you again. His mouth hovering over your pussy. You take a deep breath, as the high of expectation seizes you. You’re desperate. You want to feel his mouth on your pussy. You want him to lick you and suck on you until you cum but Doflamingo has other plans.
He touches your entrance lightly with the tip of his tongue. Just as lightly, he traces your entrance. You flinch, and whimper. You move your hips, trying to follow his mouth. Doflamingo tuts and grabs your hips. “Six,” he says testily. “If you don’t stay still I will stop being so kind.”
He licks lightly over each lip. “You need to come to terms with this already,” he says breathing against your clit. He puffs hot air against your sensitive nub. Your toes curl in pleasure. Doflamingo brushes his closed mouth against your swollen clit. “I know what you want, and you’re not getting it. That’s my justice.” He kisses the opening of your pussy before kissing your clit. “Now just take it.” He parts his lips and bites down on your clit.
The heat of his mouth disappears. You whine, feeling cheated and petulant. Doflamingo slaps your pussy for your brattiness. “Apologize,” he says sharply. “You haven’t uttered a single apology. Did I not say you’ve injured me?” He slaps your pussy again. The sting is shocking, humiliating. You grip the edge of the desk so hard you fear your fingernails will split. “Apologize, Six,” he growls and slaps you one more time. You cry out, feeling pleasure jolt down the inside of your thighs. You’re dripping wetter and wetter. Your body is trembling as you struggle to keep yourself up in this position. Your biceps are burning, your thighs quivering. 
“I’m sorry!” you mutter quickly. It is the best you can manage at the moment but it appears dissatisfactory. Doflamingo slaps your aching cunt again. “I said I’m sorry! I'm so sorry!”
“Good,” he says, rubbing his hand roughly over your pussy. You moan, almost purr, as he slathers your slick all over. “Now thank me.”
You gasp, and turn your face around. You don’t understand what he says at first, so he repeats himself. Still you splutter: “What?”
Another slap to your sensitive puffy pussy has you arching your back with a cry.
“I said, say thank you,” Doflamingo mutters over your ear. You feel his body leaning over your back. “Don’t forget your manners. It should be considered a blessing that I'm even touching you.” He slaps your pussy one last time. “And you say?”
You mumble it at first. He can’t hear you so he grabs your cunt tightly. “What did you say? Enunciate, Six. Do you know how to speak?”
“Y-yes, sir. I said thank you. Thank you so much,” you breathed out, lungs burning from the effort. He chuckles lightly against your ear.
“Better. Much better,” he says before kissing your ear and pulling away. 
Doflamingo seizes your hips, and swiftly flips you around. The sudden movement causes your stomach to dip, and you cry out, arms flying out to grasp anything. You feel his shoulders, and grip tightly. Doflamingo shakes you off without finesse. He pushes your back on the desk, and pulls you towards the edge of the desk by the hips. He pulls your legs up, until your thighs are flushed against his front. Your knees bend, and your lower legs drape over his shoulders.
“These,” you hear him hiss around your ankles. Doflamingo’s nose brushes against the top of one foot–exposed by a kitten heel. “Are also atrocious. We’re throwing these out too. Every single one.”
He takes them off your feet quickly. You wiggle your toes, taking advantage of the only freedom you have currently. Your silent moment of victory is short lived. Doflamingo is tearing at your stockings against, revealing your feet. Your breath catches in your chest as you feel a hot wetness on the inside of one foot. It tickles pleasantly. Still, you wiggle your toes.
“Stop,” he growls against your foot, moving his mouth to your toes. He sucks on them noisily, one at a time. Drool slides down in between your toes, and you crinkle your nose. It is an odd sensation, but you refuse to pull your feet away. This temporary moment of discomfort was not enough to make you risk his wrath. 
He tires of your feet and at your lack of reaction. He tires of the way his breathing is ragged, how heat has forced him to sweat right through his shirt. He tires of the way his erection is throbbing in his pants. 
Doflamingo fights against it by seizing the front of your shirt. He pulls in one go, buttons ripping from their seams. They fly out in different directions, zooming past your face and his. You feel one hit your forehead. Another bounces off one of the lenses of Doflamingo’s shades. He cackles, amused by his own little stunt. He is laughing still as he leans forward, your legs bending with his actions. You feel his hardened cock press against your heated pussy. You’re maddened at the thought. You want the fabric separating you to disappear and curse your lack of strength. You are so consumed with your desire to have him inside you, deep and hard, that his bites barely register. He is nipping over the swell of your breasts.
There is no delicacy or tenderness to his actions. He has pointedly reminded you, time and time again, that this was not done in pleasure. This was your punishment. So he clamps down hard on your tender flesh, and covers your tits in dark pink bruises. You cry out each time, body trembling from a mixture of pain and ecstasy. Doflamingo loses interest when there’s no more room to mark so he shifts to your belly. He bites and sucks where he can. He leaves his imprint on your skin, for you to see later in solitude and think of him; only of him.
Your ribcage calls his name and he drags his tongue up and over it. He counts each ribcage in his mind, and leaves a bite for each one.
The assault is endless. The desk becomes an altar with you as a sacrifice. Doflamingo lights a fire, tall and full of rage, with every drag of his sharp teeth, with every desperate suck against your skin.
His mind is a mess. He can only think of tearing you open. He can only think of digging inside you, to rifle through your insides to see what was crawling in there that did not belong. He wanted to see himself in every part of you, slowly consuming you until there was nothing left but the spirit of him.
You; his carnal legacy. 
His tongue drags at a painfully slow pace over your nipples when he pulls your bra down with a wild tug. Doflamingo draws shapes that he has no names for over the swell of your breasts. His fingers pinch your erect nipples, and he lets your cries guide him. You moan when he flicks them with his thumbs, and he knows this is punishment. But what good was a punishment that punished him? He couldn’t hold out any longer.
He dives against your breasts, his mouth sucking in a nipple with viciousness. Your back arches as he bites town and tugs. Pain makes your nipple throb, and you aim at his shoulder with your tied hands. He deflects you and pushes you back down on the desk.
There is no apology, no words to soothe you or pacify you. You didn’t expect any anyway. Instead, he lifts your breasts to lick the underside of them. His hands knead your breasts as he pushes against your heated core. His erection is enticing, and you move your hips against him. You hear his breathing against your ear picking up speed before it disappears.
You breathe through your mouth, quick little pants that make your chest burn. You hear a buckle, and a zipper coming undone. You swallow thickly, fingers twitching where you’re holding them against your chest.
Doflamingo looks down at you as he pulls his cock out of his underwear. It bounces against the flat of his belly. A hand moves to  grasp it, and it pumps it lazily. His eyes are too busy devouring your body instead. You are a mess on his desk. There is your arousal leaking out of you, pooling under your ass. Your skin is bruised and battered. Your chest rises and falls in rapid succession. He smiles.
You are pathetic. You are a mess, and you are all his.
He presses the angry tip of his cock against your entrance. You clamp down on your lip, and before you can fully ready yourself, he snaps his hips and bottoms out inside you in one move.
A cry gets stuck in your throat, and your mouth is open but no sound comes out. Your back is arched, even as he pummels into you relentlessly. His cock feels divine. It is thick, pushing against your walls, a stretch so satisfying you wish you could feel it time and time again. Everytime he snaps his hips you can hear the loud slapping of his balls against your pussy.
You’re whining, and moaning, thrashing in place. The sounds almost overpower the sound of wetness. The squelching sound of your pussy makes him smile. He holds on tightly to your knees as they’re folded over his shoulders, busily watching his glistening cock slide in and out of you. 
“Oh, now you really have a lot to say, huh?” he grunts as he increases his pace, his hips slamming against your ass time and time again. You whimper, feeling your pussy starting to get sore but the fire inside you continues to build. The pain is not enough to make you want to stop. “Now you want to give me your goddamn attention.”
Not that he’d stop for you. Not when he’s like this.
You’re being far too loud for his liking. It is driving him mad with lust. He reaches out to the desk, his hand pawing blindly as he continues to snap his hips. You’re so tight around him it makes him clench his teeth. His fingers touch moist fabric, and he grabs the sad remains of your panties. 
“Be quiet for a second,” he tells you and shoves the panties in your mouth. You gag, and cough. He hears your mumbling against the fabric, but it is muffled. He chuckles in delight. “Better. Much better.”
Now that your moaning is not ringing in his ears, leading him away from reason, he can focus on his work. He watches your tits bounce on your chest. They jerk every time he slams against you so he goes even harder, delighted at the sight of them. He closes his eyes, focuses on the lewd sounds of your wet pussy, the way air slips in and makes inappropriate sounds. He chuckles, admiring the way your walls start clamping around him.
“You’re gonna cum already?” he asks you. “Oh. That’s right. You can’t talk right now.” He laughs at your muffled cries. Sweat is coating his chest. He feels his shirt sticking to his lower back. The heat is all consuming, and so is the heat of your pussy. It is greedily sucking him back in every time he pulls out.
He groans loudly, when he feels you cumming. Your toes curl, and spit soaks your panties. You taste the saltiness of your arousal on the fabric and breathe out through your nose, trying your best to catch your breath. Your orgasm is violent. Your body jerks as it continues to course through you. Doflamingo doesn’t let up, and he edges you closer and closer to an ecstasy that is almost unbearable. You scream against your panties, legs shaking. You’re so overstimulated you feel tears wetting the silk of your blindfold.
Your drool is slipping down your chin, and down your neck. It collects on the hollow of your neck. You catch a ragged breath, and pray–pray for release. At this rate Doflamingo will  be the end of you–or at the very least, the end of your pussy.
Doflamingo chases your high down. Demands it comes back. He isn’t done yet, despite the bruises already starting on the bones of his hips. He feels that cushiony spot inside you and he rams his tip into it, time and time again. Your legs twitch and you give another shrill cry.
Just when you think you could die, heat forms once more. A coil so tight, binds itself at the pit of your belly. You feel a strange urge, as if you desperately need to go. You try to warn Doflamingo but he’s not listening and you are too weak to fight anymore. Your back snaps, and your vision goes from black to white. You feel liquid gush out of you.
Doflamingo gives a startled gasp, he watches you soak his pants with mild irritation.
“Goddammit,” he mutters, still thrusting inside you. “There’s just no end to your nastiness. You just had to ruin my pants? I am almost done dealing with your punishment and now I have to think of another one. You are nothing but trouble, my Butterfly.”
You mumble something he can’t interpret and doesn’t care to do so. His laughter rumbles in his chest as he continues to snap his hips, on and on and on. 
“You’re mine, you know that?” he tells you and turns his face to kiss one knee. “You’re my slut.” His voice is a hoarse growl. Teeth flashing white. “You are my butterfly. My captive poor pathetic little thing. You’ll never leave me, do you hear me? I’ll never let you go. You’ll always be tangled up with me.” You whimper, and thrash in place. “You’ll never be able to leave. Not that you want to. You like this too much. The way I fuck you.”
He is right, of course. The thoughts of leaving his side were fleeting. You couldn’t picture a life without him. If it meant living in his shadow until he turned to look at you then so be it. You didn’t care about the pitiful glances people gave you or the thinly veiled words of advice. You had decided a long time ago that this is where you would be happy to die, underneath his forceful hand.
“You belong to me. You have no right to deny me anything,” he reminds you, as he leans forward to nip at your bottom lip. He kisses you, and you think you might die. It had been so long, you thought the day would never come. You moan when he presses his mouth against yours. You dare to part your lips, to seek out his tongue but he is gone as quickly as he came. “You can only adore me. You can only look at me and think of me.”
He rips the panties out of your mouth and you gasp for air, gulping and gulping. Doflamingo wraps his fingers around your throat as he continues to fuck you.
“Say it,” he hisses, his voice breaking. “Say it’s only me you want.”
You swallow and nod slightly. “It’s you. I only want you.” You say his name, over and over. Doflamingo smiles widely, feeling at the moment, victorious. 
And with this sense of euphoria, he feels himself close. He pulls out quickly, leaving you aching and pulsing around nothing. Doflamingo pumps his cock desperately, roughly, a few times before he spills all over your battered pussy. His cum is hot and you flinch as it touches your sensitive skin. There’s drops on your belly, and on each side of your inner thighs. The cum on your pussy drips slowly and eases towards your ass.
Your mind is fuzzy. Your body is still hot, and everything is aching and throbbing. He’s moving again, you feel him ahead of you grabbing things from the ground. Doflamingo wipes his hands on the ripped clothing before he drops them on your belly.
“Clean up,” he commands in a congenial tone, shoving his half hardened cock into his soiled pants. He adjusts as best as he can and zips up. “I got you a new dress for tonight. It is imperative that you wear it for dinner. Are you listening, Butterfly?
You don’t have the strength to speak. Your throat feels raw from all the crying and moaning. So you nod, once, twice.
“I’ll be waiting for you,” he says. His voice sounds distant. You hear his footsteps, farther away. There’s a click at the door, before it closes. Then silence.
He leaves you on the desk, blindfolded, naked and worn out to the sound of your heart beating in your ears.
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theysangastheyslew · 1 year
I want to share more suffering with you, homie haha *crying*
What do you think of the episode? Especially 132 part ofc!
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Hi friend! :'))))))))) Ooooooh honey that gif is such a mood XD I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts and this is the best I can do atm. Sorry it’s kind of wordy but here we go 🥲
Ok! So ever-present pacing issues aside, the overarching story made for a solid episode and the animation was incredible. Hell, even the things I disliked objectively looked well-done out of context. Overall, that was no small feat to pull off, especially in such harsh working conditions. I truly do want to acknowledge that.
But in regards to 132, you guys already put into words how I feel better than I could. I may not have anything new to add, but I’ll say what I liked first and then put my issues under a cut.
As someone who actually really likes Yams’ art style, I loved that they consistently kept Hange’s face accurate to the manga. It was really inconsistent throughout the final season and they struggled to not make it too short a lot of times. Hange was always still stunning of course but the difference always stuck out to me. Here everyone was drawn well, but you can tell she got some extra attention.
The way they inched Levi closer to where Hange was sitting while talking with Yelena. Insignificant yeah but consistent with their past behavior. Also I’m glad they tweaked the position of his bandages so it looked less like they were painfully tugging upwards on his nose.
The pained expressions of the kids and Hange watching Levi struggle to even hold his gear
The “unrequited love” exchange. It had most of the softness and emotion from the manga even though the weight of that line will never be realized in non-written form. The camera lingered on each frame in a way that conveyed the sentiment. This is what got my hopes up that they would stay truer to the source material with DYH.
I'm so glad they left in Hange's lines to Flochroach about not giving up. Helps show—once again—that they wanted to live
The choked way Levi said “Devote your heart” + Hange’s widened eye and soft gasp at his words. Though not tearing up like in the manga, the shot still looked lovely for the half second it lasted. He doesn't pause halfway through saying it though so this one I'm still wrestling with.
Of course, the last stand. Onscreen, Hange took out at least 16 colossals (including the ones we see trip and get trampled) and definitely more offscreen (when they cut away to show other characters) and for the last few, did it while in the most pain a human body can feel. 7/10 for combat, my ass. Idk about y’all but I can’t stop hearing Romi Park’s screams in my head. I knew it would be nauseating and brutal but dear God. At the same time I cannot put into words how proud I am of them. That's my commander 💜
Ok “like” is definitely not the right word for this but I had wondered when I first read 132 how Hange’s gas tank was so well-insulated that it didn’t ignite, and.. well I got my answer.
I’m thankful that they didn’t show a glimpse of Hange’s bloody, crushed remains the way you see in the og panel. That at least felt respectful to me. This is wishful thinking I know but the defined charred outline makes me choose hope they fell more off to the side from where the titans were walking so at least there was maybe still a body left to recover someday.
The afterlife scene, the kids all sobbing their hearts out, Levi holding his own hand in the aftermath trying to process what just happened, and Onyankopon confirming the plane’s significance all really were appropriately gut-wrenching.
I really recommend taking a little break between The Rumbling and Sinners. It definitely makes the shift in emotion less jarring and less
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When I did that with my rewatch it helped with the flow of things.
Ok, now twist me up and call me a pretzel bc here there be some salt :|
I’ll try to leave out my og issues with the manga chapter itself (like how painfully obvious it was all just to make Armin commander and how unnecessary Hange dying was IN THE FIRST PLACE and IF it had to happen at all how it could have been done at the final boss skelepalooza showdown, etc.) and just focus on the episode.
Goes without saying but it bears repeating: pacing. 75% of my issues with the execution of DYH would be gone if they just slowed down a bit. Just let the weight of it sink in a little. That this moment —all shreds of shipping aside— is the end of the line for these two heroes who have been supporting each other for ten years while bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders. But Mappa completely reversed the timing of the sequence of events. In the manga we had a longer, more intimate farewell followed by a last stand that was so short even when you knew it was coming it left you reeling from how fast it was from start to finish. Whereas here they hurried it along to get to the “main event”. Hell, it flows better in gif sets than it does in the actual show.
To me, it felt like Hange’s demeanor didn’t really change from talking with the kids to speaking with Levi, making their false bravado seem like less of a front. I know their tone was meant to sound like they were keeping up appearances, but with how often Hange just gets reduced solely to being a titan freak the way they had Romi say the lines made it sound like actual excitement, especially with the way they drew Hange's facial expressions (more on that next)
Hange’s little smirk after the salute. I kinda get what they were trying to do here but to me it came off as very flippant and dismissive of Levi’s choice of words, especially since they all but got rid of their lips trembling and eye beginning to well up with tears. I wish we’d gotten the big fake smile and laugh because that would have shown better that Hange was overcompensating by trying to put their brave face back on after starting to lose their composure. Their fear is obvious in the manga but it just simply didn’t come through as well throughout this entire exchange.
Sooo Hange almost tears up when Pieck said their words inspired her yet minutes later when their Best Friend tries to say goodbye there’s nowhere near that kind of reaction? Sure, Jan
Levi’s face. Ok look. It’s not a lack of emotion on his part that bothers me. It’s that it’s an entirely different one to begin with. He looks bummed at first yes, but then that changes to what I’m guessing is supposed to be determination which comes off as anger or annoyance (kinda like what changed with his scene with Armin on the stairs). They removed what made this parting different from previous ones, which was the sense of open vulnerability and the dawning realization that now he’s going to have to let Hans go too. See it's not like they were in the middle of the battle just yet. This situation came on suddenly and unexpectedly; it wasn't "supposed" to happen. One second they were on track and the next Hange is being torn away by fate. And yes, the highlights play a part in that transition. Anyone who draws eyes knows the importance of placement and intensity and the major impact they have over the final expression. And when drawing a comic you certainly don’t take up valuable page space with three panels focusing on the hope draining out of someone’s eyes if it wasn’t supposed to be the focus. I mean for fuck's sake, even the Final Season!Nendoroid Levi got it right. Plus, if they could make a point of getting Eren's eyes right during the raid on Liberio they could have gotten it here.
When the camera cuts to the kids watching the titans fall the angle doesn’t let you see that Levi can’t bring himself to watch for more than just a second
NOT MAPPA’s FAULT but since I’m being whiny right now I’m going to add that while ACWNR is a mixed bag to begin with, WIT’s adaptation not including Levihan’s introduction saddens me bc Levi asking Hange to keep watching loses a bit of extra oomph.
Really it just comes down to the fact that there was nothing wrong with the original page. It wasn’t overdone or dragged out by any means but considering many other scenes got shot-for-shot depictions I don’t think we were asking for anything outrageous by wanting a faithful adaptation. The couple frames we got that were almost perfect were so freakin fast you barely had time to process them before it cut away.
I wanted to like it, I really did. Especially since MAPPA did so many things so incredibly well as a whole. My expectations weren’t high, and I did want to give it the benefit of the doubt. But when it came to DYH, it felt both watered down and disjointed, like a completely different scene.
But so it goes. At the end of the day, Hange still dies a horrifying death for plot convenience, and Levi is left behind to suffer once again. It was always going to hurt and I was never going to be ready for it, no matter how it was done.
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Hey I have a question. I want to see Amazon burn and to do anything in my power to hasten that end.
Would dropping negative reviews of RoP help at all? Or will that just make them think I’ve watched the show and add that to the count? I know they were deleting negative reviews off IMBD but idk if spamming stuff like that would help
If you’re not sure could you tag some blogs you think would be able to answer?
Hi, thanks for the ask!
Leaving negative reviews is certainly what Amazon deserves. But yeah, like you said, they’re probably counting numbers of views, and they’re also just deleting any negative reviews they receive because they’re cowards. We’re probably not going to win the battle over reviews, as much as I hate to say it. Amazon’s too afraid of admitting how unpopular their show is.
In terms of how to hasten Amazon’s demise: it’s hard to know how to end Amazon, but there are always small things you can do, and if enough of us do them, it will make a difference.
Boycott Amazon entirely
Boycotting Amazon is a good first step, but it’s also great to encourage other people in your life to find alternatives to Amazon as well. If you search online for “alternatives to Amazon” you can come up with a lot of good options. I think many people who have become dependent on Amazon don’t know what else is out there. I’ve found that by having that information on hand I’ve been able to recommend alternatives that people didn’t know about.
Spread the word
I also think it’s good to spread the word about Amazon’s unethical practices among people you know. For instance, my mom reads the news a lot and is very well-informed, but she hadn’t heard about the recent Amazon worker deaths and the OSHA investigation into them. When I told her about it, she was shocked that this wasn’t bigger news. I think it’s really important to spread the word about these things because not everyone hears about them in the midst of their busy lives, and I wouldn’t underestimate the power of these stories to change people’s minds about using Amazon.
Here is an extensive list that I have compiled of many of Amazon’s crimes and abuses.
Support anti-Amazon legislation
Another thing you can do is call your representatives to support legislation that hurts Amazon, like this bill that already passed that Amazon was opposed to. It doesn’t do enough to reign in Amazon, but it’s something. And it’s good to support calls like this one to investigate Amazon’s unethical labor practices. I live in the United States, so my examples are from here, but I’m sure there are legislative efforts in other countries as well. I would recommend calling for this kind of legislation, too, if it doesn’t already exist where you live. In general, legislation can help fight Amazon if it supports union activities, protects workers’ rights, demands a livable wage, and forces the wealthy to pay their taxes.
And I think all these things fit together, too. If, for instance, enough outrage builds against Amazon for its unethical labor practices, that can help drum up support for legislation to hold Amazon accountable. But that means people need to be aware of it, and talking about it. One of the most insidious aspects of Amazon is how it’s become a “normal” part of so many people’s everyday lives. It shouldn’t be. We have to un-normalize it. Fight Amazon wherever and whenever possible. 
Anyone who wants to add onto this post with ways to stand up to Amazon, please do.
I leave you with some wisdom from Gandalf:
“It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till.”
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zustrai · 2 months
hey uh weird question but how would you recommend getting into arknights? ive had an account for a while, but was never really was able to super get into it because i dont know to actually play it all that well. anything will help :)
Oohh I was just mentioning this to someone else yesterday i have trouble answering this so i'm sorry if I don't really say anything meaningful idk sksnjkfd But uhmm i'd say that it can be a bit difficult to get into yeah but one of it's main strengths is like, it's story. The game does guide you through it's stages and teach you how to do stuff, but you'll have to build your chars and invest into raising their lvls and skills so you can continue. It's usually recommended to raise a balanced team of like each type of char instead of just building One Guy to deal with all, and the different types of characters do matter a lot (like defenders, guards that focus on dealing damage, vanguards that hold the line while you can deploy other chars, etc.) Another thing is that usually there's guide's out there that can help! Honestly, I personally have no issues with looking them up when I get stuck in stage I can't deal with. As I said, sometimes what hooks you in is the story so I think enjoying it is the most important thing! Or getting interested in a character and wanting to know more about them, the events, etc. Also on the topic of events, it kinda sucks that as a new player you're kinda gatekept from events bc your team is too weak, but eventually you'll be able to clear them! And as I said, sometimes guides can be useful haha.
but yeaaa i dunno... On my end i got into it early last year but i had to stop bc of space issues, and when I came back I basically obsessed over one story line and played the game enough to get through it haha One last thing; there's an online story reader! it has a lot if not all of the events on it, so it can help if for example there's an event happening rn but you can't do the previous events before it, so you read em there and do the current event (or just read them separately if you desire)
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greywindys · 3 months
how would you rank the anime you've ever watched? i'm looking for recommendations.
I know I talk about anime here from time to time, but I'm not a true anime fan, anon. Unfortunately, I have have misled you. I get attached to certain series for very specific reasons that not even I can predict until I'm twenty episodes in and thinking, "hey, this reminds me of____(insert disparate yet beloved piece of media here)." I also love shows that remind my of my IRL job in some way...which is weird to say, but yeah, I love watching shows and thinking, "wow, I could encounter this at my day job." I feel right at home lmao.
Anyhow, that's all to say that I don't deliberately set out to find new anime the way I keep up with indie movies and shorts. I'm a film bro, but I'm not an anime bro (idk what the correct term for avid anime/manga fans are). I watch shows that are getting buzz that also seem to align with my interests. I'm following three series at the moment.
I'd say right now, my favorite series alternate between My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer. A lot of this is due to nostalgia. I grew up reading and watching a lot of epic stories and series - Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Redwall. I love long journeys, big adventures and battles. As an adult, I latched on to Game of Thrones, but who knows when George is finishing that. So these scratch that itch. I also want to credit both of these series for introducing me to a new genre of guy that I'm obsessed with: the good guy who acts like a villain (though I knew they were good all along, and right about everything...or nearly everything) but is anything but. Oh, so you think he's Satan incarnate? You think he's too mean? You hate him? That he's going to turn to the dark side? Wrong! On the contrary, he's so completely committed to the side of good, so unshakeable in his convictions, so genuinely kind and genuine inside that you are stuck with him and all his neuroses on the good side. No mystery here. Sorry not sorry. Anyhow, I love this genre of guy. After years of dealing with Murdoc, it's very refreshing.
I'm also watch Chainsaw Man. I like it so far, but it hasn't quite clicked yet and not even I know why. It technically has everything I'd want on paper - kind of spooky, some off-color humor, creator is a film bro who likes a lot of the same movies I do, promised character death/stakes. My chosen guy from this series is Aki, but I'm just whelmed so far despite having high hopes in the beginning. He's not really inspiring anything yet. I haven't even cast him in a Glee AU or musical (a rite of passage for all blorbos). Idk. But it's a series that's getting a lot of hype right now, so I still have high hopes. I do appreciate the risks it takes with the story structure. I want to name a future dog Pochita.
Anyhow, that's all I got lmao.
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drbatsponge · 1 year
Batgirls #14 review...
Disclaimer: this is basically a review I did on dead app (Amino) for Batgirls #14 because yes I have an audience there surprisingly, but I'm copy and pasting it here to see if people like my reviews idk.
Hey hey everyone, so as you know it's Cassandra's birthday, and what better to do than review a rather recent comic that came out that's all about her?
I will start this by preferencing that I haven't gotten through all of my Batgirls reviews on here yet, you all know I've really only given you my reviews of the first two issues.
It's safe to say that the book has had its fair share of controversy from time to time, as you all know from my previous blog on my problems with the series:
Though I will say that the recent issues of it have been pretty decent all around.
Not that I hated the first few issues (aside from 7 and 8, but that's a whole other can of worms to open), but I have a feeling that the book has finally found its footing as of late and is actually doing more of what I had expected from it.
And issue #14 has to be a pretty exceptional issue in my personal opinion, this issue is definitely the best one in the series so far and is probably one of the best Cass stories I have ever read. (Or seen? Idk, it's a silent issue for the most part, lol.)
And that's certainly saying something.
Now this is a silent issue, so it has no dialogue (at least not until the end but you'll see what that's all about...), meaning that the visuals are what make the issue, and well it's safe to say they got that right.
The main artist they got for this particular issue is Jonathan Case and his art is just really spectacular.
A problem with Batgirls is it does have a hard time tying down an artist, at least ever since Jorge Corona left the series, but I've never had a problem with the other artists on the series, though they had slight imperfections that would bug me even if nitpicky.
Like Neil Googe draws Cass and Steph a little bit younger than they're supposed to be and Robbi Rodriguez's movements for the characters are often too stiff for my liking.
But Case gets everything right.
Cass is drawn looking her age and the actions she takes are conveyed perfectly.
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I mean what can I say the art is just gorgeous throughout the entire issue, I really hope Jonathan Case comes back to do another issue of Batgirls after this because they're just great.
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Now the plot of the issue is pretty easy to explain, Cassandra is basically looking for Steph who had been kidnapped by her father in the prior issues of the series.
(This entire issue reminded me a LOT of Cassandra's stories that happened during the War Games saga, I actually plan on writing another review today on a particular comic that came out during that time.)
Cass at a point opens the letter that Steph leaves her to either see if it has a clue, or because at that point she thinks it's too late, but the letter contains a rather shocking confession
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You are reading that right, Stephanie Brown quite literally admitted she has feelings for Cass.
And seeing how Cass reacted, it's possible she might return those feelings back.
Now I'm not sure if this confirms StephCass, we'll have to wait and see what happens in the upcoming issues, but yeah I hope this means what I think it means.
Now, of course I can't close out this review without mentioning the special appearance from Cassandra's dear mommy.
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Yeah you had to see the full sequence because it's just 😍.
(Tumblr's image limit unfortunately prevented me from actually showing the full thing. 😭)
But yeah, all in all this is a REALLY good issue of Batgirls and I definitely recommend people pick it up even if you've had problems with the series.
It's just a passionate love letter to the character of Cassandra imo, and tbh I think this story will be remembered as one of her best for quite some time.
So, an obvious 10/10 from me. :)
Well, I hope you all enjoyed this review of Batgirls #14 from me!
As always stay tuned! Same bat-time, same bat-channel!
You can find the Amino version of this review here:
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spacebabe51 · 2 years
OK so a couple people seemed interested in the fic rec list so here it is. I haven’t done one of these before so keep in mind this is just my personal likes, and idk if this is usual but i’m also going to put my little mini reviews + warnings (not content warnings but anything I think might deter someone from reading) on them so you kind of know what to expect. Obviously I can’t vouch for any of the authors on this list as I don’t know any of them personally, so if some fic ends up being written by a heinous person just know I didn’t raise them that way. List under the cut: 
OK! Without further ado, I’m going to be ranking these in descending order down to my all-time favorite, but first I'm going to add two fics that are kind of nebulous to rank because they are both crossovers. If I were going to rank them, both would be near the top of the list.
“Now You’re Thinking With Real Science” by Jaywings
This fic is just insanely good. It’s a Portal 2 crossover, and even for two franchises that already seem to blend together really well with the same brand of darkly humorous cyberpunk themes, it does a really good job of fitting the world and characters together in a way that makes perfect sense. Everything flows together really well, and every character from a large cast of characters is well handled and gets a chance to do something (or have something done to them). Fair warning, there are a few pretty intense scenes, and this one is as of yet unfinished, but still updating, and I highly recommend it. 
Warnings: This fic makes me want to like wheatley again and I won't, dammit. I refuse. Die you traitorous metal ball.
“Mad World” by iamwriting
This is a crossover between IZ and Jhonen Vasquez’ other most famous work, his horror/black comedy comic series Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. For those that have never read any of Vasquez' other work, it’s safe to say that JTHM makes Invader Zim look like Blue’s Clues, so fair warning before going into it this fic is dark. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s depressing, but it certainly handles very heavy themes (insanity, suicide...murder, obviously) and doesn’t pull punches. That said, it really surprised me just how well-crafted, compelling and moving this fic is. By the time I was finished with it, all the plot threads had pulled together so tightly I had to go back and reread chapters just to confirm that oh, yeah- I didn’t imagine that, the author set that up so subtly I didn’t even notice. An absolute 10/10 for plot, mood, and how well it kept me engaged (I spent an entire workday feverishly reading this and didn’t even notice the time pass) with a powerful and satisfying payoff. 
Warnings: This story is told in a very restricted first person pov, which can sometimes feel awkward, but is necessary for setting up an unreliable narrator. Characters, particularly Zim, can also sometimes feel ooc, but this too has an in-fic explanation that I won’t spoil.
OK! Enough crossovers, onto the ranked fics:
#6: “Hey, Spacejerk” by HeCallsMeHisChild
This particular author and her series of fics were some of the first that I read in the fandom, and one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that she has the most original ideas I’ve ever seen. Hey Spacejerk is strange, and that’s not a bad thing. It starts out as sort of a self-contained exploration of isolation with elements of psychological horror, and blossoms into something totally different by the end. If you don’t mind suspending disbelief and being taken along for the ride, I really think this it's an enjoyable read, with a strange but satisfying conclusion. 
Warnings: not really an issue for me, but this fic was written before the movie release, and Prof. Membrane takes on a villain-like role in this story so if that’s a deal breaker, you’ve been warned. 
#5 “A Parade of Indignities” by RissyNicole 
A LOT has been said about this fic and how good it is that there’s almost not much left to say. This story is epic in scope and very good at maintaining the nail-biting suspense it sets up early on. Supporting characters who didn’t get much focus in the show are a big part of this one, and help the world feel more fleshed out and alive. This story isn’t finished, and I have to admit I’m actually not caught up with it, but regardless. The fandom considers this one a must-read and I do too. 
Warnings: If you are an anxious hypochondriac like me this one can be a psychological horror as well! Little added bonus :)
#4 “Important Messages From Beyond the Stars” by myrskytuuli
This one is very niche and catered to my interests. I love stories that utilize the Resisty, and I'm an absolute sucker for anything exploring Zim’s time working as a scientist on Vort. Is it canon compliant? Not even close. Is it fully in character? Highly debatable, but this fic rec list needs some of the heartwarming found family healing only fanfic can provide, and goddamn it this fic provides. This one is also unfinished but still updating, and as new chapters and plot threads are introduced I’m more and more excited to see where it leads. 
Warnings: Again, if you’re looking for canon compliance and the usual dark cynicism of IZ, this is not the fic for you. 
#3 "Forced Perspective" by 0palite
I read this fic more recently after stumbling across some of the adorable drawings the author did for each chapter. This fic is quintessential zadf, and that’s a-ok with me. It’s character driven all the way through, and great care is taken in examining the different ways they think, as well as their motivations and worldviews. Everything feels in line with canon, and the development of the plot as well as the central friendship is natural and never feels too contrived. Really enjoyable read, and the drawings and animations created for every chapter are so charming and a huge added bonus to this one.
Warnings: None really, if slowburn zadf isn’t your thing you won’t enjoy this. 
#2 “Experimental” by HideousBlob 
 I don't think it would be an overstatement of any kind to say that Experimental and its lost? sequel Hypothetical are sort of the golden standard when it comes to Invader Zim fics. Butingly funny, very in character, bordering on psychological horror in places, this one excels at utilizing Zim's manic hypochondria to create a real sense of paranoia and keep the reader guessing. A great story with or without the slowburn zadf going on in the background, this fic is also available in the form of a great 8-bit RPG game with multiple choices and endings. One thing to note is that this particular author has since distanced herself from the fandom, so although you can still find the fic on archive.org (dm me if you’d like to play the game) please don’t go attempt to contact her about it. 
Warnings: I just wish I could read her other fics again. Thats all 😭😭
#1 “Leaving Home” by DiscoTeriyaki
This fic is the bane of my existence. It’s so good I hate it. And the worst part is that I can’t even put my finger on exactly what makes it so good. Leaving Home’s main idiosyncracy is that it’s very grounded in the real world, much more so than most other fics on this list. For example, Dib and Gaz have (or, had) a mother, real-world cities are mentioned, and the author utilizes a soundtrack of real-world songs from the late 1970’s to tell the story. This fic is very self-contained and small in scope, but it has a cutting, straight-forward and bittersweet take on the characters and their relationships. Exploring themes of growing up, death and remembrance, forgiveness, and what it means to be important to someone without particularly liking them. Everytime I read it (and I’ve read it a few times) I notice something new, and I’m in awe of how well this author is able to say so much in so few words. If you read this, do yourself a favor and listen to the music the fic provides. 
Gripes: I’d really like to stop crying everytime “The Lights Go Down” by ELO comes on please and thanks. 
And that's it! If you decide to read anything on this list, let me know what you thought of it, and please show these authors some love. And if there's a fic you think I would enjoy based on these recs, I'd be thrilled to check it out (and YES that includes your own fic). Thanks for reading!
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felixstudios · 9 months
I think people who go “oh you can’t like cogs they’re capitalists and colonizers” are… lame? I guess? I mean yeah they’re fucked up, but toons aren’t sunshine and rainbows and complete innocence: toons regularly kill cogs, albeit temporarily, unless we’re talking about Clash. Because a toon KILLED a suit in Clash. That is an important event. TOONS landed the first casualty within the Clash continuity. And even outside of Atticus, Toons regularly assault and destroy cogs! Idk if it’s the case in other private servers and continuities, but in Clash, you as the player are regularly asked to kill specific cogs to HARVEST THEIR BODY PARTS. Toons aren’t fully innocent, and Cogs aren’t complete demons. At least Cogs don’t actually kill Toons, they just make us really sad for a while! And hell, most of the time, Toons are approaching Suits first, initiating battle usually on our terms. I’m 99% sure that buildings aren’t a thing outside of Clash!
Speaking of which, to elaborate a little more on Clash Toons and their crimes, since the post that got me riled up about this was bashing Clash for having interesting characters (none of the toon npcs except Tumbles are even remotely interesting)…
Besides from Atticus actually literally dying, toons have done at least one other extremely fucked up thing. Winston is a prisoner of war. The things the Elders did to him definitely violates the Geneva Convention, mostly pertaining to the treatment of POWs like him. No matter what anyone does, SOLITARY CONFINEMENT is always unethical and fucked up. Flippy and Lowden clearly know about and seemingly SANCTION it, allowing the Elders to just… keep a man caged up in absolute isolation?! Fucked up! And that’s on top of us pretty much POACHING Suits! Taking parts of Pencil Pushers for purposefully bad pies, taking springs to shake seltzer water, toons clearly have pencils and springs of their own, and yet we get asked to kill cogs for this stuff???? And that’s just a few examples! In Daffodil Gardens, you get asked to seek out and take the bones of sellbots! Suits can be rebuilt, sure, and even flunkies get rebuilt. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not absolutely fucked up that we are killing suits to take parts of their bodies.
Also, saying someone can’t like a character because they’re evil is like… really stupid? We aren’t glorifying and romanticizing colonization or capitalism, we just find COGs more compelling than Toons. That’s how it is with villains. But it really pissed me off how they brought up all this stuff about Clash, then disregarded all the horrible shit Toons do.
Hey anon, I think this is a pretty well thought out argument. Not the most politely worded, but your point does come across easily. I'm not going to make a public statement on this topic since sharing any of my beliefs is a good way to start drama and conflicts that I don't wish to partake in.
That being said, there are exactly two objective facts I would like to point out.
In TTR and also in several of the original TTO tasks, you as the player are indeed tasked with taking parts from Cogs on several occasions. As for other servers, I couldn't say because I haven't played them.
If you're talking about Cog buildings, those have been a thing since TTO. They are not a Clash exclusive feature.
Obviously you made this ask anonymously, but if you made a blog post about it and sent it to me then I'd be more than happy to read it! I'd recommend conducting yourself professionally if you went that route because people are otherwise more likely to get very emotional and make a big deal over everything {and I personally find arguments written in a calm, professional manner much more convincing}, but it's your blog so at the end of the day it's really all up to you.
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awesomehoggirl · 2 years
Hi uhm I noticed youre like really cool and youre like. Idk youre just cool I dont know how else to phrase it. And I was wondering what are like. Some things that youd recomend someone to do at least once in their life? Like what are some experinces that you really enjoyed yourself/think youd enjoy a lot that youd recomend to other people ? Idk man Im on break soon, all my friends are busy and Im looking for things to do and you just seemed like a chill person who would give good recs 👍
i gotta say im really not as cool as you think i might be social media distorts stuff i spend most of my time doing boring shit 😭 like scrolling mindlessly watching family guy soap cutting tiktoks or washing up or doing uni work. anyway onto the ideas... if youre near any rivers or lakes or the ocean i would recommend doing something on the water i really like rowing and it is something you can do alone in a day which is so peaceful and rewarding and fun. go to your nearest city and cafe-hop with a book youve been meaning to read! GO TO AN ART GALLERY it is one of my fav things ever to do you will never regret going to an art gallery!!! go to a big one or to local exhibitions... go to art fairs and craft markets and support the local artists there, go see student plays! i once did a pottery making class which was fucking hilarious it was so fun and you can find so many similar things locally, you can make soap or do life drawing or learn to weave. and in doing these things you end up meeting so many people of so many different ages and walks and life AND you can learn so many new skills and find new passions and hear new stories and become involved in your community. GO TO PUNK GIGS! check out your local music scene! last week i got two tickets to a random feminist punk show and put 'hey anyone want this other ticket' on my instagram story and went with a complete stranger and ended the night hugging her at the barrier with loads of new friends. see if there are any flea markets/car boot sales in your area and go and find the weirdest objects and haggle with sellers! one thing i think would be really great to do if youre trying to have fun solo (and if youre the right age and have the financial means) is to book a hotel room/inn/b&b in another town or city or hell another country if youre able and stay there for a night or as long as you like. obvs make sure people know where you are and that you are safe (this one actually might be better to do with one other person) but like... be independent for a night it can be really fun and an amazing learning experience i was able to go abroad independently with a friend this year and as a newly turned adult i felt that throwing myself into a random place id never been to helped me to just kinda. mature in a way. anyway yeah just... go to new places and do new things and learn new skills, indulge your senses always, make a joke out of everything, but get out there and be a little spontaneous because even if youre afraid at first soon enough you wont be. if youre not able to do any of these things then READ. read as much as physically possible. read a different book by a different author in a different genre from a different culture every day. read wikipedia pages and go down rabbit holes. watch 5 different movies and read an essay on each one when youve finished. just like youll never regret going to a show or an art gallery you will never regret any time you spend reading. i have no idea if this was the answer you were looking for but i hope it was at least in the right ballpark or a conveniently adjacent one. if you have any followups or whatever my inbox is always open and i am having a very cool and fun night taking notes on a digital lecture about washington irving i was meant to do last week
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andromedaexists · 1 year
Sugar People || Oliver Ferrie
★★★★☆ ½
omg omg omg so this was one of the first books recommended to me for the Queer Book Directory and, thought it took me a while to finish due to life, I am actually really glad I started here.
This review will end up getting pretty dark and spoiler-y, so I am going to throw it under a read more. I will clearly mark the spoilers so you can skip them!
First off, this would be a 5 star review from me if I wasn't so bombarded by the religious imagery. Now, I was raised Roman Catholic and ended up leaving the religion some years ago. It was not a good split, but that's not why I am mentioning it. If I hadn't spent the last 5 years reconciling with my struggles against Catholicism and coming to terms with the fact that I don't have anything against the religion itself, but against the Church, then I would not have been able to finish this book.
Every other chapter in this book is deeply entrenched in religious imagery - to the point of walking through a religious ceremony and prayer beat for beat.
I think it was a really cool way to get us into the meat of the issue in the book, but it is a lot if you are struggling with religion or leaving the church.
And here's why I think it's cool: I think this is an incredibly important narrative on abuse in the Church. I think the story that this book tells is something that needs to be told, and I love that there is no expectation of justice or moral teaching about revenge being wrong.
In this book, Kestrel gets his revenge and he is not shamed for it. I love that.
I also think it's really cool that a DnD campaign was brought in as a major narrative component and how it was weaved into the story, though I was a little off-put by it at first. This is my own personal issue, as I am not a huge high fantasy person. I became very weary once those elements were introduced, but it for sure pays off and now I love it (I do have a bone to pick with the use of 'Perfect 20' instead of 'Nat/Natural 20', but I feel that's more a dialect thing than anything)
This book also has some banger lines, i mean:
The dirt, the salt marsh, he forces his mind down into is, imagines himself sinking, decaying, becoming nothing.
Something dark moves within me and it's about all I can do to stop it swallowing me whole.
The gives me the strangest feeling. Like I want to believe you. Like it somehow makes sense.
And this one line, which I will be making my entire personality now:
...the truth is violent and it doesn't care, it can't care, but I can at least try in it's place.
Some other things I picked up and loved:
the mention of Prosopagnosia!! Hey, I have that!
the taurine in Bram's drink <- hello Monster Energy, my beloved
the quotes from Acts of the Apostles. I recognized these because we translated them for Greek class this semester! there are some differences between our translation and the one in the book, but that's what happens with translations lol
hold on, I need to get more into that. The chapter names. When I tell you I literally started kicking and squealing like a schoolgirl who just got told that her crush likes her back, I mean it.
Kairos tou Poiesai to Kyrio (I am assuming καιρος του ποιεσαι το Κυριο in greek, idk where the accents are lol). My notes in book literally say "that shits greek! the right time to make..." okay so I just looked it up, it's καιρός τοῦ ποιῆσαι τῷ Κυρίῳ, or time to to do the Lord. I feel like time is too simple here, since καιρός is more along the lines of righteous time, or holy time, but yeah!
In Saecula Saeculorum -> Into Ages of Ages (yes, this is being tattooed on my body now. thank you
Epikairekakia (ἐπῐχαιρεκᾰκῐ́ᾱ) -> joy at the misfortune of another. now, this is a word I can get behind -jots it down to use in my own works-
Other than that, I am literally in awe at this book. SPOILERS AHEAD
I just... like I felt that something was wrong with Daran, but I thought that it was my own IRL distrust of Church authority.
I love how everything was pieced together from the very beginning, too. Like, I remember messaging the group chat about how I picked up that this was a time loop in the first few chapters of the novel, and while I was technically wrong I still feel like I was picking up what was being put down.
Overall, the beginning of the book was rather slow for me, but by the halfway mark I was on the edge of my seat and could not finish it quickly enough! I am really glad that I had a chance to read this book, and I hope hat more people get to read it, so long as they have no qualms with reading graphic depictions of religious rites and desecration!
EDIT: This book markets itself as a coming of age story in it's blurb, however I am tempted to say that it really isn't. There is no dealing with coming of age, and all the characters seem well set into their college lives throughout the book. This does not take away from the book, I just wanted to add it here.
I am planning on writing little things like this every time I read a book just to help me keep track of them. If I don’t write down my opinions and thoughts right away I am liable to forget them. I will do my best to make sure I appropriately tag and warn about topics. If I miss any please let me know!
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